2006, 04-04 Study Session
l IIRIy B:11vt3Ft11Xj1:
city Clerk
'1'ue-adnv.Apri14. 2006 b:QQ p.m.
11707 Eact Sprague Aveauc, Snitc lUl
(Pirasc Turn OfCAII Electrooic Devices nuring the Nlerting)
I: inplayee h:trcxlrrclinn: tlenrv Allen, Dev-elopmenl Engineer, In, Lleputv Citv Mrmagrr Reg(or
l. tipnkanc Councifmrmhct :11 Frrnch Municipai Roun+lsablc Ptrscntation
l ouucilmeinbrr:; C,mpiriiensi~e ('1:3n `1;itter; Wrap-1 'p
Infurntalirln Uirlt'-
3. F.'lectrnnic M1-Inrlitnri~r,k< <1~•n~~~r~rnrlt~~rr - ('arti• _!,►rr.4cll
rk[)JCII ?K'JNt I:?ti'1'
Nute: LIu4ess othcrwise natedahove, thcrz wi11 be nti puelic wmmcats 71 l:aunJl titud~ Ses;inns. Hu~%c~cc,
Cauncil niways racn-rs the right ta reqicest informatian frnm the public and staff ux appmprinte. [?uririg mtetings
hcld by the City of Spokanc Vniley Gouncil, the Council rescrves the right ta take "actiod' an any nr all aggcnda
itcros Iistai or hercafler amended_ The trnn "i►ctinn" mcans to delilxrate, discuss, revicw, cnnsider, rvaluase, ar
mnkr a collCCiivc pusiUvc or ncgativc docision.
N' r; iCE- Indlvidualr plaaning 1n rttrnd the mecting who reyuirc spadii rtgcistnnL:e w uLcucnnwdnte ptty:~c~il. bcziring, (ir uihcr
~ t-ipnirmcntS, p!cn_s-^. ,:vnr_=_rt .he City CL; k nt 1509) 92 [-I ODC1 ns sron n5 pniti',rir --O tt:1t srrungemerh nti:, lic ntdc
SPOI.~,~a~, v~ HGS W. SI"aKANE FALLS BU'!'i.
'►A- A% 11 SF`aKANE, 4VAsHiN . Mv 99201-3342
(504) 625-6350
, l,i l i i 1 1
March 23, 2006
RES 2006-0030
Ms. Chris Bainbridge
Clerk of the City of Spokane Valley
11707 East Sprague Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99206-6110
RE: RESOLUTION 2006-0030: A Joint Resolution of the cities of Spokane and
Spokane Valley calling for the creation of a Regional Municipal Roundtable.
At its Legislative Session held Nlarch 20, 2006, the Spokane City Council approved the
above-referenced Joint Cities document which has been signed by the appropriate
Spokane City officials.
Enclosed you will find the above referenced original document. Please prepare the
document for consideration by your Council. Upon their approval, please return the
document to our office for indexing. Once we have completed this final process, we will
send a certified copy for your records.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Yours very truly,
Shirley M. Pippenger ~
. Spokane City Clerlc's Office
c: Mary Franklin, AI French - City Council
~ MAR 2 7 2006
A resolukion calling for the creation of a Reghonal Municipal Roundtablc.
W:EMREAS, the City oF Spokazie Valley incorporated in the year of 2003 as the
ei.ghih largest cily in the State of Washington;
R'NERE-AS, the Cily of Liberty Lake incorporated in the year of 2001;
WBEREAS, with the recent incorporations of the cities of Liberty Lakc fuid
Spokane Val.lev approximately seventy-five percent of the residents within Spokane
Coun .ty also resicle within the munic;ipal boulidaries of the cities of Spok.ane County;
WHERF-AS, the municipalities within Spokane County all operate under the saine
general revenue basc as provideci by state statute;
WTIEREAS, the electcd officials and staff inembers of the cities witlun Spokane ,
Cotuity are canstantly looking for mcans anci methods to provide liigh quality muaicipal '
services to tlieir constihicnts at the most affordable cost;
VVHEREAS, many municipalitiES within Spokazie County share cammon
boundaries which provides the opportunity for joint efforts incluciing joint plauung for
mulual gromli; .
VVFLER,E-AS, many cities within Spokane Caunty provide the saine type of
sErvices to their constitueuts as ncher neighboring ciiies creating the opporCtmity for
ciuplication of staff limc aud expenses;
VVH=F'FZFAS; the cities of Spokane and Spokane Vslley would like to gather
togcther the legislative and administrative bodies of all of the ciries wiihin Spokane
Coi.uity anci explore the pnssibility to establish a Regional Miuucipal Rouiidtable to
provide a fonim within wluch municipaliries can identify aud address areas of uiutual
concern and idcntify and pursue opporlunities of mulual benefit ;
NOW, TffEREFORE, be it resolved that the mayors and city councils for the City
of Spokanc uld the City of Spokane Valley would like to host the firsf Spokane Regional
Municipal Roundtable and extend an invilation to the legislative and adininistrative
bodies of all of the cities of Spokane County to joiii ui this cffort la explore ways to better
scrve the .residcnts in all of our cities. The tiine and place fnr the first meeting sball be
muCually detennined by the councils of the citiES of Spokane and Spokane Vallcy in -
RES 2006-oo3o
ovak shall serve as the
' consultation with the other cities in the county. Ivir. Terry N
faeilitator of the event.
A dopted this al~ a y of 2006.
City Clerk Cor the City ofl
Approved as to form: ~
Assistant City Attorney for the
City of Spokane
Adopled trus day of 72006.
