2006, 01-24 Regular Meeting Y / ,AGENUA SPOI:ANE VAIai_EY C1TY COUNCIL SPECIAL MI:ETING CnuncilMreting #84 Tnesday, Januarf 24, 2006 6:00 p.m. CTTY IiALL AT RF:DWf)UD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague AvenWe, Firat Floor Conncil Reguests All Flectronic Detiiees be Turned Off During Council MeetIng ('A1..L TO URDF.R IN-VC)C'A1'I(3N: E'astot titcvr 14'ilson. Sixikatte Vallr}' Nnzarenc PLLllCE nF ALLEGL%KCE. ROLI.. CALL APPRUVAL OF AGFn'DA m~rttoncjCT10N OF SPF.CIAL GiTESTS A,'YD PRE5ENTATI()N5 CUNi1MiTTF;F., BUA[tI). [.LAISON SU]vIMARY RFPORTS htAY012•S REPORT: P4E3L1C CQDTNiEyTS Exccpt whcxc indicated bolaw for "public comment" this is an oppcMnnity far the public t4 speu1: on any topic. when ynu cnT„c to the pkxiiti„i, pleast stntc your namc and address far tlie rrcord mid litTtit remarks tu three minutes. 1. PUB[.(C fIEARiNG: Intcrim 7A)ning UR-I -111urina Sukup 2. CONSF.N'i' AGF:YUA Consists of items wnsidrrrd routinc which arr approveci as n group. :'1 Councilmemher msy rcmove nn item from the Gnnsent Agrnda tu bc considercd scparatcly. a. Following rtaim vauchcrs: VOUCIiL•R 115'i' DATE VOUCHER #s T4TAI. VUUCHER AMOUN'I' 1~niu~rv 9, 2UU6 $374-8394 S?,13,831.04 I Janunry 4, ?O06 83516-8378 5288,1-61_32 j Janunry 17, 20416 8395•8422 $54,202.56 lnnuurv 17, 2006 8431-8450 $82, f 56.90 - ~ _ $668,484.82 h. Payroll far Pny Periocl Ending Jununry 15. 2006 uf $140.174.; 3 c. !lpproval of Resotutian 06-001. Amended Fee Resofutian d_ Approw,►I of Minutcs of Rcgulnr Councit Niceting oFJgnuan- 10, 1,UU6 c Approval ot' Minutes of Spcciul Council Mrcting of lunuary 121 2006 NtiW BLiSiVF.:SS 3. Pmpascd Otdiaancc 06-001. Gxtending UR-1 Intcrim Zaning -Nlarinn 5ukup [pnbtic comment) Cuuncil Agcndn0l•24-t16 Regulnr Mcct;ng ~'r~. c I of 2 f'['Bl.IC CU!4'lAiF:tiTS Lxcept where indic.ated nbove fur "publIc cotamcnt" 1ltis is an opportunity for the puhlic to spruk cm any topic. When yuu caftlC to lhc pc?dium, pleasc swte your nnmc und address FOr the rcord and limil remarks tt• tlirc~o niinutcti. :1l)NLINIS-I`EtAT1VF RF.POIt'I'S: 4. Spok,ane Coumy l.ibr,iry District L)pdate on Ncw Library Process - hlikc W io 5. Lnnd Cxpacity Analysis - Scott Ku}itrilMikc DasingorlGreg McCrnmick 5. nrafl Maintcnancc C«ntmct Ncil Kcrsirn!John ! Iohm:in i. 1I1lfOiill rk%'Clopiilt'fl! Ct-dC PCi'(;.,•,.d O( {If1:111C1'~ {i } - Nf1kC ( C,Rfit'.]I\, 1NP'[)1ZM.aTiUN C)hI.Y: j7lrese itenrs wtII nal be siil;-U~:A':i (rr rt f~ort~~(j1rq:(,rr J S. Departmcot Muiidily Rcports 9. Spokane County Scr-vicc Agrcrment5 -Nlnrgan Krudclk a 10. tij►nl;nnti C'c~iintti t ihr:in, Uititrict D;-ccrnher?Oc); F;C [:a) rt :1U.1OL'Itti1iEfti.1. FLI7'UX F SCIIED L-1. F_ Regular Gouncil,llerlings are grxeraUy Are/d 2nd dnd #b Tuesdrrys, befilnning ut h: 00 p.m Caurrd! Study Sessiorev are gene,a!!y hrld 1", Y"' nrtd ilh Tursdars•, be;,inniiJ• w r,: on r.,,t Otkcr Tentatfvt tiPCQmlnP AfeNlinPS/Evcnr.c: Ilturs, Eeb 9, b:00 p.m., Spc.~cial Cuuticil Mcrtinp; anti I'uhli: 1leariiii., Housing & NrigLbuftwcis S7t., Fcb 11, 2006; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - CaunciVSt;jff Vb'inter Ketrcnt, c'entrrf'lace Tfjur:i, Feb 23, b:00 p.m., Specia) Coutuil hircting, Ctouncil 13cliheraciun Parls Sc RccrcatiuM Thurs, March 9, fi:Op p.m. SPetial Council h'(ceting Council Delibertttion CamJ) Plan CapiGil F-acii+tir~ 1 hur;. ti1arch 213. ,Orit;, 6,00 F,.n,. Spceial Council \fc~tina;, Final Puhlic Hearing Comp Plan I tvO7'It;E: ladividuvls planning w actend it,e mer.uig who require sWeia) assistnna to aeeoinniodau physical, heuring, or other Impaimunts, plrs.tr ccmtact the City Clcr{c at (504) 92I • 1000 aq soon 3.t possiblc -m :hnt nrrangcmcnL% mnv he mndc `._L~!.1:1U1'2 4-i/b BC.11:.15 :oI C~:1t Lt,. j'd~C 2 L1 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ^ Meeting Date: January 24, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent El old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM T(TLE: PUBLIC HEARlNG: An ordinance extending the UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Interim Zoning for a second six months in the Ponderosa and Rotchford Neighborhoods and amending the findings of fact and work plan. GOVERNING LEGISLA710N: - RCW 35A.63.220, Spokane Valiey Ordinance 05-425 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance No. 04-035 extending the Interim Zoning for an additional six months by Ordinance No. 05-025 adopted on September 27, 2005 as an _ emergency measure. BACKGROUND: A moratorium or interim zoning ordinance may be renewed for one or more . six-month periods if a public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior ta each renewal. The Interim UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Zoning was originally effective on September 8, 2004. A renewal of six months was authorized as an emergency measure on September 27, . 2005, expiring on March 6, 2006. The updated work plan had anticipated completion of the . Comprehensive Plan prior to this date. The following work is not expected to be complete until after that date: , • Approval of regulations implementing the Comprehensive Plan. • Revision of floodplain maps for Saltese Creek by FEMA. • Finalization of stream reclassification by the Department of Natural Resources. • The resolution of the wastewater capacity issue resulting from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study by the Department of Ecology and the Environmental protection Agency (EPA) remains incomplete. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Hold Public Hearing; take public comment BUDGET/FlNANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Niarina Sukup, Community Development Director . ATTACHMENTS: _ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 41-24-06 Ciry Manager Sign-aff: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ oid business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Follnwing Vouchers: BACKGROUND: . VOUCHER I,IST DATE ~ VOUCHER ns ~ TOTAL. VQUCHER Aiv10UNT 7anuary 9, 2006 ~ 8379-8394 ~ $243,831.04 ~ fanuary 9, 2006 8352-8378 ~ $288,26432 . January 17, 2006 8395-8422 ~ $54,202.56 ~ 1anuary 17, 2006 4431-8450 ~ $82,186.90 ~ . ( $'668,484.82 ~ ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mary Baslington ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0110912006 11:28:07AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice • PO # Description/Account Amount 8379 1/6/2006 000150 ALUED FIRE & SECURITY RCB0063003 Q7RLY BILLING/ALARM SYSTEM M 111.00 SVC264114 QTRLY BILLING FOR ELEVATOR Mi 60.00 • Total : 171.00 8380 1/612006 000037 AMERICAN LINEN INC. 160609 FLOOR MA7 SERVICE 45.34 Total : 45.34 8381 1!6/2006 000989 BARNES, GARY 1/4l06 Refund REFUND PERMIT FEE 108.56 Total : 108.56 8382 • 1/6/2006 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 36493 COFFEE & TEA SUPPUES 116.60 Total : 116.60 8383 1/6/2006 000686 DEPARTMEN7 OF LICENSING 01/06/06 DOL Cash CASH TRANSMITTAL TO DOL 28.00 Total : 28.00 8354 1/6/2006 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL 12127l05 MD Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 608.20 • Total : 608.20 8385 1/612006 000505 H 8 H FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 481 COPIER LEASE PAYMENT 201.79 r 482 , COPIER LEASE PAYMENT 233.28 483 COPIER LEASE PAYMENT 307.06 484 COPIER LEASE PAYMENT 412.30 Total : 1,154.43 8386 1/61'2006 000003 IiVIAGISTICS, INC. 08316A 1 ' 40886 70NER CARTRIDGE FOR FAX MAC 224.05 Total : 224.05 8387 1l612006 000069 MERCIER, DAVID ' 01l01l05 Mercier AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 400.00 Total : 400.00 8388 1/612006 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 1248832 MONTHLY CONTRACT BILLING 48,777.97 1297019 CENT.TRAIL MONTHLY CONTRACT 1,898.75 ' • Totai : 50,676.72 8389 1/6l2006 000660 SPOKANE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT 1/5108 Court fees DISTRICT COUftT FEES 29.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0110912006 11:28:07AM , Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8389 116/2006 000680 000660 SPOKANE COUNTY DISTRICT COUF (Continued) Total : 29.00 8390 116I2006 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 8971 CENTERPLACE STORAGE REN7AL 119.00 Total : 119.00 8391 1/6/2006 000014 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 3547 INFORUM GOLD SUPPORT 28,487.14 Total : 28,487.14 8392 1/6/2006 000098 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY 06196 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE PREMIUM 161,523.00 Total : 161,523.00 8393 . 1/6/2006 000255 WFOA 1030 MEMBERSHIP DUES 50.00 972 MEMBERSHIP DUES 50.00 Total : 100.00 8394 1/612006 000310 WSAMA 2006 membership dues MEMBERSHIP DUES 40.00 Total : 40.00 16 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 243,831.04 16 Vouchers in this report - Total vouchers : 243,831.04 I, the undersigned, do certiiy under penaliy of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services _ rendered, or tho labar pertormed as described herein • and that tfie claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the Ciry of Spokane Vailey, and that I am authorized to authenticate and ceRify to said claim. Finance Director Date - . • , 2 ~e: vchlist VouCher List Page: 1 01/0912006 10:16:54AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apaank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8352 12/30/2005 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 12l13105 MasterCard CREDIT CARD CHARGES 7,749.30 Total : 7,749.30 8355 12/3012005 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 090091047 CP ELEC7RICITY & GAS CHARGES 9,070.43 Total : 9,070.43 8356 12/'30l2005 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 9130l05 GB Reimb. REIMB. CELL PHONE CHARGES 262.00 - ' Total : 262.00 8357 12l30/2005 000950 BRACCO, LISA _ 12112105 LB Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 20.00 Total : 20.00 8358 1213012045 000101 CDWG VN48003 40870 NEC LT265 PROJEC70R FOR COUI 2,178.67 VN54945 40866 PLANAR PL1910M MONITORS FOR 2,432.15 . VN54950 40866 PLANAR MONITORS ANl7 COMPUT 1,664.27 • Total : 6,275.09 8359 12I3012005 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 870166725512 VEHICLE FUEL 1,001.79 . Totai : 1,001.79 8360 12/30/2005 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 05859.0 WA'fER CHARGES 37.50 06377.0 1NATER CHARGES 49.90 Total : 87.40 8361 12/3012005 000805 FCS GROUP 922-2512085 COST ALLOCA710N PLAN 380.00 Total : 390.00 8362 12l30/2005 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CEN7ER 12/05 Geiger Corr. GEIGER PROGRAMS FOR 12105 10,355.88 . Total : 10,355.88 8363 12130l2005 000009 WEWLETi"-PACKARL7 COMPANY 39439873 300G6 10K ULTRA320 FOR PUBLIC 1,384.46 Total : 1,384.46 8364 12l3012005 000715 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 7003-7311-00049347 MEEfING SUPPUES 8.89 ' Tota I : 8.99 8365 12/30/2005 000353 INTERNATIONAL 7RADE ALLIANCE 120 QUARTERIY CONTRACT PAYMEN'i 3,500.00 . Page: 1 vChlist Voucher List Page: 2 01/0912006 10:16:54AM Spokane Valley Bank code : . apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8385 1 ZI30/2005 000353 000353 INTERNA710NAL TRADE ALLIANCE (Continued) Total : 3,500.00 8366 12/3012005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. 27076 ADVERTISING 61.60 ' 27077 AOVERTISING 77.25 • Total : 138.85 8367 12/30/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 318973889-001 40862 OFFICE SUPPLIES 152.64 318973987-001 40862 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.20 319178926-001 40867 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.85 319178928-001 40867 OFFICE SUPPLIES 228.87 319182335-001 OFFICE SUPI'LIES 14.89 40867 319182336-001 40867 OFFICE SUPPLIES 23.90 Total : 442.35 8368 12/30/2005 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330032639 40855 BUSINESS CARDS 145.08 1330032669 40857 BUSINES5 CARD SHELLS 1,104.32 13330032713 40868 TRI-COLOR #10 LINEN ENVELOPE: 1,873.93 Total : 3,123.33. 8369 12/3012005 000358 REGOR, NINA 12/30l05 NR Reimb. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 51.24 Total : 51.24 8370 12f30/2005 000024 12ESOURCE COMPUTING INC. 36969 IT SUPPORTISERVER MAINTENANi 1,654.63 36970 IT SUPPOR7/SWITCH INSTALL 678.13 Total : 2,332.76 8371 12/3012005 000318 SHAMROCK PAVING CO. INC. Three (3) 0046 MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTI 24,260.20 • Total : 24,260.20 8372 12/30/2005 000230 SPOKANE CN7Y AUDITORS OFC, RECO 12/28/05 Rec. fees COUNTY RECORDING FEES 405.00 Totat : 405.00 8373 12/3012005 000659 SPOKANE COUNTY UTILITIES 043-001 Final CARNAHAN ROAD PUTBACK 149,694.21 104-001 Final HODGES ROAD.PUTBACK 48,802.75 Total : 198,496.96 8374 12/30/2005 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 12131/05 Fire Fees , FIRE DEPARTMENT FEES 11,785.26 - qe: 2 vchlist - Voucner Llst Page: 3 01/0912006 10:16:54QM Spokane Valley Bank code : epbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8374 12/30/2005 000391 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 (Continued) Total : 11,785.26 8375 12130/2005 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 983 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 6,050.00 . Total : 6,050.00 8376 12/30/2005 000500 TOSHIBA 2278750 40875 TOSHISA TECRA M4 TABLE7 PC -1 505.76 Total : 505.76 8377 12/30/2005 000964 VOLT 13768105 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 495.00 Total : 495.00 8378 12/30/2005 000061 WILHITE, DtANA 12130/05 DW Reimb. REIMB. DECEMBER MILEAGE 72.27 Tota I : 72.27 25 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 288,264.32 ' 25 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 288,264.32 I, the unders6gned, do certify under penafty of perjury, that the ma4erials have been furnished, ths services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and thal the c9aim is jusi, due and an ungaid obligation against the City af Spokane Valley, and that I am aulhorixed to authenticate and certify to said daim. Finance Director Date ' Page: 3 ` --~„n ~~~/~j,~ ,vyl.✓b~cc.~ ~ . . vchlist . Voucher List Page: 1 0111712006 9:50:42AM Spokane Valley Bank.code : 8pbank . . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 8395 1/9/2006 000988 GLOBAL7REK PRODUCTIONS, LLC 12130l05 Video T3pes 40883 SpOKANF_ SHOW VIDEO TApES 38.00 • Total : 38.00 8397 1213012005 000969 ADAMS & CLARK, INC. 4545 44860 SURVEY.FOR APPLEWAY 8,807.34 . Totai : 8,807.34 8398 1213012005 000197 AIR INC. 97923 EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND CHECK 75.00 • Total : 75.00 8399 12I3012005 000335 ALTOM'S TI(2E INC. 6-11689 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 3924 Total : 39.24 8400 12130/2005 000694 AVISTA UTILI7IES 143500A8674 COI.OR ORTHOPMOTOGRAPHY LIC 2,215.36 Total : 2,215.36 8401 12/30/2005 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8680026 CENTERPLACE LINENS SERVICE 194.08 , Total : 194.08 8402 12/30f2005 000101 C17WG VR94446 40866 BDG - MATROX-G450 32MB PCI DU. 119.19 VS07200 40866 PW - MATROX G450 32MB PCI DUA 476.75 Total : 595.94 8403 ' 12/30l2005 000683 DAVID EVANS 8 ASSOCIATES 185366 40562 SPOKANE VALLEY PLAN REVIEW 7,061.65 185367 RIGHT-OF-WAY INSPECTION SER~ 1,095.00 186125 40448 INTERSECTION LOS ANALYSIS 5,240.50 Total : 13,397.15 8404 12/30/2005 000136 DEPARTMENT OF INFO SERVICES, S7A' 2005120225 STA7E'IT SERVICES 31.57 Total : 31.57 8405 12/30/2005 000106 FEDEX 3-256-16939 SHIPPING CHARCyES ' 25.06 " Total: 25.06 a406 12130/2045 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CENTER 12105 Geiger Correct PW WORK CREW BILL 156_24 Total : 156.24 8407 12130/2005 000441 MOME DEPOT COMMERCIAL CREDIT 3016287 CP OPERATING SUPPLIES• 208.46 Page: 1 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 2 01/1712006 9:50:42AM Spokane Valley Bank codE : apbank • Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8407 12/30/2005 .000441 000441 HOME DEPOT CONiMERCIAL CREDI (Continued) Total : 208.46 8408 1213012005 000070 INLAND POWER AND LIGHT CO 94202-002 STREET LIGHTING POWER 34.26 94202-003 STREET LIGHTING POWER 51.98 94202-005 STREET LIGHTING POV'VER 117.46 94202-006 STREET POWER LIGHTING 180.00 Total: • 383.70 8409 12/3012005 000288 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 00092070-IN 40850 BUILDING PUBLICATIONS 56.64 Total : 56.64 8410 12/30/2005 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 112500.00 WATER CNARGES 165.00 Total : 165.00 8411 12/30/2005 000550 ITE - INS717UTE OF TRANS. ENG. 265692 40878 ITE PUBLICA710P1S 112.00 Total : 112.00 8412 12/30l2005 000993 LES SCHWAB TIRE CEN7ER 246756 • STUDDED SNOW T1RES ' 319.39 Total : 319.39 8413 12/30/2005 000033 MCPC, INC. 4850729 40853 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53.27 ' 40853 Total : 53.27 8414 12/30l2005 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00016046 TAX AUDf7 PROGRAM 189.69 Total : 189.69 8415 12l30l2005 000132 MODERN ELEC7F21C WATEF2 COMPANY 12/29105 Modem Elec STREE7 LIGHTING POWER/WATEF 6,579.85 Total : 6,579.85 8416 12/30/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 318898543-001 40862 MULTI-FUNC'I'ION CHAIR . 157.38 319521051-001 40874 BUILDING OFFICE SUpPLIES 248.86 319688987-001 40881 VARIOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 149.64 319820758-001 44885 FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 131.91 320000050-001 CREDIT MEMO -23.90 Total : 623.89 8417 12/30/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 8,608 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 1,105.60 2 le: J ~ ! 1 vchlist ' VOUCher List Page: 3 , 0111712006 9:50:42AM Spokane Valley . Bank code: 8pbank Vaucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8417 12/3012005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. (Continued) 8,609 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMEN7 SERVI 565.60 Total : 1,671.20 8418 12/30/2005 000024 RESOURCE COMPUTING INC. 36955 WINDOWS 2003 UPGRADE f'ROJEi 8,680.00 Total : 8,680.00 8419 12/30/2005 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 991 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 6,160.00 Total : 6,160.00 8420 12/30/2005 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REUIEW INC. 42365 ADVERTISING 142.78 Total : 142.78 8421 12/3012005 000984 UW ENGINEERING PROF. PROGRAMS 12/29/05 Training 40877 I'W & STORMWA7ER TRAINING 985.00 Total : 985.00 8422 12/30/2005 000167 VERA WA7ER & POWER 0001-031971.02 STREE7 LIGHTING POWEF2' 85.82 0001-032805.00 S7REET LIGHTING I'OWER/WATEF 19.48 0016-007780.00 STREET POWER UGMTING/WATEf 20.45 0018-031941.01 S7REET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 63.24 0018-032752.00 STREET POWER LIGHTINClWATEF 18.68 0099-0O0005.00 STREET LIGHTING POWER 1,714.40 Total : 1,922.07 8423 12/30l2005 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0031402-2681-6 WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICE 59.69 1649446-2681-5 WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICE 314.95 Total : 374.64 28 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 54,202.56 28 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 54,202.56 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0111712006 9:50:42A.M . Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO Description/Account Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under pena[ty af pery'ury, • that the materials have been furnished, thp senrices rendered, ar the labor pertormed as described herein and that tfie claim is just, dUe and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that i am authorized ta authenticate and certify ko said claim. Finance Director Date ~le: 4 ; . • vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 01l1712006 11:26:48AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Oate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8431 1/13/2006 000546 A.S.C.E. ASCE training 40893 WES TRAININGISTEVE WORLEY 299.00 Total : 299.00 8432 1l13l2006 000648 ABADAN REPROGRAPHICS & IMAGING 79481 SPECS & PLANS/DISMMAN MICA PI 572.07 • Total : 572.07 8433 1/13l2006 000277 ASSOC. OF WA CI71ES 1/12l06 AWC MUNICIPAL MEMBERSMIP - 2006 49,645.79 • Total : 49,645.79 . 8434 1/13/2006 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8681977 CEN7ERPLACE LINENS SERVICE 116.75 Total : 116.75 8435 1113/2006 000992 BOZARTH, LISA • 1/9/06 refund fee REFUND PERMIT FEE OVERCHAR( 8.00 ' Total : 8.00 8436 111312006 000109 COFFEE SYS7Eh1S INC 36755 CENTERPLACE COFFEE SUPPLIE: 41.95 Total : 41.95 8437 1/1312006 000606 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 3856 1I6J05 DARK FIBER LEASE 32.55 Total : 32:55 8438 111312006 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. 27096 ADVERTISING 121.80 27097 ADVERTISING 131.60 27098 ADVERTISING 112.00 27099 ADVERTISING 43.50 27100 ADVE RTiSI NG 25.00 27101 ADVERTISING 103.50 Total : 537.40 8439 1l13/2006 000013 NEOPOST, INC. 42149331 . POSTAGE METER RENTAL 325.50 Total: 325.50 8440 1l1312006 000193 NOR7HWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC February 2006 Rent FEBRUARY 2006 REN7 24,446.07 Total : 24,446 ;07 8441 1/1312006 000899 ONEEIGHTY PIETWORKS 508654 ' T1 CIRCUIT CHARGES 825.75 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List page: 2 01117/2006 11:26:48AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Qescription/Account Amount 8441 1/13/2006 000899 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS (Continued) Total : 825.75 8442 1l13J2006 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 8,820 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 452.48 8.819 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENI' SERVI 870.66 Total : 1,323.14 8443 1/13/2006 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 15349 DIAS SIGNS/COUNCIL & 1 PLANNII~ 67.81 ' Total : 67.81 8444 1/1312006 000341 RICOH CORPORATION 06029075829 COPIER RENTAL PAYMEN7 246.30 06029076258 COPIER RENTAL PAYMEMT 412.30 06029094790 COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT 238.70 Total : 897.30 8445 1l1312006 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 579786 COUNCIL MEETING SUPPIES 46.39 Total : 46.39 8446 1/13l2006 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTIUTIES 0316081081608 1/06 SEWER CHARGES 254.69 ' Tota I : 254.69 8447 1/13/2006 000167 VERA WATER 8 POWER 0002-001425.01 STREE7 LIGHTING POWER CHARC 195.51 0004-000755.01 STREET LIGH7ING POWER CHARC 169.96 0005-016348.01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARC 61.31 Total : 426.78 8448 1/13/2006 000964 VOLT 13798694 7EMPORARY EMPLOYNIENT SERVI 396.00 _ Total : 396.00 8449 1/13J2006 000711 WMCA, TREASURER 1/9l06 Registration WMCA REGISTRATION - BAINBRID- 400.00 Total : 400.00 .8450 1/13/2006 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 0204458274 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,523.96 Total : 1,523.96 20 Vouchers for bank codc : apbank Bank total : 82,186.90 20 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 82,186.90 2 , , , i vchlist Voucner List .Page: 3 0111712006 11:26:48AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalry oi perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor periortned as described herein and that the claim isjusL due and an unpaid obligatian against the CiSy of Spokane Valley, and that I am . authorized to auYheniicate arid ccrtify to said clafm. Finance Director Date - Page: 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 01-24-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check ail that apply: x consent ❑ oid business (D new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending January 15, 2006 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: , OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $126,217.55 Benefits: ~ 13,953.18 TOTAL PAYROLL: $190,170J3 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS - , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ` - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ neev business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin, r2port ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Resolution 06-001; Amended Fee Resolution GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 05-424 contairis the existing fee schedule for the city. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Resolution 05-024 was passed in December of 2005 and included updated fees. As the city approached 2006 there are a few additional changes that need to be incorporated into the fee schedule. BACKGROUND: The city uses a resolution to establish fees for city programs, permits and services. Periodically, the city must update the fee resolution to incorporate new or modified fees. The changes needed at this time include: 1. Add back a$58 per hour charge (page 11 and 12) for City employees working on proposed projects. This charge was deleted in error in an earlier revision. 2. On page 6 under "Plans Review Fees,p delete the first sentence "Plan Review Fees shall be collected at the time of permit issuance along with the WSBC fee." This wording is contained in later paragraphs. 3. On page 6 under "Structural Code" change the second sentence as follows: ..............calculated by the Building Official using the latest valuation data available in November of each vear in the Building Safety Joumal of the International Code Council, whichever value is greatest. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approval of Resolution 06-001. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: These changes are intended to clarify city fees. No significant gain/loss in fees is expected. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director C1TY OT SP4KA\'E VALI,FY Sl'O.KANF COiJNTX, WASI3]PTG'1ON MSOLUTIUN \O.OG- 041 A RESOT.,UT'ION OF `1'RE Ci'I`Y OI± SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKA\T COUNTY, WASH]IYGTUN, AMGNDT!`iG RL+'SOLUTIqN 05-024, AND APP.ROVTs\`G r1N AiVlh;\TDED `-LAS'T'L12. F1:E SCHEnITLE. W1-iEREAS, it is the aeneral policy ofthe City to establish fees that are rellecrive of the cost of services prnvicied by tlie City; and WRERrAS, the City uses a resolution to escablish Iees for City prograrns; permits and services, -ind periaclically the fee resolution must be iipdaccd to incorporate new or modified services; and WHE[tEAS, Council desires to moclify the Resnlution and accompanying Fee Schcdule. NOW '1°HT~RE-FOR,E, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane Courity, WashinbCOn, as fpllows: Section 1. The changes needeci at this time are incorporated intn the aCtached scheclules, anci inclucle: (1) irisertion of a city emplAyee hourly rste of $58 for charges billed to other individuals/organi2ations; . (2) deleting duplicatc worcling regardin; when plaii review fees will be eollectecl; and (3) insertion of warding referencing valuat:ion dat<< in the November Building Safety Journal. Sectiori 2. ,qmendnient. Resnlufion 05-024 is specificaily amencled as is set forth in the Following Ainended Fee Schedule. Section 3. EFfeCtIVe DiifC. 1"his Resolution shall be in full force anci effecl upon adoption. Adopted this day ofJanuary, 2006 t1TTEST: Cl'TY Oh SPQICt1►TE, VALI.,EY Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Diana Wilhice., Mayor Approved as to furm: OEEice of the City Attor•ney . ~ . • . AiViENT)Fll MAS'a'TR FEE SC.F..I-EDULF k'ee Scheclule Page ]Yo. Schedule A: Development 2 Schedule B: Building 4 Schedule C: Fire Cocle 11. Schedule D: Parks c4z Recreation 1.4 Schedule E: Administrative 17 Schedule F: Other Tees 18 Resolution 06-001 1'age 2 of 20 MASTE.R FEE SCIFUEDULE ~ Scheclule A - nEVELOPAIEN'T' A11TF.NDMENTS ComprehensivePlan amendment $1;500.00 Zoning ar pther cocie text amendmetit . $1,500.00 AI'PrALs . . . llppcal of Administrative Decision $1:,000.00 Appeal ofI-Iearing Examiner findings - $300.00 '1'ranscripi/record deposit tee on appeals of I-leaeing Examincr's decisions $150.00 FNWRONNl-E\'rTAi., KI:VlEW - • State Environmental Policy Act (SFFA) Single ctwclling (when required) $100.00 F1ll olher developments $350.00 Environrnental [mpact Stat:ement (E1S)12.EView $2;200.00 Addendti of.'cxisting EIS Review $350.00 Shorcline Substantial Development; Pennit $800.00 Critic.al Arcas $300.00 Floodplain Pcrmit $50.00 Per lot PERivII l°S • . Home pceupation Permit: $80.00 Concfilional Use E'ermit $$00.00 'I'emporary Use Pe.rniit 50.00 . pLATs Subd ivisions Preliminary plat $2,150.00 PIuS $40.00 per lot I'inal plat $1,250.00 Plus $10.00 per lot: Short Yl.its Preliminary 2-4 lo~.~ $750.00 Final Plat 2-4 l~.ots $1,050.00 Plus 510.00 per lot . Preliminary plat 5-9 [.ots $1;250.00 Plus $25.00 per lot Final Plat 5-9 Lots $L,OSO.UO 1'lus $10.00 pcr lot Resoliation 06-001 Page 3 of 20 1'lat rllteration Subdivision plat: $650.00 Short plat $265.00 Rinciing Site 1'lan $1,500.00 Binding siCe plan modifcation $1,300.00 Change of Conditions $650.00 Aggregation/Segregation • I.ot line adjustment $100.00 I,.ot line elirnination $100.00 -ern lot line . $100.00 Plus $10.00 per lot StCNS 12eview of permanent sign $50.00 Plus $25.00 if Public `Vorks rcview is needed Review of temporary sia $50.00 SI1"E FLAN R-E VTEW $550.00 STRFFT VACATlUN APPLICATiON $1,300.00 VARiANCLS Administrative $300.00 Publie Hearin€s . $1,500.00 ZOa~TING 7oning map amendments (rezone)t $1,650.00 pUD plan $1,500.00 Plus $25.00 per lot PUD moclificatiqn $500.00 *Tf rezone is cornbined with other action(s), cost of other actiori(s) is additional. NOte: `flje Building Official is authorized to rcquire the permit applicant to provide fee reimbursement to thc City of Spokane Valley for any professional services reyuired outside of City staff re-view. Sorne examples of potential outside resources inclucle plan review, cotistruction inspection and surveying. Resolution 06-001 Page 4 of 20 r`Schedule .B - BUILllING ~ The building code permit tees are collected al the time of the issuancE af the buildin3 permit. Othe.r f'ees are alsn l'o be collecCec3 at the time ofthe issuing oPthe building permit. T;ach depart:ment for whom the fee is collected is to advise the permit specialist of fees due. CRADING 1'ermit I+ces Cubic Yards H"~E 100 or less $20.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 for the first 100 Gu. Yd., plus $7.00 for cach addilional 100 Cu. Yd. 1,001 to 10,000 $83.00 for the Crst 1,001. Cu. Yd., plus $6.00 for each additional 1,000 Cu. Yd. ' 1.0,00l to 100,000 $147.00 for the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus . $15.00 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100,001 to 200,000 $368.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yci. plus V 5.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,000 or more $503.00 for the first 200,000 Cu. Yd. plus r $1 5.00 f.'or each additiona1200,000 Cu. Yd. Flans Cheekin; I+'ces Cuhic Y:trds FL~L 50 or less iVo fee St to 100 $12.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 _ 1,001 to 10,000 . $25.00 ' 10,001 to 100,000 $25.00 for the firsl 1.0,000 Cu. Yd. plus $7.00 far each additional 10,000 Cu. Yci. 100,00 1 ta 200,000 $98.00 for the I'irst 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $6.00 for cac1i additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,001 or more $153.00 C.,anv Clearing only (witliout earlh beiug move(l) $65.00 Pavinb Permit (greater thaii 5,000 SI? - ne~v p:tving only) $250.00 Resolution 06-001 Page 5 of 20 sTRucTUxAL conE Building pcrmit fees fnr each projcct are set by the following fee schedule. The table below is tp . bc useci to deternune the building permit fees and plans chcck fees based on the value of ttie construction work as stated by the applicaut or the value calculated by the Buildin; Official using the latest valuation data available in November of each year in the Building Safety Journal by the Tnternatianal Code Council, whichever value is o eatest. Valuat•ion Table '1'otal Valuation Tee _ $1 to $25,000 $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 f'nr each additional $1,000, or fraction therenf, up to and including $25,000 $25,00I to $50,000 5391.25 rdr the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for cach adclitional $ 1,000, or fraction thcreof, up to aud , incluciing $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $643.75 for the first $50;000 plus V f'or each . additional $1,000, Ox fraction thcre0f, up to anci includ'uig $100,000 . $ 100,00I to $500,000 S993.75 far the first $1 00;000 plus $5.60 for eaeh adciitional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and ineluding $500,000 . $500,001 ta $1,000,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each - additional $ 1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and " including $1,000,000 $1,000,000 and up $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each additional $1,000, or fi-action thercof Valuation Exceptions . Fee Fer Squarc Toot _Yrivale oarages (wood frame) $1 9.00 Private garages (masonry) . $22.00 Pole buildings $19.00 Open carport, decks, porches $15.00 Plans Review Fees For other than signs, nne and rivo family residential skructures and the associated accessory build'ulgs or struc;tuies, a Plans Review r'ee Deposit of $200 shall be collectcd at the time of acceptance of the Building Permit Application. The application shall be accepted only when the application is deteruiinEd to be cnmplete by City staff'. . For signs, one and two faniily residential structtu-es and the associaled accessory buildings or ' stnictures, no plan review deposit will be reyuired at the time of Building Pennit Application submitial. - R.esolution 06-00 I Page 6 of 20 The balance of the Plan Review Fee sliall be collecced al the cime of Buildijig Permit issuance along -Mth the WS13CC Tee. Any excess deposit coliEeted during the application process shall bc applied to the Builcling Pcrmit Fee. Plans Iteview Pees are not rcfundable once the plan review has been started. Plaris Rcvie'\v Fees arE aclditional to Building Pei-rnit Pees. Pians review fee (gcneral) 65% Of bldg permit fee Plans rcview f'ee - Group R-3 occupancies (singlE f'amily 40% Of bldg permit fee less than 7,999 sq. ft.) PlanS review fee - Group R-3 oceupancies (single family 65% Of bldg permit fee 5,000 sq, ft. or greater) 1'lans review fee - U-1 or U-2 occupancies (sheds, barns, 25% Of bldg permit fee Plans review fee - temporary tent or stnicture 25% Of bldg perrnit fee Initial Plan Review Fces shall be cappecl at $35,000 maximtim with the following eYCeption: Lxception tifl: Tf additional professional resnurces arc required for individual prnject plan revicw Far those projects that reach the maYimum Plan Review Fee, the I3uilding Qfficial shall be authorized to require the permit applicaail to provide Chose resotuces to the City of Spokane Valley. if a sct ot: plans already checkcd anci approved.is resubmitcecl by the w;vhier or his/her agcnt, an hourly rate of $47.00 will be applied for the re-review. YI.UNI]3TNG COUL '1"he pltunbing code fees will be collectcd when the associated pcnnit is issued. If the plumbing is included in the i3uild4ig Pcrmit the unit costs are added, but not the basic plluzibing permit fee. A. Basic fees . l) Basic fee tor issuing each perrnit $35.00 2) 13asic for each supplernental permit $7.50 B. Unit Fees (in additioti to the basic fee) , 1) T'or eaeh_ plumbins fixhire on a trap (including $6.00 g1i•tiage disposals, dish washers, back fldtiv device, draiaage, hot tubs, builr in tivater soFtelaer, water closets, lai-acvries, sinks, drains, etc ) 2) Private sewagE disposal system $20.00 3) VVa!'er hearer $6,00 Each ~ 4) lridustrial waste pretreatment interceptor including $15.00 , its trap and vent, except kitc:hcn type greasc interceptors funetionirig as fxture traps. . R.esalution 06-001 Page 7 of 20 S) Repair or alteration of water piping, drainage or $6.00 Each fixture <<ent piping . . 