2006, 03-23 Special Meeting, Comprehensive Plan
Thur;Rdny, Mprch 23, 2006 5:00 P.M.
City Hall . 2°d Flaor Conference Room
11707 East Sprague Accnue
Spokene VAtley, «'ashington
Cail to Order by Mayor Uiuna Wiihite
AQenda Tonics:
1. C'ouncil Drlibcration. Draft Camnrebensive Plun:
Housing Nalrati%,c
Capital Facilities Chnpter
Othec Wcap-up [ssues
3. Adjuurnment
Sr::i:il Ndectirig rlocnJs 61-21-O(, 1',gr ! u3 1
SPokane CountY Pit ProPertY - ShelleY Lake ~
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(Zevitied DrAft
[-Q' 3.1: Change tu resd: "Assisl loc:al szrvice orgsuiizations and selt=hrlp groups obtain funding that
supparts C3oal HG3."
HP 3.2: Change to read: "Tmwre that acccss to special nads housing is providod in a mnnnct cunsisrtent
witfi fair housing laws.'•
NP 33: Chango to reaci: "Coordi.nate city actions with local agencies and sheiter providers to address
f{P 3.4: Change to rcad: "Make periodic assessments of housing needs."
I fP 3.5: Change ta read: "Encourage the location af new facilities far the specittl populations de5ned
abcive, within one-qusrter mile of transit c:orridors."
tit:iynr Wilhite called for a short recess at 7:34 p.m. und reconvened the mecting at 7:40 p.m.
Neighborhood Chaptcr: GAals and Policies:
A,ftrr discussian of Goal NG-1. including the idea of two different plans (the Comprehensive Plan and a
Neigtiborhocxi/sub-erca plnn), Councilmember DcVlcming suggestcd baving nno chapia cambining
housing end neighborhoods, ratfiv tian having a separatc ncighbor6ood c6apter, followed by brief
discussad of GoAI NG-2 compared to the new vertsiage of HP 13.
~ Council discussed changing the last part of the senteace to resd: impacts associated with
arteriaLs, &eeways, and ra.it corridors" instead of higb intensity transportaiion and freight comdors.
However, Mr. Mercier asked hQw tfiis policy rclatcs ta the re-construction nf Biuiccr Road and to the
Mic6ael Freedman concept of bringing multi-family housing next to streeis and parl:ing lots along the
Spraguc Corridor. Dcputy Mnyor Toylor suggested deleting the policy entirely, and Councilmembet
Deneuny said this policy is duplicaied in the Land Use Chapter. Thero was no consensus conceming this
policy as this cliscussion tumcd to a•hether to huve a separate neighborhoud cheptcr.
Councilmember Gothmann staied that he feels there is stmng community support to have a separate
neighboriiuod chapter; that thosc goals were proposed by a committee formed by the Planning
Commission to determinc the contents of the noighborhood chapta, which committee wss comprisod of a
diverse group of citizens, and that sevcral sactions of the housing chapter were movcd to the
neighborhood chaptcr based on their tiecommendations.
Lengthy discu.tsian continued including debate over whether goals tiCi- I and NG-2 ccinQict; the
azfinition af a ncighborhood; and whctficr or not to have a scpnrate neighborhooci chapter.
Counciimembers Sctummcls and Gathmann vuicod thcir prcfctcnco to retain the neighborhood chnpter;
Deputy Mayor Taylor stated his preference for amcnding it or replacing it; und olher councitmembers
stated that several policies and goals such as NP 2-1 and LU(3 1 appear to bc duplicates. Suggcstions
included kecping the two chapters (bousing and neighborhoods) separate; wmbiaing the tivo by re-
titiTiting the goals to ensure thcre are no duplications yet the concerns are all eddressed; and having a
neighborhood secdon under Land Use.
It was detemunad thai Council will conrinue ro look et thesa issues and this will be brought back at the
March 7 Council meoting. In aclditioo, staff will research the number of public comments ceceived
~ r+egarding the neighborhoods chAptcr.
