2009, 12-22 Regular Meeting �� AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL MEETING FORMAT Tuesday, December 22, 2009 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Plense Silence Your Cel[ Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER: INVOCATION: Pastor James Kashork of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject not on the agenda for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered sepazately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE W/VOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 11/24/2009 Voucher #18991 through #19009, and $469,840.40 #1120090004 12/02/2009 Vouchers 2990, 2991, 2992 and 2993 $51,785.97 12/042009 Voucher #19022 through #19082, and $� 7Zg 327.96 #1130090008 and 1203090008 12/04/2009 Vouchers#19083throu h#19091 $9,531.53 12/07/2009 Voucher # 19092 $500.00 12/14/2009 Voucher #19096 throu h #19129 $295,362.07 12/14/2009 Voucher#19130throu h #19152 $73,798.85 GRAND TOTAL $2,629,146.78 b. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending December 15, 2009: $249,047.84 c. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 1, 2009 Executive Session d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 1, 2009, Study Session Fortnat e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 8, 2009, Formal Meeting Format f. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2009, Study Session Format g. Approval of Former Payroll Vouchers h. Approval of Former Claim Vouchers Council Agenda 12-22-09 Page 1 of 2 2. OTHER BUSINESS Councilmember Recognition PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject not on the agenda for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS n/a INFORMATION ONLY: (will not be discussed or reported): 3. Department Repor[s 4. Response to Public Comments 5. City Attomey Memo Concerning Planning Commission Membership EXECUTIVE SESSION N/A ADJOURNM�NT General Meeline Sckedule (meeting schedule is always subject to change) Reeular Council meetines are ¢enerallv held everv Tuesdav beeinnine at 6•00 o m The Formal meetin formats are enerall held the 2" and 4�' Tuesda s. Formal meeting have time allocated for general public comments as well as comments afrer each action item. The Studv Session formats (the less formal meetingl are generally held the 1�' 3` and sometimes 5` Tuesdavs. Study Session formats DO NOT have time allocated for general public comments; but if action items are inctuded, comments are permitted after those specific action items. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend [he meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairmen[s, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangemen[s may be made. Council Agenda 12-22-09 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-22-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE W/VOUCHER NiJMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT I1/24/2009 Voucher #18991 through #19009, and $469,840.40 #1120090004 12/02/2009 Vouchers 2990, 2991, 2992 and 2993 $51,785.97 12/042009 Voucher #19022 through #19082, and $1,728,327.96 #1130090008 and 1203090008 12/04/2009 Vouchers #19083 throu h #19091 $9,531.53 12/07/2009 Voucher # 19092 $500.00 12/14/2009 Voucher#19096 throu h #19129 $295,362.07 12/14/2009 Voucher#19130throu h #19152 $73,798.85 GRAND TOTAL $2,629,146.78 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist 11/24/2009 12:48:08PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 1ggg1 11/24/2009 001081 ALSCO 1g992 11/24/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 18993 11/24/2009 001926 DAVENPORT, SARAH 18994 11/24/2009 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 18995 11/24/2009 000165 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS 18996 11/24/2009 001846 ECOPLAN-DESIGN 18997 11/24/2009 002157 ELJAY OIL COMPANY 18998 11/24/2009 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 18999 11/24/2009 000505 H& H FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 19000 11/24/2009 002200 HARRIS, NORMA 19001 11/24/2009 001439 K&L GATES LOCKHART 19002 11/24/2009 002199 LAMP, JESSICA MOTE Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice PO # LSP0705597 sassaa EXPENSES 281418 769794 195 42177 4159925 Nov 09 Nav 09 Odober 09 REFUND 2074696 2074713 REFUND Description/Account Floor Mats Total : COPIER COSTS21799- LEGAL ToWI: MILEAGE Total : LONG SHORT PLAT REVIEW SVS: � Total : RRTW- WAYNE D MCGAVRAN Total : LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SEF Total : OIL PRODUCTS FOR SNOW PLOW Total : COPIER COST Total : LEASE PAYMENT LEASE PAYMENT Total : REFUND DEPOSIT Total : LEGAL SERVICES THROUGH 10/31 LEGAL SERVICES THROUGH 10/31 Total : DEPOST REFUND Page: Page: 7 Amount 16.88 16.88 46.89 46.89 25.85 25.65 2,972.50 2,972.50 1,787.49 1,787.49 5,232.13 5,232.13 185.94 7 85.94 1,497.81 1,497.81 954.39 954.39 1,908.78 52.00 52.00 696.00 5,490.76 6,186.76 210.00 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 11/2412009 12:48:O8PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19002 11/24/2009 002199 002199 LAMP, JESSICA MOTE 19003 11/24/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 19004 11/24/2009 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE 19005 11/24/2009 001100 SPOKANE CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 19006 11/24/2009 000617 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 19007 11/24/2009 001464 llN TEIECOM 19008 11/24/2009 000487 YMCA OF THE INLAND NW 19009 11/24l2009 001885 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC 1120090004 11/20/2009 000497 BANK OF NEW YORK 20 Vouchers for bank code : epbank 20 Vouchers in this report Invoice (Continued) 497833145001 OCTOBER 2009 Sept 09 . 3rd Qtr 2009 03249193 Sept&Oct 2009 November 2009 11/04/09-1597 PO # Description/Account Amount Total : 210.00 42499 KITCHEN & OFFICE SUPPLIES 92.48 Total : 92.48 RECORDING FEES 1,251.00 ToWI : 1,251.00 X-52 DUI EMPHASIS GRANT 1,852.36 Total : 1,852.36 3RD QUARTER 2009: LIQUOR TAX 5,852.47 Total : 5,852.47 INTERNETlDATA LILNES:CP 1,686.54 Total : 1,686.54 SEPT & OCT 09- OPERATION AND 33,168.00 Total : 33,168.00 DARK FIBER LEASE 22827 Total : 228.27 DEC 09: DEBT SVC PMT 405,56625 Total : 405,586.25 Bank total : 469,840.40 Total vouchers : 469,840.40 Page: 2 vchlist 11/24/2009 12:48:08PM Bank code : epbeflk Voucher Date Vendor I, the undersigned, do ceAiTy under penalty of peryury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor pertormetl as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and lhat I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Voucner List Spokane Valley Invoice PO # Description/Account Page: Page: Amount vchlist 12/02/2009 9:46:54AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 2990 11/20/2009 000162 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A EX Ben31274 2g91 11/20/2009 000145 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS, 4! Ben31276 2992 11/20/2009 000682 EFTPS Ben31278 2993 11/20l2009 000048 VANTAGE TRANSFER AGENTS, 401A PL Ben31280 4 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 4 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authe ticate and cedify to said claim. � Finance Director . Date PO # Description/Account 401 EXEC PLAN: Payment Total : 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION: f Total : FEDERAL TAXES: Payment Total 401A: Payment ToWI � Bank total Total vouchers Page: 1 Amount 1,245.77 1,245.77 3,821.13 3,821.13 25,261.35 25,261.35 21,457.72 21,457.72 51,785.97 51,785.97 Page: 1 vchlist 12/04/2009 3:01:50PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19022 12/4/2009 000400 AIA 19023 1?J4/2009 001534 ALL PRINT 19024 12/4/2009 001081 ALSCO 19025 12/4/2009 001715 AMERICAN RED CROSS 19026 12/4/2009 000135 APA 19027 12/4/2009 001583 ARC OF SPOKANE 19028 12/4/2009 000444 ARCTIC LIGHTING & ELECTRIC 19029 12/4/2009 002206 BARLOW, LORI 19030 12/4/2009 000841 BCI CREATIVE INC 19031 12/4/2009 001409 BEST LINE 19032 12/4/2009 000978 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 19033 12/4/2009 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 2005048828 12549 LSP0712894 NOV 2009 124840-090503 REFUND 10485 EXPENSES 9512 053111252009 9071004 9072904 50034991 50035092 M09218-10 PO # 42110 Description/Account 2010 MEMBERSHIP: N KERSTEN Total : BUSINESS CARDS Total : FLOOR MATS ToWI: BABYSITTING TRAINING Totai : ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP- MICKI HAF Total : DEPOSIT REFUND ToTal : ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PRECINC Total : REFUND: AICP TEST Total : WEBSITE DESIGN: CP Total : ANSWERING SVC: CP ToWI: LINEN SUPPLY: CP LINEN SUPPLY: CP LINEN SUPPLY: CP LINEN SUPPLY: CP Total : GEOTECH & MATERIALS TESTING Page: Page: 1 Amount 595.00 595.00 271.75 271.75 19.69 7 9.69 336.00 336.00 210.00 z�o.00 52.00 52.00 743.73 743.73 485.00 485.00 95.00 95.00 20.00 20.00 150.59 152.01 151.76 374.70 829.06 2,555.33 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 12/04/2009 3:07:50PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19033 1Z4/2009 000796 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC 19034 12/4/2009 000572 CARTER, CAROL 19035 12/4/2009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 19036 12/4/2009 001888 COMCAST 19037 12/4/2009 002020 CUES 19038 12/4/2009 001280 DEPT OF LICENSING 19039 19040 19041 Invoice (Continued) EXPENSES 3820:040184 3820-039695 December2009 317158 00002322 00002438 12J4/2009 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST November 2009 12/4/2009 000999 EASTERN WA ATTORNEY SVC, INC 30991 12/4/2009 002134 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE 861-425923658 19042 12/4/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 861-425923676 861-425923894 33248 33282 33286 33287 33335 33337 33338 33339 PO # 42417 42464 42464 42464 Description/Account Total : MILEAGE REIMNURSEMENT Total : COFFEE SERVICE SOFFEE SERVICE Total : HIGH SPEED INTERNEf Total : POLE-POD 360 Total : 1 ST QTR 2009: MLS CREDIT CARD 2ND QTR 2009: MLS CREDIT CARD ToWI: ADVERTISING: CP Total : LEGAL SERVICES Total : PARK RD RECON. TITLE REPORTS PARK RD RECON. TITLE REPORTS PARK RD RECON. TITLE REPORTS Total : LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION Amount 2,555.33 47.35 47.35 15.00 32.90 47.90 108.95 7 08.95 13,167.92 13,167.92 307.40 287.68 595.08 242.10 242.10 40.00 40.00 271.75 271.75 271.75 815.25 123.20 133.95 25.00 69.70 103.40 25.00 50.15 34.85 Page: 2 vchlist 12/04/2009 3:O1:SOPM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19042 12/4/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 19043 19044 19045 19046 19047 19048 19049 19050 19051 19052 Vouc�ier List Spokane Valley Invoice (Continued) 33340 33341 12/4/2009 000735 FREEDMAN TUNG BOTTOMLEY 60759 12/4/2009 000179 GFOA 0131582 12/4/2009 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL NOV 1042 12/4/2009 000917 GRAYBAR 944448232 12/4/2009 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 101153 194055 12/4/2009 002043 HDR ENGINEERING, INC 00153287-H 12/4/2009 002204 HEALTHFORCE OCCMED BILLING DEP 7906-0 12/4/2009 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 5002AF5C 600226153 12/4/2009 000259 HUMANIX INC. 172492 172560 12/4/2009 001635 ISS FACILIIY/EVENT SERVICES 21875 21876 21912 PO # Description/Account LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION Total : PROFESSIONAL SVCS Total : 2010 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Total : NOV 09: LOBBYIST SERVICE Total : COMPUTER PARTS: CP Total : 42424 SERVICE LABOR COSTS COPIER COSTS Total : CONTRACT 09-040 HDR ENGINEEF ToWI: NETWORK SETUP Total : DEC 09 LEASE PMT OCT 09 LEASE PYMT Total : STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE Total : EVENT SVCS: CP EVENT SVCS: CP EVENT SVCS: CP Paye: Page: 3 Amount 38.25 69.70 673.20 1,796.53 1,796.53 640.00 640.00 3,347.01 3,347.01 124.48 124.46 694.76 40.46 735.22 1,533.54 1,533.54 200.00 200.00 1,658.22 783.33 2,441.55 568.00 340.80 908.80 7,136.00 348.52 11820 3 vchtist Voucher List Page: 4 12/04/2009 3:07:SOPM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19052 12/4/2009 001635 ISS FACILIIYlEVENT SERVICES 19053 19054 12/4/2009 002210 KIM'S PAWS & CLAWS 12/4/2009 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 19055 12/4/2009 001832 MT HOOD SOLUTIONS 19056 12/4/2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD 19057 12/4/2009 000013 NEOPOST, INC. 19058 12/4/2009 002207 NEW DISC Invoice (Continued) 21959 REIMBURSEMENT DEC 2009 EXPENSES 0664165 EXPENSES 45675766 Reimbursement 19059 12/4/2009 000121 NORTHWEST MAILING, INC 2010 19060 12/4/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 495857596001 498290255001 498290354001 19061 12/42009 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER October 2009 19062 12/4/2009 001860 PLATT 6926138 6926293 PO # Description/Account EVENT SVCS: CP Total : REIMBURSE CITY ENDORSEMENT Total : DEC 09: AUTO ALLOWANCE TRAVEL EXPENSES- AWC MEETI� Total : CLEANING SUPPLIES' CP Total : MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Total : POSTAGE MEfER RENTAL Total : REIMBURSE CITY ENDORSEMENT Total : USPS RATE CHANGES FOR 2010 Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES- CP KITCHEN SUPPLIES KITCHEN SUPPLIES Total : STATE REMITTANCE Total : SUPPLIES FOR CP SUPPLIES FOR CP Total : Amount 128.06 7,730.78 13.00 13.00 400.00 287.18 687.18 191.42 191.42 74.80 74.80 508.54 508.54 13.00 13.00 586.98 586.98 90.54 19.85 65.98 176.37 90,281.23 90,281.23 38.11 76.59 114.70 Page: 4 vchlist 12/04/2009 3:07:50PM Voucner List Spokane Valley Bank code : apbenk Voueher Date Vendor Invoice 19063 12/4/2009 000322 QWEST 509-921-6787 5116 19064 19065 19066 19067 19068 19069 19070 19071 19072 19073 19074 509-922-7091 0606 509-926-18401946 509-928-7023-228B 12/4/2009 002208 SASHA'S SALON REIMBURSEMENT 12/4/2009 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY EXPENSES 1?J4/2009 000308 SPOKANE CO PROSECUTING ATTY October 2009 12/4/2009 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE 2009-10 12/4/2009 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST DEC 2009 12/4/2009 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 71570 12/4/2009 000311 SPRINT 326088106-024 12/4/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 12/4/2009 002205 STATE PROTECTION SERVICES 12/4/2009 000211 STATE TREASURER 12/4/2009 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 959698810-024 98699741 REFUND 23201 0045551 44189 PO # 42270 Description/Account PHONE SERVICE: CP PHONE SERVICE— MISSION POOL PHONE SERVICE— PARK ROAD PO PHONE SERVICE ToWI: REIMBURSE CITY ENDORSEMENT Total : TRAVEL EXPENSES: NLC CONFER Total : CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION F Total : 09-005 IANDSCAPING SERVICES ToWI : PERMIT TO OPERATE: CP Total : NOV RENT— 1 L46 Total : WAPS FOR LAPTOPS SPRINT CELL PHONES Totai : OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD Total : DEPOST REFUND Total : LICENSE RENEWAL-RYAN KIPP ToWI : PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Page: Page: 6'. Amount 41.50 109.32 109.32 94.48 \ 354.62 13.00 13.00 507.90 507.90 1,205.73 1,205.73 9,978.75 9,978.75 750.00 750.00 128.00 128.00 549.89 1,835.67 2,365.56 262.50 262.50 49.30 49.30 116.00 116.00 53720 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 12/04/2009 3:01:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19074 12/4/2009 000419 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 19075 12/4/2009 001895 TAYLOR ENGINEERING INC 19076 1?J4/2009 002209 THE BEAD CONNECTION 19077 1Z4/2009 001217 THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS INC. 19078 12/4/2009 001294 TPCB 19079 12/4/2009 002185 URS CORPORATION 19080 �12/4/2009 001134 WA STATE DEPT OF HEALTH 19081 12/4/2009 002202 WHITE, SHELLY R. 19082 12/4/2009 000347 WORLEY, STEVE 1130090008 11/30/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 1203090008 12/4/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 63 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 63 Vouchers in this report Invoice (Continued) #9 REIMBURSEMENT 24638 24814 WA 39089 4128033 010460 CIP NO. 0088 EXPENSES NOVEMBER2009 NOV 2009 PO it 42278 42374 42374 42505 Description/Account Amount Total: 537.20 SPRAGUE AVE RESURFACING #2 3,371.53 ToWI : 3,371.53 REIMBURSE CITY ENDORSEMENT 13.00 ToWI : 13.00 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVI( 37,884.87 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVI( 3,320.40 Total : 41,205.27 2010 ITE RENEWAL: INGA NOTE 275.00 Total : 275.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9,100.00 Total : 9,100.00 2010WATERWORKS RENEWAL: B � 42.00 Total : 42.00 SHELLY WHITE ROW ACQUISITIO� 5,200.00 Total : 5,200.00 TRAVEL EXPENSES: 09 CNU CONF 424.14 Total: 424.14 NOVEMBER 09: SHERIFF SERVICE 1,266,811.17 Total : 1,266,811.17 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 251,541.85 Total : 251,541.85 Bank toWl : 1,728,327.96 Total vouchers : 1,728,327.96 Page: 6 vchlist 72/0412009 3:01:50PM Bankcode: apbank Voueher Date Vendor I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor pertormed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valiey, and that I am aulhorized to authenticate and ceRiy to said claim. Finance Director Date Voucner List Spakane Valley Invoice PO # Description/Account F�age: Page: Amount vchlist 12/04/2009 3:30:32PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 19083 12/4/2009 001009 GOTHMANN, WILLIAM Expenses 19084 12/4/2009 000011 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY Nov 2009 19085 12J4/2009 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT Nov 2009 19086 12/4/2009 000069 MERCIER, DAVID Expenses 19087 12/4/2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD Expenses 19088 12/4/2009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 17289 19089 12/4/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 3711010 19090 19091 3715100 3723089 12/4/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 Nov 2009 12/4/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0049876-1518-6 9 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 9 Vouchers in this report PO # Description/Account TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT ToWI: OUTSIDE AGENCIES GRANT 2009 Total : OPERATING SUPPLIES: CP Total : TRAVELREIMVURSEMENT Total : REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAVEL Total : FIREBOX/FIREWALL - LAN Total : TREE REMOVAL AT BALFOUR PAR SERVICE AT CENTERPLACE CONTRACT MAINT: PRECINCT ToWI: UTILITIES: PARKS Total : WASTE MGMT: PW - OCT 2009 ToWI: Bank total : Total vouchers : Page: Page: 1 Amount 357.60 357.60 1,16029 1,160.29 243.69 243.69 1,599.60 1,599.60 1,850.98 1,850.98 452.37 452.37 760.90 141.31 663.08 1,565.29 32.95 32.95 2,268.76 2,268.76 9,531.53 9,531.53 i e vchlist 72/04/2009 3:30:32PM Bankcode: apbe�k Voucher Date Vendor I, tha undereigned, do certiy under penalty of peryury, thal the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor pertormed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obiigation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certiTy to said claim. Finance Diredor Date Voucner List Spokane Valley Invoice PO # � Description/Account I-age: Page: Amount vchlist 12/07/2009 2:53:25PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19092 12/7/2009 002211 STERLING SAVINGS BANK 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 1 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Vailey, and that I am aulhorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice December 2009 PO # Description/Account DEPOSIT FOR OPENING BANK AC( Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Page: Page: 7 Amount 500.00 500.00 soo.00 500.00 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 12114/2009 7:59:58AM Spokane Valley Bankcode: 8pbenk Voucher Date Vendor 19096 12/11/2009 001534 ALL PRINT 19097 12/11/2009 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 19098 12/11/2009 001122 CAMERON-REILLY, LLC 19099 12/11/2009 000863 CENTURY WEST ENG CORP 19100 12/11l2009 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 19101 12/11/2009 001926 DAVENPORT, SARAH 19102 12/11/2009 000422 DISHMAN DODGE INC 19103 12/11/2009 001887 DOMRESE, DAN 19104 12/11/2009 001003 GEOENGINEERS INC 19105 , 12/11/2009 000007 GRAINGER 19106 19107 12/11/2009 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY INC. 12/71/2009 001439 K&L GATES LOCKHART Invoice 12566 8080002473 RETAINAGE 231318 87016-6725 EXPENSES EXPENSES DOC6209956 EXPENSES 0104152 9116955346 9118364695 9129336559 Pay App # 3 2091740 PO # 42291 42486 42246 42246 42246 42399 • Description/Account Amount BUSINESS CARDS 195.66 Total : 195.66 OIL CHANGE: 32.80 Total : 32.80 REATINAGE RELEASE 28,789.14 Total: 28,789.14 CONTRACT NO. 03001 9,139.60 Total : 9,139.60 NOV 09: FLEET FUEL BILL 2,048.55 Total : 2,048.55 MILEAGE 35.48 TRAVEL FOR EDEN USER GROUP 69.28 Total : 104.76 OS DODGE DAKOTA REPAIRS 3,009.79 Total : 3,00979 ARRA TRAINING 85.00 Total : 85.00 GEOTECH SVCS FOR PROJECT #0 2,589.94 Total : 2,589.94 GRAINGER BLANKET PO 2222 GRAINGER BLANKET PO 140.21 GRAINGER BLANKET PO 62.86 Total : 225.29 0110 SPRAGUE REHAB 1- CONSTF 61,900.35 Total : 61,900.35 LEGAL SERVICES THROUGH 11/30 4,685.50 Page: 1 vchlist 12/14/2009 7:59:58AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19107 12/11/2009 001439 001439 K&L GATES LOCKHART 19108 12/11/2009 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 19109 19110 19111 19112 19113 19114 12/11l2009 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice (Continued) 00018941 67016 67072 67156 67222 67230 12/11/2009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 17361 17377 17400 12/11/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 12/11Y2009 000512 OFFICETEAM 12/11/2009 000058 OMA 12/11/2009 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 1153773895 PO # 42248 42248 42248 42248 42248 42497 42509 Description/Account Total : TAXTOOLS SOFfWARE RENTAL Total : NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F Total : SONY LCD N/MONITOR FOR STRE NOVEMBER SYSTEM MAINTENAN( HP PROCURVE POE SWITCH FOR Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEGAL ToWI 30299187 STAFFING SVCS: LASERFICHE Total A500163 43116 43117 43118 43119-A 43120 43121 43123-A 43124-A 43125 43140 43141 43142 42281 42281 42281 42281 42281 42281 42467 42467 42467 42281 42484 42484 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXAM Totai : CONTRACT 09-003 CONTRACT 09-003 CONTRACT 09-003 CONTRACT 09-003 CONTRACT 09-003 CONTRACT 09-003 CONTRACT 09-042 CONTRACT 09-042 CONTRACT 09-042 CONTRACT 09-003 POE CONTRACT 09-050 WINTER SI POE CONTRACT 09-050 WINTER SI Page: 2 Amount 4,685.50 343.83 343.83 173.92 146.75 179.63 86.96 86.96 674.22 1,457.73 6,967.50 809.18 9,234.41 183.88 183.88 391.20 391.20 65.00 65.00 38,456.12 3,209.46 z,ssa.so 11,714.90 1,001.97 2,409.00 8,780.25 27,665.50 2,945.00 1,436.40 9,579.98 4,752.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voua�er List F�y�: 3 72/14/2009 7:59:58AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor ������e 19114 12/11/2009 001089 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. (Continued) 1g115 12/11/2009000322 QWEST 509-924-47077408 19116 12/11/2009 001276 RANDALL, DAVID 1351 19117 12/11/2009 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 301275 19118 12/11/2009 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER VLY0906 19119 12/11/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 11001242 19120 12/11/2009 002217 STUART, BRYAN 19121 12/11/2009 001660 TITAN TRUCK E�UIP 19122 12/11/2009 002216 TRAXEL, KATHERINE 19123 12/11/2009 002188 VALLEY BEST-WAY BLDG SUPPLY 19124 12/11/2009 002215 VANGUARD CLEANING SYSTEMS 19125 19126 12/11/2009 000676 WEST 1?J11/2009 001949 WILSON, SAYDEE 11001292 11001342 REFUND 943901 REFUND 599680 10578 10816 819570634 EXPENSES PO �t 42210 42269 42498 Description/Account Amount Total : 114,885.48 PHONE SERVICE—TERRACE VIEW 109.32 Total : 109.32 SW ANALYSIS - VALLEYVIEW PONI 960.00 Total : 960.00 DEAD ANIMAL PICKUP 495.00 Total : 495.00 COUNTY SERVICES 48,846.25 Total : 48,846.25 WATER LINE INSPECTIONS 3,150.56 WATER LINE INSPECTIONS 532.99 WATER LINE INSPECTIONS . 278.70 Total : 3,962.25 DEPOSIT REFUND 210.00 Total : 210.00 05 DODGE TRUCK REPAIRS 150.01 Total: 150.01 PROGRAM REFUND 27.50 Total : 27.50 TOOLS 8 EQUIPMENT 156.17 ToWI: 156.17 WINTER MAINT FACILITY 90.00 WINTER MAINT FACILITY 150.00 Total : 240.00 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 562.47 Total : 562.47 ARR.4 TRAINING 85.00 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 12/14/2009 7:59:58AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 19126 12/11/2009 001949 001949 WILSON, SAYDEE 19127 12/11/2009 000962 WSBA 19128 12/11/2009 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS 19129 12/11/2009 001885 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC 34 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 34 Vouchers in this report 1, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Diredor Date Invoice (Continued) 12448 0233460898 DECEMBER 2009 PO # Description/Account Total : LICENSE RENEWAL: MIKE CONNEI Total : INTERNET/DATA LINES Total : DARK FIBER LEASE ToWI: Bank total : Total vouchers : Amount 85.00 505.00 505.00 240.43 240.43 22827 228.27 295,362.07 295,362.07 Page: 4 vchlist 12/74/2009 70:20:57AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Bank code:. apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 19130 12/14/2009 OOt 169 CI7V OF SPOKANE VALLEY Dec 2009 19131 12/14/2009 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 NOV 2009 19132 12/14/2009 000165 DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS 775042 19133 12/14/2009 001877 DOBBINS, CHRIS Expenses 19134 12/14/2009 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 Oct 2009 19135 12/14/2009 000999 EASTERN WA ATTORNEY SVC, INC 31069 19136 12/14l2009 000106 FEDEX 9-391-65711 19137 12/14/2009 002196 HOLTEN, MELISSA Expenses 19138 12/14/2009 000070 INLAND POWER & LIGHT CO 94202 19139 12/14/2009 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. it& Nov 2009 19140 12/14/2009 001987 JENKINS, ART Expenses 19141 Expenses Expenses 12/14Y2009 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04500.01 PO # Description/Account PETTY CASH: 7312,13,14,15,16,17,1 Total : UTILITIES: PARKS , Totai : RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS Total : REIMBURSEMENT Total : UTILITIES: PARKS Total : LEGAL SERVICE Total : SHIPPING CHARGES: LEGAL AND I Total : TRAVELREIMBURSEMENT Total : UTILITIES:PW Total : UTILITIES: PARKS Total : TRAVELREIMBURSEMENT EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : UTILITIES Page: Page: 1 Amount 59.39 59.39 83.45 83.45 167.25 167.25 157.62 157.62 590.91 590.91 40.00 40.00 50.81 50.81 26.90 26.90 443.55 443.55 182.60 182.60 242.56 29.96 129.00 401.52 9,696.81 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 12/14/2009 10:20:57AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voueher Date Vendor Invoice 19141 12/14/2009 000132 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO (Continued) 19142 12/14/2009 001844 NIMRI, RABA Expenses 19143 12/14/2009 000512 OFFICETEAM 30265912 19144 12/14/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 3344999 3345000 19145 12/14/2009 000323 SPOKANE CO UTILITIES Dec 2009 19146 12/14/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 OCT 2009 19147 . 12/14/2009 000211 STATE TREASURER 2009 19148 12/14/2009 000167 VERA WATER & POWER Nov 2009 19149 12/14/2009 000964 VOLT MANAGEMENT CORP 21758558 19150 12/14/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 2568038-2681-5 2584253-2681-0 2584254-2681-5 2584255-2681-5 19151 12/14/2009 000558 WCMA 2009 19152 12/14/2009 000962 WSBA 2009 PO # Description/Account ToWi: TRAVELREIMBURSEMENT Total : STAFFING SVCS: LASERFICHE Total : CONTRACT MAINT: CENT TRAIL CONTRACT MAINT: CP Total : SPOKANE COUNTY SEWER Total : WATER CHARGES: PW Total : CERTIFICATION #23201 0032171 Total : UTILITIES: 2009 Total : STAFFING SVCS: IT ToWI: WASTE MGMT: MAINT FACILIIY WASTE MGMT: CENTERPLACE WASTE MGMT: PRECINCT WASTE MGMT: MAINT FACILITY Total : MEMBERSHIP Total : LICENSE RENEWAL: LEGAL Total : Amount 9,696.81 30.45 30.45 652.00 652.00 2,018.68 51,859.00 53,877.68 1,460.08 7,460.08 8.96 8.96 116.00 116.00 3,266.68 3,266.68 448.00 448.00 191.17 732.96 285.27 173.79 7,383.19 145.00 145.00 510.00 510.00 Page: 2 vchlist Vou.., �er List �..�e: 3 72H4/2009 10:20:57AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 23 Vouchers for bank code : 8pbank 23 Vouchers in this report Invoice PO # Deseription/Aeeount Bank total : Total vouchers : Amount 73,798.85 73,798.85 I, the undersigned, do certiry under penalry of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor perfortned as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Finance Director Date Page: 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-22-09 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending December 15, 2009 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 221,384.03 Benefits: $ 27,663.81 Total payroll $ 249,047.84 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, CiTy Attorney Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Diana Wilhite, Councilmember EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. It was moved by Councrlmember Dempsey, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for appraximately one hour to discuss pending litigation per RCGV 42.30.110(i); and that no action is nn[icipated thereafter. Council adjoumed into executive session at 5:01 p.m. At approximately 5:50 p.m. Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session; and adjourned the Executive Session. Richard Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes: 12-01-09 Page 1 of 1 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington December 1, 2009 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attarney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Mike Stone, Pazks & Recreation Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Dev. Director Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Karen Kendall, Associate Planner Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Mary Kate McGee, Building Official John Hohman, Senior Engineer Lori Barlow, Associate Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Munson opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Oath of OfSce: Councilmember Dempsey administered the oath of office to Dean Grafos, who then took his seat at the dais. At the Mayor's request, City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all councilmembers were present. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-034 Cable Franchise — Mor¢an Koudelka After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve Ordinance 09-034, Comcast Franchise Agreement. Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka explained that the ordinance grants a nonexclusive franchise to Comcas[ to use the City's rights-of-way to provide cable to our citizens; and he highlighted the major items negotiated between the two paRies. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no public comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In favor. Unanimous. Oppased: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Councilmember Cra(os: Councilmember Grafos asked as a point of order, if he could make a statement, and Mayor Munson agreed. Councilmember Grafos read the following statement: Council Meetrng Minutes: 12-01-09 Page 1 of IO Approved by Cauncil: DRAFT °As a new counci! member and as n point of privilege, I would like to make a short statement tonight: As I assume this coamci! position, I look forward to finishing the year's business with the present council, as well as working with the new council this coming January. As this is my first o�cial meeling, and though not yet z�p to speed on parliamentary procedure and cotmcil protocol, I would like to enter into the record a mrmber of my goals for the coming year. Because economic conditions in otrr community, as well as elsewhere, are in a severe downturn characterized mostly by DEFLATIONARYpressures, I will propose the following: 1. At this time, freeze all schedirled salary increases, cost-of-living increases and hiring jor City employees. Salary or hiring decisions which will impact Ciry budgets in 2010 and beyond should be left to the discretion of the new council beginning January 2010. 2. Halt all NON-ESSENTIAL spending. Review department by department the goals, spending, and personnel regzrirements, and ensure we are spending taxpayer money only on essential services. 3. Rescind the 2.9%property tax increase recently imposed by this council. Taxes should always be a LAST resort, not the FIRST option. 4. Suspend any further negotiatrons pertaining to land purchases for a new city hall, including any further spending on architectarral drawings and site plans contracted for a city hall at Universily City. 5. Restore property rights and aoning entitlements to all Ciry of Spokane Yalley properry owners by rescinding city-wide zone changes enacted in 2007. Rescind the huge, z�nfunded nnd misnamed mandate called Spragzre/Appleway Revitalization. This is an arbitrary and selective "choke-down" throz�gh zoning restrictions of hundreds of businesses and properties along the Sprague corridor to benefit a few. I will work tirelessly with all affected and interested parties to develop and re- develop the close-in, opportunity-rich properties in the Universrry Ciry area. 6. Along with the previously stated goal, we must rescind previaus council action which approved changing the current one-way tra�c in the U-Ciry area back to hvo-way tra�c. Time after time, the public has spoken that they want NO changes made in the existing roadways. Besides ignorrng community wishes, it is also non-essential spending. 7. The Ciry Council and all employees serve the citizens, not vise-versa. Business knows this, so shozrld governrnent. Pz�blic testimony should not 6e interrz�pted and/or met with reprimands that impede free speech and discozmage parlicipation. Effective leadership is inclusive, strengthened by diversity of thought. We nre an independent cominuniry, and success here recognizes and appreciates our Valley "culttae. „ 8. !n addition, conJlict and Ir[igation rvith citizens and other government entities should not be a preferred course of action. It represents our community poorly, is disrespec[ful, and is a costly and negative way of conducting business. 9. Lasdy, I serve in lhis office at the pleasure of the citizens. Last time I checked, we are elected, not entitled, and no one person is indispensable. For all of us, there will be an ending moment. Until such time, I wi11 do my best to be a frugal steward of taxpayer money, to work for lower-cost e�cient government, and with an open door, try to listen and serve all citrzens and job-creating businesses fairly. Thank you. Dean Grafos" 2. First Readin� Pr000sed Ordinance 09-036 Code Amendments — Tavis Schmidt Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to advance Ordinance 09-036 to a second reading. Planner Schmidt explained the proposed code text amendments which had previously gone before the Planning Commission; and which he had presented to Council at the November 17 meeting. Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Schmidt discussed the background of this proposal; he discussed the proposed change to nonconforming structures and uses, the adding of cargo shipping containers and similar enclosures as not being a permitted Coanci[ Meeting Minutes: !2-0/-09 Page 2 of IO Approved by Council: DRAFT accessory structure in any residential zone; clarified language concerning the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) size, discussed types of home occupations and which are permitted as accessory uses and which are not; and further defined home occupations. Councilmember Grafos said that he probably needs to recuse himself because he is in the container business, but he said he had questions, and he asked for clarification conceming shipping containers not being allowed in a residential zone; and Mr. Schmidt confirmed that is the case. Mc Schmidt said that the Building Code does not recognize them as a swcture; and by putting this clause in our municipal code, it will agree with the Building Code. Councilmember Grafos asked for clarification also on what a similaz structure is, and Mc Schmidt said examples would be a tractor trailer, things that are not typically an accessory like sheds or anything that is not like a typical residential storage or shop building, and said that a pool building would not be disallowed, and confirmed that any accessory building under 200 square feet would not need a permit. Mr. Schmidt stated that the POD structures would be allowable as they are temporary, and the Building Code permits such up to six months. Further discussion included questions concerning the types of home occupations such as artists, Mary Kay consultants, music teachers, etc., and it was determined that the definition of "home occupatiod' will be further examined at the time of the second reading. Councilmember Wilhite noted that page 3 nonconforming uses #7 states that damaged structures must be restored within 12 months, and questioned the difference between that and the subarea plan which allows for sucli restoration to be done within 24 months. City Attomey Connelly explained that that issue was not previously addressed, and if Council would like that issue addressed, the matter should be conducted by the normal channels of a future staff administrative report, a public hearing by the Planning Commission, and a forwarded recommendation from that hearing to the council. There was council consensus to have staff proceed with that separate issue later as noted. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Gothmann, Dempsey and Wilhite. Opposed: Councilmember Grafos. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3 First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-037 AmendinQ 2009 BudQet — Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Cotmcilmember Wilhite and seconded to ndvnnce Ordinance 09-037 to a second reading. Finance Director Thompson explained that the original budget ordinance was assembled several months ago, and amendments are now needed to allow for costs of street improvements, debt service accruals for payments on bonds, carryover street projec[ expendi[ures from 2008, on-going Barker Bridge construction, and carryover costs from 2008 for Discovery Park. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by flcclamatron: In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 4 Proposed Resolution 09-017 Employee Wellness — John Whitehead It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve Resolution 09-017 autharizing the City Manager to implement a wellness program to lower the Ciry's cost for health care premiums and to improve the health of City employees. Human Resources Manager Whitehead explained that as mentioned at the previous council meeting, the purpose of this action is to establish a wellness program would which direct efforts to decrease the costs to the CiTy associated with the health of City employees; that the goal is to become cer[ified as a Well City, and once attained, the Association of Washington Cities would reduce the premium costs 2% for employees in those plans, with an expected estimated monetary gain of $6,000 annually; and mentioned that other benefits would include improved health of the city employees, lower absenteeism, and higher productivity. Mr. Whitehead said that there are 41 employees on the Asuris Plan and 49 on Group Health; that staff will have a policy to address such things as time taken for participating in wellness events, and AWC suggests a de-minimus amount of time; and that most of the events would be during lunch or after work hours and/or weekends. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Mr. Whitehead added that the financial and non-monetary benefits out-weigh the costs; that the City has applied for the AWC Incentive Program for Wellness, which would Council Meeting Minutes: 12-01-09 Page 3 of IO Approved by Counci(: DRAFT give us more than $1,500 in the first year to establish the wellness plan; and he said he does not anticipate a budgetary impact; and the budgetary per employee impact noted in the material will then be reduced by the funds received from AWC annually; so the goal is to ultimately have a plan which is self-sufficient and puts funds back into the general fund. Mayor Munson said that the overall state participation about two years ago was an estimated 11%; and this past year was 25%, with an anticipated 50% city participation expected next year, and said [hat in 2015, it is expec[ed if there is no wellness program, there would be no insurance. Vote by Acclamation: In favor: Unaximous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5 Motion Consideration� Coliective Bar¢ainin¢ Agreement — John Whitehead It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to rat� the Collective Bargaining Agreement benveen the City of Spokane Valley and the Washington State Council of Coz�nry and Ciry Employees; Loca1270V, American Federation of State, Counry and Municipnl Employees (AFSCME), for the term of Jan:rary 1, 2010 through December 31, 2012. Human Resources Manager Whitehead explained that approximately two-thirds of our staff are represented by the local union mentioned, that our existing contract expires December 31, 2009; Ihat last July staff received a request from the Union to begin bargaining over a successor contract he explained that a management team was formed and five bargaining sessions were held; that a tentative agreement was reached pending ratification by the Union membership and the Council; and that the Union membership ratified the contract last week. Mr. Whitehead also mentioned that the new contract clarifies management rights; that it requires city employees to continue a health insurance benefit share of 40% of increases past the base amount established in 2006; and that percentage is significant for employees especially in looking at-our benefits -------. provided to employees compared with other cities. To further clarify, Mr. Whitehead explained that in 2006 the City paid 100% of those benefits; in 2007 a cost agreement was reached for a 60/40 (City/employees) split on on-going increases. Mr. Whitehead said the contract maintains the city's status quo of adjusting salaries by 2.5% annually; it allows for a compressed work week for staff with management control to ensure services are provided in a quality manner; it includes a competitive re- alignment of our city's salary matrix using a 3% adjustment to address the slippage of our salaries as compazed with most Washington cities; and this contract maintains lower labor costs as compared to most cities; he mentioned Union 270, which is a larger union with the City of Spokane, and explained that they went into concessionary bargaining and their modified contract increased their stafPs salaries in a greater amount over the life of their contract then this contract before Council. Councilmember Grafos asked what percentage of employees are in the union, and Mr. Whitehead said of the 88 employees, 65 are represented; and Councilmember Grafos said he noted all the salaries on the matrix have been increased for January 2010 which represents a 5.5% increase, and he asked if this would keep salaries competitive with other cities. Mc Whitehead said he believes it will; that when they did their analysis with other cities with 30,000 and greater population, the City of Spokane Valley's salary was about 9% behind; and that 3% makes up some of that, and while not getting all the way with those other cities, Mr. Whitehead said he feels it will keep us competitive over the next three years in staff recruitment and retention. Councilmember Grafos asked if most of the cities used for comparison were on the West side, and NIr. Whitehead said they were all cities with a population of 30,000 or more, which included cities on the east and west sides. Councilmember Grafos said that the average salary in King County is about $57,000; and the average wage in Spokane Counry is about $34,000; and said he hopes we would be comparing "apples to apples." Mr. Whitehead added that looking at competitors in the local market was of importance as well, and looking at salaries with the City of Spokane. Councilmember Grafos asked if we are in a period of deflation; and Mr. Whitehead said that what was reported in October 2009 was a small period of deflation, and November figures are not yet in. Councilmember Grafos stated that 53% of the city re��enues come from sales tax, which are down; and the building permit revenues are down 41%, the land use revenues are down 38%, and building permits are down 23%; and he asked ifthat would have any effect on these requested increases. Mayor Munson suggested putting this in perspective Council Meeting Minutes: 12-0/-09 Page 4 ojl0 Approved by Council: DRAFT of the overall budget, and said that the salaries and benefits are about 15% of the operating budget. Councilmember Gothmann added that there aze no employees who have been here longer than six years, which is not true of those on the west side, and said that a comparison of averages would show us being low as compared with other cities as we have newer employees. Mayor Munson invited public comments. Brenda Grassel 1418 N Woodruff Road: she said rather than comparing the union jobs with other comparable cities, she proposed comparing the jobs with the private sector; and she said that in the private sector industry there is probably not one company in Spokane Valley receiving a 5.5% increase in wages. There were no other public comments. In response to Council question for an explanation of the salary progression since the contract first began, Mr. Whitehead explained that the city established salaries in 2003, and no adjustments were made until about July of 2006, which was a 6% increase; and there was a 2.5% increase in January 2007, January 2008, and January 2009; and said the reason for treating the non-represented employees the same as the represented employees is that whenever you lift the salary of a section of the employee base, supervisors start to get compressed, with the common problem of doing more and having more responsibility with the same or less money, it could even have an inversion on the salary spectrum; which ultimately causes morale, retention and recruitment problems if not addressed. Councilmember Dempsey said staff have been working on this for some time now, and over the time staff checked with council to make sure they were on the right track as to where we were going and Council agreed we were on the right track; and said at this point she considers this a good-faith issue, that we have to take care of our people and do the right thing and that this is the right thing; and she thanked Mr. Whitehead for his work. Deputy Mayor Denenny stated that the 3% is a one time adjustment; and over the next three years of this contract, it will be a 2.5% increase, which is less than the Union in the City of Spokane agreed to in their concessions; and that CPI for October was three-tenths of a percent which is almost 4°/a inflationary; and that we are locked in at 2.5% over the next three years; and said unlike private businesses, no bonuses or incentives or adjustments are given to government workers based on the profitability or unprofitability of the City, which is why we have the classifications and the steps. Mayor Munson said we have a great staff who have the primary motivation to provide the best services possible to the citizens; and said areas like Yakima and Wenatchee are similar areas and our salary schedules are not up with theirs; and it will take years to catch up on steps on where the other cities are who have been around for a hundred years; and he said it is difficult to quote an average salary from elsewhere and apply it here as it does not apply; that we are trying to keep a staff that performs better then possibly imagined; and that although �vages are not a satisfier for any employee, they can be a dissatisfier; and to lose employees for that reason would be a mistake; and said that we came up with an agreement that we all felt was fair. Vote by Acclamation: /n Favor: Mayar Mtmson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Gothmann, Dempsey, and Wilhite. Opposed.• Councilmembers Grafos and Schimmels. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: Authorize ChanQe Order Pines/SpraQUe Intersection — Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to approve $200, 000 in City Manager change order authority for the Sprague/Pines PCC Intersection Project. Public Works Director Kersten, speaking for Mr. Worley, explained that when the Pines/Sprague Intersection project was done last summer, a large amount of debris was uncovered, and a change.order was issued for about $127,000 and was inadvertently approved even though it exceeded the 15% limit of the original construction contract amount; thus it should have been brought to council for approval; and with stafPs apologies, said they have re-reviewed the City Manager's change order authority to help ensure this situation will not occur again; and that there is one final minor change order needed for approval to close out this completed project; and he said that STA funded grants of approximately 80% of this change order; adding that he doesn't think we will need to do the bonus mentioned in the Request for Council Action form. Mayor Munson invited public Counci! Meeting Minutes: 12-01-09 Page 5 of IO Approved by Cauncil: DRAFT comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In favor. Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 7. Motion Consideration: Lobbvist Contract — Dave Mercier It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a renewal contract with Gordon Thomas Honeywell- Governmental Affairs for lobbyist services in 2010. City Manager Mercier said that this is the annual consideration of the lobbyist contract which was first initiated in 2006 to represent our interests in Olympia and Washington, D.C. if necessary; that it calls for $3,000 monthly, which is the same as 2009; and said the desire is to continue the relationship. Mc Mercier further stated that we had never received a capital budget request from the legislature prior to this, and during the first year we received an $800,000 aflocation toward Discovery, aka Universal Park; and about $500,000 for acquisition and development of a park in Greenacres, which at the time had no park; and that we have received $13 million in direct allocations to date, in large measure to the good work and understanding of this group's efforts. .It was moved by Councilmember Schimmels nnd seconded by Cozmcilmember Grafos to table this contract trntil Janzrary. Vote on the motion to table: In Fnvor: Cozmcilmembers Grafos and Schimmels. Opposed: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Dempsey, Gothmann and Wilhite. Abstentions: None. Motion to table failed. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no wmments were offered. Deputy Mayor Denenny commented that i[ is a large asset to this City and to this Council to know what is going on in the legislature and to be able to react to it prior to final determination, rather than to re-act afterwards. Councilmember Gothmann added that Council received regular updates from the Lobbyists where there are no updates from the legislators during a session, adding that council could not ask a legislator to lobby for a measure the City desired, when that legislator opposed such measure. Councilmember Wilhite said that the lobbyist alerts Council; that previous ceRain legisla[ion was introduced that would have impacted the make-up of this City, yet the City Council wasn't given a couResy call by the Senator on that issue, whereas the Lobbyist did alert Council, and she stressed the importance of keeping up to date on whaYs going on. Councilmember Dempsey said she was impressed with their attentiveness to any problem or questions, and feels the $3,000 monthly is well spent. Mayor Munson remarked that in a short session two years ago, 4,400 bills were introduced, and said that no one has the time to read those and determine which might affect us, yet that is what they rely upon the lobbyist to do. Vote by Acclamation on the motion to finalize and execzrte the contrnct. In Favor: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Gothmann, Dempsey, and Wilhite. Opposed: Councilmembers Grafos and Schimmels. Abstentions: None. Motian carried. Mayor Munson called for a recess at 730 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 8. Develooment Forum — Kathv McClung CommuniTy Development Director McClung discussed the Developer's Forum held a[ City Hall October 1, 2009, in continued efforts for staff to meet with local developers and interested parties to discuss fhe permit, development planning process. Ms. McClung explained that the forum generated forty comments, that the format resulted in a list of topics which staff have already addressed, and a list of other topics to be placed on the 2010 work program, and another list that staff recommended not addressing. Director McClung said the goal was to approach a broad range of citizens, and they sent out over 900 invitations, resulting in forty-five attending the meeting. Director McClung added that the permit process was the sole focus on a September meeting of the Spokane Valley Business Association (SVBA). Via her PowerPoint presentation, Director McClung explained the outcome of the forum and the highlights of the Report. Counci! Meeting Minutes: 12-01-09 Page 6 of IO Appraved by Council: DRAFT 9 Com�Plan/Legislative Zone Change with Development A¢reement — Karen Kendall Assistant Planner Kendall explained that comp plan amendment CPA 01-09 was the only privately initiated 2009 comprehensive plan request, asking for a chance from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential with a subsequent re2one from single-family residential to multi-family high density residential; and she said that this draft amendment resulted in a first reading of the ordinance in May, but a[ [hat time, Council concurred the matter warranted further research on development agreements in association with comprehensive plan amendments, specifically for this CPA 01-09 amendment. Planner Kendall fuRher explained that staff researched the idea of a development agreement in association with a comprehensive plan amendment and an emergency ordinance was adopted August 11, 2009 to establish the guidelines and process to allow restrictions to be placed upon a comp plan amendment through a development agreement, and that the use of development agreements are permitted by statute. She mentioned that staff coordinated with the owners, applicant, and applicant's legal representative regarding the proposed agreement, and all parties are in agreement with the development agreement; and that this agreement would provide a transition to the adjacent low density residential designation to the east of the proposed amendment, with the restrictions as noted in her Request for Council Action form. Planner Kendall mentioned that this matter is scheduled for a public hearing and first reading at next week's council meeting. 10 Lod�p Tax Recommendations — Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson explained that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee met October 22 to hear applicant presentations regarding tourism promotion; and said that the Committee recommends allocations of $125,000 to the Spokane Regional Sports Commission; $10,000 to Valleyfest; $20Q000 to Spokane Regional Convention and Visitor's Bureau; $90,000 to CenterPlace; and no funding to Spokane Valley Heritage Museum. Councilmember Wilhite, who cunently chairs the committee, said that regarding the portion set aside for CenterPlace, the committee asked instead in the future, to have a presentation from CenterPlace on why the funds are needed; which brought up again the question of fiinds and how much we fund on a percentage to the larger agencies versus the smaller; and she further explained that the Museum recommendation was for no funding; and that the committee suggests a better effoR made in the future to notify everyone to prepare and have research ready when they make their presentation. Councilmember Gothmann said he would like to hear the rationale behind the decision not to fund the Museum, and said it is his understanding Museum representatives would like to speak to that issue next week when the item comes up for council action consideration. There was further discussion among Councilmembers conceming the process as explained in the statutes concerning tourism; that Mayor Munson said he would like the hotels/motels to have a simple questionnaire to determine how many heads in beds Valleyfest brings in; comment from Councilmember Wilhite that Valleyfest does result in more money spent in the community concerning shopping and restaurants; and comment from Councilmember Dempsey and Mayor Munson that they feel Valleyfest is underfunded. Mayor Munson said perhaps the topic of the funding mechanism for these agencies is a topic for the new council to discuss in the future. 11. Poe Contract Renewal — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten said that Poe Asphalt has requested a 33% increase to their uni[ bid prices for labor, and that all other unit prices will remain the same for 2010; that the contract was for one year with seven one-year renewal options; that Poe has provided an excellent level of service in the past; and that the contract will be funded by the approved 2010 budget. Mr. Kersten mentioned that there have been numerous changes in the street standards which were made to address some of the shortfalls in the current roads; that several roads are falling apart and/or the seams in the asphalt weren't done properly; that some residential areas were only two inches thick; and once they fall apart you cadt recover that; so they will increase that depth to three inches to be able to do grind and overlay; adding that with the curzent two inches of asphalt, they can't grind it so the entire road would have to be pulled up and therefore the costs would increase by seven or eight times. Council Meeting Minutes: 12-0/-09 Page 7 of IO Approved by Council: DRAFT 12. AAA Sweepina Contract Renewal —Neil Kersten As per the Request for Council Action form, Mr. Kersten explained that this contract was also a one year contract with seven one-year renewal options; that AAA Sweeping has provided a good level of service in the past; and there will be no increase in the 2010 unit prices; and that staff feels the contractor is very efficient. Mc Kersten mentioned tha[ there have been some complaints about the number of trips made by the sweeper, and Mc Kersten explained that some areas are worse than others; and that we insist they do not more than two passes; and if the sVeet needs another sweeping, that they get staff approval first. Mr. Kersten also mentioned that next year they are considering implementing the use of a GIS system to monitor where the sweepers are. Mr. Kersten noted this will be befote council next week as an action item for consideration. 