2023, 11-06 Study Session - Special meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Monday, November 6, 2023 1:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at CenterPlace Regional Event Center, Room 212 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE:Members of the public may attendSpokane Valley Council meetings in-person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Join the Zoom WEB Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA NON-ACTION ITEMS: 1. Admin Report: Law Enforcement Staffing Report – Erik Lamb, Chief Ellis, Morgan Koudelka, Matrix Consulting 2. Advance Agenda – Mayor Haley COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURN Council Agenda November 6, 2023 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 6, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Matrix Consulting Police Calls for Service and Staffing Evaluation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County and the Spokane County Sheriff’s Officer for Law Enforcement Services (No. 17-104.06). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services as Provided by the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office (“Sheriff”) to the City of Spokane Valley, contract number 17-104, adopted by Council on July 25, 2017, amended multiple times and renewed on November 22, 2022; Administrative Report from Matrix on April 18, 2023. BACKGROUND: In 2022, City Council renewed the interlocal agreement (ILA) with Spokane County for the provision of law enforcement services for the 5-year period January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2027. As part of the discussions regarding renewal, City Council indicated a desire for the City to conduct a staffing assessment to assist City Council in identifying appropriate levels of service and appropriate levels of staffing. Pursuant to the ILA as renewed in 2022, the Parties have agreed to 91 dedicated Spokane Valley officers and 37 commissioned officers that are shared between Spokane Valley and Spokane County. In 2023, the Sheriff’s Office has added two additional shared positions – one for RIG 9 investigative unit tied to the Real Time Crime Center and one for an Administrative Undersheriff position (originally an Undersheriff that went to a civilian position and this year returned to an Undersheriff position). There are six patrol districts in Spokane Valley and Spokane Valley Police are required to provide a minimum of one patrol officer per district on duty at all times. In late 2022, staff requested proposals from consultants to complete a staffing and service delivery analysis. Matrix Consulting Group Ltd. (“Matrix”) was selected. Matrix has extensive experience with similar studies throughout the United States and has worked on multiple studies within the region for both the City of Spokane and the Sheriff. Matrix conducted an extensive review of the Spokane Valley Police Department, the calls for service, responses to calls for service, caseload for investigative units, and operational delivery. Based upon that review, Matrix has completed its evaluation of the staffing needs and is presenting its final report at this Council meeting (the “Report”). The purpose of the meeting on November 6 is to have Matrix present its Report and discuss its recommendations. The Report includes an extensive set of recommendations for additional staffing and operational changes to meet the current demands placed on Police in Spokane Valley. Matrix will be presenting these recommendations at the Council meeting. Staff have identified considerations for Council to keep in mind as they review and consider the recommendations from Matrix. These include: • Calls for service were based on 2022 data. • The analysis of each unit does not necessarily consider the cumulative impact of implementation of all recommendations. For example, the Patrol analysis does not consider possible reduction in calls if the Traffic Unit or Homeless Officer recommendations were implemented. Staff presume that if implemented, some calls Patrol has been covering could then be covered by additional traffic units and the additional homeless deputy, which could reduce required additional patrol unit numbers. • Data collection/processing was a significant challenge in developing this study. It is clear that there is not a single system or individual that regularly develops the type of data considered in this report and each data set required significant analysis by SVPD staff and City staff to confirm before it could be utilized by Matrix. Staff believe that an additional civilian analyst in SVPD to collect and provide data for ongoing evaluation of Police services would be valuable. • This study highlights the impact of growth on police calls for service and the associated impact on police staffing needs. To assist with monitoring staffing needs, service delivery, and performance measures into the future on a regular basis, it is recommended that a civilian analyst be added to provide the relevant data and move that burden off of the SVPD command staff. City staff and SVPD Command staff will be presenting their recommended implementation strategy at a future City Council meeting. There are several factors that will be included as part of that process. While Matrix utilized the information gathered, there are other variables that City staff and SVPD Command staff will consider when bringing forward a recommended staffing implementation strategy. These include: • Consideration of the existing Interlocal Agreement with the Sheriff’s Office and dedicated/shared hybrid nature of the services provided under that Agreement, the Sheriff’s collective bargaining agreements, and logistical and operational realities specific to the Sheriff’s Office and our region. • Consideration that some recommendations will involve other entities, such as the Board of County Commissioners and school districts. • Consideration of how many officers SVPD (through the Sheriff’s Office) may reasonably expect to hire and train each year. This will allow staff to establish a timeline for implementation. • Prioritizing the areas that will provide the greatest impact to the public safety needs the City is currently facing (e.g., addressing the timeliness of responding to 911 calls for service by patrol). • Consideration of the impact that implementing certain recommendations may have on other recommendations as well as other operational efficiencies identified in the Report. - For example, implementing Traffic Unit and Homeless Officer recommendations may result in a decrease in the number of calls that patrol may be required to respond to. • Develop estimated costs (in conjunction with Sheriff’s Office and County Budget Office) and identify possible funding sources. - 2024 Budget does not currently have revenues included for additional staffing. - Measure 1 is on the November 7 ballot and if approved, would provide revenue to the City that could be used towards staffing increases. • Consideration of opportunities for public input. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $85,000 for study; costs for implementation will be provided as part of implementation recommendation that will come at a later date. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager; Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst; Dave Ellis, Spokane Valley Police Chief; Matrix Consulting ATTACHMENTS: Matrix Police Calls for Service and Staffing Evaluation; PowerPoint regarding Report. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Tffjoh!bt!uiftf!vojut!sftqpoe!up!dbmmt!gps!tfswjdf-!uifz!bsf!jodmvefe!jo!pwfsbmm!qbuspm!tubggjoh! dbmdvmbujpot/! !Uifsf!bsf!b!wbsjfuz!pg!tpvsdft!jo!xijdi!xpslmpbe!dbo!cf!hfofsbufe!cz!TWQE!qbuspm!vojut/!Gps! uiftf!bobmzujdt-!boz!dbmm!uibu!xbt!iboemfe!cz!bo!TWQE!qbuspm!voju!jt!dpotjefsfe<!jodmvejoh!dbmmt! uibu!dpnf!jo!wjb!:22-!Dsjnf!Difdl-!Ejtqbudi-!Joufsofu-!Kbjm-!Qipof-!ps!Tqfdjbm!Dpnnjttjpo/!Uif! pomz!tpvsdf!uibu!jt!wpjefe!jo!uijt!bobmztjt!jt!uiptf!uibu!bsf!pggjdfs.jojujbufe-!bt!uiftf!bsf!uif! ! jodjefout!vujmj{fe!gps!uif!tfmg.jojujbufe!bdujwjuz!bobmztjt!jo!tvddffejoh!tfdujpot/!TWQE!vujmj{ft!Dsjnf! 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First Reading Ordinance 23-___ TBD Assumption of Powers Erik Lamb (5 minutes) 4. Second Reading Ordinance 23-019 Junk Vehicles Kelly Konkright (5 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: Change Order, Barker Rd BNSF Grade Sep. Project Rob Lochmiller (5 minutes) 6. Admin Report: 2024 Draft Federal Legislative Agenda Virginia Clough (10 minutes) 7. Admin Report: Pools Contract with YMCA John Bottelli (5 minutes) 8. Admin Report: LTAC Recommendations to Council Sarah Farr (10 minutes) 9. Admin Report: TBD Funding Discussion Erik Lamb (10 minutes) 10. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 11. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report \[*estimated meeting: 65 mins\] November 21, 2023 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Nov 14\] 1. PUBLIC HEARING #3, 2024 Budget Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 23-020 Amending 2023 Budget Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 3. Second Reading Ordinance 23-021 Adopting 2024 Budget Chelsie Taylor (10 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: 2024 Federal Legislative Agenda- Virginia Clough (5 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: Pools Contract with YMCA John Bottelli (5 minutes) John Bottelli (10 minutes) 7. Admin Report: Clearview Triangle, CTA-2023-0003- Jerremy Clark (10 minutes) 8. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) \[*estimated meeting: 65 mins\] Executive Session - Review Performance of a Public Employee (60 minutes) November 28, 2023 No meeting - after Thanksgiving break December 5, 2023 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Nov 28\] Construction Celebration Jill Smith 1. First Reading Ordinance 23-CTA-2023-0003 Jerremy Clark (10 minutes) 2. Motion Consideration: Homeless Action Plan Adoption Gloria Mantz (5 minutes) 3. Admin Report: 2024 Fee Resolution Chelsie Taylor (5 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Spokane Sports funding request, 2024 TPA proceeds Mike Basinger (5 minutes) 5. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) \[*estimated meeting: 30 mins\] December 12, 2023 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Dec 5\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Ordinance 23-___ CTA-2023-0003 Jerremy Clark (5 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: Spokane Sports funding request, 2024 TPA proceeds Mike Basinger (5 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: 2024 Lodging Tax Awards Sarah Farr (20 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: 2024 State Legislative Agenda Virginia Clough (5 minutes) 6. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 7. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report Executive Session - Review Performance of a Public Employee (60 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 11/3/2023 9:46:58 AM Page 1 of 2 th December 18, 2023 Special Meeting, 2:30PM @ City Hall, N212 4 District Legislators December 19, 2023 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Dec 12\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor Haley (5 minutes) December 26, 2023 No meeting - Holiday- City Closure January 2, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Dec 26\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor (5 minutes) January 9, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 2\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda Mayor (5 minutes) January 16, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 9\] 1. Advance Agenda Mayor (5 minutes) *time for public or council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: 9-1-1 calls (delays, holding, etc.) Appleway Trail Amenities Basement space Gang Task Force Update Governance Manual Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. ORV usage on streets Park Camera Update Park Lighting PFD Presentation Public Safety Comparison Prosecutor Services Protection of Utility Infrastructures SCRAPS St. O&M Pavement Preservation Street Scaping, signs, trees, etc.(info) Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Yellowstone Franchise Agreement Zayo Franchise Ordinance Draft Advance Agenda 11/3/2023 9:46:58 AM Page 2 of 2