Resolution 07-008 Adopts 2008 - 2013 Six Year TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY
WHEREAS,to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the
City of Spokane Valley,the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year
Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP")with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated
development of the City's transportation system;
WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both
City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and
efficient vehicle movements;
WHEREAS, the TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted
following one or more public hearings before the City Council;
WHEREAS,the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 5,2007 for the purpose of
inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed TIP.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane
County, Washington, as follows:
The City Council hereby adopts the attached TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose
of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation
improvements for the years 2008 through 2013. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2008-2013
Six-Year Transportation improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of
Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the
purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City
transportation requirements.
Adopted this 26th day of June, 2007.
City of Spokane Valley
Ayres.-. qsaiewi‘i UL V V
j Diana Wilhite, Mayor
hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk
Approved as to rm: ,
Office of t City Att
Resolution 07-008 Adopting 2008-2013 TIP Page 1 of 1
Sii\ÔI +s4lmmuI
City of Spokane Valley
Department of Public Works
2008 - 2013 Six Year
Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 07-008, June 26, 2007
Functional Classification: Funding Sources:
7 Major Collector Federal assistance: These funds are authorized under the Safe,
8 Minor Collector Accountable, Flexible, Efficient,Transportation Equity Act:A Legacy
9 Access for Users(SAFETEA-LU)and are administered by the Federal
Urban: Highway Administration through the Washington State Department of
14 Principal Transportation and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council
16 Minor (SRTC).
17 Collector
19 Local Access BR Bridge Replacement projects
CMAQ Congestion Management/Air Quality
FTA Federal Transit Authority(5307 funds)
Other Fed Other federal funds.
STP Surface Transportation Program. Individual funds are
designated by the letters in parenthesis that follow the
STP(U) Urban improvements
STP(R) Rural improvements
STP(C) Competitive funding
STP(E) Enhancement improvement
STP(S) Safety improvements
State assistance:
UCP, UAP, and SP are administered by the state Transportation
Improvement Board(TIB).
UCP-Urban Corridor Program
(Formerly Transportation Partnership Program (TPP))
UAP-Urban Arterial Program
(Formerly Arterial Improvement Program (AIP)
SP-Sidewalk Program
(Formerly Pedestrian Safety Mobility Program(PSMP)
CERB—Community Economic Revitalization Board
Other State-Other state funds
Local Assistance:
CDBG—Community Development Block Grant
., Draft 2008 - 2013
Sp�,,,okane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
\/al ley Dolan in Thousands
Project 1 Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
3 Barker Road Bridge 0.1 0 0 8,938 8,938 BR 5.053 3,375 8,438
City 300 200 500
Replace bridge 115503 @ Spokane River
Funding Secured-City funding for Contingency
Project Total 5,363 3,575 8,938
6 STEP Paveback 0 0 0, 4,400 4,400 City 900 900 900 900 3,600
SW 200 200 200 200 800
Full-width paving and drainage associated with Spokane County's STEP
Project Total 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 4,400
7 Street Preservation Project-Various Street 0 649 0 6,950 7,600 City 1,292 1,292 1.292 1.292 1,292 1,140 7,600
Annual street preservation projects
Project Total 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,140 7,600
8 Appleway-University to Evergreen 2,02 682 3,318 7,734 11,734 City 64 184 231 358 837
STP 138 547 1,428 2.101 4,214
WSDOT 3 7 92 368 470
Extend Appieway Blvd.with a multi-lane facility including curbs and sidewalks_ UCP 840 3,360 4,200
Other 403 1,610 2,013
Secured STP(U)($4.2 rnil),WSDOT
Project Total 205 1,141 4,201 6,187 11,734
Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change duo to a variety of circumstances,am
aro not intended by the City to he retied upon by properly owners or developers in making development decisions,
6120!2007 Page 1
err,., Draft 2008 - 2013
SpokaneSix-Year Transportation Improvement Program
\Talt■ ley Dollars in Thousands
Project!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
9 Broadway Avenue-Pines(SR-27)to Park 3 74 25 834 933 City 187 187
UAP 746 746
AOA 8 Striping Improvements to reduce accidents along Broadvray Corridor
Funding Secured(TIB 8-3-2008(003)-1)
Projoct Total 933 933
10 Broadway-Fancher Intersection PCC 0 56 0 525 581 City 79 79
STP(U) 502 502
Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement.
