2011, 05-10 Regular MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/REGULAR MEETING FORMAL MEETING FORMAT Tuesday, May 10, 2011 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER: INVOCATION: Pastor Craig Smart, Valleypoint Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: Proclamation: Motorcycle Awareness Day PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject not on the agenda for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the attached listing of claim vouchers, with grand total of $284,700.31 b. Approval of Payroll for Period Ending April 30, 2011: $335,647.29 c. Approval of City Council Minutes of April 26, 2011, Special Meeting, Executive Session d. Approval of City Council Minutes of April 26, 2011 Formal Meeting Format NEW BUSINESS 2. Motion Consideration: Approval of CDBG/HOME Consortium Agreement — Scott Kuhta [public comment] 3. Motion Consideration: Public Access Programming Funding Proposal — Morgan Koudelka [public comment] 4. Mayoral Appointment: Planning Commission Vacancy —Mayor Towey [public comment] PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject not on the agenda for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. Council Agenda 05 -10 -2011 Regular Meeting Page 1 of 2 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 5. Council Position 95 Interviews —Mayor Towey 6. Shoreline Master Program Update - Grant Funding Opportunity - Lori Barlow 7. Permit Tracking System — Mary Kate McGee 8. Development Agreement, CPA 02 -11 (St. John Vianney) — Karen Kendall 9. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey INFORMATION ONLY (will not be discussed or reported): 10. "Choose Spokane Valley" EXECUTIVE SESSION: 11. Potential Land Acquisition [RCW 42.30.110(1)(b)] and Potential Litigation [RCW 42.30.110(i)] ADJOURNMENT General Meeting Schedule (meeting schedule is always subject to change) Regular Council meetings are generally held every Tuesday beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Formal meeting formats are e_ n�erally held the 2n and 4 Tuesday Formal meeting have time allocated for general public comments as well as comments after each action item. The Study Session formats (the less formal meeting) are generally held the 1 St , 3rd and sometimes 5 Tuesday Study Session formats DO NOT have time allocated for general public comments; but if action items are included, comments are permitted after those specific action items. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921 -1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Council Agenda 05 -10 -2011 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 0510- 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the F'olIowing Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE WIVOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL, AMOUNT 04 -22 -2011 22683 - 22714; 420110164 $49,771.96 04 -29 -2011 22715 -22747 $225,804.62 04 -29-2011 22748 -22764 $8,343.73 05 -03 -2011 5226 -5234 $780.00 GRAND TOTAL $284,700.31 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 04/22/2011 11:02:31 AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 22683 4/22/2011 000921 ATO Z RENTALS 47069 -1 101.042.000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL: PW 246.96 Total : 246.96 22684 4/22/2011 001081 ALSCO LSP0951444 001.090.000 FLOOR MATS: CITY HALL 28.88 Total: 28,88 22685 4/22/2011 002638 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CRYWOLF: 30979 001.016.000 CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT # V17 25.00 Total : 25.00 22686 4=2011 002603 B &H PHOTO VIDEO 49905578 001.090.000 SDI CARDS FOR SONY CAMERAS 695.00 Total : 695.00 22687 4/22/2011 000101 CDW -G VBR8917 001.090.000 MOINITORS FOR BROADCASTING 315.51 XCF7234 001.090.000 MOIN[TORS FOR BROADCASTING 213.50 Total: 529.07 22688 4/22/2011 000571 CODE PUBLISHING CO 37841 001.013.000 MUNICIPAL CODE UPDATE 206.96 Total: 206.96 22689 4/22/2011 002477 COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSOCIATION CRYWOLF: 61018 001.016.000 CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT## V26z .130.00 Total : 130.00 22690 4/22/2011 000683 DAVID EVANS &ASSOCIATES 304167 001.058.055 SURVEYING SERVICES 1,902.00 Total : 1,902.00 22691 4/22/2011 000746 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT 2175165- 00 2 502.502.000 1ST QTR 2011 13,644.00 Total : 13,644.00 22692 4/22/2011 002507 FASTENERS, INC S3025790.001 101.042.000 SUPPLIES: PW 91.09 Total: 91.09 22693 4/22/2011 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 36057 001.013.000 LEGAL PUBLICATION 204.45 36058 001.058.056 LEGAL PUBLICATION 65.45 36059 001.058.056 LEGAL PUBLICATION 57.80 Total : 327.70 22694 4/22/2011 001003 GEOENGINEERS INC 0111764 101.042.000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,500.00 Page: 1 vchlist 04/22/2011 11:02:31AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description /Account Amount 22694 4/22/2014 001003 001003 GEOENGINEERS INC (Continued) Total : 4,500.00 22695 4/22/2011 002076 GINNO CONSTRUCTION OF IDAHO 1190 -01 001.032.000 PLANNING LEVEL ESTIMATE FOR b 3,000.00 Total : 3,000.00 22696 4/22/2011 002235 GRAFOS, DEAN EXPENSES 001.011.000 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: D. GR 49.78 Total : 49.78 22697 4/22/2011 000007 GRAINGER 9510059833 101.042.000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 249.07 Total : 249.07 22698 4/22/2011 000917 GRAYBAR 953427058 001.090 "000 COMPUTER PARTS 48.18 Total : 48.18 22699 412212011 000421 HOHMAN, JOHN EXPENSES 001.058.055 MANAGEMENT SVCS REIMBURSES 613.17 Total : 613.17 22700 4/22/2011 001439 K &L GATES LOCKHART 2363820 001.013.015 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 855.95 Total : 855.95 22701 4/22/2011 002639 LEH APPRAISAL APRIL2011 001.090,000 APPRAISAL SERVICES 1,125.00 Total : 1,125.00 22702 41=011 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 558479723001 001.011.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BING 102.31 558758835001 001.090.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BING 38.51 Total : 140.82 22703 4/22/2011 002637 PERFECTION TIRE STORAGE CRYWOLF : 23727 001.016.000 CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT #1 V23 70.00 Total : 70.00 22704 4/22/2011 002424 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL 1428301 AP11 001.090.000 APRIL 2011: POSTAGE METER REN 275.00 Total : 275.00 22705 4=2011 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 2011 -2930 001.013.000 FINANCE DIRECTOR SEARCH 5,500.00 2011 -2932 001.013.000 RECRUITMENT PYMT##1: CITYATT( 6,166.67 Total: 11,666.67 22706 4/22/2011 002193 QSCEND TECHNOLOGES, INC 4384 001.018.013 WEB APPLICATIONS DESIGN & PR( 110.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0412212011 11:02:31AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description /Account Amount 22706 4/22/2011 002193 002193 QSCEND TECHNOLOGES, INC (Continued) Total : 110.00 22707 4/22/2011 001071 ROAD PRODUCTS INC. CRYWOLF: 22419 001.016.000 CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT # V23 35.00 Total : 35.00 22708 4/22/2011 002531 SIX ROBBLEES INC 5- 595519 101.042.000 SHOP MAINT SUPPLIES 266.71 Total : 266.71 22709 4/22/2011 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS INVCO53296 101.042.000 STREET PATCH MIX 872.25 Total: 872.25 22710 4/22/2011 002185 URS CORPORATION 4613707 001.058.056 PROFESSIONAL SVCS: SHORELINI 2,800.00 Total: 2,800.00 22711 4/2212011 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 0960448769 001.090.000 [PAD & ZOOM PAD: IT 1,430.46 Total: 1,430.46 22712 4/22/2011 000964 VOLT MANAGEMENT CORP 24818302 001.09 STAFFING SVCS: IT 484.59 Total : 484.59 22713 4/22/2011 002636 WILSON, AIMEE CRYWOLF: 1103469362 001.016.000 CRYWOLF REFUND: PERMIT # V36 .90-00 Total : 90.00 22714 4/22/2011 000711 WMCATREASURER April 2011 001.013.000 WMCA MEMBERSHIP. BAINBRIDGI 150.00 Total : 150.00 420110164 4/20/2011 002244 AOT PUBLIC SAFETY CORPORATION SPKVLY -16 001.016.000 CRY WOLF CHARGES:MARCH 2011 3,112.71 Total : 3,112.71 33 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total : 49,771.96 33 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers • 49,771.96 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 04/29/2011 1:48:29PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 22715 4/29/2011 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 2010 RETAINAGE 402.223.40. RETAINAGE RELE=ASE: 2010 VACTC 8,798.16 2010 RETAINAGE 402.223.40. RETAINAGE RELEASE: 2010 STREE 21,910.46 Total : 30,708.62 22716 4/29/2011 001107 ADVANCEDTRAFFIC PRODUCTIONS 3317 101.042.136 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 9,239.89 Total : 9,239.89 22717 4/29/2011 000234 ARLT, SHANE EXPENSES 101.042.000 APWA SNOW CONFERENCE: SHAD 22.94 Total : 22.94 22718 4/29/2011 001012 ASSOC BUSINESS SYSTEMS 2007 -2009 CREDITS 001.090.000 COPIER COST CREDITS - 602.62 478955 001.013.015 COPIER COSTS: LEGAL 182.76 479073 001.058.050 COPIER COSTS: CD 832.13 Total : 412.27 22719 4/29/2011 000168 BLACK BOX NETWORK SVC SPO- 011907 001.090.000 SERVICE CALL 204.91 Total: 204.91 22720 4/29/2011 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC H11082 -1 303.303.113 0113 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATI 2,023.88 Total : 2,023.88 22721 4/29/2011 000101 CDW -G XBC9159 001.090.000 LIVE TEXT AND COMPUTER AND M 1,192.32 XBF6077 001.090.000 MATROX CONVERT DNA 1,145.25 Total : 2,337.57 22722 4/29/2011 002419 CLARKS TIRES & AUTOMOTIVE 19062 001.076.000 06770D: OIL CHANGE & TIRE CHAN 68.68 Total : 68.68 22723 4/29/2011 001780 CLC ASSOCIATES, INC 32459 303.303.112 SURVEY SERVICES FOR PROJECT 1,274.00 Total: 1,274.00 22724 412912011 001888 COMCAST MAY 2011 101.042.000 HIGH SPEED INTERNET: SHOP MA 64.90 Total : 64.90 22725 4/29/2011 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE 46 JG6362 L003 303.303.113 SIGNAL DESIGN PARTICIPATION 1,791.32 RE- 313- ATB10412052 101.042.000 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT 3,67428 RE- 313- ATB10412058 101.042.000 SIGNAL & ILLUMINATION MAIN 3,806.45 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 04/2912011 1:48:29PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description/Account Amount 22725 4/29/2011 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION (Continued) RE- 313- ATB10412068 101.042.000 INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC SYSTEMS E 275.38 Total: 9,547.43 22726 4/29/2011 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST APRIL 2011 001.076.305 ADVERTISING: CP 229.70 APRIL2011 001.076,304 ADVERTISING: SENIOR CENTER 38.10 Total: 267.80 22727 4/29/2011 002385 DKS ASSOCIATES 47538 303.303.060 ARGONNE CORRIDOR SIGNAL & D 20,393.08 Total : 20,393.08 22728 4/29/2011 002507 FASTENERS, INC S3017201.004 101.042.000 SUPPLIES: PW 23.04 S3031312.001 101.042.000 SUPPLIES: PW 131.20 Total : 154.24 22729 4/29/2011 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 36104 001.013.000 LEGAL PUBLICATION 25.00 36105 001.013.000 LEGAL PUBLICATION 27.20 Total: 52.20 22730 4/29/2011 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 6002915821193911427 001.090.000 MAY 2011 LEASE PYMT 2,955.32 Total : 2,955.32 22731 4/29/2011 002538 HYDRAULICS PLUS, INC 13416 101.042.000 SHOP MAINT SUPPLIES 149.08 Total : 149,08 22732 4/29/2011 002518 INLAND PACIFIC HOSE & FITINGS 451469 101.042000 SUPPLIES: PW 9.30 Total : 9.30 22733 4/29/2011 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 1333225021 001.090.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BING 44.98 Total : 44.98 22734 4/29/2011 000881 OXARC R048535 101.042.000 SUPPLIES :PW 90.82 Total : 90.82 22735 4/29/2011 001604 PACIFIC NW PAPER 121989 001.090.000 COPY PAPER 193.49 Total : 193.49 22736 4/29/2011 000119 PLESE PRINTING 1330048415 001.058.050 BUSINESS CARDS 122.15 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher list Page: 3 04/29120/1 1 :48 :29PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept DeschptionlAccount Amount 22736 4/29/2011 000119 000119 PLESE PRINTING (Continued) Total : 122.15 22737 412912011 000322 QWEST APRIL 2011 001.076.302 APRIL 2011: PHONE SERVICE 472.04 Total : 472.04 22738 4/29/2011 002288 SARGENT ENGINEERS INC. 27051R 101.042.000 BRIDGE AND STRUCTURAL CONSL 34.38 Total : 34.38 22739 4/29/2011 001892 SKILLINGS CONNOLLY INC 7159 101.042.153 ON CALLACQUIS[TION & APPRAIS, 1,338.55 Total : 1,338.55 22740 4/29/2011 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER VLY1103 101.042.000 COUNTY SERVICES 27,051.44 Total : 27,051.44 22741 4/29/2011 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 51500608 001.016.000 MARCH 2011 HOUSING INVOICE 85,611.74 Total: 85,611.74 22742 4/29/2011 000093 SPOKESMAN - REVIEW 246688 001.013.000 ADVERTISING 2,502.77 251139 101.042.133 ADVERTISING 1,584.12 Total : 4,086.89 22743 4/29/2011 000311 SPRINT 326088106 -041 001.090.000 WADS FOR LAPTOPS 442.89 959698810 -041 001.032.000 SPRINT CELL PHONES 953.40 Total: 1,396.29 22744 4/29/2011 001464 TW TELECOM 04147075 001.076.305 1NTERNE1IDATA LINESIPHONE LINI 1,261.64 Total: 1,261.64 22745 4/29/2011 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0000331 307.307.088 ELECTRIC METER FOR IRRIGATIOP 357.00 0000332 307.307.088 ELECTRIC METER FOR IRRIGATIOI 357.00 0000333 307.307.088. ELECTRIC METER FOR IRRIGATIOI 357.00 Total : 1,071.00 22746 4/29/2011 000964 VOLT MANAGEMENT CORP 24857231 001-090.000 STAFFING SVCS: IT 390.60 Total : 390.60 22747 4/29/2011 000842 WM WINKLER CO INC Pay App #1 303.303.139 10 -031 PARK RD GRADE CROSSINI 22,752.50 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0412912014 1:48:29PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept Description/Account 22747 4129/2011 000842 000842 WM WINKLER CO INC (Continued) Total 33 Vouchers for bank code. apbank Bank total 33 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers: I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Mayor Council Member Date Date Amount 22,752.50 225,804.62 225,804.62 Page: 4 vchlist 04129/2011 2:18:34PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page. 1 Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 22748 4/29/2011 000050 APA - INLAND EMPIRE SECTION April 2011 001.058.056 2011 ANNUAL CONFERENCE REGI, 930.00 Total : 930.00 22749 4/29/2011 000694 AVISTA UTILITIES April 2011 309.309.079 GREENACRES PARK PROJECT: 00 8,427.00 Total : 8,427,00 22750 4/29/2011 001606 BANNER BANK 0618 001.011.000 APRIL 2011 2,104.90 0638 001.011.000 APRIL 2011: 0638 45.00 4375 001.011.000 APRIL 2011: 4375 2,318.05 4458 001.011.000 APRIL 2011: 4458 376.42 4474 101.042.000 APRIL 2011 1,425.00 4720 001.018.014 APRIL 2011: 4720 2,293.50 6527 001.058.057 APRIL 2011. 6527 1,499.97 Total : 10, 062.84 22751 4/29/2011 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9216889 001.076.305 LINEN SUPPLY AND SERVICE: CP 140,99 9219279 001.076.305 LINEN SUPPLY AND SERVICE FOR 32.70 S0010037 001.076.305 LINEN SUPPLY AND SERVICE FOR 170.39 S9217917 001.076.305 LINEN SUPPLY AND SERVICE FOR 132.80 S9221538 001.076.305 LINEN SUPPLY AND SERVICE FOR 11.21 Total : 488.09 72752 4/29/2011 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 April 2011 001.076.300 UTILITIES: PARKS 332.76 Total: 332.76 22753 4/29/2011 000741 HONEY BUCKETS 1- 271288 001.076.300 HONEY BUCKET RENTAL PARKS 186.40 Total: 186.40 22754 4/29/2011 001581 MCCLUNG, KATHY Expenses. 001.058.050 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 2,096.38 Total: 2,096.38 22755 4/29/2011 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO March 2011 101.042.000 UTILITIES: PW 9,061.44 Total : 9,061.44 22756 4/29/2011 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC 2009 001.090.000 CITY HALL RENT 38,416.84 Total : 38,416,84 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 04/2912011 2 :18 :34PM Spokane Valley Bank code apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund /Dept DescriptionlAccount Amount 22757 4129/2011 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC, 27358 001.011.000 NAME PLAQUE FOR ARNE WOODA 13.04 Total : 13.04 22758 4/29/2011 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 4193246 101.042.000 REPAIR CITY PLOWED DAMAGED, 54.35 4193247 101.042.000 REPAIR CITY PLOWED DAMAGED, 169.57 4193248 101.042.000 REPAIR CITY PLOWED DAMAGED, 70.66 4193249 101.042.000 REPAIR CITY PLOWED DAMAGED , 175.22 4193250 101.042.000 REPAIR CITY PLOWED DAMAGED , 230.44 4193251 101.042.000 REPAIR CITY PLOWED DAMAGED , 59.79 4193252 101.042.000 REPAIR CITY PLOWED DAMAGED, 197.83 Total: 957.86 22759 4/29/2011 000935 SERVICE PAPER CO 110470987 001.076.305 SUPPLIES AT PRECINCT 1,192.06 Total: 1,192.06 22760 4/29/2011 000324 SPOKANE CO WATER DIST #3 April 2011 001.076.302 WATER CHARGES: PARKS 32.95 Total: 32.95 22761 4/29/2011 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST 1st QTR 2011 001.076.300 1ST QTR 2011: WATER TESTING 240.00 Total : 240.00 22762 4/29/2011 000167 VERA WATER & POWER MARCH 2011 101.042.000 UTILITIES: MARCH 2011 2,548.03 Total : 2,548.03 22763 4/29/2011 001792 WHITEHEAD, JOHN Expenses 001.018.016 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 336.04 Total: 336.04 22764 4/29/2011 001409 WORLD CLASS COMMUNICATIONS 110401251 001.076.305 ANSWERING SERVICE: CP 22.00 Total: 22.00 17 Vouchers for bank code: apbank Bank total 75,343.73 17 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 75,343.73 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/03/2011 11 :17:30AM Spokane Valley Bank code: Pk-ref Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description /Account Amount 5226 4/29/2011 002649 ABARCA, DEYSO ROMERO REFUND 001.237.10. DEPOSIT REFUND: VALLEY MISSIC 52.00 Total : 52.00 5227 4/29/2011 002645 FREEDOM HEALTH GROUP REFUND 001.237.10. DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 110 52.00 Total : 52.00 5228 4/29/2011 002643 HEINEN, JAYME REFUND 001.076.303 CANCELLATION REFUND: MIRABD 150.00 Total : 150.00 5229 4/29/2011 002286 INLAND NW CCIM CHAPTER REFUND 001.076.305 DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 108 94.00 Total: 94.00 5230 4129/2011 002648 PICKETT, CHERYL REFUND 001.237.10. DEPOSIT REFUND: VALLEY MISSIC 52.00 Total : 52.00 5231 4/29/2011 002647 RUSTAD, CHERYLE REFUND 001.076.303 CANCELLATION REFUND: VALLEY 1 136.00 Total : 136.00 5232 4/29/2011 002644 SMITH, JANETTE REFUND 001.076.305 DEPOSIT REFUND: GREAT ROOM 140.00 Total: 140.00 5233 4/29/2011 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPERIOR COURT REFUND 001.237.10. DEPOSIT REFUND: ROOM 110 52.00 Total : 52.00 5234 4/29/2011 002645 UNITED CHURCH OF GOD REFUND 001.237.10. DEPOSIT REFUND: 109 & 110 52.00 Total : 52.00 9 Vouchers for bank code: pk -ref Bank total : 780.00 9 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 780.00 Page: 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 05- 106 -11 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Period Ending April 30, 2011 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Budget/Financial impacts: Gross: $ 216,200.52 Benefits: $ 119,446.77 Total payroll $ 335,647.29 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS DRAFT MINUTES Attendance: Councilmembers: Tom Towey, Mayor Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Dean Grafos, Councilmember Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Arne Woodard, Councilmember City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Staff: Mike Jackson, City Manager Cary Driskell, Acting City Attorney EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to adjourn into executive session for approximately sixty minutes to evaluate the qualifications of candidates for appointment to elective office [RCW 42.30.110(1)(h)J, and that action is anticipated thereafter during the regular 6:00 p.m. council meeting. Prior to council exiting to executive session, Mayor Towey announced that he was recusing himself from these proceedings; he explained that for the past two years he was connected almost weekly to one of the candidates through many communications; and said he supports a particular candidate for this fall and has given financially in his strong support and therefore feels a perception of assumed fairness is at risk, and said that is the basis for his decision. The vote by acclamation was unanimous in favor and Council, minus Mayor Towey, adjourned into Executive Session at 5:04 p.m. At approximately 5:19 Deputy Mayor Schimmels declared council out of Executive Session and Mayor Towey returned to the dias. It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:19 p.m. ATTEST: Thomas E. Towey, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes: 0426 -2011 Page 1 of 1 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meetings Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, Acting City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Micki Harnois, Associate Planner Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Ben Orchard of Valley Bible Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Towey led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Woodard: no report. Councilmember Gothmann reported that he attended the Spokane Regional Health Department recognition event for their employees; went to a Chamber of Commerce breakfast where they discussed a future medical school; attended a Financial Access meeting, which is a branch of SNAP, and he gave an update of their financial status; went to Discovery Playground opening; participated in the Governance Manual meeting; attended the Board of Health Executive meeting where it was mentioned they will not reduce reserves this year as thought earlier; went to a 9 -1 -1 Board meeting concerning consolidation of dispatch for the area, and mentioned that revenue is coming in ahead of budget but they will have to go to the bond market in June due to cash flow issues. Councilmember Grafos said he attended the Growth Management Act (GMA) Board meeting where they continue to work on land inventory in the County; and attended the State of the City address at Seth Woodard school. Deputy Mayor Schimmels explained that he attended an Economic Development meeting in Seattle where they discussed local economic competitiveness in a global area, which meeting was hosted by the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle, which hosted a delegation of ninety Chinese leaders from six major cities in China, and said perhaps he could give an in -depth report on this meeting at an upcoming Study Session; he reported that he also attended the State of the City address last week, and the Open House at Discovery Park, as well as a Washington State Department of Transportation Open House, Council Regular Meeting 04 -26 -2011 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT and mentioned an upcoming community meeting Thursday at the Hope Lutheran Church on East Broadway, where they will discuss such projects as the Barker Road interchange through Harvard. Councilmember Grassel said she attended the State of the City addresses, and the GMA Steering Committing meeting, as well as the Discovery Park opening. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Towey reported that he met with Liberty Lake Mayor VanOrman; heard a Federal Transportation Report from Representative McMorris Rogers at the Lincoln Center and mentioned the report was favorable concerning funding for the north Spokane corridor; and said that he has given three State of the City addresses now with the final address scheduled for Thursday at 12:30 p.m. at CenterPlace. Mayor Towey then read proclamations for Public Service Recognition Week, and Municipal Clerk's Week; and Deputy Mayor Schimmels read the Worker's Memorial Day proclamation. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments. Mike Thompson, 10319 E Sprague Avenue: gave an update on the Fire Department's process to achieve their International Fire Service Accreditation; said their Department was thoroughly examined with over 200 performance measures in mind; that about 90 of those measures were core competencies; that the site team came in last week and spent about three and one -half days with them and said the department will be recommended for the International Accreditation at the end of August; he said the Department did an exemplary job and he is very proud of the Spokane Valley Fire Department and what they have accomplished. Mr. Alan Creach, Manager of the Plant Farm at 14208 E 4 and resides at 15108 E 18 Court, Spokane Valley: via the city clerk, he distributed handouts to Council, one of which was RCW 46.08.065 and the other was a fact sheet concerning unmarked vehicles. Mr. Creach said the RCW deals with the rules and codes of Washington that demand and specify that cars used for patrol purposes are to be marked, with one exception concerning confidential or undercover investigative instances; he said there are unmarked cars in patrol in the valley all the time; and said his father was killed by a Spokane Policeman who was operating an unmarked car; that his father had responded to what he thought was a theft, and went out to investigate while carrying a handgun; and said by that officer's own testimony, that his father did not threaten the officer or point the weapon at him; and when identification was made, he backed away from the car and pushed his gun in his back waistband. Mr. Creach said his father was 74 years old with eyesight problems, it was late at night and the car was parked in a dark area. He said Mayor Towey previously made reference to the fact that an investigation and a decision was made by the prosecuting attorney; but Mr. Creach said that investigation quoted that the angle of wound was slightly downward; and said that the prosecuting attorney made his decision and informed the family months before he made such decision public, that he would not be making any charges against that officer. Mr. Creach said later when the facts actually came out, the downward angle of that wound was 56° downward, which he said is not slight. Mr. Creach said had that car been marked, he doubts his father would have concluded that theft was occurring; and said for the safety and security of the community citizens, he asked the Mayor to require the Sheriff to follow the laws of Washington and mark the patrol cars; and if the Sheriff is not willing to do that, then he asked Council to pass an ordinance that within this city, the Sheriff would be required to operate patrol cars with the appropriate markings required by law. Mr. Creach said he addressed Council several months ago about this issue, and said he was expecting that Council would have reacted and done something, and said he finds it disappointing that Council has done nothing; and he quoted from the bible, the last verse of the Book of Judges, Chapter 19: "and it was so that all that saw it said there was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt until this day; consider of it, take advice and speak your minds." Mr. Creach challenged Council to read that chapter. Beryl patrick, 16801 E 44"' Ave, Greenacres said that she is not a Spokane Valley city resident but is a resident of Spokane Valley; said that they brought up this same issue at one of the community meetings; Council Regular Meeting 04 -26 -2011 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT and said she wanted to see if Council was going to pursue this and make sure that officers follow the laws of Washington, and if not, why not; and if so, she asked when can residents expect that to occur. Mark Henderson, 831 S Shelley Lake Lane said he is a property owner on Sprague Avenue and he is here to voice his support for the amendments going forward concerning SARP. Mayor Towey explained that is an action item and there will be opportunity for comment during that agenda item. Mr. Chris Williams, 14105 E 8 Avenue also spoke regarding unmarked cars and use of those unmarked cars as a block for patrol officers on private property on businesses like St. Mary's Catholic Church; said, he has seen those unmarked cars on traffic patrol and not as an undercover operation; and said it is difficult to keep to the posted speed limit when you see those men waiting to ticket you; and tell you were going one speed and then write a ticket for a different speed, and said that is a practice of setting protocol; and said a message needs to be sent to the Sheriffs Office that if they are to hold citizens accountable to the law, then the reverse is true. Richard Behm, 9405 E Sprague said he owns commercial property in Dishman; and said for years he has encouraged the Sheriffs Department and now the Spokane Valley Police Department, to use his property and park there when they wish as it is a detriment to vandalism; and said if this is a question about the legality of what the Sheriff is doing, he would request Council to ask the City Manager and City Attorney to make a public city stand on this to state that they consider is legal concerning the actions of the Sheriffs Department. Councilmember Gothmann said there were some people tonight asking for a response; he said he is stating his opinion and not that of the Council's; that he is not a lawyer, but has read the State Statutes carefully concerning this issue and that he feels the statutes do permit unmarked cars, and said he noted there has been a 40% increase in police fatalities from last year. Councilmember Woodard voiced his empathy for the Creach family and those concerned and said he feels they are entitled to hear the position of the city and that citizens should get a response at some point as to the city's position. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE W/VOUCHER NUMBERS: TOTAL AMOUNT 04/07/2011 22556 -22572 $12,873.51 04/08/2011 22573- 22602; 405110009 $274,884.21 04/15/2011 22607 -22660 $375,022.75 04/15/2011 22661 -22682 $143,325.67 GRAND TOTAL $806,106.14 b. Approval of Payroll for Period Ending April 15, 2011: $247,133.10 c. Approval of Resolution 11 -004 Setting Planning Commission Public Hearing for Street Vacation STV 01 -11 d. Approval of City Council Minutes of April 12, 2011 Formal Meeting Format e. Approval of City Council Minutes of April 19, 2011 Study Session Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the consent agenda. NEW BUSINESS 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 11 -006 Livestock in Mixed Use — Christina Janssen After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to approve Ordinance 11 -006 amending Title 19 concerning permitted and accessory uses, and animal raising and keeping, as drafted. Assistant Planner Janssen gave a brief overview of the history of Council Regular Meeting 04 -26 -2011 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT the proposal, and of the changes as noted in the ordinance. Mayor Towey invited public comment. Ms. Chris Pettybone, 18009 E Cowley- she feels it would be very progressive to have Council approve this. There were no other public comments. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 11 -007 Comp Plan Amendments CPA 01 -11 and CPA 04 -11 through CPA 08 -11— Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to adopt Ordinance 11 -007. As he did at the previous fist ordinance reading, Senior Planner Basinger gave a quick overview of what has been covered to date, adding that the changes to the charts recommended at the last council meeting, have been made. Mayor Towey invited public continent; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 11 -008 Comp Plan Amendments Zoning Map Amendments, CP A 01 -11 and CPA 04 -11 through CPA 08 -11 —Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to adopt Ordinance I1 -008. Senior Planner Basinger explained that this ordinance addresses the zoning map to reflect the comprehensive plan amendment located at Progress and Sprague. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 11 -009 Comp Plan CPA 03 -11, Sprague /Appleway Revitalization Plan (SARP) — Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded, to adopt Ordinance I1 -009. Attorney Connelly explained that this ordinance would delete Book 1 of the SARP and amend the comprehensive plan map and return the comprehensive plan designation to those which preceded the adoption of SARP in the fall of 2009; he said that the Findings are included in the ordinance and were discussed in detail at the last council meeting, and there have been no changes to those Findings; and said that this is the companion ordinance to ordinance 11 -010 which will amend the zoning code. Mayor Towey invited public comment. Mark Henderson, 831 S. Shelley Lake encouraged Council to pass the ordinance to eliminate the SARP plan. Chuck Hafner, 2417 Sunnybrook Lane said he is not for continuing the SARP, and spoke of the quality of life of citizens in Spokane Valley, and that SARP does not reflect that quality of life, and he encouraged passage of the amendment. Dwight Hume, 9101 N Mountain View Lane said that last week he said he represents three land owners who collectively control 27 separate parcels in the SARP area, and said they were encouraged by council forwarding this to a second reading and they were pleased to be able to now focus on a normal market lifestyle; and thanked Council for listening to the landowners. Todd Hume, 505 W. Riverside Avenue said he is a lawyer with the firm working with CarMax, helping them locate some property in the area, and he commended Council on the repeal of this plan; and said jurisdictions of this size have zoning and subarea plans as flexible as possible, which incentivizes the private sector to be invigorated to push local dollars through this economy, which he said, is exactly what this repeal will do. John McNamara, Real Estate Manager with CarMax, spoke in favor of the SARP repeal; he gave a recap of what his company has done as mentioned previously; that he met with staff last week and from that meeting they feel confident to proceed with his facility plan. William `Mac" Whiteford, 601 West Main Avenue, Spokane also commended Council on the repeal of SARP. William Berry, 13017 E. Apache Pass Lane, said he is not a resident but owns property in the area and he encouraged repeal of SARP, adding that he had previously not been permitted to put in an automotive and glass residential repair shop because of SARP regulations; and that he has been waiting since January 2011 for this repeal. Susan Scott, 205 S. Evergreen Road also thanked Council for taking the time to listen to citizen concerns about the damaging consequences for businesses and adverse affects on new development; and urged the repeal of SARP. Council Regular Meeting 04 -26 -2011 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT Council discussion included comments from Councilmember Gothmann that while the Plan wasn't perfect, the area needed change; that we still need to convert the $450,000 we pay annually for city hall; that the library wants to replace its facility with a facility between Dartmouth and Evergreen; that perhaps SARP was too far - reaching, but change is needed. Councilmember Grafos said he is not in favor of SARP; that he doesn't believe we can attract economic development with all the restrictions and regulations, and that we need to be competitive. Councilmember Woodard said he continues to hear that the regulations are too strict, and sees this as an opportunity to release the regulations and free people to move forward. Deputy Mayor Schimmels mentioned that this has gone on for a long time and has resulted in a lot of agony, but believes we are back where we can service citizens with that they need. Councilmember Grassel said she feels a form based code is not progress and not necessary for free markets, and that the business owners know best and government should not meddle in their rights. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Towey, Deputy Mayor Schimmels, and Councilmembers Woodard, Grafos and Grassel. Opposed Councilmember Gothmann. Motion carried. 6. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 11 -010 Comp Plan CPA 03 -11, SARP Zoning Map — Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to adopt ordinance I1 -010. Attorney Connelly explained that this is the companion ordinance to ordinance 11 -009 just passed, and it will repeal Books 2 and 3 of the SARP, and will revise the zoning map. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Towey, Deputy Mayor Schimmels, and Councilmembers Woodard, Grafos, and Grassel. Opposed Councilmember Gothmann. Motion carried. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:15 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:29 p.m. 7. Motion Consideration: Approval of Detention Services Agreement — Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the Interlocal Agreement for the Provision of Detention Services between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County. Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka went over some of the highlights of the agreement, including that it would be retroactive to January 1, 2010; and is a three -year agreement which will automatically renew annually until either party provides termination notice; that the agreement combines the Jail and Geiger Interlocal agreements services; creates an advisory group which will meet quarterly, and includes a fund reserve which will be returned at the end of the agreement. Mayor Towey invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 8. Motion Consideration: Motions for May 10 Applicant Interviews for Council Position #5 — Mayor Towey Mayor Towey stated that he will recuse himself from this proceeding; that he had a working relationship with one of the candidates for the past two years, sometimes meeting weekly, and there was a financial part in that he continued to assist in his campaign for this fall and therefore feels that the perception of assumed fairness would be at risk, which he said is the basis for his decision, and he turned the meeting over to Deputy Mayor Schimmels and left the room at approximately 7:35 p.m. Deputy Mayor Schimmels said Council will use the same process for the selection of this position as was used for the previous council position, and he noted that John Baldwin has withdrawn his application; and Deputy Mayor Schimmels opened the floor for nominations. Deputy Mayor Schimmels mentioned that to be interviewed, the candidate must receive at least three votes. Councilmember Grassel nominated Steven Neill, and the nomination was seconded by Councilmember Woodard. Councilmember Grafos nominated Chuck Hafner, and said for the record that Mr. Hafner contributed $100 to Mr. Grafos' re- election campaign, but that has not affected his nomination tonight. The nomination was seconded by Councilmember Gothmann. Councilmember Woodard nominated Council Regular Meeting 04 -26 -2011 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT Samuel Wood. There was no second so Mr. Wood will not be interviewed. Deputy Mayor Schimmels nominated Ben Wick, and the nomination was seconded by Councilmember Gothmann. It was then moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded, and unanimously agreed to close the nominations. The votes resulted as follows: In favor of interviewing Chuck Hafner: Councilmembers Woodard, Grafos, Gothmann, and Grassel. In favor of interviewing Steven Neill: Councilmembers Woodard, Grafos, Gothmann and Grassel. In favor of interviewing Ben Wick: Councilmembers Woodard, Gothmann, Grassel, and Deputy Mayor Schimmels. Those three applicants will be interviewed May 10. Mayor Towey returned to the dais at 7:44 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 9. Community Development Block Grant/HOME Consortium Cooperation Agreement — Scott Kuhta Community Development Director McClung extended apologies for Mr. Kuhta's absence as he was called away right before tonight's meeting. Ms. McClung went over some of the background for this item as per the April 26, 2011 Request for Council Action form; and said that staff will return to Council May 10 asking for authorization to send the required written notice to Spokane County that we wish to remain with the status quo, that of deferring entitlement statues and participation as part of the urban county with Spokane County. There were no objections from Council to bring this back as a motion consideration on the May 10 agenda. 10. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey Councilmember Grafos said at the April 14 finance committee meeting, they discussed the Sprague beautification and stormwater project and he asked when that would come to full council for review. Mr. Jackson said that public works is working on that and they will try to set a date at their upcoming staff meeting. Councilmember Grafos also said that he met with the owner of the Painted Hills Golf Course and said there has been some serious flooding, and said we could lose the road is we don't deal with this situation. Mr. Jackson said he is aware of the historical flooding across that area and public works is considering some options as a permanent fix. Deputy Mayor Schimmels said that he would like to give perhaps a thirty- minute summary of that economic development summit he attended in Seattle, and Mr. Jackson said he will discuss possible dates with Mr. Schimmels. Councilmember Woodard mentioned the Broadway Stormwater Project and confirmed that it is listed as one of the components of the 2011 budget amendment discussion for May 17 INFORMATION ONLY The Library Quarterly Report and Department Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Thomas E. Towey, Mayor Council Regular Meeting 04 -26 -2011 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CDBG /HOME Consortium Cooperation Agreement — 2012 to 2014 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Community Development Block Grant Program — Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: In 2008 the City Council entered into a three year agreement (2009 -2011) to participate in the Spokane County CDBG /HOME Consortium. BACKGROUND: Every three years, Spokane County is required to re- qualify as an Urban County Consortium in order to participate in the U.S. Department of Urban and Housing Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program. The City of Spokane Valley is again in the position to decide whether to renew its participation in the CDBG /HOME Consortium or become a direct entitlement recipient from HUD. In order for Spokane County to meet its obligation under the HUD, the County must receive written notice of the City's decision by May 27, 2011. During this re- qualification period for Spokane County, the City must select one of the following four options relative to its participation in the CDBG program: 1. Accept entitlement status and receive CDBG funds directly from HUD; 2. Accept entitlement status and enter into joint agreement with Spokane County; 3. Defer entitlement status and participate through the State CDBG program; or 4. Defer entitlement status and participate as part of urban county with Spokane County (current option that Spokane Valley is participating). In May, 2008 Spokane County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 8 -0483, which established a twenty percent "set- aside" of the annual allocation of CDBG funding for eligible infrastructure improvements within the City of Spokane Valley. The resolution states that the set -aside was established as a condition of Spokane Valley's participation in the County CDBG /HOME Consortium for fiscal years 2009, 2010 and 2011. Tim Crowley, HCD Program Manager, informed City staff that he "broadly interprets" the resolution to include subsequent requalification periods. Mr. Crowley further stated that the County would be willing the update the resolution for more clarity. On April 27, 2011, City Council reviewed the draft Cooperation Agreement, directing Staff to prepare a motion for consideration at their May 10, 2011 Council meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize City Manager's signature on the Cooperation Agreement for Community Development Block Grant and Home Investments Partnership Funds for the years 2012 to 2014. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As noted above. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP — Planning Division Manager ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Spokane County Historic CDBG funding benefitting Spokane Valley Cooperation Agreement for CDBG and HOME Funds County Resolution No. 8 -0483 Map of Low and Moderate Income Areas within Spokane Valley a OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TODD MIELkE, 1ST DISTRICT ° MARK RICHARD, 2ND DISTRICT ° BONNIE A. IMAGER, 3RD DISTRICT February 25, 2011 Mr. Mike Jackson, City Manager City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Mr. Jackson: Spokane County, has participated in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program since 1988 and in the HOME Entitlement Program since 1991. Every three years, HUD requires Urban County Consortiums, such as Spokane County, to re- qualify. Currently, Spokane County is scheduled to re- qualify in 201.1 for fiscal years 2012, 2013, and 2014. The City of Spokane Valley has been a member of the Spokane County Urban Consortium since 2006. Currently, the annual CDBG Entitlement for Spokane County is approximately $1.5 million. According to a recently released breakdown of the current CDBG entitlement, the proportionate share for Spokane Valley is $559,833. 1 have enclosed a list of the projects for which past CDBG funds have been used in Spokane Valley. The annual average of CDBG funds Spokane Valley has received is $700,293, for a grant total of $5,602,345 since fiscal year 2003. During the re- qualification period, the City must select one of the following four options with regard to its participation in the CDBG program: 1. Accept status as an entitlement grantee; 2. Accept status as an entitlement grantee and enter into a joint agreement with Spokane County; 3. Defer status as an entitlement grantee and participate through the State CDBG program; or 4. Defer status as an entitlement grantee and participate as part of the urban county, (Note: This is the option that Spokane Valley has selected since 2003). Please provide written notification of the option selected to Spokane County. if you choose to remain In t.. consortium, please send a letter (sample enclosed) by May 27, 201'1 stating .. e .