hiinutes 5tudy Session 02-21-06 Paie ± of-1
Approvad by CounciL
2, . 1=irst 1Ruading Pr«poscd OrditManc~ 06-0-06 Rq,=1ing t7rdinance 05-015 in its Enrir-ety -Mike Cannelly
Ipuhlic commenc]
3. ['im Reatling T'~~~p(,is€d flrdinance {]6-007 Ftepeaiing Por[ions o:F Spolsane Valley Mun:icipal Code
10.30.460 - Mike ConneICy [pablic commen[)
4, Motiun Cortsidrrati«n: Autliorizing C"ity Maaiat;ex to Negotiatt: Agreement fi-hf tIie Sprague Corridor,
Saih-area 1'1,31 S'~:;,ta Knht•e ~PuNic crln,nzent l
ii EiLil,~fl:?= ,j pti I!t L16'e'.`1 i ~ifili'lli Ii: - %1,'_itftl iC}UblLCCCII111i7i"IIt]
°;:j. NSo:iorl~~t~ra~i~i~r~lx~-~~~. c 1hG t jgcr t~~ i3_~ru~ ~ ~':~;~•nt~c]~ ,~t ~a'.11.~~ ~C~C~~~l_~
Reva-1___,CcA~ Nt11 ~~CG L:t1'w' ~?da'rc N 14Ctt1'
I'"C1BLI~ ~ONII1'ENTS Exczpt whcre indic~~~~ aboveIor "public counmeu[" tl3is is idn cippurtunity for
the ptoblie to 5petk r_an any topic. Wlien you ronie to tFee pndiram, pEease st~te your nami: Inc1 ldclres,~ fLsr
the [-"oF41 aizd IEmi4 MrrY;srkw tcp lhree rrjlnuWs,
fi, R3rLc~ R0R<1 Hid 3n11 i.'t,ffliq Me:nc-randum of LlntiersEar€ding - S4eve Worleyihle.il KersEeiy
8: f'afl..; h,i G:1;L:L- 9'I,:n K~2vicw '+.iik;~ la~:kyun.
9. C'oMIP R.EREN51VE P LL'."Y DEL1..13~~}~Ti[lN:
~':on.~irrnais~nn of Land-~l;e Stri~.,~-thr+:-~ug Chapter
t_"Qntinvu3 DiscKiminn vf Land Use Map C.}ianges ft,r properties #5=1-68
Continued DiscussiUtt of N~~~iborliciod Chapker Folicy NP-2.1
+ContiBUead Deliberation of NergIiborh4iod CItiaplcr
F-Ioustrig Na.rr~tive
C'apita! Facileties CCiaptef
[NTORMA'1ION ONLY: {1l~~~,sr• ~,+~•r~r.s uifl rrr~r ~rr :~a~crr.ti.s~tc~zrr r~~,~~i~rr~rf rr~,~ia3. f
10. [:omniunity, Ecnttornic Rcv6tAiinalpwi l3oaM (~CERB) Memo - Sleve Worley
I I. liigltt-nf-way and Raad Ob.s4nuction l'ermitting preacedt~re-9 - Cs.sy Dtis k-e ll
Ce-rtific-aticin ~cccptan~e for Feclcrnl HagEtwuy Administrative I'roj+ecta -NeiI Kcrstrm
13. SpeerJ Zone for 14'esk ValIev I[igfi Setioc l - Ingu Notc
I''trTTUR 1s .SCfffF'D d,xLE
H~guJar Corr.rrcil tNeei#ngs urr'e ~,scttrertr!!t° Ireld 1rrd crnd 48 7'uesslnys, beginrlirar; u,t 6; f!€Jp.rre.
CiaurrcafStridk° S'e~rsr"rrn,5, are general1}1 held.1", and S1h Tuesda)kv, beginniyrg a1 & 00 p.m..
C1~'he.■r Tentadw Uprvm1npR1ee1M~'ventti:
7lidkr~~lay, March 23, 2006, 6-00 p.rrr, Spccial Counwil Nleeting
:+;Ul"lCL: Jadividun33 plnsming tu aitcnd tLtc rncctir3g waw rtquite speciul wss:lstancc tu sccommc►4nic }'rliysatA, h+cdtitaL Nar (,tticr
srrFpaiemrnLs, pka.,rc cnntact the (,'ity ('fetk 114 (509) 92 1-E000 as san« a-9 Fsssils[c so thui arrtirrFgmr.:ifs onay be mraie.
l'cr~to~~l AgUi!,1 W.;'.I-1i6 ,~C~,~-Lllur Pricrtir,~ pm~c 2 C,C?
- Ac E?r nA
sPoKatvE vA.t.i.f crTV couNcn,
Counril Mccdng #87
Tuesday, Marcd 21,1006 6:00 p.m.
11707 Enst Sprague Avenuc, First Fluor
Cauncil Requests All Etectronic Devices be Turned O[fUuring Council Meeting
INVOC'ATION: Pastor AI Hulten. Vallry Asscmbly of God
MAYUR'S REPnRT: Prnclamutian: Ile.d Cross ibfonth
PirBLIC COMMF.V'I'S Ercept wharc: indicated lx:fumv for "pubUc rommcnt" this is an opportunity fot
the public to spealc on any iopic. VVhen you come to tlie pudium, please state your name And nddress far
the ret4rd and limit remarks tu thrzc minutes.