6) Lawn sprinkler system on any one meter $25.00 7) Atmospheric type vacuutn breaker $6.00 Each Backflow protec;tive deviee other tlian atmospheric $6.00 Each type vacuum breakers . 9) Medical ?as $6.00 1'er outlet 10) Interceptors $6.00 Eac}t Resolution 06-001 - Page 8 of 20 , NrrcxANicAL conr, The mechasucal code fees vvill bc collected when the associated pcrnut is issucd. If it is included in tlie }3uildine .Permit; the unit eosts are adcled, but nne thc basic ineehanical pernlit fee. A. Basic fees 1) l3asic tee for issuing each perrnit $35.00 2) Basic for etich 5upplemental pennit $7.50 B. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fec) 1) Eurnacss & suspended heakers -[nstallation or relocation a. up to and including 100,000 bhi $12.00 b. over 100,000 btu $15.00 2) Duct wbrl: system $10.00 3) I-Ieat pump R air conditiqner a_ 0 to 3 tons $12A0 b. over 3 To 15 tons $20.00 c. over 15 to 30 tons $25.00 • d. over 30 to SO totis S35.00 e. over aQ tons S60.00 4) Gas water heater $10.00 S) Gas piping system $1.00 Per outlet ' 6) CTa.s Iog, fieeplace, and gas insert installation $10.00 7) Applilnce vents installaCion; relocation; replacement $10.00 rach S) Repairs or additions $15.00 9) $oilers, compresSCirs, and absorptiou systems a. 0 to 3 hp - 100,000 btu or less $12.00 b. Over 3 to 15 hp -100,001 to 500,400 bhi $20.00 c. (aver I S- 30 hp -500,001 to 1,000,000 btu $25.00 d. over 30 hp - 1,000,001 tn 1,750,000 btu S35.00 e. ovcr 50 hp - o'vcr 1,750,000 bhi $60.00 10) Air Handlers . a. Each unit up to 10,000 cfin, i.ncluding ducts 2.00 b. Fach wut over 10,000 ciin $15.00 11) E vzporalive Coolers (ather thwi portable) $10.00 12) Ventilation and exhaust a. FacYt faii connected to a siugle duct $10.00 b. Each ventilation system $12.00 c. F_.ach hood ser.ved by iriechanic:al exiaust $12.00 13) Tncinerators a. Inst,allation or relecation ofresidential $19.00 • b. histallation or relocation of commercial $22.00 14) Appliasice.s, each . $10.00 _ 15) Unlisted appliances a. under 400,000 btu $30.00 b. 400,000 bht or over $100.00 ' R.esolution 06-001 Page 9 oi'20 16) Hood . a. Type I $SO.OQ b. "f'ype Ii $1. 0.00 17) L P Storage tank $10.00 18) Woocl or Pellet stove uiscrt $10.00 19) Wood stove system - free standing $25.00 ENERCY CODF Energy Code Plans checlc fee is also established to check tn meet thc requiremcnts of RCW 5 1- 11 WAC. Thcse are in addition to thc 4uilding Cocie Fees. 1,#' City ulspectors are assign.ed to verify Energy Plans, the followingfees apply. If ati outside energy inspector is required, that fee will be deteriYiined by tlie outside agency. - Rcsiciential Rcmodel/Additian $-0- ' New Single Family $ -0- Tenant lmpeovement A. 0 to 10,000 square feet $35.00 B. 10;001 square feet and over $45.00 C. Multi-Narriily $60.00 1'er building D. New Coinmercial and indusErial $90.00 OTHL12 BiJTLDENG COAE FEFS Annual Pcrmit Annual Spokane Valley l3uilding Permits used to: 1) maintain equipment or buildings, 2) conslruct or remodel small areas of assembly occupancies, or 3) install tents or meinbranc structures may be available depending upon tlie determination of the valuation of wrork madc by tiie Spokane Vai.ley IIuilding Official. Ceirtain record kceping aild insgec:tion responsibilities shall be cstablished in a site specific Spokanc Valley t3nnual Permit Agreeuient. Appruaeh Pcrmit $50.00 Deinolition PermiY , Single Family Residence $44.00 Cnmmercial buildings $125.00 - Garage or access4ry building assoeiated with a residence $20.00 or commercial building Septie eank ar underground flammable tank associated tvith $10.00 Each a resicience or commercial huilding E.irly Start Agrecments (Foundations) 25°/u Of bldg permit fee R.esoltrtion 06-001 Pagc 10 of 20 ..,1 . - _ / Right-of-Way Obstruction Permit $70.00 . Sign Fees Fees collected 1'Qr a sign pertnit and a plxns check fee for signs erectcd in accordance with ttie Sign Code. The below Fee plus the WS13CC fiee of S4.50. Signs mnunted on buildings $45.00 Sign and pole mounting $65.00 Teniporary Certiticate of Occupancy $50.00 Washington State Buildivg Code Council (W.S.B.C.C.) Surchxrge A flat fee of $4.50 will bc collected oci each perrnit fnr appro<<ed plans or aiiy olhcr perniil that is issued in accordance with the Spokaue Vallcy Building Code_ EXCEPT: For multi-familp pr.ujects; the fee is $4.50 fAr the ficst living usiit and $2.00 fUr cach additional unit. Thc City Finance Depariment will forward this Pee to the WSI3CC on a quarterly basis. OTFllN. NITSCELLAiNEOUS Ff?IaS A. For City pcrsonnel I) Hourly rale set for City Employees (unless $$58.00 othEnvisc specified) , 2) pvcrtune charges 1.5 times regular rate B. 1-iow•1y rate for contractcd services Set according co contract rate C. T-Tourly ratc for special called inspections $S58.00 D. ivlabile home location peinul and uispection 1) Tempqrary mobile home $60.00 2) Manufactured home inspcction, per scction $50.00 E. House Moving Pee 1) Class I, II, and IlI -Mo ving perm_it $60.00 Z) Class T, TT, and III -lnspcction fee $60:00. $~3) Class IV (if already permitteci by Spokane S-0- . County or Spokane Cily) * Plus baa•enieni/crawlspace valaruiion permit fee **Plus $5$.00 per hr>i.cr ufter !he 1 S` hour, ayul S.50 per n2ile if the huilcling tv he moved intv the City is outside the City lirrrits Resolution 06-001 Page 11 of 20 F. Minimiun Hpusing Inspection fee $55.00 Flus $58.00 psr hour after 1 ' hour G. Work on any structure nr building without a pennit if a Spokatlc Valley Permit is required: 1) Nliiumum investigaCive i.cispection fee $55.00 2) 'fotal investigative fee to be equal to the pcrmit fee (letermined for the value of the ille5al Nvork acco►nplished H. Special inspections (requested by owner or tenant) -I ) Fire, wind, mud slide or flood damage $60.00 2) Day Care $60.00 3) Nursing Homes, hospitals, et al $60.00 Plus S58.00 per haur after 1 st hour 4) SpecialOccupancies $60.00 I. Lxcess inspeclions for a given projECt created by tlie S$58.00 Per inspection or re- cleveloper, owner or contractor inspection J. Conciomi.nium conversion plans reviexv/iiispection fee Based on value of project and bldg code valuation K. Terliporary tents, cariopiES, and air supported structures ior puhlic use; inclusivc of all tents ' for a single event. It does not apply tp tents less than 200 sq. ft.; canopies less than 400 sq ft, cfunping tenCS, or to tents used for private, non-commercial events. ' l) Plans check f ee $13.00 2) Basic permit fee $60.00 ' L. Enclosing an existing dcck or patio 1) Plans check fee 40% Of the basic fee for plans e:xamination 2) Ba.sic perniit fee Bssed on value oF project; minimum $3,000 M. Swimming pools (Over 5,000 ballans) $50.00 Plus plumbing Cees . N. 17<:-raof Permit: Fee based on ttle value of the-project. No plan review fee will be charged unless plans are submilted for review. 0. Change af Use or Oecupancy Classification perrnit $47.00 P. Towers, elevated tanks, anten.nas $ased on value of - project BUlIfI)ING CUDE FFF R.rYCTNII POLICY No Permit Fee refiuid is al.lowed once the work has been starled. If a refitnd is cequesletl, the request shall bc addresseci tn the Btulding 0fficial in ~vTiting, aiid shall be received at the Spokaiie Valley Permit Center ,Nztlun 180 dayS of the date of issuancc of the pennit. Any fee refund request rcccived after 130 days of the datc qf permit issuance shall be denied. Any refund approved shall bc limited l0 80% of the total Pcrmit Fee paid. 12efunds shall be limited to Building, Plumbing and vlechanical Pennit fees paid to the City of Spokane Valley. . J Rcsolution 06-001 Page 12 oF20 i . ' Schedule C - F:UF2E COnE Fll`tL ALARM, SPI217VKLl1Ft AN7) d 1 HEl't PROTEC'CION SYSFI'EMS Platis check and review fees; inspcctions; and permit for inslallation of separate fire alarm system or sprinkler system applications, and other fire protection systems. , l+ire Atarm Systern A. Gornmerciat - permit, plans check and inspection Rased on valuc of system B. k2,esidential 1) A(1 zoncs $40.00 Yermit .f.ee $35.00 Sprinkler Systems A. Ienant i.rnprovements 1) Less thaal 10 he.ads $65.00 2) 11 or iliare lieacls $85.00 13- Netv syster.ns 1) Corrunercial - pemlit, plans cheek And 13ased nn value of inspection. system 2) Residential . $60.00 Eaeh riser, plus $1.10 ~ per plug/hcad Other Protection Systems A. F'ir.e extinguisliuig systenn (otller than spriA- lers) $50.00 Plus $1.50 per noc-r.le B. Slandpipe installation 1) Class i ancl Class 11 $78.00 , Class LLI $70,00 . C. Fire pump installation $55.00 D. Emergency or sCandby cqnunei•cial power benerators $55.00 iastallation E. Flciunmable and co►nbustible liquids storage tanks inStallatiqn i) a. UndergrOund, 1 st tank $55.00 b. Phis each additional tank on saine site $35.50 1. Above grou-nd tank $55,00 b. Plus each additioual tank on sauie site $35.00 3) An.nual permit fee for storage $30.00 F. Ita:cardous materials storage tajilcs installation Pe,• tank Less tha.u 500 gallons :$75.00 500 - I,199 gallons $104.00 3) 1,200 galJons or more $147.00 Res0lc16011 06-001 Page 13 of 20 G. Liqucf ed petroleum tan.ks installation Per tank . 1) i,ess than 500 gallons $84.00 2) 500 - 9,999 gallons $104.00 3) 10,000 gallons or more $147.00 . H. Gaseous oxygen systems installation 1) l..ess than 6,000 cubic feet $78.00 2} 6,000 - 11,999 cubic feet $90.00 3) 12,000 cubic feet ar morc $11$.00 I. NitTOUS systems installation $95.00 Plus S 12_00 each outlet J. Medical gas systems uistallaticm 1) Gascous systeTtl $94.00 Plus $12.00 each outlet 2) Liqucfiecl systein $95.00 Plus $12.00 eac;h outlet K. IIazardous material recycling s}~stcm installakion 1) 110 gallons or less per day ca.paciry $95.00 2) viore than 110 gal.lons per day capacity $117.00 L. Vapor rccovery system installation 1'er tank 1) Phase 1- tank kruck and tank $90.00 2) Phase I[ -vehicle Fueled and tank $115.00 M. Cryogenic tank i.nstallation . 1) rirst tanlc $95.00 . 2) Each additional taaik on same site $35.00 . N. Rernc>val, abandonrnenl, or 1ny combination thereof, , nfflacrunable ar combustible liquid storage t:anks 1) First tank (commercial) $$4.00 Z) Lach additional tank on t:he samc site $47.50 (com.mercial) 3) Contractor's pernnit for removal or. $75.00 - abandonnient of residential under-grnund fuel ta,ciks O. rire Department fee for inspections and follow up. ror initial inspection, plans check ancl follow up inspectinns as called for in the Fire Code and perforrnccl by che fire department,_the fire department will be paid 65% of t.he fee collectetl for the per►r►it.'I'Ilis paymerit will be paid quarterly. ; Itesolution 06-001 Page 14 of 20 FIur rAt,sE aLARnz rEEs The folloNving fees are set f'or repcated malliulctioning i"alsc alarms in a given. six-montli period. Eirst alarm Nocharge Second ala.rm ' $30.00 Third aliirm $70.00 Fourth alann $120.00 Fifth ancl subsequenC alarms - Require a hired fre walch 1+ iILCWORKS Public display fee$ $100.00 iaximum per IZCN 70.77 . *filso requires a perforirrusice bond or cash deposit nf $SOO.OOJnr. clecrn up purpnses arid a liability iirsurance policy of Sl,000,000.00. Pi,,AV5 MLCK AND KLVT_FVV BY T1M RUREA[1 OF FiRE PKLVF.NTIUv A. New conimercial plans eheck and inspection (for projects $40.00 not mentioneci clsewhere) r~ . B. Eire watch servire ' $140.00 3 hour min. plus . ' hourlv t.hereafter C. Haurly rate $47.00 r D. Aft-er hour inspectinns, plfuis review, consultations for 1.5 times rcgular rate projects that do nol rec{uire a permit, and other special serviees , . Rcsolution 06-001 Page 15 of20 Scheclule D - PA:17:KS & RFCREATION .A17n9'rnTISTKATTVE FEES Basic fees to be considered when applyinj r.atcs Administrative Fee ' $30.00 Refuse Fee $50.00 AQUA"1'ICS T'ool sdmission (age 5 and under) free Pool aclmission (age oider tttan S) $1.00 Pool punch pass (25 swims) $20.00 Wcekend family discount I child *under 13 free with paying adult Rcservation (less than SO penple) 00.00 Per t►our* Poacl fee (if applicable) $25.00 Re,scrvation (50- 100 people) • $125.00 Per hour* Focid fee (if apnlietible) $50.00 Rescrvation (101 - 150 people) $150.00 1'er hour* Footl fee (if applicable) .~'u75.0U *Minimtcnt 2 liours ALCOHOLIC BFVERAGF FElZA7IT Alcoholic BeverafJe Permit Fee $10.00 CENTLKPLACE Conference Center Wing AuditoriuiTi $75.00 Per hour - .AuClitorium S4S0.00 Per day Auditorium $225.00 Pcr half day A_uditoriurn w/1'resentation System $50.00 f''er hour 4uditorium w/Presentation System S300.00 Per day Auditorium -vv/Presentation Sysl'em $150.00 Per half day Auditorium Taeposit $50.00 T'secutive ConPerence Room $50.00 f'er hour • Executive Cnnference Room [aepasit $SOAO Meeting Roorn (Day R Fvcning Use) $40.00 Per haur Mestiiia Room. $250.00 Per day MeetinS ltoom $125.00 Per half day Mceting Room 17eposit $50.00 Resolution 06-001 Page 16 of 20 C.reat .lloom Kitchen w/Taining Room Rental $100.00 Per use ' Kitchen - Commcrcial Use (2 hour itiin.) $50.00 Per hour K.itchen DeposiC $50.00 Multi-Use.IBanquet Hall $100.00 Per hour titulti=Usefflanquet I-Iall $800.00 9 hr session l~~iulti-Use/i3anquet f•lall $1,500.00 All day (6am-lam) Small 17ining Area $50.00 Per hour Dcposit $200.00 Stage $20.00 Per section per day Table Settings (linens & tableware) S2A0 Per place setting Senior Center `Vinti L.ounge with Dance Floor $100.00 Per hour . Lounge vvith Dance Floor $800.00 Per day Lnunge Deposit $200.00 Meeting lioorn (Evening Use) $40.00 Per hnur [vleeting Room (Evening Use) $125.00 4 hr session " ivfeetina Roan (W~ekei,d use) $250.00 Per day Meetino Room (Weekenci Use) $125.00 Per half day Meeting Ronm laeposit $50.00 C'rivate Dining Room $50.00 Per hour Private Iaining Room Ueposit $50.00 Wellness Center $100.00 Per Ilour Nlisccllaneous Cleajiup fee $50-300 Per event FTosdHostess (lfter hours) $15.00 Per hour Presentit:ion SysCem (iucludes projeetqr/podiuml $250.00 Per day - DVllNCR/sound system/camera system) Room Sefup $25.00 Per hour S3telliCe Video Conferencing $250.00 Per hour Sound S}'stenl $40.00 Per day Technivsl Support $40.00 Per hour 'I'elevisionNCR $75.00 Per day Touch Pacl Voting System $115.00 ]3a..se station per clay I 5.00 Per keypad per clay (~.VENTS - includes Pavilion Lverits include but are not limitcd tv activities such as car shows, totirnaments aiici activilies involviilg 200 or rnore people. The T)irector oP Park:s and Recreation evill malcc the final detcrmi nation. Gcneral Fee $150.00 Nqn-profit applications $30.00 Or free with sponsorship* , *.4pplicatior7s for joint sponsarsyiip with the City of Spokane Yalley tivill be coyrsidered hy the `SpokuneYalleyl''aYki•Ueparlnzent. Resolucion 06-001 E'age 17 of 20 FIELU RFNTAL . , Use Fee $25.00 r irst hour plus $15 each additional hour IiNDOUR USE Open gym aclmission $2.00 Playground prngam admission (10 entries) $20.00 v1I12A13EAU Mirabeau SPrings Small shelter and waterfall $150.00 Maximum 4 hours ltefundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Mirabeau Meadows Shcli;er (less than 200 penple) $80.00 Shelter (200 or more people) $150.00 Refundable deposit (less dian 200 people) $50.00 ' Refundable cleposit (200 Ar more people) $250.00 YICNIC SHEL`l'ERS Picnic Shelter (less than 200 people) $30.00 Ficnic Shelter (200 or more penple) $150.00 Refuuidable depnsit (less than 200 people) $50.00 . Refiindable deposit (200 ar more people) ~ $250.00 PROFESSIONAL PHO 1'UGRAPIIY Perniit ree $25.00 tlnnual RrCRL+"ATIQN Recreation program fees are set to recover costs as specif.ied in the Parks and Recreation revcnue policy. VALLEY iVII.SSION ARFYA • Rental& $100.00 l'er weekend Refundable deposit SSO.Oq *Renter resportsible for on-site preparation. Rental requires liuhility insurunce. Resolut:ion 06-00 l Pa3e 18 of 20 Sclieciule E - A IaVi, .T~TISTRATNE COPX FELS Co>>y of audin tapes, viden tapes, photos, maps or other At cost records needi►ie eeproduction Copy of written records $0.15 Per page Copy of'full document~s At cos[ QTHL+"lt ADMTNISTIL4TTVT T'LLS NSI'' Check $25.00 ~ ~ . Resolution 06-001 Page 19 of 20 Schedule F - OfiHER FEES ADi.Ti.l' ENTFRTA]1~AftNT FFES Lstablishment T.,icense5 Live Adult EntertainmenC . $1,500.00 Adult Arcade $1,500.00 Other Aclult Entertsiinment llicenses Adult Arcade Device License S 150.0U Manager License - $150.00 Fntertainer T icense $150.00 Late License Fee - Charged in acldifion to license fcc. Percent of Past llue Calendar Days License Fee 7-a0 25"/0 31 - 60 50% 61 and over . 75% BUSTiNFSS IiE, GiSTiZATION FEFS Business rebistration $13 cach year -Nonprofit registration $ 3 eaeh year SECURITY FALSF ALARNi FEES Repeated malfiinctioning security false alarms in a given six-month periad. First alarm No charge Second alarm $30.00 Third alai7n $70.00 Fourch and subsequent alarms $120.00 STOYtM WATE17 UT1T.;1TY CN.A1tGE ON DrVF1:1dPCD PARCri.,S Each single-family unit each year 20.00 All other properCies each year 20.00 1'er 3,160 square feet of i.mpervious surface lOW OPETtATOR AlVNUAl, R.FGISI'RATION FarE $100.00 OVERSTZ-FQ LOAD PEI21VI1'!' rFE $25.00 Resolution 06-001 Page 20 oF 20 Draft A7]NiJTES City ofSpokune Vallcy City Council 12egular Meexing Tucsday, January 10, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone Co the $3`d meeting. Attentlance: C[ty Staff.• Diana Wilhite, Ntayor I7ave Ivtercier, City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Viayor Nina ftegor, Deputy City Manager 17iek Denenny, Councilrriember Mike CAnnelly, City attorney M1k0 DBVIEITIItIa, COUt1CII111EITlbe1' • MlkE .IICICSOII, Parks Rr 1Zecreation Director 13i11 Gothm<2nn; Councilmember Cal Walker, Police Chief Gary SchimmEls, Councilrnember Ken "lhompson, Finance i7irector Neil Kersten, l'ublic Works Director Carolbelle 13ranch, f'ublic Information OfPicer Chris Bainbridge, City Cletk Absent: liich Munson, Councilmember TNVUCATTQY: t'ast:or Niarcia Taylor from Fast Valle}' PresbytErian ChurCh, gave the invocation. PLFDGL OF Ai •LLGTANCC Mayor Wilhite led the Pleclge of Allegiance. 1tO.T..T, Ct1LL Ciry Clerk 13ainbridge called roll; all present excepC Councilmember A4unson. It ivas nrnved by Councilniemher 17enerury, secanded, arrd unaminrously agreed t0 &YCUSe Councilntenrber Mrnrsan jrona toriight's meecing. 1 APPl:tOVAL OF AGENDA It was mavecl Gy Ueputv A9cryor Tu}jlor, secontled by Caiuicilnrember Cal6rnurnn, rn1d zurr.rni»notuly crgreed do apprpve tlie agenda. .TYTRODUGTION OF SI'ECIAT, GUESTS AND P1IESF\`TATCONS CQA'1N11f"1'FE. BbA:ftn. LIAISON SiJNM'lARY REPO:RTS Councilmember Schimmel5: reporteci that he atten(led the LighC Rail Steering Committec meeting last wcek where t:hey,discussed the mocle of presenting an Environmental Impact Statement to the public. Councilmernber Denerinv: explained that he atfended an Executive t`7eeting for Spokacie Regional T-[ealtll Dish'ict, and af tlle ❑ext rc;gular i1ieQting on tlie 26th; Dr. "1'honiburn will give a presen[ition on thC State of Heallh of the area. Deputv lvt.avc>r Tavlor: said that he attended Libeil:y Lake's Stal.e of the City address this afternoon. Council►nember GocMniaiin: stated that he attended the swearing in ceremony of Spokane Ma}ror I-[ession; he repnrtecf on the st<ttus of CDF.iG (Community Development Block Grant) fi►nds widi $1.8 million uvailable t.his ycar and $3.9 million in requests, and that the advisory• cotnrnittee is evaluating 47 applications with lhe hope of making a. decision Jttnuary 19; Chat he visit'ecl 3$COI'E station and • disaassed the methods of reporting crime vi<i 911, or a number of phone numbers which are locdtecl in the frant of the lacal c.urrent telephone baok; and thal he also attencled the Libert}r Lake Statc of the City address. , Councilmember DeVleminQ: repoited that the Studenc Advisory Council (SAC) might be releasuig a public service annouricement on television soon reoarding guns and schools; that today «°as the official hand-off of the Community Christiiias tree io ttie Valley Rotary Club; attd that last tii~lit he, It~ayor Wilhite, and CounciLmcnnber Denenny attended the fareNvell for Colonel Hattson at Fai.rchild Air Force - ; f3ase. ' Council R4eeting: 0I-10-06 Page 1 of3 Approved by Council: 17raft MAYOR'S REPQR'(': Mayor Williitc repoirted that she atiended the T iberty Lake State of the City address; the swearing in ceremony qf Spokane Mayor Hession; and as stated above, the fare«<ell for Colonel Ftanson. . PUBI:tIC COiViNIT.N'15 Mayor Williite invited public comments; no comments were offered. 1. CONSEN1' AGE.NllA Consists of items considered routine whicli are approved as agroup. r1 Councilrnemtier may remove an item from the Consent Agcnda to be considercd separatcly. ii. Following claim vouchers: VOUCHER L1ST DA`I`E I VOi.7CHEi2 #s I TOTAL VOUCI-.ER AMQUN'I ~ 12-09-2005 I 8168-82 ] 6 ~ $155,821.04 ~ 12-17-2005 8223-8259 I $127,447.44 ~ 12-27-2005 8260-3304 ~ $1,811,711.96 ~ 12-30-2005 1 8305-5338 ~ $159,039.10 ~ GFt.AND TOTAL I ~ $2,254,019.54 ~ b. Payroll for Pay Period Fnciing December] 5, 2005: $143,187.74 c. Payroll for Pay Pcriad Eiiding December 31, 2005: $202,785.78 d. Approval of Special Council Meeting of December 12; 2005 e. Approval of IVlinutes of Reg.tlar Council Uleeting of T)ecember 13, 2005 f. Elpproval of ARiniates of Speeial Council Meeti.ng of December 19, 2005 g. Approval of Nlinutes of Council Study Session Meeting of TJecember 20, 2005 h. Approval of Ivtinutes of'Cowlci! :Sttidy Session Meeting of January 3, 2006 . It ivus mvved by Coinrcilmenzber DeVlemirig, seconded, and uuanimously agreed to uppro►,e the Consent . Agertda crs listed. 1VEW IBUS.nrESS 2. vlotion Consideration: School Resource Position (East Vallev School Taist.rict) - Cal jValker Police Chief Walker ex.plained t:hat per Coumcil direction, hc invited the Board of County Commissians to equally split the cost of'the school resourcc position with the Cicy of Spokane Valley; and after discussion and questions, the Cammissioners made a counteroffer chat they Would pay fitll costs for one y.e<1r for that FTF, if the City of Spokane Vallcy would pay for that person thereafter. Chief 'Aralkcr mentioned that the projeci has been in esistence for approaimately ten ycars; that it is possible to gct some granc assista.nce for the position f:unding; that the SChool District would pay $15,000; atld that the positlon is a fiill time position. Chief Walker also distribueed copies nf the "Stateittent of Purpnse" eYplaining the mission statement, job tlescription, and qualifications of the School R.esource Tacputy. After council discussinnof" the fiinding aspects; and men[ion by several councilmembers of t:heir disappointmenl with the County , Commissioners' prdposal; il was nzoved by Cauncr/menrber Gotfinicmrt, untl seconded by Councilrnember Denenny, tl7at lhey ('ihe Courr'ry Cominrssioners] puy the frrsl year and we (thE City ojSpokarte YalleyJ pay afler that (for• tlze fast Valley Sclrool Distrrct School Ravurce Position]. Mr. Mercier stated diat if this motion passed, no cost would be incurrcd for the Frst year and thus no need for an amended budget. Mayor Williitc i.nvited public comment; no canments were offered. Vote by Acclumation: Iri Pcrvor: 11frryor .Wilhite, und C'oirncilmenrGers Sclai»7mels, Detrenny, CTotJzirlartn, attd DeVleming. Oppoced: Deputy Mayor Tuylor. llbstentiotzs: lUnne. Motion carried PU'13I..iC CCaM1VI;NTS Mayor Wilhite invited public cornments; no comment's were ofFered. Council ~~lecting: 01-10-06 Pagc 2 of3 Approveti by Council: . l7raft nnMINIsTuAi'1VE 1ZEYORTS: 3. Amendecl Fee Resoluiion Undate - Ken Thomrason Fintinee Tairector Thompson explained that the fee resnltrtion proposes no substaneive ctiauges, but only the three proposed changes listed on the K.CA: add back a $SS per hour charge for City employees working on proposed prnjecC as the charge was inadvert:ently deleted; change a scntence under "Plans Review F'ees" Ca delete the first sentenee as that sentence is stated in later paragraphs; aaxl uucler "Si:nict:ural Code" to change the wording to "available in November of each year." 1\4r. Thornpson stated . that these cha.nges represent no significant affect on revenue or cost Ca anyone using our services, and sta(Y' recommends approval of the rc:solutiQn. [t was council consensus to place this Resolution on the next council consene agenda. 4. Enforcement Process (inCludin« HearinR Examiner ornvisions) - Mike Connellv City Attorney Connelly explainecl previous cowicil action taken regarding passage of various ordinaiices relating to enrorcerncnt and the authnrity of t_he kicaring examiner; antf cxplained his suggestions Por changes to the ordinances to adclress unresolved or undefined elemer►ts of'the compliance ordinances, and that same changes .jre tecFinicsl in order to ma.ke the orctinance consistent internally 3nd with prior law. Mr. Connelly explained ihaf these ordinances will be slated for public I1CaPIt1aS before the Planning Commission, and then eome blck for council consicleration. 5. Off-Road Vehicle Use - Carv lariskell City Attorney Connelly, standing in fnr DepuCy City .Attorney 17riskell, e:rplairaed that the proposal addresses riding of off=road <<ehicles far recreacional purposes, in the Gity Iiinits; and the various znning elassifications, if aji_y, Council may Nvant to prohibit for sueh use. Mr. Connell}r explained thal numerous complaints have been rcceived from various residences tlue to persistent use af off road vehicles in lots and people's backyards; whicll use those neighbors deemed offensive. Attorney Connelly also recommended Council consicier sucli violation of the proposea legislation, ss a misdemeanor crime. Tt Nvas Council consensus that this issue be brough[ bcforc the Planning Conunission as a public hearing, , nnd afterwards brought back ncforc Council for fiirther ennsideratiAn. Regarding code violat.ions, Councilrnembcr De.nenny espressed a desire to have a presentation scheduled to hear a general update cortcerning code compliance. 6. Citv Recreation Proi;u-am Upd.ate - Mikc Jacksqn 1'arks and Recreation Tairector Jackson discussed the previous recreation progranis ttnd Mated that the programs have heen held at status quo clurina t:he development of the Parks anc! Reereation MasterPlvr, and that the Plan is currently undergoing a SrPA revie«<, with fiiture presentation to Council scheduled for March. After Mr. .Tacks4n's PoNverPoint presentation, he staCecl t.hat staff recommends recruiting to fill the recendy vaeatetl position of Recreation Coordinatnr, so that thcrc will be available staff t•o impletnent and oversee the year-raund pro€ramming. There.«<as no objectinn.to thatrccomrnendation. In other issues, Niayor Wilhite reminded everyonc of the Thirsda_y night meeting for Council to deliberate on the Comprehensive 1'lari, T ancl Use Chaptei; and of the upeoming Jariuary 23 meeting with the Central Valley School District to discuss iheir capital 1'acilitie5 plan. It wus movetl6y CouncilmemGer Ueillerriing secarrdecl by Cotu7cilnreulber.Deyienny, rn1d urranimuusly agreetl to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m. ' ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor ~ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting: 0 1-10-0 6 Page 3 of 3 'Approved by Council: Dra h M]NUTES - City of Spokane Valley City Cctiuneil Special Meeting Spokaoe Valley City Hall 11.707 C±~. Sprxgue Ave., 2°d 1+"lour Conference Room Tharsdsy, Jstnuary 12, 2006 ' Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m., and welcomed everyone tn the special meeting Attendance: City S'taff Diana Wilhitc, Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Ivfayor Cary llriskell, Deputy City rlftorney Dick Denenny, Councilmember Greg tiicCorrnick, T'lanning M.ansger Mike lleVleming, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Bill Cioihmann, Councilmember Greg "13ing" Bingarnan, IT Specialist Rich btunson, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Gary Schimrnels, Councilmemher Othcis: 2 citizens; Peter Barnes, Spokesman Review R(7LL CALL: City Cle-rk Bainbridge caUcd roll; all Couneilmernbers were present. COMPI2L1iENSTVE Pi,,AN llLLML1tA.TT.O\7: Council began dcliberation on page 39 with Goal T UG-11. Council discussed some goals and policies and did not cfiscuss others where lhey had no comments or subaested c}Ianges. -Even xfter lengthy discussion, Couneil chose not io make any changes to ~ several gOaIs and policies; and therefore, only those goals and policies with recommended changes are noted Uelow. Couneil discussion of the Land Use Map is schedulecl for Council's 1`uesday, January 17, 2006 study session. '1 here cvas council consensus for the following changes: :I.,TJF' ,11.4: Modify as follows: "Retail outlets shall be allowed for industsial husinc.sses that manufacture aitd asscmble pro(luc~s qn-site." It was clecided that Deputy CiCy Attorne), Driskell and Plar►ning ►Vfanager McCormick woulc! resea.rcti the "assembly" issue Further. LUl'-12.2: Vlodify as f.ollows: "Light industry flrea,,s shall include li(Otting, sidewalks; bike lanes and lanclscaping to provide a safe ancl attractive working environmeni." Added policy: LUP 1.2.3: Retail outlcts shall be allmved for indust'rial busiiiessc.s that manufacture and nssemble pro[lucts nn-site. LUG 14 fiVnte.• rriimbering= sequence hn.c error afler LUP 14.2 - mis.sing LUP 14.3 tmcl LUP 19.4; it 1va.s also suggestEd to svvrtch I,UI' 19.2 ivith LUP 19.5 so that the regulations ar•e Irsted frrst, follvwed by ihe . clesrgnated aestheric corviclors._J - L,TJP 14.2 Aesthetie corridors shall be located along the following routes: • State Route 27: change to read as follows: The fqllowing sections of State Route 27: (a) SR 27 frorn 16"' Avenue Snuth; (b) SR 27 frorri Mansfield to Trent • • Appleway I3oulevard (souili side from Park to Dishman =Vlica) [ok as writtenJ ; • Miriibeiiu Parkw3y, Pines to Indian:t Dishman viica .Road from $'t' Avenue, south to City Limits [ok as is) • 32°d Avenue within City Limits [acided] . Cotmci_l iMeeiin~: 01-12-06 ' P9~e 1 uf2 Approved by Council: Draft • Apqlewav from 13arker to HodRes [aclcled] , • Indiana from SIZ27 to Flora 12oad: discussion will resumc on this route at the next meeting (3 councilmembers wanted to leave tliis in; 3 councilmembers wanted to strike this route; and Mayor Wilhite wanted to Uike another drive to the area in quest:ion befoee she decided.) Li7P 1.4.6: Delete i..UP 14.8 Re-word as: "Establish a cap and replace system for billboards." LOC 16: Modify as follows: "Provide for awel,"eafcesteEl-street system that connects neighborhoods ~ ~i-ffi~. ead-en and de-sAe-stFeets.:" LUP 16.1: Keep first sentence, deleee second: Encourage new developments, inclucling multifamily projects; to be arrangect in a pattern ot' connecting streets and blocks to allow people to get around easily by foot, bieycle, bus or car. 6ul do saes e;-r,I 3er-elesed-stlreetr- systeiiis-m y-be-AppFegFia~der-ceFtai* E+~~~~aE~ses-~s~tt~tO~~irRtte---£9; i:Opogr~-6Etter--pl- ys+s-~t+c-H--~~~k$ LUY 16.3: Modify as follows: "Reyuire adequate emergency cvacuation routes prior to approving new . clevelopment or re-clevelopment." Gouncil concurred to accept thc OfCce Goals & Policies LUG-8 re<<isians memorandum dated 12/13105, with ehe noted change of adding the previously approvecl verbiage "arca li};hting" after the word "landscaping" to LUI' 82. ' in preparation for future mcetings; Councilmember 17enenny asked that as councilmembers eeview che maps, to specifically consider the land use designatioris as lhey extend frorn the intersections. There being no fijrthcr business, the meeting wa,.s adjourned at 8:25 p.m, Diana Wilhite, Mavor A'[IEST: Cliristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Vleeting: 01-12-06 Page 2 oP2 Approvcd by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation . AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading: An ordinance extending the UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Interim Zoning for a second six months in the Ponderosa and Rotchford Neighborhoods and amending the findings of fact and work plan. GOVERNING LEGISL'ATION: RCW 35A.63.220, Spokane Valley Ordinance 05-025 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance No. 04-035 extending the Interim Zoning for an additional six months by Ordinance No. 05-025 adopted on September 27, 2005 as an emergency measure. BACKGROUND: A moratorium or interim zoning ordinance may be renewed for one or more six-month periods if a public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal. The Interim UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Zoning was originally effective on September 8, 2004. A renewal of six months was authorized as an emergency measure on September 27, 2005, expiring on-March 6, 2006. The updated work plan had anticipated completion of the Comprehensive Plan prior to this date. The following work is not expected to be complete until after that date: • Approval of regulations implementing the Comprehensive Plan. . • Revision of floodplain maps for Saltese Creek by FEMA. • Finalization of stream reclassification by the Department of Natural Resources. • The resolution of the wastewater capacity issue resulting from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study by the Department of Ecology and the Environmental protection Agency (EPA) remains incomplete. OPTIONS: Establish UR-1 Urban Residential Estafe as permanent zoning, approve the extension following a public hearing, deny fhe extension. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Nonz required. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. . STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: -Draft ordinance, Findings of Fact, Amended Workplan . , , CITY QT' SFOK.ANE VALL,EY ` SPOKANE COU\`?Y, WASHIITGTOiv ORI)LVANCE NU. OC- a~~T oRDlivaNcE or Tr_: clTY oF sPOKANr va-LLFY, Was11IvGrOv, EXT.ENI).ING THE U12BAN RFSTDE\`17A.L ESTATE (UR-1.) INTEXZTM %ON'1NG AUTAQR17,En 13Y (7RDIENA\`CT \'Q. 04-035 FOR AN ADDITIQNAI.. S.1X MUNTI3S BT:YQNI) TFiC SECUND EXTF\TSTOiY Al'Y.KOVLll BY ORDINANCk: Na 05-025 IN TFUF kONDEROSA AiND KOTCFI.I±ORI) A1tLAS; }1A'IFIVDTNG THE F1NDII7CS pF FACT AND «'O1tKl'Y.,r1N. WHE1tEAS; "I'he Cr~~Nvth Manabement Act provides that 9ll zoning regulations be consistene with an adoptcct Comprehensive Plan (.R.CW 35t\.63.105); and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.63.220 nrovides for establishment of intcrim znoing for up to nne ycar following a public hearing whcre a~~Vc~rk plan is develoqed for relaeed studies; and IMUREr1S; the interini zoning may be extended for ane or more six-month periods if a subsequent public hea-ing is held and findings of fact are made I~rior to cach renewal; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Cnmprehensive Plan is not yet complete; WC1ERf AS, various shidies requirecl to camplete the analysis of the environmcntal impacts f l~ reinain incomplete; aiid _ .NVHE[tEAS, dhe neigt►borhonds desiee to continue the Interim 7oning until such time as Cul) analysis has been c.UrnpleCed; and WI-[LRrA.S, Ordinance No. 05-025 extended the intcrim zoning for a periqd of six months until- Marcli 6, 2006; WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on January 24, 2046 and approve(i revised the rindings of raet iuid Workplan; and NOW, TI-I:I;RLFORE; the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, `Vashington, ordains as follows: Section .1. °L'he Lrterint Urk)an .F'tesidcntial ESt'ate (UK-1) Zoning is hereby extended for an additional six monCh period within t:he original boundaries and suUject to thc regulations set fort:h in Spokane Valley Urdinance No. 04-035. SecEion 2. . Seve.rabilitv. lf any section, sentence, clausc or phrase of this ordinance shall be Field to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of compecent jurisdiction, sueh invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect thc validity or constitutionality of any othcr section, sentencc, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4. Effective Date This Ordinance sMall be in full foree and effect five days after publicatinn of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in che official newspaper of the City-as provided by law. Ordinancc 06-_. Eatending UR-1 Page 1'of2 ' PASSED by thc City Council this day of F'ebruary, 2006. Vlayor, Diana VVilhite • A1"TEST: ' . Ciry Clerk, Christine Bainbridge . Approved as to Form: OCfice of the Ciry All:orney 17a1e of Publication: I:.ffective Date: Ordinance 06-_. Extending IJTtrI Page 2 of2 . ' : : `r • : , : ' ' ~ DEPARTMENT OF:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' . ~ i f 5'` ..k ~ • . CITY OF-I t~ ~T ? I~NDINGS.OF FAGT 3poKane ~ ~ ' . -;R~EV~sEDJAN.UARY'24; -200.6. . . y r:; SECOND~EXTENSIONr^OF INTERIM~URBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE:.. alle ZONING FQR,SIX'MONTHS ~ • . . . , .c . . . r5:~' a.;r STAFF REPORT DATE: JanUafy 24, 2006 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Extension of interim zoning controls to (imit residential densities for a period of six months, and to continue practice of allowing the keeping of large animals on residential lots. PROPOSaL LocATIoN: Portions of 4he Ponderosa and Rotchford residential subdivisions. PREPARED BY: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Spokane Valley Community Development Dept. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION . PROPERTY INFORMATION: ~Ponderosa: Located adjacent to Browne's Mountain on the southern edge of Cha'ract&istics~: the City, neighboring the Dishman Natural Area on the northwest and the Iller . Conservation area on the south. Fully developed single-family residential lots generally exceeding one acre in size, served by local access and residential collectors. Limited access to municipal wastewater c411ection system. Terrain hilly with intermittent streams feeding Chester Creek. Portion of the subdivision located within the 100-year floodplain. Large stands of native Ponderosa pines. Abuts a closed landfill. Platted in phases between 1964 and 1992. . : x . : , . ' Rotchford: Located on the eastern edge of the City. Fully developed single- . family residential lots generally exceeding one acre in size, served by local . access and residential collectors. No access to municipal wastewater . :collection system. Rolling terrain abutting steep hills with drainage into Saltese Creek. Saltese Creek is located wifhin the 100-year floodplain. . Platted in 1974. Both subdivisions were originally platted as residential subdivisions designed • for the keeping of a limited number of horses. SURROUPIDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN & ZONING . . ~Subject, Comprehensive Plan - Low Density Residential . Proqerties:: <; • Zoning - Interim UR-1 Residential Estate , . i . Przservalion of Existing ResicSentlal Subdivisions (UR-1 Inte(m Zoning) FINDItJGS Revised February 24, 2006 1 oi 5 II. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS INTERIM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Relevant provisions of the Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan are found in Chapter 6 (Housing) includes the Vision -"Spokane County is a community that provides the opportunity for a variety of housing types and development patterns for all incomes and lifestyles while preserving the environment and the character of existing neighborhoods." "Planninq Principles The following planning principles, developed through citizen participation efforts, form the basis for development of the Urban Land Use Chapter. • Compact urban forms should be encouraged that create a greater sense of "community," with pedestrian/bicycle-friendly settlement patterns. • Neighborhood character should be preserved and protected. • Jobs, housing, services and other activities should be within easy walking distance and shorter commute times of each other. • Communities should have a center focus that combines commercial, civic, cuftural and recreational uses. •Streets, pedestrian paths and bike paths should contribute to a systern of fully connected routes. • Communities should have a diversity of housing and job types that enable residents from a wide range of economic levels and age groups to work and reside within their boundaries. General Goals UL.1a Provide a healthful, safe and sustainable urban environment that offers a variety of opportunities for affordable housing and employment. UL.1 b Create a future rich in cultural and ethnic diversity that embraces family and community values and recognizes the interests of the whole community. Goal UL.2 Maintain and enhance the quality of life in Spokane County through urban design standards. Policies UL.2.1 Establish minimum performance standards within the zoning code for nuisances such as noise, vibration, smoke, particulate matter, odors, heat and glare and other aspects as appropriate to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and neighborhoods. UL.2.2 The design of development proposals should accommodate and complement environmental features and conditions, and preserve and protect significant cultural resources. UL.2.6 Develop urban design "guidelinesp that provide consistency of application for the design review process. The guidelines. should focus on the functional interrelationships betwzen land use, site design, neighborhood character and transportation systems. UL.2.9 Develop neighborhood, subarea and community plans with specific design standards that reflect and preserve community character. UL.2.11 Promote linkage of developments with open space, parks, natural areas and street connections. Preserva4lon o( Existing Resodential Subdivisions (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDINGS Revised February 24, 2006 • 2 oi5 UL.2.12Enhance and preserve the site characteristics of residential development (existing trees, watercourses, historic features and similar assets) through sensitive site planning tools such as clustering, lot averaging, transfer of development rights and flexible setback requirements. Goal UL.4 Encourage exemplary developments and creative design through the use of performance standards. . . Policy UL.4.1 Allow flexibility and innovative design through the use of performance standards which empfiasize outcomes. Goal H.1 Coordinate housing policies and programs with other jurisdictions, agencies and neighborhoods. H. 1.3 -"Provide opportunities for early and continuous participation of citizens and neighborhood groups in land use and community development planning processes." H. 1.5 -"Encourage the creation and continued operation and effectiveness of neighborhood associations through neighbornood and subarea planning programs. Goal H-2 Reduce regulatory barriers and allow greater flexibility in the housing development process. Policy H2.2- When developing housing regulations, consider the balance between housing affordability and environmental quality, design quality and maintenance of neighborhood character. H2.3. Develop consistent, precise, fair and enforceable regulations that maintain environmental quality and public health and safety standards, while minimizing housing development costs. Housing Policy H2.5. Provide incentives for safe and decent,housing that is in close proximity to jobs, transportation and daily activities. Goal H.3a Develop a variety of housing options for all economic groups Policy H3.2 Ensure that the design of infill development preserves the character of the neighborhood. Goal ED.Sb Promote publiclprivate partnerships that encourage innovation and creativity in the economic expansion of our region. Policy ED.5.6 Review development regulations continuously to assure clarity, consistency, predictability and direction. Provide opporfunities for citizens to initiate amendments to inconsistent, outdated, inappropriate or unnecessary or confusing regulations. Amendments shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER: Ponderosa: Low density residential designed for on-premises maintenance of a limited number of horses. Heavily wooded with rugged terrain in parts. Expansion to the northwest precluded because of the Dishman Natural Area and terrain. Over 95% of lots fully developed. Some remain vacant because of topography. Rotchford: Low density residential designed for on-premises maintenance of a limited number of horses. Terrain is relatively flat east of Sullivan Road with steep hillside limiting any easterly expansion. Equine easements provided on local streets. Subdivision is fully developed. Preservation of Existing Residentlal Su4divisions (UR-1 lnterim Zoning) FINDINGS Revised . February 24, 2006 • ' 3 oE5 Social Character: Well-organized and cohesive neighborhoods. DESIGN QUALITY: Local access and residential collectors designed to accommodate lots of approximately one acre. Single-family housing is well-maintained and designed for residential ~ privacy. A limited nurnber of large animals, especially horses is a design theme in both . neighborhoods. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established implementing regulations, performance or design standards to assure the quality of residential design to preserve neighborhood character pursuant to this Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Wastewater. Limited access to public sewer in the Ponderosa. Balance of property relies on septic systems. Rotchford Acres relies entirely on septic systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities should not be permitted absent an organized wastewater collection and treatment system. Potable Water. Ponderosa is served by Spokane County Water District #3, Rotchford by Vera Irrigation Dist. #14, both Group "A" Community Water Systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities will require adequate supply and pressure for domestic consumption and fire protection. Stormwater: the Ponderosa subdivision has intermittent streams that drain to Chester Creek. The contribution of to the rate and volume of flows from additional impervious cover resulting from re- subdivision could result in an environmental damage as yet undetermined for which mitigation would need to be establi`shed in a planned and coordinated manner. Similar concerns concerning drainage which could affect Saltese Creek. A significant stream traversing the neighborhood has been - reclassified as a Type 4 stream by the Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife. The implications of this change have not been assessed. The Federal Emergency Management , Agency proposes to release draft floodplain maps affecting Saltese Creek is mid-2006. Erodible soils: Both the Rotchford and Ponderosa subdivisions include or abut geological hazard areas which require further evaluation prior to allowing additional residential densities. , Native Vegetation/habitat: Ponderosa includes areas of wildlife critical habitat for White Tail Deer and threatened species. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established implementing regulations, per-formance or design standards to assure the continued preservation of environmental quality in outlying areas with limited public infrastructure and specific environmental conditions, such as steep slopes, intermittent flooding and highly erodible soils. . PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY: Access: Ponderosa: Property lies west of the Union Pacific Railroad with only two points of access. Additional access should be required prior to any increase in residential densities for evacuation and emergency services. The evaluation of access will be incorporated in the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan under development by the City of Spokane Valley in the Fall and Winter of 2005-2006. Animal Nlaintenance: The requirements for the maintenance and upkeep of even a limited number of large animals raises issues of compatibility resulting from noise, odor, proximity to residential structures, flies, etc.. These issues are compounded with increased residential densities and requirements for buffering for any additional residential densities may be required. Landfill: Ponderosa: The proximity of a closed landfill to an increased number of residences requires _ additional study. ' The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established implementing regulations, performance or design standards to assure continued Preservation of Existing Resodential Subdlvisions (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDIhGS Revised February 24, 2406 4 ofS compatible principal and accessory land uses within residential neighborhoods in conformance with the draft Comprehensive Plan. ;-PUBLIC NOTICE: Current property owners purchased property with notice of existing regulations pertaining to the keeping of large animals. The Short Plat process requires notice only to adjacent property owners. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POUCY ACT (SEPA): Ordinance No. 48 (effective March 31, 2003) adopted on an interim basis by reference the Spokane Environmental Ordinance (Spokane County) thereby implementing the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Chapter 197-11 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Spokane Valley. An Environmental checklist was completed and a Determination of Non-Significance was issued on April 26, 2004. Conclusions were based on the finding that a regulation preserving the status quo would have no adverse environmental impact. Conclusion(s): Permitting piecemeal increase in residential densities without the establishment of implementing regulations, performance and design standards raises serious issues related to preservation of neighborhood character and design, maintaining environmental quality, public health and safety, and the adequacy of public natice, which require additional study prior to the establishment of permanent regulation. III. DECISION The Interim UR-1 Residential Estate Zoning adopted pursuant to Spokane Valley Ordinance 04- ; 035 and extended by until March 6, 2006 pursuant to Ord9inance No. 05-025 should be extended for a second six month period pending completion of environmental review and the development of implementing regulations, performance and design standards to preserve neighborhood character, maintain environmental quality, and to*ensure the continued health, safety and welfare of the areas pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 following a public hearing before the City Council. Resolution of issues shall be accomplished in accordance with the revised Workplan attached as Exhibit"C" ~ Preservation of Existing Residential Subdlvlsions (UR-1 Inierim Zoning) FlNOINGS Revised February 24, 2006 5of5 i ~ Exhibit 'C' t) I ►R-1 Inberlm Zorting Wbrk Plan E-ebruary 24, 2006 Qv oe + w oe ID ~ ask Neme Slaff Frruvr DtNAtKY1 Mv Apr I &yy ~ Jun I,hd ~/yp I S~p 1 I IidghbOrffOOd CtltlfWt ~ 31d12006 I 91612006 ~ 2&6w 2 ~ nsim P4n 3181200G 9114~l006 26.9~r ~ i Mool 3~ OdaiQn QuilRy ~ 3181',t004 ~ 9IBI2006 ~ 130,8w EnvtrWVMtsl OuriRy + 3=2005 WW006 I 76.6w 5 I Sshese Cnsk R*1mp ~ 3f2~I005 9rd/l008 I 75.6w . e IP,ak H..wAefety ~ srenooe ~ srrlnooa ~ 2+w 7 ' H&Zwd hfft*tot+: Aoores ~ SW20oa ~ arnnooe ~ z+w 8 I PuGGc Natiae ~ 619,Q008 I 7111R007 ~ 56.71w I 9~ Regulabory R"m ~M7/Z006 ~ eMS►2006 I 21w ~ 10' Comp Pfrn Rcgs D►A ~ 3117/2006 ~ 8/tgJ2a08 I 21w , F _ (;~r~qinal Tasks New Tas+cs ~ ~ - 1 a~ p oodecoss ~ ~hiblt" _ - {Pord°n1 _ 1 ~t~lbK Rouh 1 . ~`'l ~ t' ` ~ r'~ , t _ + r . • ` I1, ~ 1~ '1 l~~~, ~I . ' _ . . f • e ~ . ~ ' , . 1/ _ _---r: : . • ~ ~ , , Spokane County Library District Spokane Valley Library Planning Update Report to the Spokane Valley City Council: January 24, 2006 Mike VVirt, Director This report has been prepared for the Spokane Valley City Council as an update on Spokane County Library District planning for replacement of the Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave., with a new and much targer facility. During the firsi half of 2004, with a joint City of Spokane Valley/Spokane County Library District advisory committee, the District oversaw research for and development of a report and recommendations on Spokane Valley library capital facilities needs. 1he resulting document, "Spokane Va11ey Library Capital Facilities: Report and Recommendations to the Spokane Valley City Council & the Spokane County Library District Board of Trustaes," was transmitted to the City Council and District Board on July 23, 2004. The text of this section is excerpted from that report's Executive Summary with the caveat that sorne data is now outdated. Introducdon . Spokane County Library District's 2001-2003 Strategic Plan included an objective to replace Vatley Library with a larger resource library to serve die Spokane Valley by the end of 2006. However, witfi 2001 efforts toward Spokane Valley incorporation, all Spokane Valley facility planning activities were suspended pending the outcome of the incorporarion vote and city council decision on future library service provision. A somewhat broader Spokane Valley library capital facilities planning process resumed in March 2004, with the District contractually responsible in collabotation with ihe city through an advisory committee that included District and city representatives. Current Library Facilities Serving Spokane Vglley Residents Of the three SCLD branches in the Spokane Valley area, only one-[Spokane] Valley Library at 12004 East Main Avenue-is located within the City of Spokane Valley. The other two, Argonne (4322 N. Argonne Raad in the Pasadena Park area) and Otis Orchards (22324 East Wellesley Avenue in Otis Orchazds) are in ihe unincorparated area. As of a May 2004, 35,544 City of Spokane Valley residents were SCLD cardholders. [Spokane] Valley Library was the primary branch of registration, with Argonne secand, and Otis Orchards third, with 3% registered at other SCLD branches. Besides all 10 SCLD branches, over 1,500 residents had obtained cards from Spokane Public Library with whom SCLD has a reciprocal use agreement. Information considered in developing recommendations Several types of information were cansidered ia developing recommendations for future Spokane Valley library facilities. They included comparisons with library facilities in eomparable Washington cities, Spakane Valley demographics, public library facility standards, an analysis of current Spokane Val(ey area libraries, pros and cons of various facility alternatives, and community research. Spokane Valley Library Planning Page 2 of 6 Report w Spokane Valley City Council January 24, 2006 Commweity research A random sample telephone survey of city residents conducted in late March-early April 2004 explored reactions to a number of proposed faciliry and service changes currently being considered. The survey was also designed to collect information on local library use, satisfaction with library services, and preferences regarding future library services. 400 interviews were comp{eted and the questionnaire included 88 questions. Precision of estimates at 95% confidence is t 4.9% and at 40% confidence is f 4.1 °!o. A community open house held on May 27 [2004] was attended by approacimately 75 people. 75% lived within Spokane Valley and represented all geographic areas of the city. The same information solicited at the open house was also available in printed form from the three Spokane Valley area branches. Information was obtained on satisfaction with facilities and service, facility improvement options, preferred library locations if a new main library were to replace the current [Spokane] Valley Library and for one or two new branches, and willingness to pay for new libraries. Research cvnclusions An analysis of demographic data, library comparisons, cutrent facilities, and application of facility standards leads to the conclusion that additional tibrary space is needed to serve Spokane Valley residents and that expanding the current [Spokane] Valley Library isn't a viable alternative. However, community input showed a very high level (48%) of overall satisfaction with SCLD services and a high level of satisfaction with current facilities, even though two specific areas with lower satisfaction levels~-each of which has significant space implications-are materials availability and public access computer availability. There was only modest interest in funding new facilities, demonstrating a strong need for cvmmunity education about future library facility needs. Recommendations Recommendations use on a target Spokane Valley population of 100,000 [note: the estimate at the time, which has since been revised upward], assume that the libraries are part of a system, and that residents continue to use a(1 SCLD branches as well as Spokane Public Library facilities. 1. Spokane Valley library facilities should tota] approximately 59,000 square feet. In light of the area's geography, population distribution, and existing SCLD branch locations, the total space should be divided between a"main library" and a future neighborhood library. The new main library (approximately 49,000 s.f to serve a primary population target of 80,000) should replace the existing [Spokane] Valley Library, located on an arterial street within approximately a half mile of the Sprague corridor between Dartmouth and Sullivan Roads. "Ihe estimated cost in 2004 $ is $11.4 million. 2. A neighborhood branch of approximately 15,000 square feet to serve a population target of 20,000 should be added as the city's population increases. Its location would depend upon the location of the main library, but should be separated by two to three miles. The estimated cost in 2004 S is 3.6 million. In the short term (1-5 years) make the best of current facilities, determine preferred locations and potentially purchase site(s), develop funding plan and potentially secwe funding, and initiate public education program to demonstrate facility needs and library service vision to residents. Spokane Valley Library Planning Page 3 of G Report tv Spokane Valley City Council January 24, 2006 Several sections of the City of Spokane Valley Cvmprehensive Plan, cumently in the public hearing process, relate to library services and facilities. When adopted, the Comprehensive Plan, as well as the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan to be developed during 2006, will secve as a guide for the development of Spokane Valley library facilities. I.and Use The Land Use chapter sections that could most afFect the location of a future Spokane Valley main library are those describing the City Center P(an and setting forth related goals and policies. They are: 2.2.1 Land Use Plan: City Center Plan 2.5.3 Land Use Designations: City Center Commercial Goals and PoGcies: City Center Goal: LUG6 Create an identifiable City Center that serves as the social, cultural, and economic focus of tfie City of Spokane Valley. Policies: LUP-6.8 Provide incentives to attract cultural and civic uses to the City Center of which the City dces not have direct control, such as libraries or recroation faci(ities. Capital facilities The Capital Facilities chapter includes library services and/or facilities in three different sections, the last of which. mirrors recommendations from the July 2004 report. 4.2.2 Capital Facilities Planning and Level of Service 4.2.7 GoaLs and Policies: Library Service 43.10 Capital Facilities Plan: Library Service lt's the District's intent to coordinate its Spokane Valley library service and facilities planning with the City and its Comprehensive Plan to the greatest extend feasible. General pablic library location criteria Public libraries are best loeated where people go in their everyday aetivities. Unlike museums, which are usualty visited only ooce or twice a year, people use libraries frequently for a wide variety of funetions. For these reasons a library should be eentral to other daily activities such as work, shapping, and school. People should be able ta easily find them. They should be on or adjacent to heavily traveled roads with easy access to public transportation. They should also be pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Application of criteris to a Spokane Valley location Applying the above criteria and based on Spokane Valley population distribution, the 2004 Advisory Committee recommended that the new Spokane Valley Library be located on an arteria) street within approximately a half mile of the Sprague corridor between Dartmouth and Sullivan Roads. Sprague Avenue frontage isn't necessary and a location immediately adjacent to an arterial may be satisfactory, especially one visible from the arterial. The designated cross streets (Dartmouth and Sullivan) are the outer (imits of the acceptable site area; a Iocation more toward the Pines Road intersection would be preferable. ~ Spokane Valley Library Planning Page 4 of 6 Report to Spokane Valley City Council January 24, 2006 F.stimated site sire requiremeots Based on the proposed approximately 50,000 square foot building that includes a 200-seat mceting room, the DistricYs architectural consultant estimated the need for a four to five acre site. Besides the inclusioTl of approximately 250 parking stalls to accommodate library as well as maximum meeting room use, the actual minimum site size is dependent on actual building footprint, the shape of the parcel(s), setback, landscaping, and stormwater runoff requirements. From our library planning experience over the past 20 years, it's clearly lxtter to ovtrestimate than underestimate site size. It will be quite a challenge to find a building site of this size in an already heavily-developed area such as the Sprague Avenue corridor. It will be doubly challenging within the proposed city centcr. However, there's no question that this is the right general location for the new (ibrary and if a City Center is developed, that would be an ideal place. Previou9 projeci cost es6mate The estimated cost for the proposed facility in mid-2004 was $11.4 million, exclusive of site acquisition. It assurned the building to be constructed of durable, long-lasting and low maintenance materials with finishes comparable to a good-quality academic structure--a civic building that Spokane Valley would be proud to show off to prospective residents and businesses. This estimate hasn't been recently updated, but with the construction cost escalation that occutred late 2004 and continued during 2005, the cost in even today's dollars would be significantly higher. Site purchase financing Since the District dcesn't have funding immediately available for site acquisition, the probable route for acquiring property is through an option to purchase, contingent upon future voter-approval of bonds that would include this cvst. LCFA financing approach Project fmancing would be done through crcation of a voter-approved Library Capital I'acility Arca (LCFA) and sale of general obligation bonds. Debt service would be paid through a property tax levy within the LCFA, with a likely 20-year amortiution. Because the Spokane Valley Library would continue to serve as a regional resource library for the District's Greater Spokane Valley service area, the District envisions proposed LCFA boundaries that extend beyond those of the City of Spokane Valley proper. This would spread the cost over a wider tax base, thus reducing individual property owner costs. Debt service cost In 2004, debt service costs for the project (exclusive of property acquisition) were estimated to be approximately 19¢ per $1000 of assessed valuation. With higher project costs, highcr long-term interest rates, and inclusion of land costs, the actual number will be higher. Sale of existing building The current 24,400+ square foot library building on Main and Perrine would be put up for sale, but it woutdn't be possible to include the proceeds from a potential future sale as part of the projecYs financing since it couldn't be sold until the replacement was occupied. Uncertainry regarding finding a buyer and the actual sale price are also factors. Assuming that a buyer could be found, the money might be used either to offset futute debt service costs or be placed in a rescrve fund for use in building the future proposed branch library. Spokane Valley Library Planning Page 5 of 6 Report to Spokane Valley City Council January 24, 2006 rmm - 0 - m From beginning to end, there will be a four to ftve year lead timc before opening the doors of a new Spokane Valley Library to replace the current facility. Tesk I Participants I Daration ~ Elapsed Ttme Site acquisition SCLD (Bosrd, staff, legal Unknown ? ■ General site determination counsel); CSV (Council, ■ Site selection staff, legal counsel) ■ Property acquisition Architect selection SCLD (Board, staff); 3 months 3 months ■ Develop RFQ advisory committee? • Solicit proposals ■ Evaluate and select Pre-design SCLD (Board, staff); 3 months 6 months ■ Program architect, advisory ■ Site design committee? ■ Images ■ Construction cost LCFA lormation SCLD (Board, staff, legal 6-12 months 12-18 months • Define area counsel); CSV (Council, • Draft interlacal agreement staff); Assessor, project mgt Elections, BOCC (Boazd, ■ Approve for ballot legal counsel), Friends of ■ Public education the Library ■ Election ■ Execute interlocal agreement Design SCLD (Board, staf); 12 months 24-30 months • Schematic architect; advisory ■ Design development committee? ■ Construction documents Project bidding SCLD (Board, staff, legal 3 months 27-33 months ■ Bid solicitation counsel); BOCC (LCFA ■ Bid opening Board); architect ■ Contract award Construction SCLD (Board, staff); 16 months 43-49 months architect; contractor Move in ~ SCLD (Staff) I 1 month ~ 44-50 months Grand opeoing 1SCLD; CSV I ~ , Spokane Valley Library Planning Page 6 of 6 Report to Spokane Valley City Council January 24, 2006 Site selection and purchase • As stated earlier in this report, finding a suitable site within the recommended area will be a challenge. Finding one in an area that might be designated in the future as a City Center will be more difficult. • Without an actual City Center land use plan as well as a commitment from property owners for the envisioned development, it would be a gamble to locate the new library there even if property could be acquired. • Timing is a problem. We can try to find a suitable site now (within or outside the future City Center) since the new library is needed now, or we can wait to see what happens with the Ciry Center and accept increases in land and construction costs as well as continue to operate in an overcrowded facility. ■ Whatever the site, the property owner must be willing to agrec to a purchasc option rather than outright sale. LCFA formation and bond approval ■ The location of proposed LCFA boundaries is critical since they will be a determining factor in voter support as well as ultimate debt service costs. It may be advisable to undertake some market research to assist in this process. • LCFA propositions may be submitted to voters at either special or general clcctions. With all-mail ballots, voter turnout is less an issue with special elections than it was. However, election costs are a factor, as well as potential "competing" tax-related issues. Timing will be important. Sale of existjng building ■ The existing Spokane Valley Library would bc surplus at the point that the new facility is occupied and would be placed on the commercial real estate market. Because of the usual unccrtaintics regarding any real estate sale, let alone a former library, the sale proceeds couldn't be counted on as part of the project budget. • It might be reasonable to plan to set aside funds from the hoped-for sale to be used as part of the funding for the proposed future branch at the eastern end of the city. This is a District 130ard of Tnistees decision that will need to be made prior to the LCFA issues going to voters. By t6e end of 2006: 1. Make decision on whether to attempt to acquire a City Center site or locate elsewhere. 2. Make decision to proceed with project or wait for further City Center development. And if there's a decisioa to go ahead, 3. I,ocate and obtain purchase option for site. 4. Update estimated building cost, out to a projected bid date. 5. Update future debt service cost based on sum of site acquisition and project costs. 