13. Park Policies — Mike Stone, Mike Connellv City Attorney Connelly explained that this issue came about as the Parks and Recreation Department was updating some of its administrative policies; and he said that the Legal DepaRment recommends that ceRain Code provisions pertinent to special events and vendors in parks be amended to be consistent with current City practice and policies; and he mentioned the recommended changes for the number of people for a special event permit and to change the notice from five days to four weeks notice prior to an event to give sufficient time to process the request and ensure the request is within park practices; he said the proposed change regarding the sale of goods and services is to make the provisions throughout the Code consistent. At approximately 9:00 p.m., it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting for thirry minutes. Attorney Connelly explained that state law and recent couR interpretation regarding the use or bearing of firearms is to restrict firearm possession only in city-operated stadiums or convention centers; and staff recommends that the provision prohibiting firearm possession in City parks and facilities be amended to conform to state law; he also mentioned tliat cities can enact ordinances restricting firearm discharge where there is a reasonable likelihood that humans, domestic animals or property will be jeopardized; and said staff recommends we include that provision; and he brought Council's attention to the letter from Police Chief VanLeuven concerning firearm discharge. There was Council consensus to bring this matter forward for council action consideration. 14. WebsiteContract—D4ikeJackson Public Information Officer Branch and IT Specialist Greg Bingaman explained that although [his item does not require Council action, staff wanted to make Council aware of upcoming changes to our website, as the website is accessed approximately 500,000 times annually. Staff reported that the City was informed in 2008 by Ne�T, the current website software provider, that they were abandoning the InSuite software; and since then, we have been operating without software maintenance or support; which places our website at risk. Mc Bingaman explained that needs have expanded, that the web content is subject to public records retention requirements effective January l, 2010; and a greater amount of information on the website equates to a greater effort to keep current. Ms. Branch described some of the ne�v content management program attributes and added features which all lends to improved navigation; and that implementation of a new website is included in the 2009 business plan and budget; and acquisition is expected by December 31, 2009. 15. Council External Committee Reports — Councilmembers Deputy Mayor Denenny reported that regarding the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, there are two groups: one of elected officials within the region, and one appointed with members having various areas of expertise; and that it is being recommended that the Liaison Board be disbanded; he also mentioned the Councrl Meeting Minutes: /2-01-09 Page 8 of IO Approved by Council: DRAFT Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) presented a proposal for the board composition change and they made i[ known they didn't get what was asked for, that there was a major issue related to ownership of purchased property, and some major flaws on the way it was written concerning whether SRTC should even own property; and said further reseazch is sought on that topic It rovas moved by Councilmember Gothmann. seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting another ten minutes, until approximately 9:40 p.m. Councilmember Gothmann reported that at the National League of Cities session dealing with modern communications, topics such as Facebook, bloging, twitter, etc. were discussed which all have presented a number of challenges on how to keep city records; and said he wanted to make Council aware of this topic; and said that next week he will also give a report on the TIB (Transportation Improvement Board) topic. 16 Advance A�enda — Mayor Munson There was council consensus to include the four information items on tonight's agenda, numbers 17 a, b, c and f, on the next consent agenda. Mc Mercier noted that the advance agenda has purposely shrunk to hvo pages in respect for the new council to de[ermine what items to place on future agendas, and he brought attention to the new section on the back for "request for early consideration;" and said he will await instruction on when to plot those and other topics. 17. Information Onlv: The following items were for information on[y and were not reported or discussed: Geiger Work Crew Contract; Publrc Defense Interlocal Agreement; JAG Interlocal Agreement; Ordinance to Amend SVMC 17.100.030; CenterPlace Faod Services Contract; Soils Testing Access Agreement; Department Reports. 18 Council Check in — Mayor Munson As per his handout dated November 30, 2009, and entitled "Issues that Should be Addressed by a Council RetreaP' Councilmember Gothmann mentioned tentative items for next year's retreat, and he encouraged City Manager Mercier to set up a retreat date. It was moved by Councilmember Dempsey, seconded and unanimoz�sly agreed to extend the meeting an additiona[ ten minutes, to 9:50 p.m. 19 City Manaeer Comments — Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier mentioned the handout of "2009-ll Budget Story" prepared by the Office of Financial Management and dated November 19, 2009; and said the document discussed the $9 billion shortfall and legislators' very limited choices to address that deFicit as reduction options are limited by constitutional and federal spending mandates. Mr. Mercier further explained that it is our understanding that since everything is on the table for consideration, there could be an attempt to retrieve the last capital budget allocation made to us as part of [he Greenacres Park; that this community was impacted by mitigation funds when the new streamlined sales tax went into effect and we were identified as one of the entities that could lose funds; he said that the state tried to fund that mitigation and he does not know if the funding will continue as it is too early to tell. Mayor Munson added that if ever we needed a lobbyist, this is the time as legislators will be working on budget issues; and we will have our lobbyist there to help protect our interests and keep us informed. Councilmember Gothmann mentioned that he received an e- mail from Steve Gorchester from the TIB concerning a proposal to take the TIB and have it absorbed by the Department of Commerce. Mayor Munson said that the Govemor is expected to initiate revenue enhancements, which means more taxes; and it was mentioned that a state income tax would require a constitutional move and therefore, it is speculative whether that would occur next year. Council Meeting Minutes: 12-01-09 Page 9 of70 Approved by Council: DRAFT There being no further business, it was moved by Cozmcilmember Wrlhite, seconded and zmanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ATTEST: Richard M. Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Cauncil Meeting Minutes: 12-01-09 Page 10 oj10 Approved by Counci[: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Attendance: CiN Sta(f Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Diana Wilhite, Councilmember John Hohman, Sr. Development Engineer Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Pianner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Office Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Father Steiner of St. Mary's Catholic Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Munson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda as presented at the dais. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Schimmels: said he attended numerous meetings with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and the Liaison Committee, that he spoke with Mayor Verner, and one of the County Commissioners about the governance issue and Councilmember Schimmels said almost everybody is of the same opinion so something should be happening; that a liaison board had a proposal for a joint meeting for mid- January; and he mentioned the merging of those boards. Councilmember Schimmels said he a(so attended a seminar about the newjail site. Councilmember Grafos: no repoR. Deputv Mayor Denenn� said the Health Board meeting focused on several presentations as three members are coming off the Board; they attended to some year-end wrap up issues, and approved some items regarding education of the board and adopting a component of the strategic plan; adding that he has thoroughly enjoyed his tenure on that Board over the last three years. Councilmember Dempsev: reported that she attended a dinner with members of the International Trade Association with the guest of honor the Taiwan consulate general from Seattle; and said the function was to encourage trade between our area and Taiwads; said she also attended the Spokane Regional Clean Air Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page ] of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT Agency meeting which endeavors to finalize odor regulations, adding that it is difficult as there is no technology to measure odors and many odors are subjective as to whether they are objectionable. Councilmember Gothmann: said he attended a Valley Rotary meeting where he presented some information on panhandling; attended a workshop on criminal justice where they discussed the pros and cons of a horizontal-shaped or vertical shaped jail, with the consensus to go with the horizontal shaped jail as it wou(d be easier to add a modular structure if needed; attended the Transportation Improvements Board (TIB) meeting; attended [he Health Department meeting where he was elected Chair of that board; said he spoke at a Low Income Housing consortium meeting celebrating the tenth year as a consortium; had a discussion with Councilmember-elect Tom Towey on upcoming issues. Councilmember Gothmann reported that the TIB will be transferced to the Department of Transportation, will have the same board and no cuts in service; he mentioned the TIB meeting in Bremerton and he went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining that Bremertods 35,200 population has remained the same for about 40 years; and they recently invested $350 million in eight years, with 50% funds from public and 50% from private, and he showed pictures of the Kitsap Conference Center, the Government Center which houses seven agencies, the Hampton Inn, the Kitsap Credit Union with fountains in the front, the 930 foot long tunnel from the ferry, photos of various rock sculptures, fountains, and security baniers, and mentioned other amenities such as uniform light standards and uniform colors. Councilmember Wilhite: reported that she attended a Freight, MobiliTy and Transportation meeting which had railroad representatives in attendance, and they discussed a wrridor from the Canadian border to the east Spokane Area, and of the benefits from such a project; attended the Spokane Housing and. Low Income meeting where Councilmember Gothmann spoke about how agencies work together to coordinate efforts; attended the Tree Lighting Ceremony which our first Mayor started as a community function in an effor[ to build an identity for us as a City, and which ceremony is now coordinated by the Valley Rotary Club. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson repoRed that on December 4 he attended his last meeting as a member of the Association of Washington Cities Executive Board, and he then on behalf of AWC, presented Councilmember Wilhite with a plaque for her service as a board member. Mayor Munson mentioned also at the AWC meeting, they passed their budget and chose not to increase dues for 2010 as many cities are in financial distress; they passed a legislative agenda and it was noted that there will be very few projects approved in the future, that more cuts are likely and there was a great deal of conversation about new taxes suggested by the state govemment. Mayor Munson further explained that there are many small cities like Cheney which approved such things as a utility tax or some form of road tax and those cities appear to be in pretty good shape; he mentioned that Spokane Valley carried $31 million forward from 20D9, but the City of Spokane is facing a$10 million deficit and Spokane County's anticipated deficit is $13 million; said at AWC they discussed what type of legislation should be available for cities in distress and the discussion included current disincorporation laws which appear to be inadequate to meet those needs. Mayor Munson also repoRed he attended a meeting of the Advisory Council for the Washington State University in Spokane, where they heard about the possibility of a lot of capital projects not being funded due to the state budget situation; he said they continue to plan for the U- District in Spokane and said we will have a full medical school in Spokane including a graduate level school of pharmacy. Mayor Munson said he also attended and spoke at the Tree lighting ceremony; attended and chaired the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) Operations and Administrative Committee meeting where they said some services will be cut as sales tax are down and that is their only source of income. Mayor Munson said that today he attended a 911 Board meeting where they announced an upcoming test of the reverse 911 system and said announcements for that will be forthcoming, and that there will be a registration period for cell phone users to register their call phone numbers; and he closed by stating he attended a Commander Reception at Fairchild Air Force Base. Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 2 of 8 Approved by Council: DR,9FT � PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comments. Dick Behm, 3626 Ridgeview Drive: requested street lights be installed on Dishman between Appleway and 8�', as there is a six-block area which is very dark and lends itself to increasing problems with things such as burglaries, transits camping in the Dishman Hills areas, and other suspicious activities, and said he feels installing hvo or three lights would help relieve some of those problems. Mayor Munson said the request has been forwarded to the City Manager and to Public Works. 1 PUBLIC HEARING: Development Aareement in Coniunction with the Comurehensive Plan and Leaislative Zone ChanQe—Karen Kendall Mayor Munson opened the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. Planner Kendall explained that this hearing is to allow public comment regarding the proposed development agreement associated with the comprehensive plan amendment CPA 01-09; via her PowerPoint presentation she showed several photos of the site, and explained that staff coordinated with the owners, applicant and applicant's representative and all parties are in agreement with the proposed development agreement, which is intended to allow restrictions to be placed on the proposed comprehensive plan amendment minimizing the impacts of fumre development by providing a transition to the adjacent low density residential designation to the east of the proposed amendment. Mayor Munson invited public comments. Nathan Smith, 422 W Riverside Suite 1100, Spokane, 99201: spoke on behalf of the development agreement and the proponent; said that the process was reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Attorney's office in addition to an internal review by the City of Spokane; said a community meeting was held at Greenacres Middle School to discuss some of the terms, and he applauded the process. Bob Harris, 855 S Shelle�ake: said he is the President of the Shelley Lake Homeowners Association and they have been involved in the planning process and hearings; that he was initially concerned about the transition but in looking at the proposal, feels it meets the objectives to provide a nice transition and said he feels it is a reasonable compromise, and he thanked Whipple Engineering and Diamond Rock. Todd Whip�e Consultant En¢ineerin�, 2528 N Sullivan Road: he thanked Council for understanding the plight of the developer, and for directing staff to go through the process to create a development agreement when a process didn't previously exist. There were no further comments and Mayor Munson closed the public hearing at 6:54 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which aze approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE WNOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 11-18-2009 Be innin 18878,endin 18946 $960,128.05 11-18-2009 Be innin 18947, endin 18989 $130,040A1 11-20-2009 18990 $70,193 3 3 11-30-2009 Be innin 19010, endin 19020 $0,033.44 GRAND TOTAL $1,240,395.23 b. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending November 15, 2009: $234,223.31 c. Approval of Payroll for pay period ending November 30, 2009: $339,257.51 d. Approval of Holiday Closure e. Approval of Interlocal with Spokane City for Remaining Office of Public Defense Grant Funds f. Approval of Interlocal with Spokane City for JAG Grant Funds g. Approval of Access Agreement with Holcim, Inc. for Soils Testing at Myrtle Poi�t Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 3 of 8 Approved by Council: DR,9FT h. Approval of Implementation of 2010 Option yeaz fot Geiger Work Crew Services Agreement i. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Executive Session j. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2009 Executive Session k. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2009 Mayor Munson asked if anyone wished to have anything removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Councilmember Grafos asked that voucher for Sprague and Sullivan Self-Storage #18931 be removed from the consent agenda to be discussed separately. [Clerk's Note: upon review of the voucher list, this item was actually 18932 and not 18931.] It was then moved by Cotmcilmember Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed lo approve the consent agenda with the exception of that one item. Voucher # 18931 f21 Spraeue & Sullivan ministoraQe, total $358.00 Councilmember Grafos said he owns the company and that the City presently rents a couple units, and said with some of the vacancies or space at the Sheriff's Sub-station, that the City could likely save the $358.00 monthly cost and move those goods to the City property. Mayor Munson asked for clarification of the issue, and asked if Mr. Grafos was recusing himself from this item since he owns the property; and Mr. Grafos said he was not recusing himself, would like to get paid for it, but feels the City could save that monthly expense by moving the stored items to the sub-station. City Attorney Connelly said he feels authorizing moving the items might not be a council action, and perhaps the preferred process would be to ask the City Manager to review the matter, and such would be separate from this voucher item as this item reflects the past storage expense. Councilmember Grafos suggested that Council ask the City Manager to look into the issue; and Council concurred. It tivas then moved by Cotrncilmember Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve voucher #18931[2J. Mayor Munson asked City Attorney Connelly that since Mr. Grafos will be receiving monetary compensation and benefit from this motion, would it have been appropriate for him to recuse himself from the conversation; and City Attorney Connelly said since this was for rent due Mr. Grafos taking office, it likely would not be an issue, and said that staff will examine the issue of any fu[ure payments. NEW BUSINESS 3. Second Readina Proposed Ordinance 09-033 Adoptin¢ Street Standards — John Hohman Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to adopt ordinance 09-033 as amended in the materials provided. Mr. Hohman spoke of the history of this process, said staff recommends approval; that they incorporated over one hundred comments; mentioned the concerns of Spokane County Utilities regarding the proposed paving requirements and cost increases and said our staff does not recommend any changes to the Street Standards based on County's testimony; and said that Council could make a decision of whether an exception would be granted when a cost estimate is finalized and when Council decides if a full street paveback would be funded. Mr. Hohman further explained that he met with Mr. Boyle of Hanson Industries, and language was modified in 7.8.2 to provide increased flexibiliTy and said that met with Mr. Boyle's approval; and he added that the document and changes are responsive to the stakeholders. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Deputy Mayor Denenny said that the goal is to maintain roads and put in roads that will last instead of seeing new roads deteriorate within five to seven years. Vote by Acclamntion: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-036 Fall Batch Code Amendments — Tavis Schmidt After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhi[e and seconded to approve ordinance 09-036 as amended in the materials provided Planner Schmidt went over the proposal via his PowerPoint and several Councilmembers commented on the improved verbiage for the home occupation regulations. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 4 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-037 to Amend 2009 Budeet — Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve ordinance 09-037 amending the 2009 budget. Finance Director Thompson pointed out the corrected figures on page two of the ordinance, where the figures did not add actoss the entire row; and as previously mentioned, he also included a clause to address the risk management fund to use the unappropriated fund balance of $5,000 to pay for unemployment claims for the final quarter of 2009. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In, Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-038 Special Event Regulations — Mike Connellv/Mike Stone Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to advance ordinance 09-038 to a second reading. City Attorney Connel(y went over the proposed changes as mentioned previously. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 7. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-039 AmendinQ Comp Plan Text CPA 01-09 — Karen Kendall After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded, to advance ordinance 09-039 to a second reading. Planner Kendall went through her PowerPoint presentation explaining the proposed change forthis ordinance and Ordinance 09-040 which amends the zoning map associated with CPA 01-09; and said that this was the only citizen-initiated - comprehensive plan change for 2009. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions. None. Motion carried. 8. First Readin�posed Ordinance 09-040 Legislative Zone Chanee CPA 01-09 — Karen Kendall After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to advance ordinance 09-040 to a second reading. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Yote by Acclamatian: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. r 9. First Readin¢ Proposed Ordinance 09-041 Pazk Regulations, Firearms — Mike Connellv/ Mike Stone After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to advance ordinance 09-041 [o a second reading. City Attomey Connelly explained tha[ the proposed changes reflect the changes in state law; he said the word "firearm" was removed from the section that prohibits possession, and that they added the justification for the prohibition of discharge of firearms. Attorney Connelly said he feels Ce�terPlace is a comention center as it is a center that holds wnventions; and there was Council consensus to add that for the second reading; and said next week he will also bring forth information concerning possession of concealed weapons. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 10. Motion Consideration: Allocation of Lod �i�ng Tas Funds — Ken Thompson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to make the following Lodging Tax fund allocation for 2010: Spokane Regional Sports $125,000; Yalleyfest $10,000, Spokane ['alley Heritage Museum, none; Spokane Regional Convention/Visitor's Bureau �20Q 000, and CenterPlace $90, 000. Finance Director Thompson explained that lodging tax funds are used to promote tourism, and in viewing estimates of room tax dollars, we would have about an additional $15,000 not previously considered. It was moved by Mayor Munson and seconded to amend the motion to allocate $120,000 to Spokane Regional Sports; $30,000 to Valleyfest; $5,000 to Spokane Valley Heritage Museum; $195,000 to Council Regulaz Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 5 of 8 Approved by Council: � DRAFT Spokane Regiona! ConventionNisitor's Bureau; and $90,000 !o CenterPlace. Mayor Munson invited public comment on the motion to amend and there were no comments. On CounciYs vote by acclamation, it was unanimously agreed to amend the motion. Mayor Munson then invited public comments on the amended motion. Denise Pauline, 7704 N Whitehouse Drive, said she speaks on behalf of Marketing and Advertising for ValleyFest that they appreciate the suppoR and will work to bring more tourism to the area, and will continue to offer ValleyFest as a free event to the communiry. Peeav Doerin¢, Vallevfest Executive Director: said she prepared a letter which has been distributed to Council; said it is a joy to bring this event to this community and she appreciates the efforts tonight to continue this support and focus on the Spokane Valley event of Valleyfest. Javne Singleton, Heritase Museum Director, E 12114 Spraque Avenue: voiced her appreciation of the amended motion; said they have been in existence since 2004 and have built an outstanding facility to preserve and collect history; and is working on an expansion project so the museum will continue to grow. Herman Meier, 14015 E Welleslev: said he is a Board Member of the Valley Museum; he thanked Council for the motion; said as a resident of Spokane Valley they are happy with the extensive azchives collected by the museum, and again thanked Council for the motion amendment. There were no further comments offered. Vote by Acclamation on the amended motion to allocate $120,000 to Spokane Regional Sports; $30,000 to Valleyfest; �'S,000 to the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum; $195,000 to the Spokane Regional Convention/Visitor's Bureau; and 590,000 to CenterPlace: In Favar: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentians: None. Motion carried. Mayor Munson called for a short recess at 7:45 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:55 p.m. 11. Motion Consideration: Approval of Poe Contract —Neil Kersten I[ was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve the contract to Poe Asphalt Inc., in an amozmt not to exceed $l, 375,119. 00 and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the contract. Public Works Director Kersten explained that this is the third renewal option for street and stormwater maintenance, that Poe has done an excellent job in street maintenance work for asphalt and minor stormwater work; and that this is the first contract increase since the original contract in 200I, and this is for a 33% increase in the labor section of their bid which will give a net impact to the contract of less than 1% increase in cost. Mr. Kersten said this has been funded in the approved 2010 budget; that roads deteriorate about 2.5% per year, and this will give assistance to those problem areas; and he mentioned the large increase in the price of asphalt last year. Councilmember Grafos asked if perhaps it would be better to consider this later since the asphalt plants don't open until spring; and Mr. Kersten said this will enable them to do cold patching; and depending on the winter, some problems occur in early January as the roads go through a freeze/thaw cycle with water running into the cracks and freezing at night and causing problems, and said there are a lot of potholes and patching needed; and when the asphalt plants open, they can do the larger sections and do the permanent long term patch. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Munson, Depury Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Dempsey, Gothmann, and Wilhite; Opposed: Councrlmember Grafos. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 12. Motion Consideration: Approval of AAA Sweepine Contract Renewal —Neil Kersten It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve the contract to AAA Sweeping in an amount not to exceed $490,199.94 and authorize the City Manager or desigrree to sign the contract. Council Regular Mee[ing 12-08-2009 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT Public Works Director Kersten said AAA has also picked up the level of service and they do multiple sweeps during the summer and bikes routes as needed; he said this is the third renewal; and this company has done a good job and has not asked for an increase in the prices. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Point of Order: Mayor Munson said that he forgot to mention two items during his Mayor's report: that several months ago a citizen contacted the state auditor's office to complain about our non-compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act as Council met at Deputy Mayor Denenny's cabin in Idaho. Mayor Munson then read the following letter from the Washington State Auditor: "November 16, 2009. Dear Mr. Mercier: Recently a citizen contacted our Office with a concern regarding the City of Spokane Valley's wmpliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. We investigated this concem and would like to shaze the results with you. The concern related to Council retreats held at a cabin in Idaho. We reviewed records and determined proper public notice of these retreats was provided and official minutes were recorded and approved at the Council's next regularly scheduled meeting. Since state law (RCW 35A.12.110) requires meetings to occur within the ciry limits only when actions on ordinances and resolutions occur and no official actions were taken at the meetings in question, we found no violations of the Open Public Meetings Act based on the information provided. If you have any questions, please contact Audit Manager Deborah Pennick. Sincere(y, Audit Manager." Secondly, Mayor Munson said based on a request from Senior Planner Mike Basinger, there is a letter for the Mayor's signature to the Board of County Commissioners supporting their Resolution 09-281 concerning county road standards; Mayor Munson said this has nothing to do with the recent annexations, but with street standazds and to have standards not in conflict with the County's ordinance; and he asked for Council consensus for him to sign and send the following letter, and Council concutted: "Dear Commissioners Mielke, Richard and Mager: On behalf of the City Council of Spokane Valley, please accept our support for your Resolution 08-281 conceming county road standards. We view your continuing work on this subject to be constructive and most beneficial. We hope this effort will allow future negotiations to establish joint planning areas to ensure concurrency issues are dealt with in the most fair and equitable manner possible. We also view this document as the beginning of a process that will help us negotiate the eventual annexation of areas that border our city. The Spokane Valley City Council commends your efforts to begin a process that will lead to providing a better transportation system for our mutual constituents. We stand ready to cooperate and contribute to future work that will enhance our Growth Management actions." PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 13. Pines/Mansfield Project ChanQe Order Approval — Steve Worlev Engineer Worley explained that during the course of the Pines/Mansfield project, additional costs were incurred resulting in the need for two additional change orders requiring council approval, and which are scheduled to come before Council at next week's council meeting; he said funds were allocated in the 2009 budget so no budget amendment is required, and he added that the County did an excellent job in acquiring road rights-of-way as the project area was complicated as there were several different property owners. 14. INFORMATION ONLY: The Broadcasting Council Meetings Follow-up was for information only and was not reported or discussed. Council Regular Mee[ing ] 2-OS-2009 Page 7 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT EXE �� � T�I� eVEiSESSION:rP,eniling�l, itigation It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed [o adjourn into executive session for approximately twenty minutes to discuss pending litigation per RCW 42.30.110(i), and that no action is anticipated thereafter. Council adjourned into executive session at 8:42 p.m. At approximately 8:57 p.m., Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. ATTEST: Richard M. Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 12-08-2009 Page 8 of 8 Approved by CounciC DRAFT MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Was6ington December 15, 2009 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attomey Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mike Stone, Pazks & Recreation Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Dev. Director Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Karen Kenda(I, Associate Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Munson opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. At the request of the Mayor, City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all councilmembers were present. ACTION ITEMS: 1 Second ReadinQ Proposed Ordinance 09-038 Special Events - Mike Connellv/Mike Stone Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve ordinance 09-038. Parks and Recreation Director Stone explained that this is primarily a housekeeping item related to special events regarding functionaliTy, changing the number of people which constitutes the need for a special event permit, and making it more practical to implement the process. Mayor Munson invited public comment no comments were offered. Vote 6y Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 2 Second Readin� Proaosed Ordinance 09-039 Comp Plan Map Chan¢e CPA 01-09 — Karen Kendall Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve ordinance 09-039. Planner Kendall went through her PowerPoint explaining the proposal for this and the following ordinance, as well as for the development agreement attached to the upcoming resolution. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 3 Second Readine Proposed Ordinance 09-040 Legislative Zone Chance CPA 01-09- Karen Kendall Afrer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to adopt ordinance 09-040. Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 09-041 Firearm Restrictions — Mike Connelly/Mike Stone After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve ordinance 09-041. Deputy City Attorney Driskell outlined the proposed changes which he said are largely based on an Attorney GeneraPs Opinion regarding the regulating of firearms. Council Meeting Minutes: 12-/5-09 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Cauncrl: DRAFT Mayor Munson invited public comment. Ben Goodman, 4705 S Highway Court, asked about someone leaving a rifle in a vehicle after hunting, while that person attends an event, and whether that would be permitted. It was determined that staff will research that issue, and well as a question from Councilmember Dempsey regarding carrying a rifle on one's back while attending a demonstration at a public place. Yote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5. Proposed Resolution 09-018: Development Agreement, Zone Chan¢e CPA 01-09 Karen Kendall It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded ta approve resolution 09-018. At the request of Mayor Munson, City Clerk Bainbridge read the title of Resolution 09-018. Ms. Kendall explained that this adopts the development agreement associated with ordinance 09-039 and 09-04Q which is associated with the comprehensive plan amendment CPA 01-09. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no commen[s were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor. Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: Pines Mansfield Change Order #36- Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to execute change order #36 for the Pines/Mansfield project in the amount of $160,500. Public Works Director Kersten explained that previously Engineer Wodey gave a detailed history on the change orders, and tha[ this was a result of utility conflicts and increased working days. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Z Motion Consideration: Pines Mansfield Chanee Order #37 — Steve Worley It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to execzrte change order #37 for the Pines/Mansfield project in lhe amount of �'468,076.23. Public Works Director Kersten explained that this is the second of rivo change orders requiring council approval, and tha[ this is for a claim by a subcontractor for quan[ity increases related to the delay. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 8. Mavoral Aopointments to Plannine Commission — Mavor Munson Councilmember Wilhite said that she would like hvo separate motions. It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to canfirm the Mayoral appointments of John Carroll, Ms. Sands and Rustin Hall each for a three-year term oJJanuary 1, 2010 through December 31, 2012. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Schimmels said there is a planning commission member who it is reported has missed a large share of the meetings this year, and he asked how this should be addressed, adding that it is unknown whether the absences were excused. Deputy City Attorney Driskell said he would research that issue. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclumatron: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried Mayor Munson said that he is recommending Arne Woodward for the remaining position; that it was a difficult choice and there were a large number of qualified people; but that Mr. Woodward is very knowledgeable about land use in Spokane Valley, and has been a supporter of the City. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to confirm !he mayoral appointment oJArne Woodward for a ttivo- year term of January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2011. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamatron: In Favor: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Grafos, Dempsey and Gothmann. Opposed. Councilmember Wilhite. Abstentions: None. Motron carried. Council Meeting Minutes: /2-I 5-09 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT NON-ACTION ITEMS: 9. Area-Wide Rezone Public Notification P�ocess — Kathv McClun� Community Development Director McClung explained that this issue was brought before Council last fafl as a result of a citizen's request to be notified on a fand use decision which doesn't normally require individual notification; she explained that the current process meets the minimum state requirements; that if a paRicular property owner asks for a land use change, staff notifies all surrounding properties within three of four hundred feet from that subject property; but if there is a legislative type action like a comp plan city-wide, we are not required to do individual notification; and she said for both types of actions, notices are published in the newspaper and are typically placed on our website. Director McClung said [hat if Council wants more, that is not a problem, but the issue needs to be addressed by the Planning Commission for a code change proposal. Councilmember Gothmann suggested notifying property owners if there are one-thousand or fewer notifications, and several councilmembers agreed that the cost to do so would not be an issue. Director McClung said this issue can be added to the Planning Commission's 2010 work program, and that options including the associated costs will be researched as any code amendment, to go through the Planning Commission and ultimately to Council for consideration. 10. Court Related Services — Morgan Koudelka Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka explained that Anne Pflug of the Department of Commerce's Research Services conducted a second study for court-related services; and via his PowerPoint, Mr. Koudelka went over the highlights of the report, including Spokane Valley's circumstances and interests, findings, conclusioas and recommendations, background on the criminal justice system and average misdemeanor costs; court and other justice services caseloads, operations and facilities; performance indicators and disposition of filed cases; alternative service delivery methods, and Spokane Valley in- house services. 11. Council Extemal Committee Reports While nothing definitive was mentioned regarding any of the committees and boards Councilmembers participate in, the Solid Waste Plan, STA (Spokane Transit Authority) budget, TIB's (TranspoRation Improvement Board) potential move to WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation), and SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) proposed changes were briefly discussed. l2. Advance Aeenda — Mavor Munson Mayor Munson said he would like to include the solid waste board and governance changes on the list of issues for "early consideration next year"; and Councilmember Gothmann said he has some concems about the law enforcement contract and potential problems if there is a delay. l3. InJ'ormation Only: Shoreline Management Program Update: Citizens Advisory Committee List was not reported or discussed. 14. Council Check-in — Mayor Munson no further comments 15. Citv ManaQer Comments — Dave Mercier no further comments There being no further business, Mayor Munson adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. A7"CEST: Richard M. Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Counci! Meeting Mrnutes: l2-I 5-09 p aSe 3 0 � j Approved by Councrl: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Meeting Date: December 22, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: � consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Approval of Payroll Vouchers GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None. However, the State Auditor's Office has requested that all payroil vouchers be listed numerically in the minutes and approved by the council. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Formal council approval occurred on these vouchers shortly after the applicable pay day. However, these vouchers were overlooked when the voucher #s were listed in the minutes because they were automatically generated by the payroll system to pay fringe benefit costs of the applicable pay date. BACKGROUND: The State Auditor's Office likes to see approval of a beginning and ending voucher number for the entire year. Approval of the vouchers on list shown below will provide this audit trail. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approve the voucher list as presented below. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Finance Director Ken Thompson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll Vouchers Voucher#16356;total$55,038.71 Voucher #16394 through #16395; total $102,760.69 Voucher#16465;total $150.00 Voucher #16481; total $8,799.51 Voucher #16603; total $150.00 Voucher #16656 through #16658; total $1OQ878.28 Voucher #16795 through #16797; total $57,937.07 Voucher#17062 through #17064; total $107,392.63 Voucher #17093; total $9,715.99 Voucher #7258; total $58,385.59 Voucher #17286 through #17290; total $100,403.20 Voucher#17519 through #17523; total $154,002.16 Voucher#17603; total $192.21 Voucher#17791 through 17797; total $164,840.13 Voucher#17923; total $10,378.06 Voucher#18069 through #18072; total $136,739.84 Voucher #18317 through #18318; total $22,029.48 Voucher #18319; total $44,085.53 Voucher #18374 through #18376; total $98,207.02 Voucher #18548; total $37,459.79 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Meeting Date: December 22, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: X consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Approval of former Claim Vouchers GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None. However, the State Auditor's Office has requested that all vouchers for the payment of claims (accounts payable) be listed numerically in the minutes and approved by the council. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No formal council action has been taken on these vouchers but the usual procedure where the Financial Director, Mayor and a Councilor review and approve them, has taken place. The issue today is a request from staff that Council take formal action to approve these vouchers which were overlooked during the month the Finance Director, Mayor and a Councilor reviewed and approved them. BACKGROUND: The State Auditor's Office likes to see approval of a beginning and ending voucher number for the entire year on accounts payable. Approval of the vouchers on the attached list will provide this audit trail. OPTIONS: 1) Approve the voucher list RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approve the voucher list as attached. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Finance Director Ken Thompson CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Former Claim Vouchers Claim Vouchers: The following claim vouchers were approved and signed by the Finance Director, Mayor and Councilmember. However, for purposes of the State Auditor's requirements, claim vouchers that were not listed in the minutes (or gaps in the numerical sequence in the minutes) are listed below to ensure compliance with the State Auditor's expectations that all vouchers are approved and listed in the Council minutes. List #1: Voucher #16354 t}uough #16355; total $780.00 List #2: Voucher #16357 through #16365; total $7,278.25 List #3: Voucher #16423 through #16464; total $194,075.38 List #4: Voucher #16466 through #16480; total $27,313.55 List #5: Voucher # 16482 through #16530; total $1,088,83131 List #6: Voucher # 16604 through #16633; total $55,013.48 List #7: Voucher #16659 through #16697; total $105,365.04 List #8: Voucher # 16774 through #16794; total $478,560.50 List #9: Voucher # 16798 through #16799; total $551.25 List # 10: Voucher # 16901 through # 16976; total $97,015.44 List #11: Voucher #17217 through #17257; and wire #427090008; total $2,380,266.42 List #12: Voucher #17464; total $375.00 List #13: Voucher #17604 through #17647; and wire #617090004; total $1,009,665.43 List #14: Voucher #17718 through #17790, and wire #701090034; total $1,927,05237 Voucher # 18302 was voided �,Sf �i 6 vchlist Voucher List 01/09/2009 2:05:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbe�k Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16354 12/31/2008 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST 2009 PERMIT vchlist 01/13/2009 9:42:42AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16355 12/31/2008 001194 DEPT OF ECOLOGY Voucher List Spokane Valley t � PO # Description/Account 2009 RESTAURANT PERMIT: CP Total : Invoice PO # 7222 �� Description/Account 2009 WASTEWATER OPERATOR C Total : Page: Page: 7 Amount 750.00 750.00 7 Amount 30.00 30.00 � vchlist 01/09/2009 2:05:38PM Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16357 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16358 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16359 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16360 1/6/2009 �001606 BANNERBANK 16361 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16362 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16363 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16364 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16365 1/6/2009 001606 BANNER BANK Voucher List Spokane Valley �. i JT -�f � I � � Page: 1 Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 4458 DEC O8: PASSMORE CC 1,937.85 Total : 1,937.85 0638 DEC 08: GOTHMANN CC 2,133.20 Total : 2,133.20 0620 DEC 08: DEMPSEY CC 1,794.23 Total : 1,794.23 4367 DEC O8: MUNSON CC 23.96 Total : 23.96 4359 DEC 08: TAYLOR CC 58.45 Total : 58.45 4383 DEC 08: WILHITE CC 20.62 Total : 20.62 4474 DEC 08: THOMPSON CC 252.81 ToWI : 252.81 4391 DEC 08: MERCIER CC 34.37 � Total : 34.37 2832 DEC 08: CC 1,022.76 s ��nrsi 01/22/2009 3:00:38PM 8 Voucher List Spokane Valley 3 � %sf � Page: Bank eode : apbank , _ Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account 16423 1/13/2009 000397 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 Revised 3rd Qtr 3RD QTR 2006 IFC FEES Total : 16424 1/13/2009 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 4TH QTR 2008 4TH QTR 2008 IFC FEES . .. . T..ht . � Amount 21,512.93 21,572.93 13,436.97 �'! A'!C O7 vchlist 01/16/2009 9:11:06AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16425 1/16/2009 001081 ALSCO 16426 16427 16428 16429 16430 16431 16432 16433 16434 16435 16436 1/16/2009 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC 1/16/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1/16/2009 001409 BEST LINE 1/16/2009 001899 BOND LOGISTIX LLC 1/16/2009 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 1/16/2009 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 1/16/2009 000603 CONTR,4CT DESIGN ASSOC INC 1/16/2009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 1/16/2009 000693 DEPT OF INFO SERVICES 1/16/2009 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 1/16/2009 001753 DINGUS, ZARECOR & ASSOC Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice LSP0536496 LSP0540224 003098 22919A 053112232008 41612-10444/010509 104058 DEC 2008 26739 26740 92525344 2008120203 200715316 1358 PO # e 42190 42202 � Description/Account FLOOR MATS: PRECINCT FLOOR MATS ToWI: JANITORIAL SERVICES ToWI : OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : ANSWERING SERVICE Total : LTGO BONDS REPORT Total : UTILITIES Total : WATER CHARGES: CP Total : CONF ROOM TABLE AND CHAIRS F SETUP AND INSTALL PONDEROSA Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : DEC 08 MASTER LICENSE Total : ADVERTISING:SENIOR CNT Total : DEC OS ACCOUNTING SVCS Page: Page: 1 Amount 15.22 14.47 29.69 2,144.64 2,744.64 111.25 111.25 20.00 20.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 434.96 434.96 47.50 47.50 2,877.97 353.28 3,231.25 21.39 21.39 3,630.54 3,630.54 6.66 6.66 3,510.00 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 01/76/2009 9:71:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 16436 1/16/2009 001753 001753 DINGUS, ZARECOR & ASSOC (Continued) Total : 3,510.00 16437 1/16/2009 000999 EASTERN WAATTORNEY SVC, INC 20321 LEGAL PAPERS SERVED 45.00 Total : 45.00 16438 1/16/2009 001846 ECOPLAN-DESIGN 132 42177 IANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SEF 7,323.10 Total : 7,323.10 16439 � 1/16/2009 001232 FASTENAL CO PURCHASING IDLEW59676 41924 BLANKET PO FOR MISC SM TOOL£ 25.42 Total : 25.42 � Total : 12.00 16441 1/16/2009 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INC 12/31/OS 4TH QTR 2008 CONTRACT 16,250.00 Total : 16,250.00 16442 1/16/2009 000220 ICMA 310908 CONTR.4CT PAYMENT 34,500.00 Total : 34,500.00 164d3 1/16/2009 000070 INLAND POWER 8 LIGHT CO 94202-005 UTILITIES 134.85 94202-006 UTILITIES 201.60 DEC 08 UTILITIES 45.98 DEC 08 UTILITIES 4727 Total: 429.70 16444 1/16/2009 001635 ISS FACILITY/EVENT SERVICES 20308 EVENT SERVICES:DEC OS � 157.60 Total : 157.60 16445 1/16/2009 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04500-01 UTILITIES 9,823.04 � Total : 9,823.04 16446 1/16/2009 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 63149 41927 BLANKET PO FOR MISC SM TOOL£ 89.13 63169 41927 SIGNAGE 200.01 Total : 289.14 16447 1/16/2009 001035 NEfWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 164546 DEC OS SERVER MAINTENANCE 7,215.00 16545 DEC OS SERVER MAINTENANCE 2,343.75 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 07/76/2009 9:11:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16447 1/16/2009 001035 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMEN (Continued) 16448 1/16/2009 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP INC. 71698 16449 1/16/2009 000121 NORTHWEST MAILING, INC 65139 16450 1/16/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 457170255 16451 1/16/2009 000058 OMA A500163 16452 16453 16454 16455 1/16/2009 000322 QWEST 1/16/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 1/16/2009 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 1/16/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 16456 1/16/2009 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 16457 1/16/2009 001281 SPOKANE VALLEY ARTS COUNCIL 16458 1/16/2009 000405 SPOKANE VALLEY PARTNERS 509-924-4707 740B DEC 08 DEC OS 2966970 2974609 2983065 50303406 435-0146-00 475-1495-00 1767 Nov O8 Dec 08 PO # 42236 Description/Account Amount Total: 9,558.75 DATE STAMPS: FINANCE 212.94 Total : 212.94 INK CARTRIDGE 217.40 Total : 217.40 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 224.57 Total : 224.57 PHYSICAL EXAMS 195.00 Total : 195.00 PHONE SERVICE: TERRACE VIEW 101.86 PHONE SERVICE 44.45 PHONES: MISSION POOL 101.86 ToWI : 248.77 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 1,979.10 DE-ICE: PRECINCT 108.70 SNOW REMOVAL:PRECINCT 217.40 Total : 2,305.20 NOV 08: COUNTY IT SUPPORT 14,181.49 Total : 14,181.49 UTILITIES 177.14 UTILITIES 17.92 Total : 195.06 DEC 08 CONTRACT PMT 37,142.72 Total : 37,142.72 FINAL 08 GRANT REIMBURSEMEN 1,325.00 Total : 7,325.00 FINAL 08 GRANT REIMBURSEMEN 1,517.80 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List 01/76/2009 9:11:06AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voueher Date Vendor Invoice 16458 1/16/2009 000405 000405 SPOKANE VALLEY PARTNERS (Continued) 16459 1/16/2009 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 25677 16460 1/16/2009 000676 THOMSON WEST 0187484676 -see note '16461 1/16/2009 001464 TW TELECOM 02634741 16462 1/16/2009 001024 UNITED RENTALS,INC. 78573913-001 16463 1/16/2009 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0001-031971.02 16464 0001-032805.00 0002-00142501 0016-007780.00 1/16/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 2361912-2681-0 236191326818 46348-1518-9 40 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 40 Vouchers in this report PO # 41931 Page: 4 Description/Account Amount Total : 1,517.80 NOV OS MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 491.87 Total : 491.87 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 673.17 Total : 673.17 INTERNET/DATE LINES 886.00 Total : 886.00 BLANKET PO FOR MISC SM TOOL� 77.77 Total : 77.77 UTILITIES 61.90 UTILITIES 23.73 UTILITIES 98.00 UTILITIES 188.10 Total : 371.73 WASTE MGMT: CP 686.61 WASTE MGMT: PRECINT 26626 UTILITIES 3,317.09 ToWI : 4,269.96 Bank total : 159,137.48 Totalvouchers: 159 137:48� �r rsy, iLs�y Page: 4 , � vchlist Voucher List 01/22/2009 3: 0:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # 16466 1/16/2009 000140 WALTS MAILING SERVICE 78696 � ��r � y � Page: 1 Description/Account Amount BARKER BRIDGE NEWSLETTER #0 1,096.62 vchlist 07/21/2009 10:59:OOAM Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16467 1/16/2009 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 16468 1/21/2009 001048 CIN PARCEL 16469 1/21/2009 001232 FASTENALCOPURCHASING 16470 1/21/2009 000007 GRAINGER 16471 1/21/2009 001635 ISS FACILITY/EVENT SERVICES 16472 1/21/2009 000518 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT, INC. 16473 1/21/2009 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 16474 1/21/2009 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 16475 1/21/2009 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 16476 1/21/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 16477 1/21/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST#3 16478 1/21/2009 000589 SPOKANE WINERY ASSOC Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice DEC 09 12280069 DEC OS 9810521851 20287 20307 SI106370 00018243 63185 23004 DEC 08 4350146-00 1758 PO # 41924 41925 42205 41927 3 Description/Account DINNER: WILHITE Total : DELIVERY CHARGES ToWI: BLANKET PO FOR MISC SM TOOL£ Total : BOOTS:PW ToWI: EVENT SERVICES DEC 08 EVENT SERVICES DEC 08 Total : POOL EQUIPMENT Total : SOFTWARE: FINANCE Total : MARKING PAINT: PW Total : SIGN CHANGES Total : SNOW REMO. & DE-ICE ToWI: UTILITIES Total : 2008 CONTRACT: LODGING TAX Total : Page: 7 Amount 43.00 43.00 18.45 18.45 68.36 68.36 76.99 76.99 453.10 433.40 886.50 16,75828 76,758.28 342.26 342.26 10.00 10.00 43.91 43.91 4,353.48 4,353.48 610.55 610.55 2,485.00 2,485.00 Page: 1 vchlist 07 /21/2009 10:59:OOAM Voucher List Spokane Valley Bank code : epbeflk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16479 1/21/2009 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 25800 16480 1/21/2009 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0007-017753.01 14 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 14 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certi£y said claim. Date � l Date . PO # Description/Account DEC 08 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE Total : UTILITIES Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Page: 2 Amount 491.87 491.87 28.28 28.26 26,216.93 26,216.93 Page: 2 ��h��st 07/22/2009 3:00:38PM Voucher List � Spokane Valley � L�sf � Page: 1 8ank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice P O # Desceiofi�.+�e.=�...•..* ------�--- e 16482 16483 16484 16465 16486 16487 1/22/2009� 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 1/22/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1/22/2009 001816 BENTHIN&ASSOCIATES 41495 41646-A 41653-A 082525 22769A 274170 274278 1337 1/2Z2009 001545 BERNARDO WILLS ARCHITECTS PC 2008-2425 1/22/2009 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC 1/22/2009 000863 CENTURY WEST ENG CORP M081333 M08133-4 M081343 M08134-4 P08355-3 024202 41981 AAA VACTORING SERVICES CONT 41987 AAA SWEEPING CONTRACT NO 08 41981 AAA VACTORING SERVICES CONT Total : 42106 42169 42169 42170 42170 42226 41996 COPIER COSTS COPIER COSTS � COPIER COSTS COPIER COSTS Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES #0088 Total : CITY HALL CONCEPTUAL SITE PLA Total : MATERIALS TESTING #0074 MATERIALS TESTING #0074 MATERIALS TESTING #0075 MATERIALS TESTING #0075 GEOTECH. EXPL. & PAVEMENT DE Total : TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SEF 5,281.56 32,647.71 9,494.70 47,423.97 135.88 94.41 3Z.63 193.46 461.38 960.00 960.00 10,713.21 10,773.27 1,497.00 758.50 811.00 207.00 3,044.00 6,317.50 4,171.32 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Pa9e= Z 07/22/2009 3:00:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16487 1/22/2009 000863 000863 CENTURY WEST ENG CORP (Continued) 16488 1/22/2009 000729 CH2MHILL INC 3681475 16489 1/22/2009 000840 CLARY, AARON 6cpenses 16490 1/22/2009 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 258542 16491 16492 16493 16494 16495 16496 16497 1/22/2009 000618 DEPT OF FISH & WILDLIFE 1/22/2009 001290 DEPT OF PERSONNEL 1/22/2009 001877 DOBBINS, CHRIS 1/22/2009 001771 DOLLAR RENT A CAR 1/22/2009 001465 GAVIN ASSOCIATES 1/22I2009 001003 GEOENGINEERS INC 1/22/2009 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 264426 264523 264524 264524 3908 57060 Expenses 09088232 12312008 0097956 0097957 110042 PO # 42109 42109 42174 Description/Account Total : ENGINEERING SERVICES #0016 Total : REIMBURSEMENT Total : DEA TRAFFIC ENG SER. PRECINCT SHOP DRAIN #0096 PLAT REVIEW SVC: CD DEA TRAFFIC ENG SER. TRAFFIC SERVICES: CIP Total : MAP FOR PROJECT#0066 Total : SOFTWARE TRAINING Total : REIMBURSEMENT Total : OCT O8: COBALT RENTAL Total : CONSULTING SERVICES #0076 Total : MATERIALS TESTING #0092 INTERSECTION GEOTECHNICAL S' Total : DEC O8: LOBBYIST SERVICES Total : Amount 4,171.32 11,060.50 71,060.50 10.29 10.29 3,285.10 1,067.00 3,899.00 2,968.16 5,165.00 16,384.26 42.00 42.00 675.00 675.00 70.76 70.76 434.11 434.11 25,650.00 25,650.00 1,32525 8,450.50 9,775.75 2,194.33 2,194.33 Page: 2 vchlist 01/22/2009 3:00:38PM Bankcode: apbank Voucher 16498 16499 16500 16501 16502 16503 Date Vendor 1/22/2009 000002 H 8 H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 1/22/2009 001901 LIBERTY LAKE ELEMENTARY 1/22/2009 001886 LLOYD'S AUTOMOTIVE 1/22/2009 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 1/22/2009 001684 MARKETING SOLUTIONS NW 1/22/2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 180737 180738 180870 180871 180877 180908 181026 181027 181030 181031 181032 181033 181034 181035 Refund A38411 A38483 02573 02857 10837 11958 12165 13388 RETURN 16544 CP-11-26-OS Expenses PO # Description/Account DEC O8: COPIES DEC OS: COPIES DEC 08: COPIES DEC O8: COPIES DEC 08: COPIES DEC OS: COPIES DEC 08: COPIES DEC O8: COPIES DEC 08: COPIES DEC O8: COPIES DEC O8: COPIES DEC O8: COPIES DEC 08: COPIES DEC 08: COPIES Total , REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : EMISSIONS FAILURE: 32810D DIAGNOSTIC TESTING: 40203D Total : MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PRECIN RETURN: CP SUPPLIES Total : ADVERTISING: CP DEC 08: MILEAGE Total Total Page: 3 Amount 65.82 1.70 478.44 399.36 47.83 29.52 606.93 81.63 83.45 20.15 284.53 59.84 351.09 50.13 2,560.42 1,310.00 1,310.00 266.79 574.70 841.49 18.91 23.85 102.76 17.23 33.57 67.06 -9.51 253.87 19,826.90 19,826.90 351.24 351.24 Page: 3 vchlist 01/22/2009 3:00:38PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16504 1/22/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 16505 16506 16507 16508 16509 16510 16511 1/22/2009 000512 OFFICErEAM 1/22/2009 001258 ORBARCHITECTSINC. 