Ordinance 06-009 Amending SVMC 10.07 - Sign Regulations
nRDINANCE NU. 06 -009
WI-IEREAS, the City of Spokarie Valley on June 14, 2005 aclapCed Ordiiiance No. US-UlG amending
its Interim Sign Cade; ancl
WHEF2FAS, thc City tinds dhat further amendrncnts are necessary from time to time t.o protcct dhe
public heallh, safety and welfare; and
WEIEREAS; the City Iinds fhttt it scrves the public interE:st Co providc a regulatory mechanism
whereby bus benches can be allowed fUr transit users; and
WHEREAS, the proposcd development regulations rnust be submitted to the 1Vashington
Dcparkment af (:ommunity Trade and T:conomic Uevelopment pursuant Cu WAC 365-195-620;
NUVV, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Snokane Valley; Washington, ordains as
fol lows:
Section 1. Scction 10.07.09 of lhe Spokane Vallcy Municipal Code is hereby amcnded to read as
Scction 10.07.09 "Sign IZegulations"
Section Purposc, Intcnt and Scove
Signage regulations are intended to prorTiote commerce, traffic safety and community identity while
irnproving the visual environment af residential, cornmercial and industrial areas. Sians are classified as off-
premises signs or on-premises signs. On-prerniscs signs may be attached (wall) signs or free-standing signs.
Signs may be classified as permanent or temporary.
Scction Detinitions
• Abandoned - a si&m t.hat advertiscs a product or service no longcr 3vailable or fl business no longer in
operation; a sign whicfi is illegible, non FUI1CtIO11iiI, in disrupair, or haulydous as a result af lack of
maintcnance; a nonconf'orming sign structure I.hat ha.s Iost legal status as a result of abandonrnent or lack
of use.
• Billboard: A struccure for the purpose of leasing advertising space to promote an interest: other than
that of an incliviclual, husiness, product or service iiVtlllAnlC llll the premises nn whie.h the billboard is
• Building Sign: An extension of a building (e.o. awning, cannpy, mdrquee), whetlicr perrlianent or
temporary, which conwins copy.
• Bnlletin Boiird: See Rcader Board.
• Bus Bench/Struclure: A structure providing tempurary shelter snd/or seating for triinsit patrons.
OiAinance 06-009 Amcnding sign reguletions re: hi.is benchcs Page I nf 10
• Code Enforccment Offieer: The autlioeized resprescnlalivc of the City of Spukttne Valley with
responsibzlily for coclc compliance_
•Cnp}': lettees, characi-ers, illuslralions, 3ogos, graphics, symbols, writing or any conibination thcrcot;
desi gncd to comrnunicate inforrnai'ion ol'any kiiyd, or to adverizse, announcc or identify a person, eniity,
business, business product, or to advertise the sale, rcntal or ]emse of premises,
•Copy A re,a: the area ofthe sign con i~i inin~ all)' cr~py, symbol, sign, logo ur graphic_
• I)irecfioual Sign: Any sip retatiiig solely to internal pedeslrixn a nd vch icular traff L: circulation u+itlyin
$ cnmplex or peoje.c.t.
•C lectronic Sign: A sign that can be changed by etcctrical, electroni c ar compul[:ri/ed process; inclU sive
oFvideo bo~i rds.
• FEa Ah ing S ign: An electeica] sign or poriion #hc-reof whicii changes ] ight intensity in a hrief, brilliant, ar
suclden and transicnt outhurst of light causing a stcady on and off, gliltering, spzirkliilg, or oscillating
•F r";s ta n d i n g Sigu: A permxnent sign nol. altached to or foem ing parC o1' a build ing-
* Frccway $Egn - 1l permanciyt free-standing on-premESes sign or I) illhoard locxted on a pdrcel ~1 djacent
a n d contiguous Yo Inierscatc I°ligliway 90,
0 Influtal) le Sign: Any temporary hallow i[em or clyaracter expanded or c.nlH Eged by tItc use ofair ar gas.
I * Menu Bna rd: An on-site display oP rnenu ifcins at a restaurant; nol me,anc to be viewed frnm the sireel,
~ • Monti ment Sicyn: A sign and supportiiig structure construcled as a. soli d stnicture or oi3e that gives ihe
I aPPearancc, of a coiitinuous, non-hol low, unbroken m$cc_ .
