2023, 11-21 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, November 21, 2023 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting and In Person at CenterPlace Regional Event Center Great Room 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE:Members of the public may attendSpokane Valley Council meetings in-person at the address provided above, or via Zoom at the link below. Members of the public will be allowed to comment in- person or via Zoom as described below. Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as “public comment opportunity.” If making a comment via Zoom, comments must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting Join the Zoom WEB Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA PROCLAMATION: GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items, as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. If a person engages in disruptive behavior or makes individual personal attacks regarding matters unrelated to City business, then the Council and/or Mayor may end that person’s public comment time before the three-minute mark. To comment via zoom: use the link above for oral or written comments as per those directions. To comment at the meeting in person: speakers may sign in to speak but it is not required. A sign-in sheet will be provided at the meeting. ACTION ITEMS: 1. PUBLIC HEARING #3, 2024 Budget - Chelsie Taylor \[public comment opportunity\] 2. Second Reading Ordinance 23-020 Amending 2023 Budget – Chelsie Taylor 3. Second Reading Ordinance 23-021 Adopting 2024 Budget – Chelsie Taylor 4. Second Reading Ordinance 23-022 TBD Assumption of Powers – Erik Lamb 5. Motion Consideration: Pools Contract with YMCA – John Bottelli \[public comment opportunity\] NON-ACTION ITEMS: 6. Admin Report: Clearview Triangle, CTA-2023-0003- Jerremy Clark 7. Admin Report: Annexation Update – Mike Basinger 8. Advance Agenda – Mayor Haley COUNCIL COMMENTS CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Council Agenda November 21, 2023 Page 1 of 2 EXECUTIVE SESSION: \[RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)\] Review Performance of a Public Employee Proposed Motion: I move that Council adjourn into executive session for approximately 60 minutes to review the performance of a public employee, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. ADJOURN Council Agenda November 21, 2023 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing #3 on 2024 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No final Council action has been taken on the 2024 Budget. BACKGROUND: This marks the seventh occasion where the Council will discuss the 2024 Budget and by the time the Council is scheduled to adopt the 2024 Budget meeting, Council will have had an opportunity to discuss it on eight separate occasions, including three public hearings to gather input from citizens: June 13 Council Budget Workshop August 29 Admin report: Estimated 2024 revenues and expenditures September 12 Public hearing #1 on 2024 revenues and expenditures October 3 4 Budget October 10 Public hearing #2 on 2024 Budget October 24 First reading on ordinance adopting the 2024 Budget November 21 Public hearing #3 on 2024 Budget November 21 Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2024 Budget This evenings meeting represents the third public hearing on the 2024 Budget and the purpose of the hearing is to consider input from the public on the final 2024 budget. 2024 Budget Overview: The 2024 Budget currently includes appropriations of $106,404,958 including $19,420,397 in capital expenditures, comprised of: o $8,875,775 in Fund #303 Street Capital Projects. o $220,000 in Fund #309 Park Capital Projects. o $3,500,000 in Fund #311 Pavement Preservation including $1,011,800 financed by the General Fund. o $3,152,622 in Fund #314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects. o $2,500,000 in Stormwater Management Fund #402 and Aquifer Protection Area Fund #403 projects. To partially offset the $19,420,397 in capital costs we anticipate $9,507,426 in grant revenues which results in 48.96% of capital expenditures being covered with State and Federal money. Budgets will be adopted across 29 separate funds. The full-time equivalent employee (FTE) count will increase in 2024 by 4 to 116.25 from 112.25 in the proposed amended 2023 Budget. The amended 2023 Budget approved May 30, 2023 included 111.25 FTEs. On July 25, 2023, Council authorized the addition of a new Accountant I position in the 2023 Budget (supplemental budget request). The increase for 2024 are the remaining 2 of 7 Stormwater positions that were approved by Council when 1 authorizing an increase in the Stormwater program to a proactive level of service and 2 Parks & Recreation position authorized at the August 8, 2023 meeting. Pertaining Specifically to the General Fund: The 2024 recurring revenue estimate of $62,316,100 is $5,897,200 or 10.45% greater than the 2023 budget of $56,418,900. The 2024 recurring expenditure proposal of $57,976,579 is $4,210,099 or 7.83% greater than the 2023 proposed amended appropriation of $53,766,480. Budgeted recurring revenues currently exceed recurring expenditures by $4,339,521 or 6.96% of recurring revenues. amendment. Nonrecurring expenditures total $5,372,423 and include: o $152,500 for Information Technology expenditures including: $20,000 to replace outdated copiers $37,500 for server upgrades $60,000 for network core hardware replacement $35,000 for software upgrades o $36,000 for a utility task vehicle (UTV) for the Police Department o $416,000 for various Facilities items including: $10,000 for an access gate at the Precinct $75,000 for parking lot repairs at the Precinct $20,000 to replace flooring in the roll call room at the Precinct $50,000 for signage at the Precinct $20,000 for an electric man-lift to be used by Facilities staff $100,000 for parking lot repairs at CenterPlace $120,000 to replace the walk-in coolers at CenterPlace $15,000 to replace the boiler modules at CenterPlace $6,000 to replace the expansion tax for the cooling system at CenterPlace o $150,000 to replace the banquet chairs at CenterPlace o $25,000 to install motorized shades in the Great Room at CenterPlace o $4,592,923 transfer out to the Street O&M Fund #101 to cover the deficit in recurring expenditures exceeding recurring revenues in that fund The total of 2024 recurring and nonrecurring expenditures exceeds total revenues by $707,902. The projected ending fund balance for the General Fund at the end of 2024 is currently $41,432,509 or 71.46% of recurring expenditures. 2 Other Funds: 2024 Budget appropriations (expenditures) in the other funds total $43,055,956 as follows: FundFund2024 NumberNameAppropriation 101Street Fund9,623,274 103Paths and Trails Fund0 104Hotel / Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund0 105Hotel / Motel Tax Fund1,282,200 106Solid Waste Fund290,000 107PEG Fund73,000 108Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund0 109Tourism Promotion Area Fund1,200,000 110Homeless Housing Program Fund0 120CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund0 121Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund0 122Winter Weather Reserve Fund500,000 204Debt Service Fund950,550 301REET 1 Capital Projects Fund2,068,463 302REET 2 Capital Projects Fund1,793,287 303Street Capital Projects Fund8,875,775 309Parks Capital Projects Fund220,000 310Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund0 311Pavement Preservation Fund3,550,000 312Capital Reserve Fund1,026,792 314Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund3,152,622 315Transportation Impact Fee Fund0 316Economic Development Capital Projects Fund0 402Stormwater Management Fund5,494,993 403Aquifer Protection Area Fund1,055,000 501Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund700,000 502Risk Management Fund700,000 632Passthrough Fees & Taxes Fund500,000 43,055,956 Primary sources of revenues in these other funds include: Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the Street Fund is anticipated to be $1,950,700. Telephone Tax revenues remitted to the City that supports Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated to be $900,000. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenues that are in large part used to match grant financed street projects are anticipated to total $3,000,000. Hotel / Motel Tax revenues that are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism are anticipated to be $1,500,000 ($900,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105 and $600,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax Tourism Facilities Fund #104). Stormwater Management Fees that are estimated at $5,600,000. Aquifer Protection Area Fees are estimated at $500,000. Grant Revenues offsetting capital costs are estimated at $9,507,426 o Fund #001 General Fund - $445,000 o Fund #303 Street Capital Projects - $6,949,896 o Fund #314 RR Grade Separation Projects - $2,112,530 3 Funding Challenges: The economy continues to experience volatility. This is particularly seen with continued levels of inflation that have driven up costs across the board. We expect this volatility to continue to affect City revenues and costs as we go forward into 2024. As such, we anticipate there may be changes to revenue projections as we progress through this 2024 Budget development process. Current revenues levels in the Street O&M Fund #101 are impacting our ability to deliver historic levels of service. Fund #101 is dependent upon motor vehicle fuel tax revenues and telephone utility tax revenues. o Motor vehicle fuel taxes have increased slightly due to recent State legislation; however, they are generally flat or declining in recent years due to improvements in vehicle fuel mileage. Also, recent inflation in fuel prices may begin to change driving habits, which could reduce future revenues. o Telephone utility taxes have been declining at an average of 7.64% per year from 2009 through 2022. We believe the decline is primarily due to the elimination of land lines by individual households as well as reallocation of revenues by cell phone companies to data packages. The revenues from this tax reached a high of $3.1 million in 2009 (the year the tax was implemented) and is currently estimated to generate $900,000 in 2024. Funding pavement preservation and other transportation and infrastructure needs. o the needs of local access streets and arterials and to provide adequate funding to maintain the pavement condition of both. o Railroad grade separation projects (overpasses and underpasses) and other large street to finance through existing sources of revenue. The City has been very successful in securing funding for the Barker Rd. Grade Separation and Pines Rd. Grade Separation projects; however, funding is still needed for other grade separation projects as well as other large-scale transportation improvements within the City. Establishing a Homeless and Housing program for the City and identifying dedicated funding for this program. OPTIONS: State law requires a public hearing on the final 2024 budget; and this is the third public hearing on the 2024 budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: As the purpose of the public hearing is to gather input from the public in regard to the 2024 Budget, no action is requested at this time. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This public hearing is the final step leading to Council consideration of a second reading of the ordinance that will adopt the 2024 Budget. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: See Agenda Item #3, which includes the draft Ordinance adopting the 2024 budget, as well as the final 2024 budget book. 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date:November21, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing information admin. report pending legislation executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading of proposed Ordinance #23-020 which amends the 2023 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: In order for the City to amend an adopted budget, State law requires the Council to approve an ordinance that appropriates additional funds. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council last took formal action on the 2023 Budget when it was amended on May 30, 2023. On October 17, 2023, an Administrative Report was delivered to Council regarding the need for a budget amendment. On October 24, 2023, a public hearing was held on this topic and Ordinance #23-020 was advanced to a second reading. BACKGROUND: Since the amendment of the 2023 Budget on May 30, 2023, a number of events have transpired in the normal course of operations that necessitate a second 2023 Budget amendment. There has been an increase in the expenditures in the Capital Reserve Fund #312 since the first th reading on October 24. This is due to adding the expenditure side of transfers from Fund #312 to the General Fund #001. The revenue side of the transfers was already included in the General Fund. The proposed amendments include: #001 - General Fund The total of both recurring and nonrecurring revenues reflects an increase of $9,858,000, which is comprised of: $3,560,000 increase in judgments and settlements for the Monsanto settlement that was received by the City in April 2023. $4,898,000 increase in grant proceeds to account for the CLFR funds used during 2023. $1,200,000 increase in transfers in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 related estimated total costs for the repairs to City Hall during 2023. $200,000 increase in transfers in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 to adjust for the timing of the purchase of police vehicles in the General Fund. An increase of $3,725,154 in appropriations (expenditures) comprised of: $314,990 decrease in the City Manager Department as the result of transferring payroll and related costs to the new City Services Department. $287,950 increase in outside legal service costs in the City Attorney Department. This increase is related to a significant increase in complex land use issues requiring outside expertise as well as the use of contracted City Attorney services throughout much of the year. $975,887 increase in the City Services Department. This includes $773,987 in payroll costs. Payroll costs decreased in the City Manager, Engineering, and Economic Development 1 Departments as personnel were shifted from those departments to City Services. The remaining balance relates to costs for the communications and housing and homeless programs, some of which have been transferred from the Economic Development Department. $76,041 increase in the Finance Department, which are primarily related to increased payroll costs for the new Accountant I position approved by Council on July 25, 2023, and the conversion of one the Accountant/Budget Analysts to an Accounting and Finance Program Manager at a higher grade. There is also an increase of $1,100 included for supplies related to higher paper usage with the electronic grant application submission process that was implemented in 2023. $3,350 increase in the IT Department for a portion of new helpdesk ticketing software. The total cost is $14,500 spread across several departments. $4,460 increase in the Facilities Department for a portion of new helpdesk ticketing software. The total cost is $14,500 spread across several departments. $226,873 decrease in the Engineering Division as the result of transferring payroll and related costs to the new City Services Department. $275,671 decrease the Economic Development Department. This includes $130,271 as a result of transferring payroll and related costs to the City Services Department. The remaining $145,400 are a result of transferring homeless and housing-related costs to the new City Services Department. $1,200,000 increase related estimated total costs for the repairs to City Hall during 2023. $200,000 increase to adjust for the timing of the purchase of police vehicles in the General Fund. This is funded through a transfer in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312. $15,000 increase to repair sidewalks at the Precinct. $15,000 to remove street trees at City Hall to avoid future damage to the sidewalks. $60,000 for professional services related to evaluating the condition of the Balfour Facility. $4,000 increase to cover costs for repairs to the sidewalks at CenterPlace. $15,000 increase in computer hardware costs in order to increase storage space for record retention purposes. $200,000 increase in capital software costs related to the replacement of the City’s financial management software. The 2022 Budget originally included $1,000,000 for this purpose. However, the timing of the project is spread over 2023 and into 2024. This amendment spreads the $1,000,000 budgeted forward into the appropriate period. $1,486,000 increase in CLFR related expenditures in 2023. #101 – Street O&M Fund Increase expenditures by $1,662,645, including: $6,690 increase in for a portion of new helpdesk ticketing software. The total cost is $14,500 spread across several departments. Increase expenditures by $1,655,955 which consists of a transfer out to the Pavement Preservation Fund #311 to fund the Summerfield local access pavement preservation project. #109 – Tourism Promotion Area Fund Increase revenues by $400,000 to reflect updated estimated collection of the City’s tourism promotion area fees. Increase expenditures by $755,000 in professional services to reflect current contracts for tourism marketing services. 2 #301 – REET 1 Capital Projects Fund Increase expenditures by $178,015 due to changes in the expected transfers out to the Street Capital Projects Fund #303 and the Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund #314 to reflect current estimates. See further explanations below. #302 – REET 2 Capital Projects Fund Increase expenditures by $1,924,987 due to changes in the expected transfers out to the Street Capital Projects Fund #303, the Parks Capital Projects Fund #309, and the Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund #314 to reflect current estimates. See further explanations below. #303 – Street Capital Projects Fund Revenues and expenditures are proposed to increase by $4,117,732 to reflect current estimates on various projects. The most significant changes include: The Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement project is being decreased by $952,285 due to the updated timing of the project. The Barker Rd Improvements – City Limits to Appleway project is being decreased by $652,029 due to the updated timing of the project. th The 8 Ave Sidewalk – Coleman to Park project is being increased by $924,155 due to the updated timing of the project. The Broadway and Park Intersection project is being increased by $2,124,411 due to the updated timing of the project. #309 – Park Capital Projects Fund This fund is being amended to reflect current estimates on several projects. Revenues are increased by $205,790. This is primarily due to a increase in grant proceeds related to the Balfour Park – Phase 1 project. Expenditures increase by $205,790, including: An increase of $5,000 for residual costs on the Balfour Park frontage improvements to close out the project. A increase of $200,790 on Balfour Park – Phase 1 reflecting work on the Veterans’ Memorial funded by the increased grant revenue. #311 – Pavement Preservation Fund Revenues are increased by $2,531,955 consisting of a $876,000 increase in grant proceeds due to updated project estimates and a $1,655,955 increase in transfers in from the Street O&M Fund #101 for the Summerfield local access project. Decrease expenditures by $23,470 to reflect current estimates and timing on several projects. #312 – Capital Reserve Fund Increase expenditures/appropriations by $1,874,042 include: Increase of $200,000 in transfers to the General Fund #001 to adjust for the timing of the purchase of police vehicles in the General Fund. Increase of $1,200,000 in transfers to the General Fund #001 related estimated total costs for the repairs to City Hall during 2023. Increase of $220,866 in transfers to the Street Capital Projects Fund #303 related to an updated timing of the Barker Rd Improvements and School Beacons projects. Increase of $253,176 in transfers out to the Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund #314 related to updated timing of the Barker Rd Overpass, Pines Rd Underpass, and Sullivan Rd Interchange projects. 3 #314 – Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund Revenues increase by $2,595,052, comprised of: Increase of $2,069,927 in grant proceeds to reflect current estimates on the grade separation projects. Increase of $266,530 in developer contributions for the Barker Road grade separation project. Increase of $3,544 in transfers in from the REET 1 Capital Projects Fund #301 for the Pines Road grade separation project. Increase of $1,875 in transfers in from the REET 2 Capital Projects Fund #302 for the Sullivan Road Interchange grade separation project. Increase of $253,176 in transfers in from the Capital Reserve Fund #312 for the Barker Road grade separation, the Pines Road grade separation, and the Sullivan Road interchange projects. Expenditures increase by $2,522,253, comprised of: Increase of $240,894 due to updated estimates for the Barker Road grade separation project. Increase of $1,665,897 due to updated estimates for the Pines Road grade separation project. Increase of $615,462 for preliminary engineering for the Sullivan Road interchange project. #315 – Transportation Impact Fees Fund Expenditures decrease by $108,449 in transfers out to the Street Capital Projects Fund #303 due to updated estimates on eligible projects. #402 – Stormwater Fund Expenditures increase by $60,000 for a transfer out to the Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #501 to fund an additional stormwater fleet vehicle. #501 – Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund Revenues increase by $67,500 primarily related to a $60,000 transfer in from the Stormwater Fund #402 to fund an additional stormwater fleet vehicle. Expenditures increase by $238,500 as a result of moving up the purchase of several vehicles from the 2024 Budget to 2023 which was approved by Council at the July 18, 2023 meeting. The 2023 Budget amendment reflects the changes noted above and will affect 13 funds resulting in total revenue increases of $19,776,029 and expenditure increases of $17,132,199. 4 RevenueExpenditure FundFundIncreaseIncrease No.Name(Decrease)(Decrease) 001General Fund9,858,0003,725,154 101Street O&M Fund01,662,645 109Tourism Promotion Area Fund400,000755,000 301REET 1 Capital Projects Fund0178,015 302REET 2 Capital Projects Fund01,924,987 303Street Capital Projects Fund4,117,7324,117,732 309Parks Capital Projects Fund205,790205,790 311Pavement Preservation Fund2,531,955(23,470) 312Capital Reserve Fund01,874,042 314Railroad Grade Separation Fund2,595,0522,522,253 315Tranportation Impact Fees Fund0(108,449) 402Stormwater Fund060,000 501Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund67,500238,500 19,776,02917,132,199 The 2023 Budget amendment also includes changes to the Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule to reflect changes to classifications approved by Council at the August 15, 2023 and October 10, 2023 meetings, as well as creates a new Homeless Housing Program Fund #110. OPTIONS: Options are to accept the proposed amendments in whole or in-part. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance #23-020 amending Ordinance #22-023 which adopted a budget for the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, as subsequently amended by Ordinance #23-011. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This action amends the estimated revenues and appropriations for the 2023 Budget that was adopted on November 8, 2022 and subsequently amended on May 30, 2023. There are adequate funds available to pay for these amendments. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance #23-020 Fund level line-item detail of revenues and expenditures. Fund summaries for all funds affected by the proposed budget amendment. Amended salary schedule 5 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 23-020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 22-023, WHICH ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2023 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2023, AS SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 23-011; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 22-023 on November 8, 2022, which adopted the 2023 annual budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 23-011 on May 30, 2023, which amended the 2023 annual budget, and WHEREAS, subsequent to the November 8, 2022 adoption and May 30, 2023 amendment of the 2023 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to properly perform City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, certain changes to employee positions have been made by the City Manager, which necessitate changes to the Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule that was included in the 2023 annual budget; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to create Fund 110 Housing Homeless Program Fund to account for collections and expenditures document recording fees available for the operation of a local homeless and housing program, which Council declared the City’s intention to do through Resolution No. 23-009; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the 2023 annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the 2023 budget to reflect unanticipated revenue, expenditures, transfers, and appropriating the same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues and Appropriations. Ordinance No. 22-023 adopted a budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023, and Ordinance 23-011 amended the budget for the same period. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund contained in Section 1 of Ordinance 22-023, as subsequently amended by Ordinance 23-011, is hereby further amended as set forth in Attachment A to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 2. Amended Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule. Ordinance No. 22-023 adopted an Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule as part of the budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023. The schedule is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment B to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 3. Creating Fund 110. There is hereby created Fund 110 Tourism Promotion Area Fund which will be used to account for collections and expenditures document recording fees for the operation of a local homeless and housing program. Ordinance 23-020 amending the 2023 budget Page 1 of 4 Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this ____ day of November 2023. ATTEST: _____________________________________ Pam Haley, Mayor ___________________________ Marci Patterson, City Clerk Approved as to form: __________________________ Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: _______________ Effective Date: ___________________ Ordinance 23-020 amending the 2023 budget Page 2 of 4 4 of 3 Page A ATTACHMENT -020 amending the 2023 budget 23 Ordinance ATTACHMENT B EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2023 Position TitleGrade2023 Range City ManagerUnclassified Deputy City Manager2212,277.74 - 18,605.80 City Attorney2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 Finance Director2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 Community & Public Works Director2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 City Services Administrator2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 Parks and Recreation Director209,954.80 - 15,071.93 City Engineer209,954.80 - 15,071.93 Economic Development Director209,954.80 - 15,071.93 Human Resources Director209,954.80 - 15,071.93 Senior Deputy City Attorney198,959.16 - 13,564.89 Building Official198,959.16 - 13,564.89 Engineering Manager198,959.16 - 13,564.89 Planning Manager188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Senior Engineer 188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Public Works Superintendent188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Communications Manager188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Accounting Manager177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Assistant Building Official177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Senior Administrative Analyst177,257.44 - 10,986.56 IT Manager177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Legislative Coordinator177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Accounting and Finance Program Manager177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Deputy City Attorney166,531.03 - 9,887.27 City Clerk166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Engineer 166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Senior Planner166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Development Services Coordinator166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Accountant/Budget Analyst166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Project Manager166,531.03 - 9,887.27 CAD Manager166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Code Enforcement Supervisor166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Associate Planner155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Assistant Engineer155,878.75 - 8,899.16 IT Specialist155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Engineering Technician II155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Communications and Marketing Officer155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Economic Development Project Specialist155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Senior Plans Examiner155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Communications Specialist155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Administrative Analyst155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Maintenance/Construction Foreman155,878.75 - 8,899.16 GIS Analyst155,878.75 - 8,899.16 CPW Liason155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Signal Technician155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Mechanic145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Human Resource Analyst 145,291.19 - 8,009.86 CenterPlace Coordinator145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Planner145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Building Inspector II145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Plans Examiner145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Engineering Technician I145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Senior Permit Specialist145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Code Enforcement Officer145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Accountant I145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Recreation Coordinator134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Deputy City Clerk134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Building Inspector I134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Executive Assistant134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Planning Technician134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Human Resources Technician134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Maintenance Lead134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Senior Center Specialist124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Permit Facilitator124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Help Desk Technician124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Accounting Technician124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Administrative Assistant124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Recreation Specialist124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Paralegal124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker II124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker I113,857.20 - 5,839.10 Permit Specialist 113,857.20 - 5,839.10 Office Assistant II10-113,471.24 - 5,839.10 Custodian103,471.24 - 5,253.96 Office Assistant I9-103,124.51 - 5,253.96 Note: Slight rounding differences may exist between the figures reflected on this page and the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System. Ordinance 23-020 amending the 2023 budget Page 4 of 4 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax13,569,2000013,569,200 Sales Tax30,555,0000030,555,000 Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,357,000001,357,000 Sales Tax - Criminal Justice2,398,000002,398,000 Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax383,00000383,000 Franchise Fees/Business Registration1,215,000001,215,000 State Shared Revenues2,341,000002,341,000 Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety518,60000518,600 Community and Public Works3,145,900003,145,900 Recreation Program Revenues625,50000625,500 Grant Proceeds120,00000120,000 Miscellaneous Department Revenue2,500002,500 Miscellaneous & Investment Interest158,20000158,200 Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax-CP advertising)30,0000030,000 Total Recurring Revenues56,418,9000056,418,900 Expenditures City Council707,55800707,558 City Manager965,890193,514(314,990)844,414 City Attorney903,11018,796287,9501,209,856 City Services00975,887975,887 Public Safety32,771,515846032,772,361 Deputy City Manager590,81713,9350604,752 Finance1,313,84032,21576,0411,422,096 Human Resources354,27831,3060385,584 Information Technology425,20810,9643,350439,522 Facilities469,6526,2324,460480,344 Community & Public Works - Administration367,1268,0740375,200 Community & Public Works - Engineering2,305,213(212,287)(226,873)1,866,053 Community & Public Works - Building2,075,54241,46702,117,009 Community & Public Works - Planning868,89418,8350887,729 Economic Development1,546,494(119,853)(275,671)1,150,970 Parks & Rec - Administration376,1247,3720383,496 Parks & Rec - Maintenance972,45500972,455 Parks & Rec - Recreation 348,3563,4870351,843 Parks & Rec - Aquatics565,70000565,700 Parks & Rec - Senior Center38,112804038,916 Parks & Rec - CenterPlace996,50399,86401,096,367 General Government1,895,21850,20001,945,418 Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 401,15000401,150 Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects)160,00000160,000 Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 1,011,800001,011,800 Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium)600,00000600,000 Total Recurring Expenditures53,030,555205,771530,15453,766,480 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures3,388,345(205,771)(530,154)2,652,420 Page 1 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended #001 - GENERAL FUND - continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds (CLFR) 04,520,0004,898,0009,418,000 Precinct Grant Proceeds039,000039,000 Spokane County (Plante's Ferry Study) 050,000050,000 Judgments & Settlements003,560,0003,560,000 Transfers in - #312 (police vehicle replacements) 1,200,0000200,0001,400,000 Transfers in - #312 (City Hall repairs)001,200,0001,200,000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues1,200,0004,609,0009,858,00015,667,000 Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements151,000015,000166,000 City Attorney (office furniture for new Paralegal) 8,500008,500 Public Safety (police vehicle replacements) 1,350,0850200,0001,550,085 Public Safety (Access/fencing White Elephant)15,00016,000031,000 Public Safety (Install Precinct gutters) 4,000004,000 Public Safety (Install security cameras at Precinct)20,0000020,000 Public Safety (Law Enf. Staffing Assessment) 085,000085,000 Public Safety (furniture for roll call room)030,000030,000 Public Safety (shop lift replacement) 025,000025,000 Public Safety (sidewalk repairs at Precinct)0015,00015,000 Facilities (remove street trees at City Hall) 0015,00015,000 Facilities (Balfour Facility evaluation)0060,00060,000 Engineering (furniture for additional staff) 016,600016,600 Econ Dev (20th Anniversary event planner)30,0004,769034,769 Econ Dev (Various studies - Tourism, etc) 0209,9750209,975 Parks & Rec (replace CenterPlace flooring)26,0000026,000 Parks & Rec (CenterPlace lobby improvements) 150,00000150,000 Parks & Rec (Portico painting & carpet replacemt)038,700038,700 Parks & Rec (CenterPlace equip assessment) 06,00006,000 Parks & Rec (CP emergency light backup batteries)010,000010,000 Parks & Rec (CenterPlace sidewalk repairs) 020,0004,00024,000 Parks & Rec (replace banquet chair at CP) 0000 Parks & Rec (motorized shades for Great Room) 0000 Financial Software Capital Costs500,0000200,000700,000 City Hall Repairs001,200,0001,200,000 CLFR Project Expenditures06,520,0001,486,0008,006,000 Transfers out - #101 (Street Fund operations) 3,530,048003,530,048 Transfers out - #122 (replenish reserve)0500,0000500,000 Transfers out - #309 (Balfour Park Imp Ph1) 0427,3270427,327 Transfers out - #309 (Pump replace Mirabeau Falls)033,000033,000 Transfers out - #312 ('21 fund bal >50%) 05,358,05405,358,054 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures5,784,63313,300,4253,195,00022,280,058 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(4,584,633)(8,691,425)6,663,000(6,613,058) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(1,196,288)(8,897,196)6,132,846(3,960,638) Beginning unrestricted fund balance46,101,04946,101,049 Ending unrestricted fund balance44,904,76142,140,411 Fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures84.68%78.38% Page 2 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 - STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax857,00000857,000 Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax2,062,600002,062,600 Multimodal Transportation Revenue139,20000139,200 Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee95,0000095,000 Solid Waste Road Wear Fee (local streets)01,700,00001,700,000 Investment Interest50000500 Miscellaneous10,0000010,000 Total Recurring Revenues3,164,3001,700,00004,864,300 Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes1,314,394186,99801,501,392 Limited Term Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes0116,6020116,602 Supplies191,5005,7000197,200 Services & Charges2,803,78910,4106,6902,820,889 Snow Operations1,081,915001,081,915 Local Street Program03,918,10003,918,100 Intergovernmental Payments1,000,000001,000,000 Vehicle rentals - #501 (non-plow vehicle rental)27,7500027,750 Vehicle rentals - #501 (plow replace.) 275,00000275,000 Total Recurring Expenditures6,694,3484,237,8106,69010,938,848 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures(3,530,048)(2,537,810)(6,690)(6,074,548) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #0013,530,048003,530,048 Transfers in - #106 (local streets)01,862,92901,862,929 Transfers in - #311 (local streets)02,677,09902,677,099 Transfers in - #312 (surface treatment pilot)0250,0000250,000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues3,530,0484,790,02808,320,076 Expenditures Streetlight Replacement Program40,0000040,000 Generator for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #402)08,50008,500 Desks for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #402) 01,53001,530 Bridge Replacement Program10,0000010,000 Signal Maintenance Equipment40,0000040,000 Transfers out - #311 (Summerfield local access)001,655,9551,655,955 Transfers out - #501 (truck for Signal Technician) 58,0000058,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures148,00010,0301,655,9551,813,985 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures3,382,0484,779,998(1,655,955)6,506,091 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(148,000)2,242,188(1,662,645)431,543 Beginning fund balance1,319,2061,319,206 Less restricted fund balance0(533,982) Ending fund balance1,171,2061,216,767 Page 3 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #109 - TOURISM PROMOTION AREA FUND Revenues Tourism Promotion Area Fee0800,000400,0001,200,000 Investment Interest0000 Total revenues0800,000400,0001,200,000 Expenditures Professional Services045,000755,000800,000 Total expenditures045,000755,000800,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures0400,000 Beginning fund balance00 Ending fund balance0400,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #301 - REET 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes1,500,000001,500,000 Investment Interest4,000004,000 Total revenues1,504,000001,504,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #20480,6000080,600 Transfers out - #303385,9670174,471560,438 Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation)1,037,500001,037,500 Transfers out - #3143,65503,5447,199 Total expenditures1,507,7220178,0151,685,737 Revenues over (under) expenditures(3,722)(181,737) Beginning fund balance5,314,9285,314,928 Ending fund balance5,311,2065,133,191 #302 - REET 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2 - Taxes1,500,000001,500,000 Investment Interest6,000006,000 Total revenues1,506,000001,506,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #20480,6000080,600 Transfers out - #303602,72001,918,1122,520,832 Transfers out - #309005,0005,000 Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation)1,037,500001,037,500 Transfers out - #314135,00001,875136,875 Total expenditures1,855,82001,924,9873,780,807 Revenues over (under) expenditures(349,820)(2,274,807) Beginning fund balance6,791,1756,791,175 Ending fund balance6,441,3554,516,368 Page 4 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #303 - STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds7,988,37601,533,3409,521,716 Developer71,6150379,392451,007 Transfers in - #301385,9670174,471560,438 Transfers in - #302602,72001,918,1122,520,832 Transfers in - #31200220,866220,866 Transfers in - #315108,4490(108,449)0 Total revenues9,157,12704,117,73213,274,859 Expenditures 205Sprague/Barker Intersections Improvement19,7660(19,766)0 249Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection00765,321765,321 300Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement1,294,8310(952,285)342,546 313Barker Rd/Union Pacific Crossing1,044,000001,044,000 318Wilbur Sidewalk - Boone to Mission00172,701172,701 320Sullivan Preservation - Sprague to 8th2,070,4620395,5782,466,040 321Argonne Corridor Imprv - North of Knox10,0000010,000 3262020 Citywide Retroreflective Post Plates89,5020089,502 327Sprague Stormwater & Crossing Project1,557,410001,557,410 329Barker Road Imp- City Limits to Appleway750,0000(652,029)97,971 332NE Industrial Area - Sewer Extension25,0000(25,000)0 335Mission Ave over Evergreen Deck Repair00409,539409,539 3408th Ave Sidewalk - Coleman to Park401,0110924,1551,325,166 342School zone beacons00112,417112,417 344Park Rd Sidewalk- Broadway to cataldo338,86200338,862 345Park Rd Sidewalk- Nora to Baldwin311,60000311,600 346Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd244,6830232,690477,373 347Broadway and Park Intersection002,124,4112,124,411 348Barker Road Improvements- Appleway to I9000300,000300,000 351Barker Road Imp - Sprague to Appleway00255,000255,000 Argonne Bridge0075,00075,000 Contingency1,000,000001,000,000 Total expenditures9,157,12704,117,73213,274,859 Revenues over (under) expenditures00 Beginning fund balance1,943,1511,943,151 Ending fund balance1,943,1511,943,151 Note: Work performed for pavement preservation projects out of the Street Capital Projects Fund is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that the were bid with the pavement preservation work. Page 5 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #309 - PARK CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds126,1000200,790326,890 Transfers in - #001160,000460,3270620,327 Transfers in - #302005,0005,000 Transfers in - #310040,192040,192 Transfers in - #3124,523,9001,153,94605,677,846 Total revenues4,810,0001,654,465205,7906,670,255 Expenditures 314Balfour Frontage Improvements005,0005,000 316Balfour Park improvements Phase 13,400,0001,621,465200,7905,222,255 328Sullivan Park water line500,00000500,000 338Spokane Valley River Loop Trail750,00000750,000 Replace pump at Mirabeau Falls033,000033,000 Parking & Trail Design (Summerfield, Ponderosa, Fl 136,90000136,900 West Lawn Shade Canopy for Stage23,1000023,100 Greenacres Park Phase 20000 Total expenditures4,810,0001,654,465205,7906,670,255 Revenues over (under) expenditures00 Beginning fund balance177,301177,301 Ending fund balance177,301177,301 #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION Revenues Transfers in - #0011,011,800001,011,800 Transfers in - #101 (Local Streets)001,655,9551,655,955 Transfers in - #1061,700,000(1,700,000)00 Transfers in - #3011,037,500001,037,500 Transfers in - #3021,037,500001,037,500 Grant Proceeds1,760,0000876,0002,636,000 Total revenues6,546,800(1,700,000)2,531,9557,378,755 Expenditures Pavement preservation7,805,1210(23,470)7,781,651 Pre-project GeoTech50,0000050,000 Transfer out - #101 (local streets) 02,677,09902,677,099 Total expenditures7,855,1212,677,099(23,470)10,508,750 Revenues over (under) expenditures(1,308,321)(3,129,995) Beginning fund balance6,615,7006,615,700 Ending fund balance5,307,3793,485,705 Page 6 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 ('21 fund bal >50%) 05,358,05405,358,054 Grant Proceeds0000 Investment Interest 20,0000020,000 Total revenues20,0005,358,05405,378,054 Expenditures Transfers out - #001 (police vehicle replacements)1,200,0000200,0001,400,000 Transfers out - #001 (City Hall Repairs) 001,200,0001,200,000 Transfers out - #101 (surface treatment pilot) 0250,0000250,000 Transfers out - #303 (Barker Rd Widening) 00108,449108,449 Transfers out - #303 (School beacons)00112,417112,417 Transfers out - #309 (Balfour Park Improvements Ph 3,400,0001,153,94604,553,946 Transfers out - #309 (Sullivan Park water line)373,90000373,900 Transfers out - #309 (Spokane Valley River Loop Tr 750,00000750,000 Transfers out - #309 (Greenacres Park Ph2)0000 Transfers out - #314 (Barker Rd Overpass) 347,998015,940363,938 Transfers out - #314 (Pines Rd Underpass)196,3940190,962387,356 Transfers out - #314 (Sullivan Interchange) 0046,27446,274 10303 E Sprague Property Acquisition0791,0000791,000 WSDOT Sullivan Park Property Acquisition0759,6000759,600 Total expenditures6,268,2922,954,5461,874,04211,096,880 Revenues over (under) expenditures(6,248,292)(5,718,826) Beginning fund balance16,658,02016,658,020 Ending fund balance10,409,72810,939,194 #314 - RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds2,827,08602,069,9274,897,013 Developer Contributions187,5110266,530454,041 Transfers in #3013,65503,5447,199 Transfers in #302135,00001,875136,875 Transfers in #312544,3920253,176797,568 Total revenues3,697,64402,595,0526,292,696 Expenditures 143Barker BNSF Grade Separation750,0000240,894990,894 223Pines Rd Underpass2,200,00001,665,8973,865,897 311Sullivan Rd Interchange1,000,0000615,4621,615,462 Total expenditures3,950,00002,522,2536,472,253 Revenues over (under) expenditures(252,356)(179,557) Beginning fund balance267,460267,460 Ending fund balance15,10487,903 Page 7 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #315 - TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES FUND Revenues Transportation Impact Fees200,00000200,000 Total revenues200,00000200,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #303108,4490(108,449)0 Total expenditures108,4490(108,449)0 Revenues over (under) expenditures91,551200,000 Beginning fund balance665,904665,904 Ending fund balance757,455865,904 ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees1,951,0003,649,00005,600,000 Investment Interest2,000002,000 Miscellaneous0000 Total Recurring Revenues1,953,0003,649,00005,602,000 Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes635,392321,9760957,368 Supplies20,80078,500099,300 Services & Charges1,449,742315,08001,764,822 Intergovernmental Payments48,0000048,000 Vehicle rentals - #5016,750006,750 Total Recurring Expenditures2,160,684715,55602,876,240 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures(207,684)2,933,44402,725,760 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds0000 Miscellaneous0000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues0000 Expenditures Capital - various projects200,000150,0000350,000 Watershed studies100,00000100,000 Stormwater comprehensive plan update50,0000050,000 Generator for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #101)08,50008,500 Desks for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #101) 01,53001,530 Land Acquisition for Easement0260,0000260,000 Transfers out - #501 (Stormwater Vehicle) 0060,00060,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures350,000420,03060,000830,030 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(350,000)(420,030)(60,000)(830,030) Page 8 of 9 P:\\Finance\\Budgets\\2023 Budget\\Budget Amendment\\Amendment #2\\2023 11 21 2nd Reading\\2023 Budget Summary for Amended Funds No 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2023 Budget 2023 As1st2ndAs AdoptedAmendmentAmendmentAmended ENTERPRISE FUNDS - continued #402 - STORMWATER FUND, continued Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(557,684)2,513,414(60,000)1,895,730 Beginning working capital2,278,3632,278,363 Ending working capital1,720,6794,174,093 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Vehicle rentals - #00152,10007,50059,600 Vehicle rentals - #10127,7500027,750 Vehicle rentals - #101 (plow replace.)275,00000275,000 Vehicle rentals - #4026,750006,750 Transfers in - #101 (IT equipment reserve)0000 Transfers in - #101 (Additional dump bed truck) 58,0000058,000 Transfers in - #402 (Stormwater vehicle)0060,00060,000 Investment Interest2,000002,000 Total revenues421,600067,500489,100 Expenditures Small tools & minor equipment10,0000010,000 Vehicle purchases238,0000238,500476,500 Snow plow purchase275,00000275,000 Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment0000 Total expenditures523,0000238,500761,500 Revenues over (under) expenditures(101,400)(272,400) Beginning working capital1,417,1191,417,119 Ending working capital1,315,7191,144,719 Page 9 of 9 Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2023 Position TitleGrade2023 Range City ManagerUnclassified Deputy City Manager2212,277.74 - 18,605.80 City Attorney2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 Finance Director2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 Community & Public Works Director2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 City Services Administrator2111,061.03 - 16,745.36 Parks and Recreation Director209,954.80 - 15,071.93 City Engineer209,954.80 - 15,071.93 Economic Development Director209,954.80 - 15,071.93 Human Resources Director209,954.80 - 15,071.93 Senior Deputy City Attorney198,959.16 - 13,564.89 Building Official198,959.16 - 13,564.89 Engineering Manager198,959.16 - 13,564.89 Planning Manager188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Senior Engineer 188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Public Works Superintendent188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Communications Manager188,064.28 - 12,207.79 Accounting Manager177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Assistant Building Official177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Senior Administrative Analyst177,257.44 - 10,986.56 IT Manager177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Legislative Coordinator177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Accounting and Finance Program Manager177,257.44 - 10,986.56 Deputy City Attorney166,531.03 - 9,887.27 City Clerk166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Engineer 166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Senior Planner166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Development Services Coordinator166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Database Administrator16 6,531.03 - 9,887.27 Accountant/Budget Analyst166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Project Manager166,531.03 - 9,887.27 CAD Manager166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Code Enforcement Supervisor166,531.03 - 9,887.27 Associate Planner155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Assistant Engineer155,878.75 - 8,899.16 IT Specialist155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Engineering Technician II155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Communications and Marketing Officer155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Economic Development Project Specialist155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Senior Plans Examiner155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Public Information Officer Communications Specialist155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Administrative Analyst155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Maintenance/Construction Foreman155,878.75 - 8,899.16 GIS Analyst155,878.75 - 8,899.16 CPW Liason155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Signal Technician155,878.75 - 8,899.16 Mechanic145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Human Resource Analyst 145,291.19 - 8,009.86 CenterPlace Coordinator145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Planner145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Building Inspector II145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Plans Examiner145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Engineering Technician I145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Senior Permit Specialist145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Code Enforcement Officer145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Accountant I145,291.19 - 8,009.86 Recreation Coordinator134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Deputy City Clerk134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Building Inspector I134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Executive Assistant134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Planning Technician134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Human Resources Technician134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Maintenance Lead134,761.69 - 7,208.60 Senior Center Specialist124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Permit Facilitator124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Help Desk Technician124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Accounting Technician124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Administrative Assistant124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Recreation Specialist124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Paralegal124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker II124,287.09 - 6,487.57 Maintenance Worker I113,857.20 - 5,839.10 Permit Specialist 113,857.20 - 5,839.10 Office Assistant II10-113,471.24 - 5,839.10 Custodian103,471.24 - 5,253.96 Office Assistant I9-103,124.51 - 5,253.96 : Slight rounding differences may exist between the figures reflected on this page and Note the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System. Salary Schedule 3% CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE:Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance #23-021 Adopting the 2024 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: To date the Council has heard presentations on the 2024 Budget on seven previous occasions including three public hearings. At the meeting on October 24, 2023, Council advanced Ordinance #23-021 adopting the 2024 Budget to a second reading. BACKGROUND: This marks the eighth occasion where the Council will discuss the 2024 Budget including three public hearings. The 2024 Budget development calendar of Council meetings on this topic follows: June 13 Council Budget Workshop August 29 Admin report: Estimated 2024 revenues and expenditures September 12 Public hearing #1 on 2024 revenues and expenditures October 3 City Manager’s presentation of preliminary 2024 Budget October 10 Public hearing #2 on 2024 Budget October 24 First reading on ordinance adopting the 2024 Budget November 21 Public hearing #3 on 2024 Budget November 21 Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2024 Budget 2024 Budget Overview: The 2024 Budget currently includes appropriations of $106,404,958 including $19,420,397 in capital expenditures, comprised of: o $8,875,775 in Fund #303 Street Capital Projects. o $220,000 in Fund #309 Park Capital Projects. o $3,500,000 in Fund #311 Pavement Preservation including $1,011,800 financed by the General Fund. o $3,152,622 in Fund #314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects. o $2,500,000 in Stormwater Management Fund #402 and Aquifer Protection Area Fund #403 projects. To partially offset the $19,420,397 in capital costs we anticipate $9,507,426 in grant revenues which results in 48.96% of capital expenditures being covered with State and Federal money. Budgets will be adopted across 29 separate funds. The full-time equivalent employee (FTE) count will increase in 2024 by 4 to 116.25 from 112.25 in the proposed amended 2023 Budget. The amended 2023 Budget approved May 30, 2023 included 111.25 FTEs. On July 25, 2023, Council authorized the addition of a new Accountant I position in the 2023 Budget (supplemental budget request). The increase for 2024 are the remaining 2 of 7 Stormwater positions that were approved by Council when 1 authorizing an increase in the Stormwater program to a proactive level of service and 2 Parks & Recreation position authorized at the August 8, 2023 meeting. Pertaining Specifically to the General Fund: The 2024 recurring revenue estimate of $62,316,100 is $5,897,200 or 10.45% greater than the 2023 budget of $56,418,900. The 2024 recurring expenditure proposal of $57,976,579 is $4,210,099 or 7.83% greater than the 2023 proposed amended appropriation of $53,766,480. Budgeted recurring revenues currently exceed recurring expenditures by $4,339,521 or 6.96% of recurring revenues. Nonrecurring revenues include a $325,000 grant to fund the City’s comprehensive plan amendment. Nonrecurring expenditures total $5,372,423 and include: o $152,500 for Information Technology expenditures including: $20,000 to replace outdated copiers $37,500 for server upgrades $60,000 for network core hardware replacement $35,000 for software upgrades o $36,000 for a utility task vehicle (UTV) for the Police Department o $416,000 for various Facilities items including: $10,000 for an access gate at the Precinct $75,000 for parking lot repairs at the Precinct $20,000 to replace flooring in the roll call room at the Precinct $50,000 for signage at the Precinct $20,000 for an electric man-lift to be used by Facilities staff $100,000 for parking lot repairs at CenterPlace $120,000 to replace the walk-in coolers at CenterPlace $15,000 to replace the boiler modules at CenterPlace $6,000 to replace the expansion tax for the cooling system at CenterPlace o $150,000 to replace the banquet chairs at CenterPlace o $25,000 to install motorized shades in the Great Room at CenterPlace o $4,592,923 transfer out to the Street O&M Fund #101 to cover the deficit in recurring expenditures exceeding recurring revenues in that fund The total of 2024 recurring and nonrecurring expenditures exceeds total revenues by $707,902. The projected ending fund balance for the General Fund at the end of 2024 is currently $41,432,509 or 71.46% of recurring expenditures. 2 Other Funds: 2024 Budget appropriations (expenditures) in the other funds total $43,055,956 as follows: FundFund2024 NumberNameAppropriation 101Street Fund9,623,274 103Paths and Trails Fund0 104Hotel / Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund0 105Hotel / Motel Tax Fund1,282,200 106Solid Waste Fund290,000 107PEG Fund73,000 108Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund0 109Tourism Promotion Area Fund1,200,000 110Homeless Housing Program Fund0 120CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund0 121Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund0 122Winter Weather Reserve Fund500,000 204Debt Service Fund950,550 301REET 1 Capital Projects Fund2,068,463 302REET 2 Capital Projects Fund1,793,287 303Street Capital Projects Fund8,875,775 309Parks Capital Projects Fund220,000 310Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund0 311Pavement Preservation Fund3,550,000 312Capital Reserve Fund1,026,792 314Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund3,152,622 315Transportation Impact Fee Fund0 316Economic Development Capital Projects Fund0 402Stormwater Management Fund5,494,993 403Aquifer Protection Area Fund1,055,000 501Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund700,000 502Risk Management Fund700,000 632Passthrough Fees & Taxes Fund500,000 43,055,956 Primary sources of revenues in these other funds include: Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the Street Fund is anticipated to be $1,950,700. Telephone Tax revenues remitted to the City that supports Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated to be $900,000. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenues that are in large part used to match grant financed street projects are anticipated to total $3,000,000. Hotel / Motel Tax revenues that are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism are anticipated to be $1,500,000 ($900,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund #105 and $600,000 in the Hotel/Motel Tax – Tourism Facilities Fund #104). tormwater Management Fees that are estimated at $5,600,000. S Aquifer Protection Area Fees are estimated at $500,000. Grant Revenues offsetting capital costs are estimated at $9,507,426 o Fund #001 – General Fund - $445,000 o Fund #303 – Street Capital Projects - $6,949,896 o Fund #314 – RR Grade Separation Projects - $2,112,530 3 The City’s 2024 Budget is adopted at a fund level as follows: EstimatedEstimated BeginningEnding FundFundTotalFund Annual Appropriation FundsNo.BalanceRevenuesSourcesAppropriationsBalance General Fund00142,140,41162,641,10063,349,00263,349,00241,432,509 Street Fund1011,750,7499,401,12311,151,8729,623,274966,767 Paths & Trails Fund10347,1689,20056,368056,368 Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund1044,739,903680,0005,419,90305,419,903 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund105553,519910,0001,463,5191,282,200181,319 Solid Waste1061,128,645290,0001,418,645290,0001,128,645 PEG Fund107231,78266,000297,78273,000224,782 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fun108777,569208,000985,5690985,569 Tourism Promotion Area Fund109400,0001,200,0001,600,0001,200,000400,000 Homeless Housing Program Fund1100640,000640,0000640,000 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund120300,0000300,0000300,000 Service Level Stabilization Fund1215,500,00005,500,00005,500,000 Winter Weather Reserve Fund122532,8806,000538,880500,00038,880 LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund2040950,550950,550950,5500 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund3015,133,1911,590,0006,723,1912,068,4634,654,728 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund3024,516,3681,600,0006,116,3681,793,2874,323,081 Street Capital Projects3031,943,1518,875,77510,818,9268,875,7751,943,151 Park Capital Projects Fund309177,301380,000557,301220,000337,301 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund31015,4241,20016,624016,624 Pavement Preservation Fund3113,485,7053,362,6006,848,3053,550,0003,298,305 Capital Reserve Fund31212,339,194500,00012,839,1941,026,79211,812,402 Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund31487,9033,102,6233,190,5263,152,62237,904 Transportation Impact Fees Fund315865,904300,0001,165,90401,165,904 Economic Development Capital Projects Fund31600000 86,666,76796,714,171141,948,42997,954,96584,864,142 EstimatedEstimated BeginningEnding FundWorkingTotalWorking Working Capital FundsNo.CapitalRevenuesSourcesAppropriationsCapital Stormwater Management Fund4024,174,0935,640,0009,814,0935,494,9934,319,100 Aquifer Protection Area Fund403903,822520,0001,423,8221,055,000368,822 Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund5011,144,719508,2001,652,919700,000952,919 Risk Management Fund502428,022700,0001,128,022700,000428,022 Passthrough Fees & Taxes6320500,000500,000500,0000 6,650,6567,868,20014,518,8568,449,9936,068,863 Total of all Funds93,317,423104,582,371156,467,285106,404,95890,933,005 OPTIONS: State law requires the City to adopt a budget prior to December 31. Council may adopt the budget as presented or alter it as they deem necessary. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance #23-021 adopting the 2024 Budget. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Adoption of Ordinance #23-021 concludes the 2024 Budget development process and establishes the final budget including estimated revenues and appropriations. STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance #23-021 2024 Budget 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 23-021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2024 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2024; APPROPRIATING FUNDS; ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ESTABLISHED POSITIONS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, State law requires the City Manager to prepare a preliminary budget for the City of Spokane Valley at least 60 days before the beginning of the City fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, in consultation with the Finance Director and department heads, has prepared and placed on file with the City Clerk a preliminary budget, together with an estimate of the amount of money necessary to meet the expenses of the City including payment of outstanding obligations; and WHEREAS, notice was posted and published for public hearings held on September 12, October 10, and November 21, 2023. The City Council met and invited public comment in the City Council Chambers during each public hearing; and WHEREAS, proper notice was given and the preliminary budget was filed with the City Clerk October 3, 2023; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt the 2024 budget, including all allowances, and an appropriation for each fund; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley property tax levy in 2023 for collection in 2024, will be $13,824,900, which represents a 0% increase in the 2024 levy. This levy is exclusive of additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, any increase in the value of State assessed property, any annexations that have occurred, and refunds made. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoption of 2024 Budget. The budget for the City of Spokane Valley for the year 2024 is adopted at the fund level. The final budget for 2024 is attached hereto, and by this reference is incorporated herein pursuant to RCW 35A.33.075. For summary purposes, the total estimated appropriations for each separate fund, plus the aggregate total for all such funds, is set forth as follows: Ordinance 23-021 Adopting 2024 Budget Page 1 of 3 EstimatedEstimated BeginningEnding FundFundTotalFund Annual Appropriation FundsNo.BalanceRevenuesSourcesAppropriationsBalance General Fund00142,140,41162,641,10063,349,00263,349,00241,432,509 Street Fund1011,750,7499,401,12311,151,8729,623,274966,767 Paths & Trails Fund10347,1689,20056,368056,368 Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund1044,739,903680,0005,419,90305,419,903 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund105553,519910,0001,463,5191,282,200181,319 Solid Waste1061,128,645290,0001,418,645290,0001,128,645 PEG Fund107231,78266,000297,78273,000224,782 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fun108777,569208,000985,5690985,569 Tourism Promotion Area Fund109400,0001,200,0001,600,0001,200,000400,000 Homeless Housing Program Fund1100640,000640,0000640,000 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund120300,0000300,0000300,000 Service Level Stabilization Fund1215,500,00005,500,00005,500,000 Winter Weather Reserve Fund122532,8806,000538,880500,00038,880 LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund2040950,550950,550950,5500 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund3015,133,1911,590,0006,723,1912,068,4634,654,728 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund3024,516,3681,600,0006,116,3681,793,2874,323,081 Street Capital Projects3031,943,1518,875,77510,818,9268,875,7751,943,151 Park Capital Projects Fund309177,301380,000557,301220,000337,301 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund31015,4241,20016,624016,624 Pavement Preservation Fund3113,485,7053,362,6006,848,3053,550,0003,298,305 Capital Reserve Fund31212,339,194500,00012,839,1941,026,79211,812,402 Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund31487,9033,102,6233,190,5263,152,62237,904 Transportation Impact Fees Fund315865,904300,0001,165,90401,165,904 Economic Development Capital Projects Fund31600000 86,666,76796,714,171141,948,42997,954,96584,864,142 EstimatedEstimated BeginningEnding FundWorkingTotalWorking Working Capital FundsNo.CapitalRevenuesSourcesAppropriationsCapital Stormwater Management Fund4024,174,0935,640,0009,814,0935,494,9934,319,100 Aquifer Protection Area Fund403903,822520,0001,423,8221,055,000368,822 Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund5011,144,719508,2001,652,919700,000952,919 Risk Management Fund502428,022700,0001,128,022700,000428,022 Passthrough Fees & Taxes6320500,000500,000500,0000 6,650,6567,868,20014,518,8568,449,9936,068,863 Total of all Funds93,317,423104,582,371156,467,285106,404,95890,933,005 The total balance of all funds appropriated for 2024 is $106,404,958. Section 2. Transmittal of Budget. A complete copy of the budget as adopted, together with a copy of this Ordinance, shall be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 3.Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. Ordinance 23-021 Adopting 2024 Budget Page 2 of 3 PASSED by the City Council this day of November, 2023. Pam Haley, Mayor ATTEST: Marci Patterson, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 23-021 Adopting 2024 Budget Page 3 of 3 This page left intentionally blank. Table of Contents City of Spokane Valley, WA Spokane County January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 Council Budget Goals and Fiscal Policies ................................................................................. 1-2 City ManagerÓs Budget Message ............................................................................................. 3-12 Finance DirectorÓs Message - About the 2024 Budget and Budget Development Process ... 13-28 City Overview ......................................................................................................................... 29-36 Department Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 37-68 2024 Budget Figures and Schedules ......................................................................................... 69 Budget Summary ................................................................................................................... 70-82 Revenues by Fund and Type ................................................................................................. 83-90 Expenditures by Fund and Department ................................................................................. 91-94 General Fund Department Changes from 2023 to 2024 ........................................................ 95-97 #001- General Fund- Expenditures by Department by Type City Council ........................................................................................................................... 98 City Manager ......................................................................................................................... 99 City Attorney................................................................................................................. 100-101 City Services ....................................................................................................................... 102 Public Safety ................................................................................................................ 103-105 Deputy City Manager .......................................................................................................... 106 Finance ............................................................................................................................... 107 Human Resources .............................................................................................................. 108 Information Technology ....................................................................................................... 109 Facilities .............................................................................................................................. 110 Community & Public Works .......................................................................................... 111-114 Economic Development ...................................................................................................... 115 Planning Division................................................................................................................. 116 Parks & Recreation ...................................................................................................... 117-121 General Government .................................................................................................... 122-123 Special Revenue Funds #101 - Street Fund ....................................................................................................... 124-125 #103 - Paths & Trails Fund ................................................................................................. 126 #104 - Hotel / Motel Tax ÎTourism Facilities Fund .............................................................. 127 #105 - Hotel / Motel Tax Fund ............................................................................................. 127 #106 - Solid Waste Fund ..................................................................................................... 128 City of Spokane Valley 2024 Budget #107 - PEG Fund ................................................................................................................ 129 #108 - Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax ............................................................ 129 #109 - Tourism Promotion Fund ......................................................................................... 130 #110 - Homeless Housing Program Fund ........................................................................... 130 #120 - CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund ..................................................................... 131 #121 - Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund ............................................................... 132 #122 - Winter Weather Reserve Fund ................................................................................ 132 Debt Service Funds #204 - Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO) Fund ......................................................... 133 Capital Projects Funds #301 - REET 1 Capital Projects Fund ................................................................................. 134 #302 - REET 2 Capital Projects Fund ................................................................................. 135 #303 - Street Capital Projects Fund ............................................................................. 136-137 #309 - Parks Capital Projects Fund .................................................................................... 138 #310 - Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund ....................................................................... 139 #311 - Pavement Preservation Fund .................................................................................. 140 #312 - Capital Reserve Fund .............................................................................................. 141 #314 - Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund ............................................................... 142 #315 - Transportation Impact Fees Fund ............................................................................ 143 #316 - Economic Development Capital Projects Fund ........................................................ 143 Enterprise Funds #402 - Stormwater Management Fund ........................................................................ 144-145 #403 - Aquifer Protection Area Fund ................................................................................... 146 Internal Service Funds #501 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund ........................................................... 147-148 #502 - Risk Management Fund ........................................................................................... 148 #632 - Passthrough Fees & Taxes Fund ............................................................................ 149 Capital Expenditures for 2024 ................................................................................................... 150 FTE Count by Year Î 2014 through 2024 ................................................................................. 151 Appendix A, Employee Position Classification and Salary Schedule ....................................... 152 Glossary of Budget Terms ................................................................................................. 153-155 Ordinance Adopting the 2024 Budget ................................................................................ 156-158 City of Spokane Valley 2024 Budget Council Budget Goals and Fiscal Policies Council Budget Goals: 1.Public Safety: Public safety is the CityÓs highest priority which begins with providing superior police services to protect lives, property, and to maintain a safe and welcoming community. The CityÓs law enforcement agreement with Spokane County shall be carefully managed and improved as needed to maintain the levels of service desired by the City Council. The City shall also strive to ensure that the Spokane Valley Police Precinct is maintained and improved to meet the needs of our Police Department. In addition to providing robust police services, the City will prioritize all stages of the criminal justice process to provide for the safety of our residents. This includes the ongoing administration and examination of areas for improvement of critical components of the public safety system, including booking, prosecution services, court services, jail operations, and post-detention services. 2.Pavement Preservation: Maintain and sustain a safe and resilient transportation infrastructure using cost effective means and methods that consider the long-term needs of the network. The City shall strive to provide sufficient funding to ensure the preservation of our infrastructure. 3.Transportation and Infrastructure: Strengthen and improve transportation infrastructure to safely connect the community by incorporating new and innovative technologies to improve the quality of life for all users while supporting a diverse and robust economy. 4.Economic Development: Actively support our existing businesses and industries by identifying retention and expansion opportunities to facilitate employment growth and a stable tax base. Collaborate with local, state, and national partners to identify resources to support the CityÓs economic development initiatives. Grow local tourism through asset development and targeted destination marketing to support hotels and retail establishments. 5.Homeless and Housing: Develop a housing and homeless program that integrates the activities of service providers to retain residents in housing, provide a path forward for those experiencing homelessness, and support the creation of additional affordable workforce housing units within the City. 6.Communications: Increase community interactions, share information, and obtain feedback and provide awareness on all the aspects that make Spokane Valley a great place to live, work, and play. 1 Fiscal Policies: The Fiscal Policies adopted by the City Council are important for the long-range fiscal strength of Spokane Valley. These policies set a framework that the City will follow to responsibly manage resources and if necessary, the circumstances under which we will utilize reserves to sustain operations during economic downturns. Financial Management The City will strive to: 1. Maintain basic service levels with minimal resources to achieve success. 2. Minimize personnel costs and overhead by continuing to contract for services when it makes financial and operational sense to do so. 3. Work to incorporate the business plan process into the budget process. 4. Leverage City funds with grant opportunities. 5. Minimize City debt with a pay as you go philosophy. o The State of Washington sets the maximum level of allowable debt for cities based on assessed value of property. The City of Spokane Valley carries an exceptionally low debt burden and currently utilizes only 0.80% of its total debt capacity, and more importantly, only 4.01% of non-voted bond capacity. 6. Strive to prioritize spending in the annual budget process and minimize the mid-year addition of projects and appropriations. Financial Objectives The CityÓs financial objectives are: 1. Adopt a General Fund Budget with recurring revenues equal to, or greater than recurring expenditures. 2. Maintain a minimum General Fund Ending Fund Balance of at least 50% of the recurring expenditure budget. This is adequate to meet cash flow needs and is the equivalent of six months of general fund operations. 3. Increase the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund #121 to approximately 14% of the General Fund or $8 million. The increase will be funded over a number of years to as to limit the impact on City operations. Interest income will continue to accrue to support the growth of this Fund over time. 4. If necessary, utilize a portion of the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund #121 ($8 million) to maintain ending fund balance minimum. 5. Commit to the strategy that the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund #121 will not be reduced below $4.8 million (60% of $8 million) without City Council approval. If Council should deem this necessary, the City will then first replenish Fund #121 to at least $4.8 million before any annual General Fund transfers are made to Capital Reserve Fund #312. 6. Maintain the 2024 property tax assessment at a level to support ongoing City operations. For the 2024 levy, we anticipate this will result in a levy of $13,524,900 plus estimated new construction of $350,000 for a total levy of $13,874,900. Any allowable potential increase not taken will be banked for future use as provided by law. 7. Grow our economy so the existing tax base can support basic programs. 2 City ManagerÓs Budget Message 2024 Annual Budget Dear Citizens, Mayor and City Council of Spokane Valley: IÓm honored to be presenting the 2024 annual budget twentieth anniversary message. The 2024 Budget continues to follow the sound financial path that was collectively developed by current and previous City Councils and the three past City Managers. This has been another challenging year of record inflation, continued increased energy and food prices, ongoing world conflicts, and uncertainty about where the economy is headed. However, the City has a long history of making prudent financial decisions dating back to our 2003 incorporation. We have engaged in consistently responsible budgeting including realistic revenue projections, controlled spending, limited the growth of City programs, and have adhered to key conservative fiscal policies. We are delivering a budget that will allow the City to continue to deliver status quo levels of service throughout 2024 while at the same time financing our aggressive capital improvement program. 2024 Budget Highlights City Priorities The CityÓs chief budget priorities are: Public Safety Pavement Preservation Transportation and Infrastructure (including railroad grade separations and park related projects), and Economic Development Housing and Homeless response Communications Ensuring that weÓve committed adequate resources to these services accounts for much of the effort that Council and Staff collectively dedicate to the annual development of our Operating and Capital budgets. Moderate Growth in Recurring General Fund Expenditures Investing in the essential core services identified by the Council and Community is the foundation of the programs and related expenditures we include in this budget. Similar to the trend experienced in most jurisdictions, we find that the cost of providing these services often increases at a faster rate than the moderate growth we see in the underlying tax revenues that support these core services. With that said however, City staff and Council collectively strive to meet the challenge of continuing to provide historic levels of service and we will again meet this challenge in 2024. The revenue and expenditure figures included in the 2024 Budget are each considerably higher than in previous years and this is a reflection of the impact of inflation being seen at a national level. 3 Increases at the point of budget adoption over the past 9-years have been: Recurring RevenuesExpenditures 2024compared to202310.45%7.83% 2023compared to20228.04%4.90% 2022compared to20218.73%7.66% 2021compared to20202.20%5.14% 2020compared to20196.12%3.00% 2019compared to20185.56%1.90% 2018compared to20173.73%1.81% 2017compared to20164.38%0.87% 2016compared to20153.08%2.79% Public Safety Costs Over the years Council has consistently committed to the maintenance and at times enhancement of public safety service levels and this is again reflected in the 2024 Budget. Public safety costs including law enforcement, courts, prosecution, public defense and jail related services represent the CityÓs primary operating expenditure and total $35,251,248 which is a 7.56% increase over the 2023 Amended Budget. Noteworthy about the public safety budget are the following observations: It represents 60.8% of the 2024 General Fund recurring expenditure budget ($35,251,248 / $57,976,579). It is equivalent to 255% of anticipated 2024 property tax collections ($35,251,248 / $13,824,900). In other words, if property taxes were to double, they alone would not be sufficient to cover Spokane ValleyÓs public safety commitment. In 2023, the City initiated a review of the Police Department staffing needs. Although the contract with the SheriffÓs Department has been maintained and adjusted for increased costs throughout the term of the agreement, the City has not substantially increased the number of police staff since 2007. Population growth has increased from 87,894 to 107,400 residents in this timeframe. The City will need to make adjustments to staffing to increase the levels of service to ensure that the City continues to be a safe and thriving community. Staffing Levels The full-time equivalent employee (FTE) count will increase by 4.00 from 112.25 in 2023 to 116.25 in 2024. This includes: 2.0 FTEs for two Stormwater positions related to increasing the CityÓs Stormwater program to a proactive level of service. 2.0 FTEs in Parks and Recreation that are related to the anticipated split of the parks maintenance contract into multiple contracts. This includes one Park Operations and Maintenance Coordinator position and one Maintenance Worker position. 4 The FTE count allocated among City funds is as follows: Difference 20232024Between Budget asNew20242023 and AmendedPositionsBudget2024 General Fund #00181.8702.0083.8702.00 Street O&M Fund #1019.5000.009.5000.00 Street Capital Projects Fund #30311.500.0011.500.00 Stormwater Fund #4026.532.008.532.00 Stormwater Capital Projects #402/#4032.850.002.850.00 112.254.00116.254.00 The personnel costs for the 83.87 FTEs charged to the General Fund represent just 21.79% of recurring expenditures. Taking into consideration that we contract for police services and are served by Fire and Water Districts as well as a Library District, for a city of our size we operate substantially below the normal employee count and consequently at a significantly reduced payroll cost relative to many cities across the country. Spokane Valley staff levels average about one employee for every 924 citizens (= population of 107,400 per the Office of Financial Management population estimate / 116.25 FTEs) while comparably sized cities in the State of Washington have a much higher ratio of employees to citizens. Since incorporation, the City has taken a conservative approach to adding new staff and continues to have the lowest per capita employee count of any Washington city with a population of 50,000 or greater. By all comparisons, the City of Spokane Valley continues to be a lean, productive City government. Pavement Preservation Some may question paving roads that ÐdonÓt look so badÑ but the truth is the best time to repave is before a road deteriorates to the point that full reconstruction is necessary. Full reconstruction costs substantially more than pavement preservation treatments such as crack sealing or grinding and repaving and this is why the City has committed critical financial resources to the preservation of our transportation infrastructure. WeÓre proud of our fine road system and will endeavor to continue to maintain it in the best manner possible with available financial resources. Beginning in 2012, the City initiated a program of expending general fund, special revenue fund and capital project fund revenues and reserves for the purpose of financing our street preservation efforts. In 2024, our community will again see an aggressive program of caring for roadways including the continuation of a pilot surface treatment program that would be new to Spokane Valley. For 2024, we project total revenues in Pavement Preservation Fund #311 of $3,362,600 that combined with $187,400 of fund reserves will be applied against $3,550,000 in projected expenditures. Sources of revenue in 2024 are anticipated to include $3,362,600 in transfers from other City funds consisting of: 5 $1,021,900 from the General Fund $1,170,350 from REET 1 Capital Projects Fund #301 $1,170,350 from REET 2 Capital Projects Fund #302 While Pavement Preservation is one of our critical service and budget priorities, we are not sustaining adequate levels of funding for this program. This is discussed further in the ÐChallengesÑ portion of this budget message. Transportation and Infrastructure The 2024 Budget includes $19,420,397 of capital expenditures that we anticipate will be in-part offset with $9,507,426 in grant revenues which results in 48.96% of capital projects being financed with State and Federal dollars. The capital expenditures weÓll incur in 2024 partially include: $223,500 from the General Fund: o $167,500 for Information Technology equipment acquisitions. o $36,000 for a Utility Task Vehicle (UTV) for the Police Department. o $20,000 for an electric manlift for Facilities. $225,000 for capital equipment replacements in Street Fund #101. $33,500 for broadcast equipment from PEG Fund #107. $8.9 million in Street Capital Projects Fund #303. $220,000 in Park Capital Projects Fund #309. $3.5 million in Pavement Preservation Fund #311. $3.2 million in Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund #314. $2.5 million in Stormwater Fund #402 and Aquifer Protection Area Fund #403. $690,000 from Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #501 that includes o $60,000 for the replacement of a vehicle in Parks and Recreation, o $60,000 for the replacement of a vehicle in Facilities, o $300,000 for the replacement of an existing snowplow, and o $270,000 for the replacement of the backhoe. Challenges Beyond the annual challenge of balancing the General Fund budget, the City of Spokane Valley has several on-going financial challenges. 1. Dramatic inflation increases in 2022 and 2023 have been experienced across all sectors of the economy. Coupling this with the eleven interest rate adjustments by the Federal Reserve, concerns abound regarding a national recession. The City is highly dependent on sales tax revenues which are subject to dramatic fluctuations as experienced in the Great Recession. This dependence will cause significant reductions in levels of service once a downturn affects our sales tax collections. 2. Declining revenues in Street O&M Fund #101 that will impact our future ability to deliver historic service levels This Fund depends upon a combination of gas and telephone tax receipts. Gas Tax - Because this tax is a fixed amount per gallon, and because each generation of newer vehicles get better gas mileage, we have found that from year to year, this revenue source has hovered somewhere between flat or slightly declining. The gas tax revenues over the past 5-years is as follows: o 2020 - $1,745,193 o 2021 - $1,909,947 6 o 2022 - $1,959,667 o 2023 - $2,071,300 (budgeted) o 2024 - $1,958,900 (budgeted) Telephone Utility Tax Î This 6% tax generated $3,050,000 in the first year of collections which occurred in 2009. In the ensuing 10-years running from 2010 to 2019, as people made the shift from utilizing both land lines and cell phones to just cell phones, this revenue source declined by nearly 50% to just $1,564,152. This decay in revenues was further exacerbated in 2020 and continued into 2021 with the advent and fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic event where people were looking to cut costs and consequently cut many of the remaining land lines at an increased rate. However, through 2022 and into 2023, these revenues appear to be stabilizing. At this point weÓre projecting 2024 telephone utility tax revenues of about $900,000 which is about 70% less than 2009 collections. Because of the stagnant gas tax revenues and decline in telephone utility tax revenues, 2024 will be the eighth consecutive year of budgeted recurring expenditures exceeding recurring revenues in Fund #101. o We have been able to continue to deliver historic levels of service over this period by doing the following: 2017 Î a $328,000 operating deficit was resolved by drawing down fund reserves. 2018 Î a $415,000 operating deficit was resolved by drawing down fund reserves. 2019 Î a $907,000 operating deficit was resolved through a transfer from Capital Reserve Fund #312. This is a noteworthy departure from the historic intended use of these monies which has been for one-time capital projects. 2020 Î a $1,365,000 operating deficit was resolved through a transfer from Capital Project Fund #312. 2021 Î a $2,552,600 operating deficit was resolved through a transfer from the General Fund #001. 2022 Î a $3,084,900 operating deficit was resolved through a transfer from the General Fund #001. 2023 Î an anticipated operating deficit of $3,530,000 will be resolved through a direct transfer from the General Fund #001. 2024 Î an anticipated operating deficit of $4,592,900 will be resolved through a direct transfer from the General Fund #001. 3. Balancing the cost of pavement preservation against other transportation and infrastructure needs Pavement preservation has historically been financed from a combination of sources including: o General Fund dollars, o Street O&M Fund dollars, o Civic Facility Replacement Fund #123 (Fund #123) reserves that were dedicated towards this purpose until their depletion in 2016. o Real estate excise tax (REET) revenues, o Grant revenues, and o Beginning in 2018, the addition of a street wear fee that was negotiated by the City as part of an updated solid waste collection contract that recognized the damage that heavily laden garbage trucks do to our road system. 7 o Following is a table that reflects pavement preservation related revenues over the 14- year period 2011 through 2024: Fund 001101106123301/302310 StreetCivic Fac.Civic Fac. GeneralStreet O&MWear FeeReplace.REET 1&2CapitalGrantsTotal Actual 2011584,6810000500,00001,084,681 20122,045,2030000002,045,203 2013855,857282,0000616,284300,000035,9452,090,086 2014888,823282,0000616,284368,94402,042,6654,198,716 2015920,000206,6180616,284502,0980835,2243,080,224 2016943,80067,3420559,808730,57201,654,6983,956,220 2017953,20067,342001,320,958089,2082,430,708 2018962,70067,3421,000,00001,370,65801,422,4044,823,104 2019972,30001,608,02801,468,60002,398,3306,447,258 2020982,02301,513,53201,545,277098,2814,139,113 2021991,84301,537,77601,654,557004,184,176 20221,001,80003,19401,465,14102,052,1754,522,310 Budget 20231,011,8001,655,955002,075,00002,336,0007,078,755 20241,021,9000002,340,700003,362,600 14,135,9302,628,5995,662,5302,408,66015,142,505500,00012,964,93053,443,154 The City used Civic Facility Replacement Fund #123 reserves over the 4-year period 2013 through 2016 in order to give the City time to determine how best to finance the pavement preservation plan in 2017 and beyond. In the years leading up to 2020 we existed in a fairly robust economy and beginning in 2017, following the depletion of Fund #123 reserves, we began applying a portion of our strong Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) collections towards pavement preservation. During this time frame we recognized that when the economy inevitably waned in the future, so too would REET revenues, and a consequence of over reliance on that source of money could in the future limit the CityÓs ability to provide the necessary match needed for State and Federal grants that are applied to other street construction and reconstruction projects. For a number of years Spokane Valley struggled to develop a pavement management plan that clearly delineated the pavement condition index (PCI) that should be maintained throughout our road system and define the amount of money we should dedicate annually to achieve that plan. The results of one of our most recent studies was communicated to Council on April 2, 2019 and this answered several questions including how pavement management resources should be allocated between the local access, collector and arterial portions of our street network. Through 2022 and 2023, City Council and staff have begun implementing improvements to our program: 1. Create a 2023 open-order pavement preservation contract specifically for local access streets funded by a street wear fee from the CityÓs solid waste collection contract, including the potential use of surface treatments. This was implemented during the summer of 2023 and worked well to repave neighborhood streets in the southern portion of the City. 2. The 2023 surface treatment pilot project was implemented and potential expansion projects for 2024 are being evaluated. 8 3. New revenue methods to sustain the PMP, including Street O&M Fund 101, Street Capital Projects Fund #303 and Pavement Preservation Fund #311 were looked at and the Transportation Benefit District (TBD) was the preferred option to implement. The City is moving forward on the adoption of a TBD and will determine funding options after creation of the district. 4. Railroad Grade Separation Projects (overpasses and underpasses) Bridging the Valley is a proposal to separate vehicle traffic from train traffic in the 42-mile corridor between Spokane and Athol, ID. The separation of railroad and roadway grades in this corridor is intended to promote future economic growth, traffic movement, traffic safety, aquifer protection in the event of an oil spill, and train whistle noise abatement. The underlying study outlined the need for a grade separation at four locations in Spokane Valley. Barker and Trent Road Overpass (fully funded at $24.7 million), Pines and Trent Underpass (estimated cost of $43.0 million and fully funded), Sullivan/Trent Interchange Project (estimated cost of $42.2 million) Because grade separation projects are exceptionally expensive endeavors and largely beyond our ability to finance solely through existing sources of internal revenue, the City has pursued grant funding from both the Federal and State Governments over the past several years and will continue to do so into the future. Barker/Trent Grade Separation Project Construction on the project began in the spring of 2021 and concluded in the spring of 2023. The project was well received and is functioning well. Pines / Trent Grade Separation Project The project is nearing the completion of the design phase having attained environmental approval mid-2022. We anticipate the project cost will be $43.0 million. The City successfully applied for a federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant and was awarded $21.7 million. The project has received sufficient federal funds and the City secured the required matching state funds to initiate the construction phase of the project. Construction is anticipated to begin in early 2024. Sullivan/Trent Interchange Replacement This project replaces the undersized existing grade separated interchange at the intersection of Sullivan Road and Trent Avenue with a new innovative roundabout configuration. The project is entering the design phase which is fully funded. The City is actively pursuing options for funding the construction phase of the project. Economic Development To the best of our ability we focus on business retention and expansion of existing businesses and recruitment of new businesses. Examples of economic development efforts include: Comprehensive Plan Î In the latter part of 2016 the City updated its Comprehensive Plan and included an economic development element. Contained within this element is a summary of the local economy; an assessment of strengths and weaknesses; and policies, programs and projects to foster economic growth. The plan also included implementation strategies to improve retail, enhance tourism, and grow businesses in the City. Among other things, the plan also streamlined land uses by consolidating many zones and reducing many development requirements. 9 Additionally the plan was also designed to provide flexibility in an effort to encourage market driven growth. Retail Recruitment Î In 2017 the City expanded into the area of Retail Recruitment by contracting with a firm specializing in this type of service. The services we are seeking in this effort include a review of the retail recruitment strategy; conducting a market and retail gap analysis; development of a recruitment plan; identification of a strategic retail prospect list; and recruitment of retail on behalf of the City. We have again included money in the 2024 Budget to continue this effort. Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) Î In the latter part of 2016 the City received a $114,200 grant from the Department of Commerce that with an additional investment of $55,000 from the City, resulted in a streamlined environmental permitting process in the northeast industrial area of our community. This study completed the environmental permitting requirements for the northeast industrial area which led to the development of a Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) adopted by Council March 12, 2019. The PAO saves industrial developers a minimum of 6 weeks permitting time while providing a predictable path to ensure that adequate infrastructure is in place to serve the expected developments, and as a result of the PAO, properties can now be marketed as truly Ðshovel readyÑ. Since adoption of the PAO, nearly all of the total available 459 acres have been purchased and are in various stages of planning, construction, or are occupied with vibrant additions to our local economy. Northeast Industrial Area Î In addition to the adoption of the Planned Action Ordinance the City has engaged in a number of capital projects in our Northeast Industrial Area that resulted in the expansion and improvement of our infrastructure and have the dual benefit of improving our road system and making the area more attractive for future economic development. These include: In 2019 we rebuilt Barker Road from Euclid Avenue to the southern limits of the Barker Grade Separation project including the extension of sewer service by Spokane County. In partnership with Centennial Properties, in 2020 we completed a project that began in 2019 that resulted in the construction of a new one-mile section of Garland Avenue that stretches from Flora to Barker. This new stretch of road made 150 additional acres of industrial property accessible to development. The City will be completing the remaining work to widen Barker Road at Euclid Avenue and installing the final segment of the shared use path on the east side of the roadway. Housing and Homeless Services Î The City investigated many options for increasing housing supply among all affordability levels over the past several years. Staff has engaged several affordable housing agencies and developers to locate suitable properties for these projects. This has been challenging since large (10+ acres) of undeveloped land is not readily available. The City is working on redevelopment ideas while also studying the possibility of annexing additional areas to provide room for this necessary growth. Target areas for potential redevelopment have also been identified and are being evaluated for investment with the remaining American Rescue Plan funds awarded in 2021. Homeless services remain a challenge as well. The City will be adopting its first Homeless Action Plan and has worked diligently with regional partners in evaluating the creation of a singular entity to manage and provide homeless services. In 2022, the City initiated outreach services for unsheltered individuals. While this has been successful, the City realizes that additional resources are needed to provide these individuals with connections to available services. In addition, new regional services are needed to better accommodate the individuals and families in need in our community. 10 The Budget for 2024 Strong but Guarded Recognizing that fiscal health is at the core of providing good public services, one of the most important tests of fiscal management is the ability of a municipal enterprise to maintain basic services during an economic downturn. The creation and ongoing maintenance of financial reserves since incorporation has served the intended purpose of providing Spokane Valley the means to sustain critical public services during turbulent economic conditions including those experienced during the Great Recession that began in 2008, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the turbulent economic times that we are currently experiencing. The 2024 Budget again reflects a prudent and guarded continuation of service delivery capabilities. We will in the future, as we have in the past, continue to remain vigilant in our observance of local, state and national events and economic trends that may impact our own community and work towards capitalizing on our strengths, minimizing our weaknesses, and being ever watchful towards both threats and opportunities. Balanced Budget Means exactly what it says Î recurring General Fund operating expenses and the programs they support have been balanced with known or reasonably predictable recurring revenues with a minimal increase in property tax and no increase in sales tax rates for the City. The budget is designed to maintain the healthy, positive fund balance at year-end which provide for the CityÓs cash flow needs without costly borrowing. In pursuit of fiscal responsibility, special attention is given to limiting the growth in new programs and financial commitments. This approach allows available resources to be put toward sustaining services consistent with the City CouncilÓs priorities for 2024 and beyond. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the Community, City Council and Staff for a long history of financially responsible spending and sensible fiscal planning. By saving and conserving the taxpayersÓ money and by adopting and adhering to prudent long-term fiscal policies, the City will continue to provide levels of service in 2024 on par with those weÓve provided in past years. The City Council continues to set a path to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the City. The management staff and employees have worked together to develop the 2024 Budget recommendations to achieve the CouncilÓs ongoing goal of sustainability. I hope the Citizens of Spokane Valley are proud of the programs and strong financial condition of their City. Respectfully, John Hohman City Manager 11 This page left intentionally blank. 12 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director 10210 E Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: (509) 720-5000 Fax: (509) 720-5075 www.spokanevalley.org TO: City Manager and Members of the City Council FROM: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director SUBJECT: About the 2024 Budget and Budget Development Process The budget includes the financial planning and legal authority to obligate public funds. Additionally, the budget provides significant policy direction by the City Council to the staff and community. As a result, the City Council, staff, and public are involved in establishing the budget for the City of Spokane Valley. The budget serves four functions: 1. It is a Policy Document The budget functions as a policy document in that the decisions made within the budget will reflect the general principles or plans that guide the actions taken for the future. As a policy document, the budget makes specific attempts to link desired goals and policy direction to the actual day-to- day activities of the City staff. 2. It is an Operational Guide The budget of the City reflects its operation. Activities of each City function and organization have been planned, debated, formalized, and described in the following sections. This process will help to maintain an understanding of the various operations of the City and how they relate to each other and to the attainment of the policy issues and goals of the City Council. 3. It is a Link with the General Public The budget provides a unique opportunity to allow and encourage public review of City operations. The budget describes the activities of the City, the reason or cause for those activities, future implications, and the direct relationship to the citizenry. 4. It is a Legally Required Financial Planning Tool The budget is a financial planning tool, which has been its most traditional use. In this light, preparing and adopting a budget is a State law requirement of all cities as stated in Title 35A of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). The budget must be adopted as a balanced budget and must be in place prior to the beginning of the CityÓs fiscal year. The budget is the legal authority to expend public monies and controls those expenditures by limiting the amount of the appropriation at the fund level. The revenues of the City are estimated, along with available cash carry-forward, to indicate funds available. The budget considers unforeseen contingencies and provides for the need for periodic adjustments. 2024 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Historically the City has utilized a budgeting approach that assumed for most functions of government that the current yearÓs budget was indicative of the base required for the following year. However, with the volatility that was seen in the economy with the Great Recession and again with the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent inflation, the City moved to a Budget development process that consciously reviews service levels in each department and determines the appropriate level of funding that meets Council goals relative to available resources. 13 At the end of March 2023, the Finance Department notified City Departments that their 2024 revenue and expenditure estimates were due by mid-May. Throughout the summer, the City ManagerÓs office and Finance Department worked to prepare budget worksheets that were communicated to the City Council at a Budget workshop held June 13, 2023. Following the workshop, the Finance Department continued work on the budget including refinements of revenue and expenditure estimates and through September, the Finance Department and City Manager reviewed updated budget projections. By the time the 2024 Budget is scheduled to be adopted on November 21, 2023, the Council will have had an opportunity to discuss it on eight separate occasions, including three public hearings to gather input from citizens: June 13 Council budget workshop August 29 Admin report: Estimated 2024 revenues and expenditures September 12 Public hearing #1 on 2024 revenues and expenditures October 3 City ManagerÓs presentation of preliminary 2024 Budget October 10 Public hearing #2 on 2024 Budget October 24 First reading on ordinance adopting the 2024 Budget November 21 Public hearing #3 on the 2024 Budget November 21 Second reading on ordinance adopting the 2024 Budget Once adopted, the final operating budget is published, distributed, and made available to the public. After the budget is adopted, the City enters a budget implementation and monitoring stage. Throughout the year, expenditures are monitored by the Finance Department and department directors to ensure that actual expenditures are in compliance with the approved budget. The Finance Department provides the City Manager and City Council with monthly reports to keep them abreast of the CityÓs financial condition and individual department compliance with approved appropriation levels. Any budget amendments made during the year are adopted by City Council ordinance following a public hearing. The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts within a fund; however, any revisions that alter the total expenditures of a fund, or that affect the number of authorized employee positions, salary ranges or other conditions of employment must be approved by the City Council. When the City Council determines that it is in the best interest of the City to increase or decrease the appropriation for a particular fund, it may do so by ordinance adopted by Council after holding one public hearing. BUDGET PRINCIPLES Department directors have primary responsibility for formulating budget proposals in line with City Council and City Manager priority direction, and for implementing them once they are approved. The Finance Department is responsible for coordinating the overall preparation and administration of the City's budget. This function is fulfilled in compliance with applicable State of Washington statutes governing local government budgeting practices. 14 The Finance Department assists department staff in identifying budget problems, formulating solutions and alternatives, and implementing any necessary corrective actions. Interfund charges will be based on recovery of costs associated with providing those services. Budget amendments requiring City Council approval will occur through the ordinance process at the fund level prior to fiscal year end. The City's budget presentation will be directed at displaying the City's services plan in a Council/constituent friendly format. No long-term debt will be incurred without identification of a revenue source to repay the debt. Long-term debt will be incurred for capital purposes only. The City will strive to maintain equipment replacement funds in an amount necessary to replace the equipment at the end of its useful life. Life cycle assumptions and required contributions will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. New operations in difficult economic times may make it difficult to fund this principle in some years. The City will pursue an ending general fund balance at a level of no less than 50% of recurring expenditures. This figure is based upon an evaluation of both cash flow and operating needs. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING AND BUDGETING Accounting Accounting records for the City are maintained in accordance with methods prescribed by the State Auditor under the authority of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapter 43.09.20, and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles as set forth by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Basis of Presentation - Fund Accounting The accounts of the City of Spokane Valley are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Each fund is accounted for with a separate set of double- entry accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. The City's resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds depending on their intended purpose. The following are the fund types used by the City of Spokane Valley: Governmental Fund Types Governmental funds are used to account for activities typically associated with state and local government operations. All governmental fund types are accounted for on a spending or "financial flows" measurement focus, which means that typically only current assets and current liabilities are included on related balance sheets. The operating statements of governmental funds measure changes in financial position, rather than net income. They present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. 15 There are four governmental fund types used by the City of Spokane Valley: 1. General Fund This fund is the primary fund of the City of Spokane Valley. It accounts for all financial resources except those required or elected to be accounted for in another fund. 2. Special Revenue Funds These funds account for revenues that are legally restricted or designated to finance particular activities of the City of Spokane Valley. Special Revenue funds include: #101 Î Street Fund #103 Î Paths & Trails Fund #104 Î Hotel / Motel Tax Î Tourism Facilities Fund #105 Î Hotel / Motel Tax Fund #106 Î Solid Waste Fund #107 Î PEG Fund #108 Î Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund #109 Î Tourism Promotion Area Fund #110 Î Homeless Housing Program Fund #120 Î CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund #121 Î Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund #122 Î Winter Weather Reserve Fund 3. Debt Service Funds These funds account for financial resources which are designated for the retirement of debt. Debt Service Funds are comprised of the #204 Î LTGO Debt Service Fund. 4. Capital Project Funds These funds account for financial resources, which are designated for the acquisition or construction of general government capital projects. Capital Project Funds include: #301 Î REET 1 Capital Projects Fund #302 Î REET 2 Capital Projects Fund #303 Î Streets Capital Projects Fund #309 Î Parks Capital Projects Fund #310 Î Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund #311 Î Pavement Preservation Fund #312 Î Capital Reserve Fund #314 Î Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund #315 Î Transportation Impact Fees Fund #316 Î Economic Development Capital Projects Fund Proprietary Fund Types A second type of fund classification is the proprietary funds that are used to account for activities similar to those found in the private sector where the intent of the governing body is to finance the full cost of providing services based on the commercial model which uses a flow of economic resources approach. Under this approach, the operating statements for the proprietary funds focus on a measurement of net income (revenues and expenses) and both current and non-current assets and liabilities are reported on related balance sheets. Their reported fund equity (total net position) is segregated into restricted, unrestricted, and invested in capital assets classifications. 16 As described below, there are two generic fund types in this category: 1. Enterprise Funds These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to the general public and are supported primarily by user charges. This type of fund includes: #402 Î Stormwater Management Fund #403 Î Aquifer Protection Area Fund 2. Internal Service Funds These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to other departments or funds of the City. This type of fund includes: #501 Î Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #502 Î Risk Management Fund Fiduciary Fund Types A third type of fund classification is the fiduciary funds that are used to account for activities conducted for the benefit of those outside the City. Fiduciary funds have the same measurement focus and basis of accounting as proprietary funds. Under this approach, the operating statements for the fiduciary funds focus on a measurement of net income (revenues and expenses) and both current and non-current assets and liabilities are reported on related balance sheets. Net position is always classified as restricted. The City uses one fund type in this category: 1. Custodial Funds These funds account for the fees and taxes collected by the City on behalf of other governments, such as Washington State and Spokane County. Custodial Funds are comprised of #632 Î Passthrough Fees and Taxes Fund. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized, recorded in the accounting system and ultimately reported in the financial statements. Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting is used for all governmental funds. Modified accrual recognizes revenues when they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. Accrual Basis of Accounting is used for enterprise, internal service, and fiduciary funds. Under this system revenues and expenses are recognized in the period incurred rather than when cash is either received or disbursed. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting Annual appropriation budgets are adopted for all funds with Governmental Funds utilizing a modified cash basis of accounting for budget purposes and Proprietary and Fiduciary Funds utilizing a working capital approach. Budgets are adopted at the fund level that constitutes the legal authority for expenditures, and annual appropriations for all funds lapse at the end of the fiscal period. 17 EXPLANATION OF MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES General Fund #001 Property Tax Property taxes play an essential role in the finances of the municipal budget. State law limits the City to a $3.60 levy per $1,000 assessed valuation, deducting from there the levy of up to $1.50 by the Spokane County Fire Districts #1 and #8, along with deducting up to $0.50 for the Library District, which leaves the City with the authority to levy up to $1.60 for its own purposes. The levy amount must be established by ordinance by November 30th prior to the levy year. Retail Sales and Use Tax The sales tax rate for retail sales transacted within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley is 8.9%. The tax that is paid by a purchaser at the point of sale is remitted by the vendor to the Washington Department of Revenue who then remits the taxes back to the various agencies that have imposed the tax. The allocation of the 8.9% tax rate to the agencies is as follows: State of Washington6.50% City of Spokane Valley0.85% Spokane County0.15% Criminal Justice0.10% Spokane Public Facilities District0.10%* Public Safety0.10%*2.30% local tax Juvenile Jail0.10%* Mental Health0.10%* Law Enforcement Communications0.10%* Spokane Transit Authority0.80%* 8.90% * Indicates voter approved sales taxes. Criminal Justice Sales Tax Local Sales Tax for Criminal Justice funding is to be used solely for criminal justice purposes, such as the CityÓs law enforcement contract. This tax is authorized at 1/10 of 1% of retail sales transacted in the County. Of the total amount collected, the State distributes 10% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the County and cities within the County. Public Safety Sales Tax Beginning in 2005, an additional 0.1% voter approved increase in sales tax was devoted to public safety purposes. This 0.1% was approved by the voters again in August 2009. Of the total amount collected, the State distributes 60% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the cities within the County. 18 Gambling Tax Gambling tax revenues must be spent primarily on law enforcement purposes pertaining to gambling. Funds remaining after necessary expenditures for such enforcement purposes may be used for any general government purpose. Gambling taxes are to be paid quarterly to the City, no later than the last day of January, April, July and October. The City imposes a tax on the following forms of gambling at the following rates: Bingo (5% gross, less prizes); Raffles (5% gross, less prizes); Punchboards and Pull tabs (5% gross, less prizes); Amusement Games (2% gross, less prizes); Card playing (6% gross). Leasehold Excise Tax Taxes on property owned by state or local governments and leased to private parties (CityÓs share). Franchise Fees Cable TV is the only franchise fee levied in the City at a rate of 5% of gross revenues. This is a fee levied on private utilities for the right to use city streets, alleys, and other public properties. State-Shared Revenues State-shared revenues are received from liquor sales, marijuana revenues, and motor vehicle excise taxes. These taxes are collected by the State of Washington and shared with local governments based on population. State-shared revenues are distributed on either a monthly or quarterly basis, although not all quarterly revenues are distributed in the same month of the quarter. The 2023 population figure used in the 2024 Budget is 107,400 as reported by the Office of Financial Management (OFM) for Washington State on April 1, 2023. This figure is important when determining distribution of State shared revenues on a per capita basis. Fines and Forfeitures / Public Safety Fines and penalties are collected as a result of Municipal Court rulings, false alarm fees, and other miscellaneous rule infractions. All court fines and penalties are shared with the State, with the City, on average, retaining less than 50% of the amount collected. Community Development Community Development revenues are largely composed of fees for building permits, plan reviews, and right-of-way permits. Recreation Program Fees The Parks and Recreation Department charges fees for selected recreation programs. These fees offset direct costs related to providing the program. CenterPlace Fees The Parks and Recreation Department charges fees for use of CenterPlace. Uses include regional meetings, weddings, receptions, and banquets. Rental rooms include classrooms, the great room and dining rooms. 19 Investment Interest The City earns investment interest on sales tax money held by the State of Washington prior to the distribution of the taxes to the City, as well as on City initiated investments. Street Fund #101 Motor Vehicle Fuel Excise Tax (gas tax) The State of Washington collects a $0.494 per gallon motor vehicle fuel tax at the pump. Of this amount, the State remits a portion of the tax back to cities on a per capita basis. For 2024 the Municipal Research and Services Center estimates the distribution back to cities will be $18.24 per person. Based upon a City of Spokane Valley population of 107,400 (per the Washington State Office of Financial Management on April 1, 2023) we anticipate the City will collect $1,958,900 in 2024. RCW 47.30.050 specifies that 0.42% of this tax must be expended for paths and trails activities and based upon the 2024 revenue estimate, this compute to $8,200. The balance of $1,950,700 will be credited to Fund #101 for street maintenance and operations. Telephone Utility Tax The City of Spokane Valley levied a 6% telephone utility tax via Ordinance #08-014 with collections beginning in 2009. Telephone companies providing this service pay the tax to the City monthly. Telephone tax has been estimated at $900,000 for 2024. Paths & Trails Fund #103 Cities are required to spend 0.42% of the motor vehicle fuel tax receipts on paths and trails (please see the explanation for Street Fund #101) which we anticipate will be $8,200 in 2024. Because the amount collected in any given year is relatively small, it is typical to accumulate State distributions for several years until adequate dollars are available for a project. Hotel / Motel Tax Î Tourism Facilities Fund #104 The City imposes a 1.3% tax under RCW 67.28.181 on all charges made for the furnishing of lodging at hotels, motels, and similar establishments (including bed and breakfasts and RV parks) for a continuous period of less than one month. The revenues generated by this tax may only be used for capital expenditures for acquiring, constructing, making improvements to or other related capital expenditures for large sporting venues, or venues for tourism-related facilities. This tax is estimated to generate $600,000 in 2024. Hotel / Motel Tax Fund #105 The City imposes a 2% tax under RCW 67.28.180 on all charges made for the furnishing of lodging at hotels, motels, and similar establishments (including bed and breakfasts and RV parks) for a continuous period of less than one month. The tax is taken as a credit against the 6.5% state sales tax, so that the total tax that a patron pays in retail sales tax and hotel/motel tax combined is equal to the retail sales tax in the jurisdiction. The revenues generated by this tax may be used solely for paying for tourism promotion and for the acquisition and/or operation of tourism-related facilities. This tax is estimated to generate $900,000 in 2024. Solid Waste Fund #106 Under the City's contract for solid waste transfer, transport and disposal services with Sunshine Recyclers, Inc., Sunshine pays an annual contract administrative fee of $125,000 to the City. Also, under the CityÓs contract for solid waste collection services with Waste Management of 20 Washington, Inc., Waste Management pays an administrative fee of 12.5% of gross receipts. This fee shall be used by the City for costs related to solid waste services, including costs for contract administration, solid waste planning and management, and for a portion of the CityÓs Street preservation and maintenance programs. Of the amounts collected under the fee, no more than 1% of gross receipts may be used for contract administration while the remainder is recorded in the Street Fund #101 for use on pavement management on local streets. PEG Fund #107 Under the City's cable franchise, the franchise grantee remits to the City in a capital contribution in support of Public Education Government (PEG) capital requirements, an amount equal to $0.35 per subscriber per month to be paid to the City on a quarterly basis for the life of the franchise. Capital contributions collected under this agreement are allocated to PEG capital uses exclusively. PEG capital uses include, in part, the set-up of equipment in the City Council Chambers that allows Spokane Valley to broadcast Council meetings both live and through subsequent reviews via digital recordings available on the City's website. Affordable and Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund #108 In the year 2020, the Council authorized the City to collect the affordable and supportive sales tax, which is a rebate of the State sales tax to cities and counties. The amount received by the City is up to 0.0146% of the taxable retail sales within the City capped at the 2019 fiscal year taxable retail sales. The department of Revenue has estimated this capped distribution to be $200,000 for the City. The City will receive these revenues for 20 years, and the revenues may only be used to support affordable housing within the City or for rental assistance as outlined in RCW 82.14.540. Tourism Promotion Area Fund #109 In the year 2022, a qualified lodging businesses (40 or more lodging units) within the City of Spokane Valley submitted a petition to form a tourism promotion area (TPA). The Council adopted resolution 22-017 to establish and operate pursuant to chapter 35.101 RCW, a Tourism Promotion Area fund. The City estimates that the annual revenue from the lodging charges collected from the operators of lodging businesses within the Spokane Valley TPA is expected to be $1,200,000. This estimated amount is based on a daily lodging charge of $4.00 and will vary from year-to-year depending upon fluctuating occupancy rates of lodging businesses in the Spokane Valley TPA and based upon program review. Homeless Housing Program Fund #110 In 2023 Council passed Resolution #23-009 to declare Council's intent to operate a local homeless and housing program and assume collection of available document recording fees for this purpose. As part of operating a homeless and housing program, the City first needed to form a Homeless Housing Task Force and adopt a five-year homeless housing action plan that identifies how the City will work to eliminate homelessness consistent with the State's adopted strategic plan. Document recording fees are collected by Spokane County and passed through to the City based on the City's proportionate share of real estate excise tax (REET) collected on a monthly basis. LTGO Debt Service Fund #204 This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds also referred to as councilmanic or non-voted bonds. When LTGO bonds are issued, the City irrevocably pledges the full faith, credit and resources necessary to make timely payments of principal and interest, within constitutional and statutory limitations pertaining to non-voted general obligations. 21 In 2003 the City issued $9,430,000 in limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds the proceeds of which were used to finance both the construction of CenterPlace and road and street improvements surrounding the facility. In 2014 the City refunded the LTGO bonds in order to take advantage of lower interest rates which resulted in a reduction in subsequent annual bond repayment (much like refinancing a home mortgage). At the completion of the bond refunding there remained $7,035,000 of LTGO bonds. Of this total: $5,650,000 remained on the original debt used towards the construction of CenterPlace. These bonds will be paid off in annual installments over the 20-year period ending December 1, 2033. Annual debt service payments on these bonds are provided by the Spokane Public Facilities District. At January 1, 2024, the outstanding balance on this portion of the bond issue will be $3,040,000. $1,385,000 remained on the original debt used towards the road and street improvements. These bonds matured in December 2023, and so the outstanding balance on this portion of the bond issue at January 1, 2024, is $0. In 2016 the City issued $7,275,000 in LTGO bonds, the proceeds of which were used to finance the construction of a new City Hall along with $6.3 million of City cash that had been set aside for this purpose. These bonds will be paid off in annual installments over the 30-year period ending December 1, 2045. Annual debt service payments on these bonds are provided by transfers in from the General Fund. At January 1, 2024, the outstanding balance on the bond issue will be $6,045,000. REET 1 Capital Projects Fund #301 Under Washington State Law, RCW 82.46.010, the City is allowed to impose an excise tax on each sale of real property at the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. The revenue generated is used for financing capital projects as specified in the capital facilities plan under the Growth Management Act. REET 2 Capital Projects Fund #302 Under Washington State Law, RCW 82.46.010, the City is allowed to impose an additional excise tax on each sale of real property at the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. The revenue generated is used for financing public works capital projects as specified in the capital facilities plan under the Growth Management Act. Stormwater Management Fund #402 A stormwater fee is imposed upon every developed parcel within the City, which is an annual charge of $58 for each single-family unit and $58 per 3,160 square feet of impervious surface for all other properties. These charges are uniform for the same class of customers and service facilities. These fees are estimated to generate $5,600,000 in 2024. Aquifer Protection Area (APA) Fund #403 These are voter approved fees, the proceeds of which are applied to aquifer protection related capital construction projects. Fees are collected by Spokane County and remitted to the City twice each year. These fees are estimated to generate $500,000 in 2024. Fees include: An annual fee of $15 per household for the withdrawal of water from properties within the APA. An annual fee of $15 per household for on-site sewage disposal by properties within the APA. For commercial properties an annual fee ranging from $15 to $960 depending upon water meter size. 22 Interfund Transfers Many funds receive a portion of their revenues from other funds in the form of an interfund transfer. These transfers typically represent payments for either services rendered by one fund for another or a concentration of revenues for a specific project or purpose. The following interfund transfers are planned for 2024: Out: 001105301302312Total In 001030,00000030,000 1014,592,92300004,592,923 204398,9500000398,950 30300897,312440,43701,337,749 309160,000000220,000380,000 In: 3111,021,90001,170,3501,170,35003,362,600 31400801182,500806,792990,093 50186,500000086,500 502700,0000000700,000 11,878,815Total in Total Out6,960,27330,0002,068,4631,793,2871,026,79211,878,815Total out 0 #001 Î General Fund is budgeted to transfer out $6,960,273 including: $4,592,923 to Fund #101 Î Street Fund as coverage of the estimated deficit in recurring activity for the 2024 Budget. $398,950 to Fund #204 Î LTGO Debt Service Fund for bond payments on the 2016 LTGO Bonds for the City Hall construction. $160,000 to Fund #309 Î Park Capital Projects Fund for park related projects. $1,021,900 to Fund #311 Î Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation projects. $86,500 to Fund #501 Î Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund for an IT equipment reserve. $700,000 to Fund #502 Î Risk Management Fund for the 2024 property and liability insurance premium. #105 Î Hotel / Motel Tax Fund is budgeted to transfer $30,000 to Fund #001 Î General Fund for the purpose of financing advertising at CenterPlace. #301 Î REET 1 Capital Projects Fund is budgeted to transfer out $2,068,463 including: $897,312 to Fund #303 Î Street Capital Projects Fund that will be applied towards grant matches for street construction projects. $1,170,350 to Fund #311 Î Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation projects. $801 to Fund #314 Î Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund for the Pines Road Underpass project. #302 Î REET 2 Capital Projects Fund is budgeted to transfer out $1,793,287 including: $440,437 to Fund #303 Î Street Capital Projects Fund that will be applied towards grant matches for street construction projects. 23 $1,170,350 to Fund #311 Î Pavement Preservation Fund for pavement preservation projects. $182,500 to Fund #314 Î Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund for the Sullivan Road Interchange project. #312 Î Capital Reserve Fund is budgeted to transfer out $1,026,792 including: $220,000 to Fund #309 Î Parks Capital Projects Fund that will be applied towards Balfour Park construction and Greenacres Park Phase 2. $806,792 to Fund #314 Î Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund that will be applied to grade separation projects at Barker, Pines, and Sullivan Roads. SIGNIFICANT ASSUMPTIONS IN THE 2024 BUDGET Budget Summary for All Funds Based upon funding levels anticipated in the 2024 budget, City staff will strive to maintain adequate levels of service. Appropriations for all City Funds will total $106.4 million including $19.4 million in capital expenditures, comprised in-part of: o $224 thousand in Fund #001 Î General Fund. o $225 thousand in Fund #101 Î Street Fund. o $8.9 million in Fund #303 Î Street Capital Projects. o $220 thousand in Fund #309 Î Park Capital Projects. o $3.5 million in Fund #311 Î Pavement Preservation Projects. o $3.2 million in Fund #314 Î Railroad Grade Separation Projects. o $1.5 million in Fund #402 Î Stormwater Management Projects. o $1.0 million in Fund #403 Î Aquifer Protection Area Projects. o $690 thousand in Fund #501 Î Equipment Rental and Replacement. To partially offset the $19.4 million in capital costs, we anticipate $9.5 million in grant revenues which results in about 49% of capital expenditures being covered with State and Federal money. Budgets will be adopted across 29 separate funds. The full-time equivalent employee (FTE) count will increase in 2024 by 4 to 116.25 from 112.25. The increase for 2024 are the remaining 2 of 7 Stormwater positions that were approved by Council when authorizing an increase in the Stormwater program to a proactive level of service and 2 Parks & Recreation position authorized at the August 8, 2023 meeting. The 2024 Budget reflects the tenth consecutive year the City will set aside City monies in an amount equivalent to 6% of General Fund recurring expenditures for pavement preservation in Fund #311 Î Pavement Preservation. This 6% equals $3,362,600. Positions and salary ranges are based on the CityÓs compensation and classification plan. Payroll tax and benefit amounts are based on staff benefit plans. Contract costs for public safety, park maintenance, aquatics and street maintenance are based on estimates by City staff. The City sets money aside in Fund #501 Î Equipment Rental and Replacement for the eventual replacement of its vehicles as well as a reserve to replace equipment in the kitchen at CenterPlace and major IT equipment. 2024 General Fund Revenues Total recurring 2024 revenues are estimated at $62,316,100 as compared to $56,418,900 in 2023, which is an increase of $5,897,200 or 10.45%. The two largest sources of revenue continue to be Sales Tax and Property Tax which are collectively estimated to account for 83.37% of 2024 General Fund recurring revenues. 24 The 2024 general sales tax estimate (excluding criminal justice and public safety sales taxes) is currently estimated at $33,709,600 which reflects an increase of $3,154,600 million or 10.32% over the 2023 estimate. The Property Tax levy does not include the potential annual increase allowed by State law. o The 2024 levy is estimated at $13,824,900. o The levy assumes we start with the 2023 levy of $13,524,900, forgo the potential annual increase allowed by State law, and finally add taxes related to new construction which we estimate to be $300,000. Franchise fees and business registrations are primarily based on projected receipts in 2023. State shared revenues are based upon a combination of historical collections including 2023 collections through July, and per capita distribution figures reported by the Municipal Research and Services Center. Fines and forfeitures are estimated by Spokane Valley and based on historical collections. Building permit and land use fees are estimated by Spokane Valley and based on historic collections. 2024 General Fund Expenditures Total 2024 recurring expenditures are budgeted at $57,976,579 as compared to $53,685,640 in 2023. This is an increase of $4,290,939 or 7.99%. The City commitment of 6% of recurring General Fund expenditures to pavement preservation equals $3,362,600 and is computed by multiplying total recurring expenditures prior to adding the pavement preservation element ($3,362,600 / $56,954,679 = 6%). The $3,362,600 that is transferred to Pavement Preservation Fund #311 is comprised of the following: o $1,021,900 from General Fund #001 o $1,170,350 from REET 1 Capital Projects Fund #301 o $1,170,350 from REET 2 Capital Projects Fund #302 2024 Nonrecurring expenditures total $5,372,423 and include: o $152,500 for Information Technology expenditures including: $15,000 to replace outdated copiers $50,000 for server upgrades $60,000 for network core hardware replacement $27,500 for software upgrades o $36,000 Public Safety UTV o $416,000 for Facilities expenditures including: o $155,000 for Precinct repairs & improvements o $241,000 for CenterPlace repairs & improvements o $20,000 for Electric man-lift o $150,000 for replacement of banquet chairs at CenterPlace o $25,000 for Motorized shades for Great Room at CenterPlace o $4,592,923 transfer out to the Street O&M Fund #101 to cover the deficit in recurring expenditures exceeding recurring revenues in that fund General Fund Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Fund Balance 2024 recurring revenues are anticipated to exceed recurring expenditures by $4,339,521. Total 2024 expenditures are anticipated to exceed total revenues by $707,902. The total unrestricted General Fund ending fund balance is anticipated to be $41,432,509 at the end of 2024 which is 71.46% of total recurring expenditures of $57,976,579. Our goal is to maintain an ending fund balance of at least 50.0%. 25 Highlights of Other Funds Revenues Motor vehicle fuel tax (MVFT) revenue that is collected by the State and remitted to the City is estimated to be $1,958,900 according to per capita estimates provided by the Municipal Research and Services Center. Of this amount, $1,950,700 will be credited to the Street O&M Fund #101 and 0.42% or $8,200 to the Paths and Trails Fund #103. Telephone taxes that are remitted to the City and support Street Fund operations and maintenance are anticipated to be $900,000. Real estate excise tax (REET) revenue is computed by the City and is primarily used to match grant funded street projects as well as pay a portion of the annual payment on the 2014 general obligation bonds. In 2024 we estimate these revenues to be $1,500,000 per each ¼% for a total of $3,000,000. Hotel/Motel tax revenues are computed by the City and are dedicated to the promotion of visitors and tourism. In 2024 we estimate the tax will generate $1,500,000, which includes $900,000 in Fund #105 Hotel / Motel Tax Fund from the 2% tax and $600,000 in Fund #104 Hotel / Motel Tax Î Tourism Facilities Fund from the 1.3% tax. The City began receiving the affordable and supportive housing sales tax in 2020 and will receive these revenues as rebate of the StateÓs sales taxes for 20 years. The amount received by the City is capped at 0.0146% of the taxable retail sales within the City for fiscal year 2019, and the revenues may only be used to support affordable housing or rental assistance within the City as outlined in RCW 82.14.540. These revenues are estimated at $200,000 in 2024 in the Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund #108. The Stormwater Management Fee is based on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) that is equal to 3,160 square feet of impervious surface that is billed at a rate of $58 per single family residence and $58 per ERU for commercial properties (an ERU for a commercial property is computed as total square feet of impervious surface divided by 3,160). In 2024 we estimate this fee will generate $5,600,000. The Aquifer Protection Area Fund is expected to generate $500,000 in fees that are collected on the CityÓs behalf by Spokane County and remitted in two installments during the year. Grant revenues that will be applied to a variety of construction projects are estimated at $9,507,426 in 2024. By fund we anticipate grant revenues as follows: o Fund #001 Î General Fund - $445,000 o Fund #303 Î Street Capital Projects - $6,949,896 o Fund #314 Î Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund - $2,112,530 Expenditures Fund #101 Î Street Fund appropriations include: o $9,373,274 for maintenance of City streets, including $1,699,464 in snow operations, $1,579,560 for the local street program, and $1,025,000 in intergovernmental payments for services. Fund #105 Î Hotel/Motel Tax Fund appropriations include: o $1,252,200 for tourism promotion activities. Fund #106 Î Solid Waste Fund appropriations include: o $290,000 for Education/Contract Administration. Fund #109 Î Tourism Promotion Area Fund appropriations include: o $1,200,000 for Professional Services. 26 Fund #301 Î REET 1 Capital Projects Fund includes a $2,068,463 appropriation to cover: o a $897,312 transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund #303 to partially offset the cost of street construction / reconstruction projects. o a $1,170,350 transfer to Pavement Preservation Fund #311 for pavement preservation projects. o a $801 transfer to the Railroad Grade Separation Project Fund #314 for the Pines Road Underpass project. Fund #302 Î REET 2 Capital Projects Fund includes a $1,793,287 appropriation to cover: o a $440,437 transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund #303 to partially offset the cost of street construction / reconstruction projects. o a $1,170,350 transfer to Pavement Preservation Fund #311 for pavement preservation projects o a $182,500 transfer to the Railroad Grade Separation Project Fund #314 for the Barker , Pines, and Sullivan Road projects. Fund #303 Î Street Capital Projects Fund includes an appropriation of $8,875,775 for a variety of street construction projects. Fund #309 Î Parks Capital Projects includes a $220,000 appropriation to cover Balfour Park and Greenacres Parks improvements. Fund #311 Î Pavement Preservation includes $3,500,000 of pavement preservation projects that will be financed through transfers from other City funds as outlined above under the heading of General Fund Recurring Expenditures. Fund #312 Î Capital Reserve includes $220,000 in transfers to Fund #309 Î Parks Capital Projects that will be applied toward Balfour Park improvements and Greenacres Park construction, as well as $806,792 in transfers to Fund #314 Î Grade Separation Projects for Barker, Pines, and Sullivan Roads. Fund #314 Î Railroad Grade Separation Projects includes appropriations in the amount of $3,152,622 towards the Barker Road Grade Separation project, the Pines Road Grade Separation project, and the Sullivan Road Interchange project. Fund #402 Î Stormwater Fund includes $1,650,000 for nonrecurring expenditures including in part: o $1,500,000 for various capital projects o $150,000 for the studies related to the CityÓs Stormwater permit and the watershed Fund #403 Î Aquifer Protection Area Fund includes a $1,000,000 appropriation to various capital projects. 27 This page left intentionally blank. 28 City Overview 29 CityÓs Foundation The foundation of Spokane Valley is based on the CityÓs primary objective to be a city which is responsive, focused on customer service, open to the public, progressive, efficient, lean and fair while providing a high quality of life. Citizen involvement along with guidance from the City Council established the CityÓs vision, core beliefs and customer service standards. These foundations influence the development of the City Council Goals for each year as well as the goals of the individual departments. Spokane ValleyÓs Vision Statement: ÐA community where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper.Ñ Core Beliefs Supporting this vision are the core beliefs of Spokane Valley which were established through the December 2007 adoption of Resolution 07-019 which in part reads: - We believe Spokane Valley should be a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to look to the future beyond the present generation and to bring such ideas to public discussion and to enhance a sense of community identity. - We believe that elected body decision-making is the only lawful and effective way to conduct the publicÓs legislative business and that careful observance of a clear set of Governance Coordination Rules of Procedure can best enhance public participation and decision-making. - We believe in the City Council as policy leaders of the City. One or more City Councilmembers are encouraged to take the lead, where practical, in sponsoring Ordinances or Resolutions excepting quasi-judicial or other public hearings and the statutory duties of the City Manager as set forth in RCW 35A.13.020. - We believe in hearing the public view. We affirm that members of the public should be encouraged to speak and be heard through reasonable rules of procedure when the public business is being considered, thus giving elected officials the broadest perspectives from which to make decisions. - We believe that the City of Spokane ValleyÓs governance should be known as Ðuser friendly,Ñ and that governance practices and general operations should consider how citizens will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. - We believe that the economic and commercial job base of the community should be preserved and encouraged to grow as an alternative to increasing property taxes. We believe itÓs imperative to have an expanded and diverse economic base. - We believe that Councilmembers set the tone for civic discussion and should set an example by: a) Setting high standards of decorum and civility. b) Encouraging open and productive conversation amongst themselves and with the community about legislative matters. c) Demonstrating respect for divergent points of view expressed by citizens, fellow Councilmembers, and the staff. d) Honoring each other and the public by debating issues within City Hall and the community without casting aspersions on members of Council, the staff, or the public. 30 e) Accepting the principle of majority rule and working to advance the success of ÐcorporateÑ decisions. - We solicit the City ManagerÓs support in conducting the affairs of the City with due regard for: a) Promoting mutual respect between the citizens, City staff and the City Council by creating the organizational teamwork necessary for effective, responsive and open government. b) Providing the City Council and public reasonable advance notice when issues are to be brought forward for discussion. c) Establishing and maintaining a formal citywide customer service program with emphasis on timely response, a user-friendly atmosphere and an attitude of facilitation and accommodation within the bounds of responsibility, integrity and financial capability of the City, including organizational and job description documents while pursuing Ðbest practicesÑ in customer service. d) Seeking creative ways to contain or impede the rising cost of governmental services, including examination of private sector alternatives in lieu of governmentally-provided services. e) Providing a database of future projects and dreams for the new City of Spokane Valley so that good ideas from its citizens and leaders are not lost and the status of projects can be readily determined.Ñ Customer Service Standards The commitment to provide excellent customer service for our citizens, businesses and visitors resulted in the development of customer service standards. The CityÓs goal is to deliver service that is complete, consistent and equitable to all our customers, and is based on the principles of integrity, respect and responsiveness. Regardless of the reason for, the method, or frequency of contact, our customers will be treated with courtesy, respect and professionalism. Customer Service Standards are divided into three categories: - Be Respectful o Demonstrating courtesy and professionalism o Listening effectively o Responding in a timely manner o Exemplifying a no-surprise atmosphere - Be Knowledgeable o Fostering a team-oriented approach o Providing alternatives o Anticipating questions o Having and/or knowing your resources o Being organized - Be Welcoming o Acknowledging customers when they enter o Steering customers in the right direction o Promoting an enjoyable work environment o Maintaining a clean and uncluttered work environment o Treating people as individuals 31 Financial Projection This budget document is the tool we use to guide the City forward to accomplish the CouncilÓs goals, while remaining squarely within the current budget and forecasted projections. Over time, this provides the City with a good indicator of the progress the City is making to provide high quality services in a cost-effective way, while remaining within budget and the forecasted projections. Based on the Financial Projection, department budgets have been thoroughly reviewed to keep 2024 expenditures in line with projected revenues. The City views the changes in economy as an opportunity to reevaluate goals and strategies to meet the challenges set before us. As an open collaborative government, we continue to encourage our citizens to provide the necessary feedback we need as we endeavor to plan our CityÓs future together. The Financial Forecast is limited to five years. The reason for this discrepancy is that it becomes increasingly difficult to forecast economic indicators beyond a five-year horizon. It is important to note the Financial Projection is an imperfect tool and this is precisely why it is updated on an ongoing basis. The following General Fund financial projection is being created following a period of relatively robust tax collections that have continued due to economic stimulus provided during the COVID- 19 pandemic as well as high inflation. The high levels of inflation have kept sales tax collections at high levels while also increasing City costs. It is possible that continued inflation may change consumer spending habits in a way that will negatively affect sales tax collections in the future, which may change the outlook shown in the projection in the future. 32 Table 1.1, page 1 10/24/2023 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA General Fund Budget Projection 2024 Adopted2025202620272028 BudgetProjectionProjectionProjectionProjection RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax13,824,90014,124,90014,424,90014,724,90015,024,900 1 Sales Tax 2 33,709,60034,046,70034,727,60035,769,40036,842,500 Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,600,8001,616,8001,649,1001,698,6001,749,600 3 Sales Tax - Criminal Justice 4 2,818,5002,846,7002,903,6002,990,7003,080,400 Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax485,000499,600514,600530,000545,900 5 Franchise Fees/Business Registration 6 1,370,0001,411,1001,453,4001,497,0001,541,900 State Shared Revenues2,469,4002,543,5002,619,8002,698,4002,779,400 7 Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety 8 500,600505,600510,700515,800521,000 Community and Public Works3,481,9003,586,4003,694,0003,804,8003,918,900 9 Recreation Program Revenues 10 607,200625,400644,200663,500683,400 Grant Proceeds120,000120,000120,000120,000120,000 11 Miscellaneous Department Revenue 12 87,00087,90088,30089,20090,100 Miscellaneous & Investment Interest1,211,2001,211,2001,211,2001,211,2001,211,200 13 Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax-CP advertising)14 30,00030,00030,00030,00030,000 Total Recurring Revenues62,316,10063,255,80064,591,40066,343,50068,139,200 Expenditures City Council 15 721,407743,000765,300788,300811,900 City Manager 16 863,883889,800916,500944,000972,300 City Attorney 17 932,980961,000989,8001,019,5001,050,100 City Services 18 1,301,7251,340,8001,381,0001,422,4001,465,100 Public Safety 19 35,251,24836,308,80037,398,10038,520,00039,675,600 Deputy City Manager 20 595,023612,900631,300650,200669,700 Finance 21 1,422,4581,465,1001,509,1001,554,4001,601,000 Human Resources 22 380,533391,900403,700415,800428,300 Information Technology 23 446,178459,600473,400487,600502,200 Facilities 24 1,313,6851,353,1001,393,7001,435,5001,478,600 Community & Public Works - Administration 25 400,427412,400424,800437,500450,600 Community & Public Works - Engineering 26 2,015,4302,075,9002,138,2002,202,3002,268,400 Community & Public Works - Building 27 2,240,9562,308,2002,377,4002,448,7002,522,200 Economic Development 28 1,189,8061,225,5001,262,3001,300,2001,339,200 Planning 29 1,081,0901,113,5001,146,9001,181,3001,216,700 Parks & Rec - Administration 30 720,793399,350401,250401,450401,500 Parks & Rec - Maintenance 31 1,398,5831,440,5001,483,7001,528,2001,574,000 Parks & Rec - Recreation 32 346,310356,700367,400378,400389,800 Parks & Rec - Aquatics 33 569,200401,400401,150398,950401,550 Parks & Rec - Senior Center 34 33,99434,00034,00034,00034,000 Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 35 675,980682,700689,500696,400703,400 General Government 36 1,707,5401,758,8001,758,8001,758,8001,758,800 398,950401,550398,750397,750401,600 Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service)37 Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects)38 160,000160,000160,000160,000160,000 Transfers out - #311 1,021,9001,032,1001,042,4001,052,8001,063,300 (pavement preservation)39 Transfers out - #501(IT equip reserve)40 86,50086,50086,50086,50086,500 Transfers out - #502 700,000721,000742,600764,900787,800 (insurance premium)41 Total Recurring Expenditures57,976,57959,136,10060,777,55062,465,85064,214,150 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures4,339,5214,119,7003,813,8503,877,6503,925,050 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds325,0000000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues325,0000000 Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements152,5000000 Public Safety (UTV)36,0000000 Facilities (Precinct repairs & improvements)155,0000000 Facilities (electric man-lift)20,0000000 Facilities (CenterPlace repairs & improvements)241,0000000 Parks & Rec (replace banquet chairs at CP)150,0000000 Parks & Rec (motorized shades for Great Room)25,000 Transfers out - #101 (Street Fund operations)4,592,9230000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures5,372,4230000 Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(5,047,423)0000 EXCESS (DEFICIT) OF TOTAL REVENUES OVER (UNDER) TOTAL EXPENDITURES(707,902)4,119,7003,813,8503,877,6503,925,050 ESTIMATED BEGINNING UNRESTRICTEDFUND BAL.42,140,41141,432,50945,552,20949,366,05953,243,709 ESTIMATED ENDING UNRESTRICTED FUND BAL.41,432,50945,552,20949,366,05953,243,70957,168,759 Ending fund balance as a % or recurring expenditures71.46%77.03%81.22%85.24%89.03% 33 Table 1.1, page 2 Projection Assumptions 2025202620272028 ProjectionProjectionProjectionProjection Projection assumes: 1 An increase of0.00%plus new construction of $300,000per year through 2028 2 An increase of 1.00%in 2025,2.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 3 An increase of 1.00%in 2025,2.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 4 An increase of 1.00%in 2025,2.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 5 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 6 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 7 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 8 An increase of 1.00%in 2025,1.00%in 2026,1.00%in 2027, and1.00%in 2028 9 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 10 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 11 An increase of 0.00%in 2025,0.00%in 2026,0.00%in 2027, and0.00%in 2028 12 An increase of 1.00%in 2025,0.50%in 2026,1.00%in 2027, and1.00%in 2028 13 An increase of 0.00%in 2025,0.00%in 2026,0.00%in 2027, and0.00%in 2028 14 An increase of 0.00%in 2025,0.00%in 2026,0.00%in 2027, and0.00%in 2028 15 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 16 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 17 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 18 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 19 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 20 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 21 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 22 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 23 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 24 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 25 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 26 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 27 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 28 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 29 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 30 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 31 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 32 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 33 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,-0.06%in 2026,-0.55%in 2027, and0.65%in 2028 34 An increase of 0.00%in 2025,0.00%in 2026,0.00%in 2027, and0.00%in 2028 35 An increase of 1.00%in 2025,1.00%in 2026,1.00%in 2027, and1.00%in 2028 36 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,0.00%in 2026,0.00%in 2027, and0.00%in 2028 37 An increase of 0.65%in 2025,-0.70%in 2026,-0.25%in 2027, and0.97%in 2028 38 An increase of 0.00%in 2025,0.00%in 2026,0.00%in 2027, and0.00%in 2028 39 An increase of 1.00%in 2025,1.00%in 2026,1.00%in 2027, and1.00%in 2028 40 An increase of 0.00%in 2025,0.00%in 2026,0.00%in 2027, and0.00%in 2028 41 An increase of 3.00%in 2025,3.00%in 2026,3.00%in 2027, and3.00%in 2028 Table 1.1 Financial Forecast and Program Impact Summary The General Fund forecast for the years 2025 through 2028 uses the adopted 2024 Budget as a beginning point and currently assumes levels of service that are identical to those provided by the City in 2024. Rather than a hard and fast prediction of the City's future finances, this is a planning tool that allows us to determine how best to match existing and proposed programs and levels of service with anticipated financial resources and make adjustments if necessary. 34 It is noteworthy that the Estimated Beginning Unrestricted Fund Balance figure listed in 2024 is as of October 9, 2023, and is based upon preliminary and unaudited figures. As we progress through the process of "closing the 2023 books" we anticipate this figure will change due to the fact we will continue to record both 2023 revenues and expenses as we become aware of them. Table 1.2 Primary General Fund Revenue Sources *The figures for 2023 and 2024 reflect adopted budget estimates. External Input As representatives of the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley, the City Council strives to form policy that fairly represents all segments of our community, including residents, businesses and those visiting our City. To maintain balance in serving the different needs that exist in the City of Spokane Valley, it is necessary to receive feedback from customers and constituents. Previously, the City has utilized citizen surveys to obtain feedback on various contract services including solid waste, the cable franchising process, and the pavement management program. Community meetings are used to keep citizens informed on a variety of projects including planning discussions, capital projects, and the annual budget development process to name a few. The City Council also provides for two separate general public comment periods during Formal Council meetings which are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month and allows public comment on all action items. City staff recognizes the importance of citizen concerns and the role citizens play in the health of our City. THE SV Express System allows citizens to share their concerns and report issues affecting the City. Staff are then able to respond in a timely manner and have a conversation with the citizen to work to resolve the reported concern. The public can also choose to take a more active role in participation through public forums such as public hearings and open house functions as well as through service on advisory committees. In the future, focus groups may be utilized to allow for more focused feedback on a particular subject so Council and staff can get a better feel for how a particular subject is received in the community, thereby allowing citizens to play active roles in guiding the way services are delivered. 35 Internal Input The City of Spokane Valley City staff is comprised of knowledgeable professionals who provide Council with specialized knowledge to assist them in making informed decisions. From demand analysis, which determines when the workload is heaviest and how to best accommodate it, to staff reports that consider alternative methods of service delivery or other cost-saving measures, employees are invaluable in providing reports that present complex information in a manner that makes it understandable and approachable. In addition, performance measure results are analyzed, summarizing multi-year performances linked to targets and making comparisons to other entities. Employees are often the information conduit from the citizens to the Council, relaying resident concerns and/or changing trends. Staff often bring forward innovative ways of providing efficient service delivery. Strategic planning through several long-range plans allows staff to look at current trends in order to make future forecasts and continually update plans as necessary. While much public input goes into these documents, the forecasting and planning is done by skilled staffers who strive to create innovative ways of achieving our future vision while meeting current needs, complying with the law, and operating within financial constraints. These plans include the Comprehensive Plan, Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Five-Year Financial Forecast, CenterPlace Marketing Plan, Parks Master Plan, Streets Master Plan (Pavement Management Program) and the Business Plan. 36 Department Descriptions 37 The City of Spokane Valley incorporated March 31, 2003, as a non-charter code city and operates under a Council-Manager form of government. It is governed under the optional municipal code of RCW Chapter 35A. Under this form of City government, legislative authority is concentrated in the elected City Council, which hires a professional administrator to implement its policies. Council There are seven positions on the City Council, all of which are at-large positions. At-large means all Councilmembers represent all the citizens of the Mission City versus each Councilmember representing a specified area within the City. Councilmembers are generally elected to four-year terms, with elections held every two years. For continuity, position terms are staggered by two years so To be responsive, that all positions are not open for election at the same time. focused on customer service, open to the Pursuant to RCW 35A.13.030, biennially the members choose a chair of the Council who receives the title of Mayor. The Mayor presides over all meetings public, progressive, and is recognized as the head of the City for ceremonial purposes. efficient, lean, fair and committed to In addition to the position of Mayor, pursuant to RCW 35A.13.035, a Mayor providing a high pro tempore or Deputy Mayor is chosen by the Council. This position runs in concert with the position of Mayor and fulfills the duties of the Mayor during quality of life. any absence or disability of the Mayor. Mayor Pam Haley Deputy Mayor Rod Higgins Position 5 Position 1 Brandi Peetz Arne Woodard Ben Wick Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Tim Hattenburg Laura Padden Position 6 Position 7 38 The City Manager Department is accountable to the City Council for the operation of the organization, effective support of elected officials in achieving their goals, fulfillment of the statutory requirements of City the City Manager, implementation of City Council policies and the provision of a communication linkage among citizens, the City Council, Manager City departments and other government agencies. The City Manager Department includes the City Clerk. Additionally, Mission the Human Resources, City Services, Community and Public Works, and Economic Development departments are included in the City ağƓğŭĻƩ͸ƭ ƚǝĻƩƭźŭŷƷ͵ ŷĻƭĻ ķĻƦğƩƷƒĻƓƷƭ ǞƚƩƉ ķźƩĻĭƷƌǤ ǞźƷŷ ğƌƌ ƚƷŷĻƩ To provide the City Council departments and have their own mission statements and goals. and employees with professional leadership, !ƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ /ŷźĻŅ 9ǣĻĭǒƷźǝĻ hŅŅźĭĻƩͲ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ ağƓğŭĻƩ ŷğƭ ƚǝĻƩğƌƌ responsibility for policy development, program planning, fiscal sage advice and to work management, administration, and operation of all City functions, together to implement best programs and activities. The City ağƓğŭĻƩ͸ƭ ğķƒźƓźƭƷƩğƷźǝĻ ķźƩĻĭƷźƚƓ is provided by the City Council. The City Manager assesses community practices to achieve and citizen needs to ensure objectives and priorities are focused to adopted goals and deliver meet those needs in an effective, cost-efficient manner; directs quality services to the development and implementation of initiatives for service quality źƒƦƩƚǝĻƒĻƓƷͳ ƦƩƚǝźķĻƭ ķğźƌǤ ƌĻğķĻƩƭŷźƦ ğƓķ ǞƚƩƉƭ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ community. management team to ensure a high-performance, service-oriented work environment consistent with sound management principles. All City employees report directly or indirectly to the City Manager. Police services are contracted througŷ ƷŷĻ {ƦƚƉğƓĻ /ƚǒƓƷǤ {ŷĻƩźŅŅ͸ƭ Department with the Spokane Valley Police Chief reporting to the City Manager. Essential Services: 5źƩĻĭƷƭ ƷŷĻ źƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ /ƚǒƓĭźƌ͸ƭ ğƓƓǒğƌ ŭƚğƌƭ͵ Develops and directs the implementation of policies, procedures and work standards for the City. Prepares and recommends long-range plans for City services and programs. Monitors status of contracts. Develops and recommends adoption of the annual budget. Coordinates the preparation of reports or presentations to the City Council or outside agencies. Develops specific proposals for action on current and future City needs. Acts as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the City. Monitors staff performance on qualitative and quantitative measures. Participates with local, regional, state and national jurisdictions Ʒƚ ƩĻƦƩĻƭĻƓƷ {ƦƚƉğƓĻ ğƌƌĻǤ͸ƭ źƓƷĻƩĻƭƷƭͳ ğƓķ Maintains good working relationships with community constituents. 39 City Clerk ŷĻ /źƷǤ /ƌĻƩƉ͸ƭ hŅŅźĭĻͲ Ǟŷźĭŷ ĭƚƓƭźƭƷƭ of the City Clerk and Deputy City /ƌĻƩƉͲ ƒğƓğŭĻƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƚŅŅźĭźğƌ records and public disclosure, supports the City Council, including agenda development and preparation of the official minutes, provides legal notices to the public regarding City business and supports all City departments. As the custodian of all City records, the /źƷǤ /ƌĻƩƉ͸ƭ ƚŅŅźĭĻ ƚǝĻƩƭĻĻƭ ƩĻĭƚƩķ ğƩĭŷźǝğƌ ğƓķ ğƌƌ document imaging for state compliance. Essential Services: Prepares City Council Agendas and Packets. Certifies official City documents. Is custodian of City Seal. {ǒƦĻƩǝźƭĻƭ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƚŅŅźĭźğƌ file record maintenance. Administers insurance claims. !ķƒźƓźƭƷĻƩƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ aǒƓźĭźƦğƌ /ƚķĻ͵ Is the Public Records Officer and handles public record requests. Ensures proper format for and processes resolutions and ordinances. Administers oath of office for City Council, City Manager, Finance Director and Police Chief. Monitors contracts and other documents for signature, recording and posting. Coordinates volunteer opportunities for City and regional boards, committees and commissions. Responsible for set-up and clean-up of Council meetings. Attends all Council meetings and transcribes minutes. Presides at bid openings. Is responsible for publication of all legal notices. {ĻƩǝĻƭ ğƭ /źƷǤ͸ƭ 9ƌĻĭƷźƚƓ hŅŅźĭźğƌ͵ Communicates with and provides information to citizens. Processes requests for use of the City Logo. Participates on the Governance Manual Committee; and Serves as official Parliamentarian at Council meetings. 40 ŷĻ hŅŅźĭĻ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ !ƷƷƚƩƓĻǤ ƩĻƦƩĻƭĻƓƷƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƌĻŭğƌ źƓƷĻƩĻƭƷƭͲ including oversight of claims and litigation. The Office of the City Attorney is responsible for providing legal advice and support to City Office of the Council and City employees, as well as prosecute and defend all civil matters, including through use of outside counsel. This office works City Attorney extensively with all City departments. The Office of the City Attorney drafts ordinances and resolutions; Mission negotiates contracts, interlocal agreements, franchises, leases, agreements, and real estate transactions; and supports departments in enforcing associated laws. The Office of the City Attorney also To assist in implementing provides specialized employee training regarding existing laws. Council policy by providing clear legal The Office of the City Attorney staff consists of three full-time attorneys, one administrative assistant and from one to three legal direction and meaningful interns. The daily work largely consists of providing timely advice on a assistance to Council, and full range of municipal issues to City staff and the City Council. to staff who implement City programs. Maintain Essential Services: Negotiate and draft and/or review all contracts. a positive and creative Negotiate and draft franchise agreements with utility providers. workplace. Meet and negotiate with Spokane County on service contracts. Meet and negotiate with other jurisdictions on a variety of matters, including interlocal agreements. Defend City in litigation and administrative hearings. Represent City in code enforcement litigation and collections. Advise on labor relations and employment law. Advise on numerous miscellaneous issues of general governance on a daily basis. Draft, or review and revise, ordinances, resolutions and policies as appropriate. Draft legal memoranda on a full range of municipal issues. Review and compile responses to public record requests when necessary. Provide training to staff on legal issues with broad application, such as public records, the Open Public Meeting Act, public disclosure rules, ethics, administrative and land-use regulations, contracts and purchasing, and ordinance drafting. Attend all City Council meetings. Attend all Planning Commission meetings. Review and advise on all real property transfers (easements, deeds, acquisitions, etc.). Participate on the Governance Manual Committee. Maintain office and document organization necessary to successfully complete all tasks. Provide guidance to staff on solid waste issues. Advise council and staff on pandemic-related issues regarding federal Funding and emergency rules of operation. 41 The City Services Department advances City Council goals and priorities by advancing the City State and federal legislative initiatives, collaborating with community stakeholders, sharing information about services and programs, and administering key city City Services services. Essential Services: LƓ ĭƚƓĭĻƩƷ ǞźƷŷ /źƷǤ /ƚǒƓĭźƌ ƦƩźƚƩźƷźĻƭͲ ƌĻğķƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ĻŅŅƚƩƷ Ʒƚ Mission advance the City State and Federal legislative initiatives and priorities. Monitors and analyzes regional, state and federal legislation, ordinances and policy changes. Establishes and oversees implementation of programs that support or advance economic development, transportation initiatives, community-based services, or other City priorities. Manages the maintenance and development of City facilities. Conducts studies to determine the best use of assets and develops plans to enhance the use of City property. Implements new facility operational changes, Coordinates and oversees the acquisition of various properties that advance city council goals and/or support programs. Oversees the planning of new facilities and expansion, renovation and maintenance of existing facilities. Oversees the development and management of contracts with service providers, consultants, state and federal agencies. Assists in the development and implementation of city goals, work plans, and performance measures. Serves as a liaison to various civic and/or governmental organizations and committees, taskforces, boards and commissions; confers regularly with other municipalities, chamber of commerce, authorities, and commissions. Heightens awareness of government services, and serves as a clearinghouse for all official government communications with the public and media. 42 Public Safety Public safety is the highest priority for the Spokane Valley City Council. The City meets its obligations to provide superior public safety for its citizens through contracts with Spokane County. Contract Mission Administration is responsible for negotiating and administering all public safety contracts under the supervision and guidance of the Deputy City Manager. Contract Administration reviews cost To provide commonsense estimates, final cost reconciliations, and performance measures. and meaningful approach Periodically, Contract Administration will review the contracts and re- to public safety services in negotiate the terms. order to protect lives and Public Safety Service Contracts Administered: property, provide for Animal Control accountability, and instill Detention Services District Court trust in government . Emergency Management Law Enforcement {ŷĻƩźŅŅ͸ƭ /ƚƒƒǒƓźƷǤ hƩźĻƓƷĻķ tƚƌźĭźƓŭ 9ŅŅƚƩƷ Λ{/ht9Μ Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) Pretrial Services Prosecutor Services Public Defender tǒĬƌźĭ ƭğŅĻƷǤ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ğĭĭƚǒƓƷ ŅƚƩ ƒƚƩĻ ƷŷğƓ ЏЉі ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ recurring expenditures. The majority of public safety funding is directed to Law Enforcement services. Given the amount of funding directed towards public safety and particularly Law Enforcement, details regarding services is important to include in the budget to provide information regarding the Spokane Valley Police 5ĻƦğƩƷƒĻƓƷ͸ƭ ƭƷƩǒĭƷǒƩĻͲ the costs for various service units, and the performance received. Details of the Law Enforcement services provided under the Interlocal Agreement are included on the following pages. 