Ordinance 06-029 Amending SVMC 2.50 - Personnel Policies • r CITY C)F SPOKANI; A I.~LT•:Y SFOKANF COUi\`TY, \~~'ASFiiNC:TON ORDL\`ANCT NO. OCR-029 AN ()lZDIr7ANCE OF 1'I3E• CITY OF SPOKANIJ VALI.~Ti Y, SPOKAs\~E COUNTY, ~~VASHINGTON, A1'IE:NDi.NG SPOKANE VALLI~Y MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 2.50.010, 2.50.020, 2.SU.030, ANU 2.50.040, ADDING NEVV SECTIONS 2.SO.U35, 2.50.045, AND 2.50.055, l.'ROVIDING FOI2 SE•VE12~?RTLITY, A\iD AN EFFEC`T'IVE DA'I'F. VVI-IGREAS, the Cily adopted Ordinance 4~1 in ?003, which was IatEr codified as SVMC 2.~0., establishing certain employment provisions for employees oi'the City; and \VWFRE~\S, it is necessary and desirable from time to time to amend the laws of the Cit?~ to comply with changes in state and federal law, and to reflect policy direction of the City Council; and \1rI-IER.FAS, The City Council Ends it is in the interest of the City to make amendments to SVMC 2.50. NO\\', TFIE1i.F_FOR1=., the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley; \Vashington, ordains as fol lows: Section 1. Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of this Ordinance is to amend SVMC 2.SO.OIU, 2.50.020, 2.50.030, and 2.50.040, to make them more consistent with requirements wider st~nte and federal law, and to add three new sections relating to nepotism; violence in the workplace and conflicts of interest. Sccticrn 2. Amendment to SVMC 2.50.010. SVMC Title 2, Section 50, Subsection O 10(B), is hereby amended as follows: a. 'fhcre is established a Truman resources system for the City of Spokane Valley to provide. a uniform system of personnel administration and ensure that recruitment; selection, placement, compensation, promotion, retention and separation of City employees are based upon qualifications and fiU~ess in compliance with federal, state, and City laws. E3. l~mployme_nt with the City shall be "at-will' and cony be terminated at any time by either t.he. City Manager or the employee, unless otherwise provided for by contract. No official or employee o1' the City, other than the City Manager, shall have the authority to enter into any agreement for employment. C. Personnel Policies that relate to wanes and benefits shall be- submitted to the City Council for review and appmtral with the City Manager authorircd, directed and empowered t:o development administrative policies, procedures, rules, forms and materials that are consistent with the Personnel Policies in order to implement the human resources system of the City. Said policies and procedurcti shall comply with all relat:cd state and federal laws, as well as City ordinances and resolutions. Section 3. amendment to SVMC 2.50.020. 'T'itle 2, Section 50, Subsection 020 is hereby amended as follows: It is the policy of the City to ensure equal employment opportunity for all employees and appointed representatives. This commitment includes a mandate to promote and afford equal ireatrnent Ordinance 06-029 Paee I of 3 and services to all eitircns; employees and City representatives, and to assure equal employment opportunity based on ability and fitness in accordance with any applicable state or federal law, Section 4. Amendment to SV~9C 2.50.030. Title 2, Section 50, Subsection 030 is hereby amended as follows: The City of Spokane Valley shall comply with all state and federal laws regarding non- discrimination. Section 5. Amendment to SV~1C 2.50.040. Title 2, Section 50, Subsection 040 is hereby amended as follows: A. Tt is the policy of the City to seek to eliminate and/or prevent conduct constituting unlawful harassment under state or federal law, as well as to alleviate any effects such unlawftil harassment may have on the working conditions of an employee. •I'he City shall adopt a policy for investigating and responding to reports of unlawful harassment and detailing complaint procedures. Section 6. Adding SVrVIC 2.SU.035. Title 2, Section 50, Subsection U35 relating to nepotism is hereby added as follows: A. \repotism Prohibited. The City prohibits employment of family members where one family member has the authority to supervise or audit the work of another family member. 13. The definition of "family member" for purposes of this section shall be the same as that in [ZC~I~ 42.52.010, as adopted or amended. Section 7. Adding SVMC 2.SU.U4~. Title 2, Section S0, Subsection 045 relating to conflict of interest is hereby added as follows: Conflict. of lnterest. No City employee shall engage. in any act which is in conflict with, or creates an appearance of conflict with, the- performance of official duties. Section 8. Adding SV1yiC 250.055. 'title 2, Section 50, Subsection 055 relation to violence in the +vorkplace is hereby added as follows: Violence in the workplace. The City of Spokane Valley, as an employer, does not tolerate acts of violence to persons or properKy in the workplace. Section 9. Remainder of SVI\~tC 2.50 Unchanged. The remaining provisions of SVti4C 2.50 are unchanDed by this amendment. Section lU. ScverabilitX. if any section; sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidit}~ or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 11. Effective Dais. This Ordinance shall be in full force and ef-lcct five (5) days after publication of the Ordinance Summary. Ordinance 06-029 Page 2 of:i PASSCD by the City Council this 12`x' day of December, 2006. f l ^ ` Mayor; Diana V~'ilhite AT -F J ity Clerk, Christine ainbridge Ahprwed as to Form: , i Office ofth City Attorney bate of Publication: 12-22-06 (affective Date 12-27-06 Ordinance 06-029 Page 3 of 3