Ordinance 06-028 Amending 2006 Budget ~I CITY OYr SPOKANE VALL.IsY SPOKANE COUN`rY, ~VASHINGTUN ORI)Ti\'r1\`CE NU.116-02$ AN ORDINANCE AMN;~'UING ORDINANCH 1~'O. 06-U14 PASSH D BY THE C1TY CC>tINCIL ON JUNE 13, 2006 r~ND L\'TITLED "AN ORDII~trli\iCF Or THE C1TY OF SI'OKAN>H: VAl1LEY, SPOKA\'E COUNTY, VVASHI~\`C"I"Ol~~," ~~'i~I1CH Aiv1Y~,NDED ORDINANCE NTO. 0$- 029, THE ADOl''rI;D BUDGET N~O17 TAT FEIZIOD OF Jr~\~i1ARY 1, 2006 THROUGEI DECEi~'1=EiFR 31, 2UU6, APPROPRIATE\`G FUNDS AND ~,STABLtSHIN(; Sr~LARY SCHEDULES >h 012 ESTr~BLISHED YOSLTiQNS." ~~'hFRFAS, subsequent to t:hc. adoption of the 2006 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring fiords in order to properly perform various City functions, services and activities; VVHEKEAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the annual budget was passed by the City= Council; and ~ti'NTRrAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are sen=ed by amending the adopted budget to reflect anticipated revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and appropriating same as set forth herein. NOVV `IHFRFFORE, The City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, 1'Jashington do ordain as follows: Section .1. Amended Revenues. Ordinance No. 06-014, as adopted or amended, adopted a budget for the twelve months ending laecember 31, 2006. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund is hereby amended as follo~+=s. A. General H'und of the 2006 budget is amended to include an additional $1,300,000 in unrestricted carryover fund balance from 2005. Sales Tax receipts are increased $722,000 for a tot:,:rl increase in general fund revenues of $2,022,000. B. CD Block Grant Fund revenues are increased by $2,000 for a contribution frorm the General hand. C. Interest income in the Street fund is increased $45,000 representing additional inlerCSt: generated by a greater than estimated fund balance and increasing interest rates. D. Grant proceeds for flashing school warning signals increases the Street hand revenue by $24,000. E. Grant proceeds and unrestricted fund balance provide revenue for two full width pavement projects in the Storrmwater Fund. For purposes of these budget amendments; Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as set forth in full. Ordinlnce Of-023 Amending ZOt1b Budget Page I of 3 I f~ _ REC~1 UE; FUND FIJNb JIJhkE 2046 AW~ENDEE ENOIiJG h1UMeER #~AA~E EUaGETEOI~EVENUE9 AMENDPAENTS RE1lENUE9 001 GENERAL $ 32,490,841 S 2,422,000 3~,~32,841 109 STRE~7 ~ 4,968,856 $ 69.000 ~ ~,235,~56 142 ARTERIAL ST, SB8,655 $ - 568,8§5 103 TI~AILBIPATN $ 23.053 ~ - ~ 23,053 105 HQTELrMOT~L $ 400,667 - $ 400,667 204 p~B7 SERVICE ~ 600,000 - $ 804,000 301 CAPITAL PRC1J. ~ 1,210,000 $ - S 9,210,000 30~ SPEC" CAP" PRJ 1,070,793 $ - ~ 1,070,713 303 BTREE'~ CAP PRJ $ 8.385,843 $ - $ 8,385,843 i 344 MIRAEEAU ?T $ 7$3,2Q5 ~ - $ 783.205 ~ 306 STREET BOND PRJ $ i,~02,460 $ - $ 1,202,464 306 COM bEV 8L GRNT S - $ 2,000 $ 2.000 307 GAP" G RA f~TS S, ~9 9 ,Q00 $ - S 8,21 i ,00~ 309 eAR}CER BRDGE FED ~ 894,400 $ - $ 890,400 308 PARKS CAP" PRJ $ 1,300,000 - $ 9,300,000 ' 310 CIVIC BUII.DIhIG ~ 1,100,000 - $ 9,140,040 120 CENTERPI.ACE OP. ~ 340,000 $ - ~ 300,000 i2i SERVICE LEV, STAB 9,000,000 $ - 1,04D,004 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 600,000 $ - $ 506,400 X02 STOaRV++ATER $ 1,621,534 89,004 $ 9,710,534 501 EQUIP REPL ~ RES ~ 593,257 $ - $ 693,257 502 ICI B K Mfi M7 189, 939 $ - S 9 89,939 ~ TOTALS $ 68,629,23 ~ 2 182 000 $ 68,810,223 ~eet~on 2.. expenditures appropriated, 7'o appropriate the amcnd3nenis from the abo~~e estinlxted ' reve3lues and t~nrestric~ted beginning fund balar':ces for each separate f~,nd, tl~e expenditure Sppropriations for the period Januar~~ 1 through Dece3ltiber 3 I , ~~QG tyre amended as set forth below. ~ .