�R, ,n, .., your choice. If you decide not to participate in the consortium, you need to notify Spokane County and HUD in writing by May 27, 2011 The contact person at HUD is: 1 1 16 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 -0100 (509) 477 -2265 Steven K. Washington U.S. Department of Housing and Urban. Development Seattle Federal Office Building 909 First Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 -1000 The choice not to participate in the consortium means: The City of Spokane Valley will not be eligible to receive CDBG and HOME Program funds from Spokane County; 2. The population of Spokane Valley will not be included in the urban county; 3. The City of Spokane Valley will be eligible to apply to the State of Washington Department of Community Development for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Program funds; 4. The City of Spokane Valley could accept status as an entitlement grantee; 5. The City of Spokane Valley could enter into a joint agreement with Spokane County. If the City of Spokane Valley would like to continue as a consortium member, please review the attached inter -local cooperation agreement. The agreement requires the City to commit to the consortium for a three -year period, unless subsequent notice is given to HUD. Present the agreement to your City Council for review, discussion, and acceptance. In addition to sending .the initial letter, Please return the signed interlocal agreement not later than May 31, 2011. Once the agreement is signed by the Commissioners, a copy of the fully executed document will be mailed to you. A change from previous urban qualification notification procedures is the inclusion of additional language in the interlocal cooperation agreement, allowing it to serve as the agreement needed in order to administer the Spokane County Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Substitute House Bill 2060) and the Spokane County Homeless Housing Assistance Act (HHAA) f=und (ESSHB 2163, 1359 and 2331), which authorized Spokane County's Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee to serve as the regional body for reviewing proposals, initiatives and making funding recommendations for these programs. If you have any questions about Spokane County's CDBG, HOME, Affordable Housing Trust Fund, or HHAA programs, please contact division manager Tim Crowley at 477 -4488 or by e- mail at tcrowley(o).spokanecounty.org Sincerely, Al F Chair, Spokane Board of County Commissioners Encl: (3) SPOKANE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDING IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane County CDBG Entitlement Grant 2003 - ---- - - - - -- $1,868,000 (city proportionate share approx. $616,440) Project Description Year Amount Spokane Valley Community Center 2003 $21,574 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels 2003 16,000 Big Brothers and Big Sisters- Trentwood School Program 2003 7,000 East Spokane Water District 2003 100,300 Orchard Avenue Irrigation Dist#6 2003 98,860 SC Public Works -RID Projects 2003 38,948 CAPA Special Assessments Assistance 2003 150,000 CAPA Sewer Connection Assistance 2003 150,000 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels Total $582,682 - - -- - - ------- - - -- Spokane County CDBG Entitlement 2004 - -- -- - - -- - $1,831,000 (city proportionate share approx. $604,230) Project Description Year Amount Spokane Valley Community Center 2004 $18,000 Meals on Wheels 2004 20,000 Sewer Connection Assistance 2004 175,000 SC Public Works -RID Projects 2004 6,385 Weatherwood /Owens Street Improvement 2004 267,803 Carnahan Street Improvement 2004 108,162 CAPA Assessment Assistance 2004 175,000 Housing and Economic Dev, Planning 2004 20,500 Irvin Water District #6 2004 158,900 Carnhope Irrigation Dist 97 2004 116,150 CAPA Special Assessments Assistance Total $1,065,900 - -- -- - - Spokane County CDBG Entitlement 2005 $1,737,347 (city proportionate share approx. $575,000) Project Description Year Amount Meals on Wheels 2005 $20,000 Spokane Valley Community Center 2005 18,000 Montgomery Ave, 1-90 to University 2005 439,850 Economic Development Planning 2005 17,469 Sewer Connection Assistance 2005 43�40Q Total $932,319 - - Spokane County CDBG Entitlement 2006 - $1,548 837(city proportionate share approx. $511,116) Project Description Year Amount Spokane Valley Community Center 2006 $13.000 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels 2006 15,000 East Spokane Water District 2006 118,980 Carnhope Irrigation District 2006 24,700 SC Public Works -RID Projects 2006 36,898 CAPA Special Assessments Assistance 2006 116,050 CAPA Sewer Connection Assistance 2006 212,000 Spokane Valley --Vera Terrace Sewer Basin Paveback 2006 207,815 Total $744,443 - -- -- - - - Spokane County CDBG Entitlement - 2007 - - - - - -- - - - - $1,549,880 (city proportionate share approx. $511,460) Project Description Year Amount Spokane Valley Community Center 2007 $25,000 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels 2007 4,604 East Spokane Water District 2007 146,400 CAPA Special Assessments Assistance 2007 105,400 CAPA Sewer Connection Assistance 2007 100,624 Spokane Valley Trentwood Sewer Basin- Street Paveback 2007 77,706 Total $459,734 - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- -- ------------ - - - - -- -- --------------- - - - - ------------------------------------ Spokane County CDBG Entitlement -- - -- - -- - - - -- 2008 - - - --- ---- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- $1,498,326 (city proportionate share $509,021) -----------------------------------------..-----....-.-.- - -- D-- e s - c - r -- i - - Project n Ye -..-- ar ------------------------------------------- - Am - -- - - t ------------------ - - - - -- ou n Spokane Val ley Partners 2008 $15,000 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels - Meal Delivery 2008 20,000 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels -- Senior Nutrition Site 2008 7,700 Carnhope Water District 2008 96,500 CAPA Special Assessments Assistance 2008 150,000 CAPA Sewer Connection Assistance 2008 75,000 Spokane Valley - Rockwell Server Basin - Street Paveback 2008 195,410 Total $559,610 - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- Spokane County CDBG Entitlement - - - -- 2009 - - - - - - - $1,545,480 (city approx. proportionate share 5540,918) Project Description Year Amount Spokane Valley Partners 2009 $15,000 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels - Meal Delivery 2009 I5,000 Spokane Valley ADA Sidewalks- Sprague Ave. 2009 88,570 CAPA Special Assessments (CFR) Assistance 2009 125,000 CAPA Sewer Connection Assistance 2009 175,000 Spokane Valley - Clement Sewer Basin - Street Paveback 2009 220,554 Total $624,124 -- - - - - - -- - - Spokane County CDBG Entitlement - ------------ 2010 - - $1,678,692 (city approx. proportionate share $599,833) Project Description Year Amount Spokane Valley Partners 2010 $20,000 Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels -Meal Delivery 2010 30,000 East Spokane Water District 2010 132,800 CAPA Special Assessments (CFR Grant) Assistance 2010 60,000 CAPA Sewer Connection Assistance 2010 60,000 Spokane Valley -- Corbin Sewer Basin- Street Paveback 2010 330,733 Total $633,533 Total Allocated. to City of Spokane Valley 2003 through 2010 $5,602,345 Annual Average -8 years $700,293 SPOKANE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 110ME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FUNDING* IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Project Description Woodruff Heights Apartments Village Multi- Family Apartments Hidden Pines Apartments East Valley Senior Housing Apartments IERR S.O.L.A. Homes (Severely Disabled) IERR Valley Home (Severely Disabled) Holman Gardens Senior Apartments Sprague Crossing Senior Housing Catherine Johnson Court Multi- Family Apartments Appleway Court Rockwell Apartments Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2005 2005 2005 2006 2008 2009 Total County HOME Amount $648,000 252,145 349,203 357,425 446,700 180,000 225,000 164,486 700,000 500,000 1,649,692 $$5,472,651 Total Project Costs $2,550,856 1,400,000 2,664,031 2;678,025 493,420 275,534 5,004,997 759,767 869,500 6,152,666 1,649,692 $24,498,488 *Does not include Tenant -Based Rental Assistance or Down - Payment Homebuyer Assistance COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND RELATED FUNDS (HOME, 2060, HHAA) THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between Spokane County (hereinafter called the County) and the City of Spokane Valley (hereinafter called the City) this day of , 2011. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and other applicable laws, Spokane County is entitled to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for federal fiscal years, 2012, 2013, and 2014; and WHEREAS, the amount of CDBG fimds to which the County may be entitled is in part dependent upon the population of other CDBG eligible applicant cities and towns which by this Agreement elect to participate in the CDBG and HOME Entitlement Program with the County; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Cooperation Agreement, which is entered into pursuant to, and in accordance with the State Interlocal Cooperation Act, RCW 39.34 is to plan for, and administer the CDBG Program and the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises made herein and the mutual benefits received hereunder, the parties agree as follows: The City may not apply for grants under the Small Cities or State CDBG Programs from appropriations for fiscal years 2012, 2013, and 2014, the years during which the City is participating in the Spokane County CDBG and HOME Program. 2. The City may not participate in a HOME consortium except through Spokane County, regardless of whether Spokane County receives a HOME formula allocation. 3. The Spokane County urban county qualification period is federal fiscal years 2012, 2013, and 2014. 4. This Agreement remains in effect until the CDBG and HOME funds and income received for federal fiscal years 2012, 2013, and 2014 are expended and the funded activities are completed. The County and the City may not terminate or withdraw from this Agreement while the Agreement remains in effect. S. The County and the City agree to cooperate to undertake, or assist in undertaking, community renewal and lower - income housing assistance activities. 6. The County and the City will take all actions necessary to assure compliance with Spokane County's certification required by Section 104(b) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and other applicable laws. 7. The County will not use CDBG or HOME funding for activities in, or in support of a City that does not affirmatively further fair housing within the City's jurisdiction or that impedes the County's actions to comply with the County's fair housing certification. 8. The City has adopted and is enforcing: a) a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non - violent civil rights demonstrations; and, b) a policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to, or exit frorn a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within jurisdictions. 9. The County and the City will not obstruct the implementation of the approved Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan and subsequent Annual Action Plarr(s) during the period covered by this Agreement. 10. The County has final responsibility for selecting CDBG and HOME activities and annually filing the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Annual Action Plan and the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evalnation Report with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 11. The County and City are subject to the same requirements applicable to CDBG subrecipients, including the requirement of a written agreement set forth in 24 CFR 570.503. 12. The City agrees to participate in the Regional County Homeless Program and Regional Affordable Housing Trust Fund Program, both which authorize Spokane County's Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee to serve as the regional body for reviewing proposals, initiatives, and making funding recommendations for Affordable Housing Trust Fund (2060) and Homeless Housing Assistance Act (HHAA - 2163, 1359, and 233 1) activities. 13. The County's Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee will review CDBG, HOME, Affordable Housing Trust Fund (2060) and Homeless Housing Assistance Act (HHAA - 2163, 1359, and 2331) program policies, plans, and applicant funding proposals and recommend to the Board of County Connnissioners funding of applicant proposals. 14, The County's Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee will include three representatives of the City appointed by the Board of County Commissioners in consultation with the Mayor and /or Council of the City. This Agreement is entered into on this City of Spokane Valley Mike Jackson City Manager of , 2011 by: Spokane County Al French Chair, Board of County Commissioners C • : (t1 _ as 1__ 11. BEFORE THB BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANTR COUNTY, WASMGTON 0 4 IN *IM 1vIATf13R CONCERNM ESTABLISHING A SET-ASIDE ) Of COrV13v1UNITY DEV)9LOPMWr BLACK GRANT (CDBG) ) ENTITLEMHNT FUNDS FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YHAkS 2009, 2010 ) RESOLUTION AND za 11 AS A CONDITION OF TkM CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) PARTICIPATING IN SPOKANE COUNTY'S REQUALIFICATION } AS AN UR13AN COUNTY FOR FEDERAL FISCAL Y EARS } 2009, 2010, AND 2011 } SVHF?REAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, pursuant to the provisions ofRCW 36.32.120(6), has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, tho United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has the authority to make availabic to counties, funds for community devoloptttnnt purposes pursuant to various federal laws including CFR Title, 24, Chapter V, Part 570, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG); and HOME affordable Housing Projects under 24 CFR Section 92.150 (HOME Inve:tment Partnership); and SVffl3REAS, Spokane County has been notified by HUD that Urban County requalification is necessary for the award of 2009 through 2011 CJ)B0 and ROM33 Investment Partnership Act (HOME) funding; and WHIIREAS, the amount of CD13G funds to which the County may be entitled is in part dependent upon the population of other CDBG eligible cities and towns which elect to participate in the CDBG and HOAM Lrntitlument Pwgraws with the County; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the level of CDBG funds appropriated to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Spokane County intends to establish a set -aside based upon twenty percent of each annual allocation of CDBG Autding for the purpose of eligible and allowable fnfiastructure improvements within the City of Spokane Valley meeting fedora] national objectives and consolidated plan priorities; and WHEREAS, Spokane County's Houslrtg and Community Development Advisory Committee has accepted and recommends approval of the City of Spokane Valley's request to establish a CDBG set -aside funding for high priority infrastructure projects. NOW, TkI13RF.FORE, BE IT HEREBY ]SOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County that the City of Spokane Valley's request to establish a set-aside witiiin the Community Development Block Grant Program is approved and that`the Chair of the 13oard of County Commissioners or a majority of the Board are the official representatives of Spokane County authatimd to approve CDBG Program requests. ADOPM by tho Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington this U day of ; zees. Clerk of the Board 15 - hen - �d4e hen � �o I robs Doti � Tr Map 5.1 CDBG Target �e Census Block Groups Legend Census Block Group Target Areas Census Block Groups nnr s Affordable Housing Projects. City of Spokane Valley Boundary 1 Urban Growth Area Water Bodies u 1 1 Sh2IIey Lake m g 5 •� a WhU 81.1 1 1 II B �i8al' ib , - - -- olio 1 ' Perk 28 ' F 7 a � r s a Map Location e A Effective Date: 1 06 - 01 006 Ordinance No.: Ob -010 �azn v°T�n Hen �� g o P 44th p Q W V 44W � YAlL-Y• T ° filh 0 0.5 1 2 Miles I ap The i f anon shown on this mapis co Wiled from various ♦ ` m , P �' sources and is subject to constant revision. The City maims no chums -guarantees about the accuracy or currency of thislr p and expressly disclaims liabtlityfor errors and omissions in its contents. To confirm accuracy contact the City ofSpokane Palky, Community Development Department, Division ofPlanning (509) 921 -1000. H. —aua oc me City .f Spokane V .11,, --ty oevemp—ut oeparvwnc CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Public Access Programming Contract GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Franchise Agreement Ordinance 09 -034 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of Comcast franchise December 1, 2009 BACKGROUND: The Council adopted Ordinance 09 -034, which approved the franchise between Spokane Valley and Comcast so that Comcast may place its cable facilities in the City's right -of -way so it can operate its business. One of the requirements of the franchise (a contract granted by ordinance) is for Comcast to provide funding to the City for capital purchases associated with the creation and broadcasting of public, educational, and governmental (PEG) programming. 0 PEG funding is the equivalent of $.35 per subscriber per month 0 21,732 out of 35,000 Spokane Valley households subscribe to Comcast 0 Estimated $90,011 per year in PEG funding with $150,000 upfront. $.25 /subscriber /month is withheld to pay off $150,000 upfront payment. Staff projects receiving $25,717 in 2011, $26,994 in 2012, and $90,011 in the years 2013 -15. 0 Staff recommends reserving $80,000 of the $150,000 payment for City use and splitting remainder equally between educational and public access programming. Both current providers of public and educational programming in Spokane County are receiving equal funding from the City of Spokane, both request funding equal to the other, and both have similar capital needs. Spokane Valley staff negotiated the PEG fee with Comcast based upon need for all three components. One proposal was received in response to a request- for - proposal (RFP) from Community - Minded Television (CMTV), a division of Community- Minded Enterprises, a local non - profit organization. All RFP criteria were satisfied. CMTV is the current public access provider for the City of Spokane and City of Spokane Valley subscribers currently receive CMTV programming. Staff recommends making $35,000 in PEG funds available to CMTV for the year 2011. Future funding would be awarded on an annual basis. OPTIONS: Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement selecting Community- Minded Television as the sole broadcaster of public access content on Comcast Channel 14, or deny authorization to enter into a contract with CMTV. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement with Community- Minded Television to act as the public access channel manager. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $35,000 of PEG funds received by Comcast would be made available in 2011. Funding for years 2012 -2015 would be made on an annual basis. STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: RFP, Proposal, Draft Agreement CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Public Access Television Capital Funding The City of Spokane Valley is accepting proposals from organizations that desire to be the channel manager for the City of Spokane Valley public access channel broadcast on Comcast cable television. The City anticipates that $35,000 will be available for funding in 2011. Projected funding for future years will be determined by October 31 of the preceding year. Funds awarded will be limited to amounts needed for capital expenditures, pursuant to Federal law, and will be determined based upon the actual PEG funds remitted by Comcast to the City of Spokane Valley Organization(s) awarded funds will be required to sign an agreement with the City of Spokane Valley lasting through the end of 2015 and committing the applicant to provide equipment and training to Spokane Valley residents producing video programming suitable for broadcast, and to broadcast locally produced programming over the dedicated public access channel provided by Comcast. A full copy of the required agreement is available on the City's website at www.spokanevalley.org Copies may also be obtained at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Proposals must include (1) Certification of Insurance at levels that meet or exceed those specified in Section 11 of the required agreement; (2) A preliminary Annual Report as specified in Section 9 of the required agreement. The Annual Report shall be based upon the most recent available data or the most recently completed Annual Report submitted to other jurisdictions. The Annual Report shall include a capital budget request for the year 2011 as well as a projected request for all subsequent years of the required agreement. (3) A business model or description of the type of programming cultivated and the benefit provided to the citizens of Spokane Valley and a description and history of the organization. Proposals must be received at City Hall no later than 4:00pm on April 22, 2011. Please deliver /mail one original and seven (7) copies of the proposal and any supporting documents to: City of Spokane Valley Attn: Daniel Domrese 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Proposals will be reviewed by staff with recommendations made to the City Council. It is anticipated that City Council will make its final funding decision by May 10. The successful applicant will be notified by mail within five days of the Council decision. For more information, contact Daniel Domrese at ddomreseka pokanevalley.org or call 720 -5042. DRAFT AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES Community- Minded Television THIS AGREEMENT is between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "City," and Community- Minded Television, hereinafter "CMTV," jointly referred to as "parties." WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has obtained certain channel resources and capital financing as a result of a Franchise renewal with the local Cable Operator, Comcast of Pennsylvania/Washington/West Virginia, LP, ( "Comcast" ); and WHEREAS, the Franchise documents include the Franchise Ordinance itself as well as one side letter. For convenience, Section 13 of the Franchise Ordinance affecting such aforementioned channel resources is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, CMTV has agreed to provide community programming identified in Section 13 of the City's franchise with Comcast as reflected in its Proposal, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the City provided public notice it would accept applications from entities interested in contracting with the City to provide public television for City residents. CMTV responded by applying to the City for execution of an agreement for such services, and the CMTV proposal appears to be in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. DESIGNATION OF CMTV AS CHANNEL MANAGER. The City designates CMTV as Channel Manager of the channel reserved in Exhibit A. This designation terminates if the Comcast Franchise Agreement terminates or expires. The designation is in the nature of a quit -claim authorization, to the extent of the City's power and authority to make such designation, without any promises or warranties. This section and Section 2 immediately below, comprise the entire obligations of the City under this Agreement, notwithstanding any other provision. The failure to provide at least 16 hours each day on average over each calendar week of broadcasting shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement. 2. GRANT FROM PEG FEE SOURCE a. Subject to applicable Franchise requirements for PEG Fee source expenditures that may apply, the City agrees to pay CMTV from the "PEG Fee" resource identified in Exhibit A, a grant of $35,000 for capital equipment and other capital expenditures in accord with the equipment list attached as Exhibit C hereto. The parties agree Exhibit C is a planning document and may be revised, subject to the City's approval and Comcast's review to the extent appropriate, as provided hereafter. For each subsequent year of the agreement, the City will notify CMTV by October 31 of the preceding year the amount of PEG funds projected to be distributed, if any. The actual amount of funding available will be determined by the actual PEG contributions provided to the City by Comcast. Any additional funds would be subject to the same requirements as the original PEG Fee grant contained herein. Community Minded Television Page 1 of 6 b. With respect to the PEG Fee grant, CMTV is solely responsible for satisfying any expenditures and/or documentation requirements of Comcast set forth in Exhibit A (to the extent applicable), and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any loss or liability for CMTV's failure to satisfy any applicable requirements set forth therein. Under no circumstances shall the City be independently liable to CMTV for payment of any additional funds in the event of a reduction of money payable by Comcast to the City. Nothing herein limits CMTV's option to apply for additional PEG funding or creates any obligation on the part of the City to accept such applications. c. Within 90 days, upon request, CMTV shall provide Comcast with appropriate documentation showing expenditures for PEG capital use of the previous year's PEG funding and showing the budgeted use of the current year's PEG funding. In the event CMTV cannot demonstrate that PEG funding was used or budgeted for PEG capital needs consistent with Franchise requirements, it is responsible to reimburse the City any reduction in PEG funding obligations by Comcast under Exhibit A under this or any future PEG Fee grant source. 