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-8)
Project Total 581 581
11 Pines/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 75 0 667 742 City 152 152
STA 590 590
Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement.
Project Total 742 742
12 Park Road-Bridging the Valley!BNSF Grade 0.2 900 2,000 13,620 16,518 City 31 90 286 286 693
Separation FMSIB 227 651 2.061 2,061 5,000
Other 364 1,045 3,308 3.308 8,025 •
Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the'NSF railroad tracks. Other- 37 104 330 330 801
UCP 91 260 824 824 1,999
"Other Funding from I3NSF RR
Project Total 750 2,150 6,809 6,809 16,518
Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP aro to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,ani
aro not intended by the City to be relied upon by properly owners or developers in making development decisions,
6120!2007 Page 2
Draft 2008 - 2013
Spo„Y„�kane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
Valley Dollars in Thousands
Project!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
13 8th Avenue Phase 1-Carnahan to Havana 0.5 222 375 2,018 2,866 City 110 271 207 588
STA 425 1,051 8102 2,278
Reconstruct 8th a three-lane section with curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes.
Application submitted for FTA 5307 funding-awaiting results
Project Total 535 1,322 1,009 2,866
14 44th Ave Pathway: Sands to Woodruff 1.08 10 0 340 350 City 4 46 50
STP(E) 6 294 300
Asphalt Pathway w/bike lanes along road
PE Funding Secured-Delay to 2009 to coordinate w/sewer project
Project Total 10 340 350
15 Broadway Avenue#2: Fancher to Thierman 0.34 61 0 547 608 City 82 82
STP(U) 526 526
Grind and inlay with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-7)
Project Total 608 608
16 Broadway Avenue#1: 190 to Park Rd. 0.34 74 0 667 741 City 100 100
STP(U) 641 641
Grind and Inlay with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-9)
Project Total 741 741
Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances.ani
are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions.
6/2012007 Page 3
,,r,,,N Draft 2008 - 2013
Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
.00,00 Valley Dollars in Thousands
Project 1 Description(Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
17 Park Road-#2(PE Only)- Broadway to Indiana 0.75 352 0 0 352 City 48 48
STP(U) 304 304
Proj.#2-Reconstruct and widen to 3 lanes with hike lanes and sidewalks.
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-11)
Project Total 352 352
10 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission 1 297 300 2.673 3,271 City 89 298 268 655
UAP 358 1,189 1,069 2,616
Reconstruct to a three-lane arterial.
Project Total 447 1,487 1,337 3,271
19 Sullivan/Sprague Intersection PCC 0.1 83 0 778 861 City 116 116
STP(U) 745 745
Replace rutted asphalt pavement with portlarul concrete cement.
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-6)
Project Total 861 861
20 Argonne Road-190 to Trent 0.38 76 500 713 1,289 City 77 96 173
CMAQ 499 617 1,116
Revise Signal Phasing,Add NB Right Turn Lane at Montgomery,Intersections Improvements at Knox
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-31)
Project Total 576 713 1,289
Protects and timeframes identified In the TIP are to be considered evtienles only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an.
are not intended by the City to be retied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions.
6120/2007 Page 4
�rt,, Draft 2008 - 2013
SprMokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
Valley Dollars In Thousands
Project!Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
21 Sullivan Road North Extension (Bigelow Gulch) 025 0 1 54 55 City 55 55
Reconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch Road to a 4-lane roadway with
8-foot shoulders and a 12-toot two way left turn lane.
Project Total 55 55
22 Sullivan Road(PE only)-Euclid to Wellesley 1 595 0 0 596 City 40 40 80
STP(U) 258 258 516
Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial.
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-12)
Project Total 298 298 596
23 Sullivan Road West Bridge 0.08 1,370 100 8.112 9,582 BR 735 735 4,056 4,056 9,582
Reconstnict and widen west bridge
Project Total 735 735 4,056 4,056 9,582
24 McDonald/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 102 0 967 1,069 City 219 219
STA 850 850
Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement.