City Clerk for the City of Spokane Valley
Approvetl as to Form:
City Attoniey for the City of Spokaiie Valley
RES 2006-003o'
~ -~Request for Council Action
Meeting Date: 04-0406 City Manager Sign-off:
Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Q netiv business ❑ public hearing
❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation
AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Comprehensive Plan Matters
a. MEmorandtim and niaps from Senior Planner Scott Kuhta Re Unresolved Land Use Map Requests
M-53 and Ivi-55
b. I,etter from Stamper, ltubens, Stocker & Smith, P.S. re Good Samaritan Property of 12715 E Mission
c. Draf minutes of March 21, and Mareh 23, 2006 council meetings for reference purposes.
Approval consideration will be scheclulecl for the A.pri) 11 regular council mceting.
STAFF CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge
000 w(Wkane
,,;OOValley 11707 E 5prague Avc 5uttc 106 • Spoknne Valley WA 49206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.925.1008 ♦ dtyfiallr'yspoicanevatley.org
To: City Council; Dave Mercier, Clty Manager
From: Scott Kuhta, Senior PEanner
CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager
Date: April 4. 2006
Re: Unresolved Land Use Map Requssts - M-53 and M-55
C:ity Council considered thc attached map revisiuii reyuests during Jelibcrations on lanuary ~ I.
2006. Council discussed changing the entire azea between C'nion and the Regional Cotnmercial
area lu the east as either Officc or Iiigh Density Rcsidential. Staffsuggested thai Office would
provide a good transition txtween commercial gmperties to the pwes~and residential to the ~94- -
The proponeat for rnyuest'vi-55 re:enUy inquir+xd about the nesulcs of Council's dcliberations.
Staffs n-collection wgs that all parcels wem chungcd to the Office designation, but after
review-ing minutes, il appesrs that Council luai reyuested Staff to hring back more information
tefore making a[inal decisian. A discus.Sian of thesz map revisiun requests did not appe3r in
subsequent mecting minutes and it appears ttwt wc need a f'uial decision by Council on this area.
Attached sre thrce maps, including an 2005 aerial, the Planning Commission's Recnmmended
Plan and a map show•ing Statrs rccollcction of c}iangcs dircctcd by Council.
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N1{u111t'-- ~ . . M1xWC1{
SCO'CTR. SMI7it' 720 WEST840rE
nl.nN L. RUBFIJS SUffE3Q0 +AISO 3dmittad in 1L
7HO.KAS R. U1ClANi ~ • SPOKANF WASM.INGI'OTl 49201 Also admittcd In'T;C
MtCHAEL H. CHUItCN 7'E4EFAX (509) 336-4591 +++rUso aditti[ted in OR
A41CHA6L K. STAUB yR+ 'iF1.EPHONE (509) 326-4800 ' Also ndmiaed in [D
.`+tAiTfiEW T. R[F.S Also admiKcd in CA
81L1.4N M. WERST ALso tidinitted in [D and CA
EDWARD H. TURNR++ VIa1'Ch 24, 2Q06 Er.IqIL, ssmith@starnperlaw.com
`NEO $ITr.: S1RRlp".1l9W.C0111
, .
tifs. lleanna GrilTith -
City of Spokane.Valley MAR Z 92096
11707 E. Spraguc Ave. Suite 106 . sAOKANEVa~LEY
Spolcxnc Valley, Washingcon 99206-6124 pEPARTAhEN70F
COt.tihl,UPfITY UEVEl.O?P:+E(dT
Re: Good Samuritun Property- .1271 5 E. Mission '
DE.ar Deanna:
Th,mlcs so iiiuch for speaking wiih me the other day. As I staCed, I represe.nt The Evangelical
~ Lutheran Good Saniaritan Society, ("Good Sa.rnaritan"), the owner of the property located at
12715 E. Mission Avenue. As you are aware, this property was foriuerly occupied and usEd as a nursing homc. It is in close
proYimity to Valley Hospital, as well as other medical office buildings in the area. This is a
perfcet lncation to apply the medical office building overlay. 1 understand tliat there has heen
suppor.t for tlus area to be included in the medical oftice overlay uncier the comprehensive plan.
Good Samar.itau would strongly support and requcst that tlus property be included 'ui the Yuedical
oice pverlay under the com.pr.eheusive plau. I zlso understand that the map of the cqniprehensivc plan is being updated to ideutify this
property within the medical oF[ice overlay, however, last time I lookecl at the map Y was nota.ble
to identif~, diis. I also understaitd that the last a.ud final public hearing i•elated to this issue will be
April 11, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. Please include this letter as parC of the 'record in support of the
requested designation. Thaiilc-yrou very much; anci shoLcld you h3ve any questions, pleasc do not hesitatc io contact the
Very truly }'ours;
. 1? .
SCO'I'1 R. SN111H
cc: Jan Htzls
7464\fi. Cncml St., Co--ur d'Alenq (D 83813 (509) 3264800
~ . _ City of Spokane Valley
City Council SpecixUfteguiar Meeting
'1"ucsd:ty, March 21, 2006
Mayor Wilhite called the meeling lo orcter aC 6:00 p.m., and welcomed every4ne to the 87"' meeting.
Atteadance: City StcrJ~f
L7iana 4Vilhite, Mayor Taavc viercier, City Manager .
Stevi: Taylor, ]aeputy Mayor Nina IZegor, 17eputy City iVlanager
Dick I7enenny, Cnuncilmeinber Cary Driskell, Taeputy City Attorney .
