2009, 01-06 Study Session +�;�r�n�.vi��,c��a,tvn.�a, L.dr�,1 �.1�{, ,51'{)ICAN-1+� ��r1LL[�i 1 CI`I'Y COUI�`C`IL 1'�'[?RICSXIrL'I' '�7i'C7�'i' 5�:4�1t)N 'I'ucsilay,J.�iii���y(,2[1C1� C►:ilU ]y.Ftt, Cl'1'Y I[�1LL Cf}[J�Cil,ZI�Ad1�II3F[tS I I7U7�':�sf S�Fr.��,uc�ve���ic, ��it�E I�'Ino�° (f'lrsssc Silcncc Yous•Ccll I'l�onc�;l)ur•in R ili� P►x�e[in 1 �r��sCUSS�[)N L��D1�.r� 4[r��.�t;C���1n,CTrv��r� �on1, i. Scc�lt ICu€tEa S�srsi�;�icJ11����lc�ti�,�y Itevi���li•r.�ti�M�� I'ia>> 1]eliher�linii 2. Mayor A�lunson 1lclvance ,��end� 17isct�ssi�itflitl'c�i-m�iti�,�i 3. lrlfrrr�urulir?�r �J1�Is': (�trcts�� rfc�+�r.s���r1!lrof Irtr c�i.tcr�,sa�cl o�•�•c�r,��,�r�Ftr� a. f;��rt�rl'la�c Ce�ierin�('nntr.sel{lllil Ulli��er:�al Pl���rgr�t�ibcl Upcl��lc�— 1�4�kc Skone ��. Park iii�;]Ze::�lriclicsns— �n�,��Nc�lc c. M�inici�asii (.c,�irt tary f�riskclf d. 11ir��c�rt(}���rla�' -- IGEtlli}' �1'lc�'1u��g i�. �1rt7c:itcii�tcait tE,[�`<jiai�tiu��it�j R�licc��tiiii�; Inicr�rrc�l 11�;rc�ment' �a. i��[;{g�c�r Muiison C'D1111C1I C�1CC�i 111 I)ISCtISSIC]IlII11I0('111ri11[)11 5, I�a��c h�it�rcier Cily h4��»a�cr Cor»:»c��ts 17iavussioit!Ini'�orni��tic�n r�U,�(1 jJ ItN �YpfC: IIry��5.9{ilI1C1'S5'�iC IIf11Ci� AIl0�5'C� ��14'1'C 1VI�� �7t [tip�l1iItI�C fRf�llliC111:9 81 C:nll11C16 SIUtI}'4C5SInn5, EIa15C5'CI'� C�u�acil al�i•ays ��ser��c9 Ilie rigli!��t-cyucs[ir3form�lio�i frotii�tlrr pul�lic and�t;aif ns apprn��rtak, [)uriiQg incetiugs hcld bp•thc C;ity of SpuEciinc V�911ey C'nuuril,�hc C'uu�ir.il tes�•ncs thc rikJit Ea r�4:e.,�:zcli�1i�"n»rri�}�il�ii�lisle+i c�r suhsec�uentl�ae�eicd lo�lle cireFi�i�. 'ih�Icnu"aclinir"anc�ans Iu rlelibeFa�c,di�cuss, Il'VIti:54'� L'U11S1C�C9',L'.\'�l�111.Ic'.,CIT3Fl��:4 il l'n�tCL`R14't;�St�SI.I1Yl:Il[f10E;:II.IV1:(�CCISlVII. �v�Pr��i: r11t�1Yii�lh3�5 O��dlltllflv 10 i1�1CI1iJ II4t 91tC21i11�;55f1�Ffi1111�t S�Cili3�ll5'SISI,'IIYCC 1U pCCUl961i1(�a�D�1�1}°'S1id�,�1C�1F1l1g,Of�71�1Cf I�II[�.11[111Gf145,��C1�C COfIIP.C����k, �iSj' t'Ic�i:at(509}921•4C1[x7 y�s s��nn as pass3�,le.sa Ihai drrangtn�eri�s inay�1y�Rua�a Ssudy 4c±iiain,��,c��da,Jnnuary�G,20rl�] f`a�.c I c,f I CITY OF SPaKA�JE V�►LLEY Request for Council Action Meetln� Data; January�i, 2(lQ9 Cliy �fanagar Sfgn-afi: Ita�ti: Cfiack all ttaat���1y: ❑ Cc�nsent [j �Id u�usiness ❑ New t�usiness ❑ P�iblic Mearing � Informativii ❑Adrnin, Report ❑ Pending Legislation AGEN�A ITEM TITL�: S,prague and Ap,pl�ti��ay Corritlars Sut�area t'lan peliberations — 8oak 16: Dev�lapment Regt�lalians GO1l�R�11�riG LEGISL�I7lf7N; The Stibarea Plan must b� consGSkent�^rilh ihe Cify'S COfI��?1'�IIEI�SIVE PIc�f3 and the W�shsngtan S1ate G�avr�in Menag�m�nf Act{GMA�, �CW 3G.7(}A PREVlOUS C�Uh�Cil,ACi"ION 7AK�N; �lar�e BACICGRUUN�: Dn Decem�er 34 2008, Gauncil cor�tirnied deliberations on Br�ak II: development R�gu�ation Gnunc�l finished review qf G�k�way Comn�ercla�zone distrlck regulalians, fa1lowve�i L}y the Mixed Us�Aw�r�ue Disl�ict zon�e. Attacheci to this f�C.�is a r�pt�rt request�d by Co��ncif delailing pub6i� notic�e#�oris ior r��eetings, +�rorl:shc�ps ar7d hearint�s r�lated to th� Sf�f�P. OPTIQ�lS: N�A R�CflNkM�NC1�D ACTIClhE OR MOTION: Subarea Plar� velib�rations v�i11 co��tit�ue as dire�ted �y Cauncil. BUDGETfFiNAhICIAl. IM1�ACTS: h!!�t STAFF C�]NTAC�': Scott Kuhta, Senior Plar�ner Aia�ch i,��i3ts: 4. 511Ri'P��blic Notiee Rcpar# �`'T��.n� ''�lle� 11707 �Sprague Ave Sulte 106 ► 5�akane 4'alley WA 9910b 509.9Z1.100D � F�x: 549.921.ifJaB 1� cltytiallQs�ak�r�ev�lleyr,arg - � ��.���_��-�=rn - - ��mo�°an�.�.m Ta: �iky Gauncil; D�ve Mercfer, City Man�ger; Mike �ackson, D�puty Cify Mai�ager �r�rn: S�cott Kui�ta, Sonia� Planner CC; KakF�y McClung, Community Develnprnent airectar Date; January G, 2�0� Fte: SARP PII��1C NC1t1CG5 C�uncfl rec�ti�sled a re�art detailir7g �ubiic noiic� eifnr�s far m�etings, �vorks��ps a�ci f��arings related io the 5prague and A��leway Corr�dors Sti}aarea P�an (SAI�P}. V�lashir7gkan St�te's Grotivth M�n�gen��nt Act �st�blishes l�raacl Param�kers for lacal jurisdictions to nokiiy citizens a�opp�rtunitios for ptibtic involvement (see R�111136,7�A.Q35 and ���, alt�ched}, The GMA alsa rec�uires local jurisdickiar�s to adopt � pu�lic partici�atia�n program far tha clevalapment of cam�rehensiue pl�ns, Spok�ne Valley's Public f'�rticination Prograr� is alkac��cl fQr Coi�ncil's r�v�ev+f, �x�m�les af r�as�onable�iatice ��r�visiafls cit�cl in RCW 3f�,70A,035 incaude putalishi�g natic� in n�ws�a���s, natifyinc� pub�ic vr �rivate grc�ups wi#h knaw� ir�t�rest ir�#�e p�opasal and utiEizing newsletl�rs and City maikiny lisks. fVokificat�on effoTts far the SARP exceeci�d the GMA guidelines, s{�ecificatly by diract rt��ilinc� �h��is��rJs af works�nap ar�d }�earing notices ka aifected prop�rkies and k�usiness�s within th� �fan area, 'fh�following fprr7�al a��d ��farrnal �ublic notificati�n methads were engaged durin� t�e S�f��' �ubfic pracess, sa��aples af which �re altac�ied for Co��nci�'s review. Dlrect Ma�l: Flyers �rld �nstc�rds were rn�iled io ii�divid��al pro�erly arid' b«siness awners wit�nin tFte �A1�P t�oi3r�dary ior eacl� �f f�ie�irst foc�r cor�7i��ur�ify wr�rksho�s {n t�� fali an� winl�r of 2006J2�U7, ran�in� frani 170�!to over 3��0�nclividua! mailinys. 1'ro�er�y owner�dclr�sses vrer� abtain�d frani A�ssessar's recorcis; the 5pc�f�an�Va11ey Business l�ssocl�tior� suppfietl individ�iai b�isin�ss adcfr�sses, �500 acl�iilional notic�s we�e ma'�led to ranc�oin hotiseholds outside the Sui��r�a P�an bot�ncl�ry�'or INo€Ksi�o� No. 3, hslt� on Nover77ber 3D, 2t10�. postc�rc3s were ��ail�d to inc�ividual �raperly ai�� business awr�ers far�he SARP education wor�cshops on Jaixiary 'i8, 23 anei �ebr+uary 1�, 2008. A tri-fold fly�r nofNCe of publi� hearing was i��ail�d tv �ro�eriy and b��siness ow�ers for tk�e March 13, 200a, Pia�ninc� Cai�7rnissian �ublic h�ar�ny. A poskcarc� was rnailed tn pro,��rty ancl b�sin�ss own�r�for th� J�ly 29, 20�B, �ily Council �ubli�hearing. Emafi List: St�ff c�eveloped an �rn�il c�ist�ib��tion li�t, ranging fram 5flU to 700 ciistinct email addresses, to regularly nokifiy interesteci pariies nf�vents and th� avaFlability af doc�anients relatev to the S,�RP. 1'I�i� list inclu��s any person wi�o wrota a leiter, asked a q�estion ar ��rovided testimor�y �t any m��tiny as lon� �s th�ey �r�vicied aai ema�l �ddress. Web S�te: Ta �r�sur� t��e tctr�ely �vailability of infor�matian related ta the SARP, c'1 �?fOJBGt VJ�b Sk�E V'Jc�S cr�atec� and u�cia�ed rec�ul�rly. F'ublic notices, ciocumer�ts and contact infflrr�ati�n w�re r�ac�� availabl� via the web site. Newspap�r Noticc�: Offici�l hearun� nolic�s 'for f'la�r�ing Commission a�ci Caty Council ����blic hea�i�igs were publbshed in the City's �aper of recc�rcl, fhe Spokane Vall�y News H�raltl. ScPA Notice: A Notie� vf Availak�9lily f�r the �iraal Supplemental �r�viranr7icntal Ir�ipact Skat�n�ent was �iaiE�d tv int�r�sled �a�rtiss and affecled govemment ac�encies. S,�ec��l Ir�terest GrauF� Pr�senfiations: Staff rnzde SARP presenfations ta aa��ous s�eclal inkerest groups, incl�tdir�g Ihe Spakane V��I@y Ch�IT1I39� Of CQI71111�fC�, the Spokan�Valley E�tisiness Associakior�, S,�ok�ne Vafley ICiwanis, Spokane Hoirre &iild�rs, Inland �m;�ir� 5ectian —Am�r�car� Pianning A�ssa�iatian, W�sf7ington Stat� De�a�tment of`f�ra�nspvr#ation, 1NS�U Architecture �tudents arid t�� Spakane Engineers �'arum. Media f�€aleas��: TI�� Ciky's Public Information Officer �rc�{�ar�d a n��mfa�r of m�c�ia r�leases far all SP�RP relateci i�i�etinc�s ras�r�tin� i�� a nur��ber af naws �rticles, m�gazir�e fe�ture� �nd cov�erage on lacal tel�visian netivs }�rac�r�n�s. Cl'�ti'(.1F �� � . � C4NiF�I��H�NS�OI�E PLf�N Public P��ticipation Pr�gram F�CV�I 3G,AOA.`i40 of t�e Washir�gton Growth �1�n�g���ent Act requires that e�ch clty "estabtis� and hro�d{y disaei��n7�te io tF�e p��blic a public pariicEpatian pro�r�r�� ... for eariy anci contin�ic�us pt�blic par#icif�atipn in #i�e developmenf" of the city's Compr�hensive Plan, Consist�ent wiif� tY�e rec�mnt�ndations af lf�e GMl1 whiek� eunphaslz� #he inva�v�ment of tk�� br�aad�st cfoss-s�ction c�f the canimunity, ir�cl�ciinc� tti� involuement of groups nat previQUS1y ir�valvecl, the �ity of Spa�cane Val�ey ado�ats the follovuing prngram far cili��n pariicipatior� in t�e planning pracess: �. Visi�r�in� F'roces�—TY�is �rocess prouides S�o�cane Vall�y cilizens an Qppar�ui�ity to establish a framework and cont�xt upan wh�ch t�te camprehe►asive p6an will k�e based. Planning Commissior� r�ieetings will prc�vide the forunl f�r 1he initial c�mmuni#y visianing �roces�. A d�a,i# "Uision"will be teslec3 for consistency�luring ihe clev�lopment of the Plan as lhe c�ar���tituiity i�entifi�s priorities an� impten�enlakian strateyi�s anci �ipdated accar�iingfy, T#1e �iltimake "V'tsic�r�" r�vill b� �st�t�lished �t#�ne conclus�on of tha planning �rocess �s a resul# oi�dmmunify par#i�i�ation. �. Plannir}g Cornmissi4n. TPie Flar�r�ing Cornmission wiU �lay a k�y rof� in ost�blish��g fhe City's tiia�ogue vritt� cammunity memb�rs, faost�ng a s�ri�s af �7ieeling��nd workshaps �ltirir�g th� developmen� af il�e Plan. The P#anning Cflr�ir�ission avill eval��ak� Fi�f�rm�tic�r� proviciec� by ti�e con���unily anc� c1ev�lo� recomm�nd�tiar�s far submissian to the City �ouncil, 3. Citi�en Survey�-Tt�e �i�y will cnncit�ct a stakisf+cally valid survey of the citizens of 5�okane Vaal�y. Survey c�u�skifl9�s�vi11 a�clress specific iss�i�s af t�l�e compret�ens�ve �l�tn tl7at v,rill �rnvicio city staff� �lanning c�mr�iissior7 ��id city cour�cil with meaningtul inp��k faT clevelo�rnenk of th� carnprefj�r�si�re plan. �4, public I�leetings. Cot��luct a se�i�� of put�iic rn�etings hosted kry t�e Pfanninc� Cornmissior� Qn tli� �3relimii�ary tiraft cor��r�h�nsive plan. This ensuras lhat the �iky v�ill in�et f1�e reqtairement for"early and cor�linuous" �u�lic �articipatian in tltie �omprel7er�si�re planniny ��roc�ss. 5, �'���i1ic i�aarings. ►�1 series of Pul�1�c I-learirigs (�ot iess tha�i thre�) will l�e helci befare i�e F'ianninc� Camrnissian to dis��iss ta�e draFk f'lan. It is antici��te�i thak at least iwa pul�lic hearinc�s will he held 4�y t�a goveming k�c�dy prior to adaption of the Pian. An addfi�anal pul�fic �iearing will �a h�ld if strk��kantiv� changes arc� i�ade tQ 1h� Plan ciacurnenf. 