3. PAYMENT CMTV acknowledges and is accustomed to the practice of being held accountable for achieving deliverables associated with grant funds. Because these funds are restricted to capital expenditures, CMTV understands the City's concern about protecting the grant resource in case of CMTV non - performance. The funds shall only be available for reimbursement following expenditures by CMTV. Reimbursements will only be made from PEG funds received from Comcast. The City receives quarterly PEG payments from Comcast. The City will provide CMTV with the current available balance upon request. Reimbursement requests shall include invoices and proof of payment. Reimbursement shall be made within 30 days of request. 4. ASSIGNMENT CMTV shall not assign this Agreement without prior written consent. Any Assignee shall accept all terms and conditions of this Agreement in writing as a condition of the assignment. 5. CMTV ACCEPTANCE CMTV accepts the City's designation as Channel Manager and all responsibilities express and implied in connection therewith. CMTV agrees to manage and operate the channel for programming of community interest consistent with this Agreement and its Proposal, reserving editorial content control to CMTV. To the extent as may be required by law, CMTV agrees to develop viewpoint neutral community access rules for its users. It is not the purpose or intent of this or any other provision of this Agreement to create a public forum or open microphone for the channel. CMTV is an independent contractor for all purposes of this Agreement and not an agent or employee of the City in any respect. 6. SOLE RESPONSIBILITY Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, CMTV is solely and separately responsible for all channel operations, equipment financing, budget, management and programming. Nothing in this Agreement limits CMTV's ability to seek protection from programmers or others as between itself and third parties. 7. COMCAST/FRANCHISE REQUIREMENTS a. CMTV is responsible to meet any reasonable signal quality or technical requirements of Comcast. In case of dispute, the City reserves the right to determine the issue, consistent with the Franchise and this Agreement. b. CMTV understands that the City and Franchisee (Comcast) may mutually agree upon an implementation and enforcement of policy directive and terms of use requirements. Public Television Contract Page 2 c. CMTV guarantees that all users of any channel resources or channel facilities, obtained pursuant to this Agreement will assume responsibility for the content of programming prepared at such channel facilities and /or cablecasts on the subject channel. Clearance for use of copyrighted material shall be the sole responsibility of CMTV and /or the access user. CMTV promises to implement any use requirements required by the City and Comcast related to the protection of copyrighted material. CMTV will likewise require that all CMTV programmers /channel users indemnify and hold Comcast and the City harmless from all loss or liability, including the costs of legal defense from programming or use of facilities, channel(s) or access time by the user. d. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. e. CMTV shall accommodate Comcast's reasonable needs for use of parental control devises. The City reserves the right to determine any disputes. 8. ANNUAL REPORT CMTV shall present in writing an annual report to the City Council on its yearly activities no later than October 1 each year. A courtesy copy of the written report shall also be sent to Comcast, the City Clerk's Office, the Cable Advisory Board, and to the Spokane Valley Library Branch. The report shall include the following information: a. A financial report of all channel operations and expenditures. b. A summary of all programming, including hours presented, weekly programming schedules (may be summarized). c. A detailed list of each expenditure the prior year, including the cost and purpose to which the equipment is being used. d. A capital budget request for the subsequent year (annually revised Exhibit Q. e. Proof of compliance with all Comcast/Franchise requirements above mentioned, including: i. Confirmation that CMTV meets Comcast's reasonable signal quality or technical requirements and a statement that there are no pending disputes regarding the same. ii. A current copy of CMTV's policies and use requirements if changed from previous year. 9. TERM/NOTICES The Agreement takes effect on the date signed by the City, and expires December 31, 2015; PROVIDED: It automatically expires if the current Comcast Franchise expires or is otherwise terminated or substantially modified for any reason unless extended in writing by the City. It may be terminated without any requirement of showing cause by either party, upon ninety (90) days written notice; PROVIDED the City may terminate the Agreement upon a lesser notice period if it reasonably determines that it is exposed to any loss or liability because of continuation of the Agreement, Additionally, failure to comply with the minimum daily broadcast requirements set forth in Section 1 shall be considered a material breach subject to termination on 10 days notice. Public Television Contract Page 3 Notices shall be given as follows: To City: City Manager 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 To CMTV: General Manager 25 West Main Avenue, Suite 436 Spokane, WA 9201 10. INDEMNIFICATION CMTV is jointly and severally responsible to protect the City from any loss or liability, and shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, subject only to the limitations provided below: CMTV's duty to indemnify shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of CMTV, or its agents or employees. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115 then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of CMTV, its agents or employees, and the City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers, CMTV's duty to indemnify hereunder shall be only to the extent of CMTV's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes CMTV's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance. Title 51 RCW solely for the purposes of this indemnification. CMTV's obligation to defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless shall include, but not be limited to, the City's attorney and expert fees, court costs, and all other claim - related expenses. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement. 11. INSURANCE During the term of the Agreement, CMTV shall maintain in force at its own expense, the following insurance: a. Workers' Compensation Insurance in compliance with RCW 51.12.020, which requires subject employers to provide workers' compensation coverage for all their subject workers and Employer's Liability or Stop Gap Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000; b. General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis with a combined single limit, of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. It shall include contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided under this Agreement. It shall provide that the City, its officers, employees and agents are additional insureds with respect to CMTV's obligations under the Agreement; and c. Automobile Liability Insurance with a combined single limit, or the equivalent, of not less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury and property damage, including coverage for owned, hired or non -owned vehicles. There shall be no cancellation, material change, reduction of limits or intent not to renew the insurance coverage(s) without thirty (30) days written notice from CMTV or its insurer(s) to the City. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, CMTV shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to the City Risk Manager at the time CMTV returns the signed Agreement. The certificate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insureds, and include applicable policy endorsements, the 30 day cancellation clause, and the deduction or retention level. Insuring companies or Public Television Contract Page 4 entities and proof of compliance are subject to City Risk Manager acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to the City Risk Manager. CMTV shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self - insured retentions, and/or self - insurance. With the consent of CMTV, Risk Manager is authorized to make reasonable adjustments in the requirements of this section, consistent with the need. Any approved Risk Manager changes must be in writing. 12. BUSINESS REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Prior to commencement of work under this Agreement, CMTV shall register with the City as a business. 13. RECORDS The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of CMTV's records with respect to all matters covered in this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls and record of matters covered by this Agreement for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. Any records relating to this Agreement may be subject to Washington's Public Record Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. 14. NON - DISCRIMINATION No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this Agreement in violation of State or Federal laws relating to discrimination. 15. ANTI - KICKBACK No officer or employee of the City, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this Agreement shall have or acquire any interest in the Agreement, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this Agreement. 16. NO SEPARATE ENTITY: AMENDMENTS No separate legal entity, partnership or joint venture is created by this Agreement. This Agreement is binding on the parties and their heirs, successors, and assigns. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written agreement. 17. OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The City and CMTV hereby acknowledge that this Agreement shall not constitute a "work made for hire agreement" as that term is defined under the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.0 § 101 et seq. Additionally, the City expressly acknowledges and agrees that CMTV shall own all right, title, and interest in and to all intellectual property created or obtained by CMTV during the time it operates as Channel Manager. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall restrict CMTV from licensing, sublicensing, assigning, or otherwise disposing of CMTV's Intellectual Property Rights. "Intellectual Property Rights" means all intellectual property rights throughout the universe, whether existing under statute or at common law or equity, now or hereafter in force or recognized, including but not limited to: (i) copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, patents, inventions, designs, logos and trade dress, "moral rights," mask works, publicity rights, privacy rights and any other intellectual property and proprietary rights; and (ii) any application or right to apply for any of the rights referred to in clause (i), and any and all renewals, extensions and restorations thereof. 18. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Except to the extent that this Agreement recognizes and confirms certain rights of Comcast under the Comcast Franchise Agreement, this Agreement is solely between the City and CMTV, and there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/SEVERABILITY This is the entire agreement. In the event any provision of this Agreement should become invalid, the rest of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless agreed in writing by the parties. Public Television Contract Page 5 Dated: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ATTEST: Mike Jackson, City Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Dated: Signed: For Community- Minded Television Title: Federal Tax I.D. No Public Television Contract Page 6 Section 12 Rates. 1. Throughout the term of this .Franchise Agreement and upon request by the City, the Grantee shall provide an updated rate card to the City that details applicable rates and charges for Cable Services provided under this Franchise Agreement. This does not require the Grantee to file rates and charges under temporary reductions or waivers of rates and charges in conjunction with promotional campaigns. 2. Grantee shall provide a minimum of thirty (30) days' written notice to the City and each Subscriber before changing any rates and charges. 3. City may regulate rates for the provision of Cable Service provided over the System in accordance with applicable federal laver, in particular 47 C.F.R. Part 76 subpart N. 1n the event the City chooses to regulate rates it shall, in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 76.910, obtain certification from the FCC, if applicable. The City shall follow all applicable FCC rate regulations and shall ensure that appropriate personnel are in place to administer such regulations. City reserves the right to regulate rates for any future Cable Services to the maximum extent allowed by law. Section 13. PEG and Local Programming, 1. Commencing on the affective date of this Franchise Agreement, Grantee shall make available one (1) full -time Non- commercial multi jurisdictional PEG Channel (the "Government Channel ") for future activation and joint use by the City, the City of Spokane and/or Spokane County for goveinmental access programming. The City shall provide Grantee with a minimum of forty -five (45) days prior written notice of an initial meeting to develop an implementation plan for activation of the Government Channel, 2. Grantee has historicallydolivered all PEG Channels available on its Cable System to its customers in the City whether or not such Channels were directly controlled by the City. Commencing on the effective date of this Franchise, and throughout the term of this Franchise, Grantee shall deliver' those PEG Channels with whom the City has contracted for service, up to a maximum of six (6) Channels. Grantee shall continue to deliver those PEG Channels so long as the City's contracts are valid and the PEG Channels have content to distribute. The City shall provide copies of all PEG Channel contracts, and contract renewals, to Grantee within thirty (30) days of execution. 3. The City acknowledges that Grantee provides additional benefits to PEG programming needs beyond the requirement listed above. This is accomplished through the inclusion of other regional PEG programming within the regional Channel line -up that services the Franchise Area. The Grantee will endeavor to provide the Subscribers in the Franchise Area with the other regional PEG Channels so long as the PEG programmers offer them for use on the Cable System. 4. All PEG Channels provided to Subscribers under this Franchise shall be included by Grantee subject to applicable law. For all PEG Channels not under Grantee's control, Grantee shall insure that there is no material degradation in the signal that is received by Grantee for distribution by Grantee over the Cable System. 5. The City shall be responsible for all programming requirements for the Government Channel, including but not limited to scheduling, playback, training, staffing, copyright clearances, and equipment, maintenance and repair, unless responsibility for administering the Government Channel has been designated to a third party, which shall then become responsible for all programming requirements undor this section. 6. 'rho Grantee shall provide the PEG Channels as part of the Cable Service provided to any Subscriber, at no additional ehatgc. If Channels are selected through a menu system, the PEG Channels Ordinance 09 -034 Coracast Cable Franchise Exhibit A Page 9 of 27 shall be displayed as prominently as commercial programming choices offered by Grantee. Comcast will use reasonable efforts to minimize the movement of City - designated PEG Channel assignments and maintain common Channel assignments for compatible PEG programming. 7. At such time as the Grantee converts its Basic Cable Service Tier fi-om all analog to a digital format, the City's PEG Channels will be carried on the digital platform and Grantee shall install, at its sole cost, such headend equipment to accommodate such Channel's. Such PEG Channels shall be accessed by Subscribers through use of standard digital equipment compatible with Grantee's Cable System. S. Within ninety (90) days of Grantee's acceptance of the Franchise, Grantee will remit to the City as a capital contribution ill support of PEG capital requirements: (1) one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) and (2) all amount equal to thirty five cents ($0.35) per Subscriber per month to be paid to the City on a quarterly basis for the life of the Franchise. Grantee will recoup the initial one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) in an amount equal to twenty five cents ($0.25) per Subscriber per month until the amount is recovered in full. To be clear, during the recovery period, the Grantee will remit to the City an amount equal to ten cents ($0.10) per Subscriber per month until the recovery of the initial PEG capital contribution is completed. After completion of the initial PEG capital contribution recovery, the Grantee will remit the entire thirty five cents ($0,35) per Subscriber per month to the City until the fifth year of the Franchise. Upon the fifth year anniversary date of the Franchise term, if the Grantee accepts the full continuation of the ten (10) year term, the Grantee will remit to the City, within ninety (90) days of the anniversary date, another upfront PEG capital contribution payment of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000), which will be recovered, recouped, and remitted to the City in the same manner as the initial PEG capital contribution payment. The City shall allocate all amounts under this subsection to PEG capital uses exclusively, Grantee shall not be responsible for paying the PEG capital contribution with respect to gratis or bad debt accounts. Consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 76.922, Grantee may, in its sole discretion, add the cost of the PEG capital contribution to the price of Cable Services and to collect the PEG capital contribution from Subscribers. In addition, consistent with 47 CY R § 76.985, all amounts paid as the PEG capital contribution may be separately stated on Subscribers' bills as a City of Spokane Valley PEG capital contribution. Upon Grantee's written request and due as agreed upon by both parties, the City shall provide the Grantee with documentation showing expenditures for PEG capital use of the previous fiscal years' PEG capital contribution and showing the budgeted use of the current year's PEG funding. In the event the City cannot demonstrate that PEG capital funding was used or budgeted for PEG capital needs, Grantee's PEG funding obligations going forward shall be reduced by an equivalent amount. 9. Within ninety (90) days of request, the Grantee shall provide an estimate of costs associated with the construction and activation of one return path capable of transmitting Video Programming to enable the distribution of the City's specific government access programming to Subscribers on the multi- jurisdictional PEG Channel. The return line shall run from a location to be determined by the City to the Grantee's Facilities. Within two hundred seventy (270) days of the City's directive, the Grantee shall Construct and activate a return line in accordance with the cost estimate previously provided. The City agrees to pay the costs of the return line within sixty (60) days of Construction I activation and reecipt of an invoice from the Grantee. Section 14. Institutional Network Connections Upon request of the City, the Grantee shall investigate and provide the City a plan with a cost estimate based on either a managed network or the most cost efficient connection utilizing current technology to accommodate the City's reasonable broadband capacity needs for a non - commercial connection between the City's facilities. For the purposes of this section, non - commercial means private network communications from and among the Ordinance 09.034 Cameast Cable Franchise Page 10 of 27 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Public Access Television Capital Funding The City of Spokane Valley is accepting proposals from organizations that desire to be the channel manager for the City of Spokane Valley public access channel broadcast on Comcast cable television. The City anticipates that $35,000 will be available for funding in 2011. Projected funding for future years will be determined by October 31 of the preceding year. Funds awarded will be limited to amounts needed for capital expenditures, pursuant to Federal law, and will be determined based upon the actual PEG funds remitted by Comcast to the City of Spokane Valley Organization(s) awarded funds will be required to sign an agreement with the City of Spokane Valley lasting through the end of 2015 and committing the applicant to provide equipment and training to Spokane Valley residents producing video programming suitable for broadcast, and to broadcast locally produced programming over the dedicated public access channel provided by Comcast. A full copy of the required agreement is available on the City's website at wtvw.s okanevalle .or . Copies may also be obtained at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Proposals must include (1) Certification of Insurance at levels that meet or exceed those specified in Section 11 of the required agreement; (2) A preliminary Annual Report as specified in Section 9 of the required agreement. The Annual Report shall be based upon the most recent available data or the most recently completed Annual Report submitted to other jurisdictions. The Annual Report shall include a capital budget request for the year 2011 as well as a projected request for all subsequent years of the required agreement. (3) A business model or description of the type of programming cultivatcd and the benefit provided to the citizens of Spokane Valley and a description and history of the organization. Proposals must be received at City Hall no later than 4;00 m on April 22 2011. Please deliver /mail one on ival and seven 7 copies of the proposal and any supporting documents to: City of Spokane Valley Attn: Daniel Domrese 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Proposals will be reviewed by staff with recommendations made to the City Council. It is anticipated that City Council will make its final funding decision by May 10. The successful applicant will be notified by mail within five days of the Council decision. For more information, contact Daniel Domrese at ddomr•cse s okanevalle .or or call 720.5042. Exhibit B Community M Televi Introduction 2;t A main avenue plame: 509A44.3381 suits 43 �;?�: vrr.�rron;rnurity nir�dti.crg Spokane, wit 9920 i Community - Minded TV LLC.