Mi.ke TaeVleminj Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance L7irector
Bill Gothman.n; Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Taevclopirient Director
Rich Munson, Councilmember Tom Scholtens, Building Official
Gary Schim.mels, Councilmember Chris Berg, Code Cpmpliance Officer
Mike Jackson;l'au-ks & Reerettfion Direc;t'or
Greg UlcCormick, Planning Mana.gcr
Scott Kuhta, Senior 1'lanner
T~eil Kersten, Public Works ]airector
Bill Schultz, Code Compliance Officer
Carolbelle Branch, Public lnformation Officer
Greg "IIing" Bingaman, CC Specialist
Chris 13ainbridge, City Clerk
M'QCATiQN: Pastor Al T-Tulten, Valley ,Asscmhly ofGod, gavc the invucakion,
PLLDGE OF ALLEGIr1s\'CE Mayor Wilhite led everyone in the Pledge of AIlegiance_.
RQLI. CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were nresent.
Al'k120N't1_1_, OF AGTNI:)A Il was ntoved by Deputj, MiryoY T'crylor, secoruled, Q71d 1l71C7771A70'lfsly ~~rr,s.red
to al)pro~~e the anretaded age~tdn as J~re.re~rted. ~
Councilmembcr Sefiirnrriels: rcpOrtcd tllat hc aucncled the LighC K.ail Committee meeti.ng; attended a
Spokane R.egional "1"ranspnrtation Council (SKTC) meeting a few weeks ago; and a Solid Waste Cornp
Plan update meeting yesterday.
Councilmember Denennv: stated that ha met with the (wastewater treatment plant) Dischsrpers last
Wednesday wlierc lhcy discussed i[erns whieh must: be includeti in the clrali:, and thiit the 17epartinent of
Ecology was asked to re-draft the document, adding that they are anxious to see the retuni docurnent aC an
tipcoming meeting; thlt he also attended s Spokane Transit Authority rnecting whcre they hacf a major
prescntatinn on lieht ra,il, and a ctecisior► is zinticipated sometime in April.
Denutv Mavqr Tavlor: explained that hc attendcd the I`TLC (\jacional League of Cities) Annual
Congressional Cities Conference in Washington, D.C. last we.ek, and while thcrc lac rnct with the Energ_y
Emrironment &\Taeural Resourees & Yolicy Cnmmittee to discuss fiiture policies to improve the
environment ofcities. Councilmember Cathmanii: said that he attended the Cliamber of Commerce Transportation Meeting and
hesrd a report on bridging the valle}; he also atl:endecl the NTLC meeYing; as well as a local Weed and Seed
tifeeting. Council D4eeting: 03-21-06 Page 1 of 7
Approved by Council:
Coumcilmember Munson: reported that he attencled the Light Rail Steering Committee mectint, where the .
choice of lhe cnmmittee was passetl for a liglit rail, single rail system to be built fram Spokane to Liberty Lace, aaid that his was the only dissenting vote; and that he also atiended the StaCe of the County
presentation held at CcnterPlace.
Councilmember UeV lemina: stated that he also attendecl the meetings last week in `Vashington, D.C. tincl
they continue to press the federal represenCatives on such valley issues as bridging the valley, and
wastewater lreal•ment plalrt issuES; anct t.hat they tried to lobby harder for expediting lhe FEtMA process
concerning the flood plain maps; that he also attended a.n Eagle Scoul eeremony lsst lveck; thaC the
Student Advisory Council in an arrangement wit}i Comc;ast; finished tapino a public service
annnuncement coneerning the issue of keering guns out of schools, anci /hat the announcerncnt is in the
process of bcing edited. Mayor Wilhitc indicated it would be Pun to show diat annouricement Co Council.
M.AYOR'S REP012Y': Mayor Wilhitc repnrted that she altended the NILC event in Washington, D.C.,
and had the opportunity to discus policies that affect cities, such as FEVIA, Cammunity Development
Block Grants, and wastewater treatment plant issues. She also had thc opportunity to give some Cub
Scouts s tour oP City Hall. Mayor Wil.hiCe then commendecl the Red Cross for thcir efforts in all they do
Ca help citizens; she paraphriued parts of the "iUlarch is Red Cross Month Proclamation," antl tuged
everyone to continue giving timc, blood and money to make a difference in the "humanitarian fabric of
lhis cnmmunity."
Al Shrock, 510 N Ma.mer: expressed thanks eo staff for dhe friendliness and help; and voiceci his concern
regarding the process and eost for t► Home Profession permit; that he is ageneral conh•actor condueting
business at the homes of his clients and be qtiestioned why hc woulti be charged a fcc to do that; stated
that hE f.eels the $80.00 perrnit cost is excessive for a permit that only takes a few minutes to process; and "he aslcs that Council review the permit, nurpose, *uidelines and costs. Chuck Wafncr. 4710 SWoodruft: voiced his concern wikh the Comp Plan Neighborhood chapter; Mayor
Wilhite reminded Mr. Hafner that if he wacrted his cnmments a part of the official record, they must be
submitted in writing or given durinn ii public hearing for eomp plan comments. Mr. f•Iafner reacl his
corr►ments, then submitted itiem tn the clerk for inclusion in the comment process. Mr. Hafner stressed
the iniportance ofche link behveen government and neighborhoods, which can only be achieved ifthe teYt
of theNeighborhood chapter meet,s the needs of the oOVemll]Ztlt AI1CI tf1C Cbmmunity.
Diok Behm. 3626 S..R.iclLeview L7rive: spAhe of protecting citi-r,en (iFestyle, 1nd thal Council needs to
develop the vision and clrea.m of the citizcns, <ind that he feels no answer has been given yet in that regard;
that Council asked for citizen input and partieipation regarciing the comp plan and it appears those
comrnents have been disregarded, and that same concern is associated with the sign ordinanee. He asked
CounCil lo re-assess what has been done, ancl to re-look at what fhe cifizens want. -
Vlarv Pollarcl, 17216 E Baldwi.n tlvenue: read lier Mcirch 13, 2006 lelter into the record, requesting the
\jorth Greenacres Neighborliood be prioritized for a transportation stucty; and eapressed concern about
the Barker Bridge and Barker Rpad, and other roads of impaeC and concern, including the Centcnnial Trail
ancl Flora Meadows, ancl she asked that this issue be includect on an upcoming agenda as soon as possible.