6. PuF�lic notice. The Gity will provic�e natice af ali �i��tings�nd E3earings pursuant ta t'�e �oc3��irements of RCV4'36,�(�A,020, .035, anci .14a. 6•13-2003 '� l�do�led by CpUttc119-23-20Q3 7. Written Gommenl. 7he p�rblic will be invite� ta sub�7�it writt�r� �ammer�ts as each elerner�t of khe Plan �s d�vel�ped, as part of any worksf�o,ps or cammu�ity rneetings. Comments wiMf be 5pecifically scalicited fram r�sic��nts, s�ecial in#eresf c�rganizations and businoss interests. Carr�rn�nts may f�e in #he farm o�fetters and other c�rr�spond�nce ta the cily regarding tfi�e �}lan ar comi�nents roceived electrnn:ically on t�e city's website. I�og in all writlen can�mants receiv�d �ccording io s�ecific area of compr�hensive �lan. a. Corr�n�t�nicatior�s Programs & Inforn�ationa� Sefivices --As staff ar�d bu�lgetary resaurc�s allov�, fh� acliv�ities tivill be ur�deria�Cen t� enst�r� br�ad-bas�c� citazen F�arlici�alEOn: a. Com�r�l�ansive Plan ncwsletk�r-- u{�dating ttie cam�nunity ar� pl�nn�d me�tings, warkshops or other signi�can# carnpr�hensiv� plan ev�nts. Articles on topics refat+�ci #a the plan and a reyu�st fc�r feec9back from the co��t�trriii� on to,�ics related ko ta�e plarl. The newsletter will be cfisseminated via the city's wek�sike, emafled to � mailing list andf�r providecf in pap�r copy as ap�ropriate. b. Interest GrouAs — Conk�ck local interest groups (i.e. C17amb�r c�f�c�mm�rc�, h�me �uiCclers, environm�ntal, r�eEghborhoacls, et�,) anti arranc�e to mQet and disctass re�evar�t corai,�rehensi�e p1at� issUes. �. �Cornmunily Warksho}�s—Canduct cornmui7ity worksho�s liostec� by the Plar�ning Cvmmission in ciiff�r�nt p�rts of the city to er�c�urage n�ic�hb�ar�iaod part�cipation in fi�e cievelo�ment of t�ee con�prehens9ve pI�R�. Th�se �7�eetings will �e helci at neighborhoo� schools, churc�ies ar flther corr�mtmity facilities. d. '�res� R�I�as�s & P�iblic S�rviee Artna��ncemen�s —INork wik� ii�e local news�a,��rs, radia �tations and televisians sEalians to advertise and pr�omnt� significant events relat�d ta the compr�h�nsive plan, e, Provieie writt��r �rticles ta 1���1 rneciia far �ublic�tior�. f. �stabl�sh a Spea4�er'� Ru���t� i�rough the i'lanning Csarnmission whic� w�ll be avallable to �ddres5 service cl��t�s �nd irtterested eitiz�n grou�s. c�. i]ev�lop a tiatak�ase of interesteci citizens and provide reguEar correspo��dence c�nceri�int� tf�e stattis of Plan t��+v�lopment. �. Identify ltey resource persc�t�n�l r��r�senting agenctes and groups whas� ��lans w�ll b� integ�akeci �nko ii�e Com�r�hens�ive Plar�, incl��ciing ���t not Ikmited io fire dlslricts, uEilities, li�rarie� �nd sc�7ool districts. i. Mair�tain a lag o� �II p�iblic �arlicipafian ia�e�tinys, event��nd actiar�s thaf the city engac�es in �v provicl� ciocum�ntatian an ihe city's affort t� r�7�et fh� requirernents oi tfle GMA. [3-�3-2t1p3 � Adopled by Councll �-23-20a3 1ZC'�V 3G.70A.435: I'�iblic p�riici�aEi�il--N+��tice prt�;�isiaris. I'<7�e 1 of 1 Ilow 7a Usa 7hls 51�e�AUaut l!s�Contact Us�Sflarcki leqlslat�re FEome� 5enat� �Housv of Re��rtsentallvus. Pilot�'�c�n�r,�o csrs drspon,c�,��en es,v�+�or Inslcl2 th�Lc{�islatueo R�'�'����>�hapler 38.10A>5ection 3�.70A.Q35 � Find Your Legislator ���74A4.�Q « 36.70A.(�35» �QA 0�4 � Vislling ihe�eg�s�aiure RCW 36.70A.fl35 � Agendas, Scliedules and ��ll�}�1C p�l`��C�,�?�1t117I1 --~ �i]�LC���'OV'�,�OriB. Gal�ndars •k �ill Informatian (1�The public partfclpaliun r�quiranyer�ls af lf�is chap,er sh�ll Include nollca prqCeduros that�re reasanably +� Lsa�as and Ag�ncy Rules ���culsled to pruui�e nc+ilcQ to p�operiy oti�rners�nd oth4r r,ffec��d�n�iniereslad I�d�r,duats,trib�s, povernrnent agencles,�u5fne5ses,s��oel dlslricts,and organ�alians oiE�ra�osed�mandmonis to � l.�g�sl�tivo Conrmiltees ��mprehensive�lars and dovelopmenr rc�ul�ilon.Exeniples oi c�asonatrlo nol���prov�sfons in�tud0: � Leg,slalive Aganc:es (a)Postin�th�praparly for site•spec�fc prop�lsals; � l.agislalive Infornielloi� ������ {b)F'�ibllsh�r:g nclice In n neti��spap�r of general c�ECUlalion In kha c�unty,ci1y,or eeneaal araa ti•r�ere Iha � �•mall ida<<fieallnns prcp�sal Is foc:Lled or thal�srill ho�tiecie�by Iha propasel; (l.�sssprv} �+: 5tadenls`f'agn (Ga Nolltying public Ar�ri�aaia flr4u�s ti�r�th kno�,vn Interasl In a Geer4oln proposal or in ik�e typa of propasel t�61ng cansidore�; � Hastory ot tne state Legtslature [d��lacing nalicgs In�ppropriata r�gion�l,n��ghhaaliand,etfin{c,ar Irad�Jaurnals;and putslc��ifao l.�es�lsl�ture �ea P��lishlnc��iatir�in agency ne�:rs}elSers rar send"sng nohlc�to sgancy malling li�l;,InCb�ding fleneral lists or�is1s iQr s�eclf c prapos�is nr sub�ac.!areas, � CongrESS-lhe0lhor � W�s171np4on L2j{e)�xr�vpl�a alhzn'rlse�ravid�ci In{b)of Ihas subseclion,ktiiie legislaliv��ody for e�vuifly or Cisy chooses la consfdar a ci�an�o ia�n�m�ndmenl to a cQm¢rehensive plara ardev�lop��ieo!re�ulalian,and � 1V wVeshinglon lhe claang�Is pFOpvsec�a(Rer 4h°oppa�funiiy for r�evle:v and�on3ment has pi7SSpd arader ihfl enunty's or city's � Wash9ngton Gauris pra�.edures,nn opportunl',y(c�r r�vl���l and coninienl On lhe pro�o�ed c�ange slsall be pravided L-efore 1he lo�a1 legisialiv�b�dy vates an 4he prapo:ed changa. ,� 4FM FlsGa!Nalc� 'l�'ebsit�+ �t�}An addit�onal apparlunity i4r pu6lic rev'e�.v ond wmmenl Es nel reqEilre�uncier{a)of Ihls subseelion Id; ((f An environmenlal fmpaci slatemsr�t has b�an prepared und�r chapler!{321�RCVrlf4r 1he pea�ding +�{�F�S res�lution ur ordlnani�and��e proposed ck�a ngo Is with[n ihQ reng�of�lternalives cans?deted In Ihd J�.hV'��sfiinglon� enviro�ment�l inipacl slateme�l; „ ,.. . .. ....... .. `., (ki)Tlie proposed chao_r.�Is wilhin the scn�e of lite att$rr�all�res avalfa�la fol pubiic commenl; � � ��f Thfl ropos�d chan e on1 corrc�cls l a.r� hlcal Grrors,carrecls cross•ref�rances,makes address or r• • ..�.��� I") � � Y YP ���P name chanc�as,or clarifies langua�c of e prapc�sed trrdinance or rasolul�on witfyoui cl�anging Ns eSteci; (�•�)7hs pro�osed change Es ta s r�solutiar�or qrdinance mail�g a capilal hudc�e!detlslan as prou�decf in F�CW�r.T�.1�4�or {v)The proposed ct�ange Is Io a resdlution or nrdinan�a enacting a n�or�lorium or Inlerini conCro!��o�ted undei Et�:W�.7�AA�$4 (3)-fllls 5aC1io�I ls pfoSpwCliVe I�GffeCt a�1J c1UCsS r�Dl Ap��iy lo n co�i�tohan5lve plan,dQVClopmen! regulal9on,or�mer,dment�dopted t�fora Ju�y 27,�i�97. (1999c316§706;1997cA20§9.� hlote�: Part heedings t�nd captlons not law--1999 c 316:See RCW��11.3i.5,��. Pros�$Ct1va appl[cation•-189T c 429§§1•21: See note foll�wing RCW�5,'l4A�201. Sevcsrablllty••9997 c 429:See raate to-llaw�ng RCW�,TQA.�291. •_ i =,�{3bt��ry ol Tirr�,,�Co�u�ticn�s obcr.�t Inls s�te�PrS�ra�y ilotEt��A:res93b�E;9�r InTusrrk�lt3n1 i�'s;lalrr�� . ., �a , - ---- ----n,rtt�r�.�_r..►.. n......n,.:..._.�r. �n� n7� I�1'7�1?I1f1R LtC'1lF 3fi.7�i1�..140, CQiI]�3TC�1�1�511'L`�l��l[1S—F�115Ufi' �Tl1�I]�iC]}1I��IC1]7�111011. P'c1�T� I 0�1 Naw To ilso T���s Site�Abovt Us�Confacl lJe �S�arch Leglslatur�Hornn� Senata f Hotiise of Rcpresanlatives prinl Ye[sl�i�i�'�Qsia drspanrb'e cn espaAef Ir151d4 xitp LO[��SIn�UfB ���s'T�'°�"'��apter 3�6.7DA>SerAlon 3G.70A 1dD � FindYourl.eqis!ator ��1�1 `" a3.70A.�4Q>� 3G.l�A_.1� � Visit�ng it�e�eg�slalure RCW 36,70A,'i d0 � A�endas,Schedules aad �f}Ttl]�i'k1�1C1]�31VC j)�€k119 u �IlSl1�E'� �)I1X7��C�3£Ix'�1C�]�c311U11. Calendars � �ill Inforrn�lion ��c1i cor�nly�nd cHy Ihat Is requfred ot�ho,•se510 piaii un�les E.fiW y6:7�l�.Cu�p�hall aslablish nnci I�roadly * Laurs and A�ency Rules c�issea»In�ie to Ihe pul�'i�a puhlic parlicipation pro�ranr ldEr,�iiyi�g pracedUres�revEding far early�nd contin�ous pvblic partPclOailor�In tk�e deve9opntenl an��menciment aic�mprahensiu�land i�s�s plans�nd � Leglsl�livb Camnaillees ����;��,ment requlatlons laa;piementing such�ians_The procx dur�s shall{�rav�tfe for hroad r�iss�nilnsl�on of X Leflislaliv�A�enctes qrapesals and al�emat�vos,�pparfun.ly for�vrilten co�7ments,r.ublic n�eellnc�s�fle r esiieGlive nol c�,provisla�i i0r oF;en cliscusslan,canu7iunic.atlan prcgrams, �nform�lion services�a�irJ Cnnsfdetailpn af and raspoi75e ta x Leglslalive#nioantall�n N���i�coi�irnenls.In��acting 1e�lslalion dn r�spansa lo ihe haatc3's tlec(slQn p�usuant lo RGW�OIt?.�.34[1 Cerster deelar[ng�ari or�II of n conipr�hensi+ra plan ar dev�fopmc�nl regulatioo[r�vall�J, the county or city shall •k E-raiail Plolifications Proti•ida S�Cpubl�c perticipalion k�iaa Rs�:�rpro�cl�;e antl r�'f�ckive ursefor�he circun��sla�ce5 presenteJ I�y I�he (Lls(serv) �ioar�'s order, �rrors In exact caompliancr�with ino cstablished�saa�ram er,d�roce�fures shell nat render the •� Siu;lents'f'age '���Ptehenslve land use��lan or developm�nt re�ulallons fnvalici If iha splriC of�:;e�Sr�ram end procedures Is observe�, •� History afit�o State l.cc�lslat�re �f s?s e?