03-073 i f~otv al Sp~ka~ne Vall~:y I I i 07 East Sprague, Suite 1{16 Spakar~e Valley, WA 9r (50~~ ~21-t~}04 HOTIC~ t}F (3RDINANCE Q3-073 PASS~D BY SPOKAlVf VALI.EY CITY COUNCIL Th~ tollvwin~ is the iit~e and surnmary o# Clydinanae 03- ~73 passed by thre City of Spa4cane Valley City Coun• cil vn the ~th day 41 7uly, ZQ03 AN flBDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPf}KANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WA5HINGTON, GRANTING A NON- EXCLUSIUE FRANCHISE T~ CQIUMBfA FIBER s~~uria~s r~ CQNSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERAiE CERT'AIN FACILI7fES WiTkIN THE RIGHT-C1F•WAY ANa ! PU61.IC PROPERTIE5 QF THE CITY OF SROKANE VAL1fV. ~he ~~~fo~~~Gt~~y para- *~e~erai Ta~ ~a No. 91-a~zaa~a raphs relate lo the need ~or granting this iranchise. Sectlan 1 provides deti~i- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICA~'ION tions ~sed in the ordinanae. Seciion 2 provir~es ihe gra~t no~-~xc~us~ve fran- $TATE OF WASHINGTQN ch~se ta Grantee. Sectian 3 prpvitl~s thal no Caunty a~ Spakane, ss. ~ranchis~ fee in be charge~ for term of {r~~~hise, Seetion 4 relates r4 c~v Name~ City of Spok~ne Vailey Acct: C042365 use oi facilities. 5ection 5 relates ta Grant- ee responsible for costs! ~x~~~SeS a~ pe~m~~~, ~~s~~C- P,p. ~ Nv. Lines; 192 rtior~s, et al. 5ectian fi relates to non~ ~x~,u~~ti<<ty oi franchise. ~'(}taI COSt: $ 213.~8 Lag Na: SR6038 Secticn 7 relates ta nan- iniarference with existing fa- cili~ies. 5ection8 provad~s that Jill Leong ric~hl te rc~ads not waiv~d by G~►v. ~a so~~mnly swear that I am the ~rfncipal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- Sectian 9 prc~vides for d~,e~~o~Cam~,~n~~~,~~caf REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly puhlished, once construction, not applica- e~~ each day in the English fanguage, in and of general circulatiar~ in the Seelion 1Q prrsvides C4~~ City af Spakane Spokane County, Washingtan; and in the City of ~Vuctibn st8ndards. ~ s~~~F°n'~ p~°v~~~sfa~~p~- Coeur d'A~ene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has +:I~I r~ynstruction stand2rtls. se~~~o~ ~7 ~~~ac~s ~Q f~s~o• been so established ~nd regularly published and has ha~ said general ration a(ter consl~uctian. Section 13 reiales to a~s- circulation continuously for more than six (6) months priar to the 23rd co~~~y~ and cure for damage (~a Of ~ll~1! 1941 • th~t s~id f1EWS ~ Bf !S rinted IIl an OffIC~ to City property, y > p SLC~I4l1 ~4 ~1C~VI~~ES ~QT~~l3• m~Inl~IrlG~ at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, s.pciinn of monum~t~ts. 5ectidn 15 reVates ta dam- W~SIlll1~tO~lp that said newspaper was appraved and designated as a `Q~~"~~ ~,ra~~~~e. legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Section 16 relales to re• ~~"`~R,~~; °~s`~uC''°~ Washington for Spc~kane Co~nty on the ~3rd day of ,luiy, 1941, and permi~5. seet~°""r~'a'~S t°'~G~r~• t~at said ~rder E~as not been revaked and is in full force and effect; ties m~inienano~. se~t~o~ ~e ~~~~t~~topro~~d- tnat ti~e notice attached h~reko and which is a part o# the proaf of ing and a~hering ta Emer- ~~e~ M~nagem~nt ~lan. ~~1~IIC~~IO~k, was ~ublish~d in said newspaper, one time(s), the ~~`''°"'s'~'a,~s em~"- uGlication havin been made once each time on the fa[lowir~ (~a~@5: gency work 1~at rttay need ~ g g ta be done on facilities. Section?0 r~lales io com- plian~e vaith the one-caAl ~U~Y 1], ~{~~3 systam Sectlon 21 relaies to in- Sp~~''°~s ~"a f~~s. That said notice was ublishe~ in the re ular and entire issue of eve Sectian 22 requires adher- ~ ~ ~ ~n°~ t° ~a'p'~ °u'~~'~n~s.. numb~r af the paper during the period of time ~f pu~lication, and that Section 23 relates to nouce faF ,~o~~~,g buildings ay the n~otice was published in the newspaper prQper and not ~n a ~~~~~c, , Sectlon 24 relates to a~~ supplement. r r e~uisition af new lacilities by ~ . ~ , ~ . Gr~~tee. Sectian 25 relatestothe~u• ~U~SC~I~~d c~fld SWOfIl t4 efore me at th It of S oka~ne this 1 ~l~ ;Mor~ry aw ~n~ c;ir t4 g~at~ ~ Y p , p4~' ......:..........C' aan~~rav9 ~o~a~t~nns. day af July, 2003 , ~ ?.