03-098 ckyof spokane valley *Federal Tax I[] No. 91-0420030 11707 E. 5prague Spakane Va{ig , WA 992~Q6 (509) 9z~iaao AFFIDAVIT pF PUE3LICATIDN NcrTieE oF QR[]fIdANCE PASSED STATE OF WASHINGT[]N BY SPC)NCaI'3E VALLEY cITY couNcIL County of Spokane, ss. The foilowing is the title snd sumrnary of Ordinanee No. 43-098 ~assed by ~ne ciry pr Name: City of Spvkane Valley Acct: G042365 Spokane Ualley Gity Councii an fhe 23rd day of Decernber„ 2003. P.O.: Ma. Lines: 57 AN ORDINAHCE OF TNE GFTY QF SPC3KANE WALLEY, IwASHINGTON, CREA"C6NG Total Cast: $ 65.13 Lo Nc~: SR6766 4 THE TftAILS ANp PA~`HS g I F11ND fOR IJSE WITH THE CiTY BUDGET, AEVD fDENTlFYING APPRC7RRfA7E 1, Joni Vincent F~~~ °YTUREs FbR T"E da sviemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SP(3KESAIfAN- r,,e ;r,t~oducxQry paragraphg REViEW, a newspaper established and regularfy pubiished, once state tr,e intent of !he ardi. each day in the English language, in and of general circulativn in the nance is to create a 6und to acCou„r fer dedicatad rsve City of Spakane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of nues and app9icablo arcp~ndi- tures €~s recornmended by the ,C.tJ~eClf {~`Afene, KQQt~.'~flal County, ICj3~"lO; th7t S`c3fC~ Il€'WS~}apBC haS wasE„ngt°" Staie a"d'`°rg ctiice been so established an+d reguiarly published and has had said genera! . Section 1: establiahes a fund circulation continuvusfy for more than six (6) mvnths privr to the 23rd known as the Trails snr! Paths Fund #rorrs which motor vehi- d,ay p{ ,JLII►yl, 1941; that SaId newspaper IS printed In an Off1CE cle tuel tax eeceipts will be used to establish and main- maintained at its piace of publication in the City of Spokane, ta+n Paths and tra;ls Sectian 2: prtavides fn~ a c-Rw- Washington; that said newspaper uvas apprQVed and designated as a erab'''r, c'aUse. Section 3: states this C}rdi- legal newspaper by arder of the Superior Cvurt of the State of ~ance 5haaa be in fuil f°rce Washington for 5pokane County on the 23rd day of Jufy, 1941, and end effec3 five (5) days after publicatian of the ardinanca that sadd carder has not been revoked and is irr full force and effect; S"mm``y that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of Thp ,ull cext of 01 d'nanCB No. 03-098 Rs available at the City publication, W8S published ifl said nE;WSpap@C, Of1e t6IT1@(S), the °f spoka"° va°°y c'ty °ft`m publicativn having been made vnce each time on the following dates: as identitced absavo. A copY wilV be maitecl upon request. Christine33ainbridge, ❑C'Gefl'1bet 26, 2003 City Cierk SR6765 That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of everyr number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that #he nv#ice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a ioN~~-'~s~, r supplement. . be ore me at th~e City of Spakane, this 26th O*AI?y ~~'=..~C~j Subscribed &ber,2003 z day of Qece ~ : ~~PU 6L~C s,;:•.''?;~~ ~ ~~~~,~:3_~~~: ° ~l --{`;,~4 t~ v~~ ~/z'c~'~;~;~~Notary Public in and for the ISta#e of Washington, , , residing in Spokane County, Washington Cfty O~ SpokaIl@ Val18y 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99246 (509) 921-1000 NQTICE +DF URDINANCE PASSED B"Y SP(3KANE VALLEY GIT'Y CU[TNCIL The follawing is the title and summary of flrdinance N0. 03-098 passed by the City vf Spokane Valley City Cauncil vn the 23`d day of December, 2003. AN [?RDINANCE C}F THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, CREAT:QVG THE TRATLS AND P'ATHS FUND FOR USE WIfiH THE CITY BUDGET; AND IDENTIFYIlti1G APPR.(]PRIATE EXl'ENDITURES F[]R THE FUND. The introductory paragraphs state the intent of the ordinance is to create a fund to account for dedicated revenues and applicable expenditures as recommended by theWashington State Auditvr's Office. Section 1: establishes a fund known as the Trails and Paths Fund from which motor vehic{e fi.iel tax receipts will be used to establisli and maintain pattis and trails Sectivn 2: provides far a severability clause. Section 3: states this Ordinance shall be in fu[1 fvrce and effect five (5) days after publicaticrn of the Ordinance Summary. The full text QfOrdinance No. 03-098 is available at the City of 5pokane Valley City offices as identified abvue. A copy wi I1 be ma i led u pan req uest. Clzristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Publish. December 26, 2003 I cerlify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a trve and cornplete summary of Ordinance Nv. 03- 09$, that the strmmary provides adequate notice tn the public vf contents of this vrdinance, and that the original vrdinance is an file with the City Clerk. d (chris'tine ainbridge, ity Clerk ~ ~s ,~~~ti1i1flif/!/ ClQa~~~►` r`~, ~OR 4 .T r C . ~ +.•QF~ T~. r'~ . i \ V ~ • A . ~ • s~~~ ~ C~ • ItiCOF~~Ft'~~ED = ~ s ; MarCh J~ • ~ s ~ . s / r ♦ f~