•M ulti-13usiness Complcx SigR: :i sign with a priin ary faciliiy narne #xnd a liA nfthe individu al stores or
busiiiesses maunted on unc: structM,ral elemen#. Such a sign type includcs sigiiage describing a mall
areangement, a sirip-center clc,rclopment, an industrial park complcx, or a iiiulti-business slruciure or I
complex of b u i Id ings wilh a un ifying naine and a listing ol' businosscs contained within ihe grouping,
• Mia r~~l: A work of art applied directly to a wal1, cci Eiiyg, ar flaor surface where Fartns andlor figures aee
tho dominflMit elemenfs and not inlendcd for Wrnmorcia l advertisi ng_ Rny form af worcling or logo shal I
be ofsecondary nalure io a mural_
•Name Ylste - a sizn show3ng only the namc ajid addeess of ihe owmer or occupaiit ofthe premises_
• 1Yao-cuoforming Si~n: Any sogn ~vF~ich was ]au+full}' ero~ted and maintained on private property k~hicli
nou+, as a result of code, amendmenls, does nol. confor+ii to al] applicable regulHliuns and restrictions af
thi3 chapter.
& Notice Sign: A sigrt intended to safegriard the premises {e.g. "No Farkiiig", "No Trespassing", -`VJalch
Dog on L)ufy"); or whic~h identi Iics crncrgency telepli one number, hours, and socurity inforiii ation.
•OhsoEete $ign Structure: A sign support structure_not removed wiihin lhirty-six months by the owner
or lessee of #hc premises tipon which ihri., sign is located when #he advertised business is no loiiger
co»ducted an lhe premiscs.
! Ordinancc 06-009 .AnrLnding sign mpulations rc.: bus bcnchw Page 2 0f 10
• Qf'ficial Sigo - a sign ereeled by a govenimenlal agency within its territorial jurisdiction for the purpose
of carrying out anv ofticial duty or responsibility aut:horized by the City Cauncil and including, but not
liriiitcd to, traffic signs and signals, zoning sigms, and strect signs. Directianal sipns, special lighting or
banners celebrating seasonal or civic events sponsored tuid/or endorsecl by the City Council are Offieial
• QPf-Premisc Sigm a sign displaying cnpy that pcrtains to a busines5, person, prganization, activi[y,
event, place, service, or product not principally Iocated or primarily manufactured or sold on lhe
nremises on which the sign is located.
• Oo-Premise Sign: a sign whieh advertises or direcls attentiori to a business, person, organization,
activity, cvcnt, place; service, or product which is manufitcCureti and/or available on the premises where
the sign is Iocated.
• Purtable Sign: A sign nat permancntly attached or afFixcd to the ground or nther perrnanent structure,
or a sign clesigned to be transpoRCCI or moved from plac;e t:o place, including, but not lirnited to signs
designeci to bc transported by me<<ns of whcels.
• lZe;►der Board• A sign faee conSiStinS of tracks to holcl re.3dily changeable letters allowing fi•equent
changes of copy.
• Roof Sign: A sign supported by 1nd erected on or above a roof.
• Sign Area - Itie gross surface area of the sig►i, including a single surf'acc of a sign with messtiges on both
sides, the sum of all surfaces whcre lwo or more signs share a Single Structure, dle goss surfacc area of
both faces oF ti V-shaped sign; and t.he copy aeea of a monumer►t Sign. In the case nf an irregularly
shaped sign, the sign area is calculated by enclosing the extreme limits ot`lhe sign by no more lhan four
(4) rectangles. `I'he sum of the area of the ret;t<3ngles shall be the gross surt"ace aren. '1"he miLximum
allowable area is reducecl by 10% for the sec:nnd anc1 each subsequent rectangle used in khe calculation.
• Support Structure(s): F'osts or columns and die anchors and bolt,s that structurally support thc sign
attached Cci it.