1. CONSENT AGF,NDA Consists of items c;nnsidered routine which are approved as a group. A
Councilmember may remove an itEm from the Consent Agenc3a to be considered separately.
Council Meetuig: 03-21-06 Page 2 of7
.Approved by Courtcil:
a. Following claim vouchers:
02-22-2006 8659-8662 598.97
02-22-2006 8655-8658 720.53
02-24-2006 I 8663-8671 9,629.85
03-06-2006 ~ 5634 216,325.00
03-07-2006 I 8685-8718 I 147,287.45
I .
03-08-2006 ~ 8719-3735 ~ 46,119.17
03-09-2006 8736-8746 2,638,104.82
GRr1NT) TO'I'AL 3,053,785.79
b. Payroll fnr Pa}' Period rncting rebruary 28, 2006: S127,463.99
c. Payroll for Pay Period Ending N[arc}j 15, 2006: 147,241.34
d. Approval oFVlinutes of rebruary 11, 2006 Special Council iVleeting Retreat -
e. Approval of Minutcs of Nebruary 21, 2006 Council Study Session
f. Approval of Vlinutes of February 23, 2006 Special Council Meeting
g. Approval of Minules of February 28, 2006 Kegular Council ~!(eeting
h. A.pproval of Viinutes of Mareh 7, 2006 Couneil Study Session
i. Approval of'Minutes of March 9; 2006 Special Council Meetino
It ivas niovecl by Cornicilntenrber jVttrtsvrr, -,secnnded, a.nd taiarlinruusly passed to upprove the Consent
2. h'irst Readinp Prouosed Ordinance 06-006 Reuealinz Ordinance 05-015 in its Entiretv - Mike Connellv
I~A[ler City Clerk Bainbridge reacl the qrdinancE Citle, it was moved by Coan:eilnremher Marnson crnd
J seconded, to ad>>ance ordinarTCe 06-006 to a secot7d readirtg. Dcputy City tlttorne_y Driskell, siti:ing in for
Nir. Connelly, explained that this is more of a housekecping measurc, that ordinance 05-015 was li.kely
pre-mariue, amci that ordinance is being repealetl to assist in the orderly triinsition to the new IJnifoi-in _
Developrncnt Code. Mayor Wilhite called for public comrnent; no comrnents were given. Vote by
Acclarrration: In ftrvor: Uncn:imuw. pppose.d.• None. Ab.stentiorrs: Nor1e. lllatiun carried.
3. rirst Reaclinf,, Proposecl Ordinance 06-007 Rcnealing Portions of Sookanc Vallev Munieinal Code
103 ) 0.060 -.Mike CCnncllv '
lAftcr City Clerk 13ainbridge rc;a(l the ordinance tit:lc, it ►vas nlover.l by Deputy !ifuyo►• Taylor and secotrtled,
to advaitce ordittrnrce 06-007 tn a secaiul rPadittg. lllepu.ty Cit), Aecorney T)riskell, sittitig in for Mr.
Connclly, explained tltat in using Spokane Coimty'S zoning regulHtions, we adoptecl sorne zones thal do
not apply to us but orily apply t'o the rural areas of ttie count?; and in response to a question about the
Neighborhood/Community Overlay, vl.r. rJriskell said [hac applies to the bVest Terrace NeigMborhood.
. Mayor Wilhite i.nvited public comments; na com►nents were offered. Vote by Acclamation: 1►r Fcrvnr:
Uiianinrous. Opposed: 1Vone. Abstenliatis: 1\Tone. .Motiu►: carried
4. Motion Consideration: Autihorizin+a Citv Mana_*er to Neeotiate At-reernent for the Snrae,ue Corridor.
Sub-area Ylan - Scort Kuhut
Senior Planner Kuhta es.plained the background of the Request for Proposals for consulCinD services to
assist i.n developing a sub area plan for the Sprague%lpple«.3y corridor; thai t:he intent of the plan is to
develop a city center framework, identify the exact location where this com►nunity witnts such cin, center,
and to work wigi Auto KoNv in developing a plan fund strategie-s to help those businesses grow, and lo
iclentify redeveloprnent stralegies for this eore area. Vlr. Kuhta said that the four proposals submittcd
;were from David Evans, CH2.Mt-lill, ECONorkhwest, and Glltting Jackson, with proposals ranging frorn
aNproximately $200;000 to $400,000. Mr. K.uhta stated thal after the March 6 and 7 interviews, and based
Cpuncil 'Meeting: 03-21-06 Page 3 4f 7
Approved by Cotmcil:
an the criteria as showra in the March 21, 2006 Request for Council Action, the panel decided to recommend ECONorthwest, which includes the local planning firm of Studio Cascade.
After hearing from Glatting Jackson, a b•ansportation and urban design frm from Florida, Mr. Kuhta '
reported that the panel felt that type of e,cpertise was needcci for this project in order to link urban design
plannin- and transportation. ivTr. Kuhta said that staff seeks authArization tonight from Council to begin
thosc negotiations with the Freedman Tuna Group atid to include Glatting Jackson on that team; adding
that ECONorth has no objection in substituting Glakt:ing Jacl:son into the mi;c. Regardina the proposal
bid, stafF plans to negotiate the scope in an attempt to lower it t:o a comfortable level and to also get the
best value fram lhis project, as this praject will be the tlevelopment catalysC For the neat 20 years. Mr.
