Ordinance 06-007 Repealing Portions of SVMC 10.30 CITY OF SPUk ANE VALLEI' SPUK;~NE CUU\TY, WASHINGTO~i ORDINANCE NO. U6-0117 AN ORDINANCE OF 7'HF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEI~', WASli1NG'fON, REPEALING PORTIONS OF SPOKANE V ALLF.~' MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 10.30.060 AS ESTABLISHED BY SPOKANE VAI.I.EY' ORDINANCE 03-OS3 RELATING TO CERTAIN ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS, PROV1ll1NG FOR SEVE:RABILfTY, AND F.STABLLSHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. V1'I~EREAS, The City Council adopted Ordinance U3-053 on March 25, 2003, which was codified in part in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 1030.Ob0 and which adopted specific portions of the Spokane County 'Coning Code spccificall}• sections 14.10(1-800, and Spokane Counn Phase (7rtc regulatic,n<. and WHERF.:~S, ('ity staff has identified sprcifi~ sectie~nti iii ihr ad~~ptcd Spc~{.ane CUUnty 70n1n~? Code and Phase One Regulations that have no corresponding mne within the City of Spokane Valley, arc not reflective of the provisions of the applicable interim Comprehensive Plan or Map adapted by the Citr~ of Spokane Valle}, or are nat regulations or c;antrols used or rclicd upon by the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS. the City Council afthe City of Spokane Valley is in the prcx;ess ~?f adopting its own Comprehensive: Plan and Development Regulations to implement that plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance is nt:ecssary in order to facilitate public understanding of the npplicable development code during this transition period and eliminate all provisions that are no longer applicable or necessary prior t~ the estnblishmcnt of the new cornprehensi~~e plan and development regulations; and WHEREAS, the following provisi~~ns arC necessary to protect the health, safeh. and welfare ~~t the general public and the environment: NOW, TIIEREFURE, the Cit} Council of the City of Spokane Valley, 1b~ashington. ordains as I':,Ih~ws: Section 1. Repeal of.pnrtnns of the Snukarle ~'uunty 7.e~ning ~o~r a5 ado t~ed__by~ SVMC 111.30.060. Spokane Valley Municipal Cade Section 10.30.060 is hereb~~ amended hti repealing in its entirety the following chapters of the adopted Spokane County 'Coning Cute: I . Section 14.609, Rural Residential 5 Section (4.638, Exclusive Agricultural 3. Section 14.642 Rural Settlement •i. Section 13.643 Urbart Resen'e Zc)nC Section 14.644 Forestry 6. Section 14.708 Neigltborhuod/Community Ovcrlny 7. Section 14.412 Solar Developments, and 8. Section 1x.820 Bonus Density for Sewer Hookup. Ordinance 06-007, Rcpeahn%j~artiuns of IQ~O.Of,0 I'a~r I ul ~ Section 2. Rzpenl of portions of the Spokane County Phase Qne Ue~•elopment Regulations us adopted by SVMC 10.30.060. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 10.30.060 is hereby amended by repealing in its entirct} the follc~~+in~, sections of the adopted Spokane County 1'tra.r Une Development Regulations: I. Section I-3.8~~i, Rural Cluster Development; Section 14.609, Rurnl Residential 3. Section 14.638, Exclusive Agricultural: 4. Section 14.644, 1=orestn 5. Section 14.643 Urban Rrsen~c 7~mc: acrd b. Section 14.64b Rural Conservation. Section 3. Sevetability. If any section, sentence, clause ~~r phrase of this ardinancr shall he held to be invalid ar unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not at3ect the validitE~ ur constitutionalih of any other section, sentence. clause ur phr:~.sr of this ordinance. SeMion 4. t_flcetirr Date. phis ordinance shall he in full force and eli«t tier days after publication of this ordinance or a summan• thereof occurs in the ofiicisl newspaper ~rf the Pity a_~ prcwidrd n> law P.45SEU by the Cih Council this 28`h day ~~f 14arch, ~Ot)b. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATF~.i - ~ Ctuistine Bainbri gc, City Clerk r Approved as to Form: . - , R~ - Y 1 ~ ' Office of a City Att~rrrey J Date of Publication: 4-7-Ub Fffi+ctivc Date: 4-]1-OG r ~rdm:rnce (1(ti-Olf?. Repealine ~rnmcros of ! o.?U.o(i0 I'.r~e ~ of