~~~C PEDI'1'U~RE~f~lPk'~~~PRlr~"7'1C13~1S: i ~U#JD FUND JUNE ~p06 AMENDED TOTI~kL NUMBF_R #~IAME APPROPRIATIONS AMENaFAEN7S APPFiOPF21ATIONS 809 GEfJERAL ~ 32,470,64'4 $ 2,022,00 ~ 34,432,841 101 $'i'REET $ 4,16,858 $ 89.000 ~ 4,235,95fi 102 ARTERIAL $T" ~ 566,655 $ - S 5$8,$55 103 7FtA1L5tF{+k'i'HS 5 23,053 ~ - $ 2s,Q53 ti05 WO'I'ELJi~11OT~L ~ 40Q,Q57 5 _ $ 440,6{37 2Q4 DEBT SERV3GE $ 600.040 $ - $ 600,00 301 GA~I-i'AL PRJ. $ 1,210,o0U $ - ~ i,~14,3700 342 SPED. CAP. PRJ ~ 1.070,71$ ~ - ~ 7,070,713 i ~ 3~3 STREET CAP PRJ ~ 9,385,843 Y+ - $ 8,3B5,843 304 f~11F{AiiE61U P7 ~ 783,245 S - $ 793,205 305 STREET' BOf~#a P}~J $ 1,282,40 ~ - $ 1,242,460 306 COA9 DEV k~L1{ GRNT - $ 2,00 5 2,800 347 GAP. Gl~ANT~ ~ 8,211,OQ0 $ - 5 8,211,OOQ 3~8 BARKED >3RdGE FED ~ 990,400 Yr - $ 890,400 309 PARiSS GAP. PRJ $ 1,300,000 S - $ 9.300.000 318 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 1,100,000 $ - $ 7,7Q0,000 920 CENTF_1~PLACE ~P. $ 300.000 $ - S 300,000 121 SERVICE I.>_V" STf~B 5 7,OQ0,800 - S 1,080,000 122 iNl'ER U1+EATHER $ 500,OOQ S - $ 50,000 ' 402 STOF~MV~ATL-R $ 1,829,534 $ 8€],080 $ 1,710.534 5Q7 EQUIP REPL ~ F2ES .693,257 $ _ $ 613,257 502 RISK MCtilviT $ 189,93rJ $ - S 989,~J3€1 T~7At9 ~ 68,828 223 S 2,182,000 $ 88,81 X23 Ordinan~c 06-~72R .~mcnding?Ob6 atitl~r3. Page 2 of 3 % " These amendments include a transfer from the General Fund to the Civic F3uildings Capital Projects Fund of $1,00,000; a $400,000 addition to the sheriffs contracts for settle and adjust costs occurring in the General Fund; a $2,000 increase in the C[7 [dock Grant Fund for interest on an inter-fund loan; a $45,000 increase in appropriations in the Street Fund to update street construction standards as approved by the city council on October 10, 2006; a $50,000 increase in appropriations for remaining 2006 costs of the SpraguelAppleway Corridor Revitalization Plan study; $70,000 in payments to the Library District for delinquent taxes related to the- 2005 property tax levy; $24,000 for Street Fund flashing school warning lights; and $E{9,000 for full width pavement oi' t~~ro Storm«rater fund projects. Section 3. Positions. The City of Spokane Valley's nurt~ber of full-time equivalent positions is 63.8. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be im~alid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section S. Effective T_)ate. `I'bis Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (6) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this 12a' day of December, 2006. Diana ~~rilhite, i~~tayor pristine Bainbridge, City Clcr Approved as to form: . ~~NM~tS~-t ice f t e Cit} ttorne}' Dale of Publication: 12-22-06 Effective 17ate: 12-27-06 Ordinance Ub-02R Amending 20l)G Budget Page 3 of 3 ~ City of Spokane Valley Exhibit A Amendments to 2006 Budgat Nov-06 REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation GENERAI. Unrestricted fund balance $ 1,300,000 . Transfer to Civic Facilities Fund $ 1,500,000 Set 5 asodo fordvicfacilities Sales tax $ 722,000 $ - Inuease to current es6mato SpraguelApphway Revit. Plan S 59,000 'I'o increase to os projected costs Delinquent tax for library $ 70,000 f~er contract with library dirt. Transfer to Cam. Dev. Block Grant S 2,000 to pay interest on loan Public Safety Contracts $ 400,000 Pay settle rnd adjust costs General Fund Totals S 2,022,000 S 2,022,000 Community Dev. Block Grant General fund contibution S 2,000 Transfer from Gen. Fund Interest expense $ 2,000 Interest on interturud loan Street Interest income $ 45,000 To update street construction Professional services S 45,000 s#andards as approved 10.10-OS Flashing school signal grant $ 24,000 $ 24,000 Flashing signal lights Storm Water Block grant & unrest. Fund bal_ $ 50,000 vets Terraw iua width pavutg of Full paving cf sewer project S 50,000 block grant project Unrestricted fund balance $ 39,000 Orchard full width paving of Full paving-Orchard sewer line $ 39,000 sewer project trorn zoos GRAND TOTALS---> $ 2,182,000 $ 2,182,000 :Budgetamendx 12/12/2006