Kuhta also mentioned the March 21, 2006 letter receivecl from Glatting Jackson. Council/staff discussion
ensued including that FCONorthwest woulci be the controlling consultant tivith input fYom Gattling, the
budgetcd amount of.$250,000 versus the proposal amnunts; narrowing the scope to the original discussion
rather than the broacl project and/or phasing the project versus eonsidering the whole corridor project; the
upcoming discussion with G1aCting and the neecl Co address their objcclivity regarding a one or rivo-way
couplet that a budget is a guideli.ne and can Ue revised; and to integrate land use, transportation, and
ec;onomics inta khis projeet to make it something the community can be proucl of. Mr. Kuhta clarifiECl that
ECONnrihwest is agreeable to have Glafting Jackson do the transportation portion rather thari the
consultant they wotild have hrougbC on board; and that the meeting V(onclay will include a re-scoping to
determine Glatting Jackson's piece in this project.
It was moved by Deputy Mcryor Taylor cincl secoruled tv outhorize the Depurtment of Cornmunity
Development to negotiate a contract with EC01Vort{rwest, Freedntrnr, Ttu7g urid Bottonaley team to assist
the Crty in preparing a subtrtecr plan for t6re Sprague/Applewcry Gorridor. Vlayor Wilhite invited publie
c;nmment; no commenls were offerecl. Vote by Acclcunplion: bi Favor.• Urranimous. Opposed: tVone. . ,
Abstentions: None. lUlotiorr ccrrr•ied . .
5. Presentation and Commenta.rv: Update Sien Code Comnlianec - Marina Sukun
Community Development Director Sukup gave Iicr Powerf'oint peesentat'ion covering thc history of dhe
sign regulations ordinance, t;he ad hoc Sign Committee, the brochure distribution last August, and lhe
compliance efforts, and stated that she anCicipates it will take approximately five or six rnonths to get
through all the principal arterials in town; that the objective is ta be consistent wnd fair in gaining
compliance from eommunity members. Council/staff discussion ensueci, including reiterating that
Council w'elcomes public input, that previous public meetings were not well attencied by members of the
community; the difference beriveen a siam a.nd a decoration; regttlating structures and nut contcnt; that the
legal deparl'ment is researehing lhe issue of flsas; e:cempt signs; garage sale signs; and real estate signs;
and that the ordinance can be wnendeci t.o further clarify any gray areas. Mayor Wilhite invieed public
J.R. I-Iaasc. 11003 E SUraaue: expressed concern abouC not beirig allawed to put up a sign on private
property; hc stated he needs ltis reader b4ards to state his daily specials; diat reacJer boards are
eeonomical, and pcople need them to advertise their business; that he objects te needing a permii: to put
up a sign on his own building or to put up seasonal banners; thc law is unclear on what is a permanent
sign and what is not; he wondered Nvho would be thc judbe if a sign is seasonal; and questioned giving a
citation to someone I'or putting up an Irish flag.
Kea Paulson. E 1220 Snraeue: said that rnany business owners have contacted him and are angry, that it
appears we are still working on the sign ordinance so it should be rescinded until finalized; and that
getting permits for the signaDe is a lot of taxation. .,Cnuncil Ivleeting: 03-21-06 Page4 of7
ApproWed by Cour►cil:
~ • Nfurrav llaniia, 7807 Spraaue, of P'reedom RV: said he has been in business on SprFtgue fUr aUotrt 40
ye<3rs; that he Pcels the couplet is a funnel to clirect people to Spokane rather than the Valley; and that he
WanC.s the signs so~ people will stop and conduct husine,ss in the Valley.
Barrv DvnziL,: 7103 E Snrazue: said that he owns property and feels it is unfair to have a Council teli
citizens they can't promote cheir land for sale wilh more than one si,,,m; that iC appears Council is tryina to
control the tivay they advertise business; thal perhaps some signs are hazards, but many are not; and that
the land owner should be able to put up signs for thcir business; and that he puts up signs ihat are good;
clexra signs.
"1°errv Swenhauecn, 5602 F SnraLlue: said thae hc owns an auto dealership on Sprague; that he put an
espressn skand in front of his place becausc thin3s slowed tlown; dial' he spent about $70,000 for it
including banners and portable sigas boards; that he was in husiness witli the espresso stand for ten days
and was [old he had to take do«m the ba-nners, even though an entire section of auto row has baruiers.
Marv 1'ollard, 12617 F 13aldwin Avenue: spoke concerning the placemenl of lai•ge flag-type siyns on a
residential are<i to 3dvertise a nar[icular property; anci suggesCecl s4mething might be ctone to curtail some
commercial signs for development.
laave Smi[}i. 12026 E Sorae;ue: in reference to voluntary sign compliance; said that the definition of
"voluntary" should be you volunteered lo cio it, not you do it or were fined you every day you didn't; t.hat
citizens need clarifictil:ion on exceptions including giving soine esamples; that no one is argtiing aUout
moving the signs f'rom the right-of-way or the sidewalk; they are being toldpennants are not allowecl; that
their 1ca,Se is comina up for rcnetival and lhere are lots of empty oftice spaces along the corridor; he
suggests council not malce that worse by stifling businesses and making them move.
Rv2n Evans. N 127 Greenacres Road: said there is much c,onfusion on the old style streamers snd flags;
that he has had stretuners held up with cable iin<l never losl one in the almost eighc years he has been in
busi.ness; and he yuestions whal: is permanent or temporary.
Mayor Wilhite invicecl Further public comment; no comment-s were offcred. Councilmember Sehimmels
sl<jted that this is a work in progress; Chat council is willing lo listen; but [tiat a"goad share" of the
qrdiniuice is finn ttnd sensible; adding thaC Council needed and SOUgIIt R1UCh input before the sign
orclinance wEnC into effect. Niayor Wilhite thanked ever}rone for their concerns and added [hat she too is
a small business owner; and it was because of citi7en coneern that this topic was placed on the council
agcrtda; thae staff including the legal clepartment continues tO look ae some of the defnitions; and chat
perhaps t.his wrould be a good topic for a town hall type of mcecing.