43 Table 1. Spokane Valley Police Department Staffing (pursuant to Interlocal Agreement) 20202021202220232024Change +/- Dedicated Administrative33333 Patrol6161616161 Traffic77777 Community Services11111 1 Behaviorial Health12222 Homeless Services00111 Domestic Violence11111 School Resource Officer44444 SVIU (Property and Drug Investigations)1212121212 Total Dedicated9091929292 Shared (Split with County) Investigations 33333 Major Crimes77999 Sex Crimes88888 Investigative Task Force11111 Regional Intelligence Group11112+1 Joint Terrorism Task Force11111 Safe Streets (Drugs and Gangs)55555 Emergency Operations Team22222 Administration (Technical and PIO)22222 Professional Standards11111 Training44444 Total Shared3535373738 44 Table 2. City Costs by Spokane Valley Police Department Service Unit Service Unit2024% Dedicated Patrol$ 12,556,35342.4% SV Investigative Unit$ 2,708,0969.1% Traffic$ 1,549,9605.2% Valley Command Staff$ 1,102,7673.7% Vehicles$ 870,0002.9% K-9$ 778,8712.6% School Resource Officers$ 700,9422.4% Domestic Violence$ 310,7611.0% Community Services$ 220,2870.7% Subtotal$ 20,798,036 70.3% Shared Investigations$ 3,421,95611.6% Property Drugs (Safe Streets)1,108,397$ 3.7% Regional Intelligence Group$ 706,0052.4% Emergency Operations Team$ 178,0090.6% Subtotal$ 5,414,36818.3% Special Units SWAT$ 238,5230.8% Tactical Team$ 71,6950.2% Helicopter$ 69,0430.2% Explosives Disposal$ 50,0690.2% Subtotal$ 429,3301.5% Support Dispatch$ 1,397,0444.7% Records$ 551,8141.9% Forensics$ 536,0251.8% SCOPE$ 191,0880.6% Property Room$ 160,5040.5% CAD/RMS Matinenance$ 116,2320.4% Reservists$ 7,4050.0% Subtotal$ 2,960,11310.0% Total$ 29,601,847100.0% "- Training, PIO and Fleet costs are included in units above. 45 Table 3. Workload indicators and Performance Measures (pursuant to Interlocal Agreement) 2019202020212022Average Workload indicators Citizen Calls for Service48,29646,28751,03851,19349,204 Calls with Deputy Response30,43429,56328,94029,21729,539 Deputy-Initiated Incidents19,11615,15611,13312,93514,585 Incidents Requiring Documentation12,39010,99210,51111,88511,445 Total Deputy Involved Incidents49,55044,71940,07342,15244,124 Traffic Stops10,9477,8785,6585,7917,569 Arrests2,7172,3621,8412,3032,306 Collisions Responded To1,7801,4681,7711,7671,697 Traffic Infractions3,4342,1922,5592,8662,763 Traffic Stops with Criminal Charges2,0681,8561,3911,6091,731 Property Crimes6,5276,5206,1806,5896,454 Person Crimes1,4151,4811,2391,3711,377 Cases Investigated7562,0952,0962,3831,833 Charges Filed4831,507412735784 Cases Reviewed4,2346,9926,1076,3215,914 Performance Measures Collisions Response Rate62%62%59%57%60% Collisions Per 1,000 population28.4927.9327.5226.8527.70 Property Crimes Per 1,00064.6663.3259.1461.5262.16 Person Crimes Per 1,00014.0214.3811.8612.8013.26 $ Value of Recovered Items$100,923$243,334$1,275,416447,728$ 516,850$ % of reviewed cases investigated (Property)18%30%34%38%30% Citizen Complaints/1,000 Incidents *0.490.130.330.400.34 % of Complaints Sustained8.33%16.60%29.00%25.00%19.73% % Use of Force Within Policy99.50%100%100%100%100% Avg. Response Time Priority 10:05:110:04:510:09:550:06:39 Avg. Response Time Priority 20:17:070:23:240:28:450:23:05 Avg. Response Time Priority 30:38:480:48:160:55:330:47:32 % of Incidents Deputy-Initiated39%34%28%31%33% Average Day/Night Platoon Staffing6.136.306.22 Average Powershift Platoon Staffing1.610.921.27 46 The Deputy City Manager works under the general direction of the City ağƓğŭĻƩ ğƓķ ǞƚƩƉƭ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƒğƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ƷĻğƒ Ʒƚ ĭƚƚƩķźƓğƷĻ efforts toward the achievement of departmental objectives and the objectives of the City government. The Deputy City Manager participates Deputy City in and makes suggestions to the City Manager in the formulation of Manager strategy and City policy involving organization, procedures and services. Duties also include advising the City Manager in the determination of needs of various departments, the preparation and presentation of services for approval by the City Manager and City Council, and the coordination of the implementation of approved services. The Deputy City Manager performs operations oversight for Contract Administration, with ğ ƦƩźƒğƩǤ Ņƚĭǒƭ ƚƓ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ tǒĬƌźĭ {ğŅĻƷǤ ƚƦĻƩğƷźƚƓƭͲ ğƓķ ƷŷĻ L ķźǝźƭźƚƓ͵ The Deputy City Manager also oversees the Parks & Recreation Department, Finance Department, and the Office of the City Attorney through Department Directors for each of those departments. Essential services: Works with the City Manager, department and division heads in planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing services affecting assigned areas of responsibility. Coordinates with other directors of City services on matters affecting their areas of responsibility. Briefs the City Manager on issues of concern in the divisions and departments and functions in assigned area of responsibility to ensure proper action. Coordinates with Spokane Valley Police Chief on various operational issues to ensure Law Enforcement services meet requirements of the Interlocal Agreement and expectations of City Council and City Manager. Coordinates with Spokane County representatives, including presiding District Court Judge, Spokane County Prosecutor, and others to address operational, budgetary, and other ongoing issues with Public Safety agreements. Meets and corresponds with various citizens, professionals, businesses and other groups to answer questions and secure their assistance in carrying out various services. Coordinates the preparation of the annual budget for departments within assigned areas. Reviews results of major studies and coordinates the preparation of reports and recommendations. Attends Council meetings and reports on activities for which he is responsible as requested by the City Manager; confers with officials of city, county, state and federal agencies regarding plans and priorities for existing and planned services. Demonstrates continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly to provide quality seamless customer service. 47 Contract Administration Under the direction of the Deputy City Manager, Contract Administration works with contractors and agencies to help ensure that the City government remains small and lean while delivering services efficiently ğƓķ ĻŅŅĻĭƷźǝĻƌǤ͵ ŷźƭ źķĻğ Ǟğƭ źƓĭƚƩƦƚƩğƷĻķ ĻğƩƌǤ źƓ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ ƚŅ {ƦƚƉğƓĻ ğƌƌĻǤ͸ƭ ĻǣźƭƷĻƓĭĻ Ʒƚ ƒğźƓƷğźƓ ƷŷĻ ƚƩźŭźƓğƌ ĭƚƓĭĻƦƷ ƚŅ ğ ͻĭƚƓƷƩğĭƷ ĭźƷǤͼ that is not focused on growing government but instead utilizes the best possible options to provide services to citizens and businesses, whether that is the private sector or other government agencies. Contract Administration regularly evaluates service delivery, examining cost trends, performance and value compared to other liked-size cities. Additionally, a primary focus is ensuring that local tax revenues generated from the City are invested in the community and are not used to subsidize other jurisdictions. Contract Administration also evaluates current service deliverables based upon current and anticipated demand, while employing the best business practices and sound fiscal policy to ensure that staffing levels match demand and all efficiencies are incorporated while interacting with customers to answer questions and provide information on contract services. Historically, Contract Administration was heavily involved in a broad range of contracts, including solid waste, hearing examiner services, cable television, GIS, SpokğƓĻ /ƌĻğƓ !źƩͲ /ƚƒƒǒƷĻ ƩźƦ wĻķǒĭƷźƚƓͲ ğƓķ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ public safety contracts. Due to workload and the increased complexity and involvement of the issues ƭǒƩƩƚǒƓķźƓŭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƦǒĬƌźĭ ƭğŅĻƷǤ ĭƚƓƷƩğĭƷƭͲ źƓ ƩĻĭĻnt years some contracts have been shifted to other ķĻƦğƩƷƒĻƓƷƭ ŅƚƩ ƦƩźƒğƩǤ ğķƒźƓźƭƷƩğƷźƚƓ͵ ŷĻƭĻ źƓĭƌǒķĻ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ DL{ ğƓķ ŷĻğƩźƓŭ ĻǣğƒźƓĻƩ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ͵ Contract Administration continues to provide assistance where necessary, though the primary focus is now ƚƓ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƦǒĬƌźĭ ƭğŅĻƷǤ ĭƚƓƷƩğĭƷƭ͵ Public Safety Contract Administration is responsible under the Deputy City Manager for negotiating and administering all public safety contracts, which total over 60% of the General Fund recurring expenditures budget. All public safety contracts are provided by Spokane County. Contract Administration reviews cost estimates, final cost reconciliations, and performance measures. Periodically, Contract Administration will review the contracts and re-negotiate the terms. Public Safety Service Contracts Administered: Animal Control Detention Services District Court Emergency Management Law Enforcement o {ŷĻƩźŅŅ͸ƭ /ƚƒƒǒƓźƷǤ hƩźĻƓƷĻķ tƚƌźĭźƓŭ 9ŅŅƚƩƷ Λ{/ht9Μ o Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) Pretrial Services Prosecutor Services Public Defender Cable Television Franchise /ğĬƌĻ ƷĻƌĻǝźƭźƚƓ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ƷŷğƷ ǒƷźƌźǩĻ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƩźŭŷƷƭΏƚŅΏǞğǤ Ʒƚ ƩǒƓ ƌźƓĻƭ Ʒƚ ĭƚƓƓĻĭƷ Ʒƚ ĭǒƭƷƚƒĻƩƭ ƒǒƭƷ ƚƦĻƩğƷĻ by authority of a City franchise. Contract Administration negotiates the terms of the franchise agreements and administers the terms of the agreement such as customer service standards, use of the right-of-way and payment of the franchise fees and Public, Education, and Government (PEG) Funds. 48 Precinct Building The Precinct Building houses the Spokane Valley Police Department and a District Court courtroom and ticket counter. The City purchased the Precinct Building from Spokane County in 2006. Historically, Contract Administration has created and managed the budget for maintaining the Precinct Building. With the creation of the Facilities division, it is anticipated that Facilities will take lead on budget preparation and responsibility for maintaining the Precinct and that Contract Administration will continue to advise and provide assistance as necessary. Solid Waste Contract Administration was a critical part of the original negotiation and evaluation team for solid waste disposal and collection as well as the development of thĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ {ƚƌźķ ‘ğƭƷĻ tƌğƓ͵ Under the negotiated solid waste collection contracts, the City sees approximately $1.5 million in annual savings over prior collection services. The annual savings have been captured and are now utilized to preserve local streets in the City, avoiding expensive rehabilitation projects and preserving streets in satisfactory condition without increasing garbage rates for citizens and business owners. Though lead responsibility has shifted to Engineering, Contract Administration remains a vital team member for analyzing potential service level and rate issues, as well as being a key member in the ongoing development of the Solid Waste Plan Update. 49 The Finance Department provides financial management services for all City departments. Responsibilities include accounting and financial reporting, payroll, accounts payable, some purchasing, budgeting and financial planning, treasury, and investing. The Finance department is also responsible for generating and analyzing financial ķğƷğ ƩĻƌğƷĻķ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƚƦĻƩğƷźƚƓƭ͵ Division Finance is responsible for the administration, coordination, ƭǒƦĻƩǝźƭźƚƓ ğƓķ ĭƚƓƷƩƚƌ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ financial activities engaged in by Mission the City. These functions are performed through a combination of interrelated activities including financial management and general To assist the City Council, accounting. City staff and citizens in Essential Services: the areas of financial Budget development and monitoring. planning, budgeting, Preparation of periodic budget amendments. ƩĻğƭǒƩǤ ĭƚƓƷƩƚƌ ğƓķ ƒğƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ĭğƭŷ ğƓķ financial reporting and investment portfolio. overall stewardship of the Debt financing and management. /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƩĻƭƚǒƩĭĻƭ͵ Collaboration with Community and Public Works staff on financing options for capital projects. Internal and external financial reporting including preparation of the Annual Financial Report. /ƚƚƩķźƓğƷźƚƓ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ ‘ğƭŷźƓŭƷƚƓ {ƷğƷĻ !ǒķźƷƚƩ͸ƭ hŅŅźĭĻ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ğƓƓǒğƌ ğǒķźƷ Ǟŷich on average represents approximately 800 auditor hours each year. General ledger accounting. Cash receipting including preparation of daily deposits for City departments. Tracking and receipting telephone utility tax payments. Tracking and receipting quarterly gambling tax payments. Processing payroll and accounts payable for 116.25 full-time equivalent employees as well as seasonal and temporary employees. Process approximately 4,000 accounts payable checks. Project accounting, including grant accounting and processing reimbursement requests. Advertise and call for applications for outside agency grants For both social service and economic development agencies. Advertise and call for applications for lodging tax grants. 50 The Human Resources office is responsible for providing personnel consultation and employee services to the management of the City of Human Spokane Valley and its employees, supporting a workforce that is motivated to deliver quality services to the community. Resources The office, along with the Wellness Committee, continues to achieve the WellCity Award by developing a qualified Wellness Program which Mission is anticipated to reduce employee health care expense by more than $35,000 per year. To promote an The Human Resource office also provides Risk Management services employment environment to the City in the identification, assessment and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to that supports the mission minimize, monitor and control the probability and/or impact of such of the City and the risks. Further, the Human Resources Manager functions as the !ƒĻƩźĭğƓƭ ǞźƷŷ 5źƭğĬźƌźƷźĻƭ !ĭƷ Λ!5!Μ ĭƚƚƩķźƓğƷƚƩ ŭǒźķźƓŭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ development of its ĻŅŅƚƩƷƭ Ʒƚ ƦƩƚƒƚƷĻ ğĭĭĻƭƭ Ʒƚ źƷƭ ĭźƷźǩĻƓƭ͵ !ƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ķĻƭźŭƓğƷĻķ employees. contact for persons requesting accommodation, the Human Resource Manager works with the public to provide reasonable access to City services. Human Resources prepares the City for the many changes in the external business environment, including increased governmental mandates and legislation, recruitment needs as the pool of skilled workers decreases, the increasing cost of labor and changing workforce demographics. Essential Services: Employee recruitment. Labor Relations. Risk Management. ADA Coordination & Consultation. Employee training. Employee law compliance. Compensation administration. Policy development and administration. Employee Wellness Program. Performance management. Benefit administration. Employee on-boarding; and Title VI Coordination & Response 51 Information technology responsibilities include: 5ĻƭźŭƓͲ ƒğźƓƷğźƓ ğƓķ ƭǒƦƦƚƩƷ ƚŅ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ķğƷğ ğƓķ ǝƚźĭĻ ƓĻƷǞƚƩƉ͵ Manage, procure, and support cellular phones and mobile devices. Information Research, order, deliver, repair and maintain all desktop, tablet, Technology laptop and peripheral equipment. Maintenance of all primary computer applications including the financial management and permitting systems; and Mission Broadcasting of City Council meetings which entails the acquisition and ongoing maintenance and support of the Information technology necessary related hardware and software, as well as working (IT) group seeks to with the vendor involved with actual recording of the meeting. understand technology and how it can best serve Essential Services: internal and external IT {ĻĭǒƩĻ ğƓķ ƭǒƦƦƚƩƷ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ķğta and voice network to allow users. staff to provide services to the public. Ensure public meetings are presented online in real time. 52 The City Services Administrator provides management and oversight of the City's Facilities Department. This department is responsible for the overall operations and maintenance of the City Hall facility, the City's Valley Precinct facility, CenterPlace, and the Street Maintenance Shop as well as any other City facilities as they are acquired. Facilities Essential services: Manage janitorial, landscaping, and repairs for all facilities. Perform required testing of emergency systems at all facilities. Coordinate routine maintenance of all systems such as HVAC. Assist other City departments in purchasing of furniture. 53 The Community and Public Works Department is comprised of four divisions: the Administration Division, the Engineering Division, the Building & Code Enforcement Division, and the Streets Maintenance Division. Community & Public Works Administration Division The Administration Division is responsible for the management and direction of the Community & Public Works Department within the City of Spokane Valley. In addition to managing the four operational divisions, the Administration Division is responsible for setting department goals, objectives, and policies. Engineering Division The Engineering Division is comprised of four sections, the Capital Improvement Program, Development Engineering, Traffic Management and Operations, and Utilities. Building & Code Enforcement Division The Division is comprised of two sections, the Building Section, and the Code Enforcement Section. The Building Section is responsible for implementing and monitoring numerous building codes as adopted by the State and City. The Code Enforcement Section is responsible for enforcing City codes as they relate to private property in general. Street Maintenance Division The Street Maintenance Division provides responsive maintenance and repairs for approximately 461 center line miles of City streets. Most services provided by the Street Fund 101 are contracted services, under the oversight of City staff. These contracted services include street and stormwater maintenance, roadway landscape maintenance, street sweeping, and stormwater facilities cleaning. During winter months, the Street Maintenance Division is also responsible for managing snow and ice services utilizing both City-owned and operated equipment, as well as contracted equipment and labor services. Additionally, the Street Maintenance Division also provides City-wide fleet management services, ğƭƭǒƩźƓŭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ǝĻŷźĭƌĻ ŅƌĻĻƷ źƭ ƭğŅĻ ğƓķ ƚƦĻƩğƷźƚƓğƌ͵ 54 Engineering The Engineering Division is one of the four divisions within the Community and Public Works Department. Division The Engineering Division is comprised of four sections, the Capital Improvement Program, Development Engineering, Traffic Management and Operations, and Utilities. Capital Improvement Program The Capital Improvement Program Section (CIP) plans, designs, and constructs new facilities and maintains, preserves, and reconstructs existing facilities owned by the City of Spokane Valley. These projects include roads, bridges, trails, and civic and community buildings. This requires careful prioritized long-range planning, acquisition and management of state and federal grant funding, coordination with stakeholder groups, and proficient project management. Essential Services: Prioritize and coordinate submittal of grant requests for federal and state funding sources. Implement the Pavement Management Program. Develop the annual Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the update of the current year TIP. Manage Capital Projects in accordance with City, state, and federal requirements. Coordinate with local utility companies. Administer the bid and award process. Provide construction administration, including inspection, documents, and contract management for projects. Ensure proper project closeout. Ensure compliance with grant agency requirements. Coordinate with Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) and other local, regional, and state jurisdictions on the metropolitan transportation plan, regional transportation policies and projects. Collaborate with Street Maintenance, Stormwater, Traffic, Parks, Development Engineering and Economic Development for all projects. 55 Development Engineering The Development Engineering Section (DE) ensures that land actions and commercial building site permits comply with adopted codes and standards for private infrastructure development through plan review and construction inspections. Development Engineering peƩźƚķźĭğƌƌǤ ǒƦķğƷĻƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ĭƚķĻ ğƓķ design standards pertaining to construction activities, ensuring adherence to federal and state requirements, ğƭ ǞĻƌƌ ğƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ğķƚƦƷĻķ /ƚƒƦƩĻŷĻƓƭźǝĻ tƌğƓ͵ !ƭ Ʒŷe City does not have surveyors, a surveying consultant reviews all surveying information provided in plats, binding site plans (BSPs), easements, and right-of-way dedications to ensure accuracy and compliance with state law. Essential services: Provide engineering plan reviews in association with land use actions, property development, and building permits. Identify, develop, and institute City code amendments as regulatory guidelines change. Identify, develop, and institute City design standard changes as regulatory standards change. Provide construction oversight for various development and capital projects. Review, issue, and monitor grading permits. Review, issue, and monitor right-of-way permits. Provide right-of-way inspections for various development and capital projects. Traffic Management and Operations The Traffic Engineering Section (TE) provides traffic engineering services for safe and efficient multi-faceted transportation systems throughout the City. Traffic Engineering oversees the operation of traffic signals, the installation and maintenance of roadway signs, and roadway channelization (striping). Traffic Engineering is also responsible for transportation planning and design in support of the CIP, of private development projects, and regional transportation efforts. Essential Services: Optimize and coordinate traffic signal installation, maintenance, and operation. Oversee, monitor, and develop mitigation measures for traffic congestion citywide. Identify and schedule the collection of annual traffiĭ ķğƷğ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƦƩźƓĭźƦğƌ ƩƚğķǞğǤ ƓĻƷǞƚƩƉ͵ Prepare traffic control, signal, signing and channelization plans and specifications in cooperation with capital projects. Scope and review traffic studies for private development ƷŷğƷ ǒƷźƌźǩĻƭ ƷŷĻ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƭƷƩĻĻƷ network. Identify projects that mitigate transportation impacts, or correct deficiencies, caused by the increased traffic volumes associated with new development. Identify capital improvement projects that improve the transportation system throughout the City. Develop Transportation Management Plans and Studies that identify school zone safety, pedestrian, and bike facilities. Assist the DE and CIP Sections in preparing grant applicğƷźƚƓƭ ŅƚƩ ǝğƩźƚǒƭ ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷƭ ƷŷğƷ źƒƦğĭƷ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ transportation network. Monitor motorized and non-motorized crashes to address safety concerns on the citywide street network. Review Traffic Control Plans for compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Handbook (MUTCD). Provide review of Traffic Control Plans and permits for oversize loads, special events, and transportation network access control. Partner with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC), Spokane County and neighboring jurisdictions to coordinate regional transportation needs. Coordinate with Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC) on transportation management within the City and region. 56 LƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷͲ ƒƚƓźƷƚƩͲ ğƓķ ƒğźƓƷğźƓ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ LƓƷĻlligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Traffic Operations Center. Utilities ŷĻ ƷźƌźƷźĻƭ {ĻĭƷźƚƓ ƚǝĻƩƭĻĻƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ {ǒƩŅğĭĻ ğƓķ {ƷƚƩmwater Utility, manages the /źƷǤ͸ƭ ĭƚƓƷƩğĭƷƭ ŅƚƩ ƭƚƌźķ ǞğƭƷĻ ĭƚƌƌĻĭƷźƚƓ ğƓķ ķźƭƦƚƭğƌͲ ƚǝĻƩƭĻĻƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ Ņƌoodplain management services, and coordinates other ǒƷźƌźƷǤ źƭƭǒĻƭ ƚƓ ĬĻŷğƌŅ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͵ ŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ {ǒƩŅğĭĻ ğƓķ {ƷƚƩƒǞğƷĻƩ ƷźƌźƷǤ ƒğƓğŭĻƭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ĻŅŅƚƩƷƭ Ʒƚ collect, treat, store and discharge stormwater, while managing the risks to public safety, health and property from flooding and erosion. The Utilities Section also monitors and implements the requirements of the Clean Water Act for stormwater ķźƭĭŷğƩŭĻƭ źƓĭƌǒķźƓŭ źƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ bğƷźonal Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPSES) permit, Underground Injection Control (UIC) rules, and monitoring regulations for discharges in Aquifer Protection Areas and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements for the Spokane River. The Utilities section provides required annual reporting to Washington State Department of Ecology. Finally, the Utilities Section is responsible for administering the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) within the City as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As part of these efforts, staff enforces local floodplain ordinances, assists homeowners and developers, and works with FEMA on determining local flood elevations. Essential Services: Provide inventory, inspection, and investigations for all City stormwater facilities. Provide Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping related to stormwater facilities, both public and private, throughout the City. ağźƓƷğźƓ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ĭƚƒƦƌźğƓĭĻ ǞźƷŷ ğƌƌ ĻƓǝźƩƚƓƒĻƓƷğƌ ğƓķ ǒƷźƌźƷǤ ƌğǞƭͲ ĭƚķĻƭͲ ğƓķ ƩĻŭǒƌğƷźƚƓƭ͵ Provide floodplain management services on behalf of the City. Provide floodplain management services to other agencies and private entities. Assist in the planning, design, and construction of capital improvements throughout the City, focusing on project utility requirements. Manage City street sweeping planning and operations. Manage the operations and maintenance of all City storm drainage structures. Represent the City in Stormwater Public Education and Outreach efforts. Represent the City in regional solid waste and recycling efforts. tƩƚǝźķĻ ƒğƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷͲ źƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƷźƚƓͲ ğƓķ ƚǝĻƩƭźŭŷƷ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ {ƚƌźķ ‘ğƭƷĻ ağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ tƩƚŭƩğƒ͵ ağƓğŭĻ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƭƚƌźķ ǞğƭƷĻ ğƓķ ƩĻĭǤcling collection services contracts. Represent the City on regional solid waste and recycling committees. Represent the City on regional aquifer protection committees. 57 The Building & Code Enforcement Division is one of the four divisions within the Community and Public Works Department. Building & Code The Building & Code Enforcement Division is responsible for implementing and enforcing the City and State Building Codes, as well Enforcement as City property codes, and is divided into two sections, the Building Division Section, and the Code Enforcement Section. Building The purpose of building codes, as adopted by the State and the City of Spokane Valley, is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of the building and structures and the public by requiring minimum performance standard for structural strength, exit systems, stability, sanitation, light, ventilation, energy conservation and fire safety through the following codes. International Building Code. International Residential Code. International Mechanical Code. International Fuel Gas Code. Uniform Plumbing Code. International Fire Code. International Existing Building Code. International Wildland Urban Interface Code. ICC A117.1 Accessible & Usable Buildings and Facilities Standard. Washington State Energy Code. Implementation of these regulations through plan review and inspection of building construction projects assures that citizens can correctly assume that the buildings and structures in which they occupy are safe. Essential Services: Commercial construction plan review. Residential construction plan review. Accessibility (handicap) plan review. Commercial and residential construction inspection. Permit intake, processing, and issuance. Permit coordination. Code Enforcement The Code Enforcement Section is responsible for enforcing City Codes related to private properties. This work includes investigating cases and conditions regarding junk vehicles, garbage, unsafe structures, various zoning violations, traffic safety hazards and sign code violations, while maintaining a pro-active enforcement model as directed by administration. Code Enforcement personnel work with neighborhoods, helping to maintain both residential and commercial properties in a safe and clean condition. Work regularly requires coordination with law 58 enforcement and fire prevention personnel to mitigate life and fire safety hazards as well as working with the Spokane Regional Health Department and Housing and Homeless Coordinator staff on issues related to homeless individuals, senior citizens, and families in distress. In addition, Code Enforcement acts as a community resource directing citizens to other service agencies for assistance as appropriate. 59 The Economic Development Department strengthens and builds community identity by administering business retention, expansion, and recruitment; tourism and economic development marketing; strategic Economic initiatives and studies; coordination with regional partners; Geographical Information Systems (GIS); current and long-range planning; and housing Development and homeless services. Oversight of these activities is also coordinated Department closely with the City Administration. The sections below provide additional information for the Economic Development Department programs. Mission To strengthen Essential Services: community, create a Encourage a diverse and stable business environment. Establish and maintain communication with various entities to successful business ƦƩƚƒƚƷĻ ğƓķ ŅğĭźƌźƷğƷĻ ƷŷĻ źƒƦƌĻƒĻƓƷğƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ĻĭƚƓƚƒźĭ climate and build development strategies. economic vitality. Provide information and make connections for businesses to the City and other organizations providing funding, technical assistance, and business support. Collaborate with regional economic development partners to elevate our community for tourism, unique retailers and attractions that support our economy. Conduct special studies and reports related to economic development priorities and projects. Develop and implement strategies to promote business retention, expansion, and recruitment. Coordinate with business owners and developers to provide possible site locations, market research, and related information to promote business development. Maintain the WA state business license database and review home business permit applications for compliance. Use GIS technology to inform and engage citizens and business owners. Coordinate the Tourism Promotion Program to promote tourism and increase overnight stays at lodging facilities within the City boundaries. Maintain the community's vision for growth in the city's Comprehensive Plan; review and revise the laws that regulate the use of property; and administer both the subdivision code and the zoning ordinance. 9ǝğƌǒğƷĻ ƷŷĻ /ƚƒƦƩĻŷĻƓƭźǝĻ tƌğƓ͸ƭ ƭƷƩğƷĻŭźĭ ğĭƷźƚƓƭ ğƓķ źķĻƓƷźŅǤ implementation measures. 60 The Planning Division is located in the Economic Development Department and oversees both long-range and current planning for the City. The Division oversees the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Master Program, and Housing Action Planning Plan, including developing and processing amendments to the Division comprehensive plan, zoning, subdivision regulations, and related procedural requirements. The Division handles land use permit processing such as subdivisions, shoreline permits, conditional use permits, boundary line adjustments, and zoning letters. The Division also ensures the City maintains consistency with state laws like the Growth Management Act, the Shoreline Management Act, the State Environmental Policy Act, Subdivisions, and other related land use laws. Essential Services: 9ƓƭǒƩĻ ƷŷğƷ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƦƌğƓƭ ğƩĻ ĭƚƓƭźƭƷĻƓƷ ǞźƷŷ DƩƚǞƷŷ Management Act (RCW 36.70A). 9ƓƭǒƩĻ ğƓķ ķƚĭǒƒĻƓƷ ƷŷğƷ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƦƌğƓƭ ğƩĻ ĭƚƓƭźƭƷĻƓƷ ǞźƷŷ the Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58). ağźƓƷğźƓ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ĭƚƒƦƌźğƓĭĻ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ {ƷğƷĻ 9ƓǝźƩƚƓƒĻƓƷğƌ Policy Act (SEPA RCW 43.21 C). Evaluate and process amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Evaluate and process amendments to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Coordinate, evaluate, and process short subdivisions, subdivisions, binding site plans, street vacations, conditional use permits, and other land use permit applications. Prepare and conduct required public hearings related to land use issues, code text amendments, and City plan adoptions. Maintain and provide City information, including demographics, planning data, and comprehensive plan statistics to the US Census Bureau. 61 With offices located in the CenterPlace Regional Event Center, the Parks & Recreation Department consists of six divisions: Parks Administration, Parks Maintenance, Recreation, Aquatics, Senior Center and CenterPlace. Parks Maintenance and Aquatics services are Parks & contracted with external businesses or agencies. The Parks & Recreation Recreation Department also provides various recreation programs, contracts with private recreation program providers, and maintains a database of local recreation programs and services to help match citizens with existing services. Mission Parks Administration and Maintenance To enrich the quality of Parks Administration and Maintenance Vision life for everyone who lives, works in or visits To provide and maintain quality parks that offer a diverse range of experiences in a safe and beautiful environment; to provide enjoyable, Spokane Valley through restorative and memorable places to spend time; and to provide quality programs, parks physical amenities that support and enhance active living and social and events. interaction opportunities. Essential services: Implements the goals and objectives of the City Council. Develops policies and procedures. Facilitates the upkeep and use of parks and public areas including the Appleway and Centennial Trails. Manages the private park maintenance, aquatic operation and janitorial contracts. Works to acquire and develop new park facilities. Issues and Administers City Special Event permits. 62 Recreation Recreation Vision To deliver a diversified recreational and educational experiences for all ages; while fostering vigorous community partnerships; and advocating health, wellness and physical activity. Essential services: Provides summer day camp, teen camp, winter break camp, summer park program and outdoor movies. Designs and publishes the Recreation Program brochure twice a year. Coordinates and offers over 21 different recreation programs year-round. Partners with the Spokane County Library District, YMCA, Spokane Parks Foundation, East Valley School District, Liberty Lake, Spokane Valley Partners, City of Spokane and Spokane County; and Maintains database of local recreation programs and services to help match citizens with existing services. Aquatics The City of Spokane Valley owns three outdoor swimming pools which offer open swim opportunities, swim lessons, swim team and facility rentals. In addition, the City leases a portion of Valley Mission Park to Splash Down, a privately-operated water park. CenterPlace Regional Event Center CenterPlace Regional Event Center Vision To promote corporate and private events which will help stimulate our local economy; to produce customized, high-quality events; and to provide an experience that showcases the values of Spokane Valley. Facility Maintenance is to maintain this facility through sustainability, energy efficiency and maintaining building integrity. Essential Services: Regional focal point for Northeastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Western Montana. 54,000 square foot facility located in Mirabeau Point Park. Open seven days a week, this is the home of the Parks & Recreation Department and the Valley Senior Center. Reserves and rents to over 1,000 educational, corporate and social events annually. Provides set up and take downs for all activities. Manages food services and marketing contract. Partners with Spokane Community College and Central Valley School District; and Manage outside venues and interior rooms including a great room, commercial kitchen, fireside lounge, auditorium, and numerous meeting rooms. Senior Center Senior Center Vision To empower adults 50+ for personal independence, healthy aging, social connection and life-long learning experiences; to serve as a hub and focal point, to complement existing services and provided programs, activities and opportunities for the aging population; and to operate as a multi-purpose senior center to provide health, social, educational, referral and recreational services. 63 Essential Services: Manages the Senior and Wellness Center at CenterPlace from 8-4 Monday through Friday. /ƚƚƩķźƓğƷĻƭ ğƌƌ ğĭƷźǝźƷźĻƭ ğƓķ ƦƩƚŭƩğƒƒźƓŭ Α ƚǝĻƩ ЎЉ ķźŅŅĻƩĻƓƷ ƦƩƚŭƩğƒƭ͵ Utilizes over 75 volunteers. Facilitates Meals on Wheels program; and maintains an active membership of over 1,000. 64 The Street Maintenance Division is one of the four divisions within the Community and Public Works Department. Street The Street Maintenance Division is comprised of five sections, the Street System Maintenance, Winter Roadway Operations, Traffic Control System Maintenance Maintenance, Bridge Maintenance, and Fleet Management Program. Division Street System Maintenance The Street Maintenance Division provides responsive maintenance and repairs for approximately 461 center line miles of City streets. Most street maintenance services provided are contracted services, under the oversight of City staff. Street and stormwater maintenance and repair account for over three million dollars annually to provide asphalt patching, crack sealing, gravel shoulder repairs, curb and sidewalk repairs, gravel road grading and stormwater repairs. The street sweeping contract provides routine monthly maintenance along with a dedicated full spring sweep and partial fall sweep, performed in conjunction with the stormwater management program. The contract for storm drain cleaning is responsible for cleaning drywells, catch basins, culverts, swale inlets and bridge drains. The City contracts for services that provide litter and trash control on arterial streets, weed control and trash clean up as requested, mowing, and maintaining all City dry land grass and snow removal from sidewalks on City-owned bridges. Additionally, the City contracts for roadway landscaping services to maintain all City-owned rights-of-way and provide weed control on all major arterials including sidewalks. Essential Services: aƚƓźƷƚƩ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƭƷƩĻĻƷ ƭǤƭƷĻƒ ƓĻƷǞƚƩƉ ŅƚƩ źƒƒĻķźğƷĻ ğƓķ ongoing repair and maintenance issues. Provide Public Works emergency response to assist with windstorm and natural disaster debris and hazardous spills. Provide road repair activities including pothole repair, crack sealing, and pavement surface management. Coordinate and monitor street sweeping and storm drain cleaning activities. Coordinate and monitor right-of-way landscape maintenance and litter control. aƚƓźƷƚƩ ğƓķ ƒğźƓƷğźƓ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ ǝĻŷźĭƌĻ ŅƌĻĻƷ źƓ źƷƭ ĻƓƷźƩĻƷǤ͵ Winter Roadway Operations During the winter months, the Street Maintenance Division provides winter roadway operations using City forces and equipment, as well as contracted equipment and labor. The City maintains a fleet of snowplows, ƭğƓķźƓŭ ƷƩǒĭƉƭͲ ğƓķ ƌźƨǒźķ ķĻźĭĻƩ ƷƩǒĭƉƭͲ Ǟŷźĭŷ ğƩĻ ğǝğźƌğĬƌĻ ğƷ ƒƚƒĻƓƷ͸ƭ notice when winter storms appear. The City-owned snowplows are responsible for clearing of the Priority 1 and 2 roads, along with selected residential hillsides. In addition to City staff, the City contracts with 65 outside labor forces to use City equipment to maintain 24-hour a day service. On those many occasions where residential plowing is necessary, the City contracts for road grader and operator services, as traditional snowplows are ineffective on residential roads. Essential Services Monitor winter weather events to assist in planning winter roadway operations. Provide round-the-clock maintenance. Apply deicer to bridges and intersections as winter temperatures dictate. Remove snow and ice from arterial roadways continually during winter events. Provide sidewalk snow removal, ice control, and storm inlet maintenance. Organize and monitor contractors assigned to winter snow removal. Traffic Control System Maintenance Traffic control system maintenance includes ongoing planning, preventative maintenance, and emergency ƩĻƦğźƩƭ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƷƩğŅŅźĭ ƒğƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ ƭǤƭƷĻƒƭ͵ ŷe system includes a City-wide Intelligent Traffic System (ITS), including nearly 80 signalized intersections, 20 miles of fiber optic cabling, traffic control cameras, and all associated computer and software components. Additionally, the traffic control system includes roadway markings, streetlight systems, enhanced pedestrian crossing systems, school zone beacons, and over 25,000 street signs. Essential Services Provide 24-hour standby and emergency repair. Conduct routine, including weekly, monthly, and annual system assessments. Provide coordination with school districts for school zone beacons. Provide traffic control system inspection for ITS and other capital projects. Monitor, evaluate, and coordinate the integrated traffic control system with the Spokane Regional Transportation Management Center (SRTMC). /ƚƚƩķźƓğƷĻ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ ƒğƆƚƩ ğƩƷĻƩźğƌ ƷƩğŅŅźĭ ĭƚƓƷƩƚƌ systems for maintaining efficient traffic movements. Bridge Maintenance Program ŷĻ /źƷǤ ƚŅ {ƦƚƉğƓĻ ğƌƌĻǤ͸ƭ .ƩźķŭĻ ağźƓƷĻƓğƓĭĻ tƩƚŭƩğm combines cost effective actions and strategies to ƒğǣźƒźǩĻ ƷŷĻ ǒƭĻŅǒƌ ƌźŅĻ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ğƌƌĻǤ͸ƭ ĬƩźķŭĻƭ͵ ŷĻƩĻ ğƩĻ ƷǞƚ ƷǤƦĻƭ ƚŅ ƒğźƓƷĻƓğƓĭĻͳ ƓƚƩƒğƌ ğƓƓǒğƌ maintenance, and maintenance work that is noted during bridge inspections. The objective of the program is to ensure public safety through inspection, maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of the 13 City- owned bridges. Additionally, the City provides safety inspections on two bridges owned by the Union Pacific Railroad and one owned by Burlington Northern Railroad. Essential Services Conduct required bridge inspections and reporting. Develop maintenance and repair programs for individual bridges. Assist City maintenance staff and contracted workforces in necessary bridge maintenance efforts. Develop and manage bridge load ratings and guidelines for all City bridges. Develop, monitor, and maintain a bridge capital project program. Conduct bridge repairs and capital bridge projects. Fleet Management Program ŷĻ CƌĻĻƷ ağƓğŭĻƒĻƓƷ tƩƚŭƩğƒ ƦƩƚǝźķĻƭ ĭƚƒƦƩĻŷĻƓƭźǝĻ ĻŅŅƚƩƷƭ źƓ ƒğźƓƷğźƓźƓŭ ğƓķ ƒğƓğŭźƓŭ ƷŷĻ /źƷǤ͸ƭ vehicle, snowplow, and construction equipment fleet. The main purpose of the program is to oversee the /źƷǤ͸ƭ ŅƌĻĻƷ Ʒƚ ƒğźƓƷğźƓ ğƓ ĻŅŅźĭźĻƓt and safe fleet for staff, in compliance with vehicle laws and regulations. 66 Essential Services Maintain an inventory of all City-owned vehicles, snowplows, and construction equipment. Develop an overall fleet assessment and replacement plan to keep the fleet safe and reliable. Plan and conduct fleet diagnostic services and preventative maintenance. Respond to emergency, real-time, repair services. Provide research and recommendations for asset replacement, following the identified plan or as necessary in emergencies. 67 This page left intentionally blank. 68 2024 Budget Figures and Schedules 69 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget Summary EstimatedEstimated BeginningEnding FundFundTotalFund Annual Appropriation FundsNo.BalanceRevenuesSourcesAppropriationsBalance General Fund00142,140,41162,641,10063,349,00263,349,00241,432,509 Street Fund1011,750,7499,401,12311,151,8729,623,274966,767 Paths & Trails Fund10347,1689,20056,368056,368 Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund1044,739,903680,0005,419,90305,419,903 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund105553,519910,0001,463,5191,282,200181,319 Solid Waste1061,128,645290,0001,418,645290,0001,128,645 PEG Fund107231,78266,000297,78273,000224,782 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund108777,569208,000985,5690985,569 Tourism Promotion Area Fund109400,0001,200,0001,600,0001,200,000400,000 Homeless Housing Program Fund1100640,000640,0000640,000 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund120300,0000300,0000300,000 Service Level Stabilization Fund1215,500,00005,500,00005,500,000 Winter Weather Reserve Fund122532,8806,000538,880500,00038,880 LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund2040950,550950,550950,5500 REET 1 Capital Projects Fund3015,133,1911,590,0006,723,1912,068,4634,654,728 REET 2 Capital Projects Fund3024,516,3681,600,0006,116,3681,793,2874,323,081 Street Capital Projects3031,943,1518,875,77510,818,9268,875,7751,943,151 Park Capital Projects Fund309177,301380,000557,301220,000337,301 Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund31015,4241,20016,624016,624 Pavement Preservation Fund3113,485,7053,362,6006,848,3053,550,0003,298,305 Capital Reserve Fund31210,939,194500,00011,439,1941,026,79210,412,402 Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund31487,9033,102,6233,190,5263,152,62237,904 Transportation Impact Fees Fund315865,904300,0001,165,90401,165,904 Economic Development Capital Projects Fund31600000 85,266,76796,714,171140,548,42997,954,96583,464,142 EstimatedEstimated BeginningEnding FundWorkingTotalWorking Working Capital FundsNo.CapitalRevenuesSourcesAppropriationsCapital Stormwater Management Fund4024,174,0935,640,0009,814,0935,494,9934,319,100 Aquifer Protection Area Fund403903,822520,0001,423,8221,055,000368,822 Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund5011,144,719508,2001,652,919700,000952,919 Risk Management Fund502428,022700,0001,128,022700,000428,022 Passthrough Fees & Taxes6320500,000500,000500,0000 6,650,6567,868,20014,518,8568,449,9936,068,863 Total of all Funds91,917,423104,582,371155,067,285106,404,95889,533,005 70 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax13,569,200013,569,20013,824,900255,7001.88% Sales Tax30,555,000030,555,00033,709,6003,154,60010.32% Sales Tax - Public Safety 1,357,00001,357,0001,600,800243,80017.97% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice2,398,00002,398,0002,818,500420,50017.54% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax383,0000383,000485,000102,00026.63% Franchise Fees/Business Registration1,215,00001,215,0001,370,000155,00012.76% State Shared Revenues2,341,00002,341,0002,469,400128,4005.48% Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety518,6000518,600500,600(18,000)(3.47%) Community and Public Works3,145,90003,145,9003,481,900336,00010.68% Recreation Program Revenues625,5000625,500607,200(18,300)(2.93%) Grant Proceeds120,0000120,000120,00000.00% Miscellaneous Department Revenue2,50002,50087,00084,5003380.00% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest158,2000158,2001,211,2001,053,000665.61% Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax-CP advertising) 30,000030,00030,00000.00% Total Recurring Revenues56,418,900056,418,90062,316,1005,897,20010.45% Expenditures City Council707,5580707,558721,40713,8491.96% City Manager965,890(121,476)844,414863,88319,4692.31% City Attorney903,110306,7461,209,856932,980(276,876)(22.89%) City Services0975,887975,8871,301,725325,83833.39% Public Safety32,771,51584632,772,36135,251,2482,478,8877.56% Deputy City Manager590,81713,935604,752595,023(9,729)(1.61%) Finance1,313,840108,2561,422,0961,422,4583620.03% Human Resources354,27831,306385,584380,533(5,051)(1.31%) Information Technology425,20814,314439,522446,1786,6561.51% Facilities469,65210,692480,3441,313,685833,341173.49% Community & Public Works - Administration367,1268,074375,200400,42725,2276.72% Community & Public Works - Engineering2,305,213(439,160)1,866,0532,015,430149,3778.00% Community & Public Works - Building 2,075,54241,4672,117,0092,240,956123,9475.85% Economic Development1,546,494(395,524)1,150,9701,189,80638,8363.37% Planning868,89418,835887,7291,081,090193,36121.78% Parks & Rec - Administration376,1247,372383,496720,793337,29787.95% Parks & Rec - Maintenance972,4550972,4551,398,583426,12843.82% Parks & Rec - Recreation 348,3563,487351,843346,310(5,533)(1.57%) Parks & Rec - Aquatics565,7000565,700569,2003,5000.62% Parks & Rec - Senior Center38,11280438,91633,994(4,922)(12.65%) Parks & Rec - CenterPlace996,50399,8641,096,367675,980(420,387)(38.34%) General Government1,895,21850,2001,945,4181,707,540(237,878)(12.23%) Transfers out - #204 (2016 LTGO debt service) 401,1500401,150398,950(2,200)(0.55%) Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects) 160,0000160,000160,00000.00% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation)1,011,80001,011,8001,021,90010,1001.00% Transfers out - #501 (IT equip reserve)00086,50086,5000.00% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 600,0000600,000700,000100,00016.67% Total Recurring Expenditures53,030,555735,92553,766,48057,976,5794,210,0997.83% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures3,388,345(735,925)2,652,4204,339,521 71 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte #001 - GENERAL FUND - continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds (CLFR) 09,418,0009,418,0000(9,418,000)(100.00%) Grant Proceeds (Comp Plan amendment) 000325,000325,0000.00% Precinct Grant Proceeds039,00039,0000(39,000)(100.00%) Spokane County (Plante's Ferry Study)050,00050,0000(50,000)(100.00%) Judgments & Settlements03,560,0003,560,0000(3,560,000)(100.00%) Transfers in - #312 (police vehicle replacements)1,200,000200,0001,400,0000(1,400,000)(100.00%) Transfers in - #312 (City Hall repairs)01,200,0001,200,0000(1,200,000)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Revenues1,200,00014,467,00015,667,000325,000(15,342,000)(97.93%) Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements151,00015,000166,000152,500(13,500)(8.13%) City Attorney (office furniture for new Paralegal) 8,50008,5000(8,500)(100.00%) Public Safety (police vehicle replacements) 1,350,085200,0001,550,0850(1,550,085)(100.00%) Public Safety (Access/fencing White Elephant) 15,00016,00031,0000(31,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (Install Precinct gutters) 4,00004,0000(4,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (Install security cameras at Precinct) 20,000020,0000(20,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (Law Enf. Staffing Assessment) 085,00085,0000(85,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (furniture for roll call room) 030,00030,0000(30,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (shop lift replacement) 025,00025,0000(25,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (sidewalk repairs at Precinct) 015,00015,0000(15,000)(100.00%) Public Safety (UTV) 00036,00036,0000.00% Facilities (remove street trees at City Hall) 015,00015,0000(15,000)(100.00%) Facilities (Precinct repairs & improvements) 000155,000155,0000.00% Facilities (electric man-lift) 00020,00020,0000.00% Facilities (CenterPlace repairs & improvements) 000241,000241,0000.00% Facilities (Balfour Facility evaluation) 060,00060,0000(60,000)(100.00%) Engineering (furniture for additional staff) 016,60016,6000(16,600)(100.00%) Econ Dev (20th Anniversary event planner) 30,0004,76934,7690(34,769)(100.00%) Econ Dev (Various studies - Tourism, etc) 0209,975209,9750(209,975)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (replace CenterPlace flooring) 26,000026,0000(26,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (CenterPlace lobby improvements) 150,0000150,0000(150,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (Portico painting & carpet replacemt) 038,70038,7000(38,700)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (CenterPlace equip assessment) 06,0006,0000(6,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (CP emergency light backup batteries) 010,00010,0000(10,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (CenterPlace sidewalk repairs) 024,00024,0000(24,000)(100.00%) Parks & Rec (replace banquet chairs at CP) 000150,000150,0000.00% Parks & Rec (motorized shades for Great Room) 00025,00025,0000.00% Financial Software Capital Costs500,000200,000700,0000(700,000)(100.00%) City Hall Repairs01,200,0001,200,0000(1,200,000)(100.00%) CLFR Project Expenditures08,006,0008,006,0000(8,006,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #101 (Street Fund operations) 3,530,04803,530,0484,592,9231,062,87530.11% Transfers out - #122 (replenish reserve) 0500,000500,0000(500,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Balfour Park Imp Ph1) 0427,327427,3270(427,327)(100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Pump replace Mirabeau Falls) 033,00033,0000(33,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #312 ('21 fund bal >50%) 05,358,0545,358,0540(5,358,054)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures5,784,63316,495,42522,280,0585,372,423(16,907,635)(75.89%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(4,584,633)(2,028,425)(6,613,058)(5,047,423) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(1,196,288)(2,764,350)(3,960,638)(707,902) Beginning unrestricted fund balance46,101,04946,101,04942,140,411 Ending unrestricted fund balance44,904,76142,140,41141,432,509 Fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures84.68%78.38%71.46% General Fund Summary Total revenues57,618,90014,467,00072,085,90062,641,100 Total expenditures58,815,18817,231,35076,046,53863,349,002 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(1,196,288)(2,764,350)(3,960,638)(707,902) Beginning unrestricted fund balance46,101,04946,101,04942,140,411 Ending unrestricted fund balance44,904,76142,140,41141,432,509 72 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 - STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Utility Tax857,0000857,000900,00043,0005.02% Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax2,062,60002,062,6001,950,700(111,900)(5.43%) Multimodal Transportation Revenue139,2000139,200137,500(1,700)(1.22%) Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee95,000095,000100,0005,0005.26% Solid Waste Road Wear Fee (local streets)01,700,0001,700,0001,700,00000.00% Investment Interest500050010,0009,5001900.00% Miscellaneous10,000010,00010,00000.00% Transfers in - #106000000.00% Total Recurring Revenues3,164,3001,700,0004,864,3004,808,200(56,100)(1.15%) Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes1,314,394303,6001,617,9941,641,85023,8561.47% Supplies191,5005,700197,200245,40048,20024.44% Services & Charges2,803,78917,1002,820,8892,840,05019,1610.68% Snow Operations1,081,91501,081,9151,699,464617,54957.08% Local Street Program03,918,1003,918,1001,579,560(2,338,540)(59.69%) Intergovernmental Payments1,000,00001,000,0001,025,00025,0002.50% Vehicle rentals - #501 (non-plow vehicle rental)27,750027,75041,95014,20051.17% Vehicle rentals - #501 (plow replace.)275,0000275,000300,00025,0009.09% Total Recurring Expenditures6,694,3484,244,50010,938,8489,373,274(1,565,574)(14.31%) Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures(3,530,048)(2,544,500)(6,074,548)(4,565,074) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Transfers in - #0013,530,04803,530,0484,592,9231,062,87530.11% Transfers in - #106 (local streets)01,862,9291,862,9290(1,862,929)(100.00%) Transfers in - #311 (local streets)02,677,0992,677,0990(2,677,099)(100.00%) Transfers in - #312 (surface treatment pilot)0250,000250,0000(250,000)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Revenues3,530,0484,790,0288,320,0764,592,923(3,727,153)(44.80%) Expenditures Streetlight Replacement Program40,000040,0000(40,000)(100.00%) Capital Equipment Replacement Programs000225,000225,0000.00% Generator for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #402)08,5008,5000(8,500)(100.00%) Desks for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #402)01,5301,5300(1,530)(100.00%) Bridge Replacement Program10,000010,00025,00015,000150.00% Signal Maintenance Equipment40,000040,0000(40,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #311 (Summerfield local access)01,655,9551,655,9550(1,655,955)(100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (truck for Signal Technician)58,000058,0000(58,000)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures148,0001,665,9851,813,985250,000(1,563,985)(86.22%) Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures3,382,0483,124,0436,506,0914,342,923 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(148,000)579,543431,543(222,151) Beginning fund balance1,319,2061,319,2061,750,749 Less restricted fund balance0(533,982)(561,831) Ending fund balance1,171,2061,216,767966,767 Street Fund Summary Total revenues6,694,3486,490,02813,184,3769,401,123 Total expenditures6,842,3485,910,48512,752,8339,623,274 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(148,000)579,543431,543(222,151) Beginning unrestricted fund balance01,319,2061,750,749 Less restricted fund balance0(533,982)(561,831) Ending unrestricted fund balance(148,000)1,216,767966,767 73 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #103 - PATHS & TRAILS FUND Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax8,70008,7008,200(500)(5.75%) Investment Interest10001001,000900900.00% Total revenues8,80008,8009,2004004.55% Expenditures Transfers out - #309 000000.00% Total expenditures000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures8,8008,8009,200 Beginning fund balance38,36838,36847,168 Ending fund balance47,16847,16856,368 #104 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX - TOURISM FACILITIES FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax600,0000600,000600,00000.00% Investment Interest 5,00005,00080,00075,0001500.00% Transfers in - #1050515,198515,1980(515,198)(100.00%) Total revenues605,000515,1981,120,198680,000(440,198)(39.30%) Expenditures Spokane Cnty - Avista Stadium Award02,000,0002,000,0000(2,000,000)(100.00%) Total expenditures02,000,0002,000,0000(2,000,000)(100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures605,000(879,802)680,000 Beginning fund balance5,619,7055,619,7054,739,903 Ending fund balance6,224,7054,739,9035,419,903 #105 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax900,0000900,000900,00000.00% Investment Interest 1,00001,00010,0009,000900.00% Total revenues901,0000901,000910,0009,0001.00% Expenditures Transfers out - #00130,000030,00030,00000.00% Transfers out - #1040515,198515,1980(515,198)(100.00%) Tourism Promotion871,000(561,298)309,7021,252,200942,498304.32% Total expenditures901,000(46,100)854,9001,282,200427,30049.98% Revenues over (under) expenditures046,100(372,200) Beginning fund balance507,419507,419553,519 Ending fund balance507,419553,519181,319 #106 - SOLID WASTE FUND Revenues Solid Waste Administrative Fee225,0000225,000250,00025,00011.11% Solid Waste Road Wear Fee1,700,000(1,700,000)0000.00% Investment Interest4,00004,00040,00036,000900.00% Total revenues1,929,000(1,700,000)229,000290,00061,00026.64% Expenditures Education & Contract Administration229,0000229,000290,00061,00026.64% Transfers out - #10101,862,9291,862,9290(1,862,929)(100.00%) Transfers out - #3111,700,000(1,700,000)0000.00% Total expenditures1,929,000162,9292,091,929290,000(1,801,929)(86.14%) Revenues over (under) expenditures0(1,862,929)0 Beginning fund balance2,991,5742,991,5741,128,645 Ending fund balance2,991,5741,128,6451,128,645 74 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #107 - PEG FUND Revenues Comcast PEG Contribution71,000071,00063,000(8,000)(11.27%) Investment Interest 0003,0003,0000.00% Total revenues71,000071,00066,000(5,000)(7.04%) Expenditures PEG Reimbursement - CMTV39,500039,50039,50000.00% Capital Outlay33,500033,50033,50000.00% Total expenditures73,000073,00073,00000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures(2,000)(2,000)(7,000) Beginning fund balance233,782233,782231,782 Ending fund balance231,782231,782224,782 X #108 - AFFORDABLE & SUPPORTIVE HOUSING SALES TA Revenues Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax200,0000200,000200,00000.00% Investment Interest0008,0008,0000.00% Total revenues200,0000200,000208,0008,0004.00% Expenditures Operations000000.00% Total expenditures000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures200,000200,000208,000 Beginning fund balance577,569577,569777,569 Ending fund balance777,569777,569985,569 #109 - TOURISM PROMOTION AREA FUND Revenues Tourism Promotion Area Fee01,200,0001,200,0001,200,00000.00% Total revenues01,200,0001,200,0001,200,00000.00% Expenditures Professional Services0800,000800,0001,200,000400,00050.00% Total expenditures0800,000800,0001,200,000400,00050.