Project Total 1,069 1,069
Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an.
are not intended by tho City to be relied upon by property owners or dovetopers in making development decisions,
6!2012007 Page 5
,r,,,N Draft 2008 - 2013
Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
Valley Dollars in Thousands
Project 1 Description l Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
25 Broadway/Sullivan Intersection PCC 0 120 0 1,110 1,230 City 253 253
STA 977 977
Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement.
Project Total 1,230 1,230
26 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent 2.26 222 250 1.609 2,081 City 280 280
CMAQ 1,801 1,801
Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor
Funding Secured(SRTC 06-26)
Projoct Total 2,081 2,081
27 Saltese/Sullivan Signal 38 15 364 414 City 104 104
Other 42 42
Other 268 268
Improvements to Intersection
In Coordination w/Spokane County
Project Total 414 414
29 Park Road-#2(CN Only)-Broadway to Indiana 0.75 0 2.000 2.326 4,326 City 270 314 584
STP(U) 1,730 2,012 3,742
Proj.#2-Reconstruct and widen to 3 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks.
Projoct Total 2,000 2,326 4,326
Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an,
aro not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions.
6/20/2007 Page 6
r,ti Draft 2008 - 2013
Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
i Valley Dollars in Thousands
Project!Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
30 Broadway Ave 180 ft E. of Moore to Flora 0.73 225 300 0 525 City 57 48 105
UAP 228 192 420
Reconstruct&widen Broadway to 3-lane section,180 ft E.of Moore to Flora
Project Total 285 240 525
31 32nd Avenue-Evergreen to Best 0.25 78 250 0 328 City 21 24 45
STP(U) 132 151 283
Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks.
Project Total 153 175 328
32 Barker Road-Appleway to Broadway Avenue 0.26 274 1,600 924 2.223 City 156 289 445
UAP 622 1,156 1,778
Reconstruct to a five-lane arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave.:realign Broadway east of
Projoct Total 778 1,445 2,223
33 Sprague Ave.-University to Evergreen 2.02 231 0 2.625 2,856 City 46 525 571
STP(P) 185 2,100 2,285
Resurface Sprague Ave from University Evergreen Rd.
Project Total 231 2,625 2,856
Projects and timctrime identiried to the TIP are to be considered estimates or*that may change due to a variety of circumstances,aro
arc not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development do cssions.
6/20/2007 Page 7
,,,, Draft 2008 - 2013
�po`kane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
Valley Dollars in Thousands
Project/Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
34 Evergreen/32nd-16th to 32nd, Evergreen to 125 406 120 3,681 4,207 City 108 755 863
SR-27 STP(U) 418 2,926 3,344
Reconstruct and widen to three lanes
Project Total 526 , 3,681 4,207
35 Broadway Ave-Flora to Barker 1 314 0 0 314 City 63 63
STP(U) 251 251
Reoonstruct to 3-lanes.Flora to Barker
Project Total 314 314
36 Sullivan Road (RW/CN only)-Euclid to Wellesley 1 0 800 0 800 City 160 160
STP(U) 640 640
Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial.
Project Total 800 800
37 Bowdish/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 90 0 802 892 City 182 182
UAP 710 710
Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement.
• Project Total 892 892
Projects and timetramos identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change clue to a variety of circumstances,an
are not intended by tho City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions.
6120/2007 Page 8
Draft 2008 - 2013
So`rkane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
.0000 Valley Collars in Thousands
Project 1 Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total
38 University/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 95 0 902 997 City 204 204
UCP 703 703
Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement.
Project Total 997 997
39 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to 16th 1 95 0 690 785 City 106 106
CMAQ 679 679
Traffic Signal Conliol System for Corridor
Project Total 785 785
Totals: 7,866 11,954 75,570 95,390 11,661 13,810 20,722 20,966 9,321 18,584 95,064
Projects and timeframes identified In the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circwnstances,an.
are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions.