Maynr 4Vilhite calleci for a recess a1: 7:56 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Sa. Mntion Considerat:ion' Aut6oriie the Citv Manaeer to Make Pavment of $420,633.33. for the 2005
ltetro pavroll associated wit.h the Law F_.nforcemen[ Ar--reement- Dave Mercier (added aaenda item)
_ It was n:oved by CoinicilmemGer Murrson urid secoi7ded, to aulhorize the City Manager to make payment
of $420,638.33 for the 2005 Retro payroll ussocialecl ►vith the LCnv Efaforcement Agreenient. Cit_y
'Man3ger [vTercier explained that work continues on the retro la-vv enforcement agreement; that we
previously aulhorized $250,000; and tonight's amount is fairly close to the 2005 payroll consideration;
thiit he urges Council's promotion, an<l said that any sniall change will be handled in the settle and adjust
. amount typically handled in August. Thcre Nvas brief council discussian conceming the funds and the law
' enCorcement contract, that council heard this topic addressed several weeks ago; and that thei•e is some
Council Nieeting: 03-21-06 Page S of 7
Approved b}' Council:
urgeney from the County for us to make this payment. Yote by acclamation: Ir: Favor: Unrn7imozrs. .
Opposetl: Notae. ABstErttiotis: iVorie. _Motion carriecl.
PiJRi,IC COiNT1VLENTS Mayor Wilhite invited public comment.
llick Bchm. 3626 S Ridaeview 17rive. 99206: spoke concerning ilood insurance and that he filed a citizen
appeal to FEtMA; he statcci that a ncw flood map will be caming ouC soon; that he received a phone call
Iast week letting him know that the flood Ilow elevalion will be reduced in certain communities; and he
thanked Mayor Wilhite for her efforts.
6. Barker Road 13id and Countv Mcmnrandum of UnderstandinQ (v10iJ) - Steve 'Wnrlev/Neil Kersten
I'ublic Works Iaireelor Kersten explaincd that this is only a review of the bid and MOU and that these will
be brought back next week for action cqnsideration. He explained that a MOU betmteen the City and
County is required in order i:o establish the roles and cost obligations of each jurisdiction; ancl that Eller
Corporakion is the apparent low bidder for the project. Council voiced no objection in bringinC lhese
items back ncxt week tor action consideration.
Ivl' Removed from the agenda; to be brouahC back next week.
8. I7arks MasCer P!an .R.eview - Mike JaCkSQt1
Parks and RecreaCion Director Jackson explained that tonight's report will be a brief review, as staff
works to have this Plan adopted simultaneously with the adoption oEt:he City's Comprehcnsive ['lan; and
specifcally tp bring the topic; to the April 18 study session to discuss any rerriaining issues prior to
adoption. t1f[er giving his PowcrPoint prescntation, vTr. Jackson said he anticipafed having a revised
document for council revic,.v prior to fi.nal adoption. 9. CONT.PREKE NSiVF YLAN nEY.IBERXTYb\°:
1. Confrmation of T_and-Use Slri.ke-throuah Chauter
Prior to discussion of tlle T•and Use strike-through chapter, Deputy Ma?ror Taylor mentioned tPiere are a
few typographical scrivener errors in the chapter, which staff can change independentl}' (see page 17 -
auto row, and others). It ivcts nzovecl by Cotorcilir:entber Munson, secondetl and unar2inxously passed, to
accept 16rE Zmr.d-Use Strike throzigh chapiei•.
2 Cantinued Discussion of Land Use V1an Ghlnges for orooertics 954-68
Setiior Planner Kuhta distributed copies of the vlarch 21, 2006 memqranduiti from Spokane County, just
rec;eived ttlis afternoon. Discussio❑ of dic propertie„s, aceess. issues of some, and gencral clesignation of
the areas will be continued aC Thursday's meeting.
Coairrcit consetisiis to have the strip only ctesignated as "officc" as perhaps the Planning Commission .
should consider the other areas.
At 9: UD p. nr., it wn.s moved by Councibnernber DeVleming, secorldetl aitd uftunimozisly upproved to e.rtend
the meetirrg 20 n:irnrtes.
Cnncerning numbers 31, 33, and 35, NIr. Kuhta suggested having a designation for this area to con.forni to
whaC the 20-year plan would show CoLmcil wants after the mining operation is completed; and suggesled
keeping it consistent with High Density Residential, which is a non-conformirig use of that zone. Aner
discussion, it was determined to lonk at the area more closely before making a decision, and that staff will
research to determine what is occurring on the property at present; wid that he will try to havc aclditional inforrnation available for 1"hursclay's meeting. '
Cauncil Meeting: 03-21-06 Pa;e 6 of7
Approved by CounciL•
3. Continued Taisc.ussion ofNeiehbortlood ChaoEer Deliberation of Neighborhaod Chapter continuecl with \iP-2.7.
NP 2.7: It was rnoved by Deputy A~fuyof• Tuvlor, secondErl, and antrn:inivusly passed to revis•e the policy as
follo>vs: "IJevelop guidelines attd oplions for neigllborhoodlsttb-areei bused associations tivhich facilitale
!he refinement af neigf-lGorlrootl/sub-ureuplrnls." .
2.5: Unanintously voted to delete.
GOA1., NG 3: Unanimously voted tn change ss follows: Fncourage 1Teighborhood/sub-area planning for
commercial, industrial and mired use properties to enhance the quality, vibrancy and character of existinj
clcvelopment and-Ee-pfeffiets4ie-hip=ltesl--Hd-best tise-df Iand.