~~,s~~~~~~,y~, &ectian 26 r~ uires adher- . ~ ' ence to applic~ble requl~• , r ~ ~QI,~.h ~ 4ions rela4ing te haaardaus ~j IS materiels ( ' se~t~~n~Y re~~;~~s ~~n~r- Notary Public~in ~nd for ihe State of Washington p~ enc~ ko env~ronmenta! I~ws F a~~C ,o? and a~~,e, re~ue~cions. CES~C~IfI in S okane Caun~! W~S~llfl tOf1 d~' Sestian 28 relatos to reaaca- ~ p ~ , '~,d.~' tion at facilities. 9~'''k~'i~l't 1~ abanrJonmen! af facifitiestby „ ~t'Q~~S~~ ~ « Gram~e. ~ ~ ~ . _ i Section 3Q relates ta re- I rords Grantee is ta provide the City, and 4h~ Public Re• cords Act. Seclia~a 31 r~lates to limita- lion an fulure wor~ in Cer- tain eircumstances. 5ection 32 relesea to resar- vatior ~f right5 by City 9d deny permii to extend facili- ties. Sec~ion 33 pravides for rem• edies to enforce compli- anc~. 5ection 34 Cityr's ability to enact ord~nances to enforce fr~nchise not liinitetl. Section 35 relales ta vaca- tiar~ 01 City streeis. 5ectian 36 rel~tas to indem- niiicatian I~y Gr~ntee. Section 37 relates to provi- sion af in,surance against damag~ un~er franch;se. Section 38 relates to provi- siUn ai bond, Section 39 relates to reser- vai+vn oi right to m~dify ~ranchise. Section 40 relakes to righE by Cisy tp modify Iran~hise to comply with new res~ula- tinr~s_ Sesiian A1 relates ta ri~ht of forfeiture artd revoeanon oi franchise by City. SecUon 42 rel;ates to candi- 4iQt1$ ~Or 3$SI~IICC1 of t(arifi~ ~81 G~ ffd11C~Y15~~. Seatian 43 relates to date af ace~ptaezce pt franchise~ hy Gr~nCee. ' Sectlon 44 relates ta surviv- a! Qf certain $ec[oans uppn terminatic+~ of franchise. Section 45 provitles far a sever~bili4~~ cl~use. Section 4~ prowides for re• newa! a' the trenc#~ise. Section 47 provkdes lor nq• Iice under the Iranchise Section 48 provr`~les ipr G~aiC~ of law Section 49 provldes far norn~waiver ci rights by City. Section 50 provides thet the iranchise is the entire agreen•~eni al the parfies. S~ctivn 51 states ihis Qrdi- ..ti~u c... R„u  IeU .tc oiioil uc r i oul Iv4e and effect can publication at Ihe Qrdinance Sumniary. The ful4 taxt of the Ordi• raance is available at the City ol Spokane Valley Cyly offices as identified ahove. A copy will be mailed out upon raquest_ !sl Christine Bainbridge City Clerk Published 7-17-2003 SR6038 City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE 03-073 PASSED ti i T T` A' r-r -xI A' r- {-t r - - r- T ; . .~iii . _si..i:.i: 1 \:•1.•iia;.it.L, ii. _ ,il-:.~l.~i 11L11~. Lll~ l)1 r Spokane Va11ey City Council on the 8`" day of July, 2003. ALN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, GRA,NTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRA,NCHISE TO COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE CERTAIN FACILITIES WITHIN THE RIGHT-4F-WAY AND PUBLIC PROPERTIES OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. The introductory paratyraphs relate to the nted for granting this franchise. Section 1 provides delillitions used in the ordinance. Section 2 provides the grant of non-exclusive franchise to Grantee. Section 3 provides that no franchise fee to be charged for term of #ranchise. Section 4 relates to City use of facilities. Section 5 