6/20/2007 Page 9
,,,,,, Draft 2008 - 2013
Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals
Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals
Year Federal State Other City Year Federal State Other City Year Federal State Other City
2008 $5,565 $746 $0 $1,858 2008 $508 $1,231 $462 $1,291 2008 S6,073 $1,977 $462 $3,149
2009 $4,846 SO $0 $1,722 2009 $1,886 $1,476 $2,148 51,732 2009 $6,732 $1,476 $2,148 $3,454
2010 $1,502 $0 $0 $1,525 2010 $5,471 55,206 $4,569 $2,449 2010 $6,973 $5,206 54,569 $3,974
2011 $2,676 $0 SO $1,708 2011 56,144 $7,882 $640 $1,916 2011 $8,820 $7,882 $640 $3,624
2012 $0 $0 $0 $1,292 2012 $6,521 $850 SO $658 2012 56,521 $850 $0 $1,950
2013 $0 $0 $0 $1,140 2013 $12,815 $2,141 $0 $2,488 2013 $12,815 $2,141 $0 $3,628
Total $14,589 $746 $0 $9,245 Total $33,345 $18,786 $7,819 $10,534 Total $47,934 $19,532 $7,819 $19,779
Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to bo considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an
are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property canners or developers in making development decisions.
6120!2007 Page 1
City of Spokane Valley
Department of Public Works
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program
Projects cud no identified Local Matdl within the 2008 Sic-Year TIP
Ootlem in Thousands
ProJect Nano OotltarkitM Start year Teta)Chat
Bin Avenue Phase 2-Park to Dlckoy Reconstruct 81h Aye-to a ttseL4th le 2014 $3,156
section with curb.gutter,skkrantks
and bike tarns,
8Ih A'renuo Phase 3•Cidtey to Roconsbiuct 8th Ave-to a IMee-taro 2014 $3,811
Carnahan setllon with curb,guars,sidewalks
and bike lanes.
ApploevyThierman EB Lane Add ELI right turn lane to Appitway 2014 $185
Barker Road-OM to Appleway Reconstruct to a three-kine uanan 2014 $3,221
anneal front 8131 to Applowwj.
Barker Road-Spokane River to Trani Reconstruct to a three-lane seabed 2014 $4,478
BarMlsh Rnzd-32nd to 8th Reaonshud and widen roadway to 2(114 $4,593
three lanes.
Carnahan'Truck Lathe•8th 0 City Add SR truck Loan to read 2014 12,591
Dishman-nhce Rand•Appteway to Grind and inlay northbound lanes 2020 $149
11th with 2'of asphalt pavement
Euclid Ave/Flom Rd•Rena Euclid to Retonnslnid to provide a Ihreo lana, 2014 14,293
Euclid,Euclid Flora to Barker shauklered arterial
Euclid Avenue-Sia tin Rd to Flora Grind and inlay with 2'of asphalt 2014 $835
Re. pavement.
EvergteeniSprague IrCcr.,cadion PCC Replace asphalt pavement with 2004 $1,133
portland cement concrete pa rmerd.
i dimes/SJlivan Intersection PCC Replace asphalt p vrnwnl with 2094 $1,342
portland content connate pavement,
Mansfield Extenran•SR27 to Construct 34ane anodal from Pines 2014 $2,484
Mirabeau Parkway to Mirabeare Pm9rsmy
Mission Awa-Flora to Barker Now 3•11ete section Flora to Barker 2014 $3,748
Moettgornerl Ammo-Argonne to Grind and repave with 2 of asphalt 2020 1640
University concrete pavement
Park Road-e3-Sprague to Reconstruct and widen tea standard 2014 $8,128
Broadway Wean-lase arterial Sleet with curbs
and sidewalks, PCC an Broadway.
Sprague Avenue-Unt ersity to Grind and overlay 3"or asphalt in 2014 12,108
Suter an bus Wines,Upgraderconstrud
sideea ashemps to ADA slnneturds
SR27/Plnes/161n Inlet-motion Irnprevcmonl to in4usedion(Dual 2014 $3,132
hone Roundabout?)
Propels and ameba:nes identified in the TIP ate to be conCdeted asthma**only that may chance due to a rarefy at dreum«✓toes,and are not
idenddd by the day to be rated upon try property owners or devearp ers In making development dedsk rrc.
