03-071 ~ City of Spokane Val(+ey 11707 £ast Sprague Suite 106 Spokane Valley, W'A 99206 (509) 92 i - i aoa trcaricE oF vRaINANcE PASSEU BY SPQKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCfL ~ The foltowing is the title ar,d summaryr ai {]rdinance No. 71 passed by 4he City vi ~t° Spokane Vaa#ey City Ct~un- ~"udE'f'czl Tas: ~D ~''ad, 91-042~,~03l`J cil an the 22nd day of ]uly. 2003: AFFIDAVtT C}F PUBLICATIt~N AN aRDINANcE vF rHE CITY df SPC71iANE vaLLEr, wASHiMGTON, STqTE C3F WASHINGTC?N EsragLIsHiHG A cotw_ PREHENSIVE Pf}LICY Ft}R i County of 5pakane, ss. THE PllRCHASf Ah1D DiS- ' P[]SIT14N Qf G04DS, SERV1CES, Ei7UfPMEMT, I SUPpLIES, aND FRoPER- ~ Name. City of Spokane Valley Acct: C042365 TY FOR THE GITY +DF SPOKANE YALLEY. , The introductory para- P.C3.° Nio~ _fr`:e;_. 7'1 ' graphs reEate to the desire of the City Council to estab- ►ish purchasing pcsidcies ta TOta i C QSt; $ 8 15.,34 L 0 9 N U; S R ~6 t.~~)S" guide the procurement of c~otis and servicss fvr the ~ity. 1, Jani Vincent ~ secion 1 pfovides . aefini- do solemnly swear that i am the Principal Clerk of ttie SPOKESMAN- tions used in the nrdgnance. ~S$£tion 2 expEains the ea- REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once mirristratian caP the ~ orainance, each day tn the English language, in and of general circula#ion in the ~~uc~tes ecc'°" 3 frosn states loca~ vendcc~~,rs et City of Spokane, Spokane Cauntyr Washington; and in the City of will be obtained whenever reasonable Caeur d'Alene, KQot£.'flal ColJ~lt]/, rC~BhD; t~iar S31i~ newspaper ~'#35 . seCc~on a«lates to the been so established and regularly published and has had said general ~ cdraipetitive bidding require- rnents and proeass, CIFCIJlBtlOf1 CQnt1#1UolJSly f01` RIOf @ th3f1 S!X (6) f710f1thS pl'I(ll' tC) thE 23fd Section 5 relate~s to exemp- y o` ~IVIy►i 154ft ' th3# said nev+ispaper IS printed ifl c 7~1 offIC2 i~- tlpfl& YS3 t}1@ CORI~tItIV~ tl { d'"9 «qu'r$"'e"ts. maintained at its piace of publicatian in the City of Spokane, Soction 6 describes pra- nibited pract;cas. INash6ng#on; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a Ssction i relates to ct'sspcs- si#ian of pubCic property. IGgaI newspaper by order o# the Superiar Court of the State of Section 8 prawdes ior e Ssverabirry csause. Washington fvr Spflka€ae Caunty on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and section sstates this ord,- nance shafl be 6n full force that said Qrder has not been revoked and is in full farce and effect; , and etfeci five (5) days efter th~at the notice attached heretv and whieh is a part of the proof of the pub}ication o# the C]rdi- nance summgry. publicatbon, was published in said newspaper, ane time(s), the rhe su,o text of th$ Ofd;- i publication having been made once each time on the follawing dates: r+ance. is availabEe a4 the RCity of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. ~jlv 26, 20(}3 A copy w411 be mailed caut upon request. ~ ChristineBairsbridge, That Sa1d notiGe 'N"rls p!JblIShed ff~ the t"egllleif and eniRCe 1SSL![' JT e1,'E?i"y sokane vafley ci~ clerk number of the PaPer durin9 the Period of time of Publicatior~, and that ` s~ ~oss I ~ the notice was published in th newspaper- ~~~r4r~7~r ~~d supplement. , Subscribed and warn ta before me at the City Qf Spakane, this 28 n~' 'o~' dc~y 0f +.~I.JE'", 2~ ~ 0:'/C7~, Q~iARY ~ Z; u I 7C~:Y ~ ' pU6l.1G o:' _ o,. Notary Public Nn and for the State of 1Nashingfon, n .:"residin9 in SPakane CacantY, Washin9ton ~Up , City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSEU BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Ordinance 71 passed by the City of Spokane Valley City Council on the 22°d day of July, 2003. N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A OMPREHENSIVE POLICY FOR THE PURCHASE AND DISPOSITION OF GOODS, F:RVICES, EQUII'MENT, SUPPLIES, AND PROPERTY FOR THE CITY OF SPOK:ANE N,'ALLEY. "l'he intruductory paragraphs relate to the desire of the Cit}' Council to establish purchasing policies to guide the procurement of goods and services for the City. Section 1 provides definitions used in the ordinance. Section 2 explains the administration of the ordinance. Section 3 states that quotes from local vendors will be obtained whenever reasonable. SecNon 4 relates to the competitive bidding requirements and process. Section 5 relates to exemptions to the competitive bidding requirements. Section 6 describes prohibited practices. Section 7 relates to disposition of public property. Section 8 provides for a severability clause. Seetion 9 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the pliblication of the Ordinance Summarv. 7'he full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Chris Bainbridge, Spokane Valley City Clerk Published: JulN, 26, 2003 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 03- 071, that the summary provides adequate notice to the pub(ic of th ontents of this ordinance, and that the origina( ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. ~ 451P O K,4 /~',~~j' e D~C. .•~P~R•"F~,!, ristine Bainbridge, City Cierk ' ~ • . . , '~O q~:•. '9~ ; ,m- SEAL`~~~~ = .U, . : . INCORPORATED = ~ = . ~ March 31, 2003 ~ , , . i ~ ; ~T~''•.....••'^ ; t7 NIMG 4 '