relates to Grantee responsible for costs/expenses of pennits, inspections, et ai. Section 6 relates to non-exclusivity of franchise. Section 7 relates to non-interference with existing facilities. Section 8 provides that right to roads not waived by City. Section 9 provides for dates for commencement of constructioll, not applicable. Section 10 provides construction standards. Section 11 provides for speciai construction standards. Section 12 relates to restoration after construction. Section 13 relates to discovery and cure for damage to City property. Section 14 provides for protection of monuments. Section 15 relates to damage relating to drainage. Section 16 relates to requirement of obstruction permits. Section 17 relates to facilities maintenance. Section 18 relates to providing and adhering to Emergency Management Plan. Section 19 relates to emergency work that may need to be dorle on facilities. Section 20 relates to compliance with the one-cali system. Section 21 relates to inspections and fees. Section 22 requires adherence to safety guidelines. Section 23 relates to notice for moving buiidings by public. Section 24 relates to acquisition of new facilities by Grantee. Section 25 relates to the authority of the City to abate dangerous conditions. Section 26 requires adherence to applicable regulations relating to hazardoLis materials. Section 27 requires adherence to environmental laws and other reg-1llatlOllS. Section 28 relates to relocation of facilities. Section 29 relates to the abandonment of facilities by Grantee. Seetion 30 relates to records Grantee is to provide the City, and the Y u h 1 i c Iz c co rd s:A c t. Section 31 relates to limitation on future work in certain circumstances. Section 32 relates to reservation of rights by City to deny permit to exteiid laci!icics. Section 33 provides for remedies to enforce compliance. Section 34 City's ability to enact ordinances to enforce franchise not limited. Section 35 relates to vacation of City streets. Section 36 relates to indemnification by Graritee. Seetion 37 relates to provision of insurallce a`~ai11st Cia111a~!c lirldcl. fr,IrlclliI~t. Section 38 relates to provision of bond. Section 39 relates to reservation of right tu mociit} li-ailchisc. Seetion 40 relates to right by City to modify franchise to comply with iie« i-g <i 1Li L Section 41 relates to right of forfeiture and revocation of franchise by C i t\. Section 42 relates to conditions for assignment or transfer of franchi~c. Section 43 relates to date of acceptance of franchise by Grantee. Seetion 44 relates to survival of certain Sections upon terminatioll ol'irwlcliise. Section 45 provides for a severability clause. Section 46 provides for renewal of the franchise. Seetion 47 provides for notice under thC f i~~>>cl ~i ~;c. Section 48 provides for choice of law. Section 49 provides for non-waiver ol ribllts by Cit\. Section 50 provides that the franchise is the entire agreement oi' the parties. Seetion 51 states this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on publication of' tlle Ordinance Summarv. The full text of the Ordinance is available at the City of Spokane Valley City offices as identified above. A copy will be mailed out upon request. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Published: 07-17-03 I I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 03-073, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file w' th Clerk. ~``~~IItIf11/~~~, ~y / • . 9P0~^/~G (Yristine Bainbridge, Cit}! Clerk •Q•~POR . :A.~V~, •''~EAL r - - m' INCOriPORATED ~ Marcn 31, 2003 ~ . . . i ~ ~ ~'••....••'O S~.rl NG"