Resolution 10-013 2011-2016 Six Year TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 10-013 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2011-2016 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; and WHEREAS, the Six Year TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; and WHEREAS, a draft copy of the Six Year TIP was submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce sixty days prior to the scheduled adoption in accordance with RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on May 25, 2010, for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed Six Year TIP. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County,Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached Six Year TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2011 through 2016. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2011-2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 29th day of June,2010. City of Spokane Valley / /"% homas E. Towey,Mayor Or ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: .7Y6a.ez-t- Office of the City Attorney Resolution 10-013 Adopting 2011-2016 TIP Page 1 of 1 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works ADOPTED 2011 - 2016 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Funding Sources: • ARRA • BR • City • CDBG • CMAQ • Developers • EECBG • FHWA • FMSIB • HUD • REET • Other Fed • Other RR • Other State • SP • SRTS • SW • STA • STP(E) • STP(U) • TIB • UAP • UCP • WSDOT • WTSC • WUTC City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2011 — 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Glossary & Abbreviations American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Bridge Replacement Program City Funds Community Development Block Grant Congestion Management/Air Quality Private Developer Funds Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Federal Highway Administration Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program Housing & Urban Development Real Estate Excise Tax Misc. Federal Funding Sources Railroad Funding Misc. State Funding Sources TIB Sidewalk Program Safe Routes to School City Stormwater Funds Spokane Transit Authority Surface Transportation Program (Enhancement) Surface Transportation Program (Urban) Transportation Improvement Board TIB Urban Arterial Program TIB Urban Corridor Program Washington Department of Transportation Washington Traffic Safety Commission Washington Utilities &Transportation Commission Spokane Valley Funding Status: • S Project Funding is Secured • P Project Funding is Planned. The Most Probable Funding Sources have been Identified. Project Phases: • PE Preliminary Engineering • RW Right-of-Way • CN Construction • VE Value Engineering Construction Type: PCC Portland Cement Concrete HMA Hot Mix Asphalt ITS Intelligent Transportation System (Integrated Traffic Signal Control Systems) STEP Septic Tank Elimination Program Street Functional Classifications: • Urban: • 14 • 16 • 17 • 19 Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Collector Arterial Local Access Sikkane Valley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 1 Park Road-#2(PE Only)-Broadway to Indiana, 0.75 35 0 0 35 City 5 5 STP(U) 30 30 S Proj.#2-Reconstruct and widen to 3 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks. Funding Secured(SRTC 06-11),City Project#0069 Project Total 35 35 2 Indiana Ave Extension-3600'e/o Sullivan Rd to 0.4 0 0 375 375 UCP 282 282 S Mission &Flora City 53 53 Develop 40 40 ers Extend Indiana Ave with a three lane section to a Roundabout at Mission/Flora Funding Secured TIB 9-E-208(002)-1,City Project#0112 Project Total 375 375 3 Argonne Road-190 to Trent, S 0.38 0 0 713 713 City 101 101 CMAQ 612 612 Revise Signal Phasing,Add NB Right Turn Lane at Montgomery,Intersections Improvements at Knox Funding Secured(SRTC 06-31),City Project#0060 Project Total 713 713 4 Indiana/Sullivan Intersection PCC 0 0 0 1,216 1,216 City 249 249 S Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement. Funding secured-STA 0.3%sales tax levy approved,City Project#0113 STA 967 967 Project Total 1,216 1,216 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 1 Spokane Valley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 5 Pines Corridor ITS:Sprague to Trent S Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor Funding Secured(SRTC 06-26),City Project#0061 2.26 0 0 1,609 1,609 City 216 216 CMAQ 1,393 1,393 Project Total 1,609 1,609 6 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation (PE Only) 0 3,000 1,600 0 4,600 City P Other 1,507 2,141 3,648 Fed Other 298 424 722 Fed Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290) Other- 95 135 230 RR Federal Earmark Request submitted for$4.6 million in Feb.2010 Project Total 1,900 2,700 4,600 7 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Intersections PCC 0 271 0 0 271 City 37 37 s (PE/RW Only) STP(U) 234 234 Reconstruct intersections in Concrete Pavement Funding secured for PE&RW(SRTC# Project Total 271 271 8 Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Rd. (PE/RW 1 518 400 0 918 City 66 58 124 s Only) STP(U) 422 372 794 Reconstruct&widen to 3 lanes PE&RW Funding Secured,(SRTC# City Project#0123, Project Total 488 430 918 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 2 Spokane jValley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials P Annual street preservation projects per PMP Currently No Source of Funds Indentified 0 2,400 0 21,600 24,000 City 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 Other 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 Fed Project Total 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 24,000 10 Pavement Management Program-Local Access 0 1,200 0 10,800 12,000 City 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 P Annual street preservation projects Currently No Source of Funds Identified Project Total 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 11 STEP Paveback P Full-width paving and drainage associated with Spokane County's STEP City Funds 0 0 0 602 602 City 518 518 SW 84 84 Project Total 602 602 12 Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection(PE/RW Only) 0 163 0 0 163 City 22 22 STP(U) 141 141 S Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement Funding secured for PE&RW,(SRTC# ) Project Total 163 163 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 3 Spokane ��Valley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 13 Sullivan Road West Bridge P Reconstruct and widen west bridge 0.08 2,670 200 16,880 19,751 BR 534 1,148 614 6,752 6,752 15,800 City FMSIB 134 287 154 1,688 1,688 3,951 Project Total 668 1,435 768 8,440 8,440 19,751 14 Broadway Ave. Extension-Flora to Barker(PE 1 530 0 0 530 City 265 265 530 p Only) Re-construct new 3-lane route connection Project Total 265 265 530 15 Evergreen/32nd-16th to 32nd, Evergreen to 1.25 625 0 0 624 City p SR27(PE Only) Reconstruct as 3-lane roadway City Project#0124 312 312 624 Project Total 312 312 624 16 Park Road-#2(RW&CN Only)-Broadway to 0.75 0 1,000 4,000 5,000 City 135 540 675 p Indiana STP(U) 865 3,460 4,325 Proj.#2-Reconstruct and widen to 3 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks. Project Total 1,000 4,000 5,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 4 Spb'rkane Valley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 17 Saltese/Sullivan Signal P Improvements to Intersection In Coordination w/Spokane County,COSV only responsible for 1/4 of Project Cost 24 0 226 250 City 62 62 Spo.Co. 25 25 Develop 163 163 ers Project Total 250 250 18 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study(1-90 to p Wellesley) Conceptual Planning for Sullivan Road corridor improvements 2 200 0 0 200 City STP(U) 27 173 27 173 Project Total 200 200 19 University Rd/1-90 Overpass Study 0 250 0 0 250 City p STP(U) Study of feasibility and benefits of overpass at University/I-90 to Argonne/SR-27 34 216 34 216 Project Total 250 250 20 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Intersections PCC p (CN Only) Reconstruct Intersections in Concrete pavement 0 0 0 2,075 2,075 City STP(U) 280 1,795 280 1,795 Project Total 2,075 2,075 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 5 Spokane Valley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 21 Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection (CN Only) P Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement 0 0 0 1,253 1,253 City 169 169 STP(U) 1,084 1,084 Project Total 1,253 1,253 22 Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Rd. (CN Only) P Reconstruct and widen to 3-lanes City Project#123 1 0 0 3,969 3,969 City 536 536 STP(U) 3,433 3,433 Project Total 3,969 3,969 23 Barker Road-South City Limits to Appleway 0.75 473 0 0 472 City 236 236 472 p (PE Only) Reconstruct to 3-lane roadway w/center turn lane,sidewalks,curb&gutter and stormwater City Project#0125 Project Total 236 236 472 24 Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th (PE Only) P 1.52 768 0 0 768 City 52 52 104 