2009, 12-08 Regular Meeting � AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL MEETING FORMAT Tuesday, December 8, 2009 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Counci/ Meeting CALL TO ORDER: INVOCATION: Pastor Brian Prior, Episcopal Church of the Resurrection PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: COMNIITTEE, BOARD. LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject not on the agenda for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Development Agreement in Conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan and Legislative Zone Change — Kazen Kendall • 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered sepazately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE W/VOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 11-18-2009 Be innin #18878, endin #18946 5960,128.05 11-18-2009 Be innin #18947, endin # 18989 5130,040.41 11-20-2009 #18990 $70,19333 I1-30-2009 Be innin #19010, endin #19020 $80,033.44 G12AND TOTAL $1,240,395.23 b. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending November 15, 2009: $234,22331 c. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending November 30, 2009: $339,257.51 d. Approval of Holiday Closure e. Approval of Intedocal with Spokane City for Remaining Office of Public Defense Grant Funds £ Approval of Interlocal with Spokane City for JAG Grant Funds g. Approval of Access Agreement with Holcim, Inc. for Soils Testing at Myrtle Point h. Approval of Implementation of 2010 Option year for Geiger Wark Crew Services Agreement i. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Executive Session . Council Agenda 12-08-09 . Page 1 of 2 j. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2009 Executive Session k. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2009 Council Meeting NEW BUSINESS 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-033 Adopting Street Standazds — John Hohman [public comment] 4. Second Reading: Fall Batch Code Amendments, Ordinance 09-036 - Tavis Schmidt [public comment] 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-037 to Amend 2009 Budget — Ken Thompson [public comment] 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-038, Special Event Regulations, Special Events — Mike Connelly/Mike Stone [public comment] 7. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-039 Amending Comp Plan Text CPA O1-09 — Karen Kendall [public comment] 8. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-04Q Legislative Zone Change CPA 01-09 — Karen Kendall [public comment] 9. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-041, Pazk Regulations, Firearms — Mike Connelly/Mike Stone [public comment] 10. Motion Consideration: Allocation of Lodging Tax Funds — Ken Thompson [public comment] 1 L Motion Consideration: Approval of Poe Contract — Neil Kersten [public comment] 12. Motion Consideration: Approval of AAA Sweeping Contract Renewal — Neil Kersten [public comment] PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject not on the agenda for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 13. Pines/Mansfield Project Change Order Approval — Steve Worley INFORMATION ONLY: (will not be discussed or reported): 14. Broadcasting Council Meetings Follow-up EXECUTIVE SESSION N/A ADJOURNIVIENT Genera[ Meetin2 Schedule (meeting schedule is always subject to change) Reeular Council meetines are generallv held everv Tuesdav beainnina at 6:00 n.m. The Formal meetinp formats are eg nerallv held the 2 and 4'� Tuesdavs. Formal meeting have time allocated for general public comments as well as comments after each action item. The Studv Session formats (the less formal meetin¢l aze en�erall held the l 3` and sometimes 5�' Tuesdavs. Study Session formats DO NOT have time allocated for general public comments; but if action items aze included, comments are permitted afrer those specific action items. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, heari�g, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that azra�gements may be made. Council Agenda 12-08-09 Page 2 of 2 . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business � public hearing ❑ infortnation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public hearing to review development agreement associated with comprehensive plan amendment (CPA-01-09). GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, RCW 36.70B.170-210 and SVMC 19.30.015 associated with Ordinance 09-015. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: An administrative report was presented to Council on December 1, 2009 regarding a development agreement in association with a comprehensive plan amendment (CPA-01-09). BACKGROUND: The City Council removed privately initiated comprehensive plan amendment, CPA- 01-09 at the 2 ntl reading of ordinances 09-008 and 09-009 on May 12, 2009. Council directed staff to conduct further research on development agreements in association with comprehensive plan amendments, specifically for CPA-01-09. An emergency ordinance was adopted on August 11, 2009 (ordinance 09-015) pursuant to RCW 36.706.170-210. The emergency ordinance established the guidelines and process to ailow restrictions to be placed upon comprehensive plan amendments through a development agreement. Staff coordinated with the owners, applicant, and applicanYs legal representation regarding a proposed development agreement in association with the applicanYs proposal to change from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) with a subsequent rezone from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2). All parties are in agreement with the proposed development agreement. ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: The development agreement is intended to allow restrictions to be placed on the proposed comprehensive plan amendment minimizing the impacts of future development by providing a transition to the adjacent low density residential designation to the east of the proposed amendment. The table below provides a comparison between the proposed restrictions agreed upon in the development agreement and the City's code requirements. Development A reement restrictions SVMC re uirements 1 The area of restriction is the easterly 120 feet of the N/A proposed amendment, specifically parcel 45242.9032. 2 The number of units shall not exceed an MF-1 The density of MF-2 (proposed zoning) density of tweive (12) units per acre, or 21 dwelling allows a maximum of 22 units per acre, units; or 39 multifamil units. 3 Building height shall not exceed an R-3 (single MF-1 buiiding height is 40 feet and family residential) building height of thirty-five (35) MF-2 building height is a maximum of feet; 50 feet. 4 No Multi-family building shall be located closer than Minimum side yard setback is 5 feet. fort 40 feet from the easteri ro ert line; and 1 of 2 5 A Type 1 Buffer Strip ten (10) feet wide shall be The minimum width of a Type I buffer consistent with a landscape plan approved by the strip is 5 feet. Ci of S okane Valle ursuant to the SVMC. OPTIONS: Advance to motion consideration; or continue public hearing; RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consensus to move forward on December 15, 2009 for a motion consideration for development agreement associated with CPA-01-09. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Draft Development Agreement with exhibits 2of2 _ _ r' � After Recordin� Return to: City Clerk City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("AgreemenY') is entered into by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a Washington non charter code city (the "City") and Joy D. Swenson, Dennis A. Crapo and Melissa A. Crapo (hereinafter the "Dev,eloper"), collectively referred to hereina$er as the "parties". RECITALS A. Developer owns property located in Spokane Valley, Washington (the "Property"). A legal description of the Properiy is set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto. B. The Property contains 11.30 acres of land, more or less. C. Through CPA-01-09, Developer requested a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential with a corresponding zone change from Single-Family Residential District (R-3) to Multi-Family High Residential District (NIF'-2). Developer proposes to conshuct a multi-family residential project. D. To integrate the Project into the neighborhood and provide for a compatible development, the Project shall be constructed accoxding to the laws and regulations governing land use in the City of Spokane Valley and the addifional conditions agreed to by the Developer and set forth below. In general the Developers agree that the portion of the Project adjacent to the Reflections Development (Shelley Lake PUD) shall have reduced densiTy, building height will be limited to that allowed for single-family homes, rear yard setbacks will be increased and Type 1 landscaping and a site plan approved by the City, all as set forth in Section 2.5(e) below. E. Development Agreements aze specifically authorized by RCW 36.70B.170-210 as a proper exercise of the City's police power to include standards that apply to and vest the development, use and mitigation. The development standards in such agreement include residential densiries, building sizes, mitigation measures, conditions, maximum height, setback, drainage and other land use matters. Page 1� of 12 __ �' i F. The parties agree that the conditions set forth below aze intended to mitigate specific direct impacts resulting from the reclassification of the land to MF-2. G. A public hearing has been held before the City Council, and the City Council finds, pursuant to Ordinance # 09-015 that the Project conforms with the Comprehensive Plan. H. Notice for this hearing has been provided in a manner consistent with City Ordinances. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth here, the City and Developer enter into this Agreement. AGREEMENT I. DEFINITIONS For all purposes of this Agreement, except as otherwise expressly provided or unless the cantext otherwise requires: A. "City" means the CiTy of Spokane Valley. B. "Developer" means Dennis A& Melissa A Crapo, or their successors and assigns, parkners or joint venturers including any participating builder but not including any resident. C. "E�ibits" means the following documents, which aze attached to and incorporated herein by this reference: EXHIBIT A— Legal description of Property EXIIIBIT B— Conceptual Project Plan. D. "ProjecY' means the 4 Avenue Cherry Wood Apartznents consisting of 248 multi-family units as set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto. E. "Property" means the property located aUon Pazcel #45242.9050, 15622 E 4�' Avenue; Parcel #45242.9051, 0 Vacant Land; Parcel #45242.9036, 15706 E 4�` Avenue; Parcel #45242.9057, 15714 E 4` Avenue; Parcel #45242.9056, 0 Address Unlrnown; Pazcel #45242.9035, 15720 E 4�' Avenue; Parcel #45242.9033, 0 Address Unknown; Parcel #45242.9032, 15818 E 4� Avenue in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, as more particulazly described in the legal description attached as Exhibit "A". F. "Subsequent Project Approvals" means all Project approvals required by law or City policy after approval of this Agreement to construct the Project including, but not limited to, Clearing and Grading Pernuts, Preliminary and Final Subdivision approval, Binding Site Plan approval, Building Permits and Occupancy Permits. Page 2 of 12 _ __ . _ _ , f II. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY 2.1 Compliance with Existine Rules and Re leu arions. This Agreement shall not relieve Developer from Developer's obligations to comply with rules and regularions applicable to the Property and Developer's development and use of the same, and to secure such authorizations and permits as may be imposed as a condition of any work being performed on the Property. 2.2 Developer Covenants and Aereements. Developer hereby covenants and agrees to the following: (a) The Project shall establish a one hundred and twenty (120) foot wide azea of restricfion ("Limited Density Area") along the eastem border of the development as depicted on Exhibit B, Sheet 1 of 2. Development in the L'united Density Area shall be consistent with the laws and regulations goveming such development in the City of Spokane Valley and fiuther shall be limited as follows; (1) The number of units shall not exceed an MF-1 density of twelve (12) units pex acre, or 21 multifamily units; (2) Building height shall not exceed an R-3 building height of thiriy- five (35) feet; (3) No Multi family building shall be located closer than forty (40) feet from the easterly property line adjacent to the Reflecfions Development (Shelley Lake PUD) (see Exhibit B, Sheet 2 of 2); (4) Following construction of the Project, a Type 1 Buffer Strip ten (10) feet wide (modified from the required five (5) foot wide Buffer Strips) shall be consistent with a landscape plan appxoved by the City of Spokane Valley pursuant to the SVMC .(see Exhibit B, Sheet 2 of 2); and (5) Substantial conforxnance to attached Site Plan. (b) The Property is designated High Density Residential according to the Comprehensive Plan with the allowed density of 22 dwelling units per acre (SVDC 19.40.080), for a total of 248 pernritted units; provided the density within the Limited Density ?,tea shall not exceed 12 units per acre (SVDC 19.40.070). Final Project development including the location of buildings and improvement shall be subject to administrative site plan review according to the City development regulations. III. MISCELLANEOUS 3.1 Term. This Agreement shall commence on the date it is fully executed by the Developer and the CiTy following consideration and approval of the same by the City Council of Page 3 of 12 _ ._ __. . ........_ , �' � the City of Spokarie Valley.(the "Commencement Date"). In the event of any appeal by a third party of the CiTy's approval of this Agreement, the Commencement Date shall be automatically extended to the date that any such appeal is finally resolved. Developer agrees to defend, hold I�armless and indemnify the City from and against any and all liability, damages, costs or expenses, including attorney's fees, arising from Developer undertaking any construction activities during such appeal. 3.2 Conditions Shall Run With the Land. All of the provisions, agreements, rights, powers, standazds, terms, covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their respective heirs, successors (by merger, consolidation, or otherwise) and assigns, devisees, administrators, representatives, lessees, and all other persons acquiring the Properiy, or any portion thereof, or any interest therein, whether by operation of law or in any manner whatsoever, and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, successors (by merger, consolidation or otherwise) and assigns. All of the provisions of trus Agreement shall be enforceable as equitable servitudes and constitute covenants mnning with the land pursuant to applicable law. Each covenant to do or refrain from doing some act on the Property hereunder, (a) is for the benefit of such properties and is a burden upon the Property, (b) runs with the Properiy, and (c) is binding upon each successive owner during its ownership of Property or any portion thereof, and each person having any interest therein derived in any manner through any owner of the property or any portion thereof, and shall benefit such party and the Property hereunder, and each other person succeeding to an interest in such Property. 3.3 Notices. All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be efFective when pexsonally delivered or 48 hours after deposit in the United States mail $rst-class, as registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the following representatives of the parties at the addresses indicated below: To Developer: Dennis A& Melissa A Crapo c/o Diamond Rock Construction 2602 N Sullivan Road Spokane, WA 99216 Joy D. Swenson 15808 East 4�' Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 and to: Whipple Consulting Engineers 2528 N. Sullivan Road Spokane, WA 99216 To City: Planning Department, Manager City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Page 4 of 12 _ _ _ __ _...... .....__ ......._ � i, and to: Office of the City Attorney City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 103 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Either party may change its address by giving notice in writing to the other parry. 3.4 Entire Agreement. Tkus Agreement is complete and sets forth and contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties, and there aze no oral or written representations, understandings or ancIllary covenants, undertakings or agreements which aze not contained or expressly referred to herein. No testimony or evidence of any such representations, understandings or covenants-shall be admissible in any proceeding of any kind or nature to interpret or detemune the terms or conditions of this Agreement. 3.5 . Amendments. This Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by the City and the Developer. Condifions of development imposed by ihe City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, after public hearing on tkus matter, shail not be altered without appropriate notice and public heazing. 3.6 Recordation of Aeseement. This Agreement and any amendment or termination to it shall be recoxded with the Spokane County Auditor. 3.7 Severabilitv, If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement shall be determined invalid, void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction the remainder of tlris Agreement shall not be affected thereby to the extent such remaining provisions aze not rendered impractical to perform taking into consideration the purposes of this Agreement or the rights and obligations of the parties have been materially altered or abridged. 3.8 Inter�retation and Governing Law. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed and interpreted in accoidance with the laws of the State of Washington. 3.9 Assi¢nment. The parties acknowledge that Development of the Project likely will involve sale, conveyance, or assigllIllent of all or portions of the Properiy to third parties who will own, develop andlor occupy portions of the Property and buildings thereon. Developer shall have the right from time to time to assign or transfer all or any portion of its respective interests, rights, or obligations under this Agreement or in the Property to other parties acquiring an interest or estate in all or any portion of the Proper[y, including a transfer of ali interests through foreclosure (judicial or nonjudicial) or by deed in lieu of foreclos�e. Consent by the City shall not be required for any assignment ar transfer of rights pursuant to this Agreement. In any such transfer or assignment, if the transferee or assignee agrees in writing to assume the obligations herein pertaining to the Property transferred or assigned, then the hansferee or assignee shall be entitled to all interests and rights and be subject to all obligafions under this Ageement, and Developer who has so transferred or assigned its rights, shall be thereupon be deemed released of liability under this Agreement for the property transferred or assigned, whether or not such release is expressly stated in such transfer or assignment; provided, Page 5 of 12 _ __ __ _ � �. however, that such Developer shall remain liable for any breach that occurred prior to the transfer or assignment of rights to another party and for those portions of the Property still owned by such Developer. 3.10 No Third Partv Beneficiary. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the parties and their successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action based upon any provision of this Agreement. 3.11 Further Acfions and Instruments. Each of the parties shall cooperate with and provide reasonable assistance to the other to the extent contemplated hereunder in the performance of a11 obligations under this Agreement and the satisfaction of the conditions of this Agreement. Upon the request of either party at any time, the other party shall promptly execute, with aclrnowledgement or affidavit if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments and writings and take any actions as may be reasonably necessary under the terms of this Agreement to carry out the intent and to fulfill the provisions of this Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 3.12 Voluntarv Agreement. The Parties hereby represent and acknowledge that this Agreement is given and executed voluntarily and is not based upon any xepresentation by any of the Parties to another Party as to the merits, legal liability, or value of any clanns of the Parties or any matters related thereto. 3.13 Authori . The undersigned covenant and represent that they are fully authorized to enter into and to execute this Ageement. This Agreement is executed by the parties as set forth below CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY , By City Manager Date Attest: By City Clerk Date Approved as to form: By City Attomey Page 6 of 12 ............. . . -- - _.._... __ �' ! DEVELOPER; By: BY� Joy D. Swenson Dennis A. Cxapo Date: Date: By: Melissa A. Crapo Date: Page 7 of 12 , � j STATE OF WASHINGTOi� )ss. County of Spokane ) On this day of , 200 before me personally appeazed_ , and , to me known to be the City Manager and the City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a municipal corporation, that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instniment to be the free and voluntaty act and deed of the cotporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instniment and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Print Name: NOTARY PUBI.IC in and foc the State of Washington, Residing at: My commission expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Spokane ) On this day of , 2009, before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeazed JOY D. SWENSON personally known to me to be the person whose names is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that s/he executed the same freely and voluntazily in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. DATED this day of , 2009. Print Name: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, Residing at: My commission expires: Page 8'of 12� � 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Spokane ) On this _ day of , 2009, before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeazed DENNIS A. CRAPO personally lmown to me to be the person whose names is subscribed to the within instrument and aclmowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily in lus authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the enfity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. DATED this day of , 2009. Print Name: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, Residing at: My commission e�cpires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Spokane ) On this _ day of , 2009, before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared MELISSA A. CRAPO personally known to me to be the person whose names is subscribed to the within instrument and aclrnowledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntazily in her authorized capaciTy, and that by her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the inshument. DAT'ED this day of , 2009. Print Name: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, Residing at: My commission expires: Page 9 of 12 1 (.. Exhibit "A" Legal Description of the Property Parcel No: 45242.9050 and 45242.9051 The East 102 feet of the East half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 44 E. W.M. Except the North 20 feet for 4�' Avenue; Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. Parcel No: 45242.9036 The West 130 feet of the West half of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M. EXCEPT the North 20 feet;. Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. Parcel No: 45242.9057 The West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 44 E.W.M.; Except the East 117 feet; Except the West 130 feet; Except the North 20 feet for Fourth Avenue; Situate in the City of 5pokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. Tax Parcel Number(s): 45242.9035 and 45242.9056 The East 110 feet of the North 160 feet of the East half of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, Except the North 20 feet thereof of Section 24, Township 25, Range 44 Spokane county, State of Washington AND The East 117 feet of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter in Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 44 East W.M. in Spokane County, Washington Except the North 20 feet thereof for roadway. EXCEPT the East 110 feet in the North 160 feet of the East half of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, Except the North 20 feet thereof of Section 24, Township 25, Range 44 Spokane county, State of VJashington Situate in the City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. Parcel #45242.9033 Page 10 of 12 The VJest 75 feet of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM; EXCEPT the North 20 feet thereof; Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. Tag Parcel Number(s): 45242.9032 The North half of the East half of the East half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 44 E.W.M. Except the North 20 feet thereof and Except the West 75 feet of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 24; Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. Page 11 of 12 ( � E�chibit "B" Drawings Page 12 of 12 � .�,.�� ��"°""���' N019NIHSYM'A3llVA3NMI F a.��m«� ; r . �. N omm�.nc+m�ea t o � ^ww� � '°�^„� 51N3W1ZIb'd`d Nb'/�i H1� m \,/,/` ssveoi�:���o'va lIBIHX3 3115 0 0 N . 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HDR = Comprehensive Plan MF-2 = Zoning , � � � ��I � Dcccmbcr 8, 2009 Public Hearing - ;.�--, .-. �_ k.. _ _ _ � . _. . : r,Y,`�, �� '�1 rc` � I �. �'� �. ���•t� .� r �, •� �' " i.�, 'r� _ _ _ , ;� - . �, ?� � ( > :`..,��� ...� /��� '�. Y�� r `. � r' R! ' " .. � '..'+�'` � ,,11 • 1 � - • �' _, . ". � e. � ,.. ' ;; _ ;;^ .+';�•;...,'. '> r . ' • • . . ';:-::':�'� • .!: . ;� . �.; �' - -. , �v' ; � �:.�i'� ',1y , � . . � �, � _ . �•yr. .a�'^ � . � .. + Y ,.�� � . .. -: , z.. . =?.d � 3'� "�: . J s _ u � . ' '�1 � �. . . ��� T .f0�.���^�.� �y • .. • • � - ' — . .. ... '� • • - , �'^� -��°`� E 4th Alg"� � � ' �'� ,� �s_• . � - � . � � . � - • �:��.+•r �' . - � �^ , .'��_ ' ! ±�s"'a' ; " ., '.y � +� �� ' r�,'�' AA.� a..�. � +�_ s '� �., �� �"'�d i Department of Community Development Plannin� Division .:� ' ,���. 0 E Itlr Me�..: 1 Looking west on �4th Avenue at east property boundary of site Decembcr 8, 2009 � , Y �` i� . ' I I . ;.� . .. .. r R 1 � �a�e � ._ _. S ite Photo s Looking South along east property line of site. � � _ Public Hearing , . _ _ __ — _..- i I : I i- ''� � � � � � � DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT i � ii 45242.9035 e i i i i i � � Restrict east 120 feet : , : ,, , I i �I I I ';;; ,4;J , I i ��-----� � ,'. C> P.. a52a2.soso I I ( I I �_ ��� ��;,� . V I � I I SEE SECTION ,. e�'�' �,"; %,� ` I f � I I SHEET 2 P!�' �'�- !',I � I I � I I i� ���";';%�,- ,'• I I � I � Q�C`,' i i" '!i l I I � I f :. I I � I I !+��-! ' �''';� � I I � I '',-` ; , ';' ; ; . --'---J � m ( I b I a ,• ��%�'��f�� ,�'. � � ,` I / 6 � i �52a2.9036 i .��. � 45242.9 N � 45242.9032 � � I N � �� � I I � � I Q I ��� � I I I rv „�,I � � f� '�� I I Q- � � ,, ��//;�,�i� i I � Q P O N � I ',�i � �� � .' `� ' aszaz.eosi I I � y� I �; .Q�l��t�, � { I 1 P,�,O � I / E¢ `s�.s`; ', I ���., : � I I I � 1 "f� `%;' .�' � � �� �� I I I I /`��`� ' : I � : ' I I I � � ,A�f, % �''i � I I I I / /;•�: I I I � I � � I I j I j �.-a ; s. I � r � y � .� -'°, � . __ _ i . __ I _.. _ _ .I_ _.__i_>, __ __ _�._.... _ ' � i i � , _. r � . _ .�c �..:�:-�:r.v.: �._-_' "__'- " .'�'_` �s._-.r- " _'_� -_- . �, 4� December 8, 2009 Public Hearing -'-•-•-•-•-'-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• 4TH AVENUE-•-• -•-�- ---�-•- -� .""" .�' `"" Department of Community Development ,�..r�.� Planning Division uNE (rw.) 5' HE�GH7 DIFI'LRENCE— RESIDENTIAL 20NING ?D MF-1 ZONING 40' izo' (!d03lIFIED fRObt 5' REQUIRED) hlUST EE PLANTED VlITH TREES THnT W!LL MATUR'c To 35' OR HIGHER I \. L STD `\ ���� RE5IDEN �IAL 7.O7JING HOUSE ROOF LINE � PROPOSEJ 4TH AND SULLiVAN OEVE�O°MENT ` � 5 � ' _ '��� � Etc+rgreen TTeE+ UY+cicAxx,.9 y i�"' y � .i � 5 Fmr '^� alyy � yr 1 �,� � C '� Y. � � �5 kx�t � mnximurti !::ykti-cixsevirv� Ierr_o December 8, 2009 A�IN. PLANTING 3" C�LI?ER »s' 1 � � ( � --------------- � , 1 ;� �r I � � i i EXISTING HOUSE i 35' � EXISTING 6' Hldi i �iELLEY LAKE � ( I r5IGH7 OBSCURING ; P.U.D. � FENCE ! � n n• 3hr�t�� I �T=��--�� � �..:. C �U ���:�.: e 4 ^ �l ... � � r�,, �;.r 0 S/1' ��� —� Public Hearing "`�""""''�:�°`"°'° Department of Community Development .....w� PlanninE Division ue stions `? Dcccmber 8, 2009 Public Hearing CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-08-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE WNOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 11-18-2009 Be innin #18878, endin #18946 $960,128.05 ll-18-2009 Be innin #188947, endin # 18989 $130,040.41 11-20-2009 #18990 $70,19333 11-30-2009 Be innin #19010, endin #19020 $80,033.44 GRAND TOTAL $1,240,395.23 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 11/1812009 12:42:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 18878 11/18/2009 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 18879 18880 11/18/2009 001081 ALSCO 11/18/2009 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 1ggg1 11/18/2009 000506 ASCE 18862 11/18/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 18883 11/18/2009 001938 BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS INC 18884 11/18/2009 001565 BERRETH THOMAS PRINTING 18885 18886 18887 11/18/2009 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 11/18/2009 001103 CAREER TRACK 11/18/2009 000572 CARTER, CAROL Invoice 43331-A 43332 LSP0684060 LSP0691193 1SP0698287 8080001981 8080002011 11095DG 145209 16095 26162 26185 9065281 9067182 9069115 11284948 EXPENSES PO # Description/Account 42267 CONTRACT NO. 09-004, SWEEPINC 42271 CONTRACT NO. 09-006, VACTORIN Total : FLOOR MATS FLOOR MATS FLOOR MATS ToWI: TIRES: 40205D TIRES:531RJZ Total : DE REGISTRATION- JOHN HOHMA Total : COPIER COSTS: 22071- BLDG ToWI: PROFESSIONAL SVCS: PLANNING Total : SUBAREA PLANS IMPACT STATEMENT Total : LINEN SUPPLY: CP LINEN SUPPLY: CP LINEN SUPPLY: CP ToWI: Event # 90995- CBMOW TO COMM Total : REIMBURSEMENT Total : Amount 34,537.58 34,222.86 68,760.44 20.37 19.76 79.76 59.89 547.09 42.38 589.47 249.00 249.00 135.88 135.86 18.628.12 18,628.12 2,467.49 561.98 3,029.47 203.85 400.35 150.58 754.78 299.99 299.99 28.65 28.65 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 17/78/2009 12:42:55PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 18888 . 11/18/2009 000101 CDW-G 18889 11/18/2009 000729 CH2MHILL INC 18890 11/18/2009 000957 COBALTTRUCK EQUIPMENT Invoice QRZ4429 3723871 SS21594 18891 11/18/2009 000571 CODE PUBLISHING CO 34280 18892 11/18/2009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 3820:038170 18893 18894 18895 18896 18897 18898 18899 3820:038424 11/18/2009 000235 DATA BASE RECORDS DESTRUCTION 49070 11/18/2009 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 279599 11/18/2009 000618 DEPT OF FISH 8 WILDLIFE 4627 11/18/2009 001753 DINGUS, ZARECOR & ASSOC 8312082 11/18/2009 001877 DOBBINS, CHRIS EXPENSES 11/18/2009 001771 DOLLAR RENT A CAR OCT 2009 11/18/2009 002075 ENVIROTECH SERVICES CD201000411 CD201000412 CD201000413 CD201000414 PO # 42491 42433 42458 42466 42466 42466 42466 Description/Account UPS FOR COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ToWI: PARK RD RECON 0069 ENG SVCS Total : ADD-ONS TO F-550 Totat : MUNICIPAL CODE UPDATE ToWI: COFFEE SERVICE:CP COFFEE SERVICES Total : SHREDDING CHARGES Total : LONG SHORT PLAT REVIEW SVS: � Total : SPRAGUE AVE/SULLIVAN RD PCC Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : REIMBURSEMENT Total : CAR RENTALS ToWI: ENVIROTECH ICE SLICER ENVIROTECH ICE SLICER ENVIROTECH ICE SLICER ENVIROTECH ICE SLICER � Amount 210.82 210.82 22,862.80 22,862.80 10.228.67 10,228.67 877.10 877.10 187.03 32.61 219.64 278.10 278.10 3,094.00 3,094.00 50.00 50.00 1,430.00 1,430.00 167.51 167.51 663.16 663.16 4,561.98 4,534.18 4,737.12 4,707.93 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 11/78/2009 12:42:55PM Spakane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 1g899 11/18/2009 002075 ENVIROTECH SERVICES 18900 18901 11l18/2009 002134 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE 11/18/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 18902 11/18/2009 002076 GINNO CONSTRUCTION OF IDAHO 18903 11/18/2009 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 18904 11/18/2009 000007 GRAINGER 18905 11/18/2009 000011 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY 18906 11/18/2009 001940 GROUP MOBILE INTL 18907 11/18/2009 002190 HORIZON MIDDLE SCHOOL 18908 11/18/2009 000288 INTL CODE COUNCIL Invoice PO # (Continued) CD20100041�rD 42466 CD20100410 42466 861-425923554 42464 861-425923563 42464 861-425923566 42464 861-025923580 42464 33214 33215 33216 33217 33218 79711 PROGRESS PYMT#4 42434 Oct 1042 9106334395 42246 203422 11186 42477 REFUND 1161833-IN Description/Account Amount ENVIROTECH ICE SLICER 4,624.53 ENVIROTECH ICE SLICER 4,493.87 Total : 27,659.67 PARK RD RECON. TITLE REPORTS 271.75 PARK RD RECON. TITLE REPORTS 271.75 PARK RD RECON. TITLE REPORTS 271.75 PARK RD RECON. TITLE REPORTS 271.75 Total : 1,087.00 LEGAL PUBLICATION 38.40 LEGAL PUBLICATION 93.50 LEGAL PUBLICATION: FINANCE 58.65 LEGAL PUBLICATION 49.30 LEGAL PUBLICATION 66.30 LEGAL PUBLICATION 132.00 ToWI: 438.15 DISCOVERY PARK CONSTRUCTIOI 330,878.72 Total : 330,878.72 OCT 09: LOBBYIST SERVICE 3,128.01 Total : 3,126.01 GRAINGER BIANKET PO 105.18 Total: 105.18 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CITY HAII 320.00 � Total: 320.00 LAPTOPS FOR SNOW PLOWS 1,900.00 Total : 7,900.00 REFUND FEES 220.00 Total : 220.00 BUILDING PUBLICATIONS 507.09 Page: 3 vchlist 71 /18/2009 12:42: 55 P M Voucher List Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 18908 11/18/2009 000288 000288 INTL CODE COUNCIL (Continued) 18909 11/18/2009 002189 INTOXIMETERS INC. 286666 18910 11/18/2009 002192 JAMAR, REBECCA REFUND 18977 11/78/2009 002197 KEN'S PIANO SERVICE 01770 18912 11/18/2009 002191 MCCOLLUM, IAN REFUND 18913 11/18/2009 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00018888 18914 11/18/2009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 17230 17314 17339 18915 11/18/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 1149558046 494876636001 494877968001 18916 11/18/2009 000512 OFFICETEAM 30123277 30123279 30165671 18917 11/18/2009 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 00286090 16918 11/18/2009 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 24643 24650 PO # Description/Account Total : 42439 ALCO SENSORS PURCHASED FOF Total : REFUND DEPOSIT Total : PIANO SERVCE: CP Total : REFUND FEES Total : TAXTOOLS SOFTWARE RENTAL Total : 2 YEAR RAPIDSSL OCTOBER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 42483 WATCHGUARD FIREWALL SOFTW. Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES: CP OFFICE SUPPLIES:CP OFFICE SUPPLIES: CP Total : STAFFING SVCS: IASERFICHE STAFFING SVCS: LASERFICHE STAFFING SVCS: LASERFICHE Total : EITHERNEf: OCT 2009 Total : REMOVE AND REPLACE TEXT TRUCK DECALS Total : Page: 4 Amount 507.09 983.74 983.74 988.00 988.00 245.00 245.00 205.00 205.00 343.83 343.83 123.92 7,432.50 2,681.88 10,238.30 17.81 29.97 23.70 77.48 652.00 647.93 130.40 1,430.33 625.00 625.00 32.56 343.49 376.05 Page: 4 vchlist Voucner List Page: 5 71/78/2009 72:42:SSPM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 18919 11/18l2009 000322 QWEST 18920 11/18/2009 000415 ROSAUERS 18921 18922 18923 18924 18925 18926 18927 18928 18929 18930 18931 11/18/2009 001941 SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES 11/18/2009 001892 SKILLINGS CONNOLLY INC 11/18/2009 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 11/18/2009 001174 SPACESAVER NW 11/18/2009 000772 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER 11/18/2009 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 11/18l2009 000499 SPOKANE CO LIBRARY DIST 11/18/2009 001100 SPOKANE CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 11/18/2009 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO 11/18/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 11/18/2009 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW Invoice 509-924-4707 740B 665500 689078 W0070100 6282 301271 507168 VLY0909 50304842 2nd Half 2009 NOV 09 CIP # 0088 41501116 150322 PO # 42230 42269 Description/Account PHONE SERVICE— TERRACE VIEW Total : SUPPLIES PLANNING MEETING SUPPLIES Total : GPS SUBSCRIPTION Total : REAL ESTATE SERVICES CIP 0088 Total : DEAD ANIMAL PICKUP Total : LABEIS:CD ToWI: COUNTY SERVICES Total : COUNTYITSUPPORT Total : PAST DUE PROPERTY TAX PYMT Total : EMPHASIS GRANT 09 Total : ROW ACQUISITIONSBROADWAY/ Totai : OCTOBER 09: HOUSING Total : PUBLIC NOTICE: PARKS 8 REC Amount 109.32 109.32 17.18 23.94 41.12 1,900.00 1,900.00 12,366.00 12,366.00 1,030.00 1,030.00 665.03 665.03 53,462.84 53,462.84 15,168.84 15,168.84 662.53 662.53 1,971.56 1,971.56 21,350.00 21,350.00 49,940.75 49,940.75 513.91 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 71/18/2009 72:42:S5PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 18931 11/18/2009 000093 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW (Continued) 18932 11/18/2009 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 70799 70802 18933 11/18/2009 002135 SPRAY CENTER ELECTRONICS, INC 199379 199438 199488 199489 18934 11/18/2009 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 27020 18935 11/18/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8013897059 98321026 98349714 98432927 98459401 18936 11/18/2009 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE L80165 18937 18938 18939 18940 18941 11/18/2009 000081 STATE OF WASHINGTON 11/18/2009 000797 THE KIPLINGER LETTER 11/18/2009 001248 USKH, INC. 11/18/2009 000783 VALLEY GLASS 11/18/2009 000964 VOLT 002 0499034924 01197900-1 09-58363 21670786 PO # 42468 42468 42468 42468 42471 Description/Account Total : DEC RENT- 1T8 DEC 09 RENT: 1P48 Total : DEICING DRUMS DEICING DRUMS DEICING DRUMS DEICING DRUMS Total : OCT 09 MAINT: PRECINT Total : OCTOBER 09: HR OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING KITCHEN SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING OFFICE SUPPLIES: KITCHEN Total : AUDITORS ToWI: EXCISE TAX BALANCE DUE Totat : SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL ToWI: SPRAGUE/SULLIVAN SURVEY CO� Total : GREEN HOUSE GLASSINSTALLED Total : STAFFING SVCS: IT Amount 513.91 129.00 229.00 358.00 18,433.37 415.78 7.909.82 415.78 27,174.75 506.63 506.63 75.57 63.35 711.19 142.35 52.32 1,044.78 20,607.51 20,607.51 110.01 110.01 89.00 89.00 15,495.75 15,495.75 4,031.17 4,031.17 649.60 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List 77/18/2009 12:42:55PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbe�k Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 18941 11/18/2009 000964 000964 VOLT (Continued) 18942 11/18/2009 001382 WA RECREATION & PARK ASSOC 09-737 18943 11/18/2009 002195 WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE CIP NO 0088 18944 11/18/2009 000676 WEST 819387228 18945 11/18/2009 000152 WSDOT RE-313-ATB91013030 18946 11/18/2009 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS 0232930626 69 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 69 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do ceRiy under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor perfortned as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that i am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 7 PO # Description/Account Amount Total : 649.60 2010 MEMBERSHIP: STONE, PAPIC 364.00 Total: 364.00 ROW ACQUISITIONS/BROADWAY / 350.00 Total: 350.00 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 562.47 Total : 562.47 URBAN RAMPS & MAINLINE PCCP 214,994.07 Total : 274,994.07 INTERNET/DATA LINES 240.43 ToWI : 240.43 Banktotal: 960,126.05 Total vouchers : 960,128.05 Page: 7 vchlist 11 H 8/2009 1:18:43PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 18947 11/18/2009 001081 ALSCO 18948 11/18/2009 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC 18949 11/18/2009 000030 AVISTA 18950 11/18/2009 000816 BALDWIN SIGNS 18951 11/18/2009 001409 BEST LINE 18952 11/18/2009 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 18953 11/18/2009 001961 BUDANO, RANDY 18954 11/18/2009 001866 CAMPBELL, SHEENA 18955 11/18/2009 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 18956 11/18/2009 000571 CODE PUBLISHING CO 18957 11/18Y2009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 18958 11/18/2009 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING, INC. Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice LSP0691439 INV004405 010119017 Refund 053110292009 9063375 Expenses Expenses November2009 October 2009 October 2009 34217 34232 64615 24158 PO # Description/Account FLOOR MATS: CITY HALL Total : JANITORIAL SVCS: OCT 2009 Total : UTILITIES: PARKS MASTER AVISTP Total : REFUND OF PERMIT FEES Total : ANSWERING SVC: CP Total : LINEN SERVICE: CP Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSE Total : PEITY CASH: 7299,7300,7301,7303 PET'fY CASH: 6936 PETTY CASH:7296,7297 Total : MUNICIPAL CODE UPDATE MUNICIPAL CODE WEB HOSTING Total : COFFEE SERVICES Total : RECYCLING COLLECTION Page: Page: 1 Amount 16.88 16.88 2,165.23 2,765.23 8,231.87 8,231.87 122.50 122.50 20.00 20.00 187.31 187.31 23.65 23.65 82.48 62.48 63.65 15.82 2.25 81.72 804.83 38325 7,188.08 90.84 90.84 27.50 1 vchlist Voucner List Page: 2 11/18I2009 1:18:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 18958 . 11/18/2009 000795 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING, INC. (Cantinued) 18959 11/18/2009 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 OCT 2009 18960 11/18/2009 000010 FEDEX KINKO'S 289700006642 18961 11/18/2009 001628 FRANKLIN ELEM APPLE PROGRAM Refund 18962 11/18/2009 001592 GILBRETH,BECKY Expenses 18963 11/18/2009 002196 HOLTEN, MELISSA Expenses 18964 11/18/2009 000441 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 6063020 18965 11/18/2009 000715 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Oct 2009 18966 11/18/2009 000070 INLAND POWER & LIGHT CO 94202 18967 11/18/2009 000353 INTL TRADE ALLIANCE SPV92009 18968 11/18/2009 001635 ISS FACILITY/EVENT SERVICES 21692 21749 21767 18969 11/18/2009 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT Oct 2009 18970 11/18/2009 001684 MARKETING SOLUTIONS NW CP 11/2/09 Media , CP 11l2/09 P&p PO 3! Description/Account Total : UTILITIES: PW Total : MOUNTING COSTS Total : DEPOSIT FOR CENTERPLACE: REI Total : REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES ToWI: REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES Total : SUPPLIES: MAINT FACILITY Total : SUPPLIES: CP Total : UTILITIES:PW Total : 3RD QTR 2009 Total : EVENT SVCS: CP EVENT SVCS: CP EVENT SVCS: CP Total: OPERATING SUPPLIES: CP Total : ADVERTISING: CP ADVERTISING: CP Amount 27.50 818.56 818.56 48.92 48.92 117.00 717.00 22.81 22.81 23.65 23.65 69.92 69.92 163.66 163.66 438.56 438.56 6,500.00 6,500.00 98.50 59.10 98.50 256.10 366.21 366.21 661.50 705.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 17/18/2009 7:18:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 18970 11/16/2009 001684 001684 MARKETING SOLUTIONS NW (Continued) 18971 11/18/2009 000387 MODEL IRRIGATION DIST. #18 06-0400.0 18972 11/18/2009 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04500-01 18973 11/18/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 430772674001 494575626001 18974 11/18/2009 001860 PLATT 6797819 18975 11/18/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 3327733 3327734 3671125 3699222 18976 11/18/2009 000935 SERVICE PAPER CO 30456756 18977 11/18/2009 000323 SPOKANE CO UTILITIES Nov 2009 18978 11/18/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 Odober 2009 18979 11/18/2009 000451 SPOKANE REG SPORTS COMMISSION 3rd Qtr2009 18980 11/18/2009 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 3rd Qtr 2009 18981 11/18/2009 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST 3rd Qtr 2009 PO # Description/Account Total : APR-OCT09 UTILITIES Total : UTILITIES Total : SMALL TOOLS: DIGITAL CAMERA OFFICE SUPPLIES: CP Total : SUPPLIES FOR CP Total : CONTRACT MAINT: CEN TR,41L CONTRACT MAINT: CP VALLEY MISSION PARK - TARPS AI CONTRACT MAI NT: PREC W CT Total : SUPPLIES: CP Total : SPOKANE COUNTY SEWER Total : UTILITIES: PARKS Total : LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT Total : 3RD QTR WATER TESTING Total : 3RD QTR 2009: WATER TESTING Total : Amount 1,366.50 80725 807.25 9,730.66 9,730.66 217.99 95.92 313.91 106.20 106.20 2,018.68 51,859.00 450.36 643.53 54,971.57 366.75 366.75 1.454.64 1,454.64 217.69 217.69 23,631.26 23,631.26 159.00 159.00 159.00 159.00 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 11/18/2009 1:18:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 18982 11/182009 001281 SPOKANE VALLEY ARTS COUNCIL Nov 9, 2009 18983 11/18/2009 001444 UNITED LABORATORIES 32536 18984 11N8/2009000295 VALLEYFEST November2009 18985 11/78/2009 000167 VERA WATER & POWER Oct 2009 18986 11/18/2009 000964 VOLT 21628247 18987 11/18/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 2568037-2681-7 18988 11/18/2009 000129 WRPA 09-762 18989 11/18/2009 001580 WSU CASHIERS-SPS 5046690 43 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 43 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materiais have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor pertormed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Direc[or Date PO i! Description/Account Amount 2ND REIMBURSEMENT: LODGING" 2,006.50 Total : 2,006.50 CENTERPLACE SUPPLIES 237.39 Total : 237.39 LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT 1,154.25 Total : 1,154.25 UTILITIES: 2009 3,825.25 Total : 3,825.25 STAFF SVCS: IT HELP DESK 448.00 Total : 448.00 WASTE MGMT: PRECINCT 285.27 Total: 285.27 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP 156.00 Total: 756.00 SITE SELECTOR CONTRACT #9089 7,579.87 Total : 7,579.67 Bank total : 730,040.41 Total vouchers : 130,040.41 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 77/20/2009 4:08:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 18990 11/20/2009 001139 CATS EYE EXCAVATING INC 1 Vauchers for bank code : apbank 1 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor perfortned as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Diredor Date Invoice Pay App #1 PO # Description/Account 42501 BLAKE ROAD REPAIR PROJECT-i! Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Amount 70,193.33 70,193.33 70,193.33 70,193.33 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 11/30/2009 70:30:52AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19010 11/30/2009 000030 AVISTA 19011 11/30/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 19012 19013 19014 19015 19016 19017 19018 19019 11/30/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC Invoice 410069444 0620 0638 4342 4375 4383 4458 4474 4720 6527 33249 33250 11/30/2009 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 Oct 2009 11/30/2009 000696 MITEL NETVJORKS, INC 92594026/9259: 11/30/2009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 17336 11/30/2009 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC December2009 11/30/2009 001317 RICOH AMERICAS CORP 504877885 11/30/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 3213038 11/30/2009 000964 VOLT 21715323 PO # 42495 42474 Description/Account UTILITIES: PW MASTER AVISTA Total : OCT 09: 0620 OCT 09:0638 OCT 09: 4342 OCT 09: 4375 OCT 09:4383 OCT 09: 4458 OCT 09: 4474 OCT 09: 4720 OCT 09: 6527 Total : LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION Total : UTILITIES: PARKS Total : MITEL PHONE LICENSES Total : QUARTERLY SENTINAL BILLING Total : CITY HALL RENT Total : RICOH AFICIO MPC 4000SPF FOR � Total : VEGETATION MGMT CIIY HALL Total : STAFFING SVCS: IT Amount 22,154.66 22,154.66 45.00 20.00 50.00 480.00 70.00 1,016.49 1,58424 2.959.48 1,533.18 7,758.39 25.00 25.00 so.ao 166.02 166.02 2,079.40 2,079.40 1,047.00 1,047.00 37,468.47 37,468.47 8,525.36 9,525.36 51.09 51.09 560.00 Page: 1 vchlist 11/30/2009 10:30:52AM Bank code : epbe�k Voucher Date Vendor 19019 11/30/2009 000964 000964 VOLT 19020 � 11/30/2009 001949 WILSON, SAYDEE 11 Vouchers for bank code : epbenk 11 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certiy under penalry of peryury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor perfortned as described herein and that the ciaim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that 1 am aulhorized to authenticate and certiy to said claim. Finance Director Date Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice PO # (Cantinued) F�cpenses Description/Account Total : REIMBURSEMENT FOR TEXTBOOK Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Page: +� Amount 560.00 173.05 173.05 80,033.44 80,033.44 Page: 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-08-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending November 15, 2009 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Budget/Financiai impacts: Gross: $ 208,016.75 Benefits: $ 26.206.56 Total payroll $ 234,223.31 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-OS-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending November 30, 2009 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Nov 30, 2009 Payroll BudgeUFinancial impacts: Gross: $ 221,508.97 Benefits: $ 117.748.54 Total payroll $ 339,257.51 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Hail Holiday Closure Notice GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to close City O�ces Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 12:00 PM (Noon) BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: John Whitehead, HR Manager ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interlocal agreement with Spokane — Use of remaining Office of Public Defense grant funds. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.34 • PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council has previously approved applying for grant funds from the Washington State Offce of Public Defense in 2008 and 2009. The City made joint requests with the City of Spokane for those years for funds to benefit the Community Relicensing Program operated by the City of Spokane, which also processes clients from Spokane Valley. BACKGROUND: The City received $37,500 for 2008 and $6,500 for 2009 in grant funds for the broad purpose of providing better public defense, and more specifically to ensure that a large number of Driving While License Suspended 3r Degree cases (unpaid traffic tickets for the most part) would be funneled into the program to help them get their licenses back, pay their tickets, and get liability insurance. We turned the funds over to our contract public defender, Spokane County, who used part of the funds to put forms and processes into place to meet the intended goal. The County public defender's office was very efficient, and only used part of the money, and sent the balance ($37,354.79) back to us. The City of Spokane, which actually operates the program, has requested that we turn the remaining grant funds over to them so they may continue to operate the program to our mutual benefit. Staff has no objection to this, as they are restricted funds, and would otherwise have to be returned to the State. OPD is supportive of transferring the funds to Spokane for "City of Spokane public defense improvements that are authorized by statute and OPD policy." (See attached e-mail from Spokane Public Defender, Kathy Knox) OPTIONS: Request changes to interlocal agreement; authorize staff to execute the proposed interlocal as drafted on the consent agenda; remove from the consent agenda.and consider as a regular action item. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize staff to execute the interlocal agreement. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A, as they are restricted grant funds. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: - Proposed interlocal agreement - E-mail from Kathy Knox, dated 11-19-09 INTERLOCALAGREEMENT PUBLIC DEFENDER SERVICES— RELICENSING PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of Spokane, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201, hereinafter referred to as "City of Spokane", and the City of Spokane. Valley, a code city of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereinafter referred to as "City of Spokane Valley"; and jointly hereinafter referred to as the "Parties." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, chapter 39.34 RCW (Interlocal Cooperation Act), authorizes counties and cities to contract with each other to perform certain functions which each may legally perform;and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane, by Katherine S. Knox, Public Defender, and the City of Spokane Valley, by Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney, made application to the State Office of Public Defense (OPD) for funds to be used for public defense and specifically for the joint City / County Community Relicensing Program for 2008. That application was approved and funds in the amount of $75,000 were awarded to be shared equally by the City of Spokane Valley and the City of Spokane. The cities jointly made a request for continuing grant funds for these purposes for 2009, and were awarded $6,500 each; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley contracts with Spokane County for public defense services for Spokane Valley misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor cases, many of which are the charge of driving while license suspended in the third degree; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane and Spokane County have jointly provided financial and / or personnel resources to reestablish the joint City/County Community Relicensing Program; 1 WHEREAS, the City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County entered into an agreement for use of the grant funds; and Spokane County had unused funds which it returned to the City of Spokane Valley. The total remaining, unused grant funds for the City of Spokane Valley is $30,854.79; and WHEREAS, the parties received additional monies for the 2009 year; -- Now, Therefore, The Parties agree as follows: SECTION NO. 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the Parties' understanding of the terms and conditions under which the Parties will utilize the remaining and new grant funds received from the State Office of Public Defense for public defense and specifically for the joint City / County Community Relicensing Program. SECTION NO. 2 DURATION This Agreement shall be effective on December 16, 2009 and run through December 31, 2010. Either party may terminate this Agreement for breach of any provision by the other party. Provided, however, prior to such termination, the terminating party must give at least thirty (30) days written notice to the breaching party of the basis of the termination. If the breaching party cures the breach to the satisfaction of the terminating party, the notice shall be null and void. Provided further, this Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event the grant which is the basis of the funding is terminated, unless the Parties agree in writing otherwise. SECTION NO. 3 SERVICES The City of Spokane Public Defender's Office will use the remaining and new monies from Spokane Valley for data entry for the Relicensing Program and other defender costs, such as investigator expenses. SECTION NO. 4 : COMPENSATION The City of Spokane shall receive a maximum of THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR AND 79/100 DOLLARS ($37,354.79) for its services provided under the grant. The City of Spokane Valley's financial obligation is limited to these excess and new grant funds. 2 SECTION NO. 5 PAYMENT The City of Spokane Valley shall, no later than twenty (20) days after full execution of this Agreement, remit to the City of Spokane, the full amount of this Agreement. SECTION NO. 6 : AUDIT / RECORDS Each Party shall maintain for a minimum of three (3) years following final payment all records related to its performance of the Agreement. Each Party shall provide access to authorized representatives of the other Party, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner to inspect and copy any such record. In the event of conflict between this provision and related auditing provisions required under federal law applicable to the Agreement, the federal law shall prevail. SECTION NO. 7: NOTICES All notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (i) the day such notices or other communications are received when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the third day following the day on which the same have been mailed by certified mail delivery, receipt requested and postage prepaid addressed to the Parties at the address set forth below, or at such other address as the Parties shall from time-to-time designate by notice in writing to the other Parties: CITY OF SPOKANE: City Public Defender City of Spokane 824 North Monroe Street Spokane, Washington 99201 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Office of the City Attorney 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 103 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 SECTION NO. 8: ASSIGNMENT This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties, their successors and assigns. No Party may assign, in whole or in part, its interest in this Agreement without the approval of the other Parties. SECTION NO. 9 LIABILITY The City of Spokane shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Spokane Valley, its officers and employees from all claims, demands, or suits in law or equity arising from the City of Spokane's intentionai or negligent acts or breach of its obligations under the Agreement. The City of Spokane's duty to indemnify shall not 3 apply to loss or liability caused by the intentional or negligent acts of the City of Spokane Valley, its officers and employees. The City of Spokane Valley shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Spokane, its o�cers and employees from all claims, demands, or suits in law or equity arising from the City of Spokane Valley's intentional or negligent acts or breach of its obligations under the Agreement. The City of Spokane Valley's duty to indemnify shall not apply to loss or liability caused by the intentional or negligent acts of the City of Spokane, its ofFicers and employees. • If the comparative negligence of the Parties and their officers and employees is a cause of such damage or injury, the liability, loss, cost, or expense shall be shared between the Parties in proportion to their relative degree of negligence and the right of indemnity shall apply to such proportion. Where an officer or employee of a Party is acting under the direction and control of the other Party, the Party directing and controlling the officer or employee in the activity and/or omission giving rise to liability shall accept all liability for the other Party's officer or employee's negligence. Each Party's duty to indemnify shall survive the termination or expiration of the Agreement. Each Party waives, with respect to the other Parties oniy, its immunity under RCW Title 51, Industrial Insurance. The Parties have specifically negotiated this provision. SECTION NO. 10 INSURANCE During the term of the Agreement, the each Party shall maintain in force at its own expense, each insurance noted below: a. Worker's Compensation Insurance in compliance with RCW 51.12.020, which requires subject employers to provide workers' compensation coverage for all their subject workers and Employer's Liability or Stop Gap Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000; b. General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. It shall include contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided under this Agreement; c. Automobile Liability Insurance with a combined single limit, or the equivalent of not less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury and property damage, including coverage for owned, hired and non-owned vehicles. 4 d. Professional Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 each claim, incident or occurrence. This is to cover damages caused by the error, omission, or negligent acts related to the professional services to be provided under this Agreement. The coverage must remain in effect for two years after the Agreement is completed. There shall be no cancellation, material change, reduction of limits or intent not to renew the insurance coverage(s) without thirty (30) days written notice from the insuring Party or its insurer(s) to the other Party. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, the City of Spokane shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to the City of Spokane Valley at the time it returns the signed Agreement. The certificate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insured; and include applicable policy endorsements, the thirty (30)-day cancellation clause, and the deduction or retention level. SECTION NO. 11 : ANTI-KICKBACK No officer or employee of the a Party, having the power or duty to perform an o�cial act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in the Agreement, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from or to any person involved in the Agreement. SECTION NO. 12 : VENUE STIPULATION This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered within the State of Washington and it is mutually understood and agreed by each party that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington both as to interpretation and performance. Any action at law, suit in equity orjudicial proceeding for the enforcement of this Agreement, or any provision hereto, shall be instituted only in courts of competent jurisdiction within Spokane County, Washington. SECTION NO. 13 : COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Parties shail observe all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to the extent that they may be applicable to the terms of this Agreement. SECTION NO. 14 : NON-DISCRIMINATION No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this Agreement because of age, sex, race, color, religion, creed, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, the. presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or use of a service animal by a person with disabilities. 5 SECTION NO. 15 : MISCELLANEOUS A. NON-WAIVER: No waiver by any party of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the same or other rights of that party in the future. B. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. The Parties agree that there are no other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. No changes or additions to this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the Parties unless such change or addition is in writing, executed by the Parties. C. MODIFICATION: No mod�cation or amendment to this Agreement shall be valid until put in writing and signed with the same formalities as this Agreement. D. HEADINGS: The section headings appearing in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purport to, and shali not be deemed to define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain. E. COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same. F. SEVERABILITY: If any parts, terms or provisions of this Agreement are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall not be affected in regard to the remainder of the Agreement. If it should appear that any part, term or provision of this Agreement is in conflict with any statutory provision of the State of Washington, then the part, term or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and this Agreement shall be deemed to modify to conform to such statutory provision. G. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES: The Parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Agreement. No agent, employee, servant or representative of the City of Spokane shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative of the City of Spokane Valley for any purpose. Likewise, no agent, employee, servant or representative of the City of Spokane Valley shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative of the City of Spokane for any purpose. 6 SECTION NO. 16 : RCW. 39.34 REQUIRED CLAUSES A. PURPOSE See Section No. 1 above. B. DURATION See Section No. 2 above. C. ORGANIZATION OF SEPARATE ENTITY AND ITS POWERS No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this Agreement. The City of Spokene's contract administrator is Katherine Knox, City Public Defender. The City of Spokane Valley's contract administrator is Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney. D. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES: See provisions above. E. AGREEMENT TO BE FILED: The City of Spokane and the City of Spokane Valley shall file this Agreement with their City Clerks. The City of Spokane shall file this Agreement with its County Auditor or place it on its web site or other electronically retrievable public source. F. FINANCING: Each party shall be responsible for the financing of its contractual obligations under its normal budgetary process. G. TERMINATION: See Section No. 2 above. H. PROPERTY UPON TERMINATION: Title to all property acquired by any party in the performance of this Agreement shall remain with the acquiring party upon termination of the Agreement. Jointly acquired property shall be divided in proportion to the percentage share of each party contributing to its acquisition. DATED: CITY OF SPOKANE By: Title: Attest: Approved as to form: City Clerk Assistant City Attorney Approved: Kathy Knox, City Public Defender 7 DATED: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY By: Title: City Manager/Deputy City Manager Attest: Approved as to form: City Clerk Office of the City Attorney 8 Prom: Knox, Kathy [mailto:kknox@spokanecity.org] Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 12:56 PM To: Cary Driskell Subjed: FW: language re transfer of funds behveen Spokane Valley and Spokane From: Sophia Byrd McSherry [mailto:Sophia.ByrdMcSherry@opd.wa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:11 PM To: Knox, Kathy Cc: Kathy Kuriyama; Candace Martin Subject: language re trensfer of funds between Spokane Valley and Spokane Kathy — Following is the relevant language from your award letter. Pm hopeful that we will get the complete letter and grant agreement mailed in the next day or two. "The Washington State O�ce of Public Defense (OPD) is pleased to announce the award of RCW ] 0.101.080 City Grant funds to the City of Spokane. The award is in the amount of $84,000.00 for use in 2010. In addition to this city grant, OPD authorizes the City of Spokane to use the remaining RCW 10.101.080 City Grant funds awarded to the City of Spokane Valley, subject to agreement with the City of Spokane Valley. The funds should be used for City of Spokane public defense improvements that are authorized by statute and OPD Policy. " Sophia Byrd �iY(r,Sherry Deputy Director Washington State Office of Public Defense 360.5863164, ext. 107 360.878.0550, cell CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: X consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interlocal agreement with Spokane — 2010 JAG grant funds GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.34 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval to staff to apply for 2010 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in Summer, 2009. BACKGROUND: The Council previously approved for staff to appiy for a 2010 Edward Byrne JAG grant in conjunction with Spokane and Spokane County. A grant was awarded, with the City of Spokane being the fiscal agent for the funds. Under the grant, the City of Spokane Valley is entitled to receive $50,367. This interlocal spells out the terms under which the funds will be administered, and is required under such circumstances where jurisdictions are acting in concert to spell out the rights and obligations of the respective jurisdictions. It is necessary to execute an interlocal agreement to actually receive the funds from the fiscal agent, Spokane. OPTIONS: Request changes to interlocal agreement; authorize staff to execute the proposed interlocal as drafted on the consent agenda; remove from the consent agenda and consider as a regular action item. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize staff to execute the interlocal agreement. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Receipt of $50,367 grant funds for law enforcement purposes. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Rick Vanleuven, Police Chief ATTACHMENTS: Proposed interlocal agreement Return to: City Clerk City of Spokane 808 W. Spokane Falis Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 INTERLOCALAGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is between the CITY OF SPOKANE, a Washington State municipal corporation, having offices at 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201, hereinafter referred to as the "City of Spokane," and the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, having offices at 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereinafter referred to as the "City of Spokane Valley," and jointly hereinafter referred to as the "Parties." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Parties made a joint application, along with Spokane County, for an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, hereinafter referred to as the "Grant;" and WHEREAS, the Grant 2009-DJ-BX-0482 was awarded; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley was designated to receive funds from the Grant; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane has been designated applicanUfiscal agent in conjunction with the Grant; -- Now, Therefore, The Parties agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the Parties' understanding of the terms and conditions under which the City of Spokane wiil disburse grant funds to the City of Spokane Valley. 2. PERFORMANCE. A. The City of Spokane Valley agrees to purchase equipment and supplies. B. The City of Spokane's role as to the Project shall be only of funding. 1 3. TERM. This agreement shall begin October 1, 2009 and shall run to September 30, 2012, or until the funds as set forth in Paragraph 4- FUNDING are expended, whichever comes first. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time for cause after a reasonable time to cure the breach of contract upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 4. FUNDING. The City of Spokane shall disburse funds in the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($50,367.00) to the City of Spokane Valley. 5. PAYMENT. The City of Spokane Valley will invoice the City of Spokane on a periodic basis. Payment by the City of Spokane will be due thirty (30) days after receipt of the City of Spokane Valley's invoice. Application for payment shall be made to the Spokane Police Department, Administration Office, 1100 West Mallon Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260. 6. ASSIGNMENT. This agreement shall be binding upon the Parties, their successors and assigns. No party may assign, in whole or in part, its interest in this agreement without the approval of the other party. 7. NOTICES. All notices shall be in writing and served on any of the Parties either personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, at their respective addresses. Notices sent by certified mail shall be deemed served when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid. 8. LIABILITY. A. The City of Spokane Valley shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Spokane, its officers, employees and agents, from any claim, damage, loss, liability, injury, cost and expense arising out of the conduct of the City of Spokane Valley, its officers, employees and agents in connection with the agreement, except to the e�ent of the negligence of the City of Spokane, its officers, employees and agents. The City of Spokane Valley shall be responsible for all defense expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the City of Spokane, whether or not litigation is instituted. B. The City of Spokane shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Spokane Valley, its officers, employees and agents, from any claim, damage, loss, liability, injury, cost and expense arising out of the conduct of the City of Spokane, its officers, employees and agents in connection with the agreement, except to the extent of the negligence of the City of Spokane Valley, its o�cers, employees and agents. The City of Spokane shall be responsible for all defense expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the City of Spokane Valley, whether or not litigation is instituted. 2 9. ANTI-KICKBACK. No officer or employee of the City of Spokane, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this agreement shall have or acquire any interest in the agreement, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from or to any person involved in the agreement. 10. VENUE. This agreement shall be construed as having been made under the laws of the State of Washington that shall be applicable to its construction and enforcement. Any action at law, suit in equity, or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this agreement or any of its provisions shall be instituted only in the courts of competent jurisdiction within Spokane County, Washington. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The Parties shall observe all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to the extent that they may be applicable to the terms of this Agreement. 12. NON-DISCRIMINATION. No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this agreement because of age, sex, race, color, religion, creed, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or use of a service animal by a person with disabilities. 13. GRANT REQUIREMENTS. The terms and conditions to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 2009-DJ-BX-0482 are incorporated by reference into this agreement and the Parties agree to comply with them. 14. MISCELLANEOUS. A. NON-WAIVER. No waiver by any Party of any of the terms of this agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the same or other rights of that Party in the future. B. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. The Parties agree that there are no other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this agreement. No changes or additions to this agreement shall be valid or binding upon the Parties unless such change or addition is in writing, executed by the Parties. C. MODIFICATION. No modification or amendment to this agreement shall be valid until put in writing and signed with the same formalities as this agreement. 3 D. HEADINGS. The section headings appearing in this agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purport to, and shall not be deemed to define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain. E. COUNTERPARTS. This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same. F. SEVERABILITY. If any parts, terms or provisions of this agreement are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall not be affected in regard to the remainder of the agreement. If it should appear that any part, term or provision of this agreement is in conflict with any statutory provision of the State of Washington, then the part, term or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and this agreement shall be deemed to modify to conform to such statutory provision. G. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. The Parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this agreement. No agent, employee, servant or representative of the City of Spokane Valley shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative of the City of Spokane for any purpose. Likewise, no agent, employee, servant or representative of the City of Spokane shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative of the City of Spokane Valley for any purpose. 15. RCW 39.34 REQUIRED CLAUSES. A. PURPOSE See Section No. 1 above. B. DURATION. See Section No. 3 above. C. ORGANIZATION OF SEPARATE ENTITY AND ITS POWERS. No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this agreement. D. ADMINISTRATION. The City of Spokane Valley contract administrator shall be the City Manager. The City of Spokane contract administrator shall be the Chief of Police. E. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES. See provisions above. F. AGREEMENT TO BE FILED. The City of Spokane shall file this agreement with its City Clerk. The City of Spokane Valley shall file this agreement with the Spokane County Auditor or place it on its web site or other electronically 9 retrievable public source. G. FINANCING. Each Party shall be responsible for the financing of its contractual obligations under its normal budgetary process. H. TERMINATION. See Section No. 3 above. I. PROPERTY UPON TERMINATION: Title to all property acquired by any Party in the performance of this agreement shall remain with the acquiring Party upon termination or expiration of the agreement. Jointly acquired property shall be divided in proportion to the percentage share of each Party contributing to its acquisition. Dated: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY By: David Mercier, City Manager Attest: Approved as to form: City Clerk O�ce of the City Attorney Dated: CITY OF SPOKANE By: Title: Attest: Approved as to form: City Clerk Assistant City Attorney os-aaa 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Access agreement—soils testing on park property at Myrtle Point. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: none BACKGROUND: The City inherited park property at Myrtle Point along the Spokane River when the City incorporated. Approximately one acre of the property in contaminated with cement kiln dust (CKD) as a result of the cement factory that was operated on the property immediately south of the site, owned by Holcim (US) Inc. Holcim acknowledges its responsibility to address the off-site contamination, and is working actively with. the City and the Washington State Department of Ecology to do so. One of potentiai options for dealing with the contamination is a pilot project Holcim is working with Waste Management on. Waste Management is testing the use of such soils (high alkaline) to keep heavy metals from migrating in landfills. Holcim has requested the ability to take a suitable size sample to a Waste Management landfill site in Oregon for the test (10 truck loads). It is necessary to enter into an access agreement so Holcim and Waste Management can take the sample. The proposed access agreement ends no later than March 1, 2010. In the event the soils are not suitable for the intended purpose, the City will continue to work with DOE and Holcim to determine what actions should be taken in the future. OPTI ONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the Access Agreement with Holcim, Inc. for Soils Testing at Myrtie Point, and authorize the City Manager or designee's signature thereon. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed access agreement for Myrtle Point Holcim Draft 091123 ACCESS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT THIS ACCESS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT ("AgreemenY') is made and entered into as of the day of 2009, by and between Holcim (US) Inc. ("Holcim" or "Licensee") and the City of Spokane Valley ("City" or "Licensor"). RECITALS WHEREAS Holcim owns a ceRain pazcel of real property ("Holcun's Property") located at 12207 Empire Way in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington; and WHEREAS the City owns a certain parcel of real property (the "City's Property") located adjacent to, and immediately north of, Holcim's Property, pazcel number 45046.9062; and WHEREAS Holcim desires to have access to the City's PropeRy for purposes of conducting certain cement kiln dust ("CKD") excavation and investigation activities; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements described below, and for good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, it is agreed that Holcim and its representatives shall have a license to access the City's Property subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. A. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 11 Claim: For purposes of this Agreement, "Claim" shall mean any and all administrative, regulatory, or judicial actions, suits, demands, demand letters, directives, claims, liens, investigations, proceedings, or notices of injury, noncompliance, or violation (written or oral) by any person alleging potential liability arising out of, based on, or resulting from the activities performed by Holcim or any of Holcim's Representatives pursuant to this Agreement. 1.2 Holcim's Representatives: For purposes of this Agreement, "Holcim's Representatives" shall mean Holcim's employees, agents, consultants, attorneys, contractors, and subcontractors who are performing services for Holcim upon the City's Property. B. HOLCIM'S PERFORMANCE OBLIGATIONS 1.1 Holcim shall obtain, at its own expense, and prior to any access to the City's Property by Holcim and/or Holcim's Representatives, all necessazy permits and authorizations of whatever nature from any and all governmental agencies. In connection therewith, Holcim will comply, and will cause Holcim's Representatives to comply, with al] federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and permits applicable to the activities performed by Holcim or Holcim's Representatives pursuant to this Agreement. 1.2 Holcim agrees to maintain the existing fence around the City's Property to the extent reasonably possible during the performance of activities authorized by this Agreement and, if any portion of the fence suffers damage caused by the actions or inactions of Holcim or Holcim's Representatives, Holcim shall repair, rebuild, or replace the damaged fence at Holcim's sole cost and expense. Page 1 of 3 Holcim Draft 091123 C. THE CITY'S PERFORMANCE OBLIGATIONS 11 The City hereby grants Holcim and Holcim's Representatives a reasonable, non- exclusive, non-revocable license to access the City's Property for the sole purpose of allowing Holcim and Holcim's Representatives: (a) to conduct CKD excavation and investigation activities, and (b) to repair, rebuild, or replace damaged fencing. This license shall expire no later than March 1, 2010. D. INDEMNITY AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY 1.1 Holcim shall indemnify, assume liability for, hold harmless, and defend the City and its officers, employees, agents, and representatives from and against any and all Claims, suits, liabilities, actions, legal proceedings, administrative enforcement actions, and demands, whether foreseen or unforeseen, azising from, or related to, the activities performed by Holcim and/or by Holcim's Representatives pursuant to this Agreement. E. MISCELLANEOUS 1.1 Severability. It is understood and agreed that if any one or more of the provisions or part of any provision contained in this Agreement shall be held to be unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision did not exist. 