6. Determine the nccd for additional market research. 01/13l06 mjw j ' 7 - 4 Spokane Valley Library Planning Report to Spokane Valley City Counul January 24, 2006 Presentation outline ■ Previous Spokane Valley Library Planning ■ City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan ■ Library Site Considerations ■ Costs and Financing ■ Timeline ■ Planning Issues ■ Where Do We Go From Here? Previous Library Planning ■ InVoduction ■ Current library facilities serving Spokane Valley residents ■ Infortnalion tonsidered in developing reoommendations ■ Researnh conclusans ■ Recommenda6ons . Total spaoe ■ Main Gbrary ■ Neighborhood branch 1 I City of Spokane Valley Comp Plan ■ Land use ■ Giry Center ' ■ Capital facili8es ■ Llbrary servicea Library Site Considerations ~ss ■ Generai pubtic library location criteria • AppGcatior► of criteria to a Spokane Valley location • EsGmated size requlrements: 4 to 5 acres ■ 50,000 s.f btAlding ■ 250 parking staJls ■ Land use & code requisements Costs and Financing ■ Provious (2004) proJect oost estimate ~ ■ Site purchase financing ■ LCFA financeng approach ■ Debt service oost ■ Sale of existing building 2 Timelinc Task I PaRicFparhs I Duration I Elapsed Tima SiOe acqufsition `SCLD 3 CSV I Unknown I 7 ArthlleG I SCLO I 7 months 3 monhs eeleeflon Prs-dssipn I SCLD 13 moMhs 8 months LCFA SCLD, CSV, 612 moMhs 12-18 morMhs Tonnation Atssssor, Elec6a+s. BOCC, FAends Timeline (continued) ~ Task I PartldparKs I Ouratbn I Elmpsed Desipn I SCLD. MitiExt I 12 rnorehs I 24-M marths Pmpod bkWV I ASCLO, ~iiectOCC, 13 maiC~s 127J3 monMs C"eftdion I CCL~ D , I 16 monlhs I 41I9 mor+lfxt IAove n I SCLD ~ 1 rnmM 4450 nwnqn ~ Grand openuq I SCIP. CSV i I I Ylanning Issues - ~ ■ Site selection and purchase ■ Unaertainties regarding future City Center development . ~ ■ VMen to begin ~ ■ Use of purchase optlon ■ LCFA formation and bond approval ■ LCFA bounCaries ■ Eledion timng ■ Sale of exis6ng building ■ Use of sale proceeds, iilwhen it can he sold 3 Where Do We Go From Here? ~ ■ By the end of 2006... ■ Make decision on Cityr Cerrter site or other sile ■ Make decision to prooeed a wait for further Clry Center development. ■ And H ttwre's a decision to go procced... . Locab s1Ee and obnin purdhase option for it . Update fuhra buildnp oost esLirnab . UpdaM hAw debt servics wat estimate . DetertNne need 1a markel researdt ~ Questions? swm-r oamM uer+n a.6n !0e aW 1700 ww wq o0 1 ~ 4 J CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: SPOKANE VALLEY LAND CAPACITY ANALYSIS GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Spokane County initiated a major update of its comprehensive plan in 2005. The update includes a new 20-year population projection and allocation of the future population to all jurisdictions within the County. The population projection and allocations will be used to adjust Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundaries. The GMA requires UGA's to be sized large enough to accommodate the 20-year population projection. The GMA grants the responsibility to adopt UGAs to counties; therefore, the Spokane County Commissions will make the final decision on the size and location of all UGAs. Prior to adopting UGAs, counties are required to consult and coordinate with cities and towns; Spokane County uses the Steering Committee of Elected Officials to meet this requirement. Jurisdictions are required to present UGA proposals to the Steering Committee, and must include: a. Justification in the form of its land capacity analysis and the ability to provide urban governmental services and public facilities; b. The amount of population growth which could be accommodated and the analytical basis by which this growth figure was derived. c. The amount of unincorporated land is required to accommodate growth, including maps indicating the additional areas. The attached chart presents the results of Spokane Valley's land capacity analysis, which follows the County's adopted methodology. The methodology includes the following generalized actions. It is important to note that the generalized actions involve multiple, complex steps. a. Determine amount of vacant land using assessor's records. b. Determine amount of partially used land (redevelopable land). c. Apply residential densities (using draft comprehensive plan as basis) to determine number of potential new dwelling units. d. Multiply number of dwelling units'by either 2 or 2.5 (persons per dwelling unit) to convert dwelling units to population capacity, depending on land use category. The analysis shows that Spokane Valley can accommodate 23,585 people within the City boundary. Existin4 UGA's surrounding the City can accommodate 17,763 people. NEXT STEPS: Develop a draft process and timeline for adopting Urban Growth Areas and Annexation policies. The process must following the City's adopted Public Participation Guidelines in compliance with the GMA. There is a general topic concerning annexations scheduled for the Council's February 11 retreat. Staff will provide a draft process at the retreat. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner Greg McCormick, Planning Manager ATTACHMENTS: Spokane Valley Land Capacity Analysis Chart i Growth Capacity Analysis , Vacant and Net Developable Potential Population Area Partially Acres New D/Units Capacity Used Land City of Spokane 3~282 11683 91834 23,585 Valley Northeast UGA 44 25 99 248 Northwood UGA 760 426 19703 4,257 East UGA 790 443 11772 41429 Southeast UGA 501 281 1122 2,805 South UGA 609 341 19364 31410 Ponderosa UGA 39 22 88 219 Edgecliff UGA 239 134 535 11337 Alcott UGA 189 106 423 19058 Total 6,453 31461 16,940 41,348 • Growth Capacity Analysis Ponderosa UGA, Edgecliff UGA, 219 1,337 -Alcott UGA, 1,058 South UGA, 3,410 Southeast UGA, City of Spokane 2,805 Valley, 23,585 i' East UGA, 41429- . ~ . - Northwood UGA, 49257 i, , Northeast UGA, + 248 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2006 City Manager Sign-0ff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent 0 old business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng ❑ information ED admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2006 SPOKANE COUNTY STREET MAINTENANCE INTERLOCAL GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City Agreement No. C03-33 - Interlocal Agreemerrt with Spokane Courrty Regarding Road Maintenance PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Agreement C03-33 approved April 22, 2003; December 20, 2005 Administrative Report BACKGROUND: Staff report will discuss the draft 2006 Spokane County Street Maintenance Interiocal. The interlocal allows the City flexibility to bid certain services to altemate providers. If the bids are successful, City can transition those services from the County. This will reduce the demands on the Caunty crews while providing altemate service opportunities. The report also describes a proposed approach for addressing the incxeased direct demand on the City for developing work schedules and managing road maintenance service contracts. If the City receives competitive bids from altemate service providers and chooses to contract with those providers, two additional staff will be required to assist in properiy managing and inspecting the worlc of the contractors. In addition, these employees will provide fast response for street maintenance activities such as winter potholes, shoulder repairs, stormwater deficiencies, and other limited services when the County crews are not readily available. This plan was based upon discussions held with County staff during the Fall of 2005. The proposal calls for the authorization of two new Maintenance! Construction Inspectors, which is an existing position on the City's dassffication matrix. Staff is requesting approval of the two FTEs with the understanding that one position will be filled after successful campletion of the landscaping bid and the other position would be filled after successful completion of the street sweeping and stonnwater maintenance bids. Funds for the FTEs will be {xovided from reductions of the County's overhead/management fees and from specfic maintenanoe activity tasks as services are transitioned according to the proposed 2006 interlocal. If Council approves this proposed approach, Staff will prepare an update of the position descriptions concurrent with the County Street Maintenance Interiocal. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Counal concuRenoe to bring the draft 2006 Spokane County Street Maintenance Interlocal and the request for two additional MaintenancelConstruction Inspector FTEs to the February 14, 2006 meeting for Council consideration. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: No additional funds required in 2006. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, AIA, and John Hohman, P.E. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft 2006 Spokane County Street Maintenance Interiocal w/ attachments 2. Powerpoint Presentation I I 2006 Street Maintenance January 24, 2006 Nei Kersten, Pub ic Works Director ~ohn Hohman, Senior Engineer ~ 2006 Street Maintenance Discussion ■ m Ite s o Major contract changes oStaffing plan 2 2006 Street Maintenance • • • Major Contract Changes o Incorporates the "model agreement " oSect'on 1 2006/08 Transition Plan • 3-year p an as out ined in exhibit "2" • City may reduce or increase services by 10% 3 2006 Street Maintenance Major Contract Changes o Sect'on ~ 2006/08 Trans"tion Plan • City wi bid se ected activities • City, at its option, wi give the County 30 days notice of termination of a specific street maintenance activity 4 2006 Street Malntenance Major Contract Changes Transition Plan ACTiVITY 2005 COIVTRACT 2008 2006 CITYICOUNTY ^ 2006 CITY/PRIVATE OESCRIPTlON AMOUNT AC7IVITY CONTRACT AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT Rosd Alatnbnance AclMiffm Dult Contml i'roG $8.300.00 Cl~► Sg.798 pIJ ShouldK R"ir :27,000.00 city S25.620.0 ShoulderMeintenanceGrader $38,800.00 city ~ $41,128,00 sf.v.uoirt Ro.d Gnsd~ s16,300.00 city s16.2 1e no Polhole Petchtn9' $158,700.00 tt /CoUn S167,588.00 S0,00 Wfntet Poplft P@oh t20,400.00 County =21,624.00 Chip SeaNnp Revemertt Removal8 Replece• ~ S'185,600.00 ity/COU11 i423,397.92 ~ $0.00 crsdc seal+nq ~ s122,400.00 Cou►nY~ s12e.744.00 ~ cnip seaung Prev a cimuo I $0.00 I Blede Patch Hot ~ $113,832.00 Cdy ~ Transfer to PR3R FoQ Seal tirswYDirt RoaO Tem $11 .00 $1,080.00 LigN Oltch Cle~rtinQ i1,o.00 51.060.00 enaqe inspecha, $1 5oa.00 County ~ s1,5so.00 $0.00 Bridge Repeir-Superatnictute ~ 510,2W,00 COUfity ~ $10,81200 1 $0.00 Bndge Repeir-SubstrutWm ~ s6,1Q0.00 COUftty ~ $5,408.00 ~ Sp.pp skiewalk I s1,5oo.00y city I I $1,590.00 curbs ~ $,,ooo_oo cnv I I s1,050.oo Pat,s I s500.oo citv I I $530.00 Guardmu Mamimianoo ~ s12.200.00 Citv I I s12.932.00 ww F" ~ sz,aoo.oo city I I s2,756.00 Median Mahtenanca ~ 55,100.00 city 55,406o0 5 2006 Street Meintenance ' Major Contract Changes Transition Plan ACTIVITY 2005 CONTRACT 2006 2008 CtTYICOUNTY 2006 CITYlPRfVATE ~ DESCRiPT10N AYOUNT AoCTMTY CQKTRACT AYOUNT CONTRACT AAlIAAOUNT Liquid Deidng S153.OQ0.00 C.OUflty $162.180.00 sending ~ s2sa.eoo.oo Countv I s24e.e76.00I Snaw Remova!-Ftaadway ~ $224,400.00 County ~ 5237,884.00 ( Snow Removal - Sidewalka ~ 55,100.00 COUnty ~ $5.406.00 1 Streel Clesning' ~ 5382,500.00 :Ity/COUn~ $105.450.0p ~ 5300.000 00 Wtnter S~veep'trg ~ $51,000.00 COU11ty $54.060.00 ~ Sweepings Clean-up ~ 54,100.00 COUf1ty ~ $4.346.00 1 Roadside Mowinp ~ $10,200.00 city $10.812 oU Brush Clearing/Tree Tnmming ~ 535,700.00 COUnty ~ $37.842.00 ~ Weed Control-Res ( $20,400.00 city SZ t,624 00 Weed Contrd-Res (no spraY) ~ $5.100.00 CttY $5,406.00 weed cornroi~en I s30,600.00 city I I s32.436.00 wew cwcot-cw (no spray) I s3.100,00 city I I s5.406.00 iffiganon I s7.100.00 city I I s7.52e.00 Litier Pickup ~ $4.100.00 Clt}/ 54,348.00 LUtet PkdwO Deer ~ i2.000.00 city $2,120.00 Litter Control ~ S1,000.00 city 51,080.00 ConlourControl ~ $1.000.00 Clty S1,060.00 Cornax Controi-ww ~ S3,100.00 city ~ I s3.286.00 imestigauon ~ sio.sss.oo County I s10,190.00 I Emergency Cerlout ~ County ~ $25.000.00 ~ Subtotai Road Maintenanco ~ $2,022,097.00 $1,651,173.92 1 $516,240.00 6 2006 Street Maintenance • Major Contract Changes Transition Plan ACTIVITY 2006 CONTRAGT 2006 2006 CRYICOUNTY ^ 2046 CtTY/PRNATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACTIVITY CONTRACT AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNY Road Maintenance AcltvtWs Va1My a D II Realr 523,510 00 COUntY y24,920 60 JrXwe(I Cleanaut ~ S92.554 00 (t iiy $98,107 24 Culvert RepWr ~ $7.589.00 COUnty =S,Q" 34 Culvert Cieanout ~ S4,613 00 COUnty $4,889 78 ~ ~ Svole Maintenance ~ $4,813.00 CoUf1ty $4.889.78 Curb, Gutter 3 inlet Repalr ( $10,585.00 6liy $11,19890 cha.inl waW ~ s4,e13.00 Counh► I $4,889,78 ~ Stortnwatsr Maintenance Total E148,057.00 ~ $47,6U.28 =109,306.14 7 2006 SVeet Maintenance Major Contract Changes Transition Plan ~ , . ACTNITY 2005 CONTRACT 2006 2006 CtTY/COUNTY 2006 CITYlPR1VATE DESCRIP110N AMOUtYT ACTTVITY CONTRACT AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT Sn~n dRoNd ~M~d~M~wx~ Road Mamtenance Tasks $2,022,097 00 51,551,173 921 $516,240.00 StormwaGer Maintenance Tasks ~ $148,057 00 ~ $47,634.28 J $109.306 14 , Traffic Maintenance Tasks ~ $414,600.00 ~ $439,476.00 ~ Management Overhead @ 19% ~ $477.033.00 ~ $406,274.00 ~ Administratnre Ovefiead C 596 ~ $125,535 00 ~ $106,914.21 ~ ConUngencY Gity AAairdenanceJlnsp~ora" $150,131.07 SUBTOTALS I S2.651,472.41 $775,677.21 TOTAL CITY BUDGET ~ $3,187,322.00 53,427,149.62 8 2006 Street Maintenance Major Contract Changes oSect'on 3 Serv'ces • Previous contract had services as customari y provided by the County • New contract "'he C "Y wi direct these services with i n the imits of COL,N'Y'S operationa workforce and equipment. " 9 2006 Street Maintenance Major Contract Changes oSect'on 3 Serv'ces he City wi oversee dai y work needs and estab ish onger term work efforts and schedu es •'he County wi then provide dai y, bi-week y & 90-day work schedu es for their crew 10 2006 Street Mamtenance Major Contract Changes o Exhib't & 699 •Added minimum service eve for Winter Maintenance • Specifies # emp oYees, equipment & hours to comp ete • 24 hours to co m p ete a a rte ri a s ~ ~ 2006 Sveet Maintenance Major Contract Changes 3NOWPLC)WING NUMBER OF DEICERS GRADERS TRUCK TRUCK TRUCKS HOURS TO ' PRtORtTlE3 EMPLOYEES PLOWS SANDERS Plows/5andars COMPLETE 1. Mam Arterials 14 2 7 2 3 12 2. Secnndary Anenals 8 2 2 2 2 12 3. Hillside Resx3entials 12 2 B 2 2 16 4. Valley Floor Residenhals 15 9 4 2 60 12 2006 Street Maintenance Staffing Plan o Background from December 20, 2005 Counci Meeting • Management responsibilities revert from County to City on private contracts or in- house work • The impact to City staffing levels will be evaluated and incorporated into the analysis of service options • County currently charges a 24% overhead on all work • Part of the overhead expense can be shifted to Cit mana ement and the remainder will be ro led bac into contracted services -no additional funds will be required 13 2006 Street Maintenance Staffing Plan oOrig'nal Pan prepared in November 2005 proposed: • One FTE contract manager to hand e bid documents and contracts • Two seasona maintenance inspectors to assist the Superintendent in ensuring the contract work is performed according to the bid documents 14 2006 Street Mamtenance Staffing Plan o Prob'ems w'th original proposal: I • Uncertainty regarding bids • Seasonal maintenance inspectors not ideal due to uncertainty of retaining employees frorn year to year - would need to train new employees each year • Difficulty in recruiting quality employees for a seasonal or part-time position 15 2006 Street Maintenance • • Staffing Plan o Contract Options for Maintenance/Construction nspection • Contract costs are typica y twice the cost of in-house emp oyees • Consu tants typica y do not provide this type of service 16 2006 Sireet Mamtenance Staffing Plan o Current proposa-. • Hire two working eve maintenance/construction inspectors: • Assist Superintendent with managing contracts and developing work schedules • Inspect maintenance work of service providers • Provide in-house response for activities such as potholes, shoulders, gravel road grading, etc. 17 2006 Street Maintenance Staff'ing Plan Street Fund - Street Superintendent I 53ree; MQ►nr,/Constr. Inspettor WSDOT Street Maintenance Contract , Private Sector Street County Street Maintenance Contracts Maintenance Corrtract ~ 18 2006 Street Maintenance Staffing Plan 0 2 F'E Mai ntenance/Construction nspectors (grade 14): • Experience with maintenance operations and heavy equipment provides the background and knowledge to inspect contract work • Inspection is necessary to ensure the City receives the service we pay for. Activities such as drywell cleanouts and pavement repairs can only be verified by inspections of the contractors work practices, equipment, and use of proper materials. For example, pavement replacement may look sufficient on the surface but its longevity is determined by what's underneath 19 2006 Street Maint+enance Staffing Plan 0 2 F'E Mai ntenance/Construction nspectors (grade 14): • Flexibility: Allows the City to effectively balance the inspection needs with the need to respond to the smaller, day-to-day service requests such as pothole repair • Investigate, request or, if possible, complete daily work order items • Accomplishes small work activities that would be difficult and/or expensive to bid • Will rent equipment - eliminates the need to purchase, store, and maintain equipment 20 2006 Street Meintenance Staffing Plan 0 2 F'E Mai ntenance/Construction nspectors (grade 14): • Assist with development of work schedules for County, State and private contract work • Allows the Superintendent to plan work schedules and direction of County crews as contemplated in the interlocal and begin implementation of preventative maintenance vs. our current reactive operations • Positions funded by reducing County overhead and accomplishing smaller work activities in- house - no additional funds are required 21 2006 Street Maintenance Staffing Plan o mp ementation • Stormwater Engineer researching similar programs and bid documents in the public domain and will develop new bid documents to meet our needs • Hire 1st position after successful completion of landscaping bid • Hire 2nd position after successful completion of stormwater and sweeping bid 22 2006 Street Maintenance _ : commenlt~ af'Cl . Quest'Ons ~ _ . . . . . } . y ,r ' ~ _ • yI ~"'f ~ '~*t.~ ✓ { +~,r,, ~ ~ ~ , ~ 1~~', ~ `rs . . . - x ^~...1 t ~ j' ~ ~r ,.r. ~ ~ ._.~4~ M a ~'!~`t~",~-~.. f ~ ~ Sue~t Ma~nte~►an Return to: Uaniela Erickson, Clerk of the Board ~ Board of County Commissinners . . 1.1.16 W. Broadway S[►okane, Washington 99260 INTERLUCAL AGREEiVIENT FnR ROAD 1V1A1NTENANCE SERVICES IN "THE CITY OF SPOKANF VALLEY (Ianuary 1, 2006 -December 31., 2006) THTS AGREEMH:NT; made and entered into by and between Spokane Cnunty, a political subciivision of the State of Wa.shington, baving offices far the qansaction of business at 1 l 16 VJest Broadway Avenue, Spokane; Washingtan 99260, hereinafter reterred to as "COUNTY" and the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation of tlic State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of busi.ness at the Kcdwood Pla~,, 11707 Last Spr-ague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereinafter rcfcrred to a,s "CITY," jointly herei.nafter referred to as the "PA.RTTES." The CUUNTY and CTTY agee as follows. SEC'TIOn° NU.1: RFCTTALS AiYU FI'NDI.NGS (a) I hE 13oard of Caunty Couunissioners of Spnkaae County has the care of County property and the management of County t'unds and business under RCW 36.32.120(6). (b) Countie.s and cibes may conlracl with each other to perforni certain funetions which - each may legally perform under chapter 39.34 RCW (Interlqcal Cooperation Act). (c) The City of Spokane Valley clesues to utiliz.e the services of Spokane County for the ptupase oPprovidi.ng zoad mai.ntenance services on the public rights-of-way in the City. SFCTION nTO. 2: DERINITiONS (a) Amement: "AgreemenY" means this Interlocal A~-~reement behveen the CTTX and COCfNTY reaarding road maintenance services. (b) Citv_ "CITY" means t11e C:ity of Spokane Valley. (c) CounEv: "COIJN 1 Y" means Spokane County. (d) Maintenance and Onerations: "Maintenance and Opcration5" and "M&U" sball mean (1) those class codes (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane County in its budgetary ' Page l of 10 process as prescribed by thc BAKS manual adopted by the State of Washington under chapter 43.88 , RCW so loag as such expenditures are direcdy attributable and praPortionate to services rendered to CTTY under tbe cerms of this Agre,e:ment. (e) Services: "Services" means those services identifeci in Exhibit A-1. (f) Comaensatian: "Compensatian" means that methodology set forth in Exhibit t1 used to establish 'ttie amount of money which the CITY Nvill pay the COUNTY for providing Services. (g) Canital Imnrovement: "Capilal lmprovement" shall mean the capitaliralion threshold adopted by the County during the term of the Ageement 1"he County shall give the City acivanec notice of any increase in thc capitalization threshold. Any such expenciiture will be coded as provided for in the BARS-manual adopted by the State pf Washington uncier RCW 43.88. (h) Uncontrollable Circumstances: "Uncontrollable Circumstances" mcans the i"ollowing events: riots, wars, civil disturbances, insurrections, acts of terrorism, extemal fi.res and floods, volcan.ic eruptions, lightning or earthqua}:es at or near where the Services are performed and/or that dircctly affect providing of such Services. (i) Report: "Report" shall mean the lmroice Supporting Documenlation set forth in Exhibit A-7. SECTTON NO. 3: Pi.TRPOSE , . . I he purpose of this Agreement is to reduce to writi.ng the PAR'T'1ES' understanding a..s to the terms and conditions under which the COUNTY will provide Services on behalf of the CITY. lt is the intent of the PAEZTIES that SerNices tn be provided by the COUNTY v►iI1 be consistent with the CIT'Y'S CouncilManager form nf government provided for in chapter 35A.13RCW. SECTiON NO. 4: DURATION/WTTHDRAWAL 1'his Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2006, and nin through Deccmber 31, 2006; unless one of the PARTIES provides noticc as set forth in Section 7. At the conclu.sion of the i.nitial term, tEiis Agreement shaU automatic.ally be renewed &om year ta year thereafter effactive January ls' to Deccmber 31't All renewa]s shall be subject to all terms and conditions set forth herein Except for E}chibit A. l'he PA.RTL'ES recngnize it is highly unl_ikely that Fxhibit A, setti.ng forth the new billing rates for each year's Scrvices, will be available at the start af: any renewal ti.me frame. Accordi.ngly, until a new E xhibit A has been prepared and agreed to between the YARTIES, the PAR7'fCS agee fhat the COUNTY will bill the CITY and the C1TY will pay the COUN"lY at the same billing rates paid in the previous year. Upon the PARTTF_.S agreemcnt on a new Exhibi.t A, the CITY and C0IJN"1 Y will reconcile paymenLs to date under the previous years billing rates with the new billing rates. Page 2 of 10 ° ~1 Any undeipa}ment for any Services will be due i.n the first payment due following reconciliation. Any overpayment for any Services wU be credited to the first montlily papment due fnllawing the reconciliation. The PARTIES agree tbat no interest shall be awzng by either Party to thc other Party for any overpaymcnt or underpayment detezmined as a result of the reconciliation: Any Party may tirithciraw at any time from this Agreement for any reason whatsoever upon a ma.nimum of 180 days wririen notice a..s provided for in Section 7 to the other Party. SECTIQN NO. 5: COST OF SERVICES AND PAXMI;NTS The CITY shall pay the COUNTY the costs for Services providcd under this Agreement as set forth in Exhibit A, attached heretci anci incarporated herein by refercnce: The COUNTY CEO shall advise the CITY Manager as soon as possible of any an6cipated or unanticipated capital i.mprovement costs that arise during the contract period. r'Lny such capi~il improvemcnt cosis shall be amortized over the useful life of the impravement, and the increascd cost in the Agreement resulting firom the imPmvement shall be calculated by the PA.R.TI.FS and paid within 30 ciays or receipt of request by thc CITY. Any c,apital 'unprovement for which the COUN'T`Y sceks reimbursement f.rom the C]TY must be neecssary to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement. - The COiJNTY will bill the Cl l Y for the cost of Services monthly, by the 15th of the month far the previous month. Pa}ments by the C1 CY will be duc by the 5d' day of the following month. At the ~ J sole option of the COLTNTY, apenalty may be assessed on any late payment by the Cl l'Y based on lost i.nterest earnings had the payment been timely paid and invested in the Spokane County 1'reasurer's lnvestment Fool. lhe C1T'Y may dispute any manlhly bi.Uing. Pending resUlulion of any dispute; thc PARTTES agree that the G]'CY sball pay timely that gortion of the bill that is undisputed. In the evEnt the CITY disputes any monthly billiag it shall inclucie in conjunction with the manthly payment a letter stating with specifieity the basis for the disputc. '1'he PARTT.FS agree to meet within thirty (30) calendar days of ttle COUAITY's rec:eipt of the documentation letter stating thc basis for the CiTY disputing any monthly billing to resralve Che matter. l:n the cvent the PARTIES cannot mutually resAlve the matter within the ihirty (30) calendar day timc frune, unless othemrise agreed by the FA.RTIES, the matter shall bc resolved pursuant to the Dispute Resolution prnvisians set forth in Section 17. °I`he selectican of arbitrators as provided for in Section 17 sha]l com►ncnce within thirty (30) c.alendar days of the runni.ng of the thirty (30) ca.lendar day time fr-aune. Any resolution of a disputed amount through use of the arbitration pror,ess identified in Section 17 shall inclucie, at the request of either Party, a dctermination of whether interest is apprapriate, including the amount SEC I'TON NU. 6: REL.ATEn RE SPONSll31LITlES I,N CONJ[TNC TlOV WITH Y170VIllING SERVICFS ~ 11ie COUN`I'Y or designees agree lo atiend staffmeetings as rcquestetl by the CITY ManagEr. ~ ' f'agc 3 of 10 Ihe COi.1NrfY or dcsignees agree to mect upon request by the CITY Manager or his/hcr designee , to discuss any Scrvice pmvided undcr the terms of t6is Agreement. • The CI7'Y agrees the COUNTY may use the COUN'`1 Y'S stationery i.n conjunctian N&rith proviciing Services under the terms of this Agreement. SECTION N0. 7: NQTICE All notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such notices or other communicalions are receivc;d when sent by personal deliver5; or ('v) the tlvrd ciay fol.lvwing the day on which the same have been mailed by first cla.,~s delivery, postage prepaid addressed to the COUNTY or the CI'1`Y at the address set forth belUw for such Parry, or at such other adciress as either Yarty shall from tirne-to-time dcsignate by notice i.n writing to the other Yarty: . COUNTY: Spakane County Chief Executive Officer or hisJhcr authorized representative 1116 West Broadway Avcnue Spokane, Washington 99260 CITY: City of Spokane Valley City Manager or hislhcr authorized representative ~ Redwood Plaza 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington.99206 SFCTION Nn. 8: REPOR'1'ING Keports -"1°he COL)N"1`Y shall proviae the CI'1 Y with reports clocumenting 3etual usage under this Agreement at the same time each i.nvaice requesting payment is made, unless ot}aerwise mutually . agrced by the Parties. The Yatties agree thal the temlinology "reports documenting usage" means that type of information pmvided by the COUN'TY to the C;TTY in the 2004 agreement for Scrvices. Such reports shal_i be in a formal as mutually agraed tp bctween the Parties. The content and/or format Cor such reports may be changed from time-to-time by written agreemcnt between Cl°I Y anci COUNTY staff. Recorc~~ ReNiew - The CITY shall be allowed tp conduct random reviews of the records generated by the CQUNTY in performance of this Agraement. The CI7'Y will pmvidc the COUNTY with reasonable advance notice of the rccords reviews. The Parties agrcc that ttiey will make best efforts ta achieve a reso)ution of any potential records confidential.ity issues, including entering into confidentiality agreements or other similar mechanisms that Azll allow disclosure of the necessary i.nformation to accurately conducl a rccords review. T_f'the (:1TY will be alloweti to view only those records clircctly relating to Services prQVided Nvithin CITX's corporate boundaries, then the Pa~;e 4 of 10 - . CQiJNTY must keep a log of original documents used to charge the CTTY, and those documents must havc identifyi.ng numbers or letters so the original source documents can be ea..~ily retrieved. SECTT.0N NO. 9: COUNTERPA.RTS This Agteement may be cxecuted in any number of counterparts, each of which, whcn so eaecuted and delivered, shall be an original; but sueh counterparts shall togethcr conskitute but one and the same. • SFCTION N0. lU: ASSIGNM.FNT No Party map assign i.n whole or part its interest in this Agreement Aithout the writiten approval of the ather PAKI Y. SECTIQN NO:11: COUN'I'Y EMPI.,OYEES The COIJNTY sball appoint, hi.re, assign, reiain and discipline all employees perfornung Scrvices under this Agreement ac;c;orciing to applicablc collective bargain.i.ng agreements anci applicable state and federal laws. '1`he COi.1NTY agrees to meet and eonfer with khe CITY vvith respect t4 staff that is assigncd to providc Services. Issues of discipline or perfarmance Aill be specifically handled according to COUN'1'Y p4licies. , SFCTION N(). 12: LIARI.LTTY (a) The COUN 1'Y shall indemnit~, and hold harniless the CITY and its officers, agents, and cmployees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, exgense.c, and damages of any naturc whatsUever, by any reason of or arising out nf any negligcnt act pr omission of thc COiJN'[~.', its officers, agents and employees; relating to or arisi.ng out of pcrforming Services pursuant tc) lhis Agreeuient. In the event that any suit Uased upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brouvht against the C!'1"Y, the COiJNrTY shall defend the same at its sole cast and cxpcnse; provicled that the Cl l'Y re;serves the right to participate i.n said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if fina] judgment in sxid suit be rendered a-vainst the C1TY, and its ot'ficers, agcnts, 3nd cmplayees, or jouitly against thc: CITY a.nd the COI7NTY and thei.r eespective officers; agents, and employecs, the COUNTY shall satisfy the sarne. (b) The C.ll'Y shall indemni#y and hold harmlcss the COTJNTY and its officf;rs, agents, and employecs, fiom any and ail claims, actions; suits, liability, loss, costs; expenses, and damagcs of any nahue whatsoever, by any reason of or arising ouc of'any negligent aet or omission of the CITY, its officcrs, agenLs and employees, relating to or arisi.ng out of perforrning Services ptusuant to this Agreernent. In the event that auy suit bmed upon such claim, actian, lnss, or darnagcs is brpught against the COiJNTY, the CITY sliall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provideci that the COUNTY reserves the right to parlieipale i.n said suit if any Principle of governmental or public ~ Page 5 of 10 law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be renciered against the COUNTY, and its , officers, agents, and employees, or jointly a,gainst the COUN1`Y and the CITY and ttaei.r respF:ctive officers, agents, and employees, the CI'1'Y shall salisfy the same. (e) Lf the compdrative negligence of the Parties and their offcers and employees is a causf: of such damage or injury, the liability; loss, cost, or expense sball be shared between the Parties in proportion to their relalive dcgree of negligence and the right of indemnity shall apply to such propnrlion. (d) Where an officer or emplayee of aParty is acting under the direcdon and control of the other Party, the Party di.rec;ting and controlling the officer or employee i.n the activity and/or omissian giving rise to liability shall accept a11 liability for the other Party's officer or employee's negligence. (e) Each Party's duty to indemnify shall survive the termination or expi.ration af the Agreement. (fl Tbe foregoing indemnity is specifically intended to cnnstitute a-,vaiver of eaeh Party's immunity under Washinglon's lndustrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting the other party only, and only to the exl:ent nccessary to provide the indemnified Party with a full and complete i.ndemnity of claims made by the indemnitor's employees. The PAR-TIES acknowlcdge that tbese provisions were speeifically negotiated and agreed upon by thcm. (g) The COLzN'TY anci the ClTY agree to eithcr self insure or purchase polices Uf insurauce 'crrvering the matters contained i.n this A,greement with coverages of not less than $5,000,000 per . occurrence with $5,000,000 aggregate li.m.its including profes.sional liability and auio liability coverages. SECTIOY YO. 13: RELA'Y'IONSHIP OF TlTE PA,R'I`IES The PARTLES intcnd that an independent contractor rclationship will be created by this Agreemenl. "fhe COUNTY shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the CITY, tiiat . the CITY is interested only in the results to be achievcd and that the right to control the particular man.ner, method and means in which the services are perf.ormeci is solcly withi.n the discretion of the COUN"1'Y. .4ny and aJl employees who provide Services to the CTTY under this Agreement sliall be deemed employE;i;s solely of the COUN'1 Y. The COUN`l`Y shal_I be solely responsible for the conduct anci aetions of all employees under tlus Agreement and any liability that may attaeh thercto. Likewisc, no agent, employee, servant or representative pf the CITY shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative pf the COIJNTY for any purpose. SEC'IION Y0.14: MOllrFICATiON This Agrcement may be modifieci in writing by mutual written agreement of the 1'ARTIES. Page 6 of 10 " SECTION NO.15: PRnPFRTY AND E(7UTP.MFi~T'I' The owmers}up of all property and equipmcnt utiliz,ed in conjunctian with providing the Serviccs shall remain with the original wAmer, unless specifically and mutually agreecl by the PAK"T'1ES to this Agreement. SECTION NQ. 1_6: AI:L WRITINCS CONTAINED HFRElN/BM`Di.NG EFFECT This Agrcement contains terms and conditions agreeti upon by the 1'ARTf.ES. The YARTT.ES agree that there are nc) akher uuderstanclings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter o.f.' this Agraemeat. Na changes or additians to this Agcement shall be valid pr binding upan the PARTIES unless such change or additian is in writing, execuled by the 1'A.RTIES. lhis Agreement shall be binding upon the PART[ES hereto, their successors, and assigns. SECTIUN NO. 17: nTSw1'E RESQLUTION Any dispute between the YARTIES which cannot be resolved behween the PAEZ"1'IES shall be subject to arbitratian. Fxcept as provided for to the ccmtrary herein, sueh dispute shall f rst be reduc:ed to uTiting and considered by the COUNTY CLO and the C.rTY Manager. lfthe COLJNTY CEp and the CITY Manager cannot resolve the dispute it Aill be submitted to arbiEration. l'he provisions orchapter 7.04 RCW shall be applicable to any arbiteation proceeding. The COIJN'1 Y and the CITY shall have the ri;ht to designate one pcrson each to act a.s an arbitratar. The two selected arbikrators shall then jointly select a ihird arbitrator. The decision of the arbitration panel sha11 be binding on the PARI"Ik.S and shall be subject to judicial review as pmvided for in chaptcr 7.04 RCW. The costs of the arbitrakion panel shall be equally split between the PA1Z'1"IES.. SECTIOnT NO. 18: VEn`UE STIPUT,.ATION "1`lus Agreement has bccn and shEill be construeci as having been made and delivered Nvithin the S/ate of Washington and it is mutually understood and ~zeed by cach pariy that this Agreement shall be govem.ed by the laws of the State of Washington bath as ta interpretation and performanec. Any action at law, suil in equity or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this Agccement, ar any provision hereto, shall bc inslilu[ed on..ly in courts of compeient jurisdiction within SPokanc County, Washington. SECTIQN N0.19: SEVERARiLII'Y The PnRTI.F_.S agree that if any paris, terms or provisions of this Agreement are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity QF the remainuig gortions or provisions shall not be atfected and the rights _ and obligations of the PAR.TI.ES shall not be affected in regard to the recnaincier of the Agreement - - Pagc 7 nf 10 If it should appear that any part, term or provisian of this Agreement is in conflict with any statutory , provisinn of the State of VJashington, then lhe part, term nr provision thereof that may be in corifliet shall be deemeci inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in confliet therewith and this Agreement shall be dcemed to modify to conform lo such statutory provision. SECTiON N0. 