(CMTV) is a community access cablecast station that offers digital production opportunities to citizens and brings the efforts of nonprofit and service organizations to homes in the region. Community - Minded TV is already an established resource for the City of Spokane, an asset that is valued by its citizens and a source of pride for Spokane's leaders. It emulates the leading -edge examples of community -based TV around the country — communities use the cable franchise to create a community asset, a community improvement tool that adds value and becomes a meaningful resource. in community members' lives. Purpose Statement and Background Mission: Community- Minded Enterprises (CME) is an entrepreneurial non - profit, 501(c)(3) organization that facilitates initiatives which demonstrate the universal ingredients of vibrant, inclusive, resilient communities. CME Initiatives include: o Community -Based Energy: Programs enhancing sustainable water, air, soil, energy and food. o Community Health: Assistance for families and individuals to access health insurance and preventive health services, coordinated system of community resources and services, and Volunteer emergency medical support. o Family Resources: Technical assistance and early learning services for families, children, and providers, and access and referral to childcare. o )Equity & Diversity Community education, mentoring, and employment services for youth, persons with disabilities, and the disenfranchised. o Community-Minded Media: Community access TV and digital media production services and training. o Community Economic Development: Small business development, neighborhood revitalization, and business planning services. o Youth Development YSC, youth guilds, PEY Project Description Community - Minded, Television proposes to energize the citizenry of The City of Spokane Valley and Council with its' unique approach to Community•Access Television. By including the City of Spokane Valley with this new agreement, it will draw from and blend several sources: 1) The best traditions of community TV generally; 2) The best traditions of Spokane Channel 14 and the Spokane Cable Advisory Board; and 3) The mission and organizational strengths of Community - Minded Enterprises. Community Minded TVproposes to reach out to the Valley citizens with a new fresh look that will encourage all peoples to create programming while-bringing special emphasis to youth 18- 25 who can benefit from a creative outlet and medium for their passions as well as engage them in the rich history of the area. History is learned from those whom experienced it, and our focus will be to provide the outlet for the creative talents of these youth, while providing them with a focus on the citizens who have lived through some moments in America's past. g f Community 25 west rnair€ avenue phone: 509A 14 33B1 F! Minded suite 436 iFJEIf: V/! n- /. tOn'fnU:d ;Jn "il�`v2C�td.Gr'Y. Television spok nos v- -39920; By connecting the creative and technical abilities of the young with the experience of our elderly citizens, The City of Spokane Valley, through Coniniirnity Minded TV can create an identity with tomorrow's leaders while teaching them about its past. Comm unity Minded TV can also work with the City of-Spokane Valley schools to utilize their existing technology and infrastructure to provide classes, teach new software and provide a media outlet beyond the reach of the classroom to create awareness for youth driven projects and concerns. This can also be facilitated with Community - Minded Enterprises' initiative the Youth Sustainability Council which for the.last 30 months has been developing strong partnerships throughout the City of Spokane with organizations that provide services or outreach to the youth population. Including the City of Spokane Valley in this initiative and facilitating the expression of the youth ideals would create a sense of identity and culture that can reach beyond the classroom and into the hearts and minds of your citizens. Amount Requested Cornfnunity Minded TV proposes the following breakdowns for the capital dollars requested: 35,000 for purchase of See attached Addendum A Connn tin ity Minded TVbrings in to play a strong partnership with KSPS to facilitate and continue the broadcast of the station whose in -kind contribution to this effort would require a minimum of $150,000 for similar infrastructure and $25,000 to facilitate the creation of a new station playlist (as well as operational man hour dollars to facilitate programming ingestation). These costs have already been incurred by CMTV and would save great expense to the City of Spokane Valley's citizens. Conclusion: Community - Minded Television formally requests to continue the operation of Spokane Valley's community access channel and looks forward to engaging the citizens and councils as a community improvement tool that will foster new ideas, understanding and better communication. ,Wc would like to encourage the Council to think about the culture of Spokane Valley and the different ways this can be expressed by the citizens, and to encourage and support the citizenry in their efforts to relate to one another through this - medium. .. "V , i/11 1 E!� #1 [� L 2i `I CSt ff'.a1'! c�': ?1�5�`:' Phone: 500.4 fi) t m�. suite 430 Minded ,v��. tr,�rrricori ff �f vE����'.iJ� ••� Television , a� 1 f�r , ��r. =a��� COMMUNITY - MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 To be clear, this is a duplicate of the Annual report given to the City of Spokane in September of 2010. Community - Minded Enterprises (CME), Community Cable Channel Manager for Spokane Cable Channel 14, submits this preliminary annual report to the Spokane Valley City Council and staff, and Comcast Cable, as delineated in the April 201 (agreement between CME and the City. The CABLE Advisory Board having dissolved this past year, so are not included in this year's report. As anticipated in the 2007 year, Community- Minded Television's successes during 2008 have pushed forward CME's vision for CMTV to become a community- enhancing resource. Although there have been budget shortfalls since its inception, CMTV has built a stable community resource not only utilized by the general public, but also by nonprofit organizations, service agencies, and disadvantaged young adults. Never before in this community have we seen such a diverse array of quality programming that can be utilized for information and outreach by such an diverse range of organizations and individuals. We look forward to fresh ideas with the desire to expand our efforts in the coming year.. ACCOMPLISHMENTS City Contract Programming Requirement Met: The City's contract stipulated that CMTV broadcast programming and offer classes to the public and CMTV has met these requirements. We currently broadcast 24 hours per day, seven days per week and will continue to do so through this calendar year. Classes for this year began slowly and will be continued through traditional outreach efforts, but resource development and marketing funds remain unclear and we have relied greatly on our parent organization Community- Minded Enterprises to secure a great deal of our fee for service funding and this has resulted in compelling pieces covering a wide range of social and professional services. Operational Budget: The City of Spokane, because of budget restrictions, did not contribute any monies toward operational funds for the 2010 year, which affected •CMTV's operational stability. CMTV began offering a fee - for - service capacity for nonprofit organizations, service agencies, and state agencies during the 2008 year; these services expanded their reach in 2009 and in 2010 stabilized and brought in $73,574.46 in production service contracts. Although this number held steadily in 2010 (fiom $72,815.73), the lack of awarded operational dollars from the City of Spokane and Spokane County has made it challenging to launch and implement full -scale continued outreach and training efforts during 2010. Continued operational resources are needed'to launch full -scale outreach efforts to youth and into the self - identified neighborhoods and the desire for a studio location to accommodate the variety of programs and causes has sparked a conversation about creating a Community Arts Center near our current facility, that may provide many opportunities to make our satation more vibrant and linked to the community. News of this will probably be forthcoming in the next year. COMMLIflity " Minded T elevision 25 i e� main yenU° phone: 509A +1.3381 suite 436 web: wv ry; con�rnsnriy -rriir decltv.crh SPokane. v a 9W01 COMMUNITY-MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 We currently operate with 1 FTE and 1 PTE employers but are stabilizing community production efforts and outreach with support from volunteers, Coordinating committee members and work- study students. Outreach to /from the Public: Throughout.the 2010 year, CMTV has reached out to the Spokane community in diverse ways that have benefited, grown and strengthened Spokane and neighboring communities. Our most notable outreach efforts have been: • Youth Outreach -- Over the course of the year, CMTV continued its outreach campaign to disadvantaged young adults through local nonprofit and service organizations, offering technical trainings as a pathway for career development. In exchange for volunteer hours worked at CMTV, we drew an equivalent of hours given toward a class of their choice at a rate of 10 hours per class. This effort has continued moderate success and CMTV has been able to grant scholarship opportunities to d students in exchange for hours volunteered. This program targeted these young adults as a way to give them skills they would otherwise not have, making them more valuable to local employers. This program. needs to expand and grant monies will again be sought this year so that we may return to 2008 levels. • Artists, Showcase —The second call to artists is finishing, and a fresh sampling of local visual and musical art will be hitting the airwaves soon. • TV Guide — In 2009, CMTV began posting its programming schedule on television so program information and descriptions can be found as easily as regular stations. We also branded our station and communication's materials with a new logo and colors that speak more about the digital, global society we live in. �, COIAIRIUnity Cwt rhone: STM1 1381 F I. E t C e Cj suite 436 . TelCViSlt7ll P COMMUNITY - MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 Community Producers/Volunteers: CMTV relies heavily on its community producers and volunteers. Since January of this year, community producers have created and submitted 54 unique programs and 3 ongoing series to CMTV for airing. Out of the current 175 programs that are playing on channel 14, 77% of our programming lineup is from community producers. We anticipate the numbers of cbmmunity- provided programs to CMTV to increase next year, since more residents are being trained in production and we have recently begun creating 3 more - series with producers that should turn out more than 8 new programs per month. During 2010, CMTV has been fortunate enough to have the help of 16 dedicated volunteers, four interns and four work study students, for a total of 3,863 hours of volunteer community service. These volunteers have contributed all types and styles of tasks, from playing a key part on video productions; editing and filming their own projects, to assisting us with the cleanliness of the office. CMTV's website and Facebook pages have provided outreach and feedback and have taken over where the Newsletter left off. This provides us with more power to respond to producer requests and more input from our viewers. CMTV Staff: Robert Foote enjoyed his second full year as General Manager of CMTV. Koal Hill was moved to a contract position in May of 2010 and Daniel Reyes formerly of Q6, permanently filled the gap left by Robert while utilizing skills as a producer, editor and camera operator. Daniel has lead the charge in reconstructing the image of CMTV to appeal to youth and encourage young artisans in the community to become more involved. Our most recent program Tour Stop, interviews major label bands as they pass through Spokane and provides their fans with in -depth information about them while highlighting groups, clubs and major happenings that help make Spokane a unique city. These staff members' salaries are supplemented by the larger Community - Minded Enterprises organization, grants, and fee - far - service projects. lg = CQ m f 1113 f (y 25 •tee_ - t ��nai: s avenue Phan -: 50%444.3381 Minded wit,- X30 v.eL: vev �v [ors irs�n iy [r��n��tltr.or�, T levlsion 5pokane,- wa99201 COMMUNITY - MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 Grant and Fee for Service Funding: $73,574 in Grants and fee for service work secured In 2010, CMTV saw downsizing and a shortfall in operating expenditures but managed to secure over $73,000 in fee for service or grant correlated projects. We utilized this funding for operational staff and have managed to continue the mentoring and growth of individuals that we are known for. All the while delivering some top -notch products that inform educate and advocate for a variety of great organizations in the region. We are currently targeting other grants for CMTV. Programming: The shows currently airing on CMTV include an array of viewer entertainment, information, training and education. This past year, CMTV helped to. produce a piece for Washington Humanities entitled Black in Spokane: Not to be Forgotten about Chase and Dalbert, two African American Pioneers here in Spokane and the lasting effect they had on our community, Gulf Coast Blues: Oil in Our Veins, one local biologist's trip to the Gulf Coast Louisiana and the impact there of the BP Oil spill. We moved ahead with offering regularly scheduled programs and our station now offers 17 regularly scheduled programs in dedicated timeslots. Volunteers produced pieces about animal cruelty and the rescue of endangered horses, responsible media's future in the internet age, poetry slams, documentary film and screenwriting workshops, sustainability efforts, global consumption and misuse of resources, yoga programs, economic recovery and ongoing series about our native cultures and the celebration of dance and song, and created weekly segments about local shopping, growing food, and farming organically. CMTV broadcasts multiple public service announcements for nonprofits such as Spokane Neighborhood Action Program, Union Gospel Mission, Born Learning, Spokane Child Abuse and Neglect Center, and also airs an array of public health spots subjects such as how to get health insurance, the negative effects of drugs and child abuse, and information on recovery from addiction. Please see the attached 2010 CMTV Programs document for a more complete list. Training: Community video production training began in •2007. We started with three introductory classes, since it became apparent early that there was a need for basic digital video training for community members, including a separate certification process on using our more advanced Sony HD cameras. CMTV expanded the training offerings this year to seven classes that focus on video production and graphic design. Gary Edwards became the first community producer to g `` C ommunity 25 west main wenu -1 Phone: 5 9.444.3381 Ei svit4' 4S$ �+`.'�- Ud�J 4 .•COi?iffl`J�ilty- fr711�- '.r-vC �.v.GP Minded , 11 .n Televisioll spokane, vv�t 99 20 COMMUNITY- MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 purchase his own Mac and camera for filming and continues to generate programming for the station as well as began a career as a for -hire camera operator and editor. The classes we currently offer are: * Introduction to Video Production — This class offers the student a chance to create a completed video project in just a day and a half of instruction. In this project -based class, a student will practice storyboarding/scripting, field videography, video editing. • HD Cant era Certification --- This class gives hands -on experience with a broadcast quality camera and the opportunity to learn advanced tools such as audio controls, white balance, zebras, and much more. Certification is required for community producers who wish to use the High Definition cameras. • Final Cut Pro I— With this professional editing software, students learn the process of digitizing, organization, layers and the skills of being an editor. • Final Cut Pro 2- Students familiar with the software and looking to move toward the next level may take this class to examine working with multi - camera editing, audio sweetening and adjustments, exporting using Compressor and finally burning with DVD Studio Pro, This will give all projects a more professional finished duality and produce great looking deliverables for any client. • Photoshop I— With this software, students learn how to manipulate images, design graphic layouts, and create stunning new images. Photoshop is used in many business applications. • Advanced Video Produetion — This class is for students wanting to dive deeper into production. Students will learn advanced camera techniques, professional lighting and professional audio setups, and learn to work as a team on live shoots. CHALLENGES Spokane County and Spokane Valley Cable PEG ending Conunitment: In 2007, conversations Community- Minded Television had with elected officials in the County and the City of the Valley were quite promising regarding their franchise renewals and PEG fee negotiations with 'Comeast. CMTV anticipated receiving a similar ratio of the County and Spokane Valley PEG fees collected as the City of Spokane passed through to channel 14. These monies, however, have been delayed by the ongoing franchise negotiations. This continued delay slows down the growth of CMTV; without the additional County and/or Valley dollars in our budget, CMTV cannot launch efforts as fully as we had hoped, The City of Spokane Valley has completed their negotiations with Comeast regarding their franchise fees and a new deal has been ratified and the station awaits their capital dollar injection to provide more CO1`l']i1 unity 2 .vestrnair, S;anU Phone: 50 M inded sOt43b •eb: �v�n.�vc� : rn.,riry- minctv.o €'g ' f C'ievis -Qtl spokane, wa 9 920 1 ; COMMUNITY- MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 editing stations and cameras for their City's producers. PEG pass - through dollars have been requested but has not yet been approved, CMTV Website: The CMTV website www.community- mindedtv.org outlines our missions and values to community producers. Here we have posted class outlines and schedules as well as a sample of our works in streaming video. Our fee - for - service graphic design costs and deliverables are posted here and remain among the most competitive in the industry. This year we are focusing energies to make our web page more dynamic and offer download of some of our more requested programs. CMTV is now on Facebook as CMTV Spokane, This forum is working well for exchange of information between producers and volunteers and has helped provide feedback to many programs on the air. CMTV has had this fully running since February of 2010. PLANS FOR THE END OF 2010 AND THE COMING YEAR New Programming: CMTV programs completed this past year or currently in production include these subjects: • SLIHC -A project about the anniversary of Spokane's Low Income Housing Consortium. • The Real Powwow Trail, a feature program that captures the spirit, energy and ritual of Native American language, song and dance and is presented along with interviews and explanations by local Native American Shonto Pete who this year has been joined by Gary Fox to help streamline production. They have beeii filming many gatherings over the summer and post production has begun on a new season. • The Better Spokane Interviews Series — locally produced programs that discuss environmental, media, and personal issues that develop better people and citizens. • Tour Stop — A local interview show featuring national bands on tour through Spokane, showcasing new music and offering glimpses of Spokane that showcase the city's vibrant and diverse cultures. • Spokane City forum returns for another year of discussing and generating ideas that make Spokane a great community. OTYI ilk Li t 11 t:y 25 :vest main avenue Phone: 5 WA+1 i Minded smite 43 We4: vn,v.co rnvn,sy c� :i ^��t..rrk Television spo ane. �, a 9920 ; COMMUNITY- MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 Content and programming new in 2010 Bioneers CMTV began airing the plenary speakers from the Bioneers conference and has over 30 programs to date that bring new scientific and global perspectives to the people of the Spokane region. CMTV is also working with local producers on -shows such as "Speakers Corner" and "Spokane Roundtable" that will bring personal conversations with some of Spokane's prominent players and advocates. New and Continuing Partnerships: Community - Minded Enterprises is an organization based on community collaboration and partnership, and CMTV is no exception. Through the past year, we have partnered with The City of Spokane Valley to begin broadcasting their City Council Meetings and are working with numerous groups to create more vibrant local programming. We are also pursuing relationships with other PEG stations to provide programming about democracy building, and sustainable neighborhoods to our viewers and have even thrown in some entertainment on Friday nights with old black and white horror movies from the 50's and 60's, as well as student filmmaker works from local filmmakers and students of Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga, and Whitworth. CMTV Services; CMTV offers video production services for nonprofits, service organizations and state agencies, and recently we expanded our services in graphic design. CMTV has seen community response grow due to our ability to offer design services for brochures, flyers, posters, and web pages. Our lower - than - typical industry rates assist many nonprofits with their marketing budgets. It is our hope to augment part of our operational costs by offering these services. t i / n Coll Imun1t y 25 west on in i''venue phone: 509.444 3381 M inded su4e 436 web: �ns,�rfc�r =?rn,niiy r,,ir<uL�t�c�,,' • - television 5p 5 sne,v'd 9320i FIVE YEAR PLAN COMMUNITY- MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 Below are some of CMTV's anticipated goals and objectives for the next five years. • Capital Needs: As CMTV grows, it will be performing more productions and services in the Spokane community. Over time, this will require more equipment to supplement or replace what we currently have. CMTV is anticipating purchasing in the next five years: higher -end production cameras; additional lights and audio gear; upgrades to our existing editing suites as well as the purchase of additional editing hardware and software; a production vehicle; and hardware for signal broadcast (server node, CG generator). These are just some of the major purchases we will be looking at and does not include smaller items, or the need for a larger CMTV studio. • Staffmg: Currently CMTV has one full -time employee and one part-time employee. By looking at other successful community television stations and our goal for sustainable growth, in five years CMTV would ideally have eight to ten employees. The amount of anticipated production services, trainings and ongoing operations of the station will require more staff support. The positions could include: General Manager, Marketing/Sales Rep., Program Coordinator, four to five Production team members/Trainers, Volunteer Coordinator, and an Operations Manager. • Partnerships: CMTV plans to continue developing mutually advantageous partnerships with local entities in the coming years. Our focus on sustainability could play primarily into the arts and community involvement. While working with a great many organizations around the region, we have created some partnerships that will serve us in to the future. The primary focus of creating a more informed, tolerant and sustainable community will rely heavily on the partnerships we create and support in these tough economic times. • Programming/Viewership: In five years CMTV is planning on programming quality shows that captivate audiences and build viewership. Currently we have six weekly shows with three under construction and many other single programs that pull in audiences. It is our goal to work with community producers to create fiom 15 to 20 weekly shows that engage audiences and build the channel's audience to a larger capacity. These shows could include everything from a healthy cooking show, business talk show, to community roundtable discussions. All of these shows would have local impact and relevance by promoting community -based solutions to Spokane community issues, allowing all interested residents to express their ideas. Training: In this last year CMTV classes have held steady. We are offering six classes in everything from video production to graphic design. Within the next five years, CMTV would like to offer a larger array of choices to fit communities' needs and demands. t . s r n 1�i Community 2 vre" t mai:, amwve phone: 5099.44.338! €� Minded si.i�4. 