1.2 Binding Effect. Upon execution, this Agreement shall be binding upon Holcim and the City, and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, heirs, successors, and/or assigns. 1.3 No Admission. Neither this Agreement nor the Parties' execution of this Agreement is intended to constitute any admission of fact or conclusion of law. The Parties agree that this Agreement and the Parties' execution of this Agreement shall not be used in any proceeding involving the Parties, or any third parties, as evidence of any disputed fact or conclusion of law, except in proceedings relating to the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 1.4 Camplete Agreement. This Agreement contains the complete expression of the agreement between the City and Holcim and there are no promises, representations, or inducements, verbal or written, except such as are herein provided, and the terms of this Agreement cannot be varied or terminated except by the written agreement of the City and Holcim. 1.5 Adequate Consideration. Both Parties agree that the mutual promises contained herein constitute adequate consideration to bind the Parties to the provisions of this Agreement. 1.6 Assignment. The City extends the rights of access under the Agreement solely to Holcim and Holcim's Representatives as described herein, and Holcim may not under any circumstances assign its interest in, or rights or obligations under, this Agreement without the prior written consent and approval of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Page 2 of 3 Holcim Draft 091123 1.7. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized Representatives as of the day and year first above written. City of Spokane Valley (Licensor) By: Name: Title: Holcim (US) Ina (Licensee) By: Name: Title: Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ oid business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Renewal letter for 2010 Geiger Work Crew labor. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.34 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Authorization in 2007 to approve agreement whereby City can hire Geiger work crews for general labor, such as weed whacking, snow removal by hand, and code compliance abatements. The first two of five option years were renewed in 2008 and 2009. BACKGROUND: The City hires Geiger work crews for manual labor where appropriate due to the cost and good work product. The contract must be renewed each year. Staff recommends renewing it for 2010. The only change is to increase the daily rate from $350 per day to $385 per day for a crew of 10 plus one supervisor/guard. OPTIONS: Adopt on the consent agenda; place on regular agenda for consideration; request that staff not renew contract RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize staff to execute renewal letter for Geiger work force for 2010. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: - Proposed renewal letter for 2010 - 2007 Agreement - 2008/2009 renewal letter OFFICE OF TH� CITY ATTORNEY �'���,l MICHAEL CONNELLY, CITY ATTORNEY g�ca a., CARY P. DRISKELL, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY Valley� 11707 East Sprague Ave Suite 103 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 , � 509.688.0235 1 Fax: 509.688.0299 0 cityhallC�spokanevalley.org I.:ryn y:. �ru'�:-..x:n�_. _u�n.ms.ra.�.�:+.�:ar�_�cs+r.::sx�;�s:,xra.;u:.u..ntc,.. December l5, 2009 Captain John McGra[h Detention Services Commander Spokane County SherifPs Office i I 100 W. Mallon Spol<ane, W A 99260-0300 ' Re: bn�lementntiora of' 2D10 optiai yenr . j�r Agreemer�[ for Geiger Work Crew Services Agreement, exec�ded Februnry, 300Z Dear Captain McGrath: The City and Spokane Cowity executed a contract for provision of Geiger Worlc Crew Services in i February, 2007 (Resolution No. 2007-0134). The contract identifies that there are five additional ' one-year renewal options if the paities mutually agree to exercise Yhe options each year. The City would likc to exercise the 2010 option year of tlie Agreement. The provisions of the wntract year 2010 will therefore remain in effect for that period with no change in the contracts j original provisions, except for those set forth in the 2008/2009 renewal letter, and widi the exception of raising the daily rate to $385 for a full crew. If you are in agreement with exercising the 2010 option year under the conditions stated, please sign and return [his letter. This would be the third of tive possible option years tfiat can be exercised, and would run through December 31, 2010. Except for the modifications to the original contract stated in this letter and those previously � aoreed to in the 2008/2009 renewal letter, all of the olher contiact provisions contained in the original agreement are in place and will remain unchanged in exercising this op[ion year. � � I Please sign below [o acl<nowledge the receipt and concurrence to perform the 2010 option year. : Please retain one copy and mail the other one to the City. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFF[CE �— � a City Manager/Deputy City Manager John cGrath, aptain I il—/ £�' --c-> `5 � Date signed Date signed Attachments: 2007 Coiitract; 2008/2009 renewal letter I I � / '. � i c�ic�:x cow�:crioNS cr:rv�r�ri n,�n TFIE CITY QF SPpKANE VALi..F,Y Work Crcr�� Ser��ces Aerecmcnt 7 a134 THIS AGREC•MENT is cfFcctivc as of the Ist day of Febrvary, 2009 by and behveen SPOKANE COUN7'Y actin� by aad through the SPOKANE COUN'IY GEIGER COI2R�CfIONS CENZ'ER, P.O. Box I9202, Spokane, 1�JA. 99219 (hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR') and lhe CITY OP SPOKANE VALLEY, 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (hereinaRer called [he "CLiF.NT', OR "CI'CY"). The CONCRACTOR aud CLIENT are jointly referred lo as "PARTffiS" within this agreement. WHEREAS, SPOKANE COLJNT'Y GEIGER CORRECfION CENfER provides a<lult offeader work crews for hire by otherjurisdictions; and 4VFIERC-AS, CIT'Y has a need for manual labor to provide deanup for various projccts rolated to public heallh, safety �n<I weltan, and Geiger Corrextion Ceoter has suc� labor avail2ble, and \T��REAS, this a�eement will define the terms and scope of work to be performed and xllocate liability for the Parties to this Agreemenr, and NOW, THEREFORE, A�e PrV2.TTES mutuaUy agrec on the tertns and conditions set foAh belo�v: rUi't'ICLE ONE SCOPE OF SERVTCES 1.1 Scapc of �Vork Code Complim�ce I. Loading Cily provided dumpsters with identified ouisance solid waste (household garbage) and materials. a. Saicl waste and materials will not be F1r1ZMAT or BIO HAZIvU�T; , . b. No lifling beyond fifty (50) pounds; c. City st�ffprecisely ideutifies solid waste Rc marerials to cre�v supervisonv6o direcls efforts. 2. Trimming of escessive yard and shrubbery debns (weed whackin�raking). a. Loading yarcUshrubbery debris in Ciry provided dumpster. b. �W �vork occurs on public properiy or if on private property, CL1F,Nf is respousible for obtaiuing pemiission. 3. Required equipme.nt. a. �Vork gloves; b. Safety glasses; c f:ar protcction (as applicable); d. 1��eed eaters; e. Shovels (spade & sno�e) and rakes; G Indement weather clolhing. Geiger Cortections Cenfe� Agreemeot P�ge I of 5 S 07-10 Code compliancc staFf will coordinate directly with work crew supervisors as lo lime and place of �batement clean-ups. It is preferred the crew supervisor view the projects before IUe scheduled clean-ups for on site assessmenL Code Compliance slaff will accommodate crew supervisors schedule. XiQlu-of-wnv Clennun I. The following �tirork tasls will be pedormecl in the City's righls-of-way: a. WeeJ abatement (no chemicals); b. Vegetalion conVOl {no chemicals); c. Non-'vrigated swale maintenance; d. Litter conhal; c. Landscape, manual labor, and E Debris clean-up for City Cade Compliance. 2. The City has purchased small equipmenl For these acli��ities for usc by CONTRACfOR on behalfoFthe CITY Ihat CONTRAC7'OR kecps stored at its facility. Geiger agrees to perform minor maintenancc on this equipment on an as-needed basis. For tlie puipose of this A�eement, "minor maintenance" sl�all include maintenance which �vould be perfortned by aii individual if he owned this equipment and used il for his personal use. 1.2 Compliancc Nith La�vs. The CO�lTRACfOR shnll comply wilh all applicablc laws, ordinances and codes oF the United States, Slate oF Washington, Spokane County and City of Spokwe Valley, including those that prohibit unlawFul discrimination. ] 3 Airin� Standards 'I�he CONTRACfOR will use offenders housed at Geigcr [o provide ���ork crew services thal Io the bcst knOwledge of CONTRACTOR, have a stable «�ork history, positive regard for the communily, aud are in good physical condition and capable of perCocming the services idenlified in Section I.1. No inmates commiltecl to the custocly of Geiger will be assigned ro the work crew who have peading charges or have been convicted in the pasl of any violent crime or who 6avc becn convicted of any ofFe�ue requirin� regisUation as a sex offender. 1.4 kqnipment and Cleaning Supplies. The CL[ENT will provide all specinlized equipment (e.g. bac},�ack blowers and four wheel mechanical mules). This equipmcnt will belong lo the CLI.FNT and will be. maintained by the CONTRACTOIt in good worl:ing condition lluouylioul the contract term. Fquipment will be maintainecl and stored at a faciliry oF C07�'TRACTOR'S choice. All CLIENT-owned equiproenl irreparably damaged or deslroyed tluough CON1'Itt\CTOR negligence will be repairecl or replaced by the COMfItAC"COR. �lecessary consumable, non-specialized equipmcnt (e.g. mops, brooms and other hwd tools) and cleauing supplies will be provided by the CLLENT to complele work projects. 1.5 Vehicle. 'fhe CONCRACTOk will provide a motor vehicle for Uaiuporting lhe work crz�v to the work site. The vehicle will be owned and maintained by the CONTRACI'OR. 1.6 \Vork Schedule. 7'he CLf.ENT shall establish a work cre�v schedule lhat auticipates using work crews on an as-needed, on-call basis. Provided, however, CL[ENfS reco�izcs l6at C0�9'RAC7'OR relains the authorily lo adjusl any work crew Schcdulc. CLILNT will rcimburse the cost of the officer's o��enime if the crew is requin:d to work bcyond the standard wori:day, or beyond foAy hours iu a week � prearranged. The CI,IFiVT will reimburse the cost oF the officer`s 6oGday prenuum pay if work is performed on County holidays. Geiger Correctiotus Cenier Agreement Page 2 of 5 1.7 Unifomis. The CON"['RAC'TOR shall provide and have final approval of all unifoims wom by the woric crew durin� the performanec of work. When nccessary, safely vests will be wom by the work crew. The CO�lTRAC'1'OR will eusure that this clothing is cleaneJ and m�intaiued in such a way so as to present a neal and `lmified clothing" appearance for the work crew. 1.R Independent Contraclor. The CONTRACTOR, in thc performancc of this Agr�eemenl, is acting as an independent contractor and not in any manner as officeca, emplopees or agents of the CLIEVT. 1.9 Reporting. If requested, the CONTRACTOR agrces to providc montlily reports owlining hou� of work each month and a geneeal smnmary of nctivities performeJ. Requested rf:ports will be provided lo tlic Ci�TENP no lalcr than [he fifth day of the follo�ving month during the lerm of this Agreemenl. 1.10 MeJin Contnct. The CONTRACTOR wd the'v agents agree to reFcr all media contacts relative [o their work on lhis contract to City Public Information Officer. ARTICLE 1'�YO CONiPENSATiO\' 2.1 Scrviccs Fcc. The CLIE\�T shall pay the CONT1tACTOR three huodred clolJars (5300.00) per wor1: crew, per day �ti�orked, tor slraight time hours. ��ny work perfornied on a holiday or in excess of 40 hours per work week will be billed at Ihe appropriate Spokane Coun�y wage scale. 2.2 Servicc Fcc Adjustments. Both PAR7lE:5 to the Agreement �vill review the sen�ce fee annually. Acljustmenls to service fees pursuant to Seclion 2.1 must be submiucd by the CONTRAC7OR - to the CLIENT for consideration no later ilian Se.ptember I" of the year prior to a new budeet year. 2.� invoices. CONTRAC['OR shall provide CLIEtJT wiUi monthly invoices. CLIENT shall pay said invoices [o the CONfRACTOR withio 20 days of receipt of the monthly invoice. Paymcnt for services will not be released to the CONTIZAC7'OR until invoicing and repoAing requitemeuts are met. ARTICLii T7iREE '1'El�'I r��Tl) "CJs121�'I[NA'T10N �.1 Term. The term of the r\grecmcnt shall begin February I, 2007, and shall lciminate on December 31, 2007. This Ageement maybe �+ci�ewed upon mutual couseut of Q�e PARTIES [o the agreemen� For up lo five (5) additional years on ihe same terms, subject to mutually agreed upon increases to the service fee pursuant to Section 2.1. My such renewals may be pursuant to letter agreement si�ed by bo[h parties. 3.2 Tcrmin�tion. Lither party may temiinate this Agreement for any reason whatsoever upon giving thc oihcr party thirty (30) days wrillcn noticc of such termination. 3.3 Ilandling of Property upon Contratt Tcrminallon. All purchases of equipmenl supplied by the CL[EN7' and deemecl ro be the property of the CL�N'f shall be inventoried aod kept sep:uate Gom other COT*fRAC"f0R propeey. Upon termination oFthis A�eement, all equipment shall be rearned to t6e CLIENT. Geiger Corrections Cenrer Agreement Page 3 oF5 ARTICLE FOUR OUALlTY OF PkRF012MANC� 4.1 PcrCormancc. T'he Cl1.ENT shall judgc the ovenll quality of the work perfortned, and Ihe sufficie�cy of records. If during the wutse of lhis Ageement, the services rendered do not meet the requirements oFthe CLIENT under this contrac[, upon written notification, lhe CON1'RACTOR agrees to mcet with CGent 2nd mutually determine �vhat steps are necessary �o cortect, modify and/or properly perform the services. 4.2 Linbilit��. L•ach PART'1' agrees to assume responsibility for all Gabilities that occur or arise in nny way out of l6e perfomiance of Ihis agreement by ils personnel only and to save and hold lhc olher paRy, itS employees wd oClicials, harmless from all costs, ezpenses, losses and damages, including cost of defense, incurred as a result of any acls or omissions oE the pariy's employees relatin� to the performance of this Agreement. AIYTICLE F1VE �TiSCF,T..LANF,OUS 5.1 Parties-In-Inlerest nnJ ��ssignment. This Ageement is binding upon and is for the exclusive benefit of the PAKT[ES hereto and their respeclive successors and assigns, and no person who is not a PARTP hereto shall have any rights under this Agreement, either as a third party beneficiary or othenvise. Neither PARTY may assi6m this Agreement withoul the prior written consent of the other PARTY. 5.2 Notices. Any notice, report or other communication required or pennittcd hereunder shall be in writin� and shall be delivered personally or by regular US mail postage prepaid, addressed as followed: lf to Cantractor: Leon Long Director Geiger Correction Ccnur 3507 South Spotted Road Spokane, \VA 99219 If to Client: 'fim Klein and Chris Berg City of Spokane Valley I 1707 Fast Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 My notice or other document or report hereunder shall be deemed delivered or giveu as of lhe date receivcd, if delivered in person, or as of the date sent if mailed. 5.3 EnHre Agrcemcnt This Agrccment supersedes any and all prior ocal or written agreemcnts and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof and contains the entire agccment of the parties relating to thc subjcct matter hereoE All e.ehibits, addenda, schedules and appendices herelo, now or hereafter created, are incorporaled into tlus Agreement by reference and made a part hereof. The terms "hereoF,'' "herein" and like words shall refer lo tl�is Agrecmenl iu its entirety and shall include such e,eliibits, addenda, schedules and appendices. This Agreement cannot be amended or modified, except by a �vntten ageemenl executed by the PAI2"1'IES hereto or t6eir respective successors and assigns. Geiger Corrections Cen�er Agrcement Page 4 of 5 , , _ ;` . 5.4 Go��crnine Ln�v. T'his Agreement sball he governed by, and construeJ in accordance with, �be laws of tbe Stete of Washington. A finding [hxt :uiy Ecrm or pmvision of tliis Ag�emenl is invalid or unenforceable shall not aiffeci U1e validity oe enf'orceabitity of the remainder ot lhis Agreeanent. Vcnue f'or any aciion arising out of lhis Agreemen[ shal l be in Spokane Connty. �.5 Co»nterparts. This AgiEement maybe executed in several cnunterparts, rach of which shall be doemed en orioinal, but all af which [ogelher 56s11 ¢onstitute one and the same instrument. Tbis Agreement sliall be binding when ut lexst one counteryart has heen signed hy bolh PARTIES. TN Wi�T].ESS WHEREOF, the PA1ZT�5 have cause,�i this A�'eement to be executed on date and year opposite their resprxtive signatures. BOAIiU UP COUNTY COMMiSSTONER5 l7F SPQKANE CO WASF1IfYG'CdN AATrA: � OF '�ss arlc Richa , Chau 4' � bcp fi•l�2 . a� .�� ~T C�5 5 ' : � !. I q'ITJ>$T: � � � nieMager, Vice-Chair 4 Clerk the Boarcl � - • -�^�: � ' � � � � Uamel:{Erickson Tod Mielke,Commissioner CITY QF SPpKA�VE VALL�Y I UAT�I�� 3 /1 ! � 7 �1�� . pa�id A4ercier, City Mnnagcr . A � � Chiistine.Aainbridge,City lerk Approvec! �5 lo Eorm: ` Office of e Cily Al 6. ey GeigerCorrections CenterAgreemen[ �Page S oF5 �..... � , . . OFFICE OF TIiE CITY ATTORNEY S O11Lili� MIC�L CONNELLY, CITY ATTORNEY T� CARY P. DRISKELL, DEPUTY CTfl' ATTORNEY l� jValley° 11707 Eas[ Spregue Ave Suite 103 � Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688.0235 � Fax: 509.688.0299 � cityhall�spokanevalley.org February 20, 2009 John McGrath, Director Geiger Conection Center 3507 South Spotted Road Spokane, WA 99219 Re: Implementation of 2008 and 2009 option yems for Agreement for Geiger Work Crew ServicesAgreement, executed February, 2007. Deaz John: The City and Spokane County executed a contract for provision of Geiger Work Crew Services in February, 2007. The contract identifies that there are five additional one-year renewal options if the parties mutually agree to exercise the options each yeaz. It appeazs that we have continued to utilize Geiger work crews this year even though we failed to mutually exercise the option this yeaz. In order to clean this up, the City would like to exercise the 2008 option year of the Agreement. The provisions of the contract year 2008 will therefore remain in effect for that period with no change in the contracts original provisions. Additionally, we would like to exercise the opfion for 2009. The provisions of the original conVact will remain in full force and effect for the contract year of Januazy 1, 2009 until December 31, 2009 except for the following provisions: The first sentence of Section 2.1 entitled "Services Fee" will be modified as follows: "The CLIENT shall pay the CONTRACTOR three hundred fifty dollazs ($350.00) per work crew, per day worked, for straight fime hours." Section 5.2 regazding notices "If to Contractor" sha11 be modified to require notice to "Captain 7ohn McCrrath, Geiger Correcfions Center, 3507 Spotted Road, Spokane, Wa. 99219. If you are in agreement with exercising the 2008 and 2009 option yeazs under the conditions stated, please sign and return this letter. This would be the first and second of five possible option yeazs that can be exercised, and would run through December 31, 2009. Except for the modifications to the original contract stated in this letter, all of the other contract provisions contained in the original agreement aze in place and will remain unchanged in exercising these option years. Please sign below to acknowledge the receipt and concurrence to perform the 2008 and 2009 opfion yeazs. Please retain one copy and mail the other one to the City. 1 � j� �� . (.1 ! 1_. i C F SPOKANE VALLEY Geiger Correcfion Center �f ' L � Name an e l�cPu� �*�j ��'� McGrath Director n O �zsZa`� Date si ed Date signed Attachment: 2007 Contract I 2 DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, October 13, 2009 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager lan Robertson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Diana Wilhite, Councilmember EXECUTNE SESSION: Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately one hour to discz�ss labor negotiations,[per RCW 92.30110(� and RCA' 42.30.140(4)J and that no action is anticipated thereafter. Council adjoumed into executive session at 5:01 p.m. At approximately 6:00 p.m. Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session; and adjoumed the Executive Session. Richard M. Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes: 10-13-09 Page ] of 1 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Absent:Ian Robertson EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately one hour to discuss labor negotiations,[per RCW 42.30.110(� and RCW 42.30.140(4)J and that no action is anticipated thereajter. Council adjourned into executive session at 5:01 p.m. At approximately 5:45 p.m. Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session; and adjourned the Executive Session. Richard M. Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes: I 1-17-09 - Page I of I Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Anendance: Citv Staff.• Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attomey Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director John Hohman, Sr. Development Engineer Absent Cary Driskell, DepuTy City Attomey Ian RobeRson, Councilmember Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist John Whitehead, HR Manager Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Office Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor David Thorin gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Munson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Robertson. It was moved by Depzity Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanrmously agreed to excuse Councilmember Robertson from the meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve Ihe agenda as presented. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMNIITTEE. BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Wilhite: reported that she attended the National League of Cities (NLC) conference last week where she participated in workshops concerning park development and transportation issues. Councilmember Schimmels: said he attended the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting a few weeks ago as well as the Liaison Board Meeting; and that he enjoyed the NLC Conference at San Antonio. Councilmember Gothmann: explained that he attended a full day SNAP retreat; attended the NLC conferences which included a workshop on media; listened to nationally known economist William Freund, chief economist emeritus of the New York Stock Exchange who spoke about the economic recovery on such topics as short versus long-term debt; attended several tours of solid waste plants and recycling areas; and went to a leadership luncheon; and he mentioned his own previous reseazch conceming King County's oversight committee in dealing with contracts, and he suggested this Council examine that type of committee structure. Council Regular Meeting l 1-17-2009 Page 1 of 7 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember Demasev: reported that she attended the Clean Air Meeting which discussed approving a resolution conceming a lawsuit filed against the agency for an inadvertent violation of the Public Meeting Act which violation occurred more than two years ago, but which was discovered and remedied, including a payment of $22,000; attended the County Courthouse's re-dedication of the flag pole during Veterans' Day; attended the NLC Conference in San Antonio where she attended a workshop about the need to bring a community together and emphasized the importance of community stories. Deputy Mayor Denennv: said he attended the Convention Visitor's Bureau meeting where the Director of the Phoenix and Seattle bureaus gave a talk about their economies; attended the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) budget process on long-term planning, and said they are anticipating a negative growth in sales tax next year. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reported that he attended the NLC conference representing Spokane Valley and the Association of Washington Cities, where he attended several workshops in the community to see what they're doing, went to the Fort Sam Houston meeting where they discussed a figure of $41 billion to re-do the base; that he looked at neighborhoods which needed revitali7ation and he said they came up with some of the same solutions to solve their problems as we did; and that he also attended the STA meeting today and added that he felt they were being too optimistic concerning the drop in sales tax revenues. Mayor Munson then read the Proclamation for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comments; no comments were offered. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE WNOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 10-26-2009 Be innin 18733, endin 18776 $1,716,657.15 10-28-2009 Be innin 18777, endin 18798 $125,59637 ]0-30-2009 Be innin 18799, endin 1029090016 $1,315,201.79 11-06-2009 Be innin 18820, endin 1104090021 $821,152.15 I 1-06-2009 18874 $9,511.25 GRAND TOTAL $3,988,118.71 b. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending October 30, 2009: $339,861.82 c. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of October 20, 2009 d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of October 27, 2009 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded, and z�nanimously agreed to accept the consent agenda as presented. NEW BUSINESS 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-031 Residential Lighting — Christina Janssen Afrer CiTy Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded, to approve ordinance 09-031. Planning Manager McCormick, speaking for Ms. Janssen, explained that this ordinance adds a new section to residential zoning districts as noted in new section f. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vofe by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Regular Meeting I 1-17-2009 Page 2 of 7 Approved by Council: DRAFT 3. Second Readin¢ Proposed Ordinance 09-032, CTA OS-09 Affordable Housing — Mike Basin� Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Depury Mayor Denenny and seconded !o approve ordinance 09-032. Senior Planner Basinger explained that this will add a new section 19.35 which will require the applicant to provide a well-designed project with addi[ional open space; and he brought Council's attention to the two new definitions for Appendix B. Mr. Basinger said this change will add flexibility for the apaRment complex or development, will promote affordable housing in the various mentioned zones, and will allow density bonuses in exchange for the inclusion of affordable housing units within the development; adding that section 17.80 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code provides approval criteria for text amendments to the Code; and the criterion stipulates that the proposed amendments must be consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive plan and bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfaze, and protection of the environment. Mr. Basinger also noted that safety is a large factor and the paths in the complex will be identified through the parking areas, and the useable open space would be visible. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Yote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-033 Adoptin� Street Standards — John Hohman After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded, to advance ordrnance 09-033 to a second reading. Senior Engineer Hohman went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining the proposed changes and also noting the areas where no changes were proposed; and added that since the last meeting, Public Works Director Kersten asked for a minor modification to section 1.43 Senior Capital Projects Engineer, in order to clarify when modifications are required in the design. Concerning developing uniform standards with the County, Mr. Hohman said the County's standards are now on-line for review; that he gave copies of our plan to the City of Spokane and Spokane County and the comment he got back is that they are more interested in the chapters dealing with specifics such as wrb type and lane width, adding that he believes this Standard could be a template for a regional manual. Mayor Munson invited public comments. Bob Bovle, Hanson Industries, Ina 15807 E. Indiana Avenue: Mr. Boyle said he has been working closely with Mr. Hohman on this very technical document that the process is much easier then it was several years ago; that they support the language change from the version approved by Ihe Planning Commission regarding connectivity beriveen lots created by binding site plans; and he would like the City to rewnsider the new requirement that limits only one access or driveway per lot on an arterial street; and he handed a letter dated November 17 to the Clerk for later distribution to Councilmembers. Snokane County Utilities Director Bruce Rawls gave the City Clerk a handout for later Council dissemination, entitled: "Comments to the City of Spokane Valley regarding Proposed Road Standards" , dated November 17, 2009; and he mentioned his concern of the recommended three inches of asphalt for new construction rather than the two inches, and of the recommended six inches of gravel instead of the four; which he explained would have a dramatic impact on last two years of the sewer program; he said there are about sixteen miles of sewer lines planned for the next year, followed by another eight miles the following year, and jus[ today, he considered this and determined they don't have the revenues to do the extra; and if these standards are adopted and applied to sewer projects, someone will have to come up with funds or they could ask that the sewer programs be exempted from the new standards; or the County could pay for the basic and if we want an upgrade, Spokane Valley could pay for that difference. Kevin Cook, also from Spokane Utilities, said they estirriate an increased cost of about $900,000, which equates to approximately a$700 increase for each property owner, which would be a substantial increase from the already established amount of $580.00. When asked if the standards have changed, Mr. Cooke said it is not the intent of the sewer program to pay for upgrade of existing roads. Mayor Munson asked Spokane Valley Engineer Hohman how long are the current standards lasting and if there are any problems in construction. Mr. Hohman replied that according to the NB Analysis, the existing two inches is not Council Regulaz Meeting 1 I-17-2009 Page 3 of 7 Approved by Council: DRAFT sufficient for the types of temperature changes we have in this area and they recommend we match other areas with similar climates in order to have the roads last 20 to 25 years; he said some roads are lasting now between six and seven or even up to ten years, but the material starts to crack and if we don't crack seal, water gets in and pavement breaks; he said the local access roads are also failing prematurely; and added that he will come back with recommendations as this is the first he has heazd of the County's concern. City Manager Mercier said that staff will be ready to respond to this at the second reading, and that we do not anticipate any delay in that process. Councilmember Schimmels said another option would be to patch it back, or patch the trench area instead of full width paving. Mayor Munson imited other public comments; no other comments were offered. Vote by Acclamatron: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions.• None. Motion carried. 5. First Readin¢ Proposed Ordinance 09-034 Adoptin¢ Cable Franchise—Mor�an Koudelka Afrer Ciry Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to advance Comcast franchise agreement ordinance 09-034 to a second reading. Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka explained that the draft agreement had some last minute updates, as Comcast agreed to provide $1Q000 for each five-year period to cover the cost of the City conducting a financia( audit of Comcast, as noted in the October 30 2009 letter from Comcast. Mr. Koudelka explained that normally the audit would be centered around local revenues forwarded to the city, but he said it is sometimes difficult to isolate local revenues from the Company as a whole; he said that they structured the term of this agreement to coincide with Spokane County and that he is hopeful the County will do the same; and said it is possible to join forces with other local jurisdictions to conduct one audit which would serve all, and he mentioned that the audit is a financial audit only and not one of performance. Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Koudelka further explained the renewal facts, what the City can regulate, the franchise process, the ascertainment phase, benefits to the community, survey results, the findings from the technical review, franchise fees, the major items in the agreement, and he explained the next steps, and any additional steps if the renewal is denied. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6. First Readin¢ Proposed Ordinance 09-035, Amendin¢ 09-025 Substantial Need — Mike Jackson Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Depzrry Mayor Denenny and seconded to sz�spend the rules and approve ordinance 09-035 amending 09-025. Deputy City Manager Jackson, speaking for Finance Director Ken Thompson, explained that they sent the original ordinance to Spokane County and the County responded that the ordinance was missing some critical language as noted in the new section 1; and he said these changes do not impact the intended original fiscal impact of the previous ordinance. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered; and Deputy Mayor Denenny said that this amount is strictly on the Spokane Valley dollar portion of the taxes. �ote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Munson, Depury Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Gothmann, Dempsey, and Wilhite. Opposed: Councilmember Schimmels. Abstentions: None. Motion carried 7. Motion Consideration: Court Services Altemative Analysis — Mor¢an Koudelka It was moved by Depury Mayor Denenny and seconded to authorize the City Manager to rescrnd the notice to termrnate the contract with Spokane County District Court. Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka explained the past history and the reasons leading to the termination notice, adding that Anne . Pflug of the Research Services of the Department of Commerce also recommended to rescind the termination notice; he explained the goals regarding the criminal justice service, and the questions posed to the District Court by Mr. Mercier and of the Court's responses; and mentioned that Judge Tripp and Court Administrator Virginia Rockwell are here for comments if desired. Concerning the previously posed questions, which were addressed in the November ]0, 2009 letter from the District Court, Mayor Munson asked Judge Tripp about the answers to question #1 and #2, and the reference to budget cuts and levels of service; and if Spokane Valley will get the same level of service as the CounTy, yet there is a Council Regular Meeting 1 I-17-2009 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Council: DRAFT 10% cutback, and he asked how does that account for no reduction in Spokane Valley's level of service. Judge Tripp said that even if other parts of the contract cadt perform 100%; they would be honor bound to the contract with Spokane Valley at least in a proportional basis, and said he is hopeful to be able to provide the same level of service in accordance with the contract; and said that they have no control over the number of cases, as they simply process the cases, and he mentioned the "eazly case resolution" process of the attempt to resolve cases at the arraignment without subsequent hearings; and once beyond the azraignment stage, they would attempt to limit the number of continuances; that they are working on such a change as continuances result in added costs. Mr. Mercier asked about the specification of service level that is reasonable; and if the Court were to sustain a 10% budget cut, that would suggest there would be a 10% reduction in the capacity of the District Court system to deal with all the business, and asked if the court would operate in a means that would hold the City of Spokane Valley hazmless from those budget cuts, or process 100% of all Spokane Valley couR cases even though that could likely mean another ] 0% reduction in the unincorporated area in order to provide 100% service to Spokane Valley; and said all this raises the question of is it better to serve the interest of the Spokane Valley residents to sustain a 90% service level for a longer period of time, or to try to hug the 100% service level that Spokane Valley can't afford as long as the County's services are being reduced; and therefore he said he feels the CouR and the City Council have to weigh some significant questions about expectations in service level; and said we don't have a firm answer as to our expectation level or what the court's capacity will be. In response, Judge Tripp read from the November 17, 2009 letter signed by him and his colleagues, to Spokane Valley Council: "We appreciate very much the extensive process that has brought you to the consideration of a motion to authorize the City Manager to withdraw the notice of Termination of the Court Services Contract with Spokane County. We know that the City Manager and staff have engaged in a thorough analysis of the alternatives for court services. It has been policy to provide whatever assistance requested so that you can make an objective decision which would be in the best interest of your citizens. Of course, we support the recommendation of your consultant and staff to withdraw the notice. We look forward to continuing our work together to serve the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley and pledge our cooperation to that end. By our signatures below, we communicate our unanimous support for those goals." [Signed by Richard B. White, Sara Derr, Vance Peterson, Debra Hayes, Donna Wilson, Gregory Tripp, Patti Connolly Walker, and John Cooney, Jr.] Ms. Rockwood added that when a case comes in to the court or when claims come to court from law enforcement or from a business filing with the counry, or felony cases, that the Court will not treat the Valley cases differently from others as the Prosecuting Attorney and Public Defenders do not know which cases are Ciry of Spokane Valley case unless they look at the address of where the incident occurred; that Spokane Valley will get the same service as all others in the county, and she said unless Spokane Valley had its own prosecutor, it would be almost impossible to set up a system to give ]00% to the Spokane Valley cases as that is not what a District Court does; that there are six court clerks whose jobs aze at jeopardy, but she added that part of those are due to the partnership with Spokane City for mental health court, domestic violence court, and parmership projects, etc., that there are some management people who will be taking fudough days next year; and when one person is out, the others "take up the slack" so the workload is shared. Concerning the judicial time, she explained that the biggest hit was the remaining two court commissioners who shared one job, and the decision was made to cut those positions; which means that the judges will have to double-up and triple up in order to process the caseload; and she reiterated that the clerks function as if everything that comes in lands in the same basket. Council Regulaz Meeting 11-17-2009 Page 5 of 7 Approved by Council: DRAFT Mr. Mercier asked who makes the £mal decision on whether court services will be provided in the precinct building? Judge Tripp said that decision rests with the Board of County Commissioners, in consultation with court administrators; and said there is no indication that the Commissioners would be interested in making a change currently or in the foreseeable future, which is his understanding in a conversation he had with Marshall Famell today. Mr. Mercier said that we would likely insed language in the contract to that effect; and said that suspending court services in Spokane Valley was a question subject to debate in last yeaz's budget; and in reading Ms. Pflug's report, one of the most important features of court services is the access in Spokane Valley; but the risk factor is how to make certain that access remains, and any action taken tonight would preclude the County Commissioner's response to that piece of contract negotiation. Ms. Rockwood said that they were assured today by Mr. Farnell that the three County Commissioners have no issue with the court's desire to remain in the Valley Precinct Building. Yote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson imi[ed general public comments. Dick Behm, 3626 S Ridgeview Drive: regarding proper[y taxes, Mr. Behm said he almost never sees his taxes as the mortgage company handles that; that he did receive a new assessment from the Counry assessor indicating the commercial property rate would remain the same, but residential had dropped 15%, but that does not mean tases will go down 15%; and said it is his observation that taxes really are going down instead of up. Mayor Munson called for a short recess at 820 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 830 p.m. ADMINISTRATNE REPORTS S. Broadcasting Council Meetings — Gre�gaman IT Specialist Bingaman explained via his PowerPoint presentation, of the items to consider when discussing broadcasting council meetings, include determining which rype of inedia to use, audio only, web streaming, and/or cable; live broadcasting only or on-demand playback; how to fund the broadcasting, and how to address the operational cost. Mr. Bingaman said that one option would be sharing a multi-jurisdictional channel with Spokane County and the City of Spokane, and some of the issues associated with that are that only one jurisdiction would be responsible for the channel feed; and agencies would have to coordinate costs and programming; or a separate option would be to ask for our own channel to replace the current Channel 5 broadcasting the City of Spokane, and have it broadcast for Spokane Valley, and he said with either option would require a minimum of 45-days' written notice to develop an implementation plan for activation of a government channel. Hr further explained that Comcast provides $150,000 within 90 days for capital outlays; but said we must build a retum path for the signal to Comcast in less than 270 days at an approximate cost of $15,000. He explained we could use the same equipment that produces the signal for cable, but additional hardware would be needed, and not all costs would be covered by PEG funds, and that he estimates a reoccurring cost of up to $1,500 monthly for web casting via the internet, and said perhaps the best way to approach this would be to hire a consultant to do an evaluation. There was Council consensus for Mr. Bingaman to gather the data as expeditiously as possible on such costs. !t was moved by Depury Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting to 9:30 p.m. 9. Association of Washineton Cities' Wellness Program — John Whitehead Human Resources Manager Whitehead introduced the topic of establishing a wellness program for the City; that the program would direct efforts to decrease the costs of the City associated with the health of employees; and said that the Association of Washington Cities will be reducing Asuris Pian rates by 2% . Council Regular Mee[ing I I-17-2009 Page 6 of 7 Approved by Cauncil: DRAFT in 2012 to cities which achieve the "well-city" award; and he said staff recommends establishing this program as part of the attainment of the Well-City award and the improvement of the health of city employees; and said the expected benefit in 2012 wou(d be about $9,000; tha[ we would need to meet a $10 per employee per year cost for wellness; so we can use the premium reductions to fund the wellness programs; that the cost would be approximately $950 annually for the entire city and he mentioned that AWC has grant funds to help fund the inception of wellness programs. Mr. Whitehead said a resolution to establish the program is set for the December 1 council meeting; and there was no council objection in bringing that forward. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting to 9:40 p.m. 10. Fall Batch Code Amendments — Tavis Schmidt Assistant Planner Schmidt explained the proposed ordinance changes per his PowerPoint presentation for changing sections of the UDC, specifically in chapter 19 for nonconforming structures, permitted accessory structures, accessory dwelling units, home occupations, planned residential developments, and the schedule of permitted uses. Mr. Schmidt also discussed the types of open space and noted that the Community Development Director would determine the amount of required active creation areas under 19.50.060; and it was suggested that making that determination should be based on specific criteria. It was also noted tha[ it might be helpful to re-write a list of exclusions among the definitions. Mr. Schmidt noted that this issue will be brought before council for a proposed first reading December 1. There was no council objection. INFORMATION ONLY: The Poe Contract, AAA Street Stiveeping Contract Renewal, Spokane County Housing and Community Development HUD Grant, and Options for Web Content Management were for informatian only and were not reported or discussed. EXECUTIVE SESSION N/A It was moved by Councilmember Dempsey, seconded and zrr�animously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 935 p.m. ATTEST: Richard M. Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 11-17-2009 Page 7 of 7 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent � old business ❑ new business � public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report � pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading Proposed Ordinance 09-033 — Street Standards. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance 03-033 adopting the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction (County Standards). A study session was held on November 4, 2008 with City Council. Staff discussed the objectives of the Street Standards and the adoption scheduled and focused on the differences between the proposed City Street Standards and the County Standards. Staff held a study session on March 26, 2009 and April 9, 2009 with Planning Commission. A hearing was held on September 24, 2009 with Planning Commission. Planning Commission recommended approval of the Street Standards generally as submitted on September 24, 2009. A study session was held with City Council on October 27, 2009. City Council asked staff to send notices to the stakeholders to announce that the first reading of the ordinance adopting the Street Standards and proposed changes to SVMC Chapters will be held on November 17, 2009. A notice was sent to the stakeholders on November 2n 2009. , First reading of the ordinance was on November 17, 2009. BACKGROUND: Ordinance 03-033 adopted the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction by reference. Since that time, all development and capital projects have complied with the County's standards. This provided consistency during the initial years of incorporation. However, the County standards are focused more on rural developments and have been difficuit to work with on our predominately infill development. The following are proposed changes to the current street standards: o Establishing thresholds that trigger requirements for commercial permits • Requiring that all land divisions improve fronting streets to the applicable standards • Allowing modifications to local access streets when existing conditions make full construction unfeasibie for projects that meet infill criteria • Allowing private streets for projects with less than 10 lots and when a public streets is not needed or possible • Changing the requirements for private driveways and streets to address Fire Code requirements; e Requiring connectivity . Modifying street intersection and approach spacing to improve access management - • Adding traffic calming requirements . Increasing the minimum pavement section for local access streets, private streets and driveways • Moving all technical requirements currently in UDC to the Street Standards Staff is proposing changes to SMC title 17, 18, 22, and 24. Changes are necessary because portions of these sections have engineering technical requirements. These engineering requirements will be moved to the Street Standards. Additionally, changes are necessary to address minor inconsistencies, adopt the proposed Street Standards, and add language to clarify changes in authority due to the re-organization of Community Development and Public Works. e Chapter 17.80.030. Changing the reference to the Right-of-way permit in the Table • Chapter 18.30 and 18.50 Clarifying the authority of the Community Development Department and Public Works Department. Changes are necessary because of the re- organization of Public Works and Community Development. e Chapter 22.20. Deleting portion of Chapter 22.20.080, this information is incorporated in the Street Standards. Minor changes to language throughout. o Chapter 22.50. Removing the entire Chapter 22.50.030 and portions of 22.50.040. This requirement has been moved to the Street Standards. • Chapter 22.130. Adding language to clarify purpose of chapter, regulated activities, adopting Street Standards, review process, and authority to impose development requirements. Clarifying language for reminder of chapter. Removing section for Regional Pavement Cut Policy, the Street Standards adopt by reference the most current version of Regional Pavement Cut Policy, a copy of which is attached for reference. a Chapter 24.50. The proposal is a complete re-write of the current grading ordinance to remove confusing information and clarify applicability and requirements for different land disturbing activities. Based on comments received on the November 17, 2009 councii meeting, Staff is recommending the following changes to the Planning Commission Recommended draft of the Street Standards: e Chapter 7.8.2: Added language to clarify exceptions for the number of accesses allowed on arterial streets. Spokane County Utilities staff provided public testimony on November 17, 2009. It was indicated that increasing the minimum section for local access streets to 3 inches of asphalt over 6 inches of CSTC would lead to increase costs for the Septic Tank Elimination System Program (STEP) and the City. Section 1.2 of the Street Standards gives the ability to City Council and Public Works to provide exception to the requirements of the Street Standards if full compliance makes a capital project impracticable or unfeasible. Staff does not recommend any changes to the Street Standards based on County's testimony. Staff recommends that City Council makes a decision of whether an exception would be granted when a cost estimate is finalized and when Council decides if a full street paveback would be funded. The ordinance adopts the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards and makes changes to SVMC Chapters 17.80, 18.30, 18.50, 22.20, 22.50, 22.130, and 24.50. OPTIONS: To modify Ordinance 09-033 or adopt ordinance as proposed. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to adopt Ordinance 09-033. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A. STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Senior Engineer — Development ATTACHMENTS Draft ordinance Proposed language for Section 7.8.2 Street Standards Chris Bainbridge From: Cooke, Kevin [KCooke@spokanecounty.org] Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 3:54 PM To: Chris Bainbridge Cc: Rawls, Bruce; Neil Kersten Subject: FW: Supplemental Comments - City of SV Road Standards Attachments: Supplemental Comments - City of SV Road Standards - KRC 11-25-09.doc Good Afternoon Chris, I am forwarding the attached supplemental comments from Spokane County Division of Utilities regarding the proposed road standards. We understand that the Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance 09-033 is scheduled for�December Sth. Neil suggested that we send these comments directly to you so that they may be added to the public comments for that agenda item and distributed to the City Council. Please note that eruce Rawls and I are both unable to attend the meeting on December 8th. Thankyou! Kevin R. Cooke, P.E. . Sewer Planning and Design Manager 477-7286 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGARDING PROPOSED ROAD STANDARDS Prepared By Spokane County Division of Utilities November 25, 2009 Dear Mayor Munson and Council Members, The Spokane County Division of Utilities appreciates the opportunity to provide these supplemental comments relative to the proposed new road standards currently under consideration by the City of Spokane Valley. These supplemental comments have been prepared as a result of additional conversation between City staff and County staff. The 2010 Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP) projects in the City of Spokane Valley include West Farms, South Green Acres, Corbin, and Cronk. These four projects will add approximately 16.3 miles of sewer mains within the City. The 2011 STEP projects within the City include the Green Haven Sewer Project and a portion of the Micaview Sewer Project, with an approximate total length of 6.8 miles. On November 17 we provided written comments and testimony to the Council regarding the financial impacts that the proposed new standards would have on the STEP. The proposed new minimum pavement section for local access roadways is 3 inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlying 6 inches of crushed rock (CSTC). It is our understanding from our discussions with City staff that this new standard, as currently proposed, would also apply to those roadways removed and replaced in conjunction with the 2010 and 2011 STEP projects. Historically, the road replacement specifications for the STEP have been designed to replace the existing roadways to a condition equal to or better than the road section that was in place prior to construction. Neighborhood streets have been reconstructed with at least 2 inches of HMA and 4 inches of CSTC, even in those areas where the existing section is 1.5 to 2 inches of HMA placed on native material. It has never been the goal of the STEP to absorb the cost of reconstructing all roadways to updated standards. The past practice has been to reconstruct the roads to meet the pre-existing road section, or to a minimum section of 2 inches asphalt over 4 inches gravel. When a decision was made by the County Road Department or the City to upgrade a road design, the additional cost was provided to the Utilities Division. The Division of Utilities is working very hard to keep the Capital Facilities Rate (CFR) for owners of properties in the final years of the STEP �2010 and 2011) in line with the CFR for prior years. As we testified on November 17 , we have estimated that the total increase in pavement and rock costs, based on average 2009 bid prices and our preliminary designs, would be approximately $900,000 for the four projects. (This added cost does not address other impacts of the increased section, including the need to haul off and dispose of surplus material displaced by the deeper section.) The Division of Utilities does not have the additional funds to support this increase in construction cost. In order to fund this additional cost, a surcharge would need to be applied to the CFR billed to many of the property owners within the project areas, or funding for the road upgrades could be provided by the City. On November 17 we provided a preliminary estimate of the surcharge that could result from the need to cover these additional paving costs. The estimate was $700 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU), and that was based on a total preliminary count of 1,280 ERUs within the four projects in the City of Spokane Valley. However, that total count of 1,280 ERUs included properties that are located on gravel roads, as well as properties already served by sewer extensions that were constructed as an advanced phase of the associated STEP project. These property owners should not be subject to any surcharge established for road upgrades, as no road upgrades will be undertaken adjacent to their property. (Gravel roads will be replaced with six inches of crushed rock, in keeping with past practice. For those properties that already have sewer service as a result of a previous sewer extension, no further construction is needed.) Since November 17� we have refined our ERU counts in each of the four project areas, and we now estimate that approximately 949 ERUs would be affected if a"paving surcharge" is established. The following tabulation presents the revised estimates for the number of ERUs in 2010 project areas that would be subject to a surcharge: West Farms 200 South Green Acres 403 Corbin 285 Cronk 61 TOTAL 949 Using the previous estimate of the increased construction cost of $900,000, the resulting surcharge on the CFR for these property owners would be approximately $950 per ERU, raising the cost from the currently adopted $5,780 per ERU to $6,730 per ERU. We request that the City Council either provide the funding to upgrade the local access roads affected by the STEP to the proposed new standards, or provide an exception for the STEP with regard to the proposed new standards, and allow the successful historical approach to the reconstruction of local access roads within the program to continue to its completion. Thank you for your consideration of these comments. RECEIVED r�ov 3 u zoas CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. CITY CLERK �/ � NANSON li H A N S 0 N I N D U S T R I E S � I N C. (509) 5] WA 992 E-mail: admin@hansonintl.com Spokane Valley City Council November 17, 2009 Dear Council Members: At the first reading of the ordinance to adopt the proposed new Street Standards, I would like to comment on two components which I raised earlier at the Planning Commission. SUPPORT: Section 7.8.2 Access Limitations: we support the proposed language change from the version approved by the Planning Commission regarding connectivity between lots created by Binding Site Plans. This change allows for an administrative review of requiring connectivity between lots provided three conditions exist. We support this change because it allows practical flexibility in a Mixed Use Center zone for allowable but incompatible uses. DO NOT SUPPORT: Section 7.8.2 Access Limitations: we again ask the City to reconsider the new requirement that limits only one access (driveway) per lot on an arterial street. This change will negatively impact such retail/commercial uses such as hotels, office buildings, retail stares, etc. due to configuration problems. For example, a hotel will have a portecochere in our climate to protect guests and access is typically done in a semi-circle manner with two access driveways onto the street. This would be prohibited under the new standards. Sincerely, �� Robert J. Bo President I PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 7.8.1 APPLICABILITY These requirements apply to all new or altered intersection and driveway approaches to City streets. 7.8.2 ACCESS LIMITATIONS While no property is denied access to City streets, direct street access is not guaranteed. When d'uect access is denied, properties may be requued to: • Access the street via an alley; �, • Share a single driveway approach with�or more contiguous properties; or, .'�'t��`�'-:d?�. • Restrict access with a right m/nght out approach for properties located on arterials and with no ava�ilable altemate��access. Additionally, these s... , �, � properties may be required.to construct street�improvements to preclude left tuming traffia �� � �h� �� �� Properties aze restricted to one access point� artenals and rivo access points on local � .F A J� 4 ' �iiY e. access streets. Exceptions'may be made forpazcels with long frontages provided that [�,.:�,.� �.u.�:, the minimum spacing requu ment�s can be met volumes aze expected to exceed 100 PM peak hour trips and traffic analysis;demonstrates a need for addirional driveways to address poor Level of Service,(LOS) foi the outbound movements. �?� ��; _^'�. `�;:'� When a proper y has.frontage on�two or more streets;�and spacing requirements on f .• ^``��: \ the ma�or,street cannot be met, Y ttie dnveway appi ach shall be located on the street with the l'owest classif carion unles`s safety consid ations dictate otherwise. �i� ) `• � �" .� For a development that':combine more than one underlying lot, these requirements, �ncludmg the nu�mbei and�spaciag.of access points, shall apply to the development as a whole; rioi to each �underlying lot �.,� � � . y �"�`�,� `�: ��, "`�:y' . �I ��F'or all Binding Site Plans excludin� mdustrial zones, shazed access is required )^� +between the Iots�The shaied''access shall include pazkin� lot travel lane connections � or�shazed drivewa'v'approach�aIf the Applicant adequatelv demonstrates a site desiQn or buildine use limiiafibn for installation of the travel lanes or shazed approach on the existine'uionertv ezcentions to this requirement mav be administrativelv a�r nted• Excentioris may be'appioved if: �,_,�' � • The Citv.'finds that the lack of shared access does not neQatively impact the present or future function and safetv of the pazkinQ lot circu(ation, ineress/eeress, or roadway network: and, • The City finds that the lots required to share access have allowable incompatible uses; and, • The pronertv does not have a feasible alternative site design solution. October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-23 COMMENTS TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGARDING PROPOSED ROAD STANDARDS Presented By Spokane County Division of Utilities November 17, 2009 Dear Mayor Munson and Council Members, The Spokane County Division of Utilities appreciates the opportunity to provide comments relative to the proposed new road standards that are currently under consideration by the City of Spokane Valley, particularly with regard to the potential impact of those new standards on the County's Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP). The proposed new standards would increase the minimum pavement section for new roadways to 3 inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlying 6 inches of crushed rock (CSTC). It is our understanding from our discussions with City staff, that this new standard would aiso apply to those roadways removed and replaced in conjunction with the 2010 and 2011 STEP projects. The cost of these changes are a great concern to us, and we would offer the foilowing observations: Historically, the road replacement specifications for the STEP have been designed to replace the existing roadways to a condition equai to or better than the road section that was in place prior to construction. This has included the reconstruction of neighborhood streets with at least 2 inches' of HMA and 4 inches of CSTC, even in those areas where the existing section is 1.5 to 2 inches of HMA placed on native material. It has never been the goal of the STEP to absorb the cost of reconstructing all roadways to updated standards. The Division of Utilities is working very hard to minimize the annual increases in the Capital Facilities Rate for owners of property in the final years of the STEP (2010 and 2011). However, the reserves in our sewer funds are running out in these final years. We anticipate that with the available sewer fund reserves and APA reserves, we will be able to complete the program without any large increases to the Capital Facilities Rate. This assumes, however, that there is not a substantial change in the standards employed in the reconstruction of the roads. The 2010 STEP projects in the City of Spokane Valley include West Farms, South Green Acres, Corbin, and Cronk. These projects include the following approximate lengths of sewer main construction: West Farms 22,600 LF South Green Acres 38,900 LF Corbin 16.000 LF Cronk 8,600 LF TOTAL 86,100 LF = 16.3 miles The 2011 STEP projects within the City of Spokane Valley include the Green Haven Sewer Project and a portion of the Micaview Sewer Project, with an approximate total length of sewer main of 36,000 LF (6.8 miles). The impact of the increased road section on the total cost of the 2010 STEP projects is substantial. We estimate that the total increase in pavement and rock costs, based on average 2009 bid prices and our preliminary designs, would be approximately �a900,000 for the four projects. (This added cost does not address other impacts of the increased section, including the need to haul off and dispose of additional material displaced by the deeper section.) The Division of Utilities does not have the additional funds to support this increase in construction cost, and the cost would need to be distributed to the property owners within the project areas. The total number of Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) within the four projects in the City of Spokane Valley is estimated to be 1,280. The surcharge on the Capital Facilities Rate for these property owners would therefore be approximately $700 per ERU, raising the cost from the currently adopted $5,780 per ERU to $6,480 per ERU. City Participation ("Paveback") Considerations: Since its formation, the City has participated in the repaving of streets impacted by the sewer program. The City has provided the funding for the incremental additional cost of replacing the entire width of impacted roadways, as well as the intermittent "gaps" in short sections of roadway where no sewer installation in required. This has been a very - successful and cost-effective approach to roadway replacement, resulting in new streets throughout each project area. if the City elects to go forward with the "paveback" program on the 2010 STEP, we estimate that the City's share of the HMA and CSTC will increase by approximately $630,000, assuming that all roads in the project areas must be reconstructed to the proposed new standards. (This is a preliminary estimate, but clearly the additional cost will be substantial.) We urge the City Council to exempt the STEP from the proposed standards for new road construction, and allow the successful historical approach to roadway reconstruction within the program to continue to its completion. _ I . p� iP - fll ip _§ - p 20 -0 _ U .: t� 2i. .4n ._�c O O O O p � .._ m �I o 0 0 'o o m ,� n . , o m � � p � � � � m �' N N � - ' � � � m '�� FRANCIS � - - _ _ i Spokane Ualley z ����� �� a � 1 I . � _ __. ' i i�' _.3J ..' , � ',_, SE I r_ � . 3.:. . . ;� �s I Sewers I wa F.. � �. � som r �\�`• ` - . , �� � � .`.�. � �� �ev _ e � � R4 ,. r�� a��,�., � � �E���� Six Y ar Capital I .. . '- 'va7 < ��� — ���\' � �` `\\ \\ _�\ ��.�\ ' � ��p� ,,� �; , , �` �, p �, Improvement Program : ; p, o. � �\\ � �. i:,.. \�\� \� , x: \ I �� - � \ � \ � - � _ � � � � � � � ., � � �`_ :`_ - \ `. . �\� \ \ S � �� � _�U�LID - � i -- _200 -, . .� � a• PtlLt)'GUG � A�• � �`-. � .0 d � � `,,A�� , � � - . _ . , , ��\�����, � i � � � \ N . \�� ,\ .. 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FT � � � .Ke� � , r i � � � , ., � ��\.. \�� \�'�.��. � . � _ _ . 32ND I I � a �, � , � � �� _ �� � Septic Tank Elimination zs iszoo � , � � � Program (2010 -2011) , . . reoa ` q,n ,� �\ �, . n�"i�fome �. . \ � �� \ �� � _ _ . ' Q n.i �d \ .� � - - , 3 ' g Si . l'� SS � ,t � � - 3f . ��� � ,, .� \ . . '' . - . ' L _ _- , . �. '� I � A . � � � � a.u�r�� : � •!\ ��' 4ATH : �P \� : � � � City of Spokane Valley i - - - ,� � ��;,. \, �\` � ,�dmvs� � � \� : �� _ - ' � Municipal Areas I �s n� ��\ oi e= u �o , _ � I.. � ' ' . . . y I - � � w ~ � . - -�. � . �. ��� . � . � . Q� 6500 w z w � N � � . � .. �� _ H U ¢ � ? Z > � o Q . . . > z ¢ z w � ; LL m e:; py 14 S il LL 11 a C7 a CB � �G a lu �� � �� Note:AllAboJelnformaSonAppfwstoNorthClPMap , Map: Spokane County Utilities G I S Note• Project Boundaries Are Approximate And May Change With Fur�her Engineering. . October, 2009 DRAFT CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-033 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON MODIFYING UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE TITLES 17.80, 18.30, 18,50, 22.20, 22.50, 22.130 AND 24.50 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE, ADOPTING NEW STREET STANDARDS, REMOVING ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS INCORPORATED IN THE STREET STANDARDS, AND CLARIFYING LANGUAGE. WIIEREAS, Spokane County adopted Standazds for Road and Sewer Construction effective April 3, 2001 which included roads and sewers within the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted Ordinance 33 which became effective on the date of incorporation; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 33 adopted by reference the Spokane County Standards for Road and ' Sewer Construction as interim standards for road construction within the City; and WHEREAS, after the date of incorporation, the City of Spokane Valley intended to review, revise, and as necessary develop its own standards for road construction; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted Ordinance 07-015 on the 25`� day of September, 2007, which repealed Ordinance 33; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 07-015 adopted the Uniform Development Code (UDC) which provides regulations for land use including the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction; and WHEREAS, the UDC became effective on October 28, 2007; and - WHEREAS, in order to maintain the proper function of street infrastructure, maintain and improve street safety, and provide for future street expansion within the City, it is necessary to update the City of Spokane Valley standards for road construction; and WHEREAS, ihe proposed Street Standards are consistent with the Transportation goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, study sessions were held with the Planning Commission on March 26, 2009 and Apri19, 2009; and WHEREAS, a public heazing was held by the Planning Commission on September 24, 2009 and the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Street Standards generally as submitted; and WHEREAS, In accordance with RCW 36.70A.106A, copy of the proposed Street Standards was sent to the Department of Commerce on December 22, 2008, and the code revisions were sent on October 19, 2009. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Ordinance 09-033 Sueet Standazds Page 1 of 28 DRAFT Section 1. SVMC Title 17.80.030. This ordinance also makes changes to SVMC Title 17.80.030 Table 17.80-1 — which is modified as follows: Table 17.80-1— Permit Type and Laud Use Application Type Land Use and Development Application SVMC Cross Reference Accessory dwelling units 19.40.100 Administrative determinations by communiTy development director, public Multiple works director, or building official Administrative exception 19.140 Administrative interpretation 17.50.010 Boundary line adjustments and eliminations 20.80 Home occupation permit 19.40.140 � Right-of-way permits 22.130.10960 TypeI Shoreline permit exemption (dock permit) 21.50 Site plan review 19.130 Temporary use permit 19.160 Time extensions for preliminary subdivision, short subdivision or binding site 2030.060 plan Floodplain development 2130 Building permits not subject to SEPA 21.20.040 Grading permits 24.50 Binding site plan — Preliminary and final 20.50 Binding site plan — Change of conditions 20.50 Wireless communication facilities 22.120 Subdivision = Final 20.40 Type Il Plat alterations — Final 20.60 SEPA threshold determination 21.20.060 Preliminary short subdivision, binding site plan — Change of conditions 2030 Shoreline substantial development permit 21.50 Short subdivision — Preliminary and final 2030, 20.40 Conditional use permits ]9.150 Subdivisions — Preliminary 2030 Type Variance 19.170 III Preliminary subdivision — Change of wnditions 20.50 Zoning map amendments (site-specific rezones) 1930.030 Type Annual Comprehensive Plan amendments (text and/or map) 17.80.140 Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 2 of 28 DRAFT N Area-wide zoning map amendments 17.80.140 Development code text amendments 17.80.150 Sectioa 2. SVMC Title 1830.010 and 18.50.010. This ordinance makes changes to SVMC 1830.010 and 18.50.010 —these sections of the code aze modified to read as follows: 18.30 Community Development Department 18.30.010 Responsibilities The communiry development department shall have the followin� responsibilities: A To review all development permits includin� street and draina�e construction plans to ensure conformance with the a�oronriate provisions of the Spokane Valley Muni�al Code (SVMCI and those additional standards adoQted by the code. B To inspect the construction of all development im_provements to ensure conformance with the appropriate provisions of the SVMC and those additional standards adopted bv the code. C. To regularl�pdate the comprehensive plan. D To regulazly_update the street standards with the concurrence of the public works department. E To regulazly recommend u�ates to the Spokane Re�ional Stormwater Manual with the concurrence of the public works department. F To make recommendations concernin� or000sed changes and amendments to zoning re�ulations. G To issue atl ri ht� of wa.y_permits pursuant to SVMC 22.130.100. H To ensure com�ance with SVMC 2130 Floodplain Re ulag tions I To coordinate the review of development�roiects for transportation currencv as defined bv SVMC 22.20. J To administer the provisions of the buildine codes adopted by the citv council. K To make recommendations concernine amendments to the adopted buildin c� odes• L. To enforce the provisions of SVMC Title 24. M To enforce the provisions of the nuisance ordinances in conformance with the reauirements of SVMC Chapter 7.05. N To advise the �lanning commission and city council where appropriate concerning matters relatin te o anv of the above. a • t� a cc�n.,tl` �r• t t^I t, 1.'tc rtT_.:C....... n....,.t.......e.,.!`..,i.. mm���. 1] T 1 l, f�l... TTII!` : ....0 ............. ..7�6 �6e d:r.,..�: ..FA.., ..:� ....A r tl...� f . f Tl T 1 d ....A ..1 ........... ....A .. e..d.,,e a,. �.. .. _ ...d..�:,. ..,i Fl... ..M,.:..1 ......:.... «...... .....t f 18.50 Public Works Department 18.50.010 Respoasibilities. I The public works department shall have the followin�res.ponsibilities: Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 3 of 28 DRAFT A To review all street and drainage construction plans for city capital improvement projects to ensure conformance with the a�plicable provisions of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMCI and those additional standards adopted by the code. B To inspect the construction of improvement proiects to ensure conformance with the applicable provisions of the SVMC and those additional standazds adopted by the code. C To oversee the plannin� desi�n and construction of the citv capital improvement �roiects and public infrastructure for conformance with the civil en in� eeringprovisions of the SVMC. D To review and approve proiects For transportation concurrencv as defined bv SMC 22.20 and all other tasks set forth in the Model Traffic Code. E To oversee the storm and surface water utilitv as defined in SVMC 3.80 and to re u� larlv update to the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. F. To review recommend and concur on chan�es to the Street Standards. G To review and make recommendation as needed for all project permits as set forth in SVMC 17.80. H To advise the plannine commission and citv council where appropriate conceminp matters relatin tg o an,y of the above. A T n a a ....:........ ....�......:.... ..1.,..,. F«,,..«F «.,,,....,e .,,;t6—e6.. rmn ..a «,. a r ,7 1. ..:I .. ....�......�:.... ..,..1..,. ,..1....�e.i 1.., tl,e ..:t..s.�,.,„..:1. «� « .. .. Il A. : N... ..1,.....:.... ..A A.e ..:�.. ..;1 � «...w,..... ..,.I..�..A �.. A... r �+ A ..F�L......AI.. ..C�i.viTll!`• ' > $£8�@f�5� • a � C T al. ....ti.....�:.... ,.0 ....LC.. :..C....��..,.�..�� F . .. ..F .....,....e ,.:f6_f6u-..i..:l ,. � �� � ��.����.�� . ..." '""' '_"_'"__"'_"" " �.`____ _'__'____"___ _'_ ___— __ . __ _ . . , .., . � Section 3. SVMC Title 22.130. This ordinance makes changes to SVMC Title 22.130, this title adopts the street standards and is hereby established to read as follows: Chapter 22.130 , DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORTATIONIMPROVEMENTS 22.130.010 Purpose-s�d-isEeaE. The purpose of this chapter is t� ° �"� - _ r.......:,... ,.c ..«.ee.� ,,.�e.:.,�� .,..a ��e .,..,a....... � 1. TL... l�:�.. ..0 C....1....... \I..11,... ..�.._:..1 ..�......� ..1.... ..A....�vA :.. �6e !`........e6e,...:..e DI.,.. .. .;de� 4�� .... ....,.... _..' " _' _ ' _""'+ ""_'__' __'__ ___r"'_ —_ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ r .__-_ __- el......._.a ..CA... l�..........d..,..,.:..,. Dl.... T6:� ..6..�fe._F,.�f4,n�:..a.....1 a.. A. Maintain the proper function of street infrastructure; n �� V. B. Maintain and �improve rea�wey- street safety; �C. Provide for �ead�vey-future street expansion; . ; Ordinance 09-033 Sffee[ Standuds Page 4 of 28 DRAF'T D.Identi requirements that mav be imposed upon development projects and permits defined in 22.130.020. �" •a w x.._:« ..c .ti,, a.....,i.._....,... .. .._a . .w.. c..,,._„ � r t • a a �, o_,. a .............a _:..�.... „�....... m_a n� ni c c n �nn��_ rocacav+i-mamrhaar'mzvaaro.�..........p..... ..' ' y ' ��""' "' o r—_' i 22.130.020 Reeulated Activities. All new development approvals and permits as set in SVMC 17.80 unless exem�t pursuant to SVMC 17.80.040 shall comply with this chapter. 22.130.030 Authoritv to Develoa and Administer Standards The development services senior engineer under the authoritv of the community development director shall develop and administer the Spokane Val� Street Standards (SVMC 22.130.0401 and reauire development Rroiects to provide transportation improvements dedicate ri t-of-wav and border easements and future acquisition areas These improvements will be required to achieve the purpose of this Chapter and �oals of the currently adopted comprehensive plan. �°°'°a�°°,'�^' °�'''-°�`^'"^, "^ , , , , 1 A C ..��. ..�.... ..�.. ..L.,.11 .. ..1. .:fl,�l.:.. ..1.....F., A .. ..L.. „ �.. ]� 'i.l' ` 1. ..0 .. 1...:1.1:.. ..:�.. s.. ,.1. e..�e..r �l,.,f— .....:♦ ...�:C.....�., ..0 e � o „1...11 ..1. 'aA �6.. ..�,. vA 6e wl..� :r ^ ...w'C.....a,. ..0 t' J J� T r! r C M' 1. L. .1....«....i ., a L.. �i... .]......1....».e..t � Ill...l !1'! !11 S C A � r � . . . 22.130.040 StreetStandards. Pursuant to RCW 35A 11 020 and 35A 12 140 the Citv adopts by reference the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards (Street Standardsl and as it may be amended from time to time. The citv clerk shall maintain a copy on file. 22.130.050 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The Washington Manual on Uniform Traffic ConVol Devices fMl1TCD1 and as it may be amended from time to time is hereby adopted by reference. (Ord. 07-015 & 4, 20071. 22.130.939-060 Development Proiect and Permit Review Process de�liettEies. Following submittal of a completed application pursuant to SVMC 17 80 the project shall be reviewed to determine co�liance with all applicable reQUlations and standards Additional material and/or anal siy 's mav be required to demonstrate compliance. 22.130.070 Reauired Imnrovements. A_Prior to the issuance of any approvals for development projects or permits subject to the provisions of this chapter, the development services senior engineer shall determine the extent and type of rea�waystreet —improvements, ri�ht-of-wayPoorder easements dedication or designation of future acquisition areas required to the extent allowed� the law, and pursuant to the followine °� °°�,a�-an�� t�l. The 6e���°��.omprehensive �t l�an; �2. The arterial street map; 63. The street eens#aeHen-standards (SVMC 22.130.0401; 4 The manual on uniform traffic contro] devices identified in SVMC 22.130.050• 5. The local street plan; Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 5 of 28 DRAFT 6 Information submitted bv the applicant includine any_preliminark site plans engineerin¢ reoorts, or other relevant data; and, � �7. A determination of the �ke functional, safety, efficiency and coordinated future expansion needs of the roadway system to serve the traveling public and emergency vehicles; a� 8 PoRions of the uniform development code SVMC Title 17-25 that specifically identifv reauired future roadways streets or other ri t-of-ways including but not limited to the Spokane Vallev-Soraeue Corridors Subarea plan pursuant to SVMC 19110.020. B Requirements mav include but are not limited to: 1 The extent and type of required street imurovements pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040• 2 The eactent of additional and/or new ri t-of-way and /or border easement needed to support the required improvements pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040; 3 Desienation of future acquisition areas pursuant to SVMC 22 130 080• 4 Participation in capital im�rovement �roiects as included on the adopted six year street improvement plan. �ri, a i ..�...0 a..«�.,..:.,e .t ... .......... ..c ..aa:.:,....., _:..�.._ ..c r �o � 1. A d ....� : ....a ..1,.., i.. N.e�e .. e��l... A......I...........a .. ,...1 ..:11 1... Y . , . «.`�.. r . � � • r 22.130.83�080 Future acquisition areas. A. When a future acquisition area is designated, a title notice shall be completed and recorded with the county auditor_ . The notice shall run with the land and shall not be removed or amended prior to approval_ w- '�� . The notice shall be recorded as soon as possible and, in all cases, prior to the issuance of a building permit. The notice shalL• 1. Include the tax parcel number and the full legal description; 2. Make reference to any related approval file number or permit numbers; 3.Include an e�ibit showin� street names, future acguisition azeas, ri t-of-ways, and their dimensions -a.,....._,.,.