�;7, s o7;��:�0 ia!exs.c 47§S�� Oulsicla t�ie Leplslature ��t��' �It Confl•ess-khe Dihor rEntfln�••Seucrabllfly--Part Ne�cllitds and tablo af conler�ts�iot law-•'1995 e 347:See n�t�s VJashinnlon foilosving RCW,,�.7QA q70. ,� TV1�lashln�to�3 � Washi�nglora Courls � OFM Fiscal Note , VVebsilt� - -- --J Jltcc�s �lirashingtar�� t,r'y' 1�L: ('.l S l�.'a: Y _4'ossary af T�rms�Cor�imants ai.a�t lh°s s�la�Pcivacy f�uUc��Acee.-s!Cd+1�1:�1a�rir�l��n�h�::i>>m,� �_�___rr----- '----.._ �__.rnnj��i�..t'.,..1+ .��_...�7�..�..-.�r �l5n thn i7��n�-�rtin� . �� � t�� � �s ��'ryfr �'��Yn9 _e-��� � I -t�-�s+t . " �'_. >'�'�I Pj; e �"' f C� _ � � „ �,: � s� � J . . � 1 � E . � ;d 1 .. I J �r� �. x ��1 �- r A 5 f ' , �� .i ��� .� �� ',ti= h..y e��"' ..` �"'� , _ C �t��'��rl' f �'� ` � �`+' f 'r " `�,; : f r..�„ �i � i� y •;;y���: '�.L-`r A4y'�p .� �If M�� 'r�:'<� -3� r�f"- �?'r i� �'''�����'. . � y,r r _ {, d �' _.. �7 ° rJ � � n � b `��q 9 •� ti6 L= f ! �•'_. � �" l! � ...� '� f .. �f� � . . p'`�yr�� �f E,. �� � �. ��11 -yS �4.,� 1.' r�' -� � - - ���' ! 5 r �...'�T"'t�' � �; 1� i. �" - 5 `3,.�� �� � �. _t'' i'�i � ..s�Y��� �� j f ti_S '�. +�t : ! ' {..�1 .-�jr �,_3 i��k",�"'�y,' { .�: �•,�[f� �S '�w�- ¢ e. ��^� ` !y F ! .�i y�,� '4�' . � } . r � �'s' 'R ' / ,"�, . . .- —_..e� �'.�� Y 7� .`...-. . :f e � ti o � � . . ,�ti fl z_^t '� �' r y$i #- � '� �� {/�� t,{I('ti a�'-`r .n, �i M1 m� j _�dr .- ..4.• Y � � �•.-'�[i y �� �ja$�-f�I 'y:'" . .. � �'1� Y ri /''�� ��. f �,P a � + � �4 �{�� ��r �i�r�����i � � ��y} t�` �� _ "'.? .. � �r��� }ip �',� ..����� , _ _� . 5+.�e i�� .�q .� ,�' h►, � , M,.,.. ,c�ir� r�s �o �e�p �c�cc�te �ar��l des�gn 5�►c��a�ne '�c���eg�'s fc�tu�-e �����3�:�������'�� �._����-�����'��'�� �� �� � ���� ��:���s���� ������������� �:�r ����� �_������;������a "�������.����'' ���: ������ �����:���:�,� ����1� ���'�t��:�:�� ���f' ���'t���� ���c��ir��i r���°�:�}� �����:c�����cx���:j Mar� inform�tian �s �vaii�ble on the proje�t v�u�bs�te; v�rv�w,s r� u�a �ewa .co��rF t7r �iy contacting S�atf �iuht�, Pro�ect ��nager, 509-�B���da��� ��C��ht�Cc���vk�s�e_v_all��•�org �'��'� � �t� ,�'���e�. ��� �� ������ry����� ������� � '�4�7'Il�"IUi°llt�,! ��.ICVP�,! In a �,C304 surw�y, �vmmunity m�embers said �here wv��re two things impat-ttant to reufizing t�e�r vision af SpaE�ane llalley's fut�.vre: a Econamic'Groc.t�th * An ic�e�atity c�ralc�c�� to Spo,�ar�� U�rfle,�, Ir�ctuding a 7'aac�n C�iate�• Re�itali�a�ia� Plar� The Spragi�e�A�p6eway� carr�dc�r p�•auides ar� id�nl c��i}aort+.�r�ify fc�r a revitalixatio�i plan �hak wili spur �cor�omi+c grawth, E�elp create a urtlqu� id�ntity and f�rm a new 7a+�ur� �enter. The revitalization plan facuses on Spr�rg�[e and Appleway f�ar�i 1�90 to Sul6��c�n and incGudes. � A revf�w aFth�corrid'�r's f�istory crrarf ecor7or��ic condi�ror�s $ l�r'eas fa�-fe�ture developrr�enl` � Sc��c�estior�s far t`i�rrnspo�crt�on, fcrnd r�se and more. �ansult�n� Team Tk�e Cst�y has hired cz team o�exp�rts ta he4�a develop the plrxn, incluc�ing: s Fre�eelr�ran, Tcalg cr�ld Batfvarrely(Llrban Desi.cln crnn'Plar�r�i,�c�� p GYat�`irfiylac�.so�t 1fi�rcher.Ac�lin LopezR�r�el7crE�, li�c, (Trarrs,�ar�crtio�l} • EC4�Northwest�'Eco��arTaics� • Stcrdio Ccxarcrde (Con�muraity�fa�mia�r�,1 Communit� �111'or�sh��a 5a, come to the cornrraur�lty wort��hc�p whe�e yo� car, �ee some ldeas, get irtforma�ion and kc�t us k�now wht�t you thinkt ak�ata� t'he Futu�� of the corridor anc� Town Cer�ter, �,�, ���� �,��a��Y�ey. , . � , _�l Cl Q a " . •. . � � p ° ' � '� � � , .'�;`` � r, �� � � � t� �' , '� #� � ' I � �- � �i --' � f�. k. "_ ��. . .� ., :'. ..�' _r'. _.. . . , �� ► _ . ... _.. � � _ �_��,{� -�-�''��"'`�; , � ��������C�_ � � , � �,, . � �� --�'�c����';�' � � ; j � . . . '{ 1 c� F ' � . . JoMn �s f�r c��r ���omir�g ��"�� �r ��r-��� �i-�., � .�J 5j� ^ C3`r�.i - �� � � �_�-. j 3 3 ` r �'..-����� �1 �� ��� ��� �.�"il �I� �� �.1 l_._1 �� !�� .��1 �I; � ��"-. �'.3 I.��� � ..�.' �� �f ,., \��i°�t ,'C:���#1��������;�f! [�'�(5{��{�_������' ���� �` �4� 1� ` � �� rr '��� ����� S}{� '�y {sl � �`� C�:f���� l� E�i��� -�!a ���°,',� �4��;i i\ �'.�\ f�.�}Ih�tl`��:'.���-a�f � 1.� ! �� Loc�tior�: `�i3ecc��de�'� at the U-�City Ma1# 10�5C)� �ast S�rC���e �,Behind Per�y'� R�s�aurant� iVlflre infc�rrna�ion i� arraila�{� ai� fh�e proje�ct w�bsfte: v�rww.�qC�f1�A�%ip�IG�*1JYaV.carn C�r by cvntacting Scot# 14�ah��, PrQ�ect �an�g�r� b09-�88=�Q�9, skuht� c�.spakar��vall�v.or�q �"j�'�i�an��`� '�l�ey� ���� �� ����� �� � Re�i�alizatian Plan 'Che Sprc�guell���leway corrirlor prouirles an id�al c�pport�anity fc�r a reUi�c�lizcstion plar� tk�at�will spur ecor�am�c growth, l7elp erea�e +� uniqu� �c�entity and form a n�w C�ty Center. T�e revitaliza�loii plan focu�es on Spragu� and Appieway f rom I-90 to Suili��an ar�d I��clud�s: • A revlew of fhe carrlc�or's l�istary aftd ecoraort��ie co��ditions + fc�ec�s far fc�rt�c�r�areveta�vnl�r�1� � Sca�gresflot�f for trcrrrspoi�crtion, land crse, zr��ing nncf���are � Laratir�c�a�`i�y Cen�er C�ty Cen��r A comranunity meering w�s cond��ct�d t�r� Sepiemioer i3,2006, focusir�g on ��e Iocatlon of SpakZan� 1Ja11ey's fut�re Ci�y C�nterF Tl�e proje�t cong�altin� tec�m ide�tifie� the area eas� of Univer�i�y Rd,, between Sprague Ave�iue and the futur�Appleway E31vd. rigl�t of way, as th� prefe�r�ed City Cent�r I�ca�ion. P'articl�ants ak the meeting indicated strong sL�pport for th� Io�a'kion, Qn Se�tember 1�, z�C?G, the co�s4ilting team presenk�d a Cfity Cent�er �eance�at pla�7 �o �f�e City Ca�kncil and Planning Comiiiisslon. The Go�.ir�cil gaue it�forir�al co�iser�su� t+o proceed with plat�nir�g ti�� City Center at the pr�ferred Iocation, Consu��ing T�am T1ie City has hir�d a t�am af ex{��rts to he1� deu�lop kh� plan, including; � Fr�edmar�, Tur�c� cr��c�Bottor��Iey (Ur�aar� Desigrr arta'''l�lant�irrg,� � ��atfinylac�sfl�t fCircf�erAglin Lo,�c�ez Rinefrcrr�`, 1t7r, (fran3,vorta!`ion) • �G'G►Northw�st(�?'c�r�Zet a�ld FiscalA»alysls,} • Studro CaSCCrc,'e (Cojrt�r�urtity Pla��rllrlq, Public Pcr��t�cf,�at`lottJ Communi�y War��h�p 50, carne to the Comm�.�nity warF�sho�s w'here yo�� can �ee sc�rne Edeas, yek information and !et us (�no�a w�hat you���inkr ak�out t��e future of the Corridor t�rid City Cer�ter. 5"�i`o�fln� �a�re��c �11hat d� Q� thin�c.�' � rr��C�ty orspc�kar�� valrey�s F�=-=Y:- .-� '.� �_,�._,.�� �" a-� 1 �ectcl'inc�a ct�r�nnlc�r�t1}�ef�t�rJ fd �-�� `;y�r,, `�'�� r�-shc����� f��c�5�xcrgu�-A�i�l�e4uuy �_?��� � ����, .�-��';� carric�r�rrnfc�ci ta�r6vir��corrrrnerci�+ � - '_��(s�,�. crndreslclet�llalcllslrXct.'fhisc�ve�f - -` '=�� � �� �_� �: vril!Iri�:tucie c� "'sn�c�k Ar�vlew"c�f � `��- '��; ''� �, .. jarofaQS�,1s ior trafrrc circ�r�c,frc�rT , . :'` � ,, . ' i ' br�r l�t� car�ci sfre�t c��sign - fcci r�y Fr�put �� ,�, ��;'�l - fr�rn r�r�vic��,5+�uf�dre rn�etirl��. ; � :;;` "' t, ; � � �. ��$, fd�c�s crti .4ppleway's �c��fwurcl ..._ � : i: c�ro4vtf� wil�c�lsn f�e.�criscussecf, � VE�,t ile3�{�ia�.�.,;fr ,;.,..r.,�r:,7,�.�cF <, r,'.r; llc�vr slrc�ulef tf�e corrrelor�rotiv� Ft�;�.s. �3U:,;,���� t.� ,��_�,,s, � � 5,.�,- ec�r:r��nte a�kl mcrp. 4sm'f rt:a'�.+: Ihc? hr:�Y'r,�> ffc�ve q�+�sli�r►s?Ne��rrclec�s� Fvr.,�iF�v�,«;h���,,,r;�i Come tc�ic� ��r�� �(�,'���'��'���' ��6����,���� f��@fl� ����SC��"��', ������ � �� � fr:El� - 9:OQ�S�ti,b�cndns hdar�f�ro�R t�onq+1�1 Roorai, 1b5b2 C.5proc�uo ��1C��' C�� ��'�.� '��111��C� r�,�c��y�r spokar,� var��y r5 `e: k t�,�?'�"�� . � �ec�c�i+ag a corrir��uniiy eFfort to `� 'kti �,�� ^!.� "� _` re-sd�U�e ti�P S1�ruyue-�Ipplet�roy '� -''���Y '-� `��" �r� '`r cc�rriclor iiito u tluivoii� � ' �.����,,�'`� cnmrnerclal ar�c1 resfoienlfal �� �'4 4.� � � d1s1r1cF.Cc�rr�� foke par117na`s ,,� �r �„�i . ,, . , ,,�����.� �vE�nf w1r�focus on frtrnspor�QfPon y l�l)4� ?�_ .�,�� ``L�,j 155�1es- ce�rs. ��fkes, ���desfr#ans, k° �t����l `�.'�.��_' f�usfness neecls ancP rr�arc�. tivhcrl '� +'•, .�,�. r�j3{�rooCfles f!f Ilte 1✓r�1"cyf�esf� � ,f � � Cfll71,fJClfE.'r171Q�G'S C]f7Cf ICfEUS l!C}fi7 ��11 Ihe S�ra;wr/�:{'n���f��n vrct�llr"a�c.a,v �round fhe caunfry, C]'f}C�}E��{IS G{c�4:+, dcti'�n��d docurr.�n4�. ad� y�,� ccr„�r�:nly a .i rr�c:e. Con'I m�Y.e if�,e rrcic�7 j�G4ti' t�IG C��e'(ICjpf S�70U�C�C�((1Wf Fn'�r�Iha{are;rrlunSrsl � t �w��1P;k. � � ' � � � � ;;� �, � � ��.��, �I�Y�rr#ber �Q�� � b��U-9:�p1�1 [3ecacies A��-;:iiny E.Eanqu�c!Roon�. IC�502 E,Spra�u� � � � I c �o p) o :a p� t , I �' � ��-`` � Cl 't c 4 �1� i i r4�� l� �s � Cl � ' �4�, , r3�?� � �^'� ��{y � � 5 �y� L��``.'r. ! s y 4� r� �n 5 l{'��ti'Jy, z ., �Y� � � `f f �Y a��,, .��{r �xi � ���a U � �rY�-''. _p,•�� � � ,�'c r, � � �� . j � 1" �..�'�i W �, 3'��f r. � �� 1, 1 F= 1,,. �'r y• j '�__= i 3ti r � `a� ; �� k�n�' c 4` �- O `�t �.� 1} - � �',N. � ���+"'_—s j ���� t"_ �_. . Ek'r� }17�� ���r ,�1 � '�,t ��± �J� ;��S � � ` t I 7, � `� . - - � ` • IIJ � f 8�t� � }.l I' J� � � �U13T � � !, "+ �OGC � � b� ?„�'r � O r . a� I�ww �-� ,�j� �� �?�'� ��4 O I � �dr�fi nq�` G} � � i � 3; � �..} �,.y�� . o I rA 7.h �y �U /�rr� L p Z��:�� `h�Z'4 � � T"• �� { � �p a�'�+y � f'. 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Hecrrd at�c�ullhe 5p�rague-�4�preway � r . . ` . f��`�'��J�����r�C��i'��I �,�,;,;r � �,; . �"� p��� o� t ;.�r�,�. �,:.��f '�. � � $� 7 � ���_� � �� : I � � 1 �` r�,c.s C�ty caf 5pokane Valt�y�s��Q��n��c, • � ,�* _ �T a . corr�rr�ur�iry el�c�r�10 rr=-s�u��c f�re ,,, , r n, _�{�i,i�'�r`,��`'; S��acr��,=Ap���eavc�yc;orrirlc�rirtfo a fFarivir�,1 ;•}7�'�� ��.',�[,�{`ft�"`�����'���tg; cor,�ry��rr.�c�lcr��drr�'ci�nJr'c,f�iisfriei.A 4 r � - s 4,,.,,�``".; e ���? t, ���1F� �it����;� � �' PiCJflJ�f,'lt7COal'IJfIlSS�JllfiiC'f�,�?f�ZC'f1Cf��C�!'{1ff `""'�'1� �' '!•�°�f7��'+�� , S� �� ��t''�S ��� a b� - `'` �1���- plcln is rr:,ti•rr�a�fy lur rev�t�r�. �rrcruc�,'na ;�,���� ,���,�_� �l c1���loprr�c:�J gu�c;elin�s tc�corr�,r�d�n���rif u ' �.�.,, _�'`-`i�:��.� ,�roF�c�set}rrEw f'i�y Cer�ter c,nc!ottr�r�;ey �.