• Temporary Sign: A sion which is to be removcd within a specitic period of time or upon thc
occurrence of a speeificd event meeting the height and area reyuirements of Table 7.02; inclusive oP
• Three-$ided Sign: A sign wit:h t:hrce faces.
• Twu-Sided Sign: A sigii wieh lwu faces.
• Use(s) -Cieneral use catc.gories or specific uses within categories as fol Inws_
o Institutional Semi-Pu}~lic include a churches, public park, multiple-family dwelling, dormitory,
fraternity, sorority, nursing home, rctirement apartment, public huilding, child day-care centcr,
ramily day-Gare provider, nonprofiit community hall or lodge, animal clinie, ecrnetery or
san itari um .
o lnstitutional -Public include a school (kindergarten through university), hospital, police slation,
fire station, post. office or public golf coursc.
o Utrce -incluclc a business or prof'essional office.
o Commercial - include perniittecl cornrncrcial uses other thari horne industry, home prof'ession, and
those 1 istcd above.
Ordinanoe 06-009 Amrnding sign regulaticros rc: bus benches Pagc 3 uf 10
o Industrial - include pcrrnitted industrial uscs.
• Video iiuarcl: See Electronic Sign.
• R'all Area - the hwo dimensional eespresenlation ot'a building elevation, inaluding windnws and doors,
exeluclirig eaves_
• VVall Sign - A permanent sign attached or erectcd narallel to and extcnding not more thtin fiftecn (15)
inches from the fa~ade or face of any building to wliich it is attachecl and sunported throughuut its entire
length, with the exposed face of the sign parallcl to the plane of said wall or facade. Signs incorporated
into mansard rnol's, marquees or canopies are wall signs.
Section Prohibited Signs
The fallowing signs are prohibited:
1. Signs which by caloring, shapc, wording or location resemble or conflict with traffic contrnl signs ur
2. Signs that create a safety ha?ard for pedestrian or vehicular tra(re.
3. Flashing signs.
4. t'ortable sigrts
5. Signs Incat~d within the public righC-uf-way, except official signs, and except bus benches pIaced
pursuant to an aorcement widi the City.
6. Signs attached to or placed on a vehicle or trailer parked on public or private properry, providetl that
this provision shall not be construed as prohibiCing the identification of a tirm or its produet on a
vehiclc operating during lhe norrnal course of business.
7. Signs obstructing visibilit), within any Clearvicw Triangle as eslablishcd in Section 10.07.06 of'this
8. Bi I Iboards.
9. Off-premiscs signs.
Section I'crmit Required.
I. A permit is required for any sign excluding official signs (including trafric and directional signs);
seasonal decorations; merchandise displays; point-of pun;llase advertising displays; national and
stnte tlags; flags of a political subdivision; symbolic flags of an institut:ion; Icgal notices ruquired by
law; barber poles; his[oric Site; monuments/ playues; gravestones; advertising copy affiaed to
structures intendecl for a separate use, such as phone boolhs; danation and recycling
containers;letiering or symbols applied cfirectly onto or Flush-mounted rnagnetically to E► mocor
vehiele opcrating in the normal course of business; palicical sig►is supporting political issues,
candidates or ballot measun:s; replscement of copy iin signs otherwise permiU.ed; a►id or other signs
noted on TablGS 7.01 arid 7.02.
2. Permit /\pplications shall include a site plan that provicles tMe following information:
a. "1'he IaLation of'the affected lof, builcling(s) and sign(s);
b. The scale of the site plan;
c. A sc;aled clrawing of the proposecl sign or sign revision, including size, height, copy, structural
faoting cletails, rnethod of attachment ancl illumination;
d. The Iocation of aII cxisting siVis on the site including size and height;
e. The Incation of sigms on other property rar sigti types subject to spaeing requirements;
Ordinancc 06-009 Amending sign rcgulstioiis re: bus benchcs Page 4 of 10
f_ Appruvcd sign plun, if npplicablc: xnd
g. Tnx parcc) number of pmposed sigii
Section Number. General Etctnintions
I. On-prsmises nttachcd (wall) and freestanding sibns shall compl} H ith the rzyuin;mcnts uf Table 7.01
for mf►ximum height, maKimum allowable area, maacimum numbc.~r of signs, minimum spacing and
u;tback rcquiremcnts, provicled huwever, lhat oo•pnemiscs freestnnding signegc is limitcd to the
maximum number of either pole signs cx mnnumcnt sign structur+es allowed per 300 feet of strect
frontage. i.c. if a singlc pole sign is authori-rxd, no edditional monument signagc is permitted;
similarly, plac:rmvnt oi'rrwnument stvle sifins will prectude plncement of a pole sign.