20: RFCORDS A,11 public records prepared, owmed, used or retained by the COUId`1 Y ia conjunction witb providi.ng Services under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed Cl'T'Y pmperty and shall be made availablc to the CTTY upon request by the Cl'TY Manager subject to the attorney client and attomey work product privileges set forth in statute, court rule or case law. The COUNTY will notify the CITY of any public disclosure roquest under chapter 42.17 R.CW for copies or viewing of such records a..~ well as the COUNTY'S response thereto. SECTION VO. 21: HEADIIVGS T'hc sectinn headings appeari.ng in this Ageement have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purpart to; and shall nat be deemed to define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sectaons to which they pertain. SECTiQN NO. 22: TIME UH" LSSENCE OF ACR,FEMENT Ti.me is of the essence of this Agreement and in case either Party fails to perform the obligations on its part to be performed at the time fixed for the performance of the respective obligation by . the terms of this Ageement, the other Party may, at its election, hold the other Party liable for all costs and damages cdused by such delay. SECTION NO. 23: UlVCONTROLLABLE CLRCUMSTANCLS/IM.PQSSIBII,ITY A delay or interruption in or failure of pe:rformance of all or any part of this Agrcement resulli.ng f.rom Uncontrollable Circumstances shall bc deemed not a default under this Agreement. A delay or interruption in or failurF; of performancE; of all or any part of this Agreement rf;sulting from any change in or new law; order, rule or regulation of any nature which renders providi.ng pC Serviccs i.a accordance with the terms of xhis Agrecment legally impossible, and any other circumslances beyond the control nt the COUNTY which render legdlly impossible thc . performance by lhe COUNTY of its obligations undcr this Agreement, shall be deemed not a default under this Agreemeat. SFCTION NO. 24: FILMG This Agreement shall be rled by the County with such offices or agencies as required by cbapter 39.34 RCW. Page 8 of 10 ~ " SECTInT` NO. 25: EXECiJTION AND APPROVAL " The PA.RTfES warrant that the afficsrs executing below have been duly authori.zed to act far and on behalf of the Party for purposes of confirming this Ageement. SECTION NO. 26: lN1TIATIVFS The Pt1R'I'IES recognize that revenue-reducing uutialive(s) passed by the voters of Washington may substantially reduce local operating revenue for the CTTY, COlJN"rY or both PAR`l'IRS. The PARTIES agree that it is necessary to have fleacibility to reduce the contracled amount(s) in this Agreement in response to budget ecanstrai.nts resulting from tbe passage of" reventie-redueing initiative(s). If such an event occurs, the PARTI:FS agrcc to negUtiate in good faith to achieve a mutually ageeable resolution in a timely fashion. SECTION NO. 27. COMI'LIANCE WITFI LAWS The Parties shall observe all federdl, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to fl-►e ex-tent that they may be appl.icable to thc terms of this Agecment. SECTION NU. 28: DISCLAlMER Exccpt as otherw7se provided, this Agreement shall not be construed in any manaer that would ~ limit either Party's authority or powers under. 1aws. SECTION NO. 29: SUPERSEDE This Agreement shall supersede and terminate that agreement between the Parties entitled "INTERT..OCAL COOPERATION AGREFMTNT BETWFF,N C1TY QF SPOKANE VAI.LEY AIVD SPO:KANL CQiJNTY FUR HEA,R.ING EXA11'1InE.R SEIZVICES" executed under Spokane County Resolution No. 03-0311 and executed by the CITY on March 26, 2003. SECTION NQ. 30: ASSUKANCF The CITY shall pay the COUNTY the true and full cost of all Services provideci under this Agreement. T'hc intent of the Parties is that neither Yarty wiU subsidize the other and that the C[TY will not suhsidize any other jurisdiction that is receivi.ng similar services. i ~ ` , 1'agc 9 of 10 . . IN WITNESS WHERFpF, the PARTIES have caused this AgreE:ment to be executed on . date and year opposite thei.r respective signatures. llATED: BOARD OF COUN°T'Y COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANF COUNTY, WASI-iINGTON TODD MJELKE, Cha.irman A'iTEST: CLERK OF THE BOARJa MAR.K. RICHAFtll, Vice-Chairman Daniela F-ricl:son PH77_LIP D. Ht1RRIS, Commissioner DA'1'E A: CITY OF SPOKANE VA1:LEY ATT'EST: David Mercier, City Manager ! Christinc Bainbridge; City Clerk - A1'PROVEI7 AS TO FORIv10NLY: Office of the City Attorney Page 10 af 10 " EXH,I.RI`C "A" t , STREET MAIN7'.ENANCE PT20VISIONS SECTION NO. 1: 2006-2008 I'RA.NSTTIOn' PLAN The transition plan, as set forth in Exhibit -A-2, outlincs each activity by ycar that the City will consider iransitioning to other pro«ders. The City may solicit completivc bids and examine other available resowces to provide the speci.6c activities outlined in the plan. The CI°1'Y, at its optipn, may rcduce activities eac;h year as putLined in the plan. The CITY will give thc COUIJ'"rY 30 days written notice prior to the terminatipn of any aclivity. CITY, at its option, may recluce or increase services up to 10% of the amount of tlae annual contrdct, as outlined in Exhibit A-2, with 69 days prior written notice to COUNTY. SECTION NO. 2: CQST Ol~~ SERVICFS ANn PAYIVIENTS In consideration for COUNTY providing services a.s set forth -herein; CITY shall pay COUNTY for actual costs (monthly bills A*ill i.nclude costs by activity for direct labor for each employee, supcrvision, employee benefits, equipment rental, materials and supPlies, utilities, subconcracted work and permits) after receipt of invoices and supporting documentation lo i.nclude copies of timecazds, uprlated material costs and quantities, and summary reports for labor and equipment charges as icientified in Exhibit A-7, and overhead costs as described in Ex.hibit A-5. Standarci labor rates can be affected by overtime, extra tloliday pay, shift differenlial, la.bor contracts, and `on-call rates. Labor and equipment rates are shown in Eachibit A-3 for 2006 and Fx.hibit A-4 for 2007 and will be reviewed and mqdified when required. COUN'1"Y will notify C1TY in writing of any changes to or modifications af the labar and equipment rates. Fstimated costs for rcquested services in future years will be provideci by the CTTY as a part of annual budget discussions. CITY shall pay COTJNITY for the full cost (includi.ng salary, beucfits, supplie.s, materials, equipment, and ad.nunistrative overhead c.ests) of providing CITY v►rith tapid-response staff in responding to emergencies as oullined in Sec:tion 38 of this Exhibit. . SECTION N(). 3: SERVICES PROViDED A. County Rcsponsibilitics - Services . COWi TY will provide street and traffic mai.ntenance services as identified in E?thibit A-1. 'I he CiTY will direct thesc services within the limits of CUi.JNTY'S operational workforce and equipment. . Aciual levels of service provided by COUNTY will be thnse adopted by CITY and COUNIIY in annual budgct pmeesses. CQIJNTT'Y is a cnntractor far CI"1"Y and will provide services requested by CI1'Y so lang as such services are witlun COLNTY'S ability to provide. ' Page 1 of 3 a Actual scrvices provided by COi1NTY shall be of lhe type, nature and magnitude subsequcntly negotiated between CITY and COUNTY during the PARTLES' annual budget and planning proccsses. A.fier adoption of budgct and plan, within tbe constraints of the base level services pmgram described, CITY may request adjustments to individual tasks in order to meet specific needs. COUNTY shall consider all such roquests and, whenever practicable, alter the work program as necessary. COUNTY is a cantractor of services only and does not purport to represent CITY professionally other than in providing the services requested by C1TY. B. COUNTY and CITY Coordination COUNTY will identify specific liaisons far street, traffic, and stormwater maintenance services to handle day-to-day operational activities relateti to basic and ciiscretionary services. CI'I'Y will identify a liaison for the same purposes. The liaisons will mect regularly with the CITY to review . scheduled daily work activities, future planned work activities, completed work activities and the overall per.formance of this Agreement. The COUNTY wil] provide daily, bi-weekly and 90 day schedules to the CITY. Daily schedules . wil] show the activifiy, specific work locations and lhe number of crew for cach activity. Schedules will be prnvided prior to the dates of the scbeduled work. Scbedules may change due to weather, available personnel, equipment, materials; and other workload factozs. COUNTY wil] notiFy CITY of any schedule changes as soon as the changes are known by COtTNTY. Lmergency wrork, including 911 call.s, will be referred di.rectly to COUNTY personnel. COiJNTY will mai.atain an emergency contact list Nvith the C1TY and 91l dispatch centers. Emergency work tn protect public safety and/or property will be handled as COUNTY andlor C1TY liaisons deems necessary. Emergency work may include, but is not limited to; snow and iee control, slide and/or . debris removal, floodi.ng, rcpair of flood damage to roads and road rights-o.f-way, repair of traffic signal malFunctions, or replacement of dowmed stop signs. C11`Y liaison will be informed of the i.ncident as soon as practicablc. Nan-emergency citizen requests, during regular CI"1'Y operating hours, will be referred to CI7'Y. CITY will be responsibJe for prioritizi.ng requests and arrangi.ng with COUNTY far wrork to be done. C. CITY Responsibilities ln conjunetion Niith COUN'7Y providing the services ciescribcd in Subsections A and B of t.h.is Section, CITY, in executing this Agreement, does: (1) Confer on COUNTY the authority to perf'Urm the street and traffic maintenauce services within CITY limits for the purposes of carrying out this Agreement. (2) Agree that when COU'NTTY provides engneering and administrative services for CITY, , County Fngineer may exercisc all the powers and perform all the duties vested by law or liy Page 2 of 3 , - resolution i.n the City Engineer or other otTycer or department of the City charged with street administration. (3) Adopt by reference all ordi.nances; resolutions and codes neccssary to provide authority fAr COUNTY to perform the services under lbis Agreement. Attachmcnt List: A-1 Services t1-2 Multi Year Budget/Transition Plan f1-3 2006 Employee and F-quipment Rates A-4 2007 Employee arid Equipment Rates A-5 Overhead Cost Definition A-6 Winter Operations Detail A-7 lnvoice Suppprling Documentation . . ` . Page 3 of 3 F EXIMIT 1 S:ERVICES Spokane County w711 provide street and traffic maintenance services witb.i.n C.1TY limits of Spokane Valley at the levels described in Section 1 of the Agreement, as follows (actual levels of servic,e provided by COUNITY will be those adopted by CiTY dnd COUNTY in annnal budget proc;esses).Traffie and strect maintenance service levels as set by CTTY shall reflecl City pplic;ies and may or may not be similar to County policies. Cl'I'Y shall be solely responsible for setti.ng service level policies for all zoadway Ceatures. C4UNTY is mcrely a contractor for purposes of implemcntation of City policy. Street Maintenance -'1`he following are examples of street maintenance services provideci by COUNTY. Actual services will be in the magnitudc, nature and manner requested by CITY. _ 1.1 Traveled Way/RGaclway Surfacc: Patching, crack sealing; prelevel, pavement replacement, gradi.nD, gravelling, sweeping and flushing. 1.2 Shoulders: Kestoration and repair. 1.3 Drai.nage: Cleaning debris from drainage pipes; catch basins, drS~vells, culverts, ditches, ~;utters; and curb and gutter i.n.lets. Repairing damage~to existing drainage facilities such as drainage pipes, catch basins, drywells, culverts, ditches, gutters and curb and gutter inlets. 1.4 Winter Maintenance: Sanding, liquid de-icing, snow removal and chasing w~ater. from roadway suriaces. The County will provide minirnucn level of service as outli.ned in FxhibiE 5('or snow removal priorities, crew configurations, equipment, and estimates of duration. 1.5 12.oadside: Cutting or trimming bushcs or limbs blocki.ng visibility. 2. 7'raffic Maintenanee - The fallowing are examples- of traffic maintenance services provided by COL7NTTY. Aclual services will be in the magiitude; nature and mamier requcsted by CITY. 2.1 Sign Vlaintenance: R.eplacing f'adeci sign faces and broken posts; straightening leaning posts, relocating signs for visibility or peciestridn safeYy, mai.ntenance of: vandalized signs nr signs damaged by vehicle accidents, inspection of signs to check for visibility or pedestrian safety, mainlenanre nf vandaliz,ed signs or signs • to check for reflectivity; removal of sin,,ns when appropriate. . V"tJ~[S't!'~ GG1 [~.1\_~7 D l 1 I'agc 1 of 2 . 2.2 Crosswalk Mazkiag: Refurbishing, instal.li.ng new, and removal when apprapriate. ' ` 2.3 Stop Bazs Marki.ng: Refurbisbing, i.nstalling new and removal when appropriate. 2.4 Arrows/Legencls Marking: Refurbishing, installing acw and removing when appropriate. 2.5 Curb Painting: Viaintenance of curbing and islands. 2.6 Striping: Painting linear road stripes on pavement, such as centerlines, edge lincs, radius and chanaelization, and removal of l.i.ne, stripes or symbals from the pavement_ 2.7 Repair and replacement of stTeet light head.s, poles, wiring or bulbs in ex.isling strcct lights which are incorporated within traffic signal systems. 2.8 Utility Locati.ng: Locating underground traffic facilities fdr utilities or other digging operations. 2.9 Signal M.aintenance: Replacing and cleaning light systems for signal and fla.ther displays and signs, installation and repair of vehicle detector loops, checking and acijusting signal timing, examining traffic signal operation to assure it is operating as intended, inspecting hardwaze for wear or deficiencies, testi.ng and repairing of clectronic control devices and components, repair or replacement of signal and flashcr displays; supports or wiri.ng external to controller cabinet, inodification of controller cabinets, testing of new and modified cabincts and control devices, traffic counter testing and repair and preventative mainlenance. 2.10 Flasher/Crosswalk Preventative Maintenance: Exa.mi.ning to assure equipment is operating as intended and inspecting hardware for wear or deficiencies and repairing companents as required. EXHEBIT "1" Page 2 of 2 a:~ c: j. a~e,as- a,.~i~• AIslal al V. ~ r't.x _f ,iil~' Fry@• ~i~ -I~~~ i ! ,{„t~ ~ s aa - a~i ~i - e ~ g~ ~ I - I ~ I a~ a i r Si~ tq fl~!'~ K Y Y' i ~ ~ t~ ~ : r C i iI = F kiRI~~~,:Ir ?Si a ~ . " yl c s _ a s ~ ~ i~ s :Ti a.lYl a' a xiae c1_ " ~ 7I ~l R ~~~lls',~~ ~ ~ - - I ~ ~ ~ ky e,tr~~e ~ejt Reee a p 0 r s a W s~~l a Fj r s c. s d'z~-: s! x f. 8.b 9 H H 9i---- i 7 ga E!=~ i ~ l'f' N1 t'~ i; ~L~._ 3;3bJ{8fi' g' i:8 e•~gsean~aea~s o4 e q ~ e=' :~.ef 11i e~rae ~ a~a~Sea ~ a~ ~--1-- ~ ~t v 1 ~ • r ~ ~ ~ I~ I ~ • ~ , ~'I ~ ~ R g+ • s~ R~R~ fi51!'~ f:~ ~ ~ fi~ ,q~J~ ~p 7 ~y ~ ~ 3;3 i~ ~ : ~j1~~ 3~ E ° ~r ~ wk~A C' ~h F::~~~~ ~ '9tU~'.l . ~ • Y qq'~~ ~ ~ ~0 11 A119 ~ + i ~ , ~ - EXHIBIT 3 SPOKANE COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE . 2006 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 x 2.5 x EQUIPMENT CHARGES HOURLY TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE ~ CLASS RATE X-tra Help (5 month position) ~ 2231X ~ g 1,848 1 $ 12.00 1 n/a 1 $ 17.61 28.68 Dump Truck ~ TCL8D ~ $ 33.00 Seasonal Help (9 month positon) I 2251 S 1 $ 3,0641 $ 19.241 n/a $ 25.23 $ 41.38 Water Truck ~ TCLBW ~ $ 40.00 Road Maint. Specialist I I 2251 $ 4,546 1 $ 28.06 1 $ 28.66 S 31.38 $ 51.64 Oil Distributor ~ ASPH7 ~ 56.75 Road Maint. Specialist II ~ 2261 $ 4,865 1 $ 29.96 30.56 33.51 $ 55.19 Motor Grader ~ GRADE ~ $ 32.00 Road Maint. Specialist III ~ 2271 $ 5,076 1 $ 31.22 31.82 34_93 57.55 Backhoe ~ BACKH 21.00 Road Maint. Specialist IV ~ 2281 ~S 5,301 1 $ 32.55 33.15 36.43 60.04 Asphalt Paver I PAVER 1$ 50.00 Wheel Loader I LOADE 1 1$ 26.00 Sweeper I SWEEP 1$ 40.00 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISION MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SOT 2 X Broom I BROOM 1$ 50.00 TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (fl Sander I SANDE 1 1$ 64.50 Road Maint. Foreman I ~ 2208 6,430 $ 39.27 n/a 29.65 1$ 56.29 Roller ~ ROLLS ~ $ 50.00 Road Maint.lUtility Inspector I 2208 6,430 $ 39.27 n/a $ 29.65 $ 58.29 Truck & Plow ~ PLOW ~ $ 43.00 Road Maint. Supervisor II I 2210 1$ 7,469 $ 45.461 n/a $ 34.28 $ 67.55 Truck 8 Pup ~ TCL8D 43.00 Road Maint. Superintendent ~ 2222 7,852 1 $ 47.74 1 n!a $ 35.98 1 nla Vactor ~ TCL8V 60.00 ADMINISTRATION 8 MANAGEMENT MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SoT 2 x TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Traininq Foreman ~ 2211 $ 6,759 41.23 1 n/a $ 31.11 1 n/a Material Resource Manager ~ 2219 $ 6,759 41.23 nla 31.11 ~ nla Enviromental & Spec. Proj. Mgr. 2128 $ 7,852 47.74 n/a 35.98 ~ n/a Operations Manager 2309 6,930 42.25 n/a $ 31.88 n/a Administrative Specialist II ~ 1012 4,248 26.29 n/a $ 29.39 n/a (a) The "Monthty Rate" is the loaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at a top step placQment, including benefits and L&I expenses. (b) 7he "Evening Rate" is the hourly labor charge for those warkers assigned to evening shifts (swing & graveyard). (c) The 1.5 X rate is the overtime loaded labor charge per hour worked over normal working haurs. (d) The 2.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked for working recognized holidays. {e} Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight Overtime (SOT) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenance rrorfcers. (o The straight overtime rate is also applied to recognized holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allowed for maintenance wor}cers. Updated Note 1: Call-out after normal working hours is charged a minimum 4 hours straight time, or at the 1.5x overiiine rate for Maintenance Workers onty. 12f22105 Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor contract available. Note 3: Spokane County reserves the right to utilize any qualified worker for the City of Spokane Valley contracted vrork. Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT 3 SPOKANE COUNTY SIGN & SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 2006 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 x 2.5 x EQUIPMENT CHARGES HOURLY TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE ~ CLASS ~ RATE X-tra Help (5 month position) I 2231X 1 $ 1,8481 $ 12.00 1 n/a 1 $ 17.61 $ 28.68 1.5 Ton Truck ~ TCL4M $ 12.00 Traffic Signal Technician 2 I 2311 1 $ 6,026 36.87 n/a $ 41.27 $ 68.12 Bucket Truck ~ TCL3B ~ 7.50 Traffic Signal Technician 3 1 2312 $ 6,6591 $ 40.64 n/a $ 45.50 $ 75.17 Class 4 Truck ~ TCLS4 ~ 12.00 Chief Traffic Siqnal Technician ~ 2313 $ 7,177 $ 43.72 1 n/a 48.96 1 $ 80.93 Heavy Use Truck ~ TCL6L ~ $ 7.50 Traffic Sign Technician 1 ~ 2242 4,466 $ 27.58 1 n/a 30.84 1 $ 50.74 112 Ton Truck ~ PU1/2 ~ $ 6.00 Traffic Sign Technician 2 I 2265 $ 5,0601 $ 31.12 n/a $ 34.81 $ 57.35 Compact 4x4 ~ P4x4C ~ 4.30 Traffic Sign Technician 3 1 2274 $ 5,4531 $ 33.46 n!a $ 37.44 $ 61.74 Mini Van ~ VANMC ~ $ 4.00 Traffic Sign Technician 4 1 2287 $ 5,8771 $ 35.98 1 n/a 1 $ 40.28 1 $ 66.46 Midsize Sedan ~ CARMD ~ $ 3.25 Chief Traffic Signal Technician 1 2283 7,0001 $ 42.67 1 nla 1 $ 47.781 $ 78.96 Striper Truck ~ PTRKC ~ 44.75 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SOT 2 X TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Engineer 3 ~ 2335 8,254 $ 50.131 n/a $ 34.22 n/a (a) The "Monthly Rate" is the loaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at a top step placement, including benefits and L&I expenses. (b) The "Evening Rate" is the houAy labor charge for those vrorkers asstgned to evening shifts (swing & graveyard). (c) The 1.5 X ra4e is the overtime labor charge per hour worked over normal working hours. (d) The 2.5 X rate is Ihe overtime labor charge per hour worked for worlcing recognized holidays. (e) Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight Overtime (SOT) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenance vrorkers. (f) The straight overtime rate is also applied to recognizeti holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allovred for maintenance worlcers. Noto 1: Call-out after normal.working hours is charged a minimum 4 hours straight time, or at the 1.5x overtime rate for Maintenance Workers only. Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor contract available. - Note 3: Spokane Caunty reserves the right to utifize any qualified worker for the City of Spokane Valley contracted work. Updated 12/22/05 , • • Page 2 of 2 • EXHIBIT 4 . SPOKANE COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE . 2007 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 x 2.5 x EQUIPMENT CHARGES HOURLY ' TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE ~ CLASS RATE X-tra Help (5 month position) I 2231X 1 $ 1,848 $ 12.00 1 n/a 1$ 17.61 1 $ 28.68 Dump Truck ~ TCLBD ~ 33.00 Seasonal Help (9 month positon) ~ 2251 S $ 3,459 $ 21.59 1 nla 1$ 28.32 1 $ 46.59 Water Truck ~ TCLBW ~ 1$ 40.00 Road Maint. Specialist I ~ 2251 $ 4,637 $ 28.60 . 29.20 $ 31.99 1 $ 52.65 Oil Distributor I ASPHT 1 1$ 56.75 Road Maint. Specialist II ~ 2261 $ 4,962 1 $ 30.54 31.14 S 34.16 1$ 5627 Motor Grader ~ GRADE $ 32.00 Road Maint. Specialist III I 2271 ~ $ 5,179 1 $ 31.83 32.43 35.61 1 $ 58.69 Backhoe ~ BACKH $ 21.00 Road Maint. Specialist IV ~ 2281 5,407 1 $ 33.18 33.78 3713 J$ 61.22 Asphalt Paver ~ PAVER ~ 50.00 Wheel Loader I LOADE 1 1$ 26.00 Sweeper ~ SWEEP ~ $ 40.00 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISION MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SOT 2 X Broom ~ BROOM $ 50.00 TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (fl Sander I SANDE 1$ 64.50 Road Maint. Foreman I 2208 ~ S 6,559 1 $ 40.04 nla 30.22 $ 59.44 Roller I ROLL5 ~ I S 50.00 . Road MaintJUtility Inspector ~ 2208 $ '6,559 1 $ 40.04 n/a $ 30.22 59.44 Truck 8 Plow ~ PLOW ~ $ 43.00 Road Maint. Supervisor II 1 2210 $ 7,6191 $ 46.351 n/a $ 34.94 68.88 Truck S Pup ~ TCL8D ~ $ 43.00 Road Maint. Superintendent ~ 2222 8,007 1 $ 48.66 1 n/a $ 36.68 ~ n/a Vactor ~ TCL8V ~ $ 60.00 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT Mo EVENING SoT 2 x TITLE I CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Training Foreman 1 2211 1$ 6,894 1 $ 42.041 n/a $ 31.72 n/a Material Resource Manager I 2219 1 $ 6,894 1 $ 42.041 n/a 1 $ 31.72 n/a Enviromental & Spec. Proj. Mgr. 1 2128 1$ 8,009 1$ 48.67 nla 1 $ 36.681 nJa Operations Manager ~ 2309 ~S 7,069 $ 43.08 nla 32.49 1 n/a . Administrative Specialist II ~ 1012 J$ 4,333 $ 26.79 n/a 29.96 1 n/a ,(a) The "Monthly f2ate" is the IQaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at an average step placement, including benefits and L&1 expenses. (b) The "Evening Rate" is the hourly labor charge for those workers assigned to evening shiRs (swing & graveyard). (c) The 1.5 X ra4e is the overtime loaded labor charge per hour worked over normal wvrking hours. (d) The 2.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked for working recogniaed holidays. (e) Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight Overtime (SOT) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenance workers. (fl 7he straight overtime raie is also applied 4o recognized holBday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X aflowed for mafntenance vrorkers. Updated Note 1; Call-out after normal tivorking hours is charged a minimum 4 hours straight time, or at the 1.5x overtime rate for Maintenance Workers only. 12122/05 Note 2: All rates are based on the most current tabor coniract. ' Noto 3: Spokane County reserves the right to utilize any qualified worker for the City af Spokane Valley contracted wark. Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT 4 SPOKANE COUNTY SIGN & SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 2007 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 X2.5 XEQUIPMENT CHARGES HoURLY TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE ~ CLASS RATE X-tra Help (5 month position) I 2231X 1 $ 1,8481 $ 12.00 n/a $ 17.61 1 $ 28.68 1.5 Ton Truck ~ TCL4M 1 $ 12.00 Traffic Signal Technician 2 1 2311 1 $ 6,1461 $ 37.59 1 n!a 1 $ 42.08 $ 69.46 Bucket Truck ~ TCL3B $ 7.50 Traffic Signal Technician 3 1 2312 1 $ 6,7921 $ 41.43 1 nla 1 $ 46.39 $ 76.65 Class 4 Truck ~ TCLS4 ~ $ 12.00 Chief Traffic Signai Technician ~ 2313 1 $ 7,3201 $ 44.57 n/a $ 49.92 1 $ 82.53 Heavy Use Truck ~ TCL6L $ 7.50 Traffic Sign Technician 1 ~ 2242 4,555 $ 28.11 n/a $ 31.44 $ 51.73 112 Ton Truck PU1/2 $ 6.00 Traffic Sign Technician 2 ~ 2265 5,161 $ 31.72 ( nla $ 35.49 $ 58.48 Compact 4x4 P4x4C $ 4.30 Traffic Sign Technician 3 1 2274 1 $ 5,5621 $ 34.11 ~ nla $ 38.17 $ 62.95 Mini Van ~ VANMC ~ 4.00 Traffic Sign Technician 4 1 -2287 I$ 5,9951 $ 36.68 n/a $ 41.06 1 $ 67.77 Midsize Sedan ~ CARMD $ 3.25 Chief Traffic Signal Technician I 2283 7,1401 $ 43.50 n!a 1 $ 48.71 1 $ 80.52 Striper Truck ~ PTRKC $ 44.75 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SOT 2 X TITLE I CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Engineer 3 . 1 2335 1 $ 8,419 1$ 51.11 1 n/a 1 $ 34.881 n/a (a) The "Monthly Rate" is the loaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at an average step placement, including benefits and L&I expenses. (b) The "Evening Rate" is the hourty labor charge for those workers assigned to evening shifts (swing 8 graveyard). (c) The 1.5 X rate is the avertime labor charge per hour worked over nortnal vrorking hours. (d) The 2.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked for vrorking recognized holidays. (e) Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight Overtime (SOT) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenance workers. (o The straight overtime rate is also applied to recognized holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allowed for maintenance workers. Note 1: Call-out after normal working hours is charged a minimum 4 hours straight time, or at the 1.5x overtime rate for Maintenance Worlcers only. Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor contract. Note 3: Spokane County reserves the right to utilize any qualified tivorker for the City of Spokane Valley cflntracted work. Updated 12/22/05 ; • , Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT 5 ADMINISTRATION PERCENTAGE CALCULATION SHEET CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUDGET EXPENDITURES AGENCY ORGANIZATION 4000000 2003• 2005 2005 ACCOUNA TITLE BUDGET ADOPTED YTD Actual 50800 Beginning Fund Balance $ 7,615,000 $ 18,188,207 $ - 51999 Reinbursabie $ 1,330,000 $ 2,344,416 $ 2,402,226 Administration 54310 Management $ 113,000 $ 426,200 $ 121,889 54320 Undist Fringe $ 495,000 $ 1,000,600 $ 1,589,256 54330 General Services $ 1,070,000 $ 2,439,832 $ 2,430,995 54340 Planning $ 400,000 $ 652,600 $ 626,198 54350 Facilities $ 125,000 $ 236,200 $ 238,277 54360 7raining $ 140,000 $ 311,960 $ 282,348 54370 Undist Indirect Labor Cost $ 960,000 $ 1,783,600 $ (169,418) Total Administration $ 3,303,000 $ 6,850,992 $ 5,119,545 Miscellaneous 59119 Principal Gen Govt $ 187,500 $ 187,500 • 59200 Interest $ 300 $ 119 59443 Capitaf-Equipment $ 53,258 $ - $ - Total Miscellaneous $ 53,258 $ 187,800 $ 187,619 59700 Oaeratinq Transfers Cost Allocation $ 1,197,167 . " Public Works Admin $ 325,000 Permit Center Bonds $ 249,663 Sewer Construction $ 985,000 Evergreen Interchange $ 171,685 $ - $ - Total Operating Transfers $ 2,928,515 $ 4,471,178 $ 2,060,280 Maintenance 54230 Roadway $ 4,983,600 $ 7,767,100 $ 7,632,039 54240 Storm Drainage $ 676,800 $ 711,100 $ 813,009 54250 Structures $ 65,000 $ 99,800 $ 153,665 , 54261 Sidewalks $ 6,000 $ 21,900 $ 23,955 54263 Street Lighting $ 229,200 $ 130,100 $ 109,676 54264 Traffic Control Devices $ 901,200 $ 1,279,000 $ 1,296,449 54266 Snow & Ice Removal $ 2,419,200 $ 3,333,100 $ 1,917,372 54267 Street Cleaning $ 730,800 $ 761,000 $ 798,709 54270 Roadside Development $ 781,200 $ 1,092,700 $ 1,259,845 ` 54290 Maint. Administration $ 1,206,000 $ 1,032,100 $ 1,053,781 Total Maintenance $ 12,000,000 $ 16,227,900 $ 15,058,500 2003 2005 2005 ACCOUNT TfTLE BUDGET ADOPTED YTD Actual Construction 59510 Engineering $ 792,100 $ 760,500 $ 269,262 59511 Value Engineering $ - $ - $ - 59515 Construction Engineering $ 558,100 $ 377,200 $ 241,899 59520 Right of Way $ 430,200 $ 288,000 $ 60,106 59530 Roactway $ 3,353,800 $ 2,852,500 $ 1,809,908 59540 Storm Drainage $ 377,500 $ 306,700 $ 187,908 • 59550 Structures $ 839,000 $ - $ 48,371 59561 Sidewalks $ 157,800 $ 90,000 $ -49,869 59563 Street Lighting $ 8,500 $ - $ . - 59564 Traffic Control Devices $ 455,800 $ 362,000 $ 124,811 59565 Parking Facilities $ 14,200 $ . - $ - 59570 Roadside Development $ 70,400 $ 15,000 $ 35,687 59590 Construction Administration $ 52,600 $ 137,300 $ 62,739 Total Construction $ 7,110,000 $ 5,189,200 $ 2,890,560 _ Agency Org ' 4000000 Subtotal $ 34,339,773 $ 53,459,693 $ 27,718,730 Agency Org - 4200000 Engineer Grants 5000 Unclassified $ 7,308,000 $ 7,011,000 $ 6,567,203 lgency Org 4210000 State Grants $ 3,176,000 $ 5,977,000 $ 4,937,8t, 5000 Unclassified Total Expenditures $ 44,823,773 $ 66,447,693 $ 39,223,738 ORIGINAL PERCENTAGE CALCULATION ' Administration $ 3,303,000 $ 6,850,992 $ 5,119,545 Miscellaneous $ 53,258 $ 187,800 $ 187,619 Operating Transfers $ 2,928,515 $ 4,471,178 $ 2,060,280 TOTAL ADMINSTRATION $ 6,284,773 $ 11,509,970 $ 7,367,444 Total minus Grants $ 34,339,773 $ 53,459,693 $ 27,718,730 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 34,339,773 $ 53,459,693 $ 27,718,730 CALCULATION (Oriqinal Version) AdministrationlExpenditures 18% 22% 27% ALTERNATE CALCULATION Total Road Fund Budget Expenditures $ 66,549,017 $ 39,375,775 Total AdminstratioNBudget Expenditures 17% 1!- ' . ~ ~ ~ . EXHIBIT 6 PRIORITIES ON SNOW PLOWING CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SNOWPLOWING NUMBER OF DEICERS GRADERS TRUCK TRUCK TRUCKS HOURS TO ' PRIORITIES EMPLOYEES PLOWS SANDERS PlowslSanders COMPLETE COMMENTS 1. Main Arterials 14 2 7 2 3 12 Sanders team up with 2. Secandary Arterials 8 2 2 2 2 12 truck plotivs. 3. Hillside Residentials 12 2 8 2 2 16 4. Vailey Floor Residentials 15 9 4 2 60 EXIIIBTT 7 • B1=LLING DOCUMENTATIUN . ; The followring items are provided throughout the bil.ling cycle to the City by the Cou.nty to aid in auditing the monthly bill for services. 1. Copies of employee time cards. 2. Current County costs of inventoried items. 3. Current costs for contracted materials. 4. Currerat rental charges for fleet vehicles. 5. Summary Reports of i.abor and Equipment. ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24th, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing D information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Uniform Development Cods, proposed Ordinances GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 10.30.060 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City Council, as codified in SVMC 10.30.060 . adopted the Spokane County Zoning Code in its entirety. The Council also passed Ordinance 05.015 which renumbered various sections of the existing SVMC. BACKGROUND: In adopting the entire Spokane County Zoning Code, a number of zone designations were adopted that were not applic:able to the City of Spokane County. Other sections were sections adopted by the county but never used or applied by the City of Spokane Valley. The first ordinance will simply repeal those chapters that are not applicable. The ~ second ordinance repeals, for now, the ordinance renumbering specific sections of the SVMC. The City staff is in the process of developing an entirely new development code to be considered by the City Council. This numbering system will be used, at least in part, in the development of this code. However, it currently creates conflict between existing sections of the code and could confuse code users. The* ordinance is being repealed to assist in an orderly transition to the new UDC. OPTtONS: This matter will be brought back before you after consideration by the pfanning commission if the council approves of that direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Send the ordinances to the planning commission for consideration. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly , ATTACHMENTS: 1) Ordinance repealing sections of 14.100-800. 2) Ordinance repealing Ordinance 05-015 ~ CITY U.p SPQKAIVE VAI..LEY SPOKA.N-G CUUN'I.'Y, «'ASHli\TGTnN Ol7.t)fNA\TCE NU. 06-**t AiN CaRll1NA1TCF Ul; 11IF CITY OF SPCahAnT VAL11EY, WASTiTTiGTOiv, REPEAL,I:NG PORTIOr1S- QF S:k'OA'.ANE VA I:::l.. EY A'iUi1TrCTPAL CC71)F SECTION 10.30.060 • AS LS'I'ARI.,ISI-IED t3Y SPOKANE , VALLEY 0RDI1TA_vC.1! 03-53 PROV.I:pING 1+O1Z SFVERAl311.0iTY Avll EST.4BLISL[P1G EFFEC7"1VT D.aTE. WfTTR.F.,AS; The Ciiy Council adoplecl Ordinance 03-053 on Mareh 25, 2003, which was cadified 111. part in the Spok.ane Valley Municipal Code Section 10.30.060 and which adoptpd spECific pnri:ions of the Spokane Counl'y 7oning Code specifically . sections 14.100-500; and Spokane Counry !'hase One rcgulations; and «'HE'liLA.S, Ciiy staff has identified specifiic sections af the adopted Spokane County 7oning Code ancl PhasE One Regulations that have no coiresponding zone wilhin the City of Spokane Valley, are not reflecl-ive of the provisions of the apPlicable lnterini Cornprehensive Plan or Map adopted by the City of Spokanc Valley, or arc not regulations or cont~-rols uscd'or reliecl upAn b_y the City of Spokane Valley; and r W'RE:[tT,AS, the City council of the Cit}, pt" Spokane Valley is in ttie process of . adnpting its m«i Coniprehensive F'lan and D€vclopmene Regulations to irnplcment that plan; and N1r1-I-E:REAS, in order to Facilitate public tulderstanding of the applicablc developmEnt code during this transition perioci and eliminate all provisions that are no longer applicable or. necessary prioz lo the cstablishirent of the netiv eamprehensive l~lan and developi-ncni regulations; and WHLlEAS,. (lie follovving pr.ovisipns are necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the gEneral public and the enviroiunent; t170w, THEIZL+" IF0.12E, clYe Cit), Council of the City of Spokane Valley, : WASi1lI1g1:011, orclains as follows: Section 1. Keneal of Aortioiis of the Snokane Countv Zoninp- Code as adonted bv SVMC 10.30.060. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 10.30.060 is herby amended by rE.pealiiig in tlieir entirely the :following chapters of the adopted Spokane County %,onirig Code: l. SecCion 14.608. Seilii-R.ural Residenkial 5 2. Section 14.609, 12ural Residential a - 3. Section 14.638; Exclusive Agricultural 4. Section 14.642 .1.2.ura1 SeLi:lemcni S. Section 14.643 Urban Rescrve 7one - 6. Section 14.644 Forestry 7. Section 14.708 NeighborlioocUComniunity Uverlay . 8. Section 14.412 Solar Devclopments, and 9. Seclion 14.820 13onus Density for Sewer Hookul). Section 2. Repeal of nor.lions of the Saokane Cotultv Phase One T)eveloament Kcp-ulations as adoUtEd bv SVMC 10.30.060. Spokane Vallcy Muiucipal Cnde Section 1030.060 is herby unended by repealing in tlieir entirely the followuig sections of the adopted Spokanc County Phase One 17evelopinent Re;ulations: 1. Section 14.824, Rural Cluster ]7evelopincnt 2_ Section 14.609. Rural Residential 5 3. Section 14.638, Exclusive Agricultural 4. Section 14.644, ForEStry 5. Section 14.643 Urban Reseive Zone 6. Section 14.646 hlLral Conscrvation Section 3. • Sevcrabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or plrasc of.' this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or uneonstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such i.nvalidily or unconstitutionality shall not affect the valiclity or constieutionaliry of any other section, sentence, clausc or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4. E-ffective Daee. This ordina,nce shall be in full force and effect f ve days after publication of ihis ordinajlce or a suinuiary [hereof occtirs in the official nEwspaper of the City as provided by law. CITY OF SPOI{AiNF V AJ,T •EY SPOKANL COUNIY, WASHINGTUN (U12DINAi\CE NCa. 06-*** E1,i~1 ORDINt1NCL OF THL CI`l"Y OF SPOKANr VALL,LX, `'VASI-iI:NGTUN, ItLT'EAi.:ING 5.1:'4KAINTE VA.LLLX O1tA TiNA\TCE 05- 015 VI':11TCH R.EiYIJNfBEl2.F,D VA1t10US PROVTSIONS ()lt THEi SPUKANE VAI;LEY vIUNTiClYAT,. COllL. P1ZOV[llI~i tC'. FOI7 ST,VE12ABILI:TY AND ESTABLZSHING EH"FT:CTIVE UATE. . NN'KEREAS, The City Couneil adopted Ordinance 05-015 on March 22, 2005, which renumbered nuinei-oiis sections of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. WHl?REAS, Tauc to the complcxity of the currenlly adopted zoning cocle provisions and the anticipated developmcnt ol°a new Unifor.m I7evelopment code (hcreinafter UDC); anci WT-HEKEAS, to enstu'e thdt no cdnflict ar.ises during the pende.ncy o.f.' the development of the new UDC ~~~ith the cxisting 1nd c«rrently effective zoning cade provisiocis; and , W14l:RFA&; the City will consider adapting a nuizibering systcro substantia11y similar to that now being repealed at such timc thal• the Ciiy's Camprehensive Plan has becn adopted and the UpC is. drafted; and . ; . WHETZFAS, the following changes are necessary ta protect the health, safety, and welf'arc oi'the general public anci the cnvirorunent; NOW, T1i1'.4RZ:~'Ol.2.F, ttie City Council of the Cil'y of Spolcaiie Valley, Washinatan, hrdains as follows: Secfion 1. Rcpeal of Snokanc Vallcv Orclinance 05-015. Spokane Valley Ordinance 05-015 is hereby repealcd in ifs eiltirety. Thc SpUlcane Valley Code numbcrs f.'or specific Provisions revised by Ordinance 05-015 shall revert to these nu►nbers in eflect priar to the adopUon o1'ordinancc 05-015. _ Section 2. No e[-fect on ordinances nassed siibseQUent to nrdinance 05-015. vothing ii1 this ordinance shall 'ui any manner clian~e or alter the nurnbering set forth in any ordinance passed by ttie Spokane Vallcy Cicy Couneil aftex the dzte ofpassage of or.dinance 05- 015. Section 2. Severabilitv. Tf any section, sentence, clduse or phrase of'this ordinance . shall be held to be invalid or unconslitutional by a colu-t of competent jtu-isdiction, such invaliciit}, br unconSCitutionality shall not affect the validily or consCitutionality of any other sectiou, senience, clause or phrase of tius orciinance. Section =l. Effective T)afc. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fvc days ai'ter publication of this Orciinance or a suuvnary thereof occurs in the o1icial newspaper of the `4., ~City as provided by law. 1 PASSED by tlic City Council this `h day of . 2006. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTES 1': City Clcrk, Christine Bainbridge Approved .ts to horiTi: Office of the City Aitoi-ney Date of Publicacion: Effective Date: , 2 Section 4.15.1 Residentlal Zone Dimensional Standards T UR-3.5"K" I UR 7~'>n~ ~ UR 12 UR 22 a)c+) - Residential Single Single MuRi- Single Multi- Single Muftl- PUDs Family Du lex Family Duolex familv Family Duolex famiN FamIN Duolex tamily ~o Area/Dweldng I 10,000 I 20,000 I 6,000 11.000 I 15.000 I 4.200 I 5.000 ! 6,000 1 1.800 I 3,200 I 6.000 1.600 Lot Frontage ~ 80 ~ 80 ~ 65 1 90 ~ 100 ~ 50 ~ 50 ~ 60 ~ 20 1 40 ~ 60 30 Lot Depth 80 ~ 80 ~ 100 ~ 80 1 80 ~ 100 50 Front Yard Setback I I 15m I 15w 15m I 150 I 15m I 15w I 15m I 15a+ 15 ? is~ 15~ I 15~ I 15rn c» E LE Garaae Setback I 5 20a' I 2011 ~ 20(zl 200 I 20P 20:0 ~ 2011 I 2011 ! 20R' I 200 I 2012) 20(6) I ~ Rear Yard Setback `4)(s>M I 20 I 20 I 20 20 I 15 20 I 20 I 15 I 20 I 20 I 15 15 Side Yard Setbadc I (•xs)ap 5 I 5 I 5 I 5 ' 5 5 I 5 I 5 I 5 I 5 I 5 5 Side Yard Setback (flankinQ StreeUP) 150 15°f 150 15(2) 15M 15a' 150 15M 150 15M 15a, 10 Open SpaGe 10% gross a rea Der,sity (Du/Acre) I 4.35 I 4.35 1 7 I 7 I 7 I 12 12 I12 I 22 I zz I 22 Zone+ PRpy,s ~ Lot Coverage ~ 50.0% I SOA% ~ 55.0% ~ 55.0% ~ 55.0% ~ 60.096 60.096 I 60.096 I 65.096 ~ 65.0°~6 ~ 65.0% ~ 60.0°/y ~ Bfeet) ding Height (in I 35 35 I 35 I 35 I 35 I 40 I 40 I 40 50 I 50 I 50 I ~ Zone Building Height (in storiea) _ 21/1 2'h 2Y: 2% I 3 3 3 4 4 4 ~ Zone "Clear vieW' Triangle required I Measured fran pro perty line outafde border easement, if any Zero setbadcs along rear and/or one side are allowed provided that a 6-0" construdion end maintenance easement(s) is reoorded with the Spokane County Auditor prior to Issuanoe of a building permit. Minfmum rear yard setbacks on zero bt line configuratan shall not be less than fiRy (50) feet or the surn of the rear yards required by the underlyfng zone, whithever ia greater. Minimum side yard setbacks between dwelling unita and adjaaant bts shall not be less than 10 feet on the side oppoalte the zero in a zero lot line corrfiguraNon o) Inatitutfonal and Office uses have ttw same satback aa residential uses in zones whare permltted. Attachad geragas loading from lfie side may have the I same setbadc as a prinapal structure. t°' Permitted accessorv strudures shatl maintain a five foot (5'-0"f side and rear vard satbadc ATTACHMENT "A" 3 : °Fk,a.ne Valley 41;000 11707 F. Spraguc Ave Suite 106. Spokanc Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000. Fax: 509.921.1008. cityhaU,naspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager, and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: January 24, 2006 Re: Monthly Report - Summary of December 2005 Activities Human Resources Recruitments - There are a number of newly filled positions and recent position openings. Following is the recruitment status of each position. Building Inspector ii Doug Powell startcd Januarv 4, 2006 . - - - - - _ - ; Ccntei-Place Pasitions are open anc~ advertised. r'~, pool of available applic;ants ( HostlHostess-On~-ca11 is beiiigg sou ht for these c>n-call positions. , P~rti~it ~p«1,111:4 i';in&1:l~itc c::pc~.:tc~i i in car1y I,inu,ir;. ~ Public Information Researched, analyzed and drafted: • Customer Service Plan • Communications Policy • 2006 Communications Plan Operations Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Program - Annual Statistics One -Wav Trip Cate;zories 2005 Total Miles Eliminated 14,181 Pounds of Carbon Monoxide Eliminated 779 Dollazs Saved $8,083 Cammute Alternative Days 2,038 Deputy Cit}• Manager hlonthly Report - Decemher, continued December 13, 2005 - Contract Administration Spokane Valley YTD Costs for County Yay-as-You-Go Contracts Throueh Nov. 2004 Z'hrouah Nov. 2005 Hearing Examiner $ 32,849 $ 37,730 Jail $ 249,010 $ 284,385 Geiger $ 106,052 $ 111,105 GIS Srvs.(GIS T'ech. only) $ 63,328 $ 75,807 Web Site Web Site Summary - Month ojDecember 2005 Numbers reflcct full or majoriry wccks of the monch. Unique User Sessions 22130 Top Five Pages Viewed* Employment 3313 GIS/Nlaps 566 Community Development 492 Council Agenda and Minutes 423 Departments 372 Top Five "Referrer" Web Sites Spokane County - Jobs 424 Spokane County - Gov't Employment 252 Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) 145 Spokane Valley Online 117 Google 70 Business Registration 13 - New business registrations 1,004 - Annual rcnewals (Due annually in Dccember) SpWane ; ;011111111110valey 11707 E Sprague Ave SuiXe 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VVA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org - ~,r:a . -----~-T--~ Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: tJina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: January 10, 2006 ' Re: Monthly Repor# During Taeeember; finance employees worked nn the follAwing projects: Year end financial einse out Staff is working to close aul the financial rec4rds for 2005. 1'reparations are being made tn prepare the Comprehensive Arunial Financi-cil Report (CtaFR) and to generate W-2 forms for our employees. 1099 fnnns will also be prepared diiring Jaiiuary. Onec our financial records ai•e .f.lnali7ed and the auclit is complete; the CAFTZ will be prepared. 1Ne will send copies to banks, bond underNvriters and bnnd rating agencies to keep thcm updated on aur financial stahis. Siaff is finishing these tasks for our 2004 records and vvill follow "v7th 2005 records. State reauired annual street renorC Afinancial report on street e:cpcndihires is required by the state each year. Once 2005 records are complete, this report will be submitted to the state. I3udp-et varian ccr'investmcnt rcaorts Reports showing a comparison of fiind revenues and expenditures to our 2005 amendeci budget, at December 31, 2005, are attacheri. Tf revenues and expenditures flowed to/front the city equally over twelve months, wc would cYpcct to see niunbers very close to 100% in the right-hand coluiiui. Revenues aiid expenditures dn not f-low equally in twelve monthly uistaliments so the pereentages appearinc, in the right hand column will often be skeivved. We also accrue most January revcnuc and cxpendihues into the prior ycar's records so that revcnucs for the year are % matched against eYpenditures f~r the same year. Sales Taxes and Plann.i.n.g/Building Fecs are t~vo of our leading revenue sources. Both are - expected to exceed our estimates significantly, resulting in extra dollars in thc General Fund by year end. Gamblui;l axes, Franchise Fees, Recrcatian Fees and Livestment Interest will also bc above our estimates. T have adcied additional footnotes to the attached schedule. If you or others llave questions feel free to contact me. Audit for 2004 The Washington State Auditor's Office is nearing completivn of the audit for our 2004 fiscal year. We expect a list of'recommendations for our review. Multivear financial nlan Now that ihe budget for 2006 is in place, staff «Till address the multiyear financial plan. UPdated projections will be availablc for the retreat in early February. City of Spokane Valley General Fund Prelim. At 1-10-06 Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended December 31, 2005 Amsnded 8udget Decembec YTD Unrealized Percent ' 2005 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: • Unrestricteci Fund Balanoe $ 3,784,254 $ - $ 4,493,460 (709,210) 118.74% Property Tax 10,055,316 806,533 9,471,444 583,872 94.19 Sales 1'ax 13,988,000 1,440,978 15,616,844 (1,618,844) 111.56 6 Gambling Tax 800,000 - 762,978 37,022 95.37 4 Leasehold Excise Tax 5.000 1,612 9,419 (4,419) 188.38 10 Franchise FeesBusiness LicensES 650,000 12,878 571,056 78,944 87.85 4 State Shared Revenues 1,121,709 135,198 1,014,183 107,526 90.41 Planning & Building Fees 1,863,000 104,652 2,496,715 (633,715) 134.02 14 Fines and Forteitures 1,200,000 97,705 1,132,173 67,827 94.35 Recreation Program Fees 170,000 74,438 386,329 (216,329) 227.25 5 Investment Interest 36,000 27,811 230,862 (194,862) 641.28 12 OperaUng i"ransfers 207,140 - 118,944 88,196 57.42 11 S 33,890,415 $ 2,701,805 $ 36,304,407 $ (2,413,992) 107.12 ~ - -!J , Amended Budget December YTp Unrealized Percent 2005 Exoenditures Expenditures Exnenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative BranGi $ 288,226 $ 53,046 $ 229,050 $ 59,176 79.47% 13 F-xecutive & Legislative Support 442,867 46,442 363,450 79,417 82A7 15 . Public Safety 15,909,424 1,233,280 14,743,644 1,165,780 92.67 Operations & Administra4ive Svcs 1,294,601 187,129 1,049,663 244,938 81.08 17 Public Works 800,490 204,124 893,166 (92,676) 111.58 26 Planning & Community Dev. 1,729,315 310,476 1,710,398 18,917 98.91 Library Services 2,270,000 - 2,176,178 93,322 95.87 Parks E, Recreation 1,959,186 177,682 1,445,001 514,185 73.76 18 Ceneral Gavemment 9,196,306 379,456 7,449,332 1,746.974 . 81.00 16 5 33,890,415 $ 2,591,635 S 30,059,882 $ 3,830,533 88.70°/a ~ C~ 1/11/2008 7:55AM , City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Prelim. At 1-10-06 Budget Variance Report ~ For the Period Ended Qecember 31, 2005 - Atr,ancted Budgei Decembez YTO Unrealized PCrCent 2005 R9venuCS Reveswes Revenve ReaFiZed Other Funds Revenues: Street Fund $ 5,803,156 $ 327,241 $ 3,487,947 5 2,335,211 59.76% 24 Arteriaf Street Furvd 1,0E5,003 (158,694) 483,759 802,244 44.53 7 Trails and Pa`hs 17,900 6,958 7,168 50,734 46.03 2 lia;eWsUotJ Fund ' 437,827 32,705 367,858 69,969 84,02 Debt Servk:e - lTGO 03 582,835 - 582,835 - 100.00 Capital ProjettS Fund 2,105,804 103,890 1,242,028 863,878 58.98 24 Special Capitaf Projeds Fund 1.912,457 102,856 1,208,832 703,625 63.21 24 Street Gapitaf Pro§eGs 4,262,330 328,854 063,433 3,578,897 16.03 8 Mirabcau Point I'roJeCl 4,040,OOA 1,022 150,686 3,849,314 3.77 24 Street Bond Capitnl Pr*cts 406,000 3,191 114,867 291,113 28.34 24 CD BloCk Grint Funcf 600,000 439,850 512,682 87,318 65.45 3 ' Capltal Gr3n4s Fund 5,6iU,000 - 299,336 4,796,464 5.9d 8 Barket Qridge ReoonstruCtbon 350,000 - • 350,000 - 8 5iarmwatcs PAgmt Fund 2,061,026 99,388 1,230,627 786,399 62.14 24 Equ[p. Rental & Replticemeni 272,892 537,913 609,610 (336,716) 223.39 24 Risk Manaqsmcnt 140,828 89 105,855 35,173 75,02 21 RC35Brvas: - - Centerph..oeoperfliing 300,000 1,502 308,299 (6,2-91) 162.0 SCfv1Ce level SlAbilization 1,000,000 8,492 2,335,706 (1,335,706) 233.57 25 Winterwea2her 590,000 1,527 507,809 (7,909) 101.58 Pasicscapital 550,000 201,279 555,537 (5,537) 101.01 Civdc buddings 500.000 1.827 507.909 (7,909) 101.58 , $ 31,889,169 $ 2,040,309 $ 15,330,891 $ 16,588,269 48.0695 ' Mnended Bu8ge1 DecGmber YTp Unrealized Perceat 2005 Exoendi4ures ExqendilUtas &D andl r*: Realized Other Funds Expenditurts: Street Fund $ 5,603,158 $ 488,545 $ 2,465,994 a 3,337,164 42.48;b 19 Arterial Street Furrd 1,088,003 - - 1,086,003 - 8 , Tmils and Paths 17,900 - - 17,900 - 2 ilatcMtOtel Fund 437,827 39,489 234,297 203,530 53.57 20 DCbl SCa+Roe I.TGO 0.3 582,835 - 582835 - 100.OD Capital Projects Fund 2,505,904 40,000 532,545 1,973,359 6.29 8 Special Capital ProJect3 Furrd 1,912,457 - 92,545 1,819,912 4,84 8 Street Capital proJects 4,262,330 48,236 254,830 4,007,500 5.88 8 Mirnbeou Po(nt Project 4,000,0oa 7,685 3,484,558 51 S,4t2 87.11 Street Bond Capi6al ProjecQs 400,000 • 285,496 110,fl04 72.99 8 CO Block Gran? Fund 600,000 - 519,221 80,779 86.54 Capital Grants Fund 5,010,000 19,493 600,394 4,409,506 91.99 8 Barker Bridgc RceonsUuUlcn 350,000 10,137 109,633 240,367 31.32 8 Siormvrater➢dgmt Fund 2,061,028 442,016 5,367,431 693,545 66.35 22 [quip. Rental & RepOacemnt 272,892 8,889 65,825 207,067 24.12 23 Ctfsk Management 140,828 - 105,021 35,867 74.57 21 Reserves: ' Centerplaee operatirug 300,000 - - 300,000 - Servkw lovel stahdli2atton 1,000,kOQ - - 9,000,000 - L`finter weaEher SOO,OOQ - - 500,000 - P9rks r.apital 550,000 - - 556,040 - CivOc Dufldfn~,p 500.000 - - 500.000 . S 31,899,160 S 1,154,470 S 10,319,925 S 21,588,035 32.32% 11ti11200e 7:55AM City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month December 2005 . Total LGIP` F&M MM Investmen#s - Beginning $ 18,767,778.53 $ 4,479,376.49 $ 23,247,155.02 Deposits 1,780,661.93 - 1,780,661.93 Withdrawis (2,000,000.00) - (2,000,000.00) Interest 66,953.87 12,744.75 79,708.62 Ending $ 18,615,404.33 $ 4,492,121.24 $ 23,107,525.57 Balances bv Fund General Fund . $ 5,657,094.25 _ Street Fund 3,707,277.47 Arterial Sfreet 1,181,367.45 Paths & Trails 15,658.36 . HoteUMotel 268,360.28 Center Place Op 306,291.17 Service Level Stab. . 2,335,706,14 Winter Weather Res. 507,909.32 Capital Projects 2,472,570.00 Spec. Capital Proj. 2,217,010.68 Street Capital Proj. 149,779.00 Mirabeau Point Proj. 450,867.95 Street Bflnd Proj. 1,124,789.11 CD Block Grant Fd. - Parks Capital Proj. 355,536.54 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 507,909.32 Stormwater Mgmt. 1,151,888.47 - Equipment Rental 668,728.66 Risk Management 28,781.40 $ 23,107,525.57 'Lacal Government Investment Pool 1I11/2006 7:55 ANI ' dec ' FOOTNOTES Note: 1 Revenue from property taxes is received in May and November 2 No projects planned in 2005 3 Reimb. Due city for block grant project 4 Received quarterly 5 Centerplace receipts have been added s Will be close to $17 million at yr end , 7 Used for capital projects. Cash not transferred to the construction fund until cash is needed. 8 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 10 Budget was too low 11 Cost allocation plan indicates our transfers were estimated too high 12 As receipts exceed our estimates, so too will interest earnings 13 Salaries/benefits budgeted at higher amounts 14 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. 15 Prof.*services, travel & printing are under budget 16 Reserve for rev. adjmts and contingency won't be spent ($1.3 million) 17 Prof. services is under budget 18 All divisions are under budget . 19 County street mntnce and arch/enginrg costs are under budget . -20 Some room tax agencies bill the city in early January 21 City insurance premium was under budget 22 Stormwater capital improvmts are under budget • 23 City budgeted all resources of the fund. but will spend less 24 Amended budget included beg. Fund bal. which reduces the % spent 25 Excess revenues were transferred to the Service Level Stability Fund 26 Replacement reserve fully funded in 2005 MV2006 7:55Arn ~ ITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY u"tPAIR'l-tVIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT LONG RANGE PLANNNYG: Planning Commission The Spokane Valley Planning Commission delivered a recommerxiation to the City Counci! concerning ttw draft Comprehensive Plan in September 2005, following nine community meetings, two open houses and four pubiic hearings. The Commission was extremety pleased with tfie comments received (rom the Washington Department of Community Trade and Economic Development conceming the level of public particip8fion affered durfng the planning process. The Ptanning Commission began work on the negulations implemertdng tttie Comprehensive Plan which wili conanue irtto 2006_ Dunng 2005, the Planning CommEssion consideted amendmersts to the PUD regufations, Phase 1 of sign regulations, the Storma►ater ordinance, amendments to the street vacation oniinance, and Me extension of the UR-1 Estate Residentiai Irtterim Znning Distrid The Commission also discussed proposals for the rogutation of the handNng, transportation anrl storage of cnficat materials, and processed three requests for stree4 vacation, and initiabed work on amendments to the Airport Hazard Overlay Zone. The Pfanning Commission wili miss Mr. Bif1 Gothmann, who assumed new responsibilities as a member of the Spokane VaHey City Council, and welcomes Ms Marcia Sands, who wili be fillmg oLE! Mr. Gothmann's unexpired term. Geogrsphtc Irdormation SystetN PLUS During 2005, the methvdology to compile the new Comprehensive Pian's land use designations wfth Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) for the Spokane Regiona{ Transportation Council's (SRTC) trip distribution modeling application was compieted. Also completed was a land capacity analysis to depict a visual hWory of grawfh to detennine how much land is being used and for what purposes; migration of ag ptaming related GIS tayers into a new system (GeodaRabase), diagramming of data modcls and peftmied data coriversinns bo correct data: staff 2lso peiinmeci complex GIS analysis to further deveiop the Comprehensive Plan and compfelion ot all the maps wiftn tfie Compnehensive Plan. Mapping suPZwrt was also provided for Planr;mi-i r*-n,r•;,';'=W1.7; r'i,;, ,,,-I ~,rl:,,,`1'1~ ,nl hearings held before the Hearing Examme The City oontinues to update and cxusto r i . ; , , , , , : . mfiesiones and reporls during the ysar, campleting the work necessary for the 2008 report; ysar. Long Range Planning Staff Long Range statf has been working on a number of projecis in addfion to the Comprehensive Plan. Those pro}ects include the Environmental Impad Statement (EIS) for the Plan (this indudes both Ihe Draft and the Firual EiS's) Staff evaluated the effects of accepting entitlemeM city status under the Community Developmerrt Block Grant Program. Based on the analysis City Council eiected to remain a part ot the Spo4cane County Consortium for the cuRent tfiree -year Page 1 of 9 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development ~ 2005 Annual Report planning petiod Staff oompieted or assisted in preparing applicahons for the Courtty's 2006 CDBG application process_ Stati also participated in the regional watershed planning etfort, the County's update, resulting in Council adoption of Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) Watershed Management Plan. Collaborative planning joinUy with Spokane County in tfie update of the Shoreline Masier Program resulted in finalization of the inventory and will pemnit the beginning of cfizen partiapation in the Spokane Valley SMP during 2046. S1aff has worked with the Affordable Housing Trusi Fund (SH82060) Advisory Committee, tfie Local Emergency Planning Committee (L.E.P.C.), the Hazard MHigaaon Planning Citizen Advisory Committee and the Growth Management Steering Committee of Eleded Officials. During 2005, the first phase of amendments to the sign regulations was completed, as well as refinements to the requirements for street vacation. A preliminary draft of amendmenta to the I afrport hazand overiay regulations were finalized for consideradon by the Planning Commission and City Council ear1y in 2006. Addifional projeds inifiaated in 2005 fndude definiGons and a revised scheduls of pefmitted uses impWmenting provisions of the 2005-2025 Spokene Valley Comprehenshre Plan, scheduled for adoption by then end of Maroh 2006. A Request for Proposal for the developmeM of a sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Corridor was also issued in 2005. This sub-area Plan will supplement the Comprehensive Plan and provide I guidelines for tfie redevelopmerit of the coRidor. CURRENT PLANNING: The Planning Division opened 20 land use application files in December 2005. In addition, 38 ' licenses/permits were sold. The charts below track Present monthly activity along side 2004 levels. License/Perrttits include 9 aduft eRtertainment, 29 home profession, temporary use and sign review permits. Land Use Actions indude 11 Land Use pte-apps, 2 rezone, 4 short plats, 1 boundary line adJustrnent, 1 administrative exception, site pian reviews, and SEPA reviews. During 2005, 331 licenses and permits were issued. 173 more than duting 2004. 2006 Licenses 8 Peffnits {ssued so 40 30 20 - =z 10 n - - Q-. _ _ .ten FeD htr Apr Miry ain Jul Aug Sep Oct "bv Oec p 2065 41 26 , 18 34 21 19 B 22 21 46 38 38 -4-2D04 8 ~9 I 18 15 9 . 16 _ 11 17 _ 20 1 14 11 I - - - - - The Planning Divislon approved 2 commercial permits during December including a 9,600 square foot officelwarehouse br Spokane Structures and a conversion of a single famity residence to a daycare. Addfionatly, the Planning Division recsived 5 new commercial permits during Oecember and 5 cornmercial pre-apptication meetings were conducted. This tatals 256 larxi use actions for 2005, ten less than processed in 2004. Pape 2 of 9 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development 2005 Annual Report 2005 New Land Use Actions 40 30 20 --r - 10 p - - - - - - ,kn IFab Wr apr Aby hir+ ~ .xr Aup I sap oci rtrv ~ cxc O 2005 I 16 ' 22 ~ 20 j 24 I 18 39 I 28 1 17 17 I 28 ib 20 soo+ z, „ 12 21 ~ 35 1 35 I zz J 20 2e as 14 ~ , Monthly revenue for the Planning Division tataled $20.260 in December; 13796 of the revertues generated in November 2005, and 198% of the revenuss generated duting Decemter of 2004. During 2005, $240,605 was coilected, an increase af approximateiy 89"0 over 2004. 2005 Planning Revenues sso.oon sO.ooo ' s3o.oo0 W-` + - ~ ~ o.ooo sIo.ooo _ sn -t - hm Fen MW Aprt 1rbv Ane Ay Auo seat oct Nov oec O iievarxie 2005 t Rkwencie ZOW Revenues generated by the Planning Division are compared with the 2005 Budget appropriation in the table below. 2005 Planntng Revenuss Compared with Budget ~ Lend Use Acllons Lceyud R Ftmits SO I50,COc1 $100,000 $150,Oia0 i200.0ik) S250 (7W I O Acfual YTD iievrnue 0 Anmua1 Budpcl Eatirtete I Pags 3 ot 9 City of Spokane Valley ' Department of Community Development 2005 Annual RepoR 13U1LD1NG DIVlSIOPI: The Buitding Divislon issued a total ot 4,970 permits in 2005, 266 permits in December alone. 7he annual toEat is 1,710 mare than the 2004 total, and 117 {ess than issued in November '05 -ind a decrease of 72 over December '04. Twenty-ane new one and two famiiy dwelting permits, and ten new commerdal stnuctures wefe permitied in Deoember '05. Please note the correctian to the number of commercial structures permitted in Navember 2005 which Is 10. A total of 396 new one and two lamily cfinrellings, 86 neva commercial structures and permiis for 711 mutti- tamily d"lling units wefe permitted in 2005. 2005 CUNSTRUi. T10N i"ERNITS ~ ~L~! " I • id~l ~ ` -.....L _l . Ji~I~'! l.! .iw\ W~ •YI Yy anI 1J1 . :y - . I lu. 1 r n 'lt : i. . - Ir1 1'.' 1I: •F: . ]P; ♦ _ Il • 'i :v) I- 11~ . .l. ,.2005 New Structiirets Permfttrd 400 )00 :00 100 i p JML rs r1 ~ Jtn Feb Mrr Apr Ma1l Jwie JutY AuY Sept Otl Nev Dec O Now t i 1 D"tbrq ihNLS 12 1d 23 36 40 47 26 St 30 33 14 2~ •Munrbmsy unKS +7 tzo 0 0 1e2 70 o s 2" a t r o ❑New Gnmmerciat $trur.lurEa U l8 4 5 A S , e 7 It rj 11 The Permit Center collected a total of $2,054,852 in Permit and Plan Review Fees m 2005, compared with $1.417,$96 in 2004. In December $77,318 in fees were received, $21,547 less than the same period in 2004 2AG3 8u110Mq N~v~nucs ra o00 I .T, qtl _ ~ • .'l./ N.n.e' w g . . pn,rn , r_ L; IwhY Yr~M IY~ ~M ~M Ckl Itn. The reported value of constructian, inGuding new structures and additians/aneration is shown in the following chart, comparing these values with 2004 New value for 2005 totals 5197,047,224, this year is $67,424.924 ahead of 20(}4 Pape 4 of 9 City of Spokar►e Valley oartment af Community Development 1{)05 Afa{lt7:il R@RQQ't 2005 Valual►on o( Conatructicrn s:nrxa~ s ~.a :K•a o00 s w,aao,ooo us,a».aoo ~ s~o,ooo,mo , ~ ,rn w, - s,s.ouo,aao • - . :~~.ar.,:_,,~:.t,n ~u~o oon ~ • :1 (F9).tlOU ♦ .n•i =-CC: U:.r A^a ~tpy 1..r+ 4.1Aif ie^.t •r_.-. : c a: vr O awimwQ P.nv■ viiiiiiin OwrtM»/ rilh Yuap., LI Si:l]✓J: t.ll.:♦ . r 1....._ I.','1'ii' l cOr~ ✓7G~YO •.•.I =n. u-r ,.,R., v-• Si ?U W; E Spaknne Vslhry Finenoe peparbnr,~rd I-he Huilding Divisi0n revenue Collections exceed the 2005 budget amount by 36 26%. ►n Decemtrer, building inspeciors pe+lormed 768 frispections in 20'h days. This averages 38.5 InSp9CtIW1S pef d3j/. IR 2005 10,991 inspections were performed, 978 mare than 2004. The Plans Examtners reviewed 50 prolects in December At ttie end of C>ecernber, there were 7 projects awaiting review :~p5 8uil~~ng In~aactlans r+o-c inr - - ' . _ - . - ~ . r i - Aa A.. I,u► ~Aq j n,P m i m I M i L~ : . m ~ w~ ~ ao ~ s i re ~ s~ n, oo o ~ Nu ~ op The Building Division is pleased to report that Douglas Powe Inspector II. The City compleied its review of all right-of-way pavement cuts for permits issued in the City prior to the end ot 2005. An expanded report on ttie perfomnance of the Reg'anal Pavement Cut Policy is being prepared fvr consideration by Councll in February. Scott Wallaoe, RQW Inspector in Training, is corrtinuing with his computer classes and has already begun ROW Inspecfion activity Page 5 or 9 City of Spokane Vailey Departrnent of Community Development 2005 Annual Report CODE COMPLIANCE: The number of "Violations Reported" on the foliowing chart reflects actual Spakane Valley Zoning Code vioiations, plus complaints received which were not violations The comptaints received are added to the total because they refled time officets spent in tfie field conduding investigaborts. In addition, the 'Investigated" end 'Pending" columns accurateiy reflect Code Compliance's cunent ability to process and investigate becklog cases. The followirrg chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reponed. Violations are reparted based on the primary camptaint received, rather than tfie number of additional violations idendfied on any individual premises. The investiigation of a complaint of junk vehicles, for examp{e, may also resutt in fdentificabon of additlonel violatians such as the accumulation of trash or harboring of livestock. These are not included in I the summary. A total of 51 complalrrts were processed in December. The total number of complaiMs received in 2005 was 1,096. Sixty-eigM cases are presentfy pending. CODE COAAPUANCE STATUS REPORT 200 ~ - - - - - - ~ 1JiI Wn 50-~_ Jdn OS i eG Q5 ►Aa,05 Ap M May 05 june,,, !u: 65 A.jp-U.`_ Stp-OS 0r1 65 t:r.u 05 Dee-OS ■ ViWatbna Rcported \ 11DBfements O FI4- 7ransfera a Pentllnp Fbe Before Intervention Al ~ ~~~~■r ' ~ _ - - r 1~ ~ _ - . ` ' , y . ~ ( 1. ~:~y~ -'~J .e«s...~,q ■ I . . ~ 17-7 ~ - -j V J►v~. Af1e!' I11ttPVl111i011 Pspe 6 of 9 vur 2005 Classics - - _ • . , , , , . F'~ - ~ • l•1 , ~ I 4, w . - ♦ BCfUM (310 gAIB. LASOIiIIC) After ~ + w r _ ~a , / ^ ~1 . i Bcfore layer dag feces in bascment► A[ter . • . . . 1 ' ~ ~•40 ! • _ ' ~~t~~~ ,1~ . -~~-4 . . I i ~ i , , . -~y ~ ~ ' . . _ • ~,1!♦ • Beforc (28.lunk autos) '2 j ~ ` -.1 _ ° ~ • E3efone removul of 3, c:;t-ti mnd (r-ash :lfccr Cican-uI) . • _ . a• -~i • - .~Y. r.., , _ . . _ ► . - _ . 