1/22/2009 001860 PLATT 1/22/2009 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 1/22/2009 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 1/22/2009 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 1/22/2009 000710 SPOKANE CO BAR ASSOC Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 456222034-001 456222422-001 456222563-001 456405266-001 456408691-001 457782338-001 457933788-001 457933800-002 457933801-001 23042208 23042209 18 18 5394190 5440794 5447654 42887 42888 2008-2081 301324 C68DEC45 CBSSEP53 PO # Description/Account 42224 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COUNCIL 42224 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS 42224 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN OFFICE SUPPLIES: IT OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN Total : 41600 41601 41601 41983 41983 41928 STAFFING SVC: M MERCER STAFFING SVC: M SWANK Total : TERRACE VIEW POOL DESIGN VALLEY MISSION POOL DESIGN Total : MISC SUPPLIES: CP MISC SUPPLIES: CP MISC SUPPLIES: PRECINCT Total : POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #08-001 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #08-001 Total : CONSULTING SERVICES: CM Total DEC OS: ROADKILL REMOVAL Total DEC 08: PHOTOCOPIES SEP 08: PHOTOCOPIES Page: Page: 4 Amount 50.38 21.20 53.76 21.49 1428 19.98 19.81 5.79 16.18 222.87 362.68 293.40 656.08 2,029.86 2,029.87 4,059.73 188.09 522 53.43 246.74 158.67 929.56 1,088.23 3,894.46 3,894.46 1,875.00 1,875.00 2.50 3.00 4 vchlist Voucher List 07/22/2009 3:00:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16511 1/22/2009 000710 000710 SPOKANE CO BAR ASSOC (Continued) 16512 1/22/2009 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER VLY0811 VLY0812 VLY0812 16513 16514 16515 16516 1/22/2009 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 1/22/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 1/22/2009 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 1/22/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 50303492 10300009 40100203 40300004 40300006 40300008 40300010 40300017 40300012 40300013 4030007 41500826 41500840 08 Balance 3106043082 3106338431 3106838005 3107115060 3107368710 3107368711 3108166619 3108166620 3108166621 3108962676 3109867934 PO # Page: 5 Description/Account Amount Total : 5.50 NOV O8: ENGINEERING SERVICES DEC O8: ENGINEERING SVC DEC O8: ENGINEERING SVC Total DEC O8: COUNTY IT SUPPORT Total ROAD IMPROVEMENTS #0081 UTILITIES O"M - PW ROADIMPROVEMENTS#0058 ROADIMPROVEMENTS#0057 ROADIMPROVEMENTS#0082 ROADIMPROVEMENTS#0091 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS # 0094 ROADIMPROVEMENTS#0091 ROADIMPROVEMENTS#0084 ROADIMPROVEMENTS#0056 DEC O8: STANDARD HOUSING DEC O8: GEIGER WORK CREW Total REMAINING 2008 MONEY OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFIGE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD Total : 34,536.86 136,969.89 14,741.00 166,247.75 13,962.61 13,962.61 126,893.03 281.73 91,995.85 128,960.43 262,595.07 71,747.14 130,441.59 ia.�ao.s2 161,045.76 15,816.75 21,872.00 2,587.84 1,028,377.87 5,706.44 5,706.44 76.87 106.72 86.95 35.49 320.52 271.32 431.84 434.38 70.50 290.67 213.35 Page: 5 vchlisY Voucher List Page: 6 07/22/2009 3:00:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16516 1/22/2009 000065 STAPLESBUSINESSADVANTAGE 16517 16518 1/22/2009 001248 USKH, INC. 1/22/2009 000152 WSDOT +! Vouchers for bank code : apbank +�-Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorizec],to authenticate and certify said claim. � D Date Invoice (Continued) 8011332409 8011384862 8011415408 01119500-1 01119500-2 ATB81209068 ATB81209069 AT690113118 PO # 42232 Description/Account Amount OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 470.55 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 174.19 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 24.08 ToWI : 3,007.43 TOPO SURVEY SPRAGUE PROJEC 31,739.00 TOPO SURVEYS: SPRAGUE INTER. 700.00 Total : 32,439.00 SIGNAL MAINTENANCE: PW 4,043.62 ST ROADWAY MAINTENANCE: PW 2,784.60 PINES/MANSFIELD #0005 2,966.30 Total : 9,794.52 'B���f � � � �� Page: 6 O��' -� vchlist 07/27/2009 4:28:09PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16519 1/27/2009 000197 AIRFACIZ 27847 16520 1/27/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 4359 16521 16522 16523 16524 16525 16526 16527 4367 4383 4458 1/27/2009 000904 BRANCH, CAROLBELLE Mileage 1/27/2009 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY INC. PMT #5 1/27/2009 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER DEC OS NOV 08 1/27/2009 001904 OVERHEAD DOOR, INC 162593 1/27l2009 000881 OXARC SSC1126 1/27/2009 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE 34204 34205 34206 34715 35872 36812 37489 1/27/2009 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 42365 PO # 42102 W Description/Account PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING Total : DEC 08: TAYLOR DEC 08: MUNSON DEC O8: WILHITE DEC O8: PASSMORE Total : TRAVELEXPENSES Total : PINES/MANSFIELD #0005 Total : CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMM< CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMMf Total : SERVICE AT PRECINCT Total : SUPPLIES FOR SR CENTER Total : FILING/RECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES FILINGlRECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES Total : DEC O8: LEGAL ADS Total : Page: 1 Amount 125.00 125.00 466.21 20.42 1,125.00 884.38 2,496.01 14.04 14.04 70,843.03 70,843.03 63,186.90 63,665.58 726,852.48 486.18 486.18 123.72 123.72 113.00 45.00 4.00 98.00 347.00 452.00 51.00 1,710.00 1,952.79 1,952.79 Page: 1 vchlist 01/27/2009 4:28:09PM Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16528 1/27/2009 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE 16529 1/27/2009 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 16530 1/27/2009 001618 VIKING CONSTRUCTION �Vouchers for bank code : apbank �Vouchers in this repoR I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. � Finance /�_ Date �C 3 � Date 6' ° ate Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice L74679 40510 Refund Page: 2 PO # Description/Account Amount DEC O8: AUDITORS 786.00 Total: 786.00 DEC 08: EMPLOYMENTADVICE 432.00 Total : 432.00 REFUND PERMIT 1,500.00 Total : 1,500.00 �� � 14�s': �!F Page: 2 VChlist 02/06/2009 3:43:49PM Bank code : apb0nk � Voucher Date Vendor 16604 2/6/2009 000648 ABADAN 16605 2/6/2009 001637 ACPA 16606 2/6/2009 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY 16607 2/6/2009 001081 ALSCO 16608 2/6/2009 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 16609 2/6/2009 001888 COMCAST 16610 � 2/6/2009 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 16611 2/6/2009 001194 DEPT OF ECOLOGY 16612 2/6/2009 001290 DEPT OF PERSONNEL 16613 � ?J6/2009 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 16614 2/6/2009 000161 IIMC 16615 � 7l6/2009 000070 INLAND POWER & LIGHT CO 166'16 2/6/2009 001635 ISS FACILIN/EVENT SERVICES Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 23016 18075 1001439 551186 8991495 Feb 2009 Jan 2009 2009-WAR046507 57176 600190740 2009 94202 20335 � � �� PO # Description/Account 42268 BOND PAPER Total : WEBINAR: PW Total : SECURITY MAINT: PRECINCT Total : FLOOR MATS: PRECINCT ToWI: LINEN SERVICE: CP Total : comcast high speed intemet � Total : UTILITIES: PARKS Total : STORMWATER PERMIT Total : EXCEL TRAINING Total : FEB 09: LEASE PMT Total : CERTIFICATION: CHRIS BAINBRIDC Total : UTILITIES:PW Total : FACILITY/EVENT SVC: CP �-+f�� Page: 7 Amount 152.01 152.01 35.00 35.00 462.98 462.98 2.75 2.75 73.63 73.63 108.95 108.95 62.08 62.08 10,111.50 10,111.50 270.00 270.00 1,656.78 1,656.78 225.00 225.00 448.54 448.54 137.90 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 02/06/2009 3:43:49PM Spokane Valley Bank code: epbenk Voucher Date Vendor 16616 2/6@009 001635 ISSFACILIIY/EVENTSERVICES Invoice (Continued) 20357 PO # Description/Account FACILITY/EVENT SVQ CP Total : STORMWATER PUMP REPAIRS Total : CONFERENCE ROOM PAINTING Total : SUPPLIES: PRECINCT . Total : UTILITIES ToWI: LTO LABELS AND CLEANING TAPE SOFTWARE RENEWAL INSTALL SAN & NEW BACKUP SYS JAN 09 SERVER MAINTENANCE HP SAS 146GB HARD DRIVE 2.5 IN� Total : Office Depat Xerox Brights Blue Coloi Total : PHONE SERVICE Total : DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION Total : PEST CONTROL: PRECINCT Total : SUPPLIES: CP Total : Amount 11820 256.10 397.80 397.80 354.70 354.70 163.00 163.00 9,677.35 9,677.35 8,606.10 2,512.74 6,305.00 3,510.00 2,548.03 23,481.87 205.18 205.18 46.15 46.15 60.42 60.42 70.66 70.66 5.74 5.74 16617 2/6/2009 000786 K& N ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. 91535 16618 2/6/2009 001068 KOFMEHL INC. 4528 16619 2/6/2009 001002 M& L SUPPLY CO., INC. 905059.1 16620 2/6/2009 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04500-01 16621 2/6/2009 001035 NEfWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16606 16611 16613 16614 16633 16622 2/6/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 461694198-001 16623 2/6/2009 000322 QWEST Jan 09 16624 2/6/2009 000952 RECALL SECURE DESTRUCTION, SERV 3901184317 16625 2/6/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 3020532 16626 2/6/2009 000935 SERVICE PAPER CO 30443430 42247 42240 42251 42261 42252 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 02/06/2009 3:43:49PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16627 2/6/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 16628 2/6/2009 000668 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 16629 16630 16631 16632 16633 ?l6/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 Invoice 41500860 2009 2009 435-0146-00 2/6/2009 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 1846 2/6/2009 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST JAN 2009 2/6/2009 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 2009 2/6/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 2381169-2681-0 30 Vouchers for bank code : apbank � '!11 Vn��r.harc in fhis �0001'f I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized�o authenticate and certify said claim. � PO # Description/Account WORK CREW: PRECINCT Total : UID FOR MIRABEAU LAND UID FOR MIRABEAU LAND Total : UTILITIES: PW Total : CTA REGISTR,4TION Total : WATER TESTING SERVICES Total : UTILITIES: 2009 Total : WASTE MGMT:PRECINCT Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Amount 369.25 369.25 2,246.41 77725 3,023.66 383.19 383.19 75.00 75.00 288.00 288.00 2,260.92 2,260.92 28527 285.27 55,013.48 55,013.48 Page: 3 vchlist 02/17/2009 11:58:44AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16659 2/17/2009 000150 ALLIED FIRE 8 SECURITY 16660 2/17/2009 001081 ALSCO 16661 16662 16663 16664 16665 16666 16667 16668 16669 16670 2/17/2009 000135 APA 2l17/2009 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC 2/17/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice IVC1001439 521565 LSP0551185 100486-081207 003233 110537 2/'17/2009 000030 AVISTA 410069444 2/17/2009 001559 BEACON HILL EVENTS Feb 2009 2/17/2009 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 8993388 2/17l2009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 3820:010631 3820:016063 3820:018217 2/17/2009 001148 COLUMBIA PAINT & COATINGS 0101-0 2/'17/2009 001198 CONGRESS FOR THE NEW URBANISM 2009 2/17/2009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 93208291 PO # 42257 lQ f� � `�7 *� Page: Description/Account MISC SECURITY EQUIP: CP Total : FLOOR MATS FLOOR MATS Total : MEMBERSHIPS Total : JANITORIAL SVCS: SHERIFF Total : COPIER MAINTENANCE ToWI: UTILITIES: PW MASTER AVISTA Total : REIMBURSEMENT:CP Total : LINEN SERVICE: CP Total : COFFEE SYSTEMS COFFEE SYSTEMS COFFEE SUPPLIES Total : PAINTING SUPPLIES Total MEMBERSHIP Total OFFICE SUPPLIES / � Amount 48.30 48.30 1522 1522 30.44 362.00 362.00 2,165.23 2,165.23 169.84 169.84 22,638.75 22,638.75 804.90 804.90 246.73 246.73 132.60 424.02 95.18 651.80 50.68 50.68 195.00 7 95.00 385.02 Page: 1 VChlist 02/7 7/2009 11:58:44A M Bank code : 2pb8nk Voucher Date Vendor 16670 ?J17/2009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 16671 16672 '16673 16674 16675 16676 16677 16678 16679 16680 Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice (Continued) 93306374 PO # 2/17/2009 001909 EXCAL VISUAL LLP 266709 � 2/17/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 31600 j 2/17/2009 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQUIP CO 96459 2/17/2009 001723 HEDEEN & CADITZ, PLLC 6081 2/17/2009 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST.#6 112500.0 2/17/2009 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00018366 2/17/2009 001035 NEIINORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16634 2/17/2009 001597 NUMARA SOFfWARE INC. 387419 42273 2/17/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 461982393-001 4&2000130-001 462095546-001 462375301 42259 � 462782345/462782510 42263 ?J17/2009 000058 OMA A500163 Description/Account OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : TRAINING KIT: PW Total : LEGAL PUBLICATION Total : SERVICE CALL• CP Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : WATER CHARGES Total : SOFTWARE RENTAL Total : SERVER MAINTENANCE Total : NUMARA TRACKIT SOFTWARE REI Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES: CP Total : EMPLOYEES PHYSICALS ToWI: Page: Page: E Amount 110.29 495.37 1,206.75 7,206.75 126.40 126.40 104.30 104.30 690.00 690.00 182.60 182.60 34226 342.26 1,047.00 1,047.00 1,221.51 1.221.51 724 43.53 70.67 161.13 681.67 964.24 130.00 130.00 2 vchlist 02/17/2009 11:58:44AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16681 2l17/2009 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 16682 2/17/2009 000677 PAW 16683 2/17/2009 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 16684 2/17/2009 001860 PLATT 16685 2/17/2009 000322 QWEST 16686 2/17/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 16687 2/17/2009 001174 SPACESAVER NW 16688 2/17/2009 001100 SPOKANE CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 16689 2/17/2009 000617 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 16690 2/17/2009 001903 SPOKANE TRAFFIC CONTROL Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 639771 2009 1330043187 1330043324 5450088 5559425 5566781 5576252 5633759 509-924-4707 7406 2958459 2985138 2985139 3358025 505823 PO # Description/Account FEB 09: ETHERNET Total : MEMBERSHIPS: CD Total : FORM PRINTING: POOLS PRINTING: CP Total : SUPPLIES: PRECINCT SUPPLIES: PRECINCT SUPPLIES: PRECINCT SUPPLIES: PRECINCT BATTERIES: CP Total : PHONES SERVICE: POOLS ToWI: DE ICE: PRECINCT CONTRACT MAINT: CENN TRAIL CONTRACT MAINTENANCE: CP DE ICE WALKS ToWI: LABEL SUPPLIES: CD Total : January 2009 EMPHASIS GRANT: SHERIFF Total : February 2009 4TH QTR 2008: LIQUOR TAXES & P Total : Jan 2009 SNOW REMOVAL Total : Page: 3 Amount 832.46 832.46 80.00 80.00 703.33 138.89 842.22 5.38 8.08 175.34 56.57 25.31 270.68 106.74 106.74 108.70 2,018.68 51,859.00 81.53 54,067.91 661.70 661.70 4,172.65 4,172.65 5,072.04 5,072.04 385.00 385.00 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 02/17/2009 17:58:44AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Imoice 16691 2/17/2009 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 67264 16692 2/17/2009 000676 THOMSON WEST 817678420 16693 2/17/2009 001382 WA RECREATION & PARK ASSOC OS-732 16694 2/17/2009 000100 WABOINC. 17669 16695 2/17/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0046693-1518-8 16696 2/17/2009 001230 WSASC 2009 16697 2/17/2009 001885 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Feb 2009 39 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 39 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. � �� �Qe ayor � Date — � l/ z-�z, n Council n ember Date PO # Description/Account Amount ADVERTISING 3,892.43 Total : 3,892.43 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 520.15 Total : 520.15 MEMBERSHIP: MIKE JACKSON 156.00 ToWI: 156.00 CONFERENCE REGIST: CD 60.00 Total : 60.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT 102.75 Total : 102.75 MEMBERSHIP: KAREN CLARK PAR 40.00 Total : 40.00 DARK FIBER LEASE 22827 Total : 228.27 Banktotal: 105,365.04 Total vouchers : 105,365.04 Page: 4 vchlist 03/02/2009 17:56:58AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16774 3/2/2009 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 16775 16776 3/2/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 3/2/2009 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC 76777 3/'L2009 001157 COUNTRY HOMES POWER EQUIP 16778 3/2/2009 000278 DRISKELL, CARY 16779 3/2/2009 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 16780 3/2/2009 000069 MERCIER, DAVID Voucher List Spokane Valley L�S� $� � Page: il Inv oice P_O_# DescriotiorilAccount Amount 638789 6-39960 2832 4391 M08218-1 P08355� 347698 Mileage 02600 10112 14264 14637 14763 FC Expenses Expenses Mar 09 42110 42226 MISC SERVICE: 40204D OIL CHANGE: 35517D Total : FEB 09:2832 FEB 09: MERCIER ToWI : GEOTECHNICAL ENG riD003 GEOTECHNICAL ENG #0054 Total : TOOL SERVICE: PW . Total : TRAVELEXPENSES Total : MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PRECIN FINANCE CHG ToWI : TRAVELEXPENSES TRAVELEXPENSES MAR 09: AUTO ALLOWANCE Total : 100.36 48.51 148.87 2,075.89 623.78 2,699.67 229.85 130.00 359.85 117.31 117.31 99.00 99.00 46.70 60.63 98.63 194.41 1923 622 425.82 463.90 743.19 400.00 1,607.09 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 03/02/2009 71:56:58AM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16781 3/2/2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD 16782 3/?J2009 000036 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN 16783 3/2/2009 000512 OFFICETEAM 16784 16785 16786 '16787 16788 16789 16790 16791 3/2/2009 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 3/2/2009 001659 RUEN-YEAGER & ASSOC INC 3/2/2009 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY 3/'L2009 001921 SCHMIDT, TAVIS 3/2/2009 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER 3/2/2009 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 3/2/2009 000311 SPRINT 3/2/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Invoice Expenses 966118612000 23309539 23309540 23320071 23122 24086 Expenses Expenses VLY0901 50303627 959698810-015 3115304609 3115539863 3115539864 3115539865 PO # Description/Account Amount TRAVEL EXPENSES 172.20 Total : 172.20 BUDGET SUPPLIES: FIN 51.10 � Total: 51.10 STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE 546.05 STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE 586.80 STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE -16.30 Total : 7,116.55 REPLACE GRAPHICS ON PD CRUI: 149.46 Total : 149.46 BROADWAY/FANCHER #0067 979.55 Total: 979.55 TRAVEL EXPENSES 414.70 Total : 414.70 TRAVEL EXPENSES 36.00 Total : 36.00 JAN 09: ENGINEERING SERVICES 434,209.83 Total : 434,209.83 JAN 09: COUNTY IT SUPPORT 16,524.45 Total : 76,524.45 FEB 09: CELL PHONES 947.63 Total : 947.63 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 120.12 RETURN -23.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 103.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 1.09 Total : 201.29 Page: 2 vchlist � 03102/2009 11:56:58AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16792 3/2/2009 000061 WILHITE,DIANA 16793 16794 3/2/2009 000152 WSDOT 3/2/2009 000361 WSDOT-ENGINEERING PUB. Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice F,cpenses Expenses 90210075 90210076 4784 I, the undereigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as deacribed herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to thenticate and certify said claim. Fina ctor �� i / Date � � 6 �/ 3 �'o� ayor Date ����� ' � � � ��/c� Council Member Date Page: 3 PO # Description/Account Amount TRAVELEXPENSES 11920 TRAVEL EXPENSES 6.95 Total : 126.75 SIGNAL/ILLUMINATION MAINT: PW 2,706.18 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT: F 15,440.63 Total : 18,146.81 08 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 27.17 ToWI : 27.17 Page: 3 vchlist 03/09/2009 10:20:13AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16798 3/4/2009 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 16799 3/5/2009 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY l �s� � Voucher List Spokane Valley � . � Page: 1 Invoice PO # 09-500 09-000374 Description/Account Amount BLA-02-09 PINES/MANSFIELD #000 105.00 Total : 105.00 PERMIT: VALLEY MISSION SHELTE 44625 Total : 446.25 vchlist 03/26/2009 2:49:38PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Bankcode: epbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16901 3/78/2009 000379 Cll'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY Pre-App Fee 16933 3/24/2009 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPERIOR COURT Filing Fees 16934 3/24/2009 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPERIOR COURT Filing Fees 16935 3/24/2009 001377 COMBS, LISA Expenses 16936 3l24/2009 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO Eledrical Service 16937 3/24/2009 000030 AVISTA Electrical Service 16938 3/26/2009 000648 ABADAN 128426 16939 16940 16941 16942 16943 129098 129292 129299 3/26/2009 001934 ACCEPTANCE CAPITAL MORTGAGE Refund 3/26/2009 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURI7Y SVC1004769 3/26/2009 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 6-40448 3/26/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 142351 3/26/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 0620 � ���� PO # Description/Account DISCOVERY PLACE Total : HABBESTAD COMPLAINT Total : CLURE COMPLAINT Total : TRAVELEXPENSES Total : ELECTRICAL SERVICE it0062 Total : ELECTRICAL SERVICE #0062 Total : PLANS/SPECS #0076 PLANS/SPECS #0076 PLANS/SPECS #0103 SPECS TO CD ToWI : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : LOCKS MADE:LEGAL Total : OIL CHANGE: 40206D ToWI: COPIER SERVICE: CD Totai : MAR 09: DEMPSEY �' /0 Page: Page: 1 Amount 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 21525 215.25 150.00 150.00 882.00 882.00 1,201.79 294.85 759.16 6221 2,318.01 27.00 27.00 66.86 66.86 36.94 36.94 135.88 135.88 598.84 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 03/26/2009 2:49:38PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16943 3/26/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 16944 16945 16946 16947 16948 16949 3/26/2009 001862 BISCHOFF,PATTY 3/26/2009 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC 3/26/2009 000863 CENTURY WEST ENG CORP 3/26l2009 000035 CORPOR,4TE EXPRESS 3/26/2009 001930 DARDAN ENTERPRISES, INC 3/26/2009 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 16950 3/26/2009 000060 DENENNY, RICHARD 16951 3/26/2009 000618 DEPT OF FISH & WILDLIFE 16952 3/26/2009 001933 DYER,KARISA Invoice PO # Description/Account (Continued) 0638 MAR09:GOTHMANN 4342 MAR09:DENENNY 4359 MAR 09: TAYLOR 4375 MAR 09: SCHIMMELS 4383 MAR 09: WILHITE 4458 MAR09:PASSMORE 4474 MAR09:THOMPSON Total : 6cpenses OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : M08218-2 42110 SAMPLE TESTING #0003 Total : 024255 42291 09 TIP SERVICES: PW Total : 93975475 42299 KITCHEN SUPPLIES Total : 2901 42317 PRECINCT-SHOP DRAIN #0096 Total : 267339 PLAT REVIEWS: CD 267354 42243 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICE� ToWI: Expenses 2008 TRAVEL IXPENSES Total : 4057 MAP it0122 Total : Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : Amount 368.46 344.46 1,241.74 363.38 344.46 704.15 455.00 4,420.49 39.63 39.63 1,518.62 1,518.62 7,400.49 7,400.49 25.37 25.37 20,249.99 20,249.99 3,549.45 3,609.55 7,159.00 307.83 307.83 50.00 50.00 80.00 80.00 Page: 2 vchlist 03/26/2009 2:49:38PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16953 3l26/2009 000999 EASTERN WA ATfORNEY SVC, INC 16954 16955 16956 16957 16958 16959 16960 16961 3/26/2009 000260 EWFOATREASURER 3/26/2009 001935 EWU Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 22555 22555 Registration Refund 3/26/2009 001628 FRANKLIN ELEM APPLE PROGRAM Refund 3/26/2009 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 3/26/2009 001009 GOTHMANN, WILLIAM 3/26/2009 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 3/26/2009 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 3/26/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. FEB1042 E�cpenses 02686 10220 11623 23645 Misc Auto Allowance 461385442-002 466225204001 466228351-001 466521742-001 466632660-001 466665089-001 466788314-001 PO # Description/Account SERVICE ON: PIERSON SERVICE ON: RINDFLEISCH Total : REGISTRATION/MEMBERSHIP: COI Totai : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : FEB 09: LOBBYIST SERVICES Total : MAR 09: TR,4VEL EXPENSES Total : MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENENACE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MISC CHARGE ToWI: rnA E�: kR�09. AUTO ALLOWANCE Total : 42241 42301 42304 42294 OFFICE SUPPLIES KITCHEN SUPPLIES WASTEBASKETS NAME BADGES OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE HEADSET FOR HELP DESK TECH OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : Page: Page: 63 Amount 40.00 13.00 53.00 65.00 65.00 50.00 50.00 117.00 17 7.00 3,626.82 3,626.82 504.99 504.99 38.51 1627 63.61 27.40 30.61 176.40 400.00 400.00 2.02 117.79 89.03 9.71 16.62 234.02 151.04 620.23 3 vchlisf Voucher List Page: 4 03/26/2009 2:49:38PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apba�k Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 16962 3/26/2009 000512 OFFICETEAM �23424742 16963 16964 16965 16966 16967 16968 16969 16�J70 16971 23424743 23456113 23456114 3262009 000832 OXFORD SUITES OF SPOK. VALLEY Refund 3/26Y1009 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 42891 3/26/2009 001931 SNOVER REALTIME REPORTING 724 3/26/2009 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE 0040873 0040965 0041483 0041852 3/26/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3116042460 3116042461 3/26/2009 000257 STATEAUDITOR'SOFFICE L75877 3/26/2009 001895 TAYLOR ENGINEERING INC 3/26/2009 001670 VAN DYK, KEN 3/26/2009 001663 VISION TECHNOLOGY 2 Expenses DinoSafari SoccerDayz PO # 42281 42238 Description/Account STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE STAFFING SERVICE: LASERFICHE Total : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : STREET/STORMWATER MAINTENP Total : PHOENIX DEVELOPMENT EAST Total : FILING/RECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES FILING/RECORDING FEES Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD Total : FEB 09: AUDITORS Total : SPRAGUE OVERLAY #0110 Total : TRAVELEXPENSES Total : LEGO DINO SAFARI LEGO SOCCER DAYZ Total : Amount 652.00 647.93 647.93 652.00 2,599.86 52.00 52.00 7,743.71 7,743.71 168.75 168.75 121.00 93.00 113.00 93.00 420.00 102.57 72.46 175.03 12,905.35 12,905.35 10,072.64 10,072.64 246.08 246.08 460.80 43520 696.00 Page: 4 vchlisf Voucher List Page: 5 03/26/2009 2:49:38PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 16972 3/26/2009 000964 VOLT - 16973 3/26/2009 001932 WALLACE, CHERYL 16974 3/26/2009 000066 WEST COAST PAPER 16975 3/26/2009 000152 WSDOT 76976 3/26/2009 001925 YOUNG, KIRSTEN 45 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 45 Vouchere in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to au�enticate and certify said claim. Council Date � 30 p Date � �i D � Date Invoice 20210490 Refund 6005525 90310071 90310072 Refund Refund PO # 42315 Description/Account STAFFING SERVICE: IT Total : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : PAPER PRODUCTS Total : SIGNAL/ILLUMINATION MAINT STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT: F Total : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : Amount 54320 543.20 988.00 988.00 134.79 134.79 2,828.14 5,843.09 8,671.23 37.00 15.00 52.00 97,015.44 97,015.44 Page: 5 vchlist 05/01I2009 9:55:27AM Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 17217 5/1/2009 000648 ABADAN 17218 5/1/2009 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 17219 5/1/2009 001540 ARNOLD, DARLA 17220 5/1/2009 001952 AUBLEJOLICOEUR`GENTRY 17221 5/1/2009 000277 AWC 17222 5/1/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 17223 5/1/2009 001565 BERRETH THOMAS PRINTING 17224 5/1/2009 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC 17225 5/1/2009 000429 COFFMAN ENGINEERS 17226 5/1/2009 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 17227 5/1/2009 001930 DARDAN ENTERPRISES, INC Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 130399 130622 130623 130629 6-41133 6-41170 Expenses 09246-SS IVC001411 5579 25770 M08218-3 902673 94789548 94812830 PMT #2 PO # 42340 42110 42171 42333 42333 42317 �� � � sf �`i� Page: 1 Description/Account PLANS/SPECS#0067 PLANS/SPECS #0110 PLANS/SPECS #0110 PLANS/SPECS #0102 & #0104 Total : OIL CHANGE: 35517D OIL CHANGE: 38910D Total : BATTERY FOR DIGITAL CAMERA: F Total : COPIES: LEGAL ToWI: OSHA WORKSHOP: T KLEIN Total : APR 09: GRIFFITH Total : GRID PAPER: PW Total : GEOTECH & MATERIALS TESTING Total : PHASE 1 ENGINEERING SERVICE� Total : VARIOUS SUPPLIES: OPS OFFICE SUPPLIES: OPS ToWI: PRECINCT SHOP DRAIN #0096 Amount 708.81 1,070.80 74.82 1,269.96 3,124.39 36.99 88.84 125.83 19.48 19.48 250.00 250.00 85.00 85.00 635.70 635.70 222.84 222.84 2,881.11 2,881.11 11,050.00 11,050.00 561.03 8.28 569.31 2,853.86 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 OS/01/2009 9:5527AM Spokane Valley Bank code : epbenk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 17227 5/1/2009 001930 001930 DARDAN ENTERPRISES, INC (Continued) 17228 5/1/2009 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 269484 269484 17229 17230 17231 17232 17233 17234 17235 17236 17237 5/1/2009 000422 DISHMAN DODGE INC 6191242 5/1/2009 000007 GRAINGER 9880486304 9882085385 5/1/2009 001940 GROUP MOBILE INTL 033009 5/1/2009 001958 HALL, ELVJ\BETH Refund 5/1/2009 001649 KILGORE CONSTRUCTION INC PMT#10 5/1/2009 001598 KNIFE RIVER Refund 5/1/2009 000252 LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT 10148 14002 14156 18058 5/1/2009 001865 MORGEN & OSWOOD CONSTRUCTION PMT #6 5/1/2009 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 63824 PO # 42243 42243 42246 42246 42334 42219 42248 Description/Account Total : TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SVC (CIP) TR.4FFIC ENGINEERING SVC (S� Total : REPAIRS TO DAMAGED TRUCK: 40 Total : PAINT/DECAL REMOVER: PW GRAFFITI REMOVER: PW Total : GO-BOOKS FOR PRECINCT Total : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : POOLUPGRADES Total : REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT Total : MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP CREDIT: CP Total : BARKER BRIDGE #0003 Total : WHITE MARKING PAINT: PW Total : Amount 2,853.86 3,465.00 1,842.15 5,307.15 928.58 928.58 6.88 19.79 26.67 12,052.00 72,052.00 1,377.00 1,377.00 68,731.32 68,731.32 52.00 52.00 81.58 7.50 50.68 -6.83 132.93 985,722.32 985,722.32 50.87 50.87 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 OSI07/2009 9:55:27AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # 17238 5/1/2009 001035 NEfWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16736 BAL 17239 5/1/2009 000911 NOTE, INGA F�penses 17240 5/1/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOTINC. 