Table 7.01 i ht, Co Arae end Spacing Reyutremerris
AAaximum Mlnlmum ~
3ipn Type ~ ~ • vi ° n Additionsl Provtsions
i i u ~ Q m
On•Promises • Attached all)
tda tate 1 n 5_A nia nla nJa n/a N
Inatotutbna! -Semi-PuDlbc 1 Na ~ 20 Na n!a n/a ^/a N
Insbtulwnat - PuDUc 1 n(a 32 I Na nla nfa Ma Y 25'16 d wall araa h UR-22 on
Sing4e Offloe tUR 12. UR t Na 32 Na r1a Na nla y
Mu1u4enant Orfioe (UR 12 UR 22 1' Ne ep Ma Na Na ►vo Y 'Ona par buildlN-
Commercial (AU Residendal Zones 1 nh 20 Na nfa Na Na Y -
Commercialllndustrtat Zones (81, 62. n/a - Na nia Na n!a Y • 25'f6 of wall area
83.I1.12 13
On.Premires- Fnsstan
SubOrvts~on ar A►ea aame 1' 10 ~ 60 I Na nia ~ Ms Na Y • pbf ar1enN slteet no~RaQe
I~u~ pyW~ ~bn 1 7 150 Na nJa Na nle Y
Irtstitutbnal - Semi Puhlic (Residettial 1 8 18 Ms Ns Na Na Y LOAWmur^ copy erea may Da
ZQne increased up to 60 sQ A. for
Insbwtbna{-Pubic (Resfdsntia! Za+a 1 15 32 n/a rVs Na Na Y monurtient slpns leas thar► 7(eel in
UR _ 1 t 5 32 n!a nia n!a Na Y -
OffkjeICommercial (URt2. -t
- -
D1red,ona4 Signa n18 j nis 4 nJa [ nia n/a nia N
_ Inai,,wu.uMuwpl._eu.i~.4o~.
Cummeraal, Individurl duamass (81) 1' 20 50 n+'o n!a nl» 5 Y ~ Par aAer'ial sheM kWltapB per
Dusoness Aer bulkfing
Cortxnerdiid. NM*wusMmss (Bt) 1' 20 100 n!a Na rVS 5 Y • pe, onr.l sireet XAM,
Co~Ulndustnal. lridlvidual ' Per stroet frontaga per busltmes
busmean W. B3. 11. 12. 13.WQ) 1• 30 Nm 100 200 Na 5 V w bu"np
CommercieVlndustnal Multl-Ouslnesa 1- 40 250 Na nh 300 6 Y ~Pw stmI 1-im m^d Per 300
82 B3, 11, t2 t3 MZ R honta0e -
Frpeway CommerWVlndusirial,
lndtviduall Mud~ Bueinesa (82. 63, 11.12. t• 50 250 Na Na 300 S Y ' Per 300 R
13. NQ)
MblvidwUllAuRlpb Buebfpe (Momnmnt Slpnsl
Catumemal, tndividuat Busuess (B1) t' 1 7 75 Na Na Na 5 Y • Per artartsl street (roMage
5 Y
Comrnwrdol, AAuR!-business (81) 2' 7 75 Na Na nia
CommeraaYlndustrtal Zones. Indwidwl *
bueiness (82. 63. 11, 12. 13) 2 7 9D n!e Ne Na 5 Y ' Per stteel (rontsge
l)rdinun.c 0164NN;1mcnJing siE1i nulalionn rr buy Fknchr-, 1'avr 5 4 l 10
reble 7.01 H M, Copy _Nea.pndspedna n,s
Maxfmum Mlnlmum -c
~ o C°o ~
Sign Trpo
vl A E Addltional Provtsbns
Zoning Disirict ` t °rn g } u "
E P n r
~ ~ ~
_ ~ct,
CortunerdaUlndusirta! Mu1t1-business - I I" Per alreet hcmtnge and par 300
(82, B3, 11, i2, 13) 2" 7 90 Na Na 300 5 Y ~ R flontape
On Pr~a~M~s dWo- A/WWC Coaidofs
OfNce (UR12. UR 22) ~ a 32 n/a Ns Na 5 Y
b~A~rfd„~If~ Brfwrs-AMtlrtlO
Canmerclel (81) 1 8 75 Na nla Na 5 Y
ComrnerolaUlndustns1(82, 2" - a 90 Ms Ne 500 5 ~ftr ~treel hantape and psr S00
Y ~ frontsqe
2. Tcmpcitary signs shall comply with the requirments of Tablr 7.02 for maximum hcight, ma-ximum
allowable area, maKimutn number of signs, minimum spacing and sethack reyuirements and
limitations nclating to timc and cvcnts.