STP(U) 332 332 664 Reconstruct Roadway as 3-lane section w/curb,sidewalk and new stormwater facilities City Project#0121 Project Total 384 384 768 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 6 Spokane .,0sValley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 25 Broadway Ave. Extension-Flora to Barker P (RW&CN Only) UCP 400 400 3,250 4,050 1 0 1,000 4,062 5,062 City 100 100 812 1,012 Reconstruct to 3-lanes, Flora to Barker Project Total 500 500 4,062 5,062 26 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission(PE Only) P Reconstruct&widen to 3-lane roadway 1 431 0 0 432 City 216 216 432 Project Total 216 216 432 27 Sidewalk Infill Program P Fill in gaps in sidewalk system throughout city 0 360 240 1,200 1,800 City 45 36 162 243 STP(E) 285 234 1,038 1,557 Project Total 330 270 1,200 1,800 28 Evergreen ITS Improvements P Traffic Control Systems Upgrades for Evergreen(Broadway to 16th) 1.5 76 50 582 708 City 17 79 96 CMAQ 109 503 612 Project Total 126 582 708 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 7 Spokane �j'Valley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 29 Evergreen/32nd-16th to 32nd, Evergreen to 1.25 0 400 4,791 5,191 City 54 647 701 STP(U) 346 4,144 4,490 p SR-27(RW&CN Only) Reconstruct&Widen to 3 lanes City Project#0124 Project Total 400 4,791 5,191 30 Appleway Extension- University to Evergreen 2.02 406 0 0 406 City 127 127 P STP 273 273 WSDOT 6 6 Extend Appleway Blvd.with a multi-lane facility including curbs and sidewalks. UCP Other Secured STP(U)($4.2 mil),WSDOT,City Project#0023 Project Total 406 406 31 Greenacres Trail Planning Study(Sullivan Rd. 0 210 0 0 210 City 28 28 p to Liberty Lake) STP(E) 182 182 Preliminary planning for Greenacres shared use pathway Project Total 210 210 32 Mansfield Extension-Pines(SR27)to 300-ft east 0.21 136 0 0 136 City 136 136 p of Houk Rd. ucP Construct 3-lane arterial from Pines to Houk,Complete Gap Ranked#10 in Oct 2009 STP(U)Urban Improv.Appl. Project Total 136 136 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 8 Spolkane �sValley Project/Description/Current Status Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total 33 Millwood Urban Trail, Fancher Rd.to Evergreen 5 439 0 0 439 City 59 59 p Rd. STP(E) 380 380 Shared use pathway along UP RR ROW Project Total 439 439 34 Park Road/BNSF Grade Separation 0.2 450 300 0 750 City 31 31 p FMSIB 227 227 Other 364 364 Fed Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad tracks. Other- 37 37 RR UCP 91 91 "Other"Funding from BNSF RR Project Total 750 750 35 Sullivan Rd ITS, Sprague to 24th 1.5 99 500 757 1,356 City 183 183 CMAQ 1,173 1,173 P Extend Traffic Control System for Corridor Project Total 1,356 1,356 Totals: 15,734 5,690 76,710 98,134 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 9 14,040 16,170 15,314 16,106 16,572 19,932 98,134 Spokane j Valley Adopted 2011 - 2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total 2011 $2,832 $282 $1,007 $749 $4,870 $4,339 $134 $95 $4,602 $9,170 $7,171 $416 $1,102 $5,351 $14,040 2012 $372 $0 $0 $58 $430 $9,846 $287 $323 $5,284 $15,740 $10,218 $287 $323 $5,342 $16,170 2013 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,507 $154 $0 $5,653 $15,314 $9,507 $154 $0 $5,653 $15,314 2014 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,369 $2,088 $0 $4,649 $16,106 $9,369 $2,088 $0 $4,649 $16,106 2015 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,773 $2,088 $0 $4,711 $16,572 $9,773 $2,088 $0 $4,711 $16,572 2016 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,057 $3,574 $37 $6,264 $19,932 $10,057 $3,574 $37 $6,264 $19,932 Total $3,204 $282 $1,007 $807 $5,300 $52,891 $8,325 $455 $31,163 $92,834 $56,095 $8,607 $1,462 $31,970 $98,134 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/30/2010 Page 1 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects w/No Currently Identified Local Match Within Existing Resources Dollars in Thousands Project Name Description Total Cost 32nd Avenue-Evergreen to Best Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs $1,647 and sidewalks. 