�-i��_�`�'�'};��"�"��-_ -:�%—��- �`— ��z�{�rc��c�rirs_ic�sfirr�c,r�;rb�f�rr�ft�� ,Flanriinc� ` • C�Jfl�fl'lISS'f>'7 I�C'lf:�CU r�CICI�'����7Pf��Gf�tS�f]Ol4'. E��:u�•, „�,-c�'°a1l.f�;'-s�:of Ra�'!i��in�an fx��i �13 !a d�>rn,'and 1��-0 d'nTe fhe Cif cp�ncrri��� ; , �-,F��,,r.��,. «:,q„�.�F.t,��,s�-. ���,. w,�,,:r� Y ��s crerinc�}lie r C c��,•,,,�4,;..-, �Rr:+o.3r�a Ins �I t.^.�•�w t�-::F.r����.,n�ey^'�.la:..i re��srY�rr��ncled clroFl c�f f��c��ic�n.Fta�„ ��0���,���d�.7� �.�ti�fY�rSS�i1 ��€��`? cor� the�alun t�esl 1r���,rovc� fJ�r�'Jal�e�� A i��arinu I�ca$been s�hec�U!ed f�r ra7are • - • . F�ur�i���n��ut-y��►���rr�V;r�t�to speak up, I Uc;;titl ' ���� L� c�r�d�he1�shr,F�e !� ���r /+���i.� 5����,�j 7'�{}p�71�`�Cer7l�rr le�ce Great P,oar�� �.+ l 242d r..Ci',s�OV�f f k��e FA�a�aOV Fair. '{r:,,•4�t n�:-J�'E�ns S'Y��di�rd cf�.ira�da�9 rrc�rq Irr�s S�.IPEiu(7I�COUi�T OF�IASHIlVGTON F4R SPOKANE COUNT`Y In the Mattex of� City Council Change Qf lvfeeting P�ace, � � No. � . Natice of Special Meehng and Nafice of � Publi� �Iearing � A�'FIDA'�1�°T' OP �'UBLZS�-IING July 29, 2008 � NOTICE Ci.ty af Spakane Valley � STATE O�WAS�-�NG'�C�N ) }ss. County of Spokane } j,�C'HA�L I-I�TFFMHN,be�ng Firs F duly swarn On oath deposes and eays thak he is the QT� T�4;2.of The Spoka ne �alley 1�'elvs Herald,a�vee}:'sy nesvspaper T�at said newspapes is�tlegal newspape r and xt ss nowand has b eenFor morc thansiss u�oaths griar to the da9e of the publ�cahon 2le�euzafter:e[errecl to,publishe3 in the Engl�sh language mnhnual�y as a v1ee:<ly newspaper in Spokane County,VVashingfon,and it is natiti�and dueing all oE sa�d time was printed in act offite maintained at t1�e aforesaid place of publicakion of s�id netivspapez,gv}uch said ruetivspaper had been�ppraved as a legal newspapar by ordee af the S�sp erior Caurt af the 5late of Was�gRon rn and fos 5po4sane County Thak ihe fo�lowing is a�rue copy oE a��ublic notice as it was pubLshed in regular �ssuescammencin�onthe]lkh day�of l'ut�. 2QCL$�andezadfn�die �,5th da}�of Tul�, 2008_�ll datesinclusrve, 3 t sueh necwspaper was xegu]arly disizibuted to sts siibscr�bers during all af said peuod: � • ' CITY�F 5FOitAHE YALIEY ` �CfTY CQUkCIL CHANGE OF h1EE71NG � � PLACE.N�T10E OFSPECIAL I�EEiIf�G � ' "AN�iJOTICEOFFU9�I�-HEARIRG• ��'j�� �,'Zt�pj�� �rVp�N to befare me Pleasa lake nolrca that Ihe f rsl part cf lhe SFa /J �t� a ��1 n n y.and Va'IeY CiryCaunnPs ReSul�rly 5ct�ed�1:C �� }�115 ZJ�Li l C1� L11 L�L1�. July 29;2008,Stu�y Session,v+hioh tipgm5 al 6.00 p m vnll ba a Jam1 fdeet'ng wilh tiie ,5pokane VaRey Alanning�am:n ss on far e State af'��Vask�gton presenta�onfdis:aisslon fro,n Susan 1;'inchell �p�{�T o�gp���e 01 the Boun�ary Rav�err Eioa-�and#fdl Gnme? of Sh�dlo Cascade, on Calfetoialwe Plann!ng OG�o,�slarUrNanGr��.thAreas;efteiv�'hiehthe I certifyfihatlknow orhaWesatisfactoxyevidence that --�oink part or U3e meel�ng vni con;Jujeand•kho Co�nC�lr,il conGnue�lsreeularsludysesslon hy �lC�ry�l HLlf�7c1T115 tlle ersansvho ap eared�efore f,oldingaPU3LICFIEAR3tlG,�eginningat700 ��A� f,I �pe �Sl(� 52.kC� @YSQII a�OTA'�eC�. eC1 �at he si eCl ,g m.Rorvs soon thereaRer'as posslble),1�ta'to �� •!�� i � � � '�ub!lc cflh`manl"on,ariy ospect o'i�a Plen�fng '4�ti56�OfY`C'% �P✓j+. is instrument and arkn�ow�ed�ed it to be hia free Commission Retommen�ed OraTt Spra�ue an� '0,.� �S` d',o-�'•;xi ,4ppfewayCorrid�rs Su9area Plan 7Y��s enUra p p ; d voluntary act for the uses arid purposes men- mga�ng w�fl be hald�ri Ih�Great Raom al Cen• e'� pTA A Y N 1 t1 �d L�l� L1�StI�IJ.IfI� t, .lelPiste,2126 N Discuvory Place Fhis[hanga ; � of ineeLng'place 3s anly ior th!s mceting,and i .r o� :+ unless nthary�ise nol;f>d,subseQuent Coun:�l N�, p�8�k� � � �meeling Usludy sessian"s pn i b2 htl�[n Counc l ,,�', � � — �� Chamh2rsesvsual �dOTICE.•Ir.drvlduaisplan• �, +� .��ng tv,elSend,Na megtrr?g�who rea4�re 5Pecizl ���.,',Sl,Qy'�',��ti�.•�(� �Ol�ll2� e tZ asslstancoto�c"commadalsFhys:cal,headng,w - , ,� oLhe�lmpa[rrnents,pi�a59��tiiu,o�r�c��rt� p�' "" �,�,� itle: I�loka� P blic �!(504J 525=1000 as soon es posslb!P so 1h21 ��1� -'a'rrangementsiray tie made;i f,'-^ . , _ M�a�7�?dlil en expires: 5-].b-�1 ChrfsNne ba[nSrfd3a�CI.SC o1.;: . - °�.', :,SpokzneVal:3yC�tyClerk:,:a-__. _ � � - {Sfl9-6&8�177)...^ ._. ' .. � � .PUBLISH;July i�,1B and25• , �� 5 . - � CrT'Y�F�PCI�ANE VALLEY SPQ�,�NE�ALLEY PLAN�II�IG C41�'fYi IISSION' NOTICE OF PUBLIC H��G �'dolice is hereby giver�that the S�okane Valle}+City Pla�ining Commissiofl will hold the follo�ing pufalic �iearing to rece���e input aud deliberaka upon the public hearing draft of flie Spragtae and Apple�vay Corridors Sut�area Pl�n. The pcopo�ed Subarea Plan affeats all propei-tyr fronting Spr•ague Avenue and Apple���ay Boulevard bet�veen I-90 at Spr�gue and approximately one half mil� easf of St�llivan Roa�i. The 5ubarea Plan proposes new developmefit cagulat�ons far all properties 4vik��in the Plan Area, including building use, ]aeigh#s, seEbacks, buitding or�entation, signs, parking, streets a�d open space an�i building design, '�"he Subarea �lan alsa includes recommendations �'or street net�vork irr�provements for Sprague and A�pleway. Meeting�Date and Time: Thu�•sday, March 13,6:��p.m, (or as soon thereaf�er as passible} Meefing Place: Spokane Valley Cii�kia�l Cauncil Ct�a�t�b�rs 117Q7 E. Sprague Av��ue, Spokane Valiey, VIA, Cb.ristine Baiubridga, CMC Spokane Valley City Clerk PUBL�SH: Feb. 22 az�d Fab 29, SUPERIaR �OTJRT QF�IA.SHINGTQN FaR S�CIKAIVE CC)UI��'TY Xn�he Matter of: C�`Y �F SPOK�iNE V.�LLEY � No• Ci��Cs�urteil Chang� of Meeiing Place, No�ice of Speaal h�Ieetir�� and No�ice � , AF�'SDA�T O�PUBLISI3ING of Public H�aririg � N4TICB August 1.9,2i7Q8 � STAT� �D�V1rA��IINGTON ) }ss. Coun�y of SpQkane ) � FbSAN beingficstdulyswornonoathdeposesandsaysthakheisthe ETJ�'O�L.ofTheSpokane Valley News Hera�d,a tiveeklynewspaper Tha tsaic#newspaper is alegalnewsp aperand rt is nowv and hasbeen for more thans 9x mo nt��s prior to the date of thepublica�on hereinafter reFerred to,publislied in the�nglish Language continually as a we�y ne•.vspape�in Spokane County,l�1'essh'sngton,and it is noF+�and d�ering al!of said time vvas printed in an ofEice maintained at the aforesaid pla�e of pubLcation of saidnetvspaper,3vhichsaid netvspapesY+adbeen approved as alegal newspapet by orde�of theSuperior Court af #he State o�Waskungton in and for Spokane County Thak the fallo�ving�s a true copy of a nublic notiee_as it iwas pubLshed'utregu]az issue5 cornmen[ing on t}ie 1s�da�r af Augi�st,_?�4$�and ending the 15th tEa� of August. 2t34B all dates indusive,and that such , newspaper was regi�Jarly dish�buted ta iis sulascribess during all of said period. 1 �r�• T ,i._!,•• 1�[I'..7 1• ~ . � _=;�;crrrnF ePOSCni�e vnu�%;�:r- �`I ��CI7Y COIPH,�LiL CHANGE O�MEE7�NG�.�� i � h�..�. � •.j�P`�oE�'°�"„�.... - - S SCRIB d 5TifVORN fo b�fore rne F�071C�4FSPEGIAI.MEE7f�IGAhdp'�10•,� � • T[CF�FPUBLJCH�RING.�:�;:.i y' p -.?�oasel@konqyyelha�U5e5paken�,'JalloyCity� �1��5 �Jrt � �f.�lU St ���C3. Caunu�'sf#egu�arhfSt}iedvlc�l0.�uqusli9 20DB� , Study 5essiorr,ivh�ch'�ee�ng 6e�ins nS fi 00 i � �pmw�l�r.cludaaPUBL�CH�ARI4G Thepub-` State afWash.ington !Ic hearing port,on"af4he rricefinywl{Ibegin a!� ��unty of Spokane ���,_00`p__�q�,(ar a s soon 1f.erea�e�as pocsitif e�,arrd� �.x711 bo lor Ihe purpo�of tak ri9 p.tl.ccoinrr.en�I � on@�1uo[�"ear• annin9co m,��aE�m-� Ic�rtiEythatIknaworhavesa�isfactoryevidencethat --:rc.�edbiaR Spregua en Aople,vay�aii o,�s , �s,abB�e,pre�..;eo��u�•c��A�i��,s�_in:�;,�asi Mir�taQl�iufl�nanisthe exsonsvhoap�.��aredbefore tho re:umme,nded uanspodat�on nehvar�and� �(��� �y+�. me and sa�d person ac�4W��Ci,g2{� T1lat he signeci �„1hailntenGons�or�,Ihe.C�h�Cenle"'{,.,x7his entre'� !�, �, �p�" .�r i • meelingwb�l;boheldin tfiocneaCRoar}atCen'* ti ,�•'�S5 �,F��"'•�•�` }�j� jp�tYtuZlp�-�t�lld gelCilpWl�C���d It tQ�J��135 fI'E@ '•:terPln"c'a.2d26N0is'cav2rvPlaea�]hschanga �ri� "'�s4'� �."mf inee�ng'pfaca�s cnly tci lhls meetng,e�d �r0� �� and valuntazy act fpr the uses 811C1 �L1Tp4S25 ]1l�Il° '.-unles"s,athenv�se,�,ob6ed�,�u�seq e�i1 Co-unc•1 �� ����1�'� � � t1011�C�]]l�l LtlSkTUIII�IIt. ,�_ 'meetir�gslshY3ysrss,a'n's Hidbe�eld�Coupc1� ��� i 7r`Chambers'asusuz[•NOT]n�C,E-.Inditi;dualsplarr� : Z -ning lu a�`[erid'�h�_mas6ng�'rfia�e"qu:re�pedal•r,r) a$ ����G -^-�,{ :��u�s���roaaM��od2�ephysTdl.h'eznng�Of,l .i ti, � � ,a� - "�_ � �=otheFlmpamnents;pl�araiontadlheCrlyCler� y •�. ,� \ "a[(59�.921•1�00'as_socn'esp^s'siL' alhat� .�` •,,'Q}�l�j��,..�� r4�,�I1�'�a e .arrangert�'entsma�barnada��1�.�� 1 <t`� ��„��. �� '�'i{l�' a�01�d�Pll•�iC .cr;n�s�o�3�6�ay�'c���c,_������ F W A5 ' Y � �:Spckene'Siaf._e'y�G���r��.�y;�=ti 1i+lyappounhn,���xpires; 5-1.6-11 �;:��u�sea-0,n� f:,::-i� r*a:.a-,���-r;� ' .fl'JBLlSH Aigu��t,ban�5;20�9"'" � °�,t � �-�-�,�l;:`s`-���.`-i+���3,�<+:_��,s=�--��+J 'h� -Pj L. - �Sl�� f�J r i.�- c��r� ax sPa�c va�LZ��r SPQI�AI�i�V'ALLEY CITY COUNCLL �OTICE OF�'UBLIC HEARiNG Notice is hereby given #t�at the Spokane Valley Ciry Cauncil wil] hold tkie fallQV,ring public hearing t� receiv�e input and deliberate upor� the Planning Commission Recommended Dra�t of the Sprague and Apple4vay �o�-ridors Subarea Plan. The proposec� SuUarea 1'!an affects ail property fironting Sprague Avenue anci Appl�«ay Boulevard bet�veen Z-�0 at Sprag�e and approximat�ly one hal£ mile eask of Sulli�an Road. The Subarea P�an proposes netiv clavelopmenf regulations for all praparties within the Plan Area, including bo�ildinb use, 3�eighks, setb�cks, building orienka#ian, signs, parking, streeta and open s�ace and b�uildi��g design. The Subax-ea Plan also includes recommen�lations far s�-eet r�ehvork improvacnents �or Sprague and Apple`vay. Copies of the I]�af� Plan �vill be availab�e at City Hall, the Libraries and the city's`vebsite an.Fuly 1 I,20�$. Meating Date aud Tune: Tuesday, .