TaWe 7.02 Temporary Sqns
~9n TYPa ~ --a"°~ a u _ E Addltlonal
Zonin9 Dintrict E' m 'i j T ime Umit I €Provlsions
z iU~ ~ ~ft 0
RBSidentlal SuDdlviawn - 1 10 40 1 Yeai , Y~ Narilluminated
Bannero, flags. Pcnna►ft. ' 30
rMlotables nls Na deys/quarEer 10 Y One rcneml
SesrchUpAtb Na Na 10 days 5 Y
Contrdc6or. ArchNecl, Surveyor.
Enginear 1 40 12 morrths 5 Y One exftnsion
Real Estde
ReaiAe" 1• 5 5 N 'Per road hontage
CprrunerwYlndustrial 1 32 5 N
Qpen Hprse Olnecbonat 3 5 5 N ' Per eocess sbeat
All illuminatcd signs shell havc IightinR ccmfined to the sign, and pasitioned and shiClded tt)
minimize imparts ta the surrounding area(s). Gaoseneck rcflcctors and lights ure permittecl on
FrccstandinR anci Wal) Signs providcd that lighting ot glare does not extend beycmd the prapcrty line.
l:lectranic signs xhall be perntitted om ihr sume hs.~is as other SIgI15, sUhJI'<:t lu hci~;ht and artu
requirements of 7"ablc 7.0 I.
3. A maf mounted sigm may hr substituted for an uUawcd Imestanding sign, prc~vidrd that thc height of
the Sign struclure mav nut cscrcd the maximum hcight uf thc zaninc district in which the sign is
4. Signs Icx;ated within the Uirpurt htvard area shall cemtiOrm tu the Iokation and heiglit regulations uf
that nrea.
Ordinanct Ob-009 Amcnding aign rry.uiuciuiu rr: bus bcndic< I'age 6 4 rl 10
5_ No sign shall be ereaed. re3ocated ur maint$ined on a mannee thal prevenls the frce ingre~.9 or egeess
fram any door, winciow or Fir6; cscapc_
6_ "o sign shal] be attacherl to a standpipc or Iirc cscape except Official Si~Fns,
7, Anysign ercctcd nr maintained within five (S) fed: of I:he public rights-of-way sha31 be smoofh ancl
li`ce of nrxils, tackq $iid wires_
Sectioo C:omvrehtnsive.Sign Flari .
Commercial develnpment; shoppin g cen#ers, i iid ustrial paeks, mixed use developrncnis, and Iiotel coi3ference
ccnters exceeding five (5) acres in size ma}' scck approval of a sign plan ~pc~ciFic lo Chc development
~ proposal. -The Director of Communiiy L7cvelopmcnt may apprnve a comprehensive sign plan that allows
clev«tions firoc'n the strict interpi-etatiort af spxcing,, hcighl: and area require»ienks upon aShowangol' good
cause, and provided t}rat thcrc are na adveese eFf~ecYs on adjacent proper#ies_ Any canditians imposecl i:o
secure appravals shal l be binding on tbc Appl icaiit.