8th Avenue Phase 1-Carnahan to Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three-lane section with $2,868 Havana curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes. 8th Avenue Phase 2-Park to Dickey Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three-lane section with $4,188 curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes. 8th Avenue Phase 3-Dickey to Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three-lane section with $3,754 Carnahan curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes. Appleway Extension-Evergreen to Extend Appleway Blvd.with a multi-lane facility $17,381 Tshirley including curbs and sidewalks. Barker Road-Appleway to Reconstruct to a 3-lane arterial with center turn $2,596 Broadway Avenue lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave.;realign Broadway east of Barker Barker Road-South City Limits to Reconstruct to 3-lane roadway w/center turn $3,978 Appleway(RW&CN Only) lane,sidewalks,curb&gutter and stormwater Barker Road-Spokane River to Trent Reconstruct to a 2-lane curbed arterial $5,872 Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th(RW/CN Reconstruct&widen to 3-lane roadway $6,539 Only) Carnahan Truck Lane-8th to City Add SB truck Lane to road $5,034 Limits, Euclid Ave/Flora Rd-Flora, Euclid Reconstruct to provide a 2-lane,shouldered $5,550 to Euclid;Euclid,Flora to Barker arterial Flora Road-Sprague to Mission Reconstruct&widen to 3-lane roadway $3,806 (RW&CN Only) Park Road-#3-Sprague to Reconstruct and widen to a standard three-lane $3,359 Broadway arterial street with curbs and sidewalks Park Road#4,South City Limits to Reconstruct and widen roadway with sidewalk, $1,761 8th curb,and stormwater facilities Pines Corridor ITS:Sprague to 16th Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor $785 Sprague/Barker Traffic Signal Install Traffic Signal $457 Sullivan/Kiernan PCC Reconstruct Intersection in PCC $1,352 Sullivan Road North Extension Reconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road $55 (Bigelow Gulch) extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way left turn lane. Sullivan Road,1-90 to Wellesley Reconstruct urban arterial. $11,500 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 30,2010 Page 1 of 2 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects w/No Currently Identified Local Match Within Existing Resources Dollars in Thousands Project Name Description Total Cost Trent(SR290)-Del Ray to Barker Widen Trent from Barker to Del Ray to $532 Turn Lane accommodate Turning traffic movements University/Sprague Intersection PCC Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement $1,515 concrete pavement. Totals: $84,529 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 30,2010 Page 2 of 2 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2011 - 2016 Dollars in Thousands 2011 Item# Protect Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 1 Park Road-#2(PE Only)-Broadway to Indiana, STP(U) 5 35 2 Indiana Ave Extension-3600'e/o Sullivan Rd to UCP 53 375 Mission&Flora 3 Argonne Road-190 to Trent, CMAQ 101 713 4 Indiana/Sullivan Intersection PCC STA 249 1,216 5 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent CMAQ 216 1,609 6 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation (PE Only) Other Fed 0 1,900 7 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Intersections PCC STP(U) 37 271 (PE/RW Only) 8 Mission Ave. -Flora Rd.to Barker Rd. (PE/RW STP(U) 66 488 Only) 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2,000 4,000 10 Pavement Management Program-Local Access City 2,000 2,000 11 STEP Paveback City 602 602 12 Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection (PE/RW Only) STP(U) 22 163 13 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 668 2011 Totals: $5,351 $14,040 2012 Item# Protect Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 6 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation(PE Only) Other Fed 0 2,700 8 Mission Ave. -Flora Rd.to Barker Rd. (PE/RW STP(U) 58 430 Only) 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2,000 4,000 10 Pavement Management Program-Local Access City 2,000 2,000 13 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 1,435 14 Broadway Ave. Extension-Flora to Barker(PE City 265 265 Only) 15 Evergreen/32nd- 16th to 32nd, Evergreen to City 312 312 SR27(PE Only) 16 Park Road-#2(RW&CN Only)-Broadway to STP(U) 135 1,000 Indiana 17 Saltese/Sullivan Signal Developers 62 250 18 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study(1-90 to STP(U) 27 200 Wellesley) 19 University Rd/I-90 Overpass Study STP(U) 34 250 20 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Intersections PCC STP(U) 280 2,075 (CN Only) 21 Sullivan/Euclid PCC Intersection(CN Only) STP(U) 169 1,253 2012 Totals: $5,342 $16,170 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Reschecluled Projects shown in Orange Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 