Ordinance 06-017 Repealing SVMC 10.150 - Property Maintenance Code CITY OF SPOkANE VALLEY SPOkANE COIJNTI' W'ASIIINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 06-017 AN URDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOIiAtiE VALLEI', tiPOti.ANE COUNT', WASHl?YGTUN, REPEALING SPOkANE; VALLF~' MUNICIPAL CUUE SEC"i`ION 10.150.010(A}, PROVIDING FOR SF.VERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DAT>F;. WHEREAS, the City adopted Ordinance 0~-010, whicfi adapted certain uniform codes approved by the Washington Stale Building Cc~dr. Cawlcil. C)rdin:uicc 0_t-Ull) was later codified intA Spokane: Valley (Municipal Code 10.15.0!0; acrd 1ti'HEREAS, one of the uniform codes adopted h} reference pursuant to C)rdinanec (W-1111) way the International Property Maintenance Code; and WHEREAS, after two years of enforcing the lntcrnational Pmpem `laintenance Cudc, the City has determined that other ordinances and regulations adapted by the City mare accurately reflect the policy approach the City wants to take in relation to property maintenance, and that the other ardinancey and rcgulaiions provide morn effective mechanisms far abatement of undesirable conditions; and WHEREAS, repealing ~V;~tl' lU.l>.OiU(1E1 will further the public hr:?lth, safer .end welfare. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the Cit} of tif+okanc Valley. ~l'ashingtcin, ordains as fnllnws: Sectloa 1. Intent. !t is the intent of the City Council for the City of Spokane Valley to repeal SVMC 10.15.010(H), adopting the lnterna[ioual Property Maintenance Code, in its entirety because the City has determined that other ordinances and regulations adopted by the City mere accurately reflect the policy approach the City wants to take in relation to property maintenance, and that the other ordinances and regulations provide mono effective mechanisms far abatement cif undesirable conditions an private property. Beetle Spokane Valle}' Municipal Code section 10. l ~.U I l><H) is repealed in its entirety. Thz remainder of the SVMC 10.15.010 is unaffected by this action. Section 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence or clause of this chapter is Car any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this chapter. Section 4. [:Ftcctiye date. "I~his Urdinanee shall be in full Torre and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance ur a summary thereof occurs in the atTic~al newspaper of the City as provided by law• f 2ssed by the City Council this 2T'' day of June, ?OUG. ~C W :~_I•r s7 , ;Z_ / Mayor, Diana Wilhite City Clerk, Christine I3ainhridge Appr Aa'~ ' Gt Office oft a City Att ney ' Date of Publication: E.ffectivc Uate: - Ordin:rncc 06-017 Repealing Adoption of Property Maintenance Code N1~.C I ~,f 1