Ordinance 06-006 Repealing Renumbered Provisions of SVMC CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEI' SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.06-006 AN ORDINANCE: OF' '1'H[•: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINC;7'ON, REPEALING SPOKANE VALLEY ORDINANCE OS-0IS IN ITS ENTIRETY, WHICH RENUMBERED ~'AR10US PROVISIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICQ'AL CODE, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILTIY, AND ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City Council adopted Ordinance OS-015 on March 2'_'. 2.OOi, wiu~h renumbered nwnerous sections of the Spokane Valley Municipal Cade. V1`IiEREAS, Duc to the complexity of the currzntly adopted z-caning code pruvitiionti and the anticipated development of a new l_Iniform Uevelapment code thereinafter UDC: and WHEREAS, to ensure that no conflict arises during the pendency of the development of the nevi l1DC with the existing and currently effective zoning code provisions; and WHEREAS, the City will consider adopting a numbering system substantially similar to that now hcint; repealed at such time that the City's Comprehensive Plan has been adopted and the UDC is drafted; and WHEREAS, the following changes arc nccessarr~ to prate~t the health, safety. and welfare of the general public and the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, the City C'uuncil of the ('ity of Spokane Valley, `h'ashington, ordains as follow,: Sectlaa 1. Repeal of Spokane Valley Ordinance OS-015. Spokane Valley Ordinance U~-U 1 > is hereby repealed in its entirety. The Spokane Va11ey Code numbers for specific provisions revised by Ordinance OS- (t l ishall revert to these numbers in effect prior to the adoption of ordinance OS-O15- Section 2. No eilect on ordinances Dossed subsequent to ordinance OS-015. Nothing in this urdinattce shall in any manner change or alter the ntunbering set Earth in any ordinance passed by the Spokane Valley Cih• Cotmcil after the date of passage of ordinance OS-015. Section 3. Severabilit~•. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to he invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not at-feet the validity or ronsrituticmality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. '(ecdon Effective Date. This Ordinance shall he in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summon thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City ac provided fay law. PAStiI-:U by the City Council this 28tb day of March, ?006. i` ~ ~ Diana Wilhite. Mayor `{'i-ty Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: ~ ~ ~ Office of City Attorn y Date of Publication: d-7-06 Effective Data: ~-I?-06 [lritmance Ilb-cJllf~ Kcpealing lid-(?I 5 Pane t of I