�uly 29, 2008 '7.00 p.m, (fallowing a 6;�0 �aresenkafion on Urban Growt�t Boundaries) - Meeting Place; Ge�7terPlace Grea#Roorrk, 2436 Discavery�lac�, Spflkane Valley,'r�A 99216 �1FOTICE OT CZTY COU�iG�L SP�CTAL MEE'�I�;G JUL'Y 23,�008 b;OU P.1YT. The City Council�vill hal�l a special meeting study sessior�on the Draft Sprague aud Apple�vay Corridors Subarea Pian wifh Michael k'xeedman, of F'reedman Tung & Bbttaml�ey. Discussion s��ill surround qr�zestion xegardin$ elements in the Plan ft►otights in the �'lan skructw'e, P1an elemen#s. No publie comment wi11 be taken at this �ee#Eng, but f�ie pub]ic is tiveleame to attend. �Ieeting Date and T�me; Wednesday, July 23�2�QSat 6;�0 pm Meeting Place: City Hail, 11'707 E Spra$�ie A�Pe. Spokane V'alley, 1VA 99206 Christit5e$ainbridge, CMC Spokan�Valley City CIerk PITEL�SH: S�ivkane � �alle�3 11707 E 5pra�ue Ave Sulte 106 � S�oltane V�ll�y WA 9920b 549.9z�.900� � �ax; 509.921.1008 i cit}I�a�l@spokanevalley.org City of Spokane V�lley No�ice of Availabiliiy �+'�TAL SU]�PLEMENTAL�IYVIRONi1'�i+1TAI,M�PACT STATE�NT FOR THE I�F.�iFT Sl'RAGUE ANI}APPLE'LA►�AY CORRIDORS SUBAR�A�LAN Notice is b.exeby �iven of#he availabili� of tl�e Final Sup�plemenfal En�+i�o�►rn�r�tal T�mpact St�temer�t(FSEIS)#'ar the Draft S�ra�e an�l App�eway Corrid�rs Subarea Plan{5ubarea Plan) far public review The FSE�S inaludes an updated fact she�t, Draft Supplemental En�ironmental Irnpact 5tafemes�t(DSE�S), and addendum whicl�includes the commen�s raceived on the DSEI� wi�h xes�onses p�ovided. The FSEZ� contains no revisions tv t�e DSEIS text. Muior text ck,anges a�ad Subarea Pla� boundaYy rnodifica�i�n in response to public comments a��th�DSEIS, or because of a clari�"icati�r�or coi�ectia�by the City of Sp�skane Vall�y (City), will be cc�r�siderec�priar ta approva] af the plan• "l�e altei�atives an�,lyzed in the DSEIS �a�+�e n�t�een modified. XIESCRIPTI01�7 OF PROPOSA�,: Tbe City of Spokane�IaUey prQp�ses to ad�pt a Subarea Plan for t�ie Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard corridor. Wask�inatan�ta#e's Gr4wth IVianager.�ent Act (G�A) aut�ari��s the adoption of Subarea Pla�s that ar�cansistent witb.tha City's Cornprehensive P�an. The�ubarea Plan incFudes the followina e�ements: Book 1 - Co�n-r�unity Inter�t: Sets fart�what the comrnunity as�ires#a aehiev�and descxibes the physical outGames that the plan intends to orchestxa�e as new iuvestment creates change. A strategy far revitaia�atian is articulated in t�ie fa�m af stra��gic action priorities. .�ook 2 - l�eve�aprrtent Regulations; Thi�baok will govern a�I future private actians i�n the 1'lan Area. These standards and guidelines will be�ased to avaluate private developr�ent pro3ects or iva�.pxavernent��ans propased far prop�rties�vith the Plan Area. These regulatians��rill ap�ly onl'y to prop�z�ty�nthin th� plan area. Bor�k 3-- City�ctions; 'I'he revataLiz�ation oftha I'l�a.Area and the de�etopment of a City Center will b� a pragram of activns arid uivestments in capi�al i�npravements. The prioritiaatian of City Actians wil� be guided by the goals and strategi�s outlin�ed iu Book I. Book 3 also desci7bes i'econ�mended circulatian and streetscape improve�nents fQr Spra�e and Appleway. The altentatiwes ur�der consideration are�he No Acti�n alternative(current Comprehensiva�lan and Zaning} and the Subarea�lan altematiwe. The Cit� is usin�at�int��rated SEP�IGMA p�ocess in accardance with W�� 197-1��210 ta 197-1 i-�38. The DSEIS accom�anies�he , propased Draft Corr�dor Subarea Plari dacument. FSEISNotice of�lvailability Jurre 23, ZQ�JB �'age I � PROP�IVENT: City of Spokane V�iley LQCATION OF PRO�ClSAL: '�'he I'lan Ar$a be�ns at khe Z-90f�prague intercl�ange on ihe west and ends approxiraataly l mile to tbe east of Sulli�ract Road a�on�the Sprague ar�d Applevray carridar. L�AD AGE�TC�: Cit��of Spokane Valtey Cflmmunity Development Depa�-tmej�t DOCUNi�NT A'�7AILABIL�TY: Capies af�he FSEIS can.be al�tained fi•arn f�e Spokane �alley Corn�unify Development Depat-tment (see cont�ct in£armatian belo�W}, Harci capies of t}ae Draft Su�az'ea Ptan can be reviewed a#�ity Ha1� at�,d an the�roject w�b si�e: �,w-wr�3r.s raffu�a�lelvav.coni. The DSEIS �d Draft Plat�daciune�ts are avai�a�le on compact disk and can be vie�ved a�the followir7g Spokane County Libraries: �ain Brancb; I20a4 East Main Axgor�ne Branch; 4322 Nort�Argonne APPEAyL PROCESS: Please refer to th� ap�lica�rIe pi•ovisions of State Laur�nd fh� Spokane ' ' Valiey Municipal Cade fvr the requiremen�s for an ap�eal, Scatt Kuhta,Seniar Pla►iuex Cify af Spokane Val�ey 117D7 East Sprague�ve., Suite 106 r Spokane �'alley, WA 992QG Interested pa�-kies ar�e enaauz�aged ta attend upcoining public meetings and hearings on the Si�bare�P�at�, S�eci#ic meeting ciates, tixnes and lacations ca�be found on#he �pz'aguerAppleti�v�y Reuital�zation Plan weUsi#e: ww�v.s�ra�uea�.7,ple��av.com. R�Si'Oi�SIELE �F�zCYAL: I�athy McClun;, Director, SpQkane Valley Canncn�nity l�evel�prnent Departrne�t. Xssue Date: dune 23,2��8 Distribute fo; At1�'ersons w�xo pro��ided commant on the T35�I� for t�� Spra�e a�d�pple�n�ay Corridors �ubarea plan. {Note: Ager�cies witl7 jiuisdiction v��ere prQ��ided a S��}RC'c�t�I1flfi1Ce.� l . _. - FSEISNatice afRvai�nbifily Ji�ne�3, 2!)08 Page 2 Spal�a�e Valle�� 11707 E Spra�ue�ve 5uite 1 Db � 5poka�e Val�ey 11J,1 9920b 504.921.100� ♦ fax: 509 92�.10D8 i c+kyhall@spokanevalley•org Fo�- information, contact: Car�lbelle Branch, PIU City of Spokane Valley 1 ]7�7 E. Sprague Ave., 5uite l Ob Spolcane, Valley, l��A 992�� 5a9-b88-0�32 Fax 509-421-1048 Email: c�rancl�(t�st�olcaEievalle,�.or I'v1ED�A R�LEASE For Lnmedia#e ReEease March 3,20D$ 5f�are Yaur Tiioughts on SprzguelApple4vay and tlie New Cit�f Center SppK�,N�VALLEY,��JASH---After month�s of research, disc��ssion and community input, the Spakane V��ley P�anning Cornmission is ready ta #'ar�nally take comment on the proposed 5praguelAppleway Revitalization Pian� A Public k-Ieai•ing c�n the dr��t su�area plan is scheduVed for Th«rsday, Marc�� i 3 at 6:OOpm in Gouncil Chambers at City Halt. Numerous carn�nunity info�'+�t�ation meetings and forums thra�ighout develapment of the plan have been well-aktended, 7ttractin�a brc�ad range af interests. Tl�e praposed �lan is reflect��e of the in�«t receiveci from community rnembers at these meeti��s, and is targeted to reinvigorate t}xe Spra�uelApple�Way corridor an�i cr�ate a ne�v city center. Pro�erty owners,developes's, businesse� and al� those interested in the con�idor and pe•oposed city center a�•e encouraged to came to the hea��ing and share comments or�an�� and all aspects of the p1an. A capy af the clraft S�rt•aguelApp�ewa�t stabarea pla�� dacument can be seen on the praject website �t �tiltivGV.s ratruea lew��_ ay.cam• Co�ies are also available �'or revierv at City Ha�l,tlie Spokane VaCley Pec•mit Cent�r, ancl �t tkle Ar�onne antV Main ba•anches of t9�e Spalcane Count}� Libra�•y aistrict. City Hall is I�cat�d at 11707 �. Sprague Avenue. Fai•mo�'e inForn�akion, call 688-aQ50. #�## I�ItA�' t�UVANC;C'. A,(�r�1llt� 1=��� �'l�trmitt�Disc��ssinn �'�irposes O�fly €�s oF �ec:e��alic�� 31, �0�18; lFJ:30 n.r��. I'Jc��se iiotc t�tis is �«•ork i�� �r���i°es�; i�ems 7re te�zf�ti�+e 'd'u: C'nt�ncil �i Slnft' T'rc�m: Ciiy Niar�n�Er R�: I)1't�� SCIIC{�IIMC�iDt'LI}7C011lil3�° C;F711[iCII Ik"����f121�,5 �l�r�,�n� 13��Oi19� l2c�ul�4�Mectin�C:OD�t.[Il. �i�l1C[�II�C MO[t(�i11%�d�n 5� I. C'�nsent t��cifcfa: C:laims, l't�yenll,Miut�tcs [S nsinutes] 2. A�n�in l�.elaort; MuniciE,�rl Ce��irt—�ar��l)ris�ell �IS is�iii�ites] �. ���r,i�uef�1l���lc�v€ay Ite��ilr�li�<�tipn Plari Ucliberakion {nreitiia�`�rim�►rily 4�Ef�iCnit'.(I l0 tI11S 1fCiil��I:��[1111111k0S� �*esliut��ter� li�eclin�: 17�i mi��utcs� J.ru�iarv�0.�[l[1�,iSi�rclv ��waf+�» G:00 ��s��. �cluc c1aic �41ouclsi►°,Js��o l�� I. �iir•e�t Mas�e��l'i�n i]�jcl�telJLl13 --Neil Ke�sten (:�0 mintries) 2, Cily f f�ll 1)esi�n 5crviccs�-Ncil Kcrsten (3Q minutes) �. CG:[iLCi'P�F1CC C€iI�!'ltib C'�ntrlct--Mi�;c Siane (10 mil��elc�� �#. llt�ivcrs�tl 1']rty��;r�ur�cl 1�i�7nl I]esi�n Llpclt�tc--Mikc Stonc (2U n�int�tcs) i. Pc�e[;o�tir;+cf —Ncil ICerSfzit (20 mint�tes) G. 11ir��o�t�verl<t}'--1{�ih}�McCf�rn�, (20 n�iii�r#es� 7. 5�eb�9ivisic�i� Itcb►�latioi�s Ct7cic �teti�isions{Titic ]7, A�}��cttcl���,)--L.nri I3��riasv (�D n�intistcs) 8. I'��rki:ig I�esSrictions —Iis�{�Nr�1e �IO Illl[llil['S� �. Cf![11,7 I�liill '�,�11311"1Cf ly[f��date—�re�;McC'.c�rn�ic�: ���l IU IPllile5� �O. �IS�{1��Ill�°: Altcrotatiti�e l�'intEr R��ticl I'rovid�r 'f!�TAL,��iNU1'FS: lfif3 nLimitcs .T4illll.trv 27.�0��,IZc�ul���•hiectin�G,OQ_Li.m, �ci��o illllC�I'�IOIk[�RVy�TAIi ��J� ]. CUaisen� �1ge�i€ln: C`]aitlis, I';t��ct�ll,Miriutes [5 r��i��titcs] 2. ]'ro>>oscci Risoluf'sc����1ZesiricEinb I'�r�;in�—Inba hic�te [5 s��i�iut�s] 3. �,�c�ti�s� Consicler�tio�t: Cc��xcrl'lace G���erin�;C.ont��net�-h�iihe 5torae [10 nii��utcs] -1. �+'Ic�tiun C'��usicleratioas: City 1 i�11 I)esi�n !�cz���ic�;s--I�cil Kerstc�z [1� i��inutc�] 5. I��ic�iicm ('c�iis�c�c►��tinn: 1'oc C',nntrs�ct--h'cil �:crstc�i �5 �ifiriutes) 6. h4c�iioii C:t�t�s�iien�tio�y: Mti�iici��af Cc�iirl—i.�nry Dris�:cll �10 131111L1t�5� 7. A'It�lic�n C'ca��ssdersltion: Cu��it��l 1'raject Ucsign S`or Stiii�i�lus—hcil Kci�s�e;n [1 CI i��iiu�tes] !3. �riniia�ti[bg�siderz�sian: 2(fUJ Jlrncndcd '1'IP-.5teve W��r�e}� [1 D naiittites] ��. 1nfc�Cl3gl��: T)c}?artnle�it Repc,ris ��cstint�tetl mcc�Ltg: 7U uti�fut�s� �+el�t`�r���•}' 3 20f19.�tudy�t�s�ioii GtOUS�.�t3. ��lue cls�ie MisE�d�}',.�f�u 2b} SA�iP--�ii��l �clii�er�tciarit{ f1Ris mccti�e cicclic�tecl to SAZtI'on1F� T{e19ru�M�= 1(1.ZO(�9�ltc�;�ilar'MCC�IfI� G;U4 ��.�n. [�iue cSnic l���rndr�v,T'cl�2] 1. C:c�nsc»t A�;anc9�: Cl��in7s, Pn3rroli,h�liiiaies [5 i��intEles] 2. f�irst lt�ac�in� E'roposcd ()��d'si��►nce,sril�ciivision rt�,s.��rde�3dn�e�tt{tiQe 17, A�i��A)-� I.t�ri I3�srlowv [IQ F�lin�it�s] 3. Adnyia� l�e�c��t; 20[�R Accompiisttuicnts Repart—I�'�ike J�cksaiti [3(��ni�yut�s] [*eslimate�! ���ec#it�K: ��airiutes� l+ef�ru�r�• �7, 2U�9 i�o Mecliu�Caiii�ci�r�iteruls I�e�;islati��e llclion t_'t�ufereitGC in Uly�rnfyia,l'�L� 1$ ��. 19 ,ti__n .�.----_ A�_._a� ��r5�f�nne �t,��.cc �,r,� f�t�ac 1 nf'i �'cla�•ii;�ry 2�.2[!{l9,I2e�i�l,���ilieeli�iL 6�OD i�,aiti. �d�te cis�tc I��ottdn;4',I+'el� �fiJ I. Conse»t A�e�ac{r�; P�yr�ll, C;lniir�s, ��5nnlcs [5 ntii�iitcs] 2. Seca[�d lZc.�tliiig 1'r���aseci C)rdin,�itcc, sul�tlivision ��e};s, Amc�id�y�ent{title I, A����A) — I.ori I�arla�v[5 mi,i�ites] 3. Info�7nly+; D�:�tiart�y�ei�t Rc��orls ["esti�ti�te�i ��ycctin�: n�inii�es] A'Ii�z�cl� 31 2Q69,Studk•Sessian G:OO lf.ni. �d�iG clr�tc Ma��dny,i+'ela 23� l, PCT�3I.1� I-1C'.A1tING: �ARP—Scotl Kt�l�t<� '�'��}Elllltllt�5] A'I�rc�� 10,2009. Ii�caut.ir illeeiin�;b:00 �,,m. �cli�c alfate i4iaticl►�y',Mar�cf� 2� ]. Cc��ascnt A�eitd��: F':���roll,Cl�ims, A•1i�tiutes [S i77imitcs] 2. 1'irs� ltcacliiig Prc�posc;d 4rilin���ec Iv 1lriaeircE Gc�mE� P�an (514RP T3ac��; 1)—il�ike C€��incliy �2a n,������es] 3. 1'irs! 1Z€�itkin� I'rc�poseel()rd�n�r�ce tc��1�iiei�c� ill]Cf�clo�t�ub�rea Irini� � �Z���(fiaok I�)- Seatt Ku��t;� [30 min� ('�cstirnntc�! r��cetir��: mii�t�tes) ��is�rch 17 2009: ho i�ficeiin* Ccrus�cil €�itcnds halsnnal I.cague c�f C�i#ics, C�,n�ressi�si�si t'�ty Cc���fcrence, Ite�el in 1�'fislringt4n, ll.G, Marcll l h - I�3, 2009, �'�o-�rc}i 2�.20i�9 IZcEUI;�r�vTee6ina Gt0(} ��.nt, �[l�tc c�:�1e hlc�tirii��',h9s�i�cti l(r] 1.Coi�se�it r'4gcnc�t�: Pn��roll,Cl��ii�7s, �1�li�iulcs [5 �nit�utes] 2. Sec�ar�c!I�.cat�ing 1'ro}ynsed �rtlin�i3�:c to A�stici�d C',cti��tig� I'If►�� (SI�t�I']3ook i) —�7ikc C:c�iyneli�� []5 titit�t�les] 3. �iecan��Itcading Pro�7aseci Clrtlinauc��to Ame��cl L11lt�I/�(I41�1L �11I}�9i'L'�l I�liu� �� h�1ap (l.soak I[}—S Kiilrl� [3(1 mi�i] �. /�Illl�:ll{I lll�;UI'QtllCl'�Yl4C F�{�(�Cc'.S5l11�,' �111CI'�;�I1C1' C1rcI Ufi-(}z] (cx��ires�1E�ril 14, 2D09) �]a i:�ii�mtes] 5. I�1'OE}�7SC(I I�C54�Il1£1011 AC�{l�)t311� S11�3iifCi! ��'I�m ]3uol: I11: CiE}r�ti�lions- iv1i1;�C'oniicll}� (2(} tt�i��ulcs] (i. Info C�nly: Dep���tineGtt l�eporl` �"cstintntcd i��eeiii��;: mint�tcs� IVC:�i•c�� 3l,2{1{19,SEuilr,� �cssiait,6:Ud u,m. �d�ic ciate hTondny,�i�rcii 23J Alrr'tl 7,2Q09, �aiu�l}•Scssi�r��,G:DU_Et.ni, �clt��clsstc� 1��r�i�d��t',M�rch 3(I] Ar��°il_14,21�[}l.I�c�u1a1•h�cetisi�,,(r:00 l�.s��. �cl�i��Inlc 11'Ic►nd;iy,A��ril G] I. ('c�n5ci�t Agei�cl�; I't�!,jrc,ll, Clai��7s,hginutcs [5 ii�si�iites] C)TIET.R_�'Is�UiNCr A�1Ulakd U_['!C()1�I1�(Y I�;:�C?f?,�/I�'If�;�',T�NGS: hccess�i}'I)wc�E�n�ilitils(�rcl 0;�-ODG nx�cli�icaEion} Braaci���ayJl��rti�herlCc��7ercte l��tcrscction (2(?Uc�) City�Ce��fer l�eport t�C:�imcil City ICall S�les Yurcftase A�;r�c3�tes�l Continunily��in+cy, ?_�08 C~o�i��� !'lr�it�r�rly 1.1E�d�tc(�1.pri1,J��ly, C�ct,J�i� ) Ilr.iFi +hrlvanrt� l►n�e�r3n 1�1a 117nf�R F 1'�7�.55 hA+f I'�[*c 2 nf 3 • Com�Plan Update{UGAI,TPA Co�currancy �ast Gateway Monument Stnicture # GM�17oint Pla�iing Ir►terlocal Agreament {spring?} Go�erriance IVlanual Impact Fee Request Central Valley School District IT Specialist Ciassification Resolutio�� Jaint Mee#ing wlCiCy of Spa�Cane Cauncil (passFbfe tapr'cs�waste tivarer chalfenges, m�uaicl,�a1 eorrrt chaJle��ges;regionaI transportatran plarrnr"ng1'solartrons;G�YIiI pollci2s&ainplerrrer�tatiar�) Northeast Housing SoluHons City IVlernbership # Ovenveightlover size vel�icle ordinance{20a9) parks &Recreation Maintenance Rene�val Contrack Parks &Reereatian Aquatics Contract Re�3ewal Panhandling Ordinance Residentia]Lighting Resolution Amending Re�solution 43-Q40, Banking Authority SAIiP Possible Ad�it�onal Meetings; Jan 12,Jan 26 Solid Waste System (�1�Iay,2009) 5plashda�vn Agreement Strategic Finaneial Plan—DaVe Mercier Street Standards Schedule Surplus Items—Ken Thompson {7an 2009) Trans�aortatioeti Benefit Dist(2009� a. Establash ord,; (b) set public hearing; {c)drat�resolution, (d}ballot language Tra�spc�rtation Impacts UDC Code Amendments Title 20 bakch i.]DC Cade Aanend�nents TiNe 2� Grading Use Agreement(Cary Dris4cell) [# A�vaiting action by ot�iers, � Daes nat include time for publie eomments.] DraftAdvance A�enda 1213�120Q8 11;37:55 AM Page 3 of3 ���vkan� �al�e�� 417'07 E S��ague AMe Su1te 106 ♦ 5pokane Vatley V'1A'�9206 509.921.1GQD ♦ Fax: 504,921.1Q08 4 cityhall@spakanevalley.arg f� e r�l�r� �1 d l� �1 To; City Council M�rnbers; aavid Mercier, City Ma�ager Frorr�: M€chael D. 5tone, CPRPf Director of Parks and Recreation Date; December 3[}, 2�08 Re: Praject Updat�s � CenterPiace Faod Services �Contract Update: � CenterPiace Es moving fQrward w�th the intent to have a nan-�x�lusiv�e in-house cat�re� � for 2D�9, This is i� accc�rdance with the Cen��rPlace Marketing Pian approved �y C9ty Council ir� 2047. �taff issUed a Reque�t for Prapos�ls o� Octabe� 1�, Z0�8 to provide �o�d Services at CenterP�ac�, ��ght �roposals were received from the following food seruic� providers: 1, Longharn Ca�ering 2. �lover Mansion* 3, ,4�ar's Foad Service�� LLC* 4. Two Caoks with Love 5. Beacon I�ill* 6, A Catered Affair 7. Catered for You* S� Cater�ng & Dess�r�s by Lori`s An interview shart lis� was created after the �ropasals were evaluated and four �nalisks* particl�aked ir� an interview and kaste testing prace�s, As a resu�t of t'�e int�rvi�w and taste testing process, staff ider�fiified Seacan Hili as ti�e mos� qualified and �ex�erienced food service p��v�der, Staff is in the process af deve�o�ing a c�ntract tl�at w�li b� broughk before the City Council for th�ir review and input or� January 20, z009 for a firs� reading and January Z7f 2009 for contra�t approval. H�vi�g an in-hvuse caterer vuill not only increase o�r revenue b�� provid� anather positive laye� �f custnmer serviee. Feedback �o date has �een extremely pasitiue regarding �aving an in-hous� caterer available. We hope t�o begin that se�vice Februar� 1, 2p09. � Discovery �Universal) Pl��raro�arad Update. Th� flrsk ��em I want to point ou� is ti�e cha�ge in the name of khis facility�, We a�e recamrr�endir�g callirtg this "Dis�overy �faygraund" rather t�han Universal Piayground. The playground is all abvut diseov�ry anc� is located at Discarrery Pface. 7here was st�ll confu�sian by same memhers of the public when w� t�s�d the term "universal," �u�stantial progress has beer� mad�e a� ��e final lay�ut and desigr� for the playground. StafFwill be ha�ring a final p��fic meeting saliciting cam�ents an tf�e prvposed d�sign on Jan�ary 19, 2004. We anticipate bringin�g aur final design recommendation �a the City Cauncil for your �ansensus approva� on aan�aa�ry 2�, 2��9. D�rr cons�ltanti �eam will be in tawn to present ti�e des�gn to th� Ciky Council. This timeframe is nec�ss�ry ta ensure ample time to pre,�a�e the canstruction documents for bidding, �ur gpal is ta h�v� this play�ground eans�ruc�ed by Septe�nber 2D�9. If you have any quesk+ons ar ne�d additional information please let me knavu, Thank yau. cc; Mike Jacicson, Depuky City Manager 2 CITY OF SPC�KAN� VALLEY Request for Council Action Meetir�g Date: January 6, 2009 City Manager Sign-aff: Item: Che�k all that a,�ply: ❑ consent ❑t►Id b�siness � new business ❑ public hearing � information ❑�dmin repQrt ❑ ,��nding legislatio� AGENDA ITEM TITL.�: Propased Parking Restrlctians and Speed Limits GOVERhfING l.EGISLATIOEV: NIA PR�VIauS COUNCIL ACTIDN TAK�N: N�A BAGKGROUND: The Ciiy has receEVed sev�ral requests for cha��es ko on-streek parking an� spee� zones within the last couple af monlhs. �he Gity also needs#o complete a �omprehensive �pd�te of its speed limik cade, The county's spa�d li�n�ts which were adopted up�n incarporat�on contained several etrors. Atl a�khese actions r�q�ire council ap�roval. Changes to Parking 1. Greer�acre� Elemenkary Sc�aol has ask�d io restrict�arkin� along the scho�l's frontag�, The prc�posal is to create a No Parking zane a� both sid�s of Lang Road and �t�Avenue on school days from 8:30 am — 3:30 pm. The purpose of khe restriction woul� b� ta reduce the �n-street cangestion, prevent the studer�ts from crossing khe road bet�r��er� � parked cars, ra�#e a11 pick-u� srad drop-vf�traffic thrc�ugh t�e schoal lot, an� io create a bus only zone an khe west side of the school an L.ong Rd, 2. C�entral U�lley High Sc�ool �as ask�d us to restrict parking along the schoo1's R�otc�fard �toad fa�onkage. The sc�ool wou1d like�o ir�stalf a pass-th�rough pedestr�an gate on the bac�c side af the schoal to provide S4�elley �ake area students vuitt� a more canvenient w�lking route 7'he ne9ghbors and the schooE have concerns that th'�a gate will lead to parking along Rotchfard Road and have requested ihat a 24-hour Na Parking zone be implemented prior to instaliing th� pass-t�rougr, C�a�ges to Speed l.imits 1. Greenacres Elementary School has alsa asked for a change in th�ir 20 mpn speed zone to exte�d it furlher south on l.ang. The sc�ool alsa has a pas�ed 2a m�� s�eed �one an 4�'that was never adopted in th� speed code. 2. Ur�iversity Elementary School has as�ed far a c�an�e tQ their 20 mph spee� zone on 16�`ta e�tend it to 300" west of the crosstivalk ai 16thfUniversily. 3. Seve�a� arterial r�adways are posted far a speed higherlhan 25 mph bu#ar� not listed ur�de�the 3U mp1�, 3� mph, 40 mph, or�5 mph sections in the adopted cQUnty code. 4. Same exisking s�eec� lirnits need to be rnvdi�ied so that the �xtents ar�e wik�in Spokane Valley city limits. 7he currently adopte� speed lirniks are described using boundaries within 5p�kane County 5. TF�e posted boundaries of several school speed zanes da nat match the limit� in th� cade. fi, UVe have received a w�itten r�q�uest from a resident along Park Road north of Trent 10 reduce ti�e spe�d limit fram 35 mph to 34 ra�ph. Engir�eering studies conduct�d by Public V�orks supporl this change. However, it is li#�ely that many arterials througl� residential areas of the city wauld have these same characteristics. It is difficult to recommend ehanging one arterial segment without evaluaiing the o#hers, RECDi'4�IM�NDED AGTION 4R MDTION: Skaff recvmmenc�s tF�at ihese issues be adde� as agenda items f�r discussian, BUDG�TIfINANCIAL IMPACTS: Nane. STAFF G4�ITACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director, Inga No#�, S�nio�Traffic Engineer AfTACHMEI�TS'. 1. �1ane. CITY OF �PC)KANE VALLEY Requ�st far Council Action � Meeting Date: Ja�uary 6, 2049 City Manag�r Sxgn-off; Item: Check a!I that apply. ❑ can�ent ❑ o1d �usiness [J new business ❑ public�earing � infarmation a admin. report � pendin� legislation AGENDA ITEM '��TLE: District Co�urt contract Qptions GOVER{VI{VG LEGlSLATIC�N: RCW 3�.34,180; RC1N 3,50.81a, and RCW 35,20.010 PRE�IiOUS C�UNC�L ACTIOhI TA!(Ef�: Apprau�al c�f fnterloca! Agreement for Cosks Ir�cident to Adjudicalion of Misd�m�anar and Gross Misdemeanor Offenses in fhe City of Spaka�e_Valley, _ BACKGRaU�ID: The Ci#y entered ir�ta an interlocal agreemer�t with Spokane County and the Dist�ri�t Court far Spakane County ta adjudicate its infractior�s, misdemeanor and grass misdemeanor of�enses, effecNve March 27, 2006. The �ontract was for an� year, but �utomakically renew� un��ss terminated �y ane af the parties, On Dacemb�r 30, 2008, ti�e Ctty Council instructed staff to under�ake an �Iternatiwes analysis for all of the contracks fc,r ser�ices provided by Spokane C�ounty for cantangency planning purpases. OPTIDNS: The CiEy has three i�entifiable aptians at this tirne for the pravision of Dist�ict Cflurt services, (9) �he Gity cvuid c�oase ta maintain its curr�r�t cor�tract with Spokane County and t�� District Caurt. If khis were t'he ch�ice, na action would �e requir�d. (2� The Cily could cvntract with another gouernmental entity that had the a�ilit� ta pravide fhess s�rvaces. It would �p�ear thak td�e Gity�af Spakan�wauld b�th�e anly other patent�al provider due ta our volurne. The Gity of Spokane r�cently announced they are gaing to starf #heir own separate municip�l courf beginning January 1, 20�9. Staff anticipates th� City would �� able ta c4ntrac# with Spakane for ti�ese services under a simiiar contract�al relat�onship a�d under simiiar terms �s it currenlly has with Spokane County. If kh� Ctity were to consider hauing a conkrac# w+th Spokan�, the Gouncil would need ko give the Cat�nty and District Cou�t appropriate notice af ierminat�on of fhe existing eontrack. The current c�n#ract rs done pursuant to RCUV 39,3�.�8D, which allows a jurisdiction to car�tract for any service it is statutarily allowed ta provide itseif. RCW 39,34.9$Qt�4} states ihaf "a ciky or caunty ihat wishes to ker�ninate an agreement far �he provisio� of court senrices musk pravid� written notice of the inte�t tQ terminate #he agreement in acc�rdance with RCW 3.�Q.8�0 and 35.20.O�D." RCW 3.5Q.�10 stales as follaws: (1) Any city having entered into an agreement for court seNices wit� the county must provide wrktken notice af the intent to #erminate khe agreement tc� th� county legis�atbve authar�ky no# less than one year �ri�r io F�bruary 1sk af the year in which all distric# court j�dges ar� subje��to�lec�ion. (2) Any city that terminates an agreemer�t for court services to be pravided by a district caurt may teTminate the agreer�n�nt an}y at tt�e end of a four-year�d�strict caurt judicial #erm. (3} A county that w�shes to terminate an a�r�ement with a eity for the provision of courl servi�es must provi�e written �c�tice Qf the intant to terrninake the agre�ment to the city legislaliv� authority not less t�an one year prior to the expiration of t�e agreement. RC'UU 35.20,014 states, in pertinent part, as follaws: {3) A ciiy t�ak has ent�te� in#a an agreemer�t for c�urt services +nrith the caunty must provide written notice of the intenf to terminate t�e agreement to the county legisfalive authority nat less than one year prior #a February �st of ti�e year 9n which all distric# ca�rt judges are subject to election. A ciky that terminates an agreement for caurt services #o be provided by a daskrict court may terrt�inate khe agreernent anly at the end of a four-year district caurt judicial term� _ _ _ (4� A county that �rvishes to terminate an agre�ment tnrith a c��y for the pravision _ • - af caurt ssn,i�es must provide wrikten n�tice of the intent to termin�te khe agreement to the city kegislative authoriky no# less than one year prior to t�e expiration of t�e agreement. If the C�ty vrere ta choase ti�is option, likely the ear�iest it could ukilize t�e new provider uvouid be January 1, 2019 be�ause the four-year jud�c�al term ends December 31, 201a. The noti�ce af #ermi�tation most �ikefv wauld need to be aiven t�riflr to Februarv 7, 2�49 as reauired hy these stat�tes. The current canlracE with Spokane Cot�nty statEs i�n 5ection �4 that ei[her party r�'�ay kerminate th� agreement on at least 180 days writken natic�. This appears to be cantrary to state la�r, a�d staff reeommends counting on having to cam�ly with the siatutory notice re��irements, rather #han the short�r contractual notic� periad, If the �C�#y chooses #a not give notice of teTminatiar� prior ta February 1, 2009, the C�ty 4vot�kd be unable to terminate its cantractual relationship tivikh Spoka�e County and District Gourt until at least December 31, 2014 because af the timing of khe jud�cial terms. lf th� City were to carrsider y�virrg no�ice of terminatron, the Couneil rnay wanf ta giti�e thoughf to also requestrrag the abiJity to revoke �he termirtafion up fo December 31, 2009. Thak way, it would give the C�ky addit�on�l kime ta ful��r analyze the available alkernatives khat is nat currentiy auailable given t�e February '�, 20D9 deadlin�far notic� of terminafion. it is alsa importank to note thaf the Caur�t� has a„much short�r termination period under these statut�s, one vear frarn the� e�d vf the eontr�ct. Since #he contract �s renewed each year unless termir�ated, it is an annuaa conir�ct In ess�nca, the Caur�ty caul�l give nolice an D�cember 31, 2008, and the City wauld have to contract with Spokane oriorm its vwn court by Januara+ 1, 2a10. If the C�ty wer� to c�oose this apkian of contracting with Spakane, between naw and January 1, 2011, the C�ky would nee� to ado�t vne or me�re ardinances �stahaishing its awn c�urt under RCW 3.50. Ti�is would establish jurisdictian in the City ta adaudicate tt�e cases, and the Ciky could iher� canlract with Sp4lcane to pravide the actual s�rvice, Please note that this pra�ess likely requires that the Legislature amend several state law provisi�ns (primarily RCW 3.��.050 r�lating ta requiremenk f�r ele�kion in ciky limil if serving city} befcrre we could pursue this mo�el. Spokane will be aetively pursu�ng these changes for #heir own benefit as it rela#es to their ability to cn�iraGt �rrith o1�er �urisdictiorts as we11, 7hey ha�ve asked for our suppart af their prapased leglslative amendm�nt. �3) The Gity cauld farm its awn municipal court under RCW 3.50. As ir� option two, abav�, w� wauld hav� to give Spokane Co�n�y and the D�strict Gou�t notice prior k� February 9, 2��9 to �e abCe to start our court an .�anuary 1, 20'i 1 ak th� earliest. In the int�rim, we wauld need to adopt a,�propriak� ordinances establishing the aut�ori#y and Juri�diclion of #he court. This would be t�e same pracess as� under o�tion two, abave, but instead of �c�ntracting for th� serrric�s, we would F�ave City ernploy�es pravidir�g them. This m�moranclum is nat intended to autlir�e wY�at iype af s1�ff r�quirements wauld be lik�ly in arder ta form our own court, and is ins�ead only to pro+�ide informalian or� the c��tions and r�atice requirements associated ►nrith thase optiae�s. If yo� have ar�y questians, please let skaff knaw. RECDIIfIMEN�E�ACT�aN OR MDTIaN: NA BUDGETlFRIVA�lCIAL iNfP�►CTS; Llnknawn ak this time. STA'FF �CJMNT►4�CY: �ary Driskell, depuky City Attorney ATTACHME�ITS; CITY �F SPOKANE 1fAl.LEY Request f�r C�uncii Action �Vleeting Date; January 6, 20a9 City Manager Sign-off: It�m: Check all #hat apply; �] cans�nt ❑ o�d business ❑ new busin�ess ❑ public hearing �information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislatian A�EhIDA ITEM TITLE: Infarmatian r��arding the code am�ndr�enx to Sectian 19.'1�a.(�30 �4irpart Over�ay Z�ne �File; CTA4�4-08} GC3VERwING LEGISLA710N: RCW 36.7Q,, �� C�R 77 and SVMC �9.'110.