Modifications tn the appeaved sign plan shall requirc rcapplicgtion and approval by ihe Director_ If the
AppGcant and I}irectoe cannat come to an agrc~cmcnt, the Director's de.c:ision may be appcalcd througli the
Hearin¢ Examiner.
Scetion Atstheiie Corridnrs
I. 1'he standards showpi on Table 7_01 chall appty ta pxrc:els ac{jaccnl: to the fnllnwing designated ae~;ihetic
a, Appleway Avenue (belween 1-90 and Univcrsity Avenue)
b. Everg-een Road (belwc~en Sprague Avenue and Indianx Avenue)
c_ Miraheau Parkway
d. Indittna llvcnuc (bctwceii Pines Raad and Flora Ro{rd)
Sectinn 10.{17.119.08 Si o Location antl Front Se#haeks
Monurrteiit sig)is exceeding three ~3) I'eek in heiglit may be located at the praperiy linc outsidc any
bordcr easemeiit, provided thiit tht: recluiremeiits nf Section 7.06 C;learvieW 'Criangles of thc Spoka3ie
Valley Uiiiform Development C:ode rave been met,
2. Pale siLms wtth structural supports Iess than two {2} feet in wodth with copy arca placed at aherght af
seven feet ar nlore abovc grado may he Incaked at the praperiy line, proviclcd I:hat the requirements af
Sectinn 10_07_06 C:learvicw FfriFi ngles of tltie S 1) nkane Valley U nifoem L']c:vCloprnont Code gave been
njei_ .
3, AEI Cemporary signs, except inflata blc sigms, shall 4~e located not less th an five fe.et Fram I.h0 right-of-
4_ In fl$table signs shall be su t bzu:knoi lcss tlyat ten feet from tli e right-oF wHy,
5_ All signs shal] meet lhe verl.ical xnd horiu,iital clearaiice Teqtiirements oFlht: c;~l;~olric utilitics.
I 6. 1111 freestandiiig and monumeni' signs shall be Iocated in a landscaped area. Landscaping should be
appro#rixtely siied to ciisure that signs are noi blocked or obscurcd b►} trees or hushes_
Sectinn Si n Area Caleulatinn Tllustratinns
1. 9 ign xr~;a F'or wal Eq iE-nc is equal to 25°fo of thc~ iwo-<limcnsioiial area of a building's elevation, exclUcling
eaves and g6les..
Ordinanc:c 06-04{J A aroridirig sign i+egulations rc= bus bcnchvs Pagc 7 of 14
2. 'f'Ihe sign arca of a freestanding sign consisl.ing of one sign sliall be calculawd as showii in Figure 7,2
below. The sigEt arca ofa fi-eestanding sign consisting ofrryore #han ane (I) s-Ign shall be computed by
adding Eogelhcr the tnta] area(s) ofall signs as sltowii in rigure 73 belaw.
i 3_ A~iy pnrtion oftlle sign n0i necessary #or steuctural ~~~~'S PF~~ ~~LF '
su.p port nftli e sign or any siruc#ti ral sMjppnrt gr-eater
than twn (2) feet i n width sha jl bc coiisi dered in the -
determ3nation ofthe syuxre I'oota ao of the sign_
. Figwre 7-1
6arder A I~
~ igif iGN R1
SIGN Maximum Height
hAardmum F3e9ghR Ai
Minimum Heigh# ~elbaCk i'V#GN 2
S'fG',V 3 ~ B3
Property Figure 7_2 line Proaertv Line
Figure 7,3
4, A 10°a increase in sign area is allowcd for decortitive i'ramina or border.9_ Aeea calculation does not
iiiclude decorative rocks 0 r I a ndsca piiig a4jacent #o a monumenc sign-
5, '€'hc~ sign arca for multiple-sided signs sha l I b~- calculated as fol lows:
a_ 'fhe totai sign areH for a two-sided sign shall be (,a lculated usiiig ane (l) face, lh erefiore a llowing
both fi-ces ta be af eyua l si7e {fior examp le a two-sided sign has tkwo (2) faces with 18 syuxre 1'eet pcr
sidc, therefioee the sign area is 18 squm feet}-
b, The sign arca for a three-sided sign shall be cqual ta the toial amoKmt of sign area aone-side1 or
twn-sided sign is aIlowed (f'or exatnple, in itei3i 3a above, a Cwo-seded sign is allawed 18 sqtitire f+eet
of sign area per sicle which cquals 36 tatal sctuare 1'eet, lf a three sided sigii is used instead of a onc~-
sided or l}vo-sidcd sign, the tli ree-sided sign may alI ocate the 36 tatal syuare Feet amoiig three sides,
l.hmforc al low ing three sides wilh 12 square teet per face far x lolal oF 36 square feet nf sign area).