1 : f _ :~ppruiimatcl}~ 15 car-s unrl uther !llachinEry Aftcr Gleun-up ~ h ~ , ~ . , • ' a~,v,~, _ - , J~ , w' • , ~1, jf~ r~- ~.r' • . . . ;ts:; 14.55 Acres being used as duropiag ground Propert}• sold new apartmencs Am- :1pproximatclN it ~ei►ictes :ini1 putr(s plur tr.ivh iti l)ack Nard Aftcr Clenn- Lfp ~ ri~~,,, . ~ r „ ~ ~ . ;y KCfQI'e F ~~~V' ~ Y`.. .,d . • 1~,~►. ~ ' Y~r• 7 1. ~.,•R} -j ~/r4 _ ; 1 rs , . AItCr ~ ~ , , . ~ 4 ' " t► t • ' . - I It is important our customers enjoy agoal sensr uf humor w6ile allnwing urtistic ezpression and uchievink rompliance. Cfty of Spokane Valley _ Departrnent of Community Development 2005 Annual ReQort Activity is consolidated into the following six categories: Environmental (sewer/septic, critical areas, animal and nuisanoe viatations); Property (Right ot Way, property use, dangerous building, landlordltenant, illegal twsiness and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegaf dumping, and household waBte violations); Clearview Triangle and Complaint - No Violation. CODE COYPLlANCE REPORT8 (hy typo) 100% - - _ - - i eox cax 40% I on - - - - - ~ JonDS Feb 05 Atrr qS Ap 0.5 Iby OS ~ Ju~05 Auq-OS Se~r05 Oc1-05 NovQS Obt-OS fJ GxmIN11- No Vombn tS 7 1B 26 14 SI 17 ?B 28 23 15 13 a Soid Wasy 18 10 15 22 25 13 28 34 18 Q 9 12 O Junk AuOo 12 14 tt ta 27 22 Jt 2e ?A 8 8 4 p Qear Vew Thm+pte 4 23 2 S 1 9 11 11 9 6 2 ■ qpwty 11 t ti 6 9 9 14 3S 32 23 14 11 E O ETtyPpnmpntpl 7 9 12 6 ~ 11 20 4 S 2 5 4 11 Dunng 2005, the draR of administrative policies and procedures gaveming code enforcement was finalized wfth the assistance of the Office of the City Attorney. During 2005, all five cases heard in Superior Caurt were decided in the City's favor. There are trventy cases cumentty entered iMo Superior Court docket awaiting decision, with an additional ten cases being prepared tor filing. PaQs 7 of 9 _ , City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development 2005 Annual ReQort CUSTOMER SERVlCE Planning The Planttfng Oesk handierl 162 phone calls and talked to 264 walk-in customers at the Planning Countef during Decembef, which btougM the yearty total to 3,293 cails and 3,853 planning counter customers during 2005. The Hearing Examiner held 3 iand use hearing during Decembef arxi a totaf of 43 during 2005_ Building: Permits The following table summarizes the perfoRnance of the Pertnit CeMer /or those permits entered in the PLUS system, measured irom tfie time that the application is desmed 'counter-complet$' to the dme that a pefmit is issued. Values shown are those on which Plan Chedc and Building Permit fees are based. The c:hart includes average, minimum and maximum times. Detays in ft issuance peRniis may resuit from inadequaEe or incomptete submittals, failure of the appiicant to pick up the permit, etc... As an example, in March 2005, a set af plans for an industrial building was reviewed and approved within 27 days, yet not picked up until December 28, 2005, 178 days following completion of review for a total of 205 days we~er met r aow ~ r A-g rnn kt,m • a ~v re roeMsu aw Itiv~cti 0." G.lP ~ IIEW GQ16TRt1Cflb/t M,1 5tur cY l••• 7 f29.030.706 2 1 `~L~ 1 t 1 ~ ~ 1bDfi.B1~ ~I 7 r2m, i21485T5 Ec~ 13 S eu~.A~,ai - a,r,se I s10i n? a~ ~s e N si d,7 ,s~.n 7f za auum I T so I s,sa 264 ~0 2s t ~,r~ur l d aeo I,o~5 se ~ ~ s,3 sr,a aao ee ss 1 A 57s2l sw ee s~ 3 m„iFdew+orrQ j~ s.lG a.x! se t5 n 14 N9 !W ~ t *Ou. 140 00 ~ 7e rv~ r~ar S S51 U'+F• 6 7 11 ~ S63 7.6191 Ql ~ 52.9CU 000 00 BI Y f864.522 30 ~ H 134 ,ua,re ~ sf4 o0o a2 ~ ~2 ~ i+30.510 rl 15 3 3 Stn m Lea d S]7, 7~6 W ~ tlacW - ' ~ t]i1.10A 11 slA~util !Q+ iS6 6ilU. 1 stryy Bw10~p i S]L.000 10 10 I D 12 !2 t0, 4t 2.00 3 2 54 1AeeerrtNn 21 l1.014Q2!1 59 1 1 ~htfaasiixml 01 ~~.050 13 17 E1 ?P S2 347,~3l100 ~ 1 ~ trudwe 5 5125,Q0(10J 18 t.l ~ooiTldr npt 3 Shxy a lnu f6e.5W m ts 8 dtx:mlonu( -~'utflt 1 f t u 60 i 11 Yl 7T 37 % 444 G91 CU ~ 21 rKtuSUIM 5060 1t!4 88 1 r..rmYa ~ 1 Qd C1D.OD J~~ 1 7~IC~'rVlm~uwl ~ SA7~ A1 t~3 1 L-11AMFE mi i A18.]7? fi0 f2UZ.710G faD.fl00U0 M SF ] N0013 a1 1]1 132 1 YVTAL ae 907 20i Pape 8 of 9 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development 2005 Annual Report The Permit Center has been tracking tumaround for Right of Way Permit AppUcaUons and the faxed Mechanical and Piumbing Permit Applicatiorts. At present the Ciry responds to apptications within 24 hours, typicatty by noon on the following day. B uildf ng: Inspections Inspections are conduded the day fotlowing the inspection request ex+cept for weekends and holidays. Gumently we are using one on-caU insQec:tor, Tom Melboum to not only help with our inspectian laads, but to perform ail af our residential pian ceviews. In addition, another on-call irzspector, BiN Hart, is working about 20 hours per week to keep pace with our heavy work load Code Complfance All prelfminary imrestigations are conducled wrthm 24 hours except those received on f=nday which are investigated befnre the end of the next business day Pennit Center T here wefe no stirvcys reiurned ciunng the month of Der,ember sl PERMIT CENTER SURVEY j V'd ky. Qepartmertt of Communrty Devebpment F4mmary Mraph Dumitb.r 2009 I visit t1w ►wwiM 4ntr 3 More tfian once o wedc I Wa* 1 Once a Mowthl OccaswrolFy 6 Firr v,sit Tlus P+r9o- af nry vbit(a): 2 6enero( Ltfw'motwn 7 Zontrg/PIa1 IQ Bullding Pti'mit s I O+hrr -lermit I Mestirg Q Codt to►nplnl►rt ~ Henri►g 0 Use Permit 1 License 3 Other -1J Tha Dspertmertt/Dlvisian I can+e to ssm ws 11 PIonMng ~ ErglnteT~ng 15 duildirg Ptrtnits A Lnspcetroro I Plrg, 81d9 d E ry-►,eeriN o tode Gomplio++cs Q Of her (Spcu f v h) Inesded to aw (Name). and thsy wsra: 8 Avnilobk 0 On the phone I P1ot ovniloble 5) P..wr► ewr.r staf is (ch«k on rha+ wPb) ~riv+dy IZ c«r+nw,s 14 Knowledgenbk i? Hklnful e rroTpt a curt or abrvqt Q oiscou-►eow j ckeleas o u„wiuirg ro hclp z slow o Other 6} Tdeplmm c+eft M sleff nrwbas am rstunrd 1 Within 24 houn 5 Withm tl►e week 1 Nevar onswered 0 Other r) AAy edl wem trrwsfa m+d 2 17nae 2 TwNce Q Mure thon twitt 1 Nr.vcr B) LrforwaMm prer(ded fs ljAccuratelCanpicta S Wcll rcieorchtd O Itnppticabk I Incahpktc 0 Other 9) 1'he P~ Gwtr is I2Wd1-orgardred 1ll Orderly Q Too crowde,d 0 Too noisy 3 O+sorgnm zsd 10) If avq"le, I we/ wouid we: 10 On lire (ippllcafion; 4 Fnr applicalians 2 On-Iiree pnymen+ 0 Other Suggsstioro far bprvAnq Servicss !'C~ur1 t 27 Commer►ts received: ~lo edditir,r.~l 9urvey_- ur ~ommcnl~ werc rtcuved ~unn~ Dc~em~cr Pagc 9 ot 9 S#6kane PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT V411ey MONTHLY REPORT December 2005 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal • Engineering Services Support - County Engineering Interlocal , • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste interlocal WASTEWATER: • Wastevvater Treatment - The end of January 2005 the City received from the County financial information regarding the County's sewer utility as it relates to the assumption of the County owned sewer facilities. • • The Spokane River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Collaboration process is ongoing and . information is available on the web site at http:l/client-ross.com/spokane-river/ • Spokane River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) is available on the UAA web site at httr)://vNAv.sr)okaneriveruses.net/links.htm CAPITAL PROJECTS: • o Valley Corridor Project Finally received future (forecast) traffic model. The results show substantial traffic growth through Spokane Valley compared to previous models. We met with the stakeholder group (IDT) to review results and discuss alternatives. Will finalize alternatives and input into the traffic model to see tivhich best addresses projected increased traffic volumes as well as other identified deficiencies. o Contracts for Construction Services Contracts have been executed. Consultants will be utilized to furnish Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for upcoming projects. ' Construction . o Pines/Mansfield ' Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. The County and State are designing their respective areas of the project. Environmental permitting and disciplinE studies are in process. The project is scheduled to advertise for bid in Spring 2006. o Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Project Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering and Construction Engineering. The project is out to bid. Bids are due on Friday February 3`d. o Broadway Avenue Overlay Project . Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. Design is 95% complete. Bids are scheduled to be received on March 3`a o Argonne Road Overlay Project Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. Design is 95% complete. Bids are scheduled to be received on March 17th. Construction continued o Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges Federal funds have been released for Preliminary Engineering. Environmental Classification Summary (ECS) has been approved. Budinger is vdorking on geotechnical investigation. Adams & Clark is working on topographic survey. David Evans & Assoc. is under contract for design engineering. This project will adverkise in 2006. o CenterPlace Worlcing on final project closeout. o Barker Road Project Project being designed - 95% Design Complete. Right-flf-vray acquisition is still in process. If all property acquisitions aren't closed by the end of January then Possession and Use Agreements evill be obtained for the remaining properties prior to bidding. Project will bid in February 2006. o Barker Road Bridge Project 7ype, Size and I..ocation Study has been approved by WSDOT. CH2MHILL is working on scope and budget for design engineering and permitting. o Park Road Project Project Substantially Complete - Punchlist items remain. , o Parks Road Sanitary Sewer Project Project 95% Complete - Nora Avenue West of Park Road to be completed in the Spring. o Edgerton Sanitary Sewer Project -I'roject complete ~ o Orchard Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project Project 60°/a complete - Project will carry over to Spring 2006. o Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Project design 95% complete - Project will bid in earfy 2006. o Electric RR Sanitary Sewer Project . Project design 75% complete - Project will bid in early 2006. o Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project . . Project design 20% complete - Project will bid late spring 2006. TRAFFIC: • Working with Bing to get fiber optic line installed so we can have a workstation tied to the Spokane Regional Traffic Management Center. • Worked on changing the signal phasing at SpraguelGillis. Also developed timing to put SpragueJGillis and SpraguelBowdish in coordination with the rest of the couplet. • Received the analysis results for 100+ city intersections for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan. Those are being reviewed. • * Placed purchase order for 6 new signal controllers. • 1- Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. ' • 17 - New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic c4unt requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: . Finalized the stormwater tax rolls for 2006 • Working on stormwater solutions for 2006 sewer projects. • Working on street swesping/vacforing and landscaping bid documents • Contracted out services with Adams & Clark for flooding/erosion solutions for the Beverly Hills projec# • Mapped and created database of City owned drainage facilities. • Coordinated the review of public comments for the stormwater manual with Spokane County & City of Spokane. • Contracted out services with Tetra Tech/KCM & GeoEngineers for a soil study to determine topsoil requirements to provide water quality treatment. Consultant is in the process of analyzing soil samples. ' COUNTY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2005 budget is $2,705,394 ($1,589,292 in the Street Fund, $300,000 in the Crack Sealing Fund and $816,102 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of November the County has billed . $1,634,328 for Street Maintenance, and $811,922 for Stormwate*r Maintenance and Upgrades, these total $2,446,250 or 90.4% of the budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMENT December Activity: NEW APPLICATIONS REZONE/PLAT/PUD APPLICATIONS J o Mamer Place UR 3.5 to UR 7* and 15 lot subdivision COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS , o Pinehurst Pump House Pump house for Pinehurst Apartments o Pinehurst Ftec 13uilding Rec Building for Pinehurst Apartments (2350 so FINAL PLAT APPLICATIONS o D3 Final I'lai 62 lots o SHP-33-05 4 lot short plat o SHP-OS-OS 4 lot short plat LAND USE PRE-APPLICATIONS o Shell @ Evergreen UR 3.5 to B-1 pre-app oBeaman Pre-App UR 3.5 to UR 7 and 5 lot short plat pre-app o Weber Short Plat 9 l04 short plat pre-app o Kirkland Pre-App UR 3.5 to UR 7'` and 4-5 lot short plat pre-app o The Villas UR 3.5 to UR 7' o Legg Pre-App UR 3.5 to UR 7 o Stroh Pre-App UR 3.5 to UR 7` and 2 tot short plat o Klein Pre-App UR 3.5 to UR 7° and 4 lot short plat PRELINIMINARY PLAT . o Lots N Land Pre-App 85 single family residential lots - ~ ' SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS o Green Circle Short Plat 4 lot short plat o Reber Short Plat 2 lot short plat o Hawell Short Plat on UVilbur 4 lot short plat o Howell Short i'lat on Mansfield 4 lot short plat OTHER ACTIVITIES TEMPORARY USE PERMIT SIZE/Description o Robinson Espresso TUP Espresso Stand in RV NEW STREET 8 DRAINAGE PLANS (CURRENT LAND-USE PROJECTS) o Birch Hollow Street & Drainage Plans o Felts Addition Street 8 Drainage Plans o Mission Park Estates Street &.Drainage Plans COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS o Harston Salon 1212 sf Hair Salon o*The Gardens Remodel 37,562 sf remodel o VPI Facility Addition 4,800 sf addition a Elijah House 7,200 sf Office o Furniture Rovir 53,563 sf Retail Furniture Store o Verizon Addition 4,105 SF addition o Freedom R.V. RV Dealership in Spokane County o Johnson Storage Bldg 6,000 sf storage bldg o Hawell Complex 11 unit toNrnhouses - 2 sites SWALE DESIGN MODIFICATIONS o Kaiser Aluminum Drainage Calculations o Kaiser Aluminum Swale plans for bag house addition 0ll . `V ~j~alle~' Capital Impravement ProJwcta 2M & 2409 .RoJECTS PropweO EstlrtwW Dvsqn Cornwcuon 2006 (-006) Total ProWt Fundinp Rood CowNvetloe Projecb Project Lowtlon SJd 0wn Complrtlon Dob Canpleb CanoMb FuodMp Cost Tt8 Prfk Rard - PrpjW 2 81h Avelule b 2t1d AMerNre 1 t/tID6 100'!4 = 821.000 i 072.000 STP(U1 /9tl1 Avanue - Prnjsc! 2 0Whnon-IMfn Raod In SR 27 Ba1l05 10011, 1D0% i 1,932,000 f 3.302.000 Ti8 Barxer Road Nacansfru:.tkx, 8ocsn6 Arenua b@artuv Road Bi~dJc U', S ' 156.000 S rri:+R : i, , 51INV; Dahrtinn-Mka Road P.oheG-UtaAon Spmguo Aaanue wApplewny Avcnue Mer•J6 : ~ S ag 40G $ 1(~, UPW: Argortn9 Road OrertaY InQtorw Avsnu6 to Mmipomery Averiue htar 08 T 274 !1N S )tl•,_ STPiU) BrwAway Avawe Overtny 6aies Road to SuUtisn Road 8j1rGe oe 3 1103,000 : i.2 CDBG hAontpomery Avente RePrblitallon UIWertpy ROYd b 1-80 Or1 rertp 11111'Ob 10011, f 430.880 $ 439450 Clbr eQh AtAINN OVrrihr Fw ROatl 10 U111wMflry RC/d 11I1105 100Yo f • f 270,000 - , C~ ~ _ _ .i ~ • i'... • i . _ . R"d OM1on !►rONCb T1BtCr.t:,i~ ~!rv•.A~ar,f~~id f'ro~~c! YVIIbur Rd to Pltraa Rc1. Pirw f0190 Apr 003 10/15106 40% W. S 520.000 3 3_134 fj, „ STPtI,! a,i:lav.~: -.=rr,e•: r.:.~r.s+.i.~~11An TsCtlkleyRd.IbNOdpCi►'2d At:t-(ki ifNlSfiti 186.@46 $ i 9RAC Barket RoeC eridpe RepFocemsnt 8a11tK Rd. d 8pokwM Rim Jan-08 1211106 0% 046 = 702.000 5 6.067A15 8~ P►oNats cwrwm i•eo w em. Hswrm eo Easlar► 71IM5 100x 1009s s 2.W9.000 $ 2.559.ooo sn«wooa w►e.UW. Park/,ionr,.a„ novbe«.r so lft, sbm m wooan,n w15a 100% 100% s 2,570.000 S 2.570,000 IrAend BmedweY 0o Sprapus. 140 90 Patk 12lt103 10094 'f Ed0.000 i E66,000 Parks Road TrNA b I-90. ThMn1an ID P2ttc ~ 100% t 1.446.000 s 1.145.000 Edperlon tAh b Tnnt. EttaboM oo Parlc .100% f 2=,000 f 2.803.000 Ordwd Avenue SOokane RMet b LlDaty. Colsmsn b VIM ' i OQ% ~ j i 2.695.000 s 2.895,000 .r.ItY VBiQAoMi Ht"pflif - PaVCteCJt VaYaywev ro Mesew Ererqreen a; Ac1II+tit Mif CRi 1Gi 1!u'Ce" $ :1(4 1- :t>!; s j~' :1)5 C12y Vera Ta►racs - Rave68[k bld b 71li Evdyteen EO BUms MeI-04 10s15:C-i Otii S : 010 a`ii S l:iN [ie4:Eru:7R pa~wQa[k PilftbVhle TrlM1DUtMi Mer•CG 1405.'Gil 0"': S Rib 79C Plmnrtlnp P~oMeb STP(U) VaMsY Cartlcbr EtnbonrtrnW Slutly UNrerW bo 1100bm1i t►ft Jen-06 f S • f'nA Road lirpAe SeQarabon i8'IVI Park Road st BNSF f?R sne Trert taar 07 sa%, il8 VAtldy C^upt01 i'rOJUCt Z Miss,an nvF Sdewnik t.qur.j• io Cen,brpba at WrabMU Po1m GormtruCdon In Proprees ~KtS 100% 994'L S 9,500,000 f 5.500000 ToW i 30.3M,4Q0 i 47.0e5.365 STP(U)-&lA6CS Trstuppttehpn PtOqrortt (UrbpF1); TIB - Tntuppfbltlal Irtlproweanmll Bosrd: HRAC - &klqeReptsCBment AWifOry CCmrtllCee: GDBG - COmmunMy Develqprnenf BloCk Gtanl PrOprpnt .''J'MAO •:AnqftbDn Mifl6QemenUAtr OUl1lity Ptoptatit ST/1 SpakanR Tn, rt" Avtharity de!e 2005 Caiatruchan P"eGa CIf1 OF pokane Valley .00 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley N/A 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org .r , _.,--~x~ . , .,~.r,..._ ,,..W_._~._ . - ___y_,~, Memorandum To: Qave Mercier, Nina Regor, Members of City Council From: Mike Jackson . Date: January 18, 2006 Re: Monthly Report for December 2005 . Admini.5tr-ation and Farks: . • The Nraster Plan coilsultant visited our office to go nver the final revision of the plan. • 1nvesligated a Sledding policy for Valley Mission Park. iaue to the large amotuits of snow in early Decembe.r, the park saxv a lol of sledding activity. "Sleciding can bc Dangcrous, Sled at your oNvn Risk" anci "Closed Area" signs .vere posted at the park. Also, due to the bo~vl shape of ihe liill, one side 4f it was graveled to prevent sledders r~ Froiil nuuiuig into each other. • Reviewed contracls Nvith YNICA &Senske. Thc conlract with Senske.f.~or park Maintenance was renewed Cor another year wilh no additional incrcase in cost tiVill rencw the YMCA contract soon. • Tdentified the Year 2005 accomplishments for stafi.'and Council. Ccnte,•I'lacc: • 2005 c roups ]3ooked: As of NlOV. 30, 2005 t1s of December 31, 2005 October 14 14 - iNovcmber 14 14 Decembcr 22 • 22 • 2006 GrpLips Bookcd: Jaliuary 3 11 February 9 13 N1Arch 3 8 ' tlpri 1 1.2 16 141ay 9 13 Jtuie 7 7 July 9 9 . August 8 12 Septeinber 7 8 - Octoher 2 • November 0 -'DecembEr 4 fl otal GrouPs Iioolccd YTD: 122 153 • Total Bids Out Year to Date: 86 • Group Phone Calls - 226 • Site lnspectian - 75 . • PresentatioiL/Site Ulspection completed to the Spokane IZegional Convention and Visitor's Burcau. This presentation was with the Mirabeau Park Hotel, limited service hotels in the Valley ancl the Spokane Co. Fair & EYpo. '1"tiis will assist the CVR ini-narketing the City of Spokaue Valley/Centerl'lace on regional basis. • Attcndcd 10 events prUmoting CenterPlace to local and regional groups. 0 Developed media advertisulg and marketing plan with BCi Creative for January/March 2006 • Working on the ncw CencerPlace website. (The websitc is bcing paici for out of the Tourism Yromotions Funds that the Spokaiie Regional Cofivention and Visitor's Bureau has set aside for CenterPlace). Seuior Center: . • Medicare Part D presentations were made on Monday, December 12,h. • Worked with Meals on NVheels a regarditig a contract and utilizing a cart to store their supplies: Yam E1lmeida has retumed after aii abscncc due to illness.. • The Association held its first Holiday Dance in the lounge on 17eccmber 13d'. It was a , successf.u] event witli 71 pEOple atlending. The dance coiiunittce would lilce lo continue ' evening dauces. • T'he Senior Center Assnciation Holiday 17inner was held December 18`h. Ovcr 200 - mcmbers attended this event. • The Valley Voice published a very nice article aUout the Scnior Center on Saturday, December 10`h. 'I'he receptionists liad several calls with inquiries regard'uig the scnior center due td the article. Twe.nty five memberships were takeii on Tuesclay, December • The ccramics instructor moved out of Senior VJing of CenterPlace. T'hE Senior Coord'uiator is iiiquiring with the Institute of Esteudcd Learning dirough the Community Colleges of Spokanc for class information. • As pcr the Senior Center Association, 315 ncw members have signed up since the move in Septembe.r 2005 since maving to Centerl'lace. ~ Itecreation: • The Recreation Coordinator resibned. 'I'he position will be adverlisecl in the ncar future. vlLi'V[Q 7'4: 1)ave Mercier, City vlanagcr • FRUM: Cal R'alker, Cliicf of Police Georgc Wigen, tidministrativc Sergeant DATE: Dccember 21., 2005 RE: Monthly Report ivovember 2005 Attachecl is the activity report Por iNovember 2005 for the Spokane Vallcy Poliee Departiiient. Compucer-aided dispatch (CATa) incidents tataled 4,615. lhese are self-initiated officer contacts, as well a.5 calls for servicc. Out of ehosc ulcidents; 1,267 actual reports tivcre taken during the ulonth of November. AttACheci is the breakdoNvii describitlg those incident,5. Additionally, there vvcre 1,740 traffic stops conducted that resulted in 231 traffic reports. lncluded arc the hotspot maps for Nlovember residential burglaries, November commercial burglaries a,nd Novcmber traffic collisions, along wich pctober & Novemberstolen vehicles. AllN1TNISTRAI IVT: ♦ The Emergency Operalions Center {E(7C) group has been very active in setci_ng up ~ operational protocol and policies for operalions at the EOC. Spol:ane is nUw designated as a state back up }~OC. ♦ Chief Walker actended the 2"d Criiiunal Justice Summit -Vvhere all cntities From Criminal Justice met rogetlier -and cliscussed impacts i'r4m one ageney to another, dEVeloping a broader overall concePl. ♦ Project developmcnt of commtuiicatidns internperatiility continues with the $4,000,000.00 interoperability grant, as upciatcd to CaLuicil on December 6. ♦Chief Walker and olher.s from Spokanc County.spcnt four cia}'s in Washington; D.C., looking .f.'or fiuids Por jail overerowclirig and ocher federal funding solutions. They brought back $150,000.00 for total agency support. ♦ Chief Walker met witli local legislative representaCives (17EA anci Task Force agcnts) to diseuss currznt and future drug issues spccificaUy related to our couimunity and. strategies to combat these issues. ♦ There was ongoing discussion with District Courtjudges to look at altcinative booking and warranl service solutions. More infonnation will be upcoming in the near future regarding this issue. ♦ Chief Walker is working Nviili joint Eaecutive Law Eniorcemcnt / Fire Chiefs to ~ devclop written local and statcwide law enforcemenc mobilization plans. PaDe I ♦ The Stucient Advisory Council met in 'NTOVember with i,t. Steve Jones present. I'hey discimed future sludent projects and outside funding saurces to promote "Keep Guns Outta School". CUtMA'IUNITY ORIEVTFD PQI,ICING: ♦ Cluef Walker and I.,t. Stcve Jones met with Cencral Valley SCOPE representalives to discuss building a more active arid vibrant presence at the Central Valley SCOPE facility on Evergreei~. • Edgcclif.F S.C.O.P.E. hel(i its annual Spa;hetti Feed and Raffle in NovEmber in the Veteran nf Foreigu Wars IIall at 212 S. David. S.C.O.P.E. stands for Sherifrs Comniunit), prientcd Pnlicing F.ffort, a united effnrt of Spokane County citizens, businesses and law enforcement to combat ciime anci enhance safety in area neigtiborhoods. Voluntcers at Ldgecliff, work.ing wilh the business commuuity, Department of Conections and the Sheriff s Office; saw a ncarly 40 percent decrease in bur.glary in lheir first year. ♦ Old Coun4y I3uffet at Sprague and Pines donated a ciollar from every adult meal purchased f.rom NlovembEr 1 lt, to the 20tn to the Spokane County/Spokane Valley SheritTs/Police chaplaincy program. Policc chaplains support the Shcriff-s Office thrnugh couuseling o.f its members and by making emergency natifications on behalF qf law enforcement. Chaplains also az•e available to provide grief counseling td relativcs xvho suffer the loss of a family member. Many tunes Chese stuvivors don't havc a regular ehaplain, priest or pastor they can tuni to in t;his time of nccd, and . sheriff'slpolice chaplains step up to fill that void. ♦ Terrorism Awarcness and Prevention was the lopic of discussion a1: a ineeting in the Spokane Valley. Our coimtry's leaders h3ve decreed that pr.eparedness begins at home, and the Spokane County Sheriff's Off. iee is hosting a scries of. Tt1P ('l"errorism Awareness and Prevention) training sessions. The first class was held at t.he Spokane Valley Palice Precinct. The sessions ar.e open at no cost to anyone interested in learuuig about Nvays to thwart• a potential terrorisl attack. QPFRATIQNS: ♦ 1)etectives L•iquidate Theft Scheme Sheriff's detcctives have probable cause -to arrest a 35-year-old Spokane man for 19 counts of Second laegree Burglary and numerous other counts of Possession and Trafi~ickin; of Stolen Property afier breaking up his after-hours discount shopping sprees. ~"hc suspect was tal:ing peoplE inlo the Liquidation World warehouse at nibht anci sclling t11em praducts at well below liquidation prices. Trouble was, the suspect isn't a Liquidation VVorld employee, and oiily had keys to the warehouse so he could get water and use the bathroom. Accorauig to Detective Davc Hen-in, he is an . employee of a local used car dealerslup that leases space in the Liquidation World _ Page 2 parl:ing loc at Sprague and University where ttiey display their vehicles far sale. The . suspect would usc t1ie keys to the ~varehouse to t~lce friends and acquaintances inside at night wherc he sold them lamps, diiuienware, aPpliances arid other iterns at well below market value. ♦ 1,5U Raids Scare k'lants, nIcth Menibers of the shcriffls Investigative Support Unit spent all day Nlovecnber 3 executing drug scarch warranls on Spokatie Valley residences. The first warrant was served at 7100 E. vfarietta and resulced in seizure of 86 marijuana plauts •and a quarter-pound of harvestcd pr4duct. Thc graw was located in the garage of ttie residence. Both tenants 1'ace felony counts of vianufacturing a Controlled Subs[ance, but were caoperativc with investigatars And wcre not iitunediately arrested. The second warrant of the day was exccuteci at 10800 E. Fairview. Detectives had probable cause to arrest the resident on hvo counts of Delivery of Controlled Substancc after mal:ing two previous purchases oi met6amphetamine. The suspect had her five boys living ui the hoine with her (nuie months, tcvo vvvo-ycar-olds; and an eight and nine-year-old), and had somc of her cluldren witli her during one of hcr sales nf mcthamphctamine to inve,stigators. Detectives ai-rested her and found user amounts of inethamphetarnule insicie the hoine. They seired the van she drove during tlie dnig sales, and placed the threc youngest boys Nvith Child Protective Scrvices. The two older bays attend school ac Trentwood Llementaiy and CPS caseworkers pieked them up there. The case has Ueen deemeci a L7rug Endangered Children (IaEC) investigation. Thc third and fourth warrants of the day werc executed at related residences, first at 9515 E. Shannon and then 11523 E. Mission. Ac the Shan.non home, detectives aRested a 42 year-olcl female after finding niethainphetauiine inside her purse. They also found a quarter-ounce of ineth underncath her bed. She had an outstanding arrest . warrant charging her with Possession of Controlled Substancc with Intent to Deliverj ' ~ wllich detectives were happy to serve. Deteetives thcn raided the duplex apartnient on East vlission. They interviewed and released a half-dozen people found inside the apartment at Ehe tiine oi' the raid, f►nd arrested the oecupaul ior t%vp coulits of Delivery of Controlled Substance based on previous unciercover purchases. •'1 hree Arrested lu Rolling Shootinb Tncident Sheriff's inajor crimes detectives, gang dctectives and Spokaiie Valle}° Police officers spent most of a day investigating a rolling shooting incident that began insicle the City of Spol:ane and ended at Mission and Sullivfui. Multiple witnesses be~zn calling 9-1- 1 at 5:30 a.m. November 5 to report the occupants of a small picl.-tip firing shnts at the occupants of two cars. Tll.e shooting bcgai at 13road,,vay and Frcya and wounci its way eastward, finally ending at Missioii anci Sullivan. VVhen the dust had settled, threE people were ui custody on felony r•harges, and ttu•ee vefucles and two freanns, a.330- caliber semi-automatic pistol and a shotgiui, were seizeci as evidence. Page 3 According tv investigators, a 27-year-old eonfi.rnted gang membcr anci his 31-year-old . brother weze driving a Toyota pickup when a dark colored car pulled up behind theni at 13roadway aud Freya. 1 fic susPect told investigators he had heard a rumor that he had been targeted to be killed. He perccived the grcEn Lexus that pulled iu behind hun to be the man who was after him, and he and his brnther began firing at the Lexus. Both brothers were even[ually located aud arrested, and the weapons were recovered. ♦ Cnntainer Cxuscs Coffee,Titters Members of the Sppkane City/Count), Explosives Dispasal Unit responclcd to the Sprague and I'ines Star.bucks Coffee business to chEClc a suspicious item left inside the store. Spoka.nc Valley Police Sergeant Mike Kittilstved said that a regular customer at that stor.e and the Starbucks on Sullivan R.oad had been therc earlier I'riday evenuig and left aBrinks I-Iome Seeurity box when hc leii. The customer is considered by Starbucks staff to be a little strange bECause he usually buys only a single cup of coffee wluch he spends four or five hours drinking. That he 1eft the item ~vhen he vacated the store today made female staff even more ncrvous, and they called police. Officers knew the identity of the eustoiuer; and based on his past history, decidcd the safest rescalution was to Gall EDU to the secne tn check the packagc before removing it fiom the building. Starbucks staff madc the decision ln closc early and evaeuate the store. The fast food restauran/ next door was advised of the situation, and they chose to remain open but to limit busuiess to the side away from the Starbucks. ThE item left behind by the - customer of Starbucks 'Ww determinecl to contain only pcrsonal items and posed no _ threat. • SCOOTEI2S ANn BIKES: In Noveinber of 2005 there were no reported collisions uivolving motor scooters or pedal ' bikes. Faae 4 2005 NOVEMBER CRIME REPORT • ~ Nov-OS I Nov-04 12005 to date 1 2004 BURGLARY 541 881 700 1 997 FORGERY 311 571 4381 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF ~ 581 801 8491 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL ~ 561 731 6831 916 • PROPERTY OTHER I 851 1081 1,0721 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES I 191 341 293 I 390 STOLEN VEHICLES ~ 581 461 5281 577 THEFT ~ 160 2331 2,085 1 2,853 UIOBC ~ 0 0l 71 10 VEHICLE OTHER I 0l 0l 51 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 1 811 1261 875 1 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 1 6021 8451 7,535 1 10,519 ASSAULT 1 761 671 8141 880 • DOA/SUICIDE 1 161 141 1431 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE I 541 531 716 1 755 HOMICIDE 0l 11 0 l 5 KIDNAP 21 21 33 1 24 MENTAL 1 241 351 399 1 386 MP 1 121 101 891 106 PERSONS OTHER 1 951 1181 1,1591 1,624 ROBBERY 1 51 61 51 1 58 , JTELEPHONE HARASSMENT 1 41 191 881 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 1 2881 3251 3,492 1 4,192 ADULT RAPE 1 21 31 351 37 CHILD ABUSE 1 51 161 91 1 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE I 10l 11 l 76 1 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 1 01 0l 41 4 - INDECENT L18ERTIES I 01 21 71 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 1 61 61 63 1 77 CHILD RAPE 21 11 33 1 30 RUNAWAY 271 411 291 1 437 SEX OTHER ~ 191 131 1681 162 STALKING ~ 0l 51 27 1 35 . ' SUSPICIOUS PERSON 81 221 232 1 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 791 1201 1,0271 1,475 DRUG 1 671 591 811 1 999 ISU OTHER 1 0 0l 0 i 1 TOTAL 1SU 1 67 591 811 1 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 1 2311 1881 2,1441 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1 1,2671 1,5371 15,0091 19,962 , Red ai;'' ~ r4s ~ ~ i I 1 W AHeoeV, R,t+_ d^~ _ mY JOiO w e ~ U 1►.~ ~ ~tiG~ ~ ~ o, ~ ~,-"~~r~ ~ ~ ty ~gtic~EYe S~ . ~ . •a ~~~~a ~ , _.J._ = g ~ ~ - ~ ~ ' - c~ - ~ S~' •vS~'` ~M~ t 90 ~ " ~ ,~p ~ ~ - :de~~ .~4 ~S.c 6►n?P • _ m , • ~ ~p~srR = ~ _ ~ _ _ m s ~ ~~~►teY'N~J _i~ ~y -o MIt.3'+av' y. f ' ~,$t~ 6 gnaPV ~y~ ~ 5 ~ - ~ ' • ~ ew. r ~ ~ ~ l~"~ , }.~5. ~ • i'.iS~~~ .._-GSM 'r ~ fj H All ~ -~"SM~t~` ~ ~ 1~(~ '~.~r Q ~qth' ~ o T_ ~ _ - ~ 1:u+'• Z ~'1@1~+ r-~ 17m,6m ~-3 - r.~» l_ ~ ~,gy~~,_ ~~nnys~~ ~ ~s• . . r` ~ v~ , . h~. . ~t_,''i' ' .,h ~ b~ ' _ • ~ )lY~1 i . = a" ~ . ~ ~ ..r-~ X~- , ~j11k► , a 32rik ~ on~~ Q~41 ~ .:94a'~.' se13e~'~A 4210 ~ .~vi~a rLc '9 3 , 3~~ .~2,rs ~ ~aow~i~ ~ ~ ,~ea• ~o Y g ~a ~ ~ii t t~i • - 4 Q , ~ ~ p ' ~ tj'~ ...i" ~0~~.. 3~ . - t~ V _ - Oe :,ooux- $ agrttd' _ ~ ►~ane ~ ~ , ~ aA~an~wR ' is Mep ~ a~ w~ u.,►t ct) o s0oz ~a(^I~dn~i~t u1LS ,1t ~O ~ y Bf~L•uv~:,~, a as K u°iS`n o ■ pactnPadde1N Sj ,b w1,~yov~ 'i7f 4` ~~Z :~'G:~ ~ ~ ~ a?~Qi.tt _ - ~s~jt','• E MC!"1 Wtu~W ~ a ele!A e►t*g lM~l F iat~.' , WA W3t' ~ • q f ~ - .A~ ~ ~ W6£ o~e! ,%VWS "QSt ua44111o'J 44tw~7 ~ ' - ~ ~ U1YZ ~ ~a +S~a~= r~ S~t 4 ~ _ - a ~ y 'uuL~" , r,,,~`~ `o ~iiBLtn>~^'" ~ F,3 t~91. ~ i ~ Wc. ~ ~A: 3: ~ c r~ 4"" li►. 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November 2005 Residential Burglary Hotspots Mep~uced 6Dece^,b,, 20., ~ , ~ ' R'I L vI O • . 'I'U: D.ive AZercicr, City Manager h~R01~i; C.il Walker, Chief of Police C:corge Wigev, Admiuist'rative Sergeant 1)ATE: January 12, 2006 RL: AZontUly REpor•t December 2005 rlttached is the activity report for Decembcr 2005 for the Spokane Valley Pnlice Department. Computer-aidcd dispatch (CAl7) incicients intaled 4,563. I`hese are self.-initiated officer contacts, as well as calls i'or service. Out Uf tliose incidents, 1,348 actual reports Nvere taken during the month of laecember. Attaehed is the breakdown dcscribing thpse incidents. Additionally; there were 1,656 traffic siops conciucted thal resuhed in 259 trafFic reports. Included arc the hotspot inaps foz December residential burgla.ric-s, December couunercial burglaries and laeccmber traflic collisions, along with November & Decenlber stalen vehieles. ADM11NIS T,1."t ATI VE : ♦ Chief \Valker assisted with oz-ientatiou of new Councilmember Bill Gothman. The chief wEnt over the makeup of tlic contract wilh the Spokane County Sheriff s OfFic;e and how the Sheriff's Off'ice / Spokane Valley Police Departmenl provides services so that the ncw councilmeinber is fanuliar with thac contract. ' ♦ Parttiers kvitll Families A.t1d Children is esperiencing a funding crisis, and Chief Walker joined other'supportevs bi speal::ing on cheir bchalfat a public hearing. ♦ The Spolcane 'Valley Police Department / Spokanc Couiity SherifPs 4ffice began workulg toward implementin; Police Training Officer (PTO) conccpts f.or new patrol oificers. E1 trial period of tiiis program will bcgin in mid-January. ♦ Ch.ief Walker and others cdntuiued clevclopment of Homelajid Security (HL-S) issues, including pa.rticipal:ion in a dhrce-day,,vorkshop in Tacoma litled "Capabilities TZeview and Lnhanceuicnt", discussing how the fetieral g4venunent will allocate HI S doilars and La.w Fnf.orccment 1"cn-orism Prevention Program (LFTP]?) monies to our region. CbtMMUN1TY URTFNTED POLiCPIG: TJuriug the holiciay season, law enforcement pei-soiuiel enjoy special opportunities to work with other orbani7ations in giving to thcir eommunity. Holidays and IIcroes and Toys for Tots were two of thosE events. 