Ordinance 06-018 Providing Street Vacation STV 01-06 Old Indiana Avenue CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY'
ORDINAtiCt: NO. 0(rlll$
WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution 06-006 initiated vacation proceedings for a portion
of (approximately 94'x 165') Old Indiana Avenue located north of Interstate 90 and south of Indiana
Avcnuc (STV-Ql-06) by providing that a hearing an the proposal would he hell ]xf~~re the Planning
Commission on the 2Sth day of May, ?006.: and
1N11L-:REAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing ~m ~1ay ?(IOh ;tad cc~ntinucd the
puf,lic hearing to June 22, 2406 on the proposed vacation; and
WHEREAS, following a hearing, the Planning Commission found that the notice and hearing
requirementsc~fTitle 10 Arti~lc IX Section 111.1?9.1)-1.111 of'thc Spi,kanc ~';rllcv Municipal C'~xlc h;?ve Ikon
mrt. and further found than
1. The vacation o! the street,~alley will pertnil full development of the pmpe:rty for beneficial
uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance, serving the public interest.
2. the three (3) existing panels abutting the prc~pcrsed right-of•way vacation area all h:rvr
;recess onto Old Indiana Avenue.
3. A hventy (20) foot casement will bc: resrn-ed for Consolidated Irrigation District. tither
casements will also be required for existing or future utilities including V4'ashington State
Department of 'Transportation. Spokane County Utilities Division, Avista, Comcast, and
t )west. The locations of these easements are a requirement of the record of survey.
4. Thy Public Works Department submitted comments which analyred the need of Old Indiana
:venue For future use and responded by specifying the requested pc,rti~,n is n~, longer
required for public use or public access subject to recommended conditions.
5. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions
will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and
6. \°u objeetians havr been received to the prnpc,sed yucation fr~,m ttre notice of puhlic hearing
andlar routing to staff and agencies; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finding, and.~or nunutLs have been filed witty thr ('i?v
(_'lerk as part of the public record supporting the vacation; and
w'Iif..REAS, none of the pmpcrty owners abutting the prupcrt} tc~ he vacated liied a written
objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; and
WHEREAS, through adopted City Code pmvisi~~ns, the City shall provide that the vacated
property be transferred to the abutting property owners, one-haU to each, unless cinumstances require a
difTerent division of property; that the zoning disVict designation of the properties adjoining each side of
the street shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall Ik submitted to the Director of
t)rdin:rncc• 06-U I ~ 5trcrt Vac.rti~rn STS' 11 I -Ob I'a~~c I ~~f J
~~anrrlunit;~~ f~e~el+:?I~m~lst: ~n€1 that al! riirrct arsrl indirect ~:E}4t~ 13~ ttl~l~ ti`r115~~~' Ci7 tll~ 4~~;II'{~d street t+e
paid b}' the prv~+arteott tar rce.ipicnt nI'tlse trarlsf+erred prla~pcrt±~: encl.
t-IFRL~S, else ~t~• C:asuncil c~esir~~ to ~'~~tc tlt~ above ~ts~:~:t piarsu~lnt tc, ~pa~karae ~all~~•
(49unicipal Fade S~ctinn~ It}.[?~."?"0 - .3~{~_
s~fC3`~" `l`HER~P~~R~~ tl•te ~.ity ~~uncil aF the City' ~rf Sp~nlc~Ftc ~+'all~v, Skaotc C'rlurut~~,
~Vss}~i~s~~tcsn. cic~ ~~rrtfain as f~llcr~vs:
Section 1, ~indins~ ~f ktct. `l'h~ C'ity' t~"oancii Issal':~s tli~e fs~llowin~ rn+~in~[s flts;t: ~ I 1 cllc
City,' €partane:nt of Public V4'url~s ~'la_~ reviewed t);te ri~Jst~of=y~'A~' ev be vra~raee~l artr.! d~icrrr,itte~i that tine
pra-party ,sd~ncent to the ~"ac~it4d pr~}~rt~' ~s c~therrw'ise served by publie~ ~-,r ~,ri~'utc ~s:~e_~:s: {?j~ a pul<ilic
h~trin~ cln the prt~,fxssed vacatian fans. been lsedcl in ~eccsr~dattes u°tits Stag Law and C'i#}'Cade tsel'~re tlt
1~fannirig C~mt~sissc~n ?vEth the rorcar+d ~~such hearing anc~ ~,rcer<clir~~s iil~ec! With e City ~`lerlc: (3) ane
l i) written cnFnment w~ recei+vcd b±~~ ran ab~it#itt~, prrrperty nvvner to l?arce! f+to. ~51{?~.~Q36 (nit ~b~uttitr~,
ri~!ht-cif-~14' tcx L r"~ti,~uta;d} re~questin~ tfte Pl:wning ti`.c~mmissE€In ~c3ntirsue the public laegrin~ t~ all~r~'
nkare tune to c4mrllcnt c,n actiaf~. Tftc c~}tnrnetrt is tiled ~~~dt11 tfic City t:;lerfti: a;nd t`~~ u;reatir~n cif the slrect
~r all~e~ sersres the Iruk~lic int~r>ist,
Minn 3. ~'rctrEv try b~ ~f~cattecl. F~a~~ed up[tn the tthcrwe findings mad in accl~rdflnce tivith
elii~. ~~r~it~ane-e.
ih4. C'ity' ~t~uncil ~u~~ lxr~reby x~aeate tFle sheet ter alley' c-fescrib~d ~n the tttn~hetl Gxhil~it
",1" ttliicft is ill~:urlrs~rated lserl:in b~' referene~.
5ectiun 3. 1'c,tllll~_ The I~s~ns~,~ dcsi~ssaticln far else ~'uc:~atecl pr~:,pc.rt~ chalk fss ths: ~iesiguaticsr~
t~ tk~e :~d~citsit~~ prup~rties as :set l'~rtfs ~~~ithin tkt~e r~5~eetiw'e f,r~pert~ car ant ~ n`~, The Dire~4 tb3r tY#`
C'1rmn~uni4}~ CUt:t~clcrprrlrant is acltht~ri~,ed to retake this notetialt al's the ofificiz~l Caning h~lap of the t; it}•.
crtiae~ tu'tsttdiei111ss i]I~~'acatit~n_ The Ic~llo~4ing c~,ctcjiti~n~ sh~lll 1 f'elll~' ~,rti~~icCl ~ric)P ti}
tllc tra11SSI~r 47{ tltll~ b1r' else ~ ft}', -
A regard of ~ttrr•'c:~~ prR;p:~rcd b~ ~ rgistcruJ sun•c~'ur its else ~tit,~te vi' ~~''tlshi~sct~}n a~s~i
ineludi.ng ten r<x&et met~c5 Y~r1Ck kxC+~utsds legal. deserif,tinn tsnd speci~~in~ if applicable ~In~' anc~ sal l
easerrteztt~ fart ~;~t'kStruCtitl, repair allcl meintcirance crf existing gad futc,re utilities rsnci
~.cr~'ices. 13trr r€cr~~rd v!' ~urv'e} shall canlain the praf'iessiartal strsrn}~ Intl si~n:lture caf tllc
re~istrr'ret~ ~eta~~cv~r anci; s}~n~tkd tae #ilrci I~parl completi~rn ~~ith the Spc~l:ane Ccrur~e5~' ~'~uditc~r.
The ~nrv'ey'nc ~f~ail lsrnvide the C'ity' e,f Spore '~•'.~Iley with a m}~kar caps' of tErr rec~rcl
~urv-e~" seed tfte Auditar's [}ocument Ncrmber anc! clt~tc csf r+e~ard~ti~r~: anc#
l~1 The survc;~'+.3r shill I{~eate at lrra_s# twc~ nsc~nurnents an the centerline of the vaeatcd tight-c~i=
sv;~y ti4'itlt erne ~csc:stcci at tl~r ilster;retirrlti ~f tfs~: +~ents:rkine r,d' the ~aAeate~i ri~;he-ikf
~ti•ay with
each ;strreet or s-i~;l~t~fLL~~'uy its accardancc ~~with the starrclr~r~i> cyt;tlrli;lsLcl h~• tlye .5;~rr,~`rr,le~
C:'r~uarti-Strn,rlc~rr~s fcr R+3rrd curd 5e~+~er Cora,rtrta~trr~rl; and
c.l ;ilk ISCCessa~.ry' euscs~cnts n~quired by Cc,nlid8ted I:rri~,aeic,ll L~i~tri~.t, asisira~,tirls S~tc
Ji)+epartmett4 of Tt~rtsp~~srtatian, Spc~kaltc ~Gal~u~' C]ivisiors at' L1~ifitics, Avista" bluest and
Cnmcast shnJ9 E,e sl~ca~-n c+n tftc re~arcl e',f surgery ar~d written dacr~snentatinn fram aEl utility
cc,srt,parsi~s is r+>cluirrci to be ssjl}mittcd two else C'ammuraity L?e~°efc~pment f]ir~ctar, ar clei~nce
~'e.riF~^in~ all. easements fste+~e been indic~steci; and
dl ,~cc:r~ss to P:tr~t9 1~las. ~514~.'~~~~, 451(.'4 c~ ~~1(i~,~f~3G sktall c~lsly' b~ #`rvm C)Id lndkana
~1ver~ue. Ncr :scelss is granted to the irttpro~e~ ~-kanc Indiar~R ~ti~v'ctt~ue f''Err- Sltrr abc~vr p~r~cl~;
ate d
(:31'dinsnce I ~ ~~~reet V ~sea1 i nrr AT'V' 1-~}ts Fzg~: ~ rl ~ -t
e~ i}a~'na~til ~rf nll ~ire~t and ittidirecl CoslS ~f title transE•t<r ~F the ~•~cated strrccl s~~ al~ey° from
pualie f~~ ~Sria~atc t:,~vnet•ship including bui not limitt~r{ Il? line oomp~~v cY~ar~es, cnp~'it~~ Firs,
end aeeardn,~ Fecfi; and
I~ The applica~'hle caning disir'te# d~si~natiarts, ~C:~3tnt~sunit~,~ ~t~fiiness ~c~nirtg ahuttii~~
parcel tyla.ntib~r l [11~.4~1~0 and Li~hl Ittiustrial ~ I-2} ~c~niat~ .a~ault.ing etumbc:rs
IU4,~i7~~ and 4~1~~,~~i~~ 517n11 ill1CL"1i11FiL1~.~I~'~~ c:~lct~[1cc~ tai tt~e canter c~6 s~+ch ~racatir~rt,
and ala aroma inclu~iiid iit tltie e~c~caiic~t~ ~I~a>il l9~en an{f hrrttc.cunJi be srtb~ect li5 nll reguiatrrn~ of
the e~t~nded di5tricls.
ctio~w C:I~sin~, I~t~ili~~~~ing satislti~lit~n rrf the ~31~[t'4•~; i;t-?i~dilii~ns, the C:itt~ C'lct•I;, shall
rei~~~r~l ~ c~rlilEivd cape cif this. C7riiinan~:e in Ikt~. i~t~ite of the ~nunty. ,4udilc~r, ~nr~ tiae ~Lty ArltrFtssgcr is
autfts~ri~ed to ti;~tutc all nei:es:~sl~~ i~cx:umi:r~ts,srtilu~ltn,~ a Quit ~-lajrrw l]ee~, in crrdcr lt~ i;at~tplr;te ll~e
trznsl'er of the rraperty idct~tii'ieil herein.
tiectinn ~G. Se~+~t'aFsilit~°. IFany~ src~tcin, senlenCe, clt~ttsc i~rr pl'traste tv+F 1'I~ls (]rllittairtce shall Ise
l~tld t:o ~ in4°,Yld i)r ttncartslitutatai~al I~~' s ct_sunl c}t` c~~rn~+etent jritlisc#i~tiatt, such an~•;~li~l~l;~' car
t~nt:i~ll~tilutie~naTiCy sltnll tint $ff'ecl Llae uuli+~it} car ei~nstitutiantiljl}° cif any other secliari, sec~t~nce, clause nt
phrase ~?l'thi~ nC~rtattc;e.
Scilinn 7, Cft~ecti~~e i}ttle, Tlyis C~rdinant~e shall I~ 1ltl ~'i:tll f~rrci< rind elTec;l li~~c (S) da±~'s afltr
}auE~licstiun ol~ lttES Qrrlinance ttir ~ sttarimary titere,f in the ilf~tCial neu~sptM}~ur i~t- the C.it~~ ~Pf' tipcrl;sitt~:
~t,llev' a~ pri~~'ided Ito~v,
I~.~~~1f1 I~~~ thy: City l~`i~iitS~il tltiis cla~• t~Fr'tu};~~t, ?~}I~fr,
Ca~A. ~
~'fa~•or. f~isna '~+'ir'ilJtiie -
~1'"~ •f:
~it~~ Clerk, ~'ktrl~#n~: C3~ittil:+rid
1+?p~lra~i'ell r1g Tn l~`@r[ttl:
~ .r
(~I tc~: of the t'ity' r'~ttarrt
Bate of t'ublic~a.lic~tt~ ~1#l~ 18-{?
L~'eetuvr Dutt. [.t8-."".3-i~G
t~rd~it~~tce{i(_ttl;~ ~tnc°z ~~,~,~~ati€!~~ Sl~'t71-~~~ E}.~L,~ ; ~,f'-a
Eihibit "A"
Prc?perty~ Description
Ordinance Or,-(l18 tiirerl ~'acati~m S~Iti' 01-U6 Pat;c d ot~-S