«r_...__,...,,�..�....,,r,._.......:e.,,...�,...�;.,:. � .......� .,. .""' ....__.�..� _. .'__�_� _"_'" ""_�. '_ _rr' _r_____° A i�r�l..a� 4�� �l:m�«n:�� �{�4{�n C.4.��s n ciki����� 64. Identify any limitations for improvements or features within the acquisition boundary(ies); �5. Indicate that the future acquisition area is private property; S6. Identify the responsibility for relocation or loss of interim features or improvements within the future acquisition areas; and 9. Be mailed to the property owner's and taxpayer's address as shown in the current Spokane County assessor's/treasurer's records, if a complete mailing address is indicated. The establishin�agency ma�approve the amendment and removal of the -title notice �'�°"��Q ^^^a �°"" °° -��'-^•�'^'�^a '^^^ °��°n if the arterial �ea�-street plan, the local street *��m fea�-map or other conditions change and the recorded title notice is no longer ia}i�necessarv. If the Citv initiates the amendment or removal of the title notice, the ��roperty owners sl�ak�will be notified of the change. B. Building Setback. The required setback of buildings as specified in the underlying zone classification shall be measured from the future acquisition area boundary. ..i..«:,,., .. .,,..�..:„.. ...:��. .�.,, s.0 �e«�.,,,.v_:�—F �.:D;� tiExceptions to the full setback may be administratively granted if: Ordinance 09-033 Sh�eet Standards Page 6 of 28 DRAFT 1. An existing pazcel or lot equals or is up to five percent larger than the minimum lot area required in the underlying zone; or• 2. An existing parcel or lot has an existing building proposed for expansion,� 3. The ° - "` °°° ''°• ^'^""'°^« ^'�°""��M� ;�applicant adequately demonstrates a site design or use limitation for the existing property. Such exceptions may be granted; provided, that: ei. The property is not par[ of a zone reclassification and/or subdivision application; and, bii. The property has no reasonable altemative site design solution feasible; a� eiii. A title notice is recorded pursuant to this section that further identifies likely impacts (such as noise, crowding, loss or relocation of improvements) to the site when the �ee�wey-street is widened in the future; and � �iv. The building is located at the greatest setback possible, but in any case shall be no closer than one-quarter of the required setback from the future acquisition area boundary and shall not be located within the future acquisition area. C. Landscaping ° �seepiHg-_Significant landscape features, such as trees, shall be located in such a manner that when the rea�wffy-street is widened in the future a significant portion of such landscaping features, such as matured trees, will not need to be destroyed or relocated. A majority of the trees required in the current landscaping areas shall be planted eight feet from the future acquisition area boundary within the future planting strip and shall be spaced no less than 60 feet from one another. � �D. Parking. All on-site parking required by the underlying zone classification shall be located outside the future acquisition area. If no reasonable site design solution complying with pazking location requirements is feasible, exception"s to these requirements may be administratively granted if: I el. An existing parcel or lot equals or is up to five percent lazger than the minimum lot area of the underlying zone; �2. An existing parcel or lot has an existing building proposed for expansion; or e3. The applicant adequately demonstrates a site design or use limitation for the existing property. Such exceptions may be granted; provided, that: i. The property is not part of a zone reclassification and/or subdivision application; a�d ii. The property has no reasonable alternative site design solution feasible; a� iii. A title notice is recorded pursuant to this section that further identifies likely � impacts to the site when the �eadivay-street is widened in the future; and iv. The fewest number of parking stalls is located in the future acquisition area as possible and, in any case, shall contain no more than one-quaRer of the required parking stalls for the site. �E. � ��^'��- �` °°^"`"°' Drainage �aeil+t+esI�rovements. All required "^Q °°a�-a=.«=ae� drainage facilities and structures for the site shall be located outside the future acquisition area. �e ��_ a__-w F �?r.:e- �° «�.^ e-.:^*:^^_ °^: °-'-.. :A portion of the drainage faciliry improvement may be temporazily allowed within the future acquisition azea if an �°�r:,onditional use permit is issued pursuant to the provisions of SVMC ^O.'�n22.130.090. The �rpermit shall provide for the relocation of the drainage facility to an altemative site by the property owner when the fee�v+ey-street is widened. The permit shall identify the alternate location and the means of relocating the facility. I £F. Physical Structures, Improvements and Utilities. Physical structures (such as signs, fencing, and architectural features) and improvements (such as site drainage, 208 drainage swales, landscaping, and I parking) shall not be located within the future acquisition area unless ati =�conditional use permit has been issued pursuant to SVMC ^"'.'�'^o-. If permitted, they shall be considered "interun" and shall be relocated or removed if the right-of-way is widened in the future, subject to the I conditions of the �^,�.-:.onditional use permit. Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 7 of 28 DRAFT All developers, agencies and purveyors installing utilities in, adjacent to or across rights-of-way shall show the future acquisition area and �eu�{bound ies) on construction plans or drawings. Impacts from the future �ea�way-street widening and other relocation cost shall be considered when designing and siting utilities and improvements. (Ord. 08-006 § 1, 2008). 22.130.03�90 �nteri�-eConditional use permit. A_The a��:_'.�Y°^.^« �_^.?=°� �°^?�^�^o'."--' may temporarily allow, as an interim conditional use, site features or improvements located within or adyacent to the future acquisition area that are in conflict with the provisions of this chapter; provided, that a hardship can be demonstrated and the use can be reasonably conditioned and restricted to ultimately accomplish the intent of this chapter. Examples of site features or improvements include driveways, '-°•�°' '°-�°, °°�-`°^^ arainage facilities and structures. ''"�s-parking stalls, utilities and signs. B. Permit Required. T°�eConditional use permits shall be issued administratively at or before the time development approvals and permits are granted. �ateeim--Conditional use permits shall, at a minimum, specify the temporary or interim use allowed, the conditions of the permit, the provisions for and timing of removal, relocation or installation and the responsibility for the cost of relocation, removal or installation. C. Appeals. Any appeal of the administrative decision shall be heard pursuant to Chapter 17_90 SVMC, Appeals. All ;�.-:.onditional use permits shall be referenced by a tiUe notice pursuant to SVMC ^''.'�n22.130.080. (Ord. 08-006 § 1, 2008). �� i zn nzn n.._i.:_,. �,.....,...,.� � ...... ............�:.,.._ a,. .. - - - a�..,, a r ,.., . b ... T - 1 1 ' 1.' ' 1 .1 «A....�..:..1 .t.,. ..1....«....�.. ..I...II e..� .. .;d f �.h.�c r 1. 1.' 1�. ...:�1....F � ...1.:..1..,. �,. ., � �6e �...,.i,..�.il.. ....�.... A... ..A:........F _...�1,:.... 1..� r o r � • i a • i i.� i�«..,.tr.,. ..t,,...0 ..... .. .ti_,.....t, .:ae.,.:.,t_..,,.tc.,�_ te._ c:«.. r a .+ . �. .,.a,:.... ..«..n,. t � ,...,.w .........� i.,., e,..:,.,, i:,. ., ..r c .._ ..«..n..� u.w,. z .+ ~ r o e e • . > . e 1,• l,. .d..�:.... ..../,..._...... �6.. C..F..�., �....A ......... ....d..,....s,�...._l Pm�crsz�=-��________ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ __ _. . . � il A ...A ...A„� al... .. ..F cl/➢,T/'` '1'1 12l1 f12'LF r �..A ......1,:.... r� r� + . � 11 L. 1. ..,1 :.. A... C..�.. ..A �M.. .....:� � .,A:., ..� �..,..el 1....n_..�.... ....A �R _'""_"_"_"_____""'_"-_"-__________ ._. + , r �' 1 _.1,..1 .. ....� �., c�rnel� �'1 i�n nzc .ti,.. �....we.:ae..�:4:e� 1:4e1��:...... i......1. . . ..«.... � �... ....� ...,..�.. .., "�.,...�.. �......_"'. ._ _ . ""' __'"_"'__ `__' __"__' ___"_'_'__ __'_'_+ _" 1 1 ..F : ....�.. C ..f....,.,. ,.AA.... ..�,.11..\ r.. s6es;r., ...L...« �L... �......,.1 1...... �r� o . ,,,,. :.... :.......a,. :...w,, a......,, m..a no nnc c i �nno� . , n nr�xi �ee ii mn a�en i� inn .ti.. n:« ..a....... t�.. _„s.�.,,.e .�e c,.,.v.,..e r....,,e.. C',. .1...11 1.,. .. ....ti...,a F.. ... .. �6.. l�:�. ..0 c....l.,...e V..IIe.. �..dsnF .. �.. .. � ..�. ..f..FC..6..11 �,.0 � �.. ......� ...... .... �....,...»�......""'._."'."_ `" " ..`,_"'_""_ ' _" _� _'"_"_'_"_"_'__ __ ___"___� _____ ______ _____ __ �, ,l Tl, 1 1 V l. 11 FI I!l e1 (17 LLLSS. n'lnn']\ . . . '"'� """_"'_ _' "_" '_'" '_'� _'_'_ _"__ __'"___-__ _ _ _r� __ ___ _ _ � _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ � , . . Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 8 of 28 : .-- -- � - --_ - - - � - -- _---:. - � - :: ----- -.- =--.- -. . - --- ---- -- - ---- - - -- - - - - _.. . . . :- -- -- --�-- .. _...�-: -::- ::. , , _ .. . . . .. , . . .. . .. ; _ . . . - . . . �f.11�!�Il� . : : . ; _. . •- :: . �: • -: -: �: : ., __ _ .. _ ,.,, ., ., . ,,:: -: ': : • - �-:_ -::: : -- : . �: - •�:: -: �: . �.�.Rl� � 1.:: t�t �` � y � -i. M? h �`'�� w.{O1t,b , i� ��' " �' ' .'��. " ' ' " ' ' ' .. :.. : ,,:: 'e 'c c „ a: ': �' c �". �. �' ' �_ �, . """ �' ' ' . . .. 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Unless exempt from permit requirements, a right-of- way permit is required of any person or company who performs construction work or othenvise engages in activity within e�sting City rights-of-way, or on City-owned infrastrucmre. Ripht-of-way permit authorizes a permittee to perform work or conduct activity in a ri t-of-way or easement Permits shall not be required for the following: 1. Work done by or for the City within its right-of-way. 2. Work that is two hours or less in duration, as long as that work does not require the closure of more than 50 percent of a non-arterial �ea�weystreet, does not close any lanes on an arterial �ett�vaystreet, does not involve excavation within the right-of-way, or does not involve cutting or placement of pavement, sidewalks, curbs or gutters. Exemption from the permit requirements of the SVMC shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of the SVMC or any other laws, ordinances or standards ofthisjurisdiction. r �. ,.c .. ...,. ..�.r.,. ..«:r.. ,._,, _ .,. ,.�.«.. .' �a� a .�.,, c._... r�:.. �,..,.:...,.. a.., a,.0 .....:........:a .,i....,.ea nQ t,.......e.;,.a_ B Expiration Ri�ht-of-way_permits issued between April I and September 30 are valid for 30 davs afrer the date of issuance with a one-time 30 dav extension available. Ri�ht-of-wav Permits issued beriveen October 1 and Mazch 31 shall be valid until the following April 30. C Emergency Repairs In the case of an emer ency repair a private or public utility may commence work prior to obtaining a nermit provided the person responsible for the work obtains a construction permit within 48-hours after work is commenced or on the first City business day following said elapsed 48-hour period. 6D. Right-of-Way Permit — Application. No right-of-way permit shall be issued unless a written application is submitted and approved by the <lireete}��. The application shall, at a minimum, contain the following: 1. Construction plans or drawings approved by the �eeferC� if required; 2. A traffic contro] plan, if the work closes more than 50 percent of the non_arterial �ea�waystreet, or closes any lanes on an arterial �ea&�veystreet; 3. The period oftime during which the right-of-way will be obstructed; and 4. Proof of the contractor's and all subcontractors' state licensing, insurance and requirements. I Depending upon the nature and extent of the construction activity or work, the di�eete�C�may require engineering, restoration and drainage plans prepared by a Washington-licensed engineer at the applicanYs sole cost and expense. � At the discretion of the o��.,� a multiple-use permit may be available for licensed and bonded businesses and public utilities. The multiple-use permit fee will be established by resolution in the master fee schedule. The multiple-use permit shall expire at the end of the City fiscal year. The administrative regulations goveming the multiple-use permit shall be written and approved by the �i�eetseC�. Failure to comply with the administrative regulations shall be a violation of this code. �E. Right-of-Way Permit Fees. eetx3ei� Permit fees shall be assessed in accordance with the currently adopted Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 10 of 28 DRAFT �F. Notice Required. The applicant shall give to the �eete�C�t _notice not less than 48 hours before any work or activity is commenced and shall notify the d�eeEe�C�upon completion of the same. If a traffic control plan is required to be submitted with the application, the applicant shall give the �i�eeteF C�not less than 72 hours' notice. In the event of an unexpected repair or emergency, work may be commenced as required under the circumstances. Unexpected repairs and emergency work shall comply with all other requirements of this section. � €G. Construction Standards. All work within the City right-of-way shall be in accordance with adopted City standazds in effect at the time of the application for the permit. These include but aze not limited to current versions of the �okane Vallev Street Standards the Spokane Re�ional Stormwater Manual, '; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD); Washington State DepaRment of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction; and applicable standazds of the American Public Works Association (APWA). 6H. Maintaining Access. In the event it is necessary for the perrnittee to excavate the entue width of the rsedweystree no more than half of the �eadway-street shall be opened for construction and closed to traffic at one time. Such portion of the work shall be backfilled and completed before the remaining portion of the reedway-street may be excavated. If it is impossible, infeasible or unsafe to permit the work while maintaining an open lane for traffiq the ���may, with the concurrence of the chief of police and fire chief, pertnit the ree�vey-street to be blocked for a short period of time where suitable detours can be provided and the public will not be unnecessarily inconvenienced. The permittee shall fumish facilities, such as bridges or other suitable means, or clearly identify appropriate detours, to allow the flow of traffic without unnecessary congestion. I �I. Traffic Control. Any person or company that performs construction work or otherwise engages in activity within the existing City rights-of-way, or on City-owned infrastructure, is responsible for all traffic control and assumes the responsibility to maintain appropriate signage, signals and barricades that protect the public safety, in accordance with the MUTCD. The person or company shall provide for the safe operation of all equipment, vehicles and persons within the right-of-way. �J. Damage to Existing �mgre�eFneaESInfrastructure. All damage to existing public or private imgFeve�neet�infrastructure and/or propertv during the progress of the construction work or activity shall be repaired by the permittee. Methods and materials for such repair shall conform �i�kto adopted City standards. If the permittee fails to fumish the necessary labor and materials for such repairs, the �eete� C�shall have the authority to cause said necessary labor and materials to be furnished by the City and the cost shall be charged against the permittee. Such charge shall be immediately paid by the permittee and shall, if not paid on demand, be deemed a valid claim on the bond filed with the City. � K3. City's Right to Restore Right-of-Way and Easements. If the permittee fails to restore any City right-of-way or easement to its original and proper condition upon the expiration of the time fixed by such permit or shall otherwise fail to wmplete the right-of-way construction work covered by such permit or if the work of the permittee is defective and the defect is discovered within one year from the completion of I the right-of-way construction work, the a���or designee shall have the right to do all work and things necessary to restore the right-of-way and/or easement and to complete the right-of-way construction work. The permittee shall be liable for all costs and expenses of restoration or completion. The City shall have a cause of action for all fees, expenses and amounts paid for such work. Following demand, the City may enforce its rights pursuant to this section. No additional permits shall be granted until the invoice for City-performed work has been paid. , • , �rt,. �,..,a ..�...ii �,.. T.11. 1' .i .1 1. 1. f Clii....l.:....�..«......7 1 -----+ ------� -i inn ...c.�.,. ,..:........a ,....o.�e ,..b i.. ..«t�., .,��,. `1 Y ..C....1,,..\ ....1..1.. A.,Ie.,., ..eA 1�.. A.��or. ���..�� ' . � .._`"_ __ '_"`_� `_ __-___ —___ _ _� . Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 11 of 28 DRAFT � ,o �. ,,.... �.....,. ..... �..,..., . »...,. _...:.a,.,..,._:,.. ,. ..,...,,a .we a:.e,.�,..st,,.,, .. � ..{��1..... ..l.�!{�n .+..:H.... T1... ..4:nrn{.n1�n�n1e .. T1... .. ....t. F.. 1... .1......• L. T0... �:..... �.. .........Ie�,, a1..........i ...L.:,.6 ..1...11 ....� .,....�sA 2!1 .1....�. ..�A . e TL 'C i. 1. : ..,..! .....i .. .....1..�..A ...:at.:« �1... �:..... ..11,.w...1 �l.e f`:e.,�.�:ll �L... . ....1 �.. 1... .. ..1..F..,1 ..«.i . .. 11.,. 1......1 .. ee.in 1.. •e f n k}.dnn..,d � � A L. A L.... ...A...1...�.,.. ....C..C....1C:........ .:AvA TAe A:.e..�...: m.f6c.... �....,.A...... r� � r� 7... .. ...� ..Oal... 1.....A ., 1 ....... ......A .. :..�.. L. Insurance — Evidence. Permittee, prior to the commencement of construction hereunder, shall � furnish the �ireeEe�C�satisfactory evidence in writing that the permittee has in force during the performance of the construction work or activity, commercial general liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate duly issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in this state. In addition, the pblicy shall name the City as an additional named � insured. The ���may reduce the insurance limits if good cause exists. M. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from any and all claims, injuries, damages, bsses or suits, including attomey fees, azising out of the permit issued under this section except as may be caused by the negligence or willful conduct on the part of the City. N. Rules and Policy. To implement the right-of-way permit and provide for the public health and � safety, the �i�eeteeC�, under the supervision of the city manager, may develop and adopt rules, policies and forms consistent with this section. All adopted rules, policies and forms shall be filed with the city clerk. O. Violations — Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subiect to all enforcement actions and penalties as found in SVMC a^ "°•�- °� °�'°^^ `°:..:, :°c_....«:,... s :,.i..«:,.., ,.F .. .....:....:.... ....«.._.. ,.,,w a....+.. . :,.i,.,:..., ..ti„u x.a ,.,.,,ta��a .. _..... ,.rc ....,, ,.... .. ., ., . _,..... ............. .....»._� _»_.. ... .. ....__.".," ..""' .,' '_"_""" _ "�.'"_'_ _"'""_" c c ,..,. ..o.� .:.. .......:.... ..�..,v �.,....._.......,« «,. rti,..,. FI7.100 e �� +_ �.....� ...... ........��..,......._.. .._ i ._...__...'_ '""'�„_' ' ' ' �f'1 1 Qfl 11'f11 LR..-.....1 .... TT..:P....�. T_..{Y:.. 1�....�....1 T...A...... Tl. • III....6:...w.... T,f........1 ..., iT..:C '... T�..F4:.. !`..«4...1 Tle..:..e� /1�,fTTT('Tl\_.,� ;f_mm L.. .. ....A..d A...... ... .. __'"""" "'"______ __' _'_'_'__' _'_'___ _ _'_' _' _ _ -' __ „ _-_ _ _... f• .• :.. �..._,.�.....a.......a �.. ....r.,..,...,.,. in_a n� ni c a n �nna� TI. • :1 ..l...11 .. ..,i:....11.. � • �ti.. � ...i..�.i,. C � �..n.l n...l r ..rf n.,.i m...7iS�m� > • f 22.130.99�110 Liability. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This chapter and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section 4. SVMC Title 22.20. This ordinance makes changes to SVMC 22.20.020, 22.20.040, and 22.20.080 — these sections of the code aze modified to read as follows:. Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 12 of 28 DRAFT 22.20.020 Concurrency review. A. All project permits/project applications except for those exempt as set forth in subsection C of this section shall be subject to concurrency review at the time an application is submitted. Concurrency shall be determined by evaluating the anticipated impact of the application against the level of service (LOS) set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. A certificate of concurrency issued by the reviewing authority shall be required prior to approval of any nonexempt application. B. A finding of concurrency requires that adequate facilities are available when the service demands of development occur, or in the case of transportation "concurrent with developmenY' shall mean that improvements or strategies aze in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six years. The cumulative impact of development should be considered when making this determination. C. The following shall be exempt from concurrency review: 1. Project permits that were issued, or project applications that were determined to be complete (see Chapter 36.70B RC� prior to the effective date of these concurrency regulations. 2. The first renewal of a previously issued, unexpued project permit; provided, that substantial progress has been made as determined by the appropriate review authority. 3. Any project permit that will have transportation impacts of less than 10 peak hour vehicular trips, and that will not change the traffic volumes and flow patterns in the aftemoon peak travel period, as � determined by the �_'._;,M_-'_ =_^•'.=_� senior traffic engineer. 4. The following project permit actions: a. Boundary line adjustments; b. Final subdivisions/final PRDs/final short plats/final binding site plans; c. Temporary use permit; d. Variances. 5. Proposed project permits/project applications that do not create additional impacts on transportation facilities. Such projects may include but are not limited to: a. Any addition or accessory structure to a residence with no change or increase in the number of dwelling units over four units; b. Interior renovations with no change in use or increase in number of dwelling units over four units; c. Any addition, remodel, or interior completion of a structure for use(s) with the same or less intensity as the existing use or previously approved use. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.040 Application procedures. � A. Applications for concurrency review shall be submitted to ea€et�s�revided-Hy-the City. 1. Concurrency review shall be performed for the specific property, uses, densities and intensities, and traffic distribution information provided by the applicanUproperty owner and shall include any project phasing proposed by the applicant. 2. The City may request additional information in order to make a determination. 3. All applications shall be circulated for comment to the appropriate departments or agencies. 4. The project permit may be conditioned to assure adequate facilities aze available to meet the demand generated by the project. If the project is approved, a concurrency ceRificate shall be issued to the property owner, his heirs and assigns. 5. If adequate facilities cannot be made available to maintain adopted level of service (LOS), the project application shall be denied. 6. The concurrency certificate shall automatically be voided if the project permit has been withdrawn, expires, or is otherwise cancelled. B. Concurrency Certificate. 1. Shall apply only to the specific land uses, densities, intensities and project described in the application and project permit; Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 13 of 28 DRAFT 2. Is not transferable to other property, but may be transferred to new owners of the same property; 3.Sha11 remain valid so long as the accompanying project permit has not expired or been revoked; 4. Is valid for any modification of the permits for which the certificate was issued so long as such modification does not requue the applicant to obtain a new project permit; and I 5. Shall only be issued upon payment of any�eAex�eney traffic review fee due. C. Any capacity that is not used because the full ea�tent of the development is not built shall be � considered available capacity for a period not to exceed 6 yeazs . D. Concurrency Certificate Fees. Fees for issuing concurrency certificates shall be based on the � currentiv adopted Spokane Valley Master fee schedule. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.20.080 Transportation concurrency - Additional considerations. A. Transportation concurrency shall be in accordance with City of Spokane Valley Street Standards adopted pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040 Street Standards.'-T�^�•°°- ^°-^°�'-•''"°-••°' ° '°'°�`°'"�° n 1 „ ...� ,.e .. :..o..� ......:.... :.. .w,. ,. ..:...i r ,.:r..:�.. ..�,,.. ,.ti„n we . �e,1_.,.._.,_...,,,t:�, �°:9.:,:. :� !` i .. ...1 ..0 .. :..F..�...,.ti..« ..1.�11 1... .....7..F...1 .. ♦.. .. ...f F . t.nFF...—le.eutc_.oc��l�� 'b €re�ke�e}lew�ng: 1 T....CC... C ..... .. ...1.. ......�f�.....lvA .....:enf�, . � . � e D....:....F.. F..�..d.:.3... ..,..+:C....,fe 1.,.. l.ee.... .,.deA. .,.,A . � AAT,... _ ....� .. ....1 I...,.1...�.......I ��..4T... : e ' C L....1. :..�....,.....ti.... ..fl ..l..A L.. _. ....A .. ....F.. ..L.,.il 1.,, � .�A ,.«A .....,7. -.vA C . .. TM,. ......1:......F/..�......� . I... .. �.,A t.. .. .:Ae ,. �..,f4:.. : ,...� .,..,.1....:�3F ..A.'....-:._.. a: z+� �:cror:.. . .. L C«....:C... D......:�:..«,. D..1..�..A �.. N... C..�,......./A«..1�....,.. 6.1.,..e.. !`......:A... Cf..A.. De�e.,,sA /(l.A_ �� Section 5. SVMC Title 22.50. This ordinance makes changes to SVMC 22.50.030, 22.50.040, 22.50.050, and 22.50.060. These titles aze modified to read as follows: T^2Alll� wT:_:........ e.....� :.... r .. �H�� StRe�---� 8se � I �� i cn��:� A..a..«..�,..i �..11,... / A Tr,f� g6/se�iee fet�x;:� �taelt'tnes � � � Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 14 of 28 DRAFT I r'''"°-=_° I r,_:.....��. _,...«...._,,.,.. .Kg� I ��� �s I ��c,�� � I 6en�ed -eeees.� , "^,�--�} � 12 T ' 1.' I ..A. C .. .....lt: . ......N.... :� �6.. A:�t.,....e 6en........ �1... ..�......F _:..1.� ..C....,.. � o o � r� e 1. C �1.:«.. . ..«..I.I:..M:.... Q.., ... ... Ie,...t� ..£�l�:s. ..F..,.1.:.... .... C 11....,... Y O Y� ��� C a + o I T..61.. 99 G11 L D....I.:..R_i_..a C cuv�riai � 'b �I1xir�2i�A�—� f�`�`� �� I � � I �9-i80 � I w.f....,, a� �O ^ YO !` T6 !" C C /... V..11.. A,. �t.. ..• Ae ...+..,n.,� ..lY'.. ..�..A. ! C �• • ) f a�.. Q..... �nnlm�.�....l.. r�«.rn i.� �n��ii�e�—�y � i ... ..».... .. ...... //����.�� � � �^ '�� _ y �4 V ��/� ���� � \ �/ \� ! � \J �� a� 8 �Oil 133h19 i ; « � � � §� ( � �� a i - �.. - G . I � il��� � � �, _ — � �• g o� � � � r, _ �� . � � � � � � � � - __ �� =� � =i= _- = - s� =I � Figure 22.50-3 ' in_a m ni c c n onn�� . , 22.50.948.030 Off-street loading. Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 15 of 28 DRAFT A. Every building or part thereof erected or occupied for retail business, service, manufacturing, storage, warehousing, hotellmotel, industrial or any other use similarly involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise shall provide and maintain on the same premises loading space in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Off-street loading spaces shall measure as follows: a. When one space is required, it shall measure 12 feet wide, 30 feet long and 15 feet high (if a dock). b. When two or more spaces are required, they shall measwe 12 feet wide, 60 feet long and 15 feet high (if a dock). 2. Loading facilities located on the side of a building but not facing a street shall be set back from the front property line a minimum distance of 60 feet. 33. All parking, loading and maneuvering of trucks shall be conducted on private property. 64. Required passenger vehicle pazking shall not be allowed within the truck dock apron space. �5. The minimum number of off-street loading spaces shown on the following table aze required: Table 22.50-7 — Loading Spaces Required Use/Gross Square Feet Required Loading Spaces �+"� s �, ` §.�? �, ,. . �' � "�° Industrial, manufacturing�wholesale, wareho rts�e, si,milar�,uses ,�� �`.; - �..; �`" "� 10,000 — 40,000 squaze feet 1 space 40,001 — 60,000 square feet 2 spaces 60,001 — 100,000 squarefeet 3 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof HoteUmotel restaurants 20,000 — 60,000 squaze feet 1 space 60,001 — 100,000 squaze feet 2 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof Hospitals, wnvalescenUnursing homes and similar in' stitutions � 10,000 — 40,000 square feet 1 space 40,000 — 100,000 square feet 2 spaces Over 100,000 squaze feet 1 space for each 50,000 squaze feet or paR thereof Department!stores,�retail and�other,commercial,uses ��;��`' �� '�y�� 10,000 — 2Q000 square feet 1 space 20,001 — 50,000 squaze feet 2 spaces 50,001 — 100,000 square feet 3 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof B. Screening of Off-Street Loading Areas. 1. Off-street loading spaces and apron space shall not be located on the street side of any building in commercial or residential zones. In those instances where three or more sides oF the building face dedicated streets, loading spaces and apron space shall be located at the rear or side of the building and screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimum of 35 feet in accordance with the provisions of SVMC 22.70.030(I). In the industrial zones, off-street loading spaces and apron space may be located on Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 16 of 28 DRAFT the street side of buildings providing that they are screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimum of 35 feet in accordance with the provisions of SVMC 22.70.030(I); 2. No loading dock or service bay doors shall be constructed on any portion of a front wall or on a side or reaz wall within 60 feet of any front property line or adjacent to the street. (Ord. 08-007 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.50.936-040 Bicycle parking. Bicycle spaces are individual units within ribbon racks, inverted "U" racks, locking wheel racks, lockers, or other similaz permanent structures accommodating five or more bicycles. A. Bicycle racks and/or storage shall be provided when 25 or more parking spaces aze required, at a ratio of one rack for every 25 parking spaces. B. Required bicycle pazking must be located within 50 feet of an entrance to the building or use. C. If bicycle parking is not visible from the street, a sign must be posted indicating the location of the bicycle parking spaces. D. All bicycle parking must be sepazated from motor vehicle traffic by a bamer, curb, post, bollard or other similar device. E. The property owner of a site shall have a continuing obligation to properly maintain any bicycle parking facilities on their property. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 22.50.86�050 Landscaping in parking azeas. See SVMC 22.70.030, Screening and buffering. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section 6. SVMC Title 24.50. This ordinance replaces SVMC Title 24.50 entirely — SVMC Title 24.50 is modified to read as follows: Chauter 24.50 Land Disturbine Activities 24.SOA10 GENERAL A General Applicability This subtitle applies to all land disturbin� activities, whether or not a permit is reauired• All land disturbing activities shall comply with this subtitle and the requirements set forth bv SVMC Title 21 Environmental Controls and 22.130.040 Street Standards. B Purpose The putpose of this ordinance is to re�ulate all land disturbinp activities to nrotect and safe u� ud the �eneral health safetv and welfare of the public residing within the City of Spokane Vallev � 1 Establishingprocedures for issuance of permits �lan approval and inspection of �rading construction: and, 2 Controlling erosion and preventing sediment and other pollutants from leavin� the uroiect site during construction bv implementing best mana e� ment practices; and. 3 Reducin stormwater runoff rates and volumes soil erosion and nonpoint source pollution wherever possible throu�h stormwater management controls and to ensure that these manaeement controls are prooerly maintained and �ose no threat to public safetv � 4 Protectin� downstream properties and public infrastructure. C. Definitions. Ordinance 09-033 Sh�eet Standuds Page 17 of 28 . DRAFT 1. Applicant is the private party or parties desiring to construct a public or private imnrovement within Citv ri�ht-of-way, easements, or private propertv, securin� all re�uired approvals and permits from the City, and assuminQ full and complete resnonsibilitv for the project. The Applicant mav be the owner or the individual desip�ated by the Owner to act on his behalf. 2. Clearing and �rubbing includes, but it is not limited to, removinQ trees, stumps, roots, brush, structures, abandoned utilities, trash, debris, and all other material found on or neaz the surface of the �round in the construction area. 3. Grading is the �hysical manipulation of the eaRh's surface and/or surface drainaee pattern which includes surcharging_preloading, contouring, cuttin�, and/or fillin� Grading activities fall into rivo �eneral categories: engineered gradin� and re�ular agr dm� 4. Land disturbing activity result in a change in existing soil cover (ve�etative or non- veeetativel or site topop�aohv. Land disturbine activities include, but are not limited to, demolition, construction, clearine and ru� bbin�grading and log,�� 5. Site includes all the pazcels included in the project. D Permit Required. A sepazatepermit shall be obtained for each site. No land disturbin a� ctivity, unless specifically exempted, shall be performed without first havin� obtained a permit. The following are the types of permit: 1. Eneineered grading. Refer to SVMC 24.50.020 for general exemptions. Refer to SVMC 24.50.030 for applicabilitv, additional exemptions, and permit requirements. All en�ineered gradin� shall comply with the Washineton State Environmental Policv Act. 2. Re u� laz �rading. Regular r�¢ is �rading work that is not required to be en in� eered• Refer to SVMC 24.50.020 for eeneral exemptions. Refer to SVMC 24.50.040 for applicability, additional exemptions, and permit requirements. 3. Clearing and �rubbingpermit. Refer to SVMC 24.50.050 for applicability, exemptions, and permit requuements. E. Fees. Pertnit fees, includingplan review, shall be assessed in accordance with the curre�tly adonted Suokane Valley Master Fee Schedule, F. Suretv. The Applicant shall post a surety in an amount determined bv the Development Services Senior Engineer. Acceptable surety instruments are cash savings assignments and letters of credit issued by a duly chartered financial institution. G. Inspection. All land disturbing activities shall be subject to inspection by the Development Services Senior Engineer. For all engineered �radin�permits, special inspection of grading operations and special testina shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards. If durin aR n inspection, site conditions and/or construction of permanent items are found not be as shown in the permit application or approved plans, the permit may be deemed invalid. No land disturbin ag ctivity shall be undertaken, or continued, until revised nlans have been submitted and approved. The Development Services Senior Eneineer shall be notified when work authorized bv a permit issued subiect to this chapter is ready for final inspection. Final ap�roval shall not be granted until all work has been completed in accordance with the approved rg adin�plans and any required reports have been submitted. Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 18 of 28 DRAFT H Hazards ff the Development Services Senior Engineer deterntines that any land disturbing activitv has or may become a hazard to life and limb, endan�property, cause erosion, or adverselv affect drainage the safetv use stabilit,y of a public wav or drainage channel the owner shall be notified in writing The owner is responsible to mitigate the hazard within the time specified by the Development Services Senior Eneineer. If not corrected, the land disturbing activity shall be deemed to be a violation pursuant to SVMC 24.050. ] 0 I. I Violations Unless exempt any land disturbin¢ activity_performed without a permit shall be considered hazardous and a�ublic nuisance subject to all enforcement actions and penalties as found in SVMC Title 17 An investigation fee mav be assessed pursuant to International Buildin� Code Section 108 4 The fee is �avable prior to the issuance of a permit Payment of the investigation fee does not vest the ille�al work with any le itimacy, nor does it establish any ri t to anv permit for continued development of the project. Anv oerson firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to fines as provided in Title 17 of this code. J Construction Stormwater Permit The Applicant shall contact Washin�ton Department of Ecolo�y (Ecol�l to determine if a Construction Stormwater Permit is required. K Changes in the Field Revisedplans may be required when chan�es aze made to the approved ra� din¢ plans Land disturbine activities affected by such chanees shall not continue until the revised plans are reviewed and approved bv-the Development Services Senior Engineer. 24.50.020 GRADING PERMIT — GENERAL EXEMPTIONS A eradingpermit either envineered �radin or re u� lar grading is not required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Excavations which, meets all of the followin¢: o Are less than 3 feet in hei ng t; and, o Have slopes flatter than 2:1 (H:VI, and, o Do not exceed 50 cubic yards on anv one lot. 2. Fills which, meets all of the followina: o Are less than 2 feet in hei ng t; and• o Have slo�es flatter than 2:1 (H:V , and, o Are not intended to support structures; and, o Do not obstrvct a drainage course; and. o Do not exceed 50 cubic yards on any one lot. 3 An excavation below finishe�ade for basements and footinps of a buildin�, retainin� wall or other structure authorized by a valid buildingpermit. This shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation havin� unsuppor[ed height ereater than 4 feet after the completion of such structure• 4. Cemetery r�aves: 5 Refuse di�osal sites controlled by other re¢ulations; Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 19 of 28 DRAFT 6 Excavations to facilitate the septic tank elimination pro rg am; 7. Mining, auarr�n,, excavating_processin ,p stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggte�ate• or clav where established and provided for bv law such operations do not affect the lateral support or increase the stresses in or pressure upon anv adjacent or conti¢uous ro e 8 Exploratory excavations under the direction of a geotechnical eneineer or en in� eerin¢ geolo ig sts; 24.50.030 ENGINEERED GRADING PERNIITS A Applicability. An engineered ra� din� permit is required for the following land disturbing activities: 1. Gradin� in excess of 500 cubic yards; and, 2 Excavations with cut slopes equal to or steeper than 2:1 (H:V) and heights �reater than 2- 1/2 feet; and, 3 Excavations with cut slopes equal to or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) and heiRhts greater than 4 feet: and, 4. Fill slopes equal to or steeper than 2:1 (H:VI hei�hts greater than 2- 1/2 feet; and, 5. Fill slopes equal to or steeper than 10:1 (H:V) hei�hts greater than 4 feet; and, 6. Grading in the floodplain: and, 7. Gradine in Critical Areas identified in the SVMC Title 21: 8 Gradine in a drainaee channel; and, 9. Gradin te o support a buildine or structure of a permanent nature; and, 10. Gradin� associated with subdivisions pursuant to SVMC Title 20; and. I 1. Grading for eneineered drivewa�gardless of the amount of excavation or fill required for construction; and. 12. Grading for all ponds, water features, and man-made lakes greater than 500 sq. ft. in surface area; and, 13. Major use �ermits and/or any other project likelv to cause major land disturbances as determined by the City; and, 14. Gradin t�pport other en ineering works such as, but not limited to, tanks, towers, machinery, retaining wall, and pavin :g and• 15. Projecu deemed to be a potential hazard. B. Exemptions. An en�ineered rg adin�permit is not required for the followin� land disturbing activities: 1. Grading work already included in a buildin�pertnit or land action application; 2. Grading work exempted per SVMC 24.50.020; and grading work not meeting the requirements of SVMC 24.50.030 A. In this latter case, the adin� would be considered regular �radin� Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 20 of 28 DRAFT C. Engineered Grading Permit Submittal Requirements. The minimum documents required for permit aQplication are as follows: 1. Completed permit application; and, 2. Two sets of all required �lans stamped by a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washin on, 3. Two sets of all required reports, specifications, and supportin� information prepared and stamped by a civil engineer or �eolopist licensed in the State of Washin�ton, 4. Plans shall demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Title, SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations;' 5 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Conhol (TESCI plan The TESC plan shall include all of the minimum elements specified in SVMC 24.150 Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Chapter 9 and Plan elements required in Chapter 4 of SVMC Title 22 130 040 Street Standards, as applicable. The TESC plan mav also be prepared by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. All erosion prevention and sediment control measures shall be maintained, including replacement and repair as needed. These minimum guidelines aze not intended to resolve all project soil erosion wnditions. The applicant is responsible for confinin�all soil on the project site and implementing additional measures as necessarv to accommodate changing or unexpected site and weather conditions• 6 When required by the SVMC 22.130.040 Street Standazds Chapter 5 and/or the Development Services Senior En�ineer, a�eotechnical evaluation demonstratine compliance with SVMC 22.130.040 Street Standards Chapter 5: 7 Draina�e report demonstrating compliance with SVMC 24 150 Spokane Re i�onal Stormwater Manual Chaptet 3; 8 When required bv the Development Services Senior Engineer an en in� eering �gy r�ort includin a� n adequate description of the �eolo�y of the site; 9. SEPA checklist D Engineered Grading Permit Final Acceptance. The following items are required prior to final acceptance: 1. Inspection bv a qualified professional hired bv the Applicant; and, 2. As- rg aded �radin�plans; and, 3 A letter from the inspector that certifies that gradine �vas conducted in accordance with the rg adine nlan Certification requirements shall be in compliance with SVMC 22.130.040 Street Standards. 24.50.040 REGULAR GRADING PERMIT A Applicability A�radingpermit is required for all �rading operations unless exempted below All gradin¢ shall comply with the Washineton State Environmental Polic�Act and SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standazds An en�ineered r�gpermit shall be required if the �roiect meets the criteria specified in SVMC 24.50.030. B Exemptions A re�ular ra�dingpermit is not required for the followine land disturbina activities: 1. Grading work already included in a buildingpermit; Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 21 of 28 DRAFT 2 Work exempt under SVMC section 24.50.020 or already included in an en inc eered rg adingpermit; C Re�ular Grading Permit Submittal Requirements. The minimum documents required for permit a�plication are as follows: 1. Completed permit application; and, 2. Plans demonstrating compliance with Chapter 4 and 5 SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards and all other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and re�ulations. The name of the owner and the name of the person who prepared the plan shall be included in all submitted plans and documents; and, 3 Tem�orarv Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC�plan The TESC plan shall include all of the minimum elements specified in SVMC 24.150 Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual Cha�ter 9 and Plan elements required in Chapter 4 of SVMC Title 22.130.040 Street Standards, as applicable. The TESC plan may also be prepared by a CeRified Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. All erosion prevention and sediment control measures shall be maintained, including replacement and repair as needed. These minimum guidelines are not intended to resolve all project soil erosion conditions. The applicant is responsible for confinin� all soil on the �roiect site and implementing additio�al measures as necessary to accommodate changing or unexpected site and weather conditions. 24.50.050 GRUBBING AND CLEARING PERMIT A Applicabilitv A rug bbins and clearing�ermit is required for the followine land disturbing activities: 1. All grubbin� and clearing activities disturbin� 5,000 square feet or more of area; and, 2. Any clearin og n slopes, wetlands, erodible soils, critical areas, etc; and, 3. Any removal of trees and vegetation that does not trig�er the �radin�permit reauirements. B Exemptions. The following land disturbin� activities are not required to obtain a clearing and ru� bbingpermit: 1. Commercial agriculture as re�ulated under RCW Chapter 8434.020. Clearing associated with aaricultural uses, excluding timber cutting not othenvise exempted: 2. Forest practices regulated under WAC Title 222, except for Class N General Forest Practices that are conversions from timberland to other uses• 3. Clearing and rug bbin ag lready included in a r� ading or building permit; 4. The removal of six (6) trees or less per acre per parcel; 5. The removal of trees and ground cover by utility companies in emer e�ncy situations: or. 6. Routine landscape maintenance and minor repair. C. Permit Submittal Rec�uirements. The minimum documents required for permit application are as follows: 1. Completed permit application; and, 2. Plans demonstratin� compliance with Chapter 4 and 5 SVMC 22.130.40 Street Standards and all other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and re¢ulations; and, Ordinance 09-033 Street Standards Page 22 of 28 DRAFT 3 Temporarv Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) alaa The TESC plan shall include all of the minimum elements specified in SVMC 24 150 Spokane Revional Stormwater Manual Chapter 9 and Plan elements required in Chapter 4 of SVMC Title 22.130.040 Street Standazds as applicable The TESC plan may also be prepared by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. All erosion prevention and sediment contro] measures shall be maintained, including re�lacement and repair as needed. These minimum guidelines aze not intended to resolve all project soil erosion conditions. The applicant is responsible for wnfining all soil on the project site and implementin¢ additional measures as necess� to accommodate chan�� or unexpected site and weather conditions. 24.50.060 SEVERABILITY If any section subsection sentence clause or phrase of this ordinance is detertnined imalid for anv reason in whole or in part bv court such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainin�portions of the ordinances. r �....,��� , c,,,,«:.. vcc�mitir. �n cn ni��� . en cn n�n n,.'..,:..e,..a.va 'IA G/1llAh T....i.... 2TJV9TOTG�RI��. �n cn nc�� �n cn ncn n.,�...:..e,..,:.e..,e.,:�_ �n cn n�n a..,......,«:,... ....a c.0 �n cn non c,,.ti....v.. ' . z-r.�ovo - v�coav� �n cn nnn n.,,:..,.,.e .,..a •e,-�,.�;,,.._ �n cn inn c ......:.... .. ....� �n cn i in s,.,.,. � z �n cn i�n r ...........:..........a a..,.�..,..,... �n cn i�n c..c,.�,,,,..,..... ee en n�� > > ' � . no nin a i �nna� orvT°yrc°°"r7" 9A C!1 fYLI D.......:a .............d ) ) L'« . :.............F..1 D..1:... 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This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days afrer date of publication of this Ordinance ar a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council this 8�' day of December, 2009. ATTEST: Richard M. Munson, Mayor � Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 09-033 Street Standazds Page 28 of 28 :. ti � F:,:� . � v �t i ` � t C [ '� � l � �T L � ' i t � . � ti ' A .1 .��( �".��.. t a � b : �,, � .. { � P r i� n�" � p j x a . r � x p � n� }r i.1y� i .° ; + t � rN-.re �'�{ kr.� ' ��� 4 .,.�, , t na �� } `i �' ` ^ 9� �'��`� T�� F4� � • 3 :j.i � �.l d � . ` �� , F '�J�k9 Y � ti � � Y �� �,� s l ��p L .., �✓_ -t ��`'�q�� � > � . . � � . .`` �§ lm'-" '� • . , �� -M1 �� .� A t �...G�t�] �.��T2E4- � 'Y .�� � � �� 1 ' s^��I S �� �o -s`_ {� � G��"•a��� '� � �- ..—b , t :.::y �' �4 . .1 ' l T--,..a. -.` + •.c d'�"� � 3'r.' r.,...:. -----�-_`sa ��� 3,5�� ..�s k v" �'"s �e +�,"�r . �� ry�, . d�eY � , �...: e�r-�. zs. —�� � � �n'„i���6-J�` �' � -� --"'--„� �FS.'+�+ krY' +.e�. ,,.� �s.�k $ �q ��. �� ..`, i .s.��� � �v.i �.�.i �.rF.i'��L 3 •' j k -. nN+CV; . "" . '`= ,��Ji - , g e . t. � .. � e . � y � Y � �� N�^�SY ^ � � Z t � �S ��i t� ���� _ �� �� � �v + ✓ T� 5 F .:; Y �{� �+1��" ,��"i � °�. M "�o- yj}+ R . � �\'� "� r C � � ��i�+. �C},� 2 � '� L^' �{�.�' S�" - 7'�� }! .. �t}iS�it,r�6't'4,Attl���i n� eA �,' �������� �" � r� t e i b � yac � 1'�` i p �5.�{n�'M'.n �+"rK�!� °��`-,.ra.� - �` y �� `° a 'C's' . � 4L�, ,; ,.. r 4 xi � � h'�" � �',s rr��'f"�� i ����. .. � %,� ..�r:¢ e . ,`��,��1`Y��.:�� k`� ' ' tf +4+`�,� . �'�t '.` ,r� • � • 1 � � � , � � , €�� (. & �il �,�� �'� � � �'� ��� �,�� E�� �=�' �: �-1 C 1 ! , k t : t�t �� ., ��l I �t � � R � � �.s. c:r t (i� � 1 K , ��:C"'�.��i E I E l'�� � �% € �:' r � ��`�...,� i� ` � . ,; - ,_ , PC RECObIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS City of Spokane Valley Street Standards Table of Contents Title Pa2e No. Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Title ............................................................................................................................. 1.2 Intent and Provisions .................................................................................................. l-1 13 Objectives of Street Standazds ................................................................................... l-1 13.1 Minimum Standards .............................................................................................. l-1 13.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................1 1.4 Authority ....................................................................................................................1-2 1.4.1 Development Services Senior Engineer ............................................................... l-2 1.4.2 Senior TrafFic Engineer ........................................................................................ l-3 1.43 Senior Capital Project Engineer ........................................................................... l-3 1.5 Document Organization ............................................................................................. l-4 1.6 Amendments and Revisions .................................................................................:..... l-4 1.6.1 PolicyRevisions ...................................................................................................1-4 1.6.2 Technical Revisions ............................................................................................. l-4 1.7 Interpretation of Standards ......................................................................................... l-5 1.7.1 Governing Standards ............................................................................................1=5 1.7.2 Prior Acceptance of Construction Plans ..............................................................1-5 1.7.3 Severability ..........................................................................................................1 1.8 Contact Information ................................................................................................... l-6 1.9 Reference Material ..................................................................................................... l-6 1.10 Variance ..................................................................................................................... 1.11 Design Deviations ...................................................................................................... l-7 1.12 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................1-8 1.13 Definitions ................................................................................................................ Chapter 2. Development Engineering Requirements 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.2 Applicability .............................................................................................................. 2-1 23 Required Dedications and Improvements ..................................................................2-1 23.1 Typical Requirements .......................................................................................... 2-2 23.2 Specific Requirements for Short Subdivisions, Long Subdivisions and Binding Site Plans..................................................................................................................... 2-3 23.3 Specific Requirements for Commercial Building Pernuts ................................... 2-3 23.4 Specific Requirements for Miscellaneous Projects .............................................. 2-5 October 2009 - I - PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 23.5 Other Requirements ............................................................................................. 2-5 2.4 Modifications to Requirements .................................................................................. 2-6 2.4.1 Variance ...............................................................................................................2-6 2.4.2 Capital Projects .............................................................................:......................2-6 2.43 Limiting Site Conditions ......................................................................................2-6 2.5 Applicants Responsibilities .............:.......................................................................... 2-7 C6apter 3. Traffic Analysis 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Trip Generation & Distribution Letter Guidelines ..................................................... 3-1 3.2.1 Applicability .......................................................................................:................ 3-1 3.2.2 Minimum Elements .............................................................................................. 3-2 33 Tr�c Impact Analysis .................................:........................................................... 3-3 33 .1 ApplicabiliTy ........................................................................................................ 3-3 3.3.2 Scope ..............................................................................................:.....................3-3 333 Methodology ........................................................................................................3-3 33.4 TIA Report Minimum Elements .......................................................................... 3-4 Title Page .................................................................................................... 3-4 33.4.2 Introduction and Summary ......................................................................... 3-4 33.43 ProposedDevelopment ............................:..................................................3-5 Summary of Existing Conditions ................................................................ 3-5 33.4.5 BackgroundProjects ...................................................................................3-5 33.4.6 Analysis Scenarios ......................................................................................3-6 33.4.7 Other Analyses ............................................................................................ 3-6 33.4.8 Findings .......................................................................................................3-7 Appendices ..................................................:...............................................3-7 3.4 Meetings ..................................................................................................................... 3-7 Chapter 4. Requirements for Plan Submittal 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 General Requirements ................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2.1 Plan Completeness ............................................................................................... 4-1 4 .2.2 Fonts .....................................................................................................................4-1 4.23 Lines and Symbols ............................................................................................... 4-1 4.2.4 Sheet Size / Plan Medium .................................................................................... 4-1 4.2.5 Engineer Signature and Stamp ............................................................................. 4-2 4.2.6 Scale .....................................................................................................................4-2 4.2.7 North Arrow ......................................................................................................... 4-2 4.2.8 Vertical and Horizontal Datum ............................................................................ 4-2 4.2.9 Utility Locate Note .............................................................................................. 4-2 4.2.10 Title Block ........................................................................................................... 4-2 4.2.11 Requued Civil Plan Sheets .................................................................................. 4-3 4.2.12 Required Traffic Plan Sheets ............................................................4-3 4.2.13 Other Required Plan Sheets ..............................................................4-3 43 Specific Requirements for Plan Sheets ...................................................................... 4-3 4.4 Cover Sheet ................................................................................................................ 4-3 October 2009 - ii - PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.4.1 Applicability ........................................................................................................ 4-3 4.4.2 Minimum Elements .............................................................................................. 4-4 4.5 Ciearing and Grading Plan ......................................................................................... 4-5 4.5.1 Applicability ........................................................................................................ 4-5 4.5.2 Minimtun Plan Elements ...................................................................................... 4-5 4.6 Street Improvements Plan .......................................................................................... 4-6 4.6.1 Applicability ........................................................................................................ 4-6 4.6.2 Minimum Plan View Elements ............................................................................ 4-6 4.63 Minimum Profile View Elements ........................................................................ 4-8 4.6.4 Minimum Typical Cross Section Elements ......................................................... 4-8 4.7 Onsite Improvement Plan .......................................................................................... 4-9 4.7.1 Applicability ........................................................................................................ 4-9 4.7.2 Muumum Elements for Onsite Improvement Plan .............................................. 4-9 4.8 Drainage Plan ........................................................................................................... 4-11 4.9 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ......................................................4-11 4.10 Temporary Traffic Control Plan .............................................................................. 4-I 1 4.11 Permanent Traffic Control Plan ............................................................................... 4-11 4.11.1 Area Map ........................................................................................................... 4-11 4.11.2 Road Segment Pages .......................................................................................... 4-11 4.113 Signing Plan ....................................................................................................... 4-11 4.11.4 Striping Plan ....................................................................................................... 4-12 4.11.5 Traffic Signal Plan .............................................................................................4-12 4.12 Site Plan of Record .................................................................................................. 4-12 Appendix 4A — General Construction Notes ..........................................:......................... 4-13 Chapter 5. Land Disturbing 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5 -1 5.2 Geotechnical Evaluation ............................................................................................ 5-1 5.2.1 Applicability .................................................:...................................................... 5-1 5.2.2 Qualified Professional .......................................................................................... 5-2 5.23 Geotechnical Report ............................................................................................. 5-2 53 Cieazing, Grubbing & Grading .................................................................................. 5-2 5.4 Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements ............................................................ 5-3 5.5 Cuts and Fills ............................................................................................................. 5-4 5.5.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................... 5-4 5.5.2 Ground Prepazation and Fill Material .................................................................. 5-5 5.5.3 Cut and Fill Setbacks ........................................................................................... 5-7 5.6 Terracing .................................................................................................................... 5.7 Slope Easements .....................................:................................................................. 5-9 5.8 Retaining Walls ........................................................................................................ 5-10 Chapter 6. Utilities 6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 6-1 6.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 6-1 6.2.1 Utilities Located within Right-of-Way ................................................................ 6-1 6.2.2 Underground Utilities .........................................:................................................ 6-1 October 2009 - iii - PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 6.23 Aboveground Utilities .......................................................................................... 6-2 6.2.4 Regional Pavement Cut Policy ............................................................................ 6-2 Appendix 6A — Regional Pavement Cut Policy ............................................................... 6-4 Chapter 7. Street Elements 7 .1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 7-1 7.2 Terrain Types .............................................................................................................7-1 73 Street Types ............................................................................................................... 7-1 73 .1 Public Streets ....................................................................................................... 7-1 73 .2 Private Streets ...................................................................................................... 7-2 733 Alleys ...................................................................................................................7-2 7.3.4 Private Driveways ................................................................................................ 7-3 7.4 Half-Street Improvements .......................................................................................... 7-3 7 .5 Street Geometry ......................................................................................................... 7-4 7 .5.1 Design Criteria ..................................................................................................... 7-4 7 .5.2 Right-of-Way .......................................................................................................7-8 7 .53 Border Easement .................................................................................................. 7-8 7.5.4 Grade ....................................................................................................................7-8 7 .5.5 Cross Slope ..........................................................................................................7-8 7 .5.6 Horizontal Curves ................................................................................................ 7-9 7 .5.7 VerticalCurves ....................................................................................................7-9 7.5.8 Street Surfacing Requirements .......................................................................... 7-10 7 .5.9 Curb and Gutter .................................................................................................. 7-10 ( 7.5.10 Landscape Strip & Swales ................................................................................. 7-10 7.5.11 Turnarounds .......................................................................................................7-10 7.5.12 Bikeways ............................................................................................................7-11 7 .5.13 Intersections ....................................................................................................... 7-12 7.5.14 Street Layout ......................................................................................................7-13 7.5.15 SurveyMonuments ............................................................................................7-14 7.5.16 Tr�c Control Devices ..................................................................................... 7-IS 7 .6 Roadside Elements ................................................................................................... 7-16 7.6.1 Sidewalks ...........................................................................................................7-16 7.6.2 Pedestrian Ramps ...............................................................................................7-16 7 .63 Side Slopes .........................................................................................................7-17 7.6.4 Clear Zone .......................................................................................................... 7-17 7 .6.5 Sight Distance ....................................................................................................7-18 7.7 Miscellaneous Features ............................................................................................ 7-21 7 .7.1 StreetNames ......................................................................................................7-21 7 .7.2 Mailboxes ....................................................................................:......................7-21 7 .73 Guazdrail ............................................................................................................7-21 7 .7.4 Bollards ..............................................................................................................7-21 7 .7.5 Roadway Barricades .......................................................................................... 7-22 7 .7.6 Entrance Gates ..............................:.................................................................... 7-22 7.8 Approach Design Criteria ........................................................................................ 7-22 7 .8.1 Applicability ...................................................................................................... 7-23 7 .8.2 Access Limitations .............................................................................................7-23 October 2009 - iv - PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � 7.8.3 General Design ................................................................................................... 7-24 7.8.4 Driveway Approach Horizontal and Vertical Grade ......................................... 7-24 7 .8.5 Approach Widths ............................................................................................... 7.8.6 Driveway Approach On-Site Layout ................................................................. 7-25 7.8.7 Corner Clearance from Intersections ................................................................. 7-26 7.8.8 Driveway Approach Spacing — Same Side of Street ......................................... 7-27 7.8.9 Driveway Approach Methods of Measurements ............................................... 7-27 7.8.10 Restricted Access Driveways ............................................................................. 7-27 7.8.11 Alignment of Cross-Street Driveway Approaches ............................................ 7-28 7.8.12 Signalized Driveway Approaches ...................................................................... 7-28 7.8.13 Approaches on State Highways ......................................................................... 7-28 7 .9 Tr�c Calming ........................................................................................................ 7 .9.1 New Development ............................................................................................. 7-29 7.9.2 Existing Development ........................................................................................ 7-29 7.93 Traffic Calming Devices .................................................................................... 7-29 Chapter 8. Pavement Design 8 .1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 8-1 8 .2 StreetClassification ................................................................................................... 83 Street Pavement and Subgrade ................................................................................... 8-1 83.1 Travelways in Residential Zones ......................................................................... 8-1 8.3.2 Travelways in Non-Residential Zones ................................................................. 8-2 833 Subgrade Preparation ........................................................................................... 8-2 8.4 Engineered Pavement Parameters .............................................................................. 8-3 8 .4.1 Traffic Parameters ................................................................................................ 8-3 8 .4.2 Reliability Level ................................................................................................... 8-4 8.43 Overall Standazd Deviation .................................................................................. 8-4 8.4.4 Initial and Terminal Serviceability Indexes ......................................................... 8-4 8.4.5 Structural Layer Coefficients ............................................................................... 8-4 8.4.6 Drainage Layer CoefFicients ................................................................................ 8-4 8.4.7 Subgrade Evaluation ............................................................................................8-5 8.5 Report Submittal ........................................................................................................ 8-5 8.6 Materials Specifications ............................................................................................. 8-6 8 .6.1 Gravel Base .......................................................................................................... 8-6 8 .6.2 Crushed Rock ....................................................................................................... 8-6 8.63 Asphalt or Concrete Treated Base ....................................................................... 8-6 8 .6.4 Hot Mix Asphalt .................................................................................................. 8-6 8:6.5 In-place Mainline Asphalt Compaction Test Requirements ................................ 8-7 8.6.6 Cold Joint Requirements ...................................................................................... 8-7 8.6.7 Longitudinal and Transverse Joint Requirements ................................................ 8-8 8.6.8 Tack Coats — Prepazation of Eatisting Surfaces .................................................... 8-8 8.6.9 Cover Asphalt Loads During Transport ............................................................... 8-8 8.6.10 Breakdown Rolling Maximum Temperature Loss .............................................. 8-9 8.6.11 Asphalt Temperature Placement Requirements ................................................... 8-9 8.6.12 Paving Dates & Weather Limitations .................................................................. 8-9 October 2009 - � - PC RECOIvIIvSENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Chapter 9. Inspection and Certification 9 .1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 9-1 9 .2 Applicability .............................................................................................................. 9-1 93 Authority to Stop Work ............................................................................................. 9-1 9 .4 Responsibilities ..........................................................................................................9-2 9.4.1 Development Inspector ........................................................................................9-2 9 .4.2 Onsite Inspector ................................................................................................... 9-2 9 .43 Applicant's Engineer ........................................................................................... 9-2 9 .4.4 Contractor ............................................................................................................ 9-3 9 .5 Right-of-Way Pemuts ................................................................................................ 9-3 9.6 Pre-Construction Meeting .......................................................................................... 9-3 9.7 Construction Notification ........................................................................................... 9-4 9.7.1 Notices of Upcoming Construction ..................................................................... 9-4 9.7.2 Notices of Utility Shutdown and Access L'unitations .......................................... 9-5 9.73 Notices for Inspection .......................................................................................... 9-6 9 .8 Field and Lab Testing ................................................................................................ 9-6 9 .8.1 Reporting ..............................................................................................................9=6 9.8.2 Minimum Material Testing Frequencies .............................................................. 9-6 9.8.3 Field Testing and Lab Requirements ................................................................... 9-6 9 .9 Required Inspections .................................................................................................. 9-7 9.9.1 Erosion and Sed'unent Inspections ....................................................................... 9-7 9 .9.2 Utility Inspections ................................................................................................ 9-7 9 .93 HMA Inspections .................................................................................................9-7 � 9.9.4 Drainage Structure Inspections ............................................................................ 9-7 9.9.5 Drainage Swale and Drainage Facilities Inspections ........................................... 9-8 9.9.6 Swale Inspections during Warranty Period .......................................................... 9-8 9 .10 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................ 9-9 9.10.1 Changes During Construction .............................................................................. 9-9 9.10.2 Construction Complaints ..................................................................................... 9-9 9.103 Conflict Resolution .............................................................................................. 9-9 9.11 Final Walk-Through ...................................................................................................9-9 9 .12 Record Drawings ..................................................................................................... 9-10 9 .13 Project Certification ..............................................................:..................................9-10 9.13.1 Certification of Drainage Facilities .................................................................... 9-11 9.14 Performance Surety .................................................................................................. 9-11 9 .14.1 Building Pemut .................................................................................................. 9-11 9.14.2 Short Plats, Long Plats, and Binding Site Plans ................................................ 9-12 9.143 Performance Surety Amount .............................................................................. 9-12 9.14.4 Acceptable Sureties ............................................................................................9-12 9.14.5 Performance Surety Release .............................................................................. 9-12 9 .15 Warranty Surety .......................................................................................................9-13 9.15.1 Warranty Surety Amount ................................................................................... 9-13 9.15.2 Acceptable Sureties ............................................................................................ 9-13 9.153 WarrantyDuration .............................................................................................9-13 9.15.4 Time Frames to Complete Repair ...................................................................... 9-13 9.15.5 Failure to Complete Repair ................................................................................ 9-14 October 2009 - vi - PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.15.6 Responsibility for Maintenance ......................................................................... 9-14 9.16 Street Establishment ................................................................................................. 9-14 Appendix 9A—Minunum Material Testing Frequencies .................................................9-16 Appendix 9B — Final Certification Checklist (Sample) .................................................... 9-17 Appendix 9C — Examples of Sureties ............................................................................... 9-18 Appendix 9D — Erosion and Sediment Control Log ......................................................... 9-25 Chapter 10. Maintenance 10.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 10.2 Maintenance Responsibility ..................................................................................... 10.2.1 Public Stteets .............................................................:.......:............................... 10.2.2 Private Streets and Driveways ...........................................................................10- 10.3 Required Documents ................................................................................................ 10.3.1 Homeowners' and Properiy Owners' Associations ........................................... 10-2 103.2 Operation and Maintenance Manua1 ..................................................................10-2 10.33 Financial P1an ..................................................................................................... 103.4 Conversion from Private to Public Street ..........................................................10-4 Chapter 11. Standard Plans ................................................................................... Last Updated Draftin D -100 Drafting Standazds ............................................................................................ 9/I/09 D-101 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 D-102 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 D-103 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... D-104 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 D-105 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 Roads/Streets R-102 Curbing ............................................................................................................. R-103 Sidewalk ............................................................................................................ R-105 Pedestrian Ramps Typical ................................................................................ 9/1/09 R-106 Pedestrian Ramps Midblock and Adjacent Sidewalk ....................................... 