1. CONSLtiT AGFNDA Consists of items considereci rautine which are approvcd as a group. A
Councilmember may rcmove an itcm frum the Cunsent Agcnda to be cansidered separatcty.
a. Fullowing claim a•ouchcrs:
~ 02-22-2006 ~ 8659-8662 ~ 598.97
~ 02-2.1-2006 I 8655-8658 1 720.53
02-24-2006 I 8663-8671 I 9,629.85
03-46-2006 ~ 8684 I 216,325.00
03-07-2006 ~ 8685-8718 147.287.45
03-08-2046 I 8719-8735 46,119.17
03-09-2006 j 8736-8746 ~ 2,638,104.82
GRANn 1'OTAL I ~ 3,058,785.79
b. !'ayrnll for Pay Peciod Cnding February 28, 2006: $127,463.99
c. Payroll for Pay Pcriod f:nding March 15, 2046: 147,24 I_34
d. Approval of Minutes of February 11, 2006 Special Council hteeting Retreat
e. Appruvttl nf 4lirtiutes of Pebruary 21, 2406 Counc+l Study Session
f. Appmval of Minutes of February 23, 2006 Special Gouncil Mceting
g. Appnoval of Minutes of rebruar_y 28. 2006 Regular Council Meeting
h. tlpprovnl afMinutes of Murch 7, 2006 Counci) 5tudy Session
i. Approval of -Minutes of titarch 9,2006 Special Council Meeting
c_ uuncil Agcnda 03-21 •0fi Kcgulnr A4ccutig Yugc I uC 2
11 i Scott,
"1'hanks far all your hard work. Ow mnin problcros with the zoning am as follows. For the access
off of Appleway Bob Brueggeman, whu was the traTic en ginecr at the timc gave me this
undcrstanciing. When developfng the South Vailey Corridor. Spokane County did not acquire the access
rights fram the adjacent property owners. The Agency wauld work in concert wtth the property owners to
situate access poiMs to facilitate both the ingress / egress to the property and the smooth flow of travel on the
1 pk:lced Pat Frankovic's brain for the rest 8asicalty an the ptt site we are ahaid thai if you change the
zoning to residenGal it will not give new homeowners or developers the informatbn that a pit site ks near their
properties, which will generate some angry frustrated citizens.
On the sVip area off of Appleway, I will combine the propertes when I sell them in three lot c.twnks, it
is not reasonable to sell them as individual lots and being on Appleway and separated by an alley from
res►dential neighborhaod it would seem this would be the best use ot the property being that it is between
Community Commercial and Par1c Road.
~ '~~j~►7~
17aE) itrnis ft_;!. K?;, and #Za
~ I
~ r
- - - - ~
~ - ~
'Ilie threC parce:ls abcive are cUrrrntly a county pit site prim;uily usc:d fi>r matrrial storage and tx►rrow
activities. The city is proposing a hig,h density residential [HDR] designation for these three parcels
which would be the same as the surrounding designation. This may be satisfictory in the long term
as the threc sitcs arc dcpleted and stcps tnl►cn to rehabilitsitc the site to new and ciit'ferent uses.
Residential uses consistent with the HDR designuliun in excess of 12 units per arre would be a good
alternative here. However, in ihe short term the residentiAl designntion and encroachment onto the
facility will threalen its continueJ usefullness. In addition, a residential designation of the county
property doesn't give fair warning to the ncw swrvunding residential uses that a relutively
incompatible, hut Iegally grandfathemd, opcration is in proximity. I suggest that the city strongly
co~nsider designating the ;itcs .is intlustrial until such time the couniy drtcnnines the life
i'agc 2 of 3
Msrch 21. 2clf►6
Srx)Lanc Valicy land uw dr,ignation: f,r amnlti pniprm
expeclattcy of the facility. At that lime thc parrels could tx- cunsidcred for a 1 IDR d«iknation
during a future }•eariy comprt:hensive plan updntc.
Map items #54 thru !#68
, . - - --r - - _ _ ~
- -
These parcels are proposed to te designated mcdiwn density nesidential [MDR] by the city. 'l'he
county had reyuested neighborhood commercial [NC]. 'ihe reasons that this strip should not he
residential includc:
• Thr pmposed camprehensive plan suggests that high trafTic arterials not be adjacent to
residential uses [aee goAl TG4 and policy 'I'P4.1 J. Appleway is a high volume arterial that
lies adjncent to the county pancets.
• This site as housing w•ould not bc desirablc.
Thc more logical desibnation would t►e to ccmtinuc the communitv commercial [CCI drsignation
fmm its (acation west of the cotnty purcels, through the county's ownership, and up to Park Road.
Ttiat would:
• t3e a logical cxtension of the commcrcial area to an obtiious terminus [Park Koad] rather than
ending thc dcsignalion in mid-biock.
• The depth of the county's uwncrchir is ide:ntical tk) the C(' designatic~n immediately to the
wctit _
('agr 3 uf 3
%1urch 21. 2tNlb
tiprrkune 4';tllcy Isuid u~r &wignatiom; fnr tountv pmT+rm
• Ihe alleyw-ay to the south of the county's ownership would ensure a hutler transitian to thc
MDR catcgory south of the alley.
• A commercinl designation along heavily traveled Appleway would bc a morc consistent land
use from the standpoint u('thc goal and pulicy cited dhuve that discourages rrsidentia) uses
:idjacent to arterials.