03-059 ~ ~ Ci Yof Spokane Valley 1707 E. Sprague Spcrkane. WA 99206 ~ (509) 921-1490 ~ N+DT[C£ DF ~ C}RDlNA1VCE PASSED ~ SY SPOKANE VALLEY GITY COUNCIL The toklovw;ng is f.he litle and suenmary o( C?rd+nance No. 59 passed by ihe City of Spokane ValYe Gity Cvun- c'i t"e ~5tf' ciay of *Federal Tax ID IVa. 91-0420030 n~tarcn, 2003. AlM ORDlNANGE OF TWE cI-rr oF sPvKANE AFFIDAVIT QF PUBLICATION VALLEY, WASHINGTQN, At7OPTING ThiE SPCJICAIVE ~ P~ac ~,~i a~~ ~~iaTEp STATE C]F WASHINGTON R, ~ ~ ~~o County of Spokane, ss. !ulAIVAGEMENT PROGRAM OF TNE ClTY rr,e anzaUpuc;Qr~ Para. ~ Name: City of Spokane V'alley Acct: C042365 grapn$ state Section 1 che caty adQpcs P.O.; Summary of Ordinance Na. 59 No. Lines: 7(} the Spokane Counry Shpre- i line Progtam and Reg- ular«ns. 5ectian 2 adopts, as rroeces- Total Cost: $ 80.30 Log No: SR5281 sary far interqretatron, other Counzy rulea or regufation. sect~on amskes tne citv I, Jill Leong Council the Hearing 8ody ~ tinless 4:~e-w;se prov;ded do solemnly swear that I arrr the Principal Clerk of the SPaKESMAN- by °r`linance quires a cr~y REVIEVI+f, a nev+rspaper establEShed and regularly published, ance S~ctisn 4 re c~# tne shoreiine program ~P maintained by ,tie crzy each daY I►1r the EI'19IISh IcCI9ua9e, in and of eneral circulation in the Clerk City of Spakane, Spokane County, 'rashir~9 ty of ~tvn, ar~d in the Ci Seclian 5 placea perrniY re- 5ponsibilitv on the ap- Coeur d'Alene, Kovtenai County, fdaho; that said newspaper has pl"cant been sa established and regularly put~fished ar~d has had said general Sec~ivn 6 establish~s a sev- erability clause in the event same pcartion of the Ordi- circulation con#inuousfy for more thart six (6) manths prior to the 23rd ~ nance fs "e°a i"va'id day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an offace ' SeCtian 10 sFStes this Ord'o- ~ance sl,arl tie ir; full force maintained at its place of publeca#ron in the City of Spokane, and etfect five (5) days after pub,ica:ian of the Ordi- Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a nanCe svmmaFy, and an the date of incarporat+an le,~af newspaper by order of tF~~e Superior +Court of the State of ' . rne full tex~ the ardi- Washington for Spokane County an the 23rd day of July, 1941, and nance availabEe at tnB that said brder has nat been reUOkeci and is in full force and effect; c'tiy of sp"kane valley cirv offfces as identefoed above thaf the notice attached hereto and which fs a part of the proof of . A c°pY ~e ma'red °u' upon «quest. Publ%catian, was publtshed in said newspaPer, one time(s), the ,s, Ruth Mut,er publication having been made once each time vn #he following dates: Interim G+ty Cterk sR5281 March 27, 20{}3 That said notice was published in the regular and eniire issue of every number of the paper dur;ng the period of time of publication, and that the notice was pubPished in the newspaper prvper ar,d nat in a supplement. .v~►~~ ~~•~;`~slo~'~:~~, Subscribed arad swnrn to fore me at the Qty of Spokane, this 27 ''.Q~N ~~A#~~' `.Y day of lUlarch, 2003 , U Y : PU8 L +C ~ L,~••. otary Pubiic in and for #he State of Washington, residing in Spvkane Gaunty, Washmgton WASH ~ , . l City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSEn TR f, ' f • Q R : w d ' t n. ' F' a ' , - z - . - . c . . , . i.:. 1~1~U ~~ilb u~~~ ~i~~u 5llllllil~li~ vr~~liaii~:c tiu. J , ~a~~~u til~ ~.,ity ut Spokane Valley City Council on the,-~Zsday of 2003. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ~ DOPTING THE SPOKANE COUNTY SHORELINE PROGRAM AND RELATED r,,CLILATIONS AS THE INTERIM SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OF THE CITY. Tlie introductory paragraplIS state Scction 1 the City adopts the Spokane County Shoreline Program and Regulations. Section 2 adopts, as necessary for interpretation, other County rules or regulation. Section 3 makes the City Council the Hearing Body uniess otherwise provided by ordina.nce. Section 4 requires a copy of the Shoreline Program be maintained by the City Clerk. Section 5 places permit responsibility on the applicant. Section 6 establishes a severability clause in the event some portion of the Ordinance is held invalid. Section 7 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary, and on the date of incorporation. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. , , 11 ~.k ~ Ruth Muller Interim City Clerk Published: Pa-e 3 P;\Ordinances\Ordinance No.59, Shorline Mnu.iioc