9/1/09 R-110 Driveway Approach Separated Sidewalk .........................................................9/1/09 R-111 Driveway Approach Swale Inlet ....................................................................... 9/1/09 R-112 Driveway Approach Adjacent Sidewalk ........................................................... 9/1/09 R-113 Driveway Approach High Volume ................................................................... 9/1/09 R-114 Driveway Approach Asphalt ............................................................................ 9/1/09 R-115 Driveway Approach For Private Streets and Driveways .................................. 9/1/09 R-117 Driveways - General Requirements .................................................................. 9/1/09 R-119 Typical Street Section — Half Street ................................................................. 9/1/09 R-120 Typical Street Section Local Residential .......................................................... 9/1/09 R-121 Typical Street Section Local Commercial ........................................................ 9/1/09 R-122 Typical Street Section Collector ....................................................................... 9/1/09 R-125 Alley Section ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 R-127 Step Wedge Longitudinal Cold Joint .............................................................. 9/24/09 R-130 Cul-de-Sac Public Street ................................................................................... 9/1/09 October 2009 - �� - PC RECONID�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS R-131 Public Street Tumazound - Future Intersection ................................................ 9/1/09 R-132 Public Street Tumaround — Future Connection ................................................ 9/1/09 R-133 Private Street and Driveway Turnarounds ........................................................ 9/1/09 R-140 Street Signs ....................................................................................................... 9/1/09 R-142 Type III Barricade ............................................................................................. 9/1/09 R-145 SurveyMonuments ...........................................................................................9/1/09 R-150 Gated Access Requirements ............................................................................. 9/1/09 Utilities U-100 Utility Location Detail ...................................................................................... 9/1/09 U-101 Aboveground Utility Placement ....................................................................... 9/1/09 U-102 Fire Department Hydrant Requirements ........................................................... 9/1/09 Stormwater 5-101 Precast Drywells Placed in Swale ..................................................................... 9/1/09 5-102 Precast Drywells Placed in Asphalt .................................................................. 9/1/09 S-103 Drywell Details ................................................................................................. 9/1/09 5-104 Drywell Frame and Grates ................................................................................ 9/1/09 S-105 Precast Drywell & Inlet Details ........................................................................ 9/1/09 • S-110 Curb Inlet T}pe 1 .............................................................................................. 9/1/09 5-111 Curb Inlet Type 2 .............................................................................................. 9/1/09 S -112 Catch Basin Type 1 ........................................................................................... 9/1/09 � 5-113 Concrete Inlet Type 1 ....................................................................................... 9/1/09 S-114 Concrete Inlet Type 2 ....................................................................................... 9/1/09 S-115 Combination Inlet ............................................................................................. 9/1/09 5-117 Catch Basin & Inlet Installation ........................................................................ 9/1/09 5-121 Metal Grate Type 1(Bypass) ............................................................................ 9/1/09 S-122 Metal Grate Type 3(Low Point) ....................................................................... 9/1/09 5-130 Roadside Swales ...............................................................................................9/1/09 5-140 OilWaterSepazator ..........................................................................................9/1/09 Traffic T -101 Traffic Circle ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 Listof Figures ..............................................................................................................................ix Listof Tables ................................................................................................................................x October 2009 - viii - PC RECOhIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS City of Spokane Valley Street Standards List of Figures No Title Paee No. Figure 5-1 Fill Minimum Requirements ................................................................................ 5-6 Figure Setbacks ............................................................................................................... � Figure 7-1 Sight Distance Triangle for Case A ................................................................... 7-20 Figure 7-2 Sight Distance Triangle for Case B ................................................................... 7-20 Figure Typical Sign ......................................................................................................... 9-5 n, �nna - ix- PC RECOMI��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS City of Spokane Valley Street Standards List of Tables No Title Page No. Table 2.1 Required Street Improvements for Commercial Building Permits ...................... 2-4 Table 7.1 Arterial Street Design Criteria ............................................................................. 7-5 Table 7.2 Arterial Street Design Criteria Minimum Widths ................................................ 7-6 Table 73 Access Street Design Criteria .............................................................................. 7-7 Table 7.4 Minimum Street Approach Length .................................................................... 7-12 Table 7.5 Minimum Intersection Spacing .......................................................................... 7-13 Table 7.6 Minimum Stopping Sight Distance .................................................................... 7-18 Table 7.7 Minnnum Intersection & Approach Sight Distances ......................................... 7-19 Table 7.8 Driveway Approach Spacing ............................................................................. 7-27 Table 7.9 State Routes Classifications ............................................................................... 7-29 ; Table 8.1 Equivalent Single Axle Loads ............................................................................. 8-3 Table 8.2 Initial and Temunal Serviceability Indexes ......................................................... 8-4 Table 83 Structural Layer Coefficients ...........................:................................................... 8-4 Table 8.4 Recommended Drainage Coefficients ...................:............................................. 8-5 Table Moduli Ratio ........................................................................................................ 8-5 Table 8.6 Performance Grade .............................................................................................. 8-7 Table 8.7 Recommended Minimum Laydown Temperature ............................................... 8-9 Table 9.1 Required Sign Information .................................................................................. 9-5 October 2009 - X - PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION _�� - i'�v ��� � n r - , 1�� ti 1��, i g iR�"^ r �i' �' 4� �. . ^�,-" � - .� � . .; ! � �' . ,( ,. �" , F.. �!� - �f. � .i{ � 'i '_ ' .... 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Chapter Organization 1.1 Title ................................................................................................................................. 1.2 Intent and Provisions ....................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Objectives of Street Standards ........................................................................................ 1 1.3.1 Minimum Standards ................................................................................................ 1 13.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................... 2 1 .4 Authority ......................................................................................................................... 2 1.4.1 Development Services Senior Engineer .................................................................. 2 1.4.2 Senior Traffic Engineer ........................................................................................... 3 1.4.3 Senior Capital Projects Engineer ............................................................................ 3 1 .5 Document Organization .................................................................................................. 4 1.6 Amendments and Revisions to Standazds ....................................................................... 4 1 .6.1 Policy Revisions ...................................................................................................... 5 1 .6.2 Technical Revisions ................................................................................................ 5 1.7 Interpretation of Standards .............................................................................................. 5 1.7.1 Goveming Standazds ............................................................................................... 6 1.7.2 Prior Acceptance of Construction Plans ................................................................. 6 1 .73 Severability ............................................................................................................. 1 .8 Contact Information ........................................................................................................ 6 1 .9 Reference Material .......................................................................................................... 7 1 .10 Variance .......................................................................................................................... 1 .11 Design Deviations ........................................................................................................... 8 1 .12 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 1 .13 Definitions ..................................................................................................................... November 2009 Chapter 1— Introduc[ion 1-i PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK November 2009 Chap[er I— Introduction 1-ii PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS i 1.1 TITI,E These regulations, along with all. future amendments, shall be known as the City of Spokane Valley Street Standazds (hereinafter called "Standazds" or "Street Standazds"). 1.2 I1�TTENT ANl) PItOVISIOIVS These Standards apply to all capital and development projects within the City's limits and, to the extent allowed by law, to those projects outside of City limits that unpact City infrastructure or transportation systems. When full compliance with these Standazds makes a capital project impracticable or unfeasible, exceptions may be granted for reconstruction, resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation of existing public streets. The Ciry's review and approval of any plans, reports, or drawings or the City's inspection and approval of any improvements constructed by the Applicant in accordance with these Standards, does not constitute a representation, warranty, or guarantee by the City that such improvements are free from defects or will operate adequately for the purpose intended. The chapters and appendices that make up these Standazds pertain to plavning, design, approval, construction, inspection, testing, and documentation of street improvements. The intent of this manual is to establish the minimum acceptable standards. 1.3 O��C'�'��1ES OF �T�E�' STANIDA�DS 1.3.1 1VIINIMUNY STANDARDS These Standazds shall be the minimum standards necessary for design and construction of all street related improvements in the City. Special situations as determined by the City may require different facilities and/or standards. For items not covered by these Standazds, the City may require the use of other standards as referenced in Section 1.9. It is incumbent upon the ApplicanY s engineer to use good engineering practice and to be aware of, and implement, new design practices and procedures that reflect current techniques in civil engineering. Good engineering practice is defined in these Standazds as professional and ethical conduct that meets the current codes and regulations adopted for engineers. The proposed design shall consider functionality, constructability, operation, and maintenance, including the health, safety and welfaze of the public. November 2009 Chapter 1- IntroducGon �_� PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 1.3.2 OBJECTIVES It is the objective of these Standazds to address the following: � To provide for an efficient transportation system and improve local circulation and emergency access by providing connecUvity between residential streets and arterials; o To extend the functional life of the existing transportation systems and increase its safe and efficient operation; o To ensure public facilities and services meet level of services established in the adopted Comprehensive Plan; � To encourage the use of public streets in new development; o To protect the public health, safety, environment, and welfaze to the greatest extent possible resulting from construction and maintenance activities within the public right-of-way; o To ensure the primary uses of the public right-of-way are for bicycle, pedestrian and vehicular uses of right-of-way; o To ensure the public right-of-way is properly maintained during construction and repair work in these azeas; � To protect the City's infrastructure investment by establishing � standazdized design, materials, construction, and repair criteria for all public improvements; � To optimize the use of the lnnited physical capacity of public right-of-way held by the City; o To provide an efficient permit system that regulates and coordinates activities in an effective and safe manner; o To protect private and public property from damages that could occur because of faulty design and construction; and, � To provide criteria for inspection of public and private improvements, in order to assure conformance with the approved plans, proper construction techniques, and to ensure that acceptable materials are used for the construction process of such public and/or private improvements. Y.4 AYTT]E�OI2ITX The following sections describe City engineering positions have authority over these Standazds. 1.4.1 DEV��Y.OPNIENT SERVICES SENIOR EI�TGINEER The Development Services Senior Engineer is part of the Development Services Division of Community Development Departrnent and has the authority to: November 2009 Chap[er 1- Introduction 1-2 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS • Require development projects to provide and improve future acquisition azeas, dedicate right-of-way and border easements, construct new streets, and/or unprove existing infrastructure to the applicable standazd pursuant to City of Spokane Valley Uniform Municipal Code (SVMC) Title 22.130, RCW 35.63.080, RCW 35.63.090, RCW 35A.63.100, RCW 43.21C, RCW 58.17, and RCW 82.02.020; • Make slight modifications to the standazd sections for public streets when site conditions warrant; • Ensure that all design and construction for development projects is completed to a level that is equal to or exceeds the requirements set forth in these Street Standazds; • Make revisions to the Street Standazds in accordance with Section 1.6; and, • Review and approve design deviations for development projects in , accordance with Section 1.11. 1.4.2 SENIOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER The Senior Traffic Engineer is part of the Traffic Division of the Public Works Department and has the authority to: • Determine traffic concurrency for development projects pursuant to SVMC 22.20; • Review and approve driveway locations within intersections; • Review and approve signal, signing and striping plans to ensure that meet or exceed the applicable MiJTCD standazds; • Ensure that capital projects and development projects meet or exceed the traffic requirements set forth in Chapter 3; and, • Impose other traffic requirements to the extent allowed by the ]aw. 1.4.3 SEIVIOR CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEER The Senior Capital Projects Engineer is part of the Capital Improvement Program Division of the Public Works Department and has the authority to: • Ensure that all design and construction for capital projects is completed to a level that is equal to or exceeds the requirements set forth in these Street Standazds; • Review and approve design deviations for capital projects in accordance with Section 1.11; and, I • Make .'�l�deviations or modifications to the standazd sections for capital projects when site conditions warrant in accordance with Section 1.11. November 2009 Chap[er 1- Introduction 13 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS fl.5 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATIOI�T These Standazds are generally organized as described below: o Chapter 2 describes typical project requirements. o Chapter 3 describes traffic analysis requirements; o Chapter 4 describes requirements for plan submittal; � Chapter 5 describes requirements for clearing and grading; o Chapter 6 describes requirements for utility work; o Chapter 7 describes requirements for street design; o Chapter 8 describes requirements for pavement design; e Chapter 9 describes requirements for inspection and certification; � Chapter 10 describes maintenance requirements; and, � Chapter 11 provides the City's Standazd Plans. fl.6 AIVI[E1�IDIVgEI�'B'S �,1�1D 12EV�S�OIVS 'g'O S'TA1�T�DE1�� The Street Standards may be periodically amended as necessary to provide additional clarity or to reflect changes in policy or in construction or engineering practice. Such i. revisions to these Standazds may consist of either "policy" revisions or ."technical" revisions. The City will maintain an electronic file of these Standazds. All updates and revisions will be available on the City web page or at the City Clerk's office. fl.6.1 POL,ICX REVISYONS Policy revisions shall be considered major changes, changes in law and changes that will cause significant increased cost or controversy. Policy revisions also include those changes that relate to the public use and convenience, such as changes in standazd street width. Policy revisions require a public hearing process for their adoption and City Council approval. 1.6.2 '�'ECI�NICAL REVISIONS Technical revisions shall consist of minor additions, clarifications, revisions, and corrections to the Street Standards and City standazd plans as may be necessary to better conform to good engineering and/or construction standazds and practice. Technical revisions shall be: � Consistent with all existing policies relevant to the revision; November 2009 � Chapter 1- Introduction L4 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Necessary for the publid s health, safety and welfaze; o Needed to clarify these Standazds; or, o Consistent with existing law. Technical revisions shall become effective when approved in writing. If technica] revisions are deemed necessary, the revisions may occur through either: o Planned periodic revisions; or. o An accelerated process. If a technical revision is deternuned to be immediately necessary, then the change shall be made and notification given on the web page. Document holders on record with the City, will be notified of the changes. 1.7 II�1TE�itETA�'IO1�T OF S�'A1�DARDS In the interpretation and application of the provisions of the Street Standazds, the following principles apply: 1.7.1 GOVERIV�TG S�'ANHDARIDS Whenever a provision of the Street Standazds or any provision in any law, ordinance, resolution, rule, or regulation of any kind contains restrictions covering any of the same subject matter, the standards that aze more reshictive or unpose higher standazds or requirements shall govern. 1.7.2 PRIOR ACCEPTAIVCE OF CONS3'RUC'&'ION PLANS The Street Standazds shall not modify or alter any street construction plans that have been filed with and accepted by the City prior to the effective date of the ordinance or resolution adopting the Street Standards. This exception shall be subject to the conditions and limitations under which said plans were accepted by the City. 1.7.3 SEVERABILITY If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of these Standazds should be held invalid or unconstitutional, the validity or constitutionality thereof shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of these Standazds. November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduction 1-5 PC RECOMI��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 1.� CON'TAC'T �NFO�A�'ION Community Development Department Development Engineering Division City of Spokane Valley City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone (509) 688-0050 Phone (509) 921-1000 Fax (509) 688-0037 Fax (509) 921-1008 Public Works Department Building Division City of Spokane Valley City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 11707 E. Sprague, Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone (509) 688-0198 Phone (509) 688-0036 Fax (509) 688-0037 FaY (509) 688-0037 Spokane Valley Fire Department Fire Protection District 8 Prevention Office 13319 E Sprague 12100 E Palouse Highway Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Valleyford, WA 99036 Phone (509) 928-1700 Phone (509) 926-6699 Fa�c (509) 892-4125 Fax (509) 924-8358 ; b.9 Il�]EIF']EI8�1�1CIE 1VgA'�'��tl[A�, The Street Standazds are supplemented by the "Washington State Department of Transportation/American Public Works Association (WSDOT/APWA) Standazd Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction," latest edition. The Street Standazd Details aze comprised of the City's construction and design detail drawings for grading, storm drainage, and street work within the City that are supplemented by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) "Standazd Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction." The current edition of the following publications should be used as additional reference material for design applications: A. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" B. AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities C. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges D. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Accessibility Guidelines E. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F. Associated Rockery Contractors, Standard Rock Wall Construction Guidelines G. City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduction 1-6 PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS H. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Engineering Circulazs I. Highway Capacity Manual J. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual K. Intemational Fire Code adopted by the City L. Model Traffic Ordinance M. Spokane County Standazds for Road and Sewer Construction N. Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual O. U. S. Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MUTCD) P. Washington Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington Q. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Design Standards R. WSDOT Guidelines for Urban Arterial Program S. WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines T. WSDOT Standazd Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction U. �VSDOT "Design Standards V. Design criteria of federal agencies including the Federal Housing Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development; and the Federal Highway Administration, Departrnent of Transportation fl.�0 VAI2][ANCE The requirements established in Chapter 2 can only be waived or reduced through a variance. Refer to SVMC Title 19.170 for variance process and requirements. �.gl DESIGIV IDEVIATIOI�S In specia] cases, strict application of Street Standazds may not best address a particulaz engineering situation. In these cases, a design deviation may be requested. Design deviation requests shall be on the City's form and include applicable engineering justification for the deviation. The Development Services Senior Engineer is the final authority to deny or approve a design deviation request for development projects. For capital projects, the authority lies with the Senior Capital Projects Engineer. The Applicant shall request a design deviation when either of the following situations applies: a The project proposes non-standazd methods, analysis, design elements or materials; or, November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduction 1-7 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o The project proposes design elements above maximum criteria or below the minimum criteria found in these Standazds. A design deviation will only be considered for review if: o The design elements proposed do not conflict with or modify a condition of approval; and, � The design elements proposed aze based on sound engineering principles, and aze not inconsistent with the public interest, and the City's goals and policies. For consideration of a design deviation, the Applicant shall submit a design deviation request and supporting documentation. The supporting documentation shall include sufficient information for the City to make a decision as to the adequacy of the proposal. The design deviation package shall demonstrate that: o There aze special physical circumstances or conditions affecting the property that may prohibit the application of some of the requirements of these standards; o Every effort has been made to find alternative ways to meet the objectives of the Street Standards; � Approving the design deviation will not cause adverse impact on down gradient or adjacent properties, public health or welfare; and, o Approving the design deviation will not adversely affect the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Municipal Code, Sttb-Area Plan, Street Master � Plan, and Transportation Improvement Plan. ll.12 A���VgA'B'�OIV� When the following abbreviations appeaz in these Standards, they shall mean the following: AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADT Average Daily Trips APWA American Public Works Association ASA American Standards Association ASTM American Society for Testing Materials BMPs Best Management Practices CBR Califomia Bearing Ration CC&Rs Covenants, Codes and Restrictions CESCL Certified Erosion and Sed'unent Control Lead CSBC Crush surfacing base course CSTC Crush surfacing top course November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduc[ion 1-8 PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Dbh Diameter Breast Height ESALs Equivalent Single-Axle Loads ESC Erosion and Sediment Control FAA Federal Aviation Administration FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Admiuistration FOP Field Operating Procedure GMA Growth Management Area HCM Highway Capacity Manual HMA Hot Mix Asphalt HOA Homeowner's Association IBC International Building Code IRC International Residential Code ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers LOS Level of Service M� Resilient Modulus MiJTCD Manual on Uniform Trafflc Control Devices O&M Operations and Maintenance , PI Point of Intersection PC Point of Curvature PCR Point of Curve Return PE Professional Engineer PGIS Pollution Generating Impervious Surfaces PLS Professional Land Surveyor POA Property Owner's Association PT Point of Tangency RCW Revised Code of Washington SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SI Street intersection SR State Route SRSM Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual SRTC Spokane Regional Transportation Council November 2009 � Chapter 1- Introduction 1-9 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS SVMC Spokane Valley Municipal Code TESC Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control TIA Tr�c Impact Analysis TII' Transportation Improvement Program USGS United States Geological Survey WAC Washington Administrative Code WAQTC Western Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportadon 1.13 ��F'g1�1gT�Ol�TS For the purpose of these Street Standazds, certain words and terms aze herein defined. The word "shall" is always mandatory. The word "may" is pemussive, subject to the judgment of the person administering the code. The word "should" indicates an advisory condition, recommended but not required. These definitions take precedence over those found elsewhere. In the event a technical term is not listed below, definitions shall be taken from the WSDOT Design Manual. Access Management: The concept of a public agency controlling the location of � access points in order to achieve the dual purposes of providing access to individual land uses and limiting access on higher order streets in order to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic with a limited amount of impedance. Applicant: The party or parties desiring to construct a public or private improvement within City rights-of-way, easements or private property, securing all required approvals and permits from the City, and assuming full and complete responsibility for the project. The Applicant may be the Owner or the individual designated by the Owner to act on his behalf. Binding Site Plan: A division of land approved administratively by the Department of Community Development, which legally obligates a person making a proposal to conditions, standazds or requirements specified by these Standazds and the SVMC. Border Easement: A dedicated easement on private properry adjacent to public street right-of-way established for the purpose of utility, drainage facilities, pedestrian access or other public purpose. Building Division: The Division at the City of Spokane Valley responsible for reviewing, issuing and certifying conshuction permits. Certificate of Occupaucy: An official certificate issued by the CiTy building o�cial that indicates conformance with building requirements and zoning regulations and authorizes legal use of the premises for which it is issued. Certification Package: A packet prepazed by the Onsite Inspector including, but not limited to, Mylaz record drawings, weekly reports, certification checklist and related construction documents, for review by the City to deternune proj ect acceptability. November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduction I-10 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS City: City of Spokane Valley, Washington. Clear Zone: A relatively flat area void of fixed objects or obstructions beyond the edge of the traveled way that allows drivers to stop safely or regain control of a vehiclethatleavesthe traveled way. Clearing and grubbing: Includes, but is not lunited to, removing trees, stumps, roots, brush, structures, abandoned utilities, trash, debris and all other materials found on or neaz the surface of the ground in the construction azea. Coacurrency: A requirement that those public facilities and services necessary to support development shall be adequate to serve the development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use, without decreasing the cunent level of service below locally established minimum standards. Contractor: The individual, partnership, firm or organization to whom a construction contract has been awarded by the Applicant, or who has been issued a right-of-way work pernut by the City, for work covered by the contract. Agents, employees, workers, subcontractors, or designers employed by the Contractor aze also bound by the terms of the contract or pernut. Corner Clearance: At an intersecting street, the distance measured along the curb line from the projection of the intersecting street flowline to the neazest edge of the curb opening. County: Spokane County. Design Deviation: An administrative approval of design elements ,that do not conform to or are not ezplicitly addressed by these Standards. Designer: The person or persons responsible for the creation and submission of contract documents or construction plans for the purpose of one-time construction of a facility. This person shall be a Washington licensed professional engineer. Development: Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate. Development Agreement: The contract between the City and the Applicant that defines public improvement requirements, costs, and other related public improvement issues. Development Inspector: A City employee, responsible for coordinating with the Onsite Inspector(s), reviewing and accepting certification packages and wazranty sureties, and recommending public streets for establishment. Driveway: Any azea, improvement or facility between a public or private street and private property, which provides ingress/egress for vehicles from a public or private street to a lot or pazcel. Driveway Approach: The transition at the end of a private street or driveway where it connects to a public or private street. For details, see standazd plans. Easement: A right to use the land of others. The right may be from the common law or may be acquired, usually by purchase or condemnation and occasionally by prescription or inverse condemnation. The right is not exclusive, but subject to rights November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduc[ion 1-11 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS of others in the same land, the lesser right being subservient to a prior right which is � dominant. Easements for drainage may give rights to nnpound, divert, discharge or concentrate surface flow, extend pipelines, deposit silt, erode, scour, or any other necessary consequence of a development. Engineer: Shall mean a professional engineer. See Professional Engineer definition. Engineered Driveways: Driveways, which due to their length, surface azea or other situational factors, are required to be designed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington. Fill: A deposit of earth material placed by artificial means. Fire Department: Fire district having jurisdiction. Fire Lane: An access designated to accommodate emergency access to a pazcel of land or its unprovements. Final Acceptance: The written notification from Development Engineering, after the Development Services Senior Engineer finds the Warranty Period to be satisfactorily completed, that all public improvements aze free of defects and the City releases the Applicant from future maintenance obligations. Frontage Improvements: Required improvements on public streets fronting the property which typically include pavement widening, curb, gutter, grassy swale, and sidewalk. Future Acquisition Area: Area identified on property as potential right-of-way for � public purposes, typically reserved through an easement restricting construction within the easement area. Grading: The physical manipulation of the earth's surface and/or surface drainage pattern which includes surchazging, preloading, contouring, cutting, and filling to establish final site grades. Half-Street Improvements: Shall mean, the construction of frontage improvement on the street fronting the property or development, including paving from the street centerline, curb, gutter, swale or grassy strip, and sidewalk, plus a muumum of a 12- foot lane on the opposite side of centerline with a 1-foot gravel shoulder and grassy ditch for stormwater treatment. The final pavement width shall be at least 28 feet Ymprovemen4s: All public ar private improvements within City right-of-way or easements. Development of a public or private street, typically including some or all of the following: pavements, curb, gutter, landscaped, swale, sidewalk, drainage unprovements. Intersection Sight Distance: The distance necessary far the driver of a motor vehicle stopped at an intersection or driveway to see approaching vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists along the intersecdng major street and have sufficient space to make any allowed move to cross the intersection or merge with trafFic without causing vehicles, pedestrians, or bicyclists traveling at or neaz the design speed on the major street to slow down. The controlling distance for design is the longest distance, generally the distance necessary to merge with tr�c. November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduction 1-12 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � Land Disturbing Activity: The result in a change in existing soil cover (vegetative or non-vegetative) or site topography. Land disturbing activities include, but are not limited to, demolition, conshuction, clearing and grubbing, grading and logging. Level of Service (LOS): A measure of a public faciliTy or service's operational chazacteristics used to gauge its performance. Offsite Improvements: Construction of facilities located away from and up to a project site, necessary to serve the proposed development or to mitigate effects of the development. Onsite Inspector: A qualified person or firm, hired by the Applicant or Owner, responsible for proj ect inspection and certification. Pollutant Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS): Impervious surfaces that are significant sources of pollutants in stormwater runoff. Such surfaces include those that aze subject to vehiculaz use, industrial activities, or storage of erodible or leachable materials that receive d'uect rainfall, or run-on or blow-in of rainfall. Metal roofs are considered to be PGIS unless coated with an inert, non-leachable material. Roofs that are subject to venting of manufacturing, commercial, or other indoor pollutants aze also considered PGIS. A surface, whether paved or not, shall be considered PGIS if it is regulazly used by motor vehicles. The following are considered regulazly-used surfaces: streets, non-vegetated street shoulders, bike lanes within the traveled lane of a street, driveways, pazking lots, unfenced fire lanes, vehicular equipment storage yards, and airport runways. Pre-ConstrucNon Meeting: A meeting between the Designer and assigned agents, the Onsite Inspectar, and the Development Inspector to review proposed work necessazy to construct the project, prior to proceeding with the work. A meeting may be required for each project, at the Development Inspector's discretion. Private Street: A local access street that is privately owned and maintained by capable and legally responsible owner(s). Professional Engineer (P.E.): A civil engineer licensed in Washington under Chapter 18.43 RCW who is qualified by examination and/or experience to practice in the fields of civil, geotechnical and/or soils engineering. Professional Land Surveyor (P.L.S.): A Washington licensed land surveyor. Project: The public or private improvement(s) designated in the approved plans, which aze to be constructed in conformance with these Standazds. The term "ProjecP' includes any and all public or private unprovement projects for or within the City, whether development projects, private utility projects, or capital improvement projects. Public Improvements: Public facilities to be located within the right-of-way or border easement which include pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, pedestrian/bike/equestrian paths, storm drain facilities, bridges, water distribution or transmission facilities with related appurtenances, pavement markings, signage and striping, traffic signals and related appurtenances, erosion control and right-of-way � November 2009 Chapter ] - Introduction 1-13 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS grading, ar earth excavation processes integral to construction of other public improvements listed herein. Punch list, Initial ar Final: A written list of work items, compiled by the Onsite Inspector, which do not conform to these Standazds, the plans or other associated City Codes that govem the project and require conection prior to project approval. Record Drawings: Original approved design drawings, updated by a professional engineer which depicts all modifications from the design that occurred during construction. Redevelopment: Removal or modification of existing improvements and construction of new improvements or substantial remodeling. Regional Pavement Cut Policy: A regional policy adopted by the City of Spokane Valley, City of Spokane; and Spokane County. This policy, amongst other things, restricts cutting or replacing street improvements for a period of three years following the construction of a newly paved street. Right-of-way (Also "public right-of-way"): The land area (owned by the City) provided by dedication for public use of streets, utilities, walks, and other uses, also providing access to adj oining properties. Right-of-way Permit: A permit, with or without conditions specified by the City, which allows an Applicant to construct any public or private improvements within the public right-of-way or border easement. i Short Subdivision: A division of land resulting in the creation of 9 or fewer lots. Slope, Recoverable: A slope on which a motorist may retain or regain control of a vehicle by slowing or stopping. Slopes flatter than 4:1 aze generally considered recoverable. Slope, Non-recoverable: A slope considered being tiaversable but on which an errant vehicle continues to bottom. Embaiilcment slopes between 3:1 and 4:1 may be considered traversable but non-recoverable if they aze smooth and free of fixed objects. Specifications: Construction and standazds adopted by the City. Speed — 85th Percentile: The speed at or below which 85 percent of the motorists drive on a given street unaffected by slower traffic or poor weather. This speed indicates the speed that most motorists on the street consider safe and reasonable under ideal conditions. Street: A public or private way for vehicular travel, exclusive of the sidewalk or shoulder even though such sidewalk or shoulder is used by persons riding bicycles. Street Classificafions: The identification of a street according to different levels of emphasis on traffic movement versus direct access to property. Surety: A financial instrument securing the Applicant's responsibility to complete construction of public or private improvements within an approved project. Surety shall also mean a financial instrument securing the ApplicanYs obligations throughout November 2009 Chap[er 1- Introduction I-14 PC RECOD�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS the Warranty Period. Sureties approved by the City include cash, letters of credit and savings assignment. Surety, Performance: A surety securing the ApplicanYs responsibility to complete construction of public or private improvements within an approved project. Surety, Warranty: . A surety securing the Applicant's obligations tluoughout the warranty period; required of projects in the public right-of-way and border easements, guazanteeing against defects in street construction, utility work and/or drainage facilities. Surveyor: Shall mean a professional land surveyor, see definition. Swale: A grassland percolation area designed to accept and treat storm runoff from impervious areas such as streets, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, roofs, etc. Traffic Calming Devices: Physical measures included in the design of travel ways that unprove neighborhood livability by reducing the speed and 'unpact of vehiculaz tra�c on residential streets. Travel Lane: The portion of the street intended for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and lanes for parking. Trip Generation and Distribution Letter: A document, prepazed by a professional civil engineer with experience in traffic, design and analysis; that identifies the amount of traffic anticipated to and from a development. The letter is reviewed to determine if a traffic impact analysis is required. Traffic Impact Analysis ('I'IA): A study of the potential traffic impacts of a development on the transportation system. Variance: The process used to change or reduce improvements required of a project. Warranty Period: The period of time that the Applicant is responsible for material and workmanship defects in the public improvements, which remains in effect until written notification is issued by the City. Warranty period is a minimum of two years. Wheel Path: The 3-foot wide portion of a travel lane, located on both sides of the travel lane and the 2-foot wide portion from the center of the travel lane. November 2009 Chapter 1- Introduction 1-15 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ! November 2009 Chapter 1- InVOduction 1-16 PC RECOMbfENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS CHAPTER 2 - DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS ��,. ��., R ...� e ti � � � '�' - 6 .. N 1^'d \�S;ori }}��,, ' .,�: ....� � a Y ', . �. �.� � :. � � -` t — � _ f � ' � ? � � i� � 1�� ��� ^ � � �� � . � I � � �� � �1 �. � 'y M t: 1 ; ' f �� \1.. ` �ro�iy�.4 .-' Y4 . =.. �` , '�rb'r . (/¢�"' � \ '� ~� � `` � �;w ���<. � S �� �. . 1 1��,- �� . . . . :A` y�.Jypy��f. yS � . ..��� t.4 .��� . d 1 ; �3 '�° � y'�� \ '�� �..' �� Y l �.• \ i � � +, { G J �� �"y � � ' �. � . \�„ / :�y�'g�}N�� � t ,� �x" 1 4"� ^�,} ♦ IT� so _ ^f .� °n 4+.,.�.ay �e:. r ,s'�� ' '�� 1 ° .a -. _" Y �� '.L i • �,� 4t.1 �� , �y � .�� '�� 8 ... `5 �,� �,.; e.� b� . � � 3�-?�Xk . t z .S t. � _ . ,_. .._.. _ ` '� Chapter Organization � � � �, ' 2.1 Introduction ....................................... ��........���.....�:...::............................................... 1 2.2 Applicability .............:..................... �.�. ::r.:............. .. ............................... 1 � / .................. 23 Required Dedioations and Improvements ..............::....................................................... 1 � , ,� 23 .1 TypicalRequirements ..................�).......................................................................2 23.2 Specific Requirements for Short Subdivisions, Long Subdivisions and Binding Site Plans ..................::.....................................1� ................................................................... 3 233 ,- Specific.Requirements for Commercial Building Permits ...................................... 3 23 Specific Requirements for Miscellaneous Projects ................................................. 5 23 .5 Other Requirements ................................................................................................ 5 2:4 � Modifications to�Requirements ....................................................................................... 6 2 .4.1��, Variance.....� ... 2 .4.2 � �Capital Projects :...................................................................................................... 6 2.4.3 I;imiting Site,Conditions ......................................................................................... 6 2 .5 ApplicanY,s Resporisibilities ........................................................................................... 7 i List of Tables Table 2.1 Required Street Improvements for Commercial Building Pernuts ............................... 4 October 2009 Chapter 2— Development Engineering Requiremenis 2-i PC RECObIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIALLY LEFT BLANK October 2009 Chapter 2— Development Engineering Requirements 2-ii PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 2.1 INTROI)UCTION This chapter sets forth the specific requirements of the Development Engineering Division (Division) of the Community Development Department for development projects. These requirements are intended to supplement the general requirements of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) Chapter 22.130, and aze adopted pursuant to SVMC 22.130.040. Required improvements and dedications shall be in compliance with all Chapters in these Street Standazds. An overview of the review process for this Division can be found in the "Development Engineering Guidelines" which are adopted herein by reference. 2.2 APPI�ICABig,I�'�' Projects reviewed and conditioned by Development Engineering fall within three general categories: o Land divisions (short plats, subdivisions and binding site plans); o Commercial building pemuts; and, o Miscellaneous projects which include access permits, boundary line adjushnents, rezones, changes of use, changes of occupancy, temporary use pemuts and conditional use permits. In some instances, this last category of projects may not need a building permit. They may, however, result in an increase in traffic and other impacts that can require street improvements and other mitigation. 2.3 I2�QiT��I) DEDICA'�'IOI+�S AlV�D Ill�PROVEIVIEIVTS This section describes the dedications and types of improvements that may be required pursuant to SVMC Chapter 22.130, RCW 35.63.080, RCW 35.63.090, RCW 35A.63.100, RCW 43.21C; RCW 58.17, and RCW 82.02.020. Land divisions and development pernuts trigger requirements for dedications of public right-of-way, border easements, future acquisition areas, and other unprovements. Other project types may also trigger these requirements. Specific requirements shall be deterxnined dtuing projectreview. To determine the requirements for a project, the City considers the following: o Existing improvements both onsite and offsite, such as curb, gutter, swale and sidewalk; o Any anticipated increase in tr�c that would lead or contribute to an unacceptable level of service; o Connectivity of existing or future streets to better serve public and emergency vehicle mobility; e Street classification, as shown in the Comprehensive Plan; October 2009 Chapter 2— Development Engineering Requirements ' 2-1 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o City of Spokane Valley 6-year Transportation Improvement Program and any � anticipated 'unprovements in the project vicinity; o Public safety as affected by the project (i.e. pedestrian and vehicle safety, traffic flow, etc); � Bike routes, as shown in the Comprehensive Plan; and, � Envuonmental unpacts as identified through applicable SEPA reviews as related to street, sidewalk, drainage improvements, or traffic impacts. 2.1.1 TYP�CAL RE�UIREMENTS Typical requirements for all projects, except for single-family dwellings, set forth more specifically herein include the following: � Design and construction of all new sVeets to provide adequate transportation service within a development; o Design and construction of fronting improvements on existing streets necessary to provide adequate transportation service to, or within, a development, as applicable (see Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3); o Adequate access for all parcels. Offsite streets used to access the project shall be improved to the applicable standazd. Improvement shall extend from the neazest public street meeting the pavement width requirements. � Curb and gutter and sidewalk may not be required for the offsite improvements unless made necessary by the proposed development. However, provisions for stormwater management per the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual shall be required; o Dedications of right-of-way and border easements for full build-out of the project's side of all adjacent and interior public streets (Chapter 7); o Creation of future acquisition areas as required by SVMC Chapter 22.130; � Emergency access to all parcels of land, in conformance with City standazds and the latest International Fire Code; o Driveway approaches in accordance with Chapter 7; � Relocation of rigid objects out of the cleaz zone more specifically set forth in Chapter 7; o Repair and replacement of damaged curb, gutter, swales/planters, sidewalk, survey monuments, etc (Chapter 8); a Removal of abandoned or substandard approaches and replacement with frontage improvements (Chapter 7); and o Mitigations as deternuned in a traffic impact analysis, more specifically described in Chapter 3. Mitigations may include construction of or October 2009 Chapter 2— Development Engineedng Requ'vements 2-2 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS contributions to tr�c calming devices, traffic signals, street lights, signing and/or pavement mazkings, etc. 2.1.2 SPECIFIC REQUIltEMENTS FOR SHORT SUBDIVISIONS, Y,ONG SiTBDIVISIONS ANID BINIDING SITE PLANS Short subdivisions, long subdivisions, and binding site plans shall provide fronting improvements along all public streets adjacent to the project. The extent of required unprovements shall be based on existing conditions, the identified impact of the project or transportation improvement, and the applicable standazd. Required improvements typically include pavement widening, curb, gutter, grassy swale and sidewalk. All land division projects shall fully unprove new internal streets. If the existing fronting street is unimproved or will have less than 28 feet of pavement with fronting improvements, the Applicant shall provide half-street improvements as defined in Section 1.15. "No Parking On PavemenY' signs shall be installed on one side of the street. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk aze only required on the side of the street adjacent to the pazcel. Provisions for stormwater management are required for the sides of the street being unproved (Chapter 7). 2.1.3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMEN'TS FOR CO1VYlVIERCIAL BU�I.Dd1�TG PERMITS Fronting improvements for building pernuts are detemuned based on type of project, squaze footage of the project, and peak hour vehicle trips. These projects shall provide improvements for the street fronting their projects in accordance with Table 2.1. In the event that the street used to access the project is unimproved or has less than 28 feet of pavement, the Applicant shall provide fronting improvements and/or half- street unprovements to meet the applicable standards regardless of the proposal type or size. In these instances, curb, gutter, and sidewalk requirements, for the side of the street adjacent to the project, shall be detemuned based on Table 2.1. Provisions for stormwater management are required for the sides of the street being improved. October 2009 Chapter 2—Development Engineering Requirements 2-3 PC RECOMI��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS TABLE 2.1 REQUIRED STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS PROJECT PROPOSAL COMMERCIAL BUII,DING PERNIITS FOR PARCELS WITH EXISTING OR NEW BUII.DING Gross Area of Building (for Up to 999 1,000 to 5,999 6,000 to 12,000+ proposed additions or new 11,999 structures) in sq. ft; or, Number of new peak hour trips Up to 4 5 to 9 10 to 15 16+ generated by project COn�IIvIERCIAL BUILDING PERNIIT FOR PARKING LOT ONLY (NO NEW OR EXISTING BUII,DING) Up to 9 spaces 10 to 19 spaces 20 to 40 spaces 41+ spaces REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS Widen Pavement �'� �/ �/ Curb & Gutter � �/ �/ Grnss strip or Swale �/ �/ � l Sidewallc "� � �/ Right-of-way, Future +/� �/ �/ �( Acquisition azeas and Border Easements 1. The Snal pavement width on the projecYs side of the street is the half-street width, plus 6 inches to allow for future curb installation. If the amount of pavement width needing to be added is less than 2 feet, then widening can be omitted unless the full width is less than 28 feet. Grassed ditches or swales aze required along pavement edges required to be unproved for stormwater treatment, regazdless of amount of widening. 2. If a project is located in an azea already improved to the requirements above, the project may be required to provide curb and gutter and/or sidewalk. 3. Not required if project is determined to have insignificant impact. When using Table 2.1 for commercial building permits with existing or new buildings, the Applicant shall identify the size of building and number of peak hour vehiculaz trips. The one triggering the most unprovement requirements shall be used. For example, an Applicant is proposing an addition to an existing building; the proposed addition is 3,000 squaze feet. The proposal also generates 10 peak hour vehiculaz trips. This project will be required to provide fronting unprovements which include pavement widening, curb and gutter installation, grass strip/swale construction, and right-of-way and border easement dedication. If the required impiovements currently exist, then the project will be required to provide sidewalk. October 2009 Chapter 2— Development Engineering Requirements 2-4 PC RECOMIvtENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 2.1.4 SPECIFIC REQUIItEMENTS FOR MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Miscellaneous projects include access pernuts, boundary line adjustments, rezones, changes of use, changes of occupancy, temporary use pemuts and conditional use permits. In some instances, this last category of projects may not need a building permit. They may, however, result in an increase in traffic and other impacts that can require street improvements and/or other mitigation. Required improvements for change of use and conditional use permits aze determined based on tr�c impacts pursuant to SVMC Chapter 22.20. Required improvements for boundary line adjustments, rezones, changes of occupancy, and temporary use permits are determined on a case-by-case basis during project review using the criteria specified in Section 23. 2.1.5 OTFiER REQUIR�IVYENTS Additional improvements may be required on a case-by-case basis, depending on site- specific conditions. These requirements may include, but aze not limited, to the following: o Improvements previously required by City Council by ordinance, past land use action, or resolution, to be provided in the vicinity of the project; � New streets (and accompanying dedications) as required by the Street Master Plan, Local Street Plan, Spragt�e Appleway St�barea Plan and according to the City's Comprehensive Plan; o Participation in the City's Transportation Improvement Program; o Other public improvements when physical characteristics of the property (including but not limited to topography, slope, soil type, drainage pattern or vegetation) create potential hazazds; and, o Other public improvements necessitated by the public's health safety or welfare. OMOber 2009 Chaptet 2— Development Engineering Requirements 2-5 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 2.4 1VIODI�'ICA'I'IOlVS TO REQiJI1tE1VIENTS 2.1.6 VARIANCE The requirements established in this chapter can only be waived or reduced through a variance. Refer to SVMC Title 19.170 for variance process and requirements. 2.1.7 CAPITAL PROJECTS Generally, all improvements shall be constructed prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy or final platting. In certain circumstances, installation of some or all of the frontage unprovements may not be appropriate at the time development occurs. These may include instances where: o Required improvements are part of a larger project scheduled for construction in the City's Transportation Improvement Program; or, o Sanitary sewer is not available but is scheduled to come through in less thanthree years. In these situations, the installation of such improvement may be deferred to a later date or waived. A developer's agreement may be required and a surety as deemed sufficient by the City consistent with Section 9.14. j 2.1.� g,IMITING SY�'E COPIIDI'B'gONS Generally, all projects shall build public streets to the applicable standard. However, the City can approve a slightly smaller section when full construction of the public improvements renders the project unfeasible. Reduction of the requirements for public unprovement may be considered if the parent short plat or subdivision pazcel meets the following criteria: o Is in an Rl, R2, or R3 zone, and, a Is smaller than 2.5 acres, and, � Will have block lengths that do not exceed 300 feet for a through street; and, a Has less than 216 feet of street frontage. The Applicant shall demonstrate that full improvement construction is not possible and propose an altemative section. The Applicant is not guazanteed to have double frontage on the public street and/or the maximum number of lots at the minimum squaze footage allowed by SVMC. All proposals shall be approved before the submittal of the preliminary plat application. Request after the preliminary plat application will be required to go through the variance process. October 2009 Chapter 2—Development Engineering Requirements 2-6 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 2.5 APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILI"d"IES The Applicant is the party or parties desiring to conshuct a public or private improvement within City right-of-way, easements or private property, securing all required approvals and permits from the City, and assuming full and complete responsibility for the project. The Applicant may be the Owner or the individual designated by the Owner to act on his behal£ The Applicant is responsible for the following: o General project management; o Communicating requirements and project status with the Owner, if Applicant and Owner aze not the same; o Coordinating project consultants; o Providing complete submittals; o Ensuring all required applications have been submitted to the City; a Ensuring adherence to: o The standazds and criteria presented in these Standards, as amended; o Hearing Examiner's decision and stafF report with administrative decisions, if applicable; and, o Any conditions established by City staff: October 2009 Chapter 2— Development Engineering Requirements 2-7 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ` October 2009 Chapter 2— Development Engineering Requirements 2-8 PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS CHAPTER 3 -TRAFFIC ANALYSIS � __ �-- - - ._. �� .�� .K.� , r :-� K ". �� j � �' - �T 1 � i J� a � l � t � ,-' � � , - �z. � � � � „ - _,,_, � � �- " � . L�� t` "?'� R . . � t� (� . S� _ �� �c'M � .1 �*, T `�.�+h t ,��� a � 1 '__ ' '?"J v �u x � E . p „i�7 T , bs .µ 'e`� �Q+ >'��" � . . �K'� ° �".a' � i f+.i'� i ' � xY{ � y�, ,� T � i�[' . Ai.e �} 1( ? � . r E �d.� 3w r- c � �.� � , 7 h c� �� �� � �, .' � �v`A� . ,. � ,p i � .. � "',Y��'N�f. v � i r +.�y � j� �+,13L �' j # i f: , J'2 �s. C 'r !'� tt w� � 3 y'"t '� r � x � A n' *�d -v' �' a a. r � � . ( Z., r' ��� �-d c� y �� � Y:j � n i � � � �u �,rp �"j�' � �� ' '����� �� �I��iY�vt�� }�.�Y""^�'f � �T' �� ! ���� �� 4 r.� "�h��� a �+ �.�, �f ��R� �`�Y�� w �'�'� �ti� ��� � r i a d �Y 4`� `H-,."�" '^�^ �+`'� . �- n r...<^ F t,� -'� fi tiIIr � i'� a� . s �iu v , dat r 1� ����? ��f� ��x •' �.. i� � - }�,��'``4x"� ��'�'� . ..qi'.c �u y i � `+.? Y"1� �., vr %; f''yt�'4r 7�,y+"Y �' ��1.i.'4LiEa.� LL� � _.. �� �4v-�4�4'��. >� � ' � Chapter Organization 3 .1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 3.2 Trip Generation & Distribution Letter Guidelines .......................................................... 1 3 .2.1 Applicability ............................................................................................................... 1 3.2.2 Minimum Elements ..................................................................................................... 2 3.3 Traffic Impact Analysis .................................................................................................. 3 33 .1 Applicability ............................................................................................................... 33 .2 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 33 .3 Methodology ............................................................................................................... 3.3.4 TIA Report Minimum Elements ................................................................................. 4 33 .4.1 Title Page ............................................................................................................ 4 Iniroduction and Summary ................................................................................. 4 33 .43 Proposed Development ....................................................................................... 5 33.4.4 Sununary of Existing Conditions ........................................................................ 5 33.4.5 Backgrotmd Projects ........................................................................................... 5 33.4.6 Analysis Scenarios .............................................................................................. 6 3 .3.4.7 Other Analyses .................................................................................................... 6 33 .4.8 Findings ............................................................................................................... 33 .4.9 . Appendices .......................................................................................................... 3 .4 Meetings .......................................................................................................................... October 2009 Chapter 3—Traffic Analysis 3-i PC RECOMIviENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS TffiS PAGE IS INTENTIALLY LEFT BLANK October 2009 Chapter 3—Traffic Malysis 3-ii PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 3.1 IN�'ItOI)UCTION This chapter describes tkie contents of the trip generation and distribution letter and traffic impact analysis (TIA) submittals. The TIA is a comprehensive report containing all of the technical information and analysis necessary to evaluate a proposed new development or redevelopment project for compliance with level of service (LOS) standazds. The City will not sign off on a project until transportation concurrency has been deternuned. All projects except those exempt as set forth in the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), Title 22.20.020 aze subject to concurrency review. 3.� '�'�P GEI�t��'TI01�1 & DIS'p'��ZT�'IOI� I.ETTIE➢2 GgJIIDEI.II+�ES All projects which generate 10 or more new peak hour vehicular trips shall submit a trip generation and distribution letter. The letter shall be based on the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual and developed by an Engineer. If a project is subject to State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review, the trip generation and distribution letter shall be submitted far review at the time of the SEPA application. The letter is required to be approved by the City prior to submittal of a traffic impact analysis report. 3.2.1 APPLYCABII,I'TY A trip generation and distribution letter is required for most projects. However, the following projects aze typically under the peak hour threshold and may not be required to prepaze a trip generation and distribution letter: o Residential short plats; o Multi-family projects with 9 units or less; o Drive-through coffee stands with no indoor seating; o Changes of use from residential to commercial with no new buildings or building additions; o Office projects of less than 2,500 square feet (ITE land uses 700-799); and, o Industrial projects of less than 9,000 squaze feet (ITE land uses 100-199). October 2009 Chapter 3—Trnffic Malysis 3-1 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS For projects expected to generate less than 10 peak hour vehicular trips the project applicant is required to submit a letter with the following information for all proposed development phases for the property: � Brief project description; � Ntunber of expected employees; o Hours of business; and, o The expected number of vehicular trips (customers and employees) to the business during the AM and PM peak hours. 3.2.2 1VBINIMiJM ELENYENT'S The trip generation and distribution letter for projects generating 10 or more peak hour trips shall include the following elements: o Project description, including proposed use; o Site plan with vicinity map; � Building size noted in square feet; o Zoning of the property; o Proposed and existing access points, site circulation, queuing lengths and pazking locations; ' o Project phasing and expected opening yeaz; o An estimate of trip generation for the typical weekday, AM peak hour, and PM peak hour conditions. Supporting calculations and data sources shall be shotvn. Any adjustments for transit use, pass-by trips, and/or diverted trips shall be clearly stated; o A comparison of the trip generation between the previous and the proposed site use for projects involving a change of use. If the comparison shows a net increase in trip generation, the project will be subject to the TIA requirements of a new development; o A preliminary distribution pattern for traffic on the adjacent street network, shown in a graphical format; and, o The engineering seal signed and dated by the Engineer who prepared the letter. October 2009 Chapter 3— Traffic Analysis 3-2 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 3.3 TRAFFIC IIVIPA�T ANAI,YSIS 3.3.1 APPLICABIL%TY A TIA is required for the following situations: o Projects adding 20 or more peak hour trips to an intersection of arterial streets as defined in Chapter 4 of the City Comprehensive Plan within a one mile radius of the project site as shown by the trip generation and distribution letter; or, o Projects impacting local access intersections, alleys, or driveways located within an area with a current traffic problem as identified by the City or previous traffic study, such as a high-accident location, poor roadway alignment or capacity deficiency. 3.3.2 SCOPE The scope of the TIA shall be developed by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington. Prior to submittal of the TIA, the City and other unpacted jurisdictions/agencies shall approve the scope of the TIA. The scope of the TIA shall conform to the following: o The study azea shall include any intersections of arterial streets within a one mile radius of the site that would experience an increase of at least 20 vehicle trips during a peak hour. Some intersections may be excluded if analyzed within the past yeaz and are shown to operate at LOS C or better. All site access points shall be analyzed. Additional arterial intersections outside of the one mile radius and intersections of local streets may also be required at the discretion of the City; o A PM peak hour LOS analysis shall be conducted for all study azea intersections. An LOS analysis of the AM peak hour, Saturday aftemoon, or other time period may be required at the discretion of the City; and, o Additional analysis may be required by other reviewing agencies. The LOS shall meet or exceed the thresholds set forth in the CiTy of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan — Chapter 4: Capital Facilities Table 43 Spokane Valley Level of Service Standards. 3.3.3 N%ET�IODOLOGY The analysis shall be done using the following methodology: e Background growth rate — The background growth rate may be based on historical growth data and/or the SRTC Regional Travel Demand Model, as approved by the City. This rate is to be applied to e�sting turning movement volumes prior to the addition of background project traffic or site generated trafFic volumes. The minimal growih rate of 1.1 percent is October 2009 � Chapter 3—Traffic Malysis 3-3 PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS required. Under no circumstances shall the growth rate be less than 1.1 percent; o The LOS shall be determined in accordance with the methods reported in the latest edition of the Highway Capacity Manual (HC�; o Use of the two-stage gap acceptance methodology for .unsignalized intersections is subject to City approval; o Other analysis tools may be utilized with City approval if HCM methodology cannot accurately model an intersection; a Trip generation data shall be based on the latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Mana�al. Trip generation data from studies of similaz facilities may be substituted as approved by the City; and, o Tuming movement counts shall be recorded less than one yeaz prior to submitting a traffic study. Counts less than 2 years old may be used if no significant development projects or changes to the transportation nerivork have occurred. Counts should be taken on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday representing a typical travel day. Counts should not be taken during a week, which contains a holiday. Projects near schools may be required to collect turning movement counts during the school yeaz. 3.3.4 �'�, R�POR'I' M[INIlVIiJNI �I�EIVBEN�'S ;. The TIA report shall include the following, at a minimum: Title Page The TIA shall include a title page with the following elements: o Name of project; o City project number/permit number; o ApplicanYs name and address; � Engineer's name, address and phone number; o Date of study preparation; and, o The engineering seal signed and dated by the professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington who prepazed the report. Introduction and Summary � Purpose of report and study objectives; o Executive summary; o Proposed development description; o Location and study area; o Findings;and, October 2009 Chapter 3—Traffic Matysis 3-4 PC RECObIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � o Recommendations and mitigation. 3.3.43 Proposed Development The TIA shall include the following information for the proposed development: a Project description; � Location and vicinity map; o Site plan with building size (squaze feet); o Proposed zoning; o Land use; o Access points, site circulation, queuing lengths, and pazking locations; o An estimate of trip generation for the typical weekday, AM peak hour, and PM peak hour conditions. Any adjustments for transit use, pass-by trips, and/or diverted trips shall be cleazly stated; o A distribution pattern for tr�c on the adjacent street network, shown in a graphical format; and, � Project phasing and tnning. Summary of Existing Conditions The TIA shall provide a siunmary of existing conditions for the study area that includes the following: o Transportation network description, including functional classification, bike / pedestrian facilities and transit routes; o Existing zoning; o Existing traffic volumes including percent heavy vehicles; o Accident history — past 3 years; o Posted speed limits (and if known the 85 percentile speed determined from a speed study); o Length of existing tum pockets at signalized intersections; and, o Location of the following: o On-street pazking, o Bus stops, o Private and public schools in the azea, and, o Hospitals, police and fire stations in the azea. October 2009 Chapter 3— Traffic P.nalysis 3-5 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Background Projects Background project traffic includes the following : o Traffic from newly constructed projects; o Projects for which traffic unpacts have been tentatively reserved; o Projects for which a Concurrency Certificate has been awarded; o Non-project, general background traffic increases; and, o Vested traffic for vacant buildings that aze undergoing redevelopment. The TIA shall provide the following informaUon for background projects, as identified by the City: o Project descriptions; o Vicinity map; o Trip generation; o Trip distribution; and, o Planned transportation improvements (private development and City). Analysis Scenarios The TIA shall include the following analysis scenarios: � E�sting conditions; � Build-out yeaz without project; � Build-out year with project; o Build-out + 5 analysis if project is expected to proceed in phases, take more than 6 yeazs to complete, or if the study intersection is included on the City's 6-Yeaz TIP; and, o Build-out Year + 20 analysis if the project mitigation involves installation or modification to an intersection controlled with a trafFic signal or roundabout. Forecast volumes shall be estimated using the SRTC Regional Travel Demand Model. Other Analyses Other analyses may be required as requested by the City, including but not limited to: o Sight distance; o Queue lengths at signalized intersections; o Queue lengths at driveways and drive-up windows; � Noise; Ocrober 2009 Chapter 3—Traftic Analysis 3-6 PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Air quality (typically required when physical improvements aze proposed and requires electronic submittal of Synchro files); o Intersection control warrant analysis (signal, 4-way stop, yield); o Auxiliary lane warrant analysis; o Site access; and, � Pedestrian study. Findings The following shall be addressed in the findings section: o Traffic impacts; � Compliance with level of service standazds; o Proposed project improvements; and, o Recommendations and mitigation. Appendices The following information shall be included in appendices o Defuutions; o Trip generation sources; o Passer-by and origin-destination studies; o Volume and turning movement count sheets; o Level of service calculations; a Synchro report printouts (electronic submittal may be required); o Warrant analysis calculations; and, o References. 3.� 1VgEE'I'YNGS A public meeting(s) may be required for any residential project generating over 100 PM peak hour trips, commercial projects generating over 100 PM peak hour trips impacting a residential azea, or for other projects at the discretion of the City. The intent of the public meeting is to let the public lmow about the proposed project and to allow for public input to deternune the scope of the TIA. Notice of date, tune, place and purpose of the public meeting(s) shall be provided by the following means: o One publication in Spokane Valley's official newspaper at least 15 days prior to the meeting; October 2009 Chapter 3— T�c Analysis 3-7 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � A mailing to adjacent residents, property owners, neighborhood groups, jurisdictions, and /or organizations within a 400-foot radius of the project boundaries, not less than 15 days prior to the public meeting; and, o A sign shall be erected, on the subject property fronting and adjacent to the most heavily traveled public sVeet, at least 15 days prior to the meetings. The sign sha11 be at least 4 feet in width and 4 feet in height and shall have letters 3 inches in size. The sign shall be easily read by the traveling public from the right-of-way. This sign shall announce the date, time and place of the traffic meetings and provide a brief description of the project. Proper notification and all associated costs shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Notification shall be considered satisfied upon receipt of an affidavit provided by the Applicant to the City stating the above requirements have been completed. October 2009 Chapter 3—Tr�c Analysis 3-8 • i i � � �•� • �• �•'� � � � � � , . � , � � � � . _t .� :� ,{ � ,. • � �; �` � , ' -. � i . � � �� � , 5 �a . , V L' + �w��'I t �, iria �p� � � �.r � f � � � °c'� _+.. icw �y��"�.�'� � ii n i ao.'�^'.* Y '� � r� Y`.i'�"� y�- _��e.. - t vT^,� w �.nr �+.7� ." „ �,�y.��} .a3� .� r� .s�3= tj,`3'f �'� ak lYr� �! !' (. F r � � � �a'� e Yr w 4i�r'b.f4'Y��4 �� � � �r � i. . i �� �'7� � .. , Z� s� r� ���?� r � ; ��z k � `ay{�.�-F�<�i� ✓r1�.�)�j/t�"�#�� _ r'i"\SiS. +';�� rt ;s�'�C�s 'r��.es r'�°� �4 �� t. � ' s: iab �t�e ��t�f�t�r4� �� ��.r ��. T 1.-ST. } �f t � f7 � ! _�. i f �t,. t , Y - � e t ,te � y't � ..v f� �� S � 5 . _ - ,". 1. 1 ' � 1 1 � �� 1 � '� � � � � " � � � � �� � - � '� 1 � � � � , ' � � \ � � � � �. � \ \ " � i � � • "� "� • " •'� "� � '" � ' r _� _� • � �"� " � � ' �" � � � ' � � • � � . � � � - � .� � � • �. 11' � PC RECONIlVIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.5.1 Applicability ..................................................................:........................................ 5 4.5.2 Minimum Plan Elements ......................................................................................... 5 4.6 Sh�eet Improvements Plan ............................................................................................... 6 4.6.1 Applicability ........................................................................................................... 6 4.6.2 Minimum Plan View Elements ..............................................:................................ 6 4.6.3 Minimum Profile View Elements ........................................................................... 8 4.6.4 Minimum Typical Cross Section Elements ............................................................ 8 4.7 Onsite Improvement Plan ............................................................................................... 9 4.7.1 Applicability ........................................................................................................... 9 _ 4.7.2 Minimtun Elements for Onsite Improvement Plan ................................................. 9 4 .8 Drainage Plan ................................................................................................................ 11 4.9 Temporary Erosion and sediment Control Plan ............................................................ 11 4.10 Temporary Traffic Control Plan ................................................................................... 11 4.11 Permanent Traffic Control Plan .................................................................................... 11 4.11.1 Area Map .............................................................................................................. 11 4.11.2 Road Segment Pages ............................................................................................. 11 4.113 Signing Plan .......................................................................................................... 11 4.11.4 Striping Plan .......................................................................................................... 12 4.11.5 TrafFic Signal Plan ................................................................................................ 12 4.12 Site Plan of Record ....................................................................................................... 