4h 1' t: 1'J4`,^` /COl " :li'f1J�lt2f 1i3fF�l ° �C V.7i � a � . e 'Television spolkane,wa9920; Y COMMUNITY- MINDED TELEVISION PRELIMINARY ANNUAL REPORT April 20,2011 CMTV would like to offer 20 -plus classes in video production, graphic design, motion graphics, post - production, producing, writing, and others. Our hope is to become a main force for training in these creative technology fields within the Inland Northwest. Outreach /Community Involvement: Our goal has always been to be as inclusive of the Spokane community as possible. We live in a diverse community and CMTV believes this diversity needs to be represented on channel 14. Our main objectives are not only to continuously outreach to the general public, but to strategically target our efforts to include minority and underserved populations in Spokane. Working with CMTV's Board as well as volunteers, we want to involve the community through premiers of new shows, fun events, fundraisers, current productions, and many other types of involvement that may transpire. In five years we aim for the Spokane community to see CMTV as a place of excitement and community involvement. ATTACHMENTS /COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS • Financial report of channel operations and expenditures with City of Spokane Valley funding • Summary of programming for the year, as well as a sample weekly programming schedule. • Next year's budget to support request for continued funding • A list of the CMTV Coordinating Committee members • A current copy of CMTV's Rules and Regulations • Community Producers Program Submission Agreement Form • CMTV Brochure • Statements of compliance for: o Signal quality and technical requirements: "Community- Minded TV meets Comeast's reasonable video and audio signal quality /tech requirements. Audio is broadcasting at a digital signal of -12db. 'White and black levels are within broadcast range. There are no pending disputes regarding the same." o CMTV's Program Proposal and Program Submission Agreement forms (see attachments) stipulate that program producers assume legal responsibility for programming content and copyrighted material clearances, The City of Spokane and Comcast are indemnified from any loss or liability resulting from programs running on Spokane cable channel 14. - Conan Unity 25 v. mair- avenue E «rye: 5-9 44.1.338 ' • � Minded ui e 436 web: '• ,I�r,•tiv.cflrtt; }3un�Ly- ;�aind_G i a g T E2VESEUtI spot- �.ne, via z DATE: April 21, 2011 TO: City of Spokane Valley, Comcast Cable of Spokane FROM: Robert Foote, General Manager, Community - Minded Television RE: Capital Budget Request Community - Minded Television (CMTV) requests $35,000 for FY 2011 in PEG fee funding. This funding request represents 23% of the total PEG fees —or the Public portion — collected by the City of Spokane Valley in 2011. The money will be used to supplement the capital expenditures budget for Spokane Valley's community- access Cable Channel 14; CMTV. All funds from this request directly support the quality, service and signal of channel 14 and the ongoing efforts of its community producers. • j fi � i An - ocpooy { A' Capital Budget request Projection for FY 2011 Part Price Quantity Extended MACPRO Edit Suite 2199 2 4398 Apple Care Plan 249 2 498 Headphone Splitters 16.95 2 33.9 Headphones 70 4 280 Chairs $109.99 2 219.98 Desk 169.99 2 339.98 Cameras NX51J 3999 2 7998 Batteries NP F970 100 .2 200 Microphones - Wireless 549 2 1098 Boom Microphone 250 1 250 Boom Pole 150 - 1 150 Newtek TriCaster XD300 Full L 14,995.00 1 14995 LiveControl 11 1,995.00 1 1995 Live Text 2 995 1 995 Samsung 23" LCD Monitor, 300 2 600 50' SDI Cable 1505A 100 3 300 Final Cut Pro Software. 100 2 200 Mackie 12CH Recording /SR Mixe 299 1 299 XLR Cables and Adapters - 50 3 150 Grand Total in $$ 34999.86 Projected Budgets for 2012 -2015 Each year, new computers and equipment will be required to expand services and outreach. Approximate cost per unit (Computer) includes software and hardware 4500 3 units 13500 Cameras and Audio gear .5000 3 Units 15000 Office Equipment (Minor) 500 3 Units 1500 chair /desk etc. In FY 2012 and 2013- remaining funds may be used for a production vehicle to enable ease of transport and set -up for in the field filming. Through 2014 and 2015, projections are difficult but CMN anticipates, launching a capital project that will provide a studio space and home to a new multimedia production and performance facility. It is anticipated.that all capital equipment funds will go toward these facilities. Current equipment purchases are engineered to augment this objective. Capital Budget reauest Proiection for FY 2011 Part Price Quantity Extended MACPRO Edit Suite 2199 2 4398 Apple Care Plan 249 2 498 Headphone Splitters 16.95 2 33.9 Headphones 70 4 280 Chairs $109.99 2 219.98 Desk 169.99 2 339.98 Cameras NX5U 3999 2 7998 Batteries NP F970 100 .2 200 Microphones- Wireless 549 2 1098 Boom Microphone 250 1 250 Boom Pole 150. 1 150 Newtek TriCaster XD300 Full L 14,995.00 1 14995 LiveControl 11 1,995.00 1 1995' Live Text 2 995 1 995 Samsung 23" LCD Monitor, 300 2 600 SO' SDI Cable 1505A 100 3 300 Final Cut Pro Software. 100 2 200 Mackie 12CH Recording /SR Mixe 299 1 299 XLR Cables and Adapters - 50 3 150 Grand Total In $$ 34999,86 Exhibit C Projected Budgets for 2012 -2015 Each year, new computers and equipment will be required to expand services and outreach. Approximate cost per unit (Computer) includes software and hardware 4500 3 units 13500 Cameras and Audio gear .5000 3 Units 15000 Office Equipment (Minor) 500 3 Units 1500 chair /desk etc. In FY 2012 and 2013- remaining funds may be used for a production vehicle to enable ease of transport and set -up for in the field filming. Through 2014 and 2015, projections are difficult but CMTV anticipates, launching a capital project that will provide a studio space and home to a new multimedia production and performance facility. It is anticipated.that all capital equipment funds will go toward these facilities. Current equipment purchases are engineered to augment this objective. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Planning Commission Mayoral Appointment GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code: BACKGROUND: There is currently one opening on the Planning Commission. That Commission position was held by Tom Towey January 2009 until his Council position began January 2010. Mr. Towey's former Planning Commission position was then filled by the appointment of Arne Woodard, who was subsequently selected to fill the Interim Council Position 93. The subject Planning Commission position expires 12/31/2011. According to SVMC 18. 10, members of the Planning Commission shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of at least four members of the City Council. Planning Commissioners shall be selected without respect to political affiliations, and shall serve without compensation. Terms shall be for a three -year period and shall expire on the thirty-first day of December. A vacancy announcement was posted on the City's webpage, and was published numerous times in the Spokesman Review and in the Valley News Herald. The deadline to submit an application was May 3, 2011. Mayor Towey will announce his recommendation for this appointment. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the Mayor's Recommended Appointment 2. Choose not to approve 3. Take other action deemed appropriate by council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to approve the Mayor's recommended appointment of to the Planning Commission to fill the position recently vacated, which term expires December 31, 2011. BUDGET/FINANC IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mayor Towey ATTACHMENTS 1. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Chapter 18.10 Planning Commission 2. Applications for the Planning Commission Vacancy from John Baldwin Bill Stallcop Gordon Curry George Phillip Watson Steven Neill Jennie Willardson Chapter 18, 10 Page 1 of 3 Chapter 18.10 PLANNING COMMISSION Sections: 18.10.010 Establishment and purpose. 18.10.020 Membership. 18.10.030 Meetings —Rules. 18.10.040 Staff support. 18.10.050 Duties and responsibilities. 18.10.010 Establishment and purpose. There is created the City of Spokane Valley planning commission (hereafter referred to as the "planning commission "). The purpose of the planning commission is to study and make recommendations to the mayor and city council for future planned growth through continued review of the City's comprehensive land use plan, development regulations, shoreline management, environmental protection, public facilities, capital improvements and other matters as directed by the city council. (Ord. 07 -015 § 4, 2007). 18.10,020 Membership. A. Qualifications. The membership of the planning commission shall consist of individuals who have an interest in planning, land use, transportation, capital infrastructure and building and landscape design as evidenced by training, experience or interest in the City. B. Appointment. Members of the planning commission shall be nominated by the mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of at least four members of the city council. Planning commissioners shall be selected without respect to political affiliations and shall serve without compensation. The mayor, when considering appointments, shall attempt to select residents who represent various interests and locations within the City. C. Number of Members/Terms. The planning commission shall consist of seven members. All members shall reside within the City. Terms shalt be for a three -year period, and shall expire on the thirty -first day of December. D. Removal. Members of the planning commission may be removed by the mayor, with the concurrence of the city council, for neglect of duty, conflict of interest, malfeasance in office, or other just cause, or for unexcused absence from three consecutive regular meetings. Failure to qualify as to residency shall constitute a forfeiture of office. The decision of the city council regarding membership on the planning commission shall be final and without appeal. E. Vacancies. Vacancies that occur other than through the expiration of terms shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as for appointments. F. Conflicts of Interest. Members of the planning commission shall fully comply with Chapter 42.23 RCW, Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers; Chapter 42.36 RCW, Appearance of Fairness; and such other rules and regulations as may be adopted from http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/SpokaneValley/spvall 8 /spval l 810.html 05/04/2011 Chapter 18.10 Page 2 of 3 time to time by the city council regulating the conduct of any person holding appointive office within the City. No elected official or City employee may be a member of the planning commission. (Ord. 07 -015 § 4, 2007). 18.10.030 Meetings — Rules. A. The planning commission shall every year organize and elect from its members a chair, who shall preside at all meetings of the planning commission and perform such other functions as determined by rule. A vice chair shall be elected to preside in the absence of the chair. A majority of the planning commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority vote of those present shall be necessary to carry any proposition. B. The planning commission shall determine a regular meeting schedule (time, place and frequency) and shall meet at least one time every month. All meetings shall be open to the public. C. The planning commission shall adopt such rules and procedures as are necessary for the conduct of business, subject to the approval of city council, and shall keep a recording of its proceedings. D. All hearings before the planning commission shall be conducted in the manner set forth in Appendix B. (Ord. 07 -015 § 4, 2007). 18.10.040 Staff support. Administrative staff support to the planning commission shall be provided by the City's community development department (hereafter referred to as the "department "). In addition, the planning commission, through its chair, may request formal opinions or memorandums from the city attorney or community development director (hereafter referred to as the "director ") on any pending matter. (Ord. 07 -015 § 4, 2007). 18.10.050 Duties and responsibilities. The planning commission, as an advisory body to the city council, shall perform and have the following duties and responsibilities; A. Assist in the preparation of a Comprehensive Plan and development regulations in compliance with Chapters 35A.63 and 36.70A RCW, including the establishment of procedures for early and continuous public participation in the development and amendment of the Comprehensive Plan and the development regulations; B. Review plans and regulations related to land use management, shoreline management, environmental policy, transportation systems, public facilities and capital infrastructure planning and development; C. Upon request from the city manager or city council, review potential annexations to the City; D. Where design review is required by land use ordinances of the City, perform such design review unless that review is delegated to some other appointed body or City staff; littp://www.codepublishing.com/WA/SpokaneValley/spvall 8 /spval l 810.html 05/04 /2011 Chapter 18.10 Page 3 of 3 E. Identify issues and recommend priorities for geographic subareas including park and open space areas in the City; F. Meet and confer with the hearing examiner to review the administration of land use policies and ordinances to enhance the planning and permitting process; G. Make periodic written and oral reports to the city council addressing work in progress and other significant matters relating to the City; H. Hold public hearings in the exercise of duties and responsibilities; 1. Perform such other duties and powers as may be conferred by ordinance, resolution or motion of the city council. Unless otherwise assumed by the city council, the planning commission shall hold ail public hearings required to be held in the course of adoption or amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the development regulations, adoption or amendment of the zoning map, or adoption or amendment of regulations for the subdivision of land, shoreline management, environmental regulations, and other land use ordinances of the City. (Ord. 07 -015 § 4, 2007). Compile Title This page of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code is current City Website: http: / /www.spoka €ievalley.org/ through Ordinance 11 -005, passed March 22, 2011. (http: / /www.spokanevalley.org /) Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the City Telephone: (509) 720 -5102 Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Users should contact the City Code Publishing Company Clerk's Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance ( http: / /www.codepublishing.com /) cited above. http:// www. codepublishing .com/WA/SpokaneValley /spvall 8 /spva1181 O.html 05/04/2011 P dRa - ne galley° App lication - • bM %: ff APR 2 6 *21111 (A (Y OF SYMANE VAi_L EY (1111y CLERK Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 906 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509- 720 -5902 phone; 509 - 688 -0194 fax POSITION APPLYING P®R: PL /� " A) i [J G CPR M 15 S PC's j� 0 � Applicant's name (please print): V Applicant's Residence Address: Jr ) �, ') N f V 1� ) - fV E Street City Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address ( if different from Residence address): Applicant's Email: 7G0 V a is It ( f 1{_&V . r-at�i Street City Zip Coda Home Phone: C ? — fl- / C Work Phone: Cell Phone : W I ;Z Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female ® Male W U.S. Citizen? L f F- -!� Wa. State Registered voter? � --� EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: 5 ►= y i'V l iV1 c (+ I✓A Position Held: Dates of Employment: Address: Phone: Previous Employer: Position Held: Address: Phone: a V r I i) R 8# t 1) LAC/ I L 5 G E- A TT v C- 4- Ll 1'� Dates of Employment: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School L I W" 6 8 'FC7 V 19 0 0 R- C elt TfZ14 L Diploma: Yes No City /State Address 41 Ill N 6 S T010 IW 4A)6 a , College/University: 0 fZJAN 6-N CO 01t_1 G,;O' 6110 - If Degree Earned: City /State Address: I14 I L[�'ro40/0 AJ �1 College/University: City /State Address: Degree Earned: i'li. }' lsl �` (�� . � , i: ii!I /:. `.i;!Ei'aisi ?'I i(}1 ( [)i�:i ill: ;'!lir. �ii�'( 'i.;l�r3,4i' i i ! �tif i COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) 1 y � } { ► C I`ll= ► VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: 5 !� E PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Committee Name City /State Committee Name City /State Committee Name City /State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? G W T 14 0 C, 6 e S 1 2 ro ; %�, = I r�- 5 I fV i= 5 -' V# 6" O �' A c J_l IV 6- Itil, O 0 I -S' EG, r,- L1 — t r spatia -U E- I) (Ic Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? w , L t ► O 6 I L) r 'VI wt 1�_ - A 0` V L e lB,j ,, /-P 4V a co 0.1�.,. (L )) Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? 06 Today's Date !'i!: {i( �� ' ! ,�:; 1�. — •, } !�!!f';��ii��l !�t�! ('c;i�a�irli- - ;�(?i>.,�il;,`i'! � �I,ii•:. 1'� ��� .� ri( ? John Baldwin 11905 E 22n Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509 -926 -0419 509- 701 -7832 Qualifications Security Officer, 2007 - 2010 Responsible for providing security for Honeywell Plant, Spokane Valley, WA, for subcontractor, GS 4 Wackenhut & Securitas. Duties were outside fence perimeter checks, inside building checks. Aided Honeywell employees at security desks with problems that arose, Issued badges for temporary manpower and full time employees, visitors, and contractors. Checked on the welfare of employees hourly that were working alone in various parts of the plant. Inside Building checks consisted of making sure all unoccupied offices were locked and secured. Assisted HSE when requested, such as various duties involving changing tanks in wastewater treatment plant when no employees were on duty. Assisted Honeywell Evacuation team in plant Evacuation drills. Emptied all shed bins in plant weekly for delivery to United Data Security. Checked all sumps, machinery, etc when there were no employees on site. Checked all fire extinguishers in the plant monthly. Notified plant maintenance when various incidents or problems occurred inside and outside plant. Established a weekend on call list of Honeywell employees for weekend security officers. Cert Program Coordinator, 2001 - 2007, Spokane County Sheriff s Office Responsible for providing disaster training for volunteers & Scope personnel in the Cert Program for Spokane County. Set up drills for volunteers to train for different disaster scenarios with all Spokane City, Valley, and County Fire Departments. Provided volunteers for various training of Spokane County Sheriffs Department. Set up & provided monthly newsletter via email and print. Assisted in Neighborhood Watch Program. Provided speakers for seminars for all Scope & Cert volunteers and the public on various law enforcement and fire topics. Provided volunteers for different training exercises need by Fire departments & Spokane County Sheriff's department. Member of University Scope. Member of Sirt, Abandoned Car unit, COP. Commissioned to write tickets, abandoned vehicles, disabled parking, etc. Entered data for Sheriff's property crimes unit. Worked as volunteer with Sheriff s drug, traffic, sex offender units. Started monthly University Scope newsletter which along with Neighborhood Watch newsletter was delivered to schools and businesses. Set up business checks and trained volunteers the proper way to check businesses. Worked with all Scope stations on various projects. Worked closely with Spokane City of the Valley Code Enforcement in regards with abandoned and distressed properties, Applying for Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Position Qualifications Cert Program Coordinator, 2002 - 2007 Responsible for providing training for volunteers & Scope personnel in the Cert Program. Set up drills for volunteers to train for different disaster scenarios with all Spokane City, Valley and County hire Departments. Increased the numbers of volunteers Rom 250 to 450.. Provided volunteers for various training of the spokane County Sheriff's Department. Set up & provided volunteers with monthly newsletter via email and print. Provided Diane Sommerville with Neighborhood Watch Program. Attended all meetings Disaster meetings. Provided speakers for seminars for all Scope & Cert volunteers pertaining to different training exercises needed by Fire departments & Spokane County Sheriff Department. l Member of University Scope. Member of Sirt, Abandoned Car unit, COP. One of the first volunteers to enter data for the Sheriffs property crimes unit. Worked as a volunteer with the Sheriff's Drug unit and traffic unit. Started monthly University Scope newsletter which along with Neighborhood Watch newsletter was delivered to schools, and businesses in the University Scope district. Set up business checks and trained volunteers the proper way to check businesses. Worked with all Scope stations on various projects. Worked closely with Spokane City of the Valley Code Enforcement in regards with abandoned cars and distressed properties. Goals: To engage more citizens to be come involved int the Neighborhood Watch program, open up and make available more training and information available to them and work closely with Scope and its volunteers. Professional Experience: Securitas Spokane, WA Security Guard GS4 Wackenhut Spokane, WA Security Guard Spokane County Sheriff s Dept Spokane, WA Cert Program Director Rosauers Spokane, WA Stock Clerk/Night Manager SCOPE Director US Government East Coast Agent 509 -477 -3376 US Air Force Worldwide Education: Deputy, Spokane County Sheriff Livingston Manor Central Livingston Manor, NY References: * Rick Scott * SCOPE Director * Spokane County Sheriff * 509 -477 -3376 * Mark Stewart * Detective, Spokane County Sheriff * Property Crimes * 509 - 477 -6618 * Greg Snyder * Deputy, Spokane County Sheriff * Community Service * 509- 477 -2592 05/2010 - 08/2010 0912007 - 0512010 09/2001 - 0812007 0511980 - 0812001 01/1965 - 09/1978 1211956 - 12/1964 Diploma �r Joe Gumminger LT, Fire District 10 * 509 -995 -4544 �k Nick Scharff * Chief, Fire District 10 r 509 -995 -9400 Chris Berg Code Enforcement City of Spokane Valley 7k 509- 921 -1000 Rick Hardin Eastern Washington Supervisor fr Wackenhut/Honeywell r 509- 244 -2024 �k Deputy Travis Pendall * Spokane County Deputy Neighborhood Watch 509- 477 -6044 Harry Wilson �k Store Manager, Rosauers * 509 - 535 -3683 �k Dave Martin �r SGT * Spokane County Sheriff, Property Crimes * 509- 477 -3341 �k Steve Stolp * Site Supervisor Securitas/Honeywell r 509- 993 -2179 Bob & Eileen Grooms Mike Croom HSE r Honeywell * 509- 714 -6101 �k Steve Stolp * Site Supervisor Securitas/Honeywell r 509- 993 -2179 Bob & Eileen Grooms * Friend 11624 E Sunview Circle, Spokane Valley 509 - 922.1932 * Kathy Pollock c Friend * 11912 E 22 Ave, Spokane Valley 7k 509- 928 -1735 �r Gary & Judy Wentling �k Friend �r 10305 E Holmand Rd, Spokane Valley * 509 - 926 -7301 �la1e .. V alley° Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions r Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E, Sprague Ave. Suite 906 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509- 720 -5102 phone; 509 -688 -0194 fax POSITION APPLYING FOR: Applicant's name (please print): Applicant's Residence Ad Street s V City Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address); Street City Zip Code Applicant's Email: Home Phone: qI k 62,6 Work Phone: Cell Phone: � 'R349d /4� Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: _ 2 0 -F NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on mos oards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female [= Male jo, U.S. Citizen? Wa. State Registered voter? EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: [ '� Position Held: YD e lr Address: / -7 Phone: Previous Employer: Position Held: Address: Phone: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: of Employment: -5 ye i' 4 6 C 9-r--e, Dates of Employment: High School: /� -r cl l� 5 k e�a>^ K City /State Address College/University: 541- 04 � � 1 n 4 �j 11 City /State Address: College/University, City /State Address: Diploma: Yes M No M Degree Earned: 'd Degree Earned: t:it1 C }��`���_� ���- _��I!.' /`te ��ifl �;f iez` -I ['(:� ( +- .'