470053613-001 42332 470968961-001 42335 471033409-001 42335 471035744-001 471161563-001 17241 5/1/2009 001258 ORBARCHITECTSINC. � 20 41600 20 41601 41601 17242 17243 17244 17245 17246 17247 17248 5/1/2009 001604 PACIFIC NW PAPER 5/1/2009 001276 RANDALL, DAVID 5/1/2009 001438 RIVIERA FINANCE 5/1/2009 001659 RUEN-YEAGER & ASSOC INC 5/1/2009 000067 SIGNS NOW 5/1/2009 001892 SKILLINGS CONNOLLY INC 5/1/2009 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 105284 1313 41265F 24186 Deposit 5814 50303974 42210 42330 42318 42230 Description/Account BALANCE OWED ToWI: MISC BOOK EXPENSES Total : Office Depot Avery5660 Labels Item OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN SUPPLIES: FIN Totai : DESIGN OF POOL-TERRACE VEIV DESIGN OF POOL - VALLEY MISSIC Total : COPY PAPER Total : SW ANALYSIS - VALLEYVIEW PONI Total : BICYCLE HELMETS Total : BROADWAY REHAB #0066 Total : DEPOSIT TO ORDER SIGNS Total : REAL ESTATE SERVIC #0088 Total : MAR 09: COUNTY IT SERVICES Amount 270.00 270.00 136.84 136.64 32.65 98.93 23.83 91.94 3222 279.57 2,029.86 2,029.87 4,059.73 1,464.19 1,464.19 8,432.00 8,432.00 3,89820 3,898.20 3,925.15 3,925.15 1,568.11 1,568.17 33,485.02 33,485.02 76,490.65 Page: 3 vchlist 05/01/2009 9:55:27AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 17248 5/1/2009 000090 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS (Continued) 17249 5/1Y2009 001100 SPOKANE CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE 03-07-09 X52 17250 5/1/2009 000001 SPOKANECOTREASURER 41500884 41500917 17251 5/1/2009 000311 SPRINT 326088106-017 959698810-017 17252 5/1/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8011454705 8011454705 8011454705 17253 5!1/2009 001895 TAYLOR ENGINEERING INC 2 3 17254 5/1/2009 001024 UNITED RENTALS,INC. 80861275-001 17255 5/1/2009 000964 VOLT 20415481 17256 5/1/2009 001949 WILSON, SAYDEE 17257 5/1/2009 000152 WSDOT 427090008 4/27/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER Expenses AT690414058 ATB90414118 APR 09 PO # 42278 42238 42249 Page: 4 Description/Account Amount Total : 16,490.65 OVERTIME: X52 EMPHASIS 554.86 Total : 554.86 FEB 09: GEIGER CREW 4,290.88 MAR 09: GEIGER CREW 2,179.08 Total : 6,469.96 APR 09: WAPS FOR LAPTOPS 549.89 APR 09: CELL PHONES 1,005.30 Total : 1,555.19 PANABOARD: CD 1,348.37 HEADSET: CD 38.03 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 578.51 Total : 1,964.91 SPRAGUE AVE RESURFACING #01 14,485.28 SPRAGUEOVERLAY#0110 22,072.21 Total : 36,557.49 TAMPER: PW 43.47 Total : 43.47 STAFFING SERVICE: IT 459.20 Total : 459.20 REIMBURSEMENT FOR CPE CLAS: 358.04 Total : 358.04 APPLEWAY TRUNKLINE #0062 859.40 PINES/MANSFIELD #0005 1,116.62 Total : 1,976.02 APR 09: SHERIFF SERVICES 1,160,119.46 Total : 1,160,119.46 Page: 4 vchlist 05/01/2009 9:55:27AM Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 42 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 42 Vauchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that id certify said claim. Date S �/ Date 5 J D ate Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice PO # Description/Account Bank total : Total vouchers Page: 5 Amount 2,380,266.42 2,380,266.42 Page: 5 vchlist 05/27/2009 10:39:22AM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 17464 5/27/2009 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 1 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Date ` Date 0 " �- ��l Date Voucher List Spokane Valley �� � � �7 �' /iC Page: 1 Invoice PO # Description/Account APR 09 42269 DEAD ANIMAL PICKUP Total : . Bank toWl : Total vouchers : Page: Amount 375.00 375.00 375.00 375.00 1 vchlist 06/77/2009 12:50:51 PM Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor 17604 6/17/2009 001873 ACME CONCRETE PAVING INC 17605 6/17/2009 000197 AIRFACTZ 17606 6/17/2009 001668 ALDWORTH, CRAIG 17607 6/17/2009 000335 ALTON'S TIREINC. 17608 6/17/2009 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 17609 6/17/2009 000030 AVISTA 17610 6/17/2009 001122 CAMERON-REILLY,LLC 17611 6/17/2009 001999 CARTER,KRISTINA 17612 6/17/2009 000101 CDW-G 17613 6/17/2009 000143 CIN OF SPOKANE ��7614 6/17/2009 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 17615 6/17/2009 001888 COMCAST Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice PMT #1 32539 6cpenses 6-41959 124750 MAY 2009 PAY APP #2 Refund PBS1320 MAY 2009 June 2009 June 5 2009 JUNE 2009 �.%s�' � i3 �v Page: 7 PO # Description/Account Amount 42371 SPRAGUE PINES PCCP INTERSEC 239,238.30 ToWI : 239,238.30 DRIVING RECORDS: HR 325.00 Total : 325.00 EXPENSE REIMBURSMENT 107.61 Total : 107.67 OIL CHANGE: 07 FORD F250 37.12 Total : 37.12 COPIER SERVICE: PERMIT CNTR 157.62 Total : 157.62 UTILITIES: PARKS MASTER AVISTP 9,558.46 Total : 9,558.46 42344 BROADWAY FANCHER PCC CONS' 231,382.08 Total : 231,382.08 REFUND SHELTER DEPOSIT 52.00 Total : 52.00 42366 NEC NP500W PROJECTOR FOR PU 1,013.52 Total : 1,013.52 UTILITIES: TRANSFER STATION 3823 Total : 36.23 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 13.00 PETfY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 6.50 Total : 19.50 HIGH SPEED INTERNEf 108.95 � Total: 108.95 Page: 1 vchlist 06/7 7/2009 12:50:51 PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 17616 6/17/2009 001926 DAVENPORT, SARAH 17617 6/17/2009 000693 DEPT OF INFO SERVICES 17618 6/17/2009 001771 DOLLAR RENT A CAR 17619 6/17/2009 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 17620 6/17/2009 001232 FASTENAL CO PURCHASING 17621 6/17/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 17622 6/17/2009 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 17623 6/17/2009 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 17624 6/17/2009 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. 17625 6/17Y2009 000073 MCCORMICK, GREG 17626 6/17/2009 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 17627 6/17/2009 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 17628 6/17/2009 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice June 2009 2009050196 May 2009 May 2009 62294 32267 32270 May 1042 600204777 2412062 Expenses March 2009 18591 64546 PO # 42245 Description/Account EXPENSES Total : MAY 2009 LICENSE UPGRADE Total : CAR RENTALS Total : UTILITY CHARGES Total : FASTENAL BLANKET PO Total : LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION Total : MAY 09: LOBBYIST SERVICE Total : JUNE 2009 LEASE PMT Total : ADVERTISING Total : IES-APA CONFERENCE Total : EXPENSES ToWI: TAXTOOLS SOFfWARE RENTAL Total : SIGNAGE Page: Page: 3 Amount 198.74 198.74 484.15 484.15 2,166.55 2,166.55 1,341.73 1,341.73 46.19 46.19 77.55 69.70 147.25 3,010.00 3,010.00 783.33 783.33 150.00 150.00 15524 155.24 236.50 236.50 343.83 343.83 704.38 2 vchlist Voucher List aaye: 3 06/77/2009 12:50:51PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 17628 6/17/2009 000662 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO (Continued) 17629 6/17/2009 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16889 16890 17630 6/17/2009 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP INC. 72877 17631 17632 17633 17634 17635 17636 17637 17638 6/17/2009 000554 OHIO NATIONAL LIFE 6/17/2009 000058 OMA 6/17/2009 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 6/17/2009 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 6/17l2009 000322 QWEST 6/17/2009 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 6/17/2009 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS 6/17/2009 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE PO # 2009 A500163 653090 42940 42941 42942 42944 509-924-4707 740B 509-926-1840 194B 3118937 3118938 3454125 045745 42351 May 2009 Description/Account Amount Total : 704.38 MAY 2009 SERVER MAINT. 3,805.00 SYSTEM ENGINEER SERVICES 2,567.50 Total : 6,372.50 STAMPS: LEGAL DEPT 56.52 Total : 56.52 ANNUAL LIFE INSURANCE POLICY 857.50 Total : 857.50 EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL EXAMS 780.00 Total : 780.00 ETHERNET: JUNE 2009 636.26 Total: 636.26 STREET MAINT. AND REPAIRS 11,005.86 STREET MAINT & REPAIRS 2,569.04 STREET MAINT AND REPAIRS 79,410.09 STREET MAINT. AND REPAIRS 121.41 Total : 93,106.40 PHONE SERVICE: TERRACE VIEW 109.30 PHONE SERVICES: PARK ROAD P( 10720 Total : 216.50 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE: CENTE 51,859.00 CONTR.4CT MAINTENANCE: CEN T 2,018.68 BACKFLOW TESTING: #1301 296.21 Total : 54,173.89 ST MAINT POTHOLES 1,408.76 Total : 1,408.76 MAY 09: LANDSCAPING SVC 8,448.26 Total : 8,448.26 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 06/17/2009 12:50:51 PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor � 17639 6/17/2009 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 17640 6/17/2009 001060 TIMEMARK, INC. Invoice 109945 111510 PO # Description/ACCOUnt Amount ADVERTISING: HR 329.50 Total: 329.50 TRAFFIC COUNT SUPPLIES 178.16 Total : 178.16 UNITED RENTAL BLANKET PO 15.65 UNITED RENTAL BLANKET PO 60.32 UNITED RENTAL BLANKET PO 52.14 Total: 128.11 EXPENSES 25.00 Total : 25.00 STAFFING SVCS: IT 789.60 STAFFING SVCS: IT 904.40 Total : 1,694.00 UPFONT POSTAGE PMT: #0104 589.78 Total: 589.78 REFUND SHELTER DEPOSIT 52.00 Total : 52.00 WASTE MGMT: MAY 2009 2,564.58 ToWI : 2,564.58 2009 WA LABOR RELATIONS CONF 293.06 Total: 293.06 BARKER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 345,948.37 Total : 345,948.37 Bank total : 7,009,665.43 Total vouchers : 1,009,665.43 17641 . 6/17/2009 001024 UNITED RENTALS,INC. 81548168-001 81556836-001 81571466-001 17642 6/17/2009 001820 VETER, KAY Expenses 17643 6/17/2009 000964 VOLT 20753873 20797024 17644 6/17/2009 000140 WALTS MAILING SERVICE June 2009 17645 6/17/2009 002000 WARD, SARA Refund 17646 6/77/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0048125-1518-5 17647 6/17/2009 001792 WHITEHEAD, JOHN Expenses 617090004 6/17/2009 001865 MORGEN & OSWOOD CONSTRUCTION PAY APP# 7 45 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 45 Vouchers in this report 42249 42249 42249 42219 Page: 4 vchlist 06/17/2009 72:50:51PM Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is juat, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to�ruthenticate and certify said claim. Finance Council Date Date � �g �9 Date Voucher List Spokane Valtey Invoice PO # Description/Account Page: Page: E Amount b". �. ��� �- �y vchlist 07/07/2009 3:52:39PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 17718 7/1/2009 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 17719 7/1/2009 000135 APA 17720 7/1/2009 001606 BANNER BANK 17721 7/1/2009 001938 BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS INC 17722 7/1/2009 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 17723 7/1/2009 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 17724 7/1/2009 001611 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD 17725 7/1/2009 000904 BRANCH, CAROLBELLE 17726 7/1/2009 002006 BROWN, SABRINA 17727 7/1/2009 002011 CAREY, MIKE Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 42537 195827090503 0620 0638 2419 2682 4359 4383 4458 4474 5579 15434 Cell Allowance 9031894 June 2009 Cell Allowance Refund Refund �� PO # Description/Account SWEEPING CONTRACT: PW Total : 2009 MEMBERSHIP-H KAUER Total : MAY 09: 0620 MAY 09: 0638 MAY 2009: 2832 AND 2419 MAY 09: 2682 MAY 09: 4359 MAY 09: 4383 MAY 09: 4458 MAY 09: 4474 MAY 09: 5579 ToWI : PROFESSIONAL SVCS: PLANNING Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 Total : LINEN SUPPLY AND SERVICE Total : CTED/EMERGING ISSUES GRANT Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 ToWI: CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT ToWI: CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT Page: 7 Amount 78,206.52 78,206.52 190.00 7 90.00 32.00 32.00 3,259.52 1,420.00 28.62 57.00 928.25 1,663.10 397.43 7,817.92 1,450.74 1,450.74 135.00 135.00 200.17 200.17 1,178.96 1,178.96 135.00 135.00 52.00 52.00 52.00, � Page: 1 VChlist 07/01/2009 3:52:39PM Bankcode: epbank Voucher Date Vendor 17727 7/1/2009 002011 002011 CAREY,MIKE 17728 7/1/2009 001048 CITY PARCEL 17729 7/1/2009 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 17730 7/1/2009 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 17731 �7732 17733 17734 17735 17736 17737 17738 Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice (Cantinued) 5290072 3820028424 June 2009 June 2009 June 2009 June 2009 7/1/2009 001603 DEMPSEY, ROSE Cell Allowance 7/1/2009 000060 DENENNY, RICHARD Cell Allowance 7/t/2009 002007 DEWITT, ANGELA Refund 7/1/2009 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST June 2009 June 2009 7/1/2009 001651 DUKES CAR CLUB Refund 7/1/2009 000999 EASTERN WA ATfORNEY SVC, INC 26377 7/1/2009 001829 EVANS CRAVEN 8 LACKIE, PS JUNE 2009 7/1/2009 001232 FASTENAL CO PURCHASING IDLEW62294 PO # Description/Account Total : COURIER SERVICE: CD Total : COFFEE Total : UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 Total : CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT ToWI: ADVERTISING: CP ADVERTISING: CP Total : CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT Total : LEGAL SERVICE ToWI: LEGAL SERVICES Total : FASTENAL BLANKET Total : Page: Page: 2 Amount 52.00 18.32 7 8.32 279.47 279.47 62.67 464.70 127.28 20.00 674.65 135.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 52.00 52.00 40.00 190.00 230.00 257.00 257.00 40.00 40.00 1,520.00 1,520.00 46.19 46.19 `a vchlist 07/01/2009 3:52:39PM Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor 17739 7/1/2009 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 17740 7/1/2009 002014 FREY, JG & AM 17741 7/1/2009 002008 GIBSON, STACIE 17742 7/1/2009 001009 GOTHMANN, WILLIAM 17743 7/1/2009 000007 GRAINGER 17744 7/1/2009 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO Voucher List Spokane Valley Invoice 32268 32307 32308 32309 32365 32366 32401 32402 Refund Refund Ceil Allowance 9009988396 9011999019 9012932928 9015245567 600203837 17745 7/1/2009 000161 IIMC 21848 8688 17746 7/1/2009 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 56791 56798 17747 7/1/2009 000288 INTL CODE COUNCIL 0887139 PO # Description/Account LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION Total : REFUND OF PERMIT FEES Total : REFUND OF SWIMMING LESSON F Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 Total : SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Total : JULY 2009 LEASE PMT Total : ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Total : PHOTOID:HR PHOTO IDS: HR Total : REGISTRATIONS: BLDG Page: Page: 3 Amount 68.80 80.75 75.65 100.30 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 425.50 5025 50.25 30.00 30.00 135.00 135.00 98.47 25.10 11.65 3222 167.38 1,658.22 1,658.22 75.00 165.00 240.00 23.91 23.91 47.82 70.00 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 07/01/2009 3:52:39PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 17747 7/1/2009 000288 000288 INTL CODE COUNCIL (Continued) 17748 7/1/2009 002009 JACKSON, JAMES Refund 17749 7/1/2009 000265 JACKSON, MIKE Cell Allowance 17750 7/1/2009 002012 JOHNSTON, PAUL Refund 17751 , 7/1/2009 001649 KILGORE CONSTRUCTION INC Pmt#12 17752 7/1/2009 002017 LUCK, ANGELA June 2009 17753 7/1/2009 001581 MCCLUNG, KATHY Expenses 17754 7/1l2009 000073 MCCORMICK, GREG Expenses 17755 7/t/2009 000069 MERCIER, DAVID Cell Allowance 17756 17757 17758 17759 7/1/2009 002004 MILLS, LYLA 7/1/2009 002013 MONIGOLD, BRET 7/1/2009 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD 7N/2009 000240 NATL LEAGUE OF CITIES July 2009 Refund Refund Cell Allowance 47148 PO # Description/Account Total : CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 Total : CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT Total : POOLUPGRADES Total : INSTRUCTOR PAYMENTS Total : SARP MEEfING: KATHY MCCLUNG Total : TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 TRAVELREIMBURSEMENT Total : Credit for Shelter Deposit Total : CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT Totai : 2ND QUARTER 2009 Total : MEMBERSHIP DUES Total : Amount 70.00 52.00 52.00 135.00 135.00 52.00 52:00 322,762.76 322,762.76 1,310.00 1,310.00 35.55 35.55 64.90 64.90 135.00 400.00 535.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 135.00 135.00 6,697.00 6,697.00 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List 07/07/2009 3:52:39PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # 17760 7/1/2009 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC July 2009 17761 7/1/2009 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 477973776001 17762 7/1/2009 000512 OFFICETEAM 23945575 23945576 17763 7/1/2009 002016 OWOEYE, KANYINSOLA Refund 17764 7/1/2009 001860 PLATf 17765 7/1/2009 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 17766 7/1/2009 000322 QWEST 17767 7/1/2009 001276 RANDALL, DAVID 17768 7/1/2009 002015 ROBERTO, GARY 17769 7/1/2009 000415 ROSAUERS 17770 7/1/2009 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY 17771 7/1/2009 001957 SKYLINE CONTRACTORS INC 6213251 6213660 23908 509-921-6787-5116 509-922-7091-0606 1326 1327 Refund 598088 Cell Allowance PMT #2 Description/Account JULY 2009 CITY HALL RENT Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : STAFFING SVC: LASERFICHE STAFFING SVC: LASERFICHE Total : REFUND OF SWIMMING LESSON F Total : SUPPLIES FOR CP SUPPLIES FOR CP Total : SIGN FOR WATER SLIDE Total : PHONE SERVICE PHONE SERVICE Total : STORM WATER ANALYSIS STORM WATER ANALYSIS Total : REFUND OF SWIMMING LESSON Total : SUMMER PROGRAM SUPPLIES Total : 2ND QUARTER 2009 Total : CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Page: 5 Amount 37,618.47 37,618.47 99.76 99.76 603.10 603.10 1,206.20 60.00 60.00 182.06 186.15 368.21 202.18 202.18 46.33 109.30 155.63 1,120.00 4,560.00 5,680.00 30.00 30.00 203.87 203.87 135.00 135.00 35,491.42 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 07/0112009 3:52:39PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voueher Date Vendor 17771 7/1/2009 001957 SKYLINE CONTRACTORS INC 77772 7/1/2009 001260 SPOKANE CASH REGISTER INC. 17773 7/1/2009 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER 17774 7/1Y2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER Invoice (Continued) PO # 42364 Description/Account Amount 21470 VLY0905 41500963 47148 17775 7/1/2009 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 June 2009 17776 7/1/2009 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 1949 17777 7/1/2009 000954 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH, DISTRIC' 58-7646 17778 7/1/2009 000311 SPRINT 326088106 959698810 17779 7/1/2009 000273 SRTC TS-1541 17780 7/1/2009 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 26479 17781 7/1/2009 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 8012599576 8012715441 8012767899 Total : SERVICE CALL Total : MAY 09: COUNTY ENGINEERING Total : JUNE WORK CREW MAY 09 WORK CREW Total : UTILITIES Total : MAY 2009 Total : INSPECTIONS: PARKS ToWI: WAPS FOR LAPTOPS SPRINT CELL PHONES Total : VISIUM SOFfWARE Total : MAY 2009 MAINTENANCE Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLES Total : 35,491.42 543.50 543.50 46,150.63 46,150.63 39,049.55 4,659.1 S 43,708.73 42623 426.23 18,269.85 78,269.85 550.00 550.00 546.64 1,362.19 1,908.83 1,141.35 1,141.35 506.63 506.63 22428 83.39 106.34 414.01 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 07/01/2009 3:52:39PM Spokane Valley Bank code : epbeflk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 17782 7/1/2009 001922 SWANK MOTION PICTURES, INC RG 0775555 17783 7/1/2009 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE Cell Allowance 17784 7/1/2009 001056 TRIPLE PLAY June 2009 17785 7/1/2009 002010 VARNEY, STEPHANIE Refund 17786 7/1/2009 000140 WALTS MAILING SERVICE 20650 17787 7/1/2009 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 2492049-2681-3 2492050-2681-1 17788 7/1/2009 000061 WILHITE, DIANA Ceil Allowance 17789 7/1/2009 000766 YMCA OF THE INLAND NW 17790 7/1/2009 001074 ZEE MEDICAL 701090034 7/1/2009 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER iI Vouchers for bank code : apbank 'M Vouchers in this report MAY 2009 0161332346 . June 09 PO # Description/Account Amount 42309 MOVIE LICENSES 797.15 Total : 797.15 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 42266 SUMMER DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP FI 1,272.00 Total : 1,272.00 CREDIT FOR SHELTER DEPOSIT 52.00 ToWI: 52.00 PRINTINGSERVICES#0003 573.42 Total : 573.42 WASTE MGMT: PRECINCT 732.33 WASTE MGMT: JUNE 2009 285.27 ToWI : 1,017.60 2ND QUARTER 2009 135.00 Total : 135.00 MANAGEMENT FEE 17,680.00 Total : 17,680.00 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 779.90 Total: 779.90 JUNE 09: SHERIFF SERVICES 1,282,226.48 Total: 1,282,226.48 /, J" �, d-� 3j Page: 7 Spo�a.ne �,,.•'�Va11ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 � Fax: 509.921.1008 1 cityhallC�spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Dep. City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: December 15, 2009 Re: November Report November highlights in Finance included: Financial reports Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures, to the 2009 Budget at November 30, are attached. A comparison of sales tax receipts for 2008 and 2009 has been attached for your review as well. As previously reported, sales tax receipts are down 12% from 2008 receipts. Investment income will be $200,000 below our budget. Planning and Building fees will also be below our estimates. Gambling tax receipts are expected to have a large uncollectible portion, as casinos struggle to make ends meet. However, Beginning Fund Balance will be significantly greater than our estimates. The investment report is also attached for your review. 2009 Amended budeet Staff is preparing amendments to the 2009 budget which include: -Blake street improvements -a housekeeping adjustment to the Debt Service Fund to cover accrued costs for late 2009 -capital costs of street projects originally budgeted in 2008, but not spent until 2009 -construction on the Barker Bridge in excess of the current years budget -Discovery Park construction carried over from the 2008 budget -Unemployment insurance claims in the Risk Management Fund 2008 Audit State Auditor's Office representatives completed their review of our 2008 records. The exit conference was held in November. The State Auditor's Office was pleased with the improvements in our record keeping. Lod ing tax grant aoplications Four applications were received for tourism promotion. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee met on October 22 to hear presentations. Recommendations from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee were sent to the Council in early December. Street facilitypreparations: Telephones, computers and City network access are now available at the leased Street facility near City Hall. A snowplow tracking system has also been instafled. Pa >> roll year end (2009) work: Preparations are underway for W-2 and ] 099 year end reporting. 2010 salary and fringe benefit changes are also anticipated. Staff oreparing 2009 financial records: Staff has started the process to ready 2009 financial records for the audit in 2010. City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ending November 30, 2009 Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2009 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized Generel Fund Revenues: � Begining Fund Balance $ 12,176,644 21,000,000 $(8,883,356) 173.32% 6 PropertyTax 10,675,000 3,644,078 9,572,657 1,102,343 89.67% Sales Tax 19,380,000 1,417,465 13,697,661 5,682,339 70.68°/, t7 Gambling Tax 525,000 91,394 430,360 94,640 � 81.97% 12 Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 964,550 5,841 796,058 168,492 82.53% 12 State Shared Revenues 1,257,550 24,629 1,317,519 (59,969) 104.77% Planning & Building Fees 1,888,540 119,631 1,551,527 337,013 82.75% Fines and Forfeitures 1,359,710 169,052 1,491,016 (131,306) 109.66% Recreation & Centerplace Fees 602,070 22,822 606,199 (4,12g) 100.69% 11 Investment Interest 434,991 16,599 210,014 224,977 48.28% OperatingTransfers 84,900 - 74,300 10,600 87.51% Total General Fund Revenues: $ 49,288,955 5,511,512 50,747,311 $(1,458,356) 102.96°/ Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2009 Exoenditures Exoenditures Exoenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 330,900 16,216 263,214 67,686 79.55% Executive & Legislative Support 1,033,321 76,564 834,527 798,794 80.76% PublicSafety 20,841,084 1,718,633 18,501,949 2,339,135 88.78% Operations & Administretive Svcs 7,776,142 118,808 1,430,790 345,352 80.56°/a Public Works 817,068 53,184 620,870 196,199 75.99% Planning & Community Dev. 3,588,839 270,958 2,778,619 810,220 77.42% Library Services 20,000 663 1,910 18,090 9.55% 5 Parks & Recreation . 2,812,040 162,867 2,126,341 � 685,699 75.62% General Government 18,069,561 111,370 1,569,641 16,499,920 8.69% 78 Total General Fund Expenditures: $ 49,288,955 $ 2,529,202 $ 28,127,860 $ 21,161,095 57.07% 12/15/2009 9:49 AM City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the period ended November 30, 2009 Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2009 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized OtherFunds Revenues: Street Fund $ 7,392,000 $ 419,071 $ 4,159,746 3,232,854 5627°h 8 Arterial Street Fund 591,000 - - 591,000 0.00% 14 Trails and Paths 43,000 - 100 42,900 0.23% 15 Hotel/Motel Fund 600,000 36,865 364,408 235,592 60.73°� Civic Facilities Replacement 767,000 127 2,538 764,462 0.33% 16 Debt Service - LTGO 03 650,000 405,586 606,173 43,828 9326% Capital Projects Fund 5,948,000 57,361 455,511 5,492,489 7.66% 3 Special Capital Projects Fund 2,980,000 57,349 457,250 2,522,750 15.34% 3 Street Capital Projects 16,725,000 - 1,110,479 15,614,521 6.64°� 3 Mirabeau Point Project 370,000 92 2,273 367,727 0.61°/a 4 Community Developmt Block Grnts 300,000 - - 300,000 0.00°h 3 CapitalGrantsFund 1,573,000 - 1,114,646 458,354 70.86% BarkerBridgeReconsWCtion 5,977,000 - 3,731,891 2,245,709 62.44% Stormwater Mgmt Fund 3,440,000 564,804 1,559,126 1,880,874 45.32°k 8 Equip. Rental & Replacement 780,000 180 4,527 775,473 0.58% 8 RiskManagement 230,000 4 230,091 (91) 100.04% 19 Reserves: CenterplaceOperating � 340,000 79 2,064 337,936 0.61% 7 Service Level Stabilization 5,400,000 1,218 31,963 5,368,037 0.59 % 7 Winter Weather 500,000 - - 500,000 0.00% Parks Capital 1,220,000 56 940,332 279,668 77.08% 3 Civic Buildings 5,800,000 1,312 34,393 5,765,607 0.59% 7 Total Other Funds Revenues: fi1.626.000 $ 1.544.