12 List of Appendices Appendix 4A - General Constniction Notes ...........................................................................................13 ; October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-ii PC RECOD�IlVIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.1 INTRODUCTION The Applicant is required to submit a complete plan set far all proposed public and private improvements. This chapter provides the uiiiumum plan elements for a complete submittal. To be accepted for review, plans shall be clear, concise and easy to read with all lettering and lines legible. Hand drawn plans aze not acceptable. Incomplete plan sets will not be reviewed and will be rehuned to the Applicant. State law requires that engineering work be performed by or under the direction of a professional engineer currently licensed in the State of Washington. �.2 GEI�ERAL IZEQiJIRElVIEN'�'S 4.2.1 PLAN COMPLETENESS All plan submittals are assumed to be the fmal plan set and so all plan sheets for every submittal shall be signed by the developer and the Applicant's Engineer as per Section 4.2.5. It is the responsibility of the ApplicanYs Engineer to verify that all minimum requirements specified in the Street Standards and the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual aze met and are incorporated in the plan set. Each submittal of revised plans and supporting documents shall be accompanied by a letter that indicates how each review comment was addressed and provides a brief description of any changes made that were not in direct response to a review comment. 4.2.2 FOIVTS Lettering shall be legible to be easily read and understood by the reviewer. Lettering shall be of sufficient size and scale to produce cleaz, readable images when scanned digitally by an optical scanner. 4.2.3 LINES AND S�'1VYBOLS Standazd drafting lines and symbols aze shown on the Standazd Plan R-100. All drawings submitted for review shall use these line types and symbols. When used in the plans, the symbols and line types shall be shown in a legend in the plan set. 4.2.4 SHEET SIZE / PLAN MEDIUM All plan sets shall be plotted or copied on standard drafting paper with dark ink. When the plans or plats are accepted, the City will specify the media type required in the acceptance letter. All plan sheets shall be 24 inches by 36 inches (D size). October 2009 Chapter 4—Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-1 PC RECOD�IMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.2.5 ENGINEER SIGNA'I'URE AND S�'AMP � All sheets shall include the engineer's signature, stamp, and date of signature in accordance with the regulations established by the State of Washington Boazd of Registration of Professional Engineers. 4.2.6 SCALE The scale for all plan and profile sheets shall be: o Horizontal: 1 inch = 20, 30, 40, or 50 feet (scales greater than 1 inch = 50 feet shall not be accepted) � Vertical: 1 inch = 5 or 10 feet o Overall plan: 1 inch = 100 feet, maximum o Cross sections: vertical exaggeration ratio shall be 5:1 4.2.7 1VORTI� ARROW All design sheets shall have a north arrow oriented towazd the top or right side of applicable sheets. 4.2.� VERTICAI� ANID HOR�ZONTAI� DAB'iJNII � The City of Spokane Valley vertical datum shall be based on the National American Vertical dariun (NAVD 1988). The horizontal datum is a coordinate system based on 1983(91) State Plane Coordinates. 4.2.9 iTTILI'�'�' d.00A'I'E I�TOTE All utilities shall be located prior to construction. All sheets except the cover sheet, detail sheets and traffic control plan shall have the following message: CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 811 OR 1-�00-424-5555 4.2.10 TI'Y'LE BLOCK A title block is required on every sheet. The title block shall be located in the extreme lower right hand corner, the right side margin, or along the bottom edge of the sheet. The following information shall appear in the title block: o Project name and number (including permit number, Short plat, Subdivision or Binding Site Plan numbers) provided by the City; e The type and location of improvement. (For profile sheets, the title block shall have the name of the street and beginning/end stations); � Oc[ober 2009 Chap[er 4—Requ'vements for Plan Submittal 4-2 PC RECOMIvfENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS a Engineer's name, address, including zip code, telephone number, and fazc number; a Date and brief description of all revisions; � Sheet number and total number of sheets; and, o Name of property Owner and Applicant. �b.2.11 REQUIRED CIVII. PLAN SHEET'S Civil plan sets aze reviewed by Development Engineering. The civil plan set shall include the following, as applicable: o Cover sheet (see Section 4.4); o Clearing and grading plan (see Section 4.5 ); o Street improvement plan (see Section 4.6); a Onsite improvement plan (see Section 4.7); o Drainage plan (see Section 4.8); a Temporary erosion and sediment contro] plan (see Section 4.9); and, o Detail sheets, as needed. 4.2.12 REQ�J�D TRAF�'IC PLAN SI3EE'd'S Traffic plan sets are reviewed by the Traffic Division of the Public Works Department. The traffic plan set shall include the following, as applicable: o permanent tr�c control plan (see Section 4.11); o Detail sheets, as needed. �b.2.13 O'I'HElt REQUdRED PI,AN SHEE"g"S The site plan of record is reviewed by Development Engineering and the Planning Division. See Section 4.12 for the requirements from Development Engineering. 4.3 SPECYI+'IC YtEQiJIY�1VIEN'I'S �OR PI.AN SI�EE'B'S This section outlines the minimum required information to be included on specific sheets of the plan set. The sheets aze listed in the order they should appear in the plan set. Some sections of the plan set may have more than one sheet, but should be labeled alike. OMOber 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-3 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.4 COV�It SI��'�' 4.4.1 APPLICABILITY All plan sets shall include a cover sheet. 4.4.2 1V%INd1VYUNY ELEMENTS The following shall be included on the cover sheet: o The project name and the number (including pernut number, Short plat, Subdivision or Binding Site Plan ntunbers) shown in the top center of the page; o A legible vicinity map, approximately 8-Yz inches by 11 inches, showing the location and name of all arterial roadways within one mile of the proposed construction, and all other roadways within 1/2 mile of the proposed construction. The project area shall be indicated by shading; � An index of all sheets within the plan set; o Impervious area calculations for all commeicial projects. Calculations shall include the existing, proposed and total rooftop azea, pavement area and gravel area, and the overall, total impervious area; � � Type of roofmg material for all commercial projects; o Section, Township, and Range; a Legend of line types and symbols for all appurtenances related to each type of facility; � General construction notes as provided in Appendix 4A; � Applicant's signature; o The datum used and all benchmarks, which must refer to the established control when available; � Private Improvements Statement. The note below shall appeaz on the cover sheet of the construction plans that include private improvements: The Ciry of Spokane Yalley will not be responsible for the maintenance of street and appurtenant improvements, including storm drainage structures and pipes, for the following private streets: (list street names). October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-4 PC RECOMIvtENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.5 CI�EARING AND GRADING PLAN 4.5.1 APPLICABILITY Clearing and grading sheets aze required for projects applying for: � A clearing and grubbing permit; o A grading only pernut; o A building pernut for all new non-residential development and for residential conshuction of four or more units per lot; o Short plats; o Long plats; or o Binding Site Plans. 4.5.2 MINIIVIUM PLAN ELEMENTS Cleazing and grading sheets shall clearly convey design and construction intent and shall depict only the work to be done with the requested perxnit. Cleazing and grading sheets shall include, as applicable: o Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground elevations. For e�sting topography, one-foot contour intervals are preferred unless the City .determines that available 5-foot contour mapping is adequate and detailed enough to describe current landforms; o The extent of cleazing and/or grading areas, delineated and labeled "excavation" or "fill"; o Finish contours to be achieved by the grading and related conshuction. The contour interval for proposed topography must be no more than 1- foot, unless the slope is greater than 10 percent, in which case, the City may accept 5-foot contour intervals. Periodically call out the proposed slope. One-foot contours may still be necessary to show certain features such as swales; o Existing and proposed surface and subsurface drainage facilities; o Footprint of onsite buildings or structures and the location of adjacent buildings or structures located within 15 feet of the property or which may be affected by the proposed grading operations; a Cross-section along the proposed and/or e�sting street, spaced every 50 feet, when required by the City. The cross-sections shall show proposed and existing topography along the street, at tie in points and property boundaries; October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-5 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Information covering construction and material requirements including, but not limited to, specification of the soil compaction to be achieved in any azeas of fill placement; o Estnnated amount and vertical dimensions of cut and fill; a Delineation of sensitive areas, floodplains, and critical azeas per SVMC Title 21; � The approximate location of all trees 8-inches diameter breast height (dbh) and larger, and a description of the tree protection standards to be implemented during construction; a Delineation of any azeas to be preserved. 4.6 S'�'�8]EE�' �M[�ItOV�1VIEN'I'S ��,A1�I 4.6.1 APPI.,ICABII.I�'�' Street improvements sheets are required for projects: a Proposing new public or private street or street extensions; o Proposing private engineered driveways; or, o Required to provide frontage improvements. � 4.6.2 1VBdNIIVYiJM PLAN VIEW ELEIVIENTS The plan view shall include, at a minimum, the following: � Survey lines and stationing lines. Lines shall normally be based on centerline of street. Other profiles may be included but shall be referenced to centerline stationing. Stationing in cul-de-sacs shall be on the centerline to the center of the bulb, with dimensioned slopes along the flowlines within the bulb; � Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground elevations. For existing topography, one-foot contour intervals are preferred unless the CiTy determines that available 5-foot contour mapping is adequate and detailed enough to describe current landforms; o Finish contours to be achieved by the grading and related construction. The contour interval for proposed topography must be no more than one- foot, unless the slope is greater than 10 percent, in which case, the City may accept 5-foot contour intervals. Periodically call out the proposed slope, One-foot contours may still be necessary to show certain features such as swales; a Lot lines, lot numbers and block numbers; ' � Proposed and adjoining subdivision names; October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-6 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Existing and proposed street names; o Secdon, Township, and Range; o Existing and proposed property and/or right-of-way lines, easements, and/or tracts. All of them shall be labeled and dimensioned; o Road aligiments with 100-foot stationing, reading from left to right, and stationing at points of curve, tangent, and intersections, with appropriate ties to existing road surveys and stationing, section comers, quarter comers, and the County GPS control net. Stations shall increase from west to east and from south to north; a Match lines and stations; o Bearings on the road centerline, keyed to an associated plat map; a Station and elevation of all horizontal curves including PI, PC's, PT's, etc.; existing and proposed, centerline bearings, distances, and complete curve data; � Curve data including radius, delta, azc length and semi-tangent length on all street centerlines and curb returns; o Stations and elevations of all cuib returns; including beginning, mid-point, and ending elevations of curb returns; o Location of all proposed and existing approaches; o All existing utilities; o All proposed utilities that will be designed and constructed. The plan sheet shall show the extent of the pavement cut for connections; o Proposed drainage features including station and type of all structures, direction of flow, size and kind of each drainage channel, ditch or pipe and any other requirements as specified in the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual, as amended; o A thorough seazch for all survey monuments shall be conducted. Any survey monuments shall be shown; o Fire hydrant locations; o No Pazking signs and locations; o Turnaround locations; o Fire emergency access easements; o Tr�c elements such as conduit, juncUon boxes, signal cabinets, electrical service, signal poles, push-button poles, and loops; � Storm drainage flow d'uection anows, particulazly at intersections and all high and low points; and, October 2009 Chapter 4—Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-7 PC RECONIl�SENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Station and critical elevation (flowline, invert of pipe, etc.) of all existing and proposed utility or drainage structures. Location of utilities shall be identified with horizontal and vertical dimensions as measured from roadway centerline profile grade. 4.6.3 MII�TIMUM PROFILE VIEW ELEMENTS The profile view shall include, at a minimum, the following: , o Stationing, shown the same as in the horizontal plan, reading from left to right. It shall include stationing of points of curve, tangent, length, and point of intersection of vertical curves, with elevations to 0.01 feet; o Original ground line at 100-foot stations and at significant ground breaks and topographic features, based on field measurement and accurate within 0.1 feet on unpaved surface and 0.01 feet on paved surface; o Profiles for curbed streets shall show and label the tops of both curbs and the centerline. Profiles for shouldered streets may show the centerline only. The centerline, top of curb, and existing ground lines of all streets (except cul-de-sacs) shall be continued for 100 feet beyond the proposed construction; . o High and low point and PI of all vertical curves; � Ditch and swale flowlines and drainage structures; ' o A continuous profile for both existing and proposed 'unprovements, shown on a grid of numbered lines; a Elevation of vertical grade breaks, K values, grade and length of vertical curves; o Storm drainage flow direction arrows, particulazly at intersections and all high and low points; and, o Station and critical elevation (flowline, invert of pipe, etc.) of all existing and proposed utility or drainage structures. Location of utilities shall be identified with horizontal and vertical dimensions as measured from roadway centerline profile grade. 4.6.4 1VYYIVIlVIUM TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ELEMEIVTS A typical street section shall include, at a minnnum, the following: o A separate full-width, typica] section required for each street or portion of the street that differs significanfly. The typical section shall be drawn looking in the direction of increasing stations; � Station limits; October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submitta] 4-8 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDt1RDS a The dimensions of tr�c lanes, shoulders, gutters, sidewalks, swales, depths, planting strips, easements, right-of-way, etc.; o The cross slope of elements such as pavement, ditches, sidewalks, etc.; o Type of curb; o Dimensions and type of structural section material layers; and, o Retaining walls, as applicable. �.7 OIVSITE IMPROVEMENT PLAI+i 4.7.1 APPLICABILITY Onsite nnprovement plans are required for projects proposing: o New commercial developments; o Residential construction of three or more units per lot; o Drywells; o A project site that will have both of the following: 1) any addition or replacement of impervious surface and 2) 5000 or more total squaze feet of ' impervious surface at full build-out. If both of these criteria are met then the runoff from the new and/or replaced PGIS surfaces and areas hydraulically connected to them will need to be treated prior to disposal. The site includes all of the parcels involved in the project whether or not they are contiguous. Impervious surface includes roofs, paved azeas, gravel travelways, etc. Full build-out includes all the projecYs phases even if - o the different phases will be constructed under separate contract and/or by separate owners, and/or, o the project is phased over multiple yeazs, but the phases are still under a consistent plan for long term development; o Additions or alterations to, or change in use of existing buildings, sites, or parking areas where the work: o Increases ixnpervious azeas to 5,000 squaze feet or more; o Alters site access requirements, including adding or removing driveways; or, o Connects to and impacts City streets and utilities. October 2009 Chapter 4— Requ'uements for Plan Submittal 4-9 PC RECOMIvSENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.7.2 1VYIlVIMUIVY ELEMENTS FOR ONSITE IlVYPROVEIVYENT PI,AN � The onsite improvement plan shall include, at a minimum, the following: o P;operty limits and accurate contours of existing ground elevations. For existing topography, one-foot contour intervals aze preferred unless the City determines that available 5-foot contour mapping is adequate and detailed enough to describe current landforms; o Finish contours or spot elevations to be achieved by the grading and related construction. The contour interval for proposed topography must be no more than 1- foot, unless the slope is greater than 10 percent, in which case, the City may accept 5-foot contour intervals. Periodically call out the proposed slope. One-foot contours may still be necessary to show certain features such as swales; o Lot lines, lot numbers and block numbers; o Existing street names; � Section, Township, and Range; o Existing and proposed property and/or right-of-way lines, easements, and/or tracts. Type and dimension of easement or tract shall be cleazly labeled. Dimensions of property and right-of-way lines shall be mazked. o Location of all proposed and existing driveways; � � All existing utilities; o All proposed utilities that will be designed and constructed. The plan shall show the extent of pavement cut(s) for connections; o Proposed drainage features including, structure type, locating information, direction of flow, size and kind of each drainage channel, ditch or pipe and any other requirements as specified in the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual, as amended; � Fire hydrant locations; o No Pazking signs and locations; � Tumaround locations shall be designated; o Storm drainage flow direction arrows, particulazly at intersections and all high and low points; and, a Station and critica] elevation (flowline, invert of pipe, etc.) of all existing and proposed utility or drainage structures. Location of utilities shall be identified with horizontal and vertical dimensions as measured from roadway centerline profile grade. October 2009 Chap[er 4—Requirements for Plan Submittal . 4-10 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 4.8 DRAINAGE PLAN A drainage plan, showing the locafion of drainage facilities intended to provide flow control, treatment, and conveyance shall be submitted with the construcUon plans and shall conform to Section 3.5.2 of the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSIvn, as amended For small projects, the drainage plan may be included in the Onsite Improvement Plan. 4.9 T�IVIPORAR�' EROSIOI�I Al�� SEDIIVIEN'g' CONT�20g, PLAN A Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) plan shall be submitted for all projects as specified in Section 5.3.1 and shall conform to Section 5.3 and the SRSM, as amended For small projects, the temporary erosion and sediment control plan may be included in the clearing and grading plan. 4.10 T�llRPOfl2Ait�' TgtA�+'�+'IC COI+1T�20I, PLAl�1 A temporary traffic control plan shall be included with the right-of-way permit. The plan shall be in detail appropriate to the complexity of the project per MIJTCD Chapter 6 B. 4.�Y P�RNYAI+�El�'T �'�AFFIC CONT�tOY. PLAN When required, permanent tr�c control plan sheets shall include the components outlined below. Permanent signage and striping shall be complete and in place prior to the acceptance of the certification package. 411.1 AREA 1VYAP Sepazate signage and striping plans shall consist of an overall area map noting all specific use azeas, such as schools, pazks, recreation centers, library, commercial, industrial, etc. 4.11.2 ROAID SEGMEIVT PAGES The pages following the azea map shall be broken down into street segments, for notation of signage and striping details. 4.11.3 SIGNIlVG PLAN The permanent signing plan shall: o Show the longitudinal location of each sign (horizontal offset and station); o Specify the sign legend and sign type (from MUTCD and International Fire Code); o Specify the sign size and applicable standazd plan; October 2009 � Chapter 4—Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-11 PC RECOIvIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Refer to Standazd Plan R-140 for post and base dimensions and installation plan; � Specify the blank gauge of the sign; and, � Note the reflectorization provided. 4.11.4 STRIPING PLAN The striping plan shall show: � Color and type; � Lane widths, taper lengths, storage lengths, etc.; o Striping/skip interval; a Any construction or application notes, (e.g, application temperatures, surface cleaning methods to be used prior to application, etc.); � Typical treatments for acceleration/deceleration lanes, turning lanes, and crosswalks; o Type of material (epoxy, latex, thermoplastic, etc.); and, o Station and offset or dimensions to all angle points, symbol locations, and line terminations. ( �8.11.5 'I'RA]F�'IC SIGNAL PLA1V Traffic signal installation and equipment shall be coordinated with and approved by the Public Works Department. The applicable MUTCD signal warrants shall be met. �.Il� S�'g'lE ]Pg.AIV O]F It�CO�tlL9 Development Engineering requires that the following items be included: o The footprint of drainage facilities including swales, ponds, channels, detention/retention basins, inlets, drywells, etc. � A table providing the following areas in square feet: total rooftop areas, total pavement area, total gravel azea and total impervious area. October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-12 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS APPENIDIX 4A-GEl�ERAI, �ONST'1�iTCTIOIV NOTES 1. All work and materials shall .be in conformance with the latest edition of the City of Spokane Valley Street Standazds, Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual and all other governing agency's standazds. 2. Prior to site construction, the Contractor is responsible for locating underground utilities. Call the underground utility location service at 1-800-424-5555 before you dig. 3. Locations of existing utilities shown in the plans aze approxunate. The Contractor shal] be responsible for locating all underground utilities. Any conflicting utilities shall be relocated priar to construction of road and drainage facilities. 4. The Contractor is required to have a complete set of the accepted street and drainage plans on the job site whenever construction is in progress. 5. If the Contractor discovers any discrepancies between the plans and existing conditions encountered, the contractor shall immediately notify the ApplicanYs engineer and Onsite Inspector. 6. The Contractor shall take precautions to protect the infiltration capacity of stormwater facilities (e.g., line the facility with filter fabric, over-excavate upon completion of the infrastructure, etc.) 7. Where directed by the City of Spokane Valley, the Contractor shall place trafFic control devices, the placement and type of which shall conform to the Manual of Uniform Traff c Control Devices (MiJTCD). 8. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate with and contact all appropriate utilities involved prior to construction. 9. All pavement cuts to connect utilities shall be repaired in conformance with the Regional Pavement Cut Policy. 10. All survey monuments shall be protected during construction by or under the d'uection of a Licensed Surveyor as required by State Law. Any disturbed or damaged monuments shall be replaced by or under the direction of a licensed Surveyor prior to certification /final plat and/or release of surety. The Contractor is responsible for the filing of permits for monument removal and replacement with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, as required by WAG120-070. 11. Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling and acquiring electrical inspections required by the State. 12. Contractor is responsible to verify that all required pemuts have been obtained prior to initiating conshuction. 13. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall have a current City of Spokane Valley Business License. 14. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall be licensed by the State of Washington and bonded to do work in the public right-of-way. October 2009 � Chapter 4—Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-13 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 15. No work on this project shall commence until a City of Spokane Valley right-of-way ' permit has been issued. 16. The Contractor shall protect adjacent properties, public or private, at all times during construction. 17. Contractors shall control dust in accordance with regulations of local air pollution control authority. 18. Contractor shall remove all construction related debris to an approved waste disposal site. 19. Fire hydrants shall be installed and functioning prior to the construction of any structures. 20. Contractor shall maintain fire appazatus access streets during construction. 21. The Contractor is required to notify the On-site Inspector 1 business day before any construction or product placement takes place that requires testing or observation (Refer to Appendix 9A- Minimum Material Testing Frequencies). The On-site Inspector will determine the time required to satisfactorily achieve the necessary testing, observation and documentation. The On-site Inspector will be required to be on site 100% of the time during HMA placement, drywell placement, and trench work. Supplemental notes used when applicable: 22. For any curb grades less than 1.0% (0.01 ft/ft), a Professional Land Surveyor currently licensed in the State of Washington shall verify that the curb forms are at the grades noted on the accepted plans, prior to placement of concrete. The Contractor is responsible ( for arranging and coordinating work with the Surveyor. ' 23. The Contractor shall employ a Professional Land Surveyor currently licensed in the State of Washington to verify that the cross-gutter forms are at the correct plane grade prior to concrete placement.. 24. Concrete aprons aze required at the inlet into any swale or pond. The finish grade of the swale/pond side slope, where the concrete inlet apron ends, shall be a minimum of 2 inches below the finished elevation of the concrete curb apron extension. The intention is to allow stormwater runoff to enter the swale/pond unobstructed, without backing up into the street and gutter due to sod overgrowth at ttte inlet. 25. Unlined pond and bio-infiltration swale bottoms are expected to infiltrate via the pond floor, and therefore, shall not be heavily compacted; equipment traffic shall be minimized on the pond bottoms. The facility sub-grade shall be a medium- to well- draining material, with a minimum thickness of 48 inches and a minimum infiltration rate of 0.15 in/hr. The facility shall drain within 72 hours of a storm event. If the pond also serves as a water quality treatment facility, the treatment zone (sod and 6 inches of treatrnent soil) shall be a medium- to well-draining material, with a i�mum infiltration rate of 0.25- 0.50 inku. Scarify the finish grade of the pond bottom prior to hydroseeding/sodding. Testing that verifies subgrade minimum infiltration rate may be required by the local jurisdiction prior to construction certification to ensure adequate drainage. Infiltrative testing of the treatment zone is only required if soils other than silty loam or loamy soils are proposed. October 2009 Chapter 4—Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-14 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 26. If during fmal inspection, it is found that the constructed pond or swale does not conform to the accepted design, the system shall be reconstructed so that it does comply. Refer to Appendix 9A of the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control Standazd Notes. October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-15 PC RECOI�IMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK I October 2009 Chapter 4— Requirements for Plan Submittal 4-16 PC RECONINfENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS CHAPTER 5 - LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES - .. -... . ._. - -_� --^'�` `�_._,�..,___.,, _ -��.� .. : �: � 'v' y g � ., � i .h - � ��� a' j t.a a �- + l c:� . ,a:,=_ , -��:�,;� � ,.a--...._,.,�F. - -- _. �.,,,�,; �. � :� , ��.,,�:_.-_.-_� . �-�i ,. .� �,.-- .-.--� - � ' - ' „ � —�"�w^=�-:�:.a-�c,3 �� ' - `'=i-;s t �, '�... '�. ��... Chapter Organization 5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... l 5 .2 Geotechnical Evaluation ................................................................................................. 1 5.2.1 Applicability ........................................................................................................... 5.2.2 Qualified Professional ............................................................................................. 2 5 .23 Geotechnical Report ................................................................................................ 2 53 Clearing, Grubbing & Grading ....................................................................................... 2 5.4 Erosion And Sed'unent Control Requirements ................................................................ 3 5.5 Cuts and Fills .................................................................................................................. 4 5.5.1 General Requirements ............................................................................................. 4 5.5.2 Ground Preparation and Fill Material ..................................................................... 5 5 .53 Cut and Fill Setbacks .............................................................................................. 7 5 .6 Tenacing ......................................................................................................................... 5 .7 Slope Easements ............................................................................................................ 9 5.8 Retaining Walls ............................................................................................................. 10 List of Figures Figure 5-1 Fill Minimum Requirements ..................................................................................... 6 Figure5-2 Setbacks ..................................................................................................................... 8 October 2009 Chapter 5- Land DisNrbing Activities 5-i PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE INTENTIONAi,LY LEFT BLANK � October 2009 Chapter 5—Land Disturbing Activities 5-ii PC RECOMA4ENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 5.Y INTROI)�JC�'ION The purpose of these requirements is to provide the design criteria necessary to preserve the qualiTy of the City's water courses; minimize surface and ground water quality degradation; protect adjacent and downstreaxn properiy owners from erosion and flooding; and ensure the safety and stability of the City's streets and right-of-ways. This chapter provides requirements for all land disturbing activities. The design of temporary erosion and sediment control (ESC), clearing and grading plans shall conform to the requirements herein. Although the construction phase of a project is usually considered a temporary condition, construction work may take place over several seasons. All Best Management Practices (BMPs) used in the course of construction should be of sufficient size, strength, and durability to readily outlast the expected construction schedule and operate properly during the design storm rainfall conditions. Maintenance of these BMPs is mandatory. Clearing & grubbing permits and grading permits do not allow the disturbance of critical areas per SVMC Title 21.40 without a scientific report backed by professional study and acceptance by the City. 5.2 ��O'�'EC�1V��AL EVAL�TA'y'IO1V 5.2.1 APPg.�CABII�I'&'�' The City shall require a geotechnical evaluation when the proposed land disturbing activity includes one or more of following situations: o A proposed design does not adhere to the criteria specified in this chapter; o� Cut or fill slopes 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or steeper, and heights greater than 2 'h feet; o Cuts or fills slopes 10:1 (horizontal to vertical) or steeper with heights 4 feet or greater; o Slope lengths requiring terraces (see Section 5.7); � Areas with shallow groundwater or springs; o Projects that include areas of questionable soil conditions or stability, as deternuned by the City; o Areas with erodible soils and/or landslides; o Slopes with surface water flows, o Unusual situations are encountered; o Projects with potential negative affect down stream or to neighboring parcels; or, . October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Disturbing Activities 5-1 PC RECOD�IIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o A geotechnical investigation is othenvise required in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC), Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSM), or other sections of these Street Standazds. 5.2.2 QUALIFIEID PROFESSIONAL A qualified geotechnical engineer (a professional engineer currently licensed in the State of Washington with geotechnical engineering as a specialty) is required to perform the geotecluucal evaluation. 5.2.3 GEOTECHI�TICAL REPORT The geotechnical report shall include: o Project description; � Soil description, including classification, nature, distribution, erosion hazards, and strength of existing surface and subsurface soils; � A description of site conditions that have the potential to impact the project design such as limiting layers, shallow groundwater, springs, shallow bedrock, etc.; � Supporting data and a discussion of the results; � o A map drawn to , scale showing the location of sampling points, water features, and features of geotechnical concern; o Adequacy and stability of the geologic subsurface for cuts and fills, including allowable cut and fill slope inclinations; o Recommendations for surface and subsurface drainage; o Recommendations for grading, including site prepazation and placement of fill; o Calculations and recommendations for pavement design; o Sub-level structure recommendations for projects with shallow groundwater, springs and shallow bedrock per the SRSM; o Foundation recommendations; and, o Discussion regazding the finished slope stability. 5.3 �LEAl2I1�1G, G1tYJBBg1�TG & GRAIDII�IG This section provides general criteria for clearing, grubbing and grading activities. In general, clearing, grubbing and grading activities shall: o Not contribute to or create erosion, landslides, accelerated soil creep, settlement of soils, or flooding of public or private property; October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Disturbing Aclivities 5-2 PC RECOhIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Not contribute to or create flooding, erosion, increased turbidity, or siltation of a watercourse; o Contain provisions for the preservation of natural features, sensitive and critical azeas, and drainage courses; o Expose the smallest azea of soil for the least amount of time; a Within pipeline hazard areas, identified in SVMC 19.110.040, meet the standards and notification requirements of that section; a Minimize groundwater and tree disturbance; and, o Not divert existing watercourses. If an existing excavation, embanlanent, fill, or cut is or will become a hazazd to life or limb, endanger property, or adversely impact the safeTy, use or stability of public or private property, drainage channel or natural resource, the Applicant shall repair and/or eliminate such hazard upon receiving notice from the City within the period specified therein. It is the responsibility of the property owner or Applicant to share information defined above with the City. 5.� �ROSION t�+t�D SEI)�1VI�1�1�' �OIVTROL �tEQiTI�1VIE1V�'S The Applicant for a development pernut is ultimately responsible for contauung all soil on the project site and must recognize the potential for changing or unexpected site and weather conditions. The ESC plan sha11 be prepared in accordance with Chapter 9- Erosion and Sediment Control Design of the SRSM, as amended. Detailed examples and descriptions of the BMPs referenced in the above chapter aze included in Chapter 7 of the Eastern Washington Stormwater Manz�al. The ESC plan shall address and include the following items: o A narrative addressing information about the site topography, drainage soils, and vegetation; potential erosion problem areas; and actions to be taken in the event the BMPs do not meet performance criteria; � Construction sequence; � Construction access route; o Installation of sediment control; o Provisions for soil stabilization; o Protection of drainage structures; o Control of runoff from construction sites; o Washout site for concrete trucks and equipment; o Material storage/stockpiling; • The proper handling of cut and fill slopes; October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Disturbing Activilies 5-3 PC RECOMIviENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � Stabilization of temporary conveyance channels and outlets; o De-watering of construction site; � Control of pollutants other than sediment on construction sites, including airborne particulate (dust); and � Maintenance of BMPs. A site log shall be completed for the project. The site log shall include the results of all site inspections, sampling, and other records. For sites one acre or lazger, inspections must be conducted by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL). 5.5 CYJ'd'S AN�D �'��,g,S 5.5.1 GENERAL REQUIItEMEN'd'S Unless othenvise recommended by a geotechnical evaluation, cut and fill slopes shall conform to the following provisions: a Cut and fill slopes shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use; o Cut slopes shall be rounded off so as to blend in with natural terrain; o Permanent cut slopes shall not be constructed steeper than 2:1 (horizonta] to vertical); �. � Cut and fill slopes shall not exceed 20 feet in vertical height or 75 feet in slope length without a tenace break (Figwe 5-1). Interceptor ditches may be required if a geotechnical evaluation determines they are needed or as required in Section 5.6. o Cut and fill slopes shall be stabilized by terracing, cat tracking, jute mat, grass sod, hydroseeding, or by other planting or surfacing materials approved by the City. The erosion control measures shall be installed per the SRSM and shall be maintained by the Applicant; o Cut and fill slopes and related drainage facilities shall not encroach upon adjoining property without a recorded easement from the adjacent owner; o Cut and fill slopes shall be provided with subsurface and surface drainage provisions to approved drainage locations; o Fill slopes shall not be constructed on natural slopes steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) unless an engineer devises a method of placement which ensures the fill will remain in place; a Drywells shall not be placed in fill slopes or loosely placed fill on grade (see the SRS1Vn; and, a Temporary or permanent stormwater runoff shall not be directed onto or neaz a slope without providing for stabilization. See Section 5.6 far � additional requirements. October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Disturbing Ac[ivities 5-4 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 5.5.2 GROUND PREPARATION AND FILL MATERIAL Unless otherwise recommended by a geotechnical evaluation approved by the City, grading activities shall conform to the following provisions: o Prior to any fill being placed, all vegetation, topsoil and other unsuitable material shall be removed; o Top 6 inches of subgrade shall be scarified and compacted before placing fill; � Fill material shall be placed in lifts of no more than 12 inches; o All fills shall be compacted to a minimum relative dry density of 95 percent as determined in accordance with ASTM Standazd D-1557-78 Modified Proctor, or as directed by the geotechnical engineer. VeriFication of field density shall be conducted in accordance with AST'M Standazd D-1556-82 or equivalent. Verification shall be submitted for any fill where such fill may support the foundation for a structure. Additional compaction tests may be required by the City at any tune; o Where slopes are 5:1 (horizontal to vertical) or:steeper, and the depth of the fill exceeds 5 feet, an engineered key shall be dug into undisturbed, solid component soil or bedrock beneath the toe of the proposed fill. The key shall be engineered (see Figure 5-1); o Where the depth of the fill exceeds 20 feet, an engineered key shall be provided in conformance with Figure 5-1; o Fill material shall be free from tree stumps, detrimental amounts of organic matter, frozen soil, trash, gazbage, sod, peat, and other similaz materials. Rocks larger than 6 inches in greatest dimension shall not be used unless the method of placement is properly devised, continuously inspected, and approved by the City. October 2009 Chaptet 5— Land Disturbing Activities 5-5 PC R�CONIIVICNDED DRAFT - CITY OP SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � 20' NUlX. � &'IGURIE 5-1 FdLL 1VgINBMYJM I2�QLTIRIEIVY�N�'S October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Dismrbing Ac[ivities 5-6 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 5.5.3 CUT AND FILL SETBACKS Tops and toes of cut and fill slopes shall be set back from property boundaries and structures as far as necessary for the safety of the adjacent properties and to prevent damage resulting from stormwater, flooding, slope erosion or sediment deposition. ff cut and fill slopes meet the applicability listed in Section 5.2, setbacks shall conform to the following provisions: o Setbacks shall not be less than as shown in Figure 5-2; o Where a cut or a fill slope is to be located neaz the property line, additional precautions shall be provided to protect the adjonung property. These include, but aze not limited to: o The toe of slope shall not be located closer than distances equal to 1/5 the height of the slope (� to the property line. The setback shall be at least 2 feet but does not need to be more than 20 feet; o The top of slope shall not be located closer than a distance equal to 1/5 H to the property line. The setback shall be at least 2 feet but does not need to be more than 10 feet; o Provisions for retaining walls; o Mechanical or chemical treatment of the fill slope surface to minimize erosion; o Provisions for the control of surface waters; o Recommendations from a geotechnical engineer. October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Disturbing Activi[ies 5-7 PC RECOMMEND�D DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS FACEOF BULOING STRUCTURE H [SLOPE HEIGH7] ��� TOPOFSLOPE 6' MIN. TERRACE 75' MA7C. TOEOFSLAPE �� J STRLCTURE FACEOF FOOTING SETBACK OISTAM1GE [IN FEEn A B 'h11N. REQUIREO 5 5 H H2 FV3 M1ULC. REQUIFED 20 40 '�4AV NE ED TO BE IM1L REASEO TO FIT INTERCEPT OITC H OR SWALE FIGYTRE 5-2 SETBACKS 20' MAX. October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Dislurbing Activities 5-8 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 5.6 'TERRACING A geotechnical engineer shall review all proposed terracing. Unless otherwise recommended by a geotechnical engineer, all terracing shall conform to the provisions of this section: o Tenaces at least 6 feet in width shall be established at not more than 20-foot vertical intervals or 75-foot slope length on all cut or fill slopes to control surface drainage and debris. When only one tenace is requued, it shall be at mid-height; o Swales or ditches shall be provided on terraces. They shall have a minimum gradient of 5 percent and shall be paved with reinforced concrete not less than 3 inches in thickness, or an approved equal. They shall have a minunum depth of 1 foot and a m;nimum paved width of 5 feet; o Where more than 2 terraces aze required, one terrace located at approximately mid-height, shall be at least 12 feet wide; o A single run of swale or ditch shall not collect runoff from a tributary area exceeding 13,500 squaze feet (projected) without discharging into a down drain; a All drainage facilities shall be designed to carry ihe 100-year storm event to an ' approved location. The drainage facility shall include a freeboazd consistent with the SRSM. Stormwater runoff shall leave the site in the same manner and location as it did in the pre-developed condition; o Lots shall be graded so as to drain surface water away from foundation walls; and, o Paved interceptor drains shall be installed along the top of all cut slopes, where the tributary drainage area above, slopes toward the cut and has a drainage path greater than 40 feet, measured horizontally. Interceptor drains shali be paved with a minimum 3 inches of reinforced concrete, or an approved equivalent. Drains shall have a minimum depth of 1-foot and minimum paved width of 3 feet, measured horizontally across the drain. The slope shall not be less than 2 percent. 5.'� SL,OPE EASEIVIEN'I'S Slope easements adjacent to the right-of-way for protection and maintenance of cut or fill slopes and drainage facilities may be required on shouldered streets with side slope oF 3:1 or steeper. Easement shall be from the catch point plus a minimum of 5 feet and shall include retauung walls and reinforcements, as applicable. This space provides for utility poles, fences, sloped rounding, etc. OMober 2009 Chapter 5— I.and Disturbing Activities 5-9 PC RECONIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 5.8 12��'AINING WA�..�.5 Retaiuing walls shall be submitted to the Building Division for review. Retaining walls with a vertical difference of 2.5 feet or greater within 2 feet pedestrian comdors, and azeas where maintenance personnel will be required to access, shall require a handrail. An engineered wal] design is required for walls 4 feet or higher, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. The engineered design shall include a soils investigation and report by a geotechnical engineer and structural calculations to support the wall design. Rockeries used as retaining walls shall conform to the requirements of the latest addition of the Associated Rockery Contractors Rock Wall Construction. Unless otherwise recommended by a geotechnical engineer, underdrains aze required for all retaining walls over 4 feet in height, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. A minunum 6-inch diameter perforated or slotted drainpipe shall be placed in a shallow excavated trench located along the inside edge of the keyway. The pipe shall be bedded on and sunounded by "Gravel Backfill for Drains" (WSDOT/APWA 9-03.12(4)) to a minimum height of 18 inches above the bottom of the pipe. The drain pipe shall drain to a point of dischazge indicated on the grading or civil plans. A filter fabric shall surround the gravel backfill and shall have a m;n;mum of 1-foot overlap along the top surface of the gravel. The perforated pipe shall be connected to a ; stormwater facility. A minimtun of 18 inches of granular drainage material shall be placed between the undisturbed soil or engineered fill and the wall. The drainage material shall meet criteria for Gravel Backfill for Walls (WSDOT/APWA 9-03.12(2). October 2009 Chapter 5— Land Disturbing Activities 5-10 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS CHA 6 - UTILITIES �.�,. � .�. .. __ R G::r;:-y"<yl= ::l�Y � � . �.,� � . _ i'�i�f C � �Ci. '� 1 'Q � 7 " � r I ��~`:� � P � I I I / �u n y� � �� <� ' �"��'��i ���+1�;-cl'�'.� .e � i ', � I i ♦ h z �yy E�' ���. �� +� � � .s+ec�w�,,. ���`�� At i� � .�.�..� ^31s, ,�� � • E . � ''� � ��' f\ � P � 4 b V` �. �• �`+� b�:' � .:. C' I 4. ,t �'�n! l '• �, . �:�i. Y'�i.et � \ I ��: tF 5 � (� 't �` -� l� ` � �� �, �r Y T g � ` ��, ,'w Y +F` �?l1 � 1 4 � �: �` �i'��`��� ��� � �.- � . .. �J((�� L^ �+R� � � � �� `� ����� . 1 i. 4 .F C t� 'i J. � .Yty- � ` ��'� �' V1 1 �` `r2�,v �' ` "' • [,. z��Q1 <ls .`'' .� L._S .�..:' ti �U:a-'� .z $_. -�.+:� t� ar.�^ ^ .. Chapter Organization 6 .1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1 6 .2 Design Criteria .................................................................................................................... 1 6.2.1 Utilities Located within Right-Of-Way .................................................................. 1 6.2.2 Underground Utilities ............................................................................................. 1 6 .23 Aboveground Utilities ............................................................................................. 2 6.2.4 Regional Pavement Cut Policy ............................................................................... 2 October2009 � Chapter6—Utilities 6-i PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � TffiS PAGE IS IN'I'ENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK October 2009 Chapter 6— Utilities 6-ii PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 6.1 INT1tODUCTION The design and construction of public and private utilities located within City right-of- way shall be in conformance with these standards. 6.2 �9ESIGIV C12I'I"�RIA The City has established the following minimum requuements to ensure the efficient construction of utilities with the least nnpact to City transportation and utility infrastructure. 6.2.1 UTILITI�S LOCATED WI'I'�T RIGHT-OF-WAY In accordance with SVMC Title 20.20.090 M, the short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan shall provide underground utilities within all new public right-of- way, alleys, or utility easements including, but not limited to, those for electricity, communication, and street lighting. 6.2.2 �JNDERGROY7ND UTYLITIES New underground utilities shall meet the following requirements: o Private utility lines shall be located within the right-of-way only when approved by the City. Utility companies shall have a current franchise or public way agreement consistent with Spokane Valley's Uniform Development Code; � Private utilities shall be located a minunum horizontal distance of 5 feet from buildings and public utilities; a When crossing public utilities, private utilities shall be located a minimum vertical distance of 12 inches from the public utility; o Manhole covers, utility box lids, and all othex underground utility and irrigation access covers shall not be located within the sidewalk or driveway approaches; - o Sewer utility installation shall satisfy Spokane County's Standards for Road and Sewer Construction and the Department of Health's Orange Book; o Water line installations or modifications shall satisfy AWWA (American Water Works Association) Standard Specifications; o End mazkers shall be installed at the end of all utility stubs or crossings, and locator tape shall be installed at a maximum of 6 inches above all conduits, pipe and cables; and, o The Applicant shall notify the applicable utility companies of upcoming street construction, so they have the opportunity to upgrade their utilities in conjunction with the development project, if desired. October 2009 Chapter 6— Utilities 6-1 PC RECOD�IIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 6.2.3 ABOVEGROUND UTILI�'IES On projects where underground requirements do not apply, the following paraxneters shall be addressed in locating aboveground utilities: o Utilities shall be located per Standazd Plan U-100; o Utility poles and other aboveground utility structures located on curbed streets with sepazated sidewallcs shall be installed a minimum of 2 feet behind the back of curb. When the sidewalk is adjacent to the curb, they shall be located a minimum of 2 feet behind the sidewalk. For shouldered streets, utility poles and other aboveground utility structures shall be located outside the cleaz zone in accordance with the AASHTO manual "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways ancl Streets" and Chapter 7; � Utility poles and other aboveground utility structures shall not be located within the sidewalk. Sidewalks shall have a continuous unobstructed path of at least five feet wide; o Utility poles and other aboveground utility structures shall not interfere with driveways, intersections, cleaz zone, and all other road features. They shall not obstruct with sight distance, road signing, trafflc signals, culverts, etc. This may require that existing poles be relocated at the ApplicanYs expense; � No utility pole or other aboveground utility structures shall be located in �. such a way as to pose a hazazd to the general publia Utility companies shall locate and replace poles and other structures with primazy consideration given to public safety and roadway functionality; and, o When an Applicant-driven project requires the relocation of private utilities due to public utility extensions or other City required unprovements, the cost of relocation of the private utility shall be borne by the Applicant. 6.2.4 REGIOlVAY, PAVEMENT Ci1'H' POLICY Modification or removal of pavement within the City's right of way is govemed by the Regional Pavement Cut Policy. General requirements aze as follows: o A right-of-way permit is required of any person or company cutting pavement within existing City rights-of-way or on City-owned infrastructure UDC Title 22.130.060; o Permit fees are established in the Spokane Yalley Master Fee Schedule; o A pavement cut moratorium is in effect for three yeazs from the date of pavement or reconstruction of pavement for public streets. For streets beyond the moratorium period, cuts aze allowed if the requuements of this policy aze met; and, , October 2009 Chap[er 6— Utilities 6-2 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS a For pavement cuts and other in&astructure affected by the work, the Applicant shall provide a warranty in accordance with this policy; October2009 Chapter6—Utilities � 6-3 PC RECONIl�fENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Appendix 6A — Regional Pavement Cut Policy � ;. October 2009 Chapter 6— Utilities 6-4 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS CHAPTER 7 - STREET ELEMENTS a . � � ��' f ,- ������ ,,11 � .S .,��;ItP ..� tX'� .i{ �, I _ �� .,Krr�-/" �,,.,�,.f1 .c �. r + '�.� x/� ��J �N'jf ���� +ly " �. r�� � ��-..�� �,� ; t,y.� � .: � . - �i:4: ;y.+ ! ' > - � I . 1� 'f.i �. . � _ ry _ x. ��..�..� � r F `� .� ° r _� ; ;,�� -: ; ` �-' ` �;� . - �§7:3j�i .fr .c Y.al. � `+�' • �t - c 1 � ,,:�� i ' <. r' - �� �" " .- '.1f�. . .c � . � a °.. .: i , ' � �� . t �' ' ^ � z ' ' i./.' ,..., . . 'i . Chapter Organizallon 7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 7 .2 Terrain Types .................................................................................................................. 1 73 Street Types .......................................:............................................................................ 1 73 .1 Public Streets .......................................................................................................... 1 73.2 Private Streets ......................................................................................................... 2 73.3 Alleys ...................................................................................................................... 7.3.4 Private Driveways ................................................................................................... 3 7.4 Half-Street Improvements ............................................................................................... 3 7.5 Street Geometry ..................................................:........................................................... 4 7 .5.1 Design Criteria ........................................................................................................ 4 7 .5.2 Right-of-Way ..........................................................:............................................... 7.5.3 Border Easement ..............................................::..................................................... 8 7 .5.4 Grade ..............................................................................................................:........ 7 .5.5 Cross Slope ............................................................................................................. 8 7 .5.6 Horizontal Curves ................................................................................................... 9 7 .5.7 Vertical Curves ....................................................................................................... 9 7.5.8 Street Surfacing Requirements .............................................................................10 7 .5.9 Curb and Gutter ..................................................................................................... 10 7.5.10 Landscape Strip and Swales .................................................................................. 7 .5.11 Turnazounds .......................................................................................................... 10 October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-i PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 7.5.12 Bikeways ...............................................................................................................11 : 7.5.13 Intersections .......................................................................................................... 12 7.5.14 Street Layout ......................................................................................................... 7.5.15 Survey Monuments ............................................................................................... 14 7.5.16 Traffic Control Devices ........................................................................................ 15 7.6 Roadside Elements ........................................................................................................ 16 7.6.1 Sidewalks ..........................................................................................:................... 7.6.2 Pedestrian Ramps .................................................................................................. 16 7.63 Side Slopes ............................................................................................................ 17 7.6.4 Cleaz Zone ............................................................................................................. 17 7.6.5 SightDistance ...............:....................................................................................... 7.7 Miscellaneous Features ................................................................................................. 21 7.7.1 Street Names ......................................................................................................... 21 7.7.2 Mailboxes .............................................................................................................. 7.7.3 Guardrail ............................................................................................................... 7.7.4 Bollazds ................................................................................................................. 7.7.5 Roadway Barricades ............................................................................................. 22 7.7.6 Entrance Gates ...................................................................................................... 22 7.8 Approach Design Criteria ............................................................................................. 22 7.8.1 Applicability ......................................................................:.................................. 23 7.8.2 Access Limitations ................................................................................................ 23 7.83 General Design ...................................................................................................... 24 7.8.4 Driveway Approach Horizontal and Vertical Grade ............................................ 24 ( 7.8.5 Approach Widths .................................................................................................. 25 7.8.6 Driveway Approach On-Site Layout .................................................................... 25 7.8.7 Comer Cleazance from Intersections .................................................................... 26 7.8.8 Driveway Approach Spacing - Same Side of Street ............................................. 27 7.8.9 Driveway Approach Methods of Measurements .................................................. 27 7.8.10 Restricted Access Driveways ................................................................................ 28 7.8.11 Alignment of Cross-Street Driveway Approaches ............................................... 28 7.8.12 Signalized Driveway Approaches ......................................................................... 28 7.8.13 Approaches on State Highways ............................................................................ 28 7.9 Traffic Calming ............................................................................................................. 29 7.9.1 New Development ................................................................................................ 29 7.9.2 Existing Development ........................................................................................... 29 7.93 Traffic Calming Devices ....................................................................................... 29 List of Figures Figure 7-1 Sight Distance Triangle for Case A ...................................................................... 20 Figure 7-2 Sight Distance Triangle for Case B ....................................................................... 20 List of Tables Table 7.1 Arterial Street Design Criteria .................................................................................. 5 Table 7.2 Arterial Street Design Criteria Minimtun Widths ..................................................... 6 Table 73 Access Street Design Criteria ................................................................................... 7 Table 7.4 Minimum Street Approach Length ..............................................:......................:.. 12 i Table 7.5 Minimum Intersection Spacing for Local Access Streets ...................................... 13 October 2009 Chapter 7— Stree[ Elements 7_19 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' Table 7.6 Minimum Stopping Sight Distance ........................................................................ 18 Table 7.7 Minimum Intersection and Approach Sight Distances .......................................... 19 Table 7.8 Driveway Approach Spacing ................................................................................. 27 Table 7.9 State Routes Classifications ................................................................................... 29 October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7 - iii PC RECOMIvSENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � TI�IS PAGE Y3 INTEN'PIAI.LI' LEFT BLANK l October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements , 7-iv PC RECONIb1ENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS �.1 ���'��������� The design of streets within the City of Spokane Valley shall generally conform to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the State of Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) standards unless modified herein. Some street designs require technical criteria that are above the scope of this manual and therefore not covered. In these cases, design manuals from the above referenced agencies and references listed in Section 1.11 should be used for a basis of design. The standazd plans referenced in this chapter can be found in Chapter 11. �.2 �IEIl$l�gl� B'YP�� Terrain type can be classified as flat, rolling or mountainous. Flat terrain is the condition where roadway sight distances, as governed by both horizontal and vertical restrictions, aze generally long or could be made to be so without construction difficulty or major expense. The slope of the existing terrain is from 0 percent to and including 5 percent. Rolling terrain is that condition where the natural slope rises above and falls below street grade line consistently. Normal street alignment is restricted some by occasional steep slopes. The slope of the existing terrain is from 5 percent to and including 15 percent. Mountainous terrain is that condition where longitudinal and transverse changes in the elevation of the ground with respect to a street are abrupt and where the roadbed is obtained by frequent benching or side hill excavation. The slope of the existing terrain exceeds 15 percent. `�.� �7['�+ IE�' �'���ES Streets within the City include public and private streets. Since community needs aze usually best served by streets owned and maintained by the City, most projects are required to be accessed via public streets. Private streets may be appropriate for some local accesses in very limited usage. For the purposes of these Street Standards, the following sections provide additional descriptions of streets. 7.3.� PiTBLI� STREE'f'S Public streets aze owned and maintained by the City. All public streets in the City have been classified using the Federal Functional Classification system, which provides a hierazchy, from principal arterials to local access streets, to accommodate existing and anticipated traffia Street 'classifications can be found in the Ciry of Spokane Yalley Comprehensive Plan. October 2009 . Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-I PC RECOMIvfENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Public streets can be triggered by land actions or development permits as described in Chapter 2. Public streets shall be used to connect two public streets and shall be per ��, Standard Plans R-120 through R-122. Sections 7.3 through 7.7, including Tables 7.1 � tluough 73, provide design criteria and requirements for public streets. � 7.3.2 Pg2l[VA�'� S'd'R]EE'II'S Private streets aze local access streets, privately owned and maintained. All new private streets shall be approved by the City. Private streets are permitted when all of the following apply: o Where connectivity to the public street system is not compromised; and, o Where future through connection to public streets is not possible; and, � The private street does not land lock present or planned parcels; and, o The private street serves from 2 to 9 single family dwelling lots; and, o The private street provides direct access to a public street. Access to and from private streets shall be limited to properties immediately adjacent to the private street; and, � The private street is not used to connect two public streets. Private streets shall be per Standard Plan R-126. See Table 73 for design criteria. � The design of a private street shall discourage any through traffic of non-residents. TrafFic calming measures may be utilized in the design of private streets. Private streets shall connect to City streets using a standard driveway approach per Standard Plan R-115. A capable, legally responsible owner or homeowners association shall be established to maintain private streets and associated drainage facilities in perpetuity. A plat or short plat with private streets shall be required to provide an executed recorded Private Street Maintenance Agreement and a Stormwater Easement and Maintenance Agreement that obligate future property owners to maintain the infrastructure in perpetuity (see Chapter 10 for requirements). 7.3.3 �g,�Y� Alleys are not typically required. However, certain projects may have the option or may be required to provide alley access by the Ciry Comprehensive Plan or by an adopted Revitalization Plan. Design of alleys typically follows the criteria for local streets (Standazd Plan R-125). The following is a list of design standards that differ from local street elements: � Alleys shall have a minimum width of 20 feet of asphalt pavement. If the alley is the only access point to the site, the alley width shall meet the width requirements for local access streets (See Table 7.3); � October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-2 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � o Curb, gutter and sidewalk aze not required, unless conditioned otherwise; and, o The pavement azea may have an inverted crown at centerline to convey stormwater into catch basins located at low points in the invert. Alleys shall connect to a private or public street at each end. In cases where this is not feasible, adequate turnarounds shall be provided. Alleys can be located in the public right-of-way or a private easement. 7.3.4 PIdHVA'�'E gDRIV�WAYS Private driveways provide vehicular access to one lot. Private driveways shail comply with the following: o Private driveways longer than 75 but less than 150 feet in length shall meet the requirements for width, grade and signing as private streets (See Table 7.3); o Private driveways longer than 150 feet shall be engineered and meet the requirements for width, grade, and signing as private streets (See Table 73); o Private driveways longer than 750 feet shall only be allowed when approved by the Fire Department. ' Structures accessed by a private driveway and which are not visible from the public street shall post an address at the street. Addresses shall be permanent by nature and the numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches tall, %z inch stroke, and contrasting color to the background. Driveways shall not extend off the end of an arm of the hammerhead turn-azound. �.4� ���}f�'-��'���' �����������'� A half-street is required as an interim facility. Ha1f-street improvements are required for a property fronting a public street that is not currently built to City standards. Half-street construction may also be required for property that abuts future streets proposed in the City's Arterial or Local Street Plan. When half-street improvements are requued, the design of the half-street shall be consistent with the existing street classification or as dictated by the City's 6-yeaz Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) or City Street Plans. This requires conshuction of more than half the street for safety and drainage reasons. Construction in these circumstances requires a minimum of one travel lane on the opposite side of the roadway and frontage improvements on the project side of the street. Dedication of additional right-of-way and border easements are required, unless the existing right-of-way and easement widths are sufficient to fit the improvements. When half-street improvements aze required, a minimum of 28 feet of pavement is required. Street improvements shall be designed to provide drainage for the constructed October 2009 Chapter7—StreetElemenu 7-3 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS portion of the street. Provisions shall be made to allow for extension of the storm ' drainage system to the undeveloped portion of the street for future construction. Transition tapers are required when the new edges of pavement do not match the existing edge of pavement. Tapers aze required to conform to Chapter 6 of MUTCD, latest edition. All proposed utilities located within the half-street shall be installed during construction. The unfuushed side of the half-street shall be fuushed with a gravel shoulder, grassed ditch and/or side slope to assure proper drainage, bank stability, and pedestrian and traffic safety (see Standard Plan R-119). When half-streets connect to an intersection, the intersection shall be designed and constructed for the full build-out of the street. The intersection design and construction shall extend for at least 75 feet from the street intersection (SI). `�.� ��'][�IEIE'�' �IE�I�1[lE'�'ll��' Factors contributing to the geometric conditions of a street aze discussed in the following sections. All public streets in a subdivision, including half-streets, shall be fully constructed to the plat boundaries. Pavement, gutter, curb and sidewalk shall be extended to allow future connections to occur. ( '�.S.Y IID)E5dG1�I �I�'g'IEIt�, Minimum and maximum geometric design elements are provided in Tables 7.1 through 7.3. Any revision to a geometric element or traffic control on a State Highway requires WSDOT approval. For in-depth design information on the following criteria, refer to AASHTO Green Book, latest adopted edition. j October 2009 Chapter7—SUeetElemrnu 7-4 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � TABLE 7.1 ARTERIAL STREET DESIGN CRITERIA MIl�iiIl�1ITM DESIGN TERRAIN URBAN ARTERLAL SYSTEM URB.�N ELEMENTS TYPE COLLECTOR SYSTEM Classification Princi al Minor Collector Design Flat 40 40 35 Speed (mph) Rolling 40 35 35 Mountainous 35 30 35 Minimum Section T e Crown Crown Crown Horizontal 2°/a 3% 2% 3% 2% 3% Curve Radius Flat 765 820 765 820 510 545 (ft) Rolling 765 820 510 545 510 545 Mountainous 510 545 330 350 510 545 Minimum All 150 150 100 Tangent Len h (ft Maximum All 4 4 Not allowed Superelevation p� / Maximum All 6 g 8 Grade (%)" � Acceptable All Z-3 Z'3 z-3 Range Cross-slope %� Muumum Flat 45 45 30 Crest Vertical Rolling 45 30 30 Curves (K) Mountainous 30 20 30 Minimum Flat 65 65 50 Sag Vertical Rolling 65 50 50 Curves (K) Mountainous 50 40 50 1. Minimum horizontal curves reflect a crown section. For superelevated sections, the horizontal curve radius shall be re-calculated using AASHTO — Geometric Design of Highway and Speeds. 2. Minimum tangent required at intersections and between curves. 3. Horizontal curves may be adjusted if a super-elevated section is proposed - use AASHTO — Geometric Design of Highway and Speeds. 4. Ma�cimum grades may be exceeded for short distances subject to approval by the City "(+ 2%)". 5. Length in feet per percent of algebraic gade difference (K value). L= K x Algebraic difference in grade. K Shall not exceed 167. October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elemenu � 5 i PC RECOMI��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS I TABLE 7.2 ARTERIAL STREET DESIGN CRITERIA MINIMUM WIDTHS URBAN TYPE URBAN ARTERIAL SYSTEM COLLECTOR SYSTEM Classification Principal Minor Collector Curb & Gutter Required Yes Yes Yes Edge Type Curb Shoulder' Curb Curb Painted Center/Left-turn lz 12 12 IZ lanes Inside ]anes (feet) 12 12 12 1Z Intermediate lanes (feet) 12 12 12 12 Outside lanes 12 12 12 12 Minimum 6 6 6 (5 to 6) Sidewalk feet Minimum 50 50 40 30 Intersection retum radii (fr) Minimum Asphalt Width 2lanes 44� 40 3 (feet) 6 3 lanes 44 or 46 - 44 or 46 -- 4lanes 56 64 56 -- � S lanes 68 or 70 78 68 or 70 -- 61anes 80 102 -- -' '7 lanes 92 or 94 -- -- - 1. Shoulder section only when approved by the City. 2. Where raised median islands aze required, the center lane or left-tum lane shall be fourteen feet in width. 3 Traveled lanes of a twodane road aze shown as outside lanes. If the street is a shared roadway as designated in the Comprehensive Plan, the outside lane is 14 feet minimum. For streets with a bike lane a5 designated in the Comprehensive Plan, increase the lane width by 5 feet 8 inches to allow for a 5 feet bike lane and 8-inch stripe. 4. Minimum sidewalk width is 6 feet if it is adjacent to the curb and/or if located in a commercial zone. 5. Return radii at face of cwb. 6. When asphalt width vazies, the lazger width is for a raised median. 7. Pazking lanes included. October 2009 Chapter 7- SVeet Elements 7-6 PC RECONIl�tENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � TABLE 7.3 ACCESS STREET DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN TERRAIN INDUSTRIAL/ LOCAL ACCESS PRIVATE ALLEY ELEMENTS TYPE COMMERCIAL STREET �T All 200+ <200 All All Curb & Gutter Required All Yes Yes Yes No No Design Flat 35 30 25 20 20 Speed (mph) Rolling 30 30 25 20 20 Mountainous 25 25 20 20 20 Minunum Horizontal Curve Flat 545 350 210 110 110 Radius (ft)' Rolling 350 350 210 110 I10 Mountainous 210 210 110 110 110 Minimum Tangent Length All 100 25 25 25 25 (ft) at intersections Ma�cunum All Not allowed Not Not 2 2 Su erelevation Rate (o� allowed allowed Maximum Grade (%) All 8 8 8 10 8 Acceptable Range All 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 to 3 Cross slo e (%) Minimum Flat 40 20 15 10 10 Crest Vertical Rolling 30 20 IS 10 10 ' Curves K 3 Mountainous 20 15 10 10 10 Minimum Flat 50 40 30 20 20 Sag Vertical Rolling 40 40 30 20 20 Curves 3 Mountainous 30 30 20 20 20 Minimum Not Not Sidewalk Width (ft) All 6 5 5 re uired re uired Min. Asphalt Width (ft) All 40 30 28 (20-26) '' (20-30) Minimum Intersection return radii at All 30 30 30 30 30 face of curb (ft) 1. Minimum horizontal curves reflect a crown section with a cross-slope of 3 percent. Other section types should be calculated using AASHTO — Geometric Design of Highway and Speeds. 2. Maximum grades may be exceeded for short distances subject to approval by the City (+2%). 3 Length in feet per percent of algebraic grade difference (K value). L= K x Algebraic difference in grade. K shall not exceed 167. 4. Minimum sidewalk width is 6 feet if it is adjacent to the curb and/or if located in a commercial zone. 5. Asphalt width does not include curb and/or gutter section. 6. "No Pazking° signs shall be posted on side of the street 7. A minimum 10' maintenance and utIlity easement shall be provided on each side of the private street. 8. Asphalt width based on the length of the street: up to 500 feet = 20 feet; up to 600 feet = 26 feet. The minimum width is 26 feet if there is a fire hydrant on the private street, regazdless of street length. 9. Streets 20 to 26 feet wide shall be posted on both sides as a fire lane and with No Parking signs. Pavement widths greater than 26 shall be posted on side of the street as a fire lane and with No Pazking signs. If curb is provided, the curb to curb width can be used to determine if a"No Pazking" sign is required. 10. If the alley is the only access point to the site, the alley width is 30 ft unless the ADT is less than 200 when the width is 28 ft. October 2009 Chapter7—StreetElements 7-7 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 7.5.2 R][GI��'-O�'-WAX � The public street right-of-way shall extend at a minimum to 2 feet behind the curb for projects with sepazated sidewalk. When the sidewalk is adjacent to the curb, the right-of-way shall extend 2 feet behind the sidewallc. Right-of-way requirements may vary within a street corridor. The required right-of-way width depends on the required street elements, including number of lanes, on-street parking, bike lanes, medians, tum lanes, roadside swales, pedestrian buffer strips and above and below ground utilities. Right-of-way shall be conveyed to the City on a recorded plat or by a right-of-way dedication. 9.5.3 �O12ID�R ]EASEM[�1+IB' Border easements shall be granted to the City on a recorded plat or by a recorded easement. Border easements shall extend from the right-of-way line to the back of sidewalk or the back of public facilities when located behind the sidewalk, whichever is the greatest. The border easement shall run the total length of the street on both sides. Fences shall not be constructed inside the border easement. The border easement area shall be kept clear of other objects that would obstruct a driver's view. The sidewalk shall be open for use of pedestrian traffic at all times. The border easements may be used by the utility companies. Utility and other � easements can cross the border easement but cannot be entirely located within the border easement. '�.�.� �IBAIlD�+ Minimum longitudinal grade shall be 0.5 percent for streets with concrete gutters. The minimum longitudinal grade shall be 0.8 percent for streets with asphalt gutters. Maximum allowable grade shall be per Tables 7.1 and 73. 7.5.� CROS� S1LOP� All new streets shall be constructed with a center crown, with the cross slope per Tables 7.1 and 73. When widening an existing street, the cross slope may range between 2 and 4.5 percent. The cross slope of the higher priority street shall be extended through the intersection. The grade of the cross street shall be adjusted to meet the cross slope of the higher priority street. When two streets with the same classification meet, the street with the higher average daily hip (ADT) shall be selected to act as the higher priority street. The slope of the other street shall be adjusted as required above. . �, October 2009 Chapter7—SheetElements 7-8 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � 7.5.6 HORIZONTAL CURVES Curve radii shall be as lazge as possible; the miuimum radii shall be used only where necessary. The muumum allowable centerline radii for horizontal curves shall be per Tables 7.1 and 73. Angle points aze not allowed. All changes in direction shall be made using horizontal curves. Reverse and compound curves should only be used when a single radius curve will not work. For driver safety, compound curves shall have a ratio no greater than 1.5 where the value of the lazger radius is divided by the smaller radius. Whenever two streets intersect, a tangent length (measured from the nearest gutter flowline of the intersected street to the point of curvature in the intersecting street) shall be provided for a safe sight distance and traffic operation. The angle of depamire from perpendicular shall not exceed 15 degrees for the length of the tangent. The minimum required tangent length shall be per Tables 7.1 and 7.3. For driver safety, horizontal curves shall not begin neaz the top of a crest vertical curve or the bottom of a sag vertical curve. Connection with existing streets shall be made to match the existing alignment grade of the existing improvements. The centerline, flowline, and existing ground lines of all streets (except cul-de-sacs) shall be continued for 100 feet beyond the proposed construction. 