Monday.June 18,2007 Page 1 of 2
City of Spokane Valley
Department of Public Works
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program
Projeda wino identified Local Match wtlhin the 2008 Six-Year TIP
[wars In lboji ndn
Protect traria OesattIan start rear Total Cost
University Road Inlay 1:Dislman- Ghent and pave with 2 incites or 2014 Wad
Ansa Rd to tab Ave asphalt cunaYete pavement.
LkaverSay Road Inlay 2:15th to 4th Grind and pave with 2 inches of 2014 5514
asphalt concrete pavement,
*icy Condor-Project 1:University Extend Apptae:ty Blvd.with a multi- 2020 514,092 .
to Evergreen lane facility inducing cures and
sidewalks.Rxrrface Sprague Ave.
Valley Corder-Project 3- Extend Applewey Blvd.with a multi. 2014 $13,219
Evergroern to Tsrtttey tare rachitty inducting eutea and
nidmeeehs. Resurface Sprague
Avenue and mstripe.
Totals: $76,741
Pta;met and Ilmehaases idemf-ed in the TIP are to be considuted estimate;only that may thonao dun to a variety of dreumnaeces.and mo net
mended by the Clty to be retell upon by papally(loners or developers in Mating development deeldone.
Monday.June 18,2002 Page 2 or 2
OFCITY Poka1ylle
Y11707 E.Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley,WA 99206
(509)921-1000 • Fax(509)921-1008 •
June 29,2007
Dee Caputo,Growth Management Planner
Dept of Community,Trade&Economic Development(CTI3D)
128— 10th Avenue,SW
PO Box 42525
Olympia, WA 98504-2525
Glenn F. Miles,Transportation Manager
Spokane Regional Transportation Council
221 W.First Avenue,Suite 310
Spokane,WA 99201-3613
RE:City of Spokane Valley 2008-2013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan(TIP)
• Dear Ma.Caputa and Mr.Miles:
Enclosed please find a certified copy of the City of Spokane Valley Resolution 07-008,adopting the 2008-2013 Six-
Year Transportation Improvement Program for the.City of Spokane Valley, which was approved by our Council at
their June 26,2007 meeting.
Ctiristinc Bainbridge,CMC
City Clerk
/cb .
• Douglas 13.MacDonald
Secretary of Transportation
State Department of Transportation
Mail Stop 47300,Transportation Bldg
Olympia, WA 98504-7300
Spokane County Courthouse
Attention: Board of County Commissioners
West 1116 Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260
City of Spokane
Attn: Clerk's Office
West 808 Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201
Steve Worley, Spokane Valley Senior Engineer
11707 E.Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley,WA 99206
(509)921-1000 • Fax(509)921-1008 •
I, Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk of Spokane Valley, Washington, do hereby certify that the
attached is a true and correct copy of City of Spokane Valley Resolution 07-008 approved during
the June 26, 2007 council meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council.
Witness my hand and official seal this 29th day of June,2007.
of eeieertr /
a... �91aP�Aq�;..7 ... 'hri-sfine Bainbridge, Spokane Valley City C lier
� SEAL ��•r=
• : m -
March3PRATED = -f
'io • ,,`�
128- 1th:: Avenue SW • PO Box 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 • (360) 725-400
July 5, 2007
Christine Bainbridge
City Clerk
City of Spokane Valley
11707 East Sprague Avenue Suite 106
Spokane Valley, Washington 99206
Dear Ms. Bainbridge:
Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development
(CTED)the following materials as required under RCW 36.70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentation
that you have met this procedural requirement.
City of Spokane Valley-Adopted Resolution 07-008, adopting the 2008-13 -Six-Year Transportation
Improvement Program. These materials were received on 07/02/2007 and processed with the Material
ID# 11858.
We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. If this is a draft amendment, adopted
amendments should be sent to CTED within ten days of adoption and to any other state agencies who
commented on the draft.
If you have any questions, please call me at (360) 725-3068.
Dee Caputo
Growth Management Planner
Growth Management Services
JUL 0 9 2)JQl