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures0400,0000 Beginning fund balance00400,000 Ending fund balance0400,000400,000 D #110 - HOMELESS HOUSING PROGRAM FUN Revenues Recording Fees000640,000640,0000.00% Investment Interest000000.00% Total revenues000640,000640,0000.00% Expenditures Professional Services000000.00% Total expenditures000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures00640,000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance00640,000 75 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest000000.00% Miscellaneous000000.00% Total revenues000000.00% Expenditures Operations000000.00% Total expenditures000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance300,000300,000300,000 Ending fund balance300,000300,000300,000 #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest000000.00% Miscellaneous000000.00% Total revenues000000.00% Expenditures Operations000000.00% Total expenditures000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance5,500,0005,500,0005,500,000 Ending fund balance5,500,0005,500,0005,500,000 #122 - WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest1,10001,1006,0004,900445.45% Transfers in - #0010500,000500,0000(500,000)(100.00%) Subtotal revenues1,100500,000501,1006,000(495,100)(98.80%) Expenditures Street maintenance expenditures500,0000500,000500,00000.00% Total expenditures500,0000500,000500,00000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures(498,900)1,100(494,000) Beginning fund balance31,78031,780532,880 Ending fund balance(467,120)32,88038,880 76 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte DEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204 - LTGO BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District527,2000527,200551,60024,4004.63% Transfers in - #001401,1500401,150398,950(2,200)(0.55%) Transfers in - #30180,600080,6000(80,600)(100.00%) Transfers in - #30280,600080,6000(80,600)(100.00%) Total revenues1,089,55001,089,550950,550(139,000)(12.76%) Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace527,2000527,200551,60024,4004.63% Debt Service Payments - Roads161,2000161,2000(161,200)(100.00%) Debt Service Payments - City Hall401,1500401,150398,950(2,200)(0.55%) Total expenditures1,089,55001,089,550950,550(139,000)(12.76%) Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance000 S CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND #301 - REET 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes1,500,00001,500,0001,500,00000.00% Investment Interest4,00004,00090,00086,0002150.00% Total revenues1,504,00001,504,0001,590,00086,0005.72% Expenditures Transfers out - #20480,600080,6000(80,600)(100.00%) Transfers out - #303385,967174,471560,438897,312336,87460.11% Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation)1,037,50001,037,5001,170,350132,85012.80% Transfers out - #3143,6553,5447,199801(6,398)(88.87%) Total expenditures1,507,722178,0151,685,7372,068,463382,72622.70% Revenues over (under) expenditures(3,722)(181,737)(478,463) Beginning fund balance5,314,9285,314,9285,133,191 Ending fund balance5,311,2065,133,1914,654,728 D #302 - REET 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUN Revenues REET 2 - Taxes1,500,00001,500,0001,500,00000.00% Investment Interest6,00006,000100,00094,0001566.67% Total revenues1,506,00001,506,0001,600,00094,0006.24% Expenditures Transfers out - #20480,600080,6000(80,600)(100.00%) Transfers out - #303602,7201,918,1122,520,832440,437(2,080,395)(82.53%) Transfers out - #30905,0005,0000(5,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 1,037,50001,037,5001,170,350132,85012.80% Transfers out - #314135,0001,875136,875182,50045,62533.33% Total expenditures1,855,8201,924,9873,780,8071,793,287(1,987,520)(52.57%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(349,820)(2,274,807)(193,287) Beginning fund balance6,791,1756,791,1754,516,368 Ending fund balance6,441,3554,516,3684,323,081 77 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #303 - STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds7,988,3761,533,3409,521,7166,949,896(2,571,820)(27.01%) Developer71,615379,392451,007588,130137,12330.40% Transfers in - #301385,967174,471560,438897,312336,87460.11% Transfers in - #302602,7201,918,1122,520,832440,437(2,080,395)(82.53%) Transfers in - #312 0220,866220,8660(220,866)(100.00%) Transfers in - #315108,449(108,449)0000.00% Total revenues9,157,1274,117,73213,274,8598,875,775(4,399,084)(33.14%) Expenditures 205Sprague/Barker Intersections Improvement19,766(19,766)0000.00% 249Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection0765,321765,3210(765,321)(100.00%) 300Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement1,294,831(952,285)342,5461,599,2561,256,710366.87% 313Barker Rd/Union Pacific Crossing1,044,00001,044,00050,000(994,000)(95.21%) 318Wilbur Sidewalk - Boone to Mission0172,701172,7010(172,701)(100.00%) 320Sullivan Preservation - Sprague to 8th2,070,462395,5782,466,0405,000(2,461,040)(99.80%) 321Argonne Corridor Imprv - North of Knox10,000010,00019,6089,60896.08% 3262020 Citywide Reetroreflective Post Plates89,502089,5020(89,502)(100.00%) 327Sprague Stormwater & Crossing Project1,557,41001,557,4102,365,000807,59051.85% 329Barker Road Imp- City Limits to Appleway750,000(652,029)97,97150,000(47,971)(48.96%) 332NE Industrial Area - Sewer Extension25,000(25,000)0000.00% 335Mission Ave over Evergreen Deck Repair0409,539409,5390(409,539)(100.00%) 3408th Ave Sidewalk - Coleman to Park401,011924,1551,325,1660(1,325,166)(100.00%) 342School zone beacons0112,417112,4170(112,417)(100.00%) 344Park Rd Sidewalk- Broadway to Cataldo338,8620338,8620(338,862)(100.00%) 345Park Rd Sidewalk- Nora to Baldwin311,6000311,6000(311,600)(100.00%) 346Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd244,683232,690477,3732,106,7771,629,404341.33% 347Broadway and Park Intersection02,124,4112,124,411410,134(1,714,277)(80.69%) 348Barker Road Improvements- Appleway to I900300,000300,0000(300,000)(100.00%) 351Barker Road Imp - Sprague to Appleway0255,000255,000595,000340,000133.33% Argonne Bridge075,00075,000675,000600,000800.00% Contingency1,000,00001,000,0001,000,00000.00% Total expenditures9,157,1274,117,73213,274,8598,875,775(4,399,084)(33.14%) Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance1,943,1511,943,1511,943,151 Ending fund balance1,943,1511,943,151 1,943,151 Note: Work performed for pavement preservation projects out of the Street Capital Projects Fund is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that were bid with the pavement preservation work. #309 - PARK CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds126,100200,790326,8900(326,890)(100.00%) Transfers in - #001160,000460,327620,327160,000(460,327)(74.21%) Transfers in - #30205,0005,0000(5,000)(100.00%) Transfers in - #310040,19240,1920 Transfers in - #312 4,523,9001,153,9465,677,846220,000(5,457,846)(96.13%) Total revenues4,810,0001,860,2556,670,255380,000(6,290,255)(94.30%) Expenditures 314Balfour Park frontage improvements05,0005,0000(5,000)(100.00%) 316Balfour Park improvements Phase 13,400,0001,822,2555,222,25520,000(5,202,255)(99.62%) 328Sullivan Park water line500,0000500,0000(500,000)(100.00%) 338Spokane Valley River Loop Trail750,0000750,0000(750,000)(100.00%) Replace pump at Mirabeau Falls033,00033,0000(33,000)(100.00%) Parking & Trail Design (Summerfield, Ponderosa, Flora 136,9000136,9000(136,900)(100.00%) West Lawn Shade Canopy for Stage23,100023,1000(23,100)(100.00%) Greenacres Park Phase 2000200,000200,0000.00% Total expenditures4,810,0001,860,2556,670,255220,000(6,450,255)(96.70%) Revenues over (under) expenditures00160,000 Beginning fund balance177,301177,301177,301 Ending fund balance177,301177,301337,301 78 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 1,00001,0001,20020020.00% Total revenues1,00001,0001,20020020.00% Expenditures Payment to Library District0799,093799,0930(799,093)(100.00%) Transfer out - #309 (Balfour Park)040,19240,1920(40,192)(100.00%) Total expenditures0839,285839,2850(839,285)(100.00%) Revenues over (under) expenditures1,000(838,285)1,200 Beginning fund balance853,709853,70915,424 Ending fund balance854,70915,42416,624 Note: The fund balance in #310 includes $839,281.10 paid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at the Balfour Park site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted bond approved by October 2022 then the City may repurchase this land at the original sale price of $839,285.10. Of this amount, $799,093 was paid out to the Library District for improvements during 2023 with the remaining $40,192 expected to be transferred to Fund #309 for joint improvements made by the City in 2023. #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION Revenues Transfers in - #0011,011,80001,011,8001,021,90010,1001.00% Transfers in - #101 (local streets)01,655,9551,655,9550(1,655,955)(100.00%) Transfers in - #1061,700,000(1,700,000)0000.00% Transfers in - #3011,037,50001,037,5001,170,350132,85012.80% Transfers in - #3021,037,50001,037,5001,170,350132,85012.80% Grant Proceeds1,760,000876,0002,636,0000(2,636,000)(100.00%) Total revenues6,546,800831,9557,378,7553,362,600(4,016,155)(54.43%) Expenditures Pavement preservation7,805,121(23,470)7,781,6513,500,000(4,281,651)(55.02%) Pre-project GeoTech50,000050,00050,00000.00% Transfer out - #101 (local streets)02,677,0992,677,0990(2,677,099)(100.00%) Total expenditures7,855,1212,653,62910,508,7503,550,000(6,958,750)(66.22%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(1,308,321)(3,129,995)(187,400) Beginning fund balance6,615,7006,615,7003,485,705 Ending fund balance5,307,3793,485,7053,298,305 D #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUN Revenues Transfers in - #001('21 fund bal >50%)05,358,0545,358,0540(5,358,054)(100.00%) Grant Proceeds 000000.00% Investment Interest 20,000020,000500,000480,0002400.00% Total revenues20,0005,358,0545,378,054500,000(4,878,054)(90.70%) Expenditures Transfers out - #001 (police vehicle replacements)1,200,000200,0001,400,0000(1,400,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #001 (City Hall repairs)01,200,0001,200,0000(1,200,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #101 (surface treatment pilot)0250,000250,0000(250,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #303 (Barker Rd Widening)0108,449108,4490(108,449)(100.00%) Transfers out - #303 (School beacons)0112,417112,4170(112,417)(100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Balfour Park Imprmts Ph. 1)3,400,0001,153,9464,553,94620,000(4,533,946)(99.56%) Transfers out - #309 (Sullivan Park water line)373,9000373,9000(373,900)(100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Spokane Valley River Loop Trail)750,0000750,0000(750,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #309 (Greenacres Park Ph2)347,99815,940363,938200,000(163,938)(45.05%) Transfers out - #314 (Barker Rd Overpass)196,394190,962387,356725,000337,64487.17% Transfers out - #314 (Pines Rd Underpass)046,27446,27420,094(26,180)(56.58%) Transfers out - #314 (Sullivan Interchange)00061,69861,6980.00% 10303 E Sprague Property Acquisition0791,000791,0000(791,000)(100.00%) WSDOT Sullivan Park Property Acquisition0759,600759,6000(759,600)(100.00%) Total expenditures6,268,2924,828,58811,096,8801,026,792(10,070,088)(90.75%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(6,248,292)(5,718,826)(526,792) Beginning fund balance16,658,02016,658,02010,939,194 Ending fund balance10,409,72810,939,194 10,412,402 79 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued #314 - RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds2,827,0862,069,9274,897,0132,112,530(2,784,483)(56.86%) Developer Contributions187,511266,530454,0410(454,041)(100.00%) Transfers in - #3013,6553,5447,199801(6,398)(88.87%) Transfers in - #302135,0001,875136,875182,50045,62533.33% Transfers in - #312 544,392253,176797,568806,7929,2241.16% Total revenues3,697,6442,595,0526,292,6963,102,623(3,190,073)(50.69%) Expenditures 143Barker BNSF Grade Separation750,000240,894990,894725,000(265,894)(26.83%) 223Pines Rd Underpass2,200,0001,665,8973,865,897273,674(3,592,223)(92.92%) 311Sullivan Rd Interchange1,000,000615,4621,615,4622,153,948538,48633.33% Total expenditures3,950,0002,522,2536,472,2533,152,622(3,319,631)(51.29%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(252,356)(179,557)(49,999) Beginning fund balance267,460267,46087,903 Ending fund balance15,10487,903 37,904 #315 - TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES FUND Revenues Transportation Impact Fees200,0000200,000300,000100,00050.00% Total revenues200,0000200,000300,000100,00050.00% Expenditures Transfers out - #303108,449(108,449)0000.00% Total expenditures108,449(108,449)0000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures91,551200,000300,000 Beginning fund balance665,904665,904865,904 Ending fund balance757,455865,904 1,165,904 #316 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Transfers in - #312 (Fairgrounds Building)000000.00% Total revenues000000.00% Expenditures Fairgrounds Building000000.00% Total expenditures000000.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance00 0 80 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees1,951,0003,649,0005,600,0005,600,00000.00% Investment Interest2,00002,00040,00038,0001900.00% Total Recurring Revenues1,953,0003,649,0005,602,0005,640,00038,0000.68% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes635,392321,976957,3681,316,976359,60837.56% Supplies20,80078,50099,30044,700(54,600)(54.98%) Services & Charges1,449,742315,0801,764,8222,422,317657,49537.26% Intergovernmental Payments48,000048,00048,00000.00% Vehicle rentals - #5016,75006,75013,0006,25092.59% Total Recurring Expenditures2,160,684715,5562,876,2403,844,993968,75333.68% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures(207,684)2,933,4442,725,7601,795,007 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds000000.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues000000.00% Expenditures Capital - various projects200,000150,000350,0001,500,0001,150,000328.57% Watershed studies100,0000100,000150,00050,00050.00% Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Update50,000050,0000(50,000)(100.00%) Generator for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #101)08,5008,5000(8,500)(100.00%) Desks for Maintenance Shop (1/2 cost to #101)01,5301,5300(1,530)(100.00%) Land Acquisition for Easement0260,000260,0000(260,000)(100.00%) Transfers out - #501 (Stormwater Vehicle)060,00060,0000(60,000)(100.00%) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures350,000480,030830,0301,650,000819,97098.79% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures(350,000)(480,030)(830,030)(1,650,000) Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(557,684)2,453,4141,895,730145,007 Beginning working capital2,278,3632,278,3634,174,093 Ending working capital1,720,6794,174,0934,319,100 Stormwater Fund Summary Total revenues1,953,0003,649,0005,602,0005,640,000 Total expenditures2,510,6841,195,5863,706,2705,494,993 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(557,684)2,453,4141,895,730145,007 Beginning unrestricted fund balance2,278,3632,278,3634,174,093 Ending unrestricted fund balance1,720,6794,174,0934,319,100 #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County460,0000460,000500,00040,0008.70% Grant Proceeds397,5000397,5000(397,500)(100.00%) Investment Interest1,90001,90020,00018,100952.63% Total revenues859,4000859,400520,000(339,400)(39.49%) Expenditures Capital - various projects1,421,10001,421,1001,000,000(421,100)(29.63%) Effectiveness study55,000055,00055,00000.00% Total expenditures1,476,10001,476,1001,055,000(421,100)(28.53%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(616,700)(616,700)(535,000) Beginning working capital1,520,5221,520,522903,822 Ending working capital903,822903,822368,822 81 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 11/21/2023 2024 Budget 20232024Difference Between s2023 and 2024 As A dAmendmentAmendedBudget$% Adopte INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Vehicle rentals - #00152,1007,50059,60046,750(12,850)(21.56%) Vehicle rentals - #10127,750027,75041,95014,20051.17% Vehicle rentals - #101(plow replace.) 275,0000275,000300,00025,0009.09% Vehicle rentals - #4026,75006,75013,0006,25092.59% Transfers in - #001 (IT equipment reserve)00086,50086,5000.00% Transfers in - #101 (Additional dump bed truck)58,000058,0000(58,000)(100.00%) Transfers in - #402 (Stormwater vehicle)060,00060,0000(60,000)(100.00%) Investment Interest2,00002,00020,00018,000900.00% Total revenues421,60067,500489,100508,20019,1003.91% Expenditures Small tools & minor equipment10,000010,00010,00000.00% Vehicle purchase238,000238,500476,500120,000(356,500)(74.82%) Snow plow purchase275,0000275,000300,00025,0009.09% Heavey Duty Machinery & Equipment000270,000270,0000.00% Total expenditures523,000238,500761,500700,000(61,500)(8.08%) Revenues over (under) expenditures(101,400)(272,400)(191,800) Beginning working capital1,417,1191,417,1191,144,719 Ending working capital1,315,7191,144,719952,919 D #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUN Revenues Transfers in - #001600,0000600,000700,000100,00016.67% Total revenues600,0000600,000700,000100,00016.67% Expenditures Auto & Property Insurance600,0000600,000700,000100,00016.67% Total expenditures600,0000600,000700,000100,00016.67% Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance428,022428,022428,022 Ending fund balance428,022428,022428,022 S FIDUCIARY FUND #632 - PASSTHROUGH FEES & TAXES FUND Revenues Fees & taxes collected for other governments591,0000591,000500,000(91,000)(15.40%) Total revenues591,0000591,000500,000(91,000)(15.40%) Expenditures Fees & taxes remitted to other governments591,0000591,000500,000(91,000)(15.40%) Total expenditures591,0000591,000500,000(91,000)(15.40%) Revenues over (under) expenditures000 Beginning fund balance000 Ending fund balance000 S TOTAL OF ALL FUND Total of Revenues for all Funds100,986,26939,951,774140,938,043104,582,371 Total of Expenditures for all Funds111,363,40146,309,045157,672,446106,404,958 Total grant revenues (included in total revenues)13,219,06214,137,05727,356,1199,507,426 Total Capital expenditures (included in total expenditures)30,029,43311,360,37041,208,90319,420,397 82 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget Revenues by Fund General Fund Property Tax $ 13,824,900 Sales Tax33,709,600 Sales Tax - Public Safety1,600,800 Sales Tax - Criminal Justice2,818,500 Gambling and Leasehold Excise Tax 485,000 Franchise Fees/Business Registration1,370,000 State Shared Revenues2,469,400 Service Revenues3,481,900 Fines and Forfeitures500,600 Recreation Program Fees607,200 Miscellaneous, Investment Int., Transfers1,773,200 Total General Fund $ 62,641,100 Other Funds $ 9,401,123 101Street Fund 9,200 103Paths & Trails Fund 680,000 104Hotel/Motel Tax Tourism Facilities Fund 910,000 105Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 290,000 106Solid Waste Fund 66,000 107PEG Fund 208,000 108Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax 1,200,000 109Tourism Promotion Area Fund 640,000 110Homeless Housing Program Fund 6,000 122Winter Weather Reserve Fund 950,550 204LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund 1,590,000 301REET 1 Capital Projects Fund 1,600,000 302REET 2 Capital Projects Fund 8,875,775 303Street Capital Projects Fund 380,000 309Parks Capital Projects Fund 1,200 310Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund 3,362,600 311Pavement Preservation Fund 500,000 312Capital Reserve Fund 3,102,623 314Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund 300,000 315Transportation Impact Fees Fund 5,640,000 402Stormwater Management Fund 520,000 403Aquifer Protection Area Fund 508,200 501Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund 700,000 502Risk Management Fund 500,000 632Passthrough Fees & Taxes Fund $ 41,941,271 Total Other Funds Total All Funds104,582,371$ 83 84 54% Sales Tax 22% Property Tax 3% Miscellaneous $62,641,100 2024 General Fund Revenues CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1% Recreation Program Fees 6% 1% Service Revenues 4% 2% 4% 1% 2% Fines & Forfeitures Gambling Tax Registrations Public Safety Sales Tax State Shared Revenues Criminal Justice Sales Tax Franchise Fees/Business 85 1% 1% APA Fund 0% 5% Fund Passthrough Internal Service Funds Stormwater Management 19% Capital Projects Funds $ 104,582,371 1% 2024 City Wide Revenues Debt Service Fund CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 60% General Fund 4% 9% Other Special Revenue Funds Street Fund CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget - General Fund Detail Revenues by Type 20202021202220232024 Amended Proposed ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Property Tax Property Tax11,958,29612,526,70912,993,48713,569,20013,824,900 Property Tax - Delinquent127,001423,445156,97100 12,085,29712,950,15413,150,45813,569,20013,824,900 Sales Taxes Sales Tax25,238,48131,499,53432,347,04630,555,00033,709,600 Sales Tax - Public Safety1,163,3131,398,6481,529,9411,357,0001,600,800 Sales Tax - Criminal Justice2,049,0752,472,0162,685,5032,398,0002,818,500 28,450,86935,370,19836,562,49034,310,00038,128,900 Gambling and Leasehold Excise Tax Amusement Games3,90613,61316,66113,00014,000 Card Games210,466386,758453,158290,000375,000 Bingo & Raffles4216889821,0001,000 Punch Boards & Pull Tabs63,67689,747109,53572,00090,000 Leasehold Excise Tax6,6084,9155,4127,0005,000 285,077495,721585,748383,000485,000 Licenses & Permits General Business Licenses114,652209,835231,082115,000200,000 Franchise Fees1,126,1851,166,5091,169,3261,100,0001,170,000 1,240,8371,376,3441,400,4081,215,0001,370,000 State Shared Revenues City Assistance State Revenue109,309312,720000 Payment in Lieu of Taxes - DNR 7,3473,3203,0964,0004,000 CJ - High Crime 275,590307,978335,772250,000300,000 MVET Criminal Justice - Population 30,72333,38136,57938,50040,800 CJ Contracted Services 188,640202,289217,671177,000200,000 CJ Special Programs 109,811118,733129,552136,000145,000 Marijuana Excise Tax Distribution 184,812212,580271,849167,000178,200 DUI - Cities 14,71216,6897,73014,50014,000 Liquor Board Excise Tax 637,464710,593740,373735,000776,500 Liquor Board Profits 776,368770,254810,471819,000810,900 2,334,7762,688,5372,553,0932,341,0002,469,400 Service Revenues Accessory Dwelling9243,0002,0231,0002,000 Building & Planning Fees 245,449452,967438,338265,800306,800 Planning Fees 918,2301,365,855944,967825,000865,000 Building Permits1,705,1592,536,8342,015,6461,600,0001,751,000 Code Enforcement18,33917,92844,69412,00020,000 Demolition Permits4,1474,9525,0204,00045,000 Entertainment License1,5751,5751,5751,6001,600 Grading Permits26,36640,11542,07922,00028,000 Home Profession Fee2,6882,1723,5363,0003,000 Mechanical Permits158,269183,608173,337145,000157,000 Misc. Permits & Fees33,55855,94033,08324,00032,000 Plumbing Permits100,95794,39670,71980,00080,000 Right of Way Permits164,560183,037253,579160,000188,000 Street Vacation Permits2,7302,27913,8242,0002,000 Temporary Use Permit Fees4711,5001,040500500 3,383,4224,946,1584,043,4603,145,9003,481,900 86 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget - General Fund Detail Revenues by Type 20202021202220232024 Amended Proposed ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Fines and Forfeitures Public Safety False Alarm Services56,78559,66663,91460,00062,000 Public Safety Grants0100,93450,79250,00050,000 LE & CJ One-Time City Assistance0389,399000 Fines & Forfeits - Traffic323,494341,849279,392383,100361,000 Other Criminal- Non Traffic Fines22,06525,12829,40825,50027,600 402,344916,976423,506518,600500,600 Limited term employee - project Activity Fees (To use a recreational facility)130,049222,115437,640436,500417,900 Program Fees (To participate in a program)18,14079,956177,846189,000189,300 148,189302,071615,486625,500607,200 Miscellaneous AWC Health & Wellness 0001,0001,000 Investment Interest254,63670,4071,135,54765,0001,100,000 Sales Tax Interest32,59018,32138,13625,00030,000 Lease Financing0048,49400 Interest on Gambling Tax35511219200200 Police Precinct Rent 39,88844,89942,27640,00042,000 Police Precinct Maintenance14,52324,79336,80925,00036,000 Judgments and Settlements026173,6083,560,0000 Miscellaneous Revenue & Grant Proceeds59,562165,582151,731210,000531,000 COVID-19 Stimulus Funding4,352,40037,1415,713,8039,418,0000 Copy Charges8566511,0671,5001,000 Pass-Through Services1,1891,9781,6292,0002,000 4,755,999363,9107,343,11913,347,7001,743,200 Transfers Transfers in - #105 (h/m tax-CP advertising)11,3909,51612,98230,00030,000 Transfers in - #312 00606,5372,600,0000 11,3909,516619,5192,630,00030,000 Total General Fund Revenue53,098,20059,419,58567,297,28772,085,90062,641,100 87 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget - Other Funds Detail Revenues by Type 20202021202220232024 Amended Proposed ActualActualActualBudgetBudget 101 - Street Fund Utility tax1,388,0261,084,3871,003,537857,000900,000 Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax1,737,8641,901,9261,951,4372,062,6001,950,700 Multimodal Transportation Revenue131,847132,334137,638139,200137,500 Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee93,033115,307101,65295,000100,000 Solid Waste Road Wear Fee0001,700,0001,700,000 Investment Interest82955612,41650010,000 Other Miscellaneous Revenues & Grants55,441282,509425,16110,00010,000 Nonrecurring Transfer in - #00102,552,6003,084,9193,530,0484,592,923 Nonrecurring Transfer in - #10600271,0001,862,9290 Nonrecurring Transfer in - #122364,43989,805500,00000 Nonrecurring Transfer in - #3110002,677,0990 Nonrecurring Transfer in - #312 1,364,70600250,0000 5,136,1856,159,4247,487,76013,184,3769,401,123 103 - Paths & Trails Fund Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax7,3308,0228,2318,7008,200 Investment interest71215791001,000 7,4018,0438,8108,8009,200 104 - Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund Hotel/Motel Tax283,720481,321591,849600,000600,000 Transfers in - #10501,201,684273,000515,1980 Investment interest11,9082,61782,6625,00080,000 295,6281,685,622947,5111,120,198680,000 105 - Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Hotel/Motel Tax443,244744,435901,685900,000900,000 t2,70589811,3201,00010,000 Investment Interes 445,949745,333913,005901,000910,000 106 - Solid Waste Solid Waste Administrative fee219,943232,310268,611225,000250,000 Solid Waste Road Wear fee1,537,7761,760,5191,987,35000 Investment Interest7,8041,48043,1914,00040,000 1,765,5231,994,3092,299,152229,000290,000 107 - PEG Fund Comcast PEG contribution76,54171,25264,64071,00063,000 Investment Interest5961603,24603,000 77,13771,41267,88671,00066,000 108 - Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Affordable & Supportive Sales Tax151,950215,088202,181200,000200,000 Investment Interest832058,06108,000 152,033215,293210,242200,000208,000 109 - Tourism Promotion Area Tourism Promotion Area Fee0001,200,0001,200,000 Investment Interest00000 0001,200,0001,200,000 110 - Homeless Housing Program Recording Fees0000640,000 Investment Interest00000 0000640,000 122 - Winter Weather Reserve Fund Investment Interest1,1472097,0881,1006,000 Transfer in - #001500,000364,44089,805500,0000 501,147364,64996,893501,1006,000 204 - Debt Service - LTGO 03 Fund Facilities District Revenue459,500480,800501,200527,200551,600 Transfers in - #001401,450401,500401,400401,150398,950 Transfers in - #30180,37580,77581,10080,6000 Transfers in - #30280,37580,77581,10080,6000 1,021,7001,043,8501,064,8001,089,550950,550 88 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget - Other Funds Detail Revenues by Type 20202021202220232024 Amended Proposed ActualActualActualBudgetBudget 301 - REET 1 Capital Projects Fund REET 1 - 1st Quarter Percent1,754,3203,109,1132,790,0201,500,0001,500,000 Investment Interest14,7422,82796,9654,00090,000 1,769,0623,111,9402,886,9851,504,0001,590,000 302 - REET 2 Capital Projects Fund REET 2 - 2nd Quarter Percent1,754,3203,109,1132,790,0201,500,0001,500,000 Investment Interest22,4255,137117,0196,000100,000 1,776,7453,114,2502,907,0391,506,0001,600,000 303 - Street Capital Projects Fund Grant Proceeds2,813,4854,174,2434,235,8149,521,7166,949,896 Developer Contributions540,3251,271,759853,467451,007588,130 Investment Interest021811,65200 Transfers in - #10600110,74600 Transfers in - #301330,295293,208899,463560,438897,312 Transfers in - #302 149,6781,401,744226,7012,520,832440,437 Transfers in - #312 916,837(87,442)113,786220,8660 Transfers in - #31500000 4,750,6207,053,7306,451,62913,274,8598,875,775 309 - Parks Capital Projects Fund Grant Proceeds1,334,842593,2600326,8900 Developer Contribution017,896000 Investment Interest020000 Transfers in - #0012,941,166178,813160,145620,327160,000 Transfers in - #302064,077124,0205,0000 Transfers in - #31000040,1920 Transfers in - #312131,985604,511332,2675,677,846220,000 4,407,9931,458,577616,4326,670,255380,000 310 - Civic Facilities Capital Projects Fund Investment Interest3,67969213,6521,0001,200 3,67969213,6521,0001,200 311 - Pavement Preservation Fund Grants98,28102,052,1752,636,0000 Developer Contribution029,011000 Investment Interest10,9603,44873,15000 Transfers in - #001982,023991,8431,001,8001,011,8001,021,900 Transfers in - #101 (local streets)0001,655,9550 Transfers in - #1061,513,5321,537,7763,19300 Transfers in - #301772,639827,278550,2411,037,5001,170,350 Transfers in - #302772,638827,279914,9001,037,5001,170,350 4,150,0734,216,6354,595,4597,378,7553,362,600 312 - Capital Reserve Fund Sale of Land0109,403000 Investment Interest58,1878,303236,05420,000500,000 Transfers in - #001 011,126,3433,593,0005,358,0540 Transfers in - #309200,0000000 Transfers in - #31016,7003,600000 274,88711,247,6493,829,0545,378,054500,000 314 - Railroad Grade Separation Projects Fund Grant Proceeds3,394,512280,718677,4124,897,0132,112,530 Investment Interest412427000 Developer Contribution051,403518454,0410 Rental Income017,79310,50000 Transfers in - #3011,335,879007,199801 Transfers in - #3020660,5160136,875182,500 Transfers in - #312198,701602,272633,818797,568806,792 4,929,5041,613,1291,322,2486,292,6963,102,623 315 - Transportation Impact Fees Fund Transportation Impact Fees0294,477361,614200,000300,000 Investment Interest01319,68300 0294,608371,297200,000300,000 89 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget - Other Funds Detail Revenues by Type 20202021202220232024 Amended Proposed ActualActualActualBudgetBudget 316 - Economic Development Capital Projects Fund Transfer in - #312 (fairgrounds building)03,3587,01000 03,3587,01000 402 - Stormwater Management Fund Stormwater Management Fee1,910,3492,026,1402,031,0005,600,0005,600,000 Grant Proceeds - Nonrecurring30495,000000 Investment Interest10,7262,13440,0382,00040,000 1,921,3792,123,2742,071,0385,602,0005,640,000 403 - Aquifer Protection Area Fund Spokane County426,234522,357514,576460,000500,000 Grant Proceeds60,9961,337,636236,685397,5000 Developer Contribution0157,865000 Investment Interest9,1351,22120,4211,90020,000 Transfers in - #302014,926000 496,3652,034,005771,682859,400520,000 501 - Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund Vehicle rentals - #00128,00031,30031,30059,60046,750 Vehicle rentals - #10114,50010,25010,25027,75041,950 Vehicle rentals - #101 (plow replace.)48,50060,500275,000275,000300,000 Vehicle rentals - #40214,0006,7506,7506,75013,000 Transfers in - #001 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve)36,60036,600000 Transfers in - #001 (Additional vehicle)27,4720000 Transfers in - #001 (IT equipment reserve)000086,500 Transfers in - #101 (Additional vehicle)00058,0000 Transfers in - #402 (Stormwater vehicle)00060,0000 Miscellaneous revenues0032500 Investment Interest6,0741,14720,4482,00020,000 175,146146,547344,073489,100508,200 502 - Risk Management Fund Transfers in - #001410,000425,000450,000600,000700,000 Investment Interest2481174,88900 410,248425,117454,889600,000700,000 632 - Passthrough Fees & Taxes Fund Fees & Taxes collected for other governments372,072589,853433,410591,000500,000 372,072589,853433,410591,000500,000 Total of "Other Fund" Revenues34,840,47649,721,29940,171,95668,852,14341,941,271 General Fund Revenues53,098,20059,419,58567,297,28772,085,90062,641,100 Total Revenues87,938,676109,140,884107,469,243140,938,043104,582,371 90 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget Expenditures by Fund and Department General Fund $ 721,407 Council City Manager863,883 City Attorney932,980 City Services1,301,725 Public Safety35,287,248 Operations & Administrative Deputy City Manager595,023 Finance1,422,458 Human Resources380,533 Information Technology446,178 Facilities1,729,685 Community & Public Works Administration 400,427 Engineering2,015,430 Building2,240,956 Planning1,081,090 Economic Development1,189,806 Parks & Recreation Administration 720,793 Maintenance1,398,583 Recreation346,310 Aquatics569,200 Senior Center33,994 CenterPlace850,980 General Government8,820,313 Total General Fund$ 63,349,002 Other Funds $ 9,623,274 101Street Fund 105Hotel/Motel Tax Fund1,282,200 106Solid Waste Fund290,000 107Tourism Promotion Area Fund1,200,000 109PEG Fund73,000 122Winter Weather Reserve Fund500,000 204LTGO Bond Debt Service Fund950,550 301REET 1 Capital Projects Fund2,068,463 302REET 2 Capital Projects Fund1,793,287 303Street Capital Projects Fund8,875,775 309Parks Capital Projects Fund220,000 311Pavement Preservation Fund3,550,000 312Capital Reserve Fund1,026,792 314Railroad Grade Separation Projects3,152,622 315Transportation Impact Fees Fund0 316Economic Development Capital Projects Fund0 402Stormwater Management Fund 5,494,993 403Aquifer Protection Area 1,055,000 501Equipment Rental & Replacement (ER&R) 700,000 502Risk Management Fund 700,000 632Passthrough Fees & Taxes Fund 500,000 $ 43,055,956 Total Other Funds Total All Funds$ 106,404,958 91 92 6% Parks & Recreation 56% Public Safety 14% General Government $63,349,002 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 General Fund Expenditures 6% Council & Executive 2% 3% Facilities 4% Economic Development 9% Operations & Administrative Community & Public Works 93 6% 3% 1% Other Activities Stormwater & APA Funds 1% Risk Management 8% Debt Service 33% General Government Public Safety $ 106,404,958 20% Capital Projects Funds 2024 City Wide Expenditures CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6% Admin 1% 0% Facilities Council / Executive/ Ops & Tourism Promotion 5% 9% Street Fund 1% 4% Community & Public Works Parks & Recreation Economic Development 94 33,994 721,407863,883932,980595,023380,533446,178400,427720,793346,310569,200850,980 63,349,002 $ $ 0 0001,301,725001,422,45800002,015,43002,240,95601,189,80601,081,090001,398,5830000 36,00035,287,24820,0001,729,685 167,5008,820,313223,500 Capital $ $ 0 00000000000000000000 6,960,273 $ $ 0 0000000000000000000 329,5406,960,273 35,351,888 $ $ 9,7905,175 82,30019,20032,71012,60056,46083,425 349,600147,974429,440203,70035,022,348337,125382,905451,390363,745179,750567,200171,604 7,627,606 ChargesIntergovernmentalInterfundExpendituresTotal Services & $ $ 2024 Budget 500500 3,0006,7006,2532,5003,5002,2001,0005,4005,5303,9002,0001,396,5832,0001,600 25,20036,10041,45016,60071,7001,291,300 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 128,9001,053,630188,863555,396 $ $ General Fund Expenditures by Department and Type 000 0 27,219 368,807774,883778,753869,785584,733345,623433,078527,155342,967733,016711,815537,143246,285490,513 1,399,7581,642,2051,816,601 12,630,339 & Payroll TaxesSupplies $ Wages, Benefits $ Deputy City ManagerFinanceHuman ResourcesInformation TechnologyAdministrationEngineeringBuildingAdministrationMaintenanceRecreationAquaticsSenior CenterCenterPlaceTotal City CouncilCity AttorneyCity ServicesPublic SafetyOperations & AdministrativeEconomic DevelopmentPlanningParks & RecreationGeneral Government City ManagerFacilitiesCommunity & Public Works CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2023 to 2024 Difference Between 202320242023 and 2024 AmendedProposedIncrease (Decrease) BudgetBudget$% City Council Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits359,978368,8078,8292.45% Supplies5,5003,000(2,500)(45.45%) Services & Charges342,080349,6007,5202.20% Total707,558721,40713,8491.96% City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits765,414774,8839,4691.24% Supplies5,5006,7001,20021.82% Services & Charges73,50082,3008,80011.97% Total844,414863,88319,4692.31% City Attorney Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits819,825778,753(41,072)(5.01%) Supplies5,3226,25393117.49% Services & Charges384,709147,974(236,735)(61.54%) Total1,209,856932,980(276,876)(22.89%) City Services Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits773,987869,78595,79812.38% Supplies2,5002,50000.00% Services & Charges199,400429,440230,040115.37% Total975,8871,301,725325,83833.39% Public Safety Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits38,6890(38,689)(100.00%) Supplies51,50025,200(26,300)(51.07%) Other Services and Charges324,200203,700(120,500)(37.17%) Intergovernmental Services32,357,97235,022,3482,664,3768.23% Total32,772,36135,251,2482,478,8877.56% Deputy City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits551,452584,73333,2816.04% Supplies600500(100)(16.67%) Services & Charges52,7009,790(42,910)(81.42%) Total604,752595,023(9,729)(1.61%) Finance/IT Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits1,399,9961,399,758(238)(0.02%) Supplies4,0003,500(500)(12.50%) Services & Charges18,10019,2001,1006.08% Total1,422,0961,422,4583620.03% Human Resources Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits330,474345,62315,1494.58% Supplies3,0002,200(800)(26.67%) Services & Charges52,11032,710(19,400)(37.23%) Total385,584380,533(5,051)(1.31%) Information Technology Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits423,272433,0789,8062.32% Supplies50050000.00% Services & Charges15,75012,600(3,150)(20.00%) Total439,522446,1786,6561.51% Facilities Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits273,284527,155253,87192.90% Supplies42,800128,90086,100201.17% Services & Charges164,260657,630493,370300.36% Total480,3441,313,685833,341173.49% (Continued to next page) 95 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2023 to 2024 Difference Between 202320242023 and 2024 AmendedProposedIncrease (Decrease) BudgetBudget$% (Continued from previous page) Community & Public Works - Administration Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits316,600342,96726,3678.33% Supplies1,2001,000(200)(16.67%) Services & Charges57,40056,460(940)(1.64%) Total375,200400,42725,2276.72% Community & Public Works - Engineering Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits1,540,4241,642,205101,7816.61% Supplies36,50036,100(400)(1.10%) Services & Charges289,129337,12547,99616.60% Total1,866,0532,015,430149,3778.00% Community & Public Works - Building Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits1,699,8491,816,601116,7526.87% Supplies42,50041,450(1,050)(2.47%) Services & Charges374,660382,9058,2452.20% Total2,117,0092,240,956123,9475.85% Community & Public Works - Planning Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits708,184711,8153,6310.51% Supplies5,5305,53000.00% Services & Charges174,015363,745189,730109.03% Total887,7291,081,090193,36121.78% Economic Development Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits679,480733,01653,5367.88% Supplies5,4005,40000.00% Services & Charges466,090451,390(14,700)(3.15%) Total1,150,9701,189,80638,8363.37% Parks & Rec- Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits305,171537,143231,97276.01% Supplies2,9003,9001,00034.48% Services & Charges75,425179,750104,325138.32% Total383,496720,793337,29787.95% Parks & Rec- Maintenance Supplies2,0002,00000.00% Services & Charges970,4551,396,583426,12843.91% Total972,4551,398,583426,12843.82% Parks & Rec- Recreation Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits256,318246,285(10,033)(3.91%) Supplies15,90016,6007004.40% Services & Charges79,62583,4253,8004.77% Total351,843346,310(5,533)(1.57%) Parks & Rec- Aquatics Supplies2,0002,00000.00% Services & Charges563,700567,2003,5000.62% Total565,700569,2003,5000.62% Parks & Rec- Senior Center Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits32,14127,219(4,922)(15.31%) Supplies1,6001,60000.00% Services & Charges5,1755,17500.00% Total38,91633,994(4,922)(12.65%) (Continued to next page) 96 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2024 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2023 to 2024 Difference Between 202320242023 and 2024 AmendedProposedIncrease (Decrease) BudgetBudget$% (Continued from previous page) Parks & Rec- CenterPlace Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits662,512490,513(171,999)(25.96%) Supplies96,92438,863(58,061)(59.90%) Services & Charges336,931146,604(190,327)(56.49%) Total1,096,367675,980(420,387)(38.34%) General Government Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits0000.00% Supplies219,85071,700(148,150)(67.39%) Services & Charges1,310,4501,291,300(19,150)(1.46%) Intergovernmental Services400,118329,540(70,578)(17.64%) Capital outlays15,00015,00000.00% Total1,945,4181,707,540(237,878)(12.23%) Transfers out - #204401,150398,950(2,200)(0.55%) Transfers out - #309 160,000160,00000.00% Transfers out - #311 Pavement Preservation1,011,8001,021,90010,1001.00% Transfers out - #501086,50086,5000.00% Transfers out - #502600,000700,000100,00016.67% Total recurring expenditures53,766,48057,976,5793,884,2617.83% Summary by Category Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 11,937,050 12,630,339693,2895.81% Supplies553,526405,396(148,130)(26.76%) Services & Charges6,329,8647,206,606876,74213.85% Transfers out - #204401,150398,950(2,200)(0.55%) Transfers out - #309 160,000160,00000.00% Transfers out - #3111,011,8001,021,90010,1001.00% Transfers out - #501086,50086,5000.00% Transfers out - #502600,000700,000100,00016.67% Intergovernmental Svc (public safety)32,357,97235,022,3482,664,3768.23% Intergovernmental Svc400,118329,540(70,578)(17.64%) Capital outlay15,00015,00000.00% 53,766,48057,976,5794,210,0997.83% 97 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 011Legislative Branch2024 Budget This department accounts for the cost of providing effective elected representation of the citizenry in the governing body. The Council makes policy decisions for the City and is accountable to Spokane Valley citizens by making decisions regarding how resources are allocated, the appropriate levels of service, and establishing goals and policies for the organization. Accomplishments for 2023 Updated and adopted a 2024 State Legislative Agenda. Updated and adopted a Federal Legislative Agenda. Worked with State and Federal Legislators and Lobbyists on behalf of City interests including virtual lobbying efforts. Continued to engage on regional homeless discussions to investigate options for addressing this issue. Adopted a balanced 2024 Budget that met our goals of 1) having recurring revenues exceed recurring expenditures, and 2) maintained an ending fund balance of at least 50% of recurring expenditures. Goals for 2024 1)Public Safety Public safety is the CityÓs highest priority which begins with providing superior police services to protect lives, property, and to maintain a safe and welcoming community. The CityÓs law enforcement agreement with Spokane County shall be carefully managed and improved as needed to maintain the levels of service desired by the City Council. The City shall also strive to ensure that the Spokane Valley Police Precinct is maintained and improved to meet the needs of our Police Department. In addition to providing robust police services, the City will prioritize all stages of the criminal justice process to provide for the safety of our residents. This includes the ongoing administration and examination of areas for improvement of critical components of the public safety system, including booking, prosecution services, court services, jail operations, and post-detention services. 2)Pavement Preservation Maintain and sustain a safe and resilient transportation infrastructure using cost effective means and methods that consider the long-term needs of the network. The City shall strive to provide sufficient funding to ensure the preservation of our infrastructure. 3)Transportation and Infrastructure Strengthen and improve transportation infrastructure to safely connect the community by incorporating new and innovative technologies to improve the quality of life for all users while supporting a diverse and robust economy. 4)Economic Development Actively support our existing businesses and industries by identifying retention and expansion opportunities to facilitate employment growth and a stable tax base. Collaborate with local, state, and national partners to identify resources to support the CityÓs economic development initiatives. Grow local tourism through asset development and targeted destination marketing to support hotels and retail establishments. 5)Homeless and Housing Develop a housing and homeless program that integrates the activities of service providers to retain residents in housing, provide a path forward for those experiencing homelessness, and support the creation of additional affordable workforce housing units within the City. 6)Communications Increase community interactions, share information, and obtain feedback and provide awareness on all the aspects that make Spokane Valley a great place to live, work, and play. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Mayor Council Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 282,793274,379$ 323,194$ 359,978$ 368,807$ Supplies 7981,716 1,098 5,500 3,000 Services & Charges 228,037252,247 280,060 342,080 349,600 Total Legislative Branch$ 511,628528,342$ 604,352$ 707,558$ 721,407$ 98 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 013Executive Branch2024 Budget 013 - City Manager Division This department is accountable to the City Council for the operational results of the organization, effective support of elected officials in achieving their goals, fulfillment of the statutory requirements of the City Manager, implementation of City Council policies, and provision of a communication linkage between citizens, the City Council, City departments, and other government agencies. Accomplishments for 2023 Focused staff efforts on the City's budget priorities that are composed of public safety, pavement preservation, transportation and infrastructure and economic development. Worked to support City Council's 2023 Goals as referenced under the Legislative Branch Budget. Presented Council with a balanced 2024 Budget that includes General Fund recurring revenues exceeding recurring expenditures and an ending fund balance that is at least 50% of recurring expenditures. Worked with Federal and State Legislators and Lobbyists on behalf of the interests of our City. Prepared the 2024 State and Federal Legislative Agendas for Council consideration. Goals for 2024 Provide direction and oversight on staff efforts to accomplish budget priorities in the areas of public safety, pavement preservation, transportation and infrastructure, and ecomomic development Work to support City Council's 2024 Goals as referenced under the Legislative Branch Budget. Present Council with a balanced 2025 Budget that includes General Fund recurring revenues exceeding recurring expenditures and an ending fund balance that is at least 50% of recurring expenditures. Work with Federal and State Legislators and Lobbyists on behalf of the interests of our City. Prepare the 2025 State and Federal Legislative Agendas for Council consideration. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents City Manager City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Administrative Analyst Senior Administrative Analyst Administrative Assistant Executive Assistant (CM) Legislative Coordinator Public Information Officer Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 856,945$ 972,256$ 757,420$ 765,415$ 774,883 Supplies 6,4433,026 4,099 5,500 6,700 Services & Charges 45,84122,352 43,233 73,500 82,300 Nonrecurring expenditures 9,7960 4,723 0 0 Total City Manager Division$ 882,323$ 1,034,336$ 809,475$ 844,415$ 863,883 99 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 0132024 Budget Executive Branch 015 - City Attorney Division Accomplishments for 2023 Provided full range of legal services to City of Spokane Valley - Review processes. - Monitor workload and workload changes. - Track response times. - Identify deficient areas. - Utilize outside resources as necessary to meet legal service needs of City Assissted other departments in analyzing and mapping existing processes to determine compliance with the law. - Maintained and updated all form contracts used by all departments. - Attended internal planning meetings to identify and resolve potential issues. - Reviewed and revised administrative policies and procedures as appropriate. Provided legal support to other departments and to the City Council to develop, adopt, and enfoce development regulations to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Negotiated and drafted utility franchise agreements on an as-needed basis with utility providers. - Finalized and began negotiations to establish and update franchise agreements. Assisted Economic Development to identify options for economic development. - Assisted with development of functional economic development tools. Assisted other departments in identifying and purchasing properties having long-term strategic benefit for the City. Assisted in implementing internal proceses for allocating ARPA funds. Fully supported code enforcement in requiring non-compliant properties to follow City nuisance codes. Goals for 2024 (to be updated) Provide full range of legal services to City of Spokane Valley. - Review processes. - Monitor workload and workload changes. - Track response times. - Identify deficient areas. - Utilize outside resources as necessary to meet legal service needs of City Assist other departments in analyzing and mapping existing processes to determine compliance with the law. - Maintain and update all form contracts used by all departments. - Attend internal planning meetings to identify and resolve potential issues. - Review and revise administrative policies and procedures as appropriate. Provide legal support to other departments and to the City Council to develop, adopt, and enfoce development regulations to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Negotiate and draft utility franchise agreements on an as-needed basis with utility providers. - Finalize and begin negotiations to establish and update franchise agreements. Assist Economic Development to identify options for economic development. - Assist with development of functional economic development tools. Assist other departments in identifying and purchasing properties having long-term strategic benefit for the City. Aid in the development and implementation of a homeless services program. Fully support code enforcement in requiring non-compliant properties to follow City nuisance codes. Provide legal support to other departments related to transportation infrastructure projects. (continued on next page) 100 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 0132024 Budget Executive Branch (continued from prior page) 015 - City Attorney Division Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents City Attorney Senior Deputy City Attorney Deputy City Attorney Attorney Paralegal Administrative Assistant - Legal Total FTEs Interns Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 593,161$ 613,097$ 575,912$ 819,825$ 778,753 Supplies 1,3541,573 1,657 5,322 6,253 Services & Charges 82,53441,973 262,044 384,709 147,974 Nonrecurring expenditures 00 0 0 0 Total City Attorney Division$ 636,707$ 696,985$ 839,613$ 1,209,856$ 932,980 101 Fund: 001Spokane Valley General Fund Dept: 0132024 Budget Executive Branch 016 - City Services In the year 2023 the City Service Division was established to support the City's homeless and housing, communications, and facilities programs. Coordinates with stakeholders to provide services and advance City council priorities and goals. Accomplishments for 2023 Adopted a Homeless Action Plan. Established a housing and homeless program to start managing the Homeless Housing Assistance Act. Participated in the discussions for the potential regional homeless authority. Goals for 2024 Continue to manage and implement a homeless and housing program. Develop and adopt a five-year homeless and housing plan. Develop a communication plan for the City. Develop a state and federal legislative agenda for council consideration. Establish strong relationships with regional stakeholders to advance City priorities and goals. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents City Services Administrator Communication Manager Communication Specialist Legislative Policy Coordinator Housing & Homeless Services Coordinator Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 00$ 0$ 773,987$ 869,785$ Supplies 0002,5002,500 Services & Charges 000199,400429,440 Total Finance Division$ 00$ 0$ 975,887$ 1,301,725$ 102 Fund: 001Spokane Valley General Fund Dept: 016Public Safety2024 Budget The Public Safety department budget provides funds for the protection of persons and property in the city. The City contracts with Spokane County for law enforcement, district court, prosecutor services, public defender services, probation services, jail and animal control services. See following page for detail information on each budgeted section. Recurring Expenditures: Judicial System - The Spokane County District Court is contracted $ 3,033,132 to provide municipal court services. The contract provides for the services of judge and court commissioner with related support staff. Budgeted amount also includes jury management fees. Law Enforcement - The Spokane County Sheriff's Office is 29,939,977 responsible for maintaining law and order and providing police services to the community under the direction of the Police Chief. The office provides for the preservation of life, protection of property, and reduction of crime. Jail System - Spokane County provides jail and probation 1,908,258 services for persons sentenced by any City of Spokane Valley Municipal Court Judge for violating laws of the city or state. Animal Control - Spokane County will provide animal control 369,881 services to include licensing, care and treatment of lost or stray animals, and response to potentially dangerous animal confrontations. Non-Departmental Grant expenditures0 Total Recurring Expenditures35,251,248 Nonrecurring Expenditures: Public Safety (UTV)36,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures36,000 Total Recurring and Nonrecurring Expenditures$ 35,287,248 103 City of Spokane Valley 2024 Budget 016 - Public Safety 20202021202220232024 Amended ActualActualActualBudget Budget Recurring: Judicial System: District Court Contract$ 766,207$ 1,077,846$ 1,322,524$ 1,358,296$ 1,505,901 Public Defender Contract656,464761,681840,530855,426938,568 Prosecutor Contract354,499380,513396,534400,000400,000 Pretrial Services Contract111,666159,505181,059180,895188,663 Subtotal Judicial System1,888,8362,379,5452,740,6472,794,6173,033,132 Law Enforcement System: Sheriff Contract21,650,79222,659,25125,620,65627,151,15728,731,847 Law Enforcement Vehicles0000870,000 Emergency Management 90,32486,65990,15690,000109,230 Operating Supplies108086200200 Clothing & Uniform0005000 Repair & Maint Supplies05722,06400 Small Tools and Minor Equipment032517600 Non-Capital Equipment for JAG Grant30,30916,05416,44330,00025,000 Fuel3140254000 Office & Operating Supplies818001,0000 Law Enf. Repair & Maintenance Supplies8,53313,1335,17117,0000 Janitorial Supplies02,5912,6592,4000 Small Tools and Minor Equipment015032000 Wages & Benefits22,07732,78421,97138,6890 Advertising0012200 Miscellaneous Srvs/Contingency0238763200,000200,000 Vehicle License & Registration0016400 False Alarm Bank Fees7449671,0641,0001,200 Law Enforcement Building R&M19,997785022,0000 Building & Grounds R&M006,30700 Prior Years' Settle & Adjust00(331,433)00 Electricity/Gas19,16420,97022,48220,0000 Water1,6831,6771,6032,0000 Sewer7778198171,0000 Janitorial Services35,36533,60241,18447,4000 Taxes and Assessments7957958138000 Law Enforcement Building R&M26,24022,2731,24930,0000 Miscellaneous Services382914600 Software License & Maint.00002,500 Building & Grounds R&M0062,55400 Subtotal Law Enforcementl System21,908,07822,893,67425,567,56227,655,54629,939,977 Jail System: Jail Contract1,282,8431,982,2711,667,6931,972,1981,908,258 Subtotal Jail System1,282,8431,982,2711,667,6931,972,1981,908,258 Other: Animal Control Contract313,046317,603330,961350,000369,881 Non-Capital Equipment for JAG Grant00000 Subtotal Other313,046317,603330,961350,000369,881 Subtotal Recurring 25,392,80427,573,09330,306,86332,772,36135,251,248 Office & Operating Supplies1,2630000 COVID JAG PPE Supplies14,8730000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment04,976000 Law Enforcement Staffing Assessment00085,0000 COVID JAG Law Enforcement srvs55,6480000 Building R&M0034,96500 Improvements to Buildings008,16870,0000 Precinct Fire Panel Replacement023,456000 Precinct Improvements w/ JAG Funds0023,63500 Precinct Furniture00030,0000 Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment86,109034,67825,00036,000 HVAC Units067,695000 Capital Equipment0079,84000 Law Enforcement Vehicles0001,550,0850 Subtotal Nonrecurring157,89396,127181,2861,760,08536,000 Total Public Safety$ 27,669,22025,550,697$ 30,488,149$ 34,532,446$ 35,287,248$ 104 105 Animal Control 369,881 Contract, Jail Contract, 1,908,258 109,230 Contract, Emergency Management Bldg 2,500 Law Enf. Contract, Maintenance Sheriff Contract, 28,731,847 City of Spokane Valley 400,000 Contract, Prosecutor 2024 Budgeted Contract Expenditures Public 938,568 Contract, Defender Contract, $1,505,901 District Court $- $5,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 018Operation & Administrative Services2024 Budget The Operations & Administrative Services Department is composed of three divisions, the Deputy City Manager Division, the Finance Division, and the Human Resources Division. 