Ordinance 06-002 Amending SVMC: Airport Overlay Zone CCTV" OF SPOI4INE VALLEI' SPOKANE COUNTti', Vb'ASIii1VGTON ORDTNA1tiCE NU. 06-1)02 AN ORDIN:'1NC'E OF "IHI: CITY c)i= SPOKANE 1~'ALLE1', WASHING"IC)N, AMF..NDING SVMC 10.30.060 8Y AM[:NDING CIIAP'TER 14.702 AIRPORT UVERI.AY (AU)!_UNIi IN l"HE ViCIN1TY OF FELTS FIELD, PROVIDING f~OR SEVERABILITY; AND I:STAIjI..ISHING EFFECT]VE DATE. WHEREAS, the Interim Comprehensive Ptan adopted h}' the Cite of Spokane Valley pursuant to Ordinance 52 ('_003) ,codified in SVMC 10.30.Oi0; and WIiEREAS, Interim Plan Goal 'I'.3g provides for the proiection of airports from encroachment by incompatible land uses and the prohibition of uses which would conflict or obstruct airport operations ;tad :rirpc~rt safety: and ~YHEREAS, Felts F field is located both within and adjacent to the city- of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, Airport hazards endanger the lives and property of users of landing fields and Ix:rsorts in the vicinity of Felts Field; and WHEREAS, Airspace obstructions and incompatible land uses impair the utility of an airport and diminish the value ofthe public im~estment therein; and VI~'HEREAS, Preventing the creation or establishment of airport hazards and incompatihle land uses protects the public health, safety", and ~!rnrral welf'arr, and promotes the most appropriate use of land: and WHEREAS, the protection of airspace a,id prevention of airport hazards is regulated pursuant to CFR Part 77 and RCW 14.12.020; and V1'HEREAS, Ordinance No. y3 12003) ~ulc~ptcd the Spokane County Toning ('ode, as codified in SVt~1C 10.30.060; and V4'HEREAS. thiti onlinancc ~rntcn~l~ Sc~tinn ! ~3-?0~ ~~f the adohtal Spokane County loafing 1. cx1c: NOW, T7f1EREFURE. the Cih~ Council of the Cit} of Spokane ~';illry, 1~1'ashington, di>cs urdacn as follo++s: tiection 1. S~'`iC I (?.3U.IltiO is hcrcby amended to amend Chapter 14.702 to read as fi~llo++s: "Chapter 1-1,702 Airport Hazard Uverlay (AU) lone 14.702.000 PurposL and Intent 1"lte purpose and intent of the Airport Htt~trd Overlay Zone is to reduce the potential for airport hazards. because: I .Airport hazards endanger the lives and property of users of landing fields and persons in the vicinii)~ of Felts Field; and 2. Airspace obstructions and incompatible land uses impair the utility of an airport and diminish the value of the public investment therein; and 1'rcventing the creation or establishment of incompatible land uses and airport hazards protects the puhlic health, safety", and general welfare. and promotes the most appropriate use of land- Ordinance 06-002, Airport 1.1aza~d Page 1 0( 6 14.702.020 ~plicabilit~ T'he Airport Hazard Overlay lone applies to arc:us surrounding felts f=ield, as established herein. Tlrc airport elevation of Celts Field is 1952.9 feet above mean sea level (msl). Provisions of this chapter shall apply to all lands, buildings, structures, natural features and uses located within the Airport Hazard ()vcrlay (AO) "Lune district as depicted on the maps, except that the provisions of tltis chapter shall not apply to any use that is defined as an aviation use. All uses and activities are at all times subject to the underlying coning district. Where the requirements and restrictions imposed by the Airport Hazard (hrerlay "Lone conflict with [hc require;ments of the underlying zone district, the more restrictive requirement shall be applied. 14.702.040 .Air Hazard Fleitrht Restrictions Exeept as otherwise provided herein, no building ur structure shell be erected, altered, or maintained s<~ as to project or otherwise penetrate the FAR Part 77 airspace surfaces sho~~m on the Airport Hazard '?tt3p attached hereto and made a part hereof far all purp~~ses. Such applicable height limitations are hereby established for each of the zones as follows: 1. Primary Surface - A surfaca longitudinalh• centered on a runway. The primary surface extends 200 feet beyond each end of the runway and is 1,UOU feet wide. The elevation of an} point on the primary surface is the same as the elevation of the nearest point nn the rvm~-ay centerline. Precision Instrument Runway Appn~aclr "Lone -Slopes fifty (~0) fret uut«~anl fur each loot upward beginning at the end of and at the same elevation as the primary surface and extending to a horizontal distance of 10,000 feet along the extended runway centerline: thence slopes upward forty (40) feet horizontally far each foot vertically to an additional horizontal distance of 40,f)~UO feet along the extended runway centerline. 