9.5.7 VIEIt�'IICAIL ��J1tV�S The minimum vertical curve length for public and private local access streets is 50 feet and 100 feet for arterials. A vertical curve is required when the grade break is 1 percent or greater. The following guidelines shall be followed when designing a profile: o The grade line shall be smooth flowing; o The roller coaster type profile should be avoided; o A broken-back grade line (successive vertical curves in the same direction) generally shall be avoided; o The grade through intersections on streets shall not exceed 6 percent; o A sag vertical or flat grade is desirable in advance of such features as channelization and ramp takeoffs in order to provide good visibility; o The approach at street intersections shall be per Table 7.4; o When superelevation is allowed, transitions shall be designed per the latest version of the WSDOT Design Manual or AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. The pivot point should be located at the centerline. The gutter profile along the grade break shall be evaluated for stormwater conveyance. Vertical curves and grades created by and along the transition shall conform to these standards; and, October 2009 Chapter 7— Sheet Elemeats 7-9 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS a Vertical curves should be avoided at the intersection with streets or approaches. 7.5.� S'II'RIE�'T SBJRIFACIBNG R�Q�T�M[�1V�'S All travelways sha11 be paved, including public and private streets, alleys, and private driveways. Paving requirements are specified in Chapter 8. 7.5.9 CBJ�2B A1VgD G�J�'�'�R Type B curb and gutter shall be used for all public streets per Standard Plan R-102. When the existing curb is not continuous along the street frontage, the Applicant shall construct curb and/or gutter to provide continuity. '�.5.10 IL�IIIDSCA�� S'g'R][P A1VgD �WAII.,]ES A grass strip shall be provided between the curb and the sidewalk for a11 public streets, providing a buffer for pedestrians. The width of the grass strip shall be as follows: o Seven feet wide if the grass strip is not used for drainage. In this case, drainage facilities shall be located in a separate tract. Commercial and industrial projects may place drainage facilities within a drainage � easement granted to the City; or, o Ten feet wide if a continuous roadside swale is provided within the strip. Planting shall conform to Section 7.8.9 of the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual and SVMC. Drainage facilities receiving stormwater from public streets shall be located within the right-of-way, within a border easement parallel to the street or within a drainage tract. Drainage facilities receiving stormwater from private streets or engineered driveways shall be located within a drainage easement parallel to the street or a drainage tract. 9.5.1Il 'p'�JI8I�IAROgTNY�S Streets shall be planned, designed and constructed to connect to future developments. Dead-end public and private streets shall not be more than 600 feet in length. All dead-end streets shall have a tumaround that meets the City and Fire Department requirements. A turnaround is required when: o The length is 150 feet or more for all types of travelways. The length is measured from the street intersection (SI) to the terminus of the travelway; or, l o A public street is longer than the depth of one lot. October 2009 � Chapter 7— Street Elements � 7-]0 PC RECOMIvSENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � Existing stub-end streets greater than 600 feet in length shall be linked to other streets, unless it can be demonstrated that such connections would lead to a substantial rerouting of through tra£fic onto the street. Non-motorized paths to adjacent arterials or public facilities, such as schools and pazks, shall be provided at the dead-end of the street to shorten walking distances. This requires right-of-way dedication and/or easements. Temporary Turnarounds Temporary turnarounds shall be approved by the City and are allowed only when . there is the possibility for extending the street to connect adjacent pazcels or other streets. Standazd Plans R-131 and R-132 provide acceptable temporary turnarounds for public streets. For public streets, the turnazound shall be placed within an easement. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be provided to the locations specified in standard plans. The plan shall include language indicating that the easement is to be vacated when the street is extended across the adjacent parcel. For private streets, the turnaround shall be part of the access easement and not part of the driveway approach. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to verify that setback requirements aze satisfied for the lots with the tumazound. A sign shall be posted at the back of the temporary tumazound stating that the street is planned to be extended in the future (Standard Plan R-142). Permanent'Turnarounds Permanent cul-de-sacs shall be provided for approved dead-end public streets (see Standard Plan R-130). For private streets and driveways, cul-de-sacs are the prefened turnaround; hammerheads or other tumaround types (Standard Plan R-133) are only allowed for private streets when approved by the City and the Fire Department. A permanent dead-end street is only allowed when connection to adjacent properties and/or other streets is not needed or possible. Permanent cul-de-sacs shall be constructed with curb, gutter, sidewalk and swales. The grade of the cul-de-sac bulb shall be a xninimtun 1 percent at all places along the gutter lines. As topography permits, drainage shall be directed away from the bulb. 7.5.12 �YI�WA�'S The minimum design standazds for bikeways shall be per AAHSTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, latest edition. Typically, bikeways aze shared with other transportation modes, although they may be provided exclusively for bicycle use. Types of bicycle facilities and planned bicycle facilities within the City can be found in Chapter 3 of the Ciry of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-11 PC RECOMr�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 7.5.13 YN�'�RSEC'%'IONS � General Design Street intersections shall be laid out so the streets intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. If a right angle is not possible, the skew shall not vary more than 15 degrees from a right angle. Opposite street legs shall lie on a straight line, whenever possible. For safe design, the following shall be avoided: o Intersections with more than four intersecting streets; o"Y" type intersections where streets meet at acute angles; and, o Intersections adjacent to bridges, horizontal curves, and vertical curves and other sight obstructions. When a private street intersects a public street, the private street is required to be stop-controlled. A private street is not allowed as the fourth leg of the intersection at existing tee intersections. The minimum retum radii shall be per Tables 7.2 and 73. Approach Length The street approach area is where vehicles store while waiting to enter an intersection, and shall be designed with a nearly flat grade. For public or private streets, the street ( approach area at an intersection shall have a downgrade approaching the intersection of no greater than 2 percent. An upgrade approaching the intersection shall be no steeper than 4 percent. The minimum length of the street approach azea, measured from the intersected streeYs edge of curb face, or traveled way where carbs aze not present, is to be in accordance with Table 7.4. TABLE 7.4 I�IIIVIIVIUNY STREET' t�PPROrLCH E.ENGTFd Average IDaily Traf�ic Minitnum Road Approach Length (feet) (ADT� of Higher ( 2% Masimum Downgrade and 4% maximum Priori Road u rade Local Access Streets & Collector Arterials Private Roads ADT< 1000 25 50 1000 < ADT < 5,000 50 75 5,000 < ADT < 7,000 75 100 7,000 < ADT < 9,000 75 analysis re uired ( October 2009 Chapter7—StreetElements 7-12 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 7.5.133 Intersection spacing Arterial spacing shall be per the adopted Arterial Plan. Local access streets and private streets shall be located at the minimtun spacing specified in Tabie 7.5. TABLE 7.5 - MINIMUM INTERSECTIOIV SPACING FOR LOCAL ACCESS STREETS MINOR MAJOR STREET STREET PRINCIPAL MINOR COLLECTOR LOCAL ARTERIAL ARTERIAI, SEPARATION ACCESS SEPARATION SEPARATION SEPARATION LOCAL ACCESS & 660 ft 330 ft 330 ft 150 ft PRIVATE STREETS 1. Minimum intersecti4n spacing is measured from centecline to centerline. �.�.Il� �'g'Yt��'H' F�A�'O�J'g' The internal local residential street network for a subdivision should be designed to discourage regional through traffia Subdivisions shall be planned in a manner that minnnizes the number of local street accesses to arterials and collectors. Street configuration shall conform to the following: o Blocks lengths shall not exceed 600 feet except as provided in the zoning regulations for estate lots, unless unique characteristics associated with the land such as creeks, woods, or parks justify a longer length; o Public streets, private streets, and driveways shall not be located closer than 2 feet from any point from an interior property line. The only exceptions to this rule are for public streets which shall extend to the plat boundaries to allow for future connection and for half-streets; o Horizontal Alignment within Intersection Area. The horizontal approach to an intersection shall be tangent for a minunum length as specified in Tables 7.1 and 73. Longer tangents are highly desirable. The tangent distance is measured from the curb line of one street to the fust point of curvature on the intersecting street; o Residential developments with greater than 30 single family dwelling units shall have a minimum of 2 street accesses that meet the Fire October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-13 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Department sepazation requirement to ensure adequate emergency access; and, o Multi-family developments with greater than 100 dwelling units shall have a minimum of 2 street accesses. 7.S.fl5 S�VIEX 1VgOPd�TNY�1�1�'S General Requirements Surveys shall conform to all applicable state and local regulations (SVMC Title 20). Prior to any construction or maintenance activities within City right-of-way, a professional land surveyar licensed in the State of Washington (Surveyor) shall conduct a thorough seazch for all survey monuments. Any found monuments shall be referenced in accordance with current applicable state and local regulations. A copy of the references shall be filed in the office of the County Engineer. The Surveyor shall comply with Chapter 332-120 WAC. If monuments are found to be at risk by conshuction or maintenance activities, an approved copy of the Application Permit filed with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shall be provided to the City. 1Vponumentation The responsible Surveyor shall set permanent monuments as shown per Standard Plan R-145 with his/her registration number as follows: � o For placing new or replacement of section corners, quarter corners, closing comers, witness corners, and meander comers that have been disturbed or destroyed, the minimum acceptable monument is a 3/4 inch inside diameter iron pipe ar a#5 (5/8 inch) steel reinforcing rod, 24 inches in length. The monument and cap shall be marked in conformance with state laws and regulations. Any of these corners in paved roads shall be covered by a cast iron monument case and lid per Standazd Plan R-145. o For placing new or replacement of disturbed road intersection points on arterials, the minimum acceptable monument is a 1/2 inch inside diameter uon pipe or a#5 (5/8 inch) steel reinforcing rod, 24 inches in length. These monuments shall be covered by a standard cast iron monument case and lid per Standard Plan R-145. � For placing new or replacement of disturbed road centerline angle points, curve points and ;oad intersection points (not identified above), the minimum acceptable monument is a 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe or a #5 (5/8 inch) steel reinforcing rod, 24 inches in length. Monuments set in the residential street shall be as shown on Standazd Plan R-145. o For placing new or replacement of all permanent monuments not covered above, the minimum acceptable monument is a 1/2 inch inside diameter iron pipe or a#4 (1/2 inch) steel reinforcing rod, 18 inches in length. � October 2009 Chapter 7— SVee[ Elements 7-14 PC RECOMIvSENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � o If it is unpossible to set the above monuments, the City may approve an alternative monumentation method. For each monument being set or established, the responsible Surveyor shall: o Identify at least three reference points. The reference points may consist of, in order of preference, cross on curbs, bearing trees or accessories, neazby property comers or an altemate as approved by the City. A completed DNR pemut shall be filed with the DNR with a copy supplied to the City. o Show on a Record of Survey, Plat, Short Plat or Binding Site Plan sufficient information to comply with RCW 58.09.120. A filed copy of said Record of Survey, Plat, Short Plat or Binding Site Plan shall be supplied to the City as needed. Horizontal Control l+ietwork A horizontal control network previously established by the Spokane County Engineer shall be the mapping base for all surveys performed under these Street Standazds. Intersections shall also be located and referenced to the current control network as established by the Spokane County GPS control project and that coordinate system. Refer to SVMC Title 20.40 for additional information. All survey work done within the City boundaries shall conform to the degree of accuracy reGuired under applicable state laws. Adequate supplemental information may be required by the City to ensure accuracy. Temporary Bench Mark The Surveyor shall provide a temporary bench mark along the roadway every one thousand feet. These temporary bench mazks shall be based on the datum plane approved by the City. Refer to SVMC Title 20.20 for additional information. If requested by the City, the Surveyor shall submit field notes or a sealed statement, insuring work according to third order accuracy. Refer to Washington State Departrnent of Transportation Standards (Highway Surveying Manual M22-9� for additional information. 7.S.Y6 �'IdA�'�IIC COI�i'Y'I20]L BDEVgCES The City uses the Washington State MiJTCD as a guideline for traffic control devices including pavement marking and signing. The Applicant is responsible for providing and installing all required traffic control devices, including but not limited to street name signs, regulatory signs (including stop and no pazking), warning signs, barricades, crosswalk mazkings, and bicycle/pedestrian signs. "No Pazking" signs shall be posted on both sides of the street for curb to curb widths up to 26 feet and on one side of the street for curb to curb widths greater than 26 feet and up to 32 feet. If the street has no curb, the pavement width shall be used to determine if "No Pazking" signs are required. For private streets and private October 2009 Chapter 7— Sheet Elements 7-15 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS driveways, a minimum of one "No Pazking — Fire Lane" sign shall be installed every ' 100 feet of frontage or as required by the Fire Department. "No Pazking" signs on public streets shall be installed when required by these Street Standards at a sepazation as required by the City and the Fire Department. `�.� ll$OE��Sg�D�E IEIL�M�IENT'S 7.6.1 SY�EWAg,IKS Sidewalk is required on public streets along both sides for all street classifications. When approved by the City, the sidewalk may be eluninated on one side of the street if topography or safety prohibits construction. The Applicant shall demonstrate that pedestrian needs are still satisfied. Additionally, sidewalk may not be required on a local access street fronting the project if all of the following are true: o The project is in a low-pedestrian zone (zones R-1, R-2, R-3, I-2); o There aze no other sidewalks within its block; and, o Any part of the project is more than one mile radially away from an activity center (which includes but is not limited to parks, schools, large employment centers, religious institutions). The width of sidewalks shall be as required in Tables 7.2 and 7.3. Wider sidewalk � may be required to provide corridor continuity. At no location shall a sidewalk provide an unobstructed path of less than the required width. Wider sidewalk may be required at bus stops to allow bus riders a place to stand without hindering pedestrian movements or handicap access. When the existing sidewalk is not continuous along the street frontage, the Applicant shall construct sidewalk along the frontage of the proj ect to provide continuity. The thickness of the sidewalk shall be per Standard Plan R-103. Meandering sidewalks may be approved by the City. The design of ineandering sidewalks shall address obstructions, including mailbox mountings, street trees, fire hydrants, power poles, driveways, swales and street signs, without deviation from the required design width. Additional right-of-way (or eas8ment) may be required to accommodate the obstructions ar the meander of the sidewalk. '�.6.� PEBD�S'd'LtYAAI18AN%PS Pedestrian ramps shall be provided at all pedestrian crossings having vertical curb sections and shall be per Standard Plans R-105 and R-106. Every pedestrian ramp shall have at least one receiving ramp. This may require construction of "island" landing ramps. In special conditions, pedestrian ramps shall also be provided to enable passage across curbed radius retum access points. Pedestrian ramps shall have � October 2009 Chapier 7— SVeet Elements 7-16 PC RECOMAgNDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS I detectable warning patterns formed with manufactured truncated domes in yellow. Pedestrian ramps are required to meet all ADA guidelines. 7.6.3 S�E SI,OPES Typical slopes for embaz�nents should be 3:1 or flatter. The steepest slope for embankment or excavation shall be 2:1. Refer to Chapter 5 for additiona] requirements. On shouldered streets, a minimum space of 5 feet shall be provided beriveen the catch point of the side slope and the right-of-way line for the installation of utility poles, fences, sloped rounding, etc. Depending on site conditions, this may require additional right-of-way, retaining walls, or other requirements. The maximum slope of this space shall be 3:1. Slope easements shall be granted to the City when required by terrain or design features. 7.6.�& ��.��t Z�I�]E Clear zone is defined as a relatively flat azea void of fixed objects or obstructions beyond the edge of the traveled way that allows drivers to stop safely or regain control of a vehicle that leaves the traveled way. This area may consist of a shoulder, I a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and/or a clean run-out area. The desired minimum width is dependent upon traffic volumes, traffic speeds, side slopes, and the street geometry. A recoverable slope is a slope on which a motorist may retain or regain control of a vehicle by slowing or stopping. Slopes flatter than 4:1 aze generally considered recoverable. A non-recoverable slope is considered to be traversable but on which an errant vehicle continues to bottom. Embankment slopes between 3:1 and 4:1 may be considered traversable but non-recoverable if they aze smooth and free of fixed objects. A cleaz run-out area is the area at the top of a non-recoverable slope available for safe use by an errant vehicle. Slopes steeper than 3:1 are not considered traversable and aze not considered part of the cleaz zone. For streets with Type B or Type A curb, the following is required: o Sidewalk ad�cent to the curb - Rigid objects shall be placed 2 feet behind the sidewalk; o Seoarated sidewalk - Rigid objects shall be no closer than 2 feet from the back of the curb; o No sidewalk - Rigid objects shall be no closer than 2 feet from the back of the curb; October 2009 Chapter 7— Sheet Elements 7-17 PC RECOIvi1��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � Sneed limit 40 m�h or less - The clear zone distance is 2 feet behind the ' - back ofthe curb. For all other pavement edges and design speeds, cleaz zone requirements per AASHTO's "A Policy on Geometric Design ofHighways and Streets" shall be used. 7.6.5 SIIGI3'I' ➢DIIS'I'A1VCE Sight distance is defined as the length of roadway that is entirely visible to the driver. All roads, intersections, and access points shall be designed to provide adequate sight distance for all normal driving situations and aze required to conform to AASHTO's "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, " latest edition. Stopping sight distance shall be calculated for vehicle crest curves and horizontal curves. The stopping sight distance shall not be less than the distances specified in Table 7.6. These values should be adjusted for grades 3 percent or greater, more than 2 lanes, skewed intersections, intersections near vertical or horizontal curves, or - for design vehicles otherthan passenger car. 3'ABLE 7.6 NYINIMUlVY STOPPING SIGHT YDIST'�,NCE Design Speed Stopping Sight m h Distance feet) 20 115 ( 25 I55 30 200 35 250 40 305 50 425 55 495 Table 7.7 specifies the required sight distance for different types of intersections and approaches. These values shall be adjusted for grades with slopes of 3 percent or greater, number of lanes greater than two, for design vehicles other than passenger cars, using the procedures in the AASHTO design guidelines. For intersections or approaches located near horizontal or vertical curves, the City may require the 85th- percentile speed be used in the sight distance analysis. The 85th percentile speed is the speed at or below which 85 percent of the motorists drive on a given street unaffected by slower traffic or poor weather. This speed indicates the speed that most motorists on the street consider safe and reasonable under idea] conditions. Sight distance triangles shall be shown in the civil plans for all new intersections and a11 projects with new driveway approaches. Sight distance shall be continuous. Non- engineered driveways on local access streets are exempt from this requirement. Sight distance triangles shall be developed by an Engineer with traffic engineering experience developing intersection sight distance triangles. i October 2009 Chapter7—StreetElements 7-18 PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � Fire hydrants shall be visible for 50 feet in either direction. A sight distance triangle shall be shown at the location of each fire hydrant in the civil plans and lot plans. The azea within the sight distance triangle shall be free from any sight-obscuring objects in accordance with AASHTO design guidelines. Sight-obscuring objects include but are not limited to buildings, pazked vehicles, signs, fences, and landscaping. For sight triangles in the right-of-way, only grass may be planted. The City may remove, at the expense of the property owner, any vegetation or objects which obstruct sight distance. The sight distance triangle shall be located completely within an easement or right-of- way. The property owner is responsible for removing any objects that become a sight hazazd. If an easement is not practical, the City may require additional right-of-way as a condition of development approval to ensure proper maintenance. TABLE 7.7 MININYIJIVI INTERSECTION �z APPROACH SIGHT DISTANCES CeLSE THROUGH THROUGH DISTANCE FROM SIGHT TYPE STREET TYPE STREET SPEED TRAVELWAY (FT) DISTANCE' LIMIT (MPI� (FT) Case A— Local access or 20 90 90 Uncontrolled lower ----------------------- ----- ---------------- classification 25 115 115 Case B— �y 25 153 280 Signal or ---------------------- -�--- — Stop 30 335 --------------------- �--- - - ---�-�--- Cantrol, 35 390 Commercial Approach, I. These values should be adjusted for grades 3 percent or greater, more than 2 lanes, skewed iutersections, or for design vehicles other than passenger cars. 2. Distance back from center of intersection. 3. Use Figure 7-2. The following types of intersection and accesses are covered in Table 7.7. Other intersection types shall be analyzed using Chapter 9 of AASHTO Green Book. o Case A can be used to analyze uncontrolled intersections which are intersections not controlled by a stop sign, traffic signal or yield sign. They are usually located on streets that carry low voltunes and have a 25 mph speed limit. Figure 7-1 shows the sight distance triangle for this type of intersection. o Case B can be used to analyze street approaches controlled by stop signs or a signal, commercial approaches and alleys. Figure 7-2 shows the sight distance triangle for Case B. October 2009 � Chapter 7— Street Elements 7•19 PC RECObIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS �" Intersection Center 5 ft � 115 ft � FIGURE 7-1 SIGI�T DISTANCE TRIAIVGL� FOIt CA51E A ( Requ'ved Sight Distance 4 MajorStreet ��� � • �B) (C) (B) s • � �a � s�� % � Point A is located at the center � of the minor street approach j points B& C aze located at the lane ]0 ft from the edge of traveled way for driveway center of major street approach approaches and 15 ft for stop ��q� through lane or in the center of controlled and signalized the major sheet approach if intersections more than one lane exists FIGURE 7-2 SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGI.E FOR CASE B � Ocrober 2009 Chapter 7— S[reet Elements 7-20 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' 7.7 M[�SCELI.AIV�O�JS �E�.'g'BJItES 7.7.1 S'I'REE'I' I�TAIVYES The City and the Fire Departrnent review proposed street names to conform to established names within the County grid to expedite properiy identification by emergency services. Street names shall also comply with the US Postal Services addressing standazds. Street name designations shall be as follows: o All north-south streets shall be called Streets; o All east-west streets shall be called Avenues; o Streets in lazge subdivisions that do not have a definite directional course shall be called Drives; a A permanent dead-end or cul-de-sac street shall be called a Court; o A street that lies diagonally to the east-west, north-south grid system and is an arterial or collector street shall be called a Boulevard; o A street that has its ingress and egress on the same street shall be called a Circle; and, a A private street shall be called a Lane. 7.'�.2 1VgA�g,���S Mailbox installation and placement shall follow AASHTO and US Postal Services guidelines. Mailboxes should not be placed in sight triangles or in clear zones. 7.7.3 ��JAR��SIIB. Evaluation of embankments for guardrail installations shall be in accordance with Chapter 710 of the YYSDOT Design Manual. Guazdrail installations shall conform to WSDOT/APWA Plan C-1, Beam Guardrail Type 1. End anchors shall conform to WSDOT/APWA Plan C-6, Beam Guardrail Anchor Type 1. 7.7.4 �OLY,A�BDS Points of access shall be closed by a line of bollards when necessazy to deny vehicle access to an easement, tract, or trail (except for maintenance or emergency vehicles). Bollazds shali be wrapped with reflective tape. Closure shall include one or more fixed bollards on each side of the traveled way and removable, locking bollards across the traveled way. Spacing sha11 provide one bollard on centerline of the trail and other bollazds at a maximum spacing of 3 feet to preclude vehiculaz access. October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-21 PC RECOIvIIV1ENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Fire access roads shall not be blocked in this manner without the approval of the Fire Department. Reflective tape and safety striping shall be placed on bollazds. Bollazds shall be placed 10 feet from the paved edge of roadway. 7.7.5 ROA]DWtL�' �ARRIICA�]ES Temporary and permanent barricades shall conform to Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Type III barricades (see Standazd Plan R-142) shall be used at the end of a local access street terminating abruptly without cul-de-sac bulb or on temporarily stubbed off streets. Each such barricade shall be used together with an end-of-road marker and signed future street extension. 9.'�.6 EI�T'p'ISAl��E GA'II7ES Entrance gates are not allowed on public streets. Use of entrance gates on private streets shall be approved by the City and the Fire Department. Minimum gate opening width is 20 feet. Proposed gates shall be clearly shown on the street plans. If a center island is used as part of an entrance gate feature, a minimum 14foot wide lane between face of curb and center island shall be provided. The center island shall not extend past the end of the gate when it is fully opened. Gated streets require a queuing azea to allow vehicles to exit the connecting street prior to the gate. The queuing length shall be a minimum of 35 feet plus the gate � width. Pazking is not allowed within the queuing area, on either side of the street, for � a distance equal to the queuing length. Signage for the "No Pazking Zone" shall be placed on both sides of the gate. Gates shall be required to have a Fire Department emergency access device installed and maintained: o A Knox key switch shall be installed on gates that provide access to 20 lots or less; or, � An Opticom gate activation device shall be provided for subdivisions with more than 201ots. �.� L�������� ��+ ���� ���'��L� The following section contains design criteria for intersections and driveway approaches. These aze minimum requirements and may be modified if traffic volumes (existing and/or projected), topography, design speed, design vehicle requirements, drainage, and other conditions, both existing and projected indicate a more stringent criterion is necessary. The City may require additional provisions to ensure public safety All access points to and from City streets, including intersections and driveways shall be approved by the City prior to construction and require an approach permit. October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-22 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' 7.8.1 APPLICABILITY These requirements apply to all new or altered intersection and driveway approaches to City streets. 7.8.2 ACCESS LIMITATIONS While no property is denied access to City streets, direct street access is not guaranteed. When direct access is denied, properties may be required to: • Access the street via an aliey; • Share a single driveway approach with two or more contiguous properties; or, • Restrict access with a right-in/right-out approach for properties located on arterials and with no available alternate access. Additionally, these properties may be required to construct street unprovements to preclude left turning traffic. Properties are restricted to one access point on arterials and two access points on local access streets. The Development Services Senior Engineer after consultation with the Senior Traffic En�neer maygrant one additional arterial access point provided that: a Minimum spacing requirements between access points aze met with anv , driveway approaches; o'The apnlicant demonstrates that additional access points will result in an improvement to safety or traffic flow both on-site and off-site; and. � a One of the following situations exists: o The PM �ak hour volume exceeds 100 PM peak hour vehicles on both directions; or, o Traffic volumes usin�one driveway would exceed the capacitv of a stop sien controlled intersection during the PM�eak hour• or o The ADT using one drivewav would exceed 1,000 vehicles both directions. , When a property has frontage on two or more streets, and spaci�g requirements on the major street cannot be met, the driveway approach shall be located on the street with the lowest classification unless safety considerations dictate othenvise. For a development that combine more than one underlying lot, these requirements, including the number and spacing of access points, shall apply to the development as I a whole, not to each underlying lot. October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-23 PC RECOD�IIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS For all Bindine Site Plans. excludin� industrial zones, shared access is iequired ' between the lots. The shared access shall include parkin¢ lot travel lane connections or shazed drivewa�nnroach. If the Applicant adequately demonstrates a site desi�n or buildine use limitation for installation of the travel lanes or shared approach on the existing,property exceptions to this requirement mav be administrativel�eranted Exceptions may be approved if: o The City finds that the lack of shazed access does not ne at� ively impact the nresent or future function and safetv of the pazkin� lot circulation, i�ess/egress, or roadway network; and; o The Citv finds that the lots required to share access have allowable incompatible uses; and, o The property does not have a feasible altemative site design solution. Driveways will not be allowed where horizontal or vertical curves prevent the roadway from having continuous stopping sight distance or adequate intersection sight distance to safely accommodate the movements in and out of the driveway. 7.8.3 GENERAL DESIGN Approaches shall be constructed to avoid interference with existing drainage inlets, culverts, lighting, utility poles, traffic regulating devices, fire hydrants, or other facilities. The Applicant shall be responsible for the cost of relocating any of the above. The agency holding authority for the particular structure shall decide how the � facility will be relocated. If at the time of construction the fronting street does not have full width pavement or curb and gutter, a rural driveway approach may be used with the approach starting at the edge of the existing pavement (see Standard Plan R-114). Approaches shall not restrict or impound drainage flow in the street. For shouldered streets with ditches, stormwater shall be conveyed under the driveway with a culvert. The minimum culvert size sha11 be 12 inches. For curbed roads, stormwater shall be conveyed using a culvert and Standard Plan R-110 or an inverted approach per Standard Plan R-111. If an existing approach is to be altered or abandoned the unused portion of the original approach is to be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk matching that which is adjacent. Redevelopment projects shall be required to modify or eliminate any existing driveway approach that does not conform to these standards. 7.8.4 DRIVEWAY APPROACH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL GRADE Approaches shall align perpendicular to the street. The angle of intersection to the street shall not be less than 75 degrees. The angle may be reduced to 45 degrees far i, October 2009 Chapter7—SveetElements 7-24 PC RECOMD�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � right-in/right-out driveways where the entering and exiting lanes aze separated by a raised "pork chop" island (see Standazd Plan R-115). The vertical grade of approaches shall not exceed 8 percent within the right-of-way and shall be designed to preclude vehicles dragging when entering or exiting the site. Vertical grades shall not exceed 10 percent within ten feet of the right-of-way. '�.�.5 APPI20AC� W�'I'�S The total approach width shall not be greater than 50 percent of total lot frontage width. When approaches are constructed different than that shown on the construction plans, the design engineer shall verify that any affected street and stormwater facilities will still meet the design goals. If the facilities aze inadequate, measures shall be taken to bring the facilities into compliance prior to their acceptance. 7.�.5.1 Single Family Residential Single Family Driveway approach shall be per Standazd Plans R-110 through R-112. 7.�.5.2 Residential Private Streets Approach for private streets shall match the required pavement width and shall be per Standazd Plans R-110 and R-112. � 7.�.5.3 CommerciaUIndustrial Commercial/industrial driveway approaches shall be per Standazd Plans R-I10 through R-112. High volume driveway approaches (Standard Plan R-113) may be required or permitted when all of the following conditions are present: o The access is located along an arterial; o Access volumes indicate a need for a radii curb rehun where the ADT exceeds 500 or where speed change lanes would be required; o The access is designed to restrict turning movements, requiring the installation of an access island or center median; � The roadway has no curb and gutter; � The access serves an industrial property, or provides for commercial deliveries, where large truck movements are required; and, o A traffic engineering analysis submitted by the applicant determines that a radii access is necessary to ensure adequate traffic safety and operation. '�.�.6 Dg2IV�WA�' APPROACI� O1V-SI'g'E LA�'O�JT' Approaches shall provide access to an off-street puking area located on private property. The driveway shall be of sufficient length so a vehicle in the driveway does October 2009 Chapter7—SheetElements 7-25 PC RECObIIv1ENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS not project into the right-of-way, sidewalk, or pathway. Approaches and on-site � parking shall be designed such that vehicle-backing maneuvers will not occur into the streeUpublic right-of-way, impede pedestrian access to sidewalk or vehicles in the public street. Driveway approaches shall be designed to allow the largest typical vehicle using the approach (i.e. tractor trailers at lazge wazehouses, delivery trucks at mini marts, etc.) to enter and exit the site without encroaching into opposing traffic. Whenever possible, the site should be designed for counterclockwise circulation of lazge trucks as left huns and left-hand backing maneuvers are easier and safer since the driver's position is on the left hand of the vehicle. All pazking, loading and maneuvering of trucks shall be conducted on private property. Driveway Stacking Length for Multi-use Properties Driveway stacking length for multi-use properties is the distance between the right- of-way and the neaz side of the first intersecting interior aisle or parking space. The driveway stacking length for multi-use properties shall be as follows: 0 20 feet for pazking lots with less than 50 spaces; � 50 feet for parking lots with up to 200 spaces; and, 0 80 feet for parking lots with over 200 spaces. ' 7.�.6.2 IDriveway 5tacking I.ength for Single-use Properties Driveway stacking length for single-use properties is the distance between the right- � of-way and the proposed uses. The minimum length for driveway stacking for drive- thru windows shall be as follows: 0 150 feet for drive-in banks and drive-thru restaurants; 0 50 feet for automated tellers (ATM) and drive-in cleaners and repair services; a 75 feet for automated car wash and espresso stands; and, 0 100 feet for controlled access parking. The City may require a traffic study to determine the stacking and queuing requirements for such uses that include, but are not limited to, service stations, drive- thru restaurants, drive-in banking, etc. The City may require sites with intemal traffic congestion to design approaches with long throat lengths to provide extra storage to avoid 'unpacting City streets. 7.�.'� COl�'EY2 CI��E4R?.�1C� IFROlV% l[�i'B'IERS�C'�'HO1�S The following sections provide minimum corner cleazances. Greater corner clearances may be required at the discretion of the City based on existing or proposed conditions at the intersection. In general, full access driveways aze not allowed within the functional intersection boundary, which can be minimally defined by the length of the turn pockets, but may extend further from the intersection. October 2009 Chapier 7— Street Elements 7-26 PC RECONIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS , Where the driveway location does not meet minimum City criteria, or where a safe driveway location cannot be found, the City requires appropriate mitigation measures to provide for as safe a driveway as feasible. Single Family Residential Residential driveway approaches may not be located closer than 15 feet from the point of curvature of a curb retum. 7,8.7.2 CommerciaUlndustrial Commercial driveway approaches may not be located closer than 75 feet from the point of curvature of a curb return. '�.8.8 IlDRgV]EWAY �,PPROAC� SPACffiVG - SANY� S�� OlF ST'REE'F' Table 7.8 provides the minimum distance allowed between the centerlines of adjacent driveway approaches. The distance is measured from centerline to centerline of each approach. TABLE 7.� - IDRIVEWAY APPROACI3 SPACING STREET DESIRABLE LIMITING CLASSIFICATION CONDITIONS CONDITIONS SEPARATION (FT) SEPARATION (FT) Collector 70 50 Minor Arterial 90 60 Principal Arterial 120 80 Desirable Conditions shall be applied when sufficient space or street frontage is available. If sufficient space or street frontage for desirable conditions is not available, then lesser distances, down to, but not less than the requirement for limiting conditions, may be applied. '�.�.9 IID1t�VlEiA'AI' �,PPlt�?,CgY IVg�'TI�OIDS �lF 1Vg�ASYJIaEIVYEI�T'II'� Driveway throat width is measured perpendiculaz to the centerline of the driveway between lines defined by the radii, whether or not that occurs inside the property lines and is physically marked with curbing. Driveway throat length is measured along the centerline of the driveway from the back edge of the driveway apron and the neazest vehicle aisle or circulafion road. Dimensions in this section refer to distances from (or along) face of curb. In the absence of a curb, the measurement is considered to be from (or along) the edge of ' pavement. October 2009 � Chapter7—SVeetElements 7-27 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Driveway angles aze measured between the driveway centerline and centerline of the ; roadway. 7.�.10 RES'II'RICTIEID ACC]ESS IID12�V]EWAXS Restricted access approaches do not allow left-hand turns out of or into the driveway approach. Development or redevelopment of properties, where the required setback from an intersection cannot be achieved in any direction and without other ways to access the site, may be required to use a restricted access driveway. In some cases a raised median may be required down the street centerline. Restricted access approaches sha11 only be allowed when approved by the City. The existence of other approaches in the vicinity that do not meet standards is not grounds for allowing further substandard approaches. 7.�.1fl AY.,II�IV1VIlE1�B' �1� CROSS-S'II'R]EE'II' gD1��VlE�3'�,X ?�PPI20AC�S Driveways should be placed directly opposite from each other whenever possible. If this is not possible and adequate left-turn storage capacity is not available in advance of each driveway, combining of driveways on the same side of the street may be required. The requirement above shall not apply if the street to be accessed has a permanent median and/or traffic control device that prevents any cross-street movement of traffic or if the City determines that adhering to said requirement would be unsafe. l '�.�.fl� �B�I�IA]L,IIZIEIID IID12][V�WA�' AP�ROEI��S If the Traffic Impact Analysis determines that there is or will be a need to signalize proposed access points, then proposed access points shall be aligned directly opposite any existing or proposed access points or T-intersection across the street. Where driveways are to be signalized, a minimum spacing of 1,320 feet to any other signalized intersection should be maintained or shall be spaced as approved by the City. Roundabouts may be considered as an alternative option by the City. '�.�.fl3 APPgd�AC]F��S �1�I S�'AT'� ]E�yGHW?,X5 This section contains specific access standards for state highways within the City limits, which are classified as managed access facilities. Managed access is based on the premise that access rights of a property owner are subordinate to the publid s right and interest in a safe and efficient highway system. In accordance with Chapter 47.50 RCW, the City adopts by reference, the provisions of Chapter 468-52 WAC, together with all fuhue amendments, in order to regulate and contro] vehicular access and connection points of ingress to and egress from, the State Highway System within the incorporated azeas of the City of Spokane Valley. State routes (SR) within the City include SR-27 and SR-290. The current access classifications for SR-27 and SR-290 are shown in Table 7.9. � October 2009 Chapter7—Stree[Elements 7-28 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � Table 7.9 State routes Classifications STATE BEGINNING ENDING APPROXIMATE CURRENT ROUTE MILEPOST MILEPOST LOCATION ACCESS CLASSIFICATION 27 83.14 84.61 14TH TO CITY M2 LIMITS 27 84.61 86.49 14 TO �NORA MS 27 86.72 87.70 MONTGOMERY MS TO 290 290 431 6.35 FANCHER TO MS ARGONNE 290 635 10.29 ARGONNE TO M4 PROGRESS 290 10.29 12.84 PROGRESS TO M2 CITY LIMITS '�.� B'll�lE'+IE'l[�; �L�IL,I�l[l��'u TrafFic calming devices improve neighborhood livability by reducing the speed and unpact of vehicular traffic on residential streets. � 7.9.Y I�V6' II��V�ILOPI!'IEl�t'II' The internal local access street layout shall be designed as to discourage through high speed traffic or shall incorporate traffic calming devices in the design. The Applicant may utilize one or more of the traffic calming devices. Proposed devices shall be reviewed and approved by the City at the time of preliminary design review. Traffic calming devices shall be installed at the expense of the Applicant. 7.9.2 lE�][S'd'i1�I� BDE�IL,�P1V�lEl�I'Y' Traf£ic calming devices are not allowed on arterials. On collectors and local access streets, traffic calming devices aze only allowed when warranted by an engineering study and approved by the City. The installation of devices shall be neighborhood funded. 7.9.3 'I'I2AFFYC CAI,1VYYnTG �D�VgC�S Currently the only traffic calming device allowed by the City is the Traffic Circle (see Standard Plan T-101). Alternative devices recommended by the ApplicanYs Engineer may be permitted with City approval. October 2009 Chapter 7— Street Elements 7-29 PC RECOIvIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 'B'HIS PAGE IS INTEN'I'IOIVAY,L�' LEF'T BB.APIK (� October 2009 Chapter7—SVeetElements 7-30 . � � . ..•� • •• � .••. • ' � ' ' � � a1.� +�t Jei - . i ' � ^ ��i. r�! �/�e ���e���5 � ��l_ S ' � 3 +-� ���` �� :i�i3���� ��''r.,: 3."F'�,1:��*,_)?�IY �Y � �.��'u _8 � � `�+, � � .eZ'�' Af � ,.- . r . .._ ��r�� � ��� • .� • ) Y YSt� ""��`�'�� 'Y. . i ti _ � t m � �,,� �� � s i�rt� it�.+ a �xa �,"'' �^ i cc' � . � � �� � : � +���'� ��Ym�-�'� r�t'`���t��������,�t�?"r�'�,���.L`t��'�7v�C� -� 3 ' x � sF ',f �4 r M,� C @ Sy 3 ` n � h 1� b'++�# �u a . - ` y �n}`� `�� �^r���t� � 2�'r*.�'�`;t� r,ta�� t� r . \ .; y s� �. �W i r� Yf� i�• � 1' xd� f � +: .+�. t. , t � ,t g;�, � � �,. +� .� ct� ♦ f .+,' r:i � � , �t � � � s �� ,;�.. ' � � ` � � `, - �� � �, � i , r ��1 { . � ' , � I. I ' � . 1 1 I �� \ i 1 - � ' � � • . � " •' �" 1 � - �- � �• .�" • "�. � � � � _ _ � .1 � �" .� _ � � �. � �' � � 1 � ' .� �" _ i � • 1 _ � � � 1 \" - � � �• .�' � �"�� � i � - �" • � � ' i. � � 1"� � 1 � � � �1. � � ' -� i. ' � � • � � I � � ' 1' 11• .�' � _ PC RECOIvIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 8.6.5 In-place mainline asphalt compaction Test Requirements ......................................... 7 8.6.6 Cold Joint Requirements ............................................................................................. 7 8.6.7 Longitudinal and Transverse Joint Requirements ....................................................... 8 8.6.8 Tack Coats — Preparation of Existing Surfaces ........................................................... 8 8.6.9 Cover Asphalt Loads During Transport ...................................................................... 8 8.6.10 Breakdown Rolling Ma�cnnum Temperature Loss ................................................. 8 8.6.11 Asphalt Temperature Placement Requirements ...................................................... 9 8.6.12 Paving Dates & Weather Limitations ..................................................................... 9 List of Tables Table 8.1 — Equivalent Single Axle Loads ..................................................................................... 3 Table 8.2 — Initial and Terminal Serviceability Indexes ................................................................. 4 Table 8.3 — Structural Layer Coefficients ....................................................................................... 4 Table 8.4 — Recommended Drainage Coefficients ......................................................................... 5 Table — Moduli Ratio ................................................................................................................ 5 Table 8.6 — Performance Grade ...................................................................................................... 7 Table 8.7 — Recommended Minimum Laydown Temperature ....................................................... 9 November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Design 8•ii PC RECOMI��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS �.1 INTRODLTCTION This chapter provides the minimum requirement for the design of pavement sections for travelways within the City. The use of these design criteria will ensure that paved transportation comdors are improved in a uniform and consistent manner. The requirements presented in this chapter have been established to minimize structural failures in streets due to tr�c loadings and/or existing soils conditions. �.2 ST1�ET CLASSIF'gCA'�'ION All public streets in the City have been classified using the Federal Functional Classification system, which provides a hierazchy from principal arterials to local access streets, to accommodate existing and anticipated tr�a Street classifications can be found in the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. A streeYs classification is used to determine the volume and mix of vehicles for which it is designed. In cases where a street has yet to be designated a specific classification, the anticipated traffic volume should be used. If available, the City may provide the anticipated daily traffic for a street. However, the Applicant may be required to obtain additional traffic information. �.3 �T'RIE�T PA�IVIEI�IT A1�D SiT�G12ADE �.3.1 TRAVEI.WAYS iN RESIDENTYAI, ZONES The requirements of this section apply to local access streets, private streets, alleys, and private driveways located in residential zones. For the purpose of pavement design, the engineering characteristics of the subgrade soil shall be deternuned through laboratory testing. Laboratory testing "consisting of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing, Resilient Modulus (M�) testing or Resistance Value (R-value) testing may be used to characterize the subgrade soil supporting capability. A minimum street section of 3 inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) over 6 inches of properly placed and compacted crushed rock is required for local access streets, private streets, and alleys regardless of native soils. A minimum pavement section of 2 inches of HMA over 6 inches of crushed rock is required for private driveways. A soils investigation is required for all projects. The minimum pavement section cannot be used for sites with poor subgrade soils, which aze soils that meet any of the criteria below: a Have CBR less than 3; e Have R-values less than 20; November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Design aa PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � Have M� values less than 3,000 psi; or, � Are classified as MH, CL, CH, OL or peat in accordance with the Unified � Soil Classification System. When results of laboratory testing indicate that poor subgrade soils are present, an engineered pavement design is required. Subsurface explorations (borings/test pits) are required for each travelway to demonstrate the subgrade soils meet the criteria above. Exploration should extend to a depth of at least 5 feet below proposed pavement subgrade. �.3.2 'd'RAV�LWAXS IN NON ZONES Engineered pavement design is required for commercial local access streets, commercial alleys, collector arterials, and arterials. The resilient modulus value can be acquired using the following methods: o M testine: Soil samples sha11 be obtained and sent to a private lab for testing: The proposed street shall have a minimum of one laboratory test far every 1,000 feet of street and/or for every obvious change in subgrade material (minimum of 3 tests per street). � CBR testing or R-value testine: Soil samples shall be obtained and sent to a private lab for testing. The proposed street shall have a minimum of 1 laboratory test for every 1,000 feet of street and/or for every obvious change in subgrade material (minimum of 3 tests per street). A '. geotechnical engineer shall be retained to provide recommendations for correlations beriveen CBR or R-value results and M values. o ln-situ testin�using a non-destructive deflection test method: The Applicant shall obtain approval from the City for the type of non- deshuctive deflection test method proposed, before conducting the testing. For non-destructive deflection testing, a sta6stical analysis is needed. The results shall be reported by street stationing. Test results shall include a graph of the resilient modulus values vs. street stationing. The graph shall be included in the pavement design report. — A minimum street section of 4 inches of HMA over 6 inches of properly placed and compacted crushed rock is required regardless of the pavement design results in accordance with Section 8.4. �.3.3 SUBGRADE PREPARATIOIV Prior to placing any street base material, the subgrade shall be rolled and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maxnnum dry density as deternuned by ASTM D- 1557 (Modified Proctor). This degree of compaction shall extend to a depth of at least 1 foot below pavement subgrade elevation in cut azeas. The fill azeas shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maxunum dry density based on ASTM D1557 and WSDOT Standard Specification 2-03.3(14)C Compacting Earth Embankments, Method C. Fill placed more than 2 feet below pavement subgrade elevation shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557. November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Design 8-2 PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' Any street section which cannot be compacted to the degree specified above shall be removed to a depth of 2 feet or to a depth where the pumping ceases, or as d'uected by the Onsite Inspector, and replaced with granular unported material that can be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by ASTM D- 1557, or as d'uected by the Onsite Inspector. Prior to placing any sub-base or base materials, geo-textile fabric on the subgrade may be required if the existing subgrade is a fine-grained soil (ML, CL, MH, or CH). The geotextile fabric shall meet the criteria in Section 9.33 for "Sepazation" of the most current version of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. If the material is unsuitable, the soil shall be excavated below grade and compacted per WSDOT Standard Specification 2-033(3) and 2-033(14) Method C. 8.4 �1�iGINEEREgD PAVEMENT PA�tANYE'�'E1tS Engineered pavement designs shall be in accordance with the 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Strzictures for flexible pavements and the following criteria: �.4.1 �'RAFFIC PARANYETERS The existing tr�c levels shall be increased to match the projected traffic at the end of the street design life. The minimum design life shall be 20-years. The growth rate is 1.5 percent for residential streets and 3.5 percent for commercial/industrial streets and arterial streets. The 1.5 percent growth rate may be waived in closed subdivisions with City approval. This growth rate shall only be used for pavement design purposes and shall not be used for traffic analyses. The engineer shall submit Equivalent Single-Axle Loads (ESALs) calculations. The truck factars fotmd in Table 8.1 may be used in the absence of other information. TABLE 8.1— E UIVALENT SINGLE AXLE LOADS VEHICLE TYPE TRUCK FACTOR (ESALs/VEHICLE) School Bus 2.87 STA Bus 2•57 Refuse Truck 1.03 All other trucks (averaged) 0.42 November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Design 8-3 PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 8.4.2 RELIABILITY LEV�L The reliability level (R) for residential streets and local non-residential streets is 75 percent. For all other street classifications, the reliability level is 90 percent. �.4.3 OVERALL STANDARD DEVIATION The overall standard deviation (S) is 0.45 for new construction and 0.49 for overlay projects. �.4.4 INITIAL AN�D �'ERNYINAI, SERVYCEABdLITY INDEXES The initial and temunal serviceability indexes shall be per Table 8.2. TABLE 8.2 — INITIAL AND TERNIINAL SERVICEABILITY INDEXES STREET CLASSIFICATION PSI(INITIAL PSI(TERMINAL Private streets, alleys, access street, 4.2 2.00 residential streets & local non-residential Collector and minor arterials 4.2 2.25 Princi al arterials 4.2 2.50 �.4.5 STRUCTURAY. I,AYER COEF�'ICI�N�'S � Structural Layer Coefficients (aj) for new material shall be in accordance with Table 83. TABLE 8.3 — STRUCTURAL LAYER COEFFICIENTS MATERIAL STRUCTiJRAL COEFFICIENT I-IMA 0.42 Crushed rock 0.14 Gravel base 0.10 �.4.6 DRAINAGE %.AX�R COEFFICIEN'g'S Drainage coefficients (m;) for crushed rock and gravel base shall be in accordance with Table 8.4. This coefficient is used to modify the structural layer coefficients of untreated base and subbasin materials in flexible pavements. If limited information is available regarding drainage conditions, a value of 0.95 may be used. November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Design s-a PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' TABLE 8.4 — RECOMII�NDED DRAINAGE COEFFICIENTS PERCENT OF TIME PAVEMENT STRUCTURE IS EXPOSED TO MOISTURE LEVELS APPROACHING SATURATION Quality of Less Than Greater Than Draina e 1% 1-5% 5-25% 25% Excellent 1.40-135 135-130 130-1.20 1.20 Good 1.35-1.25 1.25-1.15 1.15-1.00 1.00 Fair 1.25-1.15 1.15-1.05 1.00-0.80 0.80 Poor 1.15-1.05 1.05-0.80 0.80-0.60 0.60 Ve Poor 1.05-0.95 0.95-0.75 0.75-0.40 0.40 8.4.7 SUBGRADE EVALUATION Prior to designing the pavement thickness, the subgrade soil shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 8.3.2 to establish a design M� value. The following moduli ratios (ratio of seasonal moduli to "summer" module) found in Table 8.5 can be used to detemune the effective roadbed (subgrade) resilient modulus value (MReff): TABLE 8.5 — MODULI RATIO SAMPLE COLLECTION PERIOD MODULI RATIO Winter (January 1.00 Winter & S rin (February through May 0.85 Summer June through Se tember) 1.00 Fall (October through December) 0.90 �.5 �POR'T S�1�MIT�'AL The Applicant shall submit a geotechnical report for all sites. The report shall be prepared and stamped by an Engineer and with experience in geotechnical engineering. The report shall include, as applicable: o Narrative of the site conditions and soils; o Recommended pavement section; o Site plan showing soil sample locations; a Field data; including boring or test pit logs; o Laboratory testing results, including discussion of CBR/modulus subgrade correlation or R value/modulus subgrade correction; and, o Pavement design calculations. November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Desig� s-s PC RECOD�IIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS �.6 1VIATERIAI.S SPECIFICA'TIONS The following materia] requirements refer to or amend the most current version of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. 8.6.1 GRAVEL BASE Gravel base shall be bank run gravel, defined as naturally occurring material having characteristics such that when compacted in place on the street, it provides a course having greater supporting value than the subgrade on which it is placed. It shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.10 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. �.6.2 CRiJSHE1D ROCK Crushed rock used shall fall under the following two classifications: � Crushed Surfacing Top Course (CSTC) o Crushed Surfacing Base Course (CSBC) CSTC and CSBC shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.9(3) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications including the following modification: The crushed aggregate portion which is retained on the No. 4 sieve shall contain not more than 15 percent, by weight, of flat or elongated pieces as defined in ASTM D � 693. The crushed aggregate shall have at least 90 percent by weight of particles with � at least one frachued face. The area of each face shall be equal to at least 75 percent of the smallest mid-section area of the piece. �.6.3 ASPHAL�' OR CONCR�TE TREATED BASE When compaction soils type or moisture content precludes proper compaction, asphalt treated base (ATB) or concrete treated base (CTB) should be utilized. �.6.4 I�OT MIX ASPI�AL�' Hot mix asphalt shall be in accordance with the current edition of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Pavement design calculations shall be performed by an Engineer experienced with performance grade oils and pavement design calculations. Asphalt used in City street construction shall use performance grade asphalt binders, in accordance with AASHTO Designation MP-1. The minimum base binder used shall be PG-64-28. Required base binders based on street type and condition aze provided in Table 8.6. November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Design 8-6 PC RECONIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' TABLE 8.6 — PERFORMANCE GRADE STREET CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE GRADE Local Access, private streets, and alleys 64-28 Collectors and arterials 70-28 Aggegate for use in hot mix asphalt shall be Class 1/2—inch in accordance with Section 9-03.8(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. I "'c� • � � 8.6.5 IN-PLACE MAINLINE ASPHALT COMPACTION TEST REQUIItEMENTS I A�� � � 4..n4.. nI�nII m�..4 4I.� «n«r�e� �FO7 n�. v�urnohic � ' � «».:.�nr� a r c ���eT �'^D �'�: ^^�T��^���aa w^w T�°�A lot consists of 5 random individual tests. Miuimum density testing requirements aze 1 lot per 400 tons of HMA or 1 lot per day, whichever results in the is greater number of lots. A lot shall be rejected if anv of the following occurs: � The average compaction of the lot is less than 92 nercent of maximum density as determined Uv WSDOT FOP for AASHTO Ti 66 and T209: or: • Anv individua] co �action test in the lot is less than 91 percent or ltieher than 96 percent of the maximum density. as determined Uv WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T166 and T209. L' w :-a'••:a. : ,.i «..... i..n a+.... .. •., a.,, i,..� � , �--�, ,, e--s ee��aeEie�i e€ 21 leasE �—�e,�ee�. � ...... ..: .. ..o •,.� C .. ..47.... 4..,.V :.. 1..4 ..:I1 ..n* 1. �: cia'.E..°Y:�� Additional testing requirements shall be per Appendix 9-A. 8.6.6 COLD JOINT REQUIItEMENTS Section 5-043(10)B of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, 2008 edition is supplemented with the following: Extreme caze shall be exercised in the construction of cold joints to insure that the joint is properly tacked with a uniform and heavy coating of an approved tacking agent, that the placement of HMA adjacent to the cold joint is properly raked and that the adjacent hot mix is rolled and compacted in such a manner so as to completely seal the joint. The formation of all joints shall be made in such a manner as to ensure a continuous bond between the courses and obtain the required density. All joints shall be the same te�.ture as other sections of the course and meet the requirements for smoothness and grade. If in the opinion of the City, the cold joint has not been properly constructed the joint shall be sealed with a joint compound sealant as per AASHTO M 324, at the Contractor's own expense. NOVBIribEt 2009 � Chapter 8 Pavement Design 87 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 8.6.7 LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE JOINT REQUIREMENTS � Section 5-043(12) Joints of the WSDOT Standazd Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, 2008 edition is supplemented with the following: The formation of all joints shall be made in such a manner as to ensure a continuous bond between the courses and obtain the required density. All joints shall be the same texture as other sections of the course and meet the requirements for smoothness and grade. When paving occurs on an arterial street within the City of Spokane Valley, cold I joints will be lunited to the centerline of the roadway and shall Ue constructed per Standard Plan R-127-Step Wedge Longitudinal Cold Joint. A paving plan shall be submitted, to Public Works, detailing how the work is to be accomplished. Where I possible the Contractor is required to use i�multiple pavers in order to reduce or eliminate longitudinal joints. 8.6.8 TACK COATS — PREPARATION OF EXISTING SURFACES Section 5-043(5)A, pazagraph 2 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction is hereby amended as follows: A tack coat of asphalt shall be applied to ali paved surfaces on which any course of HMA is to be placed or abutted. Tack coat shall be uniformly applied to cover the existing pavement with a thin film of residual asphalt free of streaks and bare spots. The application rate shall be 0.02 to 0.08 gallons of retained asphalt per squaze yard. � If the tack coat has been diluted with water, as allowed in this section, then the application rate must be adjusted in order to achieve the retained amount of asphalt required. A heavy application of tack coat will be applied to all joints. Thin lifts of pavement require heavier applications of tack coat to prevent raveling, spalling and delamination. As a guide,'existing surfaces that are coarse, dry or milled require a higher application rate of tack coat than surfaces that appear rich or bleeding. For streets open to traffic, the application of tack coat shall be limited to surfaces that will be paved during the same working shift. The spreading equipment shall be equipped with a thermometer to indicate the temperature of the tack coat material. 8.69 COVER ASPHALT LOADS DURING TRANSPORT Tarpaulin material shall be used to cover asphalt loads during transport from plant to project for all projects when the ambient air temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or less. 8.6.10 BREAKDOWN ROLLING MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE LOSS Breakdown rolling shall occur before 20° F or greater temperature loss of the mix from the point of laydown. Temperature for basis shall be that observed and recorded in the transport vehicle at time of dischazge to the paver. � November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavement Design 8-8 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � 8.6.11 ASPHALT TEMPERATURE PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS ( Table 8.7 shows the muumum laydown temperatures and rolling times. Vibratorv C—compaction shall not be used ����- °° after the asphalt mat cools below 175°F. The rolling pattem shall be established in conjunction with asphalt density I testing. TABLE 8.7 RECOMMENDED NIINIMUM LAYDOWN TEMPERATURE MAT THICKNESS (INCHES) Base Temp, 'h '/< 1 1% 2 >3 F 40-50 310 300 285 275 50-60 310 300 295 280 270 60-70 310 300 290 285 275 265 70-80 300 290 285 280 270 265 80-90 290 285 275 270 265 260 < 90 280 275 270 265 260 255 Rolling 4 6 8 12 15 15 Time �� 1. Reference is Table 6-4 from the National Center for Asphalt Technologies, Hot Mix Asphalt, Mixture Design and Construction. 2. Time available beriveen recommended laydown temperature and cessation temperature (175 °F) when attempts to compact the mat should cease. 3. These compaction temperahves aze estimates and will vary with different asphalt cements and aggregates. For thin mats, the time available for rolling is short. For example, a'/,- mm inch mat placed at the recommended minimum laydown temperature has only 6 minutes to be compacted to achieve the tazget density. The roller speeds cannot be increased significantly without adversely affec[ing density; hence, additiona] rollers may be required when paving at low temperatures. 8.6.12 PAVING DATES & WEATFIER LIlVIITATIONS WSDOT Section 5-043(16) Weather Limitations is amended as follows: • HMA shall not be placed on any traveled way between October lst and April 1 st without written approval from the City. November zoo9 Chapter 8 Pavemen[ Design 8-9 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIALLY LEFT BLANK November zoo9 Chapter S Pavement Design 8-10 • � � . ..•� . �• • .•�. � � . � � � � � • � x , >; _ ,�+ { � : r ,:. ,.: :i . a:. a s ,. ^ H^. � . ' �� :/�1 �. M1 � � ��. 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K }r �.w i' C�iri'� t`��.n s.�`�t..}F+'..I.�.3:x 4-�3 " L..k. `�a'-�� � r i� s . � " � • � � �� � • • � � . � � • � �� � � � �" �� � � � �" ' �� 1 �" � • � � �" � � i � � � � " � � � � � � • •• �" • • � � � � � � � � � • � � � � • � � � � � � � � 1 ' � • 1 � • � - � �" � � � � " � � . � � •� • " � , � � � _ "� - � � � " � 1 • � � . � � " � - � � � � - � ' � � � \ � \ � � "� �" � • �.� 11• .�' . � PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.9.2 Utility Inspections .....................:................................................................................. 7 ' 9.9.3 HMA Inspections ........................................................................................................ 7 9.9.4 Drainage Structure Inspections ................................................................................... 7 9.9.5 Drainage Swale And Drainage Facilities Inspections ................................................. 8 9.9.6 Swale Inspection During Warranty Period ...............: ................................................. 8 9.10 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................. 9 9.10.1 Changes During Construction ..................................................................................... 9 9.10.2 Construction Complaints .:.......................................................................................... 9 9.10.3 ConflictResolution ............................:........................................................................9 9.11 Final Walk-Through ........................................................................................................ 9 9.12 Record Drawings .......................................................................................................... 10 9.13 Project Certification ...................................................................................................... 10 9.13.1 Certification Of Drainage Facilities .......................................................................... 11 9.14 Performance Surety ....................................................................................................... 11 9.14.1 Building Permit ......................................................................................................... 11 9.14.2 Short Plats, Long Plats And Binding Site Plans ....................................................... 12 9.143 Performance Surety Amount ..................................................................................... 12 9.14.4 Acceptable Sureties ................................................................................................... 12 9.14.5 Performance Surety Release ..................................................................................... 12 9.15 Warranty Surety ............................................................................................................ 13 9.15.1 Warranty Surety Amount .......................................................................................... 13 9.15.2 Acceptable Sureties ................................................................................................... 13 9.15.3 WarrantyDuration ....................................................................................................13 j 9.15.4 Time Frames To Complete Repair ............................................................................ 13 9.15.5 Failure To Complete Repair ...................................................................................... 14 9.15.6 Responsibility For Maintenance ............................................................................... 14 9.16 Street Establishment ...................................................................................................... 14 List of Figures Figure9-1 Typical Sign ............................................................................................................... 5 List of Tables Table 9.1 Required Sign Information ................................................................................:....... 5 List of Appendices Appendix 9A - Minimum Material Testing Frequencies .......................................................... 16 Appendix 9B - Final Certification Checklist - Sample ............................................................. 17 Appendix 9C - Examples of Sureties ........................................................................................ 18 Appendix 9D - Erosion and Sediment Control Log .................................................................. 25 i October 2009 9-ii Chapter 9- Inspec[ion & Certification PC RECOMI��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.1 INTRODUCTION Inspection oversight is required for the construction of all public and private streets, alleys, driveways, and utility improvements. Water and sewer construction shall also be monitored by the system purveyor and/or agency of system ownership. The City of Spokane Valley's construction certification process is based on the project construction certification procedures found in the Project Construction Certification Procedures for Spokane County Road, Drainage, and Sewer Projects, dated April 2002. Spokane County Department of Public Works and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Washington (a subcommittee named the Spokane County Construction Certification Committee) developed that document. 9.2 APP�.ICABII,I'Y'Y The following projects require construction certification: a New construction of public streets; o New construction of private streets; � New construction of engineered driveways; a Frontage improvements on public streets; including pavement widening, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and drainage improvements; and, � The swales and drywells for commercial projects. 9.3 A�JTHO�tIT4' TO S'I'O� VVO� The Development Inspector has the authority to stop work when any of the following situations exists: o The Contractor is working without a valid permit; � The Contractor is executing work not included in the approved plans; o Required inspections and tests aze not being performed; o Test results do not meet required specifications; and, o Construction activities have the potential to adversely impact public or private property or human life. 9.4 I2�SPONSIBILITIES 9.4.1 DEVEI.OPIih[EIiT'T IIiTSPEC'TOlt The Development Inspector is a full time City employee and is responsible for: October 2009 9-1 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECObIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS o Coordinating with and reviewing submittals from the Onsite Inspector(s); o Performing development wallc-through on private and public streets for acceptance and surety reductions; o Reviewing and accepting certification packages. A project certification will not be accepted if required frequencies for testing are not met or test results do not meet specifications; o Reviewing quantity estunates for performance and warranty sureties; � Performing final inspections of public streets for surety release and street establishment; and, , o Inspecting swales located in border easements and/or right-of-way for single family dwellings and duplexes prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy; 9.�6.2 ONSITE INSPECTOR The Applicant is required to secure the services of an Onsite Inspector for all projects requiring certification. The Onsite Inspector is responsible for: o Preparing weekly reports; o Ensuring that plans and specifications are followed; a Inspecting paved azeas, curb and gutter, sidewalks, approaches, drainage improvements, and utilities within the right-of-way and border easements. The Onsite Inspector shall be present at all times for HMA placement, any trench work within the street prism, and for drywell installation; a Coordinating required testing and frequencies (see Appendix 9A); � Monitoring traffic control; � Verifying fire hydrants, gates, and No Pazking signs were installed at the location shown in the plans; o Preparing as-built drawings, and, � Preparing the certification package. October 2009 9-2 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification . PC RECOMIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.4.3 APPI.ICANT'S ENGIlVEER The ApplicanYs Engineer is an Engineer, as defined in the Definitions, hired by the Applicant. The ApplicanYs Engineer provides required project modificaUons that occur during the construction process, coordinating with the Contractor and obtaining City approval when significant modifications are required. Conflicts arising due to concerns regazding project design or constructability, whether surfaced by the Contractor, Onsite Inspector, or Development Inspector, shall be addressed by the ApplicanYs Engineer. The method of addressing the concem shall be confirmed by the Development Inspector with specific follow-up oversight by the Onsite Inspector. 9.4.4 CONTRACTOR The Contractor is responsible for: o Attending the pre-construction meeting; o Providing all licenses, bonds and insurance information at the pre- construction meeting; o Construction notification in accordance with Section 9.7; a Having knowledge of the testing frequencies and construction items requiring inspection (see Appendix 9A); � Notifying the Onsite Inspector and Development Inspector, as applicable, prior to the placement of construction items requiring inspection; � Completing all unprovements in accordance with the approved plans; and, a Conecting deficiencies as identified by the Onsite Inspector, the Development Inspector, or the applicant. 9.5 ItIGHT-OF'-WAY PERIVIITS � Right-of-way pernuts aze required for all work in the public right-of-way. No person, firm or corporation shall commence work'or pemut any other person, firm or corporation to commence work on the construcUOn alteration, repair or removal, cutting and/or paving of any street, alley or other public place in the City without first obtauung a written right-of-way conshvction permit and approved plans from the City. The Applicant shall secwe the services of an Onsite Inspector before securing a right-of- way construction permit for any given project requiring certification. October 2009 9-3 Chapter 9- Inspecrion & CertiScation PC RECOn�A�IENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.6 PR�-CONSTRiJC'TION MEETING A pre-construction meeting is required for the following proj ects: � Long plats; a Short plats; o Binding site plans; � Commercial projects with frontage and/or full street unprovements; and, o Other projects which the City deems a pre-construction meeting is required. The pre-construction meeting shall be held prior to commencing work. T'he purpose of the pre-construction meeting is to discuss project concems or issues, construction notification requirements and certification procedures. The Applicant, ApplicanYs Engineer, Contractor, HMA and concrete subcontractors, Development Inspector and Onsite Inspector aze required to attend this meeting. A pre-construction meeting will not be held if the Contractor, paving and concrete subcontractors, and/or the Onsite Inspector aze not present. The Contractor shall bring a properly planned and coordinated project schedule to the pre-construction meeting. 9.7 COI+IST'�t�JCT'gO1V 1>10TIF�CAT�ON , 9.7.1 NOTICES OF UPCONYING CONSTRUCT'ION Construction warning signs shall be securely posted 14 days prior to construction of short plats, long plats, or any other project with street construction. Signs shall be placed at all ingresses to the project azea and shall be cleazly visible from the right-of- way. A typical sign is included in Figure 9-1. The Contractor shall notify the Development Inspector within 72 hours of installing the sign(s). The signs shall be posted for the duration of the project and shall conform to the following: o The signs shall be made of materials that are able to withstand weather for the duration. The signs shall be maintained to remain readable from the public right-of-way; o The sign supports shall meet current safety standazds; o The bottom of the sign shall be 7 feet above ground; • Lettering shall be easily readable and shall be per Table 9.1; and, m The signs shall include the information required in Table 9.1. On large or high profile projects, the Applicant sha11 provide the proposed project schedule and weekly updates to the City's Public Information O�cer to notify the public of the project progress. October 2009 9-4 Chapter 9• Inspection & Certification _ PC RECONIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS FIGURE 9-1 TYPICAL SIGN �O�d �O�'� �eX$ �00 ���t Begin:lVlay 25, 2008 — End: Oct. 12, 200� Work Includes: Sewer and Water Installation, Roadway Widening and Repaving Contractor: Dee Caterpillar, (999) 636-3333, Pave la Tiena, Inc. Engineer: Mike Mylaz, (999) 111-2233, Pan Global Engineering Developer: Ima Platter, (999) 555-1212, Progression Homes, LLC Thank you for your patience. TABLE 9.1 RE UIRED SIGN INFORMATION INFORMATION ON SIGN MINIMUM TEXT HEIGHT Road Work Next # Miles/Feet 2%z inch Be in: Month, Day Yeaz — End: Month, Day Yeaz 2 inch Work includes: New Street, Utili Installation, Pavin .. 1 inch Contractor: Contact Name, Phone Number, Com any Name 1 inch Engineer: Contact Name, Phone Number, Com any Name 1 inch Develo er: Contact Name, Phone Number, Com any Name 1 inch Thank you for your atience. 