013 - Deputy City Manager Division The Deputy City Manager (DCM) supervises the Parks & Recreation Department, Office of the City Attorney, Finance Department, IT Department, and oversees the City's Public Safety contracts. In 2023, the Deputy City Manager supervised the Facilities division until it was assumed by the City Services Administrator. The Deputy City Manager assists the City Manager in organizing and directing the other operations of the City, and assumes the duties of City Manager in his/her absence. Accomplishments for 2023 Supported the 2023 Goals of the Legislative and Executive Branch. Worked with the City Manager and Staff to develop the 2024 Budget and Business Plan. Worked with City Council, City Manager, Staff, and Spokane Valley Police Department to study, develop, and begin implementing updated levels of service for Police, including staffing. Worked with Parks & Recreation for development of multi-contract approach to Parks Maintenance services. Worked with City Council, City Manager, and Staff to establish City Homeless Housing Program and related funding . Worked with City Council, City Manager, and Staff in City Council's allocation and award in approximately $8 million in grants stemming from American Rescue Plan Act funds for affordable housing, homeless, and social service purposes Goals for 2024 Support the 2024 Goals of the Legislative and Executive Branch. Work with the City Manager and Staff to develop the 2025 Budget. Work with City Council, City Manager, Staff, and Spokane Valley Police Department to implement updated levels of service for Police, including staffing. Study and develop plan for public safety campus. Study and develop plan for CenterPlace Regional Event Center. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Deputy City Manager Senior Admin Analyst Administrative Analyst Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 231,245$ 240,970$ 468,133$ 551,452$ 584,733 Supplies 00 103 600 500 Services & Charges 43,71837,933 47,164 52,700 9,790 Total Deputy City Manager Division$ 269,178$ 284,688$ 515,400$ 604,752$ 595,023 106 Fund: 001Spokane Valley General Fund Dept: 018Operation & Administrative Services2024 Budget 014 - Finance Division The Finance Division provides financial management services for all City departments. Programs include accounting and financial reporting, payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, budgeting and financial planning, treasury, and investments. The division is also responsible for generating and analyzing financial data related to the City's operations. The department prepares Finance Activity Reports for review by the City Manager and City Council as well as the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) that is subject to an annual audit by the Washington State Auditor's Office. Accomplishments for 2023 Began implementation of the Enterprise ERP (Munis) Financial System, and implemented a new timekeeping software. Maintained a consistent level of service in payroll, accounts payable, budget development, and periodic and annual financial report preparation. Provided adequate training opportunities to allow staff members to remain current with changes in pronouncements by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Completed the 2022 Annual Financial Report by May 30, 2023 and receive a "clean audit opinion" from the Washington State Auditor's Office. Continued to work with Community and Public Works to evaluate available funding for capital projects as well as the City's pavement management program. Worked with other City Departments and Council to obligate and expend the remaining CLFR funds as allocated by Council, including awarding and contracting with outside organizations for homeless and housing service in the amount of approximately $8 million. Goals for 2024 Complete the implementation of the Enterprise ERP financial system. Maintain a consistent level of service in payroll, accounts payable, budget development, periodic and annual financial report preparation and information technology services. Continue to provide adequate training opportunities to allow staff members to remain current with changes in pronouncements by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Complete the 2023 Annual Financial Report by May 30, 2024 and receive a "clean audit opinion" from the Washington State Auditor's Office. Continue to work with Community and Public Works to evaluate available funding for capital projects as well as the City's pavement management program. Work with other City Departments to support the implementation of the City's Housing and Homeless programs. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Finance Director Accounting Manager Accounting & Finance Program Manager Accountant/Budget Analyst 3.753.753.752.752.75 Accountant I Accounting Technician Administrative Assistant IT Manager IT Specialist Database Administrator Total FTEs 11.7511.759.759.759.75 Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 1,307,6861,300,812$ 1,183,149$ 1,399,996$ 1,399,758$ Supplies 3,2583,089 6,825 4,000 3,500 Services & Charges 13,05518,131 15,053 18,100 19,200 Total Finance Division$ 1,323,9991,322,032$ 1,205,027$ 1,422,096$ 1,422,458$ 107 Fund: 001Spokane Valley General Fund Dept: 018Operation & Administrative Services2024 Budget 016 - Human Resources Division Human Resources (HR) is administered through the City Manager. The HR operation provides services in compensation, benefits, training and organizational development, staffing, employee relations, and communications. The Human Resources Office also provides Risk Management services as well as Website and Mobile App design and maintenance Accomplishments for 2023 Supported managers and supervisors in the prioritization of employee retention. Assisted WCIA in assessing the valuation of City facilities to allow for proper insurance coverage. Supported employee wellness by attaining the AWC WellCity Award for 2023. Provided City-Wide anti-harrassment training to Employees. Implemented new timekeeping system and supported employees through the transition. Assisted in the implementation of a new City-wide website design. Goals for 2024 Successfully negotiate a succesor labor agreement to be implented in 2025. Implement innovative methods to recruit vacancies in the City. Implement a new Human Resource Management system to replace current payroll software. Support employee wellness by attaining the AWC WellCity Award for 2024. Audit City Fleet policy to include the revaluation of City vehicles. Continue to enhance the Human Resources information on the City's new website. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Human Resource Manager Human Resource Technician Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 278,542$ 284,878$ 307,005$ 330,474$ 345,623 Supplies 1,1791,482 1,037 3,000 2,200 Services & Charges 17,12120,951 36,166 52,110 32,710 Total Human Resources Division$ 300,975$ 303,178$ 344,208$ 385,584$ 380,533 108 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 018Operation & Administrative Services2024 Budget 017 - Information Technology Division IT Division is responsible for the design, maintaince and support of the City's data network. This division maintain all primary computer applications including the financial management and permitting systems. Accomplishments for 2023 Deployed Multi-Factor Authentication solution. Offered secure password manager solution and eliminate insecure password storage options. Assisted in deployment and support of finance software replacement. Supported staff in development and implementation of software solutions. Upgraded network and server core hardware infrastructure to maintain stability and improved performance. Deployed security information and event management solution. Goals for 2024 Deploy and support workorder management software for signal shop, facilities maintenance and IT. Maintain Cybersecurity training program for City staff. Continue with assistance of financial software replacement. Aid in the migration to new Human Capital Management solution. Manage network infrastructure to ensure minimum downtime for computer systems and phones. Develop 24/7 Cybersecurity Monitoring solution by selecting the best partner for coverage after hours. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents IT Manager IT Specialist Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 00$ 390,153$ 423,272$ 433,078$ Supplies 00 273 500 500 Services & Charges 00 15,7505,278 12,600 Total Finance Division$ 00$ 395,704$ 439,522$ 446,178$ 109 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 033Facilities2024 Budget 033 - Facilities The Parks, Recreation & Facilities Director provides management and oversight of the City's facilities. This department is responsible for the overall operations and maintenance of the City Hall facility, the City's Valley Precinct facility, CenterPlace and the Street Maintenance Shop. The Facilities Department is responsible for, among other things, grounds maintenance, janitorial services, lighting, and maintenance of the HVAC and other building systems. Accomplishments for 2023 Implemented the maintenance tracking system to prioritize work. Continued to coordinate maintenance activities with City Hall, CenterPlace, SVPD Precinct and Street Maintenance Shop staff. Coordinated emergency preparedness drills with affected staff and coordinating agencies. Completed an assessment of facility critical equipment for al city owned facilities. Completed the replacement of failing sidewalk panels at the SVPD Precinct and CenterPlace. Completed repairs for the HVAC at CenterPlace. Completed repairs for the SVPD roll call room upgrades. Goals for 2024 Continue to coordinate maintenance activities with City Hall, SVPD Precinct and Street Maintenance Shop staff. Continue to coordinate maintenance activities with SVPD Precinct staff. Coordinate emergency preparedness drills with affected staff and coordinating agencies. Continue to coordinate City Hall repairs. Coordinate maintenance and operation of new City Facilities. Continue to coordinate CenterPlace repairs Continue to coordinate repairs for the SVPD Precinct. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Maintenance Worker Lead - Facilities Building Inspector - Facilities Maint Worker-Facilities 0.880.880.00.02.0 Custodian Total FTEs 0.881.882.82.85.0 Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 101,631$ 169,672$ 260,042$ 273,284$ 527,155 Supplies 33,92027,611 36,765 42,800 128,900 Services & Charges 183,508179,254 276,289 164,260 657,630 Nonrecurring expenditures 295,923353,224 668,792 75,000 416,000 Total Administrative Division$ 608,673$ 736,070$ 1,241,888$ 555,344$ 1,729,685 110 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 040Community & Public Works2024 Budget Community & Public Works The Community and Public Works (CPW) Department is comprised of four divisions: the Administration Division, the Engineering Division, the Street Maintenance Division, and the Building Division. Additonally, the CPW Department includes the Surface & Stormwater Utlity, and Solid Waste Collection. 040 - Administration Division The Administrative Division is responsible for the management and direction of the Community & Public Works Department within the City of Spokane Valley. These efforts include setting goals and objectives for the following divisions and services. Engineering Division is responsible for the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Development Engineering, and traffic management and operations. Additionally, the Engineering Division is responsible for managing the City's Surface and Stormwater Utlity (Stormwater Funds #402 & #403). Building Division is responsible for managing and monitoring land development, permitting, and code enforcement for all private properties within the City. Street Maintenance & Operations Division provides responsive maintenance and repairs for 1,040 center line miles of City streets. The City of Spokane Valley operates ten City-owned snow plows which are responsible for the clearing of the priority 1 and 2 roads along with selected hillsides (Street Fund #101). provides and manages the City's Comprehensive Solid Waste and Moderate Risk Waste Solid Waste Management Management Plan, including the management of the contracts for solid wase collection and disposal (Fund #106). Accomplishments for 2022 Continued ongoing coordination of operations with other local, regional, and state entities. Implementation of the Local Streets Pavement program as part of the Street Maintenance Division. Continued coordination of the City's comprehensive Pavement Preservation Program. Working with the Fleet Services Manager, developed a Snow Plow Fleet Management Program. Working with the Fleet Services Manager, developed a Vehicle Fleet Management Program. Due to decrease in service from Spokane County, coordinated efforts between City and County management to maintain level of service for traffic signal and sign maintenance programs. Continued to explore options for enhancement or replacement of the current permit system software. Coordinating the development of a City-provided Traffic Signal Maintenance Shop due to the decrease in County-provided signal maintenance services. Coordinated the City's efforts for an alternative delivery design/construction method for City Hall repairs. Goals for 2024 Continue the process of developing a city-wide, comprehensive Asset Management Program. Provide final recommendation regarding replacement of the current permitting and code enforcement software. Continue the review, recommendations, and development of a new comprehensive Maintenance Shop that will meet the needs of all city maintenance staff. Continue coordination of operations and maintenance with other local, regional and state entities. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Community & Public Works Director Administrative Assistant Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 00$ 292,802$ 316,600$ 342,967$ Supplies 005971,2001,000 Services & Charges 001,10957,40056,460 Total Engineering Division$ 00$ 294,508$ 375,200$ 400,427$ 111 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 040Community & Public Works2024 Budget 041 - Engineering Division The Engineering Division includes the following functions: plans, designs, and constructs new facilities and maintains, preserves, and reconstructs Capital Improvement Program (CIP) existing facilities owned by the City of Spokane Valley. ensures that land actions and commercial building permits comply with the adopted codes for Development Engineering (DE) private infrastructure development through plan review and construction inspection. provides traffic engineering for safe and efficient multi-faceted transportation systems Traffic Management and Operations throughout the City (included in the Street Fund #101). oversees the City's surface and Stormwater Utility and coordinates other utility issues on behalf of the City as assigned Utilities (included in the Stormwater Management Fund #402 ). Accomplishments for 2023 Succesfully implemented approved capital projects and administered state and federal grants. Successfully passed a federal audit with no findings. Finalized the design and right-of-way phase of the Pines Road Grade Separation Project. Completed the efforts to fully fund the construction of the Pines Road Grade Separation Project. Continued the efforts for preliminary engineering for the Sullivan/Trent Interchange Project. Prepared and applied for over 20 grant applications to support capital projects. Continued to coordinate regional transportation issues with SRTC, WSDOT, and other agencies. Began implementation of the enhanced Stormwater Management Program approved by City Council. Continued the Ecology-observed update for the Solid Waste Management Plan. Processed record number of engineering permits and land use applications in accordance with City codes. Implemented automated traffic signal performance measures (ASTMs) and reduced travel times on the Pines Road and Sullivan Road corridors. Goals for 2024 Implement approved capital projects. Administer state and federal funds received for capital projects. Prepare and apply for grant applications for capital projects. Begin the construction phase of the Pines Road Grade Separation Project. Advance the preliminary engineering phase of the Sullivan/Trent Interchange Project. Pursue opportunities to fund the construction of the Sullivan/Trent Interchange Project. Continue to coordinate regional transportation issues with SRTC, WSDOT, and other agencies. Evaluate the potential to implement traffic impact fees citywide. Continue implementation of the enhanced Underground Injection Control (UIC) and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. Finalize the update of the Solid Waste Management Plan. Process engineering permits and land use applications in a professional and timely manner and ensure consistency with City codes. Implement ATSPMs across a wider range of the signal network using existing software. (continued on next page) 112 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 040Community & Public Works2024 Budget (continued from prior page) 041 - Engineering Division Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents General Administrative Assistant* Assistant Engineer* CAD Manager* City Engineer CPW Liason* Engineer* Engineering Manager - CIP* Engineering Manager - Utility Engineering Tech I* Engineering Tech II 0.750.750.750.60.6* Engineering Tech Supervisor* Main/Construction Inspector Planning & Grants Engineer* Senior Dev Engineer Senior Engineer-Proj Mgmt.* Senior Planning Grants Engineer 0.3750.3750.3750.00.0 Water Resource Sr. Engineer Development Senior Dev Engineer Maint/Construction Inspector Water Resource Sr. Engineer Assistant Engineer Total FTEs 13.52514.02513.82511.8511.10 Interns Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 1,552,4001,381,990$ 1,655,389$ 1,540,424$ 1,642,205$ Supplies 18,18721,91223,13036,50036,100 Services & Charges 207,293149,406135,390289,129337,125 Nonrecurring Expenditures 00016,6000 Total Engineering Division$ 1,723,7181,607,470$ 1,813,909$ 1,882,653$ 2,015,430$ These positions are budgeted partially to the Engineering Division in the General Fund with the balance budgeted as a part of * Capital Projects Funds, the Street Fund #101, and the Stormwater Fund #402. 113 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 0402024 Budget Community & Public Works 043 - Building and Code Enforcement Division The Building and Code Enforcement Division is responsible for implementing and enforcing the State Building Code and Spokane Valley Municipal Code as required by state law. The purpose of the Building Codes, as adopted by the State of Washington and City of Spokane Valley, is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants or users of the building and structures and the general public by requiring minimum performance standard for structural strength, exit systems, stability sanitation, light, ventilation, energy conservation, and fire safety to ensure the City's comply with various codes. The Code Enforcement arm of the division is responsible for enforcing SVMC thoughout the City, primarily on private property. The Code Enforcement Team works directly with property owners in maintaining property to City-adopted standards relating to vegetation, camping, vehicles, trash and rubbish, and structue conditions. Accomplishments for 2023 Actively began providing Building Permit application, review, and inspection services for the City of Millwood. Continued to explore options for enhancement or replacement of the current permit system software. Expanded online permit portal options for various project types. Implemented an in-house program for cross training staff for several division procedures, including permit intake, review, and processing. Implemented Code Enforcement program improvements to enhance communication and response to customers. Continued participation in regional Code groups such as SHBA Spokane Regional Code Group and Inland Fire & Life Safety Council. Goals for 2024 Continue to ensure continued high level of Permit Center customer service to permittees and other agencies. Strategize process for scanning commercial address files. Provide final recommendation regarding replacement of the current permitting and code enforcement software. Continue to improve Code Enforcement program and public outreach/education. Partner with regional permitting agencies towards creation of local/in-house training program for code professionals. Continue to implement additional mini-training presentations by staff for staff to support mutual understanding of various Divisions' processes. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Building Official Assistant Building Official Development Service Coordinator Senior Permit Specialist Engineering Tech Permit Facilitator Plans Examiner Building Inspector II Office Assistant II Office Assistant I Administrative Assistant Senior Planner Planner Code Enforcement Officer Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 1,965,4891,950,262$ 1,557,184$ 1,699,849$ 1,816,601$ Supplies 23,03719,271 20,584 42,500 41,450 Services & Charges 314,903353,850 340,190 374,660 382,905 Total Building Division$ 2,342,3762,284,436$ 1,917,958$ 2,117,009$ 2,240,956$ 114 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 040Economic Development2024 Budget 042 - Economic Development Division The Economic Development Department oversees Geographical Information Systems, Marketing and Communications, Current and Long Range Planning, Tourism, Business Licensing, and Business Development. The Department works to build relationships with businesses, the community, and economic development partners to pursue strategies that ensure long-term fiscal strength of the City. Accomplishments for 2023 Implemented marketing campaigns to promote city events to improve citizen participation and enhance tourism. Worked with Spokane County to complete a multi-phased master plan for the Plante's Ferry Sports Complex. Partnered with the Parks Department to promote economic development programs and other events at CenterPlace. Partnered with the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber to develop and co-market the State of the City and workshops. Implemented marketing strategies and campaigns for skilled labor and business recruitment. Developed an assessment of potential annexation options for the city. Completed development and launch of new CivicPlus City website. Partnered with Spokane Sports to complete a feasibility analysis of a new indoor ice facility. Completed a five-year Destination Marketing Plan that will guide expenditures related to TPA tourism funds. Worked with Spokane Sports to initiate a Cross Country Faciltity Master Plan at Flora Park. Updated the City's tourism strategy to identify and prioritize the development of key projects . Managed Retail Strategies to recruit new, interesting and unique retail businesses to the city. Developed mapping applications to track homeless activity, business connections and stormwater inspections. Goals for 2024 Pursue grant opportunities to enhance economic development and tourism strategies. Develop a cross country course at Flora Park to host collegiate, post collegiate and NCAA cross country events. Collaborate with local, regional and state entities to bring greater awareness to partnership opportunities. Continue to connect business owners in a variety of sectors with technical assistance. Continue to engage partners, the public and stakeholders in economic development and tourism strategies. Develop an outward facing GIS application for the general public. Develop a GIS application for planners to produce project maps and noticing mailers. Develop a in-house GIS stormwater billing application to assess fees for commercial and residential properties. Update land capacity analysis scripting tools to identify vacant and partially used properties throughout the city. Continue work with consultants to implement destination marketing strategies to grow tourism in city. Manage Retail Strategies to recruit new, interesting and unique retail businesses to the city. Continue work with consultants to implement skilled labor and business recruitment strategies and campaigns. 042 - Economic Development Division Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Economic Development Director Economic Development Specialist Communication & Marketing Officer Public Information Officer Senior Transportation Planner GIS Analyst 0.00.770.770.770.77* Housing & Homeless Services Coordinator Business License Specialist Total FTEs 6.05.775.775.774.77 Interns Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 609,137$ 740,108$ 830,993$ 679,480$ 733,016 Supplies 121,9032,6695,4005,400 Services & Charges 350,716330,363461,074466,090451,390 Nonrecurring Expenditures 110,75155,57725,677244,7440 Total Engineering Division$ 1,127,9511,070,616$ 1,320,413$ 1,395,714$ 1,189,806$ *This position is budgeted partially to the Economic Development Division in the General Fund with the balance budgeted as a part of the Stormwater Fund #402. 115 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 040Community & Public Works2024 Budget 044 - Planning Division The Planning Division oversees both long-range and current planning for the City. The Division oversees the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Master Program, and Housing Action Plan, including developing and processing amendments to the comprehensive plan, zoning, subdivision regulations, and related procedural requirements. The Division handles land use permit processing such as subdivisions, shoreline permits, conditional use permits, boundary line adjustments, and zoning letters. The Division also ensures the City maintains consistency with state laws like the Growth Management Act, the Shoreline Management Act, the State Environmental Policy Act, Subdivisions, and other related land use laws. Accomplishments for 2023 Processed a code text amendment related to privately initiated amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Collaborated with regional partners in long range planning efforts including updates to the Land Quantity Analysis,. Processed land use development applications in a timely and efficient manner. Provided cross-training and expansion of training related land use planning. Processed and coordinated amendments to various sections of the municipal code. Reviewed and commented on statewide legislation proposals as they related to land use. Goals for 2024 Collaborate with regional partners in long range planning efforts related to the periodic update, Seek grants to support City planning initiatives and develop scopes of work for the periodic update, Increase cross-training and expansion of training related housing and long-range planning techniques, Continue to process land use development applications in a timely and efficient manner, Review and update land use processes to ensure they are efficient and streamlined, Start the periodic review as required by Growth Management Act that is due in 2026 Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Planning Manager Senior Planner Associate Planner Planner Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 00$ 627,005$ 708,184$ 711,815$ Supplies 00 2,724 5,530 5,530 Services & Charges 00 105,422 174,015 363,745 Total Building Division$ 00$ 735,151$ 887,729$ 1,081,090$ 116 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 076Parks & Recreation2024 Budget The Parks and Recreation Department is composed of six divisions including Administration, Maintenance, Recreation, Aquatics, Senior Center, and CenterPlace. The overall goal of the department is to provide quality recreation programs and acquisition, renovation, development, operation and maintenance of parks and maintenance of parks and recreation facilities. Parks Administration Division The Administration Division provides direction and leadership for the Parks and Recreation Department in implementing the goals and objectives of the City Council and facilitates the general upkeep of parks and public areas of the City. Accomplishments for 2023 Constructed Phase 1 improvements (Park Infrastructure) at Balfour Park. Improved contractor responsiveness and park maintenance service delivery in Park System. Improved Park Security with contracted and volunteer (SCOPE) services nightly gate closures at Sullivan Park. Advanced public access partnership concept for DNR 100-acre Natural Area at Mirabeau Point Park. Completed State Grant requirements for $1M reimbursement of Flora Property acquisition costs. Budgeted for required 2024 update to Parks, Recreation & Master Plan. Continued to work with Housing and Homeless team to address unsheltered residents in City Park System. Developed RFP for alternative contracting model for future Park Maintenance Services. Goals for 2024 Implement new Park Maintenance Contracts and Park Operations and Maintenance FTEs. Complete required 2024 update to Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Establish Park Sponsorship and Fundraising Services Agreement with Spokane Parks Foundation. Launch Capital Fundraising Campaign for Balfour Park. Apply for RCO Local Parks and Land and Water Conservation Fund funding for Balfour Park Phase 2 improvements. Work with Economic Development to advance Flora Property cross-country course development. Develop basic public access infrastructure at Flora, Summerfield and Ponderosa properties. Establish public access to DNR 100-acre Pinecroft Natural Area Preserve at Mirabeau Park. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Parks & Recreation Director Administrative Assistant Park Operation & Maint Coordinator Maintenance Worker - Parks Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 278,378273,466$ 274,893$ 305,171$ 537,143$ Supplies 3,5312,400 3,336 2,900 3,900 Services & Charges 24,60950,672 62,370 75,425 179,750 Total Parks Administration Division$ 306,518326,538$ 340,599$ 383,496$ 720,793$ 117 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 076Parks & Recreation2024 Budget 300 - Maintenance Division The Parks Maintenance Division is responsible for the contracted maintenance and upkeep of our parks and public areas including the Centennial Trail. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Budget Detail Supplies$ 5,1268,171$ 4,430$ 2,000$ 2,000$ Services & Charges 899,732932,010 998,507 970,455 1,396,583 Nonrecurring expenditures 31,9840 18,741 0 0 Total Maintenance Division$ 907,903$ 969,120$ 1,021,678$ 972,455$ 1,398,583 301 - Recreation Division The Recreation Division coordinates and facilitates the delivery of recreation programs and service throughout the City and the City's Park system. Accomplishments for 2023 Sought funding through No Child Left Inside program to enhance summer teen programming. Established several new off-season recreational program offerings. Continued to publish and distribute Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter Recreation Guides. Continued to offer free summer meal program and library partnership in 3 parks. Continued to foster relationshiops with community partners and increased sponsorships of recreaion programs. Held expanded annual Arbor Day Celebration on the West Lawn Plaza and Mirabeau Park. Obtained full program sponsorship of outdoor movie events on the Mirabeau Meadows. Goals for 2024 Separate Spring and Summer publication of Recreation Guide to improve outreach. Continue to offer free summer meal program and library partnership and expand to Balfour Park. Continue to foster relationshiops with community partners and expand sponsorships of recreaion programs. Work with local businesses to sponsor and facilitate additional recreation classes. Enhance annual Arbor Day Celebration on the West Lawn Plaza and plant trees on Appleway Trail. Continue to hold and develop the Winter Market community event in December. Enhance summer day camp staff training to include youth mental health awareness and skillsets. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Recreation Coordinator Recreation Coordinator Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 165,498139,367$ 190,939$ 256,318$ 246,285$ Supplies 3,2836,069 9,527 15,900 16,600 Services & Charges 14,58721,792 62,484 79,625 83,425 Total Recreation Division$ 183,368167,228$ 262,950$ 351,843$ 346,310$ 118 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 076Parks & Recreation2024 Budget 302 - Aquatics Division The City of Spokane Valley owns three pools: Park Road Pool, Terrace View Pool, and Valley Mission Pool. Services include open swim, swim lessons, swim team and facility rentals. In addition, the City leases a portion of Valley Mission Park to Splashdown Inc. for a water park. The City currently is contracting with the YMCA for all aquatic activities within the City. The YMCA provides the lifeguards and maintains the pools during the season. Accomplishments for 2023 Returned to pre-covid summer aquatics programming. Expanded Swim Lessons to include evening sessions. Contnued to foster community partnerships. Expanded partnerships to include Numerica and Pool World to offer free swim sessions at all three pools. Continued to partner with Make a Splash to offer free water safety clinics. Continued to partner with Spokane Parks Foundation to offer swim lesson and swim team scholarships. Goals for 2024 Continue to run aquatic programs at full capacity. Continue to partner with community spionsors to offer free swim sessions at all three pools. Continue to partner with Spokane Parks Foundation to offer swim lesson and swim team scholarships. Expand Paws in the Pool Event to include local dog-related vendors. Continue to enhance and monitor pool facilities for operational efficiency. Renew contract with YMCA for management and operation of outdoor City Pools. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Budget Detail Supplies$ 4970$ 1,154$ 2,000$ 2,000$ Services & Charges 304,750117,023 442,104 563,700 567,200 Total Aquatics Division$ 305,247117,023$ 443,258$ 565,700$ 569,200$ 119 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 076Parks & Recreation2024 Budget 304 - Senior Center Division The City of Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation Department assumed operational control of the Valley Senior Center in 2003. Accomplishments for 2023 Continued to work with the Senior Center Board and Recreaiton Staff to track utilization and create new programs. Assisted in planning and coordinating an annual senior resource fair with local vendors and service providers. Continued to provide support and assistance with the Senior Center website and newsletter. Continued to coordinate and health and wellness informational programs for Senior Center members Goals for 2024 Continue to work with the Senior Center Board and Recreation Staff to track utilization and assist with room scheduling. Assist in planning and coordinating an annual senior resource fair with local vendors and service providers. Continue to coordinate health and wellness through SCC ACT 2 programs for Senior Center members. Continue to attend Senior Center Board Meetings to maintain a working relationship with the CenterPlace and the City. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Senior Center Specialist Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 28,27827,368$ 9,693$ 32,141$ 27,219$ Supplies 843 501600 1,600 1,600 Services & Charges 477 1,076 2,525 5,175 5,175 Total Senior Center Division $ 29,85528,688$ 12,818$ 38,916$ 33,994$ 120 Fund: 001General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 076Parks & Recreation2024 Budget 305 - CenterPlace Division Construction of Mirabeau Point CenterPlace began in late 2003 and was completed mid-year 2005. The project represented the culmination of eight years of planning and fundraising by Mirabeau Point Inc. and the joint involvement of the City and Spokane County. The approximately 54,000 square foot facility houses the City of Spokane Valley Senior Center, a great room/banquet facility, numerous meeting rooms, multi-purpose rooms and a high tech lecture hall. The facility combines with Mirabeau Meadows Parks and Mirabeau Springs to form a regional focal point for Northeastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Accomplishments for 2023 Consulted with area professionals to draft a plan for the improvement and useabiltiy of the CenterPlace Greenhouse. Upgraded CenterPlace 2nd level hallway flooring. Finalized details to complete the design of the shade sail canopy to West Lawn Plaza Stage. Implemented additional equipment and marketing to increase outdoor CenterPlace reservations and community events. Replaced carpet in three Senior Center Rooms. Remodeled and redecorated two rooms to create functional bridal/event ready rooms. Secured additional equipment for expanded use of the West Lawn Plaza. Increased number of reservations, events, occupancy, utiliziation and revenue geneartionat CenterPlace. Goals for 2024 Continue to update furnishing and floor coverings in facility rooms. Contract with marketing firm to develop enhanced marketing materials for facility. Purchase additional audio visual equipment to enhance customers' meeting experience. Select and order 800 banquet chairs to replace existing chairs that have begun to decline. Upgade/replace Great Room window shades for better functionality and aesthetic. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Centerplace Coordinator Administrative Assistant Office Assistant I Office Assistant II Part Time Office Assistant Recreation Assistant Maintenance Worker-Facilities Total FTEs Budget Detail Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits$ 412,779$ 424,756$ 468,991$ 662,512$ 490,513 Supplies 63,84856,302 88,339 96,924 38,863 Services & Charges 237,671247,825 317,167 336,931 146,604 Nonrecurring Expenditures 17,0865,00000175,000 Total CenterPlace Division$ 723,838$ 741,429$ 874,497$ 1,096,367$ 850,980 121 Fund: 001 General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 090General Government2024 Budget The General Government Department accounts for those activities that are not specific to the functions of any particular General Fund Department or operation. Expenditures recorded here are composed of City Hall bond payments; information technology equipment and services; capital costs that benefit more than one department; support of agencies external to the City that provide social service programs and economic development services; and transfers to other City funds for property/casualty insurance premiums (Fund #502), park capital projects (Fund #309) and the pavement preservation program (Fund #311). Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Supplies Employee Recognition-Operating Supplies $ 7252,281$ 1,694$ 3,500$ 3,500$ Miscellaneous Supplies 5992,3572,64500 Vehicle Maintenance Supplies 2,1961529081,0001,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 2,9771,6705,5047,0007,000 Security Hardware - Non Capital 015213,5622,00022,000 Network Hardware - Non Capital 063310,89433,0009,000 Desktop Hardware - Non Capital 13,9727,7603,66465,70020,500 Desktop Software - Non Capital 1,51921,67712,05236,0000 Server Hardware 05,9813,0445,0005,000 Security Software - Non Capital 030,41922,19752,9500 Network Software Licensing 03,4475723,5000 Server Software - Non Capital 04,5244,0386,5000 Office & Operating Supplies 3,6481,7324,9073,7003,700 27,192 81,229 85,697 219,850 71,700 Other Services & Charges Professional Services - Misc. Studies 97,892109,80294,000243,000243,000 Accounting & Auditing 105,162117,49377,459120,000120,000 Postage 17557141,0001,000 Telephone Service 13,92724,48531,28216,5000 Cell Phones 1,4801,338802,0000 Internet Service 9,0069,7501,55810,2000 Taxes and Assessments 0001,0000 Professional Services 0001,5000 IT Support 15,5171,4981,59230,50080,000 Desktop Software/Subscription Maint 000044,000 Hosted Software as a Service 0000252,000 Server Hardware Subscription/Maint 00004,600 Server Software Subscription/Maint 000091,300 Network Hardware Subscription/Maint 000022,800 Network Software Subscription/Maint 0000600 Security Hardware Subscription/Maint 000018,500 Security Software Subscription/Maint 000049,200 Equip Repair & Maint-Hardware Support 03065,30310,6000 Software Licenses & Maintenance 134,07281,917146,094546,6000 Security Infrastructure Maintenance 001541,0000 Network Infrastructure Maintenance 014,6048,24814,6500 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 5321,8161,1351,9001,900 Telephone Service 006,474012,600 Cell Phones 008002,000 Internet Service 008,319011,100 Network Infrastructure Access 5,1555,2105,4216,6006,600 Network Infrastructure Access-SCRAPS 01,1991,2181,2001,200 Equipment Rental 4,1693,8693,8694,0004,000 Interfund Vehicle Lease 5005005003,0003,300 Printing & Binding 01,5870500500 Miscellaneous Services 2,1712,3412,2645,0005,000 General Operating Leases: Computer 67,45262,17922,12570,00080,500 Outside Agencies- Social Svc & Econ. Dev. 168,331171,872140,552182,000200,000 County Data Sharing Passthrough Costs 08033871,0001,000 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Excise Tax 15,59710,41214,77715,60015,000 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Profits 19,40911,52316,20919,50019,000 $ 634,559686,158$ 591,459$ 1,309,850$ 1,290,700$ (continued to next page) 122 Fund: 001 General FundSpokane Valley Dept: 090General Government2024 Budget (continued from previous page) Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Intergovernmental Services Election Costs $ 145,9110$ 0$ 110,000$ 0$ Voter Registration 100,87185,81597,033100,000100,000 Taxes and assessments 12,02012,02012,02012,10012,100 Spokane County Air Pollution Authority 140,411150,830148,194178,018217,440 253,302 394,576 257,247 400,118 329,540 Capital Outlays Computer Hardware - Capital 40,516(63)50,49515,00015,000 Lease Asset 0048,49400 40,516 (63) 98,989 15,000 15,000 Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Debt Service Costs 060049,022600600 Interfund Payments for Service Transfer out - #204 (City Hall bond payment) 401,450401,500401,400401,150398,950 Transfer out - #309 (park capital projects) 160,000160,000160,000160,000160,000 Transfer out - #311 (pavement preservation) 982,023991,8431,001,8001,011,8001,021,900 Transfer out - #501 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve) 36,60036,600000 Transfer out - #501 (IT Capital equip reserve) 000086,500 Transfer out - #502 (risk management) 410,000425,000450,000600,000700,000 2,014,9431,990,073 2,013,200 2,172,950 2,367,350 Subtotal Recurring Expenditures $ 3,125,8442,998,430$ 3,095,614$ 4,118,368$ 4,074,890$ Nonrecurring/Nonrecurring Capital IT capital replacement 15,07507,90615,000152,500 Heavy Duty Mach. & Equip.- City Hall Generator 13,5900000 Computer Hardware - Capital 71,177115,98686,532125,0000 Computer Software - Capital 16,335030,425726,0000 COVID-19 related expenditures 4,255,9770000 CLFR Expenditures 037,14143,5148,006,0000 Land Acquisition 027,397186,00000 Transfer out - #101 02,552,6003,084,9193,530,0484,592,923 Transfer out - #122 (Replenish Winter Weather Reserve 500,000364,44089,805500,0000 Transfer out - #309 (Park Capital) 2,781,16618,813145460,3270 Transfer out - #312 (capital reserve fund) 011,126,3433,593,0005,358,0540 Transfer out - #501 (new code enf. vehicle) 27,4720000 7,680,79214,242,7207,122,24618,720,4294,745,423 Total Governmental Division $ 17,368,56410,679,222$ 10,217,860$ 22,838,797$ 8,820,313$ 123 Fund: 101Street FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget 101 - Street Fund The Street Maintenance Division, funded by Street Fund #101 was established to account for the activities associated with the provision of efficient and safe movement of both motorized and non-motorized vehicles, as well as pedestrians within the limits of the City, and coordinate convenient interconnect to the regional transportation system. Maintenance work includes snow and ice control, street pavement repairs, traffic signals and signs, landscaping and vegetation control, and many other street maintenance and repair activities. The Street Maintenance Division provides responsive maintenance and repairs for approximately 461 center line miles of City streets. Many of the services overseen by street maintenance staff are contracted services, including street and stormwater maintenance, roadway landscape maintenance, and street sweeping. Additionally, during winter months, city maintenance staff manage snow and ice services utilizing both City-owned and operated equipment, as well as contracted equipment and labor services. Accomplishments for 2023 Monitored of Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ASTMs) for the Argonne Road, Pines Road, and Sullivan Road corridors. Local Streets Program successfully implemented the Unit Priced Contract method for completing local road preservation project. Local Streets Program successfully implemented the local road preservation pilot project consisting of slurry and cape seal preservation. Continued annual roadway maintenance and repair projects, including resurfacing several local and collector streets. Continued winter roadway operations, including full-city plows during significant snow events. Began the process of identifying future City-wide maintenance facility needs for all departments. Developed a Snow Plow Fleet Management Program and began implementation. Developed a Vehicle Fleet Management Program and began implementation. Goals for 2024 Continue on-going roadway and bridge maintenance and repairs. Implement ATSPMs across a wider range of the signal network using existing software. Continue annual roadway maintenance and repair efforts. Continue winter operations. Continue seeking funding opportunities for the entire Pavement Management Program. Work with other departments in developing a city-wide, comprehensive Asset Management Program, which will include transportation maintenance and operations facilities. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Assistant Engineer Construction Inspector 1.501.501.501.501.50* Engineering Tech II* Maintenance/Construction Inspector 2.352.350.500.502.00* Mechanic* Planning Grants Engineer 0.3750.3750.3750.250.00* Public Works Superintendent Senior Engineer - Traffic Stomrwater Foreman* Streets Foreman Traffic Signal Technician Traffic Engineer Traffic Engineering Manager Total FTEs 7.4757.4757.4758.3510.25 (continued to next page) These positions are budgeted partially to the Street Fund with the balance budgeted as a part of the General Fund, * Capital Projects Funds, and the Stormwater Fund #402. 124 Fund: 101Street FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget (continued from previous page) Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Utility Tax$ 1,033,9151,388,026$ 1,003,537$ 857,000$ 900,000$ Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 1,737,8641,901,9261,951,4372,062,6001,950,700 Multimodal Transportation Revenue 131,847132,334137,638139,200137,500 Right-of-Way Maintenance Fee 93,033115,307101,65295,000100,000 Solid Waste Road Wear Fee (local streets)0001,700,0001,700,000 Investment Interest 82955512,41650010,000 Miscellaneous 55,441222,890425,16210,00010,000 Total revenues 3,407,0403,406,9273,631,8424,864,3004,808,200 Nonrecurring Revenues Utility Tax Recovery 050,472000 Insurance proceeds 059,619000 Transfers in - #001 02,552,6003,084,9193,530,0484,592,923 Transfers in - #106 00271,0001,862,9290 Transfers in - #122 364,43989,805500,00000 Transfers in - #311 0002,677,0990 Transfers in - #312 1,364,70600250,0000 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 1,729,1452,752,4963,855,9198,320,0764,592,923 Expenditures Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 954,2691,129,5801,331,8941,617,9941,641,850 Supplies 128,210139,886159,047197,200245,400 Services & Charges 1,998,0672,553,7022,797,3952,820,8892,840,050 Snow Operation 939,416900,2331,764,0451,081,9151,699,464 Local Street Program 0003,918,1001,579,560 Intergovernmental Payments 753,654928,557934,3161,000,0001,025,000 Interfund Vehicle Lease - #501 (non-plow)14,50010,25010,25027,75041,950 Interfund Vehicle Lease - #501 (plow replace) 48,50060,500275,000275,000300,000 Nonrecurring Expenditures Small tools & minor equip 004,35600 Traffic control improvements 74,7109,406000 Streetlight replacement program 00040,0000 Signal Maintenance Equipment 00040,0000 Capital Equipment Replacement 6,17817,22835,4090225,000 Bridge replacement program 00010,00025,000 Generator for Maintenance Shop 0013,1448,5000 Desks for Maintenance Shop 0001,5300 Traffic control devices - repair & maint 15,64713,079000 Transfer out - #311 (Summerfield local access) 0001,655,9550 Transfer out - #501 00058,0000 Total expenditures 4,933,1515,762,4217,324,85612,752,8339,623,274 Revenues over (under) expenditures 203,034397,002162,905431,543(222,151) Beginning fund balance 556,265759,2991,156,3011,319,2061,750,749 Less restricted fund balance 000(533,982)(561,831) Ending fund balance$ 1,156,301759,299$ 1,319,206$ 1,216,767$ 966,767$ 125 Fund: 103Paths & Trails FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The State of Washington collects a $0.494 per gallon motor vehicle fuel tax at the pump. Of this amount, the State remits a portion of the tax back to cities on a per capita basis. For 2023 the Municipal Research and Services Center estimates the distribution back to cities will be $18.24 per person. Based upon a City of Spokane Valley population of 107,400 (per the Washington State Office of Financial Management on April 1, 2023) we anticipate the City will collect $1,958,900 in 2024. RCW 47.030.050 specifies that 0.42% of this tax must be expended for the construction of paths and trails and based upon the 2024 revenue estimate this computes to $8,200. The balance or $1,950,700 will be credited to Fund #101 for Street maintenance and operations. The portion of the motor vehicle tax allocated to the Paths and Trails Fund is by State Law restricted for the construction and/or improvement of paths and trails within the City. Because the cost of such projects is typically much greater than the funds generated in a single year, we typically leave the fund balance untouched until an adequate fund balance is available. The City transferred $50,000 in 2014 and $9,300 in 2016 and $50,000 in 2018 to Parks Capital Projects Fund #309 to be applied towards the Appleway Trail projects. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax$ 8,0227,330$ 8,230$ 8,700$ 8,200$ Investment Interest 71215801001,000 Total revenues 7,4008,0438,8108,8009,200 Expenditures Capital Outlay 00000 Transfers out- #309 00000 Total expenditures 00000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 7,4008,0438,8108,8009,200 Beginning fund balance 14,11521,51529,55838,36847,168 Ending fund balance$ 29,55821,515$ 38,368$ 47,168$ 56,368$ 126 Fund: 104Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of a special excise tax of 1.3% on the sale or charge made for the furnishing of lodging under RCW 82.08. These funds will be used solely for capital expenditures for acquiring, constructing, making improvements to or other related capital expenditures for large sporting venues, or venues for tourism-related facilities, which facilities generate overnight guests at lodging facilities subject to the taxes imposed. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax$ 481,320283,720$ 591,849$ 600,000$ 600,000$ Investment Interest 11,9082,61782,6625,00080,000 Transfers in - #105 01,201,684273,000515,1980 Total revenues 295,6281,685,621947,5111,120,198680,000 Expenditures Capital Outlay 0002,000,0000 Total expenditures 0002,000,0000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 295,6281,685,621947,511(879,802)680,000 Beginning fund balance 2,690,9452,986,5734,672,1945,619,7054,739,903 Ending fund balance$ 4,672,1942,986,573$ 5,619,705$ 4,739,903$ 5,419,903$ Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Fund: 105Spokane Valley 2024 Budget The Hotel/Motel Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of a special excise tax of 2% on the sale or charge made for the furnishing of lodging under RCW 82.08. These funds will be used solely for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of tourism promotion, acquisition or operation of tourism-related facilities, and marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax$ 744,435443,244$ 901,685$ 900,000$ 900,000$ Investment Interest 2,70589811,3201,00010,000 Total revenues 445,949745,333913,005901,000910,000 Expenditures Tourism Promotion 154,082167,850284,604309,7021,252,200 Transfers out- #001 11,3909,51512,98230,00030,000 Transfers out- #104 01,201,684273,000515,1980 Total expenditures 165,4721,379,049570,586854,9001,282,200 Revenues over (under) expenditures 280,477(633,716)342,41946,100(372,200) Beginning fund balance 518,239798,716165,000507,419553,519 Ending fund balance$ 798,716$ 165,000$ 507,419$ 553,519$ 181,319 127 Fund: 106Solid Waste FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget In 2003, the City of Spokane Valley entered into an interlocal agreement with the City of Spokane and Spokane County to join the existing Spokane Regional Solid Waste Management System for a period of eight years. In 2011, that agreement was extended through November 16, 2014. Committed to ensuring Spokane Valley citizens are provided with solid waste services that are affordable, sustainable, and environmentally responsible, in June 2014 the City of Spokane Valley opted to contract for solid waste transfer, transport and disposal services with Sunshine Recyclers, Inc. Services provided under the contract were effective November 17, 2014, and continue for a period of ten years with options for two three-year extensions. Terms of the contract require Sunshine to pay the City an annual administrative fee of $125,000 that will be used by the City to offset contract administrative costs and solid waste management within the city, including solid waste public educational efforts. The contract also provides that a road maintenance fee will be paid by Sunshine at the rate of $1 per ton for each ton in excess of 45,500 tons in a single contract year. Payments will be made to the City by March 31 of the year following the calendar year being measured. In June 2017, the City entered a contract with Waste Management for the collection of garbage, recyclables, and compostables for the period of April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2028 with the option of two additional two-year extensions. Terms of the contract require Waste Management to pay the City a one-time fee of $47,500 upon contract execution to reimburse the City for the costs of procuring the contract. Waste Management is also required to pay the City an monthly administrative fee of 12.5% of gross receipts, which is estimated to be approximately $1,600,000 in 2022. During the years of 2013 and 2014, the General Fund #001 funded various studies and fees related to the solid waste program and transferred $60,000 to the Solid Waste Fund #106 for the purpose of providing information materials and marketing necessary to inform residents and businesses of the change in solid waste transfer, transport and disposal. The total amount paid out of the General Fund for these expenditures was $202,121. Beginning in 2015 the Solid Waste Fund will reimburse the General Fund for these costs over a 5-year period, which equated to an annual payment of $40,425 in the years 2015 through 2018, and a final payment of $40,422 in 2019. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Administrative fees$ 232,310219,943$ 268,611$ 225,000$ 250,000$ Solid Waste Road Wear Fee 1,537,7761,760,5191,987,35000 Investment interest 7,8041,48143,1914,00040,000 Total revenues 1,765,5231,994,3102,299,152229,000290,000 Expenditures Education & Contract Administration 65,38543,20362,757229,000290,000 Transfers out - #001 00000 Transfers out - #101 00271,0001,862,9290 Transfers out - #303 00110,74600 Transfers out - #311 1,513,5321,537,7763,19400 Total expenditures 1,578,9171,580,979447,6972,091,929290,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 186,606413,3311,851,455(1,862,929)0 Beginning fund balance 540,182726,7881,140,1192,991,5741,128,645 Ending fund balance$ 1,140,119726,788$ 2,991,574$ 1,128,645$ 1,128,645$ 128 Fund: 107PEG FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget Under the City's cable franchise, the franchise grantee remits to the City as a capital contribution in support of Public Education Government (PEG) capital requirements an amount equal to $0.35 per subscriber per month to be paid to the City on a quarterly basis for the life of the franchise. Capital contributions collected under this agreement are allocated to PEG capital uses exclusively. PEG capital uses include in part the set up of equipment in the City Council Chambers that allows Spokane Valley to broadcast Council meetings both live and through subsequent reviews via digital recordings available on the City's website. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Comcast PEG contribution$ 71,25276,541$ 64,640$ 71,000$ 63,000$ Investment interest 5961603,24703,000 Total revenues 77,13771,41267,88771,00066,000 Expenditures PEG Reimbursement - CMTV 22,28838,519039,50039,500 Capital Outlay 1,33148,771033,50033,500 Total expenditures 23,61987,290073,00073,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 53,518(15,878)67,887(2,000)(7,000) Beginning fund balance 128,255181,773165,895233,782231,782 Ending fund balance$ 165,895181,773$ 233,782$ 231,782$ 224,782$ Fund: 108Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales TaxSpokane Valley 2024 Budget In the year 2020, the Council authorized the City to collect the affordable and supportive sales tax, which is a rebate of the State sales tax to cities and counties. The amount received by the City is up to 0.0146% of the taxable retail sales within the City capped at the 2019 fiscal year taxable retail sales. The Department of Revenue has estimated this capped distribution to be $200,000 for the City. The City will receive these revenues for 20 years, and the revenues may only be used to support affordable housing within the City or for rental assistance as outlined in RCW 82.14.540. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax$ 215,089151,950$ 202,181$ 200,000$ 200,000$ Investment Interest 832058,06108,000 Total revenues 152,033215,294210,242200,000208,000 Expenditures Professional Services 00000 Total expenditures 00000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 152,033215,294210,242200,000208,000 Beginning fund balance 0152,033367,327577,569777,569 Ending fund balance$ 367,327152,033$ 577,569$ 777,569$ 985,569$ 129 Fund: 109Tourism Promotion FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget In the year 2022, qualified lodging businesses (40 or more lodging units) within the City of Spokane Valley submitted a petition to form a tourism promotion area (TPA). The Council adopted resolution 22-017 to establish and operate pursuant to chapter 35.101 RCW, a Tourism Promotion Area fund. The City estimates that the annual revenue from the lodging charges Promotion Area fund. Revenues are calculated based on a daily lodging charge of $4.00. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Tourism Promotion Area Fee$ 00$ 0$ 1,200,000$ 1,200,000$ Investment interest 00000 Total revenues 0001,200,0001,200,000 Expenditures Professional Services 000800,0001,200,000 Total expenditures 000800,0001,200,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 000400,0000 Beginning fund balance 0000400,000 Ending fund balance$ 00$ 0$ 400,000$ 400,000$ Homeless Housing Program Fund Fund: 110Spokane Valley 2024 Budget In 2023 Council passed Resolution #23-009 to declare Council's intent to operate a local homeless and housing program, and assume collection of available document recording fees for this purpose. As part of operating a homeless and housing program, the City first needed to form a Homeless Housing Task Force and adopt a five-year homeless housing action plan that identifies how the City will work to eliminate homelessness consistent with the State's adopted strategic plan. Document recording fees are collected by Spokane County and passed through to the City based on the City's proportionate share of real estate excise tax (REET) collected on a monthly basis. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Recording Fees$ 00$ 0$ 0$ 640,000$ Investment Interest 00000 Total revenues 0000640,000 Expenditures Professional Services 00000 Total expenditures 00000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0000640,000 Beginning fund balance 00000 Ending fund balance$ 00$ 0$ 0$ 640,000$ 130 Fund: 120CenterPlace Operating Reserve FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund was established as a result of a covenant related to the issuance of limited tax general obligation bonds initially issued in 2003 and refunded in 2014. The bonds were issued for the purpose of constructing the CenterPlace facility. As a part of the bond issuance the City agreed to establish a $300,000 operating reserve account that could be used to make debt service payments on the bonds and/or pay for operating expenses of CenterPlace. If at any time the City were to draw on these reserves it would have to prepare and follow a plan for reinstatement of those funds drawn. This reserve is required to be in place for the life of the bonds which run through December 1, 2033. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Investment Interest$ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ Transfers in 00000 Total revenues 00000 Expenditures Operations 00000 Total expenditures 00000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 00000 Beginning fund balance 300,000300,000300,000300,000300,000 Ending fund balance$ 300,000300,000$ 300,000$ 300,000$ 300,000$ 131 Fund: 121Service Level Stabilization Reserve FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The City has committed to maintaining an ending fund balance in the General Fund of at least 50% of recurring expenditures which is equivalent to 6-months of operations. The Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund serves as an emergency source of temporary financing to the General Fund in the event a downturn in the local economy resulted in a reduction of revenues that would otherwise compromise either the General Fund's minimum 50% reserve balance or historical levels of service. If an event such as a downturn in the economy resulted in the General Fund reserves dropping below 50% of recurring expenditures, then the Service Level Stabilization Reserve Fund could be drawn against to maintain the fund balance minimum. The use of this reserve balance is outlined in the Fiscal Policies at the beginning of this budget document. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Investment Interest$ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ Transfers in00000 Total revenues00000 Expenditures Operations00000 Total expenditures00000 Revenues over (under) expenditures00000 Beginning fund balance5,500,0005,500,0005,500,0005,500,0005,500,000 Ending fund balance$ 5,500,0005,500,000$ 5,500,000$ 5,500,000$ 5,500,000$ Fund: 122Winter Weather Reserve FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The Winter Weather Reserve Fund was established through Ordinance No. 05-018 to provide an emergency reserve for use during unusually harsh winters and storms where the Street Fund #101 budget and fund balance are inadequate to accommodate the amount of related street maintenance, including but not limited to snow plowing, sanding, and deicing, that may be necessary. In the event the City draws against this fund in any given winter, we will strive to replenish the balance back to approximately $500,000 through subsequent years' transfers. Due to the uncertainty of when this fund might be drawn upon we actually budget the same $500,000 in both 2023 and 2024 even though we recognize there exists only $500,000 to address this issue if it should arise. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Investment Interest$ 2091,147$ 7,088$ 1,100$ 6,000$ Transfers in - #001500,000364,44089,805500,0000 Total revenues501,147364,64996,893501,1006,000 Expenditures Transfer out - #101364,4390500,00000 Street Maintenance Expenditures089,8050500,000500,000 Total expenditures364,43989,805500,000500,000500,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures136,708274,844(403,107)1,100(494,000) Beginning fund balance23,335160,043434,88731,780532,880 Ending fund balance$ 434,887160,043$ 31,780$ 32,880$ 38,880$ 132 Fund: 204Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO) Bond - Debt Service FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of limited tax general obligation (LTGO) bonds also referred to as councilmanic or non-voted bonds. When LTGO bonds are issued the City irrevocably pledges the full faith, credit and resources necessary to make timely payments of principal and interest, within constitutional and statutory limitations pertaining to non-voted general obligations. In 2003 the City issued $9,430,000 in LTGO bonds, the proceeds of which were used to finance both the construction of CenterPlace and road and street improvements surrounding the facility. In 2014 the City refunded the LTGO bonds in order to take advantage of lower interest rates which resulted in a reduction in subsequent annual bond payments (much like refinancing a home mortgage). At the completion of the bond refunding there remained $7,035,000 of LTGO bonds. Of this total: $5,650,000 remained on the original debt used towards the construction of CenterPlace. These bonds will be paid off in annual installments over the 20-year period ending December 1, 2033. Annual debt service payments on these bonds are provided by the Spokane Public Facilities District. At January 1, 2024, the outstanding balance on this portion of the bond issue will be $3,040,000. $1,385,000 remained on the original debt used towards the road and street improvements. These bonds will be paid off in annual installments over the 10-year period ending December 1, 2023. Annual debt service payments on these bonds are provided by equal distributions from the 1st and 2nd quarter percent real estate excise tax (Funds #301 and #302). This debt was completely liquidated during 2023. In 2016 the City issued $7,275,000 in LTGO bonds, the proceeds of which will be used to finance the construction of a new City Hall building along with $6.3 million of City cash that has been set aside for this purpose. These bonds will be paid off in annual installments over the 30-year period ending December 1, 2045. Annual debt service payments on these bonds are provided by transfers in from the General Fund. At January 1, 2024, the outstanding balance on the bond issue will be $6,045,000. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District$ 480,800459,500$ 501,200$ 527,200$ 551,600$ Transfers in - #001 401,450401,500401,400401,150398,950 Transfers in - #301 80,37580,77581,10080,6000 Transfers in - #302 80,37580,77581,10080,6000 Total revenues 1,021,7001,043,8501,064,8001,089,550950,550 Expenditures Debt Service Payment - CenterPlace 459,500480,800500,000527,200551,600 Debt Service Payment - Roads 160,750161,550163,400161,2000 Debt Service Payments - City Hall/LTGO'16 401,450401,500401,400401,150398,950 Total expenditures 1,021,7001,043,8501,064,8001,089,550950,550 Revenues over (under) expenditures 00000 Beginning fund balance 00000 Ending fund balance$ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 133 Fund: 301REET 1 Capital Projects FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget This fund is used to account for the collection and expenditures of the first one-quarter of one-percent real estate excise tax (REET 1) that is authorized through RCW 82.46. This quarter percent must be expended for purposes identified in the capital facilities plan element of our comprehensive plan. RCW 82.46.010(6), defines "capital projects" as: those public works projects of a local government for planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets; roads; highways; sidewalks; street and road lighting systems; traffic signals; bridges; domestic water systems; storm and sanitary sewer systems; parks; recreational facilities; law enforcement facilities; fire protection facilities; trails; libraries; administrative and judicial facilities. Revenues recorded in this fund are typically used as a matching funds for street related construction projects that are accounted for in Street Capital Projects Fund #303, Pavement Preservation Fund #311, and to pay for a portion of the annual bond payment on the City's 2014 LTGO bonds that are accounted for in the LTGO Debt Service Fund #204. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues REET 1 - Taxes$ 1,754,320$ 3,109,113$ 2,790,020$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000 Investment Interest 14,7422,82896,9654,00090,000 Total revenues 1,769,0623,111,9412,886,9851,504,0001,590,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #204 80,37580,77581,10080,6000 Transfers out - #303 330,295293,208899,463560,438897,312 Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 772,639827,278550,2421,037,5001,170,350 Transfers out - #314 (Barker Grade Separation)1,335,879007,199801 Total expenditures 2,519,1881,201,2611,530,8051,685,7372,068,463 Revenues over (under) expenditures(750,126)1,910,6801,356,180(181,737)(478,463) Beginning fund balance 2,798,1942,048,0683,958,7485,314,9285,133,191 Ending fund balance$ 3,958,7482,048,068$ 5,314,928$ 5,133,191$ 4,654,728$ 134 Fund: 302REET 2 Capital Projects FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget This fund is used to account for the collection and expenditures of the second one-quarter of one-percent real estate excise tax (REET 2) that is authorized through RCW 82.46. This quarter percent may only be levied by cities that are planning under the Growth Management Act and may only be expended for purposes identified in the capital facilities plan element of their comprehensive plan. RCW 82.46.035(5) defines "capital projects" as: public works projects of a local government for planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, bridges, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, and planning, construction, reconstruction, repair, rehabilitation, or improvement of parks. Noteworthy here is that acquisition of land for parks is not a permitted use of REET 2 receipts, although it is a permitted use for street, water and sewer projects. Revenues recorded in this fund are typically used as a matching funds for street related construction projects that are accounted for in Street Capital Projects Fund #303, Pavement Preservation Fund #311, and to pay for a portion of the annual bond payment on the City's 2014 LTGO bonds that are accounted for in the LTGO Debt Service Fund #204. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues REET 2 - Taxes$ 1,754,320$ 3,109,113$ 2,790,020$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000 Investment Interest 22,4255,137117,0206,000100,000 Total revenues 1,776,7453,114,2502,907,0401,506,0001,600,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #204 80,37580,77581,10080,6000 Transfers out - #303 149,6781,401,744226,7012,520,832440,437 Transfers out - #309 064,077124,0205,0000 Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 772,638827,279914,9001,037,5001,170,350 Transfers out - #314 0660,5160136,875182,500 Transfers out - #403 014,927000 1,002,6913,049,3181,346,7213,780,8071,793,287 Revenues over (under) expenditures 774,05464,9321,560,319(2,274,807)(193,287) Beginning fund balance 4,391,8705,165,9245,230,8566,791,1754,516,368 Ending fund balance$ 5,230,8565,165,924$ 6,791,175$ 4,516,368$ 4,323,081$ 135 Fund: 303Street Capital Projects FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The Street Capital Projects Fund accounts for monies used to finance street construction and reconstruction projects adopted in the City's 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Revenues to finance the projects comes from a combination of State and Federal Grants, which typically cover upwards of 80% of projects costs, with the City match portion coming from transfers from the REET 1 Capital Projects Fund #301, REET 2 Capital Projects Fund #302, and sometimes Stormwater Management Fund #402. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Grant Proceeds$ 2,813,485$ 4,174,243$ 4,235,813$ 9,521,716$ 6,949,896 Developer Contribution 540,3251,271,7590451,007588,130 Miscellaneous 021811,65200 Voluntary Traffic Mitigation Fees 00853,46700 Transfers in - #106 00110,74600 Transfers in - #301 330,295293,208899,463560,438897,312 Transfers in - #302 149,6781,401,744226,7012,520,832440,437 Transfers in - #312 000220,8660 Transfers in - #312 - Barker Corridor 320,254(87,442)1,20400 Transfers in - #312 - Garland Ave 596,5820000 Transfers in - #312 - School Beacons 00112,58300 Transfers in - #315 00000 Total revenues 4,750,6197,053,7306,451,62913,274,8598,875,775 Expenditures 205Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 121,294159,0262,219,92200 249Sullivan/Wellesley Intersection 102,05192,731499,154765,3210 259N. Sullivan Corridor ITS Projects (PE start 2017 740,3842,150000 267Mission Ave Sidewalk 1,4340000 273Barker/I-90 Interchange 77,8650000 275Barker Rd Widening - River to Euclid 1,193,0991,679,0178,91500 276Barker Rd Widening - Euclid to Garland 36,1760000 285Indiana Ave Pres - Evergreen to Sullivan 235,1350000 291Adams Sidewalk Infill 279,9470000 292Mullan preservation : Broadway-Mission 4,822508,213000 2932018 CSS Citywide Reflective Signal BP 114,5268,14438200 294Citywide Reflective Signal Post Panels 64,7033,1692,99000 295Garland Avenue Extension 1,067,6120000 299Argonne Rd Concrete Pvmt Indiana to Mont 78,9312,205,4388,87600 300Pines & Mission Intersection Improvement 57,61763,816165,800342,5461,599,256 301Park & Mission Intersection Improvement 45,780360,002000 302Ella Sidewalk - Broadway to Alki 325,3080000 303S. Conklin Sidewalk 110,388162000 (continued to next page) 136 Fund: 303Street Capital Projects FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget (continued from previous page) 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Expenditures, continued 310Sullivan Rd Overcrossing UP RR Deck Repl 16,241241,95482000 313Barker Rd/Union Pacific Crossing 52,03061,642323,3341,044,00050,000 318Wilbur Sidewalk - Boone to Mission 24,02346,916862,358172,7010 320Sullivan Preservation - Sprague to 8th 18713,537117,4852,466,0405,000 321Argonne Corridor Improvement- North of Knox 1,0671,916010,00019,608 323Evergreen Road Preservation 0258,659000 3262020 Citywide Retroreflective Post Plates 05,63923,66089,5020 327Sprague Stormwater & Crossing Project 004,3431,557,4102,365,000 329Barker Rd Imp-City Limits to Appleway 0109,44342,68697,97150,000 330WTSC 2021 School Zone Beacons 041,780000 332NE Industrial Area - Sewer Extension 065,16337,41100 333Evergreen Rd Pres Broadway to Mission 00159,29300 334Sprague Ave Preservation 00309,49400 335Mission Ave over Evergreen Deck Repair 0019,502409,5390 3408th Ave Sidewalk - Coleman to Park 0082,4251,325,1660 342School zone beacons 00112,583112,4170 343Buckeye Ave Sewer Extenstion 00632,15200 344Park Rd Sidewalk- Broadway to cataldo 0023,083338,8620 345Park Rd Sidewalk- Nora to Baldwin 0025,710311,6000 346Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd 0014,260477,3732,106,777 347Broadway and Park Intersection 004,4552,124,411410,134 348Barker Road Improvements- Appleway to I90 000300,0000 351Barker Road Imp - Sprague to Appleway 000255,000595,000 Argonne Bridge 00075,000675,000 Contingency 0001,000,0001,000,000 Total expenditures 4,750,6205,928,5175,701,09313,274,8598,875,775 Revenues over (under) expenditures 01,125,213750,53600 Beginning fund balance 67,40267,4021,192,6151,943,1511,943,151 Ending fund balance$ 1,192,61567,402$ 1,943,151$ 1,943,151$ 1,943,151$ 137 Fund: 309Spokane Valley Park Capital Projects Fund 2024 Budget The Park Capital Projects Fund was created to account for park related capital improvements. The source of financing typically consists of an annual transfer from the General Fund #001; however, in some years the City will utilize money set aside for capital projects in other funds. This has occurred with transfers in from the Paths and Trails Fund #103 and the Capital Reserve Fund #312, which have been applied towards various sections of the Appleway Trail project and frontage improvements at Balfour Park. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Grant Proceeds$ 1,334,842$ 593,260$ 326,8900$ $ 0 Developer Contribution 017,896000 Transfers in - #001 2,941,166178,813160,145620,327160,000 Transfers in - #302 064,077124,0205,0000 Transfers in - #310 00040,1920 Transfers in - #312 131,985604,512332,2675,677,846220,000 Investment Interest 020000 Total revenues 4,407,9931,458,578616,4326,670,255380,000 Expenditures 268Appleway Trail (Evergreen to Sullivan)1,433,8332,165000 296Browns Park improvements 22,7650000 304CenterPlace west lawn improvements - Ph. 2 1,887,74619,93014500 305CenterPlace roof 795,656(1,117)000 314Balfour Park frontage improvements 22,048342,76095,2095,0000 315Browns Park improvements 2020 38,049698,66495300 316Balfour Park improvements - Ph 1 10,947305,134161,6885,222,25520,000 328Sullivan Park Waterline 032,27651,033500,0000 337Reprogram Great Room A/V System 036,951000 338Spokane Valley River Loop Trail 079,136148,357750,0000 Replace pump at Mirabeau Falls 00033,0000 Parking & Trail Design (Summerfield, Pondero 000136,9000 West Lawn Shade Canopy for Stage 00023,1000 Greenacres Park Phase 2 0000200,000 Transfers out - #312 (park land acquisition)200,0000000 Total expenditures 4,411,0441,515,899457,3856,670,255220,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures(3,051)(57,321)159,0470160,000 Beginning fund balance 78,62675,57518,254177,301177,301 Ending fund balance$ 18,25475,575$ 177,301$ 177,301$ 337,301$ 138 Fund: 310Civic Facility Capital Projects FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The Civic Building Capital Projects Fund was initially set-up to accumulate resources to ultimately acquire or construct a City Hall building. The initial sources of revenue to set-up the fund reserves were transfers from the General Fund during 2005 through 2007, and as recently as December 31, 2009, this fund had a fund balance of $5,828,600. During 2010 and 2011 the City determined that street repairs and reconstruction represented a more immediate City need and opted to expend nearly $2,000,000 of the fund balance for these projects. The projects themselves were part of a septic tank elimination program (STEP) initiated by Spokane County that resulted in the installation of sewer lines down many City streets. At that time the City decided to completely reconstruct the effected streets rather than patch them. In 2012 the City used this fund to finance a variety street related capital projects as well as the $2.5 million acquisition of an 8.4 acre parcel of land on Sprague Avenue that is adjacent to Balfour Park. Partially offsetting the cost of the land acquisition was the subsequent sale of 2.82 acres of this parcel to the Spokane County Library District who had planned to construct a library building consisting of no less than 30,000 square feet. In order for the Library District to actually construct a new building on this site they first had to have a successful voted bond issue to provide the necessary financing. In the event the Library District is unable to pass a bond, they may sell the 2.82 acres parcel back to the City for the original purchase price of $839,285. An amendment was made to the interlocal agreement in October 2017 which extended the agreement through October 2022 with the option to extend through October 2024. Through this amendments, the City also agreed to contribute $1.3 million, of which the $839,285 would be part, in frontage and/or joint site improvements on the Library site. Construction on the frontage improvements occurred in 2021 and 2022 and the construction of the new library began in 2022. The remaining improvements were made during 2023 during Balfour Park construction activities. In 2015 the General Fund began to make two annual transfers to this fund that were each related to the eventual construction of a new City Hall facility. These transfers ended after 2016: The first transfer in the amount of $72,500, when added to the City's $434,600 annual lease payment for space in its current space totals $507,100 which was the amount we anticipated our annual bond repayment would be if we were to issue approximately $8,000,000 of limited tax general obligation bonds with a 2% issue cost over 30-years at 4.50%. The second transfer was our estimate of the annual operating costs of a City Hall facility including utilities, janitorial, grounds maintenance and snow removal, and operating and maintenance supplies. The purpose behind making these transfers beginning in 2015 was to "create" this appropriation capacity within the General Fund. These amounts were transferred out to the General Fund in 2016 and 2017 in order to cover lease payments for the prior City Hall location in years in which the City had both a lease payment and a bond payment for the new City Hall building. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Investment Interest$ 6923,679$ 13,653$ 1,000$ 1,200$ Total revenues 3,67969213,6531,0001,200 Expenditures Transfers out - #309 (Balfour Park)16,7003,600040,1920 Payment to Library District 000799,0930 Total expenditures 16,7003,6000839,2850 Revenues over (under) expenditures(13,021)(2,908)13,653(838,285)1,200 Beginning fund balance 855,985842,964840,056853,70915,424 Ending fund balance$ 840,056842,964$ 853,709$ 15,424$ 16,624$ 139 Fund: 311Pavement Preservation FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget This fund was created during the 2011 Budget development process for the purpose of setting money aside for yet to be determined street capital improvement projects. Since inception, the pavement preservation program has been funded through a series of transfers from other City funds as well as grant proceeds. Below is a table summarizing the funding sources for Fund #311, including actuals for 2011 through 2022 and budgeted amounts for 2023 and 2024: Fund 001101106123301/302310 StreetCivic Fac.Civic Fac. GeneralStreet O&MWear FeeReplace.REET 1&2CapitalGrantsTotal Actual 2011584,6810000500,00001,084,681 20122,045,2030000002,045,203 2013855,857282,0000616,284300,000035,9452,090,086 2014888,823282,0000616,284368,94402,042,6654,198,716 2015920,000206,6180616,284502,0980835,2243,080,224 2016943,80067,3420559,808730,57201,654,6983,956,220 2017953,20067,342001,320,958089,2082,430,708 2018962,70067,3421,000,00001,370,65801,422,4044,823,104 2019972,30001,608,02801,468,60002,398,3306,447,258 2020982,02301,513,53201,545,277098,2814,139,113 2021991,84301,537,77601,654,557004,184,176 20221,001,80003,19401,465,14102,052,1754,522,310 Budget 20231,011,8001,655,955002,075,00002,336,0007,078,755 20241,021,9000002,340,700003,362,600 14,135,9302,628,5995,662,5302,408,66015,142,505500,00012,964,93053,443,154 Beginning in 2013, the City committed to finance pavement preservation at a level equivalent to 6% of General Fund recurring expenditures, which has continued from that year through the 2024 budget development. Because this is a Capital Project Fund whose sole purpose is to provide for Pavement Preservation projects, any money not expended in a given year will remain in the fund and will be available for re-appropriation in subsequent years. The fund balance of Fund #123 was exhausted with the 2016 transfer of $559,808 as a consequence of following this funding strategy. In order to maintain the City's practice of setting aside funds for pavement preservation in an amount equivalent to 6% of General Fund recurring expenditures, the City began to rely more heavily on REET funds. We have determined that the 2024 funding level representing approximately 6% of General Fund recurring expenditures is $3,362,600 and that this level of funding is sustainable through 2026 assuming a General Fund contribution of $1,021,900 and a collective contribution of $2,340,700 from the REET 1 Capital Projects Fund #301 and the REET 2 Capital Projects Fund #302. The City will take advantage of grant programs directed at pavement preservation as they become available. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Transfers in - #001$ 991,843982,023$ 1,001,800$ 1,011,800$ 1,021,900$ Transfers in - #1010001,655,9550 Transfers in - #1061,513,5321,537,7763,19400 Transfers in - #301772,639827,278550,2421,037,5001,170,350 Transfers in - #302772,638827,279914,9001,037,5001,170,350 Investment Interest10,9603,44873,14900 Grant Proceeds98,28102,052,1752,636,0000 Developer Contributions029,011000 Total revenues4,150,0734,216,6354,595,4607,378,7553,362,600 Expenditures Pavement preservation 2,783,1294,464,6933,523,8477,781,6513,500,000 Pre-project GeoTech00050,00050,000 Transfer out - #101 (local streets)0002,677,0990 Total expenditures2,783,1294,464,6933,523,84710,508,7503,550,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures1,366,944(248,058)1,071,613(3,129,995)(187,400) Beginning fund balance4,425,2015,792,1455,544,0876,615,7003,485,705 Ending fund balance$ 5,544,0875,792,145$ 6,615,700$ 3,485,705$ 3,298,305$ 140 Fund: 312Spokane Valley Capital Reserve Fund 2024 Budget This fund was created in 2013 to be used to account for the accumulation of resources for yet to be determined capital projects. The initial source of funds was a 2013 General Fund transfer of $7,826,207 which was followed by additional transfers from the General Fund from 2014 through 2023 in the amount of $47,868,004. Projects approved by City Council from this fund include in part: $2,396,813 for construction of various sections of the Appleway Trail. $1,800,000 to remove and reconstruct Euclid Ave. from Flora to Barker after County installation of sewer. $1,421,321 towards a Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation project. $3,485,417 towards a Pines Road / BNSF Grade Separation project. $2,567,741 towards Barker Road corridor improvements. $4,839,710 for park land acquisitions. $460,715 towards improvements at the Spokane County Library's proposed Balfour site. $225,000 towards school zone beacons $5,031,741 towards Balfour Park construction. $1,400,000 towards the replacement of police vehicles. $250,000 towards a surface treatment pilot program. $500,000 towards Sullivan Road / BNSF Interchange project. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Transfers in - #001$ 11,126,3430$ 3,593,000$ 5,358,054$ 0$ Transfers in - #309 200,0000000 Transfers in - #310 03,600000 Transfers in - #313 16,7000000 Proceeds from sale of land 0109,403000 Investment Interest 58,1888,304236,05420,000500,000 Total revenues 274,88811,247,6503,829,0545,378,054500,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #001 00606,5372,600,0000 Transfers out - #101 1,364,70600250,0000 Transfers out - #303 - School Beacons 00113,786112,4170 Transfers out - #303 - Barker Road Corridor 916,837(87,442)0108,4490 Transfers out - #309 - Appleway Trail 98,991(65,815)000 Transfers out - #309 - Balfour Park frontage improve 22,048260,788000 Transfers out - #309 - Balfour Park improvements 10,947305,133332,2674,553,94620,000 Transfers out - #309 - Sullivan Park water line 025,2690373,9000 Transfers out - #309 - Spokane Valley River Loop Tr 079,1360750,0000 Transfers out - #309 - Greenacres Park Ph2 0000200,000 Transfers out - #314 - Pines Grade Separation 125,086(6,684)0387,35720,094 Transfers out - #314 - Barker Rd Overpass 0438,623633,819363,938725,000 Transfers out - #314 - Sullivan Rd Interchange 73,615170,333046,27461,698 Transfers out - #316 - Fairground Building 007,01000 WSDOT Sullivan Park Property Acquisition 03,3570759,6000 Precinct property acquisition 02,230,4490791,0000 Park property acquisition 2,095,7101,875,881000 Total expenditures 4,707,9405,229,0281,693,41911,096,8811,026,792 Revenues over (under) expenditures(4,433,052)6,018,6222,135,635(5,718,827)(526,792) Beginning fund balance 12,936,8168,503,76414,522,38616,658,02110,939,194 Ending fund balance$ 14,522,3868,503,764$ 16,658,021$ 10,939,194$ 10,412,402$ 141 Fund: 314Railroad Grade Separation Projects FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget This fund was created to account for the design and construction costs of various railroad grade separation projects that are included in the Bridging the Valley concept. Due to the anticipated size, scope, and duration of these projects, managing them in a separate fund allows for the necessary monitoring without being obscured by the variety and quantity of the other projects in the Street Capital Projects Fund #303 as well as keeping these projects from skewing the average volume of activity in Fund #303. Revenues for this fund consist of grant proceeds and transfers in from other City funds, such as the General Fund #001, the REET 1 Capital Project Fund #301 and the Capital Reserve Fund #312. Expenditures in the years of 2023 and 2024 are related to design and right of way costs for the Pines Road Underpass project, the construction costs for the Barker Road Overpass project, and design work for the Sullivan Road Interchange. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Grant Proceeds$ 3,394,512$ 280,718$ 677,412$ 4,897,013$ 2,112,530 Investment Interest 41142651800 Developer Contributions 051,4030454,0410 Rental Income 017,79310,50000 Transfers in - #301 1,335,879007,199801 Transfers in - #302 0660,5160136,875182,500 Transfers in - #312 198,701602,272633,819797,568806,792 Total revenues 4,929,5031,613,1281,322,2496,292,6963,102,623 Expenditures Barker BNSF Grade Separation 3,792,6551,150,542825,160990,894725,000 Pines Rd Underpass 1,278,344495,989686,7653,865,897273,674 Sullivan Rd Interchange 73,615170,333132,6561,615,4622,153,948 Total expenditures 5,144,6141,816,8641,644,5816,472,2533,152,622 Revenues over (under) expenditures(215,111)(203,736)(322,332)(179,557)(49,999) Beginning fund balance 1,008,639793,528589,792267,46087,903 Ending fund balance$ 589,792793,528$ 267,460$ 87,903$ 37,904$ 142 Fund: 315Transportation Impact Fees FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget Beginning in 2021, the City began collecting transportation impact fees allowed pursuant to RCW 82.02.050-82.02.110 and SVMC 22.100. These are fees specifically allowed to address impacts from new development and they may be imposed on all developments within a designated area. The City has performed several studies to determine the impact areas on which the fees are being imposed. All fees collected must be applied to transportation system improvements identified in the corresponding study. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Transportation Impact Fees$ 294,4770$ 361,613$ 200,000$ 300,000$ Investment Earnings 01309,68400 Total revenues 0294,607371,297200,000300,000 Expenditures Transfers out - #303 00000 Total expenditures 00000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0294,607371,297200,000300,000 Beginning fund balance 00294,607665,904865,904 Ending fund balance$ 294,6070$ 665,904$ 865,904$ 1,165,904$ Fund: 316Economic Development Capital Projects FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget In 2015, the City contracted with Community Attributes Inc. to develop a Retail Improvement Strategy and Action Plan. This plan led to another study with Community Attributes in 2016 to further explore tourism as an economic driver. The resulting 2016 Tourism Plan identified nine projects, including an expanded mixed-use facility around the Fairground and Avista Stadium, for future development. These projects would likely boost tourism and help anchor the City's leisure and retail community. Over the next several years, the City continued more in-depth analysis of some of the projects identified in the Tourism Plan and moved forward on several smaller projects. In 2020, the City began discussions with Spokane County regarding the concept of expanding the Expo Center to create additional space and versatility to attract and support multiple conferences and special events. The new Expo Center at the County Fairgrounds was estimated to cost $10 million; however, after doing some preliminary design work, the cost was estimated to be much greater than that amount. As such, the project has been put on hold and funding has been reallocated. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Transfers in - #312$ 3,3580$ 46,642$ 0$ 0$ Total revenues 03,35846,64200 Expenditures Fairgrounds Building 03,35846,64200 Total expenditures 03,35846,64200 Revenues over (under) expenditures 00000 Beginning fund balance 00000 Ending fund balance$ 00$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 143 Fund: 402Stormwater Management FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The purpose of the Stormwater Management Fund is to account for the funds related to the cleaning, maintenance, and improvement of the City's storm drainage system. The revenue for this fund originates from a stormwater fee collected by Spokane County on behalf of the City. The annual fee is $58 for each single family unit, and for other property types a fee of $58 per each 3,160 square feet of parcel impervious surfacing is collected. Accomplishments for 2023 Finalized the hydrologic evaluation efforts for the Glenrose and Central Floodplain mapping and submitted to FEMA. Continued collaboration efforts with local, State, and Federal stormwater regulatory bodies. Continued the inventory and mapping of all City stormwater facilities. Continued on-going stormwater maintenance and repairs utilizing in-house and contracted services. Adopted the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan for the City. Adopted enhanced level of service standards for stormwater management and implemented new stormwater fee. Implemented new stormwater services contracts to provide the adopted level of service. Goals for 2024 Continue the hydraulic evaluation efforts for the Glenrose and Central Floodplain mapping for FEMA. Continue collaboration efforts with local, State, and Federal stormwater regulatory bodies. Continue implementing the enhanced level of service standards for stormwater management. Finalize the stormwater management study for the Ridgemont Estates neighborhood. Continue the inventory and mapping of all City stormwater facilities. Continue on-going stormwater maintenance and repairs utilizing in-house and contracted services. Implement stormwater system improvements, integrating with other capital projects for efficiency. Continue implementation of the enhanced Underground Injection Control (UIC) and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. Work with other departments in developing a city-wide, comprehensive Asset Management Program, which will include stormwater facilities. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Operating Administrative Assistant Assistant Engineer Communication & Marketing Officer Engineer Engineering Manager - Utility Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II GIS Analyst Maintenance/Construction Inspector Mechanic Senior Development Engineer Senior Engineer-Proj Mgmt Senior Planning Grants Engineer Stormwater Forman Capital Maintenance/Construction Inspector Construction Inspector Senior Engineer-Proj Mgmt 3.904.134.134.3811.38 Interns (continued to next page) 144 Fund: 402Stormwater Management FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget (continued from previous page) Budget Summary Recurring Activity 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualAmended Budget Budget Revenues Stormwater Management fees$ 1,910,349$ 2,026,140$ 2,031,000$ 5,600,000$ 5,600,000 Investment Interest 10,2442,13440,0382,00040,000 Miscellaneous & Grants Proceeds 4820000 Total revenues 1,921,0752,028,2742,071,0385,602,0005,640,000 Expenditures Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 412,173331,944379,033957,3681,316,976 Supplies 49,22814,92232,30199,30044,700 Services & Charges 1,180,5341,153,8201,290,7991,764,8222,422,317 Intergovernmental Services 40,45242,22243,14948,00048,000 Interfund vehicle lease - #501 14,0006,7506,7506,75013,000 Total expenditures 1,696,3871,549,6581,752,0322,876,2403,844,993 Recurring revenues over (under) 224,688478,616319,0062,725,7601,795,007 Recurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Activity Revenues Grant Proceeds 30495,000000 Total Nonrecurring revenues 30495,000000 Expenditures Capital - Various Projects 227,770383,412109,307350,0001,500,000 Stormwater Comprehensive Plan 00272,92350,0000 Furniture & Equipment 0001,530 Land Acquisition 000260,0000 Watershed studies 48,33637,24269,162100,000150,000 Generator for Maintenance Shop 0013,1448,5000 Transfers out - #501 (Stormwater Vehicle)00060,000 Total Nonrecurring expenditures 276,106420,654464,536830,0301,650,000 Nonrecurring revenues over (under) (275,802)(325,654)(464,536)(830,030)(1,650,000) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures(51,114)152,962(145,530)1,895,730145,007 Beginning working capital 2,180,7732,159,7962,401,7192,278,3634,174,093 Ending working capital$ 2,312,7582,129,659$ 2,256,189$ 4,174,093$ 4,319,100$ 145 Fund: 403Aquifer Protection Area FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget In 1985 voters of Spokane County approved a ballot proposition to create the Spokane Aquifer Protection Area (APA) as well as corresponding aquifer protection area fees with both sunsetting December 31, 2005. Boundaries of the APA included portions of unincorporated areas (including what is now Spokane Valley) and the cities of Liberty Lake, Millwood and Spokane. In 2004 the City of Spokane Valley approved a resolution authorizing the inclusion of its municipal boundaries within the APA. The APA program was subsequently reauthorized through 2025 with voter approval. All fees are collected by Spokane County and include: An annual fee of $15 per household for the withdrawal of water from properties within the APA. An annual fee of $15 per household for on-site sewage disposal within the APA. For commercial properties an annual fee ranging from $15 to $960 depending upon water meter size. In 2004 the City of Spokane Valley (City) entered into an interlocal agreement with Spokane County (County) that authorized the County to collect and retain APA fees through 2010 for a variety of projects including: up to $100,000 annually through 2010 to the Spokane Regional Health District to provide for data base management related to monitoring of septic tanks and their potential impact on water quality in the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. a septic tank elimination program (STEP) designed to replace septic tanks with sanitary sewer systems. In the 2004 interlocal agreement the City and County also agreed that for the years 2011 through 2025 the APA fees remaining after the payment of reasonable administration and billing fees incurred by the County would be distributed annually between the County, City and City of Spokane on a proportional basis relative to the amount generated in unincorporated areas, the City and City of Spokane. The fees collected on the City's behalf by Spokane County are expended entirely on stormwater related projects that are designed to protect the aquifer. These fees plus grant monies received from a number of granting agencies finance a variety of capital projects. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Spokane County $ 522,357426,234$ 514,576$ 460,000$ 500,000$ Grant Proceeds 60,9961,434,700236,685397,5000 Investment Interest 9,1351,22020,4211,90020,000 Transfer in - #302 014,927000 Miscellaneous 060,801000 Total Revenues 496,3652,034,005771,682859,400520,000 Expenditures Capital - Various projects 494,3002,989,076370,9991,421,1001,000,000 Effectiveness study 045,454055,00055,000 Total Expenditures 494,3003,034,530370,9991,476,1001,055,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 2,065(1,000,525)400,683(616,700)(535,000) Beginning working capital 2,118,2992,120,3651,119,8391,520,522903,822 Ending working capital$ 1,119,8402,120,364$ 1,520,522$ 903,822$ 368,822$ 146 Fund: 501Equipment Rental & Replacement FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund (ER&R) is an Internal Service Fund that is designed to provide the funds necessary to purchase new vehicles and equipment at predetermined life cycles. This fund operates by charging each City department a monthly rental rate for the vehicles they use. The fee is based upon the estimated useful life of the vehicle and its replacement cost. The theory behind this program is that it allows City departments to budget vehicle replacement costs as a reoccurring expense over an extended period of time rather than as an intermittent capital expense that may be difficult to afford in any single year. In the event a City department requires an additional vehicle that actually adds to the fleet rather than simply replaces an existing vehicle, then that department must budget for the initial purchase price and transfer the necessary funds to the ER&R Fund to make the acquisition. In subsequent years the department will then begin paying a replacement fee spread out over the estimated useful life of the new vehicle. Beginning in 2017 a CenterPlace Kitchen Reserve was established through a transfer in from the General Fund in the amount of $36,600 per year for 5 years to build a total reserve of $183,000, which is the estimated replacement cost of the significant kitchen appliances and equipment at CenterPlace. Snow Plow Replacement Program The snow plow fleet currently consists of nine plow trucks. Six of the trucks are equipped with sanders and three of the trucks are equipped with 1,000-gallon tanks for placement of liquid deicer. Over the past five years the City has continued to improve the snow removal operations and has updated the snow plan accordingly. These improvements in snow operations have dictated that operating nine plows is a very efficient way to remove snow from the arterial and hillside roadways. Operating nine plows allows the performance of a full city arterial and designated hillsides plow in approximately 12 hours. In the future new plows will be purchased to replace the aging fleet as noted below and older plows will serve as backups and eventually be retired from the fleet beginning in 2022. The recommended snow plow fleet consists of eleven plows with two serving as backup plows. The two backup plows ensure that arterial roadways and hillside priority roadways can be cleared of snow per the snow plan. Having backup plows provides the City with additional plows that can be deployed in case of a mechanical breakdown or an accident during a winter storm event. Snow Plow Fleet Truck #Model YearYR AcquiredAge at RetirementReplacement YrNotes 20719972009252022 20319952009282023 20419952009292024 20819972009282025 Existing Fleet 20919982011282026(11) Snow Plows 21120002012272027 20619962009322028 20519962009332029 21020102011222032 21820162015222037 21920212020222043 22520232022222045207 is retired **20242024222046203 is retired **20252025222047204 is retired **20262026222048208 is retired **20272027222049209 is retired **20282028222050211 is retired **20292029222051206 is retired **20302030222052205 is retired (continued to next page) 147 Fund: 501Equipment Rental & Replacement FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget (continued from previous page) Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Vehicle rentals - #001$ 31,30028,000$ 31,300$ 59,600$ 46,750$ Vehicle rentals - #101 14,50010,25010,25027,75041,950 Vehicle rentals - #101 (plow replace.) 48,50060,500275,000275,000300,000 Vehicle rentals - #402 14,0006,7506,7506,75013,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 0032500 Transfers in - #001 (CenterPlace kitchen reserve)36,60036,600000 Transfers in - #001 (Code Enforcement Vehicle)27,4720000 Transfers in - #101 (IT equipment reserve)000086,500 Transfers in - #101 (Additional dump bed truck)00058,0000 Transfers in - #402 (Stormwater vehicle)00060,0000 Investment Interest 6,0741,14720,4492,00020,000 Total Revenues 175,146146,547344,074489,100508,200 Expenditures Small tools & minor equipment 0275010,00010,000 Vehicle Purchase 27,472108,762248,500476,500120,000 Snow plow purchase 255,8060103,926275,000300,000 Heavy Duty Machinery & Equipment 0000270,000 Total Expenditures 283,278109,037352,426761,500700,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures(108,132)37,510(8,352)(272,400)(191,800) Beginning working capital 1,496,0931,387,9611,425,4711,417,1191,144,719 Ending working capital$ 1,425,4711,387,961$ 1,417,119$ 1,144,719$ 952,919$ Fund: 502Risk Management FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget The City of Spokane Valley is exposed to risks of loss related to a number of sources including tort; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; natural disasters; and unemployment claims filed by former employees through the State of Washington. The Risk Management Fund was established to account for all such related revenues and expenses. Revenues for this fund are comprised almost entirely from an annual transfer of money from the General Fund and the single largest expense is typically the insurance premium the City pays to our insurance provider, the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA). Budget Summary 20202021202220232023 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Transfers in - #001$ 425,000410,000$ 450,000$ 600,000$ 700,000$ Investment Interest 2481174,88900 Total Revenues410,248425,117454,889600,000700,000 Expenditures Auto & Property insurance 337,987365,384417,837600,000700,000 Unemployment Claims 7,7817,3971,85000 Total Expenditures 345,768372,781419,687600,000700,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 64,48052,33635,20200 Beginning working capital 276,004340,484392,820428,022428,022 Ending working capital$ 392,820340,484$ 428,022$ 428,022$ 428,022$ 148 Fund: 632Passthrough Fees & Taxes FundSpokane Valley 2024 Budget This fund was created during the 2022 Budget development process to account for State assessed District Court fees collected by Spokane County and remitted to the City as well as passthrough tax revenues such as leasehold excise and sales taxes. The City then remits the funds to the State Treasurer and County Prosecutor. These are fuduciary activities according to GASB accounting pronouncements. Budget Summary 20202021202220232024 ActualActualActualBudgetBudget Revenues Fees & Taxes collected for other governments$ 589,853372,072$ 433,410$ 591,000$ 500,000$ Total Revenues372,072589,853433,410591,000500,000 Expenditures Fees & Taxes remitted to other governments 371,759590,166433,410591,000500,000 Total Expenditures 371,759590,166433,410591,000500,000 Revenues over (under) expenditures 313(313)000 Beginning working capital 0313000 Ending working capital$ 0313$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 149 150 0 50,000 Developer 000 188,707176,000504,62490,376583,875800,000202,780 GrantsContributions 1,327,502271,7542,099,1711,446,0171,909,750 t 000 02,112,530 100,000300,000270,000670,000 00000 AquiferEquipment 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 20,00020,0000 1,500,0001,500,000 49,99949,999 0000000 20,000 20,09461,698 200,000220,000000000725,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS 0806,792 137,400137,400 182,500 0000000000 801 CapitalCapitalPavementCapitalGradeStormwaterProtectionRental & REET 1REET 2 00000000000000000000000801182,500 Capital Expenditures for 2024 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 33,50033,500 00 225,000225,000 Street 0000000000000000000000000000000000 20,00036,000 #001101#107#301#302#311#312#314#402#403#501 167,500223,500 GeneralO&MPEGProjectsProjectsPreservationReserveSeparationManagementAreaReplacemen 5,0005,000 20,00036,00033,50033,50050,00050,00019,60819,60850,00020,000 167,500223,500225,000225,000410,13445,427595,000675,00091,125200,0000220,000725,000273,674120,000300,000270,000690,000 2024 Budget 3,500,0001,021,900001,170,3501,170,3501,000,000 1,599,2562,365,000265,8292,106,777660,7601,000,000100,000100,0008,875,775000897,312440,4370000006,949,896588,1303,500,0001,021,9001,170,3501,170,3502,153,9483,152,6221,500,0001,500,0001,000,000 19,420,3971,245,400225,00033,5002,068,4631,793,287137,4001,026,79249,9991,520,0001,000,000670,0009,062,426588,130 Expenditure 2 font are paid from a combination of existing fund balance and fund revenue that is not attributable to a single project. Capital Outlay Description Italicized Bold SubtotalSubtotalSubtotalSubtotalSubtotalSubtotalSubtotalSubtotalSubtotal IT capital replacementsElectric man-liftUTV for Police DepartmentCaptial equipment replacement programPEG Capital outlayArgonne BridgeContingencyGreenacres Park - ph. 2Pavement preservationCapital - various projectsCapital - various projectsVehicle purchaseSnow plow purchaseBackhoe purchase Total Capital Expenditures and Related Financing --------- -- 300Pines and Mission Intersection Improvement316Balfour Park Improvements - ph.1143Barker BNSF Grade Separation 313Barker Road/Union Pacific Crossing320Sullivan Preservation: Sprague-8th321Argonne Corridor Imprv- North of Knox327Sprague Stormwater & Crossing Project329Barker Road Imp- City Limits to Appleway346Bowdish Sidewalk 12th to 22nd347Broadway and Park Intersection351Barker Road Imp- Sprague to Appleway223Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF & Trent311Sullivan Rd Interchange @ Trent Contingency amount is to cover unforseen overruns, costs related to projects that were expected to complete in 2021 and the costs of projects that have not yet had funding sources identified.Use of Fund Balance for CIP 0223-Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF & Trent is a portion of the $1,200,000 transferred from the General Fund in 2017. -Dollar figures in 12 #107 PEG Fund#303 Street Capital Projects Fund#314 Grade Separation Fund#501 Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund #001 General Fund#101 Street Fund#309 Parks Capital Projects Fund#311 Pavement Preservation Fund#402 Stormwater Management Fund#403 Aquifer Protection Area Fund 151 (5)(5)(6)(6)(5)(6)(6) + (-) 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0002.000 2023 to 2024 Difference from Proposed 2.852.852.850.000 AmendedAmendedProposed 4.844.844.843(1.840) (3)(4)(7) 000000000000000000000000 Full Time Equivalent Employees CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 12.513.27513.02514.02513.82511.8510.8511.10.250 6.375665.776.775.774.774.770.000 Adopted 400000000 (1)(2) 555576. 41111111. 4.754. 87.2587.2587.487.7589.2593.7595.2596.25103.25111.25112.25116.254.000 5.3755.7255.7255.7255.7257.7257.4757.4757.4759.59.59.25(0.250) 73.62573.62573.77574.12574.12574.02576.27577.04581.84580.87081.87084.1202.250 201420152016201720182019202020212022202320232024 FTEs for 2017 reflect the reorganization that was effective in April 2017.FTEs for 2018 reflect the budget amendment approved on May 29, 2018.FTEs for 2022 reflect the reorganization that was effective in early 2022.FTEs for 2023 reflect the budget amendment approved on May 30, 2023. This amendment added 5 of 7 total new FTEs that were approved by Council when authorizing an increase in the Stormwater Program to a proactive level of service. There was also the addition of a Senior Project Manager when CIP was reorganized during 2023.Reorganization of Facilities staff to one department.Addition of the remaining 2 of 7 FTES that were approved by Council when authorizing an increase in the Stormwater Program to a proactive level of service. Addition of 2 FTEs to Parks as authorized on August 8, 2023.The 2023 proposed amended FTEs includes an additional Accountant I position authorized on July 25, 2023. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) City Manager / City ClerkCity AttorneyCity ServicesPublic SafetyDeputy City ManagerFinance11.7511.7511.7511.7511.7511.7511.7511.759.759.759.759.750.000Human ResourcesInformation TechnologyPublic Works7.3757.3757.3756.375FacilitiesCPW - AdministrationCPW - EngineeringCPW - BuildingCPW - PlanningEconomic DevelopmentCED - AdministrationCED - Economic Development02.52.65CED - Development Services0111110CED - EngineeringCED - PlanningCED - Building12.5141415Parks & Rec - AdminParks & Rec - RecreationParks & Rec - Senior CenterParks & Rec - CenterPlace Total General Fund Total FTEs #001 - General Fund#101 - Street Fund#303 - Street Capital Project Fund#402 - Stormwater Fund#402/403 - Stormwater Capital Projects Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2024 Position TitleGrade2024 Range Unclassified City Manager Deputy City Manager2212,584.68 - 19,070.95 City Attorney2111,337.56 - 17,163.99 Finance Director2111,337.56 - 17,163.99 Community & Public Works Director2111,337.56 - 17,163.99 City Services Administrator2111,337.56 - 17,163.99 Parks and Recreation Director2010,203.67 - 15,448.73 City Engineer2010,203.67 - 15,448.73 Economic Development Director2010,203.67 - 15,448.73 Human Resources Director2010,203.67 - 15,448.73 Senior Deputy City Attorney199,183.14 - 13,904.01 Building Official199,183.14 - 13,904.01 Engineering Manager199,183.14 - 13,904.01 Planning Manager188,265.89 - 12,512.98 Senior Engineer 188,265.89 - 12,512.98 Public Works Superintendent188,265.89 - 12,512.98 Communications Manager188,265.89 - 12,512.98 Accounting Manager188,265.89 - 12,512.98 Marketing Manager188,265.89 - 12,512.98 Assistant Building Official177,438.88 - 11,261.22 Senior Administrative Analyst177,438.88 - 11,261.22 IT Manager177,438.88 - 11,261.22 Legislative Coordinator177,438.88 - 11,261.22 Accounting and Finance Program Manager177,438.88 - 11,261.22 Deputy City Attorney166,694.31 - 10,134.45 City Clerk166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Engineer 166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Senior Planner166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Development Services Coordinator166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Accountant/Budget Analyst166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Project Manager166,694.31 - 10,134.45 CAD Manager166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Code Enforcement Supervisor166,694.31 - 10,134.45 Associate Planner156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Assistant Engineer156,025.72 - 9,121.64 IT Specialist156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Engineering Technician II156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Economic Development Project Specialist156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Senior Plans Examiner156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Communications Specialist156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Administrative Analyst156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Maintenance/Construction Foreman156,025.72 - 9,121.64 GIS Analyst156,025.72 - 9,121.64 CPW Liason156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Signal Technician156,025.72 - 9,121.64 Mechanic145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Human Resource Analyst 145,423.47 - 8,210.11 CenterPlace Coordinator145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Planner145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Building Inspector II145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Plans Examiner145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Engineering Technician I145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Senior Permit Specialist145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Code Enforcement Officer145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Business License Specialist145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Park Operations and Maintenance Coordinator145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Accountant I145,423.47 - 8,210.11 Recreation Coordinator134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Deputy City Clerk134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Building Inspector I134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Executive Assistant134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Planning Technician134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Human Resources Technician134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Maintenance Lead134,880.73 - 7,388.82 Senior Center Specialist124,394.27 - 6,649.76 Permit Facilitator - 6,649.76 12 4,394.27 Help Desk Technician124,394.27 - 6,649.76 Accounting Technician124,394.27 - 6,649.76 Administrative Assistant124,394.27 - 6,649.76 Recreation Specialist124,394.27 - 6,649.76 Paralegal124,394.27 - 6,649.76 Maintenance Worker II124,394.27 - 6,649.76 Maintenance Worker I113,953.63 - 5,985.08 Permit Specialist 113,953.63 - 5,985.08 Office Assistant II10-113,558.02 - 5,985.08 Custodian103,558.02 - 5,385.31 Office Assistant I9-103,202.62 - 5,385.31 Note: Slight rounding differences may exist between the figures reflected on this page and the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System. 152 Salary Schedule CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Glossary of Budget Terms Accrual Basis –A basis of accounting in Capital Improvement – Expenditures which revenues and expenditures are related to acquisition, expansion or recorded at the time they occur as rehabilitation of an element of the opposed to when cash is actually received government’s physical plant; sometimes or spent. referred to as infrastructure. Appropriation – A legal authorization Capital Outlay –Fixed assets that have granted by the City Council to make general value of $5,000 or more and have expenditures and to incur obligations for a useful economic lifetime of more than a specific purpose.one year. Assessed Valuation –The valuation set Capital Project –Major construction, upon real estate and certain personal acquisition, or renovation activities property by the CountyAssessor as a which add value to government’s basis for levying property taxes. physical assets or significantly increase their useful life, also called capital Authorized Positions – Employee improvements. positions, which are authorized in the adopted budget, to be filled during the Capital Projects Fund –A fund created year.to account for all resources and expenditures used for the acquisition of Bond –A long-term promise to repay a fixed assets except those financed by specified amount (the face amount of the enterprise funds. bond) on a particular date (the maturity date). The most common types of bonds Contingency – A budgetary reserve set are general obligation revenue bonds. aside for emergencies or unforeseen Bonds are primarily used to finance expenditures not otherwise budgeted. capital projects. Contractual Services –Services Budget – A plan of financial activity for rendered to a government by private a specified period of time (fiscal year or firms, individuals, or other governmental biennium) indicating all planned agencies. revenues and expenses for the budget period. Debt Service –Payment of interest and principal on borrowed money according Budget Message –The opening section to a predetermined payment schedule. of the budget that provides the City Council and the public with a general Department –The basic unit of service summary of the most important aspects of responsibility, encompassing a broad the budget, changes from the current and mandate of related service previous years, and the views and responsibilities. recommendations of the Mayor. 