3. Transitional Zones -Slope seven (7) feet outward for each foot upward beginning at the sides of and at the same elevation as the primary surface and the approach surface, and extending to a height of I50 feet above the airport elevation which is 1,952 feet above mean sea level. In addition to the foregoing, there are established height limits sloping seven t7) feet ouh~~ard for each foot upward beginning at the sides of and at the same elevation as the ,approach surface, and extending to where they' intersect the conical surface. Where the precision instrument rumvay approach zone projects beyond the conical lane, there are estahlishecl height limits sloping seven (7) feet outwtvd far each foot upward beginning at the sides of and at the same elevation as the approach surface, and extenditt}t a horizontal distance of >,000 feet measured at 90 degree angles to iho extended runway centcrlinr. •t. 1 lorizontal ?_one - Fst~rhlished at I ~0 feet alkivc the airport elevation nr at a height of feet above mean sett level Conical 7.anc - Slupcs hventy (20) fact outward fur each f~x~t upwar?! beginning at the pcr-iphery of the horizontal zone and at 150 feet above the airport elevation and extending to a height of 350 feet above the airport elevation. Ordlnanoe O6-t)t)2, Airport Hazard Page 2 of 6 A 1 f - ~ 1 WIVnt~ ROr! 4v ~ CIYit AIRPORT ~ 1!~1AC(NARY 5URFACfS ~ - - atlui ~ i _ PLAM 'mss t. I ltElrilQKA~ - 'J, - . la_702.060 Hei~rtrt !•._,c~Pti~mti Swetures shall not be eonstn?cted, altered, maintained, in thr regulated air spt?cc area except as fc~lluHS: I .Any swcture or object that would be shielded by existing swctures of a permanent and substantial character ar by natural terrain or topographic featun:s of equal or greater ltci~;ht. Any air navigation facility. airport visual appn?ach ur landing aid. aircraft arrrstinl: device. ar melearologiral device, ~~f a type approved by the hodcral Aviatirn? Administr~rtion «ith a fixed h~cation and height. 3. Structures neexssary and incidcnt:?I to airlxirt npcraticros. I x,702.080 AitQort !..and Use Rcstricti~~ns ~(1te six airport land use compatibilit}~ canes eslahlitihcd by the WSUUT L)ivisi<m of Aviatiun in guidelines are based nn federal aviation accident data from the National 'frnnstx~rtatinn Safety Board (Nl'S13) are shown on the Airport Land Use Compatibility 7.onc Map attached hereto and made a pare hereof for all purposes. 1. Prohibited uses in all Airport land Use Compatibility !ones: a. Any use that creates or causes interfen:nce with the operations u! radio ur clccuunic facilities m the airport or with radio or electronic communications between airpext and aircraft,. h. Any use or lighting that impairs a piliK's ability to distinguish hchwccn airport lights and other lights., or that creates glare affecting pilot vision; or otherwise impairs visibility in the vicinity of the airport. All lighting shall be "cut-down" and fully shielded. c. Any use: that endangers the landing, taking off, or maneuvering of aircraft; c?r d. Any use which attracts birds in any manner affecting airport operations such .rti garbage. rrcyclinK and stormwater detention. Ordinance 08-01)2, Airport Hazard PagE 3 of 6 e. 5pecinl function land uses for which the siZ;nificant common element is the relative inability of the people occupying the spact to move out of harm's way such as K- 12 schools, hospitals, nursing homes and other similar uses. f. Iligh intensity land uses which are characterized b5' a potential to attract dense concentrations ~~f persons to an indoor or outdoor area, even for a limited