2 inch 9.7.2 NOTICES OF UTII,ITY Sg€UTIDOWN AND ACCESS �,�a���ao�rs Affected residents and businesses are to be notified at least 24 hours in advance of when their utilities (water, electricity, etc.) will be interrupted and/or when access will be lunited. The notification shall include the duration of the interrup6on. The Contractor shall provide written notification and hand deliver the.notification to the afFected residents and businesses. The.Contractor shall provide a copy of the notification and a list of the citizens/businesses notified to the Development Inspector. This information shall be included in the weekly reports. October 2009 9-5 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.7.3 NOTICES FOR INSPECTION ' The Contractar shall inform the Development Inspector at least 24 hours in advance of paving operations or installation of drywells. Seventy two hours notice is required for work performed during the weekend or on Monday. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with the Onsite Inspector for all required inspections and required testing. Development Engineering will not accept any improvements failing to meet the minimtun number of required tests or failing to meet the required test results. 9.� FIEL�D AND LAB TESTING 9.�.1 REPORTING The Onsite Inspector shall prepaze weekly project summary reports. All lab and field-testing reports shall be included in these weekly reports and in final certification packages. Test reports that show failing tests shall have follow-up test reports that show passing tests for the area of failure. Onsite samples shall be used for testing. Any nonconforming issues shall be fully recorded with subsequent documents detailing how the issue was corrected. 9.�.2 NNBIYNIMUM MATERIAL '%'ESTIlVG FREQiJENCIES ( Material testing is required as specified in Appendix 9A. The frequency of testing may be increased at the discretion of the Onsite Inspector or the Development Inspector. Any known site soil special areas of concern shall be addressed with increased testing frequencies based on sound engineering judgment. Wet weather conditions may also require additional testing frequencies. The Onsite Inspector shall coordinate the number of tests, locations, etc. with an approved materials lab. The Applicant shall be responsible for the testing and laboratory costs. Development Engineering will not accept any improvements failing to meet the minimum number of required tests or failing to meet the required test results. 9.8.3 FIELD TES�'ING AND LAB REQUIItElVI�NTS A material supplier, the Applicant, or the Contractor may not perform testing for certification purposes. Field testing shall be conducted by personnel that is adequately trained, qualified, and certified in accordance with the applicable test specifications. Field testing and laboratories shal] have a national recognized accreditation, for the field and lab tests performed by the firm, such as AASHTO, Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO), American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), etc. . I October 2009 9-6 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS The entity in chazge of field testing and the laboratory shall submit copies of their accreditation to the Onsite Inspector so this information can be included in the certification package. 9.9 fl2EQtJIRED INSPEC'I'IONS The Onsite Inspector is required to certify the inspection of the following (See Appendix 9B for required testing frequency): � Placement and maintenance of erosion control. A site log shall be completed for the project; o Embankment placement and density control; o Trenching backfill and density control; � Inspection and testing during pipe installation and pipe zone material placement (see Section 9.8.1 for additional information); a Subgrade line and grade/density control; o HMA surfacing line and grade/density control (see Section 9.83 for additional information); o Installation of drainage unprovements and any required testing; o Installation of curb and gutter and material quality; and, o Installation of sidewalks and material quality. 9.9.1 EROSION AND SEgDIlVIEIVT INSPEC'TIONS A site log shall be completed for the project. The site log shall include the results of all site inspections, sampling as applicable and other records. For sites one acre or lazger, inspections must be conducted by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) (See appendix 9D). 9.9.2 UTILITY INSPECTIONS Utility work shall be in accordance with Spokane County Interim Policy Regarding Sewer Construction Inspections, Record Drawings & Engineer's Statement and Spokane County Division of Utilities Protocol for Television Inspection of Sewers. Whenever pipe installation or pipe zone material placement and compaction aze underway, the Onsite Inspector shall observe the work on a continual basis. 9.9.3 H1VIA INSPECTIONS The Onsite Inspector shall be present at all times during paving operations. October 2009 � 9-7 Chapter 9- Iaspection & Certification PC RECOMA�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STt1NDARDS 9.9.4 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE INSPECTIONS The Onsite Inspector shall be present at all times during the installation of pipe, pipe zone material, drywells (including the geotextile and drainrock surrounding the drywell barrel), catch basins, and other drainage structures or facilities. 9.9.5 DRAINAGE SWALE AND DRAINAGE FACIL,ITIES INSPECTIONS The Onsite Inspector shall verify that the volume of each finished drainage swale equals or exceeds the design volume of the swale at a 6-inch and 1-foot depth. Additionally, the Onsite Inspector shall verify that there is adequate and continuous grade from the street to the swale for the effective conveyance of runoff. If these items aze deficient, the Onsite Inspector shall notify ihe Contractor and/or ApplicanYs Engineer to determine a solution. Elevation sensitive aspects of installed materials, such as drywell rims, etc., shall be verified as within normal industry tolerances (i.e., drywell rim elevations +/- 5/100'). At the discretion of the City, a test of the facility may be conducted to demonstrate adequate performance. The test shall be perforxned in the presence of the Onsite Inspector and Development Inspector. All aspects of the drainage faciliry, including landscaping, irrigation and establishment of specified vegetation, shall be completed in accordance with the � accepted plans. An exception may be granted for single-family or two-family residential subdivisions where the completion of the swales is not practical until such time as the dwellings aze constructed. In these cases, the Applicant shall rough-grade the swales to the required volume, install all drywells, inlets, and curb drops and other structures in accordance with the accepted plans.. If the driveway approach width is greater than the width shown in the lot plans, engineering calculations shall be submitted that demonstrate that treatment and storage requirements are met. Erosion control measures shall be implemented to protect the installed drainage structures and to prevent erosion and/or failure of the swale side slopes. This includes, but is not lunited to, lining the swale with geo-fabric that can be removed I along with accumulated silt, until the swale is fmal-graded and vegetated. Completion of the landscaping, irrigation, and establishment of specified vegetation shall be required prior to issuance of the fmal Certificate of Occupancy or final inspection for any associated dwelling. For single and two-family dwellings, it shall be the responsibility of the Builder to satisfy these requirements. Acceptance of performance sureties, in lieu of establishing the vegetation, shall be permitted only when completion of unprovements prior to final land action or permanent Certificate of Occupancy is impractical because of cold weather not suitable for the establishment of vegetation. � October 2009 � 9-8 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECONIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.9.6 SWAL� INSPECTION DURING WARRANTY P�RIOD T'he ApplicanYs Engineer and the Development Inspector shall monitor performance of swales during the construction and warranty periods for proper percolation. Swales that do not percolate properly shall require corrective work or measures and are the financial responsibility of the Applicant. 9.10 NIISCEL,LANEOLTS 9.10.1 CfIANGES DURING CONSTRYTCT'ION Changes during construction that affect the scope of the project and/or the accepted individual lot plans shall be submitted for review by the City. The Development Inspector will determine if the change is significant. Minor changes do not require City review, but shall be discussed with the Development Inspector and documented in the daily and weekly inspection reports. The Development Inspector shall review and approve any significant field changes to the design plans and permits that have prior approval. Review and acceptance of any changes to approved plans for utility, site unprovements and street right-of-way work shall require the oversight of both the utility operator as well as the Development Inspector. 9.10.2 CONSTRUC�'ION COIVIPLA�NN�'S Complaints from citizens regarding the pxoject shall be documented and shazed with the Development Inspector and resolved by the Applicant. On more significant or high profile projects, the City may assign a Public Information Officer to notify the public of the project schedule and provide weekly up-dates (See Section 9.6). 9.10.3 COIVFLICT ItESOI,U'I'ION During the construction process, occasional differences may arise between the ApplicanYs Engineer and/or Contractor and City staff regazding interpretation of policies, standards or guidance documents. When the ApplicanYs Engineer or Contractor does not agree with an interpretation made by City staff, the ApplicanYs Engineer may appeal to the Development Services Senior Engineer, as appropriate. The determination by the Development Services Senior Engineer is final. 9.11 F'INAI, WAI.K-TI�itOUGi� When requested by the Applicant, the Onsite Inspector and Contractor shall prepaze a punch list. When the punch list items have been addressed, the Applicant shall schedule a fmal walk-through with the Development Inspector. October 2009 � 9-9 Chapter 9- Inspection & CertiScaflon PC RECOMIvfENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS If no deficiencies aze found, the Onsite Inspector shall then prepaze a certification package in accordance with Section 9.13. If deficiencies aze found, another final walk- through with the Development Inspector is required. The Applicant continues to be responsible for conection of all deficiencies until the City accepts the project unless as noted in Section 9.14. It is suggested that the Applicant consider taking verification photographs immediately following the final walk-through. Verification photographs can be helpful in resolving cases of damage by third parties (uUlity companies, builders, landscapers). 9.12 RECORD IDRAWINGS All construction changes shall be recorded on a set of approved plans with the original approval stamp from the City. After the final walk-through, the Applicant's Engineer or Onsite Inspector shall prepare record drawings for the project. Record drawings shall be stamp8d and have a signed certification statement saying: "I have reviewed the construction and to my knowledge I find it to be in conformance with the approved plans except as noted". Changes from the originally accepted documents shall be clearly noted with "clouds" on the approved plans and changes shall be noted in the revision block. Revised notes, elevations, grades or other text shall be lined through. Clean new sheets aze not desired. Any changes to easements shall be clearly shown on the record drawings. Record ( drawings shall be mazked "Record Drawings." If a change represents a deviation from the design intent or system performance in the judgment of the ApplicanYs Engineer, then it shall be clearly shown. Spot elevations (on swales, curb, gutter, etc.) to depict fmal grades should be taken and compared with the final design. Differences shall be noted on the record drawings. Significant changes shall be coordinated with the Applicant's Engineer. Elements of the plans that were not built shall have a design change acceptance from the City prior to final inspection and submittal of record drawings. 9.13 P1tO,T�ECT CER'I'IF'ICA�'ION The Onsite Inspector shall prepare a certification package for the project The package shall include o Certification letter from Engineer with stamp; o Weekly reports; o Material test reports; o A summary of the test results, including a discussion of how they compaze to required specification; o The certification checklist (Appendix 9B); October 2009 9•10 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOIvIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' o Erosion and Sediment Control Logs (Appendix 9D); o Truck tickets; o All related construction documents including correspondence and communication records; � Copies of the required accreditation for the field testing staff and testing laboratory in accordance with Section 9.8.3; o Copies of drywell registrations; � One set of Mylaz record drawings; and, � One paper copy of the stamped Mylar. The City of Spokane Valley will review the certification package within a 2-week period and shall notify the Applicant if the project is accepted to go to warranty. This Notice of Substantial Completion is conditioned upon no further deficiencies becoming evident before the City accepts the project. Upon notification that the project is provisionally accepted and upon receipt of the warranty surety, the warranty period shall begin. 9.13.1 CERTIFICATION OF IDRr�INAG� FACILITIES Stormwater facilities located in tracts shall be certified prior to final plat approval for plats, short plats and binding site plans. The certification of stormwater facilities located within border easements and right-of-way for single-family and two-family dwellings may be delayed until ihe issuance of the fmal Certificate of Occupancy (Refer to Section 9.9.5). Drainage facilities associated with a commercial building permit shall be certified, as specified in Section 9.13, prior to issuing a final Certificate of Occupancy. 9.14 PEIZ�'O1Z1V�AI�I�E SLTRET�' The Applicant shall complete all plan unprovements prior to the approval of the final plat, short plat, or binding site plan or the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. A performance surety may be submitted in lieu of the completion of the actual construction of required improvements prior to the approval of the final plat, short plat, binding site plan or Certificate of Occupancy as described in the sections below. 9.14.1 BUILDING PERMIT A surety in lieu of completion of a specific condition may be allowed if approved by the City, if necessitated by weather or conflicting construcflon schedules. A comple6on schedule for the project must be submitted and approved prior to releasing the Certificate of Occupancy. October 2009 9-11 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMD�NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.14.2 SHORT PLATS, LONG PLATS AND BINDING SITE PLANS No surety in lieu of construction shall be allowed for the construction of utilities or streets, including pavement, curbs, and gutters. A surety in lieu of completion of sidewalks, drainage improvements, or driveway approaches may be allowed if approved by the City, if the following conditions are met: � A completion schedule is submitted and approved; o The improvements are sufficiently complete as to allow proper function and operation of the transportation, sewer, water, and stormwater systems, as determined by the City; � The improvements shall be completed within 18 months of the date of final approval; and, � The Applicant has not have any outstanding improvements that have not been timely completed within other plats, short plats, binding site plans, or building pemuts. 9.14.3 PERY�'ORIVIANCE SiTR�TX AMOUNT The ApplicanYs Engineer shall submit quantities for the complete nature of the work to be performed within or on the right-of-way, border easements, or on the frontage of � City right-of-way. The Development Inspector will enter that information into an updated calculation spreadsheet reflecting a total valuation of the work to be performed. The performance surety shall be for 125 percent of the total work to be performed. Performance surety shall include all construction costs, including erosion and sed'unent control and inspection costs. The performance sureTy shall not be less than $10,000.00. 9.14.4 ACCEP'I'ABL� SdJRETdES The performance surety shall be a letter of credit or cash savings assignxnent. Bonds are not accepted. Examples of sureties are provided in Appendix 9C. 9.14.5 PER�'ORMANCE SLJRETY ItEI.EASE The performance surety shall be released when all of the following conditions have been met: � A certification package is accepted by the City; � The Applicant has paid in full all costs incurred by the City; a All monuments have been reset and referenced by a surveyor; and, o The Applicant has submitted a warranty surety for improvements in the public right-of-way and border easements as specified in Section 9.14. October 2009 9-12 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certifica[ion PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 9.15 WARfl2ANT�' SURETY All projects with improvements in the public right-of-way or border easements shall submit to the City a warranTy surety. The warranty surety shall guarantee against material and/or workmanship defects in street construction, utility work within the right- of-way and border easements, and/or drainage facilities as required by the City. 9.15.1 WARRANTX SURETY ANIOITNT The ApplicanYs Engineer shall submit quantities for the complete nature of the work to be performed within or on the right-of-way, border easements, or on the frontage of City right-of-way. The Development Inspector will enter that information into an updated calculation spreadsheet reflecting a total valuation of the work to be performed. The Development Inspector will then calculate 20 percent of that total work to be performed, but not less than $10,000.00, and request a surety for that amount from the Applicant. 9.15.2 ACCEPTABLE SURETIES The warranty surety shall be a letter of credit or cash savings assignment. Bonds aze not accepted. Examples of sureties aze provided in Appendix 9C. � 9.15.3 WARR�,N'I'Y DiJRATIOIV The surety shall remain in effect for 2 years from the date of provisional acceptance of the streets. Thirty days prior to the expiration of the waz;anty, the Applicant shali retain an Engineer to inspect the improvements. Any deficiencies noted shall be repaired prior to the release of the surety. If the inspection is not conducted and the deficiencies aze not repaired, the warranty surety shall be renewed by the Applicant until this requirement is satisfied. The Development Inspector will conduct a walk- trough prior to releasing the warranty surety. 9.15.4 'TIIVIE �R�,IVIES B'O COIVIPI,E�'E REPAIR The warranty surety shall be used to correct deficiencies due to materials and/or workmanship. At any time before the end of the warranty period, the City may notify the Applicant of needed repairs. If repairs aze considered to be an imminent danger to the public's health, safety, and welfare, the Applicant shall act within 24 hours to complete the repair. If the work is not considered a safety issue, the Applicant has 10 business days to schedule the work, and 60 calendaz days to complete the work. Extensions of time may be considered when necessary due to weather constraints. When the project is accepted and in warranty or after releasing the warranty surety, the Builder is responsible for any damage to the unprovements along the lot frontage. October 2009 9-13 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS Any deficiencies shall be conected by the Builder priar to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy for the structure. 9.15.5 FAYLiTRE TO COMPLETE REPAII2 If the warranty repairs aze not completed in the time frame specified, the City may choose to conduct the necessary repairs. The City will either invoice the Applicant or collect from the surety for all costs for the related work, plus a$500.00 administrative fee. 9.15.6 RESPOIVSIBILITY �'OR MAIN'I'ENANC� The Applicant is responsible for maintaining all public improvements, excluding snow plowing, throughout the warranty period. 9.g6 ST�EZ' ES'�'A�LISH1dgE1�T When the project has been certified and accepted, the Applicant can request to receive provisional acceptance after posting a warranty surety in accordance with Section 9.14. The Applicant is responsible to repair failures during the warranty period in accordance with Section 9.15.4. Final acceptance shall be granted after the warranty period assuming all deficiencies have been conected. The City Manager is responsible for approving the establishment of new streets. When � the project receives final acceptance, the Development Services Senior Engineer shall recommend to the City Manager that the streets be established. Ocrober 2009 9-14 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMIvfENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS � APPENDIX INDEX Appendix 9A - Murimum Material Testing Frequencies Appendix 9B - Final Certification Checklist — Sample Appendix 9C - Examples of Sureties Appendix 9D — Minimum requirements for the Erosion and Sed'unent Control I,ogs i October 2009 9-15 � Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS A�PENI)� 9A —1Vlinimum 1VIateri�l 'g'esting lFrequencies The following testing frequencies represent the minimum requirements during construction. If individual tests fail to meet specifications, additional testing shall be conducted to assure conformance. Earth Embankment -1 density test per lifr per 500 CY placed Road Subgrade -1 density test per 100 LF of lane or equivalent Crushed Rock -1 density test per 100 LF of lane or equivalent per lift Trench Embankment 1 density test per 150 CY with vazying test depths Crushed Rock under -1 density test per 100 LF of curb of walk length per lift Curb and Sidewalks (Unless tested as part of the roadway crushed rock) Concrete for Curbs -1 set (4 cylinders) per 100 CY (Minimum 1 set per day) and Sidewalks -1 set of air, slump, temperature, etc. on first truck and with cylinders thereafter I Aggregate Quality -1 gradation test -1 sand equivalent test -1 fractured face test Asphalt Pavement -1 Lot = 400 tons -5 random density tests per lot (Minimum 5 tests per day) -1 test to verify gradation per 1,000 tons (Minimum 1 test per day) -1 test to verify asphalt content per 1,000 tons (Minimum 1 test per day) -1 test to verify maximum density per 1,000 tons (Minimum 1 test per day) October 2009 9-16 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification , PC RECONIl�lENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS APPENI�IX 9� — �'inal Certi�ication Checklist (Sample) Project• Certification Letter: I Statement of intent to certify the project. PE Stamp and Signature. Record Drawin�s Mvlar Drawings: PE Stamp and Signature Lettered certification statement (9.10 Spokane County Standazds) Project Documents: _ _ Dail Ins ection Re orts: Field Re orts: Ins ection of As halt Pavin : 100% On site ins ection durin avin ".ompaction Reports: Sewer trench lifts. Water trench lifts. Utili trench lifts. Crushed Rock lifts. Material Documents: Field and Laborato Tests: Field Test Lab Test Concrete (Slump, Air Content, (Break Test) Temp). Sub ade: (Compaction) (Gradation, Proctor) Crushed Rock (Compaction, Depth) (Gradation, Proctor) Asphalt (Compaction, (Rice, Gradation, Oil Thickness Content) On Site Ins ections of Draina e Items: D ells: Gutter Inlets: Culverts: Sidewalk Vaults: Draina e Ditches: Other: Incoming/Outgoing Correspondence October 2009 9-17 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS APPENgDIX 9C — Examples of Sureties ( October 2009 9-18 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS LETTER OF CREDIT (BANKLETTERHEAD) IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT Date: Beneficiarv: Applicant: City of Spokane Valley Name: 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106 Address: Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: Attn: Project # & Name: Letter of Credit Number: Expiry Date: , Our Counters Presently I,ocated At: Amount: Not exceeding USDollazs .(written dollaz amount) Surety is for the following (check one): O Performance surety for public improvements O Performance surety for private improvements ❑ Warranty surety for public improvements Itemized as follows: Roadway Improvement & Inspection: (Amount — numeric and written) This Page 1 foans an integral part of credit number October 2009 9-19 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMI��NDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS We hereby issue this irrevocable standby letter of credit for (project name and number) available by your ' draft(s) drawn on us and accompanied by the following documents: 1. A signed statement from the Spokane Valley Development Services Senior Engineer's Office reading exactly as follows: "I, the undersigned duly authorized representative of the Spokane Valley Engineer's Office, hereby certify that the drafr drawn under this letter of credit represents the amount of money required to complete the installation of street improvements including grading, gravel, paving curbs, sidewalks, storm drainage, drainage swales, monuments, street signs, inspection, conshvction engineering and/or other work as is incidental and related thereto in accordance with the acceptable civil plans and specifications as submitted to and approved by the Spokane Valley Engineer's Office on (date of approved plans)". 2. The original of this letter of credit. � This Page 2 forms an integral part of credit number I October 2009 9-20 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOn�IIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Any and all banking charges other than those of the issuing bank are for the account of the beneficiary. 2. It is a condirion of this letter of credit that it shall be automatically ea�tended, without amendment, for an additiona] period of one yeaz from the present expiration date or each future expuation date, unless we have notified you in writing not less than thirty (30) days before such expiration date, that we elect not to renew this letter of credit and have received from the City Engineer a letter approving the non-renewal of this letter of credit. All written notification shall be sent via registered mail. Drafts drawn under this credit must bear the clause: "Drawn under (bank's name and letter of credit number)." . This credit is subject to the "Uniform Customs and Practice for pocumentary Credits (1993)", Intemational Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 400. We hereby engage with you that draft(s) drawn and/or documents presented and negotiated under and in compliance with the terms of this irrevocable standby letter of credit will be duly honored upon presentation to us. The amount of each drawing must be endorsed on the reverse of this credit by the negotiating bank. A chazge of USD25.00 will be deducted from the proceeds of any drawing presented with discrepancies. NAME OF ISSLTING BANK Signature and signatory's authority This Page 3 forms an integral part of credit number October 2009 9-21 Chapter 9- Inspec[ion & Certification PC RECOIvIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS (BANK LETTERHEAD) � SPECIAL ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SURETY For security purposes only, , ("DEVELOPER") has deposited funds in a special account for the purpose of surety for the full and faithful performance by the DEVELOPER of the construction of certain street traffic improvements, monuments and drainage facilities for ("PRO7ECT") specified in the accepted approved civil plans for said . PRO7ECT on file in the Office of the Spokane Valley Development Services Senior Engineer (City Engineer). Surety is for the following (check one): O Performance surety for public improvements O Performance sureTy for private improvements O WarranTy surety for public improvements The DEVELOPER hereby designates SPOKANE VALLEY, a code CiTy of the State of Washington, as beneficiary of the following: Special Account Number in the face amount of $XXX and held in and by HavkFame � � 1 B2iI�C Of Branch (the `BANK") Funds deposited in this account may be released to the DEVEr.oPEtt or any other party only with the prior written consent and agreement of the City Engineer. The undersigned DEVELOPER hereby authorizes the Bnrn� to pay over to SPOKnt.� VALtEY all, or a sufficient portion of the monies on deposit in the special account referenced hereinabove, upon (1) written docuxnentation being received from the City Engineer indicating that the purposes for which the special account was assigned have not been fully and faithfully performed as required; and (2) a statement from the City Engineer of that amount of money which the CITY deems necessary to complete such obligation. Upon receipt of such written documentation, the DevEt,oPEx hereby authorizes the BntJx to release to Spokane Valley that amount of money requested, up to the maximum amount in the special account. Said SPECIAL ACCOiJNT ASSIGNMENT FOR CONSIRUCTION SURETY PURPOSES i5 made aS SeCUiity fOr the full and faithful performance by the DEVELOPER to complete the improvements in accordance with the accepted plans. During the construction period, Spokane Valley may request payment from the BANK for the purposes of completion of improvements, by providing documentation to the BANK. Spokane Valley's documentation October 2009 9-22 Chapter 9- Inspection & Cer[ification PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS shall indicate that the construction of the improvements has not been performed in accordance with the accepted plans for the Pxo7ECT and therefore the purposes oF said SPECIAL ACCOUN'i' ASSIGDintENT have not been fully and faithfully performed as required. The City Engineer's documentation shall also include a statement of the amount of money that Spokane Valley deems necessary to complete such obligation. Upon the BANK'S receipt of such written documentation, the DEVELOPER hereby authorizes the BANK to release to SPOicANE VAi.LEY that amount of money requested, up to the masimum amount in the special account. A copy of all such documentation and correspondence with the BANK shall be provided by the City Engineer to the DEVELOrEx at the address noted below. DATED this day of , 20_ BANK: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE , ZII': PHONE: BANK REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: TITLE: State of Washington ) )ss County of Spokane ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that (name of personl is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that (he/she) signed this instrument, on oath stated that (he/she) was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the (tvne of authority, e•�., officer, trustee, etcJ of (name of partv on behalf of whom instrument was executedl to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My Appointrnent Expires: DATED this day of , 20_ October 2009 9-23 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOIvIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS DEVELOPER ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIf': PHONE: State of Washington ) )ss County of Spokane ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that (name of personl is the person who appeazed before me, and said person acknowledged that (he/she) signed this instrument, on oath stated that (he/she) was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the (tvpe of authorit�� officer trustee, etcJ of (name o�arty on behalf of whom instrument was executedl to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My Appointment Expues: kWfavtgNCwsf 1299 October 2009 9-24 Chapter 9- Inspection & CertiScation PC RECONIIvIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ' AP��1vDIX 9I) -�120S�OI� AlVD SE�Dg1VIENB' CONTROI, LOG The following items are to be included in the daily logs and inspection reports to assure conformance. o Date of Inspection. o When, where and how the BMPs were installed, removed or modified. o Repairs needed or made. � Observations of BMP effectiveness and proper placement. o Recommendations for improving performance of BMPs. o Identify the points where stormwater runoff potentially leaves the site, is collected in a surface water conveyance system, (i.e, road ditch, storm sewer), and enters receiving waters of the state. o If water sheet flows from the site, identify the point at which it becomes concentrated in a collection system. o Inspect for SWPPP requirements including BMPs as required to ensure adequacy. October 2009 � 9-25 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification PC RECOMIviENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIALLY LEFT BLANK ( Ocrober 2009 9-26 Chapter 9- Inspection & Certification . � � � ..•• . •. •�•� . � � � . . �,. �`,� � �. dl� � _ - F � ��� S � ' , � . -� � t �v�� � �. F� L � j� t a r� I n. ��4__ .- ti. . ,-�-�,...��-�C� - '��4�`"'`'=f �� -"�� ,�� ` �� `._ , a � �j 4� � . s -.-� 1 � e � , � «e'� `z�`t� `a. �j :�'�f .�!'� �� �k; i�` - T�. v..7�. 1 -'��"* by ) . v � 1 � ����� vr�L„a � 4w� � . . ! _ w "" u '. ���. . h r � . �..�y �' ` �s � - i ��� � '�`' �—, r'�'"`�' �, f� ��„ � 3 � � .� R', y� 4 v h ��'�'�'"�Xi �i ', ..` �^ Y � - F -,'.a 1 C " F� r�`�s'� #.+" � Y .:, iwl .v" . "'- '`.�+� s�� ��5 v < .� � - " 7"'r. 1 �+z` }t ^' ._`�' �' xt � 'k�t y..S � . �,�Y C f.�' � w 2^^ !�}+'� fJd V q Y � ti � � .M �� � .. � �.�„� 1 � fi � 4 .�w #�s09� ��4�� ���z �,-{ Y .t� w"� r S �+ ' � �„ �� 'N��.r1� ✓�� ti u r...�.-i�",,.�'`'r,�l._ �i�" ��l_� i,�.i�3r +�.. �N� � ` 1 ;3+s'�r. i '.� , � " � 1. 1 ' � . I 1 1 � 1� • ' " •' ��1 � � � I " � � � 1 � �-� "� 1� � � �� � � ��� � \ � � � �' � � � � � � • • \ � � 1 • � __ I � ��' 11. �.� - 1 PC RECOMNIENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS ( October2009 � Chapterl0—Main[enance 10•ii PC RECOD�A�fENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS October 2009 Chapter ] 0— Maintenance 10-iii PC RECObIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � October 2009 Chapter 10 — Maintenance 10-iv PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 10.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter establishes the parties responsible to maintain the public and private infrastructure created with development. In addition, it provides a list of documents required to be submitted during project review. 10.2 NIAIN'TENANCE ItESPONSI�I�,IT'Y 10.2.1 PUBLIC STREE'I'S Upon releasing the warranty surety and acceptance of. the public infrastructure, the City maintains all public streets (curb, gutter, and pavement) and publiC stormwater drainage shuctures (drywells, inlets and pipes) located within the public right-of-way and within border easements that serve public street runoff. The City does not maintain sidewalks or landscaping of swales and grass strips, even if located within the public right-of-way or border easements. Property owners are responsible for the maintenance of these features. Swale maintenance means preservation of the original area, volume, configuration and function of the stormwater facility as described in the plans. Swale maintenance also includes mowing, irrigating, and replacing when necessary the lawn turf within the swales. � The property owners aze also responsible for maintaining sidewalks free of obstructions and debris. 10.2.2 PI2IVA'�'E S'�REE�'S A1�ID DRIVEWA�'S The City does not maintain any of the infrastructures located on private streets or private driveways. Private streets and driveways and related facilities shall be contained within a permanently established tract or easement providing legal access to each lot served. T'he Applicant shall provide arrangements for the perpetual maintenance of the private streets, private driveways and all elements of the stormwater system (including swales within the right-of-way and border easements), and any other related facilities. The City does not fumish, install, or maintain signs for private streets including stop signs or street name signs for private streets intersecting public streets or "No Pazking" signs. The owner may install their own signs in accordance with MLTTCD, but must have approval from the Senior Tra�c Engineer when installing signs at intersections with public streets. Access shall be granted to the City to provide emergency maintenance of private faciliUes. The cost of emergency maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owners or the Homeowners' Association in chazge of maintenance. October 2009 Chapter 10 - Maintenance ]0-] PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 10.3 REQUIREI)1)OCUlVIENTS The following maintenance-related items shall be submitted for all projects with private streets and/or common azeas: o A copy of the conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&Rs) for the homeowners' association (HOA) or property owners' association (POA) in charge of operating and maintaining all elements of the private street system (see Section 103.1); o An operations and maintenance (O&M) manual (see Section 103.2); � A financial plan outlining the funding mechanism for the operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the private street system, related facilities and/or common areas (see Section 1033); o Street maintenance agreements, as applicable; o Reciprocal use agreements, as applicable; and, o Drainage easements, as applicable. Refer to the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual for maintenance requirements for stormwater facilities. fl0.3.1 I�OIVIEOWNERS' ANID PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATIONS An HOA shall be formed to maintain the private streets, signs, entrance gates, other related facilities and/or common azeas. For commercial/industrial and multi-family residential developments with shared access and multiple owners, a POA or similaz entity shall be formed, or a reciprocal-use agreement executed. If the HOA or POA has CC&Rs, a draft copy of the CC&Rs for the HOF, or POA shall be submitted with the civil and drainage plans. The CC&Rs shall suuunarize the maintenance and fiscal responsibilities of the HOA or POA, refer to the O&M Manual, and include a copy of the sinking fund calculations and Financial Plan. Annual HOA or POA dues shall provide funding for the annual operation and maintenance of private streets, private driveways, related facilities, and common areas. The sinking fund calculations shall also include costs for the maintenance of the stormwater system and all facilities associated with the stormwater system (Refer to Chaptet 11 of the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manuan. Homeowners' associations and property owners' associations are to be non-profit organizations accepted by the Washington Secretary of State. A standazd business license is not acceptable for this purpose.. 10.3.2 OPERATION ?,ND MAINTENANCE MANUAI, All projects with private streets and/or common azeas used for stormwater management shall have an O&M Manual. Projects with engineered driveways may �� October 2009 Chapter 10 - Maintenance � I ]0-2 I � PC RECOIvIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS also be required to submit an O&M Manual. The O&M Manual must include, at a minimum: o Description of the entity responsible for the perpetual maintenance, including legal means of successorship; o Description of street maintenance tasks to be performed and their frequency. Street maintenance tasks shall include at a minimum street sweeping, snow plowing, signage repair, crack sealing, pot hole repair, overlay, pavement replacement, etc.; o Description of the stormwater maintenance tasks to be performed and their frequency. Tasks shall include, at a minunum, swale maintenance and removing sed'unent from drywells, catchbasins, and pipe system. Swale � maintenance means preservation of the original azea, volume, configuration and function of the stormwater facitity as described in the plans. Swale maintenance also includes mowing, irrigating, and replacing when necessary the lawn turf within the swales; o Description of emergency maintenance tasks to be performed and their frequency, such as gate operation, No Parking signs, access to fire hydrants, fire lanes; � Description of the sot�rce control best management practices (BMPs) such as street sweeping (refer to Chapter 10 of the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manuan; � A list of the expected design life and replacement schedule of each component of the private street and/or stormwater management system; o A general site plan (drawn to scale) showing the overall layout of the site; and, o Contact information for the design engineer. 10.3.3 &'I1�IANCIAL PLAN To provide guidance regarding financial planning for maintenance and replacement costs, a Financial Plan is required. The Financial Plan shall include the following items: o A list of all private streets and related facilities, common azeas, and/or stormwater management facilities, expected maintenance activities and associated costs; o Sinking fund calculations that take into consideration probable inflation over the life of the infrastructure and estimates for the funds need to set aside annually; and, o A mechanism for initiating and sustaining the sinking fund account demonstrating that perpetual maintenance will be sustained. October 2009 Chapter 10 - Maintenance 10-3 PC RECObIMENDED DRAFT - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS 10.3.4 CONVERSION FROM PRIVATE TO PUBLIC STREET ' T'he Applicant shall submit written authorization from all property owners, any and all available construction drawings of the subject street, along with an engineer- stamped analysis of the pavement and subgrade as determined from test sites sepazated no greater than 100 feet apart, or as required by the City. Digital photos at every 50 feet, or as the City requires, shall be submitted with the application. The City shall review the information, visually check the street and determine requirements to bring the street up to current City standazds. A letter of requirements shall be issued by the City. The Applicant(s) shall meet the requirements before the street is accepted as a public right-of-way. The Applicant shall prepare a legal description of the street and execute a deed of trust, transferring the property to the City once the physical deficiencies have been corrected and accepted. � October 2009 Chapter ] 0- Maintenance 10-4 PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT — CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS I CHAPTER 11- STANDARD PLANS � � t �' '° � � ��"�.. •F !c - .S.a 's Sic��it-l.�s�c ��...�, :,,, f i� S!J �� p`I,a,.�a. �� ( • �i,.,`' , ,3h � Y i t .�` y.�^ �..(,��_ �' � C� �l:�f c� �a i �... S' F i t:` �- �v' i c '�� �r �l� � x} 5 r 7�-3..I �r��� 1��1=: �Q '.� � ti � rt � o ) � � � � ] �'' r � I ' = � 1 1� ° � :; I �f':R' �G ��yttef k�, tn1'• 'O p r � �7 r v I I .0 � �' � Myl:r.. ���YS:1>; + . n , �� � _ ° � , �'r��� �.�� � o . � . � �, _ �' �_ , — = .� � .. .� ` y ,� � iS�: �'� .a. � � � , _ ...:. . � ..i� ! _ rr ry � ' _ . :.+',�:2L:" r ' _ _ � _ i l � � � � � _° � ; . �', � � ya /� : �d` �..E"�v x• -�. I � "�'r���� ��"� - �..,. -°` � v "ttrs. y.� : � � .. s„ .` • 4`Y'� �'� � /-�� � � I . . .:� L Ci.�: }..�+: , .�.�' �S �S�'�w... �'� Standard Plans Last Updated Draftine D-100 Drafting Standards ............................................................................................9/1/09 D -101 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 D -102 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 D -103 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 D-104 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 D -105 Drafting Stan ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 Roads/Streets R-102 Curbing ............................................................................................................. 9/1/09 R-103 Sidewalk ............................................................................................................9/1/09 R-105 Pedestrian Ramps - Typical .............................................................................. 9/1/09 R-106 Pedestrian Ramps - Midblock and Adjacent Sidewalk ..................................... 9/1/09 R-110 Driveway Approach Sepazated Sidewalk ......................................................... 9/1/09 R-111 Driveway Approach Swale Inlet ....................................................................... 9/1/09 R-112 Driveway Approach Adjacent Sidewalk ........................................................... 9/1/09 R-113 Driveway Approach High Volume ...................................................................9/1/09 � R-114 Driveway Approach Asphalt ........................................................................ 9/�24/09 R-115 Driveway Approach For Private Streets and Driveways ...........:...................... 9/1/09 R-117 Driveways - General Requirements .................................................................. 9/i/09 R-119 Typical Street Section — Half Street ................................................................. 9/1/09 R-120 Typical Street Section Local Residential .......................................................... 9/1/09 R-121 Typical Street Section Local Commercial ........................................................ 9/i/09 October 2009 Chapter 11— Standard Plans PC RECOMMENDED DRAFT — CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STREET STANDARDS R-122 Typical Street Section Collector ................................................................... 9/�24/09 ; R-125 Alley Section ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 R-127 Step Wedge Longitudinal Cold Joint .............................................................. 9/24/09 R-130 Cul-de-Sac — Public Street ................................................................................ 9/1/09 R-131 Public Street Turnazound - Future Intersection ................................................ 9/1/09 R-132 Public Street Turnaround- Future Connection .................................................. 9/1/09 R-133 Private Street and Driveway Turnarounds ........................................................ 9/1/09 R-140 Street Signs ....................................................................................................... 9/1/09 R-142 Type III Barricade ............................................................................................. 9/1/09 R-145 Survey Monuments ........................................................................................... 9/1/09 R-150 Gated Access Requirements ............................................................................. 9/I/09 � Stormwater S-101 Precast Drywells Placed in Swale ..................................................................... A/1/09 5-102 Precast Drywells Placed in Asphalt .................................................................. 9/1/09 5-103 Drywe]IDetails .................................................................................................9/1/09 5-104 Drywell Frame and Grates ................................................................................ 9/1/09 5-105 Precast Drywells & Inlet Details ...................................................................... 9/1/09 5-110 Curb Inlet Type 1 .............................................................................................. 9/1/09 5-111 Curb Inlet Type 2 .............................................................................................. 9/1/09 S-112 Catch Basin Type 1 ........................................................................................... 9/1/09 S-113 Concrete Inlet Type 1 ....................................................................................... 9/1/09 ( 5-114 Concrete Inlet Type 2 ....................................................................................... 9/1/09 S-115 Combinationlnlet .............................................................................................9/1/09 S-117 Catch Basin & Inlet Installation ........................................................................ 9/1/09 5-121 Metal Grate Type 1(Bypass) ............................................................................ 9/1/09 5-122 Metal Grate Type 3(Low Point) ....................................................................... 9/1/09 S-130 RoadsideSwales ...............................................................................................9/1/09 S-140 OilWaterSepazator ..........................................................................................9/1/09 � Traffic T-101 Traffic Circle ..................................................................................................... 9/1/09 Utiliries U-100 Utility Location Detail ...................................................................................... 9/1/09 U-101 Aboveground Utility Placement ....................................................................... 9/1/09 U-102 Fire Department Hydrant Requirements ........................................................... 9/1/09 October 2009 Chapter i l— Standazd Plans CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-04-09 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading Proposed Ordinance 09-036 — Amendments to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Chapter 19.40.010 — State that cargo shipping containers and similar enclosures are not a permitted accessory structure in any residential zone. Chapter 19.20.06 - State that additions to nonconforming structures must meet current zoning setbacks. Chapter 19.40.100 — Remove language to clarify the size limits of Accessory Dwelling Units. Chapter 19.40.140 - State that a Home Occupation permit is required for any business person or entity engaging in a for-profit enterprise in a residence. Provide for exemption from home occupation permit fee. Add and clarify examples of not ailowed businesses including adding "small engine repair" to the definition. Chapter 19.50— .050(G)2 Add the requirement that buildings must meet appiicable building code requirements; 060(C)3 Active recreation areas are Community Development Director determined. Chapter 19.120 - Add Self Storage/mini storage to permitted uses in both the I-1 and I-2 zones. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 19.30.040 development regulation text amendments PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: On December 1, 2009, City Council voted to move Ordinance 09-036 to a second reading. BACKGROUND: The Uniform Development Code was adopted in September of 2007 and was effective October 28�", 2007. Following the adoption of the code, a number of items were discovered which were incorrect, impractical, or omitted. These amendments are corrections of some of these items. Staff presented this series of proposed amendments to the Planning Commission at a study session on September 24, 2009. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendments on October 8, 2009. An administrative report was provided to City Council on November 17, 2009. Staff provided City Council with the Planning Commission's recommendations and findings at the December 1, 2009 Council meeting. APPROVAL CRITERIA: Section 17.80.150(6) of the Spokane Valley Municipai Code provides approval criteria for text amendments to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. The criterion stipulates that the proposed amendment(s) must be consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. OPTIONS: Adopt ordinance with or without amendments; or provide direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 09-036 as presented. 1 of 2 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance 09-036 2. PowerPoint Presentation 3. Spokane County Code Chapter 14.606.230 (7) Home profession 4. City of Spokane Municipal Code section 17C.340 Home Occupations 2of2 �?'Departinent of Community Development �' °'�"'�°°"�"' - � � � �' ' �Planning Division Cl�' COUriCll CTA-04-09 Amendments to the Spokane Valley Municipal Code December 8, 2009 � DepartmentofCommunity�Developirient; ` T ��""`"" ° ` ��- jVal �� �' Planning�Division Proposed Amendments • Chapter 19.20.060 - Nonconforming structures • Chapter 19.40.010 - Permitted accessory structures in residential zone. • Chapter 19.40100 - Accessory Dwelling Units • Chapter 19.40.140 - Home Occupations • Chapter 19.50.050 - Planned Residential Developments • Chapter 19120 - Schedule of Permitted Uses 1 S �� e /\, "l° '"' Department otCommunity Development�G� '�°""'"°„'"""' " j�'al � � � . Planning Division Non-conforming comparison • City of Spokane Valley interim zoning — one year • Spokane County — one year • City of Spokane — one year and less than 60% of value. • Liberty Lake — 50% of replacement cost. ����J� �� �� °" Department of Community Development'r� "'�"`� -`' j��al -`' „ ^ F . " Planning Division '�� District purpose and supplemental use regulations — Residential Zones 19.40140 Home occupations. Home occupations are permitted as accessory uses, incidental to the property's principal use as a residence subject to the following requirements: 2 ' � ""' Departmenf '"'� '"""'° �� �t' " - j — � �� .:Planmog Division District purpose and supplemental use regulations — Residential Zones 19.40.140 Home occupations. A. Applicabilitv Anv person Qroup or entitv conductine a"for profit" enterprise from a location whose primarv use is a residence must obtain a home occupation nermit. Businesses mav be exempt from the home occupation permit fee, as established bv the master fee schedule if all of the following criteria aze met: � i /�' ° .:Department;of Commuoity Development �� °"""'�"'�� ` j�l �` � ���Plamm�gDiJision District purpose and supplemental use regulations — Residential Zones 19.40.140 Home occupations. 1. There aze no nroposed exterior alterations to the residence or anv accessorv structure(s) which chanee the residential chazacter of the nropertv; 2. Qoods and commodities associated with the business are not delivered to the premises; 3. there aze no business customers visitin¢ the premises; 4. there aze no siens or window disnlavs on the propertv related to the business;and 5. anv emplovees en¢a�ed in the business must live in the residence (no outside emuloveesl. 3 �����.. ' "'"� Department of Community Develapmeqt '� �"�" ` jl'� Planniog Division . � � District purpose and supplemental use regulations — Residential Zones 19.40.140 Home occupations. B. Home occupations aze permitted as accessory uses, except as indicated by section C below, incidental to the property's principal use as a residence subject to the following requirements: 10. Uses which aze detrimental to the existing residential apueazance and character aze not allowed as home occuqations. e ° Department of Community�Develapment � �-"'�"°" `' � ° Planning Division'�� Home occupations continued 19.40.140 Home occupations. C. Specific uses which aze not permitted as home occupations include, but are not limited to the followina: Adult retail use establishment, adult bookstore or adult entertainment establishment; auto repair; weldin� or metal plating shops; lazge appliance/electronics or equipment renair or service; small engine repair; truck haulinQ and or tow stora�e yard; vehicle sales• cabinet making; manufacturing and/or related stora�e; kennel or stables; wholesale or retail sales; and restaurants/drinking establishments. 4 5 ����;.,: DepartmentpfCommunityDevelopment��' :" "°�`°':`"'` j,�,� "'" -'PlenningDivision . Definitions Home occupation: An occupation, profession or craft incidental to the residential use. °°�'..a:�� ° °a..'' -°*^:' . ....,�.�:��....e.., ,.a..i« w,.,.�....,,_o ,. ,.,,..�. a.,«e..,.:....,e.,. , ehnl.l:..l.mo..4 A..h.. « re1.7:..n .. mo4n1 r�ln4.«.. nl...«o. lnv..e • �e � o ««��nnnu�o�orl��H.na � e«h nern�n � u. 4�n�r�i u ' {�n������ n�r���� 4i... ef��n�e � n��. �re��r�e nn�en. nn���e4 mn�i��rt. f J ) J ) �! �� n1� � "' Department of Community Development � " �" j,��l '- :� �. Planning Division - Questions? 5 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-036 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-015 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 19.20.060, 19.40.010, 19.40.100, 19.40.140, 19.50.050, 19.50.060, 19.120, AND APPENDIX A DEFINTTIONS, BY ADDING THAT NONCONFORD'IING STRUCTURES MUST MEET SETBACKS AS REQUIItED BY THE ZONING DISTRICT, CARGO SFIIPPING CONTAINERS AND SIMII.AR ENCLOSURES ARE NOT A PERMITTED STRUCTURE IN ANY RESIDENTIAL ZONE, ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS MAY NOT EXCEED 50 PERCENT OF TFIE I3ABITABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE PRINCIPAL DWELLING, ADDING THE REQLiIItEMENT TO OBTAIN A HOME OCCUPATION PERNIIT, PROVIDING EXAMPLES OF USES THAT ARE NOT ALLOWED AS HOME OCCUPATIONS, ALL BUIL.DINGS IN A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MUST MEET BUILIDING CODES, OPEN SPACES REQUIItEMENTS IN PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ARE CONIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DII2ECTOR DETERMINED, ADDING STORAGE SELF-SERVICE FACILITY TO PERMITTED USES IN INDUSTRIAL ZONES, AMENDING HOME OCCUPATION DEFINITION AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley (City) adopted the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) pursuant to Ordinance 07-015, on the 24th day of September, 2007; and WHEREAS, the SVMC became effective on 28th day of October, 2007; and WHEREAS, the amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, afrer reviewing the Environmental Checklists, the ciry issued an Optional Determination of Non-significance (DNS) for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, posted the DNS at City Hall, and at the main branch of the library, and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and WHEREAS, the City provided a copy of the proposed amendment to Community Trade and Ewnomic Development (C1`ED) initiating a 60 day comment period pursuant to RC W 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, the amended ordinance as set forth bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfaze and protection of the environment; and WHEREAS, on October 8, 2009, the Commission reviewed the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing on October 8, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Commission deliberated on October 8, 2009; the Commission provided a recommendation; and WHEREAS, on November 17, 2009, Council reviewed the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on December 1, 2009, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment. Ordinance 09-036 Page 1 of I 1 DRAFT NOW THEREFORE, THE CTTY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY ORDAINS AS SET FORTH BELOW: Section One: Pursuant to 1930 of the SVMC, the City adopts this ordinance amending section 19.20.060 Nonconforming uses and structures as set forth below. 19.20.060 Nonconforming uses and structures. A. Applicability. Legal nonconforming uses and structures include: 1. Any use, which does not conform with the present regulations of the zoning district in which it is located shall be deemed a nonconforming use if it was in existence and in continuous and lawful operation prior to the adoption of these regulations; 2. Any permanent structure in existence and lawfully constnxcted at the time of any amendment to this code, which by such amendment is placed in a district wherein it is not otherwise permitted and has since been in regular and continuous use; 3. Any permanent structure lawfully used or constructed that was in existence at the time of annexation into the City and which has since been in regular and continuous use; 4. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to structures or uses deemed nonconforming only pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act (Chapter 90.58 RCW) and the Spokane Valley Shoreline Master Program (Chapter 21_50 SVMC). B. Continuing Lawful Use of Property. 1. The lawful use of land at the time of passage of this code, or any amendments hereto, may be continued, unless the use is discontinued or abandoned for a period of 12 consecutive months. The right to continue the nonconforming use shall inure to all successive interests in the property. It is specifically provided, however, that any nonconforming use discontinued as a result of foreclosure or judicial proceedings, including probate, shall be permitted to continue for a period uot to exceed 24 months. Discontinuance of a nonconforming use shall commence on the actual act or date of discontinuance. 2. A nonconforming use that is abandoned or discontinued shall not be replaced with another nonconforming use. 3. A nonconforming use which has not been abandoned or discontinued may be replaced with the following: a. A conforming use; b. Another nonconforming use; provided, that the new use is not less conforming than the prior use. This determination will be made by the director based on the NAICS codes; a The proposed use places no greater demand on transportation and other public facilities than the original use; or d. The proposed use does not adversely affect or interfere with the use of neighboring property. 4. A nonconforming use may be expanded only within the boundaries of the original lot or tract and any adjacent lot or tract that was under the same ownership as the lot or tract at the time the use on the original lot or tract became nonconforming if: a. The expanded use does not degrade the transportation level of service greater than the original use; and b. The expanded use does not adversely affect or interfere with the use of neighboring property; and a Any transfer of ownership or interest on adjacent lots or tracts was made contemporaneously with the transfer of ownership of the lot or tract on which the nonconforming use is located as part of a single transaction; and d. The expansion does not create additional development opportunities on adjacent tracts that would not atherwise exist. 5. Residential lots made nonconforming relative to lot size, lot depth, setbacks and width shall be deemed in conformance with this code, as long as the use of the lot is allowed in the respective district. 6. Nonconforming uses that do not provide the required number of off-street parking spaces pursuant to current standazds shall not be considered as nonconforming. Ordinance 09-036 Page 2 of 11 DRAFT 7. Any nonconforming use damaged by fire, flood, neglect or act of nature may be replaced if: a. Restoration of the use is initiated within 12 months; and b. The damage represents less than 80 percent of market value. 8. Any nonconforming use changed to a conforming use shall not be permitted to convert to a nonconforming use. C. Nonconforming Structures. Expansion of a nonconforming structure is allowed in accordance with the following: 1. The expansion or alteration does not change the occupancy classification under adopted building codes; 2. The expansion or alteration does not create additional nonconformity with respect to building setbacks or lot coverage� additions to uonconforming structures must meet setbacks as required by the zonine district 3. The number of dwelling units in a nonconforming residential structure does not increase so as to exceed the number of dwelling units permitted within current regulations; 4. Off-street loading and/or pazking, stormwater detention and landscaping shall be provided for the alteration or expansion in accordance with current provisions; and 5. Any nonconforming structure damaged by fire, flood, neglect or act of God may be replaced i£ a. Restoration of the structure is initiated within 12 months; and b. The damage represents less than 80 percent of marketvalue of the structure. D. Completion of Permanent Structures. Nothing herein shall require any change in the plans, construction, or designated use of a building or structure for which a building permit has been issued or a site plan approved by the City or Spokane County prior to incorporation of the City before the effective date of this code, nor shall any building or structure for which a substantially complete application for a building permit was accepted by the building official on or before the effective date of these regulations; provided, that the building permit shall comply with all applicable regulations on the date that the application was tiled and the building permit is issued within 180 days of the effective date of these regulations. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section Two Pursuant to 1930 of the SVMC, the City adopts this ordinance amending section 19.40.010 General provisions as set foRh below. 19.40.010 General pro��sions A. No principal or accessory structure shall be located within the clearview triangle (Chapter 22_70 SVMC). B. In the districts where the height of buildings is restricted to 35 feet, cooling towers, roof gables, chimneys and vent stacks may extend for an additional height, not to exceed 40 feet, above the average grade line of the building. Water stand pipes and tanks, church steeples, domes and spires and school buildings and institutional buildings may be erected to exceed maximum height requirements; provided, that one additional foot shall be added to the width and depth of front, side and reaz yards for each foot that such structures exceed the required height. C. No structure may be erected to a height in excess of that permitted by applicable airport hazard zoning regulations. D. Recreational vehicles shall not be used as permanent or temporary dwelling units in any residential zone. Guests may park and/or occupy a recreational vehicle while visiting the occupants of a dwelling unit located on the same lot for not more than 30 days in one consecutive 12-month period. The intent is to accommodate visiting guests and not to allow the recreational vehicle to be used as a dwelling unit. E Car�o sliippin¢ containers and similar enclosures are not a permitted accessorv structure in airv residential zone. �F_The following features attached to structures aze allowed as exceptions to the setback standazds: 1. Minor Projections Allowed. Minor features of a structure, such as eaves, chimneys, fire escapes, bay windows no more than 12 feet long and which cantilever beyond the foundation of the structure, uncovered stairways, and uncovered decks or balconies, may extend into a required setback up to 20 percent of the depth of the setback. However, they may not be within three feet of a lot line when a setback is required. Wheelchair ramps aze allowed to project into the setback based on SVMC Title 24 nrdinance 09-036 Page 3 of 11 DRAFT Building Codes. Attached mechanical equipment such as heat pumps, air conditioners, emergency generators and water pumps are allowed to project into the side or reaz setback only. (Ord. 08-026 § 4, 2008; Ord. 08-006 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). I�G_Community facilities and public utility distribution facility(ies), except power poles and underground transformers, shall comply with the following conditions: 1. The requirements for landscaping, signage, lighting and other requirements shall apply. 2. Type I landscape screening is required along property line(s) adjacent to a residential use or zone. � fr.H_Public utility transmission facility shall comply with the following conditions: 1. The utility company shall secure the necessary property or right-of-way to assure for the property construction, continued maintenance, and general safety to the property adjoining the public utility transmission facility; 2. All support structures for electric transmission lines shall have their means of access located a minimum of 10 feet above ground; 3. The facilities shall be compatible with the surrounding uses either by distance, landscaping, buffering, or design, as determined by the director; and 4. The height of any structure above ground does not exceed 125 feet. (Ord. 09-017 § 1, 2009; Ord. 08-026 § 4, 2008; Ord. 08-006 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section Three: Pursuant to 1930 of the SVMC,.the City adopts this ordinance amending section.19.40.100 Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) as set forth below. 19.40.100 Accessory dwelling unit (ADin. Attached and detached ADUs are permitted in all residential zoning districts and shall adhere to the appearance of single-family residences. An attached ADU is an accessory dwelling unit that has one or more vertical and/or horizontal walls in common with, or attached to, the principal dwelling unit. A detached ADU is a freestanding accessory dwelling unit that is not attached or physically connected to the principal dwelling unit. A. Purpose and Intent. 1. To increase the supply of affordable housing units and encourage housing diversity through better use of the existing housing stock in neighborhoods in a manner that is less intense than new development; 2. To make housing units available to moderate-income people and special populations including the elderly, mentally ill, victims of domestic abuse, persons with disabilities or injuries, and the homeless who might otherwise have difficulty finding homes within the city that support independent living; 3. To provide residents, particulazly seniors, single parents and families with grown children, with a means to remain in their homes and neighborhoods by obtaining, through tenants in either the ADU or the principal unit, extra income, companionship, security, and services; 4. To make better use of eacisting public investment in streets, transit, water, sewer, and other utilities; and 5. To protect neighborhood stability, property values, and the single-family residential appeazance of neighborhoods by ensuring that ADUs aze installed under the conditions outlined in this code. B. Conditions and Limitations. 1. The design and size of the ADU shall conform to all standards in the building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, fire, health, utilities and any other applicable codes; 2. An ADU may be developed in conjunction with either an existing or new residence; 3. One ADU, attached or detached, is allowed per lot as an accessory dwelling unit; 4. The ADU must be a complete, independent housekeeping unit; 5. The combined Footprint of all accessory shuctures shall not exceed 10 percent of the lot azea; 6. Home professions shall be allowed only within the principal dwelling unit, not the ADU; Ordinance 09-036 Page 4 of 11 DRAFT 7. The owner, as established by the titleholder, must occupy either the principal dwelling unit or the ADU as their permanent residence, but not both, for six months or more of the calendar yeaz, and at no time receive rent for the owner-occupied unit; and 8. Approval of an ADU will be revoked if the ADU is no longer in compliance with the development standards and criteria outlined in subsection C of this section. C. Development Standards and Criteria. 1. AIl ADUs, both attached and detached, must meet the following requirements: a. One paved off-street parking space shall be required for the dwelling unit in addition to the off- street parking required for the main residence; I b. The ADU may not exceed `n ..,._.,... .. a.,. «,...., ,.,.ti:�.,�.ie F,.,..,,.;.,tand 50 percent of the habitable squaze footage of the principal dwelling unit, nor be less than 300 square feet; c. The total number of individuals that reside in the ADU shall not exceed the number of persons that aze defined as a family; d. The ADU shall be a complete, sepazate housekeeping unit; e. The entrance to the ADU shall be located on the side or in the rear of the structure or in such a manner as to be unobtrusive in appearance when viewed from the front of the street, and only one entrance may be located on the facade of the principal dwelling unit in order to maintain the appearance of a single-family residence; £ The ADU unit shall not have more than rivo bedrooms; and g. The ADU shall be designed to meet the appearance of a single-family residence and must be the same or visual►y match the principal dwelling unit in the type, size and placement of the following: i. Exterior finish materials; ii. Roof pitch; iii. Trim; iv. Windows, in proportion (relationship of width to height) and orientation (horizontal or vertical). 2. Additional Development Standards for Detached ADUs. a. Shall be located behind the front building setback line and placed on a permanent foundation; b. Shall preserve all side yard and rear yard setbacks for a dwelling unit, as established in SVMC 19.40.020, Residential standazds; c. Shall not be allowed on lots containing a duplex, multifamily dwelling or accessory aparhnent contained within the principal stntcture; and d. Existing detached accessory strucmres may be comerted into detached ADUs; provided, that all development standards and criteria are met, including side yard and rear yard setbacks. D. Application Process. 1. Application for an ADU permit shall be made to the department of community development in accordance with the permit procedures adopted by the department; 2. Shall include a letter of application afFirming that one legal titleholder will live in either dwelling unit, meeting the requirement of owner occupancy; 3. An ADU application shall also be filed as a deed restriction with the Spokane County department of records and elections to indicate the presence of an ADU, the requirement of owner occupancy, and other standards for maintaining the unit as described in this code; and Ordinance 09-036 Page 5 of 11 DRAFT 4. Cancellation of an ADU's registration may be accomplished by the owner filing a letter with the deparhnent of community development for recording at the department of records and elections, or may occur as a re'sult of an enforcement action. (Ord. 08-006 § 1, 2008; Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section Four: Pursuant to 1930 of the SVMC, the City adopts this ordinance amending section 19.40.140 Home occupations as set forth below. 19.40.140 Home occupations /�. F�pp licabilitv Any_person group or entih� conducting "for profiY' enterprise from a location whose primarv use is a residence must obtain a home occupation permit Businesses may be exempt from the home occ�ation permit fee as established bythe master fee schedule if all of the followinQ criteria are met: 1. There are no nroposed exterior alterations to the residence or anv accesso structur�re(s) which change the residential cUaracter of the nroperh�: 2 Goods and commodities associated with the business are not delivered to the premises: 3 There 1re no Uusiness customers visiting the premises; 4 There are no signs or window dis�lavs on the prope�ty related to the business and 5 Any em l�ovees enpaned in the busi�tess must live in the residence (no outside emploveesl. -B. Home occupations are permitted as accessory uses, except ns indicated bY section C below, incidental to the property's principal use as a residence subject to the following requirements: (�1. Property shall retain a residential appearance and character; &2. All storage shall be enclosed within the residence or accessory structure; &3. There shall be a limit of two employees not residing on the premises engaged in the home occupation; F�4.One unlighted sign placed flush against the exterior wall of the principal structure not exceeding four square feet in area is permitted; I &5. There shall be no window display nor shall sample commodities with the exception of flowers and produce grown on the premises be displayed outside the building(s); I &6. The hours of operation of a home occupation aze limited to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; &7. The home occupation use shall not create electronic interference including, but not limited to, interference with radio, satellite reception, telephone or television teception, nor generate measurable levels at the property line of noise, dust, smoke, odor or glare. The home occupation activiTy shall not generate solid waste in volume or type which is not normally associated with residential use unless specifically permitted; I &8. Loading docks and mechanical loading devices are not permitted; and (lydinance 09-036 Page 6 of 11 DRAFT I 9_No tr�c or pazking of vehicles shall be generated by a home occupation in greater volumes than normally expected in a residential neighborhood and any need for parking must be accommodated within the required off-street parking for the dwelling unit. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). �1- Uses which are detrimental to the existing residential appearance and character are not allowed as home occupations. C. Specific uses which are not.permitted as home occupations include but are not ]imited to the followin�Adult retail use establishment adult bookstore or adult entertainment establishment; auto repair• weldina or metal plating shops laree aanliance/electronics or equipment repair or service• small en ig ne repair• truck hauling and or tow storaee yard• vehicle sales; cabinet makin�; manufacturii�e and/or related stora kennel or stables wholesale or retail sales; 1nd restaurants/drinking establ isliments. Section Five Pursuant to 1930 of the SVMC, the City adopts this ordinance amending section 19.50.050 Development standazds and 19.50.060 Open space standards as set forth below. 19.50.050 Development standards. The following standards shall govern the administration of this chapter: A. Relationship of PRD Site to Adjacent Areas. The design of a PRD shall take into account the relationship of the site to the sunounding areas. The perimeter of the PRD shall be so designed as to minimize adverse impact of the PRD on adjacent properties and, conversely, to minimize adverse impact of adjacent land use and development characteristics on the PRD. B. Site Acreage Minimum. The minimum site shall be five acres. C. Minimum Lot Size. The minimum lot size provisions of other sections of the UDC do not apply in a PRD, except that ttte minimum lot size requirements of the underlying zone shall serve as the criterion to calculate the total number of dwelling units allowed in the proposed PRD based on the gross acreage of the entire development. D. DensiTy. In a PRD, the hearing examiner may authorize a dwelling unit density not more than 20 percent greater than that permitted by the underlying zone, rounded to the nearest whole number; provided, that the open space amenities described in SVMC 19.50.060 aze met. E. Maacimum Coverage. Building coverage and development of the site shall not exceed the percentage permitted by the underlying zone. F. Landscaping Required. All common open space shall be landscaped in accordance with the landscaping plan submitted by the applicant and approved by the hearing examiner. Natural Iandscape features which are to be preserved, such as existing trees, drainage ways, rock outcrops, etc., may be accepted as part of the landscaping plan. G. Setback and Side Yard Requirements. 1. Setbacks from the exterior boundary line of the PRD azea shall be comparable to or compatible with those of the existing development of adjacent properties, or, if adjacent propeRies aze undeveloped, the type of development which may reasonably be expected on such properties given the e�tisting zoning of such properties or the Comprehensive Plan and/or adopted subazea plans; 2. Setbacks or Side Yards Between Buildings. The standazd setbacks and yard requirements between buildings may be waived in a PRD. Buildings may have common walls and, therefore, built to the property line as in townhome conshuction;: however all buildings must meet applicable building code �•equirements. Ordinance 09-036 Page 7 of 11 DRAFT H. All streets shall be designed and constructed to public street standards. I. Off-street pazking sha,ll be provided in accordance with Chapter 22_50 SVMC. J. Secondary Use Limitations. 1. Commercial uses aze subject to site plan review procedures and shall be provided for in the application for the development within which the commercial use is to be integrated; 2. The gross floor area of the commercial use shall not exceed the product of 50 square feet multiplied by the number of dwelling units within the development; 3. Construction of at least 35 percent of the residences in the PRD must be completed before any building permits will be issued for the constrvction of commercial uses, except this shall not prohibit a sales office; and 4. Commercial uses within a PRD shall be of a size and type to serve primarily the residents of the development, and shall be internally located to fulfill this function. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). 19.50.060 Open space standards. Each PRD shall dedicate not less than 30 percent of the gross land area for common open space for the use of its residents. Common open space azeas shall meet the following criteria: A. Location. The azea proposed for open space shall be entirely within the PRD and within reasonable walking distance of all dwelling units in the PRD. Where practical, the proposed common open space shall be located adjacent to other established or planned park and recreational areas in adjacent developments, schools, or City pazks; provided, that such dedication would increase the overall benefit to the residents of the PRD and conform to other criteria in this section. B. Access. All dw�elling units within the PRD must have legal access to the proposed common open space at the time of final PRD approval. Private or access roads, trees or other landscaping may separate the common open space azea. However, access should not be blocked by major obstacles such as arterial or collector roadways or significant natural features such as rivers, streams or topographic features. Areas dedicated for active recreational open space shall have reasonable access from street frontages. Design measures should accomplish the purposes of access and security. C. Types of Open Space. 1. Land dedicated for open space should be usable for either greenbelts that serve as a buffer between land uses, using existing vegetation, or an aesthetic amenity such as boulevazd trees, active recreational activities, or for protecting environmentally sensitive azeas such as wetlands. 2. Except as provided in subsection (C)(3) or (4) of this section, a minimum of 30 percent of the required common open space area shall be suitable for active recreation. The topography, soils, hydrology, and other physical characteristics of the area proposed for active recreation shall be of such quality as to provide a dry, obstacle-free space in a configuration which is suitable for active recreation. 