1_n addition Chie:E Walker, along with.Sheriff viark Sterk, hitched a ridc cvith Santa to the. annual Foster Santa breakfast sponsored by the Junior I-eaguE of 1'age 1 Spokane. Breakfast was scrved to more thaii 500 foster children and foster parents, and each child and a parent received gifts. ♦ Toys for Tots Squeah.y's Car Wash in the Spokane Valley sponsored a funciraiser for Toys f'or 1'ots, and tvvo dcputies from the Spokane Valley Police Department were on the scene all day collectui; donated Coys and monetary contxibutions. The ovvner of Squealky's, Mike KennEdy and his wife Michele used the donated cash to purchase more toys tdr the evenl. t1 member o f the U. S. Maruie Corps, which sPonsors the avnual Toys for Tots program, latEr picked up the toys at the Spokane Valley Police Department far Christinas distribution to children. . . ♦ Holidays and Herocs . For t1le fourth straight year in Spokaiie County, lacal law enforcement has joined together with the. hclp o:(' the coni-munity to assist fanilies in nced during the holiday season. The FYoliclays and Heroes program helps neeciy fani.ilies by providing holiday mcals and Cli.ristmas giFts. Ihe Spokane Valley Police, Spokane County Shcriff , Office, Liberty Lake F'olicc, L7epuiy SherifT' Association and Albert,ons 1'onds held a food drive to bencfit neeciy families. The food drive ,vas held at Albertson's located at H,wry 27 and 32"0 Ave, in the Spokazie Vallcy and at their Liberty Lake slorc. The - Spolcane Valley Vdal-Niart assisted in the presentation of gifts to the cluldren. In 2002, Holidays For Hernes tivere able to he1P 39 families. This number grcw to 58 in 2003. 2005 saw 77 families involved. . ~ Holiclays and I-Ieroes is an exccllent way for children to have contact .Nrith local law enforcement and instill long and lasting inemories for everyone involved. The idea is . to help these families in nced enjoy the hnliday season and bring smile to the faces of the children. OPI+_.'RATI()1VS: ♦ 11'Iot•urists Thiuking TGIS on Friday, Decembcr 16 Eatra. policc pati-hls were nn the hunt for drinking drivers on December lfi as part of Tight of 1000 Stars, perhaps leading many arca motorists to be thinking "Thank Goodncss I'n.i Sobcr," rather than salutuig the anival of Friday. Named after the thausands of police uacigcs and stars that will be on the roadNvay this one special evening, Night of 1000 Sta.rs is a coozdinatcd police effort to rcmove drivers affected by drugs or 'alcohol froTn Washington's roadways. Tlie last twn or three weeks of each pear is prime time for residents and busuiesses to bost holiclay parties, many of which £eature alcoholic bevcrages. Police wanted fo rtrnind everyone to drinl: responsibly or arrangc for a designated driver to feny . pactygoers sa,fely home. Those that fail to hced that advice faced the potential of arrest, prosEeution and detention for their overindulgence. And even ttiose consec[uencet pale in comparison to the potEntial for motorists to become involvcd in injury or fatality coilisions. • _ P1ge ? . hxtr<< tral~fic patrols were iuaiined by the Spokane Vallcy Police llePartment, " Washington State Patrol a.nd policc departments in, Spokane, Airwt►y Heights, Clieney, iVTedical Lake and T.,iberty Lak.e. Wa.shuigton Stacc law enforcement agencies have conductcd Niglit of 1000 Stars since 1991. The anti-drinking - and driving iniiiative is promoted by the Washington Assaciat.ion of Sheriffs anci Police Chiefs ancl the bUashington "1'raffic Safety Comanission_ ♦ 1S(J Nabs Driigs, Suspects, Thank You's Detectives assigned co tlle slierifPs Investigative Support Utut raided a pair of Spokane Valley homes seired nearly a pound of marijuana and arrested threc suspccts - 171CI gOL a Ch.ristrnas "1 harikYou" for their efForts. Wtlen condueting a c1ru~ raid, the unit al~~ays arrives in cnnre velucles than the ttuget resiclenc:e can support with park.ing. The membcrs ficid a ccntrally-Iocated parking lot wl3cre they ca» leave solne of their vehiclcs, as Nvell as finalize plans Por the raid. Thc gi-oup mei in the parking lot of Valley Fourth Mcuiorial Church at 24"` and }3owdish. They then went to the first target, 2600 S. Yines, wherc detectives had made previous unclcrcnvcr purehases of marijuana. 1'he taraeted suspect was not home and detectives learned he haci been arrested on an oucstanding DUI warrant the prior nigiit. i heir nIMn was already in the Spokanc Cnunt), Jail. The team cxecutcd their search warrant aiiywa_y and recavered about a'/a poiuid of marijuana from the suspect's room. Deiectives visited the suspECt in jail tq lcvy multiplc felony counts of llelivery of Coutrolled Substance and Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Deliver. Cornple_ting theic scarch of the Pines address; detectives rcturned to the church parking 1ot io set up .f'pr the second raid of the morning. Thcre, thcy discovered church eriiployee.s had tuclc.ed a tiny bool:let on each vehicle. The text read, "'1'hank you for proiecti.ng us" and "God bless ynu! Merry Christcnasl" Not often tlianked for their• ui1dercover Nvorl:; the detcctaves were visibly plea.scd by the message. ♦ Detectives .C'w•ge Valley Hut Spot• Detcctives assigned to the sheriff.'s Property Ci•imes Task f'orce raidecl a Spokane Val[ey hol-ne an-ested the occupants anct seiced evidence of drug use, iclentity theft, chec(< cotu7(erfeitirig and fraud. Detectives from the Investigativc Support Unit assisted t11e raid ai 1321 N. helts. The home there has been a tllom in the side of Spol:ane Valiey Police and neighbor-s for several inanttis. OCficers have recoverecl several _stalen vehicles Froui the home, and arrested drug suspects anci fugit.ivcs with warrants as they come and go from the residence. Tnside at the time of che raid w-ere Chrce residents, all of whom were arrested and booked into the Spol<ane Count.y Jail, one on a fresh felony cnunt of Forgery, a second nn nvo previousty-issued felouy warran.ls charging Residential Burglar}, and Second Degree PossESSion of Stolcn Propcrty, and the tlurd on a 1°resh felony count of Possession o.f `Mcthamphetamine. A spokesrnan for the Property Crimes Task Force said additional ~ . - criminal ch'ar;es arc likely. Page 3 Deteetives seized a small quantity of inethamphetanline and baggies of Schedule II . prc:scription drugs from inside elle liouie. They also found discarded counterfeit checks and Washington State 17river's Licenses in the kitchen trash. A computcr and blank checl: stock were seized from the living room, and detcctives said a computer forensics specialist would dissect the PC for other potential identity theft and check counterfeititig evidence. Coincidentally, a slieriffls Civil Division deputy anived during execution of the search wac•rant and posteci an cviction noticc on lhe front door. The homc's ovmer said thc residence would be emptied of the suspects' belongings by the end oI' next week. ♦ Rcsidenfs «'arned About Fundraising Scam Someone claimin; to represent the Spokane County Sheriffs Office is ealling area residents and askinb for donations to buy equipment for deputies and Spokane Valley Police officers. lwo repnrts have been receivcd by the Spokane Criule Rcporting Centcr; and maiiy more iiitended viciims may have been contacted. The caller in both reporCS was a inan. Nc.ither the sherifPs office nor Spokane Valley Police solicit donalions via the lelcphone. SCOOTERS aN17 1'3I'K_CS: ~ ♦:fsi December 2005 there were no reported collisions involving molor scooters or pedal bikes. Page 4 2005 DECEMBER CRIME REPORT I Dec-05 I Dec-04 12005 to date 1 2004 BURGLARY 1 441 741 7441 997 FORGERY ~ 261 481 4641 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF I 551 731 9041 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL ~ 661 661 7491 916 PROPERTY 07HER ~ 821 1031 1,1541 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES N 401 311 333 1 390 STOLEN VEHICLES ~ 751 411 6031 577 7HEFT 1 1711 2121 2,2561 2,853 UIOBC I 11 1 I 81, 10 VEHICLE OTHER I 01 0l 51 40 VEHICLE PROIJVLING ( 831 1381 9581 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRlMES ~ 6431 7871 8,1781 10,519 ASSAULT ~ 801 691 8941 880 DOA/SUICIDE 1 161 81 1591 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE I 461 571 762 1 755 HOMICIDE I 1 1 11 11 5 KIDNAP 1 21 31 351 24 MENTAL 1 261 291 425 1 386 , MP 1 81 81 .971 106 PERSONS OTHER ~ 971 991 1,2561 1,624 f20BBERY ~ 51 51 56 1• 58 TELEPHOfVE HARASSMENT I 41 151 921 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRlMES 1 2851 2941 3,777 1 4,192 ADULT RAPE ~ 41 41 39 1 37 CHILD ABUSE 101 91- 101 1 126 • CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE ~ 121 301 881 205 SEX REGISTRATION F I 21 0l 61 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES I 21 01 91 21 CHILD MOLESTA710N I 41 51 671 77 CHILD RAPE ~ . 21 21 35 1 30 RUNAWAY 1 201 271 311 1 437 SEX OTHER 1 131 151 181 1 162 STALKING I 0l 31 27 1 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 121 161 2441 341 . TOTAL SEX CRIMES 1 811 1111 1,1081 1,475 DRUG 1 801 821 891 1 999 ISU OTHER 1 OI 0+ 0 l 1 TOTAL ISU 1 801 821 891 1 .1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 1 2591 1711 2,4031 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECENED 1 1,3481 1,4451 16,357 1 19,962 ~ 01-06 No chanqes made yet except name ~ , - . ' ~ W.%d,Red'lr~Y. ~ c ~ ~ 7 c ~M{ ~ ~ 8 ~ 56flSO11 .ri~'OyVrl K Y~4.`i~t ~ c o Ptl Hou cz . 1~1~41ie~ley ~ u 'as RiGh s~ Casr1al~d E G+us ~ ~ g; ,~,~.Q LL nr,ah Mirabesu S Eucnd ucua ~rAer~c+~ Fauv~ww ~ Te r!e~ti~f~ t Geaes Z ~ a o BUdce Bg4CkE'Y^. ~dnc181te L, 1 a ~ ; i'arTs i ~ ' Abn19~"'°'~' . JALASG^ ~ ~etE9 - ~ , r ~e~Y w Rrm~ Iqd' ghannon Intllone ~ Intltene k,sslon Auiuis Ldlnia., ~ • ~t ~ ~ ! . .e Q L k1 aOOfIe ~ °o- _ ~i , ntas , ~ ~ Altl ~Clkt_ m ~ AA t a` ) ptr„o 7~ v: 'uti°.~ay ~ nA~in 1 4. '.~1(a~ ~arp M r(rt j t ~ 1,~a n ~ I Ualn ~ `p E Pl,cif,c ~ 3~ lr~wa I 'S' ► ahd ~ ~1n ~d btt o M~;.,~vre,~ ~ QJ . ~ _ • ~ I ~rh 'y 61h i ~6~h 81f1 Ht Ns~.sSn 8lh V ~ 9~1 9itti ' - F . 1 th f ~ I Pr~tt ~ : 1Tth'121i1; - ~ ' ~ ~ !;ftM, _ ~ 1:11Qi.•,,,t. 13th 13 ~ . '1Zt4- 1.".tt► ~ ~ 17'dtt~ a ~ :.iltt i6th' 'i 4r;r~. t8lt+ ~ bq~ . . ~ ~ - a,tEth ~ ~r- l8t6 ~ y. 13lh ~ G . . FurF - ~ ~ '4~ ~ _ ~''U9f.. _ S!R ~ a~~ 2i~t -,c 22nd ' 2311 21 ra 2 2C,~?~, ~~h~ ?a~ 25m Ih ~ j2 25Ui 210R2'~~?~ 30th i% 3'tsi 7 4 ~s • 4 ~ ~1 3?rsd -='~~i 344~ _ ~3td . 31 s1 32nd ~ ~ ~ ~ la S 3Ttil 35m -34th - ~Btt+~ 10 L~~ 40ttt • N 3W Betle Terte 35~ W CoTroffic lNsion e ` ~ -t' ~ W = 42nC ~ ' - 8811 Y a - 3 .aath _ _ _ _ .1 ~ 4aach~ti, 48m Beft Visru ~"th 0 7 ' ~1[niaw!~ ' G . ~ U. =Medium Low ~ m Medium u A'/. mHi9h I 'o" December 2005 Traffic Collision Hotspots ~a~~ ~Q~~uery2o~ _ , 9 4 o Lv. ~ ~ ~ u in -~V-a y~, ) ~ ~~"3' ~ f~~ ~'ut~~ ~ • 3 aer r ~ ~'y~ c~ ~ ~ ~,{aruven v K~ c1 • - °m ~~n: r-a~~ S„ < m r i;1r7(►►~"'_ p E~~t47~t9~1 ~ 1 L}•~` , n 1 ~44 al aA-no,:•~ ; `CY Gtf-ard 5 ~ La+mm ~ 4' at1p. ~l,~erii ~ a~ rr h~ J+to~l~va _ p I t ~`t'~~ i '~;,Ex ~~ylr 11~ Ppnea,uSa s dL a ~eg' tpn ° , ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ 3 ~ ~ ~p. ~t" `~si~ , g , Fo►l ~ V~~ ~j ~ ~P. -3': '1 ~ R8M~ ~ ~ ~~~n P~~~~~ Gj • t~Bn n. F y o UnKn''^rn tr► r t/f ~ , I ZQ . y~ ~ ~ ~ ' [11d Mamar_ ' t t ~ 3 ~ M~,naid f, E1~t+~ G-M'" r 1 x 9r. Ir, µ$mHr' se~n ~ ~ ~in ~ n Iy ~ ~p•. su , ~ 14 11 ~ ~ ~ ' • m,~ ! ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"s 4. j~GLLUm:f1 A0( c'' g ti o `~x s~ ~ hiocwc hlaubtr►al F's+~ , r~y ~ ~T ' , ~ P ~t►: 9m ~ koG:hPrn^d ~ C.anh~ln F~a A,~ {nc~usuia ~,n , ~ .3` F►on~ .tf ~►eflrr 5~ ~ FbrP ~a~~ttt+Y AtC 1 a GWtn1tn t1 'BR1~1 {►tC 'N ,~i1~~t+ ~ x~~ F o w Sky MeadtYw i:vaS"n Ci ~n [a, 0 . au~vT < ~ r tony Hbttrn ~^5~ a Haroar ~~~r . g ~ ; j,~,a~N ~ ni 3 ~ 7 r ► ~ : - ~ s_ ~ ~ W Red Gji M6f ~ ~oni'e g Fa ~ 7 ~ _ sw " a. ~ . w 3 rm a Prtncul0n'- - W"Y' _ ; , _ ~A'eikteiev ~ 5 R~en ich- ~ aAa I u'' tLi~4 C~ess m 1 s f3 t c~ Jr MmrC*41a A _ELWJod ~ ~Euct~d r'laJdlaW ~ C-f w.-e ~ e F AN, Malietta ~ c ~ - ~ Bucke,aBucho r e ~~nr~[j(0 : ~CV ,D• ~Ipn~11~B~ . . ~ p - Knox _ mdmna ''alnJn Irvd;ana ~ ~ u G " bta~a.ls SL r,9i66EOf1 Mtssian ~~~+y ~ io ~ f3iieilun i ~ , .fl ~ ,'~Jj~O~. .-.s . ~ ~ •s 'ti ~ 2 ~ ~ . C ~1a < VT r1p .ShBrp < Z ~ rBQQi.~- T~: ~ Ly, ~ ~ gL y, ~ -J;--~ 6 , - Ci f~ca _ . ~ ~.8511 &nud~ay q~ -D~n' y ~ ~ }~cc O htiUQn : ' , hf811oh • o , qik 011v~ y v ~ - 2 ~ ~ c►!a A, 1 N~ g~sgr~ ,H n~~ ~ , M,~ . , ~a' ~ . ~ ~ 6 , _ ~ Rivafi0l~ ~ 53: ~ _ m t , ' - - sth 3rtl ~ tsl ♦ A 2 7nd Znd i 1Alcavielh~ . a. +i. yI C•' e ~ Slh J+ 4tft z m "E ~ W eth 6h m dni ~'s ri '~ct► btFl ~ iC 9Ai 9!h - ~z c n ~ ° i PraU 2 tZth 12tiT, P; ~'•7ifh, . E 11ihx 121: t =1 n 14 th ~ 1 fvth +s~M F4,,, . ~~o ~y - - . . ~ act, • .~d z _ , s, ~ _ : ?om ~r 2~r,d . - ~ ' ' ~ 24lh ,~5ttt r~ . 21 sl EO 9h Rh- ffi JenNS -Q~, hS ~6','►t : 73Ifi : ~ ~tfs f ?otA = P 25th _ 30in c ~ 1'-st ~ 32rx! = 3421 ~ 31s1 32ntl ~ ~ • - ~ . : - - , ~ . sr~ 3m 300 39m `s~ JTt[L - ~ . .~c . 1(, V cr _ a Dt h ry ~ BBl6e Teml ~ . ~ 4141 w (n 42*g c 2 ' U Rseldontlel ~ .I3til43 tn Bunory . ..p +~}8ryp ~ 44th i ~ ' Lh A8tt1 ~ BDRB VI6J [.io 44tti ~ ...i ~I I d~e nnic a l' 'o LOw ~ e~m Medium .,-~p ~ ~pl~ c3 - Mot~w ~ . ~ ~ High -~-0 1 December 2005 Residential Burglary Hotspots mapPrDdUOO~~~~jwxun'2oDG ~ ~ s y~ iZed D~' LL Prmceuin m 4 n- ~ ~•~~r ~ Up"''rc~ ~~k'w~91! ; ~ °~.c a y ~ E:su.lld~~~~ ~,~,_•.cy~. ~iy ~ a 4 a g B~ ~ qtt9 S l.$70r~ . r-tRt1'~r16 n0 _ ~ ~ro~~° ' C~ ' - - ind=ana ~ . 19f3 I s ~ iw+c~ana - 'h.tycsior . s~ Grviil ~ Alk~ ~ ¢.Qe~r' l '25; - 1 ~ - t~t►{~' 06 ! g - ~ t \ iifl ~ p ' ~ ue . Q ro t~Nss+i~n ~ . - " , ~ ~ ~ t~~Urt ; - t C . :.li'. • ` !.A~ ~ , ~ 2n~y J~ A~ f ~s'1.~ 1~'N Ls - a 1-7; ~ ...i..l~ ,..•I(', wV ~ 6Q~ 4~T"r ~t~' s 3,. _ ~ 9tt• - _ ;3in' ,~S'' 1~' 4. ~ s1t A~.,. , ~ : - ~ ' ~ s : s~ S► ` ;~th ^ to ~ ,R e~ jennw 0 b: . ~ y ~51~ :d~ Voh~tas r 20v~ ~ Z 1 et 39th ~ Y- ~ 11,90 ~ . G ~ ?yu, }7~` ~ ~ii. zerrn ~ ru; "m e 44u' 42nd N Hat1 ~ Beft9F visla ~ LOW ~ 3; d 4 ± ~ V ~ ~ ~t~~•~ ~ ~ A6t~ ~ ~r . ~ m so MedWm d so Aunr.,c t~~,, ~~c~' ~',,s'3'~i Ui s H►9 .n 4teJ dam ~ = Y i Hr~man f~st~ Sroc,x n ~ 2006 . lb 10 .f anuarY • c ~ ~ ~ e~,r.a~de Map Produaed . vler na~re V ericle KQtsp°ts (~'S Stolen 24 ~lec i~ • . ' .~Spokane Vatley Fire Department 2005 Reor...,r'o~ Information for City of Spokane VaUey INCIDEN7 TYPE I Ycar to Dale IJan IFeb IMardlApril 11day IJunel July I August Sept! Oet INov I Dce 11-S Structure Fire Single Resoonse I 2781 181 171 271 171 21 411 271 27 181 221 211 21 11-F Structure Fire I 1021 81 101 il l 61 5 91 10 4 71 101 111 1 i 11-W Wotkinq Flre I 261 51 11 41 3 01 11 31 01 01 41 41 1 • 13S Vehicle Flre: 91 i 8 71 812' 81 101 51 1 8 11 I 6 10 8 14-LIH Brush Fire-Low ~ 761 1i 21 91 d tifll 51 161 17 101 11 1~ 0 15-S Trash Fire ~ 181 01 01 31 01 01 21 6i 4 1 21 1 0 18-S Alarm System-Single Response 11 821 71 51 51 31 51 61 141 61 4 91 121 10 18-F Aiarm SYstem- Full 1 4051 42! 24281 281 271 33~ ' 341 301 351 431 3D1 51 31•A!8 8LS EfAS Alarm I 27051 2591 2U1~ 2171 206l 2131 219 2431 2461 244 2151 1981 240 31-CID ALS EMS Rlarm I 3060 2861 2461 2621 2561 256 272 2471 2491 26~3y 2491 2151 259 31-F 2nd alarm EMSIPAass Casualty I 0 01 0 01 01 0 Qi 0 01 O1 01 OI Q 35-F Extrication I 91 21 01 01 01 1 2i 01 31 01 0l 11, 0 36-F Water Rescue I 31 01 01 01 0! 1 01 0! , 21 0~ 01 0i 0 37-F Tech Rescue I 01 01 01 01 0{ Q OI 0l 01 0 0! 0l 0 404 Hazmat Investigation I 731 3j 81 51 61 QI 61 8 81 10 61 6 2 40-F Haztnat Full Re::ponse I 101 7I! 01 01 01 11 51 0l 01 01 11 Q 2 46.lVB Auto Aceident • Unknwvn tn)uries I 6581 561 381 Qgl 441 511 491 701 641 651 41 ~ 60 68 46-ClDllutoAccident-LifeThre:~ts I 681 31 41 31 31 51 61 71 101 121 10 41 1 ' 50S Servfce Call ! 1251 151 141 51 21 181 1,1 61 61 11! 61 151 16 MONTHLY TOTAL ~ 77871 715 1 5781 6361 5801 6261 6771 6921 684i 6911 629 j 5891 690 ril oWa.ane S Va.Hey 4;0o 11707 E Sprague Avc Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org . r. . _ ~ - , ~ s~ , . . . , , , . . , Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager From: Morgan Koudeika, Administrative Analyst Date: January 24, 2006 Re: Spokane County Contract Update 1'he previous update on 2005 service agreements was presenteci to Council on 11ovember 15, 2005. Since that time, City and County staff have reached a conelusion on all remaining outstanciiny matters. The items tllat have been resolved since the last update are list:ed bclow. Nu Subsidi7ation , ~ lTo allcviate conce,rns dlat decisions by the CounCy to contribute or donate services to other entitics would ' have a negative financial impact on the City, botti patties came up with the following language. The CITY shall pay the COUNTY the true and full cost of all Services provicled under [his Abreement. The intent of the Parties is that nei[her Party will subsidize the other and that the C["1"Y will nof subsidizc any other _jurisdiction that is receiving similar services. pvencead Costs The County has dccide.d to continue usijig the OM13 A-87 cost allacation plan. 'I'his mcans that regitinal costs such ss tax collection, tiLx. assessmene, atid 14bbying will not be 'sneluded in the overhead costs applied to the City. The Coiuity will include depreciation for capital items for which the following apply: • were purchased flfter the City's incorporation; • are used in providing services to the City; and • are not charged out to the City or its eitizens elsewhcre. Public Defender Enhanced Scrvices 'I'he Count_y has a,greed to remove 1atiguage rcquiring a separate c.harge for enhanced services that may be necessary in the event of v-i emergency. These costs wifl bc rolled into the riormal costs and factored into settle and ad}ust. -The oihcr conecrn was tlhat juveniles did siot have to qualify for public defender services. The County indieated t}iat, by law, juveniles ai-e assessed for indigency based on tlleir own ee;onomic status and not on the status of their family members. As a result, it is rare that a juvenile does nnt qualify as an indigent. Spol:ane County Contract Approval (Update) .IanuAry 24, 2006 Pagc 2 of 2 - Therefore, the Couniy does not process juveniles through prc-crial scrvices and any juvenilc who requests representation througli the 1'ublic Uefender's Oftiee has that service provided. The County has detennined that policy is less cxpensive thaii running all juveniles dirough dhe qualification process. Distriet Court The County has agreed to use standard dispute resolution procedures for any disagreemencs in regard to billing. "I'he Coitnty has revisec3 the cost exhibit to refleCt payment for services by Decr Park and C:heney and to eliminate cfuplieaiive jury management charges. The terminology "initial charge" was left in. The City had a concern that a more serious ofI'ense could be assessed during bookinb or incarceration yet the City would still be respnnsible for the costs. The County indicatetl that it is much more likely that a felony would be reduced to a misdemeanor and that it wotild be to the City's benefit [o leave the "initial charge;" standard in the agreement. This makes tracking easier and eliminates back-tracking and reconciliation of revised cases for the County. .Iail Thc County has converted the Jail agreement to a settle aiid adjust agreement in order to allow Cor the more accurate assignment of costs based on eontract year coscs. . Prosecutnr Animal eontrol eases will be rotled into other misdemeanors and infractions. Znning c.ases will continue to be hanclled separately by the County's civil department, to allow far more specialized consideration. Uther Contracts . The agreement for communications maintenance is being developed. This is a new agreement and will be approximately $1 10,000 for 2005 and is fer the purpose of maintaining the communication towers that are utili.ed for law enfarcenient and other county serviee•s that utilize rivo-way rAdins. 'l"he GTS and Law Enforcemenc abreements are being revised to be consistcnt Nvith the moclel aoreements and wi11 be revie,.Ncd by Cpunty InCorniation Seivices Department (ISD) and the County Sheriff's Offic;e respectively. 'the County is still attempting to convert the Geiger (Incarcerzjrion and Work ltelease) agreements tU a settle and adjust agreeri►ent. Next Stens A presentation nf the sumtnary of the model agreement ehanges will be presented to Council on Febniary 14 alonn with copies of the available agreements. A motion c:onsiderfltion has been placccf on the Februvy 28 agentla to allow the Cotmcil to corlsider approving the service agre.ements with Spokane County. Spokanc Cnunty Library District Spolcan.e Valley Library Services and District Support - Report to the Cify of Spokane Valley . December 2005 ;RAR Customer use rneasures, T)ishict-Nvide Th.e year ended. yvith custom.er use nleasu-i•es relatively consistentvrith the levels of the lasY quarter oE 2005-at or slightly above 200=~ for most of the "traditianal services." Circulation, the d.aor count, and progran atiYendance are virtually identical. Refere,nce inquiries are up 7% t'ltis year. Meeki.ng room bool:i.ngs, however, are up a staggering 34%. Except far software stat7on use (dowm 1%), onlinc servi.ces are a diffeeent stary from traditional services. Web reference was up 38°,6. Cu_stamer-placed lloltis were up 2590. TDal-abase searc.hes were 20% higher and retrievals up 171°ro. The number of library car.cilloldErs at the end of the year was 111,324,11.8% more than at the ertd of 2004. Library resoiuces, laistrict-wide As with customer use measw-es, the liUrary materials callection si7e at the end of December tivas al.cnost equal to last ycar rvith a total of 387,816 items-cxclu.ding the 11,000 new matErials st4ckpiled for Moran Prairi.e. "I'hus far in 2005, $1,151 print and audia-visual materials were added and 65,199 deleted. - Custamer use measures, GreaFer Spolcane Val.ley As shoi^n un the tablP below, Spokane Valley Libra.ry had mare people canling in the door in 2005 and decidedly lugher program attentlance, but circulation and reference inguiries were down almost the sarne amoi.ult and software statinn book.i.ngs tircre slighlly lower. Those same ineasures for A.rgonne and Otis tivere mixed. Spokane V1lley Library had 37,3&3 registe.red c1rdholders as of Derember 31; Chere werc 9,962 at Argonne and 5,801 al• Otis Orchards. T.ibi-ary resources, Gr.eater SpokanE Valley The end-of-the-year Sp4kailc Valley T ihrary nlatcrials colleerion tohal was 7.7.3,174 itents, 5.7% aheacl o.f year-end 2004. The 1$,9$0 new iten-s added l-o the collection camprisc almost 17% of l•hat tohal. Spokiu1e Va.l.ley LiUrary rCCEived 23.39% of thc 81,151. new items acidecl. District-widc i.n 2005. Argonne ended the year %vith a 39,851 item col.lection and Otis Orchards with 24,132. All lold, 35% oE new purchasPS cvere located in the area's thrce libraries. . ~ . . Page 1 of 6 Selected Decembez 2005 StatisNcs ~GrculaHon 17oor count Referencc Program Sottware StaHon Inquiries Attendancc Boakings YCD YI'17 to Y'TD YTD lo YCT) YfD to YTD Y'TC) to Yl'D YTD to' 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 I 5CLD I 1,818.538 I- 0.39'0 893,519 0.5`'o I 263,463 * 6.5°fo I 51,5021 + 0.3 ro1 182,924 - 0.7% Spo Valley I493,9041 - 4.3ib 265,6471 + 5.596 I 73,391 - 5.0%I 13,437 I+ 12.8%1 59,3991 - 2.0% Argonnc 111,2541 - 7.2 o I 66,046 I-14.9% 11,3691 + 2.4% I 1,4861 - 26.0%I 14,502 I+ 3.0% Oris I 87,041.1- '10.2% 1 42,831 -10.3% 7,7721 = 2.146 I 1.$53 I-10.5% I 8,689 I+ 2.1.% I SuUtotal I 692.199 I- 5.63o I 374,524 - 0.7% I 92,5321 - 3.6 % 16.776 I+ 4.9% I 82,590 - 0.7% I SCT D I 3$.1ro I I 41..7%I - ~ 35.196 I I 32.6%I I 45.1% I - I Deccmber 2005 Registerecl Customers Uy Branch of Registration 2005 Total % of Yl"U Change % Adult % Youth SCLb from 2004 Tot31 111,324. - + 10.6% 74% 26% SCT D Spo Valley I 37,3831 33.6% ~ + 9.5% I 76% I 249b ArKonne I 9,9621 9A°6 I + g.4% I 77% 1 23% ' Otis 5,80'1.I 52% I .-1-8.1y6 , 67% I 33°6 1. Subtotal I 53,1461 47.7% I +9.4 % I I At Uranches serving Spokane Valley residents... Regioiially: 17ECember was lvioran Prai.rie month. All the regional supervisors spent sigxlificant amounts ul' tinle prepari.ng far the openu-ig of the new library. One unexpected challenge was discovering we had nlore adult fiction, particularly paperbac-ks, than we anticipafied. Part nf i:he xeason f4r this is that some of the genres produce nluch bigger bQOks than vther.s-but there were . ' also a lot of paperback tides ordercd overall. Youi:h services supervisor 'N![ary Ellen l3raks comniented that the children's area at Moran is wonderfvl and is a chil.dreri s librarian's dream roonl, xvil•h the tree and play house for computcrs. Branch highlights: Several more pieces of Spaka.ne Vczlley chi.ldreri s and teen furnishings were received: another hable and chairs for the children's area thaNs for slighkly oldcr kids anci a bean bag cha.ix for the teen area. Thep weie all immediately used. Besides the final storytimes for the year and a kid's After School5pECial, l•herc weze t1-vo Girnpceter Btuics classes, along with the fami.ly . film, Hotu the Grittcft StoIe Cl-irishnns. Arganne's display case received mare aLtention thanany in reccnt nlemory. It was a w-inter scenc-actually hvo, one an each shelf-of houses, churches, a bank, post office, etc., made of neecilepoint, with cottony snaw all around. The month's most unusual. interaction was an email from a 13-year old boy in California who collccts library cards and has desigi,ed aweU page abbllt - 1'age 2 of 6 his Collection and is apparently hopuig i•o get cards fro.m all over the cocantry. He says he has niore thm11,000 now. . 1-' DESpite the lack ot reinibursement fqr Libcrty L.ake resicients, several Otis Orcl7ards customcrs renewed their cards for 2006 anci still seeni happy to do so. Staff offered to help a teen get a largc frozEn fishhook off lus tongue: a quick ru1se in the drinking fountiain relez.sed him. "A Christmaas Story" I ives on. Qutreach highlights: E-i Fcbi-uary we expect to add the Brnadway Couet uldependent adult carE . facility to those served. Over halE of non-barcoded paperbacks were discarded due to their condition. Quote from our conlmuruty: "T.f your birthday is near Christmas, reschedulc- for the suiiinier - just lit<e the Queen of Engl.a.nd does." (From a custonlcr whose birthday falls ot1 Dec. 2,3ra,) Friends o£ the Library: gr.eater Spolcane Vallcy Spvkane Valley: ThE Fricnds of the Library gave sta.ff inenzbers a Ch.r.ist-mas present of a cofEee maker and aLl of the suppli.es to make caffee, tea arid hot choeolate-a lovely stuprise and much appreciated. The}' also g•ave a bax of candy to each District krushee at their Deceinber meetuig. Argaixne: The Friends had to cwZCeI their plaruled Saturday Game Day, when they hoped to attract new members and play boa.rd g•aines all afternoo.n i.n tl1e nleEting room. Friends of the I.ibrary: other Districfi AirzvuJ IIEiglits: The Nriends hosted a pizza party for the teens who participated in the Read to Fccd program: six teens attenaed alona; xvidh family and .f.our Friends, two todd_Iers and the mam. 'I'he Meet the Author night was rescheduled far January 26th. l7eer Pcrrk: Instead o.f the usua111oliday dc-eorakions, the Deer Park r'riends provided t'Alelve beautiful pouzsettias for the rop of the refcrence shelves. North Spokane: "I"he Friends arclered a new UaAk sale banner which graphic ciesigner A.nn Torpie designed and had n1acle. It i.ncorporates the "Friends" logn that she designed. • • SERVICES Collections ' ■ Wc ordEred 1,161 titles and 3,577 capies in ]aecember. The budget has ended up somewhat over-expended due to a largc amount o( backordercd materials arrivialg u1 the last two weeks of December and a year-enc{ foreign lang•uage mltErials ordering project. ■ Wc procESSed a.nd sent out 5,412 items to branches; 5,684 items `vere deleted trom the system. • 977 new Mo.ran I7rairie storage items were processed 'u1 December, br.i.nging to 11,010 items the nu:,nber pf itenzs ptuehased du.ring the year and eompleki.ng this phasc of the project. Iri 2006 we wi.U ha ve the reinainuzg borid rnonies for 1vIoran, but we ivill not break out the materials we add to the collectiori witih project money. Programming • SEnior chilciren's serETices staff participated i.n a Washi.ngtnn Library Iviedia Association b00kt11kll1g event hig•l-d.ighh,ng new 2005 titles of interesfi at the Ivfasonic TEmple downfiotiii. SCLD r_oordinatar Thom Bar.the:lmess was askeci to speak about his Newbery experience and l•o • "handicap" the award for 2006. ■'Yhe For the i.,ove of Movies ser. ies at NOrth Spokane and Spokane VaIaey fEatureci a"family movie l~• nig•ht" ivitl1 t]Ze filnl How the Grinclz StolP Chrishiras. Two Cornputer F3asics classES were offered at Spokane Valle}'. , Page 3 oE 6 IntcrliUrary loan •We bonowed 228 iter_ns for oux custoiners and ]oaned 219 items to other libr.aries. Teehnieal serviees ■ Rqllover began widi the crcatian of the 2006 funds anci the closing of ordering on 2005 funds. Othez •The new Health & Wellness .ResourCe Centcr with Alternative Health Mndule onli.ne database was macle available to the public on December 30. • IZegion I staff creat•ed a Unok[.isl in honor of Benjanun Fra.nklin's 300th birthday which is January 17. Yt wil] be availabl.e in prinl• anci elecLronic formats. 'D • New t7oran Prairic Li.brary By year's end. coristructi.on was substanlially completed, but.n.ot "final." There were conty.nuing problems with the boiler, the HVAC system hacln't been properly balanced, and some cxterior work remained to be done. 'X':herc were also outstanding issues in the clectrical area. On the olher hand, shclving and furniture wer.e inshalled and a.ll of the new materials were tnoved in and shelved, in pr~pa-ration For the transfcr of matci-ials Irom the "old" facility dw•ing the firshweEk oE January. The sof.t open.ing is plan.ned fdr Tu.esciay, January 7.0 with the grand opening taking place the Eollowulg Saturday morning. . About 25 peoplc atlendcd the Dcceinber 6 Moran Prairie Neighborhood Associatioii mECting at which there was cui upda te on tfze new library. 1'here was agreat deal of interest in it and the announcement of $unday hours brought siniles-and applause. 2006 budget Because thEre werc no changes in revenue estinlates and any patenl•ial expense changes were so few and min4r t,hat they can easily be handled during the fi.rst mid-year budg•et review, the final District budqet was iden6ca1 to the prelirn.inary bu.dget approved in iVovember. ' Additional library open hours Staffing was finalized for die add.ition of Friday morrw-ig anci Sui.lday after.noon hours at Cheney, Moraiz Prairie, Norkh Spoka.ne, and 5pokane Valley. That incl.uded hiri.ng of some aciciitional staff. Policy rev.iews . Attorney Ji.m Sloane and I revicwed several District polacies ti1at relzte to liability areas covered in November's I;,awycrs Eor Libra.ries h-aizi.ing u-isCitute. Those include the library as a public forum; patron behavior; materials rem.oval/censorship issues; Internet access; meeting rooms and display cases; and ha.rassment and hoskile wor.k envirorunent. Uur policies cnvering these arcas substanl-ially con.form to currcnt statutes and case law. . . I-Iowever, ARr. S]oanE has recam.mencied cklanges to six of them to fill gaps, provide clarificalion, and corxect a few statriii.e.nts that are inconsistent Nvith cuerent legal opui,ion. Pecommended revisions are oii the January Boar.d meel•i.ng agejid.a. Page 4 of 6 Legislator contacts , . 4th Dist-rict Representative l'any Crou.se mct W=ith n1e at Spokane Valley Library for a pre-.session br.i.efing on library issues and SC1 D activi.kies. I spoke xvith Pepresentative Lynr► Srllindler about die libra.ry during an event dte follotiving week. Clean Izidaor tlir. Act , Sn1cE ou.r facilitics have Ueen non-sm.okulg areas by state law for tnany years, the on]y change resultina; fiom voter appxoval of I-901, the Clean Indoor Air f1ct, is the additian of the "254oot ruJ.e:" na sm.oking within 25 feel• Af any e.ntranee, e,rit, opening window, or ventilation inhake. WVe're also i•eqtured to post no-smoking signs ati entrances. We're a.n thE process of inventorying builcling entrances, opcrable winciows, anci air intakc locations so that follo-svirig requirements of I-901, we can place the no smol;ing signs as well as identiE~, the 25-Eoot no sinol:ing radius from air intakes and operablE windows. PROFESSIONAL D • During DecenlbEr J chaired a Waslungton Library Association library funding task faree conference call meeting; all-ended a Spokane Regional Chambcr of Commerce member breakfast, 5pokane Valley Chamber af Cornmerec l.egislative Eoruni, and Spokane Regional Chamber of. Commerce leg-islative farum, as well as a Washington Library Associahan boaxci nieeting. • • : • • • Coorclir►ated ad placement in the Inland Northwesk Catalyst tiech 8r busi.ness magazine, publishPd six times per year, and circulatulg to more than 20,000 business CEOs in the Inland Nortklwest. ■ Gave a brief Moran I'rauie presentation ah th€ MW Neighborhood Association meeting. • Cxeated and Sent out invitations, program, v1i•ious okher signage and publ.icity for NToran Piadrie Grand Opening,; conti.nued coor.dinating soft and gra.nd opening event. ■ Coorciulated new hours and tiIP story with Spokesirrait-Reniezv. HUMAN RESOURCES ■ Rccruited for five neiv and tcvo existing positions. ■ Conductecl phone interviews for the Narth Spokane librarian posikior►; four finalists wErc selected for on-site intcrviews along wil•11 four lecal caildidates. ■ C'laiuled. final installment of ine»l•oring i-raiiling, the aclual "how to mentor" process, to be conducted on .Friday, March 17, 2006. INFORMATION • • ■ More than anyrtliing else, i.nstallation oF the new Voice over IP phone system domi.nated the monlh, with al.l staff invol.ved ta varying degrees. F11ot of work still remains ahead. ■ just about al.l of the service changes that were pointed toward increasiilg band-,,vidth and preparing for the new phone system wEre m.isllandled by Qwest, resulting in about $30,000 in charges for Iu1es thak were to have been disconnected. Qwest has now "escalated" the resolution ol this issu.e. ' • We have yet to receivc ou.r F-rate funding comm.i.tment letteK; howcver, we ve been ivorked an , it, so it's expected soon. ~ ~ Pagc 5 of 6 - ■ Preparations were made for Maran Prairie L,ibrary equipnle.i-it i.nstallation durinp the r.r►ovc-in . week. , . : PURCHASING . : ■ 7'otal tax collectioz-is for 2005 were $4,142,702, slightly above the $4,134,9$5 budgetecl. • T11e laistriet's maintenance coorclinator was extensivEly involved in assisting relocation of Moran C'rai.r.ie's store-fi•ont local•ion to the new building. • t3r► inventorp of a]1 buildir►gs was c.ond.ucted to determi,ne the numUer of entrance/cxit doors khat would Ue required to have the "no-smoking" warnings afEixed to them in conformance with the new Washulgton Clear Tndoor Au• Act. ■ The State Auciiror's Office conipleted t:he on-site 2004 audit work during the kixst week of Decem.ber. ' 01/11/06 mjiv 0 Page 6 of 6