NP 3.1: Consensus to change as fiollows: Establish pefH4443g-preeeflufe-,, regulatians .vid identifv
potent:ial incentives that cncourage mult.i-usc areas that inl'eg-ate a broad range of appropriate and
compatible land use activities and encouragc dle develnpment and redevelopment of land in con formance
widi the SVCP.
It ir•as nioved cutd secoi7ded to exteizcl the meetirig tu 9: 35 p.m. in Fuvor: Mayor ii'ilhite, De,vuty Mayor
`laylar, and Coi.rrzcilmembers Denerrny, DeHeirtirtg, Mtmson and Goi{rmmrrt. Opposetl.• Cotntcilmember
Scliinmtels. Absletrtions: Norte. Mvtiorr carried
NP-3.2: nn change
NP-3.3: Fncourage commercial development Chat is designed and scaled in a manner [tiat is compatible ~ witti surrounding neigttborhoods.
i~l'1'-3.4: Moved, secondecl and unanimously passed to delete.
GOfIT. NG-4: no chvlge
[t was mentioned that the Housin~; Chai~ter narrat•ive atul the Capit~ll F~icilities chapter as a whole, ~~~iU be
cliscussed at the next mecting of the comp plan, scheduled for this Thursday. 1t wcrs moved, secorided,
at'id rrnrniimauslJj passed fo adjaur•iz. The rneeting adjourncd at 9:33 p.m.
Diana Wilhitc, Mayor
Christine Rainbridge, City Clerk
: .
Council 'Meeting: 03-21-06 Paae 7 of 7
Approved by Council:
~mvv x~ s
City of Spokgne Valley
Gity Council Spccial A'teetiug
City liall Confercnce Room, Second I+loor
i1'I<trch 23, 2006 5:[)0 P.M.
Atleirrfnrite: City Staff.•
lliaiia Wilhite, Mayor Nina Regor, ]7epury City Manager
Steve'l'aylor, Deputy Ibiayor Mike Connelly, City nltoniey
I_7ick Denenny, Councilmembcr Marina Sulcup, Com►nunity Uevelopment Director
Nlike TaeVleming, Councilmember Greg McCormick, Planning Nlanagcr
Bill Gothmann, (:otuicilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior 1'lanncr
IZich A7unson, Councilrnember Carolbelle Branch, Public Infonnation Officer
Cary Schirnrricls, Councilrnember Birig Bingaman, TT Specialist:
. Others: Gail Stiltner, Citizen
DepCity iMayor "1"aylor called the meeting to order aC S:Op p.m.; with rouncilmemhers agre-cir►g to excuse
Mayor Wilhite until she arrived.
Deputy Niayor Taylor rccogiiized Senior Planner Kuhta, and askecl tllat he give statrt the disc.ussion
beginning with the previously cfiscussed parcels. Tvir. Kuhta distributed copies of'an aerial phnto of the pit properCy off Steen Roact, with the 1\pplewa}+ right-af'-way to the ndrfh. VIr. Kuh[a further explained that
the property is designated resiclential on the Int.crim Comp Plan map that the County aclopted, and was '
°r_oned residential tor ►nany years; and the rEque.st is to change that to an indiastrial zonir►g designation ar ,
comp plan designation in the industrial zoning; and the likely justification is to rnake sure they can
maintain tlieir rights to usc this as an industrifll piece of property. He said that the owners are sforing road
and sweeping equipment and usi.ng it to dump their gravel as khey stveep il off the streets, so it is a
working pit and has been sucli tpr many }'ears. Mr. KutiCa said that he did not get a ch~uice to talk to ttie
pit worl:er to see what their reclamaLion plan is, but the person he talked ro said it is such an old pit it
probably doesn't have m«ch of a reclam8tipn plan, an(l it is likely the pit is used mostly fior storage rathcr
t:han digging; that they have no intention of crushing on the site; they wrint it industrial; that it is
coneurrcntly iJR 3.5 und UR 22, anct is .1 non-conforrning use. Nfr. Kuhta said lie sees no reasnn not to
keep it desiTnated hiogh deiisity residential as proposed; as the situation will likely not changc regardless
of the designation. R1r. Dencnny asked if it could be re-clairned for residential, and Mr. Kuhta repliecl
thal could be a prablerri, that he is a little concerned about whac chey have been pucting in there. vlr.
llcnenny askecl if it could not be used as residential, what could be placed there to help prot:ect it so that
encroaeh+nent does not oecur, as %ve du not wa.nt people thinking they are buying right next: t:o a
residenti<<I area if such is not the case. iYG. .Kuhta said t.he option would then be to designate it heavy
incfustrial. Diseussion fbllowed ori how the laxt is desi~iated now; the tion-confonning use, the potential
problerns if it were changed to industrial, of leaving several acres of industrial surrourided by residential;
ancl that the nonconFcJrming use will nat change regardless of what the desipiation is used.
It wtrs moved hy Councifrrrernber De Ylemitrg; secotrdetl, and cmunilnously prrssetl to keel) the prvpertv a.s
Page 3- 5.2.1 - Community .T)evelopmcn[ Director Sukup stated the paragrsph needs Co be updated
(population) with additional information to show the addit:ional population allocation.
Glnssary: Consensus to include the defiiiition of "homeless" in the glossary. ,
A4eetina kMinutes: 03-23-2006 Page 1 of 3
Approved by Council:
I;Viayor Wilhite arrived and then presided over the meeting:j • Page 7: Communit_y Development DirecCOr Sukup stated that page neetls to be updated to re#lect t-he rising
medium f'arnily home value.
1'age 7; table 52 0: Carrect typographical error, one figure has an extra diDit (medium household income
stated as $40,0741).