30,2010 Page 1 of 3 2013 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2,000 4,000 10 Pavement Management Program-Local Access City 2,000 2,000 13 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 768 14 Broadway Ave. Extension-Flora to Barker(PE City 265 265 Only) 15 Evergreen/32nd-16th to 32nd, Evergreen to City 312 312 SR27(PE Only) 16 Park Road-#2(RW&CN Only)-Broadway to STP(U) 540 4,000 Indiana 22 Mission Ave. -Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (CN Only) STP(U) 536 3,969 2013 Totals: $5,653 $15,314 2014 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2,000 4,000 10 Pavement Management Program-Local Access City 2,000 2,000 13 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 8,440 23 Barker Road-South City Limits to Appleway(PE City 236 236 Only) 24 Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th(PE Only) STP(U) 52 384 25 Broadway Ave. Extension- Flora to Barker UCP 100 500 (RW&CN Only) 26 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission(PE Only) City 216 216 27 Sidewalk Infill Program STP(E) 45 330 2014 Totals: $4,649 $16,106 2015 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2,000 4,000 10 Pavement Management Program -Local Access City 2,000 2,000 13 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 8,440 23 Barker Road-South City Limits to Appleway(PE City 236 236 Only) 24 Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th (PE Only) STP(U) 52 384 25 Broadway Ave. Extension-Flora to Barker UCP 100 500 (RW&CN Only) 26 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission(PE Only) City 216 216 27 Sidewalk Infill Program STP(E) 36 270 28 Evergreen ITS Improvements CMAQ 17 126 29 Evergreen/32nd-16th to 32nd, Evergreen to SR- STP(U) 54 400 27(RW&CN Only) 2015 Totals: $4,711 $16,572 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Rescheduled Projects shown in Orange Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 30,2010 Page 2 of 3 2016 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials Other Fed 2,000 4,000 10 Pavement Management Program-Local Access City 2,000 2,000 25 Broadway Ave. Extension-Flora to Barker UCP 812 4,062 (RW&CN Only) 27 Sidewalk Infill Program STP(E) 162 1,200 28 Evergreen ITS Improvements CMAQ 79 582 29 Evergreen/32nd-16th to 32nd, Evergreen to SR- STP(U) 647 4,791 27(RW&CN Only) 30 Appleway Extension-University to Evergreen STP 127 406 31 Greenacres Trail Planning Study(Sullivan Rd.to STP(E) 28 210 Liberty Lake) 32 Mansfield Extension-Pines(SR27)to 300-ft east City 136 136 of Houk Rd. 33 Millwood Urban Trail, Fancher Rd. to Evergreen STP(E) 59 439 Rd. 34 Park Road/BNSF Grade Separation Other Fed 31 750 35 Sullivan Rd ITS, Sprague to 24th CMAQ 183 1,356 2016 Totals: $6,264 $19,932 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Rescheduled Projects shown in Orange Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 30,2010 Page 3 of 3 City of Spokane Valley 20112016 Six Year TIP im rob. Wellesle_r _ f �I�I=i1 5 Law i/�IT Punch rdum Trail Puncher to Evergreen ��Park Rood diggi a STY/Grade Separation Park Road#2 Broadway to Indiana 211 =—a tn�� r meg MIR _ ROM Mir�u Argonne Road 190 to Trend I %- ontgo e y [University Road/1-90 l Overpass Study rt� SuIIIvan/EUclld Imersecnon PCC Mans9eld Extension SR 27 to 300 R east of Houk Rd ■.■ moo ��oEuclid Sullivan Road Walt Bridge O tv Barker Road BH5F Grade Separation uclid uiFErlA�ji>•11•—I p''fin.: II !t. r=► ri�..l� _ ■ill _ ii'■0=4 I. -! . ' 5st ':Elew.•y y` gaN ...___ r F o 2 T� •!tea 1:6th Bma M/Argonne a Malkin intersection PCC Indiana/Sullivan Indenecnon PCC Indiana Ave.Extension 3600'east of Su Mission and Fines Corridor ITS Sprague to Trent MEM MEM r adway �♦ Ira= !tea • „IN ••I°""°�U - improvements I1 Greennacres Trail Planning Study (Sullivan Rd to liberty lake) �r•RS I ills E. Sragu- Ilimmigamramm min ICA�11 .� ii grin S�?O�alle _Valley July 12,2010 ■■■i IMP NA 1 )`• rr , 44th/ r Ji 111111691dr 194.%14r 1 IIM MEIN :momMIK 16th e == 1101111 la Ma TeX" ��= d laillregja rataT-1nise' ��l mom 41 1' �` 1st .11i um 1 1111! NMI= lit MN r9 een(S2nd ' A Evergreen to SR3] ?oliUMan Signal e 1 ` ,___ lb Para Road Sprague to Mission Sullivan la Hem 4 'I�s Flora to Bar Roadway Ave.Extension Rom to Baker �. 11. 11■ l Barker Road South Cly Limits to Appteway Sullivan Rd 113 Sprague to 24th .} • issE•n • Legend Project Year 2011 •2014 •2012 •2015 2013 •2016 Note: Pavement Management Program Projects, Citywide Sidewalk Infill Program and STEP Paveback Projects not shown on this map