� $ 14.806.911 8 46.879.089 24.03% Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2009 Exoenditures Exoenditures Exoenditures Realized Other Funds Expendi[ures: StreetFUnd $ 7,392,000 341,26723 3,807,942.56 $ 3,584,057 51.51% 18 Arterial Street Fund 591,000 - 308,04423 282,956 52.12°/ 14 Trails and Palhs 43,000 - - 43,000 0.00°� 15 Hotel/Motel Fund 600,000 24,785.51 273,813.77 326,186 45.64°/ 1 Civic Facilities Replacement 767,000 - - 767,000 0.00% 16 Debt Service LTGO 03 650,000 456,004.79 606,076.67 43,923 93.24°/ 2 Capital Projects Fund 5,948,000 77,625.63 1,041,050.63 4,906,949 17.50% 3 Special Capital Projects Fund 2,980,000 71,625.62 380,081.37 2,599,919 12J5% 3 Street Capital Prqects 16,725,000 249,757.12 7,069,601.45 9,655,399 4227 3 Mirabeau Point Projecl 370,000 - - 370,000 0.00% 4 Community Developmt Block Gmts 300,000 - - 300,000 0.00 % 3 Capital Grants Fund 1,573,000 75,252.13 1,348,379.65 224,620 85.72% Barker Bridge Reconstruction 5,977,000 49,968.92 5,099,885.73 877,114 85.33% SlormwaterMgmiFund 3,440,000 140,774.30 973,814.96 2,466,185 28.31% 18 Equip. Rental & Replacemnt 780,000 - - 780,000 0.00 9 Risk Management 230,000 - 227,497.31 2,503 98.91 % 19 Reserves: Centerplace Operating 340,000 - - 340,000 0.00 70 Service Level Stabilaation 5,400,000 - - 5,400,000 0.00% 13 WinterWeather 500,000 - - 500,000 0.00 13 Parks Capital 1,220,000 356,353.43 1,999,982.46 (779,982) 163.93 19 Civic Facilities Capital 5,800,000 - 3,362.97 5,796,637 0.06 3 Total Other Funds Expenditures: 5 61.626.00� S 1.8� 37.� 23.139.533.70 E 38.486.466 37.55% 17J15/2009 9:49AM City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of November 2009 Total LGIP* Moiuntain West MM BB CD Investments Beginning $ 34,520,642.90 $ 52,526.26 $ 5,000,000.00 $ 39,573,169.16 Deposits 2,939,259.13 2,939,259.13 Withdrawls - Interest 9,598.81 37.56 - 9,636.37 Ending $ 37,469,500.84 $ 52,563.82 $ 5,000,000.00 $ 42,522,064.66 Balances bv Fund 001 General Fund $ 21,450,760.12 101 Street Fund 1,636,235.42 102 Arterial Street 405.25 103 Paths & Trails 21,571.93 105 Hotel/Motel 356,972.05 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 348,185.24 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,394,449.96 122 Winter Weather Reserve 559.55 123 Civic Facilities Replacement 561,310.69 301 Capital Projects 1,602,134.74 302 Special Capital Projects 1,569,509.37 304 Mirabeau Point Project 407,152.91 309 Parks Capital Project 246,464.56 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,812,972.73 402 StormwaterManagement 2,301,132.38 501 Equipment Rental 8 Replacement 795,482.25 502 Risk Management 16,767.40 42,522,066.55 Rounding (1,89) $ 42,522,064.66 'Local Government investment Pool *` Banner Bank and Mountain West City of Spokane Valley Sales Tax Receipts Month by Month Comparison Year to date Month Percentage Received 2008 2009 Change February $ 1,954,994.78 $ 1,690,170.61 -13.55% March 1,280,030.02 1,245,885.86 -9.24% April 1,371,096.25 1,210,210.64 -9.98% May 1,609,424.93 1,297,589.85 -12.42% June 1,406,783.92 1,254,330.03 -12.12% July 1,568,261.82 1,312,964.99 -12.83% August 1,725,557.35 1,494,486.56 -12.92% September 1,562,049.26 1,381,203.54 -12.75% October 1,549,521.92 1,393,353.36 -12.46% November 1,541,787.16 1,417,465.22 -12.02% December 1,469,375.54 January 2009 1,289,107.80 2010 $ 18,327,990.75 $ 13,697,660.66 FOOTNOTES 1 Most costs are typically late in the year. 2 Debt service paid twice each year 3 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 4 For Discovery Park 5 Small amount of 05 library tax due district. Budgeted amount is too high. 6 Estimated, pending 08 review. 7 Interest earnings. 8 Beg. Bal. included which understates percent realized. 9 For replacement of vehicles & computers. 10 Required operating reserve, no expenditures planned for 2009. 11 Revenue for 2010 events will be moved to 2010. 12 Quarterly Payment to City. 13 Emergency use anly. 14 Fund being phased out 15 Most of this fund spent in late 08 16 In reserve for replacement of buildings 17 Down 12.02% from prior year 18 Includes projected balances at 12-31-09, which understates percent realized 19 BudgetAmendmentPending �vuizoos s:asa,nn Spokan��e ��alley° PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT November 2009 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION • Street Maintenance — 2010 Signal, Sign & Striping County Interlocal • Street Sweeping — AAA fall sweeping. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract —Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. • Landscaping Services — Spokane ProCare. • Vactoring Contract—AAA Sweeping. • Engineering Services Support — Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) — WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal WASTEWATER • Status of the process can be monitored at: http://www.spokaneriver.neU and http�//www spokaneriverpartners.com/ .ENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT • Neil is a member of the Capital Facilities Planning Committee to assist the district in the development of a 6-year and 25-year long range bond plan. The committee is currently meeting on a weekly basis on Wednesday evenings. The Committee will continue through April of 2010. REGIONAL SOLID WASTE SYSTEM • Neil is a member of the technical advisory committee to the Solid Waste Liaison Board. The committee provided oversight to the Performance Audit of the Spokane Regional Solid Waste System which was complete in July, 2009. The committee is currently working with Russ Menke, Director, to explore possible system alternatives for future evaluation by the Board. STREET MASTER PLAN • Continue working on TIP data updates including accident data and traffic counts. ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS • Barker Road Bridge Project (0003) Contractor forming the bridge deck and placing reinforcing steel. • Pines/Mansfield (0005) Work complete; final quantity change order and claim change order going to Council in December. � updated December 15, 2009 • Broadway Ave Safety Improvement — Park Rd to Pines Rd (0063) Selected Century West as the most qualified consultant for this project. Beginning scope/fee discussions. • Sprague/Sullivan PCCP Intersection (0065) Final Design is underway, currently scheduled for bid in March and construction in May, 2010. • Park Rd — Broadway Ave to Indiana Ave —(0069) DESIGN ONLY • Consultant evaluating traffic counts, roadway cross-sections and resultant drainage requirements. Consultant developing scope/fee change required to conduct a true cost estimate for right of way required under different roadway cross-sections. • Broadway Ave Reconstruction — Moore to Flora (0088) Still in ROW phase — purchasing real estate. Currently scheduled for construction June — September, 2010. White Birch Sewer to be bid under City project. • Indiana Avenue Extension — 3,600 e/o Sullivan to Mission & Flora (0712) Working on final design, subcontracting waterline lowering design in RR ROW with consultant and working with Consolidated Irrigation District 19. • Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection (0113) Project delayed to 2011 construction by STA. Will begin design in summer of 2010. • Broadway/Sullivan PCCP Intersection (0114) Drawings 80% complete. Currently scheduled for bid in February and construction in April 2010. • ADA Improvements 2009 (0127) Drawings 80% complete. Currently scheduled for bid in April and construction in May / June 2010. • Blake Road Repair (0132) Construction complete, beginning project closeout. TRAFFIC • Argonne Corridor Improvements (0060) Selected DKS Associates as the most qualified consultant for this project. Beginning scope/fee discussions. • Pines Rd ITS (0061) Selected Transpo Group as the most qualified consultant for this project. Beginning scope/fee discussions. • Sprague/Appleway/Dishman ITS (0072) Construction complete, beginning project closeout. • Sprague Ave ITS ($400,000) This project will install fiber along Sprague from University to Sullivan and then north on Sullivan to tie in with the existing network. Conduit and other equipment will be installed as needed to complete the run. This also includes crossing Pines. Some of the funds will be used to develop an ITS Master Plan that will provide us with guidance on location and implementation of future ITS projects. Selected Transpo Group as the most qualified consuitant for this project. Beginning scope/fee discussions. • City-wide Coordination ($75,000) This project will develop and implement tra�c signal coordination on corridors and during time periods where they currently do not exist, i.e. weekends. 2 updated December 15, 2009 • Traffic Signal Phasing ($33,500) This project will change the phasing at several intersections throughout the city from exclusive to exclusive/permissive phasing by install flashing yellow arrows. • Signal LEDS ($65,000) This project will complete the installation of LEDs in the City's signals. • STREET PRESERVATION PROJECTS • Sprague Ave Resurfacing — University to Evergreen (Phase 1) (0110) Paving complete. Most plastic striping complete. Concrete intersections to be complete in spring. • Sprague Ave Resurfacing — Evergreen to Sullivan (Phase 2) (0115) Design 95% complete; waiting for construction funding. SEWER PROJECTS • West Ponderosa Sewer Project (0706) Phase 1— Paving complete. Punchiist items remain. Phase 2— Sewer and paving complete except for Holman from Woodruff Road to Van Marter. This portion will be constructed in 2010. • Valleyview Sewer Project (0107) North Valleyview Stormwater (tied into the Valleyview Sewer Project) (0111) Complete. Waiting for final billing from County. • Clement Sewer Project (0109) Sewer and Paving complete. • West Farms Sewer Project (0128) County design 90% complete. Project is scheduled to bid in February. • South Green Acres Sewer Project (0129) Phase 3— County design 60% complete. Project is scheduled to bid in March. Phase 4— County design 20% complete. Project is scheduled to bid in June. • Corbin Sewer Project (0130) County design 50% complete. Project is scheduled to bid in April. • Cronk Sewer Project (0131) County design 20% complete. Project is scheduled to bid in April. • White Birch Sewer Project Century West design for County 80% complete. Project to be bid under Broadway (Moore to Flora). PARKS PROJECTS • Discovery Playground (0086) Most of the playground equipment and other park elements have been installed. Flat concrete work is 95% complete; the only part remaining to be poured is the area around the restroom building and the outdoor classroom area. These areas will be completed after the restroom building and seat boulders are installed. Much of the sandblasting on the walls and flat concrete work is complete; the remainder will wait until spring. Trees, sod, and other landscape materials are currently being installed. Canopies and picnic tables are installed. Consultant working with staff on design of park entry gateway. Project 3� updated December 15, 2009 will shut down after the first week of December. Minor work will be done throughout the winter as . weather allows. Final completion scheduled to be April or May next year depending on when spring arrives. STORMWATER PROJECTS - •• • Stormwater Decant Facility • 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Design done; specs in draft form. Anticipate small works bid this fall/winter of 12-20 projects for construction in Spring 2010. • West Ponderosa Drainage Improvements Part of W. Ponderosa Sewer Project OTHER PROJECTS • 44` Avenue Pathway- Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. (0054) Designing final. Scheduled to bid in May and construct in June 2010. • City Hall Project (0089) Council approved schematic design. On hold. • Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan • Bike and pedestrian Master Plan Implementation • Street Maintenance Storage Facility Part of long-range stormwater plan currently under development. On hold. • Bridge Maintenance The expansion joints on the bridge on Sullivan northbound over the river is the last bridge to be repaired this year. • Capital Project Planning and Grant Application • Street Master PIan/Pavement Management Plan • Sullivan Road SB Bridge over Spokane River Replacement (Planning) STREET & STORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Public Works/Contractor maintenance activities in the City of Spokane Valley for November 2009: , 4 updated December 15, 2009 Fall Street and Stormwater Maintenance Items: • Sweeping and Vactoring has ceased. • Poe continues winter operations and equipment readiness. • Poe has begun a pothole patching program. • Winter operations are underway. Emergency Winter Snow Operations: • Lease signed for Waste Management facility; COSV purchased 6 used WSDOT plows/sanders; Poe contract approved to prepare the equipment, facilities and any other necessary activities to be ready for winter snow operations; a second Poe contract was approved for winter operations. • Winter operations have begun. Stormwater: • 2009 Stormwater Maintenance projects —Anticipate that these projects will be bid this Fall/Winter under small works roster with completion in Spring/Summer 2010. • Arterial Sweeping Characterization-. It is proposed that this program be run over several seasons to see the effectiveness of surface cleaning versus vacuuming structures more often. Contacted a consultant to possibly assist with this study. • Stormwater 2009 CIP Projects - Coordination with Sewer Projects in Valleyview, Ponderosa, and Rotchford Acres of stormwater improvements. Verified problems with paving on 48�" and 14`" Avenues. • Illicit Discharge, Detection, and Elimination (IDDE) - Continuing investigation of City code strengths/weakness in meeting Stormwater Permit requirements on IDDE. • Pines/Mansfield fire station Swale - water being held in swale behind Fire Station. Sprinkler irrigation was cut back, but still holding moisture in bottom. Soil samples show 21 % clay and 38% silt content. Met with landscape contractor ProCare to discuss options to work on a fix to the problem. Following up on contractor to get the City estimates for various options. • Ecology SW Grants - Submitted application of a$50k grant for two years. Coordinating with other Eastern Washington Stormwater Program Managers regarding a regional grant opportunity. • Stormwater Decant Facility — to be programmed under the 2011-2017 Six-Year Stormwater Plan. • Ongoing Investigations — researching and investigating various ongoing problems at 16` and Shamrock, responsibility for Conkiin East Swale Maintenance, and downhill driveway on E. Ferrett Drive. Finished testing and investigation on Ferrett Drive. • New Investigations - Various CARS — most dealing with regarding the shoulder. • 2009 Stormwater Fee Assessor Rolls Update — Continued work on updates to the Assessor Rolls for Stormwater Fee adjustments. � • Private Property runoff from County area into Valleyview Neighborhood — Met with Development Review and with Deputy City Attorney regarding storm drainage coming from private areas outside City limits. ` 5 updated December t5, 2009 Spokane � �Va11ey� 0005 0063 0065 0069 0088 0112 0173 0114 0127 0132 Barker Road Bridge Replacement - earker Kd. at SpoKane kiver Pines/Mansfield Project - Wilbur to Pines, to I-90 Broadway Ave. Safety Improvements - Park Rd to Pines Rd Sprague Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project Park Road Phase 2- Broadway to Indiana (PE only) Broadway Ave. - Moore to Flora (PE, RW) Indiana Avenue Extension Project (3600 ft east of Sullivan Rd to Flora Rd) Indiana Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project Broadway Sullivan PCCP Intersedion Projecl ADA Improvements 2009 Blake Road Repair Projecl Traffic Projects 0060 Argonne Road ITS (190 to Trent Ave) 0061 Pines ITS (Trent Ave to Sprague) 0062 Sprague/Appleway/Dishman ITS - Sprague/Appleway/Dishman 0133 Sprague ITS 0137 City-wide Signal Coordination SVeet Preservation Projects 0110 Sprague Ave Resurfacing Phase I- University to Evergreen 0115 Sprague Ave Resurfacing Phase II - Evergreen to Sullivan Sewer Projecta 0106 W Ponderosa Ph 1- Paveback - Locust to Van Marter, City Limits to D-M 0106 W Ponderosa Ph 2- Paveback - Locust to Van Marter, City Limits to D-M 0107 Valleyview - Paveback - Buttercup to David, Lake to 13th 0109 Clement - Paveback - Flora to Greenacres, 6th to Sprague 0128 West Farms - Paveback - McDonald to Rees, Wellesley to City Limits 0129 South Greenacres Ph 3- Paveback - Flore to Barker, I-90 to Spokane River 0129 South Greenacres Ph 4- Paveback - Flora to Barker, I-90 to Spokane River 013o Corbin - Paveback - Long to Hodges, Sprague to Appleway 0131 Cronk - Paveback - Barker to City Limits, 190 to Mission Parks ProjecTs 0086 Discovery Playground TIB/CMAQ TIB STP(U) STP(U) TIB TIB STA STA CDBG City November-09 °/, % EstimaMd Project Proposed Design Construcfion Construction TotalProject Knutson Kipp Aldworth Knutson Aldworth Aldworth Aldworth Aldworth Aldworth Aldworth Apr-08 N/A Jan-09 TBD Feb-10 Feb-09 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-10 14-Oct-09 CMAQ TBD TBD CMAQ TBD TBD CMAQ Knutson N/A EECBG TBD TBD EECBG TBD TBD Econ. Stim. Arlt Apr-09 Econ. Stim. Arlt May-10 City City City City City City City ciTy City Adt Arlt Arlt Arlt Arlt Adt Adt Arlt Arlt Feb-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 Feb-10 Mar-10 Jun-10 Apr-10 Apr-10 Parks/State Worley May-09 100% 0% 25°/a 15% 50% 25% 0% 80% 95% 100% 97°/a 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% o^ia 99% 5/31 N 0 11 /30/09 9/1 /10 10/1/10 11/1/09 10/1/09 10/1/10 10/1/10 10/1/11 �ivi o 11 /6/09 0% 0% TBD 0°/a 0% TBD 100% 100% 9/30/09 0% 0% TBD 0°/a 0% TBD 100% 99% 5/1/10 95% 0% 10/1/10 l00% 100% 100% 100% 90% 50% 20% 50% 20% 99% 85% 99% 95°/a 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 11/1/09 6/1/10 i vvos 11 /1 /09 11/1/10 11/1/10 6/1 N 1 11/1/10 11 / I /10 100% 85°/a $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,317,000 6,350,000 932,850 1,677,000 304,500 2,198,000 1,881,000 1,342,000 1,230,000 � � o,000 90,000 1,296,000 2,083,200 830,700 400,000 75,000 $ 3,898,000 $ 1,944,000 $ 699,542 $ 515,793 $ 755,200 $ 350,225 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 4/31/2010 $ 1,676,000 Item 3 PW Nov 2009 Construction ProjecLS.xlsx % Project Proposed Design Stortnwater Projecis Stormwater Decant Facility (08/09) - On Hold Valleyview Drainage Improvements 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project West Ponderosa Drainage Improvements City Jenkins N/A 0% City Adt N/A 100% City Clary N/A 100% City Adt Mar-09 100% % EstimaMd Construction Construction Total Project Comolete Comoletion Cost 0% TBD TBD 100% 10/31/09 $ 30,732 0% 10/31/09 TBD 100% 9/1/09 $ 172,248 Other ProjecTs 0o54 44th Avenue Pathway - Woodruff to Sands (PE) STP(E) Aldworth Nov-09 85% 50% 6/t/10 $ 355,000 0089 City Hall Programming/Site Planning City Kersten TBD Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan (coordination with Comm Dev) EECBG TBD n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 38,500 Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Implementation EECBG TBD TBD 0% 0% TBD $ 100,000 Street Maintenance Storage Facility Ciry Kersten 4/30/09 $ 43,500 Bridge Maintenance City Worley n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 500,000 Capital Project Planning and Grant Applications City Woriey n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 50,000 Street Master Plan/Pavement Management Plan City Worley n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 200,000 Sullivan Road SB Bridge over Spokane River Replacement (Planning) Ciry TBD n/a n/a n/a n/a TBD $ 43,445,990 Item 3 PW Nov 2009 Construction Projects.xlsx I I /, I %, I Estimated I Project Proposed Design ConstrucGon Construction TofalProject � IRoad Projectsin CloseoutPhase 0016 Appleway Avenue Reconstrudion -Tschirley to Hodges STP(U) Arlt Sep-07 100% 100% 12/1/08 $ 6,099,568 0066 Broadway Ave. Rehab Phase 2- Fancher to Thierman (PE) STP(U) Aldworth June 100% 100% 9/1/09 $ 500,000 0067 Broadway/Fancher PCC Intersection - Broadway and Fancher STP(U) Aldworth Feb-09 100% 100% 5/29/09 $ 1,295,000 0068 Broadway Ave. Grind/Overlay- I-90 to Park Rd. Aldworth Aug-08 100% 100% 11/1I08 $ 351,000 0071 Signal Controller Upgrade CMAQ Knutson N/A 100% 100°/a 8N/09 $ 258,400 0073 Park Rd Swimming Pool Upgrade - Park Rd. Parks West � Mar-08 100% 100% 6/5/09 $ 1,017,361 0074 Terrace Vew Swimming Pool Upgrade - 24th and Terzace View Parks West Mar-08 100% 100% 6/5/09 $ 1,314,337 0075 Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade - Mission Ave. Parks West Mar-08 100% 100% 6/5/09 $ 1,�22,994 0076 Valley Mission Park Upgrade - Mission Ave. Parks West Mar-09 100% 100% 6/15/09 $ 372,000 0077 Sprague/Conklin Signal - Sprague and Conklin Developers Arlt N/A 100% 100% 5/1/09 $ 300,000 0092 Sprague/Bowdish PCC Intersec[ion - Sprague and Bowdish STA Aldworth May-08 100% 100% 11/1/08 $ 892,000 0094 Rockwell - Paveback - Avalon to Adams, Treni to Wabash City Arlt May-08 100°/a 100% 5/1/09 $ 324,500 0096 Valley Precinct Bldg Floor Drain PaAcs West Jan-09 100% 100% 3/31/09 $ 23,800 0098 Sprague ADA Improvements CDBG Aldworth Fe�09 100% 100°/a 6/30/09 $ 53,261 0100 16th Ave and Bettman Rd & Drainage Improvements City Aldworth Mar-09 100% 100% 9/1/09 $ 116,563 0102 Evergreen/Sprague PCCP Intersection Project STA Aldworth May-09 100% 100% 10/1l09 $ 653,232 0104 McDonald/Sprague PCCP Intersection Project STA Aldworth May-09 100% 100% 10/1/09 $ 610,987 0103 Pines/Sprague PCCP Intersedion Project STA Aldworth Apr-09 100% 100% 10/1l09 $ 806,093 0105 24th and Adams Sidewalk Vera Aldworth Feb-09 100°/a 100% 8/31/09 $ 50,000 0108 Rotchford Acres - Paveback - Sullivan to Steen 16th to �Oth City Arlt Apr-09 '100% 100% 11N/09 $ 387,817 Total $ 16,548,913 Item 3 PW Nov 2009 Construction Projects.xlsx °"" � Community Development j `�' Monthly Report r��3 November 2009 PERMIT CENTER �Zevenue Permits Permit revenue for the month of November was $133,815. Year-to-date revenue is down from last year by 40%. 2009 Permit Revenue asoo,000 saoo,000 asoo,000 � gzoo,000 s�oo,000 so " . Jan Peb Mar P,pr May June July Aug Sepl Od Nov Dec a2009 Revenue' Land Use Land Use revenue for the month of November $18,828. Year-to-date revenue is down from last year by 41 % Land Use Revenue $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 � i $50,000 � :h I �' 540,000 530,000 l - � - k,t:�-- df ' f 13L� 52�,��a _ ° $10,000 S- Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Noc� Dec ■Revenue2009' ■Ravenue2008 Page 1 of 7 S�O�n� Community Development j i� Monthly Report rdl�y November 2009 `Ya!'uation The valuation' for November was 54,870,774. 2009 Permit Valuation $50,000,000 $40,000,000 - $30,000,000 � _ _ $20,000,000 , � , , � $10, 000, 000 — $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2 009 Valuation O�j`�z"ce ��'inancial.r�lana�ementPermitlnfarmation /Perrrtitslssuedl November 2009 Dwelling Residential New Separate Demolition Units Structures Dwellin Units Permits Demolished Single Family Residence 10 10 Du lex 1 1 Tri lex 4-Plex A artments November 2009 New Tenant Commerctal Buildin s Im rovements Additions 3 14 � Per the currently adopted Master Fee Schedule, valuations reported above for commercial and residential construction permits are "assigned based on the value of the construction work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Offcial using the latest valuation data published in the Building Safety Joumal by the International Code Council, whichever is greatest° Page 2 of 7 ""O�n e � Community Development j `�' Monthly Report r��y November 2009 �ermtt.r�ctivit� Certificate of Occupancy The Community Development staff issued November Certificates of Occupancy Dollar Tree, Osbum Denture, GranRe Pointe Bldg F, Chester Mini-Storage bldgs 7 and 8. Permits Issued Community Deveiopment issued a total of 236 permits in November. The total pertnits issued for the year is down about 22%. Significant commercial permits include Carstens rebuild, storage facility for East Valley School district, Sunshine Disposal and Sessions Boarding Home. aso 2009 Constrction Permits Issued aoo � 350 � 300 � � 250 � i i 1 i � ; 20� L— � I d 150 � � - _ i M I 1U� e I 1 � 50 f I I i � 0 ` Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Juty Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 02009 Pertnits 159 192 221 250 260 302 305 275 255 331 200 n2008 Pertnfls 242 214 323 353 298 311 471 284 381 318 236 166 Land Use Applications In the month of September there were: 3 temporary sign applications, 1 preliminary subdivision, 3 boundary line adjustments, and 'I final short plat, 2 preliminary shoR plats, 1 rezone and 1 accessory dwelling unit. approved. During October there were: 1 boundary line adjustments, 3 fnal short plats, 1 final subdivision, 1 preliminary subdivision and 1 accessory dwelling unit. Commercial Preapplication Meetings During the month of November, Community Development staff heid 5 commercial pre-application meetings which included storege building, office/warehouse, pole building and short plat. SEPA Determinatlons One SEPA determinations were issued in November, a Determination of Non Significance (DNS) for a street improvement project (IndianalSullivan. Hearing Ezaminer The Hearing Examiner did not have a hearing in November. Page 3 of 7 ""0�� Community Development Monthly Report j��3 November 2009 Business Licenses Staff Approved 125 business licenses in November.. Home Occupation Permits Staff approved 18 home occupation applications in November. Entertainers Licenses Staff processed 9 adult entertainment licenses for the month of November. CurtomerService The Permit Center staff assisted 371 customers at the counter and handled 293 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center during November. Staff provided an average target date of 10 working days for Commercial projects, 5 working days for Residential platted and 10 working days for Residential un-platted. This target date represents the time to frst comments issued to the applicant. Inst�ections Right of Way For the month of June, the Right-of-Way inspector performed 555 inspections in November. 2009 Right-of-Way Inspections 1200 � 1000 ' i S00 ��I 600 400 , J i 200 ,� , , 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec ■2009 Page 4 of 7 �"`� � Community Development � `� Monthly Report rdl�y November 2009 Building Please note the structure of reporting building inspections has changed. The Department will break- out residential and commercial inspections only. There were 459 residential inspections performed in and 166 commercial inspections November. Plans F�caminers reviewed 39 projects November and have 9 pending projects were awaiting review at the end of month. Staff also issued 3 Express permits for those months. 700 600 Building Inspectio Pertormed soo � � � 500 500 400 0 400 - 300 300 200 200 100 100 � I Jan I Feb 'I Mar I Apr ' May Jun I Jul Aug Sep � Oct , Nov Dec � �2009 Residential 221 237 304 257 302 628 649 582 580 584 459 0 �2009 Commercial 220 188 199 181 143 189 222 219 202 322 166 0 2008 Residential 205 230 332 363 396 408 528 425 483 452 352 306 �iN��2008 Commercial 126 125 132 151 142 153 167 256 212 241 287 185 Development Engineering During the month of November, the Development Engineering Inspector performed 7 commercial site inspections and 12 reside�tial inspections. UPDATES Plann Planning Commission The Planning Commission did not meet in November. City Center Environmental Impact Statement and Planned Action Ordinance (PAO) A public meeting on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was held on November 18"'. The meeting included a presentation by staff and consultants followed by Q and A. Approximately 26 people attended the meeting. Comments on the DEIS were due no later than December 6, 2009. Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials The Steering Committee of Elected Officials (SCEO) did not meet in November. The Planning Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) met twice in November to discuss the ongoing 10 year Urban Growth Area Review effort. Page 5 of 7 """ � Community Development Spokane j Vilile ' Monthly Report y November 2009 2010 Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Updates The Comp Plan amendment team met in November to discuss roles and responsibilities for the annual update. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan Update inctudes housekeeping changes to Chapter 2- Land Use, Chapter 3• Transportation, Chapter 4- Capital Facilities, and Chapter 7- Economic Development. The proposed amendments also include one citizen-initiated request for a site- specific map amendment, and two city-initiated site-specific map amendments. In addition, staff tentatively scheduled a review session and public hearing to be held in February with the Planning Commission. Code Amendments Planning Commission recommendations for residential lighting amendments, and a privately initiated code amendment addressing density bonuses for affordable housing were presented to City Council for consideration on November 17". The fall batch of code amendments are set for a first reading by Council on December 1. Shoreline Master Program The first open house on the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) update was held on November 5"' in Council Chambers. Presentations were made by city staff and by the consultant team, URS. The meeting focused on the SMP update process, timelines and inventory collected to date, including aerial maps showing the 200-foot shoreline jurisdiction. Develou�nent �'n�ineeri n Street Standards The first reading of the ordinance that adopts the Street Standards was November 17, 2009. It was forwarded on to a second reading for December 15, 2009. Devartrnent-1f�'r�/'e Energy Grant The was City notified of our grant approval on October 21". Staff have established registrations in the various government web sftes to access the funds and to report on the funds quarterly, as required. ADA Study The city work group has been formed and met in December. During the meeting the goals and objectives of the project were introduced, background materials and the draft survey tool were distributed to department representatives and a regular meeting scheduled was developed. BikelPedestrian Plan Staff has not progressed on this project to concentrate on other time sensitive projects like the Comprehensive Plan amendments. Staff has been compiling data into a GIS layer and reviewing a sidewalk analysis from WSU. Training Scott Kuhta and Steve Worley attended a conference on transportation planning. Most of the planners, along with Mary Swank from DE, attended an update and training on SEPA practices sponsored by the DOE at CenterPlace. John Hohman, Henry Allen and Deanna Griffith attended a webinar on Floodplain Management. Other Scott Kuhta made a presentation to the Trader's Club of Spokane on the Regional Site Selector service. Page 6 of 7 SpO�Il� Community Development j `L.' Monthly Report V'cllley' November 2009 Co�fe Com C ��2 Ckizen Action Requests Code Compliance officers received 22 Citizen Action Requests for the month of November. Total year-to- date reported violations are 742 compared to 989 by this time last year. 2009 Code Total Violations Reported - by Category 100% . 