���,� i�l. 'i .;ir� i�' << ! X31 .� COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) 1,. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Committee Name City /State Committee Name City /State Committee Name City /State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? <l`Q Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are e Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? it) Signature i f; t '; t *I S):; !,a :• "� /:: "li::p ,''' P1Jif'! 'I 111 [ +r C`;)JI I iitiff: ;.'`i! I _i.-{iti Today's Date I`r ? z1f i ,,; o o*V a11qy , Application Form for CommitteeslBoards /Commissions 's /o rr Zo 4�7 /5 ¢ �'•��z Sn, Ism e V,) / /r te c -l' - 7 - i POSITION APPLYING FOR: Applicant's name (please print): ��e .- / �;/ / Applicant's Residence Add Street V City Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address ( if different from Residence address): UV -- A Street City Zip Code Applicant's Email: 56.1 e, ; 1 1 Q, s� - C'D m Home Phone: Work Prone: Cell Phone: Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: ' NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate o most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female® Male U� U.S. Citizen? Vt5 Wa. State Registered voter? re--5 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: C)C � I t e. r1lj X Position Held: ,l�s �` b 1.'o n SGr`� �� �— Dates of Address: ,3 0 Q & L�� Phone: dog — 3 y Z -- 03 N Previous Employer: _ Position Held: J?T� Address: Phone: 92 c---5 41 r Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 609 -720 -5102 phone; 509- 688 -0194 fax w Dates of t,-11 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: Cher City /State Address n 0eh V College/University: S !/cl nt n City/State Address: S — pe e.9cri Diploma: Yes �No Degree Earned: College/University: I -L.-orfli �,`vcr✓x Degree Earned: City /State Address: SAe l,/ -� ,.�1�•i �('sstc COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) ree vt� t , a L" �, , � en 7� S VA e e 4 6r u C r rt a, tyr 5' r �r 'Men �� if-der5 // For` �12 V ,7 rr`8 / / l�Qrv/! T�_S' f3 0 r r r1 � . !! Ct / z r �l ! Ae " VO ]] L /I ER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: /�� Yl�ot '•I q pr r Ytt�[n2�i� ! f 1 7 (3-s' ten he �r`�• �✓r � n SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: cxce &; n r ;eq rll' r"Aey -/ 9 D�p�J1F' , e -7 y �22cl� / nre 5 as � � C-7 / /Ol `g�¢r r rn �/ y 4- `-�' Bvtf1^ PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS O R GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: S DiC . Q T� ��g rrr} Goa `� S D rf (✓� Committee Name itY /State r u� n� �e rr �r n -It` fl +yen � S pGe`��r V-1 / /-e C mmittee Name yyy////f_f 5& VA �!>T r✓1 VE !� ! �/� City /State I 5A yy N L r L ' / /7 r ." : 6 v / rM�t "i l ��s!! G� T P G %1 rz f> �r7 S _ D y Committee Name City /State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already fern fished? MA f4 ( n G Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? / N� t � f 4 '1 40 Would your appointment to this posi tion, create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? /�� Signature c To days D to ClT1 OF s D fine Valley'° /Application Form for Committees /Boards /Commissions 1. f Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 609- 720 -5102 phone; 509 - 688 -0194 fax POSITION APPLYING FOR: PLANNING COMMISSION Applicant's name (please print): BILL STALLCOP Applicant's Residence Address: 19024 E. MONTGOMERY DRIVE qga2 Street City 2!ip Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Street City Zip Cade Applicant's Email: stallcopb@gmail.com Home Phone: (509) 893 - 0966 Work Phone: Cell Phone : (509) 954 -9414 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 12 YEARS NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: )Nemale ® Male M U.S. Citizen? YES Wa. State Registered voter? YES EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: RAHCO INTERNATIONAL Position Held: INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTION Dates of Employment: 1994 -1999 Address: CLOSED Phone: Previous Employer: AMERICA Position Held.: TRANSPORTATION MANAGER Dates of Employment: 1968-1992 Address: CLOSED Phone: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: JOEL E. FERRIS Diploma: Yes ® No City /State Address SPOKANE, WA College/University: SFCC Degree Earned: _ AA /BS City /State Address: SPOKANE, WA College/University: EWU City /State Address: CHENEY, WA CERTIFICATE JDAgmEarned: INTRRNA ID.NA DOC ' S COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) SCOPE CERT RED CROSS a r ' VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: SAME AS ABOVE SPECIAL SKILLSANTERESTS: COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: SPOKANE COUNTY SHOOTING ADVISORY BOARD SPOKANE, WA Committee Name City /State SPOKANE COUNTY CITIZENS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES Committee Name ADVISORY BOARD SPOKANE, WA City /State Committee Name City /State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? VOLUNTEERISM - GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? PAST EXPERIENCE WORKING ON COUNTY COMMISSION'S AND BOARDS Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? NO Signature Today's Date S pokane ValleyD Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509- 720 -5102 phone; 509 - 688 -0194 fax POSITION APPLYING PEAR: Planning Commissioner Applicant's name (please print): George Phillip Watson Applicant's Residence Address: 14925 East 24 Avenue City of Spokane Valley, WA 99037 Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Same as above Applicant's Email: g p.watson @comcast, net Home Phone: 509- 891 -9426 Work Phone: 509 - 863 -3231 Cell Phone; 509 - 863 -3231 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 11 years NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender. Male I.T.S. Citizen? Yes Wa. State Registered voter? Yes EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: Watson & Herres Architectural Firm Position Held: Project Director/Partner Dates of Employment: Jan 2011 to Present Address: 14925 East 24th Avenue City of Spokane Valley, WA Phone: 509 -863 -3231 Previous Employer: Lindquist Architects Position Held: Project Director Dates of Employment: July 12, 1994 to December 10, 2011 Address: 323 South Sherman Street Spokane, WA Phone: 509 -922-3990 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: Win.tersville High School Diploma: Yes City /State Address Wintersville, Ohio Technical School: ITT Technical Institute Degree: A.A. Degree in Architecture City /State Address: Dayton, Ohio COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) President & VP Panorama Poodle Dog Club Spokane Dog Training Club Lilac Dog Training Club FROM: 2005 TO: Present FROM: 2007 TO: 2009 FROM: 1997 TO: 1999 Spokane Fair Grounds Dog Show Volunteer at Pet Fest at Mirabeau Park VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: FROM: 2005 TO: Present FROM: 2009 TO: Present Building Committee during the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. Boys and Girls CIub of America, coaching baseball, basketball, flag football and fund raising. SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: 1. NASCAR Racing 2. Landscaping 3. Woodworking PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Kiwanis Club, Sonoma, CA. President of Rohnert Park, CA. Kiwanis Club Vice President of Rohnert Park Kiwanis Club FROM: 1989 TO: 1993 FROM: 1987 TO: 1988 FROM: 1986 TO: 1987 Board of Directors Boys and Girls Club of America FROM: 1983 TO: 1984 What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? My knowledge of the City of the Spokane Valley, dedication, determination and being open minded are very valuable assets. These assets will help the city grow to become better community for all and help make the best decisions on the planning commission. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? Living in the Spokane Valley, since before the time of incorporation to the City of Spokane Valley I have seen many changes which some have been good and some not so good. Being involved on the building committee forming the City of Spokane Valley has given me many insights of issues the city faces in becoming a stronger community. The City of Spokane Valley has the ability to have a stronger future and being a part helping the city to grow is my responsibility living in the community. Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? My appointment to this position will not create any conflicts of interest or appearance of conflict of interest. Spoka 010^%, ne oc"I Talley® Application Form for Committees /Boards /Commissions APR 2 4 1011 CITY Cat= SPOKANE VALLEY CITY CLEAK Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509 - 720 -5902 phone; 509 - 688 -0191 fax POSITION APPLYING FOR: Planning Commision Applicant's name (please print): Jennie L . Willardson Applicant's Residence Address 12722 East 23rd Ave Street Applicant's Mailing Address (if different From Residence address): Applicant's Email: jennieiiillaxdson@yahoo.com Home Phone: (509 926 -6854 Spokane Valley City same Street City 992 -0327 Zip Code Zip Code Work Phone: NA Cell Phone: (5 98 -0950 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 23 years NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female ffM Male ® U.S. Citizen? Yes Wa. State Registered voter? Yes EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: West Corporation Position Held: C Shoxt al es Dates of Employment: Apr 26, 20 0-ourrent Address: 9317 E S into , ftokane Vallev WA 99206 Phone: NA Previous Employer: Wilardson Consultin Position Held: Assistant Dates of Employment: Jan. 1984 to Jan. 17, 200'7 Address: ----A2722 Ea - sL23rd Ave Spokane Valley WA 99216-0927 Phone; 0 2L68 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: Spokane Falls Community College Diploma: Yes � No City /State Address Spokane WA College/University: Eastern Washingt University Degree Earned: BA City /State Address: _ - Cheney WA College/University: Eastern 'Washington Univexsity Degree Earned: MA City /State Address: C heney WA COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Master Gardener 1998 --2000 Master Composter and Recycler since 1996 VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: 4 th LD De m oc rats Tr since 2009; President Greater Spokane Democratic Women' Club 2008 -2009; Regent Spok Ga rry D AR, 2 00 6 -20 Wa shi n g t o n State Society DAR Historian 2008 -2010; League of Women Voters Spokane Board 2007, SPECIAL SKILLS/11%TERESTS: t Member of he Board of Neighborhood Alliance since 2008 Active in helping the North Gxeenacrea and Ponderosa Neighborhoods, PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Cable Advisory Board R6p. for Spokane Valley 2008 -2010 Spokane Valley WA Committee Name City /State Library Ad Hoc Committee 2004 Spokane Valley WA Committee Name City /State Library Facilities Committe 2003 -2004 Citizen Rep, Spokane Valley WA Committee Name City /State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? I have been active in neighborhood issues since 2004 helping Greenacres and Ponderosa have a more constructive voice in the way their neighborhoods develop. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? I have served on the board of Neighborhood Alliance since 2008 and have become well ± kn own in of Spokane ille and County as an advocate for neighborhoods. Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? , no Signature L / /Q VJ Today's Date CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 05 -10 -2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Council Position #5 Interviews GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At the April 26, 2011 Council meeting, councilmembers selected which candidates to interview. Please note that at the April 26, 2011 Special Meeting and again at the April 26, 2011 Regular meeting, Mayor Towey recused himself from this proceeding. Also note that although Steven Neill was also selected as a candidate to interview, he has withdrawn his application. As per Council's approved procedure, the following selected candidates will be interviewed in alphabetical order: 1. Chuck Hafner 2. Ben Wick BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: Potential Council Applicant Interview Questions Selected Candidates' Application Potential Council Applicant Interview Questions 1. What is the primary responsibility of a councilmember to the citizens of Spokane Valley? Similar to number 1: What are the most important functions of a councilmember? Be specific. 2. What are the most important issues we as a city are faced with today? Similar to number 2: What are the three highest priorities the City needs to address and how do you propose to address those issues? Similar to number 2: What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the City Council? 3. Name two budgetary shortfalls the City of Spokane Valley will be facing in the immediate future and give us your short-term and long -term recommendation to eliminate those shortfalls. 4. If you had to choose one of the options to balance the budget, would you cut services or look at additional revenue sources (taxes). Please explain. 5. What communication tools would you recommend to enhance the communication between the council and the citizens of Spokane Valley? 6. Please explain what you think the most difficult aspect of being on the council would be. 7. Discuss both the problem of [street] preservation and what you believe is /are the solutions(s). Similar to number 7. The City requires an additional $4 million per year in order to preserve streets (that is, increase their life so that complete reconstruction will not have to occur so soon. In so doing, we can spend $1 now or $12 in the future.) What solution(s) would you propose? 8. How can we determine what the citizens want for the future of Spokane Valley? 9. What do you envision the City of Spokane Valley will be like in ten and twenty years from now? Similar to number 9: Describe your vision for the future of Spokane Valley. 10. All total, councilmembers serve on approximately twenty different boards, committees, councils and task forces. Does your lifestyle allow you to serve on at least three or four outside committees and share these responsibilities? It could mean up to ten hours per month in addition to your council duties. Would you be able to serve up to 100 hours per month as a City councilmember? 11. Do you plan to run and /or actively campaign for the November election for what will be a four -year term? 12. Have you attended City Council meetings in the past? 13. What lessons did you learn from attending Council meetings? 14. Why do you want to be on the City council? Similar to number 14: What do you hope to accomplish as a councilmember and what do you offer the City'? 15. What training and learning have you undertaken to understand the form of government into which you would be entering and the legal restrictions and responsibilities of a councilmember under Washington statutes? 16. Do you support expanded mass transit? 17. If the majority of the council took a position that you were against, how would you handle your response to the public? 18. Do you think the City should contract with the County for services, utilize private companies, or hire City personnel for (1) animal control, (2) street sweeping, (3) stormwater maintenance? 19. Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Open Public Meeting Act? 20. Are you aware and knowledgeable about the Public Disclosure Act? 21. We spend about $450,000 annually on leasing our present City Hall facility. Should we build a City Hall? CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update — Grant Funding Opportunity GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 90.58 and WAC 173 -26 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: As a part of the 2009 budget process Council included funding to update the City's shoreline master program (SMP). URS, Corporation was hired by City to assist with the update. Work has been underway since Fall 2009. At this time approximately 62% of the contract amount has been spent. The Department of Ecology (DOE) has informed staff of a grant funding opportunity. The legislature has funds sufficient to award grants to jurisdictions that are required to adopt new Shoreline Master Programs by 2013. Ecology staff has indicated up to $125,000.00 may be available to the City to assist in completing the update. The funding may not be used to offset costs previously incurred as part of the update project. The funding may only be used to pay for tasks, deliverables, or staff time that will be encumbered after July 1, 2011. Although the city currently has a contract with URS to complete the update process, grant monies could be used to supplement the budget to pay for tasks or deliverables anticipated to begin after July 1, 2011, as well as paying for staff time associated with the update. Additionally, projects have been identified during the update process that would benefit the SMP update. These projects which were not contemplated within the scope of work with URS could be completed with grant monies. The attached memo provides summary information regarding tasks provided for in the current contract, and identifies additional funding options. If the City is interested in pursuing the grant monies, a draft scope of work must be provided to DOE by mid May. REQUESTED ACTION: Staff is requesting direction as to whether or not to proceed with the grant application for any, or all, of the tasks described in the attached memo. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $150,000 Budgeted in 2009 STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP — Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Memo to City Manager. sPo��� jValley From the Community Development Department Interoffice Memorandum To: Mike Jackson, City Manager From: Lori Barlow, Senior Planner CC: Kathy McClung, Director CD; Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager Date: May 3, 2011 Re: DOE Grant Funding for SMP Update Project Jamie Short, from the Department of Ecology has informed me of an Ecology funding opportunity for our continued Shoreline Management Program Update. The legislature has funds sufficient to award grants to jurisdictions that are required to adopt in 2013. Jamie has indicated that up to $125,000.00 is available to the City of Spokane Valley if we need additional funding to complete the update process. However, a draft scope of work must be provided to DOE by mid May in order to obtain funding. DOE staff is committed to providing as much technical and financial assistance as possible to insure that the City successfully completes the update by the 2013 timeline. The funding is not available as a retroactive funding tool, so it may not be used to offset costs of tasks completed or monies spent. The funding is only available to pay for tasks, deliverables, or staff time that will be encumbered after July 1, 2011. While the City has budgeted money to pay for the update, and is under contract with URS to complete the technical components of the work, the grant does provide an opportunity for the city to supplement the budgeted amount with grant monies, or utilize the grant to pay for projects or tasks not anticipated in the original work program. Following is a summary of the tasks completed by staff and URS, the tasks to be completed that are included in the contract with URS, and some additional funding options. Current Contract The current contract funds the following Tasks to complete the Shoreline Master Program Update. The tasks identified in the table below represent the original tasks identified in the scope of work with URS. All tasks that have been completed, or are currently in progress are not eligible for DOE Funding. The Council originally budgeted $150,000.00 and the contract signed with URS was for approximately $140,000.00 with a $3,000 amendment proposed. Staff time for all tasks was not included in the budget, nor the costs associated with the public participation program. Memo to City Manager SMP Grant Memo May 3, 2011 Page 2 of 3 SMP Update Tasks Task Inventory and Map Shoreline Conditions Estimated Fee 28,877.66 Completed To Be C ompleted Not included . Conduct Analysis 18,957.95 Prepare Analysis Report and map Portfolio 27,695.98 Develop Shoreline Environmental Designations 4,440.49 In progress Shoreline Goals, Policies 8,154.80 In progress Regulations 29,147.96 Address Cumulative Impacts 6016.90 SMP Adoption Process 3001.71 SEPA Review Staff Time Possible funding opportunities Now that work is underway it has become evident that other tasks could be completed that would benefit the SMP update. The development of a Comprehensive Public Access Plan and a Critical Areas Regulations Analysis are strongly encouraged by DOE staff. Due to the technical nature of the tasks, it is presumed that a consultant would complete the work. However, it should be noted that if these tasks are not completed, they will not prevent the adoption of the Plan. Other tasks that are associated with revisions or staff time could be reimbursed by the grant monies to insure that appropriate staff time is allocated to the project. Currently it is assumed that adequate staff time will be allocated to the project, but reimbursed out of the general fund. Below are brief descriptions of the additional tasks or staff components that could be reimbursed by the grant. Public Access Plan — Develop a comprehensive public access plan to eliminate public access review at the project level. Public access is a required component of the SMA regulations and a significant issue for the community. Critical Areas Anal - SMA requires critical area regulations to meet a higher standard than GMA; Current critical area regulations could be reviewed for consistency with SMA requirements for adoption in SMP regulations. This analysis could be useful in determining if the current critical area regulations meet the GMA requirements. Revisions to all sections of the Plan - Experiences of other jurisdictions have indicated an "unplanned for amount of revisions" to each element of the plan. This has in some cases led to over spending of the consultant contract leaving staff without the technical support for DOE discussions. While the contract contemplates some modifications, it does not contemplate complete review of each element for consistency with required changes. This would likely be an increase to the current contract with URS. Local Adoption Process and potential negotiations with DOE — The contract does not contemplate staff time for the local adoption process, nor does it incorporate assistance from URS in negotiating with DOE through their review process. Once again, experiences Memo to City Manager SMP Grant Memo May 3, 2011 Page 3 of 3 of other jurisdictions have indicated that this can be a costly and time consuming effort. This may require an increase in the current contract with URS. SEPA Review — The contract does not contemplate this required review. Staff time and notification costs could be considered. DOE Funding Considerations (Pros and Cons) Currently DOE's involvement is limited to review of documents and the final review and adoption of the SMP. DOE staff has been supportive and committed to providing assistance to City staff. If the City were to accept a grant from the DOE their involvement in our process would be increased. As part of the grant contract deliverables, quarterly reports, reporting requirements, timelines and funding requests would be required. Project management costs associated with staff time would increase. However, the grant can cover project management costs. Request for direction At this time I am asking for direction as to whether or not to proceed with the application for any, or all, of the tasks discussed. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Replacement of Permit Tracking Software, GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No action taken, information only on 03 -29 -2011 BACKGROUND: The City is currently using a permit tracking system, PLUS, provided through the County. It is a system created by the County Information Services Department and is going to be retired in 2012. The City will need to find a system to replace the PLUS system. City and County staff have investigated six systems and it appears that the County is ready to procure its PLUS replacement. City staff has prepared the attached administrative report for Council as a follow up to the information provided on 03 -29 -2011. OPTIONS: 1. Authorize that funds for the purchase of hardware and permitting software be included with the upcoming 2011 budget amendments. 2. Request staff investigate other permitting software systems. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize inclusion of this funding request in the upcoming 2011 budget amendment process so that staff can subsequently proceed with procurement of Paladin permitting software system BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: One time cost to purchase hardware and software to replace existing PLUS permitting system estimated at $146,000 (includes 10% contingency) and on- going budget allocation for estimated yearly maintenance costs of $19,300 (which is 28% less than the allocation for the current yearly permit tracking system maintenance fees). STAFF CONTACT: Mary Kate McGee, Building Official ATTACHMENTS: Permit Software Replacement Information Permit Software Replacement Backeround City staff was informed by County Information Services (ISD) staff in July 2010 that the PLUS system, currently used by both the City and the County for permit tracking, would be decommissioned in the first quarter of 2012. PLUS is a proprietary system developed by County ISD staff. The program used to design the system is 20 year old technology that has become obsolete, prompting the County to retire the current system in favor of a newer, vendor supported permit tracking system. The City has been using the County's PLUS system for most of the last seven years with the City's PLUS data residing on a server at the County. Over the last eight months, County and City staff have jointly reviewed six permitting systems including: PLUS, Accela, CityWorks, Paladin Interlocking Software, Eden, eGov, and Paladin SmartGov. System review included demonstrations by vendors, phone conversations with system clients, and two field trips to look at the most promising systems, Eden and Paladin. City staff applied a matrix system to compare systems to make sure we were comparing "apples to apples ". PLUS, our current system, was reviewed with the County to determine the feasibility of continuing its use. As noted in the introduction, PLUS is based upon technology which has long been abandoned by Microsoft with no upgrade path provided. Accela is the system currently used by the City of Spokane — actual cost and implementation is continuing overbudget and behind schedule. CitiWorks and eGov are still developing (BETA) systems which would require an extensive commitment of city staff time further develop and implement. Paladin Interlocking Software has been replaced by Paladin's SmartGov. The County has already declined to pursue the Eden system, mostly on the basis of cost and concerns about on -going system support. City staff has similar concerns about Eden's permitting system support. County and City staff agree that Paladin SmartGov is the most promising system we have reviewed. The functionality, pricing (based on estimates at this time) and system support appear to meet the needs of the County and the City. At this time, the benefits of County /City partnering on permitting software appear to apply to long term operability of the permitting system software with the County GIS system, and for development of a web portal. County and City staff have had follow -up demonstrations by Paladin. As a result of the demonstration the County has started the process for purchasing Paladin SmartGov permit tracking system. Based on City staff evaluation of the demonstration, we agree that Paladin's SmartGov meets all of the City's needs as well and would be an appropriate replacement for PLUS. System Purchase Information The one -time purchase of the SmartGov system including the hardware necessary to run the system is estimated at $146,500. This estimate includes 10% contingency. The attached table provides system component costs. The annual system license and maintenance fee is estimated at $19,300 per year. Currently we pay the County $26,900 for use of the PLUS permitting system thru a CITRIX remote user connection. This amount does not include additional hourly costs for system adjustments through the County's Information Services Department (ISD) Based on discussions with Paladin, the software and first year's maintenance fee must be paid based on milestones identified in the contract as follows: At contract signing On system go -live date Upon completion of work (final acceptance) An expenditure for a permit system will require a budget amendment to the 2011 budget. Design, Implementation and Training Costs The design and implementation phases of the project are expected to last about six to 12 months. During this phase, it is expect that staff time to work with Paladin will be required as follows: Database administrator: %2 FTE Building Official: I /4 FTE Senior Permit Specialist: I /4 FTE Other Community Development staff from Development Engineering, Planning, and Building /Code Compliance divisions will be required to participate in the design phase for varying lengths of time during business rule development and then in training. If the project is approved, system roll out would be anticipated for late winter 2011 /early spring 2012 to minimize impact of staff training on the public, and to coordinate with County implementation schedule. Benefits The Paladin system is developed and maintained by a contracted vendor. The benefit of using a contracted vendor is that their core mission is to help jurisdictions successfully automate permits and landuse approvals. Developing and maintaining permit software is the only focus of the vendor while such activity is not the core mission of government agency staff. The PLUS system is not adaptable to a web application, thus preventing improvements to customer access to permitting information and unnecessarily limiting transparency in the permitting process. The Paladin system is web adaptable, easily connected to the web, improving customer /public access to permitting and landuse information. The Paladin system would also create the opportunity for partnering on a web portal with Spokane County. The Paladin system would provide connection with the GIS system allowing staff and customers to use map applications to access permit system information and vice versa. In the PLUS system, information search capabilities are extremely limited. In addition, reporting in the PLUS system has become outdated. Searching is very simple in the Paladin system. Furthermore, standard and ad hoc reports can be easily developed in the Paladin system allowing staff to respond promptly and accurately to requests for information from Council and the public. Connectivity with the existing finance system would be configured in the Paladin system to provide better accountability than is currently available with the PLUS system. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE Developer agreement progress for CPA -02 -11 Comprehensive Plan amendment. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, RCW 36.706.170 -210 and SVMC 19.30.015 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Continued consideration of CPA- 02 -11, a part of the annual 2011 Comprehensive Plan amendments, on April 12, 2011 and directed staff to work with the applicant in developing a developer agreement. BACKGROUND: CPA -02 -11 is a privately initiated 2011 comprehensive plan amendment requesting to change from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (HDR) with a subsequent rezone from Single- family Residential District (R -3) to Multi- family Medium Density Residential District (MF -1) on parcel 45174.2102. The non - project specific concept proposal is for a forty (40) unit affordable senior housing complex on 2.7 acres, following a boundary line adjustment of parcels 45174.2102 and 45174.2103. The Planning Commission recommended denial on March 10, 2011. The City Council agreed to continue consideration of CPA -02 -11 for a period of thirty (30) days, a part of the 2011 annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process and proceed with discussing a developer agreement with the proponent, Catholic Charities. For the past thirty days, Catholic Charities and the applicant, Ann Martin of Heylman Martin Architects have been working on behalf of St. John Vianney Catholic Parish with representatives of the neighborhood in preparing a draft developer agreement representative of the project concept and addressing concerns of the neighborhood as directed by City Council on April 12, 2011. A neighborhood representative has notified Catholic Charities, the applicant and City staff they no longer wish to participate in drafting the developer's agreement. Catholic Charities has expressed its willingness to continue to work with the City and proceed forward with review and finalization of a developer agreement. Staff is requesting up to an additional sixty (60) days for review and finalization of a proposed developer agreement to bring before City Council for a public hearing associated with the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. The requested time frame will allow the applicant and Catholic Charities to continue drafting the developer agreement. Staff will conduct review and coordinate with the applicant and Catholic Charities to finalize the agreement. Additionally, the time allocated will allow for scheduling and providing notice for a public hearing before the City Council on said agreement. OPTIONS: Proceed with finalizing the developer agreement associated with the Comprehensive Plan amendment; or consider the Comprehensive Plan amendment as proposed without a developer agreement. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None. BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of May 5, 2011; 9:00 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings May 17, 2011, Executive Session 5:00 P.M. To evaluate the qualifications of candidates for appointment to elective office, Council 45 Vacancy May 17, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, May 91 ACTION ITEM: 1. Motion Consideration: Appt of Candidate to Council Position 45 — Mayor 10 public comment) (20 min) a. Nomination & 2 nd of candidate: vote. b. Clerk Administers Oath c. New Councilmember Takes Position at the Dias NON ACTION ITEMS: 2. Legislative Update - Briahma Taylor, Governmental Affairs Consultant (25 minutes) 3. Report: Draft 2012 -2017 Six Year TIP — Steve Worley (15 minutes) 4. Public Works Projects —Neil Kersten (20 minutes) 5. Sprague /City Entrance Improvements — Neil Kersten (20 minutes) 6. Capital Projects Funding — Neil Kersten/Ken Thompson (20 minutes 7. Economic Development report of Seattle Meeting — Deputy Mayor Schimmels (20 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: 140 minutes] May 24, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, May 161 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Draft 2012 -2017 Six Year TIP — Steve Worley (15 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Spokane Regional CVB Presentation - CEO Cheryl Kilday (10 minutes) 4. Info Only: Dept Reports [ *estimated meeting: 30 minutes] May 31, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, May 231 1. EWU Regional Services Presentation (30 minutes) 2. UGA (Urban Growth Area) Update — Scott Kuhta/Mike Basinger (30 minutes) 3. Investment Accounts — Ken Thompson (30 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: 90 minutes] June 7, 2011, Tentative Joint Meeting with Planning Commission 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, May 301 Joint Meeting Agenda Items: 1. Council only meeting agenda items: 1. Admin Report: Airway Heights Plan Review Renewal — MaryKate McGee (10 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey (5 minutes) June 14, 2011, Summer Council /Staff Retreat, 9 a.m. — 4 p.m., CenterPlace Classroom Draft Advance Agenda 5/5/2011 3:27:04 PM Page 1 of 3 June 14, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2012 -2017 Six Year TIP 3. Proposed Resolution Authorizing Investment Accounts - 4. Motion Consideration: Airway Heights Plan Review Rei [due date Mon, June 61 (5 minutes) — Steve Worley (15 minutes) - Ken Thompson (10 minutes) iewal — MaryKate McGee (10 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: 40 minutes] June 21, 2011, Possible no Meeting, (A WC Conference, Spokane, Wa) June 28, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. Proclamation: Parks & Recreation Month 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Info Only: Dept Reports [due date Mon, June 201 (5 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: minutes] July 5, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey July 12, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) July 19, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Bicycle Workshop — Mike Basinger [due date Mon, June 271 (5 minutes) [due date Tues, July 51 (5 minutes) [due date Mon, July 111 (5 minutes) July 26, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, July 181 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Revenues & Expenditures for Preliminary 2012 Budget — Mike Jackson (30 minutes) 3. Info Only: Dept Reports [ *estimated meeting: minutes] August 2, 2011, Study Session Format (possible no meeting: National Night Out) August 9, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Tues, Aug 11 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2012 Revenues & Property Taxes (15 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Bicycle Blvd — Mike Basinger (15 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Review of ordinance that levies 2012 property tax — Finance (15 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Review Ordinance to Confirm Tax Levy — Finance (15 minutes) 6. City Manager's Presentation of Preliminary 2012 Budget - City Manager (30 minutes) [ *estimated meeting: 95 minutes] August 16, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Outside Agency Presentations — Finance [due date Mon, Aug 81 (5 minutes) (60 minutes) August 23, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due date Mon, Aug 151 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, bicycle Blvd — Mike Basinger (10 minutes) 3. Motion Consideration: Set 2012 Budget Hearings for Sept 13 and Sept 27 — Finance Director(10 minutes) 4. Info Only: Dept Reports [ *estimated meeting: minutes] Draft Advance Agenda 5/5/2011 3:27:04 PM Page 2 of 3 August 30, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey [due date Mon, Aug 221 (5 minutes) Wed, August 31, 2011, confirmed Joint Council and County Commissioners Meeting, 9:00 a.m. — Noon, Spokane County Fairgrounds, Bay 4. Tentative agenda topics TBA. September 6, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey September 13, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Public Hearing: 2012 Budget — Finance Director 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2012 budget Property Tax 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 2012 budget, tax confirmation September 20, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey 2. Fee Resolution Review —Finance September 27, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Public Hearing: 2012 Budget — Finance Director 2. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, 2012 budget Property Tax 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 2012 budget, tax confirmation 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2012 Budget 6. Info Only: Dept Reports October 4, 2011, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Towey October 11, 2011, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2012 Budget 3. Proposed Resolution Amending Fee Resolution for 2012 — Finance Bidding Contracts (SVMC 3. — bidding exceptions) Budget amendments (2011) Centennial Trail Agreement Clean Air Agency City Sign Plan Commute Trip Reduction Program Renewal Development Agreement, St. John Vianney Church East Gateway Monument Structure Economic Development Governance Manual (resolution) Update Liberty Lake City Sign Lodging Tax Funding for 2012 (Oct 2011) Milwaukee Right -of -way Mission Ave Design (Mission & Long ped. crossing) Monument (Veterans') Sign Old Mission Ave Trail Access Parking/Paving Options (for driveways, etc.) Pavement Management Program Update [due date Mon, Aug 291 (5 minutes) [due date Mon, Sept 51 (10 minutes) (5 minutes) [due date Mon, Sept 121 (5 minutes) (15 minutes) [due date Mon, Sept 191 (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) [due date Mon, Sept 26 (5 minutes) [due date Mon, Oct 3]] (5 minutes) (15 minutes) (20 minutes) Prosecution Services Public Input Process for Capital Projects Railroad Quiet Zone Shoreline Master Program, Chapter 1 Sidewalks Signage (I -90) Site Selector Update Solid Waste Amended Interlocal Speed Limits Sprague Appleway Corridor Environ.Assessment Sprague Avenue: One -way vs. two -way WIRA, Water Protection Commitment, Public Educ. *time for public or council comments not included Draft Advance Agenda 5/5/2011 3:27:04 PM Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Choose Spokane Valley Information Sheet GOVERNING LEGISLATION: n/a PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: n/a BACKGROUND: Deputy Mayor Schimmels recently requested an informational handout with business - relevant information about Spokane Valley to share at the recent National League of Cities Leadership Academy on Local Economic Competitiveness. Attached is a copy of the information sheet developed, which is titled "Choose Spokane Valley." This informational piece is available for Council's use, and can be modified or updated as needed. OPTIONS: n/a RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Information only BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a STAFF CONTACT: Carolbelle Branch ATTACHMENTS: Choose Spokane Valley. Office & Business Parks Spokane Valley is home to fifteen of the region's largest office and business parks totaling 2 million square feet, with an estimated 113,000 square feet available. Industrial Parks In addition, fifteen of the region's largest industrial parks are located in Spokane Valley totaling about 5 million square feet with an estimated 801,000 square feet available. Transportation nr o I� a � • Spokane International Airport • Felts Field Airport • Union Pacific Railroad • Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad • Public Transit — Spokane Transit Authority Business Resources • Community Indicators Initiative • Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce • Greater Spokane, Inc. • International Trade Alliance • Priority Spokane • Select Spokane • Spokane Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau • Spokane Regional Site Selector • Spokane Valley Business Association x ` w� AV � _ Doing Business in Spokane Valley WA State Retail Sales Tax 8.7 percent WA Combined Excise Tax 2.2 percent Education — Public K -12 Central Valley School District 356 West Valley School District 363 City business registration —$15 /year Business alarm system registration — $35/25 year East Valley School District 361 Spokane Public School District 81 Education — Public Colleges & Universities Community Colleges of Spokane Eastern Washington University Cultural Amenities Avista Stadium CenterPlace Regional Event Center Spokane County Fair & Expo Center Spokane Valley Heritage Museum Spokane Valley Arts Council Theater Arts for Children CenterPlace Foyer Gallery Public Art at Mirabeau Point Park and Barker Road Bridge City Business Services Building inspections Development engineering Permit center — building, signage, land use Right of way permits Spokane Intercollegiate Research & Technology Institute Washington State University— Spokane Recreation Centennial Trail Discovery Playground Mirabeau Springs Falls Valley HUB Sports Center River recreation Dozens of lakes within 50 mile radius Alpine and cross country skiing within 30 minute drive Rock climbing Hiking Public parks, and pools with water play features Code compliance /nuisances In -home occupation permits Planning & development Traffic Engineering Business licensing Tom Towey is a retired supermarket manager who is actively involved in a num- ber of community organizations. A lifelong resident of Spokane Valley, Towey also served on the City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission. He served in the United States Navy and majored in Business at Eastern Washington Univer- sity. He was elected in November of 2009 to serve a four -year term from Janu- ary 1, 2010 through December 31, 2013. Towey was selected by his Council colleagues to serve as Mayor for 2010 -2011. Mayor Tom Towey Deputy Mayor Gary Schimmels City Manager Mike Jackson From 1998 to 2007, Gary Schimmels owned and operated a local locksmith business. Schimmels attended Eastern Washington University prior to serving two years in the Army, and was a construction industry employee /owner/ opera- tor from 1964 to 1994. He was a member of the original City Council and in No- vember 2009, was re- elected to a four -year term through December 31, 2013. Schimmels was selected by his Council colleagues to serve as Deputy Mayor for 2010 -2011. Mike Jackson was appointed City Manager in August 2010 after serving seven months as Acting City Manager. He joined the City in June of 2003 as its first Parks & Recreation Director, and was promoted to Deputy City Manager in No- vember of 2009. He has over 25 years experience in the public sector and holds a Bachelors degree in Recreation Resource Management from Utah State University and a Masters degree in Management from Regis University. p e r , — 1" I Sources: Journal of Business 2011 Book of Lists, Spokane Association of Realtors, U.S. 2010 Census, WA Dept of Licensing Produced by City of Spokane Valley Public Information Office, April 2011 40; PO CIE' 00 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 City Manager Sign -off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ® executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Potential Land Acquisition and Potential Litigation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) and RCW 42.30.110(i). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I Move that Council adjourn into executive session for approximately minutes to discuss Potential Land Acquisition and Potential Litigation and that no action will be taken upon return to open session." BUDGET /FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: