Ordinance 06-024 Adopting 2007 Budget = CTTY U.H SPOKANE VAL,T F..Y SPOKANE CUUi\il'Y, ~VASHL\'GTO\' UIZ:D11`ANCE NU. 06-024 AN UItDINANCE OP THE CI1•Y OF SPOKAi\'E VALLEY, SPOKANE COUN`Tl', VVASHTNGTO\, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR TI•IE P)JI2IOD .IANUr11tY 1., 2007 THROUGH DFCT~7B)•J1Z 31., 2007 A.PI'120PRiATING FUNDS AND LSTARL.ISWING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR E•STAI3LISHED I'USITIONS. \VI•IEI~,AS, State law requires the City Manager to prepare a preliminary budget for fhc City of Spokane Valley at least sixty (60) days before the beginning of the City fiscal year beginning January 1, 2007 and endin~~ December 31, 2007; and \\'t•IEREAS, the City_ Manager in consultation with the Finance Director and Department 1-leads has prepared and placed on file with the City Clerk a preliminary budget together with an estimate of the anlOUnt of money necessary to meet the expenses of the City including payment of outstanding obligations; and 1'Jt-11?REAS, notice was posted and published on August 25, September 1, September 29, October 6, and October 13; 2006 that the City Council in the City of Spokane Valley would meet and receive public comment in the City Council Chambers prior to the adoption of the budget; and \VI-lE1LEAS, following the filing of the preliminary budget with the City Clerk, notice of the same and three hearings on the budget; the City Council desires to adopt the 2007 budget; including all allowances and an appropriation for each fund so that a balanced budget, where appropriations are limited to the estimated revenues including beginning fund balances, is adopted for the City. NOW, TWr12EFUFZE, the Cih~ Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Secticin 1. Adoption of 2007 fludoet. 'fhe budget for the City of Spokane Valley for the year 2007 is hereby adopted as the balanced budget. of the City with appropriations limited to the total estimated revenues and beginning fund balances of the City. The final budget for 2007 is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein pursuant to RC\V 35A.33.07~. For summary purposes, the total estimated appropriations for each separate fund plus the aggregate total for all such funds is set forth as follows: FUND ESTIA•IATEI) APPR()I'I2IATI01\` REVENUES d~ N UND BAI_.Ar~iC'E GFt~'ERAL• FUND $35,907,470 $31,549;504 STREET FUNt7 ?,420,000 4,088,372 ARTERIAL S`I°KFET FUND 912,000 912,000 TRAILS & PATHS HU•NI7 21;000 21,000 h10TEUN10"('EL FUND 655,OOD 658,000 DEBT' SER.VICF LTGO 03 600,000 600,000 CAPITA I:. PROJECTS FUND 4,120,000 4,120,000 SPECIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUT`rD =1,420,000 4,420,000 STREE`f CAPITAL PROJEC"fS FUND 6,939,543 6,939,843 M[RABEAU POII~'T CAPI`fAl.: FUND 441,000 441,000 STREET f30~1D CAPITAL 516,000 816;000 CL7 BLOCK GRAI\r"1' FU\rD -4- -0- Ordinance 06-02A, annual Appropri~itiun Ordinance 2007 1'nre t of / ~ ~ C:API'I'AI. GRANTS FUND 7;300,000 7,300;000 BARKER BRIDGE FEDERAL FUND 700,000 700,000 STORMVI'ATER MANAG)?ViE\~T FU1~~D 2,35,762 1,900,309 PARKS CAPITAL PROJEC'CS FUND 3,550,000 3,550,000 EQU I Pitt l N "I' R& R FUND 944,375 944,3 75 R[SK IvIANAGEMENT FUND 217,100 217,100 RESERVES: CIVIC FACILITIES 1,460,000 (,460,000 CET~ITERPLACE 325.000 325.000 SERVICE LEVEL 5,200,000 5,200,000 ~~JINTER ~VEATE-IER 540,000 540,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $88,347,SSU $7G,702,503 'fhe total balance of all funds appropriated for the year 2007 is $76;702,503. Section 2. Positions and Salvy Schedules. The various positions and salary ranges for Cit}r Employees are attached to this Ordinance as Appendix "A." Section 3. Transmittal of Budget. A complete copy of the budget as adopted; together with a copy of this Ordinance shall be t:ransmittcd by the City Clerk to t:he Division of rvlunieipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and the Association of 1'Jashin~ on Cities. Section 4. Severability. if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held t.o be invalid or uncor?stitutional by a court: of cornpet:ent jurisdiction, such invalidity or LInCOnSt7tut10n311h'shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordin~ince. Section 5. Effective Date. `C'hic Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after • tFle dat:c of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the offeial newspaper of the City. PASSED by the Cit}' Council this 14'I' dtiy of November, 2006. 1 Diana Wilhite, ti13W}'or A Ll~i 'hr'lstine Bainbridge, Clty Clerk Approved As To F,. m: 0 Ice of City Attoi°ney Date of Publication: 1 1-24-06 Effective Date: 11-?~-06 Ordinance 06-1)24; Annual Appropriation Qrdinance 2007 Pagc 2 of 2 . ~ - ~ Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE 2007 Salary Schedule Position Title Grade 2007 Ran e Citv h:lana er Unclassified De u Cit Mana er 21 $ 7 627 - 9 779 City Attorne 21 7,627 - 9,779 Cornmuni~ Develo ment Director 21 7 627 - 9 779 Finance Director 21 7 627 - 9 779 Public Works Director 21 7,G27 - 9 779 Parks and Recreation Director 19 6 178 - 7 921 Planning Mana eY 18 5 561 - 7 129 8uildinq Official 18 5,561 - 7,129 Senior En ineer - Caoital Pro'ects Develo ment 18 5 561 - 7 129 De ut City Attorne 18 5 561 - 7 129 Senior En ineer- Trafirc, CIP Plannin /Grants 17 5,004 - 6,416 - Accountin f~fana er 17 5 004 - 6 416 Cit Clerk 16 4 504 - 5,774 En ineer 16 4 504 - 5,774 Senior Planner 16 4 504 - 5 774 Senior Plans Examiner 16 4 504 - 5,774 IT h,~tana er 16 4,504 - 5,774 ~ _ .Associate f?lanner..__.______ _ 15 4 054 - 5 197 - - - Assistant En ineer 15 4 054 - 5 197 • Public Works Su erintendent 15 4,054 - 5,197 CenterPlace Coordinator 15 4 054 - 5 197 Human Resource Anal st 14 3 648 - 4 677. AccountantlBud et Anal st .14 3,648 - 4,677 AdminisUative Anal st 14 3648 - 4 677 Assistant Planner 14 3648 4 677 Buildin Ins actor II 14 3,648 - 4,677 Plans Examiner 14 3 648 - 4 677 GIS Technician 14 3 648 - 4,677 Put~lic Irrformation Officer 14 3648 - 4 677 En ineerin Technician _ 14 3 648 - 4,677 Senior Permit S ecialist 14 3 648 - 4 677 Nlaintenance/Construction Ins actor 13-14 3 ?_83 - 4 677 Recreation Coordinator 13-14 3,283 - 4,677 Code Enforcement Officer 13 3,283 - 4,209 Buildin Ins actor I 13 3,283 ~ - 4,209 • Plannin Technician 13 3,283 - 4,209 . Denut Ci Clerk 12-13 2 955 ~ - 4,209 . Senior Center S eaalist 12-13 2 955 - 4 209 - Adrninistrative Assistant 11-12 2 660 - 3,789 Permit S ecialist 11-12 2 660 - 3,789 Accountin Technician 11-12 2,660 - 3,789 P~taintenance ~Alorker 11-12 2 660 - 3 789 Office Assistant II 10-11 2 394 - 3 409 Oftice Assistant I 9-10 2 155 - 3,068 Recreation Assistant 5 1,323 - 1,735 CITY OF o ne ae® . _ 1_ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ r - rY~"'L-~ _ ~ .mac ~ . w+{y~. 'l ti 3 'es ~ w p ~ ` r~i.. f I. - - Y Atrial Photograph of Spokane Valicy 2007 Final Budget l r - ~ . ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ] 4J P r 1}ll.`Ll Y ,`7.!_r l.~~i 1 ~ 6lJ l! 1 ~ 4~ ~1 LiLr 1 F i '~`abie of Ontents ~odget lessa~e 1 ~ouncilmembers 8c Stain' 1 ~it}F I~Sanager's I3udge'r message ? F budget guide . About the Budget ~c tl~e Budget ~'rocess 10 _ Spokane alle}~ Budget .Policies ~ ~ Bads o'PAccounting acid Budgeti.u~ 14 Explanation ofl~c~~enue Sources 1~ ,T . I ~3 u det ntr~ma ry 4- ie~~en+~e 14ssumptions ~ i _ Expenditure Assumpfiiar~s - ? I )3udgct uuzniary ~ ~tevenues b~F'lpe 4 _ ~enera>< Fund Revenue Sources ~i~rfi ~ } [~it - ~Ticle le~~e~ue Sources chart ~ l Detail Revenues b T- e 7 ~~'F F_~xpend~ttirc~ b L~epartme~~~ 3~ General Fund Expenditures by Department 6 Type 31 ,-eneral Fund Expenditures by ~eparFrnent C:h~.rk 32 ' ~ eneral Fund Expenditures b}~ T}~pe chart 33 J Fxpen€Eitures - general Fu»d- jLcgislati~~e Branch ~ Executi~~e ~c L~ 'sl~tive Su ort 37 ~ p)? public Safefiy 4~ i ~ ~o»tracfi Expenditures hazt 4 Ope~~tions 8c Adnunislra~ivc Services 43 .Public ~~Jorks 4G ~ :[~[annin~ . Community J7e~elopn~enfi ` T_~ibrary 51 ~ Parks eci~atioz~. ~encral ~~er~~ment 57 All Other F'uuds: ~-i Street ly'uud Arterial Street Fund Trails Paths Fund III#el{iotel rand ~ C;cn#erP!€GCe Qperafiing lcscrve Fz~nd ~ Service Lc~~e1 tabili~.ation Reserve ~~und ~l ~I ~~~~nler ea#hcr leser~+e Fund ~ i~ ; CITY ()1+ SPOKA\rE VALLEY - 2007 BUDGET Table of Contents i~ Debt Service Funds 63 j Capital Projects & Special Capital Projects Funds 64 Street Capital Projects 1 and 6~ _ A~irabcau Point Capital Project T'und 66 Street Bond fund 66 - Capital Grants Fund 67 Barker Bridge -1°ederal Grant Fund 67 ~ Parks Capital Projects Fund 63 Civic Buildings Capital Project Fund 68 Stonn~~~ater Management Fund 69 f 1=,quipment Rental & Replacement Fund 70 - Risk Management Fund ~ 1 ~ City Pri~rile & Other Budget Ini'ormation Gcneral_Fund Capital >?xpenditures 72 ~ All (Other Funds Capital 1Jspeuditures 73 Position .Listing by Department 74 - Full Time Eaui~~alent Count by Yeaz 2Q06 ~'~~orkforce Comparison 76 Community )?rofile and History Eiuployee salary Schedule 8~ ! Debt Seri=ice Schedule g l l Multi-Ycax Fv~ancial Plan for General Fund SZ Multi-Year Financial Plan for the Street Fund $3 Budget Ordinance 84 ` Glossary 86 ~i i ! / - C:[TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY l City Council 1V'[embers i _ niana Wilhite, Mayor ,Richard 1V.Iunson ~ Position #l. Position #5 r - Stephen Taylor, :Deputy Mayor William Gothmann i Position #2 Position #6 Michael :DeVlcming Richard Denenny Position #3 Position #7 Oary Schimmels ' Position a#4 ' ` Staff ~ - David Mercier, City Manager Nila :1Zegor, Deputy City Manager ` Ken Thompson, u~ance Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director. Michael. 7ackson, Parks & Recreation Director - Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Michael Connelly; City Attorney I- Christine .Bainbridge, City Clerk 1 i ~ - CITY®1~~~~ p alts y City Manager's BudgetMessa,~~e Annual.8udget ~'r~r - Fiscal Year 2007 ,Dear Citizens, Mayor and City Council of Spokane Valley: " It is my pleasure to present the budget document for the fiscal year of 2007, which represents tlic combined efforts of.' the City Council, staff and citizens. Tlus year, the City Council, Planning Commission and citizens gave much attention to crafting the fast Comprehensive Plan for the - City of Spokane ~~alley that «~ill guide development over the next twenty years. The Comprehensive Flan can be easily accessed and viewed on the City website: " «~vw.spokanevalley.org. - Budget Highlights - The 2007 budget continues to recognize the dynamic and changing environment within which the City must operate. The budget process has been used to rein.f'orce the City's commitment to delivering its core sen~ices, and the budget document was built around funding; a set of services " and investments consistent with that core mission. A summary of key budget highlights for the " Council and eo~nmunity's review is as follows: Rel~enue: Gentle Growth: FZevenuc projections for the 2007 ti.scal year have been increased - to account for greater sales taY receipts and to reflect strong but dccreasi.na building activity compared to last year. "1'he City's six-year financial. forecast shows conservative revenue growth beyond 2007; however those estimates will fluctuate according to changing trends in the economy. Expense: tYl~oderate Grtnvtli in Current Operational ~xpettses: Investing in the essential core services identi_i:ied by the Council and community creates baseline costs that are currently growing at a higher rate than tax revenues. ~vcn with a remarkably small internal staff; credible progra~mz,ing requires an ongoing investment in basic capacity to provide efficient operations. As the City evolves during its five- - year start-up period, personnel costs along with the price of operating supplies and charges for contract services escalate at the rate of 6% to 8% annually. Public Safety costs increase mare quickly than vtlter areas of operation. 2 Fact: In 20U7, Pulice, Court and Jail related services will cost $17.~~'8,~71--slmost twice the $9,125,000 anticipated property tares for the entire year. Capita! In~~estments: .Successful Grantsmanship Pays Dividu~ds: City stag' ackively pursues funding commitments from other sources to help pay for the cost of needed capital improvements-roads, bridges and parks-that benefit the community. The 2007 capital construction program totals $b,933,000 of which the City ~a711 cantributc 51,628,000 ur just 23%. Street t'und: Stale Funding ojlocal Roadway Maintenance Insuf,~icient: This fund derives its revenues from an allocation of the state Motor Fuel Tax distributed to cities and tows. Currently the City receives only about $2.0 million or about 44°.'0 of the funds needed to pay for street maintenance activities like snow plowing, pothole repair, resurfacing eroded lanes, sweeping, weed control, street lighting, traffic signals and a variety of other repairs. The problem facing Spokane Valley for the foreseeable future will be closing that gap between street related revenues and cost.5. A Street Master Plan is being prepared that will itemize the a~ndition of our city street system and identify the repair needs and costs associated with maintaining our 425 miles of roadway. Clearly, any decline in maintenance expenditurc;s would result in noticeable differences in the conditions of local street_S. ' ..~s--•--j - - n ~ ~ ~ ~ i-.~ .tit _ . •Jll' ~~t.12lflt':1 Cllt~ 5'l:: r/ llfcc/ 11'7111 l ~Ilf/t.'.J •~(ll(t'S ~~e'1;4~fr ~QnV •41+trnrl' f('f a 7r'(?i~l'1 t>I! fr,;lJl (:I j' ~~i _ft7Uf ~ IUf c'C1~'. The Current f'isra! Year in Review: Tlie third full year of operating Washington's newust city marked additional progress in addressing community issues and defining desirable goals for the future. Citizen participation was ample in the proceedings of the City Council, Planning Commission and at community gatherings. Residenis and business people provided city officials with their views an the broad range of issues of interest in the city. The City Council wela~mc~ public comments and perceptions and works to balance the various interests expressed when enacting ordinances intended to protect and increase the quality of life in Spokane Valley. City representative; embrace continuous learning, discharge a heavy workload and take pleasure in achieving r•esult~ that atTect the community in a positive way. Some of those results arc reflected in the substantial progress in meeting the 200C budget goals. Progress in Attainment ojthe jour (4) Major Gnats of 2006: Draft a R-ell-defined Strut Master Plen with Fundine Oation~, that identiL'es the current condition of city streets and recommends appropriate impm~•ement_s and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. f consultant cvntmct hoc l+c~en issued ('ompletion of the Plan is scheduled for D~cenrFer 2006/Januury 2uU J. _ _ ! ~ ~r' - - • r 2~ ~ _ . ~...1 ~ _ ° t ~~CIIRIiltlal~t „n,:f ImprOVia~ Usv rnudx'cn's. _ Initiate the First Phase of the Sorat=_uc Corridor Revitalization Planning betwccn Universit}~ and the freeway by contractinb with a consultant to desikm a strategy that ~tiould stmngthcn tltc ea~nomie; viability of the corridor. consultant contract hus been issue) that hrUUcl~ns thc.> spun c,l~Sjuasnre .~!?•cnue to he coral}~recl c1.S a sub-area with u defined "C7ty Center. " CUmpletion of the study, which includes public purti~ipation in the jornt ~f ;rJCrr.c s;r-vup.c, sur~•e}'.c a,rci "Tnx~lr llrrtl " ttihe meetin,~~.c, is clntic•ipntc>cl in the first yuarter o-J'2DU~'. ~ • ~1, _ - E'i ~ - ~ - .a.. ~ . F ~ ~ _ .~P~u.k71i; }pjli~~t'17Y Rc'ti'rtulr_t111an Fucres (.~rr)::t7 lrr~tfri~~! Continue :~'[onitorine Si~nifieant WasteR atec Issues including go~-ernartce of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options 1'or the firhrrc and rursuit «f the most efficient and c.~conomical u,<. of allowed wastewater dischnrgcs. a+fuch has beep accomplished by way ajrallahoratiar h~~rrti«~,r ~1rs~•lieu-c~•r-s..•,t~•;r«,rnr~r,lull~t.~ cmd regulatory agencies. The frnal drufl ojthe .Mitigation lntplementation Plan arsaciated with an acceptable Total Maximum !?oily Load ruling was disseminated an .lulu 13, 2006. Close enrxdi»ulion of aetitdties will corttiirue tlrrnrr,~~fr tl,e cT~:te ~?1 i.5suartca of cr cli~~r•l;cn•.~r• hr~rnrit.%nr u crew wasteiti•ater treahne,rt jariliR~. 1+Iaintain a Strom Emphasis ant Internal and F;xternal Communication utilising the 1'uhlic information ()fliccr and department head positions to enhance the quality, timeliness and iiccutacy of internal dialogue and the information provided to citizens about city issues. initiatives and work plans. (.'ity employees received two du?~s r f ronrnrunicatir~ra'cc~rrJ7ict resolution i•rtstanrrr sirrrice training irr January provided by natlarally~brown communicatiotxs ~rpE~rts The organirulion has an impro4•r•;1 understalyding ojthe prbrcil~j~'C of e'~'( r(i'e' ('i~!t1!li7i!T:i cJr7r!!J~ cr/Ta tl?!'1'i f'rc' f+l'lr,'r ~'t~71rf?(~ia t0 ~~rnl'1(f~ ;1 high le?~el of customer sen•ic~•. .~A enrplUyee nelPSletteThas ~t'c'!1 C.11(I!`~r1.1/![~llllt:( Kr1f>>' c`N1~': 1'~r_S :!7_l~'fllt:~:f ~11~('7•I i1~71i~~;i )r t'1'c]7f< <11i:! re~rrrinded oJarguni=utlonal values and practices. The City website has beers euharrced jc~r ertsier nrn~igation and readuhility (!v r/ruse se~kirrg citr•rclua~~l irrformution via the hrternet. A'ews releases are prepared ti~~lrcn apl~rr,priate. Tire Prrl~lic~ hrfnrnrrrtinn 11~c.'t°r trro~~icle.s a 'Ernirrt ~f CrlrtlllCt•~jorthempdiatOiru~•ra:~rl~'lllf_11ia~1!~1c11rrt('~~P~iIC:!l'a~I'lliiJ~:U!J~:1'li;.lri'1ti't:~Ifl:lic~', 1~'/'~:~~'~c7ii1 complaint resolution e,Jjnrtti~. [n July the City ratified its first (_'nllccti~ r l3ar}~ainin~ :1~;nrmcnt ith city emjilr?~ ec~-a milestone event for public agrncic~. Additionally. the City's first Cotvprrhrn.i~e I'lau eras adnt~tcd uu :1t~ril 2~, 211116, u~ ~~:~ti a Parks'Naster Plan. Both Plans huidr the de~eluprucnt and rnhauremcnt ut the rommunit~ over the nett twenty (2~) years. ~ { ` I, I r r ' - - _ - - ~ r The Bud~~et f~?r Fisc•nl Fear ~ ll(I' Balanced Budget Adopted: One of the most important fiscal goals to pursue when operating a governmental enterprise; is the creation and maintenance of financial i~esen•es that may be relied upon over time to sustain critical public sen-ices. Zhe 2007 budget reflects three notable achievements in this regard. l . Achievement of the goal to establish and maintain a 15% fund halancr in the (ieticral Fund that supports cash-flow needs and a positive bond rifting. Achievement of the goal to establish and maintain a $5,000,(1(10 Sea ice Level titabililation Fund that can be relied upon to provide essential services during times of adverse gnomic conditions. Achievement of the goal to establish and maintain a $500,000 Winter Reserve that will fund transportation s}stem maintenance During severe, snow-laden «•inters. '1-he 2007 budget is in bal:tncc; expenses have been limited so as not to exceed known or reasonably predictable revenues. This new budges is designed to maintain the 15% positive fund ~ balance ai year end. In pursuit of that outcome, _ / ~ _ special attention was given to limiting the growth in new programs and financial commitments while _ - _ ~'ity revenue and expenditure patterns further - ~tabilize. 'i'bis approach allows available resources to be put toward sustaining services that :ue consistent with Cow~cil's priorities for 2007 ' - ~ ~ " ! :,red beyond. 1 T _ - l)epartmc•nt :~chic~ cmcnts: ~ _ 1 ~ • ~ - t I~::ri~ ~-,1 [ltc l'it}', ~!~•;~:rtttrient ut:~!~:r!~~~~1. ,lit _ a~cs,ivc work program u~ 2006. C1ie budbct t. _L„,~„ ~~ucumcnt contains descriptions of their accomplishments for the year and their goals for - ~ mc;xt year. I invite residents to take a few minutes ' t acquaint themselves with the ciToris made by _ _ _ :municipal employees on your behalf. l leave to ~ ° :he department heads the plea_tiurc of sharing their 1 ~rcomplishments and successes. ~ 'r/116 .51(rrJlr:e!' 11,1~~ c_';,tr,; New positions were included in the hudgct proposal sits we stri~~c to address the demands of a city that has grown to 87,000 peopl~•. :'Ls we pass through the formative stales ut c~?mmwliiy buil~lin~, tlli~ Litt' t;;l~ t1{.uI3 u conservative approach to adding new staff. Spokane Valley continues to have the lowest employee count of any Washington city over SU,000 in population. [Please see the attached ?006 Work Force Comparison.] The City Council was responsive to personnel needs that aro~~~ in 2006 when some outside service providers preferred not to renew contracts with the City ari~i ~~~hen the City wr~.s successful in lov~~ering costs by selecting other providers or doing il1e work in- house. Meeting our goal of providing good and timely customer service in response to growili~ demands and converting from higher-cost contract services to lowTer-cost services provided h~ city employees have created the need for the addition of 7.35 new rmplo}~ee positions within thy: vtu-ious general and enterprise fiends expressed in the 2[)07 hud~;rt. Customer Sen~ice Sectio~l !Maintaining a strong cttstonler ~er~i~~ ~?ricnt.Itiun i~ .I h:.~ltrnark ~;t~ the (~ity's ~i,j~rna~•II >,~h~n delivering programs and services authorized by the City Council on the behalf of residents. In an ellbrt to more fully describe this attitude, City employees developed a working definition ~ ~ t customer service in 2006 that has been endorsed by the City Council: The City of .Spvkan~ ['alley strives to provide sen~ice in a respectful, knox~ledgpable, and welcoming manner. Respectful - ~ - Demonstrating courtexy and - professionalism Listening etTectively Responding in a timely manner Fzcmplifying a "no surprises" r . .r . atmosphere Knowledgeable - ~ (Fostering steam-oriented approach ~ f Providing alternatives ~ ~ I Anticipating questions 1 ! _ - + Naving and licnowing your resources ~ ' ~ t'; - - _ - Being organized ~ 1~Velcuming - - Acknowledging customers when they - •--z enter ~ _ri~r ~ , Steering customers in the right direcdan ~ Promoting an enjoyable work - - _ ,,.r environment J s~ Maintaining a clean and uncluttered work environment f:ac/'!r ~:r.:<<:•.r+~~•rci,u?.;+r•,~~. ,,;ttin~;lr%..'~~. 'Treating people as individualti 7 ~I 'i _ Gout Statement 2007: is - The Principal 2007 Budget Goals ~ The 2007 budget reflects the distribution of resources consistent with the Council's determination of core services priorities. The following goals represent just the very broad areas of concentration important to the well being of the conuuunity. - ~ Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allo«~e.d wastewater discharges. Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by public instihrtions, residents and businesses ti~ithin Spokane Valley. ~1,dopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor and iiUtiale the implementation of achievable ' recommendations. Amend the Comprehensn~e Plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley nopulation projections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies. Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. .i Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into asix-vear business plan for each department that includes :forward-looking budget and funding implications. Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan. ~ckf:oK~ledgmerrts: 'j 1ii closing, if has been a pleasure to work with the Council and individual City departments to ~ accomplish the goals they expressed. 1 look forward to working with the City's team in the conuug year to deliver the services .Funded by citizens ofi Spokane Valley. I genuinely appreciate ' the citizens of Spokane Valley, the City Council and individual staff members ~vho have made it ' possible f©r the City to successfully evolve toward its bright future. Everyone involved _ continues to give generously of their time and energy during this lime of heavy workloads and program development; they have risen well to the many challenges facing a }young City. Thanks also for the patience and feedback from. the many citizens wllo have shov~~n an abiding interest in or volunteered their tune to improve the qualify of life in Spokane Valley. Respectfiilly, David Mercier, City ~Zanager 8 ~i ~ i 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley 1+~A 99206 S~$.9~1,100a ? Fax: 50$.921.1~OB ~ cityhalE@spakanevallcy,arg I z - ~ Tlx: David ~lercier, City ianagcr and ler~,be~rs of Council ~R011rI: den Thompson, Fipance ~ldnunistrative services Director ~ ' D1~.T~: July 7, '~OOG ~C.F~JF'F: ~46out the Bti~dget and the F3udget Process i `i'he budget includes the financial planning and legal a~uthorif~~ to obligate public fiuids- S~-, Additionally, the budget provides significant policy direction b~~ the pity Council to the staff ~ and coil~nunafy_ As a result, the Ciity ~ox,.ncil, staff ar~d public are involved in esblishing the budget for the ~i ~y of ~palcane 'Valley_ The io-udgct pro~~ides dour functions: 1 _ A Policy Tlac~ment TJ~e budget functions as a policy document in that the decisio~is matte within the budget ~~vil1 reflect the general principles or plans that Guide the actions taken for the Future. 11s a policy document, the budget makes specific attempts to livnk desired goals and policy direction to the actual day-to-day acts vi ties of the City staff. . A~~ erational Ca~uidc 3_! "l~he budget of the City re.~ec~~ its operatio.~i- Activities of each pity function and argani~ation ha~~e been planned, debated, formalized, and described in the fcltowioa sections. This process ~~rill help to mau~tau~ an understancEing of; tl~e various operations of the pity and how they ~ I relate tc~ each other arYd to t]~e attainment of t>~e policy issues and goals oi'tlie City Cotu7cil. ' 3. Luilc with the C~cneral Publ ac ~ "1'~he budget provides a unique pportuxut~~ to allow and encourage public review of City operations. The budget descriribes the activities of the City, Llte reason or cause for those activities, flltuie lmpllca#ions, Gott the direct relationship to the citizenry, 4. A..C,e~ally Real~ired T'inancial P1anm.ir~~ Taal "i'he budget js a financial plaontng tool, wluch l,a been its most traditional use..in this light, pzeparing ~usd adapting a budget is a State 1av~~ requirement of all cities a~ stated in Title 35~ _ of the J.evised Dade of Washington ~1CV_ The budget must be adopted as a balaricecj 'i ~ budget and ~ixust be in place pxaor to the begislt7ing of #hc Cit~~'s i:iSCal year, The budget is the legal authority to expend public m.ones and controls t~io~se expenditures by linut'vig tl~e _ amount cry the appropi~atiorx at tl~c fiord le~~el. The revenues of the City are estimated, along ~ ! with available cash carry-fon~axd, to indicate fu~~d available. The budget taEies into a[:count '.i 10 unforeseen contingencies and provides for the need for periodic adjustments. ' Year 2007 I3ud~et Process ' The City of Spokane Valley operates on a calendar year basis. It utilizes an incremental budgeting approach that assumes, for most functions of government, that the current year's . budget is i.ndicativc of the base required for the following year. Any increases are incremental. and based on need defined by the organization's budget policies; emerging issues, - , Council goals, and available resources. The formal budget planning begins iii the spring with discussions between the City Manager and City Council during amid-year retreat. Following the retreat, the City Manager and the Department Directors prepare the preliini.nary budget based upon the City Council priorities. The City Council. reviews the preliminary budget beginning in September. - In June, departments prepare requests .for new staff, programs, or significant increases to their current year budget that will address emerging issues and other operational needs. 1n their - requests, the departments identify the problem that they are trying to address, the recommended solution, implementation plan, projected cost and expected outcomes. The 1'inan.ce Department and City iVlanager conduct an analysis of the departmental base budgets and the revenue outlook for the coming year to determine the availability of funds for any ~ _ ' new initiatives. During June and July, the departments also develop their base budgets. These budget requests are submitted to the Finance Department by the middle of July. In early August, the City Manager reviews each department's budget requesL~ and develops a . preliminary budget recommendation. As mandated by RCW 3511.33.135, the first requirement is that the City Manager submit estimated revenues and expenditures to the City Cowlcil on or before the first A~fonday in October. The preliminary budget is presented to the City Council in late September or early _ October. Public hearings are held to obtain taxpayers' continents, and revisions as applicable, _ arc made. The Council makes its adjustments to the preliminary budget and adopts by ordinance a final balanced budget no later than December 31. The final operating budget as - adopted is published, distributed, and made available to the public during the fast three months of the followuig year. After the budget is adopted, the City enters a budget implementation and monitoring stage. _ Throughout the year, expenditures arc monitored by the Finance Department and department directors to ensure that fields are within the approved budget. Finance provides financial updates to the City Council to keep them current with the City's financial condition. Any budget amendments made during the year are adopted by City Council ordinance. '1 he City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts within a fund; however, any , _ revisions that alter the total expenditures of a fund, or. that affect the number of authorized employee positions, salary ranges or other conditions of employment must be approved by the City Council. 11 i l~~ r- When the City Council determines that it is itl the best interest of the City to increase or l decrease the appropriation fnr a particular fund, it may do so by ordinance approved b}~ one more than the majority after holding one pub]_ic hearing. Sid Zi_ficant Changes to the 2007 $udQet A review of the 2007 preliminary budget reveals the following signi~hcant changes: Revenues ' 1. Sales tax receipts have been increased 5$$6;800 reflecting more accurate coding by retailers of sales locations and growth in retail sales. 2. The property tax rate is expected to remain. at $1.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value. ' 3. Planning and L3uilding ices have been reduced $55,000 anticipating a slowing of new construction and a more consen~ative estimate of revenues. Expenditures 1. Approximately seven. new full- or part-ti.me positions have been added to the proposed budget. They include: apart-ti.me plans examiner i.n Community Uevelopme.nt; a maintenance worker and an administrative assistant for CcnterPlace; a part-time development construction. inspector in public works to s,~; bring au existing .4 FTE to full-time; two information technology positions; and - ' one additional assistant engineer position in both die Street and Stormwater hands. ' 2. TZeserves have been set aside for unanticipated operating costs at Centerplace, t~ - extraordinary snow plowing and deicing, service level stabilization during an - economic downh~rn and future civic facilities. It is unlikely these reserves will be ~ ~ used during 2007. 3. $250,000 has been budgeted for the beginning of a city wide records management ~ system. 4. General Fund expenses are less than the 2006 aiuended budget and arc very close ~ to projections in the City's multiyear financial plan. 5. "fhe 2007 budget anticipates a 5% increase in the storm water fee bringing the fee to 521/year for an equivalent residential neut. This increase vas approved by Council in 2005. 6. The Parks Capital lmprovcment Fund includes 51.6 million from Spokane County for s~viiruiunb pool improvements. 12 i City of Spokane Valley Selected Budget Policies Department directors have primary responsibility for formulating budget ~ , proposals in line with City Council and City Manager priority direction, and for implementing them once they are approved. The Finance Department is responsible for coordinating the overall preparation and administration of the City's budget. This function is fulfilled in compliance with applicable State of Washington statutes governing local government _ budgeting practices. The Finance Department assists department staff in identifying budget problems, ~ _ . formulating solutions and alternatives, and implementing any necessary corrective actions. lnterfund charges will be based on recovery of costs associated v~~th providing , those services. Budget adjustments requiring City Council approval will occur through the ordina~ice process at the fund level prior to fiscal year end. The City's budget presentation will be directed at displaying the City's services plan in a CounciUconstituent-friendly forn~at. The City will pursue ending fund balances for operating funds at a level of no less than R% o(' revenue. Beginning in 2010, short term debt shall not exceed 10%~ of revEnues. No long term debt will be incurred without identification of a revenue source to ~~epay the debt. Long teen debt will be incurred for capital purposes only. The City will maintain equipment replacement fluids that will receive annually budgeted contributions from the operating expenses of departments owning the capital equipment in an amount necessary to replace the equipment at the end of its useful life. Life cycle assumptions and required contributions will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. 13 I ~ ~ ; r: k• BASiS OF' ACCOUNTING AN~I) BUDGrT[NG ` AccottntinR Accounting records for the City arc maintained in accordance with methods prescribed by the State Auditor under the authority of the Revised Code of \~~ashington (RCV1~, ~ Chapter 43.0920, and in compliance ~~ith generally accepted accounting principles as set forth by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Basis of Presentation -rued Accounting _ The accounts of the City of Spokane Valley are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. )?ach fund is accounted for with a ' ~ separate set of double-entry accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, _ revenues and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. I'he City's resources arc r r allocated to and accounted for in individual -Funds depending on their intended purpose. The Following are the fund types used by the City of Spokane Valley: Governmental Fund Types Govenimental Funds are used to account for activities typically associated with state and local government operations. All goventmental fund types are accounted Far on a spending or ".financial flows" measurement focus, which means that typically only current assets and current liabilities are included on related balance sheets. `1 he - operating statements of governmental funds measure changes in financial position, rather than net income. They present increases (revenues and other f nancing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. 'I here are . four gover<unental Fund types used by the City of Spokane Valley: _ C,,eft~ral l%inzd ~ This fund is the primar}~ fund of the City of Spokane Valley. It accounts for all :financial resources except those required or elected to be accounted for in another fund. Special R~ventae Fund ~ These funds account for revenues that are legally restricted or designated to f Hance particular activities of the City of Spokane Valley. Special. Revenue funds include the Street Fund, Arterial Street Fund, 'T'rails & Paths Fund, 1~lotel/Motel Fund, CenterPlace Operating 1Z.eserve Fund, Service Level Reserve Ftmd, Civic Facilities Reserve fund, and Winter V~reather Reserve 1~wld. ' Debt ,Service Fund.; These funds account for financial resources which are designated for the retirement of debt. Debt Scn~ice funds are comprised of the Debt Service LTG© 03. Capital Protect Furtdx . These fluids acco~uit for financial resources, which are designated for the acquisition or construction of general government capital projects. Capital Project N'unds include the ' Capital Project Fund, Special Capital Projects Fund, Streets Capital Projects fund, 14 -i Nlirabeau Point Capital P'.~., s;t Fund, CDBG fund, Capital Grants' : _~~~d, Barker bridge Federal Grant fund, and Parks Capital Projects Fund. . Proprietary Fund Types Proprietary funds are used to account for activities similar to those found ui the private sector where the intent of the governing body is to finance the full cost of providing services, including depreciation, which based on the commercial model ! ' uses a flow of economic resources approach. Under this approach, the operating statements for the proprietary fiends focus on a measurement of net income (revenues and expenses) and both current and non-current assets and liabilities are reported on related balance sheets. "l'heir reported fund equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. As described _ below, there are two generic fund types in this category: Enterprise Funds These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to the general public and arc supported primarily by user charges. The Stonnwater Management fund is included in this group of funds. _ Lzternal Service x'unds These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to other departments or funds of the City. The l quipment Rental and Replacement Fund and Risk Management Fund are included i.n this group of funds. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognirred in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. The. City of Spokane Valley uses - a modified accrual basis of accounting. iVlodified accrual recognizes revenues when ' they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. 'The basis of` accounting for enterprise and internal service funds is full accrual. The appropriate basis is used throughout the budgeting, accounting, and reporting processes. Full accrual is a method of accounting that matches revenues and expenses with the period to which they relate, rather than focusing on actual cash flows. In this method, for example, an asset is depreciated as it is "used up," and the expense is recognized in periodic increments, rather than assuming the asset holds its value until it is actually disposed of. lIowever, suite the focus of budgeting is on the revenues and expenditure accounts, depreciation and amortization are not considered budgetary accounts, and are excluded from the budgeting system. Budgets and I$ud~tary Accounting Annual appropriated budgets are adopted for al.l funds. These funds are budgeted on the modified cash basis of accounting. The financial statements include budgetary _ comparisons for those funds. Budgets are adopted at the fund level that constitutes the legal authority for _ expenditures. Aruiual appropriations for all funds lapse at the fiscal period end. 15 r- _ . i, EXPLAiVATION OF REVEN~U.~ SOURCES ~ G>~:~NERAL FiJND REVENUIH:S: Property Tax. Revenue Property taxes play an essential role in the finances of the mutucipal budget. State law linuts the . City to a $3.6U levy per $1,000 assessed valuation, deducting from there the levy of $1.50 by the _ Spokane County Fire Districts #1 and #8, along with deducting $0.50 for library levies, which leaves the City with the authority to leery $1.60 for its own purposes. The levy amount must be .1 established by ordinance by November 30th prior to the leery year. Local Retail Sales and iJse Tax ` The local retail sales and use tax is comprised of two separate .5% options with the County receiving 15'% of each .5%. Aficr deducting .Ol % as a County administrative fee, the City's ~ effective rate is .84%. _ I1oca1 Crunuial Justice Sales Tax ~ ' Local Sales 'l'ax for Criminal Justice funding is to be used solely for criminal justice purposes, such a`s the City's law enforcement contract. This tax is authorized at up to 3/10 of 1 % of retail sales transacted in a County. Of the total amount collected, the State distributes 10% to the t County, with the remainder being distributed by population to the cities and the unincorporated areas of tJie County. Beginning in 2005, an additional .1% voter approved increase in sales tax was devoted to public safety purposes. IZ , Gambling Tax Revenues Gambling tar revenues must be spent primarily on law enforcement purposes pertaining to gambling. Funds remaining after necessary expenditures for such enforcement purposes cnay be used for any general government purpose. Gambluig taxes are to be paid quarterly to the City, no later than the last day of January, April, July and Uc;tobcr. The City imposes a tax on the following forms of gambling at the following rates: Bingo (S% gr©s.~, less prizes); Rai~'les gross, less prizes); Games (2% gross, less ` ~ prize-s); Card playing (10% gross). Leasehold Excise Tax Taxes on property owned by state or local governments and leased to private parties (City's share). Franchise Fees Cable 'Y'V is the only :Franchise fee levied in the City at a rate of of gross revenues. This is a ~ fee levied on private utilities for the right to use city streets, alleys, and other public properties. 16 I State-Shared Revenues " State-shared revenues are received for liquor sales, and motor vehicle excise taxes includv1g travel trailer and camper excise tax. These taxes are collected by the State of Washington and ' shared with local governments based on population. State-shared revenues are distributed on either amonthly or quarterly basis, although. not all quarterly revenues are distributed in the same _ - month of the quarter. The 2006 population figure used in the 2007 Preliminary Budget is 87;000 as determined by the ; _ Office of Financial. Management for Washington State. This figure is importatrt when detemniming distribution of State shared revenues on a per capita basis. ' Liquor Board Profits and Liquor Bxcise Tax ~ ; Cities receive a share of both liquor board profits and liquor excise tax receipts. The profits are - distributed on the last day of iV9arch, June, September, and December. The excise portion is distributed on the last day of January, April, July, and October. To be eligible to receive these revenues, a city must devote at least rivo percent of the distribution to support an approved alcoholism or drug addiction program. " Service Revenues - " Fees are charged for services rendered by the City of Spokane ~~alley. Most of the fees in the - , General Fund are construction inspections and permits related to services such as platuling, zoning aa~d building. Fines and Forfeitures ~ _ ` Fines and penalties are collected as a result of iV(uncipal Court ruluigs and other miscellaneous rule infractions. All court fines and penalties are shared with the State and the City, on average, keeps less than 50% of the amount collected. Recreation Pro.~ram pees The Parks and Recreation Department charges fees for selected recreation prograims. These fees ; - offset some of the costs related to providing the program. CenterPlace Fees ~ J The Parks and Recreation Department charges fees for use of CenterPlace. Uses include conferences, weddings, receptions and banquets. Rental rooms include classrooms, the C7reat " Room and dining rooms. Investment Interest The City cartes inveshnent interest on sales tax, property tax, acid fund investments. 17 " ~ . _ i ~ UT I31EJR FUND REVENUES: i. 4 ~ STREET FUND: Motor Vehicle Fuel Excise "I'ax (Qas tar) _ The City receives gas tax based on population. Gas tax must be spent on streets. The City expects to receive $24.95 per capita in motor vehicle fuel excise tax (gas tax) in 2007. The gas `~S t;ax was increased in 2005 by a few cents per gallon. Additional increases of a few cents each summer will continue through 2007. AR"I"ERIAL STREET FUND: Motor Vehicle Fuel )excise Tax (aas tax) _ All Motor Vehicle Fuel );xcise •I ax is now directed to the Street fund. The only new revenue for the Arterial Street Fund will be small amounts of interest income earned from the balance existing in this Fund. i TRAILS & PATH FUND: I A small percentage of the City's ga,5 tax must be set aside for trails and paths. This money will r`. likely accumulate for several years until adequate dollars are available 1.'or a project. HOTEL/1~lOTEL FUND: I' Tlus fund receives all revenue resulting from the IdotellMotel Tax levied upon charges made for the furnishing of lodging by a hotel, rcaoming house, tourist court, motel, trailer camp and other transient accommodations in the City. The tax rate is 2 pert;ent of the selling price or charge • - made f'or the lodging. It is collected and administered by the Washington State Department of Revenue. State law requires that these taxes be credited to a special fund with limitations on use, { principally to generate tourisrnlconvention activities that bring new visitors to our area, as prescribed by RCW 67.2$.310. ` DEi~T SERVICE 1~UND - LTGO 03: 'I"he Public Facilities District will provide funding for the debt service an CenterPlace 13onds. The City's Capital Projects and Special Capital Projects Funds will provide funding for the debt - ~ service on street bonds. CAPITAL PROJ>?CTS FUND: Under Washington State Law, RCW $2.46.010, the City is allowed to impose ali excise tax on each sale of real property at the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. The - revenue generated is be used for financing capital projects as speci:lied in the capital facilities plan under the Growth Management Act. • 1$ SPECIAL CA.PTTAL PRQJECTS FUI~rD: Under Washington State Law, RCW 82.46.010, the City is allowed to impose an additional - excise tax on each sale of real property at the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. The revenue generated is to be used For Cnancing public works capital projects as specified in the capital. facilities plan iuider the Growth Management Act. - INTERFUND TRr'1I~ST'E1ZS: - Many funds receive their revenues from other funds vi the fornl of an iuterfund transfer. These transfers may represent pa~~nents for service, an operating transfer, or a concentration of revenues for a specific project. The following funds receive transfers from other fiords. General Fiord is budgeted to receive transfers from the Street Fund, Storniwater Management Fund, and the Hotel/Mote1 Ftuld of S25,000, $15,000 and $40,000, respectively. Street Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the General Fund of $900,000. Trails & Paths Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the Street Fund in the amount of $5,000. Street Capital Projects Fund is budgeted to receive transfers from the Capital Projects Fund of $3,089,152 and Stormwater Management Fund of $200,000. Debt Service Fund is budgeted to received transfers from both the Capital Projects Fund _ i and the Special Capital Projects Fund of $93,000. Capital Grants Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the Capital Projects Funds of $1,400,000. Parks Capital Projects :fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the General Fund of $410,000. Civic :~3uilding Capital Projects Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the General fund of $600,000. Equipment Rental & Replacement is budgeted to receive transfers from the General fund ~ . for interfund charge-s in the total amount of 5114,37. Risk Management Fund is budgeted to receive transfers from the General Fluid for City ..1 insurance premiums and einplo}~nent security payments of $185,000 and $7,100, respectively. ~ ~ l.9 ' STORi~WATLR NIANAGEMFiV`1' FEE: i+ This fee is imposed upon every developed parcel of property within the City and is an annual chase of.' X21.00 for each single family unit and $21.00 per 3,160 square feet of impervious surface for all other properties. These charges are uniform for the same class of customers or service facilities. These fees arc estimated to tie $1,(x53,965 for 2007. i' i. I r~ 20 i 20U7 :PR;L~LIM1NATtY BUDGET ,J Major t2evenue Assumptions 1. ~ he 2006 population figure used in the 2007 Preluni.nary Budget is 57,000 as determined by the Office of Fuiancial tilanagement for the State of Washington. . This figure is important when detcrlnining distribution of State shared revenues on a per capita basis. 2. The 2007 estimated assessed valuation (AV) is $5;950,000,000. The City's actual assessed value will be assigned by the Spokane Cotulty Assessor. ` 3. Property taxes arc levied based on assessed value and the City's authorized levy - rate o.f. $1..60 per thousand dollars of assessed value. The City expects to collect 95`% of taxes levied in 2007 rcaliz>tIg the remaining 5%~ may be collected in the follo«Ting years. 4. Estimates for sales tax receipts are based on the Cit~~'s estimated collections in 2006 with a 2% increase. 5. Gambluig taxes are estimated based on collections projected in 2006. i~ 6. Franchise fees and business registrations are based on projected fees in 2006. 7. Liquor excise taxes and liquor profits are based upon estimates front the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC). ' 8. Fines Sz Forfeits arc based on projected collections in 2006. 9. Building permit and land use fees are estimated by the City of Spokane Valley based on expected 2006 collections. 10. Real estate excise taxes are based on projected collections by the City in 2006. 11. Gas tax revenues are based on consen~ative estimates by the City of Spokane Valley. _ 12. The Storm~vater Management fee is based on an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) ' rate of .$21, a 5% increase over 2006. i' r . ' ~ 21 i 2007 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Major Expenditure Assumptions 1. Service levels are the same or greater than provided in 2006. i 2. Positions and salary ranges are based on the City's compensation and classification • plan updated in 2006 and incorporating a 2.5% increase in accordance with the approved collective bargaining agreement. 1'he assumed increase has been applied to both represented and non-represented classifications, based on Council action taken in July 2006. 3. Benefit amounts were based on employee benefit plans now in force, with the incorporation of a provision for employee shazing of the medical premium in accordance with the approved collective bargaining agreement. "this assumption • has been applied to both represented and non-represented positions, based on Council action taken in July 2006. 4. "1°he contract costs for public safety, park maintenance and street maintenance are based on estimates by City staff. 22 i City of Spokane Valley 2007 Budget Summary _ Estimated Beg. Est. Ending Anticipated i Fund Fund Balanco Revenues Expondituros Fund Balance Fund Balanco General Fund S 5,050,000 $ 33,857,470 S 31,549,504 S 7,357,966 $ 5,000,000 Street Fund 4,420,000 3,000,000 4,088,372 3,331,628 3,331,628 Arterial Street Fund 880,000 32,000 912,000 - 700,000 Trails 8. Paths Fund 16,000 S,000 21,000 - 21,000 Hote1lAM1otel Fund 250,000 408,000 658,000 - 250,000 Debt Service LTGO 03 - 600,000 600,000 - - Capltal Projects Fund 3,000,000 1,120,000 4,120,000 - 2,590,000 ~ Special Capital Projects 3,300,000 1,120,000 4,420,000 - 2,590,000 Street Capital Projects - 6,939,843 6,939,843 - - Wtirabeau Point Capital Projects Fund 425,000 16,000 441,000 - - i Street bond Capital Projects Fund 800,000 16,000 816,000 - - Cfl Block Grant Fund - - - - - Capital Grants Fund - 7,30Q000 7,300,000 - - Barker bridge Federal Fund - 700,000 700,000 - - Parks Capital Projects Fund 850,000 2,700,000 3,550,000 - 2,000,000 ~ Stormvrater tvtanagemont 1,195,762 1,660,000 1,909,309 955,453 955,453 _ ~ Equipment Rental 8 Replacement Fund 800,000 144,375 944,375 - 700,000 Risk tutanagernent Fund 25,000 192,100 217,100 - 25,000 CenterPlaoo Operating Reserve Fund 315,000 10,000 325,000 - 325,000 Service Level Stabilization Fund 5,000,000 200,000 5,200,000 - 5,200,000 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 520,000 20,000 540,000 - 540,900 ~ Civ1c Building Gapital Projects Fund 830A00 630,000 1,460,000 - 1,200,900 5 27,676,762 S 60,670,788 3 76,702,503 S 11,645,047 S 25,248,481 r ~ Cash Utilized from Fund Balance 16,031,715 - $ 76,702,543 S 76,702,503 i ~ r " AI"though the expenditures have been appropriated by City Council, It is anticipated that not all of tha expenditures will occur. 'therefore, the totals in the Antidpated Fund Balance column will be more aceurate. I t 1 1 i 23 i i ~ ~ ~ . . I ~ / ~ Vr O~ Spokane Y~~~~~f . j Revenues ~ Fund general Fund ~I Property Tax 9,~45,~00 alesTax 17,656,800 ~ ; ambl[ng Tax 91~,~~0 ~ { Franchise Fees 67~,17~ Business Regis#rationa ~~,~0~ tatehared Revenues 1,1~1,~~~ Service Revenues 1,65~,~~~ Fines and Forfeitures 1,~~,Q00 t Recreation Program Fees ~0~,701~ Miscellaneous & [nvestment In#erest 30,500 Transfers 80,000 j Total general Fund 3,~~7,470 Other Funds Street Fund ,~00,0~~ Arterial street Fund x,000 Traits & Paths Fund x,000 ~ Hote!!Mo#e[ Fund 4$,000 enterP~ace operating Reserve Fund "i0,000 service Level Reserve Fund Qp,000 1+Vinter Weather Reserve Fund X0,000 debt Service LTO ~ ~~,Q00 ~ , ~apita~ Projects Fund 1,10,0Q0 special ~pital Pevj~c#s Fund 1,10,000 . street apitial Projects Fund 0,93~,~~ I ~r1[rabeau point Projeo# FUr1[f 16,0Q0 ~ J tree# Bond Fund 16,0Q0 apit~l grants Fund 7,000,0~~ i Barker Bridge -Federal grant Fund 700,040 ~ Parks capital Fund x,700,040 ~vic building capital Fund 630,000 . tormater Management Fund 1,660,0~~ Equiprnen# Ren#al & Replacement Fund 'l~4,75 Risk Management Fund ~i~,1~0 t Total ether Funds X6,813,318 Total All Funds G~,G7~,78 f I, . z~ City of Spokane Valley 2007 General Fund Revenue Sources 533,857,470 Recreation Misc. 3, Fines 8 Fofeitures _ Program Fermi Investment Interest ~ ~ Transfers Service Revenues - - - 0.296 State Shar>~ Revenues 4.8% 3.3% - - Property Tax 28.8°fo Franchise Fees 2.196 _ - Gambt'u~g Tax _ _ 2.796 - ~ I Sales Tax 522% 25 City of Spokane Valley 2007 Estimated City Resources Sso,s7o,7as General Fund 55.886 Internal Service - _ Funds 0.5% ~ Street Fund 4.9% Stormwater Management Fund _ Other Misc. 2 7o/a - - - - Funds 1.1% I]ebt SefblCe Fund 1.0% Capital Pralect Funds 33.9°k 26 f- I L , i City of Spokane Valley 2007 Budget Dotail Rovenucs by Type 2005 2006 Amended 2007 Proposed General Fund Revenues Actual Budget Budget i ProOerty Tax Proporty Tax S 9,333,234 S 8,056,000 S 9,520,000 - I Property Tax - DeIL•lquent 176,055 225,009 225,000 9,509,339 5,2E1,000 9,745,000 Sales Tars $ateg Tax 15,043,348 15,280,000 16,166,800 Sales Tax -Criminal Justice 1,22x,552 920,000 920,000 Sales Tax -Public Salety 600,950 600,000 600,000 16,8$8,850 18,PA0,900 17,666, 600 Gamblino Taxes Punch Boards a Pull Tabs i 12,7x4 120,000 120,000 I Binsgo & Rattles 15,277 (0,000 10,000 Card Games 861,216 760,000 780,000 989,738 970,OD0 910,006 I,e~gehafd Excise Tax 9,646 2,500 - Licen-yes R Permits Business Licenses 54,072 50,000 50,000 Franchise Fees 698,273 631,750 674,970 750,34fi 6E1,750 72x,970 l State Shared Revenues MVET Criminal Justice • Population 15,684 11,100 1 1,100 1 Criminal Justice Area ~1 - - - Criminal Justice Araa tF2 - - - Criminal J~.astice P.rea t13 - - - Criminal Justice Area §4 108,008 50,009 50,000 - Crfminfal Justice Special Programs 62,398 22,000 22,000 DUI - C{ties 14,138 12,000 12,000 Uquor Board Excise Tax 346,036 493,085 413,065 Lcquor Beard Profits S9fi,697 612,83.5 612,835 1Mark Study Re°mbursemcnt 6,728 -"'I 1,149,655 f,i21,000 1,121,000 Service Revenues Building Permits 1,3$9,160 942,000 1,057,000 Plumbing Permits 99,334 78,000 53,000 GradEng Permiis 3,209 7,000 7,000 h4ochan6~1 Permits 98,853 75,000 50,000 ~ Demolition Permits 3,212 1,OOD 1,000 Misc. Permits 8 Feas 122,138 205,OOD SS,000 Plans Clwck Fees 470,932 997,00.3 197,000 - Planning Fe$s 348,119 16D,000 210,000 2,514,955 9,665,000 1,630,000 Fines and Forfeitures Fines & Forfeits - TraPic 533,191 512,052 500,000 Other Criminal Non -Trattic Fine, 696,x46 737,9x5 750,000 ~ 1,229,557 1,250,000 1,250,000 Recreation Program Charges Activity Fees (To use a recreational facili4,+) 180,825 224,900 362,900 Program Fees (fo partldpa;e in a program) 21,213 120,818 44,800 • h4iscellaneous Park & Recreatioa~ Revenue 141,092 - - ~ 343,050 345,516 407,700 Investment interest Irnestment Interest 973,271 201,300 200,000 Sales Tax Interest 39,148 15,000 25,OD0 i Property Tax In?crest 22,353 15,000 25,000 , t.4iscellaneous R_vemue 18,347 52,800 253,059 231,300 302,600 Transfers Transfer from SEreet Fund 91,713 25,000 25,000 ~ Transfer from Starmvrater 27,231 95,OD0 1 S,ODO i Transfer from Capital Projects 40,000 - - Transfer from HotellArotel - Centarr"lace 28,156 40,000 40,000 187,100 80,000 80,000 ~ Total General Fund Revenue S 33,804,854 $ 31,388,063 a 33,857,470 r i_ i City of Spokane Vatley ~ 2007 Budget Detail Revenues by Type 2007 2D05 2006 Amended Proposed ~ - Other Fund Revenues Actual Budget Budpot 101 Street Fund Property Taxes S 39,618 S - IdotorFue!{Gas}Tax 1,dE8,656 1,753,000 2,000,000 Investment InteresE 64,8 t 1 60,000 100,000 Trensicr from General r'und 2,000,000 2,000,000 9DO,o0D Irterfund Loan Interest 12,308 - - Insurance Premiums 8 RetoverEes 6,933 - - i MlsceOaneous Revenue - 35,600 - 3,832,486 3,848,000 3,000,000 ~Q2 Arterial Street Fund , !dolor Fuol (Gas) Tax 314,755 - - Invastmant Interest 34,063 - 32,000 TransfcrfromCD9GFund 134,941 - - 463,758 - 32,000 Z,q3 Treils 8 Paths Fv d Trensfor from Street Fund 6,914 5,OS3 5,000 ~ Invos`.mcat Interest 252 7,168 5,053 5;3D0 105 }Sotr.IFMatel Fund , }iotellN,otel Tax 357,829 359,000 400,000 _ Investment Interest 6,1 SS 1,000 8,009 393,947 351,000 408,000 ],~0 GenterPlaco Oocnt':sa Reserve i Interfund Transfer 309,000 - - Invos'.mcnt Interest 6.291 10.000 • 306,29 i - S 0,000 ~ 121 Sorvia: Lave! Stabilization Rascrvr. Transfer from Gartorel Fund 2,308,105 - Investment Interest 29,601 200,090 2,335,706 - 200,000 122 1Mnter Weather Reserve , Interfund Trnnsfer 500,000 - - tnvastmenl Interest 7,909 20.D00 SD7,909 - 20,060 i 204 Debt Service - LTGO 03 ~ Facilities i)nstrict Revenue 397,745 414,000 454,000 Debt SeM1•iee Trensler from Capital Projects - - - , Transfer from Special Capital Projects and Spacial Capital Projects 5ES,089 185,000 166,000 562,835 000,000 600,000 ' 301 Ca itx I Protects Fund BEET 1 - 1st .25 Percent 1,256,550 5,000,000 1,000,000 Investment Irtcresl 65,157 20,000 120,000 ~ I 1,321,717 1,020,000 1,120,000 102 Saeoiel Ceoital Proi s and RE£T 2 - 2nd -25 Percent 1,234,310 1,OOD,OOD 1,000,000 Investment Interest 54,213 20,000 120,000 1,288,523 1,020,000 1, i 20,0 D0 ~ 303 S',reat Caoit^^-1 Protects Investment Interes! 5,014 - - ' Dovc7oper Contributions 23,581 - - , Grant Proceeds 547,028 6,023,409 3,850,691 - Trensfer Irom Street Hond Fund 27,531 002,41,,0 - Transter from Capital Projects Fvnd 491,959 - 3,069,152 Transfer from Genarel Fur.d - - - Tn nslerfrom Sewer Fund - - - Transler from Arterial Street Fund SS,OD2 332,270 - Transter from Stormwatar hlanngement Fund 208,556 950,000 200,000 Transfer Srom Straat Fund 48,803 - - -I Transfer from Special Capital Pro}acts - 977,713 - I 1,001,170 6,385,843 6,939,643 _ ~ 2S I I City of Spokano Valiey 2007 Budget Detail Revonucs by Type ~ 2007 2005 20D6 Amended Proposed Other Fund Rovcnues Actual Budget Budget i ~ 304 +Ain nnv Protect Investmentlntcrest 5 44,752 5 - ~ 16,OOD Donations 67,747 - - Insurance Recoveries - - - htlsaellencousRevenuo 38,188 - - 150,587 - 56,000 305 Street 3ond Proceeds from LT Dotst - 1,202,460 - Transfer from Capital Grants Furvd 81,D28 - - Investment Interest 3.3,'FO - 16,000 114,898 1,202,46D i8,OD0 306 CDBIackGrantFvnd ~ CD6G Grant Proceeds 439,650 - - Trersfer from Street P,gnd r'und 127,836 - - Investment Intwcst 4.277 - - 572,114 - - 307 Capital Grants Fund ~ I Copltal Grani Proceeds 357,911 6,857,615 5,900,OD0 Transfer from SSreet Bond Fund i t 5,437 - - 7ronsfers from Arlerial SUCet Fund 271,477 235,385 - Trensfersfrom GaFita.1 Projects Fund - 1,117,406 1,440,000 7x4,825 8,211,000 7,300,000 3x5 Sarkoe Bridge Reconst action -Fed Grant Federal Great Proceeds 113,994 890 SOD 100,U00 i 3D0 Parks Gapltal Pro1ccL - Investm en9Interest 5,537 4 O,OO D Parks Grant - - 2DO,ODO ConG-rbutian from Spokane Gounty - - 1,600,000 Transfer from the Capital Projects Fund - - 450,000 Transfer from the General r"und 550,000 750,000 410,000 j 555,537 750,000 2,700,000 _J 310 Civic BuOdine Cnt"itnl Protects fnvestmont Interest 7,909 - 30,OD0 Transfer from General Fund SOO,ODO 6D0,000 600,000 507,909 600,000 630,000 442 $taml'NntP.f IdanapeffiPnt Fvnd Stormwater idanagernent Fec 1,252,006 1,524,900 1,600,OOD 1 Investment Interest 35,588 i5,D00 60,OD0 1,287,593 1,539,900 1,660,000 501 Eauiament Rental & Rrpiacemerd rund_ Investment Int-rear 0,268 1,500 30,000 Transfer tram General Fund 205,719 2D°,965 11x,375 Veitide Purchase Trsnsters 24.308 - - ~ 236,318 2iD,465 14x,375 SD2 Risk bra ,naement Fund Investrneni Interest 768 - - Pmploymcnt 5ecurifj Tnrsfers - 6,200 7,100 Risk A4onagement Services 104,867 160,000 185,000 1• 105,665 165,2D0 192,10D Total All Ofhcr Funds 16,112,498 27,598,481 26,813,316 S Total Revenues S 48,917,352 5 58,966,527 S 60,670,788 . ~ ~ ze I i j City of Spokane Valley 2007 Budget Expenditures by Department General Fund Legislative Branch $ 242,393 Legislative ~ Executive Services 881,554 Public Safety 18,256,400 , Operations & Administrative Deputy City Manager 519,212 _ Finance 782,652 ' Human Resources 165,944 _ Public Works 1,142,887 Planning & Community Development I Planning 999,967 ~ Building 1,296,309 Library 20,000 Parks & Recreation ~ ' Administration 8~ Maintenance 905,309 Recreation 242,947 Aquatics 259,450 Senior Center 75,301 CenterPlace 603,179 General Government 5,156,000 , Total General Fund 31,549,504 Other Funds Street Fund 4,088,372 Arterial Street Fund 912,000 ~ Trails and Paths Fund 21,000 liotellMotel Fund 658,000 ~ CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 325,000 Service Level Stablization Fund 5,200,000 ' Winter Weather Reserve Fund 540,000 _ Debt Service - LTGO 03 600,000 Capital Projects Fund 4,120,000 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 Street Capitial Projects Fund 6,939,843 Mirabeau Point Capital Projects Fund 441,000 I Street Bond Capital Projects Fund 816,000 Capital Grants Fund 7,300,000 Barker Bridge -Federal Grant Fund 700,000 Parks Capital Projects Fund 3,550,000 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund 1,460,000 Stormwater Management Fund 1,900,309 ~ Equipment Rental & Replacement 944,375 ` Risk Management Fund 217,100 Total All Funds $ 76,702,503 30 - City of Spokane Valley 2007 Budget General Fund Expenditures by Department by Type Weaes 8 Benefits Supplies Services interaov, me and Cavite! Exd Tata1 Gen$ral Fund Legislative Branch S 88,813 S 21,300 S 123,081 S - ; 9,419 S - S 242,393 Legislative 8 E=xeGUtive 749,487 16,148 104,807 - 12,112 - 881,554 Public Safety - - - 18,256,400 - - 18,258,400 Operations 8 Administrative Deputy City Manager 438,684 5,700 68,200 - 6,728 - 519,212 Financ© 874,383 33,204 54,250 - 20,815 - 782,852 Human Resources 106,853 3,500 52,800 - 2,691 - 165,944 Public Works 893,843 54,247 124,100 - 30,887 40,000 1.142,887 Planning ~ Community Dee. Planning 568,221 19,850 392,300 - 14,798 5,000 999,967 Building 1,108,025 45.275 75,120 31,240 22,200 18,449 1,296,309 t.zbrary - - 20.000 - - - 20.000 Parks ~ Recreadon Parke Adminlstratlon 207,248 48,295 644,388 - 5,382 - 905,309 Recreation 183,543 9,520 88,538 - 1,348 - 242,947 Aquatics - - 259,450 - - - 259,450 Senior Center 55,985 4,850 13,340 - 1,348 - 75,301 CenterPlace 288,937 34,000 278,205 - 4,037 - 803,179 General Gavemment - 27,000 2,326.000 340,000 2,295,000 188,000 5,158,OOp Tcfal G[tnctra! Fund S 5,341,600 5 321 i4R9 S 4,G1a2 557 S 18 627,54Q S 2,426,5&9 _S __22~J 449 $ 31 5•!9.504 City of Spokane Valley 2007 Goneral Fund Expenditures by Dept 531,549,504 Lt~gislat~ve Branch 0.8°~ Legislative 8 Executive I - Seances 2.t3% General Government _ 16.3°~ r Parks 8 Recreation 6.6°ro Planning !i Community Development 7.3°fo Public Works 3.6°/u _ i Public Satety 5"1-9"/0 Operations 8 Administrative Services 4.7°io 32 City of Spokane Valley 2007 General Fund Expenditures by Type X31,549,504 Interfund Payments 7.7°~ Capital Outlay 0.7°/u Intetgovemmental Payments 59.0% Wages 8~ Benefits 1`~ 16.9°~ Y , 1 _ Supplies - 1.0% Services 14.6°/u 33 Fund: OOt General Fund spolnne vauey Dept: ott Legislative Branch 2007 6udgot 011 - Leaislative Branch This department accounts for the cost of providing effective elected representation of the citizenry in the governing body. The Council makes policy decisions for file City and is accountable to Spokane Valley citizens by making decisions regarding how resources are allocated, the appropriate levels of service, end establishing goats and policies for the organization. Accomallshments for 2006 • Drag swell-defined Street Mater Plan. with Fundina ~etion$ that identifies the current condition of city streets and recommend appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. A consultant contact has been issued. Completion is scheduled for Decembor 200&/ January 2007. • lnttlate the First Phase of the SDreaue/Apolewav Corridor Revitalization Ptannina between University and the freeway by contracting with a consultant to design a strategy that would strengthen the economic viability of the corridor. A consultant contract has been issued that broadens the span of Sprague Avenue to 6e analyzed as a sub-area with a defined 'City Center." Completion of the study, which includes public participation in the form of focus groups, surveys, and Town Hall' type meetings is anticipated in the first quarter of 200T. • Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. Much has been accomplished by way of collaboration beMieen dischargers. environmentalists and raguJafory agencies. The final draft of the Mitigation Improvement Plan associated with an acceptable Total Maximum Daily Load ruling was disseminated on July 13, 2006. Close coordination of activities will continue through the date of issuance of a discharge permit for a new wastewater treatment facility. • Maintain a Strong Emahesis on Internal and External Cammunlcation utilizing the Public Information Officer and departmental head positions to enhance the quality, timeliness, and accuracy of internal dialogue and the information provided to citizens about city issues, initiatives and work plans. City employees received two days of communicatioNcontlict rasolutioNcustomaraervice training in January provided by nationally known communications experts. The organization has an improvod understanding of the principles of eKactive communications and therefore batter equipped fo provide a high taus! of customer service. An employee newsletter has been established that keeps employees informed about signrfrcant events and reminded of organizational values and practices. The City website has been enhanced for easier navigation and readability by those seeking cit related information via Internet. . s Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 011 Legislative Branch 2007 Budget 011 - Legislative Branch i ' Accomplishments for 2006 -continued News releases are prepared when appropriaf®. The Public Information Officer has provided a "point of contact" for the media to interact with and collect accurate information about city activities, services, and complaint resolution efforts. • Explore and Implement a Records Management System, including document archiving, document imaging, and all necessary components which will encompass and manage the entire City's records. This goal tivas identified in June 2006. Staff is collecting inforrnatron and organizing an _ extended protect to effectively rnanage the signiircant volume of public records that need to bE preserved. The required funding is part of the proposed 2007 budget. I ~l i 35 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokano Valley - Dept: 011 Legislative Branch 2007 Budget _ 011 -Legislative Branch Goals for 2007 • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater . facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of option for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. - • Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley. • Adopt asub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor and initiate the implementation • of achievable recommendations. ; - • Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane ' Valley population protections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies. • Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. • Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into asix-vear business plan for each department that includes forward looking budget and funding implications. • Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive , Plan. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget ' Personnel - FTE Eguivalents_ ~ - Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 Council 6_0 6_0 6~0 Total FTEs 7.0 7.0 7.0 ' Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 91,566 $ 149,952 $ 88,613 Supplies 12,499 19,300 21,300 ~ ' Services & Charges 84,145 122,068 123,061 Interfund Charges 46,398 12,947 9,419 , Total Legislative Branch $ 234,609 $ 304,267 $ 242,393 ' I. ~ ; i~ Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane valley Dept: 013 Executive 8~ Legislative Support 2007 Budget - u ort 013 Executive 8 Legislative S pp . ~ This department is accountable to the City Council for the operational results of the organization, effective support of elected officials in achieving their goals; fulfillment - ~ of the statutory requirements of the City Manager, implementation of City Council policies, and provision of a communication linkage between citizens, the City Council, ' City departments, and other government agencies. Accomgtishments for 2006 .Draft swell-defined Street Mater Plan, with Funding Ogtons, that identifies the current condition of city streets and recommend appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. A consultant contact has been issued. Completion is scheduled for December 200&/ ~ January 2007. • Initiate the First Phase of the Sgraque/Appleway Corridor Revitalization Planning _ between University and the freeway by contracting with a consuttant to design a ` strategy that would strengthen the economic viability of the corridor. f A consuttant contract has been issued that broadens the span of Sprague Avenue to be analyzed as s sub-area +vith a defined "City Center" Gontpletion of the study, which r I includes public participation in the form of focus groups, surveys, and "Town Hal!" type ~ i meetings is anticipated in the first quarter of 2007. • Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater issues including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. Much has been accomplished by way of collaboration between dischargers, environmentalists and regulatory agencies. The frnal draft of the Mitigation Improvement . Plan associated with an acceptable Total Maximum Daily Load ruling +vas disseminated on July 13, 2006. Close coordination of activities will continue through the date of .f issuance of a discharge permit for a nevr wastewater treatment facility. c Maintain a Strong Emphasis on Internal and External Communication utilizing the Public Information Officer and departmental head positions to enhance S the quality, timeliness, and accuracy of internal dialogue and the information provided to citizens about city issues, initiatives and work plans. - City employees received two days of communication/conr7ict resolution/customer service j training in January provided by nationslty knovrn communications experts. The organization has an improved understanding of the principles of effective communications and therefore better equipped to provide a high level of customer service. An employee nevrsletfer has been established that keeps employees informed about significant events and reminded of organizational values and practices. The City website has been enhanced for easier navigation at?d readability by~those seeking city related information via Internet. i ~ 37 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valtey Dept 013 Executive 8a Legislative Support 2007 Budget i 013 -Executive 8~ Legislative Support Accomplishments for 2006 -continued News releases are prepared when appropriate. The Public Information Officer has provided a "point of contact" for the media to interact with and collect accurate information about ; city activities, services, and complaint resolufion efforts. • Exalore and Implement a Records Management Svstem, including document _ archiving, document imaging, and all necessary components which will encompass , and manage the entire City's records. i . This goa! ?vas identified in June 2006. Staff is collecting information and organizing an extended protect to effectivEly manage the significant volume of public records that need to be preserved. The required funding is part of the proposed 2007 budget. . ~I 38 , . I~ ~ . i~ f~ Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: ot3 Executive 8~ Legislative Support 2007 Budget 013 -Executive 8 Leaislative Support Goals for 2007 • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater _ facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of option for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. • Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley. • Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sgraque Corridor and initiate the implementation _ ; of achievable recommendations. • Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane ~ Valley population projections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline i~ annexation policies. • Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. j • Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into asix-Year business plan for each department that includes forward-looking budget and funding implications. • Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan. Budget Summary Zoos 2005 Amended 2007 j Actual Budget Budget ~ ~ Personnel - FTE Equivalents City Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 , City Attorney 1.0 1.0 1.0 City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 Deputy City Attomey 1.0 1.0 1.0 Deputy City Clerk 0.5 0.5 0.5 ' Administrative Assistant {CC) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant (CM) 1_0 1_0 1_0 Total FTEs 6.5 6.5 6.5 ~ ~ Interns 3.0 3.0 3.0 Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 479,048 $ 615,770 $ 749,487 Supplies 7,939 11,248 15,148 Services & Charges 50,922 91,690 104,807 . Interfund Charges 36,719 15,147 12,112 . Total Executive & Legislative Support S 574,629 $ 733,855 $ 881,554 The costs associated with the Le al Division are now art of Executive & Le islative Su ort. 39 , Fund: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley dept: ors Public Safety 2007 Budget 016 -Public Safety The Public Safety department budget provides funds for the protection of persons and property in the city. The City contracts with Spokane County for law enforcement, district court, ' prosecutor services, public defender services, probation services, jail and animal control services. See following page for detail information on each budgeted section. Judicial System -The Spokane County District Court is contracted to provide municipal court services. The contract provides for the services of judge and court commissioner with related support ~ . ' staff. Budgeted amount also includes jury management fees. Budgeted contract amount: $ 1,502,783 Law Enforcement - The Spokane County Sheriffs office is , responsible for maintaining law and order and providing police services to the community under the direction of the Police Chief. ' The office provides for the preservation of life, protection of property, and reduction of crime. Budgeted contract amount: $ 14,779,374 Jail System -Spokane County provides jail and probation services for persons sentenced by any City of Spokane Valley Municipal Court Judge for violating laws of the city or state. Budgeted contract amount: $ 802,406 Animal Control -Spokane County will provide animal control ~ services to include licensing, care and treatment of lost or stray animals, and response to potentially dangerous animal confrontations. ,i Budgeted contract amount: $ 444,008 I 40 City of Spokane Valley 2007 Budget 016 -Public Safety 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Judicial System: Distrid Court Contrad 747,300 839,817 818,111 Jury Manager?cmt Contrad 3,139 5,000 5,000 PubBc Defender Contract 357,717 342,705 383.349 Prosecutor Contrad 312,843 357,520 277,243 Crime Victim Compensation 9,233 - - Pretrial Services Contrad 39,908 48,383 41,080 Probation Services Contrad 23,753 Subtotal Judicial Sysbsm 1,493,895 1,593,425 1,502,783 t.~w Erforcement System: Shenfl Contrad 12,861,507 13,719,812 14,557,484 Emergency Management Conirad 85.129 72,397 88,090 Copier AAafntenanoe 2,723 - 3.000 Law Eni. Bfdg Maintenance Contrad 52,032 40,000 120,000 Vehicle Dezals - 10.000 Clothing & Uniforms - 7.~ Vehicle Usage Costs 500 5,300 5,300 C+thsr Misceitaneoue Supplies 2,277 - - Cop Phones - - Travel and Mileage 25 - Equtpment Replacement Charge 2,750 5,500 5,500 Subtotal Law Enforcement System: 12,987,452 13,880,009 14,779,374 Jell System: Jail Contrad 405,848 444,000 420,806 Work Release (Geiger) _ - 120,000 381,800 Subtotal Jail System: 405,84F3 5';4,000 802,4D8 Other: Gapltal Outfays/Communicalions 170,000 132,623 127,829 Fines b Forfeitures 5tste Remittance 835,670 590,000 800,OD0 Animal Control Contract 403,770 433.484 444.008 Contingency Reserve - - - - 1,209,440 1,158,107 1,171,837 Total Public Safety S 18,096,633 S 17,173,541 S 18,258,400 ' The increase of the Sheriff Contract is the City's portion related to the settlement of the County Sheriff s labor negotiations. in addition, a voter approved sates tax increase of .1 in 2004 of sales tax is designated la fund criminal justice and public safety related casts. City of Spokane Valley 2007 Budgeted Contract Expenditures 16,000,000 14,557,484 14,000,000 - - - - 12,000,000 - - - - - - - 10,000,000 ; - - - - - - - - - 8.000,000 6,000,000 - - - - - - 4,000,000 - - - - - - 2,000,000 - - 816,111 420,806 381,6Q0 363,349 271,243 88,090 Distract Court Public Defender Prosecutor Sheriff Contract Emergency Jail Contract Work Release Contract Contract Contract Management (Geiger) Contract 42 ~r Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Depa; 01a Operations 8 Administrative Services 2007 Budget 018 -Operations & Administrative Services The Operations & Administrative Services DepartmQnt is composed of three divisions, the Deputy City Manager Division, the Finance Division, and the j Human Resources Division. As of 2007, the Legal Division costs wi[I be included in 1 ~ the Executive and Legislative Support division. 013 - Deputy Citv Manager piv lion _ The Deputy City Manager (DCM) supervises the Operations 8 Administrative Services Department, assists the City Manager in organizing and directing the , other operations of the city and assumes the duties of the City Manager in hislher absence, Accomplishments for 2006 ' • Convened the Customer Service Taskforce to implement the initial phase of the customer service program. _ • Developed and presented model agreement for Animal Control, Communication, ' District Court, Geiger, Hearing Examiner, Jail, Jury Management, Pre-Trial Services, Prosecution, Public Defender, and Prednct Maintenance. • t~legodated and prepared cable franGiise agreement. ~ • Reviewed and made recommendations to improve the right-of-tivay permitting i process. L. , • Completed Public Safety Revenue analysis. • Developed style, standards, and authorization process for use of City logo. • Developed and implemented public information campaign for SpraguelApplcvray ~ Corridor Revitalization plan. Goals for 2007 • Create a desk manual of critical functions for each position in the Deputy City Manager Division. _ • Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into a s1x-year business r plan for each department. i, • Develop and implement contract management auditing functions. • Identify and implement at least tyro proactive community information and j ~ invoMement mechanisms. s Develop information brochures on three high-interest areas regarding City processes that seek to ensurer the most common inquiries about those processes- I~ . Budget Summary f ' 2006 - 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTF_ EauivRlents Deputy City Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 - ~ Administrative Analys! 1.0 1.0 1.0 Public Information Officer 0.0 1.0 1.0 ONice Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 Adrniniskrat3ve Assistant 0 5 2_0 2_0 Total FTEs 3.5 6.0 6.0 i ~ Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefits S 295,920 S 414,406 S 43$,584 Supplies 9,490 5,700 5,700 Services & Charges 10,754 67,700 68,200 Capital Outlay 527 - - Interfund Charges 23,548 11,597 6,728 Total Deputy City Manager Division $ 340,239 $ 499,405 S 519,212 l 43 i Fund: 001 General Fund Spokano Valley Dept: ots Operations 8 Administrative Services 2007 Budget 014 -Finance Division The Finance Division provides finanaal management services for all city , departments. Programs include accounting and reporting, payroll, accounts payable, , purchasing, budgeting and financial planning, treasury, information technology and investments. The division is also responsible for generating and analyzing _ data related to the City's operations. The department prepares monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports and budgets to ensure compliance vrith slate laws. Accomplishments for 2006 • State sales tax budget projections were compared with Spokane Transit Authority, Spokane County, City of Spokane, City of Liberty Lake, the Public Facilities District, and . the State Department of Revenue. Gambling tax projections were compared with the City of Airway Heights and the City of Spokane. Property tax estimates vrere compared to Spokane County revenue and assessed value estimates. • The A-87 cost allocation calculations were integrated into the 2005 and 2007 budgets Ito insure that the Street Fund and Stormwater Fund pay their fair share of City overhead W~tS. I I Goals for 2007 • Revise six-year financial forecast to incorporate costs associated vrith priorities identified in the six-year business plan for departments. • Review suggestions regarding city operations made by Washington Cities Insurance Authority. •Consider recommendations made by the State Auditor's Office for improved internal control. • Identify available telecommunications infrastructure that islcould be available in the area for citizens and businesses. i Bud4et Summary 2006 ~ 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Finance & Admin Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 Accounting Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 AccounlanUBudget Analyst 2.0 2.0 2.0 Accounting 7ed~nician 1.0 1.0 1.0 IT Specialist 1,0 1.0 2.0 GISfDatabase Administrator 0_0 0~0 1_0 Total FTEs 6.0 6.0 8.0 - Intern 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~ ; Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 372,769 S 465,795 $ 674,383 Supplies 5,525 10,700 33,204 Services & Charges 18,125 23,100 54,250 _ - Capital0utlay 293 2,000 - Interfund Charges ~ 37,219 15,300 20,815 Total Finance Division $S 4~ $ 516,895 $ 782,652 44 I r• Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley ~ wept: 0~8 Operations & Administrative Services 2007 Budget .i 016 -Human Resources Division - Human Resources (HR) is administered through the Deputy City Manager (DCM) who serves as the Human Resources Manager for the City. The HR operation i provides services in compensation, benefits, training and organizational development, stafFng, employee relations, and communications. Accomplishments for 2006 ~ • Successfully negotiated City's first labor agreement. • Developed schedule for reviewing and revising human resources forms. .Conducted City-wide employee communication training. l • Conducted anti-harassment/discrimination training for employees. I • Developed schedule for reviewing and revising City's job descriptions. ~ ~ Goals for 2007 • Expand City's web based Intranet to help provide employees with resources and tools to improve interdepartmental cooperation. _ ~ • Develop handbook of administrative policies to inform employees of personnel related policies and procedures. F ~ • Develop manager/supervisor training on key issues and areas. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget ~ Personnel - FTE Equivalents Human Resource Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 Deputy City Clerk 0_5 0.5 0_5 Total FTEs 1.5 1.5 1.5 Budget Detail - Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 36,204 $ 100,620 $ 106,953 Supplies 4,795 3,500 3,500 Services 8 Charges 38,601 73,300 52,800 - CapitalOut9ay 65 - - Interfund Charges 7,085 3,700 2,691 Total Human Resources Division $ 86,750 $ 181,120 $ 165,944 i i~ 45 i Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 032 Public Works 2007 Budget 032 -Public Works The Public Works Department provides overall planning and oversight of public works projects in the City of Spokane Valley. The department provides engineering plan review, inspection, coordination of major public works capital ^ improvement projects, long-range transportation planning and neighborhood traffic management. The Public Works Street Maintenance Section is responsible for maintenance of streets. Accomalishments for 2006 • Continued analysis and review with the County, City of Spokane, and Department of Ecology regarding Wastewater Treatment Facility options. • Completed the development of the City's first Street Master Plan. _ • Worked with the Regional Wastewater Committee to evaluate the possibilities of a Spokane Regional Wastewater Alliance. • Provided engineering design, review, and construction oversight for City projects and other City public work needs. • Developed the 2007-2012 six-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) for i Council adoption. • Provided Public Works input on the development of the SpraguelAppleway Corridor Revitalization Plan including transportation analysis and traffic modeling. • Provided Development Review on new Commercial Development Projects, Single Family, and Multi-Family units. • Implemented and closely supervised the major Street Capital Projects. • Managed and refined contract with Spokane County and others for public works services and construction. Goals for 2007 • Analysis and review with the County, City of Spokane, and Department of Ecology , regarding Wastewater Treatment Facility options. ` , • Work with the Regional Wastewater Committee to evaluate the possibilities of a Spokane Regional Wastewater Alliance. • Manage and refine contracts with Spokane County and others for public works 1~ " services and construction. 46 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley . Dept: 032 Public Works 2007 Budget 032 -Public Works Goals for 2007, Continued • Provide engineering design, review, and construction oversight for City projects and other City public works needs. • Develop the 2008-2013 six-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) for Council adoption. • Begin implementing Capital Project recommendations of the SpraguelAppleway i - Corridor Revitalization Plan. ~ Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget i Personnel - FTE Equivalents Public Works Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 - Administrative Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 ' Senior Engineer (Development) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Assistant Engineer (Development) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senior Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Engineer (Development) 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~ Assistant Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~ Engineering Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 ` ~ Construction Inspector 0_0 0.0 1_0 rr Total FTEs 9.0 9.0 10.0 I~ Budget Detail _ Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefits $ 599,209 $ 740,846 $ 893,843 Supplies 18,887 42,687 54,247 Services & Charges 71,162 137,415 124,100 Intergovernmental Payments - - - Capital Outlay 9,307 22,500 40,000 Interfund Charges 145,447 36,744 30,697 Total Public Works $ 844,010 $ 980,192 $ 1,142,887 - ~ 47 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: o5s Planning 8~ Community Development 2007 Budget - 058 -Planning 8~ Community Development The Planning & Community Development Department provides overall management and oversight of development services, including current and long-range _ planning, coordination of regional environmental issues, building permitting and inspections, and code enforcement. The Permit Center provides coordinated, one-stop administration of all development permits. Code compliance is responsible for the enforcement of zoning regulations and nuisance abatement. 058 -Planning Division The Planning Division is responsible for providing professional policy guidance , on land use issues to the City Council and Planning Commission. It is also ~ . responsible for processing land use permits, reviewing environmentally sensitive areas, and providing code enforcement services. Accomplishments for 2006 • Completed the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan for 2006-2026. • Completed Airport Hazard Overlay. • Initiated Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan ' • Initiated Interactive Geographical Information System (GIS) project. ` ~j 48 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley ~ Dept: 058 Planning & Community Development 2007 Budget ' 058 - Planning Division Goals for 2007 k__' • Complete Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan and begin implementation. • Shoreline Master Program Update /Shoreline Restoration Plan • Complete Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. • First update of the Comprehensive Plan, to include Urban Growth Area (UGA) - amendments. J-~ • Joint Planning agreements with Spokane County. ' Budget Summary ~ 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget ' Personnel - FTE Equivalents _ Community Development Director 1.0 1.0 0.5 ~ Senior Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 L Planning Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 - Associate Planner -Long-Range 1.0 1.0 1.0 S Associate Planner -Current 1.0 1.0 1.0 ~ Assistant Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 Planning Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant 1_0 1_0 00=5 Total FTEs 8.0 8.0 7.0 + Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, 8~ Benefits $ 550,808 $ 597,723 $ 568,221 Supplies 12,662 18,200 19,650 ' Services 8 Charges 106,746 352,405 272,300 Intergovernmental Services 112,847 180,184 120,000 Capital Outlay 2,610 7,500 5,000 Interfund Charges 59,267 14,796 14,796 Total Planning Division $ 844,939 $ 1,170,808 $ 999,967 it - 49 ~ , ' i Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valtey Dept: 058 Planning b Community Development 2007 Budget 059 - Buildinra Division The Building Division implements the Washington State Building Code. It is responsible for ensuring that buildings and structures comply with adopted building ; code standards through professional plan review and inspection services. The Permit Center receives applications and coordinates the review and processing of permits. Accomplishments for 2006 • Completed submission of the Spokane Gounty Hazard Mitigation Plan. • Created an obstruction permit ad hoc committee. • Business Plan completed for 2006 - 2012. . Developed alternative Permit Center location. - , Goals for 2007 .Adopt update of International Codes/Amendments. - . Refine administrative procedures for Building services. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Community Development Director 0.0 0.0 0.5 _ Building Official 1.0 1.0 1.0 ` Building Inspector II 3.0 3.0 3.0 ~ Code Enforcement O~cer 2.0 2.0 2.0 Construction Inspector 2.0 2.0 2.0 Senior Permit Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 Permit Specialist 3.0 3.0 3.0 Senior Plans Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 Plans F~caminer 0.0 0.0 0.75 , Administrative Assistant 0_0 0_0 0_5 Total FTEs 13.0 13.0 14.75 Budget Detail , ~ Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefrts $ 627,214 $ 848,929 $ 1,106,025 Supplies 33,741 38,575 45,275 Services & Charges 98,147 95,635 75,120 , Intergovernmental Payments 53,956 31,240 31,240 Capital Outlay 5,253 10,649 16,449 Interfund Charges 132,181 40,864 22,200 Total Building Division $ 95092 $ 1,065,892 $ 1,296,309 ' 50 ~ ~ Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 072 Library 2007 Budget 072 -Library ' Library services to Valley residents are provided by the Spokane County Library District (SCLD). An independent special purpose district, its sole purpose is providing library services to the unincorporated county and affiliated municipalities. The appropriation reflects the amount remitted to the City of Spokane Valley from ' delinquent property taxes owed for library services. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ _ $ _ $ ~ Supplies Services & Charges 2,176,178 - 20,000 Capital Outlay - - - Interfund Charges - - - Total Library $ 2,176,178 $ - $ 20,000 s~ 51 • , funck' 00'1 Generel Fund Spokane Vancy wept= Urs darks & Recreation 200T Budget f OTB -Parks 8F Recrea#ion The Parks and Reorealion Department is composed of five divisions, the _ . Adminislratian and Park Maintenance E]iVision, Recreation, Aguatios, enior~enter, ~ and the ~enterPlac~e pivi5ion- TMe overall goal of the department is to pro~+ide quality ' recreation programs and aoquisi~on, renavaihan, development, operation, arrd maintenance of parks and reGre3kion f2Gilities- Q00 -1?arks Admirtition ~ Mairrtenance Diwisian I , Thc Administration Division provides direction and leadership far the Parks acrd Recreation Department irr implementing the gv~ls and objectives of the Oily Council and faoilitates the gerrerai upke~q pf parks and public areas of the lily- i , ACCOmPlishmen#~ for 2006 . Management and oversigtrl ai` the aQuatRrrs ~r+d parks maintenance contrails, • Adapted the Park and Recreation Masker Plan in April 2006- . Pursued grant opportunities with Washington interagency committee to purchase property for park property in the Greena~res area- -I . Blarte~d work on Brown's Park Renovation- ~ . + t:ngineer evaluation was oampleted on o!d Serrivr Center building- . 30 ne~v picnic tables were pta~ed in parks- . .Reconstructed the lliirabeau springs overcook. Goals for200T . Irnplernerrt seasonal parks arnbass~dar program. . Pursue funding far the Universal Park at PJlirabeau Point. i .Complete park renovation arrd land acquisition as prioritized by City Council, such as the Children's Universal Park. + In~+estigate aoCreditatipn through the National Park acrd Recreation Association- ~ -i Budget ~ummar~, 2006 ~ ~ 200 Amended 2007 Ac#ual Budget Budges Pecs nrrel - FTE Equivalents ~ Parks & Recreations Director 1.0 1.0 1-0 Administrative Assistant=0 1:0 1=0 Total FTEs 2-Q 2-0 2.0 , ~4e D dil I diaries, Wages, ~ Benefits $ iS4,913 ~ 162,236 $ 207,246 - Supplies 14,-063 27,340 48,295 Ser+~ices & Charges 593,~7~ 620,627 &t4,386 Intergovernmental Services 7,777 70,000 - ~ Capital Outlay X5,097 7.000 - InterFund Charges ! 13171 3,000_ 5,382 _ Total Parks A[irnini5trahion $ 8~~,696 $ 930,203 $ 9D5,309__ i 52 I f~~ ~ t Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley } ~ dept: o7s Parks 8~ Recreation 2007 Budget ` ~ 301 -Recreation Division The Recreation Division coordinates and facilitates the delivery of recreation programs and services throughout the City and the City's park system. Accomulishments for 2006 • Offered 10 weeks of "Summer Day Camp." • Expanded Marketing of Summer Programs: Newspaper, Schools, S.C.O.P.E. ' • Continued Forming Recreation Program Policy. r~; • Conducted Walk Across Washington event. ~ ' Goals for 2007 i. o Incorporate Master Plan Results into Recreation Programming and Policy. i ` • Develop the Recreation Programs to coincide with Master Plan. • Offer First Summer Concert Series in the Park. 1- • Coordinate activities with the Spokane Valley Arts Council. Budget Summary _ 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Recreation Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 Budget Detail _ • Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 62,528 $ 138,575 $ 163,543 Supplies 1,349 4,078 9,520 Services & Charges 25,591 48,882 68,538 Interfund Charges 56,659 7,940 1,346 - , Total Recreation Division $ 146,127 $ 199,475 $ 242,947 53 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokan® Valley Dept: 076 Parks 8 Recreation 2007 Budget . 302 -Aquatics Division " The City of Spokane Valley owns three pools: Park Road Pool, Terrace View Pool, and - Valley Mission Pool. Services include Open Swim, Swim Lessons, Swim Team and facility rentals. In addition, the City leases a portion of Valley Mission Park to Splashdown ' Inc. for a water park. The City currently is contracting with the YMCA for all aquatic activities within the i~ ' City. The YMCA provides the lifeguards and maintains the pools during the season. ' Accomplishments for 2006 . Evaluated plan to improve existing pools as per the Pool Feasibility Study. • Initiated Drowning Prevention Program. Goals for 2007 • Begin swimming lessons one week earlier. - • Renovate and enhance three outdoor pools according to an agreed upon schedule. ' Budget Summanr 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Supplies $ 768 $ - $ - Services & Charges 224,841 294,921 259,450 - ~ Capital Outlay - - - Total Aquatics Division $ 225,609 $ 294,921 $ 259,450 i 54 ~ I ; Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley j Dept: 076 Parks S Recreation 2007 Budget r 304 -Senior Center Division The City of Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation Department assumed operational ~ control of the Valley Senior Center in 2003. - ~ Accomplishments for 2006 " • Negotiated with Spokane Community College to establish a new ceramics program. ! • Expanded resource and referral program. ~ • Initiated programs in the new Wellness Center at CenterPlace. Goals for 2007 ' • Organize and plan activities in conjunction with YMCA. ~ • Establish a cafe atmosphere in lounge area. .i • Develop evening programming for senior citizens. ~ • Investigate accreditation with the National Institute of Senior Centers. i~ • Develop policies for senior citizen programs. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Senior Center Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 Budget Detail I~ Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefits $ 51,488 $ 49,999 $ 55,965 Supplies 2,183 4,800 4,650 Services 8 Charges 17,480 15,570 13,340 Interfund Charges 6,585 1,900 1,346 ` Total Senior Center Division $ 77,735 $ 72,269 $ 75,301 55 I ~ - Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: o7s Parks 8 Recreation 2007 Budget 305 -CenterPlace Division Construction of Mirabeau Point CenterPlace began in late 2003, and was completed mid-year 2005. The project represents the culmination of eight years of planning and fundraising by Mirabeau Point Inc. and the joint involvement of the City and Spokane County. The approximately 54,000 square foot facility houses the City of Spokane Valley Senior Center, a great room (banquet facility), numerous meeting ~ rooms, multi-purpose rooms, and a high tech lecture hall. The facility combines with Mirabeau Meadows Parks and Mirabeau Springs to form a regional focal point for - Northeast Washington and Northern Idaho, Accomplishments for 2006 . Completed Administrative Policies and Procedure Manual for CenterPlace. , • Completed Initial Marketing Materials. • Increased public awareness of CenterPlace. • Developed a Customer Service Plan for CenterPlace. • Created Request for Proposals (RFP) and contracted for HVAC System. Goal for 2007 • Refine Marketing Plan. • Outline strategy to reduce operating deficit. ~ Budget Summary ' zoos 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents CenterPlace Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 - Administrative Assistant 0.0 1.0 2.0 Maintenance Worker 0_0 1_0 2_0 Total FTEs 1.0 3.0 5.0 Budget Detail ' Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 78,075 S 186,263 $ 288,937 Supplies 18,357 22,830 34,000 Services & Charges 105,626 248,705 276,205 Capital Outlay 95 - - Interfund Charges 6,565 - 4,037 Total CenterPlace Division $ 208,738 $ 457,798 $ 603,179 56 r-' ; ~i Fund: 001 General Fund spo~miw va>xY acft: n30 General Government 2407 Budifot ~ i 090 - Gcncral Govcmrncnt iTe C-eneml Government OcparL-ncnt comprir~ activities that cnoompaw scrvicos 1 to multiple depaRme,'Cs. Indrxfed in this deparlmera arc the accts of city hag and related L1ililies, mansgem~t irCnm6'ition s°rvice-Q, insurns~ce cnsis, misc8ilanenus ' ctty Intergovenmental oasts and cspUal equipment casts Ota! bertefit more than ' one department, end otsYle agency hording- O.aslde agendas provide tfeeded public sonrices on behalf of the City. The outside aaendes rrntst provide an annual report d haw the money vras spwnL i- ~ pudgpt Summary - - 2008 2005 Arnandcd 2007 - Actual Budget Budget j Budcet Detail General Ctt}svJ~ Co.^fs " ' Aaoountirg 8 Audl1 Services S 92,239 $ 140,0 $ 140,0'70 So4nara M.aintenence 33,SeS 40,000 40,000 Fris>;ing and Binding 7,112 - 5,000 ~ ( Election Costs 149,001 60,000 05,000 Business Registtat6otfv 510 15,000 0,000 - Advettiring 43,727 40,000 45.000 Employee RecognltSon 3 Safety Program 3,220 3,000 3,000 ~ y 1^Jcb Paao - 5,000 5,000 TelepharclDSL Ctavgcs 22,387 20,000 24,000 ~ VT Consulting a2,028 40,000 90,000 Offtce and Operating Suppfies - - 10,000 Siudcnt Advisory Council 537 500 1,000 Opertting Supplies 0,624 4,000 - Sma11 Tools end Minor Equlpmem 4,963 2,000 10,000 i I _ Spokane Courtly ConLad - G1S 20,000 20,000 - Copier N.=_Lnenence - 8,SD0 6,500 Vehide Reptacemcnl Call - 0.000 40,000 - N,lscelleneous 3,837 20,OD0 2D,000 j ~ tnter;und hti'erfund Loan Interest - - - hCcrfund Risk Menagemerut Payment 104,837 165,000 185,000 L~kerfund Equipment Rcn:al and Replacement 104,163 - - ~ FaosB,~s ~ Facili~y Reirafrs 8 Maintenance - 5,000 5,000 t _ NJsccllanr~rm Building Maintenance 1,453 - - Compuler SaRvrarc and MarC+rrrc 23,451 1 10,000 95,000 Ortiee Furniture 8 Equipment 9,000 - 8,000 Transfer to Svaet Capital Frntl it ~ Tra:rafcr to Harks Capital Ford 550,000 750,000 410,000 Building Consultant - - 75,000 City Hall Lessing Costs: _ Ciy HaD RerN 268,262 3QS,000 375,000 ~ Leasehold Improvcmcnts 49,66t 15,000 15,000 Storage Space & Parking 550 - - Ou'wido Services Afcmbcrships - SRTC 34?AO 36,000 35,000 Sefery Edr-motion 8 Prevention - 3,OD0 6,~D Aloohd Trea:rf?en1 19,174 19,ODD 20,OOD Spokane County Aia PolDution Authority 118,Ot8 110,000 120,OOD City Eoonnmie Oevelcprnent 2,25 10,o0D 10,OOD Sita Selector for Economic peveiopment - - 21,000 Cabto Franchdso Nogotlatlons 8,500 20,000 1,OOD ~ i Voter Registrations 04,562 05,000 70,000 Records Idanagemem 25D,o0D ImpeG Foa Study - SO,ODD 85,007 Professional Services • Lobbyist - - 40,OOD Requests tram Outside Agendas-Economic De+relopmsnt 78,500 68,OD0 85,007 - Requests from Ouisfde Agendas-Sodat SenAces 27,000 51,DDD 45,D07 C+xrShgenry d Resenres ' Reserve for Revenw Ad~us:rttents - 456,OD0 425,SD7 Transfer to Civk Building Reserva fund SOD,000 600,000 607,DD7 Trensfer to Service Laval Resen'e Furxt 2,300,105 2,105,000 207,OD7 ' Transfer to Winter>r'leathorRaserve Fund 500,000 ~ - - Operating Transfer- Certi:arPlaoe Resarvo 300,000 ~ Operating Transfer- S'~raet Fund 2,OD0,000 2,000,000 970,OD7 . _ Conthgency 500,007 500,OD7 - S 7.481,501 S 7,030,009 S 5,156,007 1 V ~ \ , ~ J _ , I Fund: 101 Street Fund Spokano valley Dept: 042 2007 Budget _i 101 -Street Fund The Street Operating program is established to provide efficient and safe movement - . of both motorized and non-motorized vehicles as tivell as pedestrians within the limits of the City and coordinate convenient interconnect to the regional transportation system. The transportation networks, under this program, are designed, constructed, and maintained to improve the quality of life while providing the efficient movement of commerce. Accomplishments for 2006 - • Operated and maintained all City streets and the hvo state hightivay, SR 290 and SR 27, ~ within the City limits. ' • Continuer! to contract vrith Spokane County for engineering services related /o operations and maintenance of City streets and bridges. ' • Worked with Community Development to ensure that adequate Vaffic and transportation mitigation is provided. • Contracted tivrth JUB Engineers for development of a Street P~taster plan. ~y • Irnpraved Signal Timing Coordination throughout the City. Goals for 2007 I • Operate and maintain all City Streets and the two state highwa~5, SR 290 and SR 27, within the City limits. • Continue to contract with Spokane County for engineering services related to operations j I and maintenance of City streets and bridges. • Work v,~th Community Development to ensure that adequate traffic and transportation mitigation is provided. . Continue to update the street inventory and assessment of City Streets and begin implementation of the six-year pavement management plan. • Continue to Improve Signal Timing Coordination throughout the City. Budaet Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget - Pe nnel - FTE ftquivalents Senior Engineer-Traffic 1.0 1.0 i.0 Public Works Superintendent 1.0 1.0 1.0 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 1.0 1.4 1.0 Assistant Engineer-Traffic 0.0 0.0 1.0 Senior Engineer (I'lanningfGrants) 0~4 0_4 0 4 ' Total FTEs 3.4 3.8 4.4 - Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefits S 64,737 S 211,636 $ 348,534 Supplies 6,523 16,950 16,950 I Serrices 8 Charges 539,099 1,210,680 951,080 Intergovernmental Payments 2,321,077 2,660,300 2,688,191 Interfund Charges 100,944 67,290 83,617 ~ Total Street Fund $ 3,032,381 $ 4,166,856 $ 4 088 372 _ 58 - r~- ~ . s' i Fund: 102 Arterial Street Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 041 2007 Budget r 102 -Arterial Street Fund ' The Arterial Street Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of the State-levied motor vehicle fuel tax distributed to the City in accordance with State RCW 82.36.020. These revenues will be transferred to the Street Capital Projects Fund for the construction. Budget Summary 2006 ~ ~ 2005 Amended 2007. Actual Budget Budget ! Budget Detail Transfer to Street Capital Projects $ 51,002 $ 332,270 $ - Transfer to Capital Grants Fund 271,477 236,385 - Improvements to Arterials 1,200 - 912,000 Total Arterial Street Fund $ 323,680 $ 568,655 $ 912,000 _i Fund: 103 Trails 8~ Paths Fund Spokane Valley Dept; 103 2007 Budget i 103 -Trails & Paths Fund The Trails & Paths Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of the State-levied motor vehicle fuel tax distributed to the City in accordance with State RCW 47.30.050. These revenues originate from .42% of motor vehicle fuel tax attributable to Street Maintenance. These funds are restricted for the purpose of constructing new trails and paths throughout ~e City. No expenditures are budgeted for this fund in 2007. 59 r:- . u-- Fund: 105 Hotel/Motel Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 105 2007 Budget ~ 105 - HotellMotel Fund - The Hotel/Motel Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of a special excise tax of ~ two percent on the sale or charge made for the furnishing of lodging under RCW 82.08. These funds will be used solely for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of tourist promotion, acquisition or operation of tourism-related facilities, and marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. Budget Summary I_. , 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail . Tourism Promotion $ 250,014 $ 360,667 $ 618,000 Interfund Charges 28,156 40,000 40,000 Total Hotel/Motel Fund $ 278,170 $ 400,667 $ 658,000 ' 60 I s Fund: 1~ ~ente~F~E2~ee ~peratie~g F~eserve ~ur7d Spokane Vai~ey ~ Dept; 720 2007 Budget ~J '~2~ - ettte~iace O eratin Reserve Fund ' The DenterPiace OperatEng Reserve fund was estat~lished to provide an emergenc~r revenue ~ouroe for the fecentfy sample#ed #acili#y. Budget ummary . 0Q6 2~~~ Amended 20Q7 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail ~i Fdeserve for enterPlaoe ~}~erations $ - 3Q0,~00 35,00 1 ~ Furrd: 1~ erv~ce Level ta~iliration Reserve Fund Spokane Va1~ey . Dept: 721 2Q07 Budge# _ i 1~'~ - service Level tabili~ation Reserve l=and The orvice t_evel tabili~ati~n Reserve Fund was e~tablisYred to provide an emergency ! revenue source to maintain service levels in the event of a downkurn in the Iocal econom~r. I~ Bud et umrnan~ ' ~ 206 205 Amended ~~~7 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail F{eserve for Service bevel t~bilization ~ 1,00Q,Q00 ~ X00,000 r ' i i- ~ - ~1 . . ~1 y~ Fund: 122 Winter Weather Reserve Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 122 2007 Budget 122 -Winter Weather Reserve Fund The Winter Weather Reserve Fund was established to provide emergency services during an unusually harsh winter. f Budget Summary i~ 2006 . 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Reserve for Winter Weather $ - $ 500,000 $ 540,000 s2 i ~ i r V ~J Fund: 204 Limited Tax General Obligation -Debt Service Fund Spokane Valley ~ Dept: 204 ~ 2007 Budget 204 -Limited Tax General Obligation -Debt Service Fund The LTGO -Debt Service Fund collects and distributes monies received and paid for long-term debt obligations. Revenue to this fund consists of money received from the Public Facility District and City revenue, wfiich will be used to pay annual debt obligations on outstanding bonds. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget j- Budget Detail 'I_ Debt Service on IViirabeau Bonds $ 397,745 $ 414,000 $ 414,000 Debt Service on Street Bonds 185,090 186,000 186,000 ~ Total Debt Service Fund $ 582,835 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 I' i I ~ fi3 i f' i - , i Fund: 3011302 Capital Projects & Special Capital Projects Funds Spokane Valley 2007 Budget _ 301!302 -Capital Protects 8~ Special Capital Protects Funds These funds account for the collection and expenditure of the real estate excise tax levied - on all sales of real estate. The tax is levied in two phases of a quarter of a percent each. _ _ The first quarter percent of the real estate excise tax (REET 1) must be spent on capital improvements identified in a capital improvements plan. This REET 1 tax is accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund 301. The second quarter percent (REET 2) may only be levied by cities that are planning under ~ . the Growth Management Act. These funds must be used for a capital project. The REET 2 tax is accounted for in the Special Capital Projects Fund 302. ' Revenues accumulated in these funds will be used as matching funds for construction projects and will be transferred to other Capital Project Funds. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 ' Actual Budget Budget 301 -Capital Projects Fund Transfer to Capital Grants Fund $ - $ 1,117,000 $ 1,400,000 Transfer to Street Capital Projects 491,959 - 1,205,309 Transfer to Debt Service 92,545 93,000 93,000 ' Transfer to Parks Master Plan 40,000 - - Capital Projects -REET 1 - - 1,421,691 Total Capital Projects Fund $ 624,504 $ 1,210,000 $ 4,120,000 I 302 -Special Capital Projects Fund ' Transfer to Street Capital Fund $ - $ 97,713 $ 1,883,843 Capital Projects -REET 2 - - 2,443,157 Transfer to Debt Service 92,643 93,000 93,000 Total Special Capital Projects Fund $ 92,643 $ 190,713 $ 4,420,000 6~ _i ~I Fund: 303 Street Capital Projects Fund Spokano Valley - 2007 Budget 303 -Street Capital Proiects Fund . The Street Capital Projects Fund accounts for monies used to finance the 6-year _ transportation improvement plan. Revenues are transfers from the Capital Projects Fund, ~ Special Capital Projects Fund, and the Stormwater Fund. Expenditures are often for matching funds for Transportation Improvement Beard and _ other grants. I Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Road Design & Construction Pro%ecfs Pines/Mansfield, Wilbur Rd. to Pines $ 54,923 $ 1,047,000 $ 3,729,000 16th Avenue -Project 2 37,084 15,500 10,000 ~ ~ Park Road -Project 2 27,918 35,000 5,000 i Evergreen Road - 48,744 10,000 Sullivan Road and 4th Avenue Signal 149 1,000 - r Mission Avenue - - 6,000 _ Sullivan Road Extension - - 6,000 Broadway Avenue Safety Study - - 50,000 i Barker Road Reconstruct 32nd to 8th - - 40,000 Road Preservation Projects Other Preservation Projects - 940,954 1,483,843 I Contingency - 5,103,198 500,000 Road Paveback (Septic Elimination) Carnahan 155,873 - - S South Greenacres 22,221 - - Veradale Heights 418 516,624 - Vera Terrace 102 419,280 - Edgerton 106,531 - - ~ Electric Railroad 82 137,985 - Inland 571 500 - Parks Road 130,720 17,455 - Sherwood Forest/Mica Park/Johnston Sewer 346,027 - - Orchard Avenue 53,174 102,603 - Spaldings - - 275,000 Grandview Acres - - 275,000 Rockwell - - 275,000 ~ ~ Trentwood - - 275,000 . j Misc. Road Paveback Projects 62,184 - - Total Street Capital Projects Fund $ 997,977 $ 8,385,843 $ 6,939,843 s 65 "1 Fund: 304 Mirabeau Point Capital Project Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 304 2007 Budget . 304 -Mirabeau Point Capital Project Fund Mirabeau Point is a multi-use regional project located at 2426 Discovery Place which _ i will be operated by the City. The bond sale proceeds were spent in 2003, 2004, and 2005. CenterPlace provides space for a Conference Center Wing, Senior Center Wing and a Great Room Wing. The portion of CenterPlace used for the Conference Center Wing and Great Room Wing is being developed as a "regional facility" as defined _ in RCW 36.100 and 35.57.020. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail - Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 15,321 $ - $ - Construction in Progress 3,469,083 783,205 441,000 Total Mirabeau Point Project Fund S 3,484,404 $ 783,205 S 441,000 Fund: 305 Street Bond Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley ~ Dept: 305 2007 Budget . 305 -Street Bond Capital Projects Fund The Street Bond Capital Projects Fund accounts for monies received from bond proceeds which will be used for various capital street projects. Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget - Budget Detail Transfer to Street Capital Projects $ 27,531 $ 1,202,460 $ 816,000 ~ _ Transfer to CD Block Grant Fund 262,927 - - Transfer to Capital Grant Fund 115,437 - - ~ , Total Street Bond Capital Fund 4~ $ 1,202,460 $ 816,000 ' i 66 - ~r , ' Fund: 307 Capital Grants Fund Spotane Vatlcy _ Dept: 307 2007 8udgei 1 I 307 -Capital Grants Fund The Capital Grants Fund accounts for capital improvement projects funded partially by grant proceeds from other gavemmental agencies, such as TIB, STA, STP, and CDBG. - Revenues to this fund are from grant proceeds and transfers from oilier special revenue funds. ' Budget Summary i 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget • Budget Detail - Barker Road - Boone to Spokane Rh~er $ 267,182 $ 2,257,818 $ - Valley Corridor Project-Environmental Study 141,678 150,939 - Applev.~ay Blvd - Tschirley Road to Hodges 37,325 2,417,325 2,912,325 8th Avenue -Havana to Park Road 109 - - Broadtivay Ave. Rehab -Bates to Sullivan 10,552 841,798 - r Dishman Mica Rehab - 1st Ave to Sprague 7,997 250,416 - I Sullivan Road West Bridge - Q Spokane River 263 - - _ . Argonne Road overlay -Indiana io Mon~omery 8,242 376,758 - 8th Avenue -Farr Road to Unrt~ersity Road 271,477 19,882 - Transfer to the Street Bond Fund 81,028 - - ~ Valley Corridor, Project #2 ~ 642,300 624,000 _ _ 44th Ave Pathway: Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. 16,500 Broadway Avenue Inlay: I-90 EB Ramps to Pads Rd. - - 659,000 - hAontgomery Avenue Inlay 2: Argonne to University - - 497,OD0 ' Park Road -Bridging the Valley - - 752,000 _ _ Park Road -Project 2: Broadway to Indiana - - 567,000 Park Road -Project 3 : Sprague to Broadway - - 297,000 Signal Controller Upgrades - 400,000 j Sullivan Road PCC: P.1isson to I-90 EB Ramps - - 450,000 University Road Inlay 1: Dishman-A9ica to 15th Ave. - - 81,000 University Road Inlay 2: 15th Avenue io 4th Avenue - - 42,000 Contingency - 1,237,254 18,675 ' Total Capital Grants Fund $ 825,853 $ 8,211,000 5 7,300,000 ~ ' I Fund: 3013 Barker Bridge -Federal Grant Fund Spokane valley Dept: 308 2007 Budget ~ f 306 -Barker Bridge - Fedora? Grant Fund T The Barker Sridge -Federal Grant Fund was created to account for the revenues and expenditures associated with the Barker Road Bridge Replacement Project. This project is fu11y funded by BRAC grant proceeds and will cost approximately $8,00O,OOD over the course of the next few~~ears. ' Budget Summary 2006 2005 Amended 2007 ' Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Barker Road Bridge Replacement S i 13,994 S 1,222,800 $ 700,000 ' 67 , i - Fund: 309 Parks Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 309 2007 Budget . 309 -Parks Capital Projects Fund The Parks Capital Projects Fund is an allocated reserve of monies specifically designated - for the Parks and Recreation Capital plan. Budget Summary ~ 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail ' Park Master Capital Plan Pending $ - $ 1,300,000 $ 3,550,000 . Total Parks Capital Project Fund $ - $ 1,300,000 $ 3,550,000 Fund: 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 310 2007 Budget i- 310 -Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund The Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund is an allocated reserve of monies specifically designated for future construction of a Civic Buildings. Budget Summary - 2006 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Total Civic Buildings Capital Fund $ - $ 1,100,000 $ 1,460,000 I f . 68 r-; ` , Fund: 402 Stormwater Management Fund spafwno vanoy Dept 402 2007 Budget 402 - Stormvrater Management Fund The Stormwater Management fund accounts far receipt and expenditure of the stormwater fee. This fee is levied on an annual basis based upon a number of equivalent residential units attached to the parcel. The expenditures are used for stomrwater construction and management through both ' ~ the Street Department and Spokane County. ' Accomplishmerris for 2006 • Designed and Implemented solutions for existing drainage problems in coordination with three sewer projects and conducted field investigations and replaced and upgraded miscellaneous failing drywe[Is throughout the City. • Performed floodplain permit engineering review. . - • Managed the Swale inspection program -Inspected existing swales and coordinated with code enforcement to bring svrales in compliance with Stormwater code. .Continued development of a six-year plan for wnstruction of regional and semi-regional drainage facilities by development of the engineering design for the Beverly Hills drainage ; area, project to bid in the fa112OO6. • Participated in the development of the Regional stormwater design manual. The Manuel is currently being review by Ecology. The Manual is expected to be sent io the Planning Commission for review by early 2007. • Developed bid documents and coordlnated the bid process for the street svreeping, dry well clean-out, and landscaping contracts. • Participated in the development of the NPDES Phase II Permit and revision of UIC rule. • Made an inventory o! City owned swales and ponds. l ~ Goals for 2007 - • Design and implement solutions for existing drainage. ~ ~ • Complete slx-year plan for construction of regional and semi-regional drainage fadlities. 1 , • Adopt and implement the Regional Stormwater Design h4anual. Ir • Implement the Underground Infection Control Program to inventory and register drywalls. ~ ~ • Begin implementing the NPDES Phase II requirements. ~ Budget Summaat 2006 Amended 2007 2005 Actual Budges Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents ~ Engineer 1.0 1.0 1.0 Engineering Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 Assistant Engineer 0.0 0.0 1.0 MaintenancelConstruction Inspector Q,Q 1 0 1~0 ' Total FTEs 2.0 3.0 4.0 _ Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefits $ 94,835 $ 147,774 S 336,338 Supplies 24,638 13,490 19,590 Services 8 Charges 52,372 131,755 153,891 , Intergovernmental Payments 835,197 748,368 867,011 ~ Interfund Transfers 272,842 580,147 523,479 1 Total Stormwater Fund $ 1,279.885 $ 1.621,534 $ 1.900,309 i ~ B9 i i Fund: 501 Equipment Rental 8~ Replacement Fund Spokane Valley ' Dept: 501 2007 Budget • 501 -Equipment Rental 8~ Replacement Fund The Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund (ER8~R) accounts for the cost of maintaining and replacing City vehicles and equipment for all City departments. The ER&R fund is an Internal Service fund. ~ . The fund accumulates the resources for vehicle and equipment replacements in the fund. The Funds or Departments using the vehicle or equipment pay the scheduled replacement fee. Replacement funds are being collected on the telephone system, computer network _ system, desktop computers, and vehicles. Maintenance and service charges for copiers, ~ telephones, and the Internet are also charged to funds through this department. The fund also finances and administers a fleet of pool cars for use by City departments. - " Accomplishments for 2006 • Administered an accounting system for replacement costs for city equipment. : • Setup and administer an inventory tracking system. Goals for 2007 • Continue to administer and refine the accounting system for replacement costs. Budget Summary _ - 2006 2005 Amended 2007 ~ " Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail ' Supplies ~ - ~ 7,500 $ 7,500 Services & Charges 257,956 50,000 - Capital Outlay - 635,757 936,875 Total ER&R Fund ~ 257,956 $ 693,257 $ 944,375 7a , - I: . Fund: 502 Risk Management Fund Spokane Valley ; Dept: 502 2007 Budget 502 -Risk Management Fund i The City of Spokane Valley Risk Management Fund is established to account for insurance costs, claims settlement and administration of a risk management safety program. . This fund also accounts for the funding of unemployment claims through the State of Washington. Accomplishment for 2006 .Administered an accounting system for the risk management internal service fund. Goal for 2007 . _ : .Continue to administer and refine the risk management internal service fund accounting system. ' ` Budget Summary 2006 ~ 2005 Amended 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail ~ Services & Charges $ 110,279 $ 189,939 $ 217,100 Total Risk Management Fund $ 110,279 $ 189,939 $ 217,100 i s_ 71 3'~ L , City of Spokane Valley General Fund Capital Expenditures for 2007 • Department Capital Outlay Description Total 032 Public Works . . Computer HardwarelSoftware $ 15,000 Transportation 25,000 058 Planning Office Furniture & Equipment 5,000 , 059 Building Computer Hardware/Software 10,000 _ Office Furniture & Equipment 6,449 090 General Government Leasehold Improvements 15,000 Computer Hardvare/Soffvvare 95,000 Office Furniture & Equipment 8,000 Transportation 40,000 - Total Capital Expenditures S 219,449_ • 72 City ai Spokario Valloy Capltal Expcndilurcs for 2007 Tslnw Tmntpamlinn 3pcks:r Ccngasiicn Commu:dly 5tamrMatar Raal Ctts;~ Rwnl Cstaw Trarnpona;3cn Imprormnw.A Tmm1t Ms:npeawnl Unalnpmnni Department Cepllal Outlay DaeerlpUOD TO[al Find Ese6u Taw? F~@su Lx2 Pio~mm 9umd Adsarlty arownty 61uaA Oraul Odtar 307 Street Capltal Fund Rond D.i.-.inn R Caratsu4-on Proirc's 141h Avanisa; Oitlrnan A1ica la Prow Ra:rJ S 90,OD0 E 3 14,OD7 5 b E 5 E - S - i - Pm'nAvenue: 81n Averue Ia 2ntl Avenufl 5,000 - 5,000 - - - - - - - hissignAvenus 8,000 - 6,OW - - - - - - - Rnea161en[SO7d 3,729,W0 - 78,304 - - 1,804,930 043,751 964,620 447,480 E'.~ergreen Rcat: 1D,000 - 14,007 - _ - Ssd'n~an Rnad Eka~fon 0,000 8,40D - - - - Broadxay A1~enuc S'~aty Er>•.udy 50,000 SD,90D - - - - - Barker Raatf ReecnsWGlo21: 32nd to ft71 40,900 - aD.aoD - - - - - - - ConBngartq 50D,000 - - 500,606 - - - - - - Miscellsneaus Road Preservatbn P~lgecls 1,483,843 - 1,000,©00 493,043 - - - - - • Ra;xlt~n~nbaaYfirpticTankEllma•^.:nnPlva;aml Sp~d'n~s 275,040 50,000 - 225.000 - - - - - - GtanO~ia~xArras 275,000 50,000 - 2"16,000 - - - - - RoCcnell 279.000 :0,000 - 22b,00D - - . 7rflntnvod 275,000 57 000 - 225 000 - JOJ S2rccf GaplWl pond SulnOtal 6,9QD,t149 200,040 1,295,308 5,883,ft63 1,603,836 463,751 954,624 - 467,480 704 AIIrabcau Palnt Conslndion kl Fkogress 409.007 - - - - - - - 449.0[0 747 Capltal Grants Fund Road Desian 8 ConstruGlan ptolx[s App°nary BAd. -T[s~tidoy Ragd to Hodgas 2,412,.925 - 352,924 2,2S8t201 304,OOD - - - Velley Ggnldor - RvjaG tt2 !524,907 250.883 307.437 - - - - - Park R:ad - Rrxlgirg tha Vatcy 75900 32,000 - 285,000 41,000 - - - 204,907 Prrk Rand - Prnjetf 2 587,000 - 193,000 - - 656, W0 - - - Park Raad - Pra~eo! 3 {PrMmhflry Enpfnee71n0 Olds) 297,406 - 25,D00 - 257,407 - - 15,90D (j~t2gpAn•gdnn ProieUs 8roadvray Avenua Irta7 659.400 - 89,000 570,90D - - - - tAOatgarrre7 Avr.~uo IN~~ 2 a97,00D - - - 497.006 - Sr11'n'an Road PCC 450,OOD - d50,000 - - - - - - - Unh•cra~jr Rand Inlay 1 81,OOD - 11,000 - 70,000 - - - lJniversi2y Rond Inlay 2 42,000 - 6,000 - 36,000 - CanlnBenn~ 98,575 - 19,913 - - - - 7,782 i SiBrlal Contro7ei Uppretles 600.000 ¢4 000 - - ~ - - J07 Cap[ta1 Brant-^. Fund 5ubtntal 7,304,D70 - 1,400,009 3,921,238 545,96) 304,000 365,000 497,OOD 256,'R's2 3D9 Barker Brld9e -Fed Grant Fund EteMerROedBrldpoRacanat2uctbn 700,000 - - - iD6,000 JDO Parkr. Capltal ProJccta Prxpatlive Acq~hi8ons end RenareBens 3,556,000 - 450.000 - - - - - 3,100,000 J10 Civic Ouil0ing Capltal ProJecta pro~~YtivoConsavctionorAaluli0cn 1,46D,000 - - - - - - 1,460,067 4D2 Siortnwater 1.lanapentenl StormvatorUpBradesandRairn~r.ans 700A07 304,000 - - - - - - - - To[al Capital ~cpcndlturca S2Q,r8D.P4,1 5 n 3 5 09 1 eJ 803 J 921 218 749 OJ9 747 75 E 09 52• _ if,~#.2r4 73 • Position Listing City of Spokano Vallay 2007 Budgotcd Potation. b ~y ~ ~4 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ 1 d' Tillo Unfillod O° d° ~ m~ 4 ~ ~ CITY AIANAOER S.0 1,0 DEPUTY CITY MANAGER 1.0 1.0 CITY ATTORNEY i.0 ~ •0 COIAAIUNITY OEVELOPAiENT DRECTOR 0.5 QS 1,0 PUBLIC 4YORKS DIRECTOR 1,0 1.0 FWAI:CE DIRECTOR 1.0 1,0 PARKS R REGREATION D6tECT'Ok 1.0 1.0 Cf1Y GLERK 1,0 S,0 ENGINEER 2.0 S.0 3.0 PLAt:NING A1l4VAGER 1.0 i,0 D EPU'IY C RY ATTORNEY 1.0 CENTf:RPIAGE COORDINATOR 1.0 SENIOR ENGINEER Z.0 t.4 . ASSISTANT ENGINEER 2.0 1,0 i.D 4.0 ENCWEERLVGTECNNDCIA.N i-0 1,0 2.D SENIOR PLANNER 1.0 1.0 ASSOCIATE PLANNER -CURRENT 1,0 1.0 ASSOCIATE PLANNER • LONG-TERM 1,0 1.0 ASSISTANT PLANNER 1.0 1,0 CODE ENFORCEMENT OffICER 2.0 2.0 BUILDING OFFICIAL i-0 1.0 BUIIDLyii IKSPECTOR II 3.fl 3.6 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 0.0 SENIOR PLANS EXAA4INER t.0 1.0 PLANS EXAA4INER 0-75 0.75 PERh1R SPECLALIST 9.0 3,0 SENK)R PERLiR• SPECIALIST 1.0 S.0 PLANNING'YEGHNIClAN 1.0 S,0 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERW'YENDEkT 1.0 f.0 RECREATION COORDINATOR 1.0 1,0 AO?AINISTRATfVE ANALYST 1,0 t•0 AC COV NTANTIBU DGET ANALYST 20 2,0 I'LlI1LDC INFORMATION OFFICER 1,0 t•0 HUA4AN RESOURCE ANALYST S.0 1,0 ACCOUNTWG MANAGER 1.0 t•0 GISIDAYABASE AD1AW ISTRATOR 1.0 1,0 R SPECIALIST t.0 ~ n' i` fI' TECHNICIAN 1.0 SENIOR CENTER 5PEClAL1ST 1.0 DEPUTY Cfl"Y CLER3C 0.5 0.5 ~.v ADMINISTRAT4VE ASSISTANT 2.6 2.0 S.0 O.v 0,5 7.0 2.0 9.0 OFFICE ASSISTANT II 1.0 1.0 ACCOUl4TING TECHNICIAN 1.0 L•D lhAINTENAA"CE 4YORKER 2.6 2.0 1AAINTENAKCElCONSTRLIGTION INSPECTOR S.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 Totals 6.5 6.0 8.0 t.S 10.0 7.0 14.75 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 4,4 4.0 71.15 Strnet Stomr+~atcr Funding Sovrccl Genoral Far,d I Fur4d ( Fund . , I , , 1 City of Spokane Valley FTE Count by Year 2007 Budget 2006 2006 2007 Budget 2007 Budget Authorized FTE Changes to Proposed Interns Department FTEs Additions FTEs FTEs for 2007 Executive & Legislative Support City 119anag®r 4.5 - - 4.5 1.0 Legal - - 2.0 2.0 2.0 Operations & Administrative Services: , Deputy City Manager 6.0 - - 6.0 - Finance 6.0 - 2.0 8.0 - Legal 2.0 - (2.0) - - Human Resources 1.5 - - 1.5 - Public Works 9.0 - 1.0 10.0 - Planning 8 Community DevelopmenL• Planning 8.0 - (1.0) 7.0 - Buikling 13.0 - 1.75 14.75 - • Parks 8 Recreation: Parks Admin 2.0 - - 2.0 - Recreation 1.0 - - 1.0 - Seniar Center 1.0 - - S_0 - CenterPlaee 3.0 - 2.0 5.0 - Street Fund 2.8 1.0 0.6 4.4 - Stormavator Fund 2.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 - TOTAL G1.80 2.00 7.35 71.15 3.00 2006 Additions 1) 1.0 FTE for PAainienancelConstrudion Inspector vras added to the Street Fund. 2) 1.0 FTE for h9aintenance/Construction Inspector vras added to the Stormwater Fund. 2007 ChanaeslAdditions 1) 2.0 FTE's, City Attorney and Deputy City At#orney, were transferred from Operations & Administrative Services to Executive ~ Legislative Support. 2) 2.0 Information Technology FTE's were added to the Finance Division. 3) 0.6 FTE, Development Construction Inspector, vras added and .4 FTE vras transferred from the Street Fund. 4) 0.5 FTE of the salaries and tivages for both the Community Development Director and Adminstrative Assistant vrere transferred from the Planning Division to the Building Division. 5) 0.75 FTE added for a Plans Examiner. 6) 1.0 FTE Maintenance Worker tivas added to tho CenterPlace Division. 7) 1,0 FTE Administrative Assistant tivas added to the CenterPlace Division. 8) 1.0 FTE Assistant Engineer was added to the Street Fund. g) 1.0 FTE Assistant Engineer was added to the Stomtwater Fund. 75 2006 Wolrk Force Cor~pa~rison: ' The 15 Washin ton Communities with Po ~ ulation of ' 50,000 & ©ver ~ CITY POPULATION FULL-TIME PART-TIME Seattle 573,000 9238 657 Tacoma 198,100 3332 51 ' S okane 198,700 1982 8 Bellevue 115 500 1181 55 _ Everett 97,500 1060 14 Vancouver 154,800 1057 27 Kent 84,920 766 30 _ Bellin ham 72 320 727 56 Yakima 79 480 663 11 Renton 56,840 569 18 Kennewick 60,410 349 8 ' Federal Wa 85 800 283 19 Lakewood 58,850 227 9 Shoreline 52 500 128 28 4 ~ S okane Valle 85,010 62 2 AVERAGE 1441.6 66.2 Tihe 18 Washington Communities with P~oQulation of 3'0,.0~~,999 i OI m is 43,330 539 41 - ~ Redmond 47,600 533 52 - Richland 43,520 476 15 Auburn 47 470 458 4 Kirkland 45,740 405 31 L nnwood 34,830 359 24 _ ~ Bremerton 34,580 343 54 Pu allu 35,830 332 29 Lon view 35,430 290 42 ; Edmonds 39 860 266 10 Pasco 44,190 260 11 Walla Walla 30,630 260 11 ~ Bothell 31,000 254 7 Ma sville 29,460 235 11 ' Lace 33,180 217 5 - Sammamish 38,640 70 0 Universi Place 30,980 63 2 Burien 31,040 43 15 ' AVERAGE 300 20 Source: Association of Washington Cities Survey: 2006 Full Time 76 _ Ii i~ i. Sp `~kane j~alley• t COMivflJN7TY PRUI~IT.,F ~D FI[STpRY "You ccrnnvt look to the future if ynu tlo not kr~oly the fast. " ti On 1~lay 21, 2002, voters within the City approved incorporation of the City of Spokane - Valley; which is the second largest city in the County and the seventh largest city in the _ State, with approximately 87,000 residents. The City incorporated as of 1~larcl131, 2003. i, ! The assessed valuation of real property within the boundaries of the City for taxation ~ purposes is estimated for 2007 tax collection to be approximately 55,800,000,000. Spokane Valley encompasses approximately 38.2 square miles of land area. It has an extensive retail tax base and is home to several major auto dealerships and the Spokane Valley Mall, which includes over 700,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. There are an estimated 4,000 businesses ui Spokane Valley with cstunated retail sales of $1.66 billion. - The first permanent settler in the Spokane Valley was ~ntoi~.ie Plante, a retired Frcnch- Canadian trapper. NIr. Plante built a cabin near the Spokane River in 1849, from which - he operated a small Hudson's Bay Company trading post. Other settlers began. arriving in this area between 1865 and 1882. "Firsts" to occur in Spokane Valley include the first settler in 1849, first business acid ferry in 1850, the first store and bridge in 1862, the first ' house in 1866, and the first post office in 1867. till of these "f.rsts"occurred before the arrival in 1873 of James Glover who was considered the "Father of. Spokane." I~- In 1883, the 1\~orthern Pacif c Railroad opened the west up ~~7th the tr~uiscontinental railroad. The new railroad, coupled ~~~ith the discovery of silver in north Idaho, created ' an influx of people to the Spokane Valley area. ~Ti'ithin a few years the Spokane area was ` connected th the rest of the cou~rt~y by five transcontinental railroads. ~ 'Y he next major ii~navation to Spokane Valley was the introduction of irrigation to the area. Within 20 years 30,000 acres of dry land had been converted into fertile farm. land. - The fast imgation systems were constn~cted between 1899 and 1905. The Valley population grew from 1.,000 residents at die tum of the century to nearly 10,000 by 1922. During this time apple growing became the prcdonunant agricultural crop with nearly 2 million apple trees being planted by 1912. ~s the population of the Valley increased, ' ~ small comnltuities with churches, schools, businesses, commuiity clubs; and other organizations thrived. 77 Prior to tiVorld ~~Jar 1I, the federal government made a decision to build au aluminum . . plant in Spokane Valley along the Spokane River. Additionally, the federal government identified a need for wazehouse space and facilities to support coastal activities during the i waz. In 1.942; Spokane Valley was chosen as a site for one of theses Inland Supply Depots. The Naval Storage Yards are now the Valley Industrial Park that has 5,000,000 square feet of. gross leasable floor area. ~ , Rapid growth continued in Spokane Valley thr-oughout the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Along _ _ with this continued growth came concerns regarding the impact of the development on the Valley environment. Citizens' concerns were related to impacts to lakes in the area as ~ - well as the aquifer underlying a majority of the Spokane Valley. No protections were put into place to address these issues; salutary sewers were not requited for new construction. Steady residential and commercial grovvth continued in the Spokane Valley throughout _ . the 80s and 90s. High tech companies followed Hewlett Packard into the T..ibcrty Lake area. Later, some high tech companies moved 'into the Industrial Pack. The State Board ' of Health threatened to enact a moratorium on new development ui 19g3, unless severing _ . of *.he Valley began. l.n response, Spokane County developed a wastewater management plan that put into motion construction of. a sewer trunk line and a sanitary sewer system was made available to the citizens of Spokane Valley. 1VfAJOR PUB>L:CC :E+,r1CT.LiTTES ANll PARKS IiV SPOKAI~IT+..' VALLEY There are public faci-lities and a number of parks in the City of Spokane Valley. The ; Spokane Indians, a muior league baseball team, plays its home games at Avista Stadiwn, located just inside the city limits on the east side o~Havana Street. This stadium is one of the finest facilities in the Northwest Teague and can seat 7;200 spectators. Situated next door to Avista Stadium i the Spokane County Fair. and Exposition Center. 'I`he )~airgrounds was expanded in 2003 with the construction of a new covered grandstand : that was opened at the 2003 Interstate Fair. Various other shows and events are held throughout the year at the Fairgrounds. Mirabeau Point Park, situated on 54.5 acres of land, located between Pines Road and Evergreen Road interchanges (north of 1-90), along the south bank of the Spokane River, is the home of CenterPlace. CenterPlace, a 54,000 square foot facility, was built to accommadatc a regional senior center, education and business center, and a cultural and performing arts center. i Mirabeau Meadows is a 15-acre parcel of land providing another area for community activities, such as family get-togethers and games, outdoor music, corporate outings, f'azmers markets, arts anal crafts, and other special events in Mirabeau Point Park. Valleyfest, an annual comxnuiuty event that is sponsored by individuals and businesses in our City, was held in this park in 2004. 78 1 The City of Spokane Valley operates a number a f parks ~~tliin the City. Below is a slunmary of these parks: - Park Name Park Classifcatian Park Size Ba]_four (Coiumunity Park 2.8 acres Brown's Community Park 8.2 acres . ~ Ca.Stle Communit}~ Park 2.7 acres Edgecliff. Community Park 4.$ acres ' ~Mirabeau Point Park Community/R.e 'onal Park 54.5 acres ' Myrtle Point ~latural Area 31.0 acres Park Road Pool S ecial Use 2.0 acres Sullivan. Commuai Park 1 U.3 acres ' 'terrace View Cocnntunity Park 9.1 acres Valley Mission and Valley Community Park 27.2 acres ~ Mission South & Pool ~ Valley Se»iar Center. S ~ecial Use 2.0 acres f Centennial 'frail Trail 7 linear. miles ' I TIC FUTU1~ ~F SPUKANF; VALY.EY Sj~okune Palley: a comnrzuiity of opportunity ti,~here individuals and families can grow and play, acrd vusiness will flourish and prosper. ! The potential of Spokane Valley is tremendous, with an adequate taY base and room for expansion 4f residential, commercial, and industrial growth. Spokane Valley rivals other cities in Fastens \Vashngton iu terms of population and significance in the region. i, The City is committed to plaiuun; :for the fixture. Tt has adopted its first Comprehensive i Plan, and its first Parks and Recreation Master Plan. It is in the process of creating a SpraguE;/A.ppleway revitalization plan to promote redevelopment of the major east-west comdor. The City is also creating a street master plan. 79 I ~ Appendix A _ EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION ` MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE 2007 Salary Schedule - Effective 1!112007 Position Title Grade 2007 Range Ci Mana er Unclassihed ~ ~ De ut Cit Mana er 21 5 7 627 - S 9 779 Ci Attorne 21 7 627 - 9 779 Communi Develo ment Director 21 7 627 - 9 779 Finance Director 21 7 627 - 9 779 Public Works Director 21 7 627 - 9 779 Parks and Recreation Director 19 6 178 - 7 921 - Plannin Pvtana er 18 5 561 - 7 129 ~ Buildin Official 18 5 561 - 7 129 Senior En ineer - Ca ital Pro'ecfs Develo ment 18 5 561 - 7 129 De ut Ci Attorne 18 5 561 - 7,129 Senior En ineer -Traffic CIP Plannin !Grants 17 5,004 - 6,416 ~ Accountin Mana er 17 5 004 - 6,416 ` Cit Clerk 16 4 504 - 5,774 ~ En ineer 16 4 504 - S 774 Senior Plans Examiner 16 4 504 - 5 774 ~ IT Mana er 16 4,504 - 5 774 Senior Planner 16 ~ 4,504 - 5 774 Associate Planner i5 4,054 - 5,197 Assistant En ineer i5 4,054 - 5,197 ~ Public Works Su erintendent 15 4,054 - 5,197 - ITS ecialist 15 4,054 - 5,197 I ~ CenterPlace Coordinator 15 4,054 - 5,197 _ Human Resource Anal st 14 3 648 - 4,677 AccountantlBud et Anal st 14 3 648 - 4 677 - Administrative Anal st 14 3 648 - 4 677 Assistant Planner 14 3 648 - 4 677 Buildin Ins ector II 14 3 648 - 4 677 Plans Examiner 14 3 648 - 4 677 , GIS Technician 14 3 648 - 4 677 Public Informa4ion Ofgicer 14 3 648 - 4 677 En ineerin Technician 14 3,648 - 4,677 Senior Permit S ecialist 14 3,648 - 4,677 1~ , MaintenancelConstruction Ins ector 13-14 3,283 - 4 677 Recreation Coordinator 13-14 3 283 - 4 677 Code Enforcement Officer 13 3 283 - 4 209 ' Buildin Ins ector I 13 3,283 - 4,209 ` Plannin Technician 13 3,283 - 4,209 De ut Ci Clerk 12-13 2,955 - 4,209 Senior Center S ecialist 12-13 2 955 - 4 209 Administrative Assistant 11-12 2,660 - 3,789 ' Permit S ecialist 11-12 2 660 - 3,789 _ Accountin Technician 11-12 2 660 - 3 789 ' ~ Maintenance Worker 11-12 2 660 - 3 789 ~ _ Office Assistant II 16'11 2,394 - 3 409 Office Assistant I 9-10 2,155 - 3 068 Recreation Assistant 5 1 323 - 1 735 8Q r Appendix B OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS i- DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE Total Year Principal Interest Requirements 2007 $ 185,000 $ 411,035 $ 596,035 - 2008 190,000 406,872 596,872 2009 205,000 401,173 606,173 2010-2014 1,200,000 1, 885,112 3, 085,112 2015-2019 1,655,000 1,612,068 3,267,068 2020-2024 2,480,000 1,135,250 3,615,250 _ 2025-2029 2,090,000 519,250 2,609,250 2030-2033 940,000 112,500 1,052,500 $ 8,945,000 ~ 6,483,260 $ 15,428,260 i' r, f i 81 ~ - ~ i- ~ - - _ ~ _ _ ~ ~ 1 _ ~ _ _ _ i ~ ~ , ~ - City of Spokano Valloy Multiyear Flnartcial Plan -General Fund -Problem Statement #1 7rz6noos 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate General Fund Revenues: Sates lax $ 17,340,000 S 17,686,800 $ 18,040,536 $ 18,401,347 x S 17,600,000 S 17,052,000 Property Tax $ 8,281,000 S 9,125,000 $ fl,316,250 $ 9,509,413 S 9,704,507 S 8,901,552 Gambling Tax $ 910,000 S 910,000 $ 910,000 $ 925,000 S 925,000 S 925,000 Franchl~o FeeslBus. Reg. S 717,000 S 724,170 S 731,412 $ 738,726 S 746,113 $ 753,574 State Shsred Revenues S 1,121,000 S 1,121,000 S 1,149,025 S 1,177,751 S 1,207,195 $ 1,237,375 Scrvioc Fees S 1,459,000 $ 1,600,009 S 1,890,000 S 1,800,000 S 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Finas 8 Forieilures S 1,259,000 $ 1,250,OO0 S 1,250,000 S 9,250,090 $ 1,250,000 S 1,300,000 • Recreation Program Fees S 345,516 $ 408,000 S 41?.,080 S 416,201 $ 4zo,363 $ 424,566 Interfund Transferv $ SO,000 $ 0.5,600 S 90,736 S 96,180 $ 101,951 $ 108,068 Investmen! Interest $ 259,OD0 $ 250,000 S 252,500 S 255,025 $ 257,575 S 268,621 Carryoverirom prioryr $ 7,000,000 $ 2,526,281 $ 4,189,998 S 5,074,190 S 4,405,168 S 818,753 Total Goncral Fund $ 38,753,516 b 35,686,651 S 37,942,537 S 39,443,833 S 38,217,870 S 35,287,510 General Fund ExpendiWros: Legislative $ 304,267 S 242,393 $ 259,381 $ 277,516 S 296,942 S 317,728 Executive & Legislatve S 470,105 S 535,721 S 573,221 $ 613,347 S 858,281 S 702,221 Public Safety S 17,173,000 S 18,256,400 S 19,716,912 $ 21,294,265 S 22,997,806 524,837,831 Deputy City Pdanager S 519,000 S 519,212 S 555,557 $ 594,446 S 636,057 S 680,581 Finance S 516,885 $ 782,652 S 637,438 $ 887,884 $ 949,822 $ 1,016,309 Legal S 263,759 $ 344,933 S 369,078 S 391,223 $ 416,699 $ 447,911 human Resources S 161,120 $ 165,944 S 177,560 S 18B,21a $ 201,389 $ 215,486 Public Works S 98o,i92 $ 1,142,887 S 1,222,889 S 1,296.252 $ 1,387,001 $ 1,484,091 Ptartning S 1,195,000 $ 899,fl67 S 1,069,965 S 1,134,183 $ 1,213,554 $ 1,298,603 Building S 1,040,882 $ 1,296,209 S 1,386,944 S 1,470,160 $ 1,573,071 $ 1,683,186 ParksAdmin $ 847,703 $ 979,509 $ 1,048,975 S 1,110,959 $ 1,188,726 S 1,271,937 Recreation $ 199,475 S 242,947 $ 259,953 S 275,550 S 294,839 S 315,478 Aquatics S 299,921 S 259,450 $ 277,612 S 28x,268 S 314,867 S 336,9D8 - , Senior Center $ 69,269 S 75,301 $ 80,572 $ 85,406 S 91,385 S 97,782 . CcntcrPlaco $ 438,298 S 498,328 $ 533,211 S 585,204 S 604,768 S 647,102 Transfer to Streo! Fund $ 2,000,000 S 900,000 $ 90D,000 S 500,000 S 500,000 S 400,000 Transfer to Capital $ 750,000 S 410,000 $ - $ 360,900 S - S - Transfer to Civic Facilities $ 600,000 S 600,000 S 60D,OD0 $ 600,D00 S 600,000 S 600,000 Library $ - S 20.000 S - $ - S - S - Transfer to Serv. Level S 2,105,D00 S 200,000 5 200,000 $ 200,000 S 200,000 S 2o0,D0o General Government S 2,500,000 S 3,025,000 S 2,800,OD0 $ 2,900,000 S 3,274,000 S 3,380,000 Total General Fund 32,433,007 31,490,853 32,868,347 35,038,66'7 37,399,116 39,932,853 Ganyover to next yr 1 319 029 4 189 998 5 074190 4,405,166 818,753 (4,645,343) Less Constant fund bal. S 5,000,000 x Law enf, sales tax surcharge ends after 2009 B2 Street Fund -Problem Statement #2 July 27, 2007 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Street Fund - #2 Beginning Fund Bal $ 3,900,000 $ 4,420,000 $ 2,920,000 $ 1,060,000 $(1,588,800) $(4,657,504) Transfer from General Fund $ 2,000,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 400,000 Motor fuel taxlmi isc_ $ 2,020,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 } $ 7,920,000 $ 7,420,000 $ 5,920,000 $ 3,660,000 $ 1,011,200 $(2,157,504) Expenditures $ 3,500,000 $ 4,500,000 $ 4,860,000 $ 5,248,800 $ 5,668,704 $ 6,122,200 Ending Fund Balance $ 4,420,000 $ 2,920,000 $ 1,060,000 $ 1 588,800 $ 4,657 504 $ 8,279,704 ' 2006 light weather year _ 83 - CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. _ SYOKAl\'E COL!'i\l3i'Y, WASIIIl~FGTON ORJ)1NANCE N0.06-024 AN ORDi1~~ANCE OF T.AE CITY OF SPOKANE VALL~FY, SPOKA-T\`E COUNTY, R'ASFIINGTOI\`, ADUI'TING A BUD(~E'1 :EOR TFIE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2007 THROUGH T)FCFMBER 31, 2007 APT'ROPIZIAT11i`G FTJNDS As~`ll ESIA}3LIS:HJITG SALARY SCHEDULES :FOR FSTABLLSl3:l;D POSTTIONS. \YI~REAS, State law requires the City Manager to prepare a preliminary budget for the City of Spokane Valley at least sixty (60) days before the beginning of the City fiscal year beginning January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007; and \\'FIERLAS, the City Manager in consultation with the Finance Director aid T~epartment 1-leads has prepared and placed on file with the City Clerk a preliminary budget together with an estimate of the ' f amount of money necessary to me:ct the expenses of the City including payment of outstanding obligations; and \1TF1EltEAS, notice was posted and published on August 25, September I, September 29, October 6, • and October 13, 2006 that the City Council in the Cily of Spokane Valley would meet and receive public comment in the City Council Chambers prior to the adoption of the budget; and i \'V1=11?REAS, following the filing of the preli~ttinary budget with the City Clerk, notice of the same and three hearings on the budget; the City Council desires to adopt the 2007 budget, including all allowances and an appropriation for each fund so that a balanced budget, where appropriations are limited to the estirnatcd revenues including beginning fund balances, is adopted for the City. NO\~J; THF1tEFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoption of 2007 Budget. The budget for the City of Spokane Valley for the ye~rr 2007 is hereby adopted as the balanced budget of the City with appropriations limited to the total estimated ~ ' revenues and beginning fund balances of the City. "1`he final bud et for 2UU7 is attached hereto a.nd by ' this reference is incorporated herein pursuant to RC\V 35A.33.U75. For summary purposes, the total r, estimated appropriations for each separate fund plus the aggReD~ate total for all such funds is set forth as follows: _ Fi3ND ESTL1~iATFD APPROPR)G'~TION REVENUES & I+(JND . BALANCE GENERAT FWD ~ $38,907 470 $31,549,504 - STREET FWTa 7,420 000 4,088,372 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 912,000 912,000 - TRAILS & I'A"II~S F[JI~TT~ 21,000 21,000 - HOTELJMOTEL FUNil7 658,000 658,000 DEBT S>?itVICF T TGO 03 600,000 600,000 CAl'1TAL PROJECTS FUND 4,120,000 4,120,000 ~ SPI?CIt1T. CAPITAL FROJEC 1 S FUNIa 4,420,000 4,420,000 STRF H"I° CAPTTAL PROJECTS 1=UNl~ _ 6 939,843 6 939 843 ~ MTRABEAU POINT CA.I~I'I'AL FUND 441,000 441,000 _ STREET BOND CAPITAL 816 000 816,000 's ~ C17 BLOCK GRANT FUND -0- -0- 84 3 CAl'1TAL GRANTS FUNll 7,300,000 7,300,000 k3AR.KER BRIDGIr FEDERAL FUND 700.000 700,000 STORM.WATER MANAGFMEN'1' FU1~jD 2,855,762 1,900,309 PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 3,550,000 3;550,000 F UTPNIENT R&R FUND 944,375 944,375 ~ RISK MANAGEMENT FUN:I~ 217,100 2l 7,100 RESERVrS: CIVIC E'ACILITIES 1,460,000 1,460,000 CENTERPLAC>? 325,000 325,000 ~ SERVICE LEVEL 5,200,000 5,200,000 WIN"1'E~ WEATHER 540,000 540,000 TOTAJ: A~.L FU\TDS $88,347,550 $76,702,503 The total balance of all funds appropriated for the year 2007 is $76,702,503. - Section 2. Positions and Salary Schedules. The various positions and salary ra.ngCS for City Employees are attached to this Ordinance as Appendix "A." Section 3. Transmittal of I3udQ~ A complete copy.of the budget as adopted, together with ' - a copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and the Association of WashinDton Cities. . _ Section 4. SeverabilitY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such im~alidity or unconstitutionality shall not af~'eet the validity or constitutionality of any other section., sentence, clause or ; - phrase of this ordinance. - . Section 5. Effective hate. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fve (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council this 14`'' day of November, 2006. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATCFST: ' Christine Bainbridge; City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney - Date of Publication: l 1-24-06 affective Date: 1.1-29-U6 ~ , 85 - f ! CITY ()F SPUKANI;J V ALLEY f Glossary of Budget `.terms ' ~ Accrual Basis - A basis of accounting Capital Improvement - Fxpendih~res in which revenues and expenditures are related to acquisition, expansion or ! recorded at the time they occur as rehabilitation of an element of the opposed to when cash is actually government's physical plant; sometimes received or spent.. referred to as infrastructure. 1. Appropriation - A legal aulhoriration Capital Qutlay - Pixed assets that have - granted by the City Council to make general value of $5,000 or more and expenditures and to incur obligations for have a useful economic lifetime of more a specific purpose. than one year. Assessed Valuation -The valuation set Capital Project -Major construction, upon real estate and certa.i.n personal acquisition, or renovation activities s property b}= the County Assessor as a which add value to govermment's s basis for levying property taxes. physical assets or significantly increase their useful life, also called capital Authorized Positions - I?mployee improvements. positions; which are authorized in the adopted budget, to be filled during the Capital Projects Fund - A fund created year. to account for all resources and S ~ expenditures used for the acquisition of Rond -Along-term promise to repay a fired assets except U~ose financed by specified amount (the face amount of the enterprise funds. 7 bond} on a particular date (the maturity date). The most common types of bonds Contingency - A budgetary reserve set are general. obligation revenue bonds. aside for emergencies or unforeseen ` Bonds are primarily used to fna~lee expenditlu•cs not othcnvise budgeted. capital projects. Contractual Services - Services _ _ Budget - A plan of financial setivity for' rendered to a govenunent by private _ a specified period of time (fiscal year or firms, individuals, or other governmental I bieoatiurn) indicating all planned agencies. _ < revenues and expenses for the budget _ peri®d. Debt Service - Payment of interest and . principal on borrowed money according ~ Budget 1Vlessage - 'Che open.u~g section to a predetermined payment schedule. of the budget that provides the City ' Council and the public with a general Department -The basic unit of service ' summary of the most important aspects responsibility, encompassing a broad of the budget, changes from the current • mandate of related service - and previous years, and the viers=s and responsibilities. recommendations of the t=layor. 8G iivision - Cali be a subunit of a that define accepted acwunting department which encompasses a principles. _ _ substantial portion of the duties assigrned to a department (e.g. Building Division CASB -The Governmental Accounting i.n the Planning and Community Standards Board, established in 1985, is 17evelopmcnt 17epartment). the current standard-setting board for • governmental GAAP. Encumbrance -The con~mitmcnt of appropriated funds to purchase an item General Fund -The principal operating ` or service. To encumber funds means to fund of the City used for general - set aside or commit funds for a specified governmental operations. Taxes and fuhire expenditure. fees that generally have no restriction on their use support it. Expense -Charges incurred (whether paid inunediately or unpaid) for Ccneral Obligation (G.O.) Bonds - operations, maintenance, interest or This t}rpe of bond is backed by the full other charges. faith, credit and taking power of the government issuing it. 1 ~ Face Value - "1'he amount of principal that must be paid at maturity for a bond Indirect Cost - A cost necessary for the ; - issue. functioui.ug of the organization as a whole, but which cannot be identified Fiscal Year - A tweh~e-month period with a specific product, fiuiction or - designated as the operating year for activity. accounting and budgetiug purposes ui an organization. infrastructure -The physical assets of • • a government (e.g. streets, water, sewer, ' Full-time EquR~alent Prtsition (FTF.) - public buildings, and parks). A full-time or part-time position • converted to the decunal equivalent of a Tnterfund Transfers -The movement full-time position based on 2;080 hours of monies between funds of the same per year. her eYamplc, a part-lime governmental entity. - person working 20 hours per week would be equivalent of 0.5 of a full-time .Levy - To impose taxes for the support position. of the governmental activities. ~ Fund - A fiscal entity with revenues ar~d Long-term Debt -Debt with a maturity expenses that are segregated for the of more than one year after the date of • purpose of carrying out a specif c issuance. J purpose or activity. Mission Statement -Abroad statement GAAP - Generally Accepted of the intended accomplishment or basic . _ Accounting 1'ruiciples. Uniform purpose of a program. • minimlun standards for financial • accounting and recording, encompassing Modified Accrual Accounting - A _ the conventions, rules, and procedures basis of accounting in which 87 i . ~ ' i ' expenditures are accrued but revenues Revenue - Sot~rccs of u~con~e financing are accounted for when they become the operations of government. measurable and available. Since this ~ type of accounting basis is a Tages -Compulsory charges levied by a conservative fLUancial approach, it is goveniment for the purpose of fu~anci.ng ' recommended as the standard for most services performed for the common governmental funds. benefit. This term does not include specific charges made against particular Operating Budget -The pardon of the persons or property for current or 1 ~ budget that pertains to daily operations permanent benefits such as special that provide basic governmental assessments. I~Teitller does the teen services. include charges for services rendered only to those who pay, i'or example; i Ordinance - A formal legislative sewer service charges. ' enachnent by the City Council. 1f it is ` ~ not in conflict with any higher form of Unrescr~~ed 1N"und Balance - 'f he law, such as a stahite or constitutional portion of a fluid's balance that is not _ ; provision, it has the fiill force and effect restricted for a specific purpose and is of law ~vithi.n the boundaries of the available !.'or general appropriation. municipalit}° to ~~rhich it applies. ~ User Charges -The payment of a fee Program -The smallest organization for direct receipt of a public service b}' i~_"' that delivers a specific set of services. A the party who benefits fTOm the service. program may be an entire department; or if a department encompasses Vision Statement - A short statement si~ificantly diverse responsibilities or that conveys the big picture of the large work forces, a single department organization. It is general in scope; not may be divided into two or more restricting. Tt answers the question programs. "~y~" Reserve - ~1n account used to either set aside budgeted revenues that are not required for e,~penditure in the current budget year or to earmark revenues for a specif c future purpose. Resu[ution - A special or temporary order of a legislative body-an order of a legislative body requiring less legal formality than an ordinance or statute. i Resources -Total amounts available for _ appropriation including estimated revenues, fluid transfers, and begi.nn.ing ' balances. ~ f 4` ` - ~ h)' V t' ,f ji I r I ~I I, Christine F3ainbridge, City Clerk for the City of S}~okane Valley, ~\~ashington, do hereby certify that the attached is. a full; .true, and correct copy- of-Ordinance No. 06-024; approved by the Spokane - - - Valley City Council at its Regular November 14, 2006 Council meeting. \1r1"INF,SS my hand a.nd official s€al this 27''' day oftiTovember 200(1. _ , . ' ' .istine arnbridge; Spokane Valley C ~ erh_ O,eHtiaalroior~i (SEAL) e~~ • o;~ F'~';, tr~;~ m = +1~ic~r 3~ 2q 7f0 ' 'Ae'9y, ' • • ~