6, frregular3y shaped sigii s may be measueecl in lhe I7ollowing vvays~
[JrNinance 06-009 Amcnding siVn regul~Ltians a+e= huq hcnchcs Page 8 of 10
a ~
V~ T
C~,~'l`~` .---i,
B ~
u. ('onvcntionnl Mcatiurement: lt,tal arca = a•b
h. Sum of Squam: '1'oWl ama - AmA A- Arcu l; t r1re.t Cf Area U
tirction 1- Maiatcnanct uf Sign9
1 Any signage that has becn approvcd ur that hns bccn issued h1,rmit shal) tn maintainrd by thc
uwncr or person in posscssion of the pmEx:rty on which the sign is locatcd. Maintenance shall tx
such that the signage continues to conform to the conditions impctisW by the sign Ex:rrnit.
2. Any damaged sign structure sl»II be tcpaired within thirty (30) days of noticr.
3. Any Signage which has been damaged to such cxtcnt thnt it ma%r [x)tir. u hnzitrd to patisrr.hy shall hc
rrpairod or removed within forty-eight (48) hours of notice.
•i. Ihc advertising copy on any existing sign that no longer udvcrtisee a heins t"ide hu~ines; cundu.:ted
or pmduct sold on the prcmiseti, shnll tx rcmuved by and r►t thc expcnse ofthc rroperty e+wner
within sixty (60) days of noticc:.
Scctioa E:iStiae Nuncoaformiag 4iens.
Any pennanent tiigm made non-confcxming as a result of the aduptiun of ilic,e nculaticros may hc repairLd.
but not structurally altered or made more nan-confarnting in any wuy. li' the sign is rcmoved in order to
makr tepairs, it shall tx: replacCd within sixty (601 days, or thc permit is vuid. Theresfier, the sign shall
confcxm to thc rcyuirement: of this Scuion.
Notwithsinnding othcr provisioms of this Sec;tian, any sign or signs for which s temlx►rary perniit ha5 txcn
issmd by the City shall be pertnitteci tn remain at the location or Jocations auehorii,ed hy the permit tor f„
long Hs thc permil is valid and all thc requiremcnts of thc frRnit have h:cn mct.
Section I0.07.09.12 13illboartia (Reservcd)
Section . Scy rnbilit . If any sectiun, scntenca, clause or phrnse of this ordinance stutll hc
Ix:ld to be invalid or unconstitutional by a c:ourt of competent jurisciiction, such invalidity or
unconsiitutionality shall not afTcct the validity or constitutionality of any other scction, scntcnee, clause ur
phrase of this ordinancc.
Secdos 3, b'ffectlv_c Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and efTvct five days attcr
publication of this Ordinance or n surnmary theteof occurs in tttc officinl newspapcr of the City Rs pmvidcd
bv lau..
PASSGD hy the City Council this 25'" cfay of April, 2006.
A _ F Mavc►r. Uiana Wilhitc
-t'ity Clcrk, Chrislinc E3ainhridgr
( )-Jinuricr 0f.-(1114 Amrr►dirig +Ign rcgulutiun, n hu~ hvnc hrs ot I li
Appruve[i as t k Form:
Office af e C ily A tk Cy
Date of I'ublication: -5 ' J 0 Effeclive L]ale; ~ CJ7~
IJrdina]CC {I(i-UQ$ A inelyding sign regulationw rc= bus hcnch[z Pagc 10 ul- 10