5.2.1 Consensus to t'alce everythinp from here and put it in future housing needs with the additional
statement that we havc applied the g-owth projcclions included in the land usc chapter. 5,3. - 3`d paragraph - 2"d line: "Diversity in housing stock shrnild t-e include raw houses...
I! was maved hy Councilmeniber DeYlenting, secondecl, ajrd carQnr,nously pcrssed to accept ftousing
nu,•rutive us mod f erl - seconcletl - uyBS -!OlQ77171lOIiS STi211CE-fiF[ROTJGH N-EIGHBOR140QnS
NP 2.1 Council conctm-ed to keep as shown on sh-ike-through version.
NP 2.9 - Consensus to change second sentence: Cncourage neighborliood retail arut persnnal services to
locace at appropriate sites (rather than locations) where local economic clemand and design soluCians
demonstraie eompatibility with the neighborhood.
Moved $y Depu~y Afcryor Tcrylor, seconded, ar:d corcmimously pussed to accept the strike-tlU°ough version
of neighhorFrootls us amerzcled. '
CriP17'AL FACILITIFS CH.APILIZ (sYrike-[hroiwh version)
Mr. Kuhta explained tha[ he was directed to ~ive Council die strike-Ihrough version prior to initial
deliberatian in order to make dle mceting a little more efficient by changing sorne of the la.nguage to
con[irni with languaoe council has been making through the plan.
4.2 G(7ALS & FQLiC.CES : thc followine chanf!es `verc aareed tn:
CI"1' 1.4 - consensus to change the words from "wherever possible" to "whenever practic3ble and
4.2.3 - Public Safety - Fire and Police: _
CFG-3: Change to read: "Prqvidc police protection efticiendy and cost effectively to Spokane Valley
residents. Coordinate witll fire disb•icts to ensure adequate fire protection and emergency servicGS for
Spokanc Valley citizens." .
4.2.4 Water and Se-svcr: no changes
4.2.5 Solid Waste: no chan;es
4.2.6 Sturmwatcr: chsnges as notecl:
Goat: CPG-6: Ensure the provision ot' Rr-o-viE4e stormwater facilities and related management
programs that protect s«rface and grouuclwater quality,,_prevent chronic flooding from stormwater,
maintain natural stream hydrology and protect aquatic resources.
IvteetinSMintites: 03-23-2006 Psgc 2 oP3
Approved by Counc:il:
1'4.2.7 I.,ibrar°y Servicc
Ci'F-7,1- Encourage continued free, reciprocal library services amona betweeR all libraries within
tlte Spok.ane region.
4.2.8 Schouls: iio changcs
4.2.9 Concurrcncy
. CFG-9 -New development shall he sen~ed with adequate facilities and serviees at the time of
development, or widiin lhe timeframe consistent wittl state law a-speci-4etkt:~iai%-€Fame.
4.2.10 Financing Growth '
CFP-10.1 -ldentify and pursue sources of revenue for financing public facilities.
Ck2P-10.2 Moved, secondecl, passed (6-1 with Mr. L7enenny against) ea delete, and also to add "impact
Fees" to lhc glossary. [note: impact fees are currently in the glossary]
4.2.1 1 Narrative wiU be movcd to the front of ttic chapCer
Vtoved by Council.rnember Gothmann, seconcied and passed unanimaus to approve CFG-11 and CNP 11. l
Moveci, seconded, and imanimously passed to adjourn.
Diana Wilhite, iV1ayor A1'l"EST:
Christine t3ainhridge, Ci"ry Clerk
~ .
Meeting Minutes: 03-23-2006 Pabe 3 of 3
Approved by Council:
~---~1 Request for Council Action
Meeting Date: April 4, 2006 City Manager Sign-off:
Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing
X information admin. repoR ❑ pending legislation
AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Electronic Monitoring Memorandum
BACKGROUND: The City and County have entered into previous agreements whereby City
inmates can be housed at the County's Geiger Correctional Facility in lieu of being housed at
the County jail. In the past, Geiger's rates have been lower than the jail rates. Additionally,
Geiger offers other incarceration services, such as work release (where certain Iow-risk inmates
are released to go work at their normal jobs, returning each evening to sleep in jail) and
electronic home monitoring (EHM).
As the Council is aware, some low-risk, generally misdemeanor offenders, are equipped with
some form of electronic home monitoring device, and then retumed to their homes. This is also
referred to as home. confinement, or home detention. The biggest advantage to this is that the
inmate is removed from the general confinement population, reducing over-crowding and
reducing costs for managing inmate populations. There are various types of EHM, but the most
` common form of EHM at this time is through Global Positioning Device (GPS).
The announced daily inmate rate at Geiger for 2006 is $66.85 per day for regular
confinement. The announced rate for EHM for 2006 is around $23.42 per day.
While some of the City inmates have been put on EHM, it is only a small percentage because
not many can pay even the $23.42 per day. If they cannot pay, they are put in regular
confinement or work release (work release inmates also have to pay a daily rate, which covers
the cqst of processing them in and out each day).
The City of Spokane has chosen to authorize Geiger to put additional low-risk inmates on EHM,
even if they cannot afford it, and then pay Geiger the amount. Obviously, the' EHM rate is about
1/3rd of confinement rate. Each inmate is screened to determine economic status prior to the
City of Spokane paying so as to avoid paying for somebody who could othenNise afford it.
In recent discussions with Geiger, we were made aware of this arrangement, but that Geiger
would need authorization from the City to do so. As such, staff is presenting this information for
a subsequent motion by the Council authorizing Geiger to act on behalf of the City in this
RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Unless otherwise instructed by Council, this item will
be placed'on the April 11th Council agenda for motion consideration.
BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Anticipated to lower Geiger confinement bills, but it is not
clear at this time to what extent.
-STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Morgan Koudelka, Admin. Analyst