Ordinance 06-008 Amending SVMC 10.30 - Business Zones Matrix CITY OF SPOKANE Vr1LLEY S.PO:K.ANE COUNTY, VVASH7NGTON ORDL\°AiYC:E NO. 06-008 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SI'UKAl\TE COUNTY, R'ASHINCTON, A~~ENDING CHAPTEI214.623,13USIi\`ESS LOIVF.S MATRT~, CODIFIED .AS SECTION 10.3A.06(? OF THE SPOKANT VALLEY Ml)'i~ICIPAi., CODE, TO PERMIT PLASTIC IN,.1T;CTION MOLDL\`G IN CrRTAI\' 1317513~TESS 7,ON1~S. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 03-053 codified as 10.30.060 of the Spokane Valley vtunicipal Code, adopted the Spokane County Toning Code as Interim Development Regulations pursuant to the requirements of RC\'V Chap. 36.70A; and ~'1'HEIZE,AS, the Comprehensive flan Goal Goal UL.Sa is to "[p]rovide consistent,fair and timely regulations that are flexible and responsive and effective"; and WHEREAS, Policy UL.5.6 is to "[r]eview development regulations continuously to ensure clarity, consisitenc;y,predictability and direction'°; and V4'HEREAS, the technology associated tivith plastic injection molding involves heating of plastic pellets into a mold without the use of soh~ents or volatile organic compounds; and WHEREAS, the process is not inconsistent with other uses of similar or greater land use intensit?~ allowed within certain buiness zoning districts; and WI'iFREAS, a public hearing was held before the Spokane Valley Planning Commission on January 12, 2006 to provide the opportunity for public comment on the proposed regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed dcvcloprnent regulations must be submitted to the Washington Department of Community Trade and Economic Development pursuant to WAC 365-195-620; NO~ti', THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follo~~~s: Section 1. Chapter 14.300.100 is hereby amended to add the following definitions; "Pl~~stic Molding (thermoplastic): A process of converting pelletized plastic into molds using heat.., ~+~ithout the use of solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOC). Thermoplastic resins can be melted, formed and resolidified. "Thermoplastic processes include injection molding, blow molding, injection blow molding, rotational molding, roto molding, and extrusion molding. Does not include solvent molding. Plastic Molding (Thermoset): an injection molding process which uses heat, industrial processes and solvents to create plastic forms which cannot be re-forjne_d. 'Thermoset processes include bag molding, COId I11l~Idlrlg; het Illoldlllg, pulp molding, transfer molding and compression molding. Plastic Soh~cnt molding: Also known as Dip molding, forms thermoplastic articles by dipping a male mold and drawing off the solvent to leave a plastic film adhering to the mold.`' Section 2. Chapter 14.623.020 is amended to add the following use in k3usiness Zones Matrix as follows: B-1 1;-2 B-3 Pl~rstic Injection molding (Thermoplastic) N P P Plastic lniection molding (Thermoset) N N Plastic lniection Solvent i1'Ioldin~ N N N Qrdinancc 06-008 Business Gone Matrix Page 1 of 2 Section 3. Severabilin~. if any section, sentence, clause. or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a sununary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSI?D by the City Council this aJ~day of 1~~2') ~'~Db. Mayor, I~iana 1~t~ilhite ~T'IT ST: r City~Clerk, Christine ain Bridge Approved as to (Form: O ~ rce of e Crty Ali n Date of Publication: ~ ' Effective mate: ~ ^ ~ ~ (ly Ordinbnce U6-U08 [iusincss Zone,~4atrix Pale 2 ot~2