period of time. tiuch uses include- I amusement parks, fairgrounds box retail 3. convontion/exhibit halls, major auditoriums, theater -t. stadiums and arenas 5. temporary events attracting dense concentrations of people - fairs, circuses. carnivals, revi.al meetings, sports tournaments, conventions, but not including events for which exposure to aviation safety hazard is a well-know expcxtation (air shows, airport open houses, pilot meetings. ate.) Land uses in Airport land Use Compatibility 'Cones are further regulated tts follows; Prohibited flees /1i land Use Com at~bl! Zones 1 T 3 4 5 6 S~ le-tarru Rea~denhal • • G L~ • ~ ~ 1 du/ 5 1 du! 1 du/ 2 5 Maximum lknsd n/a nla aaes 25 acre nla acre Mawfadured Houei Parks • • • • • • Mulls-(amY Resldentla! • • • • • • Schools • • • • • • Parka b Pta rounds • • • • • Has itals • • • • • • Nursin Haines • • • • • • pre • • • • • • Churrrhaa • • • • • Hazartlous Matenat Stora ~e _ • • • • • Flammable Materleis Stora e • • • • • Incinerators • • • • • • Overhead ut?lities • • • • • • H h Intena Uses • • • • • • Prohb~led Uses " v Denscty limited :lcigrrtian easements title noticeicovenant shall be required as a condition cif the issuance of any permit for construeti~n, mec~nstn?cticm or expansion of amp structure loc:nted within am Air}wrt 1 _nnd t'sc Compatibility 7onc. Ordinance 06-OQ2, Airport Hazard Page 4 of 6 r'~ 4 vi S~ \ 8 ~ ~ 1 ~ d 6 8 ~ ~ e.ooa rsa Source: California Airport Land lase Planning Handbook, California Department of 'hransportation Division of Aeronautics, recommended by Washington Department of 1'rensportation, Aviation Division.. Substantial noise impacts (a~cr G> Ldn) at Felts Field arc canfincd to airport property. In the event of changed eanditions authenticated by the Spokane Airport Board, the li~llowinft uses will he pn?hihited within areas where noise levels exceed 65 [_dn.. I Schaol Church Ilospital 4. Manufactured home p:+rl. Child day-care center 6, 1`uninL I I~+rne Parks dt Playgrounds 5. Nothing in this chapter shall diminish the responsibility of pn~ject proponents to submit :t `Jotter of Cansttvetion or Alteration to the Federal Aviation Administration if required in accordance «ith f=ederal Aviation Regulations Part 77, "Ohjetts Affective N:+~ igahlc Airspace" 1~3.7U2.1U0 Nan-Conforming l.,se~ 1. Regulations Not Retroactive - 'Ilte regulations pnacritxd herein shall not be construed to reyuirc the change of use, nor the removal or ateretion of any structure or tree not conforming to the regulations as oC the effective dale of this ordinance, provided however that ?hc owner of any existing nun-conforming structure or tree is required to permit the installation, operation, and maintenancC of such rnnrl:crs and lights ns shall be deemed necessary by the Director of Airport (lperat ions. Nonconforminb Uses Ahandaned or Destroyed - Whenever the Director of Community Development determines that a legal non-conforming tree or structurC has been abandoned , destroyed ur damaged .by more than more than RU°fo percent, no permit shall be issued granted that would allow such use, structure ur tree to exceed the upplicahlr hcieht limit or otherwise deviate from the zoning regulations. 1 3.702.120 Permits Variances a. 'Jo building permit shall be issued for any prohibited use. ~r fur any stucutre or ohstruction ~~hich exceeds the air hazard height restrictions adopted hemin. h. An applicaiian for a permit for the construction of a building, structure, use, subdivision. ~hc~ri subdivisian, binding site plan ar other development located within the Airport Hazsrd (h~erlay Zone shall !ordinance Q6-0U2, Airport Hazard Page 5 of submit a site plan which includes the elevation of the site above mean sea Ievnl, and the height of and proposed structure. c. Additional notice: any building pern?it or land use action including plats, short plats, subdivisions and hinding site plans within the airpori hazard overlay zone shall contain the following notice: "•'~'utice is herein pr~?•ided shat this property is lnccrled ?rilhin the ~l irport Ilcrrerr~! Oi•erlu?