80% 60% . -. 40% _: i 20% i , };, �� � 0% -- -- -- _—_ _---� Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- ul-09 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 ■SoIId Waste 11 6 27 24 25 15 15 19 8 18 7 uSigns 4 22 38 34 49 9 37 39 6 19 7 ■Property 9 3 13 15 13 6 21 21 18 10 2 OJunkAuto 9 5 77 10 19 11 4 11 10 8 6 ■Environmental 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 ■Complaint-NoYolatlon 0 0 2 5 3 2 4 1 1 1 0 oClear Vfew Triangle 0 0 0 5 2 6 8 6 8 4 0 Right-of-Way Site DisWnce Compliance The policy has been completed and Code Compliance has now begun cataloging priority areas. City parks are the first priority following the school districts. The o�cers have designated one day per week forthe work. UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST � uN,��sT , - -- Dec 1 Director to present Developer's Forum Report to City Council Dec. 6 Close of the comment period for the Draft EIS for the Planned Action Ordinance _ f __. - - ' Dec. 9 Director to speak at SVBA on Developers Forum Report. j Dec. 10 � Planning Commission Regular Meeting, Commission Elections ' Dec.25 I Christmas-CityHallClosed. � Jan. 6 � Community Development Holiday Lunch � �I Jan. 14 I Planning Commission Regular Meeting, Public Hearing Developers Agreements � Jan.28 Planning Commission Regular Meeting, Study Session, Code Amendment Clearview Triangles Page 7 of 7 MEMO TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Police DATE: December 14, 2009 RE: Monthly Report November 2009 November, 2009: November, 2008: CAD incidents: 4,665 CAD incidents: 4,805 Reports taken: 1,469 RepoRS taken: 1,360 Traffic stops: 1,780 Traffic stops: 1,696 Traffic reports: 288 Traffic reports: 317 CAD incidents indicate calls for service as well as self-initiated officer contacts. Hot spot maps are attached showing November residential burglaries, commercial burglaries, traffic collision hot spots and vehicle prowling hot spots, along with October and November stolen vehicle hot spots. Also attached are nine bar graphs for 2007, 2008 and January through November of 2009: commercial burglary, garage burglary, residential burglary, forgery, malicious mischief, stolen vehicles, thefr, vehicle prowling, and property crimes comparisons for 2006 through 2009. ADMINISTRATIVE: Chief VanLeuven attended the Spokane Valley Business Association meeting and shared with local business members on how Intelligence Led Policing efforts are helping solve crimes and discussed crime prevention strategies to keep businesses safe. Chief VanLeuven attended the Washington Association of Sheriff and Police Chiefs 2009 Training Conference in Blaine, Washington. During the month of November, Chief VanLeuven was on-call for a total of 6 twelve-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. CONIMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING: S.C.O.P.E. participated in: Basic and COP Training (32 new Volunteers joined S.C.O.P.E.) S.C.O.P.E. Board Meeting Child Sexual Predator Task Force meeting MADD Candle Light Vigil (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Meth Action Team meeting Gang Prevention meeting ESD101 Safe Kids meeting GSSAC Coalition meeting Page 1 November 2009 Volunteers Hours ner station: CV S.C.O.P.E ----------------- 955.5 hrs. Edgecliff S.C.O.P.E. ---------- 806.0 hrs. Trentwood S.C.O.P.E. ------- 293.0 hrs. Universitv S.C.O.P.E. -------- 490.5 hrs. Total SV September 2,545.0 tu�s. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 532 on-scene hours (including travel time) in November, responding to crime scenes, structure fires, motor vehicle accidents (including a hit and run) and providing traffic control. Of those hours, 41 hours were for incidents in the City of Spokane Valley. Year to date total volunteer hours contributed by SIRT, including training, stand-by, response and special events, is 5,982 hours. ♦ Abandoned vehicles tagged by S.C.O.P.E. volunteers for impoundment in the Spokane Valley in October totaled 42 and in November totaled 35, with 12 and 8, respectively, vehicles eventually cited and towed. Thirteen hulks were processed in October and 13 hulks processed in November, making a total of 213 hulks processed during the first 11 months of 2009. During the same time period from January through November, 377 vehicles were tagged and 99 were cited and towed. S.C.O.P.E. DISABLED PARKING ACTIVITY REPORT JANUARY - NOVEMBER 2009 Cit of S okane Valle # of # of # of # of # of Non Vol. Hrs Disabled Wamings - Disabled Infractions Issued Infractions Issued Issued January 7 202 50 40 February 6 408 87 ll4 March 8 172.5 57 137 9 April ] 0 342 55 178 g May 5 214 12 68 5 June 9 258 67 119 p July 8 173 24 102 4 August 8 208.5 53 168 p September 7 248 44 ll3 p October 9 376 51 77 p November 8 351 58 91 p Total 85 2953 558 1207 26 Page 2 S okane Coun # of # of # of # of # of Non Vol. Hrs Disabled Warnings - Disabled Infractions Issued Infractions Issued Issued January 2 36 1 0 February 4 51.5 6 5 March 6 101 14 16 p April 6 46 7 11 p May 2 8 0 12 p June 7 21 21 29 p July 5 8 2 4 p August 6 27 6 4 p September 4 8 1 2 p October 6 58 1 6 p November 6 64 5 10 p Total 54 428.5 64 99 p OPERATIONS: ♦ I{nife Threat Leads to Arrest An 18-year-old East Valley High School student was arrested in early November after he threatened to stab a female student and her boyfriend over some missing marijuana. East Valley School Resource Deputy Scott Streltzoff said the incident began over the weekend when a get- together turned ugly after some marijuana belonging to the girl's boyfriend went missing. Rather than confronting the suspected thief at the party, the boyfriend had his girlfriend confront the suspect at school. When she did, the suspect displayed the knife and said he would stab her and later told another student that he would stab the boyfriend as we1L Dept. Streltzoff found the suspect with the knife at the Skills Center and arrested the suspect for a single count of Felony Harassment — Threat to Kill. ♦ A Morning at the Industrial Park Police attempted twice to pull over a reckless driver mid-morning in early November, when officers observed the vehicle traveling at speeds in excess of 70-80 miles per hour. The vehicle was eventually located within the Spokane Industrial Park, however, the occupants were gone. Officers began hearing calls on the radio, which were determined to be a ploy by the suspects to drive officers out of the park, so they could get away. The suspect driver eventually came back to the area, were he was spotted by police and arrested, along with Family members who attempted to help the suspect remove the vehicle from the area. One officer in the park on the aforementioned incident observed an individual throw something on top of a trailer parked at the hotel. He then observed that same male walk over to the adjacent gas station, enter the store, and proceed to the restroom area. While checking the area, the Page 3 officer found the item ttuown on the top of the trailer, which turned out to be a sock containing a gun and an amount of inethamphetamine. An employee of the gas station also notified the officer that a gun had been located in the trash can of the restroom afrer the individual had just exited there. When the suspect's cell phone rang, an officer answered the phone and, with the caller assuming it was the suspect who had answered, was told to come to a room at the LaQuinta where the suspect could hide. Officers arrested the suspect for unlawful possession of a firearm and possession with the intent to deliver (methamphetamine). An individual in the hotelroom was also arrested on an outstanding wanant and other drug-related charges. ♦ Investor Fraud Program — Sponsored by WA State Crime Prevention Association "Tricks of the Trade," an hour-long documentary on preventing investment fraud, was shown free of charge at the Regal Spokane Valley 12 theaters from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on November 18` The program covered basic principles of fraud risk, persuasion and prevention to help viewers understand risk factors associated with investment fraud victimization, to recognize most common persuasion tactics used by fraud suspects, and to know and practice eFfective prevention strategies to avoid becoming an investment fraud victim. The program was developed by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation in partnership with AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons. The Washington State Crime Prevention Association hosted four showings of the program. Spokane Valley joins Seattle, Vancouver and Lacey, Washington as host sites for the program which has been tested and shown to reduce seniors' susceptibility to investment fraud by over 50 percent among participants. ♦ Valley Bank Robbery The American West Bank branch at 15606 E. Sprague was robbed in mid-November by a man who drove away afterward in a black or deep purple Suzuki Vitari with license plates that read "PC." Bank employees said the man walked into the branch about 2:10 p.m. and demanded cash from a teller. He neither displayed a weapon nor indicated he had one. Afrer obtaining some money, the man lefr the bank and ran southbound through the parking lot to the Suzuki. It was last seen headed eastbound and out of the lot. Less than 24 hours after he fled in a car with personalized license plates "PC," Christopher J. Cook was arrested for robbing the American West Bank at 15606 E. Sprague. Witnesses were able to see and remember the notable license plate before he drove away eastbound. Officers were unable to find the car Thursday evening, but at about ] 030 a.m. Friday, Sgt. John Nowels and Spokane Valley property crimes detectives located the car in the area of Twenty-Ninth and Ray. They stopped the Suzuki and arrested Cook without incident. He was taken to the Spokane County Jail and booked on a felony count of First-Degree Robbery. ♦ Home Invasion Robbery Two men were arrested in connection with a home invasion robbery that occurred in the 12400 block of E. Mansfield in Spokane Valley. The two men are identified as 20 year old Glen A. Akers and 18 year old Darius D. Toussiant both from Spokane. Akers also has gone by the name of Jeremiah A Smith. Both have been charged with First Degree Robbery and booked into the Spokane County JaiL At about 10:45 pm, the two masked men entered an apartment armed with handguns. The female victim was assaulted by one of the men but did not need medical attention. Before the men left they took a television and a small computer among other items. Page 4 Responding Spokane Valley Police officers stopped a vehicle connected with the robbery at 11700 E Montgomery shortly after the robbery. A passenger, believed to be Akers, ran from the vehicle and was armed with a handgun. The three remaining passengers were detained which resulted in the arrest of one of the passengers in the vehicle. The two other passengers were arrested on unrelated outstanding warrants. Spokane Valley Police did track the suspect who fled from the vehicle using a police K-9. Although the track was unsuccessful, the K-9 did locate clothing and a handgun along the route believed to have been in the possession of the fleeing suspect. Information was developed by police that led to a searoh warrant being served about 8:OOam at a residence in the 800 block of W. Sherman, in Spokane, by the Spokane County Sheriff's SWAT team. T'hree people came out oF the house at the onset of the search wanant. These persons were not involved in the robbery. CS gas was introduced into the house by mem6ers of the SWAT team which prompted Aker to come out of the house and sunender to authorities. Also found in the home was an assault rifle, drugs, a handgun magazine and a quantity of ammunition. The Spokane City/County Gang Enforcement Team is continuing the investigation. ♦ Pedestrian Reports Robbery A 26-year-old Coeur d'Alene, Idaho man told police that he was robbed as he walked along Sprague Avenue in Spokane Valley. The victim said as he was walking towards Coeur d'Alene, between 530 and 630 p.m., he was assaulted by two suspects who knocked him down and took cash from his wallet. He said he felt something tug on his backpack, and when he tumed, he was immediately struck in the eye and began trying to defend himsel£ However, he was struck additional times and ended up falling to the ground. He was able to hang onto his backpack, but one of the two suspects pulled his wallet from his pants and emptied it of cash. He thought the robbery occurred somewhere near a Saab dealership. The victim gave a good description of one of the assailants, and described the second suspect only as a male about 5'08" tall with a thin build. The victim gathered up his wallet and walked to the Flying J Station at I-90 and Broadway to call police. ♦ Domestic Call Leads to Shooting In late November, officers arrived on scene afrer receiving a call that male and female were arguing inside an apartment in the 8900 block of East Broadway. Upon their arrival, they were confronted by a male suspect with a handgun. Feeling threatened for their lives, both officers fired their weapons at the suspect. The 65-year-old suspect was transported to a local hospital for treatment of gunshot wounds. The female was located inside the apartment unharmed. ♦ Cab Driver Robbed by Juveniles The driver of a cab picked up three juveniles to transport them from a local store to the area of 700 North Argonne when he found himself being stiffed for the fare. While one of the juveniles exited the vehicle allegedly making a phone call to get the money, the victim reported that the front passenger pulled out a gun and began hitting him with the weapon while the back seat passenger began punching him. The three suspects then fled the area on foot. The victim was able to give a description of the suspects and after some excellent detective work by officers, they anested the two juveniles for l� Degree Robbery and booked them into juvenile within hours of the crime. Page 5 2009 NOVEMBER CRIME REPORT � �� To date: � Yearly totals: Nov-09 Nov-08 2009 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 BURGLARY 66 68 648 705 753 584 714 744 997 FORGERY 19 26 277 321 354 365 334 464 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 76 67 1166 829 893 1,265 1,122 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 74 84 825 895 944 839 811 749 916 PROPERTYOTHER 93 59 864 775 828 890 982 1,154 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 15 14 169 302 319 343 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 29 22 261 468 496 478 711 603 577 THEFT 176 155 2003 1,735 1,846 1,881 1,888 2,256 2,853 UIOBC 0 1 4 4 4 8 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 0 1 5 5 7 3 3 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 114 60 815 999 1069 682 937 958 1,382 TOTALPROPERTYCRIMES 662 557 7,037 7,038 7,513 7,338 7,916 8,178 10,519 ASSAULT 64 65 859 799 869 853 &46 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 19 30 187 238 269 221 167 159 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 111 88 1101 974 1063 874 736 762 755 HOMICIDE 1 0 3 3 3 1 5 1 5 KIDNAP 2 1 19 16 16 23 22 35 24 MENTAL 23 29 285 335 360 350 425 425 386 MP 8 9 109 87 95 83 88 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 110 109 1487 1,260 1,354 1,337 1,159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 11 2 67 69 71 60 58 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 12 7 146 77 95 73 83 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 361 340 4,263 3,858 4,195 3,875 3,589 3,777 4,192 ADULT RAPE 0 0 34 43 44 43 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 17 10 146 134 148 104 78 101 126 CUSTODIALINTERFERENCE 12 10 154 80 86 92 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 0 2 3 3 4 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 0 10 10 11 18 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 2 3 25 60 66 46 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 4 1 34 38 39 31 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 28 34 407 339 369 295 309 311 437 SEX OTHER 17 14 201 169 179 194 203 181 162 STALKING 1 1 13 21 21 17 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 11 9 163 131 142 152 177 244 341 TOTALSEXCR/MES 93 82 1189 1028 1108 996 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 65 64 634 790 838 807 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 TOTAL ISU 65 64 634 790 838 808 665 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 288 317 2,912 3,545 3,811 3,800 3,345 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1,469 1,360 16,035 16,259 17,465 16,817 16,582 16,357 19,962 35 30 f��.9 � 15 10 . Spokane Valiey Commercial Burglary �, �. J �__ �_ L _�_-i JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC � 2007 ■ 2008 ■ 2009 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY • Spokane Valley Forgery 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 i 2007 ■ 2008 ■ 2009 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Garage Burglary 25 20 15 ■ 2007 ■2008 ■2009 i[�: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Malicious Mischief 200 160 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ■ 2007 ■ 2008 ■ 2009 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SELECTED DATA SPOKANE VALLEY 01/01/OB THROUGH 11/30/08 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTA CAD INCIDENTS 10,557 16,912 5,857 8,498 5,251 8,489 55,564 TRAFFIC STOPS 3,716 7,226 1,414 2,498 1,503 2,677 19,034 ACCIDENTS 317 681 188 273 119 451 2,029 STOLEN VEHICLES 100 118 49 96 39 66 468 VEHICLE RECOVERED 69 77 26 43 24 39 278 BURGLARY 146 187 125 115 60 72 705 ROBBERY 9 22 6 16 7 9 69 THEFT 278 320 257 375 206 299 1,735 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 141 150 160 133 126 119 829 VEHICLE PROWIING 95 232 206 218 152 96 999 01/01l09 THROUGH 11/30/09 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTA CAD INCIDENTS 9,426 17,482 5,756 9,400 5,520 9,056 56,640 TRAFFIC STOPS 3,017 7,665 1,417 2,995 1,377 2,852 19,323 ACCIDENTS 231 659 167 301 175 381 1,914 STOLEN VEHICLES 53 73 37 49 15 34 261 VEHICLE RECOVERED 30 42 32 26 11 12 153 BURGLARY 139 157 114 113 57 68 648 ROBBERY 10 16 5 11 10 15 67 THEFT 271 376 301 437 261 357 2,003 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 169 224 232 795 167 179 1,166 VEHICLE PROWLING 113 228 94 181 88 111 815 10/01/08 THROUGH 10131/08 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTA CADINCIDENTS 960 1,712 615 830 528 911 5556 TRAFFIC STOPS 411 767 212 309 150 361 2210 ACCIDENTS 22 61 15 23 14 29 164 STOLEN VEHICLES 11 5 5 6 5 5 37 VEHICLE RECOVERED 7 7 4 3 2 7 30 BURGLARY 6 12 16 11 6 5 56 ROBBERY 4 0 2 1 0 0 7 THEFT 27 21 25 32 23 37 165 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 10 14 12 15 9 15 75 VEHICLE PROWLING 10 15 12 12 11 7 67 12/10YL009 SELECTED DATA SPOKANE VALLEY 10l01 /09 THROUGH 10/31 /09 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTA CAD INCIDENTS 830 1,444 557 830 509 836 5006 TRAFFIC STOPS 285 631 155 275 139 293 1778 ACCIDENTS 21 69 17 26 14 41 188 STOLEN VEHICLES 5 5 2 5 1 7 25 VEHICLE RECOVERED 2 1 1 2 1 4 11 BURGLARY 24 16 7 7 4 7 65 ROBBERY 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 THEFT 25 31 36 48 23 33 196 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 17 17 9 28 21 41 133 VEHICLE PROWLING 16 36 9 25 10 11 107 11/01/08 THROUGH 11l30/08 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTA CAD INCIDENTS 724 1,557 473 794 474 783 4805 TRAFFIC STOPS 219 717 92 266 118 284 1696 ACCIDENTS 18 51 20 30 15 33 167 STOLEN VEHICLES 4 4 3 4 1 6 22 VEHICLE RECOVERED 2 2 2 1 1 1 9 BURGLARY 17 13 15 8 6 9 68 ROBBERY 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 THEFT 17 19 30 38 21 30 155 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 9 12 '11 14 10 11 67 VEHICLE PROWLING 4 16 11 16 6 7 60 11/01/09 THROUGH 11/30/09 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTA CAD INCIDENTS 784 1,372 445 882 459 723 4665 TRAFFIC STOPS 263 613 128 358 127 291 1780 ACCIOENTS 29 56 23 21 12 25 166 STOLEN VEHICLES 7 9 2 8 1 2 29 VEHICLE RECOVERED 3 2 2 4 0 0 11 BURGLARY 12 20 10 10 5 9 66 ROBBERY 4 2 0 2 1 2 11 THEFT 27 28 32 38 25 26 176 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 12 16 10 16 9 13 76 VEHICLE PROWLING 14 27 13 25 12 23 114 12/10/2009 COMPARISONS (SPOKANE VALLEY) -. � ��: . . �� CAD INCIDENTS 1.94% TRAFFIC STOPS 1.52% ACCIDENTS -5.67% STOLEN VEHICLES -44.23% VEHICLE RECOVERED -44.96% BURGLARY -8.09% ROBBERY -2.90% THEFT 15.45°/a MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 40.65% VEHICLE PROWLING -18.42% '• • ��• • • �i CAD INCIDENTS -2.91°/a TRAFFIC STOPS 4.95% ACCIDENTS -0.60% STOLEN VEHICLES 31.82% VEHICLE RECOVERED 2222% BURGLARY -2.94% ROBBERY 450.00% THEFT 13.55% MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 13.43% VEHICLE PROWLING 9�.00% -• • ��• • • �� CAD INCIDENTS -6.81% TR,4FFIC STOPS 0.11% ACCIDENTS -11.70% STOLEN VEHICLES 16.00% VEHICLE RECOVERED 0.00% BURGLARY 1.54°k ROBBERY 266.67% THEFT -10.20% MALICIOUS MISCHIEF �2.86% VEHICLE PROWLING 6 54% 12/10/2009 COMPARISONS � � (SPOKANE VALLEY) . -.--. . .- 01/OB to 11/08 59.40% 01/09 to 11/09 58.62% October-08 81.08% October-09 44.00% November-08 40.91% November-09 37.93% Oct-09 44.00% Nov-09 37.93% - - . .. . . - . -. . .- 01/01/03to12/31/03 84.90% 01/01/04to12/31/04 86.31% 01/01/OS to 12/31/05 83.93% 01 /01 /06 to 12/31 /06 85.87°/a 01/01/07 to 12l31/07 77.94%� A 1% dro e uals — 6 vehicles 01/01/08 to 12/31/OS 88.64% 01/01/09 to 11/30/09 84.68% - . .. . .. _ . -. -.. . O1/01/04 to 12/31/04 87.43% 01 /01 /OS to 12/31/05 83.26% 01 /01 / to 12/31 /06 87.50% 01 /01 /07 to 12/3l /07 78.22% 01/01/OS to 12/31/08 90.16°/a 01/01/09 to 11/30/09 87.44°/a 12I10/2009 Property Crimes Comparisons (2009 is January - November) i�jiI�] 2000 1500 1000 !1�I�] Commercial Residential Forgery Malicious Stolen Vehicle Theft Vehicle Prowling Burglary Burglary Mischief Spokane Valley Residential Burglary so - 50 - 40 i i 30 zo 10 0 - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC � 2007 ■2008 ■zoos �� �•�i ��� G �„�i�� _������i�y������wi�w �� �� ��� ���V .��IpW �1 j1+�/ ---� I ,�.,. ' - - , �� ..; ., ., , .� ��� ��� _ _ ,' „ ,. � � f /s�E�` � <, ' ` �. � . �i��i+ � e I ,, _ ���I :... ' .� �-.� � : ,r ��F _ �— ��' ���1�4 C _ � " P�Gf �� . _ _I4'wAR�� , F Y�!! '�.., � � F� •�� �� ..7�4". �r1,�� .. S� \ � u"��� e�a=�R.�.� ;ee.m� � .� F r' 1�#�� s«��I, P���r •r' �T��� ir�i���.� � o� � � .�u�� � =�����=� i u ,■��� f / auo� J1L����� �� " � ��\�" �G�L ��i7�o������� , �.�:r� ��. ����'•: ` � ����1: �� ,: �. �. �,i �� � . �; -- v��:: � . . .���, �- „ � _ ° : �t� � �;�,1�.��._ „-„ �� I�nri�a�- ., .. 0 � � '�iC7�'' „ :i1-�41 �� ,_ ' � ' ��� #��' = ���.- - � �fJ���'�,��� • ':..,:.T�� ��1���1� � ° , ,`�"'.: ` �*�li��:�i`�� _�� o �".��r---��������� ,� ..., ..• ■ ���11 �� ��, �� ( .1 '�C�if � ■ F m��� ` �„�'a' � �.� ` u ����L!!� �� � �+ �"� I ���j !�`I ' �! ,� .. ��= ��� �-' � � � y���,���. ��� : „ �� r � �.�.W ': ��' 1 ., ' , �'Q . ,,: .� ., _;,:: _., ,, _ . Spokane Valley Stolen Vehicles m 70 m 50 C[�: KI�I 20 10 ■ 2007 ■ 2008 ■ 2009 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Theft 250 200 150 Y 2007 ■ 2008 ■ 2009 100 FY�] JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Vehicle Prowling 140 - i 120 -' 100 :� •11�� 40 20 -� ��- I I h :' - �- NOV DEC 02007 ■2008 ■2009 p -�- �- _ -�__ i .- �._ _ _� �-_ - - � JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 22, 2009 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing � information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Response to Public Comment BACKGROUND: Below is the response from Spokane Valley Poiice Department concerning Dick Behm's request for street lights as mentioned in his public comments during the December 8, 2009 council meeting: • •�' Spokane Valley Police ; ' Memorandum , � TO: Chief VanLeuven FROM: Greg Snyder CC: DATE: December 14, 2009 RE: Lighting Request For Dishman Road As requested, I looked at the lighting levels for Dishman Road from Appleway south to 8. I found the area dark with no street lighting from where no business lighting eacists between 407 S Dishman to 700 S Dishman. However, I also found no issues that hampered sight obstruction for motorists in the form of pazked vehicles, shrubbery, etc. I also found the shoulder area on both sides of the roadway to be ample to allow pedestrian traffic off of the paved portion of the roadway. At 1715 hours on 12/09/2009 I found the vehicular traffic to be light compared to the traffic on Dishman-Mica to the east. I looked at our Hot-Spot analysis data and maps for the area. I found no current hotspots for criminal activity for the months of August, September, and October of 2009. I did find a Hot-Spot for traffic collisions at Dishman-Mica and 8 to the south of the dazk azea on Dishman Road, however, this intersection is well lit. I also looked at PRISM for the months of September, October, and November and found three crimes listed. PRISM showed two thefts in September. One of the thefts was of a pizza from Savage House and the other did not list a business. The third crime was a commercial burglary of Platinum Auto at 320 S Dishman in November. Although safety and crime prevention is generally enhanced by lighting, I find no specific environmental or crime statistic data that would support increased lighting in this specific area. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ���� y�^ MICHAEL F. CONNELLY - CITY ATTORNEY liC CARY P. DRISKELL - DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY j�alley£ 11707 East Sprague Avenue Suite 103 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688.0235 1 Fax: 509.688.0299 � cityattorneyC�spokanevaltey.org 1Vlernorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mayor Rich Munson and members of the City Council, From: Mike Connelly, City Attorney Date: December 15, 2009 Re: Planning Commission Membership Removal Question Presented: What is the statutory authority for the Planning Commission and what is the removal process for a Planning Commission Member? Brief Answer: The statutory authority goveming the appointment and removal of Planning Commission members is found in Chapter 35.63 RCW. Planning Commission members can only be removed, after a public hearing, by a finding of inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. Analysis: The Governance Manual sets forth the rules for membership of and removal from all Committees. Any Committee, Board, or Commission member who has been appointed or confirmed by the City Council may be removed without cause by a majority vote of the Council. See Govemance Manual § 4.01(b) wherein it states: "Members of any Committee, Board or Commission which have been appointed or confirmed by the Council, may be removed without cause by a majority vote of the Council." There is no rule specifically set forth in the Governance Manual for the removal of inembers from special ad hoc committees and other committees where appointment is made by the Mayor without confirmation of the Council. However, we can infer from the Governance Manual that the method of removal mirrors the method of confirmation. Thus, unless a statute states otherwise, members of special ad hoc committees and other committees who aze appointed by the Mayor may be removed by the Mayor. The Planning Commission, however, is authorized under Chapter 35.63 RCW and the specific statutory language of removal would trump the language set forth above from the Governance Manual. 1 Planning Commission members are appointed pursuant to RCW 35.63.020 which states in pertinentpart: ...to be appointed by the mayor or chairman of the municipality and confirmed by the council or boazd. RCW 35.63.030 further sets forth the terms for each appointment member and concludes: Members may be removed, after public hearing, by the appointing official, with the approval of his council or boazd, for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. The members shall be selected without respect to political affiliation and they shall serve without compensation. Consequently, a Planning Commission member may not be removed unless the council, after a public hearing, makes specific findings of fact supported by the record of acts of inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. In applying this statute, inefficiency and neglect would be given their ordinary meaning. Malfeasance is defined in Black's Law Dictionary as, "The commission of some act which is positively unlawful; the doing of an act which is wholly wrongful and unlawful." 2