�30 . PREVi0U5 COUNC�L ACTION TAKEN;, None _ _ . . . . . . . BACKGROUND: Upon incorporation the City adop�ed t�e Spokane C�unty airport overlay regula#ions fln an wn#�rim �asis. The City adopte� thair own airport hazard averlay regulations ta protec� Felts Ffeld by �rdinance 06-Q42 an Februar�r 28, 2006. The reg�iations were �arrie+� farward in Spokan� Valley Mun€cipal Cod� (SVMC} Section �9.11�.03D rrvith the ad��tion of the new zonir�g regufations (unifarm cier�elopmer�t code� ada�rted in S�ptember of 24�07 and became effective Dctober 28�h, 2007. Concerns were voiceci by citizens and agencies regarding t�e density limitations of �one 6 within the airpart hazard overlay zone. Staff was directed by the City Council to review tnis issue and propose pvssible alkert�atiues to change the d�nsity limitatian. Code R�quiremenfs: A. The interim a�rport re�ula#ioras �did nat have any dens�ty restrictions. U1lithin tfi�e canical and acci�ent po#ential zone�s an avigatic�n easement was required far any new strucf�€re. B. T#�e currer�t regulations in Secti�n 19.110.a30 requires an avig�fion easementltitie noticelcavena�t for any permit Essued within the City, Additior�ally, a notice i� required #o be placed on ti�e permit for work or dedication language �f piat. Table 1�-�1�-� has 6 airport land use com�atibility zones wh�ch three �3) zanes restricf density (zones 3, 4 and 6} and t�hree (3) �on�s prohibit dens�ty {zon�s 1, 2 an� 5). The curfent am�ndment is to change Zane 6, w�h�ch restricts d�nsity ta one ('l� dwelling unit per two �nd on� half(2.5} acres, Al�ALYSIS. A. 4ctol�er �, 200� Study Sessaon with Plar�ning Commiss�on B. actober 23, 24�08 Public Hearing with Pfanning Commissior� Summary of ineetir�g: 1. Airport group� expressed concerns regarding increasad d�nsity. ln support of retaining �xisting regulation�. 2. Cytizensl�TOperty awn�rs conc�rned about limikations to develop their praperty. 3. The Public hearing vras continued ta allow time far #he a�rport graups to r�vieuv�nd meet wit� City staff. January B, 2�U9 Request far Council Action an CTA-U4-48 C. Greg McCormick �nd Karen Kendall met with Ryan Sh�ehan ano� �Jsal Sealoc'� from Spokar�e International Airport (SIA) on Uctober �'�, 2ao8. The SIA representa#iv�s indicated t�at the�r wauld have no further uvritter� comment on the issue. Disc�ssian centered an nvise miti�ation measures. Staff revised t�eir re�omm�r�ded optian for ihe December 1'�, 2008 contir�ued pu�lic hearing, The additional �ea�uirements included dedicatian I�rtguage an the face of pl�ts to serve as a notice af patenfial increased noise and require sound proafir�g an new �constructi�n within plats. The other two {2) rr�itigati�n rr�easures �avigation �asement and zoning restrictions} are currently require� ir� the air�ar� hazard �v�rlay (Section 19.��0.0�0}. D. December 1'f, 2�08 Continued Public Hearing with Plan�ing �Commission Summary of ineetirog: 1. Washington Department af Tra�sportatian (WSDC�T) Aviatior� Division s�oke in tappasitian ta staffs recomrnendation, In support af retai�ning � - e�ci�ting regufa#ions.- � . � � _ .- _ .' 2. Na additianal comments were r�ce�ved by the air{aort grou�s. 3. .Agair�, severa� citizans concernet� about limitations to develo� tl�eir p ro�erty. 4. The mation ta fcarward staff's recommendation failed 4 to 3. 5. Concern was raised by P�anr�ing Commissian members regarding the two (2} new commission members being introduced in the middle of the pra�ased c�de amendment. E. A matian 6 to 1 passed to dire�t staff to create an advisor}r committee witi� a rnember €ram the Hame Builders, Realtor (suggested realtor who testifie�), s#aff from INSDOT Aviation Divisian and p�oject ,�lanner ta co�duct resea�ch. 5taff would present �indin�s a� a re-advertised public hearing in na more t�aa� three (3} r�anths, The inforrnatian requested was no# clearly defined but perimeter was set to research irat#ic patferr�s, risk assessment a�d �caming u� vuilh additior�al �Iternafi�res. OPTIOirIS: �I, Ciky C�uncil direct staff to farm advisQry commEtt�e and �roceed as Planning Commissian requested; 2. Continue with proposed cod� amendmen� to Ci�y Council for a 15k reading of ardina�ce with staff's re�commendation; or 3. Other. STA�F CO�JTAC�: Karen Kendall, Assista�t Planner Page 2 af 2 S. � CITY �F SROKA�iE 1JALLEY I�eque�t for CQUncil A�t�can Me�tln� Dat�o; Jan€�ary 6, 2€}a9 C�ty Maj���er Si�n-aff; li�rti�: Check all th�t�EjpEy; ❑ con�erit ❑ a�d#�usfness ❑ r7�tiv L�tisi+i�ss ❑ �ubfic hearing X infnrrnakion ❑admin. r�pflrt �1 ��nding lec�islation AGEiVQA ITEilfl TITL�: �1me�rdment to C��r�tunily F�eiicensing In�erlocal — f=�mcfs roli�v�r #a ?D0� GC}VEI�NING L.EGIS'LATIO�l: PREVEC7U5 COLINCIL R�►C71QN TAKEN: Tl�e CiEy af �p�kan� Vall�y, City r�f Spokane, and Spokai�e C�i�i�ky ex�cuteel �n in�erl+���1 �gr��ment ior use af grar7k tunds �rom kh� Washinc�ton Slate 4ffice af Public Def�nse �n J�ily 3�, 2008. @ACKGRflU�ID. Nak al! of the #'uncls �vere used in ?_�08. OP� t�as advised tfle parties that it is fin� to ra11 any unus�d fun�ls from 2a08 for i�s� in 200�, 71�e atiached amentlm�nt would a�comnlish that, C7MI�TIC}NS: Execute an��ncinient; r�ot exec�ite amer�drTZent. RECQMNIENDEa ACT�O�J OR MOTIO�J: f'lace on co�nsen� ag�nc�a for Jar�ua�y 13, 20D�J far. approv�l. BUQG�Tl�It�ANCIAL IMPRCTS; ('�lA 57�IFF CONTACT: C�ry Driskell, D�puty Cftylltlorn�y ATTACM N1�NTS; INTERLC7CAL AGR��NIEiVT l�{'�ENDMFNT THfS �ON1�f�f��CT AMENQMENT is betw�c�7 #f�� CI1�Y OF Si'06iANE, a Was�iinglon St�te rnunicipal cc�rporation, whase adciress is �08 IN�st Spafcan� Fa1�s f3aulev�rd, Spakane, 11V'ashine�kon �J�J201, as "CI�Y',°' S�QI(ANE COU�lTY, a poliiic�l su'�tiivisinn ofi t�� Stat� af W�shinc�kon, wf�os� �ddress is ���� tNest Bro�dw�y l�v�enue, S�okar�e, Was�lir�gton J���D, as "'CC}UN1 Y°, SP(�KANE C{�UN7Y i'U�L.iG D�f=�CJDER, w��ose address is 1033 �IU�s1 Gardner, Gardn�r Ca�irt k���ildi�lg, SF�okaa�e, Washir�gton ���6D, as "COUNTY PUBLIC DEFEN�ER," a�d t�ze CITY 4F SI'04tANE VALLEY, a cade cily af t��e 5tate of Washington, wF�c�se address is 1�7'07 East ��r��ue Ave�l�ae, S�aok�ne Valley, Was��ingtan ��J20�, as "�ITY fll= �f'DK�1�lE U'ALL�Y'; �nci �ointly hereinaft�r referr�d to �s th� "P,4RTIES."' UVH�.k�C�,S, the PI�f�TIE� er�tered info an it}terlocal agr�e���er�t wl7erein the �'�IRTf�S wo�Eld utilize tile c�ran# funcls rec�iver� fro�n th� Stat� C?ffi�c� �f the Puk�lic [7efe��se for puf�lic def�r�s� in th�joint �ilylGaunly Con�munit�► R�licensing Progr�m; �n� 1NFIEREAS, tf}e PAF�TIES wodild lik� �o ro�f any f�irlds r�ot �:xper�deci �mder the 2Q0� gran# inta kh� 20D9 hu�iget for use in 2aD9; NUVII, Tf-IEf�k�'OI�E, the PARTIL-S agr�� �s fallows: '[. QC3CUMEf�TS. Th� oric�ii�al ii7lerlo�c�l ayr��mer�t ciated May 7, 2f�Q8, hll�y 20, 20i�8, aric! Juiy 3q, 2L1QB, is i��cor�aoraked k�y rc�f�rence inta this cioc�m�ei�t as �hau�h wriiten in full ar�d shall r�m�in in f�ll forc� and eff�c� exce�i as provicied herein. 2. EFFECTiVE DATE. T1�is ii�rter�o��l agree�»�nt amencim�iit s}�all becor��� e�fectiv� Ja��uary �, 2Q��J �, AMrNDl1�ENT. S��tion 2 and 3 of tfle interlocal �gre�menf c�ocu�t�ei�ts are amenclecf to re�t� �s f�llows�. ]. � � SECTlO�N P�O. 2: DURATCON This agreement sha�l be effective an April �4, 2008 �nd r�iE� thraugl� ((�e�ei�ber 3�;-��}�8)) �une 34, 2DO�J. A��y Parly may► #�rminate tiiis Ac�re�ment for breac�� ot a�iy provisiDn I�y any other party. Provided, ��caw�ver, prior to suc#� �eriiiina#ion, tl�e ' tcrn�iriatinc� p�rty must giv� at feast ti�ir�y (30) days wriit��7 natice 10 the �ir�aching F��riy �nd �tl oth�� �a�#ies of tt�� k�asfs for khe t�rnlir�ation, if the br��chinc� pa��y e�ires t�ie t�r�acli io the saiisf�ctiQ�t of th� termin�k�ng party those ��ttat��r� se� for#h ii� t�r-; te�r��inatio� notice, s�i�i nati�� �ha�l be ���ill a�1d void. Prouidec�, furt�er, this Agre�r7i�nt shall aaitor�ia�ic�liy t�rminafe i� il�e ev�r7t tite Grant wnich is 1i�e basis af tl�e t���c�ing is t�rmin�ted, unl�ss the parti�s ar�r�� in writinc� othe�rvis�. SEC'1�lON N(]. 3: �ERVICES �1. COIINTY PUBL.fC f�EFCNDFR; Th� Cou��ty f'ublic [�ef�ncfer`s C�ffic� curr����ly prc�vid�s clef�nder services on driving while lice�is� sus�encle�� c�ses for tf7� CiTY Q� S!'QKI1hlE VALLEY thro��c�1� � separate i��terlocal �r�reeril���t. The S�okane County f'ublic Qe€ender's O�ce will «se tt�e ��zonies ur��ier tl�is ac�reem�nk tra E�ire a�iciitio«�4 office asssst�nt 2 hel�, wha will assist in ctete�mining � �ligibility far i}ze relicensing �roc�ra��� for C�TY OF SPOKA�1� VALLEY cas�s ant� for �ersn��s who iiv� in S�v�tane 11aH�y, �r ��a�re cases pendinc� b�se�i oi� a citatian frai� th� Ci�y of S�okar�e V�ll�y Police De�arti�»nl, �ncl fc�r ot#�er duti�s �s assigned re�ating to those cases, f3. CITY OF 5PCl�SAh1E: TI�� Cily af S�okane Public D�f�nder's O�'�ce will �is� t��� iyionies to hire a tem�. s��son�l or proj�c� employe� clerk wl�o will a��i�k in �el�rrt�ining eligibrl�ty �or t�e �'�I�c+�i}sing �rac�rar� or� cases tn whi�h il�e City af S�akan� Pui�lic Defentle�'s �ffice f�as be�n assic�netl k�y t��� Mtinicipal Caurt a� Prat�ation De�artr��enk, ancl ali��r duties as assign:�d r�latir�g t�o clriving while license st�s�encl�tl cases. C. SPOK.�NE C[]1JhITY: S�akan� GQUniy wil! take a���rc��riat� a�tian to a�r�ro�ri�te into the Spa4�a��e C��mty f'ublic Def�nder's laudget a!l moi�eys received fraiti 1�t� �ITY 7F SPOKl�i�� Vl�L�.EY zir�c3er the t�rr7�s �oF #his Agr��m�r�t. A� fun�s nat �x �Pi���1 unc�er il�� ZDQB _�nt al�ocatio�� s���ll be rolled into tli� �OD�J k���clr�ek for us� in �D09. If !1 2 a�t��: �1rv or s�oFt��v� By: Titl�: Attest; Appra�+ed as ta farm: Cily Cler� �,ssist�nt Cily Attorney C}ated: B�r'�f�D Df= C�UNTY COM{�111SSIDNER� [�F Sf'OKl1hlE, CQUNTY, INAS}i1NG�T�QN TODD MIELK�, Ch�i� ATTEST: MARK RICI-�ARD, Vice C�air Q�ni�la Ericicson, Cl�ri� of ti�e Qo�rd QON�JIE MIIGER, Cc�mmissio�er l�pprov�d �s �o forrn; l�pproved: �Civi! Cl�e��i�y f�ros�c�itinc� �+ttprciey Spak�ne Counfy f'��li� Defend�r Date�i: CITY C��= SPOf4l�NC V1ILLEY �y: Tikl�: A�prav�cl �s tQ fari7i: Qy: �r�r��: ;3