3 Communi � Development Director determines the amount of required active recreation areas uursuant � to the criteria set fodh in 19 50 060 Open space standards. '�.4_. The percentage of active recreationa] areas may be increased to as high as 50 percent if it is determined that anticipated recreational needs will require a lazger percentage. In increasing this percentage, the following standard should be used: the ratio of one acre to 125 residential units. I 4.5. The percentage of active recreational area may be decreased to as low as 15 percent if it is determined that: a. Inclusion of buffers or envuonmentally sensitive lands such as wetlands would better meet the open space needs of the residents of the subdivision; or nrdinance 09-04fi Page 8 of l l DRAFT b. Meeting the standazd would require detrimental grading or other disturbance of the natural setting. D. Land required for open space shall not include: , 1. Accessory buildings, climate-controlled improvements, and areas reserved for the exclusive use and benefit of an individual tenant or owner; 2. Dedicated streets, alleys or public rights-of-way, required landscaped azeas, azeas required for yazd depth or building setback or sepazation; 3. Vehiculaz driveways, private streets, parking azeas, loading or storage areas; or 4. Floodplain (100-year), floodprone areas, drainage easements, natural drainage areas or creeks unless maintained as an amenity and specifically approved as being suitable for open space. E. Implementation. The area proposed for open space shall be dedicated in common to the propedy owners within the plat or to a homeowners' association. Maintenance and operation of the dedicated open space shall be the responsibility of the property owners' or homeowners' association. 1. The City may choose to accept dedication, maintenance and operation responsibilities when the common open space area to be dedicated is in the public interest and either one or a combination of the following: a. Greater than ] 0 acres; b. Adjacent to an established or future City pazk or school grounds; c. Is an access to a body of water greater than three acres in size; or d. Is an environmentally sensitive area. 2. The dedication shall be identified on the PRD plan. F. Improvements. The following improvements to the area proposed for dedication may be required prior to final approval of the PRD: 1. Removal of construction debris and hazards; and 2. Rough grading and establishment of grass cover over those portions of the site suitable for pla�elds. G. Equivalent Facilities. When areas proposed for dedication do not meet the criteria for dedication in this chapter, such land may be improved by grading, filling, landscaping, or with installation of recreation equipment so as to be equivalent in result to the intent of this chapter. Determination of equivalency shall be made by the director according to the following guidelines: 1. The proposed land and improvements must create recreational opportunities generally equivalent to or greater than the land required for the residents within the PRD; 2. The proposed land and improvements must not result in significant disturbance or alteration of an environmentally sensitive azea, unless otherwise allowed by the City; 3. The proposed land and improvements shall be dedicated in accordance with subsection F of this section. H. Stormwater Detention Facilities. Stortnwater detention ponds may be allowed by the City as part of dedicated open space subject to the following criteria: 1. The detention pond shall be constructed so as to drain fully when precipitation is not occurring (i.e., no standing water may be left) unless the pond is designed as an aesthetic amenity; 2. The side slope of the detention pond shall not exceed 33 percent unless slopes are existing, natural and covered with vegetation; 3. If detention facilities are located adjacent to or near a natural, year-round stream or wetland, these systems shall be left in natural or neaz-natural condition; Ordinance 09-036 Page 9 of 11 DRAFT 4. The detention area shall be landscaped in a manner which is both aesthetic and able to withstand the inundation expected; 5. Use of a dedicated open space area for stormwater detention shall not be acceptable if the detention area must be fenced or otherwise rendered unsuitable or unavailable for recreation use during dry weather; and 6. In the case of joint use of open space for detention and recreation, the home owners or homeowners' association shall be responsible for maintenance of the detention facilities. I. Rights and Duties. The owners of open space shall have the following rights which may be exercised in respect of such land, subject to restrictive covenants or other restrictions: 1. The right to locate recreational facilities, such as tennis courts, swimming pools, picnic tables, and fireplaces (accessory to picnic tables) designed to be used exclusively for the use of residents of the development and their guests; 2. The right to locate pedestrian paths, bicycle paths and bridle paths; 3. The right to take whatever measures are reasonably necessary to protect and maintain such land, or land or property adjacent thereto, or to cortect a hazardous condition posing a threat to life or limb; 4. The right to regulate access to or entry on the open space land and duty to maintain such land. (Ord. 07-015 § 4, 2007). Section Six Pursuant to 1930 of the SVMC, the City adopts this ordinance amending section 19.120 Permitted and accessory uses as set forth below. 19.120.010 General. Uses aze classified using the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) published by the U.S. Census Bureau based on category and subcategory. Subcategories include all uses not identified separately by specific number. Uses may be pertnitted, be subject to conditions, or require conditional or temporary use permits as shown in Appendix 19-A, the schedule of permitted and accessory uses. � d d � � � at vz �,'� d d K ��. o R � h ea � �� � � '� �y « u ed 'u � v ti N t7 7 ~ N V V 7 61 K "O a�n ` y � � '� �� 7 v p 6i O� � i�' � `'a'�+ C4 C4 CG rx ,� � z z u E d = V C� L'' i � a o o a o o w ti x a o �n a � � U U � Z U U U U V .: „ V � P P 49 49319 Storage, self- P P P P P P service facility Section Seven Pursuant to 1930 of the SVMC, the City adopts this ordinance amending section Appendix A Definitions as set forth below. Home occuparion: An occupation, profession or craft incidental to the residential use� °:��' �� « • p ' J � ,/ b f •t o D D f � D� b S > > 1 / 1' 1' 1 1' 1 ..� 1... ....4'.. ' Ordinance 09-036 Page 10 of 11 DRAFT Section Eiehh All other provisions of SVMC Title 19 and Appendix A(De£mitions) not speciFically referenced hereto shall remain in full force and effect. Section Nine: Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrases of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionaliry of any other section, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. SecHon Ten Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the publication of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof, occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this_day of December_, 2009. Mayor, Richard M. Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Office of the Ciry Attomey Date of Publication: EfFective Date: n�a��a��P no_n3fi Page 11 of 11 Spokane County Zonin� Code Chapter 14 606 230 Limited Uses with Specific Standazds 7. Home profession (LDR, LDR-P, MDR, HDR zones) a. The home profession shall be incidental to ihe use of the residence and not change the residential chazacter of the dwelling or neighborhood, and shall be conducted in such a manner as to not give any outwazd appeazance of a business. b. The use, including all storage space, shall not occupy more than 49 percent of the livable floor azea of the residence. � c. A home profession shall not occupy a detached accessory building. d. All storage shall be enclosed within the residence. e. Only members of the family who reside on the premises may be engaged in the home profession. £ One sign identifying a home profession may be allowed. The sign shall be lisnited in size to a maximum of 5 square feet. The sign shall be unlighted and be placed flat against the residence. Window displays are not permitted. g. Sample commodities shall not be displayed outside except for fruit, vegetables or flowers that aze grown on the premises. h. All material or mechanical equipment shall be used in a manner as to be in compliance with WAC 173-60 regazding noise. . i. Traffic generated that exceeds any of the following standazds shall be prima facie evidence that the activity is a primary business and not a home profession. i. The pazking of more than 2 customer vehicles at any one time. ii. The use of loading docks or other mechanical loading devices. iii. Deliveries of materials or products at such intervals so as to create a nuisance to the neighborhood. j. The hours of operation for a home profession shall occur between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. The applicant shall specify the hours of operation on the home profession permit. k. A home profession permit must be obtained from the Division of Building and Planning. 1. Adult retail use establishments and adult entertainment establishments aze prohibited. ipokane Mimicipal Code http://wwwspokaneciry.or�/services/docinnents/smc/print/default.aspx Spokane Municipal Code Wednesday, December2, 2009-233 PM Prin � Close Window Fant Size: Intrease � Decrease ' Title 17C Land Use Standards Chapter 17C.340 Home Occupallons Section 17C.340.010 Purpose The purpose of the Fwme occupatlon regulatlons Is to facilitate small unobtrusive business uses within a residence when such business Is accessory to the resideMial use. By allowing home occupatlons with Ilmltations, traditio�al businesses, which occur in the home, wlll be allowed to continue while protecting the residentlal character of the neigh6orhood. Date Passed: Monday, May 8, 2006 ORD C33830 Section 8 Section S7C.340.100 General A"home occupation" Is a business or professlonal enterprise of such scale and method of operation as Is Irrcidental and accessory [o . the primary resldential use of the premises where tonducted; a commerclal activity tonducted within a residen[e 6y a member or members of a famlly residing thereln whlch activlty does not alter or detract from the residentlal character of the residence. Date Passed: Monday, May 8, 2006 ORD C33830 Section 8 Section 17C.340.110 Development Standards The following restri�tions apply to home occupatlons: A. Structural alteration to accommodate the acupation is not permltted. B. Unless requlred by code, a separate outslde access to the area devoted to the occupation Is not permitted. C. The occupation, intluding storage, does not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the residence's fnished floor area, nor In any case more than two hundred square feet. D. The occupation does not accupy any accessory structure, Including an attached garage. E. The number of persons engaged In the home occupatlon may not exceed two persons. This may conslst of elther one famlly member and one rmnfamily member or two family members. F. There Is no commercial advertlsing, except that there may be one nonilluminated sign, up to three square foot In area, bearin9 the name and occupation of the acupant, placed flat against the building. G. There Is no wlndow or outdoor display. H. Any stock of goods has been produced on the premises. I. No use is made of equipment or material that produces Nbretion, noise, dust, smoke, odor, or electrlcal Interference to the detriment of 8urrounding residences. ]. There are no deliveries or shipmentr to or from the premises of such quantltles or frequency as would involve commercial motor vehicles or suggest a need far a customer parldng area. K. The property shall retain itr resldentlal appearance and character. Spokane Mimicipal Code � http://wwwspolcaneciry.org/services/doctm�ents/smc/prinf/default.aspx Date Passed: Monday, June 22, 2009 ORD Ci4391 Sedlon 1 Section 17C.340.120 Examples A, 6omples of home accupation are: , 1, barberorbeautician; 2. dressmaking; 3. professional consulting; 4. custom floristry; 5. photography; or 6. repalr of watches and small appliances. B. Examples of activlties which are not home acupations are: 1. automotive repair; 2. contractor's storage area, including equipment and business vehicles stored on-site; 3. adult home or group home; 4. repalr of large appllances or fumiture; 5. tea room or reception spaces for rent Includirg outdoor areas; 6. bed and brealffast or hostel — see chanter 17C315 SMC Bed and Brealffast; or 7, woodworking and cabinetry. Date Passed: Monday, May S, 2006 ORD C33830 Sedlon S CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report � pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Second Reading of Ordinance 09-037 to Amend the 2009 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires an amendment to our budget when we believe we will exceed our appropriations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City budget for 2009 was adopted in October of 2008. There was discussion at the October 20, 2009 council meeting regarding these proposed changes. The first reading of the Ordinance took place on December 1, 2009. BACKGROUND: Amendments to the 2009 budget are needed to allow for costs of street improvements (12` & Blake), debt service accruals for payment on bonds, carryover street project expenditures from 2008, on-going Barker Bridge construction, unemployment claims and carryover costs from 2008 for Discovery Park. A public hearing was held on October 20. OPTIONS: Options include passing the Ordinance to comply with state law, or rejecting the amendments. The budget should be amended to comply with Washington State law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 09-037 amending the 2009 budget. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None at this time since revenues are availabie from grants, fund balances and/or third parties to pay for these costs. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-037 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 08-023 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON OCTOBER 28, 2008, OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2009 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2009, APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ESTABLISHED POSITIONS. WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, amendments, appropriations and transferring funds in order to properly perform various City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the adopted budget to reflect anticipated revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and appropriating same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, The CiTy Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues. Ordinance No. 08-023, as adopted or amended, adopted the budget for the twelve months ending December 31, 2009. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund is hereby amended as follows. A. Debt Service Fund (204) of the 2009 budget is amended to provide For additional revenue in the amount of $60,000 from the Public Facilities District. B. Capital Grant Fund (307) revenues are amended to include $387,000 in additional State and Federal Grant revenues and $46,000 in Real Estate Excise Tax. C. Barker Road Bridge Fund (308) revenues are amended to include $2,000,000 in Federal Grant receipts on costs originally projected to be spent in 2008. D. Parks Capital Fund (309) revenues are amended to include $800,000 in State Grant funds and $900,000 in transfers in from the Real Estate Excise Tax fund (301). E. Street Fund (101) revenues are amended to include $100,000 from a local utility to pay For damage to a city street. F. Risk Management fund (502) revenues are amended to use unappropriated fund balance of 55,000 to pay for unemployment claims for the final quarter of 2009. For purposes of these budget amendments, Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as set forth in full. Ordinance 09-037 Amending 2009 Budget Page 1 of 3 DRAFT REVENUES: � REVENUES: FUND FUND 2009 Est. Rev. 8 AMENDMENT ENDING NUMBER NAME Fund Balances Oct. 20. 2009 REVENUES 001 GENERAL $ 49,288,955 $ 49,288,955 101 STREET $ 7,392,000 $ 100,000 $ 7,492,000 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 591,000 $ 591,000 103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 43,000 $ - $ 43,000 105 HOTEUMOTEL $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 123 CIVIC FAC. REPLCMT. $ 767,000 $ 767,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 650,000 $ 60,000 $ 710,000 301 CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 5,948,000 $ - $ 5,948,000 302 SPECIAL CAP. PRJ $ 2,980,000 $ - $ 2,980,000 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 16,725,000 $ - $ 16,725,000 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 370,000 $ - $ 370,000 305 STREET BOND PRJ $ - $ - $ - 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ 300,000 $ 300,000 307 CAPITAL GRANTS $ 1,573,000 $ 433,000 $ 1,881,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FED $ 5,977,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 7,977,000 309 PARKS CAPITAL PRJ $ 1,220,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 2,920,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 5,800,000 $ 5,800,000 120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 340,000 $ - $ 340,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,400,000 $ - $ 5,400,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,000 402 STORMWATER $ 3,440,000 $ - $ 3,440,000 501 EQUIP REPL & RES $ 780,000 $ - $ 780,000 $ 5,000 502 RISK MGMT $ 230,000 = $ 230,000 TOTALS $ 110 914 955 $ 4 298 000 $ 115 082 955 The new total of all fund revenues and beginning fund balances, appropriated for the year 2009 is $115,082,955 Section 2. Expenditures Appropriated. To appropriate the amendments from the above estimated revenues and beginning unrestricted fund balances for each separate fund, the expenditure appropriations for the period January 1 through December 31, 2009 are amended as set forth below. EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: Ordinance 09-037 Atnending 2009 Budget Page 2 of 3 DRAFT NUMBER NAME BUDGET AMENDMENTS APPROPRIATIONS 001 GENERAL $ 49,288,955 $ - $ 49,288,955 101 STREET $ 7,392,000 $ '100,000 $ 7,492,000 '102 ARTERIALST. $ 591,000 $ - $ 591,000 '103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 43,000 $ - $ 43,000 '105 HOTEVMOTEL $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 '123 CIVIC FAC. REPLCMT $ 767,000 $ 767,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 650,000 $ 60,000 $ 710,000 30'I CAPITAL PROJ. $ 5,948,000 $ - $ 5,948,000 302 SPEC. CAP. PRJ $ 2,980,000 $ - $ 2,980,000 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 16,725,000 $ 16,725,000 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 370,000 $ - $ 370,000 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ 300,000 $ 300,000 307 CAPITAL GRANTS $ 1,573,000 . 433�000 $ 2,006,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FED $ 5,977,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 7,977,000 309 PARKS CAP. PRJ $ '1,220,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 2,920,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 5,800,000 $ - $ 5,800,000 '120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 340,000 $ - $ 340,000 '121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,400,000 $ - $ 5,400,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 500,000 $ - $ 500,000 402 STORMWATER $ 3,440,000 $ 3,440,000 501 EQUIP REPL & RES $ 780,000 $ $ 780,000 502 RISK MGMT $ 230,000 $ 5;000 $ 235,000 TOTALS $ 110,914,955 $ 4298,000 $ '115,2'12,955 These amendments include additional budget For accrual of debt service wsts, authorizing 2009 funds for the completion of 2008 projects, additional appropriations for the Barker Bridge and Discovery Park and street improvements for damage caused by a broken water line as shown on the attached Exhibit A. The total balance of all fund expenditures appropriated for the year 2009 is $115,212,955. Section 3. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis Ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days aRer publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this _ day of , 2009. ATTEST: Richard M. Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Date of Publication: Ordinance 09-037 Amending 2009 Budget Page 3 of 3 City of Spokane Valley Exhibit A Amendments to 2009 Budget Dec-09 REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation 101 Street Fund Reimb from utility $ 100,000 12th 8 Blake st. project $ 100,000 Improvements to 12th & Blake 204 Debt Service Pund Public Facilities District $ 60,000 Debt Service on 2003 Bonds $ 60,000 Accrue Debt Service for late 2009 307 Capital Grants Grant $ 387,000 RE excise tax trans in $ 46,000 Appleway Tshirley to Hodges $ 129,000 2008 carryover Signal controller upgrades SRTC 06-22 $ 48,000 2008 carryover Broadway Moore to Flora $ 200,000 2008 carryover Sprague Ave ADA Improvements $ 56,000 2008 carryover 3OB BARKER BRIDGE Federal Grant $ 2,000,000 Replace Bridge $ 2,000,000 Barker Bridge carryover 309 Parks Capital State Grant Disc Prk $ 800,000 RE excise tax & Donations $ 900,000 Construction Disc. Prk $ 1,700,000 Discovery Park Construction 502 Risk Mgmt Unapprop.Fund balance $ 5,000 Unemployment claims $ 5,000 To pay unemployment claims Total—> $ 4,298,000 $ 4,298,000 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-038, Special events GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 9.41.290; RCW 9.41.300; SVMC 5.15.010, 5.15.050, and 6.05.060 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: The Parks & Recreation Department is currently updating some of its administrative policies. As part of this process, City's Legal Department recommends that certain Code provisions pertaining to special events and vendors in parks be amended to be consistent with current City practice and policies. The following are the proposed Code revision amendments: (1) Currently, SVMC 5.15.010 and 6.05.050 require a special event permit for any activity on public property with an estimated attendance of 15 or more people, or a dance of five or more persons. This requirement creates unnecessarily burdensome and unrealistic requirements for City citizens. Staff recommends that these Code provisions be amended to require a special event permit for temporary activities on public property which affect the ordinary use of public property, as well as any activity where 200 or more people are estimated to attend. (2) Currentiy, SVMC 5.15.050 requires that a special event permit application be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director at least five business days before the date on which the event will occur. This short notice requirement has the potential to cause significant burden on the City. Staff recommends that this provision require special event permits to be submitted at least four weeks before the date on which the event will occur. (3) SVMC 6.05.060 allows the sale of goods and services in City parks by contract with the City or by permit through the Parks & Recreation Department; however, SVMC 6.05.060 allows the sale of goods and services in City parks and facilities through written agreement with the City only. In order to make these two provisions consistent, Staff recommends amending the language in SVMC 6.05.060 to grant the Parks & Recreation Department the authority to issue permits for the sale of goods of services. OPTIONS: Seek additional information; advance to a second reading with or without modifications; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance ordinance 09-038 to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Anticipated to be revenue neutral. STAFF CONTACT: Jandon Mitchell, Legal Intern; Mike Connelly, City Attorney; Mike Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation. ATTACHMENT: Proposed ordinance 09-038, Special Events DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-038 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 5.15.010, 5.15.050, 6.05.050, AND 6.05.060 RELATING TO SPECIAL EVENTS, VENDORS IN PARKS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code sections 5. ] SA 10 and 6.05.050, which require a special permit for any activity on public property with an estimated attendance of 15 or more people; and __ -- - WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley recognizes the need for more flexible use of public property than Spokane Valley Municipal Code sections 5.15.010 and 6.05.050 provide; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 6.05.090(L), which allows the sale of goods and services in City pazks only by contract with the City or by permit issued through the Parks & Recreation Department; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code 6.05.060, which allows the sale of goods and services in City parks only through written agreement with the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley desires consistency regarding the authorization to sell goods and services in City parks. NOW TI3EREFORE, the City Council of the CiTy of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follows: SecHon 1. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code sections 515.010 and 5.15.050 are hereby amended as set forth below. 5.15.010 Definitions. A. "Applicant" means the person, firm or entiry making application for a permit. B. "City manager" shall mean the city manager or his/her designee. C. "Parade" means any march or procession consisting of people, animals, bicycles, vehicles, or combination thereof, except wedding processions and funeral processions, upon any public street or sidewalk which does not comply with adopted traffic regulations or controls. D. "Run" means an organized procession or race consisting of people, bicycles, or other vehiculaz I devices or combination thereof upon the public street or sidewalk. E. "Public property" means a street or other public place (i.e, pazk) under the control and authority of the City. F"Private event" means an event which uses public prooerty for the puroose of monetarv or personal eain bv anyperson partnership eroup or¢anization compan o�r corporation or which is closed to the e� neral public. - �� �� . > , > > , G "Special event" means: Ordinance 09-038 Special Events Page 1 of 3 DRAFT I An�activity of a temporary nature on public �ropert�vhich affects the ordinarv use of public ri�hts-of-wav nublic parking lots �ublic parks intersections sidewalks or streets or which would significantly impact the need for cit�provided emer�ency services such as police fire or medical aid for purposes which include but are not limited to parades walks/nms street dances fundraisers, sales, auctions, bikeathons, shows or e�ibitions filmine/movie events carnivals circuses, car shows, horse shows, fairs and block parties or other activi demonstration or exhibition; or 2 Any activitv function or event which is open to the eeneral public where 200 or more�eople are estimated to attend: or 3 A private event. 6H. "Street" or "streets" means any public roadway, sidewalk, or portions thereof in the City of Spokane Valley dedicated to the public use. � �I. "Street dance" means any organized dance cr. ^""""° "'^^^^ on any public street, public sidewalk or publicly owned parking lot. �� • a a � 5.15.050 Permit — Application — Filing. A completed application for a special event permit shall be filed with the parks and recreation I director at least four �veeks�•�^�''^�.�^ before the date on which the event will occw. The parks and recreation director shall notify the applicant of approval or disapproval. Section 2 Remainder of SVMC 5.15.050 Unchaneed The remaining provisions of SVMC 5.15 are unchanged by this amendment. Section 3. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code sections 6.05.050 and 6.05.060 are hereby amended as set forth below. 6.05.050 Special event permits. A special event permit is required Uefore the occurrence of 1 special event ns defined in Spokane Valley Municipal Code 5.15.010. ' . If the Parks R Recreation Department deems necessarv. £special event permi[s may be required for ` a- -°'•°a •'''•a ••�° -`r ,.:r..:,... r,._ .,..�, , events involving more than the routine use of a park_ b ' 'a "" `^ ""'"� Where appropriate, special conditions for the event will be established by the department and included in the permit. The department reserves the right to cancel a permit for good cause. If reasonably possible, notice of cancellation shall be given at least 24 hours in advance of the event. A cancellation or denial of a special event permit may be appealed to the city council by filing a written appeal with the city clerk within 10 days of the date of the decision. Upon such appeal, the city council may reverse, affirm or modify the departmenYs decision. 6.05.060 Sale oJgoods or services. The sale of goods or services in Ciry pazks or facilities shall be allowed only through written I agreement with the City: or by_permit issued by the department. Section 4 . Remainder of SVMC 6.05 Unchaneed. The remaining provisions of SVMC 6.05 are unchanged by this amendment. Ordinance 09-038 Special Events Page 2 of 3 DRAFT Section 5. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity of unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 6 . Effective Date This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the Ciry. PASSED by the City Council this _ day of , 2009. Mayor, Richard M. Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: O�ce of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 09-038 Special Events Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY � Reguest for Council Action ; Ilfleeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: CheCk ell that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business �� new business � public hearing � ❑ infortnation ❑ admin: Yeport ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-039, Comprehensive P,lan Amendment, ! CPA-01-09. � ; GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 3670A, RCW 36.706.170-290 antl SVMC 19.30.015 associated with Ordinance 09-015. � PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was presented an administrative report on � � December 1, 2009. BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission made a recommendation on Maroh 26, 2009 for parceis i 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242:9036, 45242.9050, 45242,9051, 45242.9056 antl 45242.9057 ' recommended to change from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) with � subsequent rezone from Single-family Resideniial District (R-3) to'Multi-family High Densiky Residential � District (MF-2) and modifietl the original requested proposal that parcel 45242.9032 change from Low i Density Residential�(LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) and su6sequent rezone tolMulti-family Medium Density Residential District (MF-1). The City Council removed p�ivately initiated comprehensive plan amendment CPA-01-09 at the 2" reading of ordinances 09-008 and A9-009 on May 12 2009. The Council directed staff to conduct further research on development agreements in ; association with comprehensi0e plan amendments, specifically for CPA-01-09. An emergency ordinance was adopted on August 11, 2009 (ordinance 09-015) pursuant to RCW ', 36.706.170-210. The emergency ordinance established the guidelines and p�ocess to allow , restrictions to be placed upon comprehensive plari amencJments through a development agreement. All parties are in agreement with the proposed development agreement as5ociated with the applicanYs original comprehensive plan amendment request, CPA-09-09. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSAL: Comprehensive plan amendment, CPA-01- 09, is a citizen initiated proposal to change from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) comprehensive plan designation with a subsequeht rezone from Single-family Residential District {R-3) to Muiti-family High Density Residential District (MF2) associated with a development agreement. OPTIONS: Advance the ordinance to second reading; proc.eed with Planning Oommission's �ecommendation; or remand to Planning Commission for f�rtherconsideration. RECOMMENDED MOTIOfdS: Advance orcJinance 09-039 to a second reading. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: — (1) Draft Ordinance 09-039 (2) Map of Plannirig Commission's recommendation � �' Department of Community Development � j� � PlnnningDivision City Council lst Reading Ordinances 09-039 and 09-040 associated CPA-01-09 December 8, 2009 �-" Depnrtmcnt ofCommunity Devdopment - - - Plnnning Dirision Planning Commission's Recommcndation ; - � _ � - ,' �—�. . -- i � ;_ - MDR 8 HDR= Comprehensive Plan ' I i MF-1 8 MF•2 = Zoning l ���' � � � f ', ; l.L1JJJ,y `s `, ; I ; � : ., i -_; �—i � t_� ; - ' l_ ! C -- I _ :;r J a � � � � Oaembn 6, 3009 1' Rendivg for CPA-0I-09 1 � """`"' DeparYmcot of Community Development � PlanninoDirision -�-�-�-�--�---�-�-�-�-�-�-� amevexuc-._._._._._._._._._._._._._. .T�°'�-r ' __ . ._ _.__ I I 11 I I '�''�'.'.�. I I II I I Y,-'.��, ,.. I I Ilisiuw�s I I ;����/j I I �I I I /•� 'I I I �1 I I / I I �1 I I ; "� /';i.�.�.. I I IL____� I � . p �ss�x.ww I I � I I ,P��Or.. . 1 I I � I 5¢ SECna ' 1 I � I I attT x 'v„�''c'� � I I I I l`�7, ��.�i I I 1 I � q�j%�;.'�'�` I I � I I I I � I I % � I I I I I t. ��j�l _� I � I � e 1 ����1: F ___ I�ss.z.vme I � � asz.xc w ��v�z.vov 'r�,��T,../.I I I � 0� I , �. �, •� l .. . i � I I � �E��� I ' - ,I I I PA I � ''/''.�',.�t I 1 P y0 I I �• %( . a+xawai 1 I Ir O`� 1 I ���Y��J y � a G� � , i I 1 � I ,�4��. i,;_;J � CP.4-01-09 flssociated w�ith �' �'%� ��' I A.'• .:: � DevelopmentAgreement ����%,'i'� ��\ I T �/i i -. i i i i i :;'',';'. i i i ':;:i�:,�' Pec<mber 6, 7009 I•' Rnding for CPA�01�09 "� Depnrtment of Community Developmenf � � 1'lenning Division ➢ Withdrew CPA-01-09 at 2"a Reading on May 12, 2009. ➢ Staff directed to research idea of development agreement with CPA's. ➢ Implemented an emergency ordinance on August 11, 2009. ➢ All parties consent with proposed development agreement associated with CPA-01-09. Demmbcr 1,?OW AdmiNs�niive Repon 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASFIINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-039 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 06-010 ADOPTING THE CITY OF SPOI{ANE VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE, PLAN AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, through Spokane Valley Ordinance 06-010, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth in the Comprehensiv� Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and Maps as the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually (RCW 36.70A]30); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Counci]) or by the Community Development Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of proper[y consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, consistent with the GMA, City of Spokane Valley adopted Public Participation Guidelines to d'uect the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Municipal Code provides that amendment applications shall be received until November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, the application was submitted by the applicant to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the purpose of beneficiaily using the property described herein; and WHEREAS, following the application to the City, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklist, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) on December 19, 2008 for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald on December 19, 2008, and posted the DNS on site and mailed the DNS to _ all af�'ected public agencies; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development was notified on Februazy 27, 2009 pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 providing a 60- day notice of intent to adopt amendment to the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and Ordinance 09-039 Comp Plan Amendments Page 1 of 5 WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a briefing on February 26, 2009, to review the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald on February 20, 2009; and WHEREAS, on February 20, 2009, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject property ; and WHEREAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on March 12, 2009 at which time the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Commission, at the conclusion of the public hearing and after deliberating on the proposed amendment and information presented during the course of the hearing, continued the public hearing to Mazch 26, 2009 for CPA-Ol -09; and WHEREAS, the Commission deliberated on CPA-Ol-09 on March 26, 2009; the Commission recommended approval of amendment proposal; and WHEREAS, on March 31, 2009, Council reviewed the Commission's recommendations on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 2009, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment; and VJHEREAS, on May 12, 2009, Council considered a second ordinance reading at �vhich time Council removed CPA-Ol-09; and WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff or conduct reseazch on development agreements in association with comprehensive plan amendments; and V✓HEREAS, on August 11, 2009 the Ciry Council adopted ordinance 09-015, an emergency ordinance allowing for development agreements in association with comprehensive plan amendments; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2009 the City Council held a public hearing on associated development agreement; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2009, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Ordinance 09-039 Comp Plan Amendments Page 2 of 5 Section 1. ose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Comprehensive Plan adopted through Ordinance No. 06-010. ection 2. Plannin¢ Commission Findin¢s. The City Council aclmowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan map. The City Council hereby adopts the following Commission's findings: 1. Notice for the proposed amendment was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on February 20, 2009 and the site was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal. 2. Notice of the map amendruent proposal was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of affected site. 3. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA — RCW 43.21C) environmental checklist was required for proposed comprehensive plan map amendment. 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklist and a threshold determination was made for the comprehensive plan amendment request. Determination of Non-significance (DNS) was issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendtnent on December 19, 2008. 5. The DNS was published in the city's official newspaper on December 19, 2008 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public heazing on Mazch 12, 2009, to consider the proposed amendment. 7. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-Ol-09 to Mazch 26, 2009. 8. On Mazch 26, 2009, the Commission made recommendation on CPA-Ol-09. Section 3. Ciri Council Findings. The City Council hereby adopts the following findings: 1. The planning goals of the Growth Management Act (GMA) were considered and the proposed amendment is consistent with the GMA. 2. The goals and policies of the 5pokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were considered and the proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed land use and zoning designations are consistent with the current use of the property. 4. Findings were made and factors were considered to ensure compliance with approval criteria contained in Section 17.80.140 H. (Comprehensive Plan amendment and area-wide rezones) ofthe Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). 5. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map will not adversely affect the public's general health, safety, and welfaze. 6. That, with the approval of thee Development Agreement, attached hereto and this by reference incorporated herein, specifically limiting certain development, the council amends the Planning Commission's recommendation and rezones for the entire property as set forth below. Ordinance 09-039 Comp Plan Amendments Page 3 of 5 Section 4. Pro . The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in Attachment "A." Section 5. ComQrehensive Plan Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Map as adopted through Ordinance No. 06-010, is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment "A". The Comprehensive Plan Amendment is generally described as follows: File No. CPA-Oi-09: Application/Descripfion of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to change the designation on parcels 45242.9032, 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242.9036, 45242.9050, 45242.9051, 45242.9056 and 45242.9057 from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. Applicant: Dennis Cra�o; 15321 East Mission Avenue; Spokane Valley, WA 99037 and Joy Swenson; 15808 East 4 Avenue; Spokane Valley, WA 9903745242 Amendment Location: Pazcels 45242.9032, 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242.9036, 45242.9050, 45242.9051, 45242.9056 and 45242.9057; located on the south side of 4' Avenue between Sullivan Road and Conklin Road; further located in the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 Nor[h, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council Decision: Change Parcels 45242.9032, 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242.9036, 45242.9050, 45242.9051, 45242.9056 and 45242.9057 to High Density Residential (HDR) associated with development agreement. Section 6. Com�rehensive Plan - Copies on File-Administrative Action. The Comprehensive Plan Map is maintained in the oft'ice of the City Clerk as well, as the City Department of Community Development. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Comprehensive Plaa Map in a manner consistent with this Ordinance as set forth in Attachment "A." Section 7. Liabili . The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the pemut applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions aze adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfaze of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. SecNon 8. Severabiliri. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. Section 9 . Effective Date This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. Ordinance 09-039 Comp Plan Amendments Page 4 of 5 PASSED by the City Council this day of December 2009 Mayor, Richazd Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Ctuistine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinence 09-039 Comp Plan Amendments Page 5 of 5 • �.� • 1 I � �■ �I ■ 1 I � �1 . _ �� � , �� , ��� �; � j � %_;': i � � � � �s , �'��� ��� ' � ' ' � � �� . ���I. y�� � : �� , �%'/� �%�I j � ,,,, , ,f �- o �/���/� �� ��� 11 � /��/� . - � . ♦ � .■ ��;%� : � � ♦ � � �� ,' �■ %��%i � � �► �� �� . , �■ %� , i; � /r�����►� ��, _ �� 1■ ���� ���, � �� �� i . � .^. �� � ` �►� II� ��. !1� , . �i — .d ' ���� . � � � ■ 1111��■ � � ���� ���������w��. 111 I'II. 11 I: I' II 1't'1' :I � ' � � � � ' � � . � i � 1 ' � 11 ' � i i . ' I � ' I I � � �� : - '1 '1 � 'I 'I � '1 'i� 'I i: � u 1� � i i n� i 1� �� � � �� •i �i � � I Planning Commission's Recommendation Comprehensive Plan Map S a ue Sp�ue I c — � � nd nd _ _—_. � _ IEi��a�d' � z 2nd � E r p E� � ' : ; i �- `. � L �.,. � 3rd '!:�-: ; c `c �� �i�' - CPA-Ol-09 ' I � ��� /,, l s�„�« � , y� - � ' i: � 4th 4tfi �� h a�h 1tif� dtl c` C+ c � th ��1� � a SM S�h �/ �� � (a � x a g �j b /-�' �' . % // 7� 0 4 � r 0 r � � Centrnl �'alle� Senior H igh _ � N 9 � Recommendation: Change tLe Compre6ensive Plan map designation CPA-Ol-09 Trom LDR to HDR on parcels 45242.9050, 2.9051, 2.9036, Cfty of Spokane Valley 2.9057, 2.9056, 2.9033 and 2.9035 with a subsequent Community Development Department zoning of MF-2 and parcel 45242.9032 be changed from LDR to NIDR designation tvith a subsequent zoning of MF-1. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Menager Sign-off: Item: Ch2Ck 811 that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business � pubiic hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-040, Official Zoning map amendments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RGW 36.70A, RCW 36.70B.170-210 and SVMC 19.30.015 associated with Ordinance 09-015. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was presented an administrative report on December 1, 2009. BACKGROUND: The Pianning Commission made a recommendation on March 26, 2009 for parceis 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242.9036, 45242,9050, 45242.9051, 45242:9056 and 45242.9057 recommended to change from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) with subsepuent rezone from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) and modified the original requested proposal that parcel 45242.9032 change from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) and subsequent rezone to Multi-family Medium Density Residential District (MF-1). The City Council removed privately initiated comprehensive plan amendment, CPA-01-09 at the 2" reading of ordinances 09-008 and 09-009 on May 12, 2009. Council directed staff to conduct further research on development agreements in association with comprehensive plan amendments, specificaily for CFA-01-09. An emergency ordinance was adopted on August 11, 2009 (ordinance 09-015) pursuant to RCW 36.70B.170-210. The emergency ordinance establislied the guidelines and process to allow restrictions to be placed upon corriprehensive plan amendmen4s through a development agreement. All parties are in agreement with the proposed development agreement associated with the applicanYs original comprehensiye plan amendment request, CPA-01-09. Sites that a�e approved for a ! Comprehensive Plan Map amendment automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the new Comprehensive Plan Map designation. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROP05AL: Comprehensive plan amendment, CPA-01- 09, is a citizen initiated proposai to change from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) comprehensive plan designation with a subsequent rezone from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) associated with a deyelopment agreement. OPTIONS: Advance the ordinance to second reading; proceed with Planning Commission's recommendation; or remand to Planning Commission for further consideration. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Advance ordinance 09-040 to a second reading. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: (1) Draft Ordinance 09-040 (2) Map of Planning Commission's recommendation 1of1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOI{ANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-040 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-015 WHICH ADOPTED THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set , forth in the Spokane Valley Municipa] Code (SVMC) and the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Map through Ordinance No. 07-015; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually (RCW 36.70A130); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Council) oi by the Community Development Director based on ci6zen reqaests or when changed condiYions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, zone changes under consideration with the annual Comprehensive Plan amendments are to be considered as area-wide rezones pursuant to 17.80.140 of the SVMC; and WHEREAS, consistent with the GMA City of Spokane Valley adopted Public Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans and area-wide rezones; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Municipal Code provides that amendment applications shall be received until November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, the application was submitted by the applicant to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and WHEREAS, following the application to the City, staff conducted an environmental reyiew to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendment; and V✓HEREAS, after reviewing ihe Environmental Checklist, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) on December 19, 2008 for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald on December 19, 2008, and posted the DNS on site and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and I Ordinance 09-040 Zoning Map Changes Page 1 of 5. WHEREAS, the Washington Sfate Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development was notified on February 27, 2009 pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 providing a 60- day notice of intent to adopt amendment to the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a briefing on February 26, 2009, to review the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald on February.20, 2009; and WHEREAS, on February 20, 2009, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject property ; and WHEREAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on March 12, 2009 at which time the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony agd a staff report and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Commission, at the conclusion of the public heazing and after deliberating on the proposed amendment and information presenteii during the course of the hearing, continued the public hearing to March 26, 2009 for CPA-Ol-09; and WHEREAS, the Coriunission deliberated on CPA-01-09 on March 26, 2009; the , Commission recominended approva] of amendment proposal; and WHEREAS, on March 3l, 2009, Counoil reviewed the Commission's recominendations on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 2009, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the ptoposed amendment; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 2009, Council considered a second ordinance reading at which time Council removed CPA-Ol-09; and WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff or conduct research on development agieements in assooiation with coinprehensive plan amendments; and V✓HERSAS, on August 11, 2009 the City Coiuicil adopted ordinance 09-015, an emergency ordinance allowing for development agreements in association with comprehensive plan amendments; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2009 the City Council held a public heazing on associated development agreement; and Ordinance 09-040 Zoping Map Changes Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, on December 8, 2009, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt � the proposed amendments. � NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: ! Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to ainend the Official Zoning ' Map adopted ihrough Ordinance No. 07-015 in order to permit the property described herein to be used in a matter consistent with the same. _ i Section 2. Plannine Commission Findines. The City Council aclmowledges that the Commissiou conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval oflhe ameridment i to the Comprehensive Plan map. The City Council hereby adopts the following Commission's findings: 1. Notice for the proposed amendment was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on February 20, 2009 and the site was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a descriplion of the proposai. 2. Notice of the map amendment proposal was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of affected site. 3. Pursuarit to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA — RCW 43,21 C) environmental checklist was required for proposed comprehensiv.e plan map amendment. 4. Staff reviewed tHe environmental checklist and a threshold determination was made for the comprehensive plan amendment request. Determination of Non-significance (DNS) was issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendment on December 19, 2008. 5. The DNS was published in the city's official newspaper on December 19, 2008 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on Mazch 12, 2009, to consider the proposed amendment. 7. The Comrriission continned the public hearing for CPA-01-09 to March 26, 2009: 8, On March 26, 2009, the Commission made recommendation on CPA-Ol-09. Section 3. Citv Council Findin¢s. The City Council hereby adopts the following findings: 1. The planning goals of the Growth Management Act (GMA) were considered anci the proposed amendment is consistent with the GNIA. 2. The goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were considered and the p;oposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed land use and zoning designations are consistent with the current use of the property. � 4. Findings were made and factors were considered to ensure compliance with approval criteria contained in Section 17.80.140 H. (Comprehensive Plan amendment and azea-wide rezones) of the Sp,okane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Ordinance 09-040 Zaning Map Changes Page 3 of 5 5. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map will not adversely affect the public's general health, safety, and welfare. 6. That, with the approval of thee Development Agreement, attached hereto and this by reference incorporated herein, specifically limiting certain development, the council amends the Planning Commission's recommendation and rezones for the entire property as set forth below. Section 4. Pro e. The properties subjaot to this Ordinance are described in Attachment "A." File No. CPA-Ol-09: Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to change the designation on parcels 45242.9032, 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242:9036, 45242.9050, 45242.9051, 45242.9056 and 45242.9057 from Low Derisity Residential to High Density Residential. Applicant: Dennis Cra�o; 15321 East Mission Avenue; Spokane Valley, WA 99037 and Joy Swenson; 15808 East 4' Avenue; Spokane Valley, WA 9903745242 Amendment Location: Pazcels 45242:9032, 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242.9036, 45242.9050, Joy .9051, 45242,9056 and 45242.9057; located on the south side of 4'�' Avenue between Sullivan Road and Conklin Road; further located in the south half of the northwest quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette IVleridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council Decision: Change Parcels 45242.9032, 45242.9033, 45242.9035, 45242.9036, 45242.9050, 45242.9051, 45242.9056 nnd 45242.9057 to Multi-family High Density Residential District (MF-2) associated �vith development agreement. Section 5. Zonine Man/Official Controls. Pursuant to RCW 35A,63.100, for the purpose of regulating the use of land and to implement and give affect to the Comprehensive Plan the City hereby amends the Official Zoning NIap of the City as set forth in Attachment ��A» Section 6. Adoption of Other Laws. To the extent that any provision of the SVMC, or any other law, rule or regulation referenced in the attached Zoning Map(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability or interpretation of the Zoning NIap(s), then such piovision of the SVMC, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. $ection 7. Map - CoQies on File-Administrative Action. The Zoning Map is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the .City Department of Community Development. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Zoning Map in a manner consistent with this Ordinance. Section 8. Liabilitv. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the pYO"visions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public and are not intended to profect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Ordinance 09-040.Zoning Map C6anges Page 4 pf 5 ecti n. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. Section 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of December 2009 Mayor, Richazd Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 09-040 Zoning Map Changes Page 5 of 5 : � � i i� :i �■ 11 ■ � 1 �" _v — ', . �! . ��� � � � � � _ ■ � �� � � 11. �1'��:i� � � � ' '' ■ «t � ■ � � � � j,� ;;/ � i n�� � , .. , ////�/•.. - �I� � 11 � ��i� - : •. � , ��� ., � ��%� : � • � � ♦ � � �' ��/� ♦ �� � �i/i � � . �► ♦ �. - ��/i �■ � i%! ��� 1��►� ��, ; . . �/�� / � �� G� �����. ,�� � �� ' ►� � � �� � ��I � '' �� 11 I � 1� , . ♦ ����. � � � ■ , IIII��r 'i ��� ��_.�iiiiii; iiio: iiio; ii�iiiie-iiiiii�ioiiiii , ,,,.,,, „ ,_„ , , ,. � , , ,,:, � � � � � • � � : � i i i 1 ' � I I ' � i � . ' 1 ' I I I • � �� : _ 'I 'I � 'I 'I i 'I .i� '1 � : i i i 1� �iin�� 1��: u�i �'i �i _i 1 _ � , � � � �' � — �. � ' .� �� 11 ■ ' � � �" �. � � : �,� , �� i � �y � �- � i � � � ��i �����iil � � � ' '' ■ tit ■ ■ % , �%%;%i� - I �n� I ; � % / /%//�.. � �I� � � �� � � �%%� � : • . � � : . �� � �!%� : .'�� ��� � �� � %��%� r �., �► �� � . �■ � �%! ��� ���►� ��. _ � Ir�� � � �� �� ����� ,�� � ��.. �� ,� � �� _ � �►� � r ., I1 , �. . . I � 1 ���� , �� � 1111��� � ��� �ii��ifiia; ii�i iiii; iiiiiii� � ii i ���: �i i:i� i � i� ��•, i „�i � •i:i�i � �� � 1' � 11 '� � i: ' I I ' 1 ' I •' ' I ' 1 � ' 1 e i � ' � �: ��•� ' i i �� :� � i i� � � i: ' 1 �' i. i�' i i u 1' i � n i 1 � � � � � � i 1 � � � i � i — — i � 11 ' � � � � � i : � ' � � i � i i � i I — — CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-041, amending SVMC 6.05.090, and 8.45.010 relating to Firearm Restrictions. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 9.41.290; RCW 9.41.300; SVMC 6.05.090; SVMC 8.45.010. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: The Parks & Recreation Department is currently updating some of its administrative policies. As part of this process, City's Legal Department recommends that certain Code provisions pertaining to special events and vendors in parks be amended to be consistent with current City practice and policies. The following are the proposed Code revision amendments: (1) Currently, SVMC 5.15.010 and 6.05.050 require a special event permit for any activity on public property with an estimated attendance of 15 or more peopie, or a dance of five or more persons. This requirement creates unnecessarily burdensome and unrealistic requirements for City citizens. Staff recommends that these Code provisions be amended to require a special event permit for temporary activities on public property which affect the ordinary use of public property, as well as any activity where 200 or more peopie are estimated to attend. (2) Currently, SVMC 5.15.050 requires that a special event permit application be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director at least five business days before the date on which the event will occur. This short notice requirement has the potential to cause significant burden on the City. Staff recommends that this provision require special event permits to be submitted at least four weeks before the date on which the event will occur. (3) SVMC 6.05.090(L) allows the sale of goods and services in City parks by contract with the City or by permit through the Parks & Recreation Department; however, SVMC 6.05.060 allows the sale of goods and services in City parks and facilities through written agreement with the City only. In order to make these two provisions consistent, Staff recommends amending the language in SVMC 6.05.060 to grant the Parks & Recreation Department the authority to issue permits for the sale of goods of services. In addition to these provisions and policies, Staff recommends that changes be made to Code provisions regarding firearms possession in parks and firearm discharge within City boundaries. The Washington Uniform Firearms Act (RCW Chapter 9.41) preempts City laws and ordinances regarding firearm possession and discharge (see RCW 9.41.290). RCW 9.41.300(2)(b) allows cities to enact laws and ordinances restricting firearm possession only in city-operated stadiums or convention centers. SVMC 6.05.090 enters state-preempted terrain by prohibiting firearm possession in parks and facilities. Staff recommends that the provision prohibiting firearm possession in City parks and facilities be amended to conform to state law. Many cities in Washington are reviewing and amending similar provisions at this time. Additionally, cities may enact laws and ordinances restricting firearm discharge only "where there is a reasonable likelihood that humans, domestic animals, or property will be jeopardized:" RCW 9.41.300(2)(a). SVMC 8.45.010 prohibits firearm discharge within the entire City, but does not mention the existence of a reasonable likelihood that humans, domestic animals, or property will be jeopardized. Staff recommends that this provision be amended to include such language. OPTIONS: Seek additional information, advance to a second reading with or without modifications; or take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance ordinance 09-041 to a second reading BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Anticipated to be revenue neutral. STAFF CONTACT: Jandon Mitchell, Legal Intern; Mike Connelly, City Attorney; Mike Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance 09-041 amending SVMC 6.05.090 and 8.45.010 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-041 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 6.05.090 AND 8.45.010 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FII2EARM RESTRICTIONS. WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 9.41 (The Washington Uniform Firearms Act) preempts city laws and ordinances regarding firearm possession and discharge; and WHEREAS, RCW 9.41300(2)(b) allows cities to enact laws and ordinances restricting firearm possession only in city-operated stadiums or convention centers; and WHEREAS, the City of Spoka�e Valley previously adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code 6.05.090, prohibiting the possession of firearms in City parks and facilities; and WHEREAS, RCW 9.41300(2)(a) further allows cities to enact laws and ordinances restricting firearm dischazge only "where there is a reasonable likelihood that humans, domestic animals, or property will be jeopardized"; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted Spokane Valley Municipal Code 8.45.010, regulating the discharge of firearms within the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 6.05.090 is hereby amended as set forth below. 6. 05.090 Rules governing use of Ciry parks and facilities — Violation a misdemeanor. G. Firearms, Weapons. No person except duly authorized law enforcement personnel shall I possess a��bow and arrow, crossbow, or air or gas weapon in a City park or facility. No person shall discharge across, in, or onto any facility a firearm, bow and arrow, crossbow, air or gas weapon, or any device capable of injuring or killing any person or animal, or damaging or destroying any public or private property. This subsection shall not apply where the department issued a special event permit for such activity. SecHon 2. Remainder of SVMC 6.05 Unchan¢ed. The remaining provisions of SVMC 6.05 are unchanged by this amendment. Section 3. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 8.45.010 is hereby amended as set foRh below. 8.45.010 Discharge of firearms prohibited. I A. Any person who knowingly discharges a firearm within the City is guilty of a misdemeanor: because there is a reasonable likelihood tUat humans, domestic animals, or propertv will be ieonardized. Ordinance 09-041 Firearm restrictions Page 1 of 2 DRAFT B. "Firearm" means a weapon or device from which a projectile or projectiles may be fired by an explosive such as gunpowder. C. The provisions of this section do not apply to: 1. A person engaged in military activities sponsored by the federal or state govemments, while engaged in official duties; 2. Law enforcement personnel; 3. Security personnel while engaged in official duties; and 4. A person utilizing a properly licensed institutional, membership and/or commercial shooting range. Section 4 . Remainder of SVMC 8.45 Unchaneed. The remaining provisions of SVMC 8.45 are unchanged by this amendment. Section 5. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity of unconstitutionaliTy shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis Ordinance. Section 6 . Effective Date This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council this _ day of , 2009. Mayor, Richard M. Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 09-041 Firearm restrictions Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ pubiic hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Allocation of Lodging Tax Funds GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State Law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: On October 22 the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee met to hear presentations from applicants regarding tourism promotion. Presentations were made by the Spokane Regional Sports Commission, Valley fest, Spokane Valley Heritage Museum and Spokane Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau. Each year the City makes dollars available from lodging ta�c receipts for tourism promotion programs. Afrer the presentations and committee diswssion, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommended ffie following awards: Spokane Regional Sports $125,000 Valley fest 10,000 Spokane Valley Heritage Museum -0- Spokane Regional Conv.Nisitors Bureau 200,000 Centerplace 90,000 Total $425,000 OPTIONS: 1) Approve the recommendations of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to promote tourism via these events; 2) Modify the amounts of these awards; 3) Reject these recommendations. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to allocate the following Lodging Tax Funds for 2010: Spokane Regionai Sports: Valleyfest: Spokane Valley Heritage Museum: Spokane Regional convention/Visitor's Bureau: CenterPlace: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost to the City for this action will be $425,000 in lodging tax receipts which can only be used for tourism promotion. STAFF CONTACT: Finance Director Ken Thompson ALLOCATION OF LODGINGTAX: Organization Allocated Allocated Rec'd 2008 2009 2010 Spokane Fair/Expo $ 30,000 $ 18,250 $ - * Spokane Con. & Visitors $ 306,000 $ 236,000 $ 200,000 Valleyfest $ 30,000 $ 27,500 $ 10,000 Reg. Sports Commission $ 145,000 $ 115,000 $ 125,000 Spokane Winery $ 8,300 $ - $ - * U.S. Figure Skating $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ - * CenterPlace $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 Heritage Museum $ - $ 3,250 $ - Total $ 624,300 $ 505,000 $ 425,000 * Did not apply for funding for 2010 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Renewal GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Approval on April 24, 2007, Contract Renewal on February 6, 2008 and January 20, 2009 BACKGROUND: The City conducted a RFP process in March 2007. In April 2007 the Council awarded the contract to Poe Asphalt Paving by the following motion: 4. Motion Consideration: Conh�act Auvroval for Street aud Stonnwater mainteulnce aud Reuair — Neil Kersteu. It ivas rnoi�ed 6y Councilmember Munson and seconded to mvard the contract to Poe Asphali Paving in nm m�ount not to e+-ce.ed ,�1,175,119, and a:dhori:e the City Mnnnge.r or designee to sign the contrnct nnd future seren year reneivable opJions as prm�ided zn the RFP docrmieiits. Public Worl:s Director Kersten explained that there have Ueen no changes siuce this was last discussed before Council. Deputy Mayor Taylor invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclavrntion: In fm�or: Uriariirnorrs. Oppased• None. Ab.rtentions: None. Mottorr cmried. The contract was for one year with seven one-year renewal options which may be exercised by the City. Poe Asphalt Paving provided an exceilent level of service during 2007, 2008 and 2009. The Contract amount has been unchanged for 3 years. City streets are continuing to decline in the Overall Condition Index (OCI) which is resulting in a decline of about 2.5% per year as the result of a lack of adequate maintenance. An increase of $200,000 will provide some improvement to the overall shortfall. Poe Asphalt has requested a 3.3°/a increase to their unit bid prices for labor. All other unit prices will remain the same for 2010. I recommend that we approve the unit price increases and approve the base contract to Poe Asphalt paving in the amount of $1,375,119. OPTIONS: Renew the contract amount not to exceed $1,375,119, or provide staff with further direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the contract to Poe Asphalt Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,375,119 and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the contract. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract will be funded by the approved 2010 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS: 2010 draft contact renewal letter Spokane � Va11ey � 11707 E Spregue Ave Suite 106 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 � Fax: 509.921.1008 � cityhall@spokanevalley.org December XX, 2009 Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. 2732 N Beck Road Post Falls, ID 83854 Re: Implementation of 2010 option year, Contract No. 09-003, for Agreement for Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services, No. 07-008, executed March 13, 2007 Dear Mr. Griffith: The City executed a contract for provision of Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services on May 11, 2007. The Request for Proposal states that it was far one yeaz, with 7 optional one yeaz terms possible if the parties mutually agree to exercise the options each yeaz. The City would like to exercise the 2010 option yeaz of the Agreement. The Compensation as outline in Exhibit A, 2010 Cost Proposal, includes the increases you requested and shall not exceed $1,375,119. This is the third of seven possible option years that can be exercised, and runs through December 31, 2010. Exhibit "A" — 2010 Cost Proposal All of the other contract provisions contained in the original agreement are in place and will remain unchanged in exercising this option year. If you are in agreement with exercising the 2010 option yeaz, please sign below to acknowledge the receipt and concurrence to perform the 2010 option year. Please return two (2) copies to the City for execution. A fully executed original copy will be mailed to you for your files. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. Name and title Name and title Date signed Date signed ABOR Costs Descri tion Hourl Cost OT Cost �erintendenUMan er S 56.35 $ 70.05 �eman $ 41.85 $ 55.45 eretar $ 40.85 $ 54.45 amster $ 40.85 $ 54.45 �orer $ 37.85 $ 50.35 =QUIPMENT Descri tion Hourl Cost KW Tractor $ 60.00 KW End Dum $ 60.00 KW End Dum $ 60.00 DW End Dum $ 60.00 Pete End Dum $ 60.00 KW End Dum � $ � 60.00 Pete Su er Dum $ 80.50 Pete Su er Dum $ 80.50 Pete Su er Dum $ 80.50 Pete Su er Dum $ 80.50 Pete Su er Dum $ 80.50 7 Water Truck $ 44.50 3 Water Truck $ 60.00 i Ford Tack Truck $ 44.50 3 Ford Service Truck $ 39.00 J Ford F250 $ 16.00 9 Ford F150 $ 16.00 2 Ford F450 $ 26.75 3 Ford F450 $ 26.75 7 Ford F550 $ 26.75 iTrailkin Lowbed $ 37.00 2 4 axle u $ 21.00 3 4 axle u $ 21.00 7 4 axle u $ 21.00 3 4 axle u $ 21.00 7 Bell Dum Trailer $ 21.00 4 3 axle tilt trailer $ 26.25 1 Trailmax Trailer $ 15.75 2 Trailmax Trailer $ 15.75 3 Trailmax Trailer $ 15.75 1 Cat Grade Roller $ 54.50 3 DD 34 Roller $ 44.25 1 D na ac 102 Roller $ 44.25 9 DD70 Roller $ 65.00 i DD110 Roller � $ � 79.00 5 Boma $ 85.00 4 Blawknox 5510 � $ 175.00 2 John Deere 210 $ 50.00 B Huber 750 $ 55.00 1 Cat 160 � $ 85.50 B Broce Broom $ 55.00 5 tack Trailer $ 16.00 A Plate Wackers $ 5.30 6 Multi saw $ 26.25 MATERIALS Descri tion Cost �A $ 59.00 p Course (5/8) $ 6.30 SUBCONTRACTORS LIST � �od 's As halt Sealcoatin , Inc. 3nk Gurne , Inc. )M Construction, Inc �rthwest Fence �rthwest Landsca e meron Contractin , Inc. li se Traffic Control & Fla in Y5 E e Excavatin � SUBCONTRACTORS MATERIALS - Descri tion Unit Unit Cost iarrv Soalls Ton $ 14.00 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business � new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Street Sweeping Contract Renewal GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Street Sweeping Contract Approval on March 3, 2007, Contract Renewal on January 22, 2008 and December 9, 2008 BACKGROUND: The City conducted an RFP process in February 2007. In March 2007 the Council awarded the contract to AAA Sweeping by the following motion: NER' BUSINESS 2. Motion Considerarion: Str�eet Sweeping Request for Prouosals — Jolm Hohu�vi Engineer Holunan explained that tlus issue was previonsly presented to Council November 14 aud Febmary 20; aud that staff now seeks approval of the contract to AAA Sweeping in an amount not to exceed $473,687. It H�ns nroved by Counciln�ember Denenrry and secon�led ta nti{�ard the contrnct to AAA Stiveeying in ar� nnaount not fo ecceed �473,687 nnd authori�e the City Manager to sign the conhact and fiiture sereny-ear rerreival options n.r prorided in ihe RFP documents. Mayor Williite invited public cottunent; no comments were offered. Vote b�� Accaarnation: Iri Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Mofion cnrried. The contract was for one year with seven one-year renewal options which may be exercised by the City. AAA Sweeping provided a very good level of service during 2007, 2008 and 2009. In 2009 the total approved contract amount was $490,199.94. There will be no increase in the 2010 unit prices and the total contract amount will remain at $490,199.94. I recommend that we renew the contract for 2010. OPTIONS: Award the contract for an amount not to exceed $490,199.94, or give staff further direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the contract to AAA Sweeping in an amount not to exceed $490,199.94 and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the contract. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract will be funded by the 2010 approved budget. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS 2010 DRAFT contact renewal letter. Spol�ane jValley� 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 � Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 � Fax: 509.921.1008 1 cityhall@spokanevalley.org December XX, 2009 AAA Sweeping, LLC P O Box 624 Veradale, WA 99037 Re: Implementation of 2010 option year, Contract No. 09-004, for Agreement for Street Sweeping Services, No. 07-001, executed March 13, 2007 Deaz Mc Sazgent: The City executed a contract for provision of Street Sweeping services on March 13, 2007. The Request for Proposal states that it was for one year, with 7 optional one yeaz terms possible if the parties mutually agree to exercise the options each yeaz. The City would like to exercise the 2010 option yeaz of the Agreement. The Compensation as outline in Exhibit A, 2010 Cost Proposal, shall not exceed $490,199.94. This is the third of seven possible option yeazs that can be exercised, and runs from January 1 through December 31, 2010. Exhibit "A" — 2010 Cost Proposal A1l of the other contract provisions contained in the original agreement are in place and will remain unchanged in exercising this option yeaz. Please sign below to acknowledge the receipt and concurrence to perform the 2009 option yeaz. Please retum two (2) copies to the Ciry for execution. A fully executed original copy will be mailed to you for your files. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AAA Sweeping, LLC Name and title Name and title Date signed Date signed Attachment A AAA SWEEPING 2010 PRICING - a ��E"��. } �r- rr �'^-tf's ��r� ti�i �' t�'�Y � `� x:2010 f"'i;. ;: ��ITEM "�' u N'` ° ,;; t DESCRIPTION � y ,'� �_�� c E a: �_.��,�� t�r.�+.�:��., .�s '�..'`�.��2�.;r-�e-`„s i�UfVITtPRICE; 1 Mechanical5weeper $ 144.27 2 Kick/Angle Brooms $ 105.32 3 Regenerative Air Sweeper $ 144.27 4 WaterTruck $ 105.32 5 Dump Truck/ End Truck $ 105.32 6 Loader $ 105.32 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 8, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent � old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information � admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Pines/Mansfield Project (#0005) — Change Orders Approvals GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 — Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Approval of Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Pines/Mansfield project, 2) approval of application for federal grant funding for the Pines/Mansfield Project, 3) approval of Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement with the TIB for the Pines/Mansfield project; 4) approval of a quit-claim on one parcel to complete right-of-way acquisition; 5) informational memo in June 3, 2008 Council Packets; 6) _ award of construction contract to Inland Asphalt; 7) Additional Change Order Authority for City Manager, June 2, 2009 BACKGROUND: During the course of the PineslMansfield Project additional costs were incurred resulting in the need for two additionai change orders requiring council approval. The first change order is for a claim by the earthwork subcontractor for delays related to utility conflicts and increased working days. The second change order is for the increased quantities of materials used to complete the project. Staff will provide further details based on the attached presentation. OPTIONS: Discussion only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion only. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are sufficient funds appropriated in the 2009 Street Capital Projects Fund #303 to cover these additional costs. Staff will be reviewing how the additional local funds used on the Pines/Mansfield Project will impact available local funds for future projects. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Attachment: PowerPoint Presentation Pines/Mansfield Corridor Co ng es tion R Project Project Summary Change Order Approval Request Proj ect Summary � Project Summary Timeline ❑ July 2003 — Assumed ownership of project ❑ Dec 2004 — Received additional federal grant ❑ Feb 2005 — Developer Agreements finalized ❑. July 2005 — Design/Environmental work began ❑ Nov 2006 — Right-of-Way acquisition began ❑ May 2008 — Project went out to bid ❑ June 2008 — Construction began ❑ June 2009 — Project completed Project Summary Partners ❑ Spokane County m Design of Mansfield Avenue m Environmental Permitting a Right-of-Way Acquisition o Utility Coordination ❑ WSDOT o Design of Pines Road (SR 27) & I-90 Ramps m Construction Contract Management/Inspection 2. Project Summary Project Cost Summary ❑ .JUlle ZOOg (attimeofBid) .p5 ❑ SOpt ZOO9 (FinalEstimate) �6�627�0�0 - ❑ Current Funding $5,631,000 c T'IB $2,294,000 o CMAQ $1,943,000 o STA $ 525,000 e Developers $ 545,000 o City $ 324,000 Additional Funds Needed $ 996,000 Project Summary Major Reasons for Cost Increases ❑ Delay Claim for Earthwork $160,500 ❑ Other delay related costs $353,100 (70 vs. 135 working days) ❑ Increased Quantities $112,500 ❑ Increased WSDOT Costs $116,000 ❑ Additional UPRR Costs $170,000 Total $91!2,100 3 Project Summary Project Funding Overview Sept 2009 State Grant $2,294,000 �3s�ro� Federal Grants $1,942,000 �z9�ro> Developers $ 545,000 � s�ro> WSDOT $ 50,000 �a^io> STA $ 525,000 � s�io> City $1,320,000 �ao�ro> Total $6,627,000 Change Order Approval Request 4 Change Order Approval Request ❑ Two Change Orders for Council approval: o CO #36 — Earthwork Subcontractor Delay Claim m CO #37 - Summary of Increased Quantities Change Order Approval Request CO #36 — Earthwork Delay Claim ❑ Delayed Road Clearing and Excavation Work ❑ Power poles/Underground Utility Conflicts ❑ Did not have full access to wark site as planned ❑ Utility work not included in working day calculations ❑ Cost: $150,000 + Markup = $160,500 ❑ Exceeds City Manger C.O. Authority ❑ Staff Recommends Approval 5 Change Order Approval Request � CO #37 — Increased Quantities ❑ Major items increased: m Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul $ 16,500 m Crushed Surfacing Base Course $ 63,000 o HMA Cl. '/2 in. PG 70-28 $ 85,800 e Additional Traffic Control $310,000 ❑ Original quantity estimates were low ❑ Contract requires we pay for `actual' quantities used ❑ Staff recommends approval Change Order Approval Request Availability of Funds ❑ Street Capital Projects Fund 303 has sufficient funds allocated in the 2009 budget — no budget amendment required ❑ Staff will review how the use of these ^ additional local funds will impact ability to move ahead with future projects s ,_ _:. . - � r _ _ ,__._, �-- _ � � � � � - ;- . �.- � .--: . _ � - •;:. : ; tsK�1�—_�"-a _ ;.. -_'�� „,rv' k . � r ::. ... Y ` Y ,r.u✓�� c•r ^'^"..�= H, „<.-•x'� :_'. ` m . r a " ~ IF � � � ��� : t ..� i <E`�a"'^°�e"""'.�"°^�':3 �Y� I�. r � .� , i,t`- Fa' �� .. �t i . . � 't ;Y. �.( _.' I .-- . a�'�-�'.{ �� -- � / �.� .f` � I , %�' : . -c,. � . ��- ���1- � ,- ,� _, __ _.:,. _ : � . . . _. - . .. . . r. � , ' � ' ■ - � �- • �� I . . -, „�- �. , ,{ . , P ll �C � � . �. '.� , „ �.t'C—'� ' --J • _ �__� '. ._ �c� — A � ' r(�R)Z � � _ �: J � 2 � � ,�l' I Project Benefits o Most increased , �, , � costs would � i ` ' = ; � still have .....� I „ ;,: been paid if �.� . y _ �'j�' .:.,,� +� �` we knew �' them ahead of —� ^, time. ❑ Total city ''�� - match within typical grant requirements J° � � � J� Options i> Approve Change Orders: m #36 Degerstrom Delay Claim – $160,500 o #37 Quantity Overruns - $466,000 2� Deny Change Order #36 — wait for lawsuit 3> Additional Direction for staff s Questions? 9 Sp o°'l�ane . . , ,�sValley Memo To: City Council From: Greg Bingaman Date: December 3, 2009 Re: Costs for a consultant for Engineering a soiutions for Broadcasting City Council Meetings At council request, I have contacted several companies that can provide broadcasting engineering consulting services. The chart below reflects their hourly price and some current clients they are working with: Or anization Cost Per Hour Clients Communi Minded 7V $66.64 S okane Coun , Greater S okane Inc Bunkhouse Media $50.00 Ci of Coeur d' Alene, Ci of Ha den Gov N $150.00 Oran e Coun , CA Twisted Pair $60.00 S okane Coun , Ci of S okane StafPs recommendation would be to use Bunkhouse media, their cost is reasonable and they have recently engineered a solution for Broadcasting for the City of Coeur d' Alene and are currently engineering a Broadcast solution for the city of Hayden, ID. I believe their experience in working in the Government sector gives them a very good understanding of challenges faced by govemment agencies and they will be more familiar with any nuisances and pitfalls associated with working within that spectrum. We expect the cost of this consulting agreement to be between $2,000 and $10,000. Greg Bingaman Infortnation Technology Specialist City of Spokane Valley