• Tone njrhe City of Spokarre~ Valley. t3'ashin~*tan, cmd is suhjec•I rn rectriclinn ~+n hrighl criyd ace pursuant to Chapter 14.702 .lirpurr llc~arc! Ch~~~rlcn~ Zurrk~ ac i~ m~n~ !+e amended from lime rn time. d. Varianus -Any person desiring to erect or increase the height ~~f any structure, or pcnnit the ~;roctith of any tree, or use of property, not in accordance with the regulations prescribed herein may apply to flee Spokane Valley Community Development Department for a variance, provided however that the application shall be accompanier! by a determination fn~m the Federal Aviation Administration as to the effect of the proposal on the operation of air nae•igation facilities and the safe, efficient use of navigable airspace. A copy of the application shall be furnished to the Director of Airport Operations for review and a~mmcnt. final determination on the variance shall he made by the Hearing Esamincr ti~lln.+~ing nc+tiee and heain?;. Section 2. Se~~erahility. if any sccti~m, scntc:nce, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall hr held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such irn•alidit}• or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, c{ause ~~r phrase ?~f this ordinance. Section 3. Effective Uate. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days aflcr publication of this Ordinance or a summon thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the Cit}~ as pro~-idcd by law. PASSE=U h} the ~'ity C'c+uncil this _'R`~' dad of l~chnian. 'OGfi. Diana Wilhite. `4avc~r ATTEST: 7 t-' _ " , ~ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: I _ O rce o e City Attorney Date of Publication: 3 d -d Effcctic~e Date: ~ i Ordinance 06-002. Airport Hazard Page 6 of 6 ; i' %r a, - a ~ _ ~ ~~rt ~ - ~'{a~WRS'~L~'ER I 1 VVVV ' S ~ 1 '4'+,~ i. y ~ T } ~ * i ~ n c ~~CICL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ydahasri U" 4 l~ ~ (.L 6~~ ~l~ j i a f , 41StPYe~`trr~ ~ i Rrl "t' ~ INe~dSb era ~ ~ ~ ~ k" ' lr _ ~ ~ ti ~ Ai rpprt Safety ~ ryes [ ~ - ~ ' " ~ ~ - " ~ ~ Inner umi Xone 3p",~ • 3 - ~ ~ ti~ ~ ~ { ~ SYdellne 5alet~j Zn~le - 6 ~ ~ ~ ° i ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ive 1~.~ Runway Rrotecl;on Zone - i ~ R[~CkvreN ~ ~,'lt - ~ ~ m ~ Q fl?nY4Sy I ~ ~ ~ Y.~~as~e u } ~'n. ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ 5ataaty Zones - 2 3 4 ' ~c 1M1Y311an R L resse V+fil;rirt ~ ~ t 0 T~"Is ~G i~afi~m Zgr'le ~ F~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ B~unrJari ~~a,~ ~ ~ ~4~ler Muraicl~alftfes ~ _ ~ , di i3" ~ ~ City of Sp~,kane Vaf lr ryo~II ~la~r "fR^`~''~'aY Zoning lar+Qr +Jamsl ~ tyamar' _ U~~w,~r 1 _ • ~ Counl= FAR-tf~ i3c~C - ~ ~d,,n ~ ~ SRR~5 I~d~Y>~~--_- ~~aty ~ Town C uR-t Y Larry ~ ~all~r , = Eudi~-Lic+erly 'Ise ~ E[,thd - ~ ~ Etrc1~ ~flI~WO[1d Ufi-~.S tmtk ,+~yel~ai Feirwew F~m~~aw ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ UR= i`1C'r~lbnd-Gf~*. a ~ !zt+r,r ,k. - ~ _ +:~a~a ~ ~ E~~-1~ [ 3u~ep~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~r dye `1 LIR•22 3 3dnnkgAr^ery_ ~ u~~ - ~ a - ~ r r _ ~ , _ I-1 fm~ne ~ '~~fa°~ller~ ~ 1 a - ~ ~ 1-2 ` rY~ M1 ors ~r~ ~~tn'" - ~ ' . ~ ' -4 Y _ 3 ~ ~ a 1 \ ~~d ~ ~ Y ~ ~ _ ~ - r.`. ~ ' _ ? r~`~,.. 5 ~40t ~Y7nt4Ur5 Err;n~rr r r. ~~qq ~ .`~1~ L ~ -i -~1.'.._ ri[atir~r,.r[ r ~5? 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P .~i , ~ rr w ~ w f a - , e t ~ ~ ~ i. ` ` ~ ~ Transrr~n A a r~ e~,r ! r,t ' ~ - t L..JTt~~wn QI IYP~l9aY~liV Y , - ~ a,~ ~Y,~ • pkane~falie u ~a ~ ~ xpp $~ech - ' , - ~t.- r Fv~ Co Hors . , -,I~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' 1955 - 2 i f?5 . - 21 Q6 - 225 , Z~Q~1 ' a ~ f ~ ~ . a• ' 4 -r-~ ~ ~ - ~ 23+5 ~ 24(~a ~ - ! klarf~~r~~t~I Surface ~ _ Town of , _ 2446 - 275 . J ~ - G- Begins ~'Sf~ fk ~b4v~;Runway Elevak~on of 1952.5 feet. ~ _ ~ a ~ _ r ' } ~I{~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ - . ~ rllptrlLr3 iYYS'p i~i~ (;r~i1(.tl }i1f~.,~ f .Id) sr:ir'R'IPi~ ~ d„~ ~ N~ ; ~ rr qrr rrr~w~roro r~~~r ,k,~~~r;l~~+t tt~ ~ . 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