Resolution 07-016 Establishing Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE JOINT REQUEST TO ESTABLISH THE GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LIBRARY CAPITAL FACILITY AREA; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington (the "City"), is a nonchartered code city duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the state of Washington (the"State"); and WHEREAS, the City is annexed into and is a part of the Spokane County Library District (the "District"); and WHEREAS, library services to the residents of the City are provided by library facilities owned and operated by the District; and WHEREAS, the City has been informed by the District that the District cannot presently accommodate the increased needs of the growing population in the areas located east of the City of Spokane, and in the City, the Town of Millwood (the "Town") and unincorporated portions of Spokane County(the"County")with respect to library services; and WHEREAS, chapter 27.15 RCW permits, upon the joint request of the City, the Town and the District and the approval of the County and the relevant approval of the qualified electors, the creation of a library capital facility area to construct and finance library capital facilities; and WHEREAS, the City has been informed by the District that the District intends to submit a written request to the County for the adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington (the "Board"), of a resolution or resolutions calling for the vote of the qualified electors within a proposed library capital facility area for the establishment and creation of the Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area (the "GSVLCFA") and for the approval of the issuance of general obligation bonds to construct, acquire and remodel certain library capital facilities to be located within the GSVLCFA and for the imposing of excess property tax levies to retire such general obligation bonds; and WHEREAS, the City would be located within the boundaries of the GSVLCFA; and WHEREAS, the City Council and District have determined the cost of providing additional facilities for the needed library service can most fairly be paid by those residents of the area served by and through the establishment of the GSVLCFA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1: Approval of Creation of Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area The City finds that the creation and establishment of a new library capital facility area and the subsequent acquisition and construction and remodeling of new and existing library facilities are each Resolution 07-016 Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 1 of 5 essential to the public welfare and to the residents of the City. The City hereby approves the creation of the GSVLCFA pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW. Section 2: Joint Request to the Board of County Commissioners The City hereby approves that a request be jointly submitted by the City, the District, and the Town to the Board, pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW, requesting that the County take all appropriate action to provide for establishing the GSVLCFA, the boundaries of such area to be as described in Exhibit A attached to this resolution and incorporated herein by this reference. Furthermore, the City hereby approves that a request be jointly submitted by the City, the District, and the Town to the Board, pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW, to submit to the qualified electors of the such area, two ballot propositions at a special election to be held as soon as reasonably practicable, such propositions to be in substantially the following form and to contain substantially the following content: Proposition 1: That the qualified electors with the proposed GSVLCFA approve the establishment and creation of the GSVLCFA consistent with chapter 27.15 RCW and according to all other applicable terms and provisions of this resolution. Proposition 2: That the qualified electors within the proposed GSVLCFA approve the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal amount of not to exceed $33,400,000 and approve the imposing of an excess property tax levy within the boundaries of the GSVLCFA in an amount necessary and sufficient to retire such bonds, all in order to finance the acquisition, construction and remodel of library capital facilities to be located within the GSVLCFA in order to expand available library service in Spokane County, Washington, all as may be further subject to the terms and provisions of chapter 27.15 RCW. Section 3: Election Costs The City shall not. be obligated to pay the costs of submitting the two ballot propositions to the qualified electors. The District has agreed to pay the costs of submitting the two ballot propositions to the qualified electors. Section 4: Authorization to Submit Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners The City Clerk is authorized and directed to certify a copy of this resolution and submit it to the Board. Section 5: Amendments to Resolution The Council from time to time and at any time may adopt a resolution supplemental hereto, which resolution thereafter shall become a part of this resolution, to: (i) add to or delete from the covenants, undertakings or agreements of the City in this resolution; and/or (ii)cure, correct or supplement any defective or ambiguous provision contained in this resolution. Section 6: Ratification All actions not inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution heretofore taken by the Council and the City's employees with respect to the GSVLCFA are hereby in all respects ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 7: Repealer All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed, and shall have no further force or effect. • Resolution 07-016 Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 2 of 5 Section 8: Effective Date This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. ADOPTED BY THE SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL THIS 9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2007. LAk\e'AO Q w Diana Wilhite, Mayor 4r APPROVED AS TO FORM: . pristine Bainbridge, City Cler- Office o e City Attorney Resolution 07-016 Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 3 of 5 EXHIBIT A BOUNDARIES OF GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LIBRARY CAPITAL FACILITY AREA The boundaries of the proposed Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area are set forth in the attached map, which contains the entire boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley. 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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have set my hand and the seal of the City on October 15, 2007. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane C. nty, Washington ``� ��pQ �,,� O ..o P004' G' / S -9 •U INCORPORATED Christine Bainbridge hutch 31,2003 Clerk to the City Council % d�'••. '##'44/1 NG Ot N • Resolution 07-016 Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 5 of 5