153 Division – Can be a subunit of a department which encompasses a GASB – The Governmental Accounting substantial portion of the duties assigned Standards Board, established in 1985, is to a department (e.g. Building Division in the current standard-setting board for the Planning and Community governmental GAAP. Development Department). General Fund –The principal operating Encumbrance – The commitment of fund of the City used for general appropriated funds to purchase an item or governmental operations. Taxes and fees service. To encumber funds means to set that generally have no restriction on their aside or commit funds for a specified use support it. future expenditure. General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds – Expense – Charges incurred (whether This type of bond is backed by the full paid immediately or unpaid) for faith, credit and taxing power of the operations, maintenance, interest or other government issuing it. charges. Indirect Cost –A cost necessary for the Face Value –The amount of principal functioning of the organization as a that must be paid at maturity for a bond whole, but which cannot be identified issue.with a specific product, function or activity. Fiscal Year – A twelve-month period designated as the operating year for Infrastructure – The physical assets of a accounting and budgeting purposes in an government (e.g. streets, water, sewer, organization. public buildings, and parks). Full-time Equivalent Position (FTE)–Interfund Transfers –The movement of A full-time or part-time position monies between funds of the same converted to the decimal equivalent of a governmental entity. full-time position based on 2,080 hours per year. For example, a part-time personLevy – To impose taxes for the support of working 20 hours per week would be the governmental activities. equivalent of 0.5 of a full-time position. Long-term Debt –Debt with a maturity Fund – A fiscal entity with revenues and of more than one year after the date of expenses that are segregated for the issuance. purpose of carrying out a specific purpose or activity.Mission Statement –A broad statement of the intended accomplishment or basic GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting purpose of a program. Principles. Uniform minimum standards for financial accounting and recording, Modified Accrual Accounting –A basis encompassing the conventions, rules, and of accounting in which expenditures are procedures that define accepted accrued but revenues are accounted for accounting principles. when they become measurable and 154 available. Since this type of accounting Taxes – Compulsory charges levied by a basis is a conservative financial government for the purpose of financing approach, it is recommended as the services performed for the common standard for most governmental funds. benefit. This term does not include specific charges made against particular Operating Budget –The portion of the persons or property for current or budget that pertains to daily operations permanent benefits such as special that provide basic governmental services.assessments. Neither does theterm include charges for services rendered Ordinance –A formal legislative only to those who pay, for example, enactment by the City Council. If it is not sewer service charges. in conflictwith any higher form of law, such as a statute or constitutional Unreserved Fund Balance –The portion provision, it has the full force and effect of a fund’s balance that is not restricted of law within the boundaries of the for a specific purpose and is available for municipality to which it applies.general appropriation. Program – The smallest organization User Charges –The payment of a fee for that delivers a specific set of services. A direct receipt of a public service by the program may be an entire department; or party who benefits from the service. if a department encompasses significantly diverse responsibilities or Vision Statement –A short statement large work forces, a single department that conveys the big picture of the may be divided into two or more organization. It is general in scope, not programs. restricting. It answers the question “Why?” Reserve – An account used to either set aside budgeted revenues that are not required for expenditure in the current budget year or to earmark revenues for a specific future purpose. Resolution – A special or temporary order of a legislative body—an order of a legislative body requiring less legal formality thanan ordinance or statute. Resources – Total amounts available for appropriation including estimated revenues, fund transfers, and beginning balances. Revenue – Sources of income financing the operations of government. 155 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: SecondReading on ProposedOrdinance No. 23-022assuming the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.11.020 – Powers vested in legislative bodies of noncharter and charter code cities; RCW 36.73 – Transportation Benefit Districts; RCW 36.74 – Assumption of Transportation Benefit Districts; Chapter 3.85 SVMC. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Pavement Management Program (PMP) has been discussed at least 73 times by City Council since shortly after the City’s incorporation. Most recently, Council discussed the PMP as part of the following agenda items: April 19, 2022 – Administrative Report on the 2021 Street Sustainability Committee’s (SSC) efforts and next steps to improve the Pavement Management Program (PMP). May 10, 2022 – Administrative Report discussing using the Fund 106 to fund a new open-order contract for 2023 pavement preservation-specific projects. June 14, 2022 – 2023 Budget Workshop including discussion on the PMP and sustainable funding for the PMP, including Street Fund #101. July 12, 2022 – Administrative Report on the prioritization of local access street projects. September 27, 2022 – Administrative Report on the allocation of Capital Reserve Fund #312, identifying $250,000 for a 2023 surface treatment pilot project. December 6, 2022 – Administrative Report on potential funding sources for the Pavement Management Program. January 17, 2023 – Administrative Report on Transportation Benefit Districts as a funding source September 26, 2023 – Administrative Report on formation of Transportation Benefit Districts, including providing drafts of formation documents October 3, 2023 – City Council approval of Resolution No. 23-011 setting public hearing on October 17, 2023, regarding the formation of a Transportation Benefit District October 17, 2023 – Public hearing regarding formation of Transportation Benefit District October 17, 2023 – First Reading of proposed Ordinance No. 23-018 forming a Transportation Benefit District October 24, 2023 – Council approved Ordinance No. 23-018 forming the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District October 31, 2023 – Council approved Resolution No. 23-012 setting a public hearing on November 14, 2023, regarding assumption of powers of the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District November 14, 2023 – Council held a public hearing on Ordinance No. 23-022 and assuming the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District and had a first reading of Ordinance No. 23-022 BACKGROUND: The City’s street network consists of roughly 450 centerline miles of roadway, including 127 centerline miles of arterials/collectors and 323 centerline miles of local access streets. This equates to 1,025 total lane miles in the network covering roughly 9.2 million square yards (SY) of paved surfaces, equivalent to 1,900 acres. Roughly two-thirds of the City streets’ pavement area is attributed to local access streets. The remaining one-third of pavement area is located on arterial or collector streets. The City’s PMP serves two primary functions: Preservation: Multi-year planning and implementation of pavement ‘treatments’ to extend the life of existing paved streets and sustain the pavement condition over time. Maintenance: Annual costs for repairs and upkeep of snowplow operations, traffic signals and signs, streetlights, sidewalks, potholes, crack filling, and roadside maintenance. In 2021, the City created the Street Sustainability Committee to help engage the public regarding the PMP while providing detailed insights from a focused stakeholder group. The committee recommended several measures to address a sustainable PMP. These recommendations generally focused on local streets, working on different and more economical project delivery methods, identifying alternative surface treatment methods, and identifying additional funding sources. Based on the Street Sustainability Committee’s recommendations, the City has taken steps to focus on local streets, identify and implement more economical delivery methods, and to engage in pilot projects for alternative surface treatment methods. Through a series of discussions from 2022 and 2023, City Council identified a desire to fully or adequately fund the PMP and focused on creation of a transportation benefit district as a means to provide dedicated transportation funding. As a result of those discussions, on October 24, 2023, City Council approved Ordinance No. 23-018, which adopted chapter 3.85 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code and formed the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District. The Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District is a separate legal entity, which requires separate meetings, separate accounting, and separate administration than other City work. The law allows the City to assume the rights, powers, functions, and obligations of the TBD. To do so, the City Council must: 1. Adopt a resolution declaring its intention to consider assumption of the powers of the TBD and to set a public hearing. 2. Conduct a public hearing on the assumption of powers of the TBD. 3. Adopt an ordinance assuming the rights, powers, functions, and obligations of the TBD. On October 31, 2023, City Council approved Resolution No. 23-012, declaring the City Council’s intention to consider assuming the powers of the Spokane Valley TBD and setting a public hearing for November 14, 2023. On November 14, 2023, City Council held a public hearing on proposed Ordinance No. 23-022 and assuming the Spokane Valley TBD. Proposed Ordinance No. 23-022 would assume the rights, powers, functions, and obligations of the Spokane Valley TBD. Assuming the powers will significantly simplify the administration of the TBD, including administering the funds collected for transportation improvements for greater efficiency of government. At this time, the Spokane Valley TBD has not collected any funds and has not committed any funds to any projects. OPTIONS: Move to approve Ordinance No. 23-022 assuming the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District, to a second reading; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance No. 23-022 assuming the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None related to transportation funding. Assuming the powers will significantly simplify the administration of the Spokane Valley TBD, which is estimated to result in increased efficiency and a reduction in administrative costs. STAFF CONTACT: Erik Lamb, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance No. 23-022. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 23-022 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ASSUMING THE RIGHTS, POWERS, FUNCTIONS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT AS ALLOWED BY CHAPTER 36.74 RCW, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council (the “City Council” or “Council”) of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington (the “City”) has adopted Ordinance No. 23-018 creating the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District with the same boundaries as the City as they currently exist or may be revised in the future; and WHEREAS, Second Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5987, in Section 302, provides that “the assumption of the rights, powers, functions and obligations of a transportation benefit district may be initiated by the adoption of an ordinance or resolution by the city or county legislative authority indicating its intention to conduct a hearing concerning the assumption of such rights, powers, functions and obligations”; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley held a properly noticed public hearing on the proposed assumption of the rights, powers, functions and obligations of the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District on November 14, 2023; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the assumption of the rights, powers, functions, and obligations of the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District is in the best interest of residents of the City and will promote the general health, safety and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Findings. The 2015 Legislature of the State of Washington by Second Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5987 provided cities the authority to take over and assume the rights, powers, functions and obligations of transportation benefit districts formed under chapter 36.73 RCW.The City Council hereby finds that assumption of the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District will significantly simplify the administration of the district including administering the funds collected for transportation improvements for greater efficiency of government. The Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District has not collected any funds, does not have any contracts, does not have any assets, has not committed to any projects and has not spent any funds, which simplifies the transfer of authority. Section 2. Assumption of the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District. The City hereby assumes all rights, powers, functions and obligations of the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District and by this action the Spokane Valley Transportation Benefit District will cease to exist as a separate legal entity. 1 DRAFT Section 3. Severability. Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, or should any portion of this Ordinance be preempted by state or federal law or regulation, such decision or preemption shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this _____ day of _______, 2023. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON Pam Haley, Mayor ATTEST: Marci Patterson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: ___________________ Effective Date: 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE:YMCA Pools ContractAmendmentand Restatement of Terms GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of prior 2015 contract and subsequent 3-year renewal options in 2018 and 2021. BACKGROUND: The YMCA has operated the City’s three outdoor pools since 2005. Requests for Qualifications that were published in 2009 and again in 2015 saw the YMCA as the sole responder. The City’s partnership with the YMCA has provided a beneficial service to our community and continues to receive positive feedback. The current contract with the YMCA expires on December 31, 2023. The City will be embarking on an update of its 6-year Parks & Recreation Master Plan in 2024 and 2025 and would like to extend the current contract with the YMCA for another 3-year term beginning next year, with two additional 3-year renewal options. Minor changes to the contract are proposed to reflect current practices between the parties, and to adjust the annual administrative fee that is paid to the YMCA, which has not increased since 2014. In addition to the annual administrative fee, the City pays the YMCA for actual expenses monthly during the aquatics season based on itemized invoices. To update the terms for consistency with other City contracts, this amendment restates the terms in their entirety. If approved the new terms in this amendment will control the agreement moving forward. OPTIONS: Move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the amendment and restatement of terms to the YMCA Agreement for Operations and Maintenance of Pool Facilities in substantially the form provided or take other action as recommended. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the amendment and restatement of terms to the YMCA Agreement for Operations and Maintenance of Pool Facilities. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed contract would increase the annual compensation to the YMCA from $34,000 plus actual expenses to $40,000 plus actual expenses, with an annual adjustment of the administrative fee not to exceed 3% or the CPI, whichever is smaller. The anticipated actual cost to the City for the 2024 aquatics season under this agreement would be an estimated $597,970. STAFF CONTACT: John Bottelli, Parks & Recreation Director ____________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Amended and Restated Agreement for Operations and Maintenance of Pool Facilities with the YMCA of the Inland Northwest. Contract No. 15-025.03 AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POOL FACILITIES YMCA of the Inland Northwest THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter “City” and YMCA of the Inland Northwest, hereinafter “Contractor,” jointly referred to as “Parties.” WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of Pool Facilities on February 20, 2015 (the “Original Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the term of the Original Agreement including renewal options expires December 31, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to extend the term of the Original Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to update the Original Agreement and restate the terms that will apply prospectively by entering into this Amended and Restated Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of Pool Facilities (the “Agreement”). NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Work to Be Performed. Contractor shall provide all labor, services, and material to satisfactorily complete the Scope of Services, attached as Exhibit A. A. Administration. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Contractor. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor shall contact the City Manager or designee to review the Scope of Services, schedule, and date of completion. Upon notice from the City Manager or designee, Contractor shall commence work, perform the requested tasks in the Scope of Services, stop work, and promptly cure any failure in performance under this Agreement. B. Representations. City has relied upon the qualifications of Contractor in entering into this Agreement. By execution of this Agreement, Contractor represents it possesses the ability, skill, and resources necessary to perform the work and is familiar with all current laws, rules, and regulations which reasonably relate to the Scope of Services. No substitutions of agreed-upon personnel shall be made without the prior written consent of City. Contractor represents that the compensation as stated in paragraph 3 is adequate and sufficient for the timely provision of all professional services required to complete the Scope of Services under this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom, and City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Contractor shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in City-furnished information. C. Standard of Care. Contractor shall exercise the degree of skill and diligence normally employed by professional Contractors engaged in the same profession, and performing the same or similar Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 1 of 9 Contract No. 15-025.03 services at the time such services are performed. D. Modifications. City may modify this Agreement and order changes in the work whenever necessary or advisable. Contractor will accept modifications when ordered in writing by the City Manager or designee, so long as the additional work is within the scope of Contractor’s area of practice. Compensation for such modifications or changes shall be as mutually agreed between the Parties. Contractor shall make such revisions in the work as are necessary to correct errors or omissions appearing therein when required to do so by City without additional compensation. 2. Term of Contract.This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until completion of all contractual requirements have been met as determined by City. Contractor shall complete its work by December 31, 2026 with up to two additional three-year renewal options unless the time for performance is extended in writing by the Parties. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for material breach after providing the other Party with at least 10 days’ prior notice and an opportunity to cure the breach. City may, in addition, terminate this Agreement for any reason by 10 days’ written notice to Contractor. In the event of termination without breach, City shall pay Contractor for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3. Compensation. City agrees to pay Contractor an annual administrative fee of $40,000 plus actual expenses (which includes Washington State Sales Tax if any is applicable) as detailed and itemized on monthly statements as full compensation for everything done under this Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit A. Contractor shall not perform any extra, further, or additional services for which it will request additional compensation from City without a prior written agreement for such services and payment therefore. The Contractor and/or the City may request an adjustment of the administrative fee annually, and at renewal, and no later than November 1st for the following calendar year. Such prices shall be negotiated by the City and Contractor and shall not be increased or decreased by more than the percent change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) or 3%, whichever is smaller. The reference point will be the CPI-U for September. The source of this percent change shall be the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 4. Payment. Contractor shall be paid monthly upon presentation of an invoice to City for actual costs. In addition, the City shall pay Contractor one-sixth of the administrative fee in each of the months of May through October. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Finance Department at the below-stated address. As may be applicable, pursuant to chapter 60.28 RCW, five percent of the compensation due Contractor shall be retained by City. City reserves the right to withhold payment under this Agreement for that portion of the work (if any) which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Scope of Services, City standards, City Code, and federal or state standards. 5. Notice. Notices other than applications for payment shall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE CONTRACTOR: Name: Marci Patterson, City Clerk Name: YMCA of the Inland Northwest Phone: (509) 720-5000 Phone: 509-777-9622 Address: 10210 East Sprague Avenue Address: 1126 N Monroe Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane, WA 99201 Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 2 of 9 Contract No. 15-025.03 6. Applicable Laws and Standards. The Parties, in the performance of this Agreement, agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Contractor warrants that its designs, construction documents, and services shall conform to all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. 7. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters – Primary Covered Transactions. A. By executing this Agreement, the Contractor certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (A)(2) of this certification; and 4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. B. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this Agreement. 8. Prevailing Wages on Public Works. As may be applicable, Contractor, any subcontractor, or other person doing work under this Agreement, shall comply with the requirements of chapter 39.12 RCW, and shall pay each employee an amount not less than the Prevailing Rate of Wage, as specified by the Industrial Statistician of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (“L&I”). If employing labor in a class not shown, Contractor shall request a determination of the correct wage rate for the class and locality from the Industrial Statistician. Contractor shall provide a copy of any such determinations to City. Before commencing, during, and upon completion of the work, Contractor shall file all forms and pay all fees required by L&I and shall indemnify and hold City harmless from any claims related to its failure to comply with chapter 39.12 RCW. The following information is provided pursuant to RCW 39.12.030: A. State of Washington prevailing wage rates applicable to this public works project, published by L&I, are located at the L&I website address: https://lni.wa.gov/licensing-permits/public-works-projects/prevailing-wage-rates/ Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 3 of 9 Contract No. 15-025.03 B. This Project is located in Spokane County. C. The effective prevailing wage date is the same date as the date of this fully executed contract. A copy of the applicable prevailing wage rates is also available for viewing at the City Community & Public Works Department located at 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Upon request, City will mail a hard copy of the applicable prevailing wages for this project. 9. Relationship of the Parties. It is understood and agreed that Contractor shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of City, that City is interested in only the results to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular manner, method, and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of Contractor. Any and all employees who provide services to City under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solely of Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. 10. Ownership of Documents. All drawings, plans, specifications, and other related documents prepared by Contractor under this Agreement are and shall be the property of City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW or other applicable public record laws. The written, graphic, mapped, photographic, or visual documents prepared by Contractor under this Agreement shall, unless otherwise provided, be deemed the property of City. City shall be permitted to retain these documents, including reproducible camera-ready originals of reports, reproduction quality mylars of maps, and copies in the form of computer files, for the City’s use. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, drawings, images, or other material prepared under this Agreement, provided that Contractor shall have no liability for the use of Contractor’s work product outside of the scope of its intended purpose. 11. Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of Contractor’s records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine, make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, and record of matters covered by this Agreement for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 12. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Contractor’s required insurance shall be of the types and coverages described below: 1. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired, and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01. 2. Commercial general liability insurance shall be at least as broad as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop-gap independent contractors and personal injury, and advertising injury. City shall be named as an additional insured under Contractor’s commercial general liability insurance policy with Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 4 of 9 Contract No. 15-025.03 respect to the work performed for the City using an additional insured endorsement at least as broad as ISO CG 20 26. 3. Workers’ compensation coverage as required by the industrial insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial general liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 each occurrence, and $4,000,000 general aggregate. C. Other Insurance Provisions. The Contractor’s policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for automobile liability and commercial general liability insurance: 1. Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by City shall be in excess of Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. Contractor shall provide City and all additional insured for this work with written notice of any policy cancellation within two business days of their receipt of such notice. 3. If Contractor maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above, City shall be insured for the full available limits of commercial general and excess or umbrella liability maintained by Contractor, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by Contractor are greater than those required by this Agreement or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the City evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by Contractor. 4. Failure on the part of Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement, upon which the City may, after giving at least five business days’ notice to Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Agreement, or at its sole discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, offset against funds due Contractor from the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Agreement before commencement of the work. 13. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Contractor shall, at its sole expense, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless City and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, attorney's fees, costs of litigation, expenses, injuries, and damages of any nature whatsoever Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 5 of 9 Contract No. 15-025.03 relating to or arising out of the wrongful or negligent acts, errors, or omissions in the services provided by Contractor, Contractor's agents, subcontractors, and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject only to the limitations provided below. However, should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor’s liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor’s negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor’s waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51, RCW, solely for the purpose of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 14. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent, or other individual acting on behalf of either Party has the power, right, or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this Agreement. A waiver in one instance shall not be held to be a waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this Agreement or by law shall be taken and construed as cumulative and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement or to require at any time performance by the other Party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof. 15. Criminal Background Checks. Contractor agrees that it shall not ask or direct any person to go to any City pool property in the performance of this agreement, whether the person is an employee or volunteer, unless that person has passed a criminal background check by an agreed upon entity that performs criminal background checks as part of its regular services. 16. Assignment and Delegation. Neither Party may assign, transfer, or delegate any or all of the responsibilities of this Agreement or the benefits received hereunder without prior written consent of the other Party. 17. Subcontracts. Except as otherwise provided herein, Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this Agreement without obtaining prior written approval of City. 18. Confidentiality. Contractor may, from time-to-time, receive information which is deemed by City to be confidential. Contractor shall not disclose such information without the prior express written consent of City or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction. 19. Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement is entered into in Spokane County, Washington. Disputes between City and Contractor shall be resolved in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in Spokane County. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor agrees that it may, at City’s request, be joined as a party in any arbitration proceeding between City and any third party that includes a claim or claims that arise out of, or that are related to Contractor’s services under this Agreement. Contractor further agrees that an arbitrator’s decision therein shall be final and binding on Contractor and that judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 20. Cost and Attorney’s Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation or arbitration arising out of this Agreement shall be entitled to its attorney’s fees and costs of such litigation (including expert witness fees). Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 6 of 9 Contract No. 15-025.03 21. Entire Agreement. This written Agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed, modified, or altered except in writing signed by the Parties hereto. 22. Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in this Agreement, or have solicited, accepted, or granted a present or future gift, favor, service, or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this Agreement. 23. Assurance of Compliance with Applicable Federal Law. During the performance of this Agreement, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest agrees as follows: A. Compliance with Regulations. Contractor shall comply with the federal laws set forth in subsection G, below (“Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities”) relative to non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs as adopted or amended from time-to-time, which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. B. Non-discrimination. Contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during this Agreement, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. Contractor shall not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers any activity, project, or program set forth in Appendix B of 49 CFR Part 21. C. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or negotiation made by Contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by Contractor of Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement and the Acts and the Regulations relative to non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. D. Information and Reports. Contractor shall provide all information and reports required by the Acts, the regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the City or the WSDOT to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts, regulations, and instructions. Where any information required of Contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, Contractor shall so certify to the City or the WSDOT, as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. E. Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of a Contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination provisions of this Agreement, the City will impose such contract sanctions as it or the WSDOT may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: 1. Withholding payments to Contractor under the Agreement until Contractor complies; and/or 2. Cancelling, terminating, or suspending the Agreement, in whole or in part. F. Incorporation of Provisions. Contractor shall include the provisions of paragraphs of these Contract Clauses in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 7 of 9 Contract No.15-025.03 equipment, unless exempt by the Acts, regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto. Contractor shall take action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the City or the WSDOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided, that if Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation by a subcontractor or supplier because of such direction, Contractor may request that the City enter into any litigation to protect the interests of the City. In addition, Contractor may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States. G. Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: During the performance of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21; and 49 Part 26; The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. §4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. §324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. §794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. §6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, (49 U.S.C. §471, Section 47123), as amended, (prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, or sex); The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms "programs or activities" to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal- aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§12131- 12189) as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at 49 C.F.R. parts 37 and 38; The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. §47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex); Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures Non-discrimination against Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 8 of 9 Contract No. 15-025.03 minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of Limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI, you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities (20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq.). 24. Business Registration.Prior to commencement of workunder this Agreement, Contractor shall register with the City as a business if it has not already done so. 25. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase ofthis Agreement. 26. Exhibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this Agreement are: A. Scope of Services B. Insurance Certificates The Parties have executed this Agreement this ____ day of , 20___. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Contractor: John Hohman, City Manager By: Its: Authorized Representative APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attorney Agreement for Services (without professional liability coverage) Page 9 of 9 Contract No. 15-023.03 EXHIBIT A Operation and Maintenance of Pool Facilities – Scope of Services Objective: Oversee all facets of operation and maintenance of the City pools. The contractor shall provide a “turn-key” operation of the pool facilities including all aspects of pool operation, water quality, programs, and routine maintenance. Pools shall be operated as City of Spokane Valley facilities. All revenues shall be deposited with the City. The contractor may make recommendations for programming and operation but the City shall have final authority on approval of all programming and operational policies, such as hours of operation, cost of admission, and cost of programs. Contract Expectations: The contractor shall provide safe pool facilities and quality programming. Provide a level of operation and maintenance that meets or exceeds existing conditions and complies with all relevant state and local regulations and accepted “best practices.” The contractor shall be required to monitor all aspects of operations. The City reserves the right to inspect operations or solicit a third party qualified to perform such inspections. Inspections may include all facets of the operation including lifeguard technique and training, lesson programming, and maintenance procedures. Contractor to Provide Materials and Supplies: Unless specifically stated otherwise and agreed in writing, the contractor shall provide all materials and supplies required to execute contract obligations. This includes all pool chemicals, paper products, light bulbs and tubes for interior and exterior lighting, trash bags, deodorizers, plumbing and electrical supplies for routine repairs, office supplies, and all related items for all aspects of the operation. This includes all preventative maintenance, repairs, emergency repairs, vandalism, storm damage and other acts of nature, or other planned or unplanned operations requiring materials, supplies, or other expenditures. Owner Responsibilities: Owner shall be responsible for facility renovations, replacement of worn out or obsolete permanently attached equipment, major repairs such as roofing of facilities, patching or painting of pool shell, and replacement or major repair of fixtures. Customer Service: A high degree of customer service is required in this contract. Customers include the City of Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation Department, the citizens and officials of the City of Spokane Valley, and all visitors to the pool facilities. Daily communication between the contractor and the Parks and Recreation Department is required in order to properly serve the community, including communicating to the Director all problems, customer service issues, questions, etc. Lost and Found: All lost and found items shall to be noted and locked in an agreed upon location. A record of lost and found items shall be submitted to the Director at least once per week. No lost and found items shall be removed from public property. The contractor shall be responsible for receiving 1 Contract No. 15-023.03 calls and returning items to the public. Items not claimed shall be auctioned or otherwise disposed by the City at the City’s discretion. Base Level of Service: Pools shall operate from approximately June 15 through August 25 of each year and may vary slightly from year to year depending on school schedules. Terrace View shall remain open through Labor Day of each year except as otherwise agreed by the City. The pools shall be open for public swim, swim lessons, swim team, and other programs requested by the City. Fees for all swim activities shall be set by the City. Schedules for each of these programs shall be determined by the City and facilitated by the contractor. Swim Team: A novice swim team program shall be provided and open to youth age 6 through 18. There shall be three practice sessions each week (typically 7:00 am - 8:00 am) plus Wednesday evening swim meets. Facility Rentals: The City also reserves the right to rent the pool facilities before or after normal use. The contractor shall be given reasonable advance notification to provide adequate staff to support such reservations. Contractor shall follow the cash handling process as provided by the City Finance Department. The City reserves the right to audit deposit receipts daily. Updated cash handling procedures will st be provided by the City by March 31 of every year. The City of Spokane Valley aquatic programming is not static. As service levels increase or decrease, it is expected that service levels and program schedules provided by the contractor will change as needed. Exclusions: Include major renovation or expansion of facilities and new facilities construction. Pool Facilities to be Maintained: Park Road Pool, 906 N. Park Road th Terrace View Park, 13525 E. 24 Avenue Valley Mission Park, 11123 E. Mission Avenue Includes: facility preparation, season opening and closing, staffing, lifeguarding, swim lessons, swim team and other programming; all water testing and chemical treatment, maintenance, and janitorial duties; and cash handling, reconciliation of daily receipts, bank deposits and reporting to the City of Spokane Valley. Contractor Capability: Contractor shall provide the following when requested by the City: a listing of key positions and key personnel; hiring processes and employment practices including background checks on employees, employee supervision, and overview of employee standards, including dress standards; certifications held by employees; and employee training programs and staffing plans. Work Plan: Contractor shall submit a comprehensive work plan to the Recreation Coordinator no later than May 1, that addresses the following: 2 Contract No. 15-023.03 Annual pool preparation and opening Ongoing pool operations and maintenance standards, policies, etc. Examples of policies and procedures Overview of lifeguard program Overview of swim lesson program Overview of swim team program Identifies any additional aquatics programs Quality control processes for monitoring safety, recording and reporting processes Communication/feedback processes with City including frequency and method of day-to- day communication with City. Communication may be through a variety of methods but shall include some level of routine face-to-face communication Methods for addressing citizen complaints Customer service qualifications Responding to unforeseen events/emergencies including, but not limited to, weather related damage and maintenance problems Dealing with essential work not included in the Scope of Services, both temporary and ongoing Record keeping Seasonal Staffing Recruitments All 3 facilities shall be adequately staffed to accommodate the schedule and range of programs. A current staffing level report shall be provided to the Spokane Valley Recreation Coordinator monthly from February – August. Maintenance Staff: A Certified Pool Operator (CPO) maintenance personnel shall be fully dedicated to the three outdoor Spokane Valley pool facilities and a Full Time Maintenance Technician will be dedicated to the three outdoor Spokane Valley pool facilities. (please include copies of current CPO certificate with work plan). Representative Maintenance & Operations Standards: o Lifeguarding, Water Safety Instruction (Lessons), Swim Team, Pool Backwashing, Filter Maintenance, and Chemical Levels, Water Quality: Shall meet or exceed standards as set forth by the State of Washington, Spokane County, City of Spokane Valley, and certifying agencies such as the American Red Cross, National Recreation and Park Association Aquatic Facility Operator or Certified Pool Operator standards, etc. Contractor shall utilize “best practices” and professional level of operation in all aspects of pool operations. o Restroom Cleaning: All restrooms shall be cleaned completely at least once per day, seven days per week. Restrooms shall be inspected, and spot cleaned as needed, whenever contractor personnel are in the vicinity for related or unrelated work. Additional times may be required based on usage, and contractor shall be responsible to maintain the properties to these standards. Contractor shall be responsible for winterization and reactivation in the late spring. Contractor shall be responsible for repairing freeze damage, except when facilities are open due to agreement with the City, wherein the City shall compensate the contractor for damages repaired. Representative standards shall include, but are not limited to: Empty trash and sanitary napkin holders, replace liners as needed. 3 Contract No. 15-023.03 Replace all paper products to ensure sufficient supply until the following day. All light fixtures be working properly and inspected daily; lamps replaced as needed. Remove all graffiti using graffiti removal materials, scrubbing, or painting over surfaces that currently are painted. Non-painted surfaces are not to be painted over without permission from Director. Toilet bowls and urinals cleaned and disinfected daily with approved cleaner. Hard water stains, rust, or other discoloration or soiling be removed. Sinks scrubbed clean and disinfected daily with approved cleaner. Disinfect fixtures, sinks, around floor drains, trash containers, walls and doors, including all handles. All porcelain and metal surfaces wiped clean and disinfected with approved cleaner. Walls and ceiling wiped clean where required. This includes cobwebs, dust, etc. from ledges, cracks, crevices, corners, etc. Sweep, mop, or hose down floors. Squeegee as needed to prevent puddling. Restrooms to smell clean and disinfected. All fixtures working properly and fixed immediately upon discovery of problems unless otherwise arranged with Parks and Recreation Director. Restrooms to be deodorized at all times through automatic spray, solid deodorizer, or other method proposed by contractor and acceptable to Director. All storage facilities to be kept clean, orderly, and free of offensive odors at all times. All leaking fixtures, clogged drains, or other inoperable plumbing fixtures are to be repaired immediately or as soon as parts are available. Director is to be notified of remedies or closures. o Trash Containers: Containers shall be dumped when 3/4 full, at any time that offensive odors or pests are present, or if the container has not been dumped for four days. All containers shall be lined with a plastic liner. Vehicle access to cans may be limited in some locations. All costs associated with garbage collection, transport, and disposal, shall be provided by contractor. o Hard Surface Sweeping: Unless otherwise noted, hard surfaces shall be swept, vacuumed, or blown off as needed to maintain a clean appearance. o Graffiti Removal: Graffiti eradication and control shall include all surfaces fixed or portable within the pool facilities. Graffiti control methods and chemicals shall be approved by Director. Where painting is the desired method, all paint shall be applied in a professional manner. Painted areas shall be of the exact shade as the existing paint. Surrounding areas shall be masked off, protected with drop-cloths, or otherwise protected. Surfaces shall be properly prepared. All paint shall be high quality. Contractor shall remedy any work that fails to meet this standard. Graffiti shall be removed on the date of discovery unless otherwise agreed to by Director. o Drinking Fountain Maintenance: Drinking fountains shall be maintained in working order. Fountains shall operate as designed so as not to waste water. Leaking, sticking, or broken fountains shall be repaired within 24 hours of discovery. Fountains shall be cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis. Fountains shall be winterized in the fall to prevent freezing. Contractor shall be responsible for all repairs, including freeze damage or vandalism. 4 Contract No. 15-023.03 o Vermin Control: Where mice, skunks, ground squirrels, insects, or other vermin are present in and around facilities, contractor shall control them with approved poisons or traps in accordance with relevant state and local laws, and in a manner acceptable for public areas. o Painting: All painted or stained buildings (interior and exterior), fences, bollards, signs, and other fixtures or amenities shall be painted as required to maintain appearance. Chipping, peeling, chalking, fading, dirty, damaged, moldy, and marred by graffiti, cracking or other conditions caused by weathering, vandalism, or any other cause are indications that painting is required. Inspections: City of Spokane Valley anticipates performing up to 3 inspections at each facility during the season and shall provide a minimum of a weeks’ notice prior to any anticipated inspection. 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative report – CTA-2023-0003 Updates to the Clearview Triangle regulations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 22.070.030; RCW 36.70A.106, SVMC 19.30.040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: February 23, 2010 – Administrative report for revisions to clearview distances stnd February 7 & 28, March 13, 2012 – Administrative report, 1, and 2 reading of Ordinance 12-011 Amending Chapter 22.70 BACKGROUND: CTA-2023-0003 is a city-initiated code text amendment. The proposed amendments to SVMC 22.070.030 clarify that clearview triangle regulations apply to alleyways. The need for the proposed amendment was identified because of code enforcement cases related to alleyways and clearview triangles. While there is text in SVMC 22.70.030 includes a reference to an alley, Table 22.70-1 and Figure 22.70-1 with specific sight distance regulations do not. The proposed amendment clarifies that alleys are subject to clearview triangle regulations. The amendment also adds an exemption to the clearview triangle regulations for parked vehicles provided they are legally parked and operable. A revision to Figure 22.70-1 to clarify the measurement limits is also included. Pursuant to SVMC 19.30.040 modification to SVMC Titles 17 through 24 are classified as a Type IV development application and require the Planning Commission to provide a recommendation to City Council. On October 26, 2023, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed amendment. On November 9, 2023, the Planning Commission issued their recommendation that the City Council approve the proposed amendment. The proposed code text amendment is included in the attached Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations as Exhibit 1 OPTIONS: Staff recommend amending the code text with the proposed changes; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Seeking Council consensus to bring forward an ordinance to amend SVMC 22.070.030 with the proposed changes as stated. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There is no anticipated financial impact. STAFF CONTACT: Jerremy Clark, Traffic Engineering Manager ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 21, 2023 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: consent old business new business public hearing informationadmin. reportpending legislationexecutive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Annexation Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of Ordinance 19-004 (Comprehensive Plan amendments annexations). Adoption of Ordinance 20-007 (chapter 19.180 Newly Annexed Areas -Spokane Valley Municipal Code. BACKGROUND: Throughout 2022, staff and Council representatives took part in the update of the Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). These policies are intended to guide interaction between the cities, towns, and county government. The CPPs provide the framework for the designation, review, and update of Urban Growth Areas (UGAs). Through the update process policy language was modified to state “Within UGAs it is most appropriate that urban government services be provided by cities and towns”. This policy language suggests that urban services be provided by the adjacent city. It should be noted that the City of Spokane Valley does not provide water, sewer, power, or gas, so the primary services are street-related services (sweeping, maintenance, plowing, stormwater, etc.) and public safety. In June of 2023 the City entered into a contract with BERK Consulting to conduct an assessment of the UGAs adjacent to our City boundary to determine buildable capacity and land use options. An important component of the analysis was ensuring consistency with the CPPs and the related Land Capacity Analysis (LCA). The LCA is the tool the County and the cities within the County will use to estimate how much population capacity exists within cities and UGA. Staff and Council representatives recently took part in an update of the LCA methodology. Using the updated LCA methodology, the consultant completed an initial map showing parcels in the UGA adjacent to the City that are unbuildable, developed, partly developable, re-developable, and vacant. Staff has reviewed the analysis and provided comments to the consultant allowing them to move forward and complete a draft of the annexation report. The annexation report will provide a clear understanding about the potential for UGAs adjacent to the City to meet future growth needs including information on development yields for individual areas for both residential and non-residential (commercial/industrial) uses. The analysis will also provide information that responds to the City’s adopted annexation criteria. A draft report is expected by the end of November. Staff will provide comments back to the consultant by mid-December with the final report and analysis expected before the end of 2023. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, Economic Development Director ATTACHMENTS: None Page 1 of 1 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of November 15, 2023; 4:00 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings November 28, 2023 – No meeting - after Thanksgiving break December 5, 2023 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Nov 28\] 1. First Reading Ordinance 23-CTA-2023-0003 – Jerremy Clark (10 minutes) 2. Motion Consideration: Homeless Action Plan Adoption – Gloria Mantz (5 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: 2024 Federal Legislative Agenda- Virginia Clough (5 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: Le Catering Contract at CenterPlace – John Bottelli (5 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: Street & Stormwater Maintenance & Repair Services Contract 2024 Option Year Renewal- Bill Helbig (5 minutes) 6. Motion Consideration: Street Sweeping Service Contract 2024 Option Year Renewal – Bill Helbig (5 minutes) 7. Admin Report: 2024 Fee Resolution – Chelsie Taylor (5 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Spokane Sports funding request, 2024 TPA proceeds – Mike Basinger (5 minutes) 9. Admin Report: TBD Funding Discussion – Erik Lamb (5 minutes) 10. Admin Report: Construction Celebration – Bill Helbig (15 minutes) 11. Advance Agenda – Mayor Haley (5 minutes) \[*estimated meeting: 70 mins\] December 12, 2023 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Dec 5\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. First Reading: Ordinance 23-___TBD Tab Fee – Erik Lamb (5 minutes) 3. Second Reading Ordinance 23-___ CTA-2023-0003 – Jerremy Clark (5 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: Spokane Sports funding request, 2024 TPA proceeds – Mike Basinger (5 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: 2024 Lodging Tax Awards – Sarah Farr (20 minutes) 6. Motion Consideration: Amended 2024 State Legislative Agenda – Virginia Clough (5 minutes) 7. Admin Report: 2024 Comprehensive Plan Amendments – Levi Basinger (5 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Park Maintenance RFP Update –John Bottelli(5 minutes) 9. Admin Report: Governance Manual Update – Kelly Konkright (5 minutes) 10. Advance Agenda – Mayor Haley (5 minutes) 11. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report \[*estimated meeting: 50 mins\] Executive Session - Review Performance of a Public Employee (60 minutes) th District Legislators December 18, 2023 – Special Meeting, 2:30PM @ City Hall, N212 – 4 December 19, 2023 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Dec 12\] 1. Resolution 23-___ Governance Manual Update – Kelly Konkright (5 minutes) 2. Motion Consideration: Fee Resolution – Chelsie Taylor (5 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: 2024 Comprehensive Plan Amendments – Levi Basinger (5 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: Park Maintenance RFP Contract Award – John Bottelli (5 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Prosecuting Attorney Update – Erik Lamb, Larry Haskell (10 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Pines Rd GSP Update – Bill Helbig (5 minutes) 7. Admin Report: Loop Trail Project Update – Bill Helbig (5 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Fund 312 Discussion – Chelsie Taylor (5 minutes) 9. Advance Agenda – Mayor Haley (5 minutes) December 26, 2023 – No meeting - Holiday- City Closure January 2, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Dec 26\] 1. Council Officer Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor - Marci Patterson (15 minutes) Draft Advance Agenda 11/16/2023 1:36:47 PM Page 1 of 2 2. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) January 9, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 2\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Mayoral Appointments: Planning Commissioners - Mayor (5 minutes) 3. Mayoral Appointments: Councilmembers to Committees – Mayor (5 minutes) 4. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) January 16, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 9\] 1. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) January 23, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 16\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report January 30, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 23\] 1. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) February 6, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Jan 30\] 1. Advance Agenda –Mayor(5 minutes) February 13, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Feb 6\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) February 20, 2024 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Feb 13\] 1. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) February 27, 2024 Formal Meeting, 6:00 p.m. \[due Tue Feb 20\] 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda – Mayor (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Monthly Reports; Fire Dept Monthly Report *time for public or council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: 9-1-1 calls (delays, holding, etc.) Appleway Trail Amenities Basement space Gang Task Force Update Governance Manual Mirabeau Park Forestry Mgmt. ORV usage on streets Park Camera Update Park Lighting PFD Presentation Public Safety Comparison Prosecutor Services Protection of Utility Infrastructures SCRAPS St. O&M Pavement Preservation Street Scaping, signs, trees, etc.(info) Vehicle Wgt Infrastructure Impact Yellowstone Franchise Agreement